#rl otp: positively darlin'
priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
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happy birthday to the incomparable @bisexualalienblast ♥️
Since it’s now officially her birthday in her own timezone, I can finally post this. To a woman who is too incredible for words — happy birthday, my sweet sweet Amanda babe!
I hope you have the very best day ahead of you. I hope your demon children behave, I hope you are surrounded by love and kindness from all sides, I hope you are reminded with each breath how important you are to the people in your life.
I know I speak for countless others when I say that you have touched so many of our lives. I’ve only known you a short time and you are already one of the very most important people in my life. Getting to share experiences with you in so many of our fandoms is a highlight for me, from our cosmic messes to the reason we’re co-deans of clown college that I spam you with endless spoilers about every Monday night. (Speaking of – I had a different gif made for the top one on this set before Monday but you know how our boys are ;D)
I love you beyond words. My heart is overflowing with it every single day. Thank you for giving me the courage to make goodvibes, it’s been my favorite place to curate for this fandom. I would never have been able to start it without your encouragement to get over my fear and be the positivity that I want to see. You’re truly, truly special and one-of-a-kind, and I hope you feel every bit of that today and always.
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
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As many of you are already saying goodbye to 2019 and welcoming in 2020, it’s time for Nikki’s annual love fest, aka: my end of year follow forever.
This year marks a full decade that I’ve been on tumblr (November 2019 was my ten year anniversary!). This year was a rollercoaster, but it brought so many new people into my life that I am SO happy to be bringing with me into the new year. Thank you to everyone who has made my experience on this site something worth sticking around for ♥️
Now, just a little bit of love for some of my favorite people on this site (and on this earth)...
@kekela717 ♥️ The Sana to my Noora, the Cristina to my Meredith, the Maria to my Liz — there is no better complement in the world than you. Thank you for being my forever reminder that fandom is the family you create with it, and for always making it easier to love myself because I know how easy it is for you. I love you in every universe our souls have met.
@soundoftherain ♥️ I always call you my better half and that never feels like an understatement. You are the most incredible person I have ever known, truly my soulmate in every sense of the word. I love you with every atom in my body and I cannot wait to give you the world’s biggest hug in February. We’ll get to celebrate bringing in a new year together in person soon, I promise x
sweet Chasing
@chasingshhadows ♥️ I cannot hardly wrap my mind around the fact that I only “met” you a few short months ago. Never before have I been so happy to make a subtly shippy gifset that brought you into my life. Thank you for being a bright spot in my life always, from your comforting messages to the pictures of your kitties, to just knowing you’ll always get it whenever I need to talk about something. You’re something special, to me and in this world. I love you so much.
Amanda darlin’
@bisexualalienblast ♥️ My life feels emptier when you’re not around; there’s a big giant Amanda-shaped hole in my heart. But then I remember you’re out there, being your beautiful self for all the world to see, and everything feels right again. Thank you for always being kind to me and giving me a place to belong. Without you, @goodvibesinroswell would never have happened. You gave me the courage and I’ll be forever grateful. Love you, cupcake.
Lucie angel
@lsobelevans​ ♥️ mon ange, how I adore you. Your talent is only surpassed by your giant heart, I hope you know. Talking to you always makes me feel the warmest, fuzziest feelings. You’re like a warm cup of hot cocoa in human form, just full cosy vibes 24/7. I always feel better after talking to you, I hope I can give you back even a fraction of that.
@driftcombatible ♥️ I miss you always. I hope that 2020 is your best year yet and you achieve everything you put your mind to. You’ll forever be one of those people that I met and changed my life, I hope you know that. I know you hate feelings and getting sappy, so just know this — thank you for putting up with me when you didn’t have to. It didn’t go unnoticed.
@bethxchilds ♥️ You might not see this but I couldn’t leave one of my most important people off this list, just in case you happen to log into tumblr at some point in 2020. I love you and you are capable of more than you know. Please know that you’re always on my mind and I adore you more than I can ever say.
@universallongings ♥️ This year marks an entire decade that my life has been blessed by you and I cannot imagine my world without you. I hope I never have to, and the universe lets me keep you for as long as possible. I love you, Katiebug. I know you’re a queen and a warrior, who will conquer 2020 :)
@some-mad-lunge ♥️ my birdie, I love you so much. You are so unbelievably kind, the world needs more people like you. You fight the bad feelings the same way I do, by trying to overwhelm them with love and positive feelings. It’s admirable and I hope you never lose that. May 2020 be as kind to you as you are to the world.
Christi dear
@christchex ♥️ I’m so incredibly grateful that I met you this year. I know we’re newer friends but I hope to get to know you even more next year and learn even more things about you that I just know I will love. I’ll never be over the fic you wrote me this month, I genuinely must reread it a few times every week. It’s absolutely perfect, you captured everything that makes me happy - - the same way that talking to you does.
@kylesliz ♥️ my baby girl, may we never part ways no matter how many fandoms with unlikable faves we encounter. I’m so glad the universe let me keep you after you stumbled into my life so many years ago. You’re my sunshine girl, forever and ever. Thank you for being the brightest babe in my galaxy x
@laurenkmyers​ ♥️ guhhh, I just love you a lot, okay? Every single time we talk is my favorite time. Every time I glance at the clock and it’s 21:21, it feels like the universe is giving me a little reminder that you are out there being your wonderful self and it makes my heart smile. Always remember: du er ikke alene.
@malicat ♥️ Thank you for being a constant in my life all these years. I never tell you enough how much I appreciate knowing that if no one else in my life is watching a given show, at least you probably are (at least half the time, haha). Your warmth and kindness you’ve given me over the years is something I hope to keep forever, ilu xo
@acomebackstory ♥️ I know that you don’t always feel like you have a place, but I hope you know that you will always have a place with me. I hope 2020 is kind to you, and that you find peace where you can. These good vibes are for you :)
@dingletragedy ♥️ Soph! Your little messages to me throughout the year have put a giant smile on my face every single time. Seeing all you’ve accomplished in 2019 has only made me more excited for what adventures you’ll go on this coming year. Thank you for always brightening my life with your sunshine.
new pals in 2019, can’t wait to get to know better in 2020
aka: you’ve been saved from my love fest for now, watch out next year ;)
@itslizortecho @jumbled-nonsense @lesbiennesdangereuses @manesguerin @ohstarlings @soberqueerinthewild
darlings that I will love in every universe
aka: y’all bitches love skam as much as me, buckle up for skamfr!
@beejohnlocked @capseycartwright @littlelooneyluna
forever babes (even tho I mostly lurk in the fandom now)
aka: robron is still in my heart but not as much as you darlings
@aarobron @benthighway @callumsmitchells @kayceecruz @maxbowdens @robertisbisexual @rcbertsugden @rollynchs @thisissirius @wycombewanderer
angels who have been in my life & my heart for years
aka: the mutuals who never unfollowed even tho we’ve fandom hopped
@joshdundun @oscarrbait @pretendtofly @ravenclawwit @watchp0int
Happy New Years, everyone. I love you all ♥️
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
y’all need to get yourself a friend who you can send infinite messages to, screaming about tv shows and how your otp is so dumb but you can’t have @bisexualalienblast because she’s mine
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
I love you my darling! Have a perfect day 💝
Love you baaaack.  I honestly could talk forever and never run out of things to say about how much I love you.  I cannot believe we’ve only known each other a few months, I feel like I can’t remember my life before you got here.  Your warm, kind, generous presence has just expanded my entire life and heart, I feel like I can do and be more just because you’re part of my life now.  Thank you for being one of the very best people I’ve gotten the pleasure of knowing 💕💕💕
let me love you for my birthday
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Random Saturday love for one of my favorite people on this planet. Love you much!
guhhhh I love you to the stars and back, babe ♥️ hope the sun is smiling on you today (and always) xox
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
1, 10, 27 😘
Handwrite your name.
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Handwrite my favorite TV shows. (I ran out of room…)
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Handwrite something that reminds me of you.
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let me handwrite things for you
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
💗 😘😘
oh, Amanda. My sweet, sweet Amanda. There are a million compliments I could give you — you are talented beyond belief. Your gifs, in all your fandoms, are so pretty. Trust me when I say that EVERYONE is so excited when you’re making gifs for us, whether it be Emmerdale or RNM or whatever show catches your fancy.
You are an unending fountain of creativity. Your gorgeous gifs aside, you spearhead so many insanely creative projects, from starting RNM week to your new podcast that we are all so excited for. You always give us something to look forward to.
You are my partner in positivity. You value focusing on the things that make you happy the same way that I do, and my fandom experience (and the fandom experience of everyone who interacts with you) is made all the better for it. I would never have had the courage to start my positivity blog without you, so thank you.
Lastly, you are just a truly generous and kind friend. There’s a reason that so many people flock to you as a person to talk to. You are warm and welcoming to every single person who sends you an ask/message/request. Talking to you always makes my entire day better, whether I am sending you silly Malex forever home items or getting way too deep and mushy. You just make my day, my life, my soul, everything better. We are all so very grateful for you, Amanda. Very, very thankful to call you a friend and I’m glad we’ve made a forever friend pact because you are never getting rid of me now ;)
send me a 💗 and I’ll give you a compliment
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
just sending all the love in the world to @bisexualalienblast for putting up with me spamming her every day with my dream household items for Michael and Alex’s future home. She’s the real mvp 💖
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Dropping in to say you’re fabulous??? And your tags always make me laugh. “That’s true love bitch” is beautifully Robron. And I still think about your “floof your curls” tag for Guerin. Long story short I adore you
hey giiiirl, i want you to know this ask made my very awful work day a million percent better 💖💖💖
my tags are 600% just nonsense for me but i appreciate so very much when other people enjoy them too. my tag for Robert (#chara: put the bi in bitch) is one of the reasons i first found friends in the ED fandom tbh. (hey Mal, ilu!)
I JUST WANNA FLOOF HIS CURLS, AMANDA. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK. no one else is goddamn doing it on the show!!! (the biggest crime on the whole show tbh — MAX, ARREST THEM ALL.)
long story short: i adore you back :)
ps. thanks for tagging me in that blog rec post btw! and hello to all my new followers, pls feel free to come scream in my DMs or inbox about anything we have in common tbh. i really love having feelings about things i love lol.
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