#rip king ✊
ifyougoillfollow · 11 months
trick or treat!
excuse me while i use this hallowed ween as an excuse to exorcise some demons:
what if rooftop gang Misfits AU
no listen if you've never seen Misfits(UK)(2009) i cannot in good conscience recommend doing so – it is a horrid little show full of horrid little people having a horrid little time and suffering horrid little fates more often than not, but like. it's also ASTOUNDINGLY funny, if you can stomach dated, edgy-with-a-captital-E late-2000's humor –
and boy CAN i, so i've recently made the mistake of starting a casual rewatch and lemme tell ya, the urge to stick our favorite rooftop fools* into this horrid little setting is MIGHTY but i cannot do it i REFUSE !!
anyway here's what i have so far**
* plus emi, because i'm predictable like that **please note i say 'so far' for comedic effect – i am for serious not gonna actually write this thing i cannot emphasize this enough
PREMISE Group of young delinquents sentenced to do community service get caught in a freak storm that gives them superpowers which reflect some important aspect of their personalities. Shenanigans (by which I mean crime) (by which I mean they immediately kill their parole officer (in self-defense!)) ensue. CAST MIC: Loudmouth. Doing time for assault. Talked shit, got hit – hit back hard. Wannabe punk with a chip on his shoulder. Flaming bisexual. Hates Aizawa. Has his sights set on Nemuri. Chill with Oboro. Finds Emi annoying. Power: Same as Quirk. AIZAWA: Buzzkill. Doing time for petty theft. Stole Daddy's credit card. Rich kid loner with a stick up his ass. Repressed homosexual. Hates Mic. Unnerved by Nemuri. Suspicious of Oboro. Finds Emi annoying. Power: Same as Quirk. NEMURI: Vixen. Doing time for shoplifting. Big titty discount fail. Shameless freak with boundary issues. Burgeoning bisexual. Tolerates Mic. Intrigued by Aizawa. Amused by Oboro. Finds Emi annoying. Power: Similar to Quirk, but based on pheromones and more emphasis on others perceiving her as attractive. OBORO: Stoner. Doing time for drug sale/possession. Local weed dealer. Chill extrovert with his head in the clouds. Token straight. Chill with everyone. Giant, obvious crush on Nemuri. Power: Similar to Quirk, except the clouds behave like real clouds, i.e. are intangible. EMI: Clown. Doing time for destruction of property. Prank gone wrong. Cringefail funnyman with a crippling need for validation. Closeted lesbian. Finds Mic hilarious. Likes to harass Aizawa. Giant crush on Nemuri. Chill with Oboro. Power: Same as Quirk.
Hizashi's the last to arrive at the community center.
He wasn't even on time for his court date – why the hell should court-mandated community service be any different? (Fuck the court, is the point.) By the time he's out of the locker room clad in his very own dumbfuck (but also kinda punk as hell if you think about it) mandatory orange jumpsuit, the rest of the clowns he's serving time with have already assembled in a convenient little lineup on the steps out front.
As he gets closer, 'clowns' turns out to be a more appropriate descriptor than he'd bargained for. Two of his four fellow ne'er-do-wells are sporting bad dye jobs in precociously pastel colors – blue for the guy, green for the chick. Bluey has a wide bandage over a nose that looks thoroughly unbroken. The other one has smiley-face stickers plastered over both cheeks and may very well be an actual clown. Both are flashing gap-toothed, paint-huffer-eyed grins. They're either going to be a riot or completely fucking insufferable, Hizashi can feel it in his jimmies.
Before Hizashi has a chance to suss out what kind of freak his other two compatriots in crime might be, a hulking, sentient block of a man steps out to join them in front of the community center. The dude is so jacked he's downright cubical. He's not just beefy, he's the whole goddamn cow – or bull, rather. Hizashi's not entirely convinced the fucker can look at his own reflection without ramming straight into the mirror, what with the red hair and all.
These are all the sorts of observations Hizashi would normally take great pleasure in relaying out loud, but the thing about Hizashi is, he's an asshole, not suicidal.
"Afternoon, everyone,” growls the steroid abuse PSA come to life. “My name is Todoroki Enji. I will be your parole officer for the coming weeks. While you are under my supervision, you do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. If you can manage that until the end of your term, I will sign all necessary forms and you will all be free to continue down the path to lifelong delinquency on your own time. With any luck, next time we can skip this unnecessary step and send you straight to prison where you belong."
"Ah,” says Hizashi, “so you're a Cop cop."
The dark-haired bombshell Hizashi had deliberately stood next to as soon as he’d spotted her snorts. "He's a parole officer, numbnuts – what did you expect?"
"Hot and mean? Happy birthday to me."
Bluey pops up from beside Hizashi’s future heartbreak with a dopey grin. "Oh, hey, happy birthday, man!"
Before Hizashi can tell him off, the clown on Bluey’s other side starts shrieking: “Haaaappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you –”
Hot Stuff snorts again. "It's not actually your birthday, is it?"
Hizashi winks at her over his shades. "For you, baby, it could be."
"Real cute,” she drawls.
"Can you stop that?" someone snaps.
The clown stops her caterwauling. "But it's his birthday!"
"No, it isn't. He’s just trying to get in that one’s pants." There’s a sneer in that voice that sets Hizashi’s asshole-sense a-tingling. When he turns towards the source, he finds a dead-eyed, greasy-haired emo reject with the most potent school shooter vibes Hizashi’s witnessed to date.
"Yeah?” Hizashi shoots back. “And what would you know about getting laid, eh, Columbine?"
"That enough!” Officer Roid Rage thunders. Hizashi swears he feels the earth quake a little. “Your first task for today is to repaint those benches.” He jabs a meaty finger toward some benches across the way. “There are six of them, and six of you. Figure it out. Paint buckets and brushes are over there.” Another meaty finger over yonder. “Questions?"
The clown raises her hand. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Are you for real –” Hizashi turns to the other clowns for help – “is she for real right now?"
"Hey, I'll bite,” says Bluey. “Why'd the chicken cross the road?"
"I dunno – that's why I'm asking!" She doubles over wheezing at her own joke. Probably to make up for the fact that no one else ever will.
"I expect those benches to be painted by the end of the hour,” growls Officer Roid Rage. Then he exercises the freedom Hizashi wishes he currently had himself and walks away. The bastard.
It’s only as the world’s clowniest band of misfits jingle-jangle one by one towards the benches over yonder, bargain bin painting supplies in hand, that Hizashi realizes the headcount is off.
“Hey – didn’t the cop say there were six of us?”
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pangirlpanic · 6 days
I remember when I was little I asked my parents if I could go to a Michael Jackson concert when I was older and they sat me down and told me he died
Worst day of my life by far
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kacievvbbbb · 13 days
Why is senor pink actually the man tho? Like dude really abandons the battle mid fight cause his opponent told him there was a fragile old lady that needed some help. I mean ho can I not respect.
And the fact that Franky knew he would go help I mean that's a bro right there. Enemy lies can't stop their brochemistry
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things would have turned out differnet if this man baby raised doffy alone I know it. 😔✊
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imgoingtocrash · 1 year
You know, normally I hate these kind of clickbait-y non-articles, but this one is really special.
FPJ said Kanan FUCKS and if that’s not explicitly part of his live action personality then I don’t want any part of it 😤😤😤
ALSO the sub-headline being just “Technically his character did get laid” with zero other context WHEEZE
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idk why ppl rag on L for being the only person with an actual brain in his head in the show. l deduces kira is in Japan and in the kanto region. Light taunts him by killing only criminals who are Japanese. When penber and naomi die suspiciously and go missing respectively l obviously thinks ‘huh. Who were they looking into again?’ And puts in the cameras (in both households!!). Meanwhile light realizes the cameras are there and again fits l’s Kira profile by showing off and killing even while seemingly on media lockdown. ‘you think you can catch me? I’ll show you how all-powerful I am.’ He didn’t have to immediately kill a petty criminal - in fact it was out of his usual style - because he had deaths written three weeks in advance. But light just couldn’t help himself. Every single time there’s a chance of getting the suspicion off of him light just further incriminates himself to L because he can’t help stoking his own ego. Like don’t get me wrong L can’t claim the moral high ground or anything. But it’s insane to act like zeroing in on light doesn’t make any sense. Light THINKS he’s the smartest person in the room, when in reality he blew 400 bucks so he could fuel his god complex and preen about how intelligent and resourceful he is. And then threw it out the next day. What is impulse control
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venfx · 8 months
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rip king ✊✊
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uhzuku · 10 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: His eyes are hooded, dark with a venomous lust that used to frighten you — but you aren’t the shy lamb sent to slaughter that you once were, are you?
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: jujutsu kaisen | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: ryomen sukuna/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 3.49k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: concubine reader, demon king sukuna, sacrificial lamb x vicious monster trope, fem reader, manipulative reader, canon-typical violence, background character death, reader got a death grip on sukuna w the pussy ngl, breeding kink, fingering, sukuna has two cocks bc duh?, throne sex, cowgirl, no condoms, double penetration, accidental voyeurism, minor exhibitionism, creampies, biting, kissing, pregnancy mentions, murder, blood, gore, didn’t think i’d have to say this verbatim ( but after wasted summer ig i must ) but reader isn’t a good person.
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: he is so so mean and yet … here i am wanting his balls in my mouth 😔✊
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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The stone flooring is cold against your bare feet, icy and sharp in ways that you used to be able to say you were unused to — but after a handful of years as your lord’s most desired concubine, you’d grown more than used to the endless chill of stone against your soles. 
Only a few short years ago you’d been sent into the mountains to the dusky temple of the demon lord Ryomen Sukuna, a toy for him to fuck then eventually rip apart as soon as he grew bored of you. Bound by the wrists with ropes that had scarred, you were dragged up the mountainside and thrown upon a vast stone table, bound yet again with your hands tugged over your head and your legs spread to opposing corners. Your inner thighs had each been granted one deep slash so blood would begin to flow, and then you had been abandoned there. Alone and in tears, night had fallen faster than you’d been found, and you’d almost felt frozen and delirious when the first shadows of a monstrous figure had caught your eyes. 
He had been a terrifying monster, sporting a vast mouth on his abdomen, two sets of eyes, four arms, and two pairs of legs all connected to a towering frame — all things normally singular about the human form had been doubled, and the owner of such a body had slunk over to you all while salivating. At first you’d feared he’d molest you, then you feared being devoured — but he’d mocked you cruelly and cut you loose before dragging you along behind him by the rope binding your wrists with your slit thighs screaming, your journey ending with him casting you at a half dozen women you later learned to be his concubines, and you’d not left his great stone temple in the mountains ever since. On the contrary, your life had become much easier — you led a life of luxury nestled comfortably on your knees atop a plush pillow next to your lord’s hip, you followed wherever he led you to go, and you warmed his bed and his cock whenever he so chose — which was often. 
Today was one such day, and you desired nothing more than to ready yourself to see the man who clung to you as if he were starved and you were a magicked feast. 
“Off to see the King again?” one of the other concubines, Ino, asks snidely as you loosely drape chains of delicate gold over your skin, and you sigh. Ino always started fights whenever she saw the chance, and you were more than tired of it. Still, a verbal spar was nothing for the King to sneeze at, so he wouldn’t make any attempts to stop it; some days he even found the arguments amusing. 
“Must I really answer your question?” You ask tiredly. “He has called for me—“
“As he does every day,” another concubine, Shouko, snaps. “He never calls upon us anymore, not like you.”
“I didn’t ask for this,” you snap back, and in response the bane of your existence stomps forward, smelling of the honeysuckle and melons that grew along the mountainside where you all resided. 
“Maybe if you’d not come here and thrown yourself at him like a common whore, we wouldn’t be in this predicament,” Inko, Ino’s elder sister, snarls aggressively. Her eyes are dark and stormy, and her voice low and angry like a startled rattlesnake. “We all had a proper system before you came and ruined everything — but that’s all you know how to do, isn’t it? Traipsing in here practically naked from your first day and swallowing his cock down like it was what you were born for, then even daring to take away my night as well as Komori’s the following day.” Komori was another concubine, one nearly as bitter as Inko; she, however, chose to ruin what few of your belongings she could rather than spar with you verbally.
It was always the same with them — always angry that your lord doted on you more than the others, that he cooed at you so fondly while growls were occasionally sent their way ( growls you’d never received ), and that jewels and silks were lain reverently across your soft skin as rewards for earning his affections. “Maybe he likes me better for a reason, Inko,” you say coldly, standing your ground. “Maybe he isn’t calling upon you anymore because he’s realized how much of a surly bully you are — or maybe he’s grown tired of your once overused loose cunt.”
The sound of a  loud, harsh slap echoes through the room, followed immediately by startled gasps of shock and your face stinging painfully; as much as you all threw poisoned words through the air like arrows were loosed from an archer’s bow, none of you had ever dared lay a hand on one another. 
Your face burns, both from the pain from the hard slap and from a barely repressed anger, as you turn back from where it had been forcibly swung to the side at Inko’s strike to glare at her. 
“You’ll start being a lot happier with your life when you stop basing it around both mine and a man’s,” you hiss before exiting the makeup room and navigating your way through the halls of Lord Sukuna’s temple before finally entering the throne room. He was listening to a few servants of his describe the look of the lands outside the temple, and what they believed the upcoming winter would offer them, but he brushed them away upon realizing you’d entered. 
“Oh, my sweet treasure,” he purred warmly. “Come closer so I can bask in your beauty as I do every day.”
Obedient as always, you do just that, drifting closer before kneeling before him in acknowledgement of his power. Before you do so, you see the look in his eyes, and it sends a shot of fire to your stomach that you know all too well; his eyes are hooded, dark with a venomous lust that used to frighten you — but you aren’t the shy lamb sent to slaughter that you once were, are you?
“My lord Ryomen,” you murmur in a voice as thick and sweet as honey while just as deceptive as it would be when a part of a trap for flies. He stands, striding down the short set of stairs that led to his throne for you as he did for no other, and in a gruff voice commands you to stand at your full height. You do as told like always, and it doesn’t take long for him to catch sight of your aching face, which was no doubt starting to bruise.  
He gently grabs you by the jaw, careful that his claws do not prick your soft skin as he tilts your head to reveal your cheek to him. “Your beautiful face…” King Sukuna rumbles lowly, his voice an angered growl as he gently tips you by his grip on your jaw to look at the bruising handprint marring your face, and his eyes are as stormy as the sky outside of the temple as thunder booms amongst the clouds. “Who dared do this to you?”
“Inko,” you murmur quietly, then whine, “She called me a common whore and said I ruin everything. It hurt my feelings.”
“She will be punished,” he promises, cupping your face and kissing your forehead fondly in a show of slight sweetness that you knew he showed no other and strove to keep hidden at all times. Typically his words would comfort you, but not today. You were tired of Inko’s behavior, and a week locked alone in a room with nothing but bread and milk was no longer fitting in your eyes. 
You wanted her dead.  
“Fill me with your seed, my Lord,” you beg sweetly, and he groans while grabbing you borderline painfully tight and grinds your crotches together as you stand together in the throne room, allowing you to feel him at half-hardness. “I want to carry your spawn for you, just like you always say.” It was true; Demon King Ryomen Sukuna was a weak man when it came to his almost wicked thoughts of breeding one of his women’s fertile cunts, but he’d not yet filled any of his concubines’ wombs with life. That privilege, you knew, was to be yours alone — and with how desperately you knew he wanted it, you’d get your prize of Inko’s head on a golden plate and he would get his of the instinctual want for an heir before the week was up. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, standing as high on your tiptoes as you can to do so, and as usual he dips down so you can mouth sweetly at his skin, feeling one pair of arms rest at your hips while the other gently cup your face. “Let me ride you on your throne, my king,” you whisper sweetly, pulling your face from his hold and closing your teeth around one of his earlobes, tugging lightly. You both feel and hear the aroused growl leave his throat, and you move to nip at the base of his throat before asking again. “Please, beloved one?” you beg lightly, pressing a kiss to his jaw as he basks in the attention from your lips and your now wandering hands, which bury themselves in his hair in just the way he likes. “I want you to fill me in the way that only you will ever be able to. I desire the honor of bringing you life.”
You’re being dragged to his throne before you know it, your words plenty enough to tip him over any and all edges he had when it came to you, and he’s taking a seat and tugging you up onto his lap with a practiced ease that you both remembered all too well. He grinds his cock up into the crux of your thighs, his already hard length pressing against the place you were always bare for him beneath your skirts so perfectly. It only takes a moment for him to loose his cock from his robes, and even less time for him to press two of the fingers on one of his other three hands into your wet hole, the appendages curling just so inside so as to toy with you and prepare you for the vast stretch of one ( or even both ) of his cocks. 
“F-Fuck — M’Lord, there-!” You whimper shakily, hips bucking into his touch as he presses one callused thumb to your clit and begins drawing harsh circles on it in time with each curl of his fingers. 
“I know, sweet treasure, I know,” He murmurs softly. “I’ll take care of you — gotta get ya’ all nice and sloppy for me, dear one.”
“No more!” You whine impatiently. “Want you in me!”
His eyes are already dark, but they seem to darken even further at your senseless pleading. “As my foolish girl begs,” he says in mock-sweetness, pulling his fingers from your sopping cunt with a wet shlk! and beginning to use what you’d left on them to wet his cock rather than lick them clean like usual. Your heart ba-bump!s in your chest as a nervous shiver courses through you, but you don’t back down — you’d take his cocks and the resulting child of this coupling as well. 
“Oh gods — yes, please-!” you whimper, feeling the way he drags his cock against your slickened slit, and he chuckles lightly before pressing the fat head in. A stuttery gasp falls from your lips as your head does likewise to his shoulders, and you cling to him desperately as you begin to sink down onto him entirely. In what feels like forever ( but is really only a couple short seconds ) he’s fully sheathed inside of you, and you both still for a moment to soak in the feeling of both filling and being full — and the the Demon King decides the time to adjust is up, and begins fucking up into you. 
You bounce on his lap, moaning brazenly like a woman in a whorehouse, and your nails dig into his skin as he uses you like a toy for his own pleasure. Each drag of his thick cock inside you alights a fire in your belly as it always does, and you keen from your place on his lap as all four of his arms rove your body — two palming at your tits, one rubbing cruel circles on your swollen clit, and the third thrown around your waist. 
“Fuck… Fuck…” he moans, biting at your neck, and you whine needily while grinding down on him, trying your hardest to tempt him into forcing his second cock inside. Unfortunately, you doubted he would, considering he was always so cautious not to break his favorite toy ( you weren’t a fool, there was no love in his heart — there remained no heartstrings for you to tug on, only his sensitive cock. ), but seemingly today was an exception as a hand on one of your tits releases it just so he can grab his second length and press it against your sopping wet hole. The thick ring of cream around the base of the cock he’d already filled you with smears across his second as he urges the tip inside, a short scream falling from your lips as it pops in after a long moment of slightly-pained pressure. 
You’re overfull, tears are rolling down your cheeks, but Lord Sukuna just licks them up and begins using your body like the hole to fuck it is, bluncing you brutally on both of his cocks all while still seated on his massive throne. Behind you, you hear the wide doors to the throne room open, but it isn’t until a scandalized cry fills the room that you turn to look while your lord master continues fucking you without a care in the world for the eyes watching. 
“My Lord-? Oh gods, my apologies! I beg your forgiveness, my king!” The hand that had wandered in wails, falling to his knees in subservience at the realization that he’s just walked in on his lord taking his most favorite concubine in the throne room. The sight of both of his king’s cocks sinking so deeply into your glistening cunt had his own single cock twitching beneath his robes, but there was no way in hell he would ever dare to act on such a thing; the last time someone other than the king himself had touched a concubine with their unworthy hands, both had been torn apart in the King’s rage and fed to the carrion birds. 
“Fuck, you’re nothing but my sweet whore, aren’t you?” Sukuna groans deeply, ignoring the man entirely as you refocus entirely on him and the feelings he was forcing upon you. 
“Y-Yes, my king,” you moan shakily, your eyelashes fluttering as an ever-present knot starts to grow tighter in your lower belly alongside the overfull feeling, fueled by a heat that always burns in his presence.
“Cum on my cocks,” Sukuna orders through a moan. “Give it to me, I command you — I want to feel your cunt pulse around me as you come undone.” As he speaks he speeds up the circles he was drawing on your clit, and within moments you’re falling apart around him, crying out in ecstasy as he lets out a demonic roar and oresses himself as deeply inside as he can before emptying his balls. Faintly you register his eyes rolling back as he cums, but you’re too wrapped up in him to truly give a damn about any of it. 
After a few moments he begins to tug you off of his lengths, the muscles in your body just as instinctually unwilling to give them and their stretch up as you are as a natural resistance shows before being overtaken by you clenching down on him. “No,” you whimper, holding him tight. “Mine.”
“Y’gotta let me go, my precious jewel,” he rumbles quietly, and the urge to actually cry fills you and you just cling tighter. 
“No,” you say again, a fresh wave of tears stinging at your eyes. “Don’t wanna.”
A low groan falls from his lips, but he stops fighting you. You barely react as he lifts you, his inhuman strength making most any show of strength possible ( and making lifting you something easily scoffed at ), and you do likewise as he carries you off to his private chambers. A questioning noise falls from your half-chapped lips as he closes the massive open door of the two closed behind him, and he just shushes you before pulling the silk sheets and thick blankets and furs back before placing you on them. He’s straddling you, still stuck due to your clinging, and it takes a brief moment of wrestling with you before he manages to finally pull out. 
A borderline sickly wet noise fills both his and your ears as his cocks are drawn from your needy cunt, and the rush of thick demon cum that follows makes you whine pathetically. He just clicks his tongue at you and tugs on a rope made of golden chord that would ring a bell in one of the servant’s halls and summoned one such person, ordering them to ready your nightly meal ( despite the sun still being up ) so you could eat then sleep at your own leisure. Once the trembling man is gone, he joins you in bed. 
“I hope you meant your urging for me to grant you a child,” he purrs, biting at your shoulder while you press close to him. He pulls away, sitting up on the side of the bed, “Because there’s no going back now — you will carry my seed in your belly until you birth me a child.”
None of this matters to you. You had always planned to birth his first child, had always known that it was what your fate held for you — this moment was not for talk of a baby, no. You wanted your prize. 
“My dearest lord,” you sniffle needily, sliding from the bed on shaky legs and sinking to your knees between his legs, then propping yourself up over your crossed arms on them with a pout downturning your lips. A quickly growing puddle of his leaking cum begins to drip on the floor between your legs. “Please kill Inko — she’s so very mean to me, and all the other concubines are too because she’s been here so long.” Your bottom lip trembles as fresh tears start, and he sighs. 
“But her cunt is so sweet, dear one,” he murmurs, and you whimper and hide your face in one thick, muscled thigh. 
“You said she was loose. Besides, she hit me — I carry your spawn inside of me, and she hit me.” You didn’t have even his cum in you then, much less a conceived child — but you knew how to play the Demon King’s instincts, and the slight angered huff through his nostrils betray the rage simmering beneath his skin. All it would take was the tiniest push further. “It was the face this time, the face you own, but what if she pushes me down the stairs next? I could lose my life.”
Growling fills the air, and you know you've done it. 
“Rest here,” he says quietly, his voice shaking with rage, “Servants will be here to attend to you in a few minutes.”
He helps you up with one hand, half-tossing you onto the cushy bed, then begins making his way out of his private rooms. “Where are you going?” you call innocently, pushing a frightened tremor into your voice. “My lord Ryomen, please don’t leave me — I’m always so frightened without you!”
He stops in the middle of the room; you can see him shaking with anger. “I have business to attend to,” he says through gritted teeth. 
Your eyes glitter. “Come back to me soon, beloved one — I miss you desperately every moment you are away.” 
A grunt is your only response, and he exits the room as servants wheel in your dinner. You curl up prettily in his massive nest of a bed, and you peruse the options he’d granted you eagerly. When he was done, he’d use the excess rage to fuck you again — you’d need to quell what appetite you have now and then some if you wanted enough energy to survive. 
In the distance, furious roaring mixes with shrill, fearful screaming, and you delicately tug apart the roast duck you’d been served as the sounds of more concubines than just Inko being killed fills the temple. Servants cower, and the younger cupbearers whimper, but you just smile softly and hold out your emptied cup. 
“I would like more pear juice, please.”
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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baldwinsbaby · 4 months
rip king Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, you would have loved viva la vida by coldplay ✊😔
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
how long the gang takes to get ready for the day⛅️🌤️
i just know cherry be hogging the bathroom and she’s actually so real for that cause i do it too🥰
he gives a nighttime shower guy
used to having two brothers to fight with in the morning so he’s honestly pretty fast
my guy hits snooze sooo much it’s actually crazy
so because of this he’s gotta rush to get ready
but at this point he’s used to it which is cool
we love an adaptable king
AND he always pulls up to school looking decent so 7/10
ngl i actually don’t know how he’d be getting ready
he just spawns in wearing full greaser attire complete w a switchblade accessory ‼️🥰🤩🤪
but he’d probably only need like ten minutes but bro loves like a slug
he just ain’t a morning person AT ALL and that’s okay😔✊
he shows up looking kinda scruffy but that’s okay it’s for the vibe fs 5/10
he seems like the type to shamelessly hog the bathroom
pony and darry hate it sm LMAO
actually wakes up at a decent time so he can shower and get dressed and everything
he hates the feeling of being rushed so he’s got a whole set routine
but if he gets off the routine everything come crashing down and he ends up being like an hour late😭😭
early riser
probably cause of necessity yk he’s a working boy
but also he loves having the bathroom to himself for once and take his time
he also cooks breakfast so that’s kinda a way for him to wake up slowly
outfits are a little basic but he pulls them off so we know he ain’t wasting anytime deciding which solid black t shirt to wear that day😭
he is honestly goals 10/10
he will claim so MUCH that he just wakes up and comes out looking perfect
but he self absorbed for sure
you cannot watch that beginning scene of the movie where my guy STRUTS down the street
bro really thinks he’s that guy😭💀
so yes, he does spend a solid amt of time getting ready, picking outfits, rings, the whole shebang
but if you bring it up you’re dead😔
breaks down if he has to share the bathroom and gives up
he needs his space ig? 6/10
my guy has ONE OUTFIT
different variations but the same outfit nonetheless😭😭😭
so that takes zero time out of his morning
his hair is super greased up so bc of that he probably takes a normal amt of time
honestly pretty chill when it comes to sharing a bathroom
BUT still hyper asf so there’s that
rip to anyone in the way of the fridge when he’s hungry for breakfast🙏
7/10 low effort but still eats
probably takes a lot of time
and pony would hate it sm
those “complicated swirls” ARENT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART
or for those running late
lowk has a bit of a big ego so he puts a lot of effort into his appearance
loves him some chocolate cake for brekky
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hanasnx · 2 years
anakin's kinks headcanons.
MINORS DNI 18+ NOTES: dead dove do not eat, i can’t possibly warn for every kink listed here so please use caution when reading the following. there is a wide array of kinks listed that involve things that might make you uncomfortable or personally you don’t have, these are merely a list format of what i think anakin’s kinks are and are not. not what i’m into specifically or what you’re into. i hope you enjoy regardless! or helps you explore something new for you! i love introducing you to things WARNINGS: dead dove do not eat | sexually explicit content | please use caution if you are triggered by certain kinks.
his green lights:
! ── bdsm
! ── bondage: m receiving mostly. but he does wanna put a collar and chain on you so he can pull you to him, act like a king with a hopeless servant. make you do things for him.
! ── hosiery: he likes it when you wear tights and sheer stockings (also heels but that’s another thing), he likes ripping it apart to make room for him. likes seeing how his nails have left holes
! ── voyeurism: wants to watch you masturbate. likes pretending he’s a perv watching when he shouldn’t be
! ── exhibitionism: you watching him fuck his fist or a toy
! ── roleplay: playing pretend,,, especially if you’ve got a kidnapping kink,,, yum. he wants to abuse you in all the ways you could desire. and the other way around too
! ── kidnapping rp: he wants to be tied up, duct taped mouth, slapped, spat on, treated like your prisoner only good for a fuck
! ── DIRTY TALK: the kind of shit that’ll make you question yourself. he’d say the foulest shit in order to get himself off, stuff that makes you go “why did that just work on me??”
! ── urophilia: he’d ask you to piss on him. asks if he can do it to you while you two are sharing a shower 🥵🥵 he absolutely loves making you squirt, loves rubbing it all over your body and his, so you slip and slide together while he fucks you in a puddle of it. even loves tasting it.
! ── lactation: my god. he’d take full advantage of this if you’re pregnant. jack himself off while he’s sucking you dry
! ── humiliation; falls under s&m: m+f receiving
! ── daddy: being called that word gets him feeling so big and superior, an excellent way to butter him up for something.
! ── edging: m+f receiving. he’s cruel to you, and expects the same treatment.
! ── breathplay: m+f receiving. he loves being choked. holding his breath to edge himself. he loves choking you, and he also loves covering your nose and mouth to restrict your breathing as he sees fit. get you lightheaded, make you swallow his load after a bj, etc
! ── impact play: m+f receiving. he loves pain, and he loves inflicting pain. face smacking, ass smacking, pussy smacking, using a belt or flogger to whip. he likes it when you grab and squeeze or hit his balls. all within reason.
! ── wax: he wants you to drip it on him, he likes the way it stings and burns and the hiss of pleasure he emits when you let him jack himself off for being such a good boy for you
! ── praise: he wants you to build him up—
! ── degradation: and tear him down. both praise & degradation is m+f receiving for him
! ── noncon: 😔✊ he’s got this one bad. only if you two consent to it beforehand tho, but he likes the rush of overpowering you and listens to your safe word. but you love the rush of the fight, and how once he’s wrestled you down, he’s still so mean while he makes your pussy slobber all over him. also ! m receiving as well. he likes it done to him too.
! ── gags: m receiving
! ── facefucking: he wants you to gag, slobber, and deep throat his cock. fuck your mouth like he would your pussy. hard, fast, without mercy. grab your hair, your chin and head. fuck your mouth while you’re laying down on your back so he can finger you or eat you out or see how your tits bounce and pinch your nipples. rub his balls on your face. in turn, he wants you to shove his face in your pussy and suffocate him. sit on his face and don’t let up. he’ll hold his breath if he has to it’s so hot. grind down onto him like it’s a thigh or a dick instead of a face.
! ── titfucking: oh yea. he loves this one. especially if you’ve been a bad girl and don’t deserve any pleasure at all, use your tits to get himself off, and you’re forced to watch. might get back on his good side if you stick out your tongue for him and lick at his head every thrust.
! ── hair pulling: m+f receiving
! ── marking: your scratch marks on his back practically red and bleeding. bruises. hickeys. bite marks and indentations. maybe even getting branded,,, um— m+f receiving
! ── dacryphilia: he wants to cry from pain & pleasure and orgasm denial frustration. he’d do it for you too if you wanted. dom shit like “beg. cry for me. show me you want me.” and he’s gotta get on his knees and worship the ground you walk on and cry because he’s so hard and nowhere to put it and he needs you right now and you’re doing nothing for him. he also wants to make you cry for the same reason, his favorite is when you cry from your orgasm or from pleasure and overstimulation. sobbing in rapture while he’s fucking you. lick up your tears, kiss them away. make fun of you for it, or ease you. he loves it all.
! ── overstimulation: m+f receiving
! ── feet: not fetish, but he wouldn’t care about sucking some toes every once in a while. part of his worship for you. kissing the top of your foot when he takes off your shoes for you.
! ── anal anything: fucking, fingering, fisting yours is so fun for him. especially if he’s occupying your pussy with something else like his dick, hand, or toy. butt plugs with a little pink jewel for you. he definitely eats ass too. jacks himself off while you eat his. he wants you to peg him, finger him, whatever.
! ── strap ons: as said before, he wants you to peg him. but he seriously has considered trying to figure out if he can wear a strap to fuck your pussy and ass at the same time
! ── mechanophilia/technophilia: they definitely have like sex doll androids in GFFA and he saw one and didn’t know why he liked that idea so much. has masturbated to the thought of owning one. gets off to the humiliation when he tells you that secret and you make fun of him for it by doing shit like “i got this new ship, she needs some work but she’s gorgeous. look at her.” and you’re like 👀 “are you trying to fuck it or something??” and then he does you inside the ship.
! ── knife play: more so m receiving tbh he wants you to put a knife at his throat.
! ── gun play: blaster play? he likes the adrenaline of you holding one to him even if it’s set to stun. he’s been in so many life threatening situations, it’s fun to bring stuff like this to the bedroom rather than scary.
! ── breeding: f receiving. this has been explored before and it’s just so delicious. he’s got it so bad.
! ── size: he Loves being reminded how big he is compared to you in any sense. height, hand size, how big his dick is in your tight little hole. he knows you love it too.
! ── foodplay: he’d eat a full course meal off of you if you’d let him. make you lick stuff off your fingers with you. body shots off you. slid your bodies together covered in edible substances so when he licks and sucks your skin he gets to taste it while he’s balls deep inside of you. means a steamy shower afterwards.
! ── stigmatophilia: if your tongue, nipples, clit, pussy folds are pierced ,,,,, oh my god. he’d go crazy. he’d get you all kinds of cute jewelry pieces. especially ones fun for sexy time. tug on your nip piercings while you’re riding on him, set your pace bouncing on him by the way he pulls you up and down by your little nipples ahshshdddb
! ── underwear— mysophilia: smell and keep your used panties and store ‘em in his pocket while he’s at the temple bcos it thrills him that no one knows what he’s got. likes the way your pussy smells, your squirt, your cum. how the bed smell soaked in it and your sweat. yea.
! ── period: sex while on your period doesn’t bother him, getting covered in it, eating you out. in fact he likes the way it looks, and how easy it is to lube you up. it’s so intimate and so personal. “it’s all you, isn’t it?” djskfnkdcnmdbfk
! ── age difference: he’s got a nasty thing for older women. a huge milf lover.
! ── tits: tits/ass?? he loves both. loves thighs. but he’s a tits man. it’s the mommy issues.
! ── tricked/coercion: part of his noncon/kidnapping enjoyment. m+f receiving.
! ── infidelity: purely hypothetical fantasy roleplay sense. m + f receiving
! ── pregnancy: ://// it’s true.
! ── cum swap: you didn’t swallow? he’s sucking his essence off your tongue. lapping up his seed oozing out of you, stuffing it back inside of you with his tongue, and swallowing the remnants. if you finish all over his face, anything he catches with his mouth he pinches open your jaw and spits it into your open mouth and pushes your chin shut, pats your cheek to tell you to swallow.
! ── somnophilia: m+f receiving. he rly likes it when he can fuck you entirely while you’re sleeping, fill you up. something about it just makes him so crazy.
! ── corruption: m+f receiving. especially if you or him lost your virginity to the other.
! ── agoraphilia: oh yea. he’s fucking you outside.
! ── if this wasn’t already obvious he probably got a vasectomy just so he can bareback (always test for stds before going no condom) bcos he just likes it that much and it’s a kink for him. let’s him play out the fantasy like “oh no babe i came in you on accident!! what if you get pregnant😏😏”
! ── creampiesssss
! ── thigh fucking: f receiving
! ── thigh riding: he loves watching you get off on his thigh omgg
! ── sensory deprivation: m+f receiving
and his red lights:
! ── cuckholding: if he’s the one on the side watching. otherwise he might consider fucking you in front of someone else. under extremely meticulous circumstances and lot of sweet talking
! ── threesome: regardless of the gender of the additional person, he’d get jealous even seeing you two kiss let alone touching each other or fucking each other. jealous
! ── financial domination: the man doesn’t know what to do with money from the war,,,, but demanding it from him only means he gets to fuck the brat out of you.
! ── tentacles: he doesn’t understand hentai porn. not in a judgmental way, but in a way that’s like,,,, he gets ropes bcos those things don’t undulate. he’s got a problem with how tentacles move. rathtars are not his favorite.
! ── he can’t get off unless he knows and romantically likes the person. so anonymous sex, one night stands, etc just don’t work. his body doesn’t react.
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buckera · 5 months
I'm not saying Chim's NOT a strong man, but thank goodness he had to save Tommy circa Season 2 because thinking about him having to fireman carry season 7 Beefcake™️ Tommy Kinard 😩 ohhh his back! Tommy is just so big and thicc and delicious now. So strong and powerful ☺️ Hmm got me praying for Buck's back too 👀
yeah no you're so right cuz lifting this Tommy up would be a right challenge for the strongest members of the 118... like, there are basic positions to distribute the load, but there is only so much you can do when you gotta pick up a dude weighing over 200 pounds 🫠
rip Buck's back for real though, good going king, will keep you in my prayers ✊😔
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doukeshi-kun · 5 months
thoughts on the latest chap?
asgr cooked🔥 i like that we have this big ass moment after SO MANY YEARS omg. i'm hyped for fyodor but i'm reeeally sad for aya and bram because like, i disliked how evil hero fukuchi's arc and meursault jailbreak ended but i found solace knowing that aya and bram were fine because i literally love their dynamics. and now bram is most likely gone asf and i'm very sad about it😞✊ rip king you would've loved twilight
some reactions from me and my homies gc :3
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
leverage 2x03
Oooooh ok called “The Order 23 Job” 👀 so my guess is that it either has to do with hitmen or law related (OR MAYBE BOTH?????) 
Oh wait episode description say they take over a hospital floor????? What????? TO STAGE AN OUTBREAK?????? LEVERAGE??????
Y’all what am I about to get myself into holy fuck 
wait a minute…..is it just me or does this defendant guy look familiar…..either he is the same dude from the Miracle Job or he’s just a new dude
ugh gross 🤢 18 months????? fucking bs
Ok rip to me because I don’t remember the guy from the Miracle Job well but I think this guy is not him
Also, this Ronald man (paused it and the show his name on the cast list! thanks prime????) is either gonna kill the Eddie dude or be Leverage’s new client
He might assault him tho. That isn’t off the table. Assault and then he goes to jail LONGER than the white collar crime dude. Yes…..I can see that
AND HE STILL PUNCHED HIM!!!! I hope that felt good
Oh good just a warning
Guys am I getting a Hardinson episode??????
THEY ARE FUCKING FOCUSING ON HIM WHILE RONALD TALKS ABOUT HIS SISTER GUYS AM I WINNING?????? (I am so sorry Ronald your story is tragic and I am currently misty eyed BUT AM I WINNING YALL???)
Oooooooh did that cut close to you Nate???? An illness that could have been prevented and yet help was not afforded to you? 
How over his son’s death is Nate btw? Asking for a friend
Eliot and Hardinson shitting on rich people my beloved
Yes Nate :))))) he is a germaphobe :))) ABUSE IT
dam ok y’all just gonna talk about how you swindled some people in front of an officier (tho not like he can do much. you got your sentence and also government aid.) Jesus you must feel so invincible rn
I hate him. Eddie fucking sucks. 
“It’s about shifting fear” lmao i love irony 
Love you Bob
Man what did they drug him with?????
“Let’s go steal us a hospital” y’all i love this show
Awwwww Parker’s mini panic (same girlie. I would be asking the same questions in your situation)
Oooooooh they got ambience audio
y’all Eliot and Hardinson fighting over clothes help 💀
Lmao the way they are playing up his paranoia 
HARDINSON AND ELIOT POLICE DUO????? Let’s fucking gooooooooo
Awwwww little baby boy 🥺 why he sick 🥺 awwwww it’s ok baby
Eliot stop staring at him that’s creepy
oh ok understood
Eddie being all smarmy lmao you have no idea what you got into
I hate Eddie 
Awwwwww Nate giving Parker a 101 on how to manipulate people 🥺
That’s how zombie movies start
the plot thickens :)
Yes Eliot :3 play with their rational
“My wife just had a baby. 🥺” “His wife just had a baby 😔✊”
Hardinson repeating people’s words my beloved 
Sophie you play this so well 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Oh no Eddie 🫢 you are handcuffed 🫢
Hardinson be careful 
“Yippity skip!”
Eliot help the kid 🥺 
Nate do not rational that lmao
Sophie no 💀 what about your “boyfriend”
Eliot! You hide your ear piece! 
God I am stressed 😫 Eliot stop!!!! ELIOT
ok Eliot I was wrong. Kill that man
Awwww poor security man
“You have been exposed to an antigen that is repelled by water” STOP IT 😂😂😂😂 IM FUCKING WHEEEZING
Hardinson: doing his job
Eliot: not doing his job and instead put for blood
goddam why they always need to double check shit :( let the con men be free from double checking
Dammit Eliot, Hardinson is giving you some pretty good info AND YOU STASHED THAT EAR PIECE AWAY!!!! ELIOT PUT IT BACK ON
Of course it’s the fucking mob 🙄 should have known but seriously 18 months???? Why not 5 years :/
Oh of course, OF COURSE ELIOT GETS TO CHARLIE NOW!!!! Put that ear piece back or so help me!!!! SO HELP ME! SO HELP ME! SO HELP ME!
Is he gonna be chucked into a fucking morgue drawer 😔 Eliot run
thank you Hardinson!!!!!! 
Y’all those are special equipment!!!!! The hospital needs those!!!! 
Ok Eliot now put the ear piece back on
Lmao Nate 😂😂😂😂 THE FUCKING SOVIETS??????? LMAO
Sorry I shouldn’t be laughing but it’s so fucking funny
Yes Parker!!!!! You are playing your role so well 💖💖💖💖
Bob love you but please stop being good at your job
Awwww Eliot 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 
He said his real name 🤧🤧🤧
No I’m not crying leave me alone. I’m okAY
shut up
NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOO 🫠🫠🫠🫠 Randy baby boy 🤧
Alrighty. What now :/
It’s night?????? Already?????? When did that happen??????
Love you Parker
“Everyone of you is looking to 25 to life” oh baby, they have a way longer sentence if they ever get caught lmao
Eddie dude 😂 you are so bad at this
I love their gloating 🥰
“Kiss ass” 💀💀💀💀
Eliot stop giving Bob ideas
Eliot tell him about Randy 🥺
A-okay broskis 
I’m sooooo good 🥲
Good episode 🫠 tbh the epidemic plot was funnier than I thought it would be but like on the flip side it would be so scary to have that be played on you. Real pandemic is enough for me. Y’all don’t need to con me that shit
The fucking side plot with Eliot and the kid 🥺 y’all I’m am sobbing 😭 just how Eliot clocked that so fast and how he tried to hard to help and finally gets Randy away and safe for good (well, maybe not for good bc foster system but he shows that kid that help CAN come and he’s not alone and 🥲) 
Also, this was not a Hardinson episode *kicks dirt* BUT I LOVED ALL OF HIS MOMENTS!!! I love him so much and I want a focused episode on him so badly is that so wrong?
But man. Imma cool down and breathe then go to the next episode 
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perenial · 2 months
just saw a performance of king lear with the single cuntiest oswald to ever be committed to stage. rip short king u rly were goneril's little purse dog ✊
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the-frizzle-fry · 1 year
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Looks like Shanks’ pappy is the leader of God’s Knights and was the king of God Valley. So Shanks being found in a treasure chest at God Valley is true. Roger saved baby Shanks. This opens up all new threads. Now I definitely think Shanks has a brother in God’s Knights. I already hate this guy as much as I hate Greenbull.
RIP to a good one. ✊
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spock-smokes-weed · 3 months
Rip king Aegon II Targaryen. Our barbecue in chief 😔✊
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