#rip leelah alcorn
pockyandsoda · 10 months
on trans day of remembrance i am thinking of leelah alcorn, as i do every year ❤️ rip you deserved so much better ❤️
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yourdailyqueer · 5 years
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Leelah Alcorn (deceased)
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: N/A
DOB: 15 November 1997 
RIP: 28 December 2014  
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Student
Note 1: Attracted high social media attention due to her death (including from Obama). So much so that within a year, the city of Cincinnati criminalised conversion therapy. By October 2018, four cities across Ohio had banned conversion therapy
Note 2: Many celebrities paid tribute to her, including Jill Soloway who dedicated her Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series to Alcorn. (more here)
Note 3: Under Ohio's Adopt-a-Highway program, a group adopted the interchange of Interstate 71 South and Ohio State Route 48 - which was where Alcorn died and dedicated it to her memory. As a result, the Ohio Department of Transportation erected signs stating "In Memory of Leelah Alcorn" along the road.
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justanothertypo · 5 years
I swear to fuck, if I see ONE more fucking terf douchebag say a damn thing about Leelah Alcorn I'm going to fucking rage.
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fabulous-by-choice · 7 years
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To the girl we never met, but will never forget.
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musewars · 7 years
year three
Visited your sign. I hate that spot, and that it must be there I go. There’s so much pain still there. Yet I am also, in a small, strange way grateful it is here, as it must be faced. It must be confronted and remembered else nothing will be changed.
There were already flowers. Someone else was thinking of you. 
Wish I could say we have indeed fixed society. Perhaps in some ways we have, yet not enough. Maybe it never will be. Still we try.
Love you, kiddo.
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thatgayalien-blog · 7 years
Leelah Alcorn
Yesterday marked the three year anniversary of Leelah's suicide. Rereading her suicide note still makes me cry. As a transgender person myself it makes it that much harder for me to think about the pain my trans siblings went through and are still going through. I was like Leelah, I felt everything was hopeless, I wanted to die. I attempted to kill myself multiple times and I had to be hospitalized so many times to finally learn that things get better. I wish I could've protected Leelah. I wish I could've been a friend to her. I wish we all could've rode out this shitstorm together. I wish she could've stuck around long enough for her to finally be happy. I'm so sorry that didn't happen Leelah. Nobody deserves to experience that pain. I'm so so sorry. R.I.P Leelah, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
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bukatra · 6 years
RIP Leelah Alcorn
Guys, I wanna talk about something really important to me.
In Jan 2015 I joined Tumblr. I was just discovering LGBT and asexuality and a bunch of other stuff my parents and social circles had kept hidden from me for years. 
One of the first ever posts I found back then was Leelah Alcorn. She had just died on Dec 28, mere weeks earlier.She was the first trans person I ever heard of as a trans person. And she had died. I remember combing Tumblr for anything about her. I couldnt believe what I was reading. Was this what Transgender people went through? I had just come out as gender fluid. My heart went out. 
Leelah is my heroine. She...changed everything. Hearing her story, seeing the outpouring of support, it helped me realize I was entering into a community. And that was important for me to know. She also helped me realize how far we have to go, and how damaging ignorance and hate could be. i owe a lot of who I am to her.
Rest in Peace, Leelah Alcorn. May the gods bless your soul and may you have the body you deserve when you rejoin us in your next life. Peace upon you.
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baeddelml · 6 years
It’s been four years since the Leelah Alcorn died.
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cemetery-fairy · 3 years
Today makes 7 years since Leelah Alcorn's death. RIP Leelah Alcorn 1997-2014
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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This is certainly one of the more unique profiles we’ve ever gotten… I like the flower flourishes, haha. A few things here… I’m not sure who Darcan is? You didn’t really clarify. I googled the name and all I came up with was this Broken–Pieces rp group? Which uses the same flower quirk that you do, so I’m assuming you’re working on a character for that! In fact it seems like you might’ve already submitted her? But that’s fine, we’ll get working. 
So the basics of this character are that she’s someone with anger in her heart. She seems guided by intellect, but she’s actually guided by emotions. She’s a conspiracy theorist, dodgy, and involves herself in drama…. Alright, I think I can work with that. 
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Xamona Orcigo 
I’m sure it’s uncomfortable to get a name change suggestion for an established character, but maybe… Ustakl Krygaf. 
Ustakl functions as a reference to the Üst akıl (mastermind) conspiracy theory in Turkey, which expresses the belief that some external actor is attempting to systematically weaken and dismantle Turkey, up to implying that ripped jeans were a form of “code talking” and even that the external actor is responsible for the 2017 Turkish earthquake. 
Krygaf is a reference to the etymological root of Crytology. It would basically mean Code Creator, which is in a way a reference both to her conspiracy theorist nature And the title I’m going to later recommend for her (because she doesn’t read as a breath player to me). 
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 Age - 8 sweeps
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 Pronouns - She/Her
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 Nicknames / Other known Names - Mona
I think this can stay even if you change her name, because- get this- Mona Lisa conspiracy theories? Surprisingly common. And ambiguity is a common theme around the Mona Lisa anyways. Maybe there was a troll Monalisa in the ancient times that is a famous painting today and she’s nicknamed after it because of some of the uncertainty surrounding her and her smile.
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 Wriggling day - August 13th 
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 Title - Mage of Breath
I want to make the argument that she’s a Sylph of Mind. She passively creates ideas from whole cloth by interpreting information in unique ways. She might be able to inspire action in others through these ideas and threads of logic that she’s creating. The people around her might be pushed to move in certain ways depending on the information she gathers and asserts. 
Her inverse would be Prince of Heart, which is also fitting. This inverse implies that she would destroy Through heart as well as destroy heart. She would actively use her emotions as a tool to smash with and would hurt other’s feelings in the process. Destroying all these feelings in the way thus inspires people to act in certain ways or come to certain conclusions, wrapping back around to her passively creating thought. 
Discourse also has a bit reputation with Romance Drama so her calling out her exes would be another way of Passively Creating Thought by actively destroying hearts. 
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 Dreamer Class - Prospit
Considering her tendency to close off from others/not let people know her true colors, her involvement in a rebellion, her anger towards purples that presumably stems from her past, and her interest in discourse, I’d say she’s probably actually a derse dreamer!
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 Symbol - 
 ~ Sign of the Vibrant
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Which means I’ll be changing her sign to Libza, the Acute. I think this is a fitting title for her, because it means shrewd, but also means present in a painful or overbearing amount.
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 Blood color - Teal 
I think she makes a really good teal. I think you should emphasize her ethical center, though!. Does she fundamentally believe people can’t change? If someone was called out 10 years ago will she continue to hold them in exile? Does she value a sense of moral superiority over the basic tenants of kindness and mutual respect? Is she one of those bloggers who is like, a total dick to people for no reason but never gets called out because she’s like, technically got good politics, but GOD she’s a dick? 
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 Alignment - Darcan’s Rebellion 
You should definitely elaborate how she found out about him and why she decided to join in your backstory.
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 Typing Style - all in lowercase and always uses prefered and more obtuse vocabulary, TYPES IN ALL CPAS WHEN PISSED OFF AND MAKES A FUCKTION OF SPELLING MISTAKES 
I’m sorry to say that this is kind of an overused quirk by this point, especially for characters with explosive tempers. I think if you want to make a character who co-opts the social justice scene for her own social benefit and to manufacture a feeling of self-worth, you should look at the communities of people online who Really Do That, those people who take the sjw language for themselves and mutate other community’s language and smash both into a condescending bullshit pile. 
Example: if you think goldbloods are just purple shills you. are. valid. unu
uhm okay you stupid fuckboy. purplebloods are inherently violent but go off i guess???? unu
Use the ‘unu’ emoji at the end of every sentence and distort actual sj conventional speech as much as you can, basically. 
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 Strife Specibi - taserkind
Edit: I really can’t stop thinking about this so I have to suggest it. You could also possibly have her have teakind as a backup? Like a literal cup of tea. For an “And that’s the tea” joke, of course. 
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 Lusus - Quetza the 31st (a three headed snake lusii) 
Honestly can I recommend a two-faced golbat-like lusus? 
One of the uhhh bigger names in nasty inconceivable discourse right now has a golbat-themed blog (no namedrops here)- and there’s also the Leelah Alcorn scandal, orchestrated by the now deactivated user, Zubat. Seems like the zubat line is a little cursed by discourse >_>. golbats look like they’re Yelling so it’s great for a character like her who has a tendency to Erupt, and the two-faced nature implies her tendency to not present her True Self immediately. 
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 Ancestor - Contessa Blackfin 
I don’t know much about the narrative story you’re going for here, but maybe she could’ve been killed by a purple?
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 Personality - Xamona could usually be described as the type of person who would try logic and reason instead of violence, it’s actually the other way around when you get to know her. She has a deathly fear of Purplebloods and is basically racist towards that specific caste, she’s quite willing to go to extreme lengths to prove her points and is rather manipulative towards trolls who don’t know her true colors. If anything she could be compared to that of a conspiracy theorist.. or a Tumblr user with an extreme amount of history relating to discourse. 
I’m guessing things are more egalitarian between the castes of landdwellers in this au in order for the prejudice narrative to make sense? Because otherwise being wary of a class of people who’ve historically exploited yours and who have powers Specifically meant to keep lowbloods down while inside a totalitarian highbloods nation is kind of good sense. Just a little. 
Still though she’s such a dick I love this bad personality. I think she should be the type to hold a grudge and the type who accuses everyone of being out to get her.
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Relationships - [TBA]
<strike>Nikalo - Is EXTREMELY suspicious of.</strike> 
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 Strengths - 
- Xamona is very agile and could dodge enemy attacks with ease
- Despite her seemingly fragile figure, she could put up quite a fight with those of higher blood than her
Keep in mind that her being a teal is starting to dip into the blueblood range, so she’ll be naturally stronger than Jades and below. 
Also, make her someone who’s really good at preparedness. If she’s paranoid, make her someone who’s already ready for an attack. Make her the kind of person that when she walks in a room, she’s already thinking, “Where are all the exits? What can I hide under? What could I use as a weapon?” This helps her avoid situations where she’s backed into a corner- and makes it all the scarier when she IS helpless.
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 Weaknesses -
- If you get her to talk about her plans, she’ll keep talking and talking.. 
- If she’s cornered, Xamona will be at her weakest when it comes to fighting back
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 Backstory - [TBA]
Hmmmmm, maybe you could make her have romance drama with a purple that ended in a little bit of turmoil? Some eye-scarring turmoil? 
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 Voice - 
Mahiru Koizumi
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 Themesong - 
Into the Basement
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There really wasn’t a lot I felt the need to edit. I gave her horns that look more like her new symbol. I know this au isn’t especially concerned with canon compliance, but blind eyes are bright red from what we’ve seen! So I edited it to that. And I moved her symbol and changed it to the new one. We’ve seen that on Alternia, symbols always appear in blood color and never another color, even a neutral one. 
I also did a new ref sheet? 
Though not much changed there.
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Thank you for sharing!
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The past month I came out to my parents as a trans boy, and since they didn't accept me I want to talk about this again with them but I'm scared they'll say "It's just a phase" again (since I'm 13) or be angrier with me for talking about this subject, but at the same time I'm getting more frustated each time they talk to me with my birthname and she/her pronouns, I don't really know what to do at this point...
Lee says:
I’m sorry they didn’t accept you. That must feel really awful. I think you’ve brave for going to try to talk to them again! It’s possible they’ll say it’s just a phase, but you know that isn’t true, so even if they say it, try to remember that you know yourself better than anyone else because they aren’t in your head, so they aren’t more knowledgeable about how you’re feeling than you are. You could also try writing them a letter about how you feel and seeing if that helps as well.
You can try to ask that they use your chosen name and pronouns, and remind them that even if it’s a phase, which is unlikely, it’s not like them calling you by a different name could hurt you in any way. You aren’t looking to legally change it yet, so in the worst case scenario where it’s a phase, no permanent damage has been done, and they have made you feel better and happier while the phase was happening, and you can always switch back to the old name and pronouns. If they do it just to humor you, hey, at least they’re doing it!
The best advice I have is communication. If you express how you feel to them, and how dysphoria makes you feel, and that you’ve felt you’re trans for so long, etc, you can at least know you’ve done everything you can to try to tell them that transitioning is the best choice for you and you’ll be able to manage it with their help and support. It can be hard to talk to someone who isn’t supportive of your identity, but the only way to win them over is a lot of open and heartfelt conversations that are tough to have.
Their initial reaction may not be their permanent feelings on this. From your point of view, you just told them something that you’ve known for a while, something you always were, something that you probably had to grapple to come to terms with at some point before it became a part of your self-perception. From their perception, something they always thought was true has changed. All this time they’ve seen you as one thing, and now you’re saying that you never were that thing. It’s a big shift to take in, and a lot of the time parents aren’t prepared for it and they don’t know how to react so they try to deny that it’s real. But over time, they can grow to accept you, even if they didn’t initially.
My parents started out being unaccepting. They said some awful things to me then, but three years later they’re willing to pay for my top surgery. People can grow, and they might change their mind. But it’ll take time. It might take months, even a year or longer until they’re fully on board. In that time, you need to take care of yourself. Their rejection hurts, but it isn’t your fault. You shouldn’t have to feel bad just because they don’t understand you yet. Make sure you take some space when you need it, talk to people who will support you, and do things to make you feel better. Check out our Self-care info on our Mental health page!
Getting a therapist can be useful in helping persuade your parents to let your transition, if they’re trans-friendly and on your side. You don’t have to tell your parents that you want therapy because of any trans-related thing if you think they wouldn’t accept that reason. This post has more info on finding a therapist. You most likely need your parents’ consent to see a therapist, but that depends on your age and the laws where you live. Here’s a website with information about that. Your therapist can have family sessions where they talk with you and your parents and try to work something out, and they can write you a letter in support of you getting testosterone when you turn 18.
Make sure you take care of yourself! Take some space when you need it, talk to people who will support you whether it’s online or IRL and do things to make you feel better. You could try writing your parents a letter about how you feel and seeing if that helps you express your thoughts, then rip it up because it’s just about getting the emotion out. Trying to spend as much time out of the house as possible might also help, so go to after-school clubs and take the late bus home, do your homework at your local library, go to the park and go on walks, go to your friend’s house, to Starbucks and Barnes and Nobles, etc. When you can’t leave the house, go to your room and listen to music while you do things and so forth. 
If you want to come out to other people, it’s your choice! If you think coming out to more family might put you in danger with your parents, then make sure you come out to people you can trust to keep your identity on the down low. Coming out to friends can be really helpful when your family doesn’t support you. While you’re trying to minimize the amount of time you’re spending with your family, also try to maximize the contact you have with people who support you. Whether that’s IRL friends, online friends, fellow GSA members from the lgbt club at school, supportive extended-family members, etc, try to talk to people who accept you for who you are.
And- education, education, education. Send them links and resources!
What if someone is not supportive after I come out?
Help, someone wasn’t supportive/won’t call my by my name/pronouns
How to deal with parents that are not accepting
Some people may want to look at the abuse post as well
Problem solving packet
Parents who won’t use name/pronouns
Interpersonal relationships
Transgender Advice: Dealing with Unsupportive Parents
Ally Moms
Send them our ally resources page or our for parents page
A Letter to Parents Who Don’t Accept Their Gay and Transgender Children
Rejected by your parents? You are not alone. (Leelah Alcorn suicide mention)
How to help someone who forgets your pronouns
Dysphoria page
Mental health page
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itshay3s-blog · 7 years
My body looks like a "Sorry, we're closed" sign at the diner late at night. My body looks like the reaction you have when you see those people who look like their pets and it's lowkey weird because you don't look like your pet. My body looks like man the AC is just too damn cold in only my room and I don't know why! My body looks like it doesn't matter if there's a trans flag worn as a cape on my back or not, because people will still see a target. I already know how I'm gonna die. I guess you could say I'm suicidal because I'm so loud about being transgender sometimes my friends ask me for ear plugs. The other day my best friend told me to tone it down or I'm gonna get shot. And honestly, he's right. I'm probably gonna be another hashtag. I've been asked how I'm so proud to be trans, like people automatically see my body as a burden. To me, my body does not look like a burden, more of a difficulty. My body looks like suffocating in gym class because my binder is too tight or changing into four different shirts before school because some of them just don't sit right on my chest. My body looks like just fidgeting with my hair when it feels like I'm experiencing crippling dysphoria. Dysphoria looks like growing my nails out like my mother wanted and painting them red with blood because dysphoria looks like ripping off my own skin and painting it blue again my body looks like peeling pink paint with that blue underneath. My body looks like my friends begging me not to go to the Pulse Shooting Vigil because they're scared people see a target. My body looks like a target. My body looks like 1/12 trans people getting murdered. My body looks like yes, we experience police brutality too. My body looks like fuck the politics, I'll probably be dead by then. My body looks like it took my own mother three years to show me support. Three years to turn fists into an open palm, ready to take my hand. I love my mother and my mother loves me so I understand it will take some time for her to love my new body. It is scary when your body looks like an easy murder scene, but it's even scarier when it's your child's body, bloody on the pavement with caution tape blocking out that last "I love you." My body looks like Leelah Alcorn, my body looks like an example of hate crimes and violence. My body looks like Aydian Dowling, my body looks like representation of love and acceptance. My body looks like a mirror image of Marsha P Johnson sparking the queer revolution. So yes, I am proud to be trans. I am loud because god damnit who else is going to be if I'm not? If my body doesn't look like this, who's will?
Ryan Stalvey 
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placetobenation · 6 years
Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer.
This Week in Art: When a conceptual artist has a baby, sometimes you get bold new projects like 63 Objects Taken from my Son’s Mouth. The parents out there can testify as to how closely she catches their experience.
If you ever look at something you wrote and think it’s just not good enough, think about Jack Kennedy’s Harvard application essay. (Which actually is legit.) It really drives home how the ivy league was, to an even larger extent than it still is, just a place where rich folks sent their kids for a spell.
Even aside from Facebook’s alarming tendency to tolerate bigotry on its platform, its algorithms can be downright cruel.
India is sending people to space, much to the surprise of the Indian space agency. They’ll be fine though; I’m sure they’re very resourceful.
Serena Williams, possibly the greatest living athlete, has to put up with mountains of abuse, including the banning of the suit that was specifically designed to limit life-threatening blood clots.
(Warning: suicide, homophobia) RIP Jamel Myles, murdered by homophobic bullying. You know, I think about queer kids a lot — how we’re told It Gets Better, and while it really does in some important ways (AIDS is no longer an automatic death sentence, there are exponentially more ways to find communities and figure out one’s identity than there were when some of us were kids, there are tons of role models who show that it really is possible to be out and happy), the abuse and assault and murder keep on happening. We should still have Jamel Myles, and we should still have Leelah Alcorn, and we should still have all of the people who were told they shouldn’t be here. It does not have to be this way.
It’s time for the traditional Wednesday Walk Hard Pivot. This time, let’s do it with twerking sausages.
For geologists, licking rocks is often a useful diagnostic method. Sometimes, though, it’s very very important NOT to lick some rocks. Knowing the difference, I assume, is a requirement of any worthwhile degree program.
This Week in Commodification of Internet Culture: Dril wrote a book. What a world.
This Week in Generational Cluelessness: Procter & Gamble is trying to trademark “WTF” and “NBD” because they think TLAs are the way to market soap to young people. I can’t wait for the inevitable thinkpieces about how millennials are killing soap when we don’t fall for this.
Much has been made of Representative Duncan Hunter’s indictment on charges of misusing campaign funds for clothing, vacations, video games, &c. He has a great tried-and-true explanation, though: It’s all his wife’s fault.
This Week in Piracy: Soulseek has thus far maintained a user base that’s just the right size to maintain a healthy community without being so popular that the killjoys in the “intellectual property protection” scene get it in their crosshairs. Until Gizmodo started writing articles about it, at least. (Place to Be Nation doesn’t endorse piracy. Play nice. Only download open-source public-domain content.)
This Week in Moral Quandaries: Does it count as stealing when you take something back that was stolen from you in the first place? How about if you take something that was stolen from your home long before you came around? How about if it manifests not so much as a Robin Hood-style caper but more as a sport for monied elites, however much it ties into well-founded grievances? Anyway, Chinese artifacts have been disappearing from European museums. How or why is a total mystery. It’s totally incomprehensible.
This 14th-century French baby dragon is trying their best, and that’s got to count for something.
This Week in Good Girls: Who’s a good girl? Who’s a good girl?? Kirk jumping for joy while watching a recording of herself winning a competition is a good girl.
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demolitonlover · 6 years
9, 30, + 49!
fav dd song: gotta agree w my 2yr old son here.. kids from yesterday. we’re both still obsessed w that one. he goes out there and sings about the whole history of the band and who they were and what it made them and how it would all end and like... boy. thats.. boy.
fav ray quote or moment: when he dedicated that song to leelah alcorn... hes so fuckin full of love (got the song and his words about that here)
opinions on whether the mcr5 material will ever be released: I personally firmly believe none of the band members will ever want it to be released, but I also know what assholes warner are when it comes to ripping bandoms off (specifically mcr........) so.... it might happen, but if so, only bc of pressure from the label.
thank you!!!
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sakeprince · 9 years
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today is the anniversary of this beautiful angel’s death... we will always remember and love you Leelah . Fix society.. RIP LEELAH ALCORN
“her name was Leelah. Leelah Alcorn.”
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Hey so I'm afab nb and I've always experienced dysphoria but recently it's gotten like... Really Bad. Like I can't stand having boobs or hips, having long hair makes me want to rip it out, and being deadnamed and misgendered feels like a stab to the face. Any tips on combating this? I can't afford a binder or stuff to bind hips with and my parents won't let me get a haircut. Help me friends
Lee says:
I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so dysphoric lately! Hopefully some of the links below will help.
Being deadnamed and misgendered:
Spend time talking to friends who will use your name and pronouns! If you need to come out to them, info on coming out is here.
If you can’t be out IRL, you could try interacting with people on Tumblr who will gender you correctly!
Help, someone wasn’t supportive/won’t call my by my name/pronouns
How to deal with parents that are not accepting
Parents who won’t use name/pronouns
Reminding friends to use your pronouns
Transgender Advice: Dealing with Unsupportive Parents
Ally Moms
A Letter to Parents Who Don’t Accept Their Gay and Transgender Children
Rejected by your parents? You are not alone. (Leelah Alcorn suicide mention)
How to help someone who forgets your pronouns
Scientific evidence about gender/sexuality stuff
Reasons why they/them pronouns are okay to use
You could try tucking your hair up in your hat
If you think it would be safe for you to do so you could try cutting it without their permission 
Ren made some sweet info on binding with sports bras (x, x) and we also have a post about binding with camisoles.
Please do not try to make a DIY binder. Chances are, it will not be safe and you could hurt yourself.
Binding without a binder
Coping with dysphoria:
Our Dysphoria Tips Masterpost
Dysphoria when you have to sleep
Dysphoria when you have to go swimming
Dysphoria that prevents you from leaving the house/doing activities of daily living
Disablity-friendly dysphoria tips
A coping tip
Body neutrality
Dysphoria while at camp
Motivating yourself to socialize
Calming down when you can’t correct people who deadname you
Overcoming invalidation
Staying clean when you have dysphoria about showering
Shower dysphoria
WikiHow to cope with gender dysphoria
9 strategies for dealing with body dysphoria
How do I deal with dysphoria?
20 Small Things To Do When Gender Dysphoria Gets You Down
25 Things I Do To Make My Body Dysphoria Feel Smaller and Quieter
More on coping with dysphoria
Dealing with dysphoria
Transmasculine dysphoria
Dysphoria when you have to wear a dress
Dysphoria and periods
Masturbation with dysphoria
Fluctuating Dysphoria or Genderfluidity
Androgyny + dysphoria tips
Nonbinary resource page
Mental health exercises that could be applied to coping with dysphoria
Belly breathing
Awareness of unhealthy thinking styles
Distress tolerance skills
Distress tolerance activities
Panic list for distress tolerance
Improving distress
How to make a comfort box
Emotion regulation skills
Emotion regulation worksheet
Soothing grounding exercise
Physical grounding exercise
Mental grounding exercise
Grounding techniques
Problem goal framework
Mindfulness of your current emotion
Letting Go of Painful Emotions
Vicious cycle and alternatives
What will help?
Positive self-talk
Behavioral Activation
STOPP worksheet
Coping with dissociation
Handling dissociation
10 Tips on How to Work Through Feelings of Social Isolation
An interactive self-care guide
Telling your parents you struggle with mental illness
Suicide Hotlines and Crisis Resources
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