#risa star trek
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If everybody had an ocean... across the Milky Way...then everybody'd be surfin' like R-I-S-A...
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cornflakesdoesart · 2 months
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Beach episode but the anime kind so nothing really goes wrong and they actually get to relax and they just have some good summer fun!
my piece for @startrekswimsuitspecial 's latest edition!! it's full of fun summery pieces, I highly reccomend getting it!! ! It's free or pay what you want and the proceeds will go to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!!
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geekysteven · 2 years
People complaining about gay characters and swearing making new Star Trek less family friendly, like the old shows didn't constantly reference people going on vacation to Paradise Fuck Planet to get absolutely railed by strangers
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hooved · 1 year
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i just think they've fucked
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thethirdromana · 1 month
I like to think that Risa and the Risians were Like That centuries before it ever became a pleasure planet.
Risa used to be rain-soaked, covered in jungle and geologically unstable. Imagine that resources were spread out in such a way that trade was essential for survival. Imagine that travel was dangerous. Imagine that a trader might never be sure that the road home would still be there on their return.
It would take a lot of trust to live well on a planet like that. A trip that was supposed to be short could leave you stuck with your hosts for weeks or months while new bridges were built or roads cut through the jungle. You wouldn't risk the journey if you weren't sure of what awaited you at the far end. The most successful villages would be the ones known to be the best hosts: the most welcoming, the safest, the ones that threw the best parties.
By the time the dream of geoengineering the planet became a possibility, there might already have been an established tourist industry on Risa (lesser known, off the beaten path), because amidst the earthquakes, the volcanoes, and the incessant rain, was a culture dedicated to hospitality and hedonism. In the Risian mind, the two go hand in hand. If you have a visitor, it's time to offer Jamaharon.
But the transformation of Risa into the planet it became meant they could live these values on a grander scale that they ever imagined.
Risians could be as long-lived as Vulcans, and the oldest of them might still remember the planet as it used to be. Very few of them would regret the changes, but they'd tell you that the parties weren't as good as they were in the old days. After all, tourists could be such prudes. Risians knew how to live.
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azrael08 · 2 months
I have to imagine that Kirk and Spock’s wedding was the biggest thing to happen in the quadrant that entire year! Everyone and their mother heard about the wedding announcement between the great captain James T Kirk and his first officer S’chn T’gai Spock. It must have been live-streamed or whatever the Star Trek equivalent of that is, humanity cheered and watched on excitedly, all Vulcan children probably got the day off school, this was framed in both their histories as a collective “second first-contact moment”. A bajillion Starfleet officers, captains, and admirals must have been in attendance to watch the ceremony and stay for the afterparty. Bones and Uhura stood as Kirk and Spock’s best man respectively, Pike officiated and cried many happy dads tears. In fact, countless tears were shed by the original crew of the enterprise and almost everyone in attendance (Bones denied the allegations but Scotty’s got photo evidence). Chekov got stupidly drunk at the after party along with a tipsy Sulu, who also managed to snap a quick photo of Spock and Kirk looking incredibly flushed and happy.
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months
Fic title: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Risa
Fic title ask post here. Keep ‘em coming!
In this farcical fix-it for Enterprise episode Home Koss is as reluctant to bond with T’Pol as she is with him.
Striking a deal with Tucker, Koss promises to release T’Pol from their betrothal and use his family’s influence to secure T’Les’s future… provided the latter can help him catch the eye (and preferably the hand) of Kale, a beautiful Romulan defector who works in the city planning department of Shi’Kahr district.
A wild sehlat ride featuring a series of improbable events including an actual wild sehlat ride, bureaucratic machinations, mistaken identity, a musical number about resisting temptation performed by a cadre of Vulcan priestesses clad in diaphanous robes, Vulcans under the influence of chocolate, a priest who is not going home without performing a marriage ceremony, and a visit to a house of neuropressure and therapeutic massage.
Will anyone get a happy ending??
Archer: So you came back from Risa… but you spent two weeks on Vulcan first? What the hell happened, Trip?
Tucker: Uhhh, that’s a long story, Cap’n.
— Thank you for the ask! This was really fun 😁
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Which Outfit looks best on Julian?
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I’m curious what you think.
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divinemissem13 · 22 days
No Secrets on Risa
Star Trek Femslash Week 2024 Ship: Saffi Word Count: 873 Rating: T Prompt: When on Risa
"I thought we were here to relax," Raffi sighs, when she returns from a swim to find her girlfriend's head buried in a PADD that surely involves quantum mechanics or something equally exhausting.
"I am relaxing. This is me relaxing." Seven replies indignantly.
Raffi is gratified that she at least has the decency to look up from the PADD and admire Raffi in her gold bikini, so she rewards Seven by making a show of leaning over to pick up her towel and beginning to dry herself off.
"Oh yeah? What are you reading? Klingon romance novel? Captain Proton?"
Seven only hums.
"That's not a yes," Raffi points out. "Let me see!" Raffi grabs for the PADD but Seven's reflexes are too quick.
"Can't I have any secrets?" Seven asks, raising one metallic eyebrow while a teasing pout blooms on her lips.
Raffi tosses her towel aside and joins Seven in her chair, straddling the ex-Borg on her hands and knees as she leans forward to capture that pout between her own lips. She waits until that moment when she can feel the tension leaving Seven's body before she murmurs, "Nope!"
Raffi grabs for the PADD again and this time she is successful. With one more quick kiss, Raffi jumps back up and starts to thumb through the PADD with a self-satisfied grin. Sure enough, it's filled with scholarly articles and complicated texts. "This PADD could belong to a fourth year student at the Academy!" Raffi exclaims. "You aren't getting this back until we leave."
"Well then what am I supposed to do all day?" Seven demands, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting for real this time.
"Let's go swimming!" Raffi suggests, eying her girlfriend's ubiquitous leather jacket and long pants. "You did bring a suit didn't you?"
"Borg do not swim," Seven declares obstinately.
Raffi crosses her arms and glares back. "Bullshit."
"My cybernetic components are not waterproof," Seven insists.
"That would have been great intel to have a few decades back. We could have boarded the cubes with Super Soakers and been done with it," Raffi huffs as she settles back into her own chair.
"Super Soakers?"
Raffi sits up again and swings her whole body around to face Seven. "You're really going to tell me that will all the species that the Borg assimilated — all the technology — that they never figured out how to make their cybernetics waterproof? And you have no idea what a Super Soaker is?!" Raffi honestly isn't sure which thing is less believable. Borg know everything — can do everything — as Seven is usually the first to point out.
Now, Seven just shrugs. "In space, it was not a priority."
Raffi looks closely at Seven and it's only because she knows her as well as she does that she can spot the flicker of insecurity in her icy blue eyes. She scoots forward to the edge of her chair and puts her hand on Seven's leather-clad arm. "Babe? Do you… do you not know how to swim?" she asks cautiously.
Seven blushes. "The Borg assimilated that information from countless species. Of course I know how to swim."
"But you never have. Right?" Raffi asks gently.
"I have never seen the necessity, nor the point of the activity," Seven says unemotionally. Raffi imagines this is what she used to be like, back when she was first rescued. It's not a side of Seven that she sees often but when she does, it is always painful to watch.
"Hey, scoot over," Raffi says, and Seven obliges, allowing Raffi to wriggle into Seven's side. Raffi brushes the long blonde hair away from the Borg implants, exposing them to the hot sun (not that Borg are bothered by extreme temperatures, she thinks with an internal eye roll). "So you don't swim. You don't read mindless trash. You don't even wear casual clothes. Why did you let me drag you to Risa?" she asks softly, with genuine curiosity.
Seven rolls to her side so that they are facing each other, practically nose to nose on a pool chair that is really only wide enough for one. "You really don't know?" she asks with an amused look on her face. Raffi shakes her head slowly and without breaking eye contact. "You love it here," Seven says simply. "And I love you." She punctuates the last statement with a kiss to the tip of Raffi's nose.
Raffi blinks at her incredulously a few times and then she sighs. "You are the most infuriating woman I have ever known. And I love you too."
"Come on," Raffi says, abruptly standing and pulling Seven up by the hand.
"Where are we going?" Seven asks, watching with an amused smile as Raffi stuffs all of her things haphazardly into her bag.
"We're going to find you some more Risa-appropriate attire. Something with fewer layers… something that can get wet," Raffi replies with a smirk.
Seven furrows her brow, "I thought we just agreed I'm not going in the pool."
"Who said anything about the pool?" Raffi asks seductively. She laces her fingers through Seven's, running a thumb along the exoskeleton on the back of her hand, and leads her in the direction of their room.
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rsclopez · 6 months
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When a Romulan stalks, I mean woo’s you and you ask something from them, they go all out! Welp its 1700 somewhere in the galaxy.
@deepspacedukat @toebeans-mcgee @romulanspacecat @stormandsparks @spookysnooty @fentah @chrismarilein @vreenak @vulcankisseshuman @minymo1234 @zierzim @fuckyeahromulans
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mendelmakes · 7 months
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Tav got them matching outfits at Figaros Facemaker's
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lipstickonmylabcoat · 23 days
A poem for 2024 Star Trek Femslash Week hosted by @startrekfemslashweek Day 2. Prompt - When on Risa.
Weekend on Risa
Trek series - Deep Space Nine
Pairing - Kira Nerys x Kimara Cretak
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geekysteven · 9 months
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baubeautyandthegeek · 21 days
Risa Sunsets - Marie Batel/Una Chin-Riley
A/N: Day 2 Part 1 for @startrekfemslashweek
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They meet accidentally. Risa is a recommended holiday spot for anyone in Starfleet, but Una never really expected Marie to be the kind of person to take breaks from her work. She can’t help smiling at the sight of Marie’s small blush. Marie’s outfit is simple, a pale cream dress that barely covers her swimsuit, her brunette hair loose around her shoulders. She’s softer like this, gentle and clearly happy. Una smooths down her own dress, aware the purple fabric is more than a little see-through even as she lets Marie look her over, her voice soft. “When on Risa….” “Do as Risa natives do?” Marie finishes the sentence with a smile, her hand extending into the space between them. “Truce?” Una scoffs, then shakes her hand before pulling her closer, letting her lips press to Batel’s. “Truce…. If you promise to watch the sunset with me?” “Mmm, deal.” Later, a day later, Una stirs to Marie curled into her side, half-asleep and clearly relaxed. “I thought you hated me?” “I… go by the book… mostly. I didn’t, I don’t, hate you…. I wished we could meet in a different way…” “Now we have…” Una murmurs, letting her fingers skim over Batel’s back and smiling at the soft inhale. “Start over, here?” “Oh yes, please.”
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ffcrazy15 · 2 years
Lower Decks Theory: Boimler lived on Risa for a while
I think Boimler enlisted when the Dominion War broke out and was assigned to Risa at some sort of desk job. It would explain why he and Mariner seem to be about the same age but she has way more practical experience; while she was on the frontlines on Deep Space 9 (presumably as a senior cadet either who was either mobilized or volunteered, since we see in the 2009 movie that cadets can be sent into active-duty during out breaks of war) he would have been doing paperwork at the Galaxy’s R&R hotspot, and then afterwards gone through the Academy to get officer status.
That would make him about three years younger than Mariner and their timelines would line up perfectly: they would both spend two years in active service during the war (2373-2375), and then he would go back to the Academy for another four years for officer training (’75-’79) and then two more years as an ensign on the Cerritos (’79-’81), while she would spend the same time serving on “five different starships” (’75-’81) before getting sent to the Cerritos.
It would also explain why he apparently prefers “jamaharon” (a Risa-specific sex practice mentioned by the Anabaj who tries to seduce him in Episode 2), knows what a horga'hn is when Riker and Troi are talking about it on the Titan, and is able to at least passably fake his way through Ransom’s Hawai’ian-themed party but only uses “generic island stuff” as conversation topics, since presumably Risa and Hawai’i have similar geographies but different cultures.
(It also makes the fact that he’s allergic to sand even funnier.)
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