#roblox break in fanfic
deltaheartsstuff · 6 months
Side projects (Break in fanfic)
this is a brute origin story. Know the brute might just be a strong dude but wanted to make this for the heck of it.
The brute i had given the name Drake and Mary i had given the headcanon of having more experiments than Larry. This might get a sequel later.
trigger warning for drug usage.
It had been around 2 months since Mary started her experiments on Larry, she hadn't been holding back on him at all. Frustrated with him denying her human test subjects for years including entertaining there fake love it felt good to let it all out on him.
One day though after she was letting Larry rest after a hard day she began to think to herself, Larry is a big project of hers but she was thinking what if she had smaller projects, not only to test out methods for Larry to not kill him but also maybe to make her minions stronger. She had been testing on animals such as rats but decided it was time for more humans.
First thought was the cook Mateo. He is around there age and he was Larry's best friend and even though he was the bases personal cook he could still hold his own Larry even taking him with him when the purge started sometimes. She had considered doing tests on him due to him also nearly being killed by the family that defeated Larry but decided against it. He had already demoted to staying in the kitchen full time and she could admit she liked his cooking to much to risk killing him. Though he was still in mind incase he tried anything.
Instead she went to the gym and looked at the mobsters training there. Observing them on the treadmills and lifting weights one member caught her eye though, it was a man named Drake.
He was a man in his 20's and he was one of the stronger mobsters. Drake had a dream of becoming a wrestler and had been training and working out in his teen years and been going to after school programs and even summer camps to accomplish this dream of his. However after his parents went into debt with the mob they basically sold him to them to save themselves.
Drake while he was reluctant at first became one of the more respected members. He was aloud to keep training at there gym and he does it whenever he had free time.
After Larry's defeated though he had been training more at the gym than ever. Some of the mobsters spreading rumors that he blames himself for Larry's defeat, Larry treated him better than his parents ever did so he was upset at what happened to him.
This however gave Mary an idea, she went over to Drake just as he was finishing up his work out drinking a bottle of water. The mobsters seeing Mary walked by decided to leave when she tapped him on the shoulder.
"Why hello... Drake was it?"
Drake chocked on his water when he noticed her. "OH- shit- uh hello- ma'am---"
"Don't need to be so formal! Just call me Mary!"
"Umm... alright but... uhh what do you need."
Drake was becoming visibly nervous which kind of annoyed her. When Larry was leader alot of the mobsters liked him alot, while there are mobsters that like Mary some are afraid of her after seeing what she had been doing to Larry.
She kept a calm dimeter though. "So.. Drake you know what we had been doing to Larry and i was thinking of doing it to more people. And was thinking
Drake had become more worried "Umm... but isn't... Larry being tortured......"
"Tortured??!? No! No! We are fixing him! Making sure he never loses a fight again!!"
"But... some of the guys brag about it.. about how they made him scream and how he cried."
"Oh- well they were probably just joking- and besides yeah ill admit it probably is hurting him.. but its for his own good. Let me remind you he was almost killed out there this way he'll be safe during the next purges. and if we do the same to you and others maybe they'll be safe to."
"Couldn't i just keep training at the gym here??"
"You could but that's takes a long time! Besides who knows the law could eventually find this place and it's better to be ready sooner than later."
Drake began to think for a moment than he sighed. "fine..."
Mary smirked. "Alright come on lets get started!"
"Wait- Now???!"
"Yup!! Come on!!"
Before Drake could object Mary grabbed him and started forcing him to walk along with her. He may have been strong but Mary was stronger than him. He looked to the other mobsters for help but they ether have him a smirk or a look of pity.
Mary made him go deeper into the base. He had been down in the base before, it had the medbays for the injured and Mary's lab was there were she use to just make weapons but now there was a new area currently being built. Mobsters were currently building new rooms, they were jail cells.
The mob took hostages before but they would ether just be locked in a spare room until they ether had there ransom paid or worst case scenario killed. Larry didn't like holding people prisoner for a long amount time due to a fear if they were to ever escape there base would be discovered. As well as the worst he thought the mob should do was kill people in there way. Though of course since he was no longer leader stuff like that is being considered.
They eventually got to her labs, Larry in the room and was on a mattress on the ground, leg being chained to the ground. He was trying to get some sleep after the day he been through but was awoken up when the two came in.
"Mary??? You said there was no more today..."
"Oh don't worry its not you this time."
Mary gestured towards Drake, Larry's eyes widened. "So- guess I am not the only one dealing with your crap."
Mary chuckled "Oh Larry when will you learn you're not the center of the universe. Besides Drake here agreed to it unlike you! "
Larry looked towards Drake. Drake didn't know the full picture of what they had been doing to him but seeing him now. He looked like a shell of his former self, any joy he had was gone now replaced with a look of pain and despair.
Drake was slowly moving towards the door but Mary stopped him. "There's no turning back now Drake!! You agreed to this."
"Mary leave the kid alone!!! You don't need to do this crap to him!!"
"Oh don't try to act like you have a moral compass all of a sudden!! Besides what i have planned for him won't hurt as much." Mary looked at Drake. "And it won't hurt as long as you don't make it difficult"
Mary's glare struck terror into him as he just reluctantly nodded and sat on the chair, the same one were Larry had his experiments done on him. Mary got out her box of chemicals and brought them.
Larry stood up. "MARY DON'T-"
"I suggest you shut up unless you want to be sleeping hanging from wall again."
Mary turned her attention back to Drake who was tensed up. Unlike with Larry she decided to put rubbing alcohol on him, he noticed this and was shocked but didn't say anything due to not wanting to hang from the wall. Drake closed his eyes and yelped as he felt the chemicals going into his body.
Mary stood back he shock a bit, before he stopped.
"So how- how are you feeling??"
"I- i feel.... better than expected. i guess..."
"Great now!! Ill be honest that's just a little sample of what's next to come. I'm gonna have to discuse some details before we continue ahead. So far why don't you stay in one of the new rooms being built!"
"You- You mean the jail cells??"
"I wouldn't call them that!! I would say guest rooms or patient wards. Besides its just incase something happens to you!"
".... fine..."
Mary helped Drake up and he lead him out to some of the mobsters and told them to take him to one of the cells. After that he went back to the lab were Larry was.
"So! Larry... since im going to be doing more side projects good news they'll be more days where you can get breaks!!"
"Wh... so Drake isn't going to be the only other one.... Why??? Why Mary??? Drake doesn't deserve this... No one else does.."
"The better question is why do you seem to care???"
"I... Just want to know.."
Mary knelt down and smirk. "Because I'm doing what's best for the mob and you can't tell me what to do anymore..."
Larry wanted to speak more but he didn't have it in him to fight her.
"Oh by the way we're continuing your experiments in the morning so get some sleep!!."
She than left Larry to his thoughts. A smile on her face thinking of all the other experiments she can do now. Larry laid down, not knowing himself why he felt sorry for Drake and the future victims of her but he did his best to just try and sleep it off knowing the next day is going to be hard.
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llserenell · 16 days
I’m going to take a little break from Hazbin until season two (maybe not that long.)
During my break so far, I’ve randomly gotten into pressure (a Roblox horror game.)
I’m now going to write a fanfic based off the horror game, which I’ll most likely post here, on my ao3, or both. Not to worry, I am NOT abandoning my Hazbin fic. As I said, I’m taking just a little break because I don’t want to grow tired of everything haha.
(More underneath explaining the fanfic I am going to write)
So, if you are also a pressure fan, you’ll most likely know about an alternative ending that got scrapped.
The ending is where the player is forced to kill Sebastian, and Sebastian starts crying out to him mother, so on so on. Basically, since i really wanted that ending, I’ve decided to write it.
It seems that when I want something to happen in canon, I usually just end up writing it.
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kartywarty · 8 months
"The Crazy Uncle."
(written by @karter.marker on tiktok)
(TW: descriptive death)
now that you may have seen my angst in 19 pictures filled with text, i decided to type it all down in pure words!! + its fully edited and proofread so you can basically count this as a revamp
also yes this is inspired by chr0macide's nonverbal pete hc in both of the break in 1 and break in 2 fanfics so props to that!!
listen to "dark is the night" (Tjomnaja noch') by mark bernes for a really cool experience while reading this (same audio i used for my tiktok slideshow abt the fic)
theres also facts about the angst in the end incase you missed small details ;D
Growing up, Peter seemed to be like a sore thumb sticking out of all of his siblings. However, Mintie, his sister, found Peter to be a unique person.
Peter wasn't very verbal, especially when he thought so differently in his perspective in comparison to his siblings.
Due to this, everyone called him "Crazy Pete", and so did his brother who had the audacity to become a Protector even though he made fun of Peter. But Mintie didn't allow this and stood up for Peter herself.
Mintie would always spoil Peter in many ways. Mintie had always baked him pie and helped him when he was in the tightest of situations when he didn't understand. As the siblings grew up, Peter was greatly inspired and motivated by Mintie. He even brought a house for himself and Mintie in the town of Robloxia.
As for the brother, he got married to a skilled Medic and had 4 children that made both Peter and Mintie the uncle and aunt's of his family. One child is skillful in stealth, one child is a glutton, one child seems to be very energetic, and one seems to be athletic.
Peter felt somewhat proud for himself becoming an uncle, even his nephews and nieces called him "Uncle Pete". He himself even became the favorite family member out of the Protector's family.
Everything went well for Pete and Mintie until it was 2018.
They had announced yet again that a purge happened, Pete and Mintie knew what they had to do in order to stay safe. But while Mintie was out getting food, Pete had heard Minties' frightened scream. As Pete rushed in to help Mintie, it seemed that he was far too late.
The air was thick, it smelled like iron. Pete's eyes widened in shock as the blood of his sister seeped through his blue socks. He inspected the scene as the window near the kitchen sink was broken, shattered glass shards scattered all over, the canned food was already taken away by what he assumed to be one of the henchman who murdered Mintie in cold blood. Pete approached Mintie as he got on his knees, Pete held Mintie close as he mourned.
Mintie was taking her last breaths as her whole rib-cage was fractured by the crowbar sticking out of her chest, her internal organs were damaged, drying up. Minty spoke to Pete as she tried to calm him down, putting her hand on Pete's cheek.
"This... This isn't your fault, Peter." Mintie said her last words as she kept on hyperventilating, she smiled as she caressed his brother's cheek.
"Take care of your brother for me, won't you?"
Those words were the last words Pete ever heard of Mintie. He sobbed quietly as he broke down in tears, clutching Minty close once she went limp and lifeless. Her blood was everywhere on Pete, he didn't want to let go.
Second thoughts twirled around his head; "Why didn't I come with her?" "Why is this happening to me?" "This isn't real."
He wished that it wasn't real, Pete didn't expect Mintie to die in such a cruel way. He started to think that it was his own fault instead.
A few days after what seemed like hell for Pete, the Protector thought it was Pete's fault too. Everyone in his family called him "Crazy Uncle Pete". He seemed to be deeply hurt, especially when Mintie wasn't there to comfort him in any sort of way. So he had to mask his depression so that he couldn't make anyone concerned for him. He had to comfort his self. It was quite hard for Pete since he lived alone except for his pet mouse, Louie. He at least felt comfort every time he saw his pet. He had also given away the pie recipe to his brother since he knew that he missed her company too.
However one year later, the Protector, his younger brother, had to move into Pete's town due to how tired they got of their previous neighborhood. His family couldn't find better neighbors to reside with. It was awkward for both of them as the Protector found Pete to be annoying. Pete tried to warn him about the purge days, the Protector didn't believe him. Once they moved in, he felt happy yet worried for his family.
Pete knew he cared for the Protector and his family, yet they didn't stop calling him The Crazy Uncle.
Mintie is an actual character not an oc, her name is actually ONLY mentioned in the pie recipe sheet pinned to the fridge.
The colored and bolded words reference the f2p roles the players pick (blue= the protector, orange= the medic normal color/bolded= the stealthy, yellow= the hungry, pink= the hyper, and red= the sporty)
if you didnt notice, the date (november 9, 2019) was the day that break in was released
bradley would be the narrator in this story!!
if your concerned about what happened after the end, the protector would feel sorry for pete after not listening, pete forgives him and they all stop calling him crazy (as proven in break in 2)
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l3v1s-g4m3r · 3 months
youtuber/streamer mc ⁉️
like imagine you’re in the middle of a stream and your entire audience just watches you get sucked into a portal.
and everyone is just freaking out in the chat like:
MCs_Husbando: POOKIE????
demonrizzer6669: WHAT HAPPEND TO MC…
and then you fall flat on your ass infront of a bunch of men who you don’t know.
“chat you seeing this right now??? lawd have mercy.”
diavolo you now know explains how you are an exchange student for one year and will be staying with lucifer and his brothers.
you ask him to grab some stuff from the human world and he (surprisingly) allows you to.
barbatos takes you to your house through a portal and you get a box and put the following in:
mic, pc, pc box thingy (can’t remember what it’s called), mouse (and or pet mouse), phone, phone charger, some food to last you about a month, and your beloved cutie patootie alpha sigma [insert favorite anime character that’s not obey me related] body pillow.
barbatos takes you back to the HOL and it’s dinner time. but you are NOT eating whatever they are eating. for all you know it could be HUMAN REMAINS.
so you eat what you brought. [insert whatever food you’re eating] was an EASY choice over human remains. you were enjoying your food when you suddenly remember-
you were kidnapped ON STREAM.
you set up your pc and start a different stream, your audience quickly filing in. you explain to them, leaving out the part about you being kidnapped and sent to hell, that you were picked as an exchange studen
then you tell them that you’ll be going to school, so as an apology gift for sadly in the near future not posting as much, you promise to post an extra long video.
chat gets really happy at that and says goodbye as you end the stream.
before starting on that extra long video you promised you decide to be a jokester and post on twitter/X.
“if you saw me get sucked into a portal while screaming on stream, no you didn’t. 😋.”
you hit post and then coincidentally you hear a ding notification from the other room followed by laughing.
for a split second you think that whoever is in the other room may be a viewer of yours, but you immediately shake that off and get to working on the video.
you decide to make the video a mashup of random things you usually do. read fanfics of yourself, troll kids on roblox with admin, do commentary, say your opinion on current dramas. stuff like that.
you get the different games and videos ready and hit record.
fast forward forty minutes later and you’re finally done recording as you say your goodbyes to everyone.
you were gonna post it right then and there but it was super late and now you have to go to school, which means waking up early.
you decide to post it tomorrow and just go to sleep.
another fast forward and it’s the morning you get up somehow earlier than everyone else and decide to make yourself breakfast.
you packed pancake mix, blueberries, bananas, and strawberries so you just make that.
as you’re cooking the pancakes you hear rustling behind you, you turn around to see a ginger man eating your strawberries!
now, normally you’d be mad, but this man, aughsjsjsjvdjsjs, he just gave you the puppy eyes.
“do you want some pancakes?”
he nods vigorously and you whip up some more pancakes, some for you and some for him.
you decide to make him a smiley face with banana slices as the eyes, some blueberries as the smile, and a strawberry as the nose. with some more fruit on the side of course.
he looks at the pancakes with pure hunger and digs in right away. you just smile, for once not fucking up your food, and at the way he smiles.
this man is adorable, but he also looks like he break every bone in your body within a millisecond.
a few minutes later everyone else comes to eat breakfast. you notice a violet haired man staring very intently at you, which is weird…
you already ate, but you decided to make the ginger, who you now know as beelzebub, some more pancakes since he asked so very nicely.
once your done you decide to go in your room to chill before you have to leave.
“oh I almost forgot!”
you quickly take out your phone and post the video, naming it ‘guys please don’t be mad 😞’ and explaining your situation in the description.
once again, as soon as you hit post, you hear the ding notification from the night prior.
you turn around to see that same violet haired man pulling out his phone to show YOUR video. he’s subscribed and even is a channel member.
that’s some dedication since you’re a smaller youtuber, not as big as people like penguinz0 or Flamingo. your not big, but still known.
he turns around to look at you and is instantly embarrassed.
streamer mc and dedicated fan leviathan ❤️❤️
this could be seen as a part of the you know them series but like THEY know you and you have never met.
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pixelgun · 24 days
15 / SHE HER
bands i like!
- Pearl Jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, Foo fighters, The Front Bottoms, Mccaferty, Nirvana, Msi, Modern Baseball, Mcr.
Cases im into
- The Academy Maniacs, Columbine, Sandyhook, Dylann Roof, Bobby Lemon, Idk theres more but my head hurts.
Games i play woohoo
- Rdr2, Fortnite, Roblox (ADD ME!! MY USER IS 27denvers) Skate 3, CS, Pixelgun.
Shows/Movies I like!
Zero day (obviously.), Duck!, Breaking bad, Donnie Darko, American Psycho, Elephant, Perks of being a wallflower BASEketball, literally any fake snuff movie ever (EMPHASIS ON FAKE PLEASE DONT SEND ME GORE.)
tiktok: ❌❌ inactive / discord: ppixelgun. (ADD ME I NEED TCC FRIENDS!!)
I make fanfics on ao3! theyve been taken down but I am changing my entire account. I do requests will do LITERALLY anything other than shit kinks and pregnancy kinks and like idk amputation ig… not shaming i just will not be writing!
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chr0macide · 11 months
Break In: The Novelette (Fanfic)
Part 2 is out
BOOM FIRST TUMBLR POST. I am currently normal about the Roblox Break In series so I decided to try and recreate it as a short story. This is my first time writing anything seriously for fun so I'm sure the pacing is all kinds of fucked up but I did enjoy making it lol. I tried to follow the game's storyline as closely as possible but I also took a few creative liberties and tried to give the characters more personality, not sure how well it worked though lol. This is just the first Break In but I might also do this to Break In 2 as well, probably won't happen in the immediate future though. This thing is about 9,500 words. If you have any feedback/notice errors please do comment :)
Chapter I – Silent House
An old coupe trundled down the road of a quaint suburban neighborhood. Four kids were crammed uncomfortably inside it. One of them reached into his bag of chips, elbowing his younger sister next to him as he did so.
“Ugh. Watch it, Hadrian,” she grumbled.
“You watch it,” Hadrian replied as he shoved the chips into his mouth. The girl reached over to steal one out of the bag. Hadrian slapped her hand away.
“You jerk!” she shrieked, swinging her teddy bear into Hadrian’s face. Hadrian grabbed a handful of his sister’s dark hair and pulled. The two older kids in the car groaned as their younger siblings began bickering and jostling everyone else around.
“Hadrian. Stephanie. Cut it out,” warned the older sister. The younger kids quieted down, but only slightly. “I’m serious! Prince, tell them to stop,” she said to the driver.
The car ground to a halt. “Monica, it’s fine. We’re here,” said the older brother. He removed the key from the ignition. The engine made a worrisome rattling sound as it shut off. He grabbed the handle of the car door next to him and jiggled it. The door was stuck. “Damn this old shitbox,” he muttered as he forced it open.
The four kids squeezed out and breathed in the fresh air. “Finally,” said Stephanie. Prince walked around the car and popped the trunk open, removing the family’s only suitcase.
They’d parked in front of a modest two-story house. It was old and the paint was starting to peel, but at least it looked cozy on the inside.
The front door of the neighboring house creaked open. Out stepped an older man with sunglasses. Uncle Pete. After Prince and Monica had managed to get custody of their siblings, they all knew they had to get away from their parents’ house.
Pete was wealthy. He owned more than a few properties. He’d agreed to let them stay here for free. They weren’t sure why he owned two houses right next to each other. Old people were weird sometimes, but they weren’t complaining.
Prince waved at Uncle Pete. “Evening, Pete!” he called out. Pete just smiled and waved back.
“He’s, uh, usually nonverbal,” Monica explained to her younger siblings. “Anyway. Let’s get inside,” she suggested.
Prince stuck his hand under the welcome mat and fished out a keychain. He tried to jam several different keys into the lock before the door opened. Everyone stepped inside.
“It’s musty,” Stephanie complained. Hadrian made a beeline for the couch in the living room as he shoved another handful of chips into his face. He collapsed onto it and proceeded to ignore everyone.
“It’s not that bad,” Monica claimed. Truthfully, there was a slight odor in the house, but that was probably just because no one had aired the place out for a while. “Come on, let’s open these,” she said to Stephanie as she unlatched one of the windows.
Prince inspected the kitchen. They hadn’t had a chance to go grocery shopping yet, so the cupboards were barren. He took out his phone. “Pizza, anyone?” he called out to the others. They yelled their approval from the other rooms.
Prince punched a string of digits into the number pad and put the phone to his ear. “Is this Builder Brothers Pizza? OK, we’ll have a large pineapple—”
“NO!” bellowed Hadrian from the living room.
Prince rolled his eyes. “Fine. A large pepperoni as well,” he added.
Monica called out to him from the other room. “Prince! Get over here!” she said. Prince finished up the call and followed her voice until he was standing before a door with a large padlock affixed to it. Monica and Stephanie turned to him.
“This door looks cool. Open it,” Stephanie demanded.
Prince squinted at the padlock. “I don’t know… Pete probably locked it for a reason.”
“What, are you scared?” the girl joked. “You can lock it again if there’s a monster inside.”
The eldest brother pursed his lips. He wasn’t worried about monsters, but he’d heard rumors of growing criminal activity around this neighborhood. Although…
Prince rifled through the pockets of his cargo shorts until he located the keychain. He found the right key and inserted it into the padlock. It clicked open and fell to the ground with a dull thunk. Prince gently opened the door.
There were concrete steps leading down into a basement. They couldn’t see anything through the darkness, but the cold, stagnant air rushed out over them.
“That’s ominous,” Monica remarked.
Stephanie grinned in excitement and took a step inside, but Prince put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. “No, Steph. It’s too dark to see anything in there. You’ll get hurt,” Prince told her. Steph stuck out her lower lip and pouted, but she didn’t try to run inside again. Prince shut the door.
The doorbell rang. The pizza was here. At the same time, Hadrian yelled at everyone from the living room again. “Guys! There’s breaking news on the TV!”
“Coming,” Prince yelled back. “You guys go ahead. I’m gonna get the food,” he told the girls.
Prince opened the front door. It was almost dark outside, and starting to rain, too.
“Sup,” said the delivery guy. Prince took a small step backwards. The guy was pretty big. “Two large pizzas?”
“Yeah,” Prince confirmed. He took the pizza boxes and set them aside before he rummaged through his cargo shorts again for his wallet. He opened it. The family had been low on cash ever since they left their parents’ place. He handed a $20 note to the delivery guy, but he continued to look at Prince expectantly. “Uh… no tip this time. Sorry. That’s all I got right now,” Prince admitted, averting his eyes.
The delivery guy threw up his arms in disbelief. “Dude, are you for real?” he questioned.
“Sorry,” Prince apologized again.
The pizza guy shoved the bill into his pocket. He turned around and trudged over to his motorcycle. “This is my livelihood, man,” he muttered. Prince fidgeted with his wallet guiltily as the guy sped off.
Nonetheless, Prince picked up the pizza boxes and brought them into the living room. Right as he set them down on the coffee table, there was a clap of thunder. The lights in the house blinked out abruptly. The TV flickered off.
Monica glanced outside. The streetlights were also off. There was a power outage.
Everyone looked out the window and saw Uncle Pete’s silhouette leave his house through the back door. He ran a cable to a box outside. He ran another one from the box to their own house. The box hummed to life.
“Oh, it’s a generator,” Monica figured. The lights didn’t turn on, but the TV did. Pete noticed everyone staring at him through the window. He waved at them again before running back into his home.
They turned to the TV and started eating their pizza as the news reporter began speaking. The screen showed a gang of mobsters wearing fine suits and tuxedos, their faces obscured by comedy masks. They were dumping a barrel of some unknown liquid into a storm drain. The picture appeared to have been taken through somebody’s broken windowpane.
The Purge has Begun, Villains on the Loose, read the headline. “This is not a drill. Agents of the mafia are roaming the streets,” said the news anchor. The image on the screen shifted. A short video played of a second group of mobsters smashing someone’s car window with his crowbar. They dragged a man out. One of them raised a gun to the civilian’s head, but the video was cut off before anything else happened.
“Goddamn,” muttered Prince.
“Do not engage these fugitives under any circumstances. There have been 19 confirmed deaths and many more confirmed injuries so far. Keep doors locked and windows closed at all times,” the news anchor continued.
Another image appeared on the screen. “Their leader is Larry Clockturn,” said the news anchor.
Monica stifled a laugh at the mob boss’s appearance. A grey beard hid the lower half of his face. He was old, and he definitely dressed like it. Bowler hats were not in fashion. There was a domino mask over his eyes. He wore a violet waistcoat with a rose affixed to the lapel over his black undershirt. A peculiar golden crowbar was in his hand.
The image switched to a mugshot of Larry. Monica stopped laughing. “Wait, that’s not a person,” she said. Now that they were looking at him up close, she realized that his skin was unnaturally shiny. His golden eyes glowed faintly in the dark and his face seemed stiff and lifeless.
“Is he a robot, or something?” asked Stephanie.
“I don’t know… he looks more like an automaton,” Monica replied.
Stephanie looked at her funny. “Is there a difference?”
“Well, yeah,” said Monica. “At least, I think so. Robots use electricity, but automatons have engines or something-”
Hadrian shushed her as the news anchor continued talking. “If you see this entity, run away and hide. Larry Clockturn is considered by authorities to be an extremely dangerous serial murderer. Do not engage him under any circumstances. Special forces have been dispatched to regulate the situation. I repeat, this is not a drill.”
There was static as the program ended. A standby screen appeared on the TV. Nobody spoke at first.
“That shit is wild,” said Hadrian, deadpan. Stephanie peered through the window nervously. “I told you we should have gone to Bloxburg!” she hissed to Prince.
“And I told you, Steph, we don’t have that kind of money.”
“Guys. Be quiet.” Monica was the one staring out the window now, but the streetlights were still off. If there were any mobsters creeping around outside, she couldn’t tell. “Can’t see shit. Maybe they don’t know we’re here, either… let’s just go upstairs.”
Prince grabbed the suitcase he’d left by the front door. He partially unzipped it and felt around inside until he found the flashlight, then switched it on and held it in front of him as he lugged the bag up the stairs. The others followed him from behind until he came to the bedroom. He dropped the bag just inside.
“Phew.” Prince was too tired to unpack, and now probably wasn’t the best time, anyway. He cautiously made his way to the window at the back of the room. It might have been his imagination, but he could almost see moonlight glinting on mobsters’ white purge masks. He drew the curtains. “Let’s just hit the sack,” he said to the other kids.
They were in for a rude awakening.
Chapter II – Broke In
The kids awoke to the sound of shattering glass. Stephanie sat bolt upright and screamed. She fell out of her bed and rolled underneath it, still clutching her teddy.
A mobster had smashed the only window in the room with his crowbar and was now climbing inside. The other three kids jumped up and scrambled away from him. He planted his shiny black shoes on the floor, brushed some glass shards off his tuxedo, and brandished his crowbar at the kids, laughing.
“G’day, cunts,” he greeted them, tipping his fedora at them wryly. He started towards them.
It was only one guy. The kids whirled around, searching for something to defend themselves with. There was nothing except for Prince’s baseball bat… but it was still in the suitcase. Monica ran to the front of the room and shoved the bag flat onto the floor. She started to unzip it.
Meanwhile, the mobster raised his crowbar to bash Prince’s brains in, but Hadrian had skirted around until he was behind the guy. He kicked the back of his leg. The thug folded, eliciting a giggle from the boy, but it was promptly cut short as the mobster shot to his feet and grabbed him around the throat. “Little shit.” He lifted his crowbar again as he throttled Hadrian with one hand.
Monica had the suitcase open. She dug through it, throwing the clothes aside until she found Prince’s chrome baseball bat. She tossed it to him.
Prince caught the bat and turned to the mobster again. “Get away from Hadrian, you asshole!” he yelled as he swung as hard as he could.
There was a sharp ding as the bat connected head-on with the side of the mafioso’s skull. His head was jerked to the side by the impact. He released Hadrian and crumpled to the ground, barely conscious.
Monica rushed towards Hadrian and hugged him. “Are you OK?” she asked, fussing over her younger brother.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine,” Hadrian replied as he pushed her away, but his voice was wavering a little. He rubbed his neck. The mobster’s grip had left a red mark around it.
Stephanie finally crawled out from under her bed. “What do we do now?” she whispered, staring wide-eyed at the insensible mafioso.
Prince walked over to him cautiously. “We should… uh…”
He didn’t want to kill a guy in front of two young kids. Certainly not his own siblings. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to kill anyone at all. His eyes fell upon the broken window.
“We should… just push him back out through the window. Yeah. It’s not that far to the ground. He’ll be fine,” finished Prince hesitantly. He grabbed the mobster’s feet. Monica grabbed him under the arms. They hauled his nearly unconscious body to the window.
They draped the mobster over the windowsill. Prince gave him a little push. He slid out rather gently and grunted in pain as he hit the ground outside. Now he was really knocked out.
Prince and Monica took a peek over the sill. He was already surrounded by a few of his fellow mafiosos. They glanced up at the teenagers, faces unreadable through their masks. They started to drag their unconscious accomplice into the shadows, where Prince spied his own car. The hood was open. The engine was gone. Looked like they wouldn’t be leaving this place anytime soon.
“Shit. We need to do something before they come back,” whispered Prince, pulling away from the window.
Monica squinted as she looked around the bedroom. She opened the door to the walk-in closet. “There’re some wood planks in here. Maybe we can board up the window…?” she suggested.
“We can board up all the windows,” Prince told her… “except for this one,” he added, nodding at the broken pane. “We’ll use that to see outside.” He retrieved some tools from the suitcase. Monica had told him to leave them behind when they’d moved out of their parents’ house—they were heavy—but now she was glad that he’d packed them anyway.
Prince dragged the planks out of the closet and left them in a pile. He picked up a hammer and went to nail one of the boards over a window at the end of the hall. He swore as he hit his thumb. “Fuck.” The sun was peeking over the horizon, but it was still barely light enough to see.
Monica and Hadrian started boarding up the other windows. They spent all day securing the place, and it was dark again before they knew it. They were all making a lot of noise, but there was nothing they could do about that.
Unfortunately for them, the sound attracted some unwanted attention.
“This was a shit idea.” Hadrian glanced through the gaps in the boarded window. There were more than a few eyes glinting in the darkness outside, glaring at them. “Now they know we’re in here,” he told Prince.
“They already knew we were in here, dumbass. A purger broke through the window and tried to kill us, remember?”
“Oh… yeah. I guess you’re right.”
With all the windows boarded up, there was nothing to do except meander around the house. Hadrian went to the living room and thought about turning the TV on, but he wasn’t in the mood.
He looked at the leftover pizza on the coffee table. He was hungry, but it had been sitting out all night. The power was still gone. The refrigerator was useless.
Hadrian sighed. No eating today.
As he reentered the foyer, Hadrian heard a scratching noise coming from the other side of the basement door. He panicked initially, but when he listened closer… was that mewling?
Hadrian stepped closer. He put a hand on the doorknob and opened the basement door, but only a little. An orange tabby cat slunk through the gap.
“Have you been in there the whole time?” Hadrian questioned, staring at the cat in disbelief. He reached down to pet it, but the cat batted his hand away and hissed. It ran past him and darted through the gap between Prince’s legs—he’d been watching from behind.
The cat jumped up onto a cabinet in the foyer and stared at Hadrian disdainfully. “Tch. Cats are lame anyway,” he muttered as he shut the basement door again. “Wait… Prince, do you hear that?”
There was a strange noise outside. Tires screeched along asphalt to a standstill. There was a loud electrical bang as a pair of headlamps were abruptly switched on outside, flooding the living room with a bright light.
A van had pulled in front of the house, facing them and shining its headlights into the room. Six mobsters got out and stared at the house silently. One of them made eye contact with Prince as he peered through the boarded window. The teenager backed away. He beckoned Hadrian to follow him upstairs.
“Prince? What’s happening?” Monica asked when she saw him.
“More gangsters. Six.” Prince paused as he looked outside again. “They’re just standing there…”
Prince’s brow furrowed in thought. It felt like ages before he spoke again. “I’m staying awake tonight. The rest of you sleep,” he told everyone as he picked up his bat and paced around the room. “I’ll wake you up if something happens.”
“Prince, are you sure? We should sleep in shifts,” offered Monica.
“No. It’s fine,” the eldest refused, waving the suggestion away.
Everyone else got into bed, but Prince walked over to the broken bedroom window again. The mobsters were still staring at the house intently. He stared back, determined. It was going to be another long night.
Chapter III – Tick Tock
It was dead silent. Light from the mobster van’s headlamps was still streaming into the house, but they hadn’t tried to get inside. Prince leaned against the wall, nodding off with his baseball bat in hand. He’d been awake for hours. His eyes began to close.
The sound of glass breaking pierced the night once again. Prince snapped to attention. He heard wood splinter and nails clink against the floor as the mafiosos pried the boards off a window downstairs. He opened his mouth, about to shout for the other kids to wake up, but he instead decided to shake them awake instead. They’d lose the element of surprise if the mobsters figured out they weren’t sleeping.
“Monica, wake up,” Prince hissed, shaking Monica in her bed. Her eyes snapped open.
“What? Did they break in?” Monica asked. She rolled out of bed hurriedly and grabbed Stephanie, dragging her off her bed as well. “Steph, we have to get up. There’re more bad guys.”
“They’re downstairs. Maybe we can get the jump on them,” Prince whispered as he shook Hadrian awake as well. He hesitated before pointing to the hammers they’d discarded after fortifying the house. “Grab one,” he said to Monica and Hadrian. He didn’t want to kill anyone… but these mobsters weren’t leaving them with many options.
Prince grimaced as Monica picked up a hammer. “Actually… Monica, you take my bat. I’ll use a hammer,” he decided.
“Huh? Why?” Monica wondered.
Prince shrugged. “I don’t want you to have to kill anyone,” he admitted.
Monica shot him a look. “I’ll be fine, Prince. Worry about yourself.”
There were footsteps below. The mob was inside. Prince motioned for everyone to follow him.
The mafiosos ascended the stairs. They slunk down the hall. The one at the front reached out to push the door open, hoping to attack a few feckless civilians in their sleep… but he saw nobody.
The door behind them opened instead. Monica buried her hammer in the nearest mobster’s cranium, then wrenched it out. Blood spattered against the wall next to his head, and then he fell onto the carpet with a soft thump, dead. The other mafiosos whipped around at the noise.
Five left.
Monica was clutching the hammer to her chest now, wide-eyed and shaking a little bit at what she had just done, so Hadrian pushed his way past her before the mobsters figured out what was happening. He swung his own hammer at the closest one. The mafioso had no time to raise his crowbar as Hadrian struck him in the forehead, cracking his purge mask. He slumped to the ground as well, knocked out.
Prince jumped out of the wardrobe and rushed out of the bedroom while the mobsters were facing away from it. One of them bashed his crowbar into Hadrian’s chest, who stumbled backwards, wheezing. Prince managed to strike the side of the aggressor’s head. It bounced off the wall next to him. He heard something break. Maybe the drywall. Maybe his skull.
Another mobster rushed Prince. He swiftly retreated into the bedroom until he was standing at the broken window. The mobster followed. As he lunged with his crowbar, Prince sidestepped and took the chance to grab the mafioso, hurling him through the window. He landed on the concrete with a sickening crunch and didn’t get up.
Monica came to her senses. It was just in time, too, because Hadrian was about to be ganged up on by the remaining invaders. Prince came out of the bedroom. “You go left. I go right,” he whispered to Monica. She nodded.
One of the mafiosos lashed out at Hadrian with his crowbar. He raised his weapon to defend himself, but the hammer was too small to block anything. Hadrian yelped as his forearm took the hit. He dropped his weapon as Monica brained the offending mobster.
Prince raised his bat high above his head at the same time and brought it down on top of the other mafioso’s head.
The kids stood in silence for a while, breathing heavily. They didn’t hear anyone else in the house. After a minute, Monica spoke.
“Steph, you can come out now,” she said. Stephanie emerged from the guest bedroom wordlessly and clung to her sister’s leg. Monica took Hadrian’s wounded forearm and prodded at the injury. He winced.
“I don’t feel a break. Maybe it’s just cracked. I left my first aid kit in the car,” Monica admitted nervously. She knew it wasn’t safe to go outside right now.
Prince pondered. “We can check the basement first. Maybe Pete left something useful in there,” he advised. He retrieved the flashlight from the bedside table and switched it on as the kids moved down to the first floor. They walked past the window that the mobsters had entered through. Wooden planks and shards of glass lay on the carpet. It crunched under their shoes as they stepped over it.
“Didn’t you leave this closed?” Prince asked Hadrian as he came to the basement, shining his light inside. The door was ajar. He quickly realized what a stupid idea it was to point the flashlight into it. There was a chance someone was lurking there. He turned it off.
Hadrian started backing away. “Yeah, I did… I think?” he whispered.
There were footsteps again. Loud ones.
“Shit,” said Prince.
Hadrian hesitated. “Wait, I think it’s just one guy. We could take him.” Indeed, only one pair of feet could be heard, and yet, the floor shook as the basement dweller began to climb the stairs.
“No! That guy sounds huge! Hide!” Prince whispered harshly, pulling Hadrian—who winced again as his forearm was jostled—along with him. They and the girls ran away from the basement door as silently as they could.
Prince put his hand on the sill of the broken window, about to jump outside, but he saw too many masked men in the shadows. He doubled back and whirled around, searching for somewhere to hide. There was only the storage cabinet in the kitchen. All four of them squeezed in. It was a tight fit. They almost couldn’t breathe, but they all froze as the trespasser reached the top of the basement stairs. Prince peered through the thin gap between the cabinet doors. The guy was so tall that he needed to duck underneath the doorframe. There was a faint ticking noise emanating from him.
The ground quaked with every step Larry Clockturn took. His golden LED eyes lit up in the dark. The glow glinted off of the violet mask on his eyes. He was far more daunting in person. As he walked near the shattered window, the moonlight illuminated his tarnished metal face and the steel wires that served as his beard.
He passed the open kitchen door. Monica saw a large wind-up key affixed to his back. I told you he was an automaton, she wanted to whisper, but this wasn’t a good time.
The mob boss walked past the kitchen and out of sight, but the kids heard his footsteps move to the stairwell. The first stair, decayed with age, splintered and caved under his weight. Larry cursed and swung his crowbar at the wall in anger, annihilating the plasterboard. He tried the second step. It groaned under his mass, but it held this time. He made his way to the second floor.
Prince hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath, but now he was almost gasping for air as he pushed the cabinet doors open and darted towards the basement. The other kids ran after him.
He swore internally as he almost tripped on the first step. It was still dark in there. He turned on the flashlight just long enough to make it to the bottom.
It was chilly. The kids huddled together in the darkness.
“H-he knows we’re still in the house,” stammered Monica, voice shaking. “He was here when you shined the flashlight in the first time. He had to have seen it. What are we going to do?”
Prince said nothing. He was out of ideas. All they could do was shut up and hope Larry didn’t think to come back here.
But the mechanical ticking returned. Larry did come back.
The automaton’s silhouette appeared at the top of the stairwell. The light from his eyes, still glowing golden in the dark, faintly illuminated his face.
There was a tinny creak as Larry tilted his head, staring into the basement. It was pitch black inside. Maybe he couldn’t see them, the kids thought.
Larry’s lips parted into a malicious grin. Prince flinched in surprise. He hadn’t realized the mob boss could emote with his metal features… but he didn’t come inside. Instead, he turned from the basement door and walked away, his steel exterior clanking as he moved.
There was a loud crack as Larry forced the front door open instead of leaving through the window he’d broken.
“What an asshole,” Prince grumbled.
Monica touched Prince’s arm. “Why didn’t he come inside?” she wondered.
Prince shrugged. He didn’t know either.
“Maybe he’s playing with us.”
It wasn’t a comforting idea, but they didn’t hear Larry’s footsteps anymore, so…
“Turn the flashlight on. We have to search this place,” Monica told Prince. He did.
The shelves were cluttered with supplies and knickknacks Uncle Pete had left behind. Pete, Prince suddenly remembered. He hoped the guy was alright, but there was nothing he could do for his uncle right now.
A good portion of the items were littered across the floor as well. Larry and his mobsters had trashed the place. Prince swept the flashlight across the ground.
He pointed to a discarded first aid kit.
Monica picked it up. “Thought we’d never catch a break.” she took a broken piece of shelf as well and assembled a makeshift splint for Hadrian’s forearm. It wasn’t pretty, but it would hold until they figured out how to get to a hospital.
In the meantime, Prince perched the flashlight on a shelf to rummage through some carboard boxes. “Oh my god. Finally,” he exclaimed as he pulled out a bag of cheese puffs from one of them. The box was full of junk food, but it felt like the kids had struck gold after having nothing to eat for a day and a half. They gorged themselves, but once they were full, they were unsure of what to do next.
Prince looked pensive. “We can’t stay down here,” he eventually said. They had no clue how long the purge was going to last, and they couldn’t subsist on their meager supply of junk food for long.
Monica didn’t say anything at first. Prince was right, but the streets were still teeming with every kind of criminal.
She had an idea.
Chapter IV – Delivery
“This is dumb as hell.”
“Just put it on,” urged Monica.
Prince finished buttoning up the tuxedo. He pulled the purge mask over his face.
They’d swiped the disguise off of a dead purger they’d left upstairs. Monica reached for the second mask that they’d looted, but Prince stopped her.
“Nope. You’re staying here,” he told her.
“You serious? You can’t go out there alone.”
“Yes the fuck I can. Besides, someone needs to stay with those two.” Prince motioned to Stephanie’s tiny form and Hadrian with his arm in a splint.
Monica sighed. “Fine… be careful.”
Prince picked up one of the dead mobsters’ crowbars. Monica took a step back and looked him up and down. “I think it’ll work. Just act casual,” she said.
 After peering outside, Prince grabbed the windowsill and vaulted over it. The mobsters lurking nearby didn’t even glance at him twice.
 The nearest convenience store was just up the road. Prince could see it from here, but as he started walking, his shoe slid on the ice beneath him. He almost fell. The wet asphalt had frozen overnight.
There was a loud guffaw from a group of mafiosos passing him by, but then one of them slipped on the ice as well and fell on his face. The other gangsters laughed even louder. “Man, shut y’all’s asses!” he hollered at them.
Prince had frozen in place for a few seconds, almost thinking he’d blown his cover, but he quickly regained his bearings. He left the gangsters to bicker amongst themselves. They seemed a lot less menacing when they weren’t trying to kill him.
As he continued towards the convenience store, Prince passed by the house of one of his neighbors. Of course, he hadn’t had a chance to meet them yet, but he still wondered if they were doing alright.
There was an earsplitting scream from inside the house, then a gunshot. The distant voice of a mobster reached Prince’s ears. “Aww, come on! I was gonna play with her first!”
Prince scrunched his face up in disgust under his mask. Nevermind. Fuck these guys.
He made it to the convenience store. The place had been nearly bled dry, but there was some fruit left in the produce crates. Prince opened the sack that he’d taken with him. He reached for an apple.
There were two mobsters sitting on the counter nearby. They turned their heads towards Prince. They were masked, but he could feel them giving him an odd look. He faltered, then grabbed the edge of the fruit crate, tipping the entirety of its contents into his sack. The mobsters looked away, losing interest.
Phew. Prince threw the sack over his shoulder and almost ran back to the house.
Monica met him at the basement door. Panic flashed through her mind until she realized it was Prince. “What did you get?” she asked as they returned to the basement.
“Lame,” said Stephanie.
Prince took his mask off and shoved an apple into her tiny hands. “No, it isn’t. You need it after eating all that junk food.” He didn’t notice the sound of a motorcycle pulling up to the front of the house.
There was commotion in the kitchen upstairs. Utensils and cookware clattered against the floor tiles.
Prince foisted his crowbar over his shoulder as he turned to the stairs. “I gotta say, I’m getting real tired of this shit,” he muttered to Monica before he returned to the ground floor.
As he reached the top of the staircase, he hesitated. This dude was kinda big, he thought as he scrutinized the person wrecking his kitchen. There was no time for Prince to change his mind, though—the mobster saw him.
“There you are.”
He sounded vaguely familiar, but Prince had no time to muse as the guy charged at him.
Prince responded in kind. He rushed at the mobster and raised his own crowbar to block the blow. There was a sharp clang as their weapons met.
It was almost like a sword duel, though not nearly as graceful. Prince was no trained fighter, but neither was the mafioso, apparently. He accidentally hooked a vase with his crowbar, sending it shattering against the floor. The opponents staggered around the foyer, neither of them gaining the upper hand at first
The mobster couldn’t get a hit in. He grew impatient and lunged forward. He swung too wide. Prince backpedaled away from the strike, and now, for an instant, his foe was wide open.
Prince delivered an uppercut to the mafioso’s face with his crowbar. The force of the strike knocked his mask askew.
The mafioso collapsed to the ground heavily, dazed and confused. “Ugh…”
Alright, Prince had absolutely met this guy before. He reached down and pulled the guy’s mask all the way off.
Prince stared.
“Dude, are you fucking kidding me?”
It was the pizza guy from a couple days ago. He sat up gingerly, rubbing his chin, and spat a glob of blood onto the carpet. “Shouldn’t have fuckin’ stiffed me, you asshole!”
Prince threw his arms up in exasperation, still gripping his crowbar. “I told you I didn’t have any more money! And you come into my house and trash the place over it? What is your problem?”
The delivery guy eyed Prince’s crowbar. He straightened his bowtie as he spoke. “OK, don’t be like that, man. A guy paid me to do it. You’re not the only one hurting for cash,” he said, pointing his finger at the boy. “The big metal dude,” he continued. “I’ve been running with the mafia for a while now, but this morning he shoved a crisp hundred into my hand and told me to come in here. Take you guys out. And, uh, he looked like he was gonna kill my ass if I said no, so… here I am, I guess.”
Prince glared at him for a moment. “Man, just get the hell out,” he said, pointing his crowbar at the open door.
The pizza guy looked outside. “Uh… actually, I think I’m gonna chill in here for a while.”
“Excuse me? No, you are not. You just tried to kill me,” Prince snapped.
The guy held up his hands in surrender. “The big guy is gonna fillet me like a fish when he finds out I didn’t get rid of you guys! I’m not going back out there,” he said. “Besides, he paid me in advance, man. I ain’t gotta do shit no more.”
Prince mulled it over. This guy wouldn’t get out of his house, but Prince definitely didn’t want to kill him, either.
“Whatever. Fine. What should I call you?” he asked.
The pizza guy stood up unsteadily. “Isaiah.”
 “OK, Isaiah, you said you’ve been running with the mob for a while. Any clue how we might get away from here without dying?” Prince asked.
Isaiah deliberated for a moment.
“The sewers. The mafia normally uses it to move around the city, but It’s empty now that they’re on the streets…” He paused again as he formulated a plan. “I overheard a li’l bit of intel. The national guard made it to 5th Street. We head in that direction. Get behind their lines, where it’s safe. Then we can exit the sewer. No sweat.”
Prince didn’t have any better ideas. “Fine. Get in here, man. Leave the crowbar,” he warned Isaiah as the ruffian reached for his fallen weapon. “No funny shit.”
“I wasn’t going to do shit,” he muttered as they descended into the basement.
The other three kids drew back suspiciously as they saw Isaiah. “Prince? Who is that?”
“He’s the pizza delivery guy,” Prince replied. “From the day we moved in, I mean. He’s…”
Prince gave Isaiah the side-eye.
“He’s chill,” he decided. “And he told me how we can get out of here. We’ll walk through the sewers until we meet the national guard.”
The other kids glanced at each other. “Unless you guys would rather stay here…?” Prince added. They all heard a bout of submachine gunfire in the house across the street.
“Nope. Let’s get out of here,” Monica said. “Tomorrow morning?”
Isaiah raised an eyebrow. “Why are we waiting?”
“It’s midnight. We gotta get some sleep,” Prince said.
Isaiah’s eyebrows crept even higher. “You guys have been sleeping at night this whole time? You can’t be doing that shit during the killing purge! How are you people still alive?”
The kids murmured inaudibly. They didn’t really know, either.
Isaiah shook his head incredulously. “Whatever. I don’t know where you got that disguise, Prince, but there had better be more. Your buddies will get jumped in no time if they go out looking like that,” he said.
Prince retrieved some more suits and a couple of crowbars from the dead mobsters upstairs. The second floor was starting to smell really bad. He was glad they were leaving soon.
The disguises were a little ill-fitting on Monica and Hadrian, but Stephanie wasn’t going to be able to wear one at all.
“What are you going to do about her?” Isaiah asked.
Prince scratched his head as he thought. “I saw a manhole cover real close by. We’ll just have her walk in the middle of us ‘til we make it into the sewer.”
“If you say so.”
The group stepped out. Stephanie stood in the middle of the bunch, hopefully obscuring her from the mobsters’ sight.
They had almost made it to the manhole cover when they heard a crash in the distance. A shrill alarm pierced their ears. Someone had smashed one of the convenience store’s windows open and set it off. The group turned to see who was responsible.
They saw a shape with glowing eyes through the glass door of the store as he strode into view. Larry downed a can of cola before crushing it in his hand and throwing it aside. He turned to look at the street.
The automaton looked blasé as he surveyed the darkened neighborhood, but his expression shifted to one of suspicion as his eyes fell on the group. Then he looked furious.
Their disguises hadn’t fooled him. Larry kicked the door open and started towards the group.
“God fucking damn it!” roared Isaiah as he hauled the manhole cover off the ground and thrust it aside.
“Get in!”
Chapter V – Clockturn
Everyone clambered down the ladder and into the sewer.
Stephanie held her nose. “It smells really bad in here.”
Something heavy tumbled into the manhole after them, landing on Prince’s head. “Ow! What the hell?” he exclaimed.
It was the same cat that had come out of the basement earlier, and it started yowling as Prince pried it off his scalp.
“Guys, he’s coming! Fucking run!” Isaiah shouted at the group. He’d broken into a sprint as soon as his feet touched the floor. “And shut that cat up! It’s gonna give our location away.”
Prince set the cat on the ground. Thankfully, it stopped screeching, but it did follow them.
The kids raced after Isaiah. “Do you know where you’re going?” Prince panted.
“Yeah, I’ve been down here before. Just stay behind me,” Isaiah assured him. “Take this right!”
As they rounded the corner, Monica risked a glimpse behind her. The concrete ground fractured beneath Larry as he jumped into the manhole after them.
The corridors twisted and turned as Isaiah led everyone further into the sewers. He barreled through iron gates in their path. Some of the paths had collapsed and been replaced by flimsy timber.
Hadrian stumbled. A board slipped out from under him. He was about to fall into the fetid sewage, but Prince reached to fish him out.
Isaiah got there before him. Hadrian’s shoe had just touched the water when the mafioso forcefully pulled him back onto the walkway.
“Hey, be careful! His arm is hurt!” scolded Monica. Isaiah simply jabbed his finger at Hadrian’s foot.
Hadrian wiggled his toes. The tip of his shoe was gone.
“I forgot to let you guys know. I saw some other mobsters pouring something into the storm drains,” Isaiah explained as he continued to run. “Whatever it was, it was corrosive as hell, ‘cause the drain stared melting. Don’t fall in there,” he finished, pointing at the water channel.
Isaiah veered left into a round clearing in the sewer. He came face to face with another gate, but he almost bashed his head into it as it refused to open. The kids skidded to a stop as he grabbed the bars and rattled the door. “This wasn’t locked before!” he shouted in frustration.
The mobster wedged his crowbar through the edge of the gate and tried to pry it open, but it wouldn’t budge. The kids glanced at each other anxiously. “Maybe Larry doesn’t know where we went,” Monica whispered.
No such luck.
They heard the ticking of his cogs before they saw him.
Larry rounded the corner. He was moving at a leisurely pace, but his footsteps were still fairly thunderous as he strolled across the improvised wooden bridge.
The automaton came to a halt as he reached the other side of the walkway. The kids could only stare at him. He was blocking their only escape.
Larry put a hand on his crowbar, leaning on it like a cane. He ran a hand through his wiry beard. His LED eyes swiveled as he looked the group over.
A lanky delivery boy, down on his luck.
Some high school dropout with a hero complex and his doormat of a sister.
A kid with a broken arm. His youngest sibling, hugging her teddy bear to her chest.
Larry laughed to himself and booted the wooden board behind him. There was a low sizzle as it fell into the waterway and began to disintegrate. The kids were trapped. His gaze shifted back to the group.
“What do you think you’re doing, Isaiah?” said Larry in his metallic peal.
His voice sent a chill up the kids’ spines. It was sonorous and hollow, filling the entire corridor.
Isaiah didn’t reply. He only yanked his crowbar out of the still-locked gate. It was futile. He walked to the front of the group.
If Isaiah wouldn’t talk, Larry would. “It’s not too late for you to follow orders, young man. Get rid of them.”
Isaiah didn’t move.
The crime lord raised an eyebrow. “Interesting decision.” Larry lifted his crowbar with one hand and rested it over his shoulder as he advanced on Isaiah.
“Hold on, boss, I-”
Isaiah cut himself off as Larry swung his crowbar. The mobster managed to duck under the blow so that it connected with the wall instead. The stone bricks cracked under Larry’s strength.
There was no reasoning with this guy.
No one knew how they were going to take Larry down, but he couldn’t go after all of them at once. Everyone scattered across the room, but the littlest was too slow.
Larry grinned as he reached down and snatched Stephanie by her tiny arm.
“No!” cried Prince. He rushed towards the automaton.
The cat was quicker. Prince had almost forgotten it was there, but it leapt onto Larry’s face, scratching and hissing. He cursed and released Stephanie. Prince pulled her away and swept her into his arms as the mob boss reached for the feline instead.
Its claws did nothing except piss Larry off. He ripped the cat off his face and flung it aside as he straightened his tie. It hit the wall before sliding to the floor and going limp, still mewling pitifully.
Stephanie normally would have begun crying by now, but she must have known it was no use this time. She gazed down at the teddy bear in her hands. It was the only toy she’d been able to take with her when the siblings had left their parents. Its voice box didn’t work anymore, but she turned it over and looked at the pull-string attached to it. She looked up at the golden wind-up key on Larry’s back. Still in Prince’s arms, she reached for it.
Stephanie twisted the wind-up key counterclockwise with all her diminutive might while Larry’s back was still turned. A steely bang sounded from inside him, followed closely by the jarring noise of an engine backfiring. The automaton flinched violently. He nearly toppled over, but he caught himself and whirled around, lunging with his crowbar furiously as he did. Prince backpedaled hurriedly, but the very edge of the crowbar just barely caught Stephanie’s cheek, ripping off a layer of skin.
“Bastard!” roared Prince. He set Stephanie down behind him. She ran into her sister’s arms. Monica steered her over to Hadrian before she went to confront their aggressor.
The group had figured out Larry’s weak point, and now he was a lot more wary. Prince, Isaiah, and Monica circled around him, but he’d turn and lunge again whenever one of them took so much as a step towards him. The three comrades glanced at each other. They all knew one of them had to engage the automaton while another tried to reach his key, but none of them particularly wanted to be stomped into red paste.
Before anyone grew audacious enough to rush Larry, the kids heard yet another odd noise. There was a resonant clang as the automaton’s steel plates snapped apart along the seams. A deafening mechanical whirr filled the sewer. All of a sudden, there was a cyclone of buzzsaws where he’d been standing a second ago.
Larry charged at Prince, who had to dive out of the way to avoid being sliced to gory ribbons.
Blood sprayed against the stone brick wall. Prince cried out as he hit the cold floor. He’d been too slow. The blades had caught him anyway. Fortunately, his arm was still attached, but there were several deep lacerations. Larry had sliced him all the way to the bone.
A pool of red bloomed under Prince as he collapsed. Monica rushed over to where she’d dropped her first aid kit. With wounds like that, he was going to bleed to death if she didn’t do something, but she couldn’t get near Prince while Larry was standing between them.
The automaton’s buzzsaws ground to a stop and clicked back into his casing. His plates snapped shut again as he stood above Prince.
Larry had his back to Hadrian now. He was so close. He had to do something. Hadrian ripped the splint off his own arm. He knew he was probably about to make his injury worse, but that was far better than dying here.
As Larry raised his crowbar to finish Prince off, he felt a pair of hands on his wind-up key.
Hadrian turned the key counterclockwise. Larry grunted in pain again as even more of his gears jammed, but he swung his weapon behind himself immediately this time.
Hadrian reeled as the crowbar struck his torso. He gasped for breath as he hit the concrete. Great. Now he had both a cracked forearm and a cracked rib cage. Larry turned away from Prince, heading for Hadrian instead.
Monica bolted to Prince’s side and started tying a torniquet around his bleeding arm. As she tended to him, Isaiah stepped in between Larry and Hadrian.
Larry narrowed his eyes. “Get the fuck outta the way, kid.”
Isaiah didn’t.
Larry scoffed and brought his crowbar down upon Isaiah with one hand. Isaiah gripped his own weapon as hard as he could with both hands and held it up to shield himself.
Their weapons clashed. Isaiah staggered, but he managed to remain on his feet. His crowbar vibrated in his hands with the aftershock of Larry’s blow, but he maintained his grip on it.
Larry raised his eyebrows, mildly surprised. Perhaps Isaiah wasn’t as lanky as he’d thought. He shook his head at the mobster.
“Little shit. I gave you a job when you were about to be homeless, and this is how you repay me?”
Larry attacked again, grasping his crowbar with both hands now. Isaiah did lose his weapon this time. It skittered across the concrete and into the corrosive water.
Monica sprang for Larry’s wind-up key. He swung his crowbar into her face without looking at her. She flew back and hit the ground, unconscious. Prince dragged himself towards her. He was starting to become lightheaded from the blood loss.
Larry swung again. With nothing to guard himself with, Isaiah took the hit squarely in the chest. He crumpled to the floor, winded.
The automaton circled him. He gave the mafioso a kick in the ribs with his steel-toed shoe.
“Come on. Is that all you can take?”
Isaiah choked out a couple of choice words. “Fuck… yourself…”
Larry scowled and opened his mouth to speak, but the cat hauled itself from the stone floor and launched itself at his face again, caterwauling and clawing with renewed fervor.
That was all Prince needed. He scrambled to his feet and leapt at Larry’s key. He grabbed it with his uninjured arm and wrenched it counterclockwise one more time.
Something rattled inside the automaton. His gears shuddered to a halt. There was a hiss as steam escaped from the vents on his face. His glowing golden eyes blinked off.
Larry lurched forwards and hit the ground with a crash, deactivated.
Prince opened his eyes blearily. He instantly shut them again. The lights were unpleasantly bright. He tried to shield his face, but the ensuing jolt of pain jarred him fully awake. Oh, right. He’d taken a buzzsaw to the arm.
He used his other arm to cover his eyes as he opened them. Prince was lying in a hospital bed.
“How’s it going, man?” said a voice from the left.
The boy turned his head. Isaiah was in the next bed.
“Is everyone else alright?” Prince rasped.
“Yeah, looks like it. Hadrian and Monica are right over there,” Isaiah told him, gesturing with his head to his left. “And there’s the li’l one,” he added.
Prince looked at the bed across from him. Stephanie was clambering down. She ran over to Prince and grabbed his hand, bouncing excitedly. “You’re OK!” she exclaimed.
“Hey, Steph. Ow. Don’t do that,” Prince croaked as Stephanie jostled his bandaged arm, but he was smiling. “How did we get here?”
Isaiah let his head fall back onto his pillow, brow furrowed in thought. “Uh. You beat the big dude. Or disabled him, at least. I don’t know. You passed out right after, and then… I think I heard Stephanie crying for a while. Someone above us heard it, too. They lowered a ladder into the sewer. Yeah, there was another manhole above us, apparently, but no ladder attached. Hah,” Isaiah laughed shortly. “They thought we were mafiosos at first, but I guess they figured out we weren’t when they saw Larry on the ground. And then they brought us here.”
The hinges on the hospital door squealed as a nurse walked in. “Oh! Some of you are awake,” she observed. “Don’t disturb your big bro right now, young lady. He’s going to need a lot of rest,” the nurse told Stephanie as she carried her back over to her own hospital bed.
“As for you…” the nurse examined her clipboard. “Prince Aguilar? Emancipated minor…” she read. “I’ve been told that you got into a fight with Larry Clockturn. You’re all lucky to be alive.”
“You ain’t lying,” Isaiah muttered. The nurse shot him a look.
“You should all be fine once we’re done patching you up,” the nurse continued. “But…” She checked her clipboard again. “Monica Aguilar appears to have taken quite the blow to the head. We’re monitoring her, but we aren’t going to be able to assess if there’s any brain damage until she wakes up.”
Prince sat up. “Brain damage?”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry. We would be able to tell by now if it was serious,” the nurse assured Prince, urging him back down onto the bed. “At most, she has a concussion. She’ll be alright.”
Prince lay down again gingerly. “OK… I guess.” He was silent for a moment… but he was also curious.
“What happened to Larry?”
“Larry Clockturn? The police are handling that. They haven’t given me many details, I’m afraid,” the nurse told Prince. “All I know is that they haven’t moved his body yet. And the so-called ‘purge’ is over, by the way. Most of the mafia turned tail and ran after they figured out Clockturn was gone,” she laughed. “National guard didn’t encounter much resistance after that.”
Prince didn’t ask anything else. It was the nurse’s turn, now.
“It says here that four of you are siblings. Prince, Monica, Hadrian, and Stephanie Aguilar. And Isaiah… Smith,” she said, walking over to Isaiah’s bed. “It is to my understanding that you are affiliated with the mafia.”
Isaiah’s eyes widened. “Uh, I mean, like-“
The nurse held up her hand to stop him. “I’m not a police officer, but don’t be surprised if they come in here to question you guys at some point. I just wanted to warn you about it, so you aren’t blindsided,” she explained.
“Yeah… yeah, OK. Cool,” said Isaiah, even though it was not at all cool.
The nurse nodded. “Well, that’s it for now,” she said as she turned to leave. “Just sit tight. The doctor will be along soon.”
Prince took a deep breath. Larry was deactivated. They were out of the sewers. The purge was over. They were in a hospital at last. Everything was fine again.
In the sewers, however, things were not so fine. Police tape lined the walls of the room Larry had collapsed in, cold and unmoving. Officers surrounded him.
One of them looked up at the manhole high above them. “We could airlift him…?”
“Through that tiny opening? I’m not so sure,” his Lieutenant responded. No one was certain about how they were going to get this colossus out of the sewer and into police custody.
“We might have to move him all the way through the tunnel. Into the nearest water-”
The officer was cut off and his head jerked back as a bullet pierced the middle of his forehead.
The other cops drew their service weapons. The round had come from the other side of the locked iron gate. They returned fire. So did their assailants.
There was no cover in the room. More officers dropped dead. One of them tried to speak into his radio. “Shots fired. All units to the 5th-”
He was shot dead as well before he could finish.
The Lieutenant glimpsed something through the metal bars of the gate. Something green and glowing. He fired reflexively. The round ricocheted off metal. He stared into the darkness, confused, but there was no time to ponder as bullets continued to whizz past his ears.
“We’re taking too many casualties! Fall back!” yelled the Lieutenant.
The remaining officers ran from the gate and disappeared around the bend of the tunnel, leaving Larry’s body behind.
The mobsters lowered their guns. Their leader, who had been watching from the back of the troupe, made her way to the iron gate. Her high heels clicked against the concrete. The sound echoed through the now-quiet passageway.
She towered above her cohorts. The lock on the gate broke easily as she raised her slender arm and forced it open with one hand.
The lady reached the felled automaton. She walked around his inert figure and clicked her tongue in disapproval.
“Take him,” she ordered.
The mobsters, with some difficulty, lifted him up and carried him into the small speedboat they’d used to traverse the sewer’s water channels. The motor roared to life.
As the helmsman steered them back to the river outside, he glanced at his boss. “We’re not gonna reactivate him, Miss Gearwise?”
“No,” she answered shortly.
“Then… what are you going to do with him?”
The lady’s icy gaze fell on Larry. The corners of her metallic green lips curved up into a small smirk.
“I have a few ideas.”
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wondering if you have any tips on how to improve art skills/how you started off drawing?
in desperate need of some-
ty! <3
OOC: Sure! :)
When I draw, I first start off with a stickman sketch:
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Such as this one. Try not to focus on the details too much. This is just a doodle sketch. You can keep deleting and erasing. You don't ALWAYS have to commit to the first sketch. For my recent Umber sketch it took me 30 minutes trying to find a pose.
2.) The next step is details, such as hands etc. I suggest going on Pinterest and just take time off to just 'study' it. In my sketchbook I have a couple pages dedicated to breaking down hands. I say I improved but I am still learning also :)
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Just go to Pinterest and it would help <:) If you want to display nail biting etc. Add it in the end, that is what I do. Another 'basic' tip is before you even START on adding/'rendering' you have to just establish a base color. It can be messy and all. Here is a wip of a fanart for Kale's Fanfic 'Reasons to worry'
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See how messy it is?? XD I colored over the lineart in this scene so I can try to 'paint'. If you want 'lines' in the art then make sure to use the bucket tool! Pinterest is a good inspiration on color schemes, lighting etc.
Last one I say is 'face expressions'. Try to experiment with different types of faces :D
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Basically... The eyes are gonna help you portray an emotion. If the character covers/has no eyes: Express it in the mouth!
For 'creepy'/'intended horror faces'... ehh... I would ask WHAT are you scared of? Personally I feared the turtle in Lacey's Games, Momo etc.
If you ever played Roblox 'Insomnia', yeah- Those 'type' of faces tend to creep me out. So replicate that art in your drawing. Ex:
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Drawing fanart of your favorite horror games help you do that :D
In the recent Umber drawing I wanted her to kind of stare at the viewer in the distant you know?
IN SUMMARY: Your art should tell you a-bit about your character :D From Color scheme to expressions. I hope you find this helpful!
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jebewonmorelike · 2 years
If You Love Me, You'll Give Me Your Robux
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wc: 587 pronouns: she/her (he/him and they/them versions below original! <3 love u fellow alphabet mafia) warnings: none; fluffy fluff :) summary: jay just won't stop playing roblox (and he never will) ~bp masterlist~  ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ hi so... starting this little adventure. i was a fanfiction writer way back in the day. like a decade ago i wrote various one direction, 5sos, and youtuber fanfics when i was 13. i'm sure some kids watching boys planet are 13 now and that is terrifying to me. anyway, i decided to try my hand at some drabbles again after a long hiatus. please send requests or asks and we can talk about boys planet and whatnot. be my friend pls. :) and also enjoy.
"Jay, can we please just go out to dinner or something already? You've been staring at that screen for hours."
You hated nagging Jay, but at this point it seemed more than necessary. Sure, he was enjoying his time off from filming Boys Planet and you were more than happy to have him home in your arms for a couple weeks before he had to leave for the second mission. But when all he wanted to do for the last 48 hours was play Roblox, you were admittedly getting bored... and a tad bit annoyed (... and the teensiest bit jealous).
Jay doesn't respond and you sigh dramatically from where you are laying on his bed, scrolling hopelessly through Instagram as you wait for your boyfriend to pay attention to you.
"Jay!" You call out to him again, but still he doesn't reply. "Jay, I swear to--."
"Who do you swear to, huh?" He says finally, turning to face you with an expectant smirk. "God is not gonna help you pry me away from Roblox. No one is capable of that."
"Could you hear me the whole time?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
He nods, sucking his teeth in contemplation. "I could. Including when you called me a--."
"Alright, alright," you cut him off with a groan. "Sorry for that. But I'm bored! You haven't seen your beautiful, perfect girlfriend in almost a month and here she is, sitting so pretty on your bed of all places and all you can do is play Roblox."
Jay just looks more amused. "You're really hyping yourself up there."
You collapse back onto his bed, completely defeated by your smartass boyfriend's annoying wit. You lie there, staring at the ceiling for a few moments before you hear Jay giggle. You feel something hit your arm and search for the culprit next to you, finally picking up what appears to be a crumpled up sticky note. 
You open it, reading what's written messily inside:
you do look perfect XD 
You turn it over to read the back:
even from this really unflattering angle you've provided me <3
"Thanks," you say reluctantly, sighing as you sit back up to look at him.
He's grinning, but your heart breaks a bit at how tired he looks. "Is it okay if I just play for the rest of today? I'm sorry it feels like I'm ignoring you. I'm just exhausted and I feel kind of sick from the time change. I'll literally be all yours tomorrow."
"Of course, Jay. I understand," you agree with a smile, making a mental note to check that he sleeps well tonight. "But aren't you always all mine?"
Jay nods at you cheekily. "Always, gorgeous."
Your boyfriend turns back to his computer, pulling his headphones back over his ears. You look at him for a few moments, admiring the view.
"Stop staring," he says abruptly with a laugh and you turn away, grabbing your laptop from your bag and flipping it open. 
A few minutes later, Jay's laugh sounds through his bedroom. You steal a glimpse to see him shaking his head and rubbing his hands across his face. "You are relentless!"
You bite your lip to keep from grinning, typing something into the Roblox chat: 
you can't escape me
i don't want to
wait what no are you robbing me? babe wtf 
i love u :(
if you love me, you'll give me all your robux... 
i want the violet valkyrie ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
for sweet he/him-using boys :)
"Jay, can we please just go out to dinner or something already? You've been staring at that screen for hours."
You hated nagging Jay, but at this point it seemed more than necessary. Sure, he was enjoying his time off from filming Boys Planet and you were more than happy to have him home in your arms for a couple weeks before he had to leave for the second mission. But when all he wanted to do for the last 48 hours was play Roblox, you were admittedly getting bored... and a tad bit annoyed (... and the teensiest bit jealous).
Jay doesn't respond and you sigh dramatically from where you are laying on his bed, scrolling hopelessly through Instagram as you wait for your boyfriend to pay attention to you.
"Jay!" You call out to him again, but still he doesn't reply. "Jay, I swear to--."
"Who do you swear to, huh?" He says finally, turning to face you with an expectant smirk. "God is not gonna help you pry me away from Roblox. No one is capable of that."
"Could you hear me the whole time?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
He nods, sucking his teeth in contemplation. "I could. Including when you called me a--."
"Alright, alright," you cut him off with a groan. "Sorry for that. But I'm bored! You haven't seen your handsome, perfect boyfriend in almost a month and here he is, sitting so magnificently on your bed of all places and all you can do is play Roblox."
Jay just looks more amused. "You're really hyping yourself up there."
You collapse back onto his bed, completely defeated by your smartass boyfriend's annoying wit. You lie there, staring at the ceiling for a few moments before you hear Jay giggle. You feel something hit your arm and search for the culprit next to you, finally picking up what appears to be a crumpled up sticky note. 
You open it, reading what's written messily inside:
you do look perfect XD 
You turn it over to read the back:
even from this really unflattering angle you've provided me <3
"Thanks," you say reluctantly, sighing as you sit back up to look at him.
He's grinning, but your heart breaks a bit at how tired he looks. "Is it okay if I just play for the rest of today? I'm sorry it feels like I'm ignoring you. I'm just exhausted and I feel kind of sick from the time change. I'll literally be all yours tomorrow."
"Of course, Jay. I understand," you agree with a smile, making a mental note to check that he sleeps well tonight. "But aren't you always all mine?"
Jay nods at you cheekily. "Always, gorgeous."
Your boyfriend turns back to his computer, pulling his headphones back over his ears. You look at him for a few moments, admiring the view.
"Stop staring," he says abruptly with a laugh and you turn away, grabbing your laptop from your bag and flipping it open. 
A few minutes later, Jay's laugh sounds through his bedroom. You steal a glimpse to see him shaking his head and rubbing his hands across his face. "You are relentless!"
You bite your lip to keep from grinning, typing something into the Roblox chat: 
you can't escape me
i don't want to
wait what no are you robbing me? babe wtf 
i love u :(
if you love me, you'll give me your robux...
i want the violet valkyrie ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
for nonbinary folx that use they/them pronouns :)
"Jay, can we please just go out to dinner or something already? You've been staring at that screen for hours."
You hated nagging Jay, but at this point it seemed more than necessary. Sure, he was enjoying his time off from filming Boys Planet and you were more than happy to have him home in your arms for a couple weeks before he had to leave for the second mission. But when all he wanted to do for the last 48 hours was play Roblox, you were admittedly getting bored... and a tad bit annoyed (... and the teensiest bit jealous).
Jay doesn't respond and you sigh dramatically from where you are laying on his bed, scrolling hopelessly through Instagram as you wait for your boyfriend to pay attention to you.
"Jay!" You call out to him again, but still he doesn't reply. "Jay, I swear to--."
"Who do you swear to, huh?" He says finally, turning to face you with an expectant smirk. "God is not gonna help you pry me away from Roblox. No one is capable of that."
"Could you hear me the whole time?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
He nods, sucking his teeth in contemplation. "I could. Including when you called me a--."
"Alright, alright," you cut him off with a groan. "Sorry for that. But I'm bored! You haven't seen your gorgeous, perfect partner in almost a month and here they are, sitting so stunningly on your bed of all places and all you can do is play Roblox."
Jay just looks more amused. "You're really hyping yourself up there."
You collapse back onto his bed, completely defeated by your smartass boyfriend's annoying wit. You lie there, staring at the ceiling for a few moments before you hear Jay giggle. You feel something hit your arm and search for the culprit next to you, finally picking up what appears to be a crumpled up sticky note. 
You open it, reading what's written messily inside:
you do look perfect XD 
You turn it over to read the back:
even from this really unflattering angle you've provided me <3
"Thanks," you say reluctantly, sighing as you sit back up to look at him.
He's grinning, but your heart breaks a bit at how tired he looks. "Is it okay if I just play for the rest of today? I'm sorry it feels like I'm ignoring you. I'm just exhausted and I feel kind of sick from the time change. I'll literally be all yours tomorrow."
"Of course, Jay. I understand," you agree with a smile, making a mental note to check that he sleeps well tonight. "But aren't you always all mine?"
Jay nods at you cheekily. "Always, gorgeous."
Your boyfriend turns back to his computer, pulling his headphones back over his ears. You look at him for a few moments, admiring the view.
"Stop staring," he says abruptly with a laugh and you turn away, grabbing your laptop from your bag and flipping it open. 
A few minutes later, Jay's laugh sounds through his bedroom. You steal a glimpse to see him shaking his head and rubbing his hands across his face. "You are relentless!"
You bite your lip to keep from grinning, typing something into the Roblox chat: 
you can't escape me
i don't want to
wait what no are you robbing me? babe wtf 
i love u :(
if you love me, you'll give me your roblux...
i want the violet valkyrie ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
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tiredemzz · 3 months
-Anon likes to eat Mac and Cheese with a glass of Apple Juice :)
-Anon likes to explain her problems to ether Slender or to any of the pastas if she chooses to :p
-Anon loves to quote memes or vines that she sees sometimes, makes her laugh :3
-Anon isn't really a huge person on kids, kids annoy her sometimes due to them being loud or bratty
-Anon plays games on Roblox, especially dress to impressed and sometimes a few obbys, tycoons here and there
-Anon decided to kill Ben's dad as revenge, she basically hates him + Ben's bullies
-Anon owns two pets named Darkness aka her pet crow and Smiling Cat, who's basically Smiling Dog but as a cat
-Anon watchs shows like Steven Universe or Adventure Time, sometimes MLP and SpongeBob. She also watches Saiki K as well.
-Anon's favorite movie series is Bill Nye bc she's a science nerd + space nerd lel
-A space nerd, loves rambling and talking about space
-16 yrs old, about to become 17 this whoop whoop!
-Not much into shipping, she's mostly not into ships. She's a chill daughter of slenders.
-Hates one of slenders brothers aka the pervy one. (Yall, he's dead in my AU bc nobody likes him in my AU)
-Doesn't mind EJ, mostly gifts him liver everyday 24/7 lel
-Study's space 24/7 in her room sometimes, not offen
-Shockly can drive a car bc of owning her permit and actually owns a car, thanks to Slender <3
-Is a fall and winter girlie, doesn't like summer ether due to hot weather.
-Likes to play video games with Ben sometimes, favorite video games are sega, nintendo games. Owns a switch, 3DS in her room :)
-Does online school sometimes during the fall, spring and before breaks, such.
-Smart girlie, doesn't mind studying at a library.
-Owns a phone but mostly owns a walkie bc of Sal hehe
-Doesn't mind making friends with other people.
-Bisexual, she/her pronouns :]
-Wears comfort clothes :)
-Doesn't like swimsuits that much, makes her uncomfortable.
-Doesn't mind playing dress up with Sally, loves playing dress up :)
-Has a bit of trust issues once in a while..
-Legit listens to space podcasts or just music in general, I dunno lel
Yall- just a reminder that in my AU that Anon isn’t a pick me, she’s just a normal person. Not the Y/N in the fanfics, Ty.
Hope yall enjoy the hcs <3
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irotinmyroom · 4 months
‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎INTRO POST
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my name's dean or toby, whichever one u prefer more!!
i'm a minor but i don't mind adults interacting if ur not creepy!!
i'm bad at communicating with people a lot so if i'm a bit awkward, i'm sorrryyy!!
my pronouns r he/him (but i'm fine with any gender neutral pronouns too) and i'm bi and trans (ftm)!!
this blog is mostly reblogs (with occasional art of my own), and i am multifandom (with 1 main fandom at a time tho)
please let me know if i say something wrong or overstep boundaries!! if i do anything wrong, i wanna improve on it!!
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‏‏‎ ‎ fandoms!!
‏‏‎ top interests rn is pressure (roblox game) and slenderverse!! i also rlly like deadplate, cold front, eloquent countenance, elevator hitch, and bittersweet sentence!! and other fandoms that i like are sally face, cry of fear, five nights at freddys, purpleverse, bendy and the ink ‏‏‎‏‏‏‎‏machine, nso,‏‎ ‏‏‎ddlc, + more !!
‏‏‎ ‎ hobbies / general interests
drawing, writing, reading, baking, photography, collecting soda can ‎‏‏‎tabs, slugs, snails, worms, rats/mice, spirituality, tarot, crystals, psychology, biblical angels, antidepressants
‏‏‎ ‎ movies
the lost boys, american psycho, ghostbusters (1984, 1989, 2021), beetlejuice, death proof, jaws, the outsiders, scream, nightmare on ‎‏‏‎elm street, halloween, children of the corn, saw ii, fnaf, it (1990), ‎‎‏‏‏‏silver bullet, little shop of horrors, spree, family (2018), and fanfic
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎television
inside job, breaking bad, scott pilgrim takes off, bojack horseman, south park, rick and morty, murder drones, young sheldon, kakegurui, supernatural
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎books
dirty heads - aaron dries, fnaf book series (all of them), bendy books ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏�� ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎(all of them), marble hornets comics
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‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎MUSIC
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎(beware, this is a LONG list)
mccafferty, the front bottoms, modern baseball, camping in alaska, marietta unamused dave, plainclothes, summerbruise, inconsistent, yawning, coping, the clippers, ashtray, pavement, foo fighters, sign crushes motorist, alex g, whirr, glare, blue smiley, slowdive, lsd and ‎‏‏‎the search for god, the white stripes, muse, weezer, car seat ‎headrest, title fight, deftones, eyedress, tv girl, arctic monkeys, mindless self indulgence, ayesha erotica, insane ‎‏‏clown posse, lemon demon, jukebox the ghost, will wood (and the ‎‏‏‎tapeworms), tally hall, miracle musical, that handsome devil, the ‎‏‏‎paper chase, the nighty nite, mook, animal collective, the dresden dolls, destroy boys, glass animals, stolen babies, stomach book, my ‎chemical romance, falling in reverse, escape the fate, three days grace, fall out boy, get scared, rob zombie, korn, slipknot, scars on broadway, soad, the 69 eyes, nine inch nails, millionares, brokencyde, ‎pierce the veil, ghost town, 3oh!3, radiohead, the cure, jack off jill, early ‎‏‏p!atd, tyler the creator, the left rights
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!! CREDITS TO @snailspng AND @saradika FOR THE BORDERS !! ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ !! thanks 2 my best friend @sir-twix-the-3d for the idea !!
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎LAST UPDATED 8/7/24
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theboredcreature · 4 months
So its been a while so I think I'm gonna do another intro
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So we will be running this channel but I don't really post much lol
I am bisexual, transmasc, polyamorus, and a furry and a therian
We are a DID system and have a little system/age regre so please be nice when she posts (she is 3 and I call her sunny so if I'm in regression then refer to her as "Sunny")
My pronouns are He/Him It/Its Ze/Zim Glitch/Glitchself
You all can call me Elliot, beetle, or Dionysus
My theriotypes:
•Russian Wolf
•Canadian lynx
•Luna moth
•Pink toes turantula
•German Shepherd
•Shortfin mako shark
•Beluga whale
•Coconut octopus
•Domestic rat
•Highland cow
My Other Kintypes:
•Dionysus the Greek God of Wine
I age regress and pet regress so this is a safe space for all littles
The fandoms im in:
•Mha (the good part of the fandom)
•Roblox (does that count lol)
I have been considering writing fanfics for various different fandoms that i didn't mention cause i didn't feel like it so just ask if u want me to write any (I am a minor so take that into account when you ask)
DNI's:Homophobes/Transphobes, z00philes,anti-furry/anti-therian,MAPS/p3dos, just don't be an bad person please
If anyone breaks any of the rules here I will not hesitate to block you 😊
When im just normally posting I will tag it with #🐌Beetle_Chats
If im reposting i will tag it with #🐌Beetle_Shares
If im venting i will tag it with #🐌Beetle_Vents
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Hello! You may know me from my other blogs. Well, i made a new one, cause I have no sense of impulse control, and I think he need more writing blogs specifically for crossover ships.
About Mod Apathetic
Just call me Mod Apathetic, or Apathetic!
I am an adult
I am a Fudanshi, Himedanshi, Profic, and Anti-hara!
Pangender probably, Any pronouns (no she/her)
My ao3 is ApatheticCrossovers, all requests and stuff will be archived over there!
I also plan on posting original fics here too!
My other blogs are @/Syrups-edit-corner (Edit requests), @/Syrups-fanfic-cafe (General requests), and @/Spookyscaryships (Edit/stim request blog run by both me and my friend)
If you aren't if I write for a certain fandom/topic, just ask please! I have anger issues and I will get extremely aggressive
Crossover ships (Obviously)
Age gap ships (Including Minor/Minor age gaps, Adult/Adult Age gaps, and Minor/Adult age gaps)
Shipcest (Mainly headcanons cause, yaknow, crossover ships rarely have canon shipcest)
Alternate universes (Including "what if Character A was a canon character in Character B's universe" and Isekai type scenario's)
Yandere content
Ot3's (no more than 3 characters please!)
Same Source/Series Ships (That included characters from two different games in the same series, and two different shows that take place in the same universe. This rule can be worked around if its an ot3 involving a character from a different source/series)
Satire/Joke ships (I have nothing against these types of ships, they just personally make me feel insecure about my own ships, since I take a lot of comfort in crossover ships /lh /gen.)
Things about active S/H (Things about recovering from S/H or brief mentions of it are fine!)
RPF/Stuff involving real people (Stuff like c!mcyt characters and musicals where the characters are based on real people are on thin ice /srs)
Drug Use/Abuse (Again, recovery is fine) [note: This rule does not and never while apply to weed. Weed is super cool /hj.]
Anything considered Unsanitary/generally gross (if you aren't sure if something would apply to this rule, please ask)
Ace Attorney
Angels of Death
Animal Crossing
Afterl!fe (yes, even if the fandoms kinda dead)
Baldi’s Basics (+ mod/fangame characters)
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Boyfriend to Death (Both 1 and 2)
Break In 1/2
Cookie run (Both Ovenbreak and Kingdom)
Danganronpa (all main games + UDG)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doors (Roblox)
Five Nights At Freddy’s series (+ Fangames)
Friday Night Funkin (+ Mods)
Happy Tree friends
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Henry Stickmin Series
Huniepop (both 1 and 2)
Identity V
Inanimate Insanity
Junji Ito
Madness Combat
Minecraft Storymode
Monster Prom
Mortal Combat
My Little Pony
Obey Me! Shall We Date
Object Terror
Rainbow Friends (Roblox)
Roblox Myths
Riddle School
Saints Rows series
SCP Foundation
Smile For Me
Sonic Series
South Park
Sr Pelo’s Spooky Month
Steven Universe
Tankmen Series
Telltales TWD Games
The Backrooms
The Nightly Manor
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
Undertale (+ Au’s)
Vincent: Secret of Myers
Welcome Home
Yandere Sim
Your Turn To Die
Zardy’s Field
And more that I currently can’t remember :p
Dream SMP (Characters, never the streamers)
Genshin Impact
Pizza Tower
Sparklecare Hospital
Super Danganronpa Another (1 & 2, mainly 2)
Twisted Wonderland
Probably more that I, again, can't remember.
[Tumblr Inbox]
Hopeless Romantic Part 2 (Millie May x Amy Rose x Moxxie)
Barbatos [Obey Me] x Yuri [DDLC]
Beast Boy [Teen Titans] x Steven Universe [SU] SOulmate AU Headcanons
Vector [Sonic the Hedgehog] x Alphys [Undertale] NSFW
Hellborn Artic Owl!Rarity [MLP] x Stolas [Helluva boss]
Fischl [Genshin Impact] x Gundham Tanaka [Danganronpa] NSFW Headcanons
[Ao3 Inbox]
Yuri [DDLC] x Noelle Holidy [Deltarune]
Donut Joe [MLP] is accusing Soarin's [MLP] new boyfriend, Drago [Animal Crossing], of stealing from his shop, and Soarin doesn't know who to side with.
Glamrock Freddy [FNaF] x Audrey Belrose [Huniepop] NSFW
Golfball [BFDI] x Tennisball [BFDI] x Test Tube [II] Headcanons
Monika [DDLC] x Senpai [FNF]
Collin [Helluva Boss] x Lila [Spooky Month] Short Fic
That's all! Feel free to request stuff from me! I'm always looking for new crossover ships to write about! /gen
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salient-extra · 2 months
So, Yeah, about the Roblox Break In! R3aLiTy?¡¿! AU I made.
The process of Chapter 4 have been going pretty slow nowadays due to laziness and some other bigger projects that I am planning to share to you guys that will probably take months or even years to make. I have also lost a lot of interest in Break In nowadays due to some drama within the community that has ruined the fun for me and how little content there is now.
I have been thinking about discontinuing the fanfic because of how lazy I am in general. However, I really do want to share the story with you guys.
So, yeah from now on, the R3aLiTy?¡¿! AU fanfic will only be updated when I wanted to. The schedule will be very inconsistent, so I am terribly sorry if it takes a very long time to pump out chapters.
However, I am currently working on a ‘project’ with some other friends of mine. There will be more information about it once most of the things need for the ‘project’ is prepared ^^
So yeah thank you for understanding ^^
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kartywarty · 7 months
is everyone revealing ocs now??? hi welcome to my top ten facts about my ocs
no.1 Halbert K. Robinson
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1. he has viltigo and hides it by wearing his mask a lot
2 .works as a janitor to clean the base
3. was forced to resort to working in a crime due to skin condition, he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and because people thought he looked weird COUGHS. i wonder who said that ?? huh
4. ex-fire fighter, all his training went down the drain
5. hes 37 and is 5’4” ft tall
6. is actually matt engarde from aa!/j
7. seen as a lower class because of his mask, but in reality he once lifted a whole ass couch just to clean under it
8. the “K” in his name stands for “Karl”
9. he has keys to every room/area in the base so he can clean
10. was hired because he had a “criminal history”, he had to beg to live and only had an option to join mary (he was hired before he knew larry was in control)
btw guys im still figuring out his lore idk guys
no.2 Riktor V. Markov
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1. speaks russian and BARELY understands english
2. has a translator to help him understand (will be mentioned next)
3. looks very intimidating, but hes rarely soft to people sometimes
4. his dad was a godfather for a mafia back in russia, he eventually got arrested and riktor had to migrate to robloxia with his soon to be his translator
5. 5’8” ft tall and is 42 years old
6. uses his bonesaw as defense
7. his hair isnt gray, his hair is ashy blonde
8. the “V” in his name is “Victor”
9. his mom got executed by another mafia that was against his father and he was forced to witness it with his bare eyes
10. his favorite medical tool is the bonesaw
no.3 Feliks Novikov
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1. he is half russian and half american
2. is riktors translator, hes actually helped riktor migrate away and have been childhood friends. they were bullies before
3. has actually been hired by larry in the past, once retired when larry was defeated, later has been recruited by mary
4. convinced mary to hire riktor for medic
5. 5’4” ft tall, 40
6. has a family of 2 and is married, he has a son and a baby daughter.
7. loves jazz he even plays the saxophone
8. plays in a band with the other henchmen in the evil base, hes the lead
9. hes a gentleman and respects his higherups
10. was actually favored a lot by larry
no.4 Scary Autry (Autry P. Harrington)
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1. his face in the past had scarring and acne (his face is greasy, one of the reasons why he hides his face)
2. bffs with barry, cabbage (another break in oc), and danry (also another break in oc). they are known as the “alphabet fourlets”
3. his mom left him few months after he was born, he was raised by his dad and grew up with toxic masculinity OH NO WHO SAID THAT AHH!!
4. hates mary and larry A LOT. he hates larry for defending mary and he hates mary for trying to reveal his own face COUGHC OUGH (rreference to my fanfic about his backstory)
5. 6’4” ft tall, he is 68 years old
6. he knows karate, kung fu, and bare knuckle boxing
7. seems to be really harsh but just blocks out feelings
8. loves wearing boots.
9. the weapon he uses are golden brass knuckles
10. hes TERRIBLE at playing instruments, he was failing music class during his origin phase
no.5 oswald the hacker/guest
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1. his real name/username is Guest0091288
2. he listens to ivycomb and babymetal
3. he was once a guest, he had a lot of good progress while playing other games throughout roblox, until they banned guests. oswald did not accept losing his progress and took things the hard way by somehow reviving his guest account, he fleed to break in to blend in by the guest role, he was caught few weeks ago but managed to still escape by becoming a different role in which he didnt even pay for (hacker role)
4. he has an illumina instead of the classic sword, he uses his phone to spawn holograms tthat act like a shield
5. he is 5’1” and is ageless
6. he hates wearing the caps guests wore, he didnt like how it felt
7. he does not speak, he uses tts (text to speech). the tts program he uses is the alpha moonbase tts
8. loooves making fun of people, even when hes successful to get away with it
9. can impersonate/shapeshift into other characters and users, however his tts voice still remains the same
10. very unpredictable.
no.6 Carter J. Dickgum (self insert)
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1. married to bradley beans
2. almost had a divorce arc Thanks for hanging out with me!
3. named “Carter” instead of “Karter” because of his curved smile (get it)
5. 5’5” ft tall and 45 years old
6. shaves and HATES HAVING A Stubblle
7. doesnt like working out most of the time
8. his emotions appear to be VERY obvious, he is very expressive
9. works as a cashier at tacobell
10. wears mismatched socks everyday.
Okay guys thansk for tunkng in chatn! ‘My sunshine students
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hey can yall rate my fanfic 🥺
it’s a WIP
One day Peter griffin was walking down the road, he felt like eating some deep fried kittens, so he went to his favorite deep fried kitten place, Willy’s shitteria. He went to the bar that Luke Skywalker ran, and asked for a tall glass of vinegar from the pickle jar.
“Hey Peter, did you know that they canonically eat pokemon in the pokemon world?” Luke sharted
“What the fuck Luke let me drink my pickle juice. ☹️” Peter moaned
Suddenly Peter fucking choked on his juice, so Luke hit him in the groin with a baseball bat and Peter threw it all back up. There was a piece of lead in Peter’s pickle
“Holy shit there’s lead in my pickle” Peter screeched
“That’s just not any lead Peter” Luke sneezed “that lead has a microchip that will take you to an osha violation riddled shithole.”
“Well hopefully this doesn’t start anything weird over on tumblr, deviantart, the darkest, and I mean the DEEPEST, DARKEST corners of fandom, the kind you found when you were eight when you discovered fandom on your grandmas IPad and scrolled through wiki pages absorbing every bit of information you can on chase from paw patrols life. You know what I mean?”
“How do you know that Peter?”
“It’s called a fourth wall break because maybe the author of a FUCKING shitpost fic is allowed to express their weird love for Creepypasta they got from FUCKJNG Roblox videos”
Peter ran into the music shop, and grabbed an oboe, horribly playing it. It sounded like a duck dying of strep throat, using its last breath to sing that really high part from thank you and goodnight from Hazbin hotel. After Peter put his spit all over the reed, he kissed the oboe goodnight, and went home to the SCP foundation where he was kept.
The next day Peter woke up, according to the piece of lead in his pickle he was supposed to go a chocolate factory. He put his coat on and ran to the chocolate factory. The second he got there Steven and Greg universe were standing at the gates, alongside Sonic the hedgehog, Charlie from Hazbin hotel, and some human/dragon hybrid that looked like some kids oC. 
William afton came from the other side did the gate and fell and hit his head on the concrete and fucking died.
“This guy comes back right?” Steven whined “it’s okay afton, you can change!”
Sonic then kicked Willy really hard in his balls
“Okay which one of us has the e plot armor here and which one of us are about to fucking die?” Peter whined
The dragon OC chimed up “this is built like a deviantart recast template and there’s literally a person NAMED CHARLIE here”
“We do not need another fourth wall break here.” Steven wailed
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gayjew69 · 11 months
new camping fanfic posted by me!!!
For non AO3 users, the fanfic will be under the cut
FIRST!! WARNINGS!: Suicide, gun violence, major character death, murder!! you have been warned!!
3:04 AM. The lamp illuminated the desk Daniel sat at, everything else in his bedroom looked like a void. The only noise that accompanied Daniel was the heavy exhales from his nose. The insomniac firmly held a sheet of paper in his hand, reading every word repeatedly without a break. The letter was from Jack Logan (his dear father) who took his own life shortly after the death of Emma Logan, Daniel’s beloved sister. Any reader could tell by the writing that it was neatly and carefully made. It was only for Daniel to admire how his father put this written message together in his final moments. Most of the epistle talked about how he did this to see Emma again and how Daniel was a joy to raise. However, the end of the letter had an important mission. Jack Logan wanted revenge on Jeff Terzi. Thanks to Jeff’s reckless driving, Emma could only be seen as a framed picture with bouquets surrounding it. Despite being against the idea at first, Daniel promised to himself that he will fulfill his father’s wish. That night he plotted many ways he could get back at Jeff. Deciding to save those ideas for later, Daniel gently put the letter in his drawer and turned off the lamp. The drowsy man stumbled back to his bed and hoped for uninterrupted rest.
8:13 AM. With a slam, The alarm clock got silenced by Daniel’s hand. Daniel groaned as he opened his bleary eyes and lumbered to the bathroom. Hunched over and gripping the edge of the sink bowl, Daniel stared deeply into his reflection. He tried to practice making fake yet convincing cheerful expressions for his shift. As Daniel stared into his mirror, he found a part of his soul was missing. When his family was undeservingly taken away from Daniel, he struggled to grasp the meaning of life. Is this the universe’s way of testing him? Daniel could only ponder what he did to warrant this. Finally, he heard what he thought to be an answer. A familiar voice spoke, it slightly resembled Jack Logan. Daniel whipped his head around to find the source of the sound. But to Daniel’s surprise, there was only himself. The voice was encouraging him to check his father’s wardrobe. Although Daniel’s initial reaction was to feel dubious, the voice was persistent and invigorated him. With a sigh, Daniel reluctantly walked over to his dad’s bedroom. It’s been several years since he has been inside his father’s bedroom. How could there be something new to that room? Daniel asked himself as he entered.
The wardrobe door opened with an eerie creek. Daniel pushed aside Jack’s varied trench coats and collared shirts cautiously, trying to find something that might bring him closer to the answers for his train of thought. Eventually with impatience, He resorted to sliding his hand across every crevice inside the clothing cupboard. When Daniel was about to question why his gut feeling brought him here, he almost froze once he felt the cold exterior of an outer barrel. Bringing it out of the shadows of the closet, Daniel obtained an AK-47. Daniel inspected the rifle in its entirety. The steel billet was cool to the touch, it definitely wasn’t new but it was clearly used with care and the gun was already loaded. For Daniel it almost felt like he was touching a cursed artifact, especially since it belonged to his father. The voice commanded Daniel to bring the gun to Specky woods. Daniel’s only option was to oblige, the instinct couldn’t be ignored and would trouble him if he tried. Besides, park rangers do need guns, anything could be lurking. That’s at least what Daniel told himself for reassurance.
10:17 AM. Daniel was assigned to set up bear traps all over the field. To say Daniel was looking forward to it would be a blatant lie. He was forced to do this tedious task over and over to the point Daniel wondered if the bear population would be lower than the deer’s in Specky Woods. Luckily, park ranger Daniel wouldn’t have to suffer in boredom alone as he had his coworker Steve for assistance. When the both of them were placing down bear traps in the area, Daniel looked up and suddenly stopped any movement as if he had turned into stone. Of course it wasn’t rare to see a family camping in the middle of the woods, quite the contrary, but did it have to be that family? Jeff Terzi, his wife, and his three kids. Seeing Jeff bonding with his children and playing in the grass made Daniel wistfully think back to the times him, his father and Emma would go on exciting adventures with each other. Watching Jeff go on with his life, free of consequences, filled Daniel with pent-up rage. If nobody was there, Daniel would’ve acted on the urge to strangle Jeff. Daniel could only let out an aggravated exhale through his mouth. Steve gives his coworker a glance out of concern, but quickly assumes that Daniel was just tired. Understandably, nobody’s ideal morning is to set up bear claws. To Daniel’s dismay, Jeff started to approach the park rangers. Daniel kept his head low and his eyes on the leg hold traps, praying that Steve would do the talking instead.
“Hello! I was wondering… What’s with the bear traps?” Jeff spoke to the park rangers.
“It’s to stop bears from killing the deers. The decreasing deer population here is concerning us,” Steve responded as if it was an obvious answer; he still attempted to keep formality and respect in his tone.
“Oh, thanks. Who would’ve guessed? silly me!” Jeff chuckled despite Steve’s face not showing an ounce of amusement. “I’ll leave you two alone, have a good day,” Jeff waved goodbye, walking back to the tents. Steve waved back at the father. Daniel put his head up to glare at Jeff with unblinking eyes, which daunted him. Jeff wasn’t the only one unnerved by Daniel’s stare, Steve looked at Daniel with a confounded expression.
“What’s the matter with you?” Steve whispered.
“I… There was a leaf in his hair, I was deciding whether or not to let him know,” Daniel lied, he tried to sound believable but his voice sounded robotic.
“I don't think staring at him was helpful,” Steve replied bluntly. Daniel continued with his task, looking away from his colleague out of embarrassment and shame. “Daniel, be honest with me, are you okay?” Steve questioned.
“Why are you asking?” Daniel’s uneasiness was visible in his voice. From Daniel’s response hardly being related to the question, Steve took it as a no.
Steve sighed sympathetically, “We’re friends, you can tell me if you have problems going on.”
“I’m fine.” Daniel’s somewhat trembling hands contradicted his words. Steve gave Daniel one more skeptical glance.
“Well I can’t force you to open up,” Steve resumed back to his job. For the rest of the shift, the atmosphere between the park rangers was awkwardly silent.
11:14 PM. A cluster of raindrops fell all over the campsite of Specky Woods. Thankfully, Daniel was hiding inside the wooden shed, watching through the window. The rain aggressively tapped against the glass pane of the outhouse. The sky was pitch black and the foggy mist made the place scarcely seeable. Even though Daniel only had to work his day shift, he lingered in the woods, watching Jeff’s every movement while in hiding. Usually Daniel would be at home resting, but he was at the mercy of what he assumed to be his father’s voice, controlling most of every action. The plan should work out perfectly. Tents are not suitable for harsh rainfall, that would mean the family of five would have to use the cave as shelter. Sadly, the family made the grave, foolish mistake of leaving their picnic basket at the campsite. Speaking from observation, the mother didn’t seem like an assertive woman. Daniel hoped the parents weren’t psychotic enough to send one of their young children to fetch the basket in this weather. Using the process of elimination, Jeff would most likely be the one to get sent to retrieve their food. Jeff was the one to walk up to Daniel and Steve while his family stayed together in the campsite, which made Daniel believe his theory was strong. Daniel put his head against the window, trying to hear for any footsteps or noise that could be from the father. Because of the obstreperous rainfall, the park ranger tried not to be too optimistic. However, with the faint sound of a closing bear trap and a man screaming, it was as if someone answered Daniel’s prayers. Hurriedly, Daniel placed the rifle and its sling over his shoulder and stole a spare flashlight to aid his vision through the fog.
The rain poured down in torrents, each drop striking Daniel in the head and his back. The armed man sniffled as he tried to find his target. It was both a curse and a blessing that whoever is above the sky decided to cast down this weather. It didn’t take too long before Daniel found himself standing in front of Jeff, pointing the flashlight at his face. Jeff looked as if he just crawled out of the trenches. He was covered in dirt and mud from falling face first on the ground; The bear trap buried its spikes into Jeff’s shin. The injured man looked up at Daniel with hope sparkling in his eyes, like he had found his savior.
“Daniel! Thank God you’re here!” Jeff cried out in relief, his tears camouflaged with the rainfall. “Can you please help—“
Daniel tossed aside the flashlight and, with swift motion, held the AK-47 to the father’s head, pressing the muzzle against his forehead. Jeff’s pupils shrunk. “Daniel? It’s me… I’m not a bear!” Jeff let out a shaky laugh, wishing that this was a massive misunderstanding.
“Shut your mouth. Don’t make this harder than this needs to be,” Daniel whispered harshly through his gritted teeth. Daniel tried his best to not to look at Jeff. This man has a family, just like Daniel used to. Does this make him any better? Daniel started to have regrets of threatening this man but he had to remember that he lost everything due to him. His sister, his father, they were no longer there but Jeff still remained. It may not make him better, but it wouldn’t make him worse, would it? Many thoughts raced Daniel’s mind as he hesitantly wrapped his finger around the trigger.
“Daniel!” The trembling man shouted, “You’re being ridiculous! Can’t we just talk like rational adults?”
Jeff reached out and grabbed the gun by the barrel in an attempt to move it out of his face. As if his hands had a mind of their own, Daniel flinched and pulled the trigger. The bullet mushroom made Jeff’s blood and brains splatter all over the muddy grass. The scarlet drops stained Daniel’s uniform. The rifle fell out of Daniel’s grip; he stared down at the father’s disfigured head. His face, if it even could be recognised as one, resembled a decaying orchid flower. The unpitying reality didn’t wait patiently to settle in. Daniel looked at the palms of his hands, then the corpse, and back at himself.
This is what Jack Logan wanted. You did what you had to do. How many times could Daniel tell himself that before he could finally be at peace? Standing in the rain for a certain period of time can get you sick, taking a shower is highly advised. Daniel was scrubbing himself clean, cleaning his body and mind. But how does one clean his mind after witnessing his own murder? No matter how much soap he used, Daniel was filthy and impure. He couldn’t even call himself a man, a title like ‘murderer’ and ‘monster’ would suit him better. there were no crimson markings on Daniel’s body yet the blood on his hands stuck with him permanently. Daniel raised the temperature of the shower, making it as boiling as possible. He aggressively continued to cleanse himself, but he felt that there was no progress. The shower only reminded of where he was standing in Specky Woods. Standing in front of the bleeding body of Jeff Terzi. The scorching water burnt Daniel's skin, but he knows hell has a punishment unimaginably worse prepared for him.
4:03 AM. Daniel put on clean clothes and expected himself to drift off to sleep. Instead, Daniel was sitting at the edge of his bed as he buried his tearful face into his hands. All Daniel ever wanted to do was to make his father happy, even going as far as following his every command, never questioning the morality or ethics of it. Daniel wanted to believe that he gave Jeff what he deserved. Although, he couldn’t help but imagine how it would affect his family like how Jack and Emma’s death affected himself. Tears streamed down Daniel’s face. It may not be true, but Daniel wanted to be reassured that he was not a horrible being. Suddenly, cold air brushed against Daniel’s shoulder.
“You did the right thing,” A familiar, raspy voice spoke.
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