#rodolphus x narcissa
lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 5 - Whump
@wolfstarmicrofic July 5, word count 994
Not gonna lie I had no idea what this prompt meant so had to look it up. I hope it's right 😅
CW - Torture, use of the cruciatus curse
His father grabbed him by the collar and forced him to walk down the hallway towards the library. He struggled as best he could, but Orion Black knew what he was doing. He flung Sirius onto the hearth rug. Sirius grunted at the manhandling but stubbornly got to his feet and glowered at his father. He hadn’t even done anything this time. He’d been lounging on his bed reading a wizarding history book for Merlin’s sake. 
The library door opened again and a procession of family members filed in. Bella and her husband, Cissa and Lucius, Cygnus and Druella. Then finally his mother. This wouldn't be good. 
He automatically stood up straight with his head held high like he’d been trained to do his entire life. 
“Father, what is going on?” His voice adopted his old accent as a form of self-preservation. His eyes flickered to his mother’s side where Regulus’s grey eyes peeped from. 
“Stop being pathetic Regulus,” Walburga scolded her youngest son, dragging him from behind her. Sirius’s eye twitched as he watched Regulus grit his teeth in pain as Walburga’s hand squeezed tightly around his arm. Sirius had to tense his muscles to stop himself from crossing the room and wrenching her hand from his brother’s arm. 
“It is time for you to take your place in this family, Sirius.” Orion brought Sirius’s attention back to him. His ears pricked as Bella laughed her horrid cackle, but he never took his eyes off his father. He swallowed and steadied himself. 
“What would you have me do, Father?” He kept his jaw clenched tightly, silencing himself. 
“It is time you proved yourself the true heir of the Black family and join us in the new future that shall soon begin.” He felt his stomach sink. This was more than just taking over from his father. 
He allowed his eyes to quickly scan the room. The only ones that seemed uncertain were his aunt, Narcissa and Regulus. His eyes rested on his mother and her superior scowl. This was bad. 
“Enough pretty words Uncle,” Bellatrix burst out, ripping the sleeve from her forearm. “It is time, little cousin, to take the mark and join your family in our rightful place.” She rasped proudly, the snake and skull tattoo stark against her pale skin.
“Father, you can’t be serious!” He turned back to Orion, panic creeping into his voice. 
“We have allowed your little rebellions for too long, Sirius,” Walburga took over as he knew she would. “You will take the mark, Sirius, and you will find more suitable companions. From this day you will no longer associate with the Potter boy and the other riff-raff you seem so fond of.” He couldn’t help it, he shook his head at her. No. “If you won’t agree on your own, then we will make you!” She raised her wand at him. “Crucio!” She spat the curse at him. He watched in slow motion as the red spell crackled its way towards him. 
The pain was unlike anything he’d ever felt. His skin was melting from his bones. A thousand knives sliced into his nerves. Time meant nothing as the pain engulfed him. Then, just like that, it was gone. He was on the floor. He didn’t remember falling. He lifted his head defiantly. 
“Crucio!” Bella cackled with glee. The pain shot back through him, harsher than the first time. He screamed, his throat felt like it was ripping itself apart. He was on the floor again, panting, when his cousin lifted the spell. His body spasmed with aftershocks. But again he raised his head. 
“Crucio!” Orion drawled, flicking his wand at his eldest son. Sirius’s scream croaked out of his burning throat as he thrashed about on the floor. Orion let up sooner than his mother and Bella had, but at this point it meant very little.
It took him what felt like hours to raise himself onto his knees and raise his head this time. He glared at his mother. Seeing Regulus’s blank face beside her. 
“Crucio!” Multiple voices said in unison. He had no idea which of his family members had cursed him this time, but the pain spread to every part of his being. His spine curved backwards and his neck followed. His muscles were so tense he was sure they were tearing. He felt his mind starting to bend towards madness. But he refused to let them win. He conjured Remus’s face to the front of his mind, blocking out what he could. His vision became fuzzy and blackness crept in at the corners. As he lost consciousness, he kept that vision of Remus close.
When he came to, the room was empty. They’d tortured him until he couldn’t take it any more and then left him, broken on the floor. 
“Sirius,” A whimper came from the corner. “Sirius, can you get up?” Regulus’s face appeared above him. “Sirius, you have to go! They’ll kill you,” Something dripped onto his scorching face.
He was rolled over and over and into green flames. “Potter Manor!” Regulus choked out. Sirius’s last view of his family home was of a shaking, tearful Regulus as he swirled away in green flames. 
He landed with a thump on the hearth of Potter Manor in the middle of the night. 
“Sirius?” A voice he’d know anywhere gasped into the quiet room. Candles around the room suddenly burst into life and Remus was holding him, stroking his hair from his face. Sirius burst into tears and grasped at Remus, needing him closer. Remus wrapped him in his arms, murmuring sweet words to him as he gently rocked him. “You're safe now. I promise you’re safe. I won’t ever let them hurt you again.” And for the first time in a long time, Sirius felt safe. He spotted the Potters coming down the stairs and let his eyes close as he lost consciousness again, safe in Remus's strong arms.   
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
A short little ramble about the black sisters cause I'm bored and I'm not writing fanfics:
Narcissa: Narcissa was always stuck, she was always in the middle, never on one side, never on the other. While Bellatrix was hopelessly devoted to Voldemort, Narcissa stayed silent and enjoyed a mostly quiet life as a barely present Death Eater. While Andromeda was free and married a muggle-born, and did what she truly wanted. Narcissa was on Voldemort's side of course, she wanted to be, but she didn't agree fully. She thought it might be a bit wrong, but never really voiced her opinion. She loved Alice, so much, but again Alice was a pure-blood. She was friends with purebloods and some half-bloods, not any 'mudbloods'. But her sister had left her for a muggleborn and this had made her detest them most of all. In the end she was the half-half. Stuck in between. 
Bellatrix: Bellatrix was devoted, she fully believed in Voldemort, well for the blood-purity and everything like that. She knew it was 'wrong' she didn't care. She was very extreme. She loved the thrill of it, for her it was thrill, killing off those 'pests' was enjoyable, like playing a video game, or watching a movie. This hatred of ‘mudbloods’ increased to a level unknown and probably bigger than Voldemort when Andromeda left for a stupid muggleborn, her Andromeda, her sister. She vowed to never let Narcissa leave, even if she had to kill that stupid pure blood she was friends with who was on the wrong side, she needed her sister to stay. If she loved someone (like Rita Skeeter) they had to be just like her. Bellatrix’s life always revolved around being a Death Eater and her life as a pure blood, she showed off her status and her power. Of course she still fully fufilled all her 'Sacred 28' Pureblood needs like her family expected, but her main priority was the cause. Above her own life. Over anyone’s life. Above her husband whom she only married to keep up appearances. Above everything but Voldemorts word.
Andromeda: Andromeda knew what was wrong, and couldn’t keep silent about it. She knew everything was wrong, she had stayed for her sisters, and then left for Ted, a muggleborn. She ran from the family, ‘tarnishing’ the Black name, but she was free. Free of the abuse, free from their lies, free to live as she saw fit. She knew it was the best, though she missed her sisters, and occasionally her cousins, she loved the freedom. She knew Voldemort was doing bad, her husband was fighting against it all day, but she couldn’t bring herself to in case she died and left her daughter all alone. Everything she did in the end was for who she loved and who she had made her family.
In the end Bellatrix was just a Death Eater, Narcissa was just a Death Eater, and Andromeda was the one who escaped. That’s all they were to people who they didn’t know, people were unknowing of the differences, of how those three sisters could’ve done everything, but were just apart forever.
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prongsiess · 5 months
I think we don’t pay enough attention to the tragedy of the Black sisters. So, here’s my take on their relationship and how it soured with time. For context, I hc Bella as being born November 1952 (a sagittarius), Andy as being born is February 1954 (an aquarius), and Cissa as being born in March 1956 (a pisces). This puts Bella and Andy roughly 1 1/2 years apart, and Andy and Cissa roughly 2 years apart, with Bella and Cissa being 3 1/2 years apart. So when Cissa was in 1st year, Andy was in 3rd year, and Bella was in 5th year.
Bella and Andy were always too close in age and too different to agree on anything. They were both stubborn, independent free-spirits in an incompatible way. Andy wanted a big sister who didn't make her feel second best for being foolish and childish. Bella always felt resentful for being a little girl meant to fill shoes designed for a male heir, never quite being good enough, and felt suffocated by her family and jealous of Andy, who never had that imposed on her. They were so similar, and it made them polar opposites in all the worst ways, and their temper and opposing political stances were the eventual downfall of their sisterhood. Andy was in 5th year, in love with a muggle-born, living authentically for the first time, refuting her family values and burning bridges to gain freedom from her parents and their twisted customs. Bella was in 7th year, in the midst of a toxic on-again-off-again affair with Rita and being promised off to Rodolphus Lestrange, leaning further into the Black family legacy to fit in and be seen as an adult and become the perfect heir she always wanted to be and get out from under her parent's thumb. They were chasing the same goal, but taking different paths, and it ruined their relationship.
On the flip side, they were both very close with Cissa. In Bella’s case, the 3 1/2 year age gap between her and Cissa made Bella lean more into the nurturing older sister role. Cissa was the antithesis of Andy and Bella. She was soft and agreeable, and Bella always thought she was too delicate for their family and kept a very close tab on her as a kid. When Bella left for Hogwarts, Cissa grew up, but never in her mind. She always stayed that delicate little flower who needed protecting. Bella was almost like a tiny mother to Cissa. Her sister was the one to read her bedtime stories and braid her hair. She was just a little girl when she saw her strong and protective sister become a shell of herself, suffocated by their family, chasing the next high. So, Cissa became small and agreeable. Because if she didn’t dispute her parent’s expectations, she could keep that spark safe and hidden within herself. By the time she got to Hogwarts, Bella was already in 5th year and falling into the wrong crowd, chasing ruthless power, filthy glory, and all the things a Black woman was not to chase but a Black heir must possess. Cissa was the one who saw Bella drunk and stumbling to her room, murmuring something about just wanting to be loved without sacrificing anything in return. As Cissa grew up, she became a formidable woman, all without upsetting her family and the expectations placed upon her, learning how to play the game and thread that fine line where she got to have her cake and eat it too. In 7th year, Lucius courted her, so she did all the right things at the right time. At 18, she was married. By 26, she had a baby boy, a lavish home and a new identity, far removed from her parent’s grasp. But Bella, who still kept a close tab on her baby sister, never missed the tensed shoulders and impassive look of rehearsed indifference that appeared on Cissa’s face when someone mentioned that one Gryffindor prefect who was in her year in school, Alice Fortescue. It was the same look she saw in the mirror every time Rita Skeeter, now a dirty journalist, was brought up. So Bella, broken and sloppily glued back together by her own drunken hands, stayed close to Cissa, just in case her baby sister would someday slip up, and that delicate flower of a child would show up again. On Cissa’s end, she was now an adult and saw the price Bella paid for freedom and her poorly curated facade of strength and prowess. Cissa saw her sister’s power and glory, loveless marriage, lack of an heir, and how her determination to gain freedom drove her into another prison cell. And then, she couldn’t help but feel like the mother, as Bella, always looming around Malfoy Manor, fell into her guest room bed, where she braided her older sister’s hair and listened to her sleepily and drunkenly slur about how she’d make it, someday, somehow, she’d make it out. In those moments, Cissa couldn’t help but feel like she was the mother now. So she kept Bella close in case she needed a pair of arms to fall into after another night out, masquerading as a fearsome man while wearing a sequin gown with blood-red lips.
Andy and Cissa’s relationship was wildly different from their relationship with Bella. Andy had roughly the same age gap with Bella as with Cissa, but without the burden of fulfilling familial duties, they simply enjoyed being girls together. Andy was always a bit loud, boisterous and opinionated. Since she rarely received positive attention from her parents, she acted out, hoping this would make her parents pay attention to her. Andy was always making a mess and prancing around, with Cissa close on her heels, walking cautiously behind. When they were behind closed doors, Andy had no one to perform to, and Cissa had no one to hide from, so they were just two little girls playing pirates and fairies and imagining their life in far-off gardens where they were the rulers of their own life. When Bella went to Hogwarts, they grew even closer. Since Andy had no one to feel constantly compared to, she grew tamer and calmer in front of peering eyes and kept all that energy and rowdiness for the back of the garden and closed doors where she and Cissa went off into far-off lands. When Andy went to Hogwarts, it broke Cissa’s heart to see her sister share that wonder and adventure with others, something meant to be theirs alone. Andy grew popular, brave, strong, and loving and finally got to experience unconditional love and the feeling of not being afraid of her own shadow. She let her free spirit roam, grow, and flourish, and when Cissa finally came to Hogwarts, she wanted Cissa to follow in her footsteps and realize they were free at Hogwarts. But Cissa, who had been home alone for two years with mostly her parents for company, knew Hogwarts was not the haven her sister thought it to be. Every time Andy got detention, talked to a muggle-born or laughed too loudly in the halls, her wrongdoings made their way to their parents' ears. So she pushed away Andy’s hand, asking her to join her adventures and free-spiritedness, and she kept that side of herself hidden, but this time from everyone, including Andy. Andy tried reaching out and relating to her sister and meeting her halfway, but Cissa firmly refused to be associated with her anywhere they could be seen together. She knew her family’s opinion of Andy and feared her parents' wrath if she followed her sister’s path. Because her parents may be able to erase one daughter, but they weren’t as eager to erase 2 of them. So they grew apart. Andy left home, married a muggle-born, and had a beautiful daughter in a quaint, loving home. It broke Cissa’s heart to watch from afar, but at this point, she had already cemented herself in high society, with a wealthy family, good prospects and a lavish home. She couldn’t justify risking her son’s future to reconnect with her sister. It almost killed Andy to leave, but she couldn’t keep trudging alone, so she found herself a place where she could roam and raise her daughter where adventure and wonder didn’t have to stay behind closed doors. She watched Cissa from afar, seeing her portray the image of the picture-perfect Black daughter with straight shoulders and neat hair, and, at some point, she stopped peering at her sister’s life through keyholes. If she couldn’t have Cissa as her sister today, she could keep those memories of their closeness and sisterhood close to her heart, hidden away, where no one can ruin them.
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iamademigodandwizard · 8 months
The question is not why be mean to Lucius it’s why be nice to Lucius
-Bellatrix Lestrange probably
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overlord-of-fantasy · 4 months
Narcissa the dating coach
Bellatrix: I love them both, but how do I propose to two people? Narcissa: Two different restaurants, one person at each restaurant. Twice the dessert, twice the applause. Bellatrix: Won’t people think it’s weird if there is a third person just sitting there, though? Narcissa: I saw Lucius feed his pet peacock crème brûlée from his mouth at the French place on the corner last week: I think the dark lord third-wheeling at an engagement is the least of your worries.
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motherfuckingmaneater · 9 months
Working on some art projects over Christmas so what should I draw next?
Bellamort, Cissatrix, Bellirius, Belladolphus? Something else? Comment preferences!
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thegriffinpuff21 · 4 months
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hprarepairfest · 10 months
Rare Pair Fest IV Works - Day 17
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Nearly at the end of posting and today's fics are GREAT! 😍
Title: Sweet Boy Author: @maraudersaffair Ship: Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy Prompt: #159 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6k Warnings: Mild Mommy Kink, Praise Kink, Semi-Public Sex Summary:  Harry agrees to date Narcissa to help her improve the reputation of her family. The intensity of their sexual chemistry takes them both by surprise, and it turns out there is nothing fake about their arrangement.
Title: Lonely Creatures Author: apricitydays-lazynights Ship: Severus Snape/ Giant Squid Prompt: #60 Rating: E Word Count: 5837 Warnings: homophobia, tentacles (consensual) Summary:
Life as a double-agent Potions Master who lost the love of his life and generally hates people is pretty shitty. Severus has a chance meeting one night at the bottom of the lake that changes his life forever.
Title: Law of Attraction Author: @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty Ship: Cedric Diggory/Teddy Lupin Prompt: 375 Rating: E Word Count: 2,010 Warnings: None Summary:
Prompt 375 (from anon): Professional quidditch rivalry! Cedric is the oldest player in the league and Teddy is the youngest.
Title: Late Nights and Mistakes Author: @nellietrelawney Ship: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange Prompt: #286 Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 4,110 Warnings: rough sex, unplanned pregnancy, infidelity  Summary: 
A secret tryst leaves Bellatrix Black pregnant— by a man who belongs to someone else.
See the whole collection HERE!
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
18-year-old Regulus:
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Walburga when Andromeda admits to loving Ted, a muggleborn:
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Narcissa, breaking an awkward tension:
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Sirius, getting ready to leave 12 Grimmauld Place:
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Bellatrix, annoyed by Rodolphus:
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Narcissa sipping wine as her life falls apart around her:
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atlasdoe · 1 year
Bellatrix truly hated being the eldest cousin. It was pure hell. Not only was she the one who ended up getting the call from the hospital to tell her that both of her parents along with her auntie and uncle were all killed in a car crash, but she had to inform her sisters and cousins of it also.
She had called Andromeda first, who seemed upset over their parent's passing despite all of her previous problems with them. Bella may not have seen her younger sister for years but she still knew her, she could recognise Andromeda’s trying to be brave voice any day. The last time she heard it was when Andy told her that she was running away.
Next Bellatrix called Narcissa, who broke down crying and dropped a plate apparently, if Lucious’ yelling in the background was anything to go by. If Bellatrix didn’t also have to call their cousins she would’ve told Narcissa to put Lucious on the phone and give him a taste of his own medician, but she honestly couldn’t be arsed. She already knew that Sirius and Regulus wouldn’t make telling them easy.
Sirius was clearly shagging someone when she called him. He thought that he was clever in hiding it but similar to Andromeda he forgot that Bella knows him better than half of the people in his life currently. He probably had some kind of whore round or maybe he upgraded to a sugar baby to spend his self-made millions (his only topic of conversation) on.  Either way, Bella wasn’t interested in the details and was quite appreciative that Sirius at least tried to keep it a secret. 
She called Regulus last and expected him to have a similar reaction to Narcissa. He had always been the closest out of them to their parents. The youngest siblings might be able to get away with murder but the youngest cousin could get away with worse. When Bellatrix called him she was expecting to hear the silent cries that her sisters gave out, only Regulus didn’t cry. He didn’t react at all. He just hung up the phone after sending Bella his condolences.
He had always been a weird child.
When she had finished, she gave Tom a call and spent the remainder of the afternoon with him before going back to Rodolphus and telling him what had happened. When she did all he did was sip his tea and hum. “So I assume you’ve been round Tom’s house just?” he accused, his voice dripping with jealousy.
Bellatrix shrugged. “Obviously,” she said. “You know he’s always been better than you. And I really needed cheering up.”
“But you hate your parents.”
“Not that! Christ, do you never pay attention?” she grumbled. “I told you what would happen if my parents even died. I’ll have to arrange the funeral with my sisters in this small town or whatever – I don’t know the reasoning – But now cause they decided to be stupid with my auntie and uncle I have to deal with my cousins also.” 
Rodolphus sighed. “It’s the town they grew up in, Bella.”
“Yeah, whatever.” she waved him off. “Point is I don’t only have to put up with my little sister’s whining but now my cousin's bullshit also. Might as well put me in the grave with them!”
“That can be arranged,” he muttered under his breath. Giving Bella more than enough reason to throw her shoe at him. 
Unfortunately, he knew her well enough to catch it.
Bella sighed. The day just kept getting worse and worse.
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sc0rpiflow3r · 1 month
New chapter of Disrupted Allegiances ✨
Here's the third chapter of Disrupted Allegiances!
It contains a lot of cute scenes with Ted and Andromeda because I think they’re adorable, and it was a lot of fun writing their romance.
But I confess that I'm really excited to get to Bella's POV; I can't stop writing scenes of her with Voldemort (yes, I'm obsessed with Bellamort)!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it <3
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purple-vbug · 1 year
A piece of a fic I will probably never finish
“Why did you marry him?” He knows he shouldn’t ask. Mother had stabled every manner in the book to him. Never asking rude questions was the one he decided to not listen to at the moment. Narcissa let out a sigh. Somewhere between disappointment and pity.
“We have talked about this doll, I love him.” They both knew she was lying through her teeth.
“No, you don’t.” He was slightly frustrated now. Narcissa had to realise it wasn’t true. Just once. She shouldn’t live a lie.
“I do, reg. I don’t know why but I’d do.” And something in the way she said it made it all fit. She knew, she had known for years they didn’t love each other. She said it, not to make her believe, but to make him believe.
Because Narcissa, Regulus and even Bellatrix didn’t know love. Not the happie kind, the healthy kind. They knew a love that was given everything you have and took everything possible. They knew love with condition, I’ll love you if. Love with restrictions, no one can love you if. They didn’t know, I’ll love you even if. They had no one to teach it to them. Andromeda learned, Sirius learned. Yet they didn’t stick around to teach them.
So when they love it’s demolishing. Narcissa loves Regulus, she loves her parents. In their world that means giving everything you have. Friends, relationships and beliefs. All just to show him that there is a possibility for a happy life living like this. Pretending she is not miserable. In return Regulus is to do the same. Pretend to be happy so her efforts aren’t wasted. For Narcissa and Bella, maybe he’ll be able to do it too. Maybe if the dirt stopped gathering and insects stopped crawling. Maybe if the thought of losing his breath completely wasn’t on top of his mind. Maybe then he could.
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marylily-my-beloved · 3 months
Bellatrix Black had many names that people knew her of. Bellatrix, Bella, Voldemorts greatest follower, Cygnus’s best daughter, the strongest Black, but there was one nickname she would never forget. Bells. Narcissa and Alice had always called her Bells, it was her nickname when they were together, before she ruined everything. She cherished that name, when Rodolphus even tried to say it, she hit him. She still loved them, Alice & Narcissa, but now she was with Rudolphus. She couldn’t do anything.
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haldirs-melda · 2 years
Snape nodded, barely able to swallow the fine champagne, every bubble seeming to scald his throat. Forcing a smile on his face, ‘Thank you for this opportunity, my Lord.’
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Chapter 16 uploaded to Ruby Red: Promise of Lucius
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*Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Andromeda, Rabastan: Narcissa, and Lucius sitting in a room together. (Before andromeda was disowned btw)
Rodolphus: What’s a queen without her king?
Bellatrix: Well, historically better
Rabastan:We’re like Romeo and Juliet ‘Dromeda. What would Juliet be without her Romeo?
Andromeda: Alive
Narcissa and Lucius: ………
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siriusly-sapphic · 11 months
New Excellence (Dorcissa) Chapter
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Title: Excellence Pairing: Dorcas Meadowes/Narcissa Black Malfoy Rating: M (for future chapters) Word count: 43K (10 chapters) Summary: Dorcas Meadowes and Narcissa Black at the start of their fifth year at Hogwarts. Two Slytherin girls with bright, promising futures ahead of them, trying to find their place in a world where nothing less than pure excellence is expected of them. They don’t like each other, never have, and when everything around them is surely changing, that’s something familiar to hold onto, at least. For the time being. Warnings: No archive warnings, see other tags Link: chapter 1 | chapter 10 Excerpt:
It wasn’t late enough yet that Rodolphus could make his excuses and head to his bedroom early — he didn’t think his mother would even allow him to, when he hadn’t been much of a host to begin with. Mum wasn’t very strict with them, as Narcissa had to remind him every time he complained about her, but she took their reputation and her galas very seriously. So he should too. Rodolphus hadn’t enjoyed playing the part, so far, and he wasn’t really planning on starting now. It was all just so dull. Rabastan was no fun when Rita was around and he hadn’t been alone all evening. The guests were dancing and every conversation Rodolphus was roped into by his parents was about business and politics, only one of which he could give half a damn about. Still, he danced as was appropriate, even if he only danced with Narcissa despite knowing his mother would expected him to dance with other girls, too. Rodolphus knew he should. He was the heir of his family, and it was only appropriate that he gave other witches his age a chance to dance with him, make it seem he was giving any thought at all to a future wife . Unless it was Narcissa, he wasn’t planning to find one anytime soon.
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