#robin high fiving Steve then going back to throwing popcorn at him so he can try and catch it in his mouth
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Okay listen I can't tell whether this is stupid or funny but I can't stop thinking about it and I think you might vibe with this one?
Steve and Eddie go on their first date, and have their first kiss, and when they get back they have a moment like that one scene from friends? Where Eddie goes to see the Corroded Coffin boys, and Steve gets Robin over so they can talk about their date.
And Eddie is blushing and giggling and twirling his hair and kicking his feet, hanging out in Gareth's room. And the CC boys are talking to him, asking him questions and stuff like full on sleepover mode. Did he treat you right? Where did he take you? Did he kiss you? What was he like? And Eddie talks about how Steve opened doors for him, and bought him flowers, and treated him to the full first date experience. Going into detail about how Steve cradled his jaw as they kissed, how he moved his hand to tangle in Eddie's curls. How it was gentle and tender and romantic and passionate and Eddie has been fully swept off of his feet
And then Hard Cut to Steve and Robin lounging like animals on Steve's couch, watching Fast Times, drinking beer and eating pizza and Robin is like
"Did you kiss him?"
"With tongue?"
MOMO!!!!! I can see this SO CLEARLY it’s like a parallel of the grease scene during summer loving it eddie being sandy and Steve being Danny and that is quiet frankly HILARIOUS.
I have legit nothing to add to this other than, if I could draw I’d be all over this oh my GOD
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
can i get childhood friends to lovers, angst/smut, “but friends don’t look at each other like we do” and “shut up and kiss me already” with steve harrington please!
thank you! steve harrington x fem!reader. (700 words)
It wasn’t the group's brightest idea. In all honesty, it was a truly silly one. You realized that now, but you’d each had a couple beers and shared a joint before a roaring fire pit, when suddenly Argyle threw out the brilliant—or not so brilliant—suggestion of ‘spin the bottle.’
The group groaned collectively, a mixed blend of “Are you serious?” with Eddie throwing in, “What are we, five?” into the midst.
It was how you ended up sitting breathlessly on your lawn chair in the backyard of Steve’s parent’s place, heart pounding in anticipation as the bottle spun around and around for the umpteenth time. You’d all taken turns by that point. Nancy kissed a giddy Argyle, you kissed Robin, all cherry chapstick sweetness lingering on both your lips. Eddie had jovially barked out a laugh when he’d spun and landed on Steve. Shouted into the fold, “Plant one on me, big boy,” as Steve stretched an arm across the space between them and tugged him forward for the briefest press of lips.
But nothing prepared you for the awkward silence when Steve spun and landed on you. Heat arose in your belly. Your palms, splayed across your thighs, moved to fiddle with a frayed edge on your jean shorts. Curious eyes flickered about the group, awkward laughter bubbled.
“You two are going to just stare at each other or get to the lip smackin’?” Argyle asked, and dropped back against his chair, the neck of his beer bottle pressed to his lips to take a sip.
“Steve?” Your voice sounded small.
Steve didn’t speak. Didn’t say a word, really. Only stared at you, face illuminated by the fire in an orange glow, with a look on his face you couldn’t quite place. Growing frustrated and increasingly uncomfortable under the wide-eyed stares of your friends, you tutted, muttering impatiently, “We going to just…get on with it?”
Steve glanced around the group, palms up and shaking in the air. “I can’t kiss her. Not right now and definitely not right in front of you all—”
Rejection settled in your gut. Worry and upset swirled over the thought that Steve must have thought a kiss with you would be the worst thing in that moment—that he couldn’t even fathom doing so to settle the bunch.
He floundered once more, letting out a garbled, “I just—”
It happened quickly after that. Fingers pressed into a broad chest as he lifted from his lawn chair and curled an arm around your waist. As he tugged you flush against his form. He tasted like beer, too many sugary snacks and popcorn. Smelled like smoke, that signature honey shampoo he’d used since high school, and beneath all of that, the cologne you bought him for Christmas. But he felt like home, like running through the front door after school to jump in his pool as kids, like first heartbreaks where he’d held you when you cried and you did the same for him, like ice cream dates, mall trips, movie nights and Family Video hangouts.
Your Steve.
The realization sparked fire against your skin as you reared back and looked into those dark eyes. The horror of the looks on your friends' faces all around you had your lungs tightening, throat hitching, because you’d kissed your best friend.
But friends don’t look at each other like we do, a voice in your mind whispered. Friends don’t kiss friends like we do.
Because Steve’s kiss felt like leaping off the edge of a cliff into a river below. Steve’s kiss felt like jumping into your favorite book, watching your favorite movie, listening to a favorite song. It felt like butterflies brushing against your stomach, like the drop when you drive down a hill, like a plane taking off a tarmac.
“Come with me for a minute?” Steve’s voice broke into silence, cursing when the group broke out in kissy noises and drawn out ‘oooohs.’
You slipped in through the sliding glass door of his home, your hip brushing against the kitchen counter when he dragged you further away from proving eyes, closing the curtains for added measure. And then it was a rapidly babbled mess of words pouring from his lips, “You felt something, right? Like it wasn’t just me? I just—we’ve been friends forever—and I—”
“Yeah,” he asked, all soft features and pouty lips that had your head spinning.
“Steve, just shut up and kiss me already.”
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Rude Awakening
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader, Mentions of the Party
Warning: Violence, altered turn of events, swearing
(1/2) or (1/3)🧐🤔
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You were currently, home studying when the phone rang, you knew it wouldn’t be your parents, since they only ever used your pager to contact you.
“Hey! Do you want to come over?”
You sighed, while pinching the bridge of your nose.
the voice continued
“Come on Y/N/N! The Parties over, and they’ve been dying to meet you. Now is the perfect time. Besides, will really misses you.”
“Fine, I’ll be over in five.”
Hanging up the phone, you made your way into your car driving over to the byer’s hosuehold. You had barely made it to onto the front porch before the front door was flung open, and someone practically throwing themselves into you. 
Chuckling and hugging the person back you greeted, “Hi, Miss Byers!”
“How many times do I have to tell you, Y/N! Call me Joyce!” 
She was happy to see you again. It had been awhile since, you were last over at the Byers house. She was seemingly, over joyed to have another female around, since she was always around males. 
Joyce, grabbed your hand and lead you into the house. It wasn’t long before another body was flung onto yours. You knew it was Will, because he was around the same height as your upper stomach.
“Hi, Y/N! I’ve missed you! Never go that long without seeing us again, okay?”
You nodded in agreement, hugging him back and kissing the top of his head. He grabbed your hand and lead you over to where a group of kids were sitting in his living room. You had immediately, assumed that these were the kids in the “Party,” everyone had referred to. 
“Guys, this is our friend, Y/N!”
 “Y/N, this is Mike, Dustin, Eleve, Max and Lucas.” Max and Eleven, were so happy to have another girl around they ran over to you and gave you a hug.
Awhile passed since you were introduced to the party. Usually, they had gatherings at your house since you lived there alone. Tonight however, was a “Girls Only,” night.
“So who do you have a crush on, Y/N?” Max had started the cringe worthy conversation. Finding out, Eleven liked Mike, and Max liked Lucas.
“Uh, nobody at the moment.”
“Uh huh.”
“What do you mean, uh huh?”
“Oh nothing.”
You had chuckled, getting up and grabbing the empty bowl of popcorn. Eleven, had been looking at you weird all night. Almost like, she knew but that you had helped her escape from that night at the Lab, but couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
“I’m going downstairs to get more, do you guys want anything?”
“Yeah! Let’s all go down.”
It was awkward silence, on the venture down to the kitchen.
Suddenly, eleven spoke, sitting on the stool of the breakfast nook.
“It was you, wasn’t it?”
Max turned to face her a little, with a confused expression.
“You helped me escape, didnt you?”
You let out a sigh of defeat, letting your shoulders slump forward.
“Yes, but you can’t tell anyone okay? You too Max.”
“Wait, if you were at the same place as El, does that mean...”
She didn’t finish asking her question, as her faded trying to allow her thoughts to catch up.
You hummed in response.
Suddenly, two high pitched sequels sounded and you were being hugged.
“This is so cool! I have two super hero best friends!” Max exclaimed over joyed!
Accepting the hugs, you kissed the tops of their heads, feeling nothing but love for them.
Once the new mall opened, you and the girls had gone to shop. Seeing as you were the mom of the group, you tried to spoil them.
“Can we go get ice cream?” Max asked. She had a hint of something mischievous in her voice.
“Oka-“ you were suddenly, being pulled by both girls in the direction you could only assume was the ice cream shop.
Once you arrived in an ice cream parlor called ‘Scoops Ahoy’ you were surprised to see an attractive guy, who looked to be about your age.
“Ahoy Ladies,” he said. His name tag said Steve.
Both girls giggled, before ordering their ice creams, and running to a both in the store.
“What can I get you?” Steve asked
“Uh nothing, I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m not an ice cream for lunch kinda gal,” you replied tilting your head a little.
“Yeah,” he sighed “I get that...”
“Y/N!” A voice yelled excitedly
“Hey, Robbin!” You laughed happily excepting her hug.
“Oh no,” she groaned “not you too!” She said dramaticly.
Furrowing your eyebrows together, you exclaimed, “What!”
“You’re friends with, dingus, here’s children too!” Playful nudging Steve’s shoulder with her own.
Looking to him for answers, and him you.
“You’re friends with the party?” He asked intrigued
“Uh, yeah, I guess, I am-“ you had barely gotten out before, the two girls came bounding up to you.
“Can we go to shopping now?” Max asked. You nodded your head, reaching in the pocket of your shorts to pull out money.
Two voices in unison said, “it’s on the house.”
Giving them a confused look, you nodded in gratitude.
“I guess I’ll see you guys around. Bye robin, nice to meet you Steve!”
“Nice to meet you too ... “
“Y/N,” you called as the two girls hooked their arms in yours and pulled you backwards out of the parlor laughing.
“Y/N.” Steve happily to himself.
Robbin turned to him and said, “What the fuck was that dingus?”
You were currently shopping in the Gap, with Max and El. They were giving you a fashion show, of cute outfits each of you had picked.
The party, decided to hangout at your house this time. Max was currently, on high alert because her brother Billy, didn’t want her to see Lucas anymore, for whatever reason. It wasn’t long before everyone had shown up, including Steve.
The doorbell sounded, opening the door you were surprised to see Steve and Dustin standing at your front door. Stepping aside to let him in. He handed you a bouquet of fresh flowers. The gesture made you blush,
“I’m gonna go put these in a vase. Thank you, Steve.”
You moved to give him a hug. This time, it was your turn to make him blush. He followed you to the kitchen. As you were putting the flowers in a vase you said,
“You know you didn’t have to right?”
He shrugged leaning against the counter before adding, “I know, I just thought a pretty girl, deserved pretty flowers.” He said shyly.
“May, Steve Harrington, are you flirting with me?”
“That depends. Is it working?”
Before you could respond, you heard a chorus of “Shit!” Being yelled by your friends. Suddenly, they all flooded into the kitchen.
“Billy’s here! How did he find me! He’s going to kill me,” Max said nervously, as El was trying to comfort her.
You, Steve and Jonathon all exchanged glances. Rolling your eyes, you said “Don’t worry boys, I got this.”
Making your way, to where you kept your bat for instances like these, you threw open the front door, and waited for Billy to exist the car. You didn’t have to look to know that the party was pressed into the front window watching nervously. Both Steve, and Jonathon had joined you on the porch.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Queen, of the misfits herself,” his rough voice sounded as he put out his cigarette.
“Bite me,” you snarled
“Oh I dream of it, sweetheart,” Steve was about to move towards Billy, before you looked at him and wrapped a reassuring hand around his arm.
“Aw, look at that. King Steve, being a bitch,” he taunted.
“What do you want Hardgrove?” You asked darkly.
“Aside from you?” He asked, tilting his head, causing both Jonathan and Steve to step in front of you protectively, causing Billy to let out a hardy laugh, “ I came for Maxine.”
“Guys,” you whispered, “I don’t need you to protect me, I got this.” Hesitantly, they both stepped away from you, but not by much. You took a step forward closer to Billy.
“Leave her alone Billy.” You said confidently.
He chuckled in response, he moved closer to you, almost close enough to tower over you.
“Make me, Y/N, oh wait, you can’t, that’s why you have the goon squad protecting you.”
He was close enough that you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“Are you drunk? Go, home Billy.”
You decided it wasn’t worth it, you moved to go back in the house, when a rough callused hand grabbed your wrist.
“You and Harrington huh? I could rock your world better than he -“ you didn’t give him a chance to finish, before you dropped the Bat, swinging around so your fist could meet the side of his jaw.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Billy boomed, letting go of your wrist to bring that hand up to his jaw, causing you to flinch.
Suddenly, both boys were beside you protectively.
“You’re dead Y/L/N,” Billy yelled angerly
“No, you are!”
And with that Steve began throwing punches at Billy gaining the upper hand, but not for long. Soon, Billy was on top of Steve, punching him. Deciding, you had nothing to lose, you turned around and lunged at Billy to get him off of Steve.
After, Billy left, you, Jonathan and Steve all went back into the house. Forgetting that the your friends were watching the whole thing unfold.
“Holy Shit you guys!”
“That was badass!”
Greeted you the minute you all walked back in the house. You brought Steve to the bathroom so you could fix his bruises.
“That was stupid, why’d you do that?” You questioned him. You were actually released that he had stepped up and covered you.
“I couldn’t let him hurt a pretty girl like you.”
“Even with a messed up face you’re still trying to flirt with me?” You questioned with raised eyebrows.
“Save it for later old man.”
“Hey! Who’re you calling old? I’m not that much older than you!” You chuckled at his defensiveness.
It was late, so everyone slept over at your place, since they were already there. Steve wasn’t laying far from you on the floor.
You couldn’t sleep, so you crawled over to where Steve was, gently shaking him awake.
You whisper yelled to wake him up
“I can’t sleep.”
He didn’t respond before lifting the blankets in front of him, silently inviting you in. Once you got comfortable, you realized how close you were to Steve, a fraction of an inch and you would be kissing his neck.
He was flirting with you all the time.. what harm could having a little fun with him do? You thought. You decided to lean up, that fraction of an inch and latch your lips onto his neck. Sucking and biting you made your way up to his jaw, leaving a trail of love bites on his neck.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He whisper groaned.
You didn’t respond, as you attached your lips onto his, placing chaste kisses. It wasn’t long before you, felt one of his hands, tangle in your hair holding you to him. Steve took control, and moved so your back was on the floor, with his upper half pressed to yours. The sudden movement enciting a gasp from you, allowing him to snake his tongue into your mouth. Closing your lips around his tongue, you began to lightly suck on it. Steve let out a low moan, causing you both to freeze your actions Incase you accidentally woke someone up. He placed kisses along your face, to your ear. Running his tongue, on the out shell of your ear, he took your earlobe and chewed on it. Your hands made their way to his biceps, digging your nails into them, gently bringing yourself up to his biceps you lightly bit them to keep from morning.
“Would you two stop? Some of us want to sleep!” Dustins annoyed voice sounded. This caused Steve to shoot Dustin a glare. Dustin flipped him off in return.
“Goodnight, y/n”
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captainelsaeverdeen · 4 years
I like me better when I’m with you.
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Okay so! I never considered writing on this blog, but I just had the cutest idea e v e r and I decided to do something about it. I used to write a lot but I stopped to publish anything years ago. Maybe it’s time to come back. Who knows! For now I just wanted to see if someone would like it! English is not my first language so pretty, pretty please forgive me if you find any mistakes :( 
summary: based on ‘To All The Boys I Loved Before’. Y/N Henderson used to be in love a couple of times. This time she’s sure it’s something bigger, something serious. Her love for Jonathan Byers is unlimited, untamed and endless. At least she thought so. You can read Part 2 Here.
We knew that it was wrong. That he was betrothed to my best friend. But if this isn’t what he wanted then why did he come to the field of desire? It was faded,  that we should meet like this. So when his lips touch my neck to put a gentle kiss on it… 
“Mom asks you to wash the dishes” Dustin was standing in the doorway of your room, smiling silly. He presented his full teeth with pride, moving his eyebrows in a funny way. “It’s not my turn” you said and slowly turned over a page of book your brother interrupted you from reading. “Yours, if you’re planning on going out with Nancy and Jonathan today” he shrugged his shoulders innocently. “Excuse me?” you turned your head so fast that your neck hurt. “Says who?” 
“Says me. You forced me to vacuum last week when I wanted to go to the arcade, but it was your turn. So if you don’t want to be late, you better hurry”  “I hate you” you sighned putting the book down. You ran you fingers through the cover of it with two lovers, leaning towards each other just before the kiss. Dustin was still standing in the doorway. 
“Do they not mind when you are going to their dates?” He asked suddenly. “They don’t call it ‘dates’ when I’m with them. They have time for each other, but we’re still friends. Just because they’re together doesn’t mean… that I’ll stop being their friend” you said. “Whatever you say. I think that’s weird. Totally weird. I wouldn’t want to take Mike or Lucas or Will if I wanted to meet my girl”. “No one asked for your opinion, you abominable little shit!” you screamed going to the kitchen, aggressively putting plates in the sink. They didn’t deserve such terrible treatment, but Dustin was right. It was weird. Weird as fuck. 
After the infamous party at Tina’s last Halloween night, when Nancy broke up with Steve Harrington, and rumours about them didn’t go silent for a good month she and Jonathan became extremely close. You always spent time with them separately. When Nancy and her boyfriend wanted to be alone, you would watch movies on the couch at Joyce Byers’ house. When Jonathan promised Will to take him for a ride in the car listening to The Clash, Nancy combed your hair as Donna Summer filled her room with her songs. But after Halloween, everything changed. Nancy started sitting between you and Jonathan as you guys were watching ‘The Shining’ with a bowl of popcorn. And Jonathan knew ‘I Feel Love’ by heart, although he hated Donna Summer. Something was wrong. Something was diffrent. 
By Christmas, everyone was sure that Jonathan and Nancy started dating. They spent Christmas Eve together and then announced their relationship to you together. And that’s not when your heart started beating faster when you saw him. Not when they were holding hands, not when they kissed every time before the car started from the driveway when they came to your house. Not until Nancy Wheeler took your seat on the couch at Joyce’s house. It wasn’t until then that something unimaginable, something wrong happened, something that should never have happened. You started to have, a little, small, tiny crush on your best friend.
And it wasn’t that you were jealous of Nancy. She was a great girl, smart and deserving of a wise, loving boy, which Jonathan was. But the heart is a treacherous tool. You could leave it with a cat for a month, thinking everything would be all right, and when you get back, you’d find that it threw it out the window. Because it can never be trusted. Admitting your feelings was not an option. You could lose Nancy or Jonathan. Well, Robin and Dustin would still be staying by your side, of course, but losing someone close hurts too much. Too much to be dealt with by an organ that throws the cat out the window. So smiling is okay, pretending everything’s okay is okay. As long as no one guesses and stupid feelings go away.
Not for the first time, right?
“Y/N, honey, what are you still doing here? Jonathan’s here” Mom came to the kitchen. “Ask the youngest” you rolled my eyes and kissed her on the cheek, running out of the house. Nancy pressed the alarm button a couple of times, dropping the window on the passenger side. “I don’t think you’re so excited to see Jason Voorhees for the fourth time since you’re two minutes late” she said, putting her wrist with the watch on it out the window.
“Maybe if my brother weren’t such a troublesome goddamn gremlin, you guys wouldn’t have to wait for so long” you fastened your belt and smiled at Jonathan. “Tell me about it” Nancy rolled her eyes. Her hand was clenching on Jonathan’s hands, their intertwined fingers were on his thigh. He was probably just letting her go to change gear, to grab her hand back, wanting to touch her. You smiled slightly to yourself. “I’m a little offended” you hit the back of Nancy’s chair a little bit. “You questioned my love for Jason, knowing he’s the man of my dreams. I wouldn’t miss this movie now or ever”.
“Man, you have a strange taste in men” Jonathan twisted his head.
Oh boy, if you only knew.
“Who’s gonna pick them for you when I’m out of college?” Nancy said quietly. When you were a year younger than them, you had to reckon they would be gone soon, but the thought still was terrible. You opened the window and put my hand out, feeling the cold wind on your fingers. “Robin’s doing great” you smiled. “She likes Michael Myers”.
“I’m begging you. He’s not even half as terrible as Freddie” Jonathan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and my father is Stephen King” you snorted. Nancy smiled a little. “And Robin’s driving terribly” Jonathan got ripped off. “Whatever my life depends on it, I’d rather give my car to Carol Perkins, she can at least turn around.
“I gotta get off so you two can both stop making fun of her?” “Oh no. We don’t want Jason to get you here… on a dark road… near the woods…” Nancy wiped out and turned to you with her hands ready to attack. You hit her hands to turn around so she didn’t even think to touch or tickle you. “You can ride with me” Jonathan shrugged his arm. “I like Robin, but your life is in danger when she’s behind the wheel. I’m not going anywhere yet.”
There it was. The stomach’s fickles, the heat on your cheeks and the smile and the awful awareness of how wrong it was. How inappropriate and how unfair it was to Nancy, who sat so close to you, that she could count your moles if she turned around. But before she even thought about him, he was yours. Not exactly, of course. But when Will went missing, he didn’t turn to her for help first. He wasn’t at her door in the middle of the night, rambling about how his mom is getting crazy. He was always a lonely ship drifting in the dark sea, and you were his anchor, which drifted in time to hold him.
Well, once Jason had killed everyone he was supposed to kill, and for most of the movie, Jonathan and Nancy spent most of the time giggling and whispering to each other, after looking at their inseparably intertwined hands, it was time to go home.
It’s not that you wanted to steal your best friend’s boyfriend. You were super happy for Nancy. She deserves a great guy like Jonathan. So it was time for another letter. Fifth, if you believe your stupid heart. “How’s the movie?” Dustin asked when I walked by his room. He was only wearing one sock and reading a comic book. “Didn’t you faint from the excess corn syrup blood?”
“I’m not you” you showed him your tongue. “I didn’t forget about the dishes!” “Oh, you did! The pan is still dirty!” Dustin screamed, but I already locked the door to my room and sat at my desk, hiding my face in my hands. After a few awfully long seconds and listening to the bang of an owl outside the window, I pulled the card out of the drawer looking for a black pen. 
Dear Jonathan Byers… 
These letters are your biggest secret. You weren’t going to send the letter, it was just for you to understand how you were feeling. But really, you guess it was mainly about how sometimes you imagined what it would’ve been like if you’d realized how you felt about them sooner. To all of them. There are five of them: Chris from summer camp, Stanley from the homecoming, Ralph from the neighborhood who lived across the street for just three months, Steve Harrington from high school, and Jonathan. 
You’ve seen Chris once in you life, for two weeks in the riverside forest. Stanley was the only one who asked you to dance, seeing you sitting alone on a bench. Ralph moved into Hawkins a few years ago, but his parents decided to go back to Florida. Steve… well, he became quite a different person when you went to high school. And Jonathan… Jonathan is still an infinite chapter. A chapter in book that’s too beautiful to finish reading it early.
You write a letter when you have a crush so intense that you don’t know what else to do. Rereading your letters reminds you of how powerful your emotions can be, how all-consuming. You hide them between the vinyls on a shelf above the bed, where no one will ever find them. Robin would say you’re being dramatic, but drama can be fun… 
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked suddenly, entering the room without knocking. “Nothing” you smiled, covering the unfinished part of the letter with your elbow. “Your room is a mess” brother looked around. “And listen, about that pan-”
“Good night, Dustin. I hope you will be dreaming of something nice” you smiled sweetly, showing him the way out. It wasn’t until he left that you finished pouring your feelings onto the paper that you put the letter into the envelope, addressed it and put it between the vinyl, where there were four similar envelopes. Each one was for another boy, who would always be a part of you.
Yeah, drama can be fun. Just as long nobody else knows about it.
“So you’re telling me” Robin stopped halfway down the track. She didn’t care about getting a pass at the PE, anyway, you too. The coach sent you an indulgent look, and your friend just shrugged her shoulders. The other girls ran past you, rubbing your shoulders, but besides that, they didn’t pay much attention to you. “That they were on another date, taking you with them again? Why don’t you just say no to them?”
“I don’t know” Robin groaned and grabbed her side. “What’s going on?” “My body reacts badly to physical effort” she muttered and sat on the treadmill, pulling her legs out. “Some running won’t hurt you” Becky Miller snorted, running alongside us. “Running is humiliating” Robin didn’t even look at her. “Dude, you have to stop this. Every fucking time you come to me and tell me how badly you’re feeling, you’re the one who’s responsible for it. Tell him finally how you feel. Nothing’s gonna happen. There will be no earthquake. The aliens won’t find their way to Earth. And you will finally fall asleep and free yourself from that strange triangle”.
“I don’t want it to be weird between us” you shruged your shoulders.”If I push them off, I’ll start losing them. They’ll find that the two of us are actually better off and… forget how cool it used to be.”
“That’s why relationships sucks” Robin moaned and grabbed your hand. Coach had already started walking towards us, but he was still far away. “But hey… Nancy is your friend. Jonathan is your friend. They care about you. They love you. Maybe not as much as I do, but they do. You don’t have to worry. Everything’s gonna be okay, just… just don’t let it break you. Okay?”
“Okay” you smiled. Robin smiled too and turned her back, frowning her eyebrows. “What’s Harrington doing here? He’s all sweaty and, oh, my God, he looks gross, but shouldn’t he have basketball practice now?”
“Hey, Henderson!” Steve has spoken to you. You lifted your head and swallowed. Steve hasn’t talked to you since you guys were thirteen. Damn thirteen. “On a scale from one to ten, how bad this looks like?” you asked when your hands started shaking. “I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties” Robin responded quietly, standing up. “Me?” you made sure and Steve nodded his head. His hair was in terrible disarray, but although it was wet and stuck to his forehead, it still looked impressive. He wasn’t angry or upset, which was good, but… but he didn’t look happy either.
“If you need me, I’ll be in the nurse’s office” Robink winked and walked away.  “Look, I just wanted to say that I really…” Steve licked his lips and wiped his forehead with the palm of his hand. What the hell was going on here. “Goddamn, this is the first time I’ve been in situation like this… I appreciate it, but it’s never gonna happen”. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked. Why did Robin have to leave? Why did she have to leave you? “From what I remember that kiss was hot, you know, for being in seventh grade” Steve said slowly, leading the eye somewhere outside of you, just to avoid looking you in the eye. “And I think it’s really cool you think I have golden specks in my eyes. And that my hair is gorgeous. But this is a strange moment for me… I just broke up with Nancy, you know… Becky is… she’s fine, she seems fine. I may not be ready at all…”
You stopped listening to him and looked at his hands. You don’t know what you expected, maybe they will shake as much as yours, but no. He was holding the envelope. A white, slightly old envelope, with his name written with your writing. With your pen. And your hand.
“At first I thought it was just Dustin’s stupid joke, but that dipshit probably doesn’t even know how to write…” Steve kept on talking, but your mind was somewhere else. It went all the way from school to your house, tossing the whole room in it’s memory, wondering hhow did the letters get in sight. How did they even reach the people they were never supposed to reach?
“I don’t want to be an asshole, and I certainly don’t want you… I don’t know, to feel bad about it, but…” Steve’s voice was drilling into your brain, and your stomach started to shrink painfully. Maybe it’d have managed, if it wasn’t for the fact that Jonathan was just going to the pitch, and he also was holding the envelope.
Oh, no.
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stevenismyboy · 4 years
I like me better when I’m with you.
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This fic was posted first on my main blog which is captainelsaeverdeen. I started my own blog only for my imagines and I moved all my work from there to here. hope you guys would enjoy my work! <3
summary: based on ‘To All The Boys I Loved Before’. Y/N Henderson used to be in love a couple of times. This time she’s sure it’s something bigger, something serious. Her love for Jonathan Byers is unlimited, untamed and endless. At least she thought so. You can find my Masterlist here. 
We knew that it was wrong. That he was betrothed to my best friend. But if this isn’t what he wanted then why did he come to the field of desire? It was faded,  that we should meet like this. So when his lips touch my neck to put a gentle kiss on it…
“Mom asks you to wash the dishes” Dustin was standing in the doorway of your room, smiling silly. He presented his full teeth with pride, moving his eyebrows in a funny way. “It’s not my turn” you said and slowly turned over a page of book your brother interrupted you from reading. “Yours, if you’re planning on going out with Nancy and Jonathan today” he shrugged his shoulders innocently. “Excuse me?” you turned your head so fast that your neck hurt. “Says who?”
“Says me. You forced me to vacuum last week when I wanted to go to the arcade, but it was your turn. So if you don’t want to be late, you better hurry” “I hate you” you sighned putting the book down. You ran you fingers through the cover of it with two lovers, leaning towards each other just before the kiss. Dustin was still standing in the doorway.
“Do they not mind when you are going to their dates?” He asked suddenly. “They don’t call it ‘dates’ when I’m with them. They have time for each other, but we’re still friends. Just because they’re together doesn’t mean… that I’ll stop being their friend” you said. “Whatever you say. I think that’s weird. Totally weird. I wouldn’t want to take Mike or Lucas or Will if I wanted to meet my girl”. “No one asked for your opinion, you abominable little shit!” you screamed going to the kitchen, aggressively putting plates in the sink. They didn’t deserve such terrible treatment, but Dustin was right. It was weird. Weird as fuck.
After the infamous party at Tina’s last Halloween night, when Nancy broke up with Steve Harrington, and rumours about them didn’t go silent for a good month she and Jonathan became extremely close. You always spent time with them separately. When Nancy and her boyfriend wanted to be alone, you would watch movies on the couch at Joyce Byers’ house. When Jonathan promised Will to take him for a ride in the car listening to The Clash, Nancy combed your hair as Donna Summer filled her room with her songs. But after Halloween, everything changed. Nancy started sitting between you and Jonathan as you guys were watching ‘The Shining’ with a bowl of popcorn. And Jonathan knew ‘I Feel Love’ by heart, although he hated Donna Summer. Something was wrong. Something was diffrent.
By Christmas, everyone was sure that Jonathan and Nancy started dating. They spent Christmas Eve together and then announced their relationship to you together. And that’s not when your heart started beating faster when you saw him. Not when they were holding hands, not when they kissed every time before the car started from the driveway when they came to your house. Not until Nancy Wheeler took your seat on the couch at Joyce’s house. It wasn’t until then that something unimaginable, something wrong happened, something that should never have happened. You started to have, a little, small, tiny crush on your best friend.
And it wasn’t that you were jealous of Nancy. She was a great girl, smart and deserving of a wise, loving boy, which Jonathan was. But the heart is a treacherous tool. You could leave it with a cat for a month, thinking everything would be all right, and when you get back, you’d find that it threw it out the window. Because it can never be trusted. Admitting your feelings was not an option. You could lose Nancy or Jonathan. Well, Robin and Dustin would still be staying by your side, of course, but losing someone close hurts too much. Too much to be dealt with by an organ that throws the cat out the window. So smiling is okay, pretending everything’s okay is okay. As long as no one guesses and stupid feelings go away.
Not for the first time, right?
“Y/N, honey, what are you still doing here? Jonathan’s here” Mom came to the kitchen. “Ask the youngest” you rolled my eyes and kissed her on the cheek, running out of the house. Nancy pressed the alarm button a couple of times, dropping the window on the passenger side. “I don’t think you’re so excited to see Jason Voorhees for the fourth time since you’re two minutes late” she said, putting her wrist with the watch on it out the window.
“Maybe if my brother weren’t such a troublesome goddamn gremlin, you guys wouldn’t have to wait for so long” you fastened your belt and smiled at Jonathan. “Tell me about it” Nancy rolled her eyes. Her hand was clenching on Jonathan’s hands, their intertwined fingers were on his thigh. He was probably just letting her go to change gear, to grab her hand back, wanting to touch her. You smiled slightly to yourself. “I’m a little offended” you hit the back of Nancy’s chair a little bit. “You questioned my love for Jason, knowing he’s the man of my dreams. I wouldn’t miss this movie now or ever”.
“Man, you have a strange taste in men” Jonathan twisted his head.
Oh boy, if you only knew.
“Who’s gonna pick them for you when I’m out of college?” Nancy said quietly. When you were a year younger than them, you had to reckon they would be gone soon, but the thought still was terrible. You opened the window and put my hand out, feeling the cold wind on your fingers. “Robin’s doing great” you smiled. “She likes Michael Myers”.
“I’m begging you. He’s not even half as terrible as Freddie” Jonathan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and my father is Stephen King” you snorted. Nancy smiled a little. “And Robin’s driving terribly” Jonathan got ripped off. “Whatever my life depends on it, I’d rather give my car to Carol Perkins, she can at least turn around.
“I gotta get off so you two can both stop making fun of her?” “Oh no. We don’t want Jason to get you here… on a dark road… near the woods…” Nancy wiped out and turned to you with her hands ready to attack. You hit her hands to turn around so she didn’t even think to touch or tickle you. “You can ride with me” Jonathan shrugged his arm. “I like Robin, but your life is in danger when she’s behind the wheel. I’m not going anywhere yet.”
There it was. The stomach’s fickles, the heat on your cheeks and the smile and the awful awareness of how wrong it was. How inappropriate and how unfair it was to Nancy, who sat so close to you, that she could count your moles if she turned around. But before she even thought about him, he was yours. Not exactly, of course. But when Will went missing, he didn’t turn to her for help first. He wasn’t at her door in the middle of the night, rambling about how his mom is getting crazy. He was always a lonely ship drifting in the dark sea, and you were his anchor, which drifted in time to hold him.
Well, once Jason had killed everyone he was supposed to kill, and for most of the movie, Jonathan and Nancy spent most of the time giggling and whispering to each other, after looking at their inseparably intertwined hands, it was time to go home.
It’s not that you wanted to steal your best friend’s boyfriend. You were super happy for Nancy. She deserves a great guy like Jonathan. So it was time for another letter. Fifth, if you believe your stupid heart. “How’s the movie?” Dustin asked when I walked by his room. He was only wearing one sock and reading a comic book. “Didn’t you faint from the excess corn syrup blood?”
“I’m not you” you showed him your tongue. “I didn’t forget about the dishes!” “Oh, you did! The pan is still dirty!” Dustin screamed, but I already locked the door to my room and sat at my desk, hiding my face in my hands. After a few awfully long seconds and listening to the bang of an owl outside the window, I pulled the card out of the drawer looking for a black pen.
Dear Jonathan Byers…
These letters are your biggest secret. You weren’t going to send the letter, it was just for you to understand how you were feeling. But really, you guess it was mainly about how sometimes you imagined what it would’ve been like if you’d realized how you felt about them sooner. To all of them. There are five of them: Chris from summer camp, Stanley from the homecoming, Ralph from the neighborhood who lived across the street for just three months, Steve Harrington from high school, and Jonathan.
You’ve seen Chris once in you life, for two weeks in the riverside forest. Stanley was the only one who asked you to dance, seeing you sitting alone on a bench. Ralph moved into Hawkins a few years ago, but his parents decided to go back to Florida. Steve… well, he became quite a different person when you went to high school. And Jonathan… Jonathan is still an infinite chapter. A chapter in book that’s too beautiful to finish reading it early.
You write a letter when you have a crush so intense that you don’t know what else to do. Rereading your letters reminds you of how powerful your emotions can be, how all-consuming. You hide them between the vinyls on a shelf above the bed, where no one will ever find them. Robin would say you’re being dramatic, but drama can be fun…
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked suddenly, entering the room without knocking. “Nothing” you smiled, covering the unfinished part of the letter with your elbow. “Your room is a mess” brother looked around. “And listen, about that pan-”
“Good night, Dustin. I hope you will be dreaming of something nice” you smiled sweetly, showing him the way out. It wasn’t until he left that you finished pouring your feelings onto the paper that you put the letter into the envelope, addressed it and put it between the vinyl, where there were four similar envelopes. Each one was for another boy, who would always be a part of you.
Yeah, drama can be fun. Just as long nobody else knows about it.
“So you’re telling me” Robin stopped halfway down the track. She didn’t care about getting a pass at the PE, anyway, you too. The coach sent you an indulgent look, and your friend just shrugged her shoulders. The other girls ran past you, rubbing your shoulders, but besides that, they didn’t pay much attention to you. “That they were on another date, taking you with them again? Why don’t you just say no to them?”
“I don’t know” Robin groaned and grabbed her side. “What’s going on?” “My body reacts badly to physical effort” she muttered and sat on the treadmill, pulling her legs out. “Some running won’t hurt you” Becky Miller snorted, running alongside us. “Running is humiliating” Robin didn’t even look at her. “Dude, you have to stop this. Every fucking time you come to me and tell me how badly you’re feeling, you’re the one who’s responsible for it. Tell him finally how you feel. Nothing’s gonna happen. There will be no earthquake. The aliens won’t find their way to Earth. And you will finally fall asleep and free yourself from that strange triangle”.
“I don’t want it to be weird between us” you shruged your shoulders.”If I push them off, I’ll start losing them. They’ll find that the two of us are actually better off and… forget how cool it used to be.”
“That’s why relationships sucks” Robin moaned and grabbed your hand. Coach had already started walking towards us, but he was still far away. “But hey… Nancy is your friend. Jonathan is your friend. They care about you. They love you. Maybe not as much as I do, but they do. You don’t have to worry. Everything’s gonna be okay, just… just don’t let it break you. Okay?”
“Okay” you smiled. Robin smiled too and turned her back, frowning her eyebrows. “What’s Harrington doing here? He’s all sweaty and, oh, my God, he looks gross, but shouldn’t he have basketball practice now?”
“Hey, Henderson!” Steve has spoken to you. You lifted your head and swallowed. Steve hasn’t talked to you since you guys were thirteen. Damn thirteen. “On a scale from one to ten, how bad this looks like?” you asked when your hands started shaking. “I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties” Robin responded quietly, standing up. “Me?” you made sure and Steve nodded his head. His hair was in terrible disarray, but although it was wet and stuck to his forehead, it still looked impressive. He wasn’t angry or upset, which was good, but… but he didn’t look happy either.
“If you need me, I’ll be in the nurse’s office” Robink winked and walked away. “Look, I just wanted to say that I really…” Steve licked his lips and wiped his forehead with the palm of his hand. What the hell was going on here. “Goddamn, this is the first time I’ve been in situation like this… I appreciate it, but it’s never gonna happen”.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked. Why did Robin have to leave? Why did she have to leave you? “From what I remember that kiss was hot, you know, for being in seventh grade” Steve said slowly, leading the eye somewhere outside of you, just to avoid looking you in the eye. “And I think it’s really cool you think I have golden specks in my eyes. And that my hair is gorgeous. But this is a strange moment for me… I just broke up with Nancy, you know… Becky is… she’s fine, she seems fine. I may not be ready at all…”
You stopped listening to him and looked at his hands. You don’t know what you expected, maybe they will shake as much as yours, but no. He was holding the envelope. A white, slightly old envelope, with his name written with your writing. With your pen. And your hand.
“At first I thought it was just Dustin’s stupid joke, but that dipshit probably doesn’t even know how to write…” Steve kept on talking, but your mind was somewhere else. It went all the way from school to your house, tossing the whole room in it’s memory, wondering hhow did the letters get in sight. How did they even reach the people they were never supposed to reach?
“I don’t want to be an asshole, and I certainly don’t want you… I don’t know, to feel bad about it, but…” Steve’s voice was drilling into your brain, and your stomach started to shrink painfully. Maybe it’d have managed, if it wasn’t for the fact that Jonathan was just going to the pitch, and he also was holding the envelope.
Oh, no.
Taglist: @krazykatkay​ @mochminnie​ @ghostineleven​ @the-almond-dinger​ @sydzygy​ @queen1054​
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soitmightgetweird · 5 years
Drenched (Halloween fic)
Bucky x reader
Summary: an accidental prank at a party flips your entire night upside down
Warnings: swearing, as per usual
Word Count: ~3300
A/N: Holy fucknuts. It’s been a year and a half since I posted a fic. Damn guys. I dunno who the heck is still paying attention to little ol’ me, but here it is anyway. ((I’m working off a very old taglist, so let me know if you want to be removed. Also let me know if you want to be tagged. I mostly write for Steve and Buck, so you could request all tag or just one dude. Side question.. do Steve fics still happen?? I’m so out of the loop guys.))
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Popcorn ceilings are good for collecting dust and giving you something to stare at when you’re bored. They’re not so good at showing you how to handle a conversation you don’t really want to have. After another little whine from your friend, you finally pull your eyes away to look toward the person sitting on the arm at the far end of the couch. She’s decked out in a gorgeous 1940s-style dress and her hair is delicately styled to match.
“I’m really not feeling like going to a party this year, Nat.”
She frowns. “But you love Halloween.”
“You’re right. But I just feel like turning on my little pumpkin lights and watching scary movies in the dark. I’m not really in a go-out-and-drink-around-a-bunch-of-strangers mood.”
“Not everyone will be strangers.”
“Well, work has been kicking my butt—”
“Honey, I know. You’re busting your ass for that company. But your friends miss you. Steve and Sam both ask how you’re doing all the time. Apparently your texts aren’t very… wordy.”
If it was anyone else in your apartment giving you sad eyes and practically begging you to be social, you’d be irritated. Nat has been the friend who’s helped pull you out of your funks for years. She knows just when to test the waters and when to back off. She’s able to read you insanely well.
The fact that she didn’t drop the conversation immediately means she knows you haven’t reached the burnt out point yet. Once that thought crosses your mind, you know you’ll end up going with her.
“I don’t have a costume,” you say in a resigned tone.
She smiles softly. “Just put on jeans and a hoodie. I’ve got a mask from Mr. Robot. Boom, simple.”
“Guilty. But hey, the party isn’t supposed to be that big.”
You level your stare at your friend. “Isn’t it at Stark’s?”
“Oh. Good point. Well, you can always tell me when you’ve had enough. I just want you to spend time with friends to help you recharge. You know work gets more tolerable when you have fun memories to occupy your mind.”
It’s hard to argue with Nat when she hits the nail on the head. “Alright,” you say as you roll off the couch with a faux-dramatic groan.
A few minutes later, you leave your room in your standard attire and slip into your Converse. Nat smiles again as she watches you turn on little accent lights in your living room before grabbing your keys and following her out the door.
The first thing you notice as you approach the building is the flashing lights, dancing through the sky and originating at the penthouse apartment, thirty stories above your head. You reach up and touch the mask that’s currently pushed up on top of your head.
“He really does go all out. Is this enough of a costume?” you ask.
Nat hooks her arm through yours as you close the distance between yourselves and your destination. “Of course. But honestly he doesn’t care; he just wants people to come and have fun.”
You fall into comfortable silence with your friend as you make your way through the lobby and into an elevator. As you climb, the cheesy elevator music is slowly drowned out by the sounds of the party.
The elevator doors open to a spacious modern penthouse that you’re sure looks a hundred times bigger when it’s not full of people. There’s fake spiderwebs with little plastic spiders on most surfaces—bookshelves, pictures on the walls, the stairwell to the second floor, the hanging lights in the entry. There’s a cauldron sitting on a high shelf, spilling fog from dry ice over the opening to the living room. Rubber bats are hanging from string, there’s a small witch with light-up eyes swinging around the room by the blades of a ceiling fan, a skeleton in sunglasses sprawled across the kitchen island and surrounded by snacks, and there’s a life-sized werewolf statue standing off to the side of the room.
You’re actually… not sure if it’s a statue or someone waiting for the opportune moment to scare everyone around them.
As you’re finishing your visual tour of the room, muscular arms drape over your and Nat’s shoulders. You turn your head to see another mask like the one that’s still on your head instead of pulled down over your face.
“Nice mask,” the person says, and even through the music and people you immediately recognize the voice as Steve.
You laugh. “Great minds I guess.”
“I just saw Wanda a little while ago, who knows where Tony is, Scott is desperately trying to Clint at beer pong, and Sam and Bucky are on the balcony.”
Your face scrunches a little before you’re able to stop it, an expression that Nat and Steve both notice.
“Haven’t warmed up to him yet?” Steve asks, and you’re sure there’s a small frown hidden behind his mask.
You sigh. You know Steve and Bucky have been friends since childhood. Nat has been friends with him since college. But you… no encounter with Bucky Barnes has ever been easy.
Nat was your first friend in the city—a chance meeting at a coffee shop near your apartment. A few months after you’d settled into your new home and job, she started inviting you to outings with her friends.
Steve became an immediately calming presence in your life. Sam offered charm and humor, Wanda was your go-to when you wanted music recommendations, Clint and Scott were the big brothers you never (secretly, always) wanted. Even Tony was fine. He was a little eccentric and sometimes flashy with money, but he had a good heart.
Bucky. You wanted to like Bucky. You did like him at first… for a few minutes.
He was charming too, all smiles and bright blue eyes when Nat introduced you. Over the course of the night though, you heard a lot of stories about his dating reputation and Bucky got way too drunk. Your night ended abruptly when you turned away from the bar and suddenly had beer all down your shirt and jeans.
And when Bucky said “watch it, asshole,” you marched back to the table and told the group you were going home. The night faded into the past, but that’s what started your dislike for Bucky Barnes.
It’s been five years and you still aren’t really “on board” with him. You’re civil enough when you’re around each other but you also won’t seek out conversation with him, even going so far as to direct most of your attention to your phone if you happen to end up seated near each other when you all go out to eat.
It occurs to you a couple hours into the party that you’re enjoying yourself and you’re glad Nat was a little insistent.
You spent a little while in the dining room watching Scott (dressed in a full Jedi robe) do relatively well at beer pong, but not as well as Clint, who was wearing a more modern version of a Robin Hood costume.
"No way in hell I’m wearing tights," he’d said as he sunk another ping pong ball in an orange cup.
Wanda was the next friend you found, in a grungy outfit that resembled Furiosa from Mad Max. You stood with her and Nat for a while, sharing updates on work projects and movies you’d all seen recently. Tony passed by in a long, fitted coat that accented his steampunk look. He even had a little gadget on his lapel made of gears that actually moved. He made it himself and was very proud of it.
You’ve been on the balcony for the past two hours talking to Nat and Steve when you notice your drink is empty. After asking your friends if they want anything, you decide to pull your mask over your face and head through the large glass doors into the living room. As you weave your way through the crowd you spot a large amount of people on one side of the room, so you veer a little to the left to walk through the foggy opening into the hallway.
Before you make it to the other side of the hall, you spot Sam leaning against the wall in front of you, next to the bottom of the stairs that climb up the wall to your left. He has a lazy smirk on his face, like he’s never been more comfortable in his life, just leaning against that wall.
You raise your hand to wave as you call out his name, hoping he can hear since your voice is slightly muffled by your mask. You then notice the speed in which the smile shifts into an expression of full-on panic before you’re suddenly doused in water.
Through the sound of the shouts from the people who were splashed near you, you hear Sam speaking your name and a different voice swearing above you.
You rip your mask away to see that Sam has his hands out toward you, a sincere look of apology on his face. When you turn and look up, you see Bucky. There’s an equally petrified look on his face and he swears again as you bolt for the stairs, Sam’s voice and footsteps following behind you.
Bucky runs through the second door on the left and almost has the door shut before you push through, the door crashing into his shoulder.
“Ow, hey, what the shit! I’m trying to get you a towel!” He grabs a towel out of the closet behind the door and shoves it at you before backing further into the bathroom.
“What the actual fuck, Barnes?” you yell, unzipping your hoodie and throwing it on the counter. It doesn’t make much difference, your shirt is soaked too, but that’s staying on.
“I thought you were Steve!” He has his hands out now, mirroring Sam’s earlier stance, but you’re pissed and you want to get in his face.
You feel a hand gently grab onto your arm as Sam tries to pull you away from his friend. “That’s entirely my fault. I was only paying attention to the mask.”
“Steve has a foot in height on me! And who the fuck drops a bucket of water in someone’s house?”
“We put a tarp down—”
“I was having fun!” Bucky’s still getting the full force of your yelling. “I’ve been stressed the fuck out and Nat convinced me to come out and now I’m fucking drenched—”
Sam says your name again.
You turn around. “Go get Nat please, I want to go home now.”
“Wait,” Bucky protests and Sam stops in the doorway. “Sam just… go enjoy the party, I’ll take her home.”
“Like hell you will.” You finally let go of half the towel and dry off your arms before wrapping the thing around your body, trapping your wet hair against your back.
“I mean to your home, smartass. I’m sorry we pranked you; it was an honest mistake. Let me… I dunno, let me buy you a coffee or something. You’re cold, it’ll warm you up.”
You keep three feet between you and Bucky as you walk back down the sidewalk toward your apartment. The silence is heavy and awkward, and you stare down at your shoes that squish quietly with every step. Your wet hoodie clings to your arms, sending a shiver down your spine. Unfortunately, the only two options are to wear a wet hoodie or leave your arms exposed to the chilly night air and you’re not sure which is worse.
Another chill hits you moments before a second hoodie is draped over your shoulders. You want to throw it back at him, but it’s already helping to shield you against the wind. At that thought, you glance sideways. Bucky’s arms are exposed now but he doesn’t seem to mind the chill.
Before you look away, he reaches up to rub his shoulder.
You huff out a breath. “Sorry I hit you with the door,” you mumble,
A couple beats of silence pass before he answers. “That doesn’t sound like a sincere apology, but I understand. Sorry again about the water.”
You respond with a grunt.
“Why do you hate me?”
You look at him again, your annoyed expression back on your face. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m just asking why you hate me? What did I do? Before the water.”
“First of all, you apparently have a habit of spilling things on me.”
“Do you remember the night we met? You spilled an entire glass of beer on me.”
He stops walking. “Shit. That was you.”
You stopped a few paces in front of him and turned toward him. “Do you remember calling me an asshole right after?”
 Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “Why would I do that?”
“How should I know? But you did. You spilled beer on me then called me an asshole. And I left. Doesn’t really make a girl want to be your friend.” You turn around and start walking again only to realize after a few steps that he isn’t following you. “Are you coming or am I walking the rest of the way alone? Not that I care.”
“I didn’t… I didn’t call you an asshole?”
“You were also a little drunk that night, maybe you don’t remember.”
“No, I… yeah, I had a bit to drink. This girl I’d been seeing had broken things off and I was upset… we’d actually gotten kinda serious. But I didn’t talk about her much because... I dunno, maybe I didn't wanna jinx it. I was having fun distracting myself when they started making jokes about my dating life and I guess I tried to drown my sorrow instead of just talking about it.”
You just stare at him. That absolutely isn’t the response you expected.
“So I'd just got another beer and this dude bumped into me while trying to get some girl’s attention. I called the guy an asshole and was gonna apologize but you were gone. I guess that explains why you avoided even talking to me in passing after that night. Doesn’t really make a guy wanna be your friend.”
You just stare at him. Your dislike had been entirely based off a misunderstanding? “Great. I am an asshole." You turn away from him and continue walking toward your apartment.
"Hey wait, you're not--"
His footsteps sound as he catches up to you. He reaches out and touches your elbow to get you to look at him, pulling his hand away quickly. Physical contact is entirely foreign for you two.
"Can we just forget that night? I mean you can forget about this one too if you want, but I genuinely am sorry. It always kinda bummed me out that you didn't like me--you seemed pretty cool based on all the stories I heard from Steve and Sam."
You frown. "That almost makes me feel worse."
"Please don't. I could've tried to fix things too."
The silence that follows isn't quite as uncomfortable but you still break it shortly after you start walking again.
"I am actually sorry I hit your shoulder. Even when I thought you didn't like me, I would've never intentionally struck you."
He reaches up again to rub his shoulder. There's a smirk on his face as he drops his hand and lifts that shoulder in a small shrug. "I kinda deserved it."
"Maybe. About that coffee though. Just... your hoodie's wet now and I'm not going into a cafe in these clothes. I can just throw this in the dryer and make a pot of coffee. If you want."
Bucky laughs. "I want to make a joke about you inviting me over after dark, but I'll spare it since we're only just now becoming friends."
"Are we becoming friends?"
Bucky turns a worried expression toward you, as if he's scared he pushed too far. When you return a small laugh with a shake of your head, he smiles too.
"You basically said the joke by referencing the joke. But I'll give you a pass this time."
You're hyper aware of Bucky's presence as you ride the elevator to the fifth floor together and even more so as you're unlocking your front door and allowing a person into your apartment you never expected to invite over.
"I like your decorations," Bucky says from behind you.
You turn to see him looking at the mantle over your fireplace. There are fake webs and little cheese-cloth ghosts in jars on one side and sparkly black and purple pumpkins next to a little figure of a bird dressed as a witch on the other.
"Thanks. Um... I'm gonna go change and throw this in the dryer. Be right back."
The nerves that arise when you're changing are completely unwelcome. Do you need to put on actual clothes or is leggings and a sweatshirt alright? What do you talk about while you're waiting on his hoodie to dry? What if it's just awkward silence?
You stop mid-movement when you realize you've had those thoughts... before you went on dates.
You pull a leggings and a blissfully dry sweatshirt on and walk out of your room, throwing all the wet clothes in the dryer together on the way back to the living room. When you walk in the room, Bucky's crouched in front of the tv, going through the stack of movies you set out a couple days ago. He stops shuffling the cases and holds up your copy of Tucker & Dale vs. Evil with a very serious expression on his face.
"You... have excellent taste in movies."
"Jeez, I thought you were about to lecture me. We can watch it while we wait on the dryer if you want. I'll go start coffee."
The next morning, you wake up wondering why your neck hurts. Opening one eye, you squint through the sunlight and are met with the sight of your living room. Well, sleeping on the couch explains the neck pain. With a yawn, you stretch your legs and nudge a solid mass on the other end of the couch. Bucky is still there, his socked feet propped on your coffee table and his head resting against the back of the couch.
You nudge him again and he stirs. Then he starts and sits up straight.
"Shit. I'm sorry, I dozed off. Oh... it's morning."
"It is.”
"I um... I guess I'll take my hoodie and go?"
"More coffee."
He chuckles, the sound deep and warm. "Trying to keep me here?"
You put your head back down. "Trying to get you to make coffee."
After you’ve both had two cups of coffee—you’re choosing not to think too much about the fact that he apparently remembered exactly how you like your drink because the first cup he handed you was absolutely perfect—you walk back into the living room with Bucky’s hoodie, holding it out as he finishes slipping on his shoes.
“Oh, it’s warm,” she says with a grin, slipping the garment on and immediately zipping it up.
“It’s chilly outside and despite what you may think, I am actually nice to friends.”
“Oooo, we’re friends. You said it, no take-backsies.”
You laugh. “Well, you do make a decent cup of coffee.”
“You’re right, I do. I’ll get out of your hair now, though. And next time we all go to dinner, you have to actually talk to me. No more cold shoulder?”
He’s standing at the door, hand on the doorknob and ready to leave when he asks the question. There’s an easy smile on his face, but you still see a trace of that same worried expression.
“No more cold shoulder,” you agree. “You don’t have a long walk, do you?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. S’only two blocks. See you around.”
And with that, he opens the door and leaves your apartment, casting one more look over his shoulder to smile as he walks down the hallway.
The realization that you also have a goofy smirk on your face as you walk toward your bedroom stops you momentarily, along with the thought that his presence is already something you know you want more of.
Well shit.
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Tags: @stanevansalways19​ @scarlettsoldier​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @shakzer00​ @pixierox101​ @chrevastan​ @aubzylynn​
Bucky only tag: @nerdyandproud9​
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Believe (Noticed Part 2) - Steve Harrington x Reader
Notes: Here’s part two of Noticed! I followed the ST3 season finale episode with this one so this part contains major spoilers for the season 3 finale. If you haven’t watched it, don’t read this. Anyway, Steve requests are still open! Send some prompts in if you want. And please comment/reblog/like this, it means so much to me when you do! Thank you!
Summary: Steve has confessed his love for you, you think, and now you have to survive the rest of the night.
Believe - Noticed Part 2
Steve Harrington x Reader
Requested?: Yes, by anon - “omg i loved Noticed, any chance of a follow up part two??”
Word Count: 3,239
Warnings: MAJOR ST3 SPOILERS, PTSD, angst, fluff, etc.
You and Steve are piled into a mini-car with Robin driving. Dustin sits in the front with her while Erica is shoved in the back with you two.
“Heyyy Erica.” You giggle, using her head as an armrest.
“Get your elbow off of me or I swear I will use the taser on you.” She threatens. You take your arm off her, a laughing mess.
“W-Watch out, (Y/n), you’ve got America on your tail.” Steve laughs, gripping your shoulder. You giggle again.
“Oh no.”
The mini-car comes to a crashing halt as Robin hits a tower of metal bins. Your head bangs against the metal bars behind you. You groan, matching Steve as the two of you complain.
“Are you guys okay back there?” Dustin asks, turning around. 
“They’re fine.” Erica rolls her eyes, opening the back door and jumping out. You crawl to the door, practically falling out of the back of the car as your back meets the concrete below.
“Ow.” You giggle, sitting up straight as Steve tumbles out of the car after you, landing right on top of you.
“Well, hello, darling.” He grins at you, pecking your cheek.
“My prince charming.” You chuckle, cupping his cheek with your hand.
“Now is not the time!” Dustin picks Steve up off of you. You whine as Robin helps you up.
“Into the elevator!” Robin all but shoves you and Steve into the elevator.
“Where are your car keys?” Dustin asks you and Steve. You think hard. 
“Ummm, I left them...somewhere?” You ask more than state, looking over at Steve.
“The,” Steve erupts in a fit of laughter, “The Russians took our keys, like, forever ago.”
“Oh yeah! That’s where I left them!” You point at Steve, a large grin making its way onto your face.
“I thought they sobered up after confessing their love.” Dustin groans, running a hand through his hair.
“Your hair looks soft, Dusty.” You reach out and grab a lock. He swats your hand away, a look of offense present on his face.
“Don’t touch my hair. That’s reserved for Suzie.” He huffs. You giggle.
“Is Suzie real?” You ask, looking over at Steve. Steve shrugs, letting a small chortle out.
“We’re here.” Robin helps you and Steve up as the doors to the elevator open. 
“Outside!” You gasp, beaming as you step out onto the pavement. 
“I can taste the air!” Steve sticks out his tongue, looking like an idiot.
“You look stupid.” You scrunch your nose up at him.
“Nuh-uh!” He protests, booping your nose. You giggle again. Two large Russian men charge at your group, spewing incoherent sentences.
“They’re mad!” You gasp, grabbing Steve’s arm as you laugh. Dustin, Robin, and Erica start to push you two to the side doors.
“Why are we running?” Steve asks, confused as he’s shoved into the doors.
“Woo!” You grin gleefully as they push you in after Steve. They lead you through a few corridors until you reach another door. They open it to reveal the movie theater.
“Movie!” Steve claps. You’re led to the front where Dustin and Robin sit you down, moving to sit elsewhere with Erica. You groan.
“These are the bad seats!” You protest, grabbing some popcorn that Steve got from who knows where.
After a while, once the others aren’t looking, Steve leans over to you.
“I need water.” He whispers.
“There’s a fountain outside.” You mumble, still upset at the seat choice.
“Come with me, please?” He whines, grabbing your hand. You sigh and the two of you go to the water fountain outside of the theater.
Steve gets water first, taking way too long for your liking.
“Move.” You push him out of the way, leaning down for a taste of the water.
“Hey, (Y/n), look at this.” Steve beckons you. You furrow your brows and go to stand next to him, looking up at the fake stars. You grin.
“They’re,” You hiccup, “They’re pretty. Like, um, stars.” 
“I feel...sick.” Steve’s hand goes to his stomach. You hold back puke.
“Uh huh.” You and Steve make a break for the bathroom, going in adjacent stalls and puking the serum out of your system.
Once the two of you have officially gotten it all out of your system, you sit back against the wall of the restroom.
“How do we, um, how do we know it’s out of our systems?” Steve asks, nudging your foot with his from the next stall over.
“Ask questions! Interrogate me, Steve Harrington.” You chuckle, nudging his foot back.
“Okay, um, when was your last boyfriend?” He hums. You contemplate.
“Well, heh, you’ll never believe it, but I dated Jonathan Byers back in high school for a little bit.” You admit, leaning your head back on the wall. Steve goes quiet.
“Really?” He asks.
“Yeah. I broke up with him, though. Nothing’s weird between us, either. It wasn’t a messy breakup.” You shrug.
“My turn,” He whispers, much quieter than before.
“Was your confession real?” You ask, retracting your legs to where they’re only in your side of the stall. He stays silent for a minute.
“You really love me?” You whisper, not stopping the hopeful tone to your voice. Steve slides under the stall to your side, leaning against the stall wall for stability.
“I really do, (Y/n). More than I could comprehend while I was under the serum.” He admits, grabbing your hand. You blush.
“I love you, too. I think I started liking you a lot before you saved me from Billy. In fact, I think it was close to the point when you and Nancy broke up that I started having feelings for you. I-I thought that you’d never notice me, so I didn’t really think anything of it until you did. Like, for example, I thought the way Nancy ending things was terrible and I always thought you deserved better. I thought...um, nevermind.” You look away, a blush creeping its way to your cheeks.
“You thought what?” Steve asks softly, rubbing a thumb over the back of your hand.
“I always thought that I could’ve treated you better than she did. But I ridiculed myself for thinking that because Nancy was my best friend and I shouldn’t berate her like that.” You frown, looking at the ground.
“You’re not berating her. People make mistakes and, hey, she doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.” Steve flexes his arm, making you laugh.
“I love you, Steve Harrington.” You murmur, your face inching closer to his. He brushes his nose against yours, going in for the kiss.
Before he has the chance to kiss you, though, Robin barges in with Dustin and Erica at her side.
“There you two are!” She gasps, running over to you. You groan and get up with the help of Steve.
“Time to go.” Dustin ushers everyone out of the restroom. You all walk to the front doors, following the crowd to get to the bus. You walk to the front doors, seeing everyone getting checked for their ID. You grab Robin’s shoulder and stop her.
“We can’t go through there.” You whisper.
“Abort. Abort!” Dustin yells and the five of you run in the other direction.
“Do you think they noticed us?” Steve asks.
“No, duh!” Erica yells at him. Everyone slides down the in-between part of the escalator and keeps running.
Eventually, you hide behind a counter of some food place. The rest of the mall is evacuated.
The five of you try to breathe as quietly as possible as you all hide behind the counter, silent and waiting for them to go away or find you. You grab Steve’s hand and lace your fingers together. 
All of a sudden, a car starts honking to your right. You gasp and Steve reaches over to cover your mouth with his hand.
The Russians speak behind you.
The car flies across the room behind you and everyone turns around, poking their head up from behind the counter.
Eleven is standing on the floor above with her hand outreached as the Russians lay below, dead.
“Yes!” You yell, hopping over the counter and grabbing a Russian man’s gun.
“You flung that thing like a Hotwheel!” Dustin yells, running to hug Eleven once she’s on the lower floor with the rest of you. The others, Mike, Lucas, Max, and Will reunite with everyone.
“Lucas?” Erica’s eyes widen.
“What are you doing here?” Lucas asks, angry and worried.
“Ask them, it’s their fault.” She points her thumb at you, Steve, and Robin over her shoulder.
“True, yeah, it’s totally our fault,” Steve admits honestly. You nudge him in the ribs.
The group catches up with everything. You explain the Russians and they explain the Mind Flayer coming back. You furrow your brows.
“There have been two problems this entire time and we only knew about one?” You scratch your head. Truth be told, this whole thing is giving you a headache.
Then, Eleven passes out. You all crowd around her as she gets the thing out of her leg. You almost throw up again as you watch it happen.
Once that is over, the adults arrive. Joyce, Hopper, and some guy named Murray.
You all go over the plan multiple times.
“So, what are we doing? What’s our part in the plan?” You ask, your head pounding. Steve puts an arm around your shoulders.
“Follow me.” He helps you up and you, Robin, Dustin, and Erica walk out of the front doors of the mall.
“A car?” You ask, furrowing your brows as you read the plate. TODFTHR.
“Now this, this is what I’m talking about.” Steve grins, flipping the keys in his hand. You get in the passenger seat as Steve slides into the driver’s side.
“Tod father?” Robin asks as Steve gears up the car.
“Screw Tod, Steve’s her daddy now.” He starts the car and speeds off.
“Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?” Robin asks.
“And call yourself daddy?” You look at him concerned. He doesn’t respond, just shoots you a grin.
You speed off to a distant hill, making it almost halfway up before the TODFTHR gives out. You hop out and start to run to the top, the rest in tow behind you.
Once you make it to the top, Dustin gets on the radio and speaks to Murray who is in the ventilation system. You sit down, hand on the gun on your hip just in case anything tries to attack you. Steve sits next to you, setting a hand on top of your free hand.
“Wait, do you see that?” Steve stands up after a moment, looking back in the direction of the mall. He helps you up and you look over in that area, seeing the mall lights flicker rapidly.
“Guys.” You warn them. Robin stands up. Dustin tries to reach the group at the mall, to no avail. All you hear is the shriek of a monster.
The Mind Flayer.
“Let’s go!” Steve takes your hand and starts running. Robin runs after the two of you.
You all get in the TODFTHR and speed off back to the mall.
As you speed into the parking lot, you see the Mind Flayer on top of the roof of the mall.
“Holy crap.” You whisper, fear lighting up your eyes. Steve grabs your hand. A car halts next to you with a loud hiss as the back door opens up.
“Get in!” A voice yells. You, Steve, and Robin don’t have to be told twice as the three of you clamber out of your car and into the other one. You all speed off into the night.
As the car continues to speed down the road, you’re left watching as the Mind Flayer runs after you. You can’t help but wonder what will happen if it catches up.
“Hey, we’re going to be okay, alright?” Steve grabs your hand, squeezing it. You look over at him, worry filling your features.
“What if we’re not?” You whisper.
“We will be. I promise.” He kisses the back of your hand. You give him a small smile.
“I believe you.” You nod, going to sit next to him as you intertwine your fingers.
“We have to go back,” Robin yells, watching as the Mind Flayer turns around. You look at her like she’s crazy.
“What?” Lucas yells at her.
“It’s going back so that means something happened! We need to go back!” She screams. Jonathan pulls a crazy U-turn and now you’re the ones following the Mind Flayer.
Once you arrive at the mall for the third time, you run in after the Mind Flayer and go to the second floor.
“I can’t believe I’m mixed up in this crazy mess.” You groan, grabbing a firework from Lucas who demands everyone take one. 
“It’s our crazy life.” Steve shrugs, grabbing a firework. Lucas throws the first one, distracting it from hurting El. You throw the next one directly into its mouth.
“Take that!” You yell, hoping it’ll distract it long enough to get Eleven out of the way.
Everyone bombards the Mind Flayer with multiple fireworks, throwing them left and right like nobody’s business. 
Eventually, you run out of fireworks. Lucas throws the last one, looking to everyone with worry in his eyes. The Mind Flayer stands menacingly over El and Billy, looking for its next meal.
El backs away but as the Mind Flayer’s talon lunges for her, Billy stops it. You watch as Billy sacrifices himself for the greater good.
“Billy!” You scream, not being able to do anything because you’re too far away. You never had liked Billy that much, but no one deserved to die like that. Especially not since he sacrificed himself for El.
Steve grabs you and pulls you to the ground as the Mind Flayer flings his body around, crushing the spot where you used to be. It finally falls to the ground, dead.
You suppose Joyce, Hopper, and Murray shut down the gate.
“We’re alive,” Steve whispers, clutching your hand. You turn to him and hug him tight, still laying on the ground with him. He holds you close, one hand running up and down your spine soothingly.
Everyone walks downstairs and out of the building. Will finds his mom and hugs her tight. You sit down in an ambulance, getting questioned like an interrogation. It takes everything in you not to cry on the spot.
You watch as Eleven looks around for Hopper. You can’t see him.
You’re not sure what that means.
“(Y/n).” Steve stumbles over to you. You get dismissed from your questioning. You walk to Steve, letting him wrap you in a tight hug as he shields you from the rest of the world.
“Hopper didn’t make it.” You breathe out, clutching onto his Scoops Ahoy uniform for dear life.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He sets his head on top of yours as you bury your face into the crook of his neck.
“Can we go back home? Please?” You whisper, tearing up. He nods. A cop gives him back his keys that they found on one of the Russian men underground. 
You get into the passenger side of his car and stay silent on the way home. The radio plays softly in the background as the two of you hold hands, saying nothing.
There’s nothing to say. Not yet.
Once you make it back to Steve’s house, you walk in and go straight to his room. You shut the door and lay down on the bed, waiting for him to join you. You feel the bed dip and you snuggle up to your new boyfriend.
“Get some rest, you deserve it.” He whispers into your hair as he pulls you to his chest. You hum and close your eyes, letting the wave of sleep rush over you easily.
It’s the middle of the night and Steve hasn’t gone to bed yet. He doesn’t want to sleep. He wants to keep you safe, to stay here and watch over you to make sure nothing bad happens to you in the night.
So when you start to thrash around under the covers, he’s already alert. He sets a hand on your forehead, letting out a calming ‘shh’ as you continue to toss and turn.
“N-No! No!” You mumble, reaching out an arm.
“(Y/n), it’s okay.” He murmurs, running a hand softly down your arm. You whimper, a sound Steve never wants to hear come from you again. Not like this.
It’s a deafening sound of loss and pure pain, one filled with emotion he doesn’t want you to feel ever again.
So, he does what he knows he can do. He hugs you tight. He holds you in his arms and doesn’t let go, effectively calming you down as you relax back into his arms. You’re safe.
The next morning, you wake up much too early for your liking. Steve’s side of the bed is empty.
You start to panic, thinking that maybe the Mind Flayer came back and took him. You hurriedly jump out of the bed, running out of his room and down the stairs.
“Steve? Steve!” You scream, pure terror coursing through your veins.
“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?” Steve rounds the corner, eyes wide as he reaches for your hand. You let out a breath of relief as you see him. You hug him tightly.
“I didn’t know where you went.” You admit, tears leaking from your eyes as you hug your boyfriend tight.
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” He murmurs into your ear, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck this time. Your breathing steadies.
“I believe you.” You nod, squeezing him tight one last time before letting go. You wipe the tears from your eyes.
“I made breakfast.” Steve leads you to the kitchen where a plate of bacon and eggs awaits you. You try your best to smile at him as you sit down and start eating. He busies himself making two cups of coffee.
When he’s finished with those, he goes to sit down next to you. He sets your coffee down next to you a little too rough, causing you to involuntarily flinch at the noise.
“Ah--” You gasp, looking over at the cup of coffee.
“I’m sorry!” He apologizes, resting a hand on your shoulder. You grab his hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s fine, I just...It’ll take time, you know? Getting over everything. We’re probably going to have PTSD for the rest of our lives.” You tell him, frowning.
“It’s been a traumatic experience. I get it. I’ll give you all the time you need, (Y/n). I’m here for you. I love you.” He sits down, lacing your fingers together. You nod.
“I don’t mean it’ll take time for us, I mean...I just need time in general. If I’m being honest, you’re the only one grounding me to reality right now. I need you right now. It’s just...everything else, I’m going to have to get used to it again. Loud noises, sharp objects, the whole mile. I have to take time.” You lay your head on his shoulder.
“Me and you both, (Y/n). Me and you both. I’ll be here every step of the way, believe me.” He kisses your temple. You smile.
“I believe you.”
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill.
So this is kind of really shit but I can’t figure out how to make it not shitty so here you go folks. XD sorry. Pretty much more High Steve with Robin just chilling with hints of sad because oof. Not a ship, they just friends.
The store was empty for the first time in three, long, trying, and teenage filled hours. Needless to say Steve and Robin were dead on their feet as they closed up shop.
Robin was quick to lock the doors, and Steve sped threw mopping the ‘poop deck’, otherwise known as the shops front. Chairs were flipped and scoops were washed at record speed. Robin was about to grab her purse when Steve stopped her.
“Hey Rob, I was wondering if you wanted to smoke tonight? We could just throw a movie in or something.”
Well that was new. Not that she didn’t know Steve smoked every now and then, but she’s never been invited before. They had been getting closer over the summer, so it kind of made sense, and hey, if he was going to offer it out for free who was she to say no.
“Sure, just let me go home and change first, meet you at yours in about an hour?”
Steve’s smile was damn near blinding. He nodded along eagerly, and they split off, Robin heading to where her mom was picking her up and Steve to his car.
After five minutes of small talk Robin decided she couldn’t put it off any longer.
“Hey mom, I was wondering if I could hang out at a friends house tonight. They’re having a movie night, I know it’s kind of last minute but I thought it might be okay since I’m off tomorrow anyway.”
She hummed in thought, “Who’s house is it?”
“The boy I work with, Steve, I’ve told you about him before.”
“He won’t try to get in your pants?”
Robin couldn’t hold back her laugh, “Not a chance, he knows I like girls mom.”
The elders face lit up, “Oh of course then Honey, I’ll drop you off whenever your ready and maybe he can take you home tomorrow.” She relented, relaxing back into her seat.
They pulled into their driveway and Robin made quick work of showering and getting comfy close for the night. Clad in sweat pants and an old band t-shirt she threw her still wet hair up in a messy bun and gathered her favorite blanket in a bag. Down stairs her mother was watching the end to the nightly news.
“Ready Mom!”
The brunette turned and did a once over of her daughter. Concluding that she was appropriately dressed for a sleepover she picked her purse up from the coffee table and the two made their way out the door.
A quick drive later and they were pulling into the Harrington’s long driveway, the first floors lights sprinkled to show where exactly Steve was.
Her mom wished her well and Robin made her way to the doorbell. Soft chimes sounded through the house.
The double doors were yanked open to reveal none other than Steve Harrington himself, ushering her inside and waving to her mom as she pulled away.
“Welcome, welcome to the wonderfully cozy Harrington residence. We have two of fifty rooms occupied, my bedroom and the living room, feel free to pick either to get fucked up in.”
Robin eyed the blank walls of the too clean house. It just wasn’t Steve at all, it seemed empty? Lonely? Like some Hallmark mansion, just not realistic at all. Down the hall she could see the flashing glow of a television and pointed. “There.”
“Living room it is then.” Steve hummed with a soft nod. “That’s where I got everything prepared so I was hoping you’d say that.”
God he was a dingus.
There was a large L shaped couch in the middle of the room, a TV facing it against the wall on top of a dresser like stand, and a coffee table littered with snacks, movies, and a few blunts between the two. Given the stack of blankets already pulled out Robin assumed that tonight was going to be filled with warm, cozy cuddling and lazy conversations.
She wasn’t complaining though. She plopped down on the bouncy cushion and reached to flip through the movie choices.
“Anything in mind Harrington?”
“Nothing particular. They’re mostly horror though.”
That raised an eyebrow, hadn’t he already had enough horror in his life already? “You a big fan of horror then?” she asked.
Steve just kind of huffed then chuckled. “My dad says a real man doesn’t watch musicals or romance stuff. He only allows ‘manly’ movies in his house, don’t you want to watch a manly movie Rob?”
Robin just rolled her eyes and mumbled. “Wouldn’t know good movies if it hit him.” But she loved a good horror movie herself, she grabbed the copy of Nightmare on Elms Street and waved it in Steve’s face. “Pop her in then buddy.”
A minute later and they were situating blankets across the two of them as trailers flickered across the screen. Really Robin thought five blankets was a little excessive but Steve seemed to think it was lacking. He leaned forward and grabbed the pre popped popcorn, a lighter, and the first blunt of the night.
Ever the gentleman Steve gave her the first hit. She held it in her mouth, coaxing it down her throat while he took his own puff. After a few seconds she opened her mouth and let the smoke find its own way out, floating from her mouth and into the air like a cloud.
Steve was not as patient or content to see the slow going process, after a few seconds he blew the air out like flames from a dragon's mouth.
They traded it back and forth, watching each other’s different tricks as the drug slowly took effect, till the movie started up, their eyes glued to the screen.
Something Robin realized fairly quickly was that Steve was not a fan of horror movies. She could feel him slowly pressing further against her, flinching when things got too jumpy. She couldn’t blame him, besides if she could help comfort him through this one then she could find at least one happy movie to put in next, right?
After a particularly gruesome scene she decided she couldn’t wait that long. You might be thinking, why doesn’t she just say she wants to change the movie? Well, the thought didn’t even cross her mind. Instead she moves in with a quick distraction.
“That Nancy Thompson is pretty cute right?”
Steve stares up at her for a few seconds before nodding. Hell yeah she was cute.
“And that Glen dude, any character Johnny Depp plays is going to be eye candy.”
Good. If she had him talking then he wasn’t paying attention to the movie.
“Quick! Fuck marry kill, Johnny, Nancy girl, or Tina?”
He stuttered for a few seconds, his mind wrapping around the character selection. “Umm, kill Tina, Marry Johnny and fuck Nancy?”
Robin couldn’t help but laugh at how unsure he sounded.
“Hey well how about you?”
“Mmm,” she paused to think. “Kill Johnny, Marry Tina, fuck Nancy.”
The game kept up with characters before moving onto people they knew in real life. “Clair Burk, Tommy H, and Carol.”
Steve huffed long and hard for that one, taking another drag before even contemplating. Robin thought about her own answer as well, Clair was pretty cute, and surely Carol would have some redeeming qualities. Tommy was a nice guy if you caught him around the right people, but prone to violence, she’d have to go with “I’d marry Clair, fuck Carol and kill Tommy.”
Steve actually laughed at that one. “Understandable, understandable. But get this okay. Fuck Tommy, kill Clair, Marry Carol.” He was quick to continue when Robins head jerked to look at him, eyebrows raised. “I’ve known them for a super long time, right? So marry Carol cause we could just act like friends, and like I know you like girls and all but Tommy is kinda cute. He has freckles Rob, freckles. And he’s super strong-“
She stopped him before it could get graphic “Woah woah woah keep it PG, I don’t need a full description of how you’d want him to give it to you.”
They’d cycled through most of the kids in their grade that they both knew by the time the credits started to roll.
Steve sat up and stared her down, excited not unlike a golden retriever.
“Wait wait wait okay okay. So. Watch, sleepover with, or dinner with, kid addition.”
Color her intrigued. She gestured for him to continue. “Okay So Mike, Dustin and Max?”
The kids had grown on her since that night at the Mall, she’s like to think they were all friends. “Okay so watch Max, Sleepover with Dustin and Dinner with Mike.”
Steve burst into laughter.
Fine, if he was going to just laugh at her she’d give him something to laugh at.
Robin turned to face him and reached to grab ahold of his side, squeezing away at the fleshy skin. “Oh your going to laugh at me? Well you have a better idea Dingus?”
Steve’s laughter doubled and his hands grabbed onto her wrists. No matter how hard he tried to squirm to the other side of the couch he was stuck. Their legs had gotten tangled in the many many blankets about an hour ago, and neither had the motivation to unstick themselves.
Boy does he wish he had.
“I was lahaughihing cause mihine is the sahahme! Ihits the sahame.”
Oh. Well, no reason for her to stop. “Yeah, cause Mike's a shithead and gets in trouble, of course it was going to be the same! But now look at you Stevey, Hmm let me think of one.” She slowed down for a second, focusing in on who she would pair up. “How about Lucas, Jane, and Will? I won’t stop tickling you till you answer.”
I Steve kicked out as she moved her way up his ribs, digging between the bone. Somehow he ended up with his back against her, trapping himself.
“Wahahtch Lucas, dineher with Jahanehe, Wihihill sleheep ohover!”
She slowed down her fingers, not quite stopping but changing to fluttery touches that left him giggling.
Steve’s arms felt heavy and all he could think about was the tingling of her nails over his stomach and neck. He let his hands drop into his lap and threw his head back onto Robins shoulder.
“It feheheels weirherd.”
Robin leaned down to his ear to tease the poor boy. “Do you mean it tickles Steve?”
The boy nodded, hiding his blush in the crook of her neck.
“Come on, you can say it buddy. Tick-le, easy peasy.”
Steve burrowed deeper into her neck, hiding himself away from the word.
“Fine,” she huffed. “If you won’t say it then at least tell me that you like it. It’s kind of obvious at this point.”
He only leaned further onto her, probably hoping to disappear.
“Well that just confirmed it Dingus.” She cooed.
She kept up the light touches till Steve’s face had lost some of its pink. He was still squirming occasionally when her fingers strayed a bit to close to his side, and he rolled himself so they were chest to chest.
If she was wondering what kind of stoned Steve would be before she had her answer. He was touchy and clingy when high, and it somehow fit perfectly even with his previous bad boy routine.
His breathing evened out and he was fully slumped against her.
Robin stretched as far as she could for the remote and a bag of chips before laying herself back down. Now that Steve was actually asleep she could try and really watch the movie. What were best friends for if not being a pillow anyway?
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