#robby keene x sister reader
cobrakaisb · 2 years
Imagine a Robby Keene x sister reader (and Miguel) taking care of the reader, that's has just had her first heart break (the person she was dating cheated)
y/p/n = your partner's name
"hey are you doing anything tonight?" robby asked, as the two of you stood around the kitchen table. "um i don't think so why?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at his question. "no reason. but tory and i are going on a date with miguel and sam if you and y/p/n want to come too," he said casually.
your breath hitched in your throat as tears welled up in your eyes. you tried to blink them away, biting down hard on your bottom lip to prevent you from letting out the sob building in your throat. you recently broke up with your partner, or well ex-partner now, since you caught them cheating on you. it wasn't pretty, and the break up was anything but mutally, but you weren't going to stay with someone who broke your trust. the breakup was still pretty recent, and basically an open wound.
"i think we're good," you managed to choke out before leaving the table and heading into your room. robby watched your retreating figure. he noticed you swiping at your eyes and the way your shoulders shook, but he wasn't very good at comforting people, that was your job, so he did the only logical thing, called miguel.
"and she just walked out?" miguel asked, trying to get the full story from robby. the two were stationed in the living room, trying to come up with a possible reason for your "crying" (because they didn't really know if you were crying, it was just an assumption). "yeah. right after i mentioned the triple date," robby explained. miguel nodded, eyebrows furrowed as he thought about a possible explantion for your behavior. as far as he knew, you and your partner were happy, but maybe that changed? "let's just go talk to her," miguel suggested, and robby agreeed.
when they apporached your bedroom door, with all intentions of knocking, they momentarily froze. inside they could hear the quiet, muffled sobs, proving the crying theory. immediately they were on high alert, they hated to see you cry. "y/n? can we come in? it's robby and miguel," miguel said, gently knocking on the door. they heard a gasp, and the sound of scrambling feet as the door opened.
"hey guys! what's up?" you asked, trying to seem cheery and casual, but your bloodshot eyes and tearstreaked cheeks gave it away. "everything okay? we know you've been crying," robby blurted out, and miguel hit his shoulder, giving him a look. "i," you started, but stopped when a new wave of tears came over you. "no. y/p/n and i broke up," you said, wiping at the tears streaming down your face. miguel and robby frowned at your words, miguel immediately pulling you into a tight hug. "i'm so sorry," he mumbled. "yeah y/n/n, that really sucks," robby added, rubbing your back in what he hoped was a soothing motion.
"getting cheated on really sucks. i just don't understand. was i not good enough?" you sobbed. miguel and robby stiffened at your words. "no. you're perfect. they're the problem not you, okay? you're amazing and anybody would be lucky to have you," miguel assured, pulling back just enough so that you could see the sincerity in his eyes. "yeah. they're an asshole for doing that," robby agreed, fist clenched by his side. you nodded, sniffling as you wiped at your eyes and running nose. "please y/n, don't feel like you aren't good enough because you are. you're kind and funny," miguel started and then robby continued, "and so smart. you're also the best friend and sister anyone could ask for." "so the real problem is y/p/n, not you," miguel finsihed.
you were overwhelmed by emotions. they were both so sweet and the best brothers you could have asked for. "thanks guys," you mumbled, pulling them both into a tight group hug. robby and miguel smiled. they knew you weren't going to forget everything overnight, but with time you'd heal. and if robby, miguel, and hawk paid y/p/n a little visit, then you didn't need to know.
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skyfallslayer · 2 months
SkyFallSlayer's || Cobra Kai || Masterlist
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🔥 = Smut 🧸= Fluff 💔= Angst (The Holy Trinity of Fanfics) ⭐= Hiatus
Note: If two or more characters are marked for the same fic, then the emojis used to indicate above my vary depending on their part in the story. If they're the love interest to the reader in their section, but the other person isn't, then their emojis might be different.
-Main Masterlist Index-
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•Robby Keene
|| Series
A Beautiful Crime - Coming Soon (x Sister!OFC) 🧸💔
Summary: Series of stories following Laura “Lara” Keene, the daughter of Johnny and twin sister to Robby. She may not be the best martial artist, but she sure has the knack of helping anyone in need… or putting someone in their place.
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-More will be added as time moves on/If you like to get updates, taglist is open-
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st-ev-ie · 1 year
As I’m doing chemistry homework and watching Karen videos on YouTube I get the sudden idea…. What about a blurb where reader is a chemistry student in college studying at a coffee shop (hardcore studying because finals are coming up and stressed enough as it is) when a random stranger starts antagonizing them? Hard angst with Harry coming in to save her hello ?? SOMEONE WRITE THIS PLEASE 🙏
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gemini-sensei · 7 months
Can you do something with Keene!Reader who is Robby's twin sister. She's really cute and shy but in a giggly way if that makes sense? Robby always has her in the background away from him or anyone for that matter so not a lot of people even know they are related. She's pretty strong but doesn't like to fight unless she has to. She more so just likes to keep quiet and watch but if her twin is in trouble she's all over who ever is messing with him.
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Robby Keene x Twin-Sister!Keene!Reader
This isn't exactly what you asked for but it's something and I like the way it turned out, so I hope you do to. I would love to do more of this quiet and shy but secretly strong Keene!Reader CW: slight fighting, canon lever fighting, slight hint of Hawk x Reader, mostly sibling/familial relationships, Kenny as a brother figure.
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It all started at the All Valley when their dad decided to put Cobra Kai into the competition. Reader warned her brother that fighting against them was a bad idea but he didn't care, assuring her that he knew what he was doing despite not having a dojo to back him up. He was fighting solo, all alone, no one to coach him through it. He thought a couple of months of karate training at Daniel LaRusso's house was sufficient enough to do the trick. She wasn't so sure. Nevertheless, she was there to support him and cheer him on, quietly at least.
The rowdy crowd wasn't really her scene, but she suffered through the loud noise, yelling and violence to support him. That's was siblings did after all, and at the end of the day, Reader and Robby only had each other.
She wished she could say her brother won despite the odds stacked against him, especially after that idiot with the mohawk dislocated his shoulder, but he didn't. Their dad got what he wanted and Robby walked away with his head down. Things went up and down from there.
Now Reader found herself at a crossroads. She wanted to support her brother like always, but he had joined Cobra Kai after a messy fight and some manipulation from John Kreese, someone their dad Johnny swore was dead at one point. To top it off, he was living at the dojo while Reader was forced to stay with Johnny while their mom was at rehab. She wanted to support Robby, she really did, but she couldn't. She knew it was best for him to get out of Cobra Kai, but he wouldn't listen to her.
So she did what she did best, stuck her nose in a book and tried to ignore the outside world.
That didn't stop Johnny from coming around and knocking on her door. He wanted her to join the dojo he and Daniel were trying to manage together, but it was a hot mess that she wasn't going to touch. However, to get him to shut the fuck up from time to time, she let him teach her karate in the living room. They pushed the furniture out of the way so he could teach her a lesson or two, never holding back.
It was one of those afternoons she could have been spending reading, but instead found herself getting frustrated with her dad. She wasn't giving it her all yet, she was tired and bored, but he kept pushing her. Then he said the magic words.
"Hey, how about this: if you can knock me down, I'll take ya to the bookstore," he said.
She looked at him. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, now come on, give it your all."
So she put everything into sparring with him and withing two minutes, knocked him off of his feet and jabbed his chest like he'd shown her to do. It took his breath away and he winced, but that pain passed quickly as he realized what had just happened. He jumped up and yelled, "Hell yeah! That's how it's done!"
She walked past him. "I'm going to take a shower, then you'll take me to the bookstore."
"Shit, right," he said, realizing the hole he'd dug for himself.
It wasn't long after that when Robby invited her to the drive-in. He wanted to spend time with her and thought an outing with his Cobra friends was the perfect opportunity for that. She agreed but only because it was her twin. She took her new book with her though.
"Aye yo, Keene!" Kyler had yelled as they approached the group. "Who's the hottie?"
"None of your business, Park," he seethed, quick to that protective brotherly anger her harbored. Mixed with his predominate anger and he was close to punching his own teammate in the face just for calling his sister a 'hottie'. "Leave her alone, man. If I hear you so much as talk to her, I'll-"
"Robby!" Reader called him down. "Chill out..."
"I knew I shouldn't have brought you here."
"Well, it's too late for that now. I'm here, deal with it."
The other Cobras weren't as intimidating as Reader had originally thought. They weren't all bad like her dad had made them out to be, and why should she think that when he had been one of them once upon a time? The newest and sweetest of the group, Kenny, was kind and made her laugh. She was quick to think of him as a little brother. Whenever she laughed, she dropped her head and tried to keep quiet, hiding away from everyone.
When the movie started, she tried to get into it, but it really wasn't her thing. She didn't regret bringing her book, even if Kyler teased her when she pulled it out. She became a little flustered at this and decided to go get a drink to get away from him, especially when his teasing turned into weird flirting that she didn't know how to respond to.
As she was getting her drink, she noticed Kenny carrying a ton of food and drinks back to the Cobras and she wanted to help him. She turned her back to get her drink from the vendor and turned back only to see the mohawked Hawk appeared and that all the snacks were on the ground. Hawk laughed at him, which sparked that buried away anger inside of Reader.
She charged over there and shoved Hawk away from Kenny. "Get away from him!"
"Whoa! Calm down!" Hawk laughed, amused by her sudden appearance. "We were just having a little fun."
She gestured to the ground at the mess of food. "Yeah, this looks like a lot of fun. Why don't you just go back to your friends and leave him alone?"
"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but this kid is nothing but trouble so long as he's in Cobra Kai," Hawk told her.
"Funny coming from a guy that was one of them not that long ago," she told him, then turned to Kenny and put her arm around him. He'd hidden behind her and taken quick shelter from Hawk. "Let's get out of here."
"Hey, I'm not done talking to you," Hawk said, reaching for her arm. When he grabbed it, she elbowed him in the gut and flipped him over her shoulder. He hit the ground with a hard thud and stared up at her wide eyes, somewhere between his bewilderment and anger. "Whoa..."
She stepped over him without another word and looked to Kenny. "Come on, let's go get those snacks again. I'll help you carry them this time."
When she and Kenny returned to the group, Robby approached to check on her. "Hey, what was all that about?"
She shrugged. "Just Hawk being an ass like always."
"You handled that well," he said proudly. "Where'd you learn to fight like that."
She hummed, knowing he wouldn't like the answer. She knocked her shoulder into his, smiled, and told him, "From watching my brother of course."
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elimoskowitzs-wife · 2 months
Moskito bite eli moskowitz x fem!reader (keene sister)
Warnings-mentions of hickeys, kissing, swearing, think that's it
You and eli have been secretly dating for 2 months you was only keeping it a secret because of your twin brother robby is so overprotective of you
The 2 people who know that your dating is your best friend Sam and your step brother Miguel knows
You eli(hawk) robby Sam and Miguel go to the water park and you all change into your swimsuit your blue bikini hawk picked out and hawks wearing his blue swim shorts to match with you
You all walked out the changing room robby Miguel and Sam are walking ahead of you and hawk and hawk drags you on a waterslide
You both get in a floatie together and go down the slide you squel going down the slide because it's so high and your afraid of hights hawk was absolutely pissing himself at you
'I'm going down backwards no no no hawkkkkkkk' you scream
'your such a baby it's just a slide' hawk laughs at you
When you both slide in the water your both giggling you look around to check robby isn't there and kiss
An hour later you walk back to the sun loungers and robby notices a red mark on your neck he looks at it again and asks 'what's that on your neck yn!' robby asks knowing what it is
'must've been a moskito bite' you put your hand on your neck
Sam laughs at how embarrassed your face is hawk walks around the corner with 5 drinks putting them down and sitting on the edge of your sun lounger
'there's the moskito' Sam bursts out laughing
'what the fuck' robby sighs
You hide your face giggling you thought robby would over react but he didn't care you played with eli's soggy hair with him giggling at you
Robby didn't care you hanging out with hawk when your dad was out as long as your door was open
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night-daily · 1 year
I definitely won | Robby Keene x f!reader Diaz
Summary: Roby flirts with you just to make Miguel angry but it's all fake or it's something more?
warnings: spoilers from cobra kai season 1!, dislocated shoulder.
a/n: english isn't my first language :]
You are Miguel's cousin and you have been living with him and his family since you were a baby, so he treated you as his little sister even though you were the same age as him. And hell, he was so overprotective with you so it wasn't a surprise for his friends and to everyone that you were off limits.
But everything got worse when he started learning karate with the one and only, Johnny Lawrence, which was Robby's father, and of course, there was bad blood between him and Miguel.
So just to mess up with Miguel, he flirts with you and you did it back because you didn't like it when Miguel treat you like a little girl who can't make her own decisions. But there was a problem, even if you know the flirting it's all fake, your heart doesn't, and recently you have been feeling something when Robby smiles at you or even looks your way for a second.
''Hey princess'' You hear his voice before you see him with his skateboard in hand walking closer to the bench at the park you have been sitting the past half hour.
You roll your eyes at his greeting. ''You know Miguel isn't here, right?''
''You were waiting for me, baby?'' He ignores your question and sent you a cocky smile.
''Oh, buddy, you are the one who ran into me, aren't YOU waiting for me?''
''I wasn't but now that I see you, it's not that bad'' He sits beside you, so close that you can feel the heat of his body. ''But seriously, what are you doing here alone? It's late'' For a second you thought you heard concern in his voice but it was Robby, that wasn't possible.
''Well... Miguel was supposed to pick me up to go home together but he hasn't shown up and I have trying to call him and i got nothing so...'' You said with your hands crossed over your lap, your fingers touching each other, you did it this when you were nervous, and Robby knows it.
''I can walk you home'' you narrow your eyes at him, it has to be a catch, he's being nice. ''O-Only if you want to, of course'' he says nervously, waiting for your answer but you just nod your head and you get up from your seat, he sighs with relief before following you from behind.
The two of you start walking side by side, your hands touching a little in every step but none of you says anything. Little moments like this with Robby make you think that maybe it could be something more between you, that you aren't to only one feeling it. But even if he could feel something for you, he would do something about it? After all, you're cousin from one of his rivals.
''Do you feel something?'' You ask suddenly taking him off guard, he tilts his head to you confused, ''I mean, for Sam'' you avoid his eyes but you still can feel his gaze on you. You didn't even know why did you ask that, but Robby could hear the jealousy in your voice.
A smirk crosses his face ''Yes'' he says watching how your shoulders tense and you started walking faster, almost running. Your heart hurts as your feelings, and you just want to go home and cry, you shouldn't have asked if you weren't ready for the answer, now you have to endure the rest of the way. Lucky for you, you were a few steps off the entrance at the apartment complex before you could step in, Robby grabs your wrist turning you to face him.
''I do feel something for Sam'' he whispers to you. Why he was saying it again? You heard it very clearly the first time, he was just torturing you now. Before you could yell at him he continues talking, ''but as a friend, nothing more, I have my eyes on someone else'' And he mean it literally his gaze in your eyes was so intense, your breath hitches in your throat and you are unable to speak. ''I just want to make it clear'' He let go of your wrist and you hum in agreement, you feel your cheeks blushing.
''Good night Robby, see you tomorrow at the karate tournament'' before you could regret yourself, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and you run to your apartment.
Robby stands there for a moment, he couldn't believe the girl he likes just kiss him, he can feel the butterflies in his stomach and he swears he would do anything to keep feeling this way.
''Good night, yn'' he mumbles to himself and starts walking to his house.
The next day it's the All-Valley Karate Tournament in which Miguel and Robby are competitors, you are so excited, you want to see both of them, you know how hard they have been training for this moment. As soon as you arrived, the host it's introducing everyone, but Robby has no dojo to represent, that took you by surprise, what happened? Did his sensei drop him off? That couldn't be, right? His eyes stop at yours and he gives you a little smile at the view of your frown brows in your face to reassure that he is okay, you sigh and smile back at him. All this exchange doesn't go unnoticed by Miguel who only gets mad.
The time passes and now is the semi-finals. Robby is paired with Hawk. You look very carefully at the match in front of you, they are so good even if you don't understand the rules of the karate very well, but you do understand when Hawk uses an illegal kick and dislocate Robby's shoulder. You start running to Robby's side while Hawk is disqualified as he should. The worry is all over your face as you get close to him.
''Can you walk?'' you ask him concerned. ''I hurt my shoulder, not my legs, princess'' he tries to smile through the pain. ''Not funny'' you say seriously, ''lean on me'' he does it and you walked him backstage, you could feel the gaze of everyone on your backs, but right now you didn't care anymore.
''I'm going to look for a doctor, wait here'' ''Don't go, please y/n'' he pleaded to you. You feel bad to see him in this state ''You need help, Robby, I won't be long, i promise'' you assure him squeezing his hand.
When you were about to leave, Daniel, Robby's sensei, step into the backstage room with a doctor by his side ''You should listen to your girlfriend, you need help with that shoulder'' the two of you blush at the word girlfriend but none of you correct him either.
The doctor walks to Robby's side ''Take a deep breath'' you still hold Robby's hand and his grip is thigh. ''Everything will be okay'' you whisper but you don't know if you are telling yourself or his. ''At the count of three, ready?'' Robby nods and he's biting the inside of his cheek ''1...2'' and the three never comes but the doctor grabs his shoulder to pop it back into place. ''fuck'' Robby raises his voice. You almost pass out just watching him suffer.
Daniel comes closer and begins talking to Robby about his behavior and how he had changed, you decided to give them some time alone. Finally, after a few minutes, they get out together, smiles on their faces and now you know everything it's fine. Robby advances to the finals and his rival it's Miguel, you weren't surprised but something about this match makes you feel nervous. You were standing beside Daniel and other competitors watching them fight, Miguel was angry that was very clear and he was showing it in every move. ''This is for no staying away from my cousin'' Miguel attacks viciously Robby's injured shoulder
Unfortunately, Robby ends up losing the match but at least he didn't fight dirty like your cousin and you were happy about that.
You rush towards Robby, ignoring Miguel's open arms. You hug Robby in your arms, and he tries not to groan in pain but he fails ''Sorry'' you mumble breaking the hug, ''And I'm sorry my cousin is an asshole and you didn't win''
''Are you kidding me? Of course I won'' he wrap his arms around your waist and you threw your arms behind his neck. Your foreheads touching, ''kiss me then'' you whisper ''your wish is my command, princess'' he grins and finally kisses you on the lips, and you couldn't be more happy.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being Robby Keene’s sister
Robby Keene x sister!reader
warnings: it’s tagged #long post, so don’t give me shit about the keep reading button. for the millionth time, it doesn’t work on my posts. also alcohol lmao
a/n: hi anon, i’ll do the basics of this request (being robby x sister!reader), but please read my rules more carefully. i dont take random dialogue prompts and i don’t care for “angst with some fluff” in requests
prompt: anonymous: “okay so can i please request a robby keene x sister!reader (head canon) with the prompt of “you could have died what were you thinking?” angst but fluff in the end!!”
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not getting along with robby very well…ever
which led to you living with your dad and him living with your mom
but still keeping in contact…usually
like meeting up for lunch to argue
“i just don’t see how you can live with her when all she does is get messed up and bring strangers home” -you
“like dad’s any better. drinks beer all day and pisses in the hallway, real nice” -robby
“does mom even have a job?” -you
“why do we always do this?” -robby
“it was your idea to hang out” -you
skating together
and talking about your daily lives
which included his shitty friends
“they sound like creeps to me. how old are they?” -you
“none of your business” -robby
him convincing you to visit with your mom, but he would NEVER visit johnny. never.
“hi…mom” -you
“oh, hi, sweetie! it’s so good to see you! have you finally decided to come live with us?” -shannon
“nice try, robby just wanted me to stop by” -you
robby’s “friends” trey and cruz coming over to meet you and just being the worst about it
“damn, look at her. forget your mom, i’m going after your sister” -trey
“back off, man. she’s not interested in you, trust me” -robby
“i can stick up for myself, robby” -you
although you pretty much never got along, i guess you still cared about each other
in your own special way
robby: I left a bag of In n Out at your door since I figure dad doesn’t have anything in his fridge
y/n: well, you’re right about that. thanks.
every once in a while you’d suggest he lived with you guys
“i mean, dad still has your room open. it’s a little messy, but we’d clean it if you ever decided to come over” -you
“i’m fine where i am. plus, mom’s house doesn’t have a lot of rules” -robby
“oh, yes, it must be so great wasting your time doing drugs and ripping people off instead of getting an education. go mom.” -you
telling your dad about how your mom is running her house and your dad beginning to want robby with him and you
“it doesn’t surprise me, your mom was never the ‘authority’ type” -johnny
“i’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that” -you
joining cobra kai when your dad started it up and asking robby to join
which didn’t work out very well since he joined miyagi-do, run by your dad’s arch nemesis. couldn’t be a coincidence
and then your brother tried to convince you to join him instead
“you must be pretty dumb if you think i’d betray dad for you” -you
your dad always grilled you about robby and how he was doing
you got in a few arguments with robby during all of this and up until the tournament
and the thought of fighting him at the tournament was scary as all hell
“miguel?” -you
“yeah?” -miguel
“if it’s alright with you, i’m gonna throw our fight” -you
“yeah? don’t think you can handle me?” -miguel
“not exactly” -you, making eye contact with your brother across the room
running to the guys locker room when he gets injured
“ma’am you can’t be in here” -paramedic
“yes, i can. robby, are you okay?” -you
“sorry, who is this?” -daniel
“y/n lawrence, his sister” -you
“yeah, i’m fine. thanks. just messed my shoulder up a little” -robby
“real nice teammates you have” -daniel
“back off, man, i’m just making sure my brother’s okay. are you gonna be able to fight?” -you
“yeah, i think so. and i’ll give diaz hell for you. even though i could tell you threw that fight” -robby
“did not” -you
“you could have easily won that fight, i was watching” -robby
“yeah, yeah, whatever. good luck out there” -you
daniel was…surprised by you to say the least
“seems like she cares about you” -daniel
“more or less” -robby
silently cheering him on, despite the fact he was up against your dojo
“how was he?” -johnny
“he’s alright, his shoulder’s just a little messed up…said he knew i threw the match with miguel, though” -you
“haha, you got found out. you should have just gone for it, you could have gone up against your brother” -johnny
“that’s exactly why i let myself get eliminated” -you
giving robby a hug after he lost
“you did pretty good, robby. maybe next year” -you
“thanks, uh, we’re gonna go” -robby
“right, okay. take it easy. love you” -you “and bye mr. larusso” -you, bowing
robby and you didn’t talk for a little while and you were a little sad about, but you wanted to give him space
and after a while, you found out that he was living with daniel larusso
and your mom was missing
a lot of troubling information
“robby, why didn’t you call us? we would have let you stay with us in a heartbeat” -you
“yeah right, you haven’t texted or called me in over a month” -robby
“dude, i was trying to give you some space, i thought you were pissed off at me” -you
completely forgetting about that and going on a rant about your mom and how irresponsible she was and how you hated the way she treated her kids and her addictions and everything else
just letting it go that robby lives with daniel because you were glad he was getting on the right track in life
“just…dude. call me or something when you have a problem. i know we don’t always get along, but i don’t want you to think i wouldn’t give a shit if you were living alone without power. at least call me if you hear from mom. i don’t like that it’s been this long without hearing from her” -you
“alright, fine. i can live with that” -robby
by this point, none of the dojo knew you and robby were siblings
but you got in a few spats with him after hearing that cobra kai attacked miyagi-do
“what were you guys thinking?! stop going after them for no reason! you’re just making things worse!” -you
“they trashed us on yelp! we had to do something!” -hawk
“are you even hearing yourself? do you know how stupid you sound?” -you
it caused a bigger rift between you and robby
and when they found out that robby was your brother, they were pissed off at you and johnny
“so you threw that match at the all-valley because you didn’t want to go against your brother?” -miguel
“yeah, and what about it?” -you
“that’s not very ‘cobra kai’ of you” -hawk
robby refusing to return your messages until your mom resurfaced
y/n: can i please come over? no cobra kai, just me for a family thing
robby: Mr. LaRusso says it’s okay, here’s the address
you showed up pretty quick
and after talking to your mom about her plan for rehab, you felt pretty good about everything
“you okay?” -you
“i mean, not great, but i’m glad she’s gonna try to get better” -robby
“are, uh, you and larusso’s daughter dating?” -you
“shhhut up. shut up. stop talking. don’t let him hear you” -robby
“oh, my god, robby. that’s a horrible idea! you’re dating her behind his back?!” -you, whisper screaming
“so, that’s robby’s sister? she doesn’t seem so bad” -amanda
“no, she doesn’t. she’s not like the other cobra kais. and she really cares about robby. apparently, she hates shannon, though” -daniel
“i mean, she has every right. look how she left robby. addict or not, there’s no excuse” -amanda
she seemed to think you were okay
eventually you left and didn’t hear much of anything from robby until the party. which was…a rough night
you hung out with him for a little while, apologized for the past few months, you cried a little, decided to go socialize with others
light drinking, nothing as bad as sam larusso, though
which went very downhill when the cops came
“y/n, is there any way we can stay with you and dad tonight? sam can’t go home like this, she just can’t” -robby
“i, uh—yeah, okay. come on, let’s go” -you “you can take my room, or your old one. she can borrow my old pajamas, too, just let me call dad”
you explained it all to johnny
“he asked you if he could come over?” -johnny
“yeah, so be cool about it” -you
“wait, were you drinking too?” -johnny
“a few beers, it was a party, after all. it’s not like i don’t sneak your beers” -you
“i knew that was you! i thought i was going crazy” -johnny
you knew it’d be a bad idea, though, and you were proved right when you hear someone banging on your front door
you, robby, and sam all looked terrified
and in a crazy, inevitable turn of events, robby finally lived with you and your dad
which didn’t last long after a fight broke out at school and robby completely disappeared an hour later
it took some time, but robby was found and arrested, which broke your heart enough for you to go visit your mom in rehab
“you know, i’m really proud of you for keeping yourself on the right path all these years. i’m just sorry i wasn’t there for you” -shannon
“thanks, mom. i’m glad you’re doing better” -you
“have you been able to visit robby yet?” -shannon
“no, they wouldn’t let me without a parent and since dad’s on parole, i’m screwed. but i’m gonna call him” -you
“sorry i can’t be of more help, i just couldn’t go somewhere like that right now” -shannon
“no, it’s okay. i understand” -you
obviously by now you’d been phased out of cobra kai
and an enemy of kreese
“keene, you have a phonecall” -juvie officer
“hello?” -robby
“hey, it’s y/n. i’m really sorry that i can’t visit, i tried, they just won’t let me in without a parent” -you
“why can’t mom or dad take you?” -robby
“dad’s on parole and mom can’t leave rehab without the risk of relapse. i hope it’s okay i’m calling” -you
“no, it’s fine. i’m glad you did” -robby
“how are you? i’m sure it sucks in there, but are you at least safe?” -you
“i’ve gotten into a few fights, but i can hold my own. is, uh, how’s miguel? is dad mad at me?” -robby
“miguel…it’s complicated. but i don’t think dad’s mad at you. he’s worried more than anything. and disappointed that he lost you so soon after you moved in” -you
sam contacting you against her father’s wishes to ask about robby
you ended up having a mini breakdown about him tbh
and all the cobra kai bullshit you were no longer participating in, but once things settled, you and your dad had the honor of founding (not your choice of name) eagle fang
and when robby got out, you were sort of shunned? just because you still associated with daniel and johnny. which really sucked for you after all the effort you made to let him know you were there for him.
it was a shock when you found out he was holed up in cobra kai, you even had to fight it out with him while johnny and kreese did the same
“after all this bullshit, you’re gonna choose cobra kai? is this just to get back at dad?” -you
“he’s never there for me! he’s always there for you! and miguel! what about me?!” -robby
“so you’re gonna let dad get in the way of our relationship? you keep trying to push me away and for what?! your daddy issues?!” -you
parting ways with robby and starting anew with danny and johnny’s combined dojos, but you almost didn’t want to. it’d be easier to just give up
but you kept on working for this tournament, it was the best way to go about it
until you heard there were separate brackets for the boys and girls, meaning you couldn’t fight your brother this time
but it might have been for the better
you were dying not being able to talk to robby, he dodged all your messages and calls. you even went to your mom’s apartment and he wouldn’t come see you
but by the tournament, you were full of rage from this family feud.
the only reason you didn’t go all the way to the finals was because you went up against sam, who needed to finish things with tory
“it’s okay. i threw my fight last year, i can do it again. you need this” -you
“thanks, y/n. for everything” -sam
cheering her on and being there for her when she lost
“it’s so weird noticing the similarities in you and robby” -sam
“yeah, we’re both assholes, for sure” -you
“both pretty funny, too” -sam
leaving with your dad to go home and noticing the old dojo is gone
and finding robby—er, robby finding you when you got there
and watching him seem to make up with your dad
“y/n, get in here” -johnny, with both him AND robby extending their arms to you
group hug :)
let’s hope everything turns out okay after this. please.
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @lxncelot // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @an4aaa // @dindjarinsspouse // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @sapphireplums // @petersgroupie //
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
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Robby Keene x Larusso female reader.
Requested by: @gpiggy98
Plot: After not seeing, Robby for a long time. Just a few bumps in public and you leaving before he could really talk to you, he catches you at the drive in movie theater. You embarrassed yourself in more ways then one and it caused you to run off.
I would like to apologize because this is really bad but it all I could come up with.
Warnings: Embarrassment, bad writing.
Length: Short.
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It’s been a long time since you’ve really hung out with Robby Keene. No matter how many times your father or mother, hell even your sister has told you to stay away from him but you just couldn’t.
You sent him things when he was in juvie, after he got out you two texted. When you would see him out somewhere you would get so flustered to even talk to him. You usually walked away and made up a excuse to leave.
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Sitting on the back of the cargo bed of your truck, alone watching a movie at the drive in theater. You had nothing to do tonight and your friends were all busy and canceled on you.
“Hit him” You raised your voice at the screen with pop corn in your mouth flying out. You went to grab another handful but you just felt the end of the empty container.
“Son of a bitch” You groaned to yourself and decided to go get more. You pulled your blanket off of yourself and jumped down from your truck.
You walked to the snack stand and payed for more. The employee went to refill your container and then came back with it full. You said your thanks and walked away from the line.
You only got a few feet away before someone called your name. “Y/n?” You recognized that voice anywhere, it was Robby.
You felt your stomach turn and nerves built up. You turned around and saw him walking over to you, he looked more handsome then ever. A beautiful smile planted on his face and his hair moved slightly, and those muscles-
“Robby, it’s so good to see you” You cursed at yourself from the way your voice sounded, could he tell you where nervous? He only smirked at you and put a hand through his hair.
“I’m glad I got to see you, I’ve been hoping we could hang out sometime.” Your face started to heat up and you started to nervous laugh.
“Crazy, I was just thinking that. We for sure have to some time” he could tell the sound of your voice, plus your body movements that seem to be fidgety.
“You alright? You seem weirder then normal” Your heart broke at the moment. He thinks your weird? That was your sign to get out before you make even more of a fool out yourself.
“Haha, that’s me. A weirdo. I’m go, see you around” Before he could warn you about turning around you already did. When you turned around you took one step and then crashed into someone and their food fell out of their arms and onto you.
“What the fuck man” The guy you crashed into cursed at you and you teared up a bit from being to embarrassed. You looked back at Robby and he could see the tears in your eyes. But you ran off before he could question you.
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You locked yourself in the bathroom as soon as you got to it. You let out a sob when you looked at yourself in the mirror, covered in ketchup and nacho cheese. “Just my luck” And you did it all in front of Him.
You took some paper towels and ran them in water, then you scrubbed your shirt hard in attempt to get the stains out. You heard a knock on the door and you let out a frustrated groan. “There are more bath rooms” You heard a laugh from the other side.
“It’s just Robby, can I come in” What did he want, can the world just give you a break? You went to the door and opened it slightly. “I’m very busy at the moment” Robby only smiled and gave you a eyebrow raise.
“Got a small business in there?” You could only smile at that, then he held up a shirt and you let go of the door. “I figured you could use it” Robby walked into the bath room and over to the sinks, you followed.
“I’m so embarrassed” you put you hands on the sink, Robby only gave you a pity look. “It’s okay it happens, I mean the guy you bumped into might not think so” you groaned oven louder.
“Can I have the shirt?” You put out a hand and he gave it too you. “It was all I had” You opened it up and it had a cobra Kai logo on it. You blushes realizing it was his, he gave you his shirt.
“Thank you, Robby” A slit moment of eye contact made you look away and clear your throat. “Why do you keep doing that” His question made you tilt your head.
“What?” You avoided his eyes and he found a different meaning of it. “You couldn’t look at me, or you keep trying to get away from me. You text me but as soon as you see me in public you turn away. Are you embarrassed of being seen with me” Your heart dropped at the fact he thought it was his fault.
“What? Of course not” you covered your face and shook it. “I’m so stupid, I just get so flustered around you.” It mentally started to beat yourself. Robby felt a pin in his heart when you said that.
He pulled your hands away and replaced it with his and took ahold of your chin, turning your head up to him. “Flustered? Why” He was smirking on the inside and out. He did look hot when he was confident, but you wanted to smack that smug look off his face.
“Because I am in love with you. I have been since we met, you’ve only ever seen me as a friend. You could never see me like I see you” You went to turn around. Were you were going you didn’t know but it was better to be somewhere out there then here.
But as you went to walk away your arm was pulled and a hand on your waist turned you around. You let out a gasp when lips were on yours. He was kissing you, the boy you’ve been in love with was kissing you.
You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around him and kissed him back. Robby pulled you closer and pushed you back, your back hit the wall softly and Robby’s body pushes against yours.
You felt Robby get a bit rougher with his kiss and hands started to grip onto your hips. Your hands explored his hair as he did the same with your body. He pulled away from your lips and went down to your neck and started to leave kisses.
A soft moan left your lips as you said his name, he smirked and continued to search for the spot you would like the most. You felt his hands move up your shirt and to the skin of you hips. You were going to take it off the shirt anyway.
Before you could prepare yourself the door was pulled open. “Holy shit” The voice of a girl said and you knew who it was. You both pulled away from each other and blushed from being caught.
“Lock the door next time, idiots. Robby don’t hurt the only larusso I actually like” She closer to door and went away as you both started at the place she used to be for a minute.
It only took a minute before both of you burst out laughing at the whole situation. Maybe this wasn’t the worst day ever, Robby made it better.
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miyagifangkai · 3 years
You Owe Me
Tagged: @3steff
Request: could you please do a story where the reader is hawk's little sister and is also in a relationship w/ Robby? I think it'd be interesting to see them fighting behind the reader's back (cause if she sees them, She gets mad at both of them).
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: !!!cursing!!!, uhm..I think that’s it?? Also not completely proofread!!!
Characters Involved: Eli/Hawk, Y/N, Robby Keene
Couple Pairing: Robby Keene x Reader
A/N: Hey! I’m so sorry this took a while! I hope you enjoy reading this and thank you so much for the request! 💕💕💕 I really enjoyed writing this one! 🥰 again, I hope you enjoy! ❤️
You and Robby have been together practically the moment you two met. You two had an instant connection with one another.
How did you two meet? Surprisingly, it was when you and your brother, Hawk, had gotten into a fight that lasted about a week. You and him had your quarrels with each other but this time it was serious. This fight was over how rude he was being to his friends when he was going through the whole “badass” phase. He started being a bully towards everyone around him, including you, and you couldn’t handle anymore from him. You had decided to tell him off in front of his friends at school which severely bruised his ego. He has been giving you the silent treatment ever since.
Usually, your arguments lasted about one or two days and then you two were like the bestest of friends again. You and Hawk were close siblings a lot of the time sharing secrets, or helping text crushes, or supporting one another when going through a hard time. You had always protected him when the kids at school were giving him shit about his lip; always being fearless and standing up for him.
That same week a new boy started school, his name was Robby Keene. You being the overachiever that you are, you showed him around school. He was very shy at first; barely speaking a word to you. But you just powered through knowing that the first day of school is hard for everyone.
“This is the library. You can come in here for some peace and quiet or to study,” you say excitedly.
“Okay, sounds– cool,” he barely mustered out.
“Yeah, totally! So what brings you here?” You ask.
“Oh, uh–”
“Oh, I don’t mean to pressure. You don’t have to tell me,” you say awkwardly.
“No! No pressure. Just, it’s a long story,” Robby shrugs his shoulders.
You definitely thought Robby was cute so you decided to make a move because why not, “Well, I have time. Why don’t you message me later if you have any questions?”
Robby smiles, “Oh, okay, sure.”
You give Robby your number and he gives you his and you continue the tour of the school. During the tour you ask Robby out.
“Hey, would you like to hang out later today? If not, that’s totally cool!”
Robby nods his head excitedly, “Sure! Sounds fun.”
You almost do your happy dance but refuse to do so due to your dignity.
That same day you see Hawk catch a glance of you and Robby hanging out at lunch. Robby didn’t necessarily have any friends yet so he kind of latched onto you for the rest of the day. You had caught Hawk staring at you guys and you gave him an angry look. Your eyes narrowed at him and his at you. He nodded his head at Robby silently asking you who he was and you gave him the finger clearly making Hawk mad. You saw him slam his hands down on the table and stand up. You silently curse yourself for the actions you chose to do.
Hawk approaches you and Robby and you look up at him, “What do you want, Eli?”
He leans down and puts both of his hands down on the table, “You know I don’t like to be called that.”
“You think I give a shit?” You smirk.
Hawk sighs, deciding to let it go, “Who’s this?”
You answer, “Robby. Robby Keene. He’s new. First day.”
Hawk says sarcastically, “Well, welcome.”
Robby stands up and says, “Yeah, thanks,” and he walks away. Robby had thought that fleeing away from the situation would help deescalate.
“Great job, Eli! You ran him off,” you slow clap.
“Why do you care? You two dating or some shit?”
You stand up and put your backpack on, “Maybe so.”
Hawk scoffs, “Shit. That’s a lie.”
“No it isn’t! In fact, we are going out tonight as we speak!” You poke your brother’s chest in victory.
“No way, really?” Eli sounded like he was kind of excited for you.
You automatically forget about the argument you two were having before, “Yeah, actually! I’m excited. Even though I dunno what to wear.”
Eli’s voice softens, “Don’t be stupid! I’d go with the purple top you love and your favorite jeans. Total no brainer.”
“Dude, are you actually supporting one of my soon to be boyfriends?”
“Gross, no. But I do like seeing you happy,” your brother gives you a small smile, “Can we be friends, well sibling friends, again? This whole ‘I hate you’ thing was fun for like two days. I miss you, you piece of shit.” Eli chuckles.
You walk over to your brother and give him a quick hug, “Yes. Sibling friends again! By the way I’m ignoring the fact that you called me a nasty nickname, shithead,” you smile.
Hawk gets excited and steps back and you two do your secret handshake.
“So, you need my help this evening? Help you get ready for your date?”
You smile, “Uh, duh dude!”
You finish up the school day and head on home with Hawk.
You immediately start searching through your closet with Eli laying down on your bed like he always did. Eli helped you pick out the outfit which ended up being the jeans and the purple top that he had recommended earlier. You really wanted to impress Robby.
“So where are you two lovebirds going?” Hawk asks.
“I think to the diner and to the arcade, I guess!” You shrug your shoulders.
After you get ready you meet Robby at the diner. He had already gotten you two a table and you felt the butterflies when you saw him.
“Hey, Robby!” You say almost a bit too excitedly.
“Y/N! Hey, oh wow, you look great!” Robby stands up and he extends his arms out for a hug but slowly drops them feeling like a hug was moving too fast and you catch his sense of awkwardness and the redness on his face.
“Hey, it’s fine! I don’t mind hugs,” you try to break the tension from you two.
You and Robby had the best time together; laughing, telling each other about your backstories, and talking about anything that came to mind. You and him were a match made in Heaven and you both instantaneously knew it.
After that evening you and Robby were officially in a relationship and you couldn’t wait to tell Hawk about it. You arrived home that night and not even ten minutes later Hawk walks into your room and you jump back, “Hey! What if I could have been naked?”
“Oh my God, please, don’t make me puke!”
“Shut up, asshole!” You laugh.
Eli starts making fake gagging sounds at you and you lightly push him, chuckling.
You slap Eli on the shoulder, “Excuse you!” you cross your arms and narrow your eyes at him, “And you just have soooo many girls swarming you, huh?”
“Screw off, Y/N! I’m gonna have to tell your boyfriend that he’s dating a bitch,” Eli says to you in a mocking tone. You both laugh at his response. You and him spend the rest of the night talking about your date with Robby.
Next on the agenda was getting Robby and Hawk formally acquainted with each other. You weren’t really sure how it was gonna go down but you had hoped that they got along pretty well. Their first meeting was at school with you introducing them to each other.
“Eli, meet Robby. Robby, meet Eli,” you say excitedly.
Hawk extends his hand out and says, “You can call me Hawk,” you roll your eyes at his statement.
Robby shakes his hand and says, “Robby.”
They give each other a slight stare down and you notice this, “Okay, stop comparing dick sizes already.”
Hawk says, “You two are official?”
Robby looks at you for confirmation and you say, “I’d like to think so.”
Robby smiles at you and says, “Yeah, me too.”
You see Hawk narrowing his eyes at Robby and he says, “Treat her right. Or you’re dead.”
Robby looks back at Hawk and says in a deadpan tone, “Nice line. I’m super scared now.”
They both take a step closer to each other and you step in between them saying, “Okay boys. That’s enough of that. Let’s get to class.”
You three disperse and head to class. You knew your brother would be an ass about this but not that badly. Hopefully, things will calm down between them with time.
Things did calm down between the boys. Robby started coming over the house more and the two even started hanging out together as well. They started bonding over karate and video games; you would join them in playing video games and trying to learn karate moves but all you wanted was for them to get along with each other.
You were happy that things were going well for you and Robby and Eli seemed to be happy as well. But sometimes you didn’t get to see what was going on behind the scenes. The boys were faking a lot their friendship for you.
One time when you got up to go to the kitchen you had caught them whisper yelling at each other about something but you decided to let it go when they dropped as soon as you walked in. You had caught them doing the same bickering with each other a few more times but you had chalked it up to them just being boys. But the last straw was when you caught them actually fighting over their karate dojo’s.
“Your moves fucking suck, dude. I can’t believe my sister is with a loser like you.”
“Oh, shit. You really got me there man. Nice one, I mean truly.”
“Fuck you, Keene. I’m done with your shit.”
Robby rolls his eyes, “Apparently not. You keep annoying the hell out of me.”
Both of the boys get into position and Hawk takes the first swing with Robby dodging. Robby is about to retaliate until you walk outside with a couple of drinks and see things start to unfold.
You quickly walk to them and yell, “What the hell is going on?”
Both of the boys quickly get quiet and look at you with Robby saying, “It’s nothing.”
“That wasn’t nothing!”
Hawk responds, “Sis, seriously. Drop it.”
“Drop it? Are you serious? Why don’t you two drop it, huh? I have caught you both multiple times arguing about the same shit. Why the fuck does it matter?”
Both of the boys just stand there silently.
“Oh, nothing to say now? You two apparently had a lot to say to each other before? What’s so different now?”
“Listen, we’re sorry. Won’t happen again,” Robby apologizes.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I was being an asshole,” Hawk quietly says.
“You being an asshole? Never,” Robby lays his hand on his chest and you see Hawk clench his fists.
You interrupt the boys and say, “That’s enough. I mean, seriously. Why didn’t you tell me you two didn’t like each other? I wouldn’t have let you two stay around each other for so long.”
“Well, we just–” Robby starts.
“We didn’t want to hurt you,” Hawk finishes.
You start to soften up, “Hey, that’s one thing you have in common.”
You see Robby give you a small smile, “Forgive us?”
You lean back a little, “Hmm, I don’t know yet. You two owe me.”
“Owe you? For what?” Hawk asks.
“For lying to me. On multiple occasions!”
You see both Hawk and Robby roll their eyes at you.
“Alright, what do you want from us?” Robby chuckles.
You stand there debating on the boys' demises. You stood there smirking for a little bit and letting them sweat it for a little while. You already knew that you were gonna make Hawk do all your chores for a week but you weren’t so sure for Robby.
Until you got an idea and that's when you get their attention again, “I’ve got it! I know exactly what I want you guys to do and you two are so not gonna like the plans that I have for you both. Eli, get ready to do double the chores for the week and Robby you are so gonna buy me dinner every night for a week!”
You hear them both groan at you but man, didn’t you love always winning.
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ares-athena · 3 years
This is part one
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-I'm sorry. I know a lot of you wanted granddaughter but I have no inspiration for it. I know what I want to do but I can't write it.
Warnings ⚠️: angst and fluff, Miguel being an asshole
Summary: the the thropes rendezvous last night Miguel has been on his sister's ass about robby and tory and now has this friends join in causing problems with Tory and robby
Tory and Robby noticed your mood drop from yesterday. "What happened love?" Tory had asked around lunch. You and tory had stayed in robby's clothes all day and robby was makung you all food. "What do you mean." You had asked. Hoping that she and robby hadnt noticed the text fron Miguel. Now all day he had jumped to conclusions and this time he was right. He was texting and calling you. It had gotten to the point where Miguel had told Sam, Demetri, and Hawk. Now they were all blowing up your phone. Without realizing you had left your phone in the kitchen with robby.
"Ever since last night you've been quite." Tory had said. "I'm sorry, darling. There's just a lot on my mind." You had told her. "You wanna talk?" "No im ok." Robby kept hearing buzzing and your ring tone. He say that your brother kept calling you. Robby didn't want to invade your privacy but he was concerned. Then he saw Sam call. When he was about to bring it to you it went out. And someone else started calling. Hawk. Now he went from confused to angry.
"Why the fuck is Hawk calling you?" Robby had walked into the living room fuming. Your phone started ringing again. Now it's Sam calling again. "Why is LaRusso calling you?" Tory asked looking at your phone. You tried to get your phone back but robby being taller than you kept it out of reach. "Why are they calling you?" Robby had asked clearly getting more upset. "Give me my phone and I'll tell them to fuck off." You said still jumping to get your phone. "I dont care they're calling you, why are they calling you?" He said. Tory was growing more and more frustrated Samatha had once taken Miguel and didn't want to lose you too. She loves you and so does robby. They couldn't lose you.
Now you were all upset at eachother. You were all sitting on the couch in robby's living room. Your phone was none stop ringing and vibrating for texts. None of you were talking. You all had been at this for 3 hours now. Just sitting here next to eachother. Funny enough robby did finish cooking for you and tory and so you had eaten. It was 5 p.m. now and you were tired. You had been dozing off for an hour now refusing to sleep. "Were not going to bed angry at eachother." Robby had said when you started falling asleep. It was still silent in the room. Now your phone was ringing again. It was miguel calling you. You being over this you answered and put it on speaker. "I'm so over all of you calling me. Fuck off." You told him. "Why cause your fucking Keene and Tory. Really. You know what stay there and don't come home." He said before hanging up.
"There. Happy"
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cobrakaisb · 2 years
Could u do a Robby Keene x sister reader where the reader is 14 and comes home drunk for the first time and is throwing up and basically a happy drunk and Robby takes care of her when she is drunk and during the hangover
um yes! i'm obsessed with brother robby.
*breif spoilers for season five ahead*
"miguel! have you seen my sister?" robby asked his newly accquired friend. miguel shook his head no. "are you looking for her?" he asked, eyes scanning over the crowd to find you. while you and robby were actually siblingd, miguel also felt some form of protection over you, especially now that your families would be combining.
suddenly, your liud laughter echoed through the party. robby and miguel's eyes zoned in on you. you were talking to a guy, someone older than you, and laughing as he held your arm. both their jaws clenched as they looked at each other, silent agreement washing over them.
they apporached the duo, robby pulling you into his arms. "hey robby!" you shouted, smiling widely at your big brother. "what are you doing here? have you tried this punch drink? it takes like kool aid," you rambled, shaking your cup. "mhm, i've tried it, but i think you've had plenty. how about we go inside and watch a movie?" robby asked softly. your eyes lit up at his suggestion.
"oh yeah that sounds good. we should invite miguel too! it could be like family movie night," you shouted excitedly, completely oblivious to the fact that he was standing right next to you. "whatever you want y/n/n," robby promised, leading you up to the apartment door. miguel following closely behind you. the two might have been enemies at one point, but one thing was certain, they would always take care of you.
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skyfallslayer · 2 years
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Welcome to my official Masterlist for my account. Since I decided to start branching out to more fandoms beside Marvel, I thought I should organized my work a little better. Down below are links to each fandoms own masterlists. I am currently not taking any requests right now as I focus on finishing up some of the stories I've written so far. Any who, Enjoy!
Key Factors: 🔥 = Smut 🧸= Fluff 💔= Angst (Mostly what my fics surround)
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Mostly just me loving on Bucky and Matt. This Masterlist consist of romantic and platonic love between reader-insert and Original Characters; And some times, What if ? Fics.
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Stranger Things -
Starts off with an original character au and spins out into "what if?" moments.
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A Quiet Place -
Starts off with Reader getting trapped in New York.
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Cobra Kai -
Coming soon: A rewrite of the show with Johnny Lawrence Daughter/ Robby Keene Twin!OFC.
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John Wick -
Coming soon: Starts off with an original character au with Wick's daughter.
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s1ater · 2 years
I made a request for Robby Keene x sister reader idk if you saw it
yes, i saw it lol.
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gemini-sensei · 5 months
Can you do a Robby Keene x Keene!reader, if you can do a little sister where he found out that she's bullied at school by Kyler so he takes matter into his hands.
Robby Keene and Chubby!Keene!Reader Headcanons
A/N: I read this as Keene!Reader is not Johnny's kid, so that's how I wrote this. And the school fight doesn't happen in this.
CW: bullying related to weight, body image, and attraction. (unedited)
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Robby is extremely protective of his younger sister. Reader is only a year younger than him but that doesn't make him any less protective of her even if she can take care of herself more times than not.
She's not Johnny's kid so Robby does everything in his power to keep him away from her. He doesn't want him to try any of his half-assed attempts to be a dad with her because she doesn't deserve that in his opinion. She doesn't need a dad as far as he's concerned, though if someone were to ask Reader about it, her answer might be different.
She's sweet and keeps out of trouble more often than not. She doesn't like confrontation and prefers to keep the peace. When she meets Moon, they are BFFs almost immediately.
Robby takes care of Reader before himself. He makes sure she has everything she needs to go to school and is fed. He wishes he could do more for her.
When the Keene siblings get transferred to West Valley High thanks to Mr. LaRusso, they're in different grades so they don't have any classes together. They get to have lunch together though, which she's happy about. She sits with him and his friends and becomes fast friends with Moon.
However, when Kyler and his friends start bothering Reader, she acts like nothing is wrong when she's with her friends and especially with her brother. She doesn't want him to get involved because she knows he'll go all protective big brother on them.
She thinks ignoring them will make them eventually get bored but that doesn't happen. If anything, Kyler sees her as a target that won't fight back, so he's even more inspired to pick on her. Reader continues to hide the bullying from Robby and their friends despite the continued harassment.
It gets bad one day when Kyler makes fun of her for being bigger. She never had a problem with being fat before but the relentless bullying has her thinking differently. When Kyler pinches her fatty arms and tells her no one will ever like her because she's not thin and skinny.
This happens right before lunch and she ends up skipping it, hiding in the bathroom and crying. Hiding all of those emotions is like a dam and the water just keeps building up and eventually causes cracks in the foundation. Now the dam has burst.
Robby and her friends notice her absence. Lunch is Reader's favorite time of the school day because she gets to see all her friends. Moon tries calling her but Reader just sends all the calls to voice-mail and ignores all the texts they send. It's sends everyone on a hunt find her.
Moon and Sam finally find her the bathroom when they hear her crying. Moon is super gentle when talking to her, super supportive when Reader says she doesn't want to talk about it. Sam cares but she can tell Reader is crying for a reason and won't stand for it.
"Reader, what's wrong?" Moon asks. She's standing on the other side of the stall where Reader is hiding.
Reader snivels and wipes her eyes, trying to stop crying. "Nothing."
"Okay," Moon says softly. "You don't have to tell us."
Sam frowns. "Did something happen?"
"Maybe," Reader admits.
"Do you want a hug?" Moon asks.
Reader comes out of the stall with a nod, teary eyed and tear tracks down her soft round cheeks. Once she's out and in Moon's arms, Reader's tears start anew and she tells her and Sam everything. About Kyler. About the nasty things he says. About how he pinches and pokes at her fat arms and belly and thighs.
With this information, Sam slips away to find Robby, Demetri, and Yasmine. She informs them of what Kyler and his goons have been up to and Robby doesn't take kindly to hearing his sister's been getting bullied.
He goes to find Kyler and tell him off. With the teachings of Mr. LaRusso still in tact, he doesn't want to resolve this with fists. Oh boy how he's wrong.
Robby confronts Kyler and tells him to leave his sister alone. But Kyler laughs and tells him to fuck off, that he'll do whatever he wants; "Someone had to tell her the truth, man."
Robby is angry and tells him to shut up. "Leave her alone. That's my final warning."
Kyler is an idiot and doesn't have a sense of danger, so he pushes Robby over the edge. "Or else? You're gonna beat me up? Man, you're sister's a fat wuss. What's that make you?"
Robby doesn't even care that Kyler's trying to bully him. He sees red after he calls Reader a name and he throws the fist punch. Damn near breaks his fucking nose.
The fight itself is short. I mean, Kyler doesn't stand a chance against Robby on a nice day. But now he's pissed Robby off and he's not playing games. He has Kyler on the floor and his friends try to jump in to help, but Sam ans Demetri don't let him even come close to touching Robby. And the Cobras (Hawk and Tory) wanna jump in so badly but see that this is personal and decide its not worth suspension.
Robby gets suspended for a week but it's worth it in his mind. He tells the counselor that Kyler should have just kept his mouth shut and he wouldn't have lost a tooth. The school staff don't know how to respond to that but tell him to take the week to think about how he's going to conduct himself when he returns to school.
Johnny picks up Robby from school and is proud. He doesn't care why the fight broken out but he's proud that Robby won. Robby does t care. He just wants to make sure Reader is okay.
(Side note, in this alternative time-line, despite not being his kid, Reader lives with Johnny because he couldn't keep one kid and turn the other one away, especially since Shannon is in rehab. I can explore this more if people want it.)
Reader is just tucked into the backseat with puffy eyes, too tired to even talk about what just happened. She doesn't want to condone thr violence but she's thankful her brother stood up for her. She's also happy that Kyler won't be a problem anymore. He's be a complete moron if he tried to bother her anymore.
At home, she hugs Robby and tells him thank you before retiring to her room, too emotionally tired to deal with anything else.
He's proud of himself either way. Mr. LaRusso might not agree with how he handled that situation but that's okay. He did what he had to do. Because no one messes with his sister.
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miyagihawk · 3 years
it's not an ask, but i don't know if i can send it on your chat, so... i saw your post about a song and a character from cobra kai and automatically thought of sk8r boi (avril lavigne) and robby 😩😩😩 have a nice day and don't forget to drink water 💞
THANK U FOR THE REQUEST i love this song sm
sk8r boi | robby keene x reader
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warnings: swearing, some catcalling
summary: he was a skater boy! she said see you later boy! he wasn’t good enough for her! (hehe)
“Come on Riley, Mom wants us home by 6 and we still have to get stuff from the store,” you crossed your arms, annoyed at your brother. He ignored you, dipping down, wheels first, into the concrete bowl.
You shifted on your feet, feeling uncomfortable standing at the skate park with your ballet attire still on. You’ve just come back from rehearsal, and you had to pick up Riley because Mom was working a late shift.
“Shit Riley, I didn’t know your sister was hot. Qué pasa ballerina?” one of his friends winked at you, making you roll your eyes in disgust.
“Hey, do a little twirl for us princess,” another boy whistled and you glared at the group.
Pigs. Boys are pigs.
“Riley, let’s go,” you said firmly, turning away and heading to your car, leaving him with no choice but to follow if he didn’t want to walk home.
Your brother’s friend group of skaters hollered and whooped as Riley caught up to you, and you had to focus on your breathing to calm your anger. You hate being made fun of, but you reminded yourself that they were just a bunch of stupid, hormonal, punks.
“Your friends are assholes,” you commented, and your brother only nodded in agreement.
“Hey,” a voice called from behind you, but you kept walking, assuming that it was just another guy trying to poke fun at you.
“Hey, wait,” the person said again, this time grabbing your arm to stop you.
You turned around quickly, pulling away from their grip. “What?” you snapped, meeting a pair of calm green eyes.
It was one of Riley’s friends, the one with long hair. You don’t remember him saying anything to you earlier; he seemed to be quiet.
“I just wanted to say sorry. About them. They don’t know how to talk to girls, I promise they’re not that bad,” he said, holding his skateboard at his side. His genuineness surprised you.
“So you do?”
He gave you a confused look, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Know how to talk to girls,” you clarified and he chuckled.
“I know a thing or two. I’m Robby,” the boy stuck out his hand for you to take.
“Wow you’re good,” you joked. “I’m Y/N,” you took his rough hand in your soft one.
After that day at the skatepark, you couldn’t stop thinking about Robby.
You don’t know what it was about him. Maybe it was his glittery eyes. Or his pretty hair. Or the way he smiled with his whole face. Or maybe it was how he talked in a way that told you he was smarter than most people.
Maybe it was all of those things that made you daydream like a schoolgirl with a crush. And all you wanted to do was see him again.
“Jenny doesn’t even deserve the variation, I mean we all saw what happened last time. She almost fell off stage! Anyone but her should have it,” your friend Abby ranted, sipping on her milkshake.
It was after rehearsal and your friend group decided to go to a diner to get food.
“It’s clearly favoritism. She could do the whole routine wrong and Ms. Adams would still choose her. I think Jenny’s parents are definitely bribing her,” your other friend Vanessa added to the gossip.
The whole time, you were half listening to the conversation and half thinking about a certain skater boy. You couldn’t even control it; your thoughts always somehow drifted to him.
“Oh my god. Skaters,” Abby whispered, making you snap out of your daydream. You looked up to see a pack of boys coming into the restaurant, holding their boards at their hips.
Among them was your little brother and your heart raced as you recognized all of them.
It was like your overflow of thoughts about him had somehow materialized right in front of you. Robby.
Your hands started to sweat and you contemplated if you should hide or say hello, or just act like you didn’t see him.
You decided to go for the latter, and you slumped down in your seat to make yourself less noticeable.
“God, look at them. Skater boys are the scum of the earth,” Abby uttered, making a face of distaste.
“I would never date one. Even that’s below me,” Vanessa scoffed in reply.
You felt your cheeks heat up at their remarks, now feeling ashamed for your growing feelings for the very thing they were so disgusted at.
“Same,” you replied, despite feeling conflict in your heart. You looked over Vanessa’s shoulder to see him laughing with his group, and his happiness made your heart warm.
Before you could look away, his eyes met yours. You cursed internally at your ruined plans of trying to ignore him, but the damage was done. You shot him a small smile and a nod before returning your gaze back to your friends.
It took everything in you to not look at him again, especially with the feeling of his stare on you.
“Holy shit. One of them’s coming over,” Abby said in a hushed tone, your stomach dropping at her words.
You looked up to see Robby heading over to your table as you panicked on the inside.
“Hey Y/N,” he said as he approached, and you looked back at his table to see his friends watching.
“Robby! Hi!” you greeted nervously. “Uh, these are my friends. Abby and Vanessa. Girls, this is Robby,” you introduced them.
“Nice to meet you,” he nodded at them, and they waved. Their smiles were definitely fake, and you could tell how hard they were judging the boy in front of you.
“So, um, do you guys come here a lot?” you tried to make conversation, but the air was too awkward to be saved.
“Not really, our usual place was closed so we came here,” Robby explained, glaring at his friends who were starting to boisterously taunt. “I should go. Sorry about them. Again. Just wanted to say hey.”
“All good,” you laughed. “See you.”
As he walked back to his table your friends turned to you, mouths agape.
“You know him?! What was that?” Abby inquired, giving you a look of disbelief.
“He’s... he’s just my brother’s friend,” you shrugged, trying to play it off.
“Just your brother’s friend. He totally had heart eyes for you Y/N!” Vanessa nudged your side, making you shake your head in denial.
You rolled your eyes, but what she said gave you butterflies. “No way, I’ve only met him once.”
“Whatever, just don’t fall into the trap. You’re too good for a skater. They’re scum, remember?” Abby said, as she chewed obnoxiously on a fry. You found yourself suddenly annoyed at her.
“Yeah, of course. I would never,” you contradicted your feelings.
They were probably right. You don’t even know Robby, and you were from completely different worlds.
You told yourself that you would push away your growing feelings for Robby. But you couldn’t help but be excited when you have to pick up Riley from the skatepark. You couldn’t help asking your brother maybe too many questions about him, and you couldn’t help looking out for him every time you would go to the diner with your girls.
He would always talk to you, making you giddy for the rest of the day. You found yourself wanting to see him more and more.
“So how long have you been skating?” you asked the boy beside you.
You were waiting for Riley to finish so you could go home, but you let him take his time.
“I started when I was 11, but it’s been on and off,” Robby replied. “Have you ever skated?”
You laughed at the thought of yourself on a board. “Never. It looks cool though,” you watched as your brother skated off some stairs.
“I think you’d be good at it. I mean ballet and skating are pretty much the same thing,” he grinned at you, making you blush and look away from him.
“Ballet and skating couldn’t be more different,” you disagreed.
Robby shrugged. “Wrong. Both are centered around balance. Skating, if you think about it, is choreography. Sure we’re not as graceful, but it’s not as different as you think.”
You smiled to yourself at his wiseness. “I guess you’re right.”
There’s a moment of silence between you two as you both sat at the edge of the bowl.
“So when are we starting?” he spoke, making you tilt your head in confusion.
“Starting what?”
“I’m teaching you how to skate,” he answered nonchalantly, as if he wasn’t giving you a choice.
“What? I-I can’t skate,” you stammered. The thought of you embarrassing yourself in front of him made you want to puke.
“Which is why I’m teaching you. Come on, I promise I won’t let you hurt your pretty little ballerina face,” Robby smiled.
Your head suddenly felt dizzy at his small remark. Pretty. “I don’t know Robby...”
“Tomorrow. At 5. I’ll even take you to that diner you like after. It’s a date,” he said surely, making your cheeks warm up again.
A date? Your heart fluttered at the thought of him wanting to hang out with you. Alone. On a freaking date.
“Okay, fine,” you bit your lip, trying to hold back a huge smile. “But only because of the promise of food.”
“I hate you,” Robby huffed as he watched you effortlessly roll past him on his skateboard.
“I can’t believe you compared this to ballet, this is so easy,” you jeered, laughing at his defeated look.
“Oh calm down Ms. Black Swan, you haven’t learned any tricks yet,” he stood up, walking over to you. “I’m going to teach you an ollie.”
He grabbed the board and stood on it, leaning down on the edge with one foot so that the board was wheels up on the other side. “Just do that.”
Robby handed you the skateboard, and you copied everything he did. Except you lost your balance and the wheels slipped from underneath you. You grabbed onto his shoulders as a reflex.
Your breath hitched as Robby’s placed his hands on your hips to steady you, and your faces were inches away. He was so close that you could feel his breath and see the pattern of his eyes.
“Not so easy, is it now?” he said softly, still holding onto you. The air was now filled with a thick tension and you felt woozy from being so close to him.
“I... I guess not,” you fumbled over your words, feeling incredibly nervous looking into his eyes.
None of you were pulling away, and you weren’t sure if you should be the first to do so.
“Can I kiss you?” Robby whispered, making you breathless. You were sure that he could hear your heartbeat, because it felt like it was consuming you.
You only nodded, feeling speechless, and he leaned in to press your lips together.
It was everything you’ve ever dreamed of. And you dreamed about it a lot.
“You’re so much different from your friends. How come?” You chewed on a fry, questioning the boy sitting in the diner booth in front of you.
Robby tapped his lip in thought. “I don’t know. Maybe I just balance out the group. You’re different from your friends too. I mean I’ve only met them once, but I don’t think they like me,” he replied, and you cringed at the memory of your friends being so judgmental.
“That makes sense. And sorry about them. They can be... mean,” you apologized on their behalf, almost in the same way that Robby would for his friends.
“Speak of the devil,” Robby looked behind you, making your eyes widen. You turned around and there they were. Abby and Vanessa. You didn’t even care that they were hanging out with you; you were worried that they would see you with Robby.
You slumped down in your seat like you did when you were trying to hide from Robby before. “We should go now, right? It’s getting pretty late.”
Robby gave you a weird look, “Um... sure.”
“Y/N?” a dreaded voice called your name before you could make your escape.
You faced your two best friends. “Hey guys,” you said sheepishly as they walked up to your table.
“What are you doing with him? Oh my god, are you two on a date?” Abby gasped.
Vanessa joined in, “You said you’d never date someone like him. Oh come on Y/N, you know he’s not good enough for you. What happened to boys like him are below us?”
Robby’s face flashed with pain, but you were so selfish that you didn’t even notice.
“No- I- We’re just friends, I swear it’s not a date. I would never-” you stuttered, trying to save yourself, and you didn’t even think of Robby’s feelings at all. In the moment you only cared about your reputation and what your friends thought of you.
The boy you liked so much got up from the booth, throwing a wad of cash on the table. You felt your heart break as he walked away without a word and clenched fists.
You got up to follow him, but your friends pulled you back. “Just let him go Y/N. He’ll just break your heart,” Abby said coldly.
You ripped your arm away from their grip, running through the diner to catch up to Robby.
“Robby! Please, stop, I’m sorry,” you called after him, trying to keep up with how fast he was walking.
He ignored you the first time, increasing his pace.
“Please, Robby, can we just talk about it? I’m stupid, okay? Don’t go,” you pleaded, and he finally stopped in his tracks.
You’ve never seen his face like that, a mixture of anger and pain. The fact that it was directed towards you made you want to just melt away.
“You want to talk? Am I even good enough to talk to you? I’m sorry, should I be on my knees right now your majesty?” he said angrily, and you felt like crying.
You shook your head, “No, no Robby I swear I don’t think of you that way. I said things that I don’t mean and I’m so sorry. I- I just... my friends were saying all this shit about-”
“Just- just stop. You’re saying different things to different people, and I’m just supposed to trust you? And what, was I just going to be a secret? Look, I have to go,” he turned around to keep walking but you took his hand.
“I was going to tell them Robby, I like you so much and please, I’ll fix it. I’ll talk to them and-”
He cut your frantic rambling off again, “Y/N... I like you too alright? And I get it. I get wanting to fit in with your friends, even if you don’t agree with them. I learned from it myself. I just need time to think about all of it.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.
You nodded in understanding, but your heart was hurting. “I’m sorry,” you said one last time before he took off on his skateboard.
a/n: why was that sm longer than i planned... also sorry for any mistakes im too lazy to edit. there probably won’t be a part 2 because the song doesn’t have a happy ending lol hope u enjoyed!!!!
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lina-lovebug · 4 years
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz x Robby twin! Fem! Reader.
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"She's cute, right?"
"Who?" Hawk looked up from his lunch.
"(Y/N) Keene, who else?" Mitch gestured over to her, to which Hawk looked to see the most beautiful girl-no, WOMAN he has ever laid his eyes upon.
But he already knew that.
"She's off limits," Hawk told them.
"Sensei already told us, no one touches her."
"Yeah, but, don't you want what you can't have?" Hawk knew well of that phrase. You were everything he wanted - someone who wasn't afraid to be themselves. You laughed without a care in the world, you smiled the darkness away, and you did what you wanted knowing full well there would be a consequence - but you didn't care.
Hawk caught himself staring just as Robby Keene, your twin brother, glared daggers at Hawk and his eyebrows furrowed together. Robby knows boys, as he is one, and knows what they think when they look at a girl like that. And no one was going to be caught dead looking at his sister like that.
Especially Hawk.
"Robby!" You hissed.
"What? You know that look, (Y/N). Boys like that have no good intention on actually treating you well, especially ones in Cobra Kai," Robby warned.
You rolled your eyes, "you're not dad, Robby. I can take care of myself, I'm in Miyago-Do too."
"Just stay away from that guy. He's no good," Robby remembered well what Hawk did to him at the tournament, and so that stuck with him when Hawk decided he liked you.
But you liked the thrill of a secret, and as much as he wanted to show you off to the world, he knew what would happen if Sensei Lawrence and Robby found out that you two were already together.
And secretly seeing eachother for five months.
"You're so cute," You giggled, to which Hawk quirked his brow.
"Cute? Me? Babe, I'm hot," Hawk flexed his muscles.
"True, but you're also cute. It might even outway your hotness," You hugged him, looking up at him with a smile.
"You're such a dork," Hawk grinned down at you.
"Your dork though, right?" You questioned.
"My dork," He softly kissed you. Despite his outwardly appearance, he was gentle. It only ever really got heated if you both were in the mood for it, and you loved his gentleness with you.
"Baby?" He pulled away, his hand resting on your cheek.
"I. . .God, why is this always so hard to say?" He wiped his face with his hands, actually panicking.
"What? Are you okay?"
"I love you," He finally said it. He's been wanting to say it for a few weeks now but always pussied out.
In fear you didn't love him.
"You love me? You-You mean it?" Your eyes teared up. You never got the recognition you've always wanted from your dad, or even your mom, so you were hesitant when Hawk showed interest in you. But he won your trust.
"I've been wanting to say it for weeks, baby. I would never joke about something like this," You showed him how vulnerable you were, and he promised not to shatter you.
"I love you too. I love you so much, Eli," You hugged him, tears trailing down your cheeks and your heart swelling.
"Don't cry, baby," He wiped them away, and you chuckled.
"I'm just so happy. I was scared for a while that maybe you didn't-. . .I'm just tired of hiding," You admitted.
"As much as I hate my dad, I love my brother. And that asshole has been trying, but only if you want to," You held his hands in yours.
"You mean, make it official official?" You nodded.
"That's all I've ever dreamed of, baby," He kissed your forehead.
"And I'll block them so you have time to run if they come at you," You joked.
"Don't worry, Hawk has got it handled."
"I don't have it handled," He admitted, standing inside the dojo with you holding his hand.
"I think I'm going to shit my pants."
"We're in this together," You squeezed his hand, "I promise they won't tear us apart."
The door bell rang as two confused boys entered the dojo to see you and Hawk standing together.
"What's going on?" Robby asked, eyeing Hawk.
"Dad, Robby. . .I'm-"
"Gay? Oh thank God, I thought Hawk was with you for a second," Your brother held his hand over his heart.
"Listen, I don't know much about all that," Johnny waved his hand around, "but I'm cool with it. I didn't want that many grandkids anyway. Thanks for supporting her, Hawk."
"Oh my god, no, I'm not gay," You interjected.
"I'm dating your daughter, Sensei," Hawk stepped up.
"You're. . .what?"
"I know you said she was off limits, but-" He cut him off.
"No buts! I strictly said that my daughter wasn't going to be dating any of my students! Can't you follow that one rule?!" Johnny yelled, and you grabbed his hand again.
"Hey! You don't get to say who I can date!" You yelled back.
"I don't know what he has told you," Robby started off, "but he's lying to you, (Y/N)."
Now the both of you were angry.
"I would never lie to her!"
"How can I trust you?!" Robby walked up to his face, both scorching with rage.
"Because I love her!"
Robby stepped back out of shock, trying to process the fact that Hawk just said he loved his sister. He loves the girl whom Robby swore to protect since they were seven.
"You. . .you love my daughter?" He turned to Johnny.
"Yes, Sensei. I love (Y/N) with all my heart, and she loves me. She understands me, she helps me with my anger, and I can understand her. She's so smart, she's brave, she's trustworthy, and it would mean the world to the both of us if you let us be together," Hawk confessed.
Johnny turned to you, "Is this true? Do you love him?"
"More than I ever thought I could," You admitted.
"I know you hate him, Robby, but he's not the same person you fought at the tournament. I swear," You promised.
Johnny didn't want this day to happen. Even though he never really tried being a father, the days he started trying, he feared seeing you with a boy who might break your heart. But the way you held his hand, the way you stood next to him like you were both eachothers rock, it reminded him of a simpler time.
"Make her happy. That's all I ask," Robby let out.
"And don't break her heart. Or I will dislocated your kneecaps," Johnny threatened and Hawks' smile faltered.
"I promise, I won't hurt her."
"Just don't let me catch you guys making out in the dojo, I saw a couple doing that the other night around the corner," She quickly glanced in the mirror to see if the hickey was still there from that said night.
". . .Not even at-?"
"Don't even finish that sentence."
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