sleepylittleliar · 9 years
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It was all to set Ali up. Makes sense now…when Mona looked in the mirror and said “Game Over Alison, I win” we thought she was going to spill info to the liars…but nope…just setting Ali up for murder! I’m sure that’s where Leslie Stone came in. She was put up to being a witness. And I’m thinking Mona set up the liars as well. I can’t figure out her motives!
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Lots of people pointed out that in the episode where Mona "dies" the hooded person at the end at Emily's house has brown hair coming out of the hood, but I had a thought what if that was Mona? We know there's a chance shes still alive, and I noticed there where 2 A endings for that, one with the brown hair and the Mona doll in the nativity and the one with the liars in the snow globe. I know its crazy to think Mona would have a life sized doll of herself and would risk being see after faking her death but I noticed the brown hair and did think it could be a theory, I mean why would there be 2 A endings unless they weren't both the same person?
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missaria311 · 10 years
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That's a lot of usage of the PRESENT tense there, Andrew. Know something interesting?
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What we will be getting in the season finale xo
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brandishmandii · 10 years
I have a pll question
pllcrazyness Remember in the fatal finale before Mona died they were standing at her moms car and she was telling her that someone was gonna be wherever they were goin but Mona says that she talked to her and said she couldn't come? They said a name and I can't remember who but it wasn't Leslie was it? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
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charmed-the-reboot · 10 years
Mona's Murder
I was watching a theory earlier. And in the theory, the person stated that Mona's body was wrapped in a blanket and the picture of baby Jesus was nestled next to her. And then I thought about the crime scene and how violent and bloodied it looked. And I thought of Criminal Minds. If I were looking at this through the eyes of a profiler (keep in mind that I have no working knowledge of profiling) than the first thing that would stand out to me would be the difference between the gruesome and the caring way Mona's body was wrapped (which also causes me to believe that she's not the person in the barrel). The way Mona's body was wrapped in a blanket indicates that the person who disposed of her body cares about her on some level. But the heinous nature of the crime scene shows that the person who killed her didn't care about her at all. They didn't even feel anything about killing her. So two theories: One: Two people were involved in Mona's murder. Possibly a male and a female. The male, the dominant partner was the one that killed her. He's cold and violent and has no qualms about killing. The female, the submissive partner was the one who wrapped her body in a blanket. This person cared about Mona. And Mona possibly trusted them. Which explains what Mrs. Grunwald meant when she said betrayal. Two: Mona was killed by one person with multiple personality disorder. The host could possibly be the female. And the male is the violent personality. I don't exactly know how mpd works but I assume the violent personality took over did the killing. And then snapped back to the host who felt remorseful and wrapped in the blanket. I know this theory is a little out there and with all the Aria has multiple personality disorder theories, I'm probably just adding fire to the fuel. But anything is possible in Rosewood. So that's my theory. Stay tuned for more theories coming soon. Once again if you have any comments, concerns, or question or just wanna say hi, don't hesitate to hit that ask button.
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stephsabine · 10 years
I'm entertaining the thought that Mike killed Mona. Your thoughts?
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missaria311 · 10 years
Quick theory about Mike & Mona
This could be way off, but wouldn't it be a cool twist if Mona WAS planning to fake her death and Mike knew, and that's what they argued about the night before Thanksgiving. So she was collecting her blood and all of that in the previous few episodes. But then Mike talked her out of it and they made-up.
Then on Thanksgiving, she actually was killed, but Mike still thinks that she is alive and just changed her mind and ended up faking her death... which is part of why he wasn't so sad at first. Then he got really angry/sad not because she was dead, but b/c he thinks she lied to him about not faking her death and mad b/c she hasn't tried to contact him at all.
He could have been leaving the candy at a spot that had significance to them in hopes that he could get her to come out of hiding to meet him (but she doesn't ever show up there b/c she truly is dead).
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manna-vandermarin · 10 years
but all mona wanted was to become everyone's hero
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Grunwald says Mona's murder was a betrayal.
The lady in the storage unit saw a blonde bring stuff to that unit.
Hanna is A theories are looking pretty good right now!!! :o
Or what if Hanna has the twin?
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prettylittleliarsxxxx · 10 years
"There certainly is a trail that leads to remains. And that will happen in the winter season. "
Joseph Dougherty [re: Mona's body]
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bringbacksaddleclub · 10 years
it makes sense that Paige killed Mona, because Grunwald said that Mona was betrayed. If Alison really did kill Mona, it would not have been betrayal, you expect blows from your enemy. It was someone that Mona trusted that killed her. 
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apopcorningdead-blog · 10 years
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PLL parallel I hope means nothing:
Aria killed Shana then told Jenna "tell me about Shana" to comfort her.
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Someone killed Mona then Aria told Mike "tell me about Mona" to comfort him.
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manna-vandermarin · 10 years
i cannot deal with how alison wore a vibrant dress to a freaking funeral.
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