#robug talk
szkicel · 5 months
You know, lately I’ve been in a „butchification” phase where I turn my male OCs into women but I don’t change anything about their designs so they can be masculine (bc damm does this world need more masculine women)
anyway this is a woman now
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A design is bound to change - probably to give her more muscles 💪
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spooky-z · 4 years
Maribat by @ozmav
Of all the investigations Alya had done in the name of journalism, finding out that Chloe Bourgeois and Marinette Dupain-Cheng were dating had been... disheartening.
Lila had told her she noticed the strange behavior of Chloe and Marinette, suspecting that the two were together, but Alya dismissed the idea because Chloe and Marinette dating? This could only be a joke.
But it was when Alya also noticed the behavior of the two girls and decided to investigate, that the truth came out.
Lila was right. She would never doubt her best friend again.
Knowing that the Queen of Hearts and Gremhilde were in a relationship came as a shock to Alya, but knowing the reason for that relationship was indeed sad.
Because fake a relationship to get Adrien's attention? That was beyond pathetic.
Alya knew that Marinette was jealous of Lila for being close to Adrien, and possibly was dating the model in secret - the Italian was being difficult to drop the word, despite the continuous blush being all the confirmation that the journalist needed -, which she feels sorry for the designer.
She also knew that Chloe did not love Adrien, but she was unhappy with the fact that the boy was no longer her private toy and that he had despised her in favor of true friends.
But setting up a crazy plan to get the boy's attention was a new level of insanity for both girls. They needed to understand that no meant no.
It was no surprise to Alya that Chloe acted in retaliation, but Marinette with Chloe? Alya felt sorry for her ex best friend.
Alya hadn't told the class yet because she didn't want to humiliate Marinette in front of everyone, but she told Lila, because she deserved to know the truth.
She was sitting in her place in the classroom, next to Nino and behind Adrien and Lila. Mlle. Bustier had given them free time, as long as they didn't leave their seats and keep the conversation low.
Chloe's snorting laughter echoed through the room from moment to moment, Marinette trying to control the blonde and Sabrina looking like she wanted to fall into a fit of laughter. The three problems of the Mlle. Bustier’s class together.
"It's sad, you know?" Lila sighed at her. She and Adrien facing Alya and Nino's table so they can talk. "They force themselves to act like they're happy just to get attention."
"What do you mean, dudete?" Nino questioned confused.
"It's kind of obvious that they keep doing these things to get their attention." Lila had a sad look in her eyes. "If they weren't so mean to me, I wouldn't mind being friends with them."
Alya felt her heart ache for her best friend. She suffered so much at the hands of the three and yet there she was, wanting to make friends with her bullies.
"You don't have to feel guilty, girl." She squeezed Lila's hand on the table. "They don't deserve your friendship, do they, Adrien?"
The boy had a complicated expression on his face, but he nodded cautiously. "Sure..."
Alya did not understand certain behaviors that Adrien had. Of course, the boy lived for years trapped in the ivory tower that was the Agreste mansion, but she thought that after hanging out with them for so long, he would have come out of his shell, but it looked like she was wrong.
At least, from what Lila said, he was much more open to her when they were alone. She hoped that this would soon change in relation to her friends.
The next day, she was casually checking her blog, noting the decline in her popularity, before checking OTS-OnTheSpot. The blog that had debuted in the news world, being the rival of Ladyblog.
Alya was increasingly irritated by Ladybug's clear preference for the new blog over Ladyblog. Of course, the person - because nobody knew who it was and Max was unable to track the IP - obviously had better equipment than Alya, who only worked with the phone, but for Ladybug to betray her like that, it had been a slap in the face.
Somehow OTS got the best photos, the best videos, the best interviews, but no one ever got a glimpse of who the journalist was. Not even Chat Noir - she had asked - knew who the person behind the blog was, since he had never been interviewed before.
That was the other problem she had with OTS.
The person clearly focused on all miraculous and non-miraculous heroes, except Chat Noir. In fact, the times the blog touched on the cat hero's name, it was to mock his behavior in the middle of the battle. Not to mention, they were clearly a RoBug shipper - Robin and Ladybug - which, in Alya's opinion, was an insult to the black dots hero.
Everyone knew that LadyNoir was the real couple there. Chat Noir had confirmed in the last interview that Alya got of the hero.
She was wallowing in self-pity when Lila hurried into the classroom, drawing everyone's attention. All but Chloe who was messing with the phone, Nathaniel who drew on the tablet and Sabrina, who wrote something on a notepad. Marinette as always, late.
"Alya!" Lila ran to her. "You will not believe what I just saw."
The girl rose quickly from her chair, her journalistic senses on alert.
“What was that girl? Is it an akuma?”
With that, both Chloe and Adrien turned to the two.
The Italian shook her head in denial.
"No. It's Marinette.” She takes a deep breath, catching her breath. "Marinette was kissing a very scary guy in front of the school."
"WHAT?!" Alya shouted. "Are you sure it was her?"
Lila nodded frantically. "Absolutely sure. When they walked away, I saw her face and I also heard him call her name.”
Alya sat back in her chair in shock. Incredulous that Marinette would do something so dirty just to get attention.
"I think she realized that the plan with Chloe wouldn't work and tried to get attention in another way." Lila sighed. Only Nino and Adrien being able to hear their conversation.
The DJ frowned in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
Adrien was pale, but he didn't open his mouth to say anything.
"We found that-"
"MARIN!" Chloe squeaked in the background, running into Marinette's arms.
Alya and Lila were suddenly silent, watching the scene unfold. Alya had a sour taste in her mouth, disgusted by the way Marinette managed to act like nothing was happening. As if she weren't dirty.
"Hey, Coco." The brunette said, hugging Chloe. "Sorry for the delay, I had some things to resolve."
Chloe moved away from her; hands clasped together. "No problem." She smiled. It was rare for the class to see such a sincere smile coming from Chloe. "Come. I want to show you something that Timochi and I found earlier.” And he pulled the girl up the stairs, greeting Sabrina and Nathaniel on the way.
For a moment, Alya considered leaving this problem alone.
Sure, Marinette and Chloe deserved to be exposed to their friends, but technically neither was doing anything wrong. None attacked or did anything to harm Adrien, so no damage was done.
But then Alya remembered the smile that Chloe had shown when she saw Marinette.
This was not a fake or staged smile. That was a genuine and affectionate smile. Then Alya came to the conclusion that Chloe did indeed liked Marinette, while Marinette was only using the blonde as a springboard to reach Adrien.
The journalist might as well have ignored this discovery and let Chloe break her heart, as a vengeance for everything Bourgeois had done against them, but she failed. Alya was a fair girl. She couldn't sleep peacefully knowing that Marinette was playing with someone's feelings.
Even if that someone was Chloe Bourgeois.
She got up from the chair, facing the back of the room and Marinette. Lila had long since moved away to her chair beside Adrien.
Alya was furious.
“Marinette, aren't you ashamed of yourself? Act like nothing is wrong. I didn't know you could be that cold and calculating.” She caught everyone's attention again, especially Marinette.
Marinette sighed, her elbow resting on the table, she laid her head on her palm. There was an air of boredom around her. Chloe, Sabrina and Nathaniel with unimpressed looks on their faces.
“What did I do this time, Alya? I knocked Lila down the stairs? I hit Lila with a piece of wood? I stole Lila's ideas again?” The disinterested tone irritated the journalist even more.
"No, although all the statements are real, I am not talking about that." Alya spat. "I'm talking about you being a fake and dirty person, who's using Chloe in your sordid little game."
Everyone in the classroom began to whisper fervently, curious about the newest drama in the class.
"What?!" Chloe said without a voice. The expression on the blonde's face was pure disbelief.
Marinette raised an eyebrow, moving from her relaxed posture to a stiff one.
"What are you accusing me of this time, Alya?"
"I'm talking about you and Chloe dating and you cheating on her with someone in front of the school!" Alya shouted angrily.
Marinette whistled, unimpressed.
"I still don't know what you're talking about."
“I know everything, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Don't you dare deny it!” The girl sidestepped Nino's hand, who was trying to calm his girlfriend. "I know about your silly plan to pretend to be dating Chloe just to get Adrien's attention and that Chloe likes you!"
Marinette stared at Alya without reaction and Alya celebrated it, believing she had won the argument.
That, of course, until Chloe, Marinette, Sabrina, and Nathaniel fell into a fit of violent laughter. Scaring all the students and leaving Alya surprised.
"What are you laughing at?!" Lila stood up to defend Alya. "It is true! We know everything!”
Sabrina was the first to compose herself, wiping away the tears that had escaped by the force of laughter. "Really? What else do you know?”
"I don't understand what you're laughing at!" Alya snarled, before turning to Chloe. “You should be thanking us for exposing Marinette. Hello, is she cheating on you!?”
"Alya, dear and innocent, Alya." Nathaniel sighed. Some laughter still escaping. "Where did you get that Chloe and Marinette are dating each other?"
Alya snorted indignantly at the mockery. "What are you talking about? Lila-“
“Oh, of course. Lila.” Chloe rolled her eyes. "The most reliable source of news you can find." The acidity in the words did not go unnoticed by anyone.
"Hey!" Coming from offended Lila.
"Sure, you're not wrong to assume that Chloe and I had something, since well, we dated for a while." Marinette started.
“Aha! So, you assume you were in a relationship!” Alya pointed.
Marinette raises an eyebrow. "Everyone here knows that, Alya." She sighed tiredly. "Chloe and I dated for a while at Collège, but we broke up before Lycée."
"What...?!" Alya murmured. "But you hated each other!"
"... They are telling the truth, Alya." Nino looked away, intimidated by Alya's anger. “You and Lila didn't know that because you entered Dupont at the Lycée, but the rest we did. I think Adrien, too, since Chloe and he are childhood friends.”
“Okay, so, you guys dated. But how do you explain this sudden approach now? You obviously hated each other.” Alya insisted.
Chloe snorted impatiently, maybe even a little irritated by Alya's attitude.
“It's called maturing, Alya. Do you know what is this?" The blonde crossed her arms. “Marin and I talked and came to the conclusion that we still like each other enough to become friends. That fighting wasn't getting us anywhere.”
“It still doesn't explain why you are so lovey-dovey. Let's be rational here, this love is at least suspect.” Lila pointed. There was a calculating air around her.
"Friendships are different for everyone, Liela." Marinette replied dryly. “I was never a person to curb my feelings whatever they are. I like to show my friends how much I appreciate them and they do the same for me because that's how friendship is. The support is mutual.”
"But waiting for you to understand this can be too much, since you probably don't know what it is like to have feelings other than pride, envy and dislike." Chloe waved her hand dismissively.
Lila's eyes flashed dangerously, before changing to a painful expression. The crocodile tears running down her cheeks.
“Why are you like that, Chloe? I tried my best to be friends with you, but you seem to hate me!” She sniffed and Alya was next to the girl, trying to comfort her. "If I were that bad, I would have already exposed your plan to get Adrien's attention, since you and Marinette are obsessed with him-" She brought her hands to her mouth, an expression of regret on her face. “I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry!" She went back to 'crying'.
Everyone in the room turned to look at Adrien's expression, who seemed lost. Eyes wide, mouth open. He looked in Marinette's direction as if trying to assemble a 500-piece puzzle.
Chloe murmured an 'oh please' tired of all the drama. Marinette didn't seem at all shaken by being exposed in front of the boy she loved. Nathaniel and Sabrina were just enjoying the show, while eating the macaroons that Marinette had brought.
"You don't have to apologize, Lila." Marinette replied calmly, making Lila swallow the fake tears and look at the girl. She realized that her attack had no desired effect. "My feelings for Adrien died the day he asked me to take the high road and let you lie." She looked at the model who looked chastened, before turning back to Lila. "I understood what he meant by that, but the fact that he prioritized your feelings over mine, killed any traces of love I had for him."
Alya gasped in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
Lila's eyes widened in panic. "Is nothing-"
"Oh, that's right." Marinette shook her head condescendingly. “You still believe that everything Lila says is true. Even the most absurd things.”
"Again with that story, Marinette?!" Kim complained angrily. "We know you made this up because you were jealous of Lila."
Nathaniel made a confused sound. "Why would Marinette be jealous of Lila?"
"Because Lila and Adrien are dating!" Alya screamed at the boy's lack of awareness.
“Alya! This was supposed to be a secret!” Lila hid her face with her hands.
"WHAT?!" Adrien got up from the chair surprised by the new information. "We aren’t-"
"... But Marin, haven't you been dating Damian since half of Lycée's first year?" Sabrina asked confused.
Marinette sighed at the whole situation.
"I am. But it seems that people still live in the past.”
"You don't have to lie to us just because you're ashamed, Marinette." Lila said sweetly. "We don't judge anyone here."
Chloe got up from her chair, clapping her hands on the table. "OK, that's it." She picked up the phone and dialed someone, everyone froze thinking she was calling the mayor. “Timo, please come and get us. I'm sick of having to share the same air as a bunch of imbeciles.” The person on the other end seemed to agree, because soon Chloe hung up and picked up her things from the table.
Marinette, Sabrina and Nathaniel soon following the blonde's example.
Sabrina had a thick folder in her hand, where it dropped heavily on Max's table. Chloe, on the other hand, left a pile of paper on Lila's and Nathaniel's on Alya's. Marinette came down the stairs in calm steps. Never failing to face the two girls.
“At Max's desk is a compilation of all Lila's lies. We managed to put this together in less than two hours, as her lies are not really good.” She started. Lila swallowing hard behind Alya. "At Lila's table and yours, orders to cease and desist on behalf of Prince Ali, Jagged, Clara, XY, Bruce Wayne, Style Queen and of course, Ladybug."
"WHAT?!" Lila and Alya shouted together.
Marinette didn't even blink at their reaction.
"I didn't intend to do anything against you, as we are in Lycée's senior year and I would finally be free of your mental games, Lila." She looked at the Italian. “But today you really pissed me off. Because in addition to accusing me of plotting to gain Adrien's attention, you accused me of being unfaithful and that is something I do not admit.”
"Dudete, don't you think you're being a little extreme?" Nino tried to ease the situation with Marinette.
The girl snorted in mockery, going back down the stairs, towards the door. And at the door, there was an unknown and scary-looking boy standing against the wood.
"Think on the bright side Nino: at least this way, your girlfriend will learn to check the facts first, before posting on her failed blog and Lila will learn to keep her lying tongue in her mouth."
Alya snarled in anger.
"And how do we know it is not a trick?"
Marinette stopped beside the boy, her hand resting on his broad chest and turned to Alya.
"Now Alya, just a search on google refutes all the bullshit that Lila has been spitting on you." She raised her eyebrow and the girl soon did as she was told, growing pale with every second she remained looking at the screen. “See how easy it is to check the facts? The internet nowadays, huh. Who knew?” She laughed as if she had told a very funny joke.
Adrien frowned at the girl's behavior, disappointed that she had done that. He thought they were in this together, but apparently, he was alone.
"Marinette-" The blonde tried to speak.
“Oh! I remembered something." She hit her fist against her open palm. "Lila, there are police and immigration agents waiting for you at the school door."
The entire class rose from their seats, still shaken by Marinette's revelations and Markov's confirmation that, yes, Lila was a dirty liar.
"... What?" Lila murmured weakly. It seemed that all the blood had left the Italian's body so pale she was.
"Did you think that willingly helping an emotional terrorist would not have consequences, Lila?" Marinette tilted her head innocently. "Wow. You are really deluded.” She hissed in shock.
The Italian fell without reaction to the floor. She had been defeated at her own game.
"Emotional terrorist...?" Adrien gasped. "Hawkmoth?! Was Lila helping Hawkmoth?”
“Yeap. We have evidence in videos, photos and audios. Not to mention that he admitted earlier today when the heroes invaded his operational base.” Marinette waved excitedly.
Adrien froze at the information. "But, but-"
"How do you know all this?!" Alya demanded.
“Didn't you know, Alya? I am OTS.” Marinette replied cynically, a bad smile on her face. "Ladybug gave an exclusive interview to my blog that must have aired two minutes ago."
Everyone was quick to pick up their tablets or phones to do what Marinette had said.
"You-you-" The journalist stuttered without knowing how to react.
“Now I have to go and let the law enforcement officers do their job. Bye!" She waved as she followed the boy from before, away from the classroom.
It was only when the officers entered the classroom to drag Lila out, that Alya realized what she had done and said.
She was a terrible journalist.
"... Cheers to the miraculous team, Robin, Red Robin, Super Boy and Spoiler!" The group of friends shouted, pounding the crystal glasses against each other.
“Another cheers for Lila Rossi having her ass delivered!” Chloe shouted excitedly, making friends laugh and accompany her.
"Today was a day of victory so let's celebrate as long as we can." Marc said snuggling up to Nathaniel who was almost dozing, despite all the noise.
"You had to see Alya's face when we threw the facts in her face." Sabrina hugged Stephanie, a little drunk on champagne.
"We saw it, Rina." The blonde replied, amused by the girl's behavior. "Timbers installed hidden cameras around the classroom for that purpose."
"What I thank my love for." Chloe told the boy, who was hugging her. "If it weren't for you, we would only relive that moment in memories."
"You're welcome Queenie." Tim kissed the girl's cheek affectionately.
"When are we going to visit Chat Noir, Hime?" Kagami asked Marinette. The two were curled together, with Damian on Marinette's back and Kagami between her legs.
"It would be a good idea for us to do this as soon as possible, so that he doesn't have time to use the ring for something bad." Damian kissed Marinette's head while his arms held Kagami against them. "Who knows what's going on in that boy's head."
Marinette sighed thoughtfully. Half melted between her lovers. "Tonight, we will approach Adrien Agreste."
"I hope he doesn't throw a tantrum." Jon groaned from where he was lying with Luka. "I don't have the patience to deal with him."
"I think he will be too distracted by his mother's return to react negatively." Luka murmured, another who was almost asleep. “Adrien may have a closed mind in some ways, but he is not a bad kid. He just needs someone to guide him on the right path.”
"I hope Emillie is that someone." Nathaniel replied sleepily.
All of them agreeing with the boy.
[tag list]
@saays-bitch @xxmdsxx @nicknnie @iamablinkmarvelarmy @damianette-is-life 
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zeoumren · 5 years
Man, I had such a "fun" idea for a zim fic that will start high angst and end floof.
Tw: suicide (this is terrible already see?)
So zim has left and Dib is growing up, (about 15 by now.) But he is just so insistent on other life beyond the stars and such mythical things that he seems almost manic.
The treatment of his "mental illness" starts at about 13 years of age and he hates it. His resentment grows and he feels empty. (Basically he is being "rewired" and loses love of life because he has nothing to enjoy anymore.)
He by now knows he and gaz are clones and he is over everything. So one evening he sneaks into the lab and resets the clone in the tank. He does not want to come back the same. and sets to work creating a new"clone" of himself but with adjustments. His final "screw you" to his father. A human clone with mixed irken DNA (the guy stalked zim for years. He has some.) It is still a clone of Dib. But it is different due to the updated DNA coding so the vat can only age it up to around five.
Dib is okay with this and finalizes his last project. A robotic bug creature that he downloaded his personality onto, after that he climbs to the top of membrane towers and creates a video of his farewell to Gaz. (He loves his sister and promises the clone will be a better brother.) Then taunts his father a bit. And then.
He jumps.
There is no happy ending there, his old body is dead and robug dib takes up the process and pops the new clone out before membrane can "fix" it.
So 14 year old gaz now has a five year old brother. This kid is like Dib but also not.
He makes sure not to talk about aliens because his friend bug told him not to. He is cautious and subdued around membrane and sweet towards Gaz.
Things begin to crop up though.
In kindergarten he broke a child's jaw because they had the gall to badmouth Gaz. He is very strong and no one can guess as to why. Though he is suspended and so he stays at home alone with robug for a while until one afternoon he sees a shooting star and chases it down. There he finds a taller zim, though he does not know zim now so that may lead to his new approach.
He talks nicely with Zim and offers to take him home so they can have snacks. Zim is planning on killing the human larvae until he finds out they are going to the dib's house.
Little dib shares fundip with zim and falls asleep from all the excitement.
Robug or dibbug is able to stop zim from child killing and tells zim what he has done.
So enter a weird family story.
The robot dib will eventually die (it was not made to last forever and is not capable of emotion or change.)
Dib is trying to understand what being a human really is.
Zim is trying to understand feelings and understand his new found protective nature.
Gaz is trying to cope and realizes this Dib is Still Dib just without the scars of trauma. She is trying to realize Dib is gone and will never come back the same now.
Membrane is....not really a great parent in this.
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szkicel · 6 years
tbh i don't really care if the sizes of these bugs are accurate enough (according to the insects i based them of) bc the universe they live in is already weird enough and doesn't make much sense lol
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szkicel · 6 years
tho i don't think that RO.Bug will ever be an animated series
there are so many characters with two sets of arms or legs that it would be too painful to animate (even tho most designs are very simple)
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szkicel · 6 years
i know it sounds silly
but i kinda associate Queen's music with my series about bugs
that's mainly bc i have a character (one of the main ones lol) who is obsessed with Freddie Mercury to the point where it's embarrasing af
and tbh there's a lot of songs (and i mean a l o t) that actually fit to the setting and heck if RO.Bug was an animated series, i would gladly put some songs here and there
but that would be kinda ironic when literally one of the three main characters is a fan of Freddie
would that be considered a self-awareness or a complete lack of self-awareness lol
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szkicel · 6 years
i guess this is how y'all gonna get to know my characters better...
...through shitpost.
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szkicel · 6 years
i'm making that list of my characters that i talked about earlier
but idk if black & white pics are good for that or maybe i should wait til i make coloured pics for each of these bugs
also i'm kinda struggling with descriptions bc i feel like anything could be a spoiler kjgjfjfh
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szkicel · 6 years
ok i saved in the drafts some posts like "which oc would do this"/"what your oc would do in this scenario" etc and in the tags i talked about my main trio from RO.Bug (aka Sayta, Neska and Artun)
tbh i find it way easier to answer questions about my characters than sit and think of what to tell you about them
so yeah, have some of long ass ramblings in the tags lol
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szkicel · 6 years
i just realised that i haven't even showed you any drawings of Artun yet
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szkicel · 6 years
ok so my bro has been nagging me to redesign cocroach sisters bc in his opinion they don't fit to other bugs' designs (i mean i agree but it's actually supposed to be one of the subplots so i have an explanation for that) and i really didn't want to do that bc i'm way too attached to their current designs but i also had been complaining that i have no idea how to handle the plot and that i kinda don't want to go too deep into that subplot. so i thought "i ain't changing their appearance but i'm kinda curious how they'd look like if they were more bug-like"
so i redesigned them
and my god
they look so bad and awful kfhdjdhfjfhfh
it's not that i don't like more bug-like faces (heck, i made plenty of those) but after i redesigned them sth looks very off about them
it's almost like the most defining traits of the sisters are g o n e
and also they seem way less expressive overall bc of the lack of pupils.
and without their noses they just look...samey
and like, i myself am not a fan of slapping human faces on woman characters that are non-human, but i think in this case it actually works better than more bug-like faces (maybe bc i also have other male characters who share similar facial traits)
just idk man. if i don't care enough about this subplot to give it a proper development i should probably either change sisters' appearance or add more bugs like them (ooor change the ones that already exist bc too many characters are too much to handle)
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szkicel · 6 years
i drew someone really handsome, and i'm so proud of the colours
but it's a spoilery character AND I CAN'T SHOW IT EVEN THO I WANT TO
kghfkfnfjdbfhfhfbfb whyyyyy
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szkicel · 6 years
also also
i'm still sick and i want to make a use of the time i spend in bed by figuring out the plot for my RO.Bug series bc i really don't dig the original idea i had
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szkicel · 6 years
Artun is a weird character tbh
i didn't base him on any existing insect
he's just...sth
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