#roger meaddows taylor
The boys playing a game
Freddie: I hope it goes in.
Roger: That’s what she said.
Freddie: Or he said.
Roger: Someone said that.
Freddie: I believe someone said that.
Roger: Scholars believe that someone said that.
John: At one point or another.
Brian: Can you guys play normally for once?
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luvrgirl555 · 6 years
i hate (Roger Taylor x Reader) (10 things) part two
hey, sisters welcome to part two. let me know if you like it or maybe even want to be tagged? this could be up to four parts. i love receiving comments and asks it makes my heart so happy!! happy reading and happy listening to my favorite rockstars. imagine whichever roger you like. 
1.1k+ words
warnings: none really
editing: kinda
 I hate your big dumb combat boots
“dear god, roger, those are insufferable,” you laughed as he pulled on his shoes. 
“i have to make a good impression, i’m going on a date with a pretty girl tonight,” he said as his eyes trailed your body.
your light blue dress hugged your body so well that he wanted to melt.
“well maybe not those. those are god-awful,” you rolled your eyes.
his brown and black combat boots with an obnoxious design made you laugh as he exclaimed, “these were a good 400 pounds, y/n!” 
“stop wasting your money on ugly clothes and take me out,” you whispered as he pulled you close for a hug.
his hands trailed down your body and stopped at your bum, “or we could-?” he started and you pulled away.
“later, loverboy,” you teased and pecked his lips playfully, “but you won’t get anything unless you change your shoes.”
And the way you read my mind
ever since your car had broken down roger had been giving you a ride to and from work.
today had been a particularly awful day, old men constantly swatting at your skirt like children and your boss being an insufferable asshole, as usual.
all you wanted to do was go home and cry, but since your roommate had been bringing boys over every night you could never have the luxury of privacy.
when roger drove up you could tell he’d been at the studio all day. he smelled of cigarettes and was listening to the radio on high volume. you huffed before getting in the car and sighing. head in your hands.
“you alright, love?” he turned down the music. “well, what a dumb question for me to ask, huh? obviously not.” 
he was basically just talking to himself and before he moved the car he took off his jacket to give to you. he’d done that the past few nights, as winter was approaching and he knew you had a habit of forgetting your sweater.
“boss again?” he asked quietly and you looked up to him. your eyes teary.
“how did you know?” you asked, trying to hold back tears.
“luck, i guess,” he tried to laugh but you just stared, your lower lip protruding and eyes getting low. 
“oh, darling, please don’t cry,” he said sweetly and reached over to grab your hands gently. tears rolled down your face freely as you hiccuped softly. “dear god, freddie always said i was shit when girls cry.”
your eyes met his and he wiped the tears from your cheeks, “you’re doing okay,” you whispered.
“stay with me tonight?” he asked. 
“how do you always know, rog?”
I hate the way you're always right
“we didn’t do anything! we were just talking!” you yelled frustratedly as roger sat on the couch, still fuming angry.
“he wanted to get in your pants and you know it!” he tried to contain his temper.
“so, you’re the only man i’m allowed to talk to, is it? you constantly have girls on your arm and i say nothing because i thought that all we were was nothing!” you closed your eyes. 
his jaw clenched and heart broke.
“i want to be more,” he finally exclaimed.
“you? roger meaddows taylor? roger ‘i have commitment issues’ taylor wants to be more than my fuckbuddy?” your eyes were staring daggers into his.
“don’t you want that too?” he asked softly.
you just looked at him before bring your hands to head.
“y-yes. i do. i just never thought you did. god, i hate how much you know me,” you looked at the ground.
he pulled you onto him on the sofa.
“i want to know everything about you,” he whispered, the hair on your neck stood up. 
you turn and straddle him so each of your legs is on a side of him. he places his hands on your thighs.
“i want to know you too,” you whisper getting closer to his mouth.
“so, you’ll be mine?” 
he voice was small. he was scared.
“yes, dear,” you melted into his frame as he held you close. “i’d want nothing more.”
I hate it when you lie
for three weeks roger had been lying about something. you knew it. you could feel it in your heart. the late nights were “band practice,” like he’d said a hundred times before. 
ever since you’d gotten together you unofficially lived together. you were always at his place and had almost moved everything over from your flat downtown. 
you felt you had no place to question him, and maybe if you said something he wouldn’t let you live with him anymore.
you loved waking up next to him every morning with no clothes on. you loved the way he gave you morning kisses. you loved the way his eyes looked at you like you were stars in the sky. 
but one night he came home and you turned to look at the clock next to his bed. his bed. 
it was 1:47 am and he tried to be as quiet as possible. you just kept lying under the covers as he snuck into the room. 
you heard him strip down to his boxers and sigh before getting in bed beside you.
you sniffled before letting tears roll down your face. he quickly turned to you. 
“y/n?” he asked softly.
you didn’t understand. he didn’t smell like other women. he didn’t reek of booze. he didn’t have hickeys from anyone else besides you. 
“love, are you okay? are you sick?” he seemed genuinely worried. 
“rog, i-i need to talk to you. just, please don’t lie?” you tried to keep your breathing steady. 
“i would never-” he started. “y/n what is this about?”
“why are you gone all the time? and don’t say band rehersals. i asked veronica. she said john is home every night,” you sniffled while stared into your eyes sadly.
he pulled you close to his chest. “i’m so sorry, shall i ruin the surprise?” he asked quietly.
you lied there in his arms, your eyes making his chest wet with tears.
“what surprise?” you asked finally.
“well that means i did a good job hiding it then,” he laughed and looked at you softly. “i got us a flat. a bigger one. so we can live together. permanently.” 
you looked up at him in bed as his face broke out into a smile.
“me and bri have been moving stuff there the past few weeks after rehearsals. freddie chose all the decor. even john helped out some days, but of course we already know he has veronica to go home to,” he teased. “now can you stop crying?” he asked.
you laughed softly before replying with a deep kiss.
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benfckinhardy · 6 years
Can we start talking about this picture?
Look at this...
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Let us start with Brian Harold May
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He’s got that ‘I’m so dissapointed at you’ look and it makes me a little scared.
Second, Freddie Mercury.
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Do I even have to explain this? He always looks this good.
Next, Roger Meaddows Taylor
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I call this,
The Dead Stare
But still cute
And lastly...
John Richard Deacon
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I have no words for this. Just let his sass kill you.
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isitstraightvodka · 6 years
tag game: the playlist of my life
i was tagged by @signofthebis and @netflixbi, love you, my darlings!
rules: pick eight songs that somehow represent your life/are important to you and describe why.
love by lana del rey
two years ago, i heard this song for the first time, courtesy of my girlfriend. she told me to listen to it, that it would explain everything she wanted to tell me but couldn't, and after that, i understood her feelings; she was in love with me. and i was in love with her. these lyrics mean so much to me, they're so beautiful and raw, and every time i hear the song, i think of my girl and how much i truly love her.
who wants to live forever by queen
this one breaks my heart, i don't know why i resonate with this song of queen's so much but i do. the concept of forever does appeal to me but i don't think i'd want to live that long, i'd have to watch everyone i love grow old and pass over while i still stay the same age, i don't move forward in any way. and i think of freddie as well, he knew he wasn't going to last, he knew his fate and he accepted it, which i think is so brave, i idolise him for that, for his strength in such a difficult time.
secret love song by little mix
the girls' lgbt+ anthem. this has always been my favourite song of theirs, i can relate to it, because in a way, i'm still in the closest, most of my family don't know i'm gay and i'm terrified to tell them, and to say i have a girlfriend. i cry every time it comes up on shuffle, i wish i could kiss my girl, i wish i could tell everyone how in love i am, i wish i could tell the world i'm hers, the song gets me right in the heart, and the vocals are insane.
there you are by zayn
my favourite song from icarus falls, gives me massive zarry vibes. i can relate to this as well, i fuck up a lot, in life, with friendships, relationships, but there is always a select few people who are there for me no matter what, they forgive me, they support me, they don't give on me and i'm so grateful to them, to have them in my world, i know i can rely and trust them with anything.
everywhere by fleetwood mac
i hear this and i want to be with my baby everywhere, wherever she is, i want to be with her, i want to do everything with her, experience so much with her, it's that simple.
i want to break free by queen
another gay anthem. this is my jam, one of my favourite songs of all-time, written by the underrated mr john richard deacon, and the video idea from mr roger meaddows taylor, i mean how iconic. the meaning of each word is deep and strong but it has a happy light to it, i can sing along, i can dance to the beat, and it inspires me to break free from the pain i continue to experience, it encourages me to follow my heart, and follow love, wherever it takes me.
meet me in the hallway by harry styles
the most relatable song on his album for me. sometimes i really do need a break, some sort of drug to take the pain away, i feel so much of it and it overpowers me to the point where i'm frozen or i doze off into a depression nap. and there's relationships i wish i could heal, hoping they would come around and check up on me, but i know they're in the past and i have to look ahead to the future, and get better.
born to try by delta goodrem
i was so young when i first heard this one and since then, it's been a song i listen to when i'm lost. as an aussie, i grew up with delta's music and i have always loved this one of hers, i struggle with so much in my life, i lack self-esteem and confidence, i have to deal with abuse almost every day but i somehow find the strength to move forward and focus on what makes me happy. i'm starting to believe that i was born to try, to keep going because there is a light at the end of the tunnel and i just need to reach it.
i tag: @alwaysjacked-up, @sevenseasofky, @rogerseyeliner, @lap-of-the-gods, @talesofstyles and @waitingfortwilight xx
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cashew-dad · 5 years
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So basically this drawing is made based on my dream (yeah , it s horrible , I know) .So that guy eaten by a fat donkey and a sheep it s Roger
Taylor , so yeah he is a meaddow
Then the guy with May is Brian
So he is like the May queen or something
The garden is "The wonderful garden of Robert" and it has Robert
Saying babe and arguing with bitchy and ugly Justin
One of the Robert Plants will fall over him and he ll die
Then Jimmy
From a book about having a proper duck face
Forged in fire contestant trying to bring David
Insetead of a bowie knife , and David is going to the sky like a ufo
waters the Garden
Also he is the Easter Island head bcs he kinda looks like one in some pics
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And the last but not least Freddie
Wanting to break free.
Sorry for the long post
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Brian: You drank milk for your cats??
Freddie: This? Of course not, darling! My cats only drink the best milk brand!
Roger: Wait, what? And you bought me a cheap store brand milk yesterday!
Freddie: Naughty boy doesn’t deserve a treat.
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I feel very sad today. But I was thinking, maybe I can pull the Pavlov thing where I will post two pics of something I like (in this case, mr Johnny D 😄😄😆), so whenever I feel sad, I remember there's still positive things in life. Wanna make this as a habit so the habit sticks...~
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These two are my faves, cuz he looks so elegant and calming~
I hope everyone that also feel sad like me, cheered up even a bit with Mr Js pics 💕💕
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Now, Who Else Do I Like?
Mr M (Brian May) x Tomboy!Reader x Mr R (Roger Taylor) Sci-fi AU Imagine
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You work in Kepler-J13 as a ranger. They recently built a stadium, hotels, and villas to attract more tourists. And as a ranger, you’re allowed to apply as the guide for people that wish to see the forest you handle with your mate since he prefers to stay lookout,
But it’s the end of Summer vacation, usually tourist isn’t that much left, so you’re using that time to resupply—some privileged mother’s think it’s okay to just take your supply drone for her son to play behind your back, when you’re busy checking the perimeter for them to camp,
Going to one of the villas that now serve as a club to meet your engineer friend and get your drone fixed, you caught yourself transfixed by the rock band currently shaking the building. You don’t know who they are, but you note; the frontman is very eccentric, the bassist doesn’t even care if he’s putting out a show or not, the guitarist has a very uniquely kinky hair, and the drummer is constantly smirking and winking at every girl in the club; excluding you, you’re aware that people need to look thrice—maybe fourth times to finally realises you’re a girl,
After dropping off your drone and get it fixed, the next day you’re back to the headquarters to catch-up with some friends, get some news from other planets, double-checking your mate’s supply—mostly isn’t the necessity, and checking for any request for a guide. When you’re finished with the to-do list for that day, all you have to do is wait for your drone, but before you can enjoy some actual time off, one of the fellow rangers taps your shoulder,
“Y/n? You’re free?” Ask the ranger, “got some requests to tour the north cliff and Nymph Lake.”
“Is it true there are Nymphs in the lake?” Ask a long blonde hair guy... Wait, isn’t he’s the drummer from the band called Queen yesterday? “Don’t mind him. But we’d like to see the North Eclipse. I heard it’s often sighted during and after summer?” The tall man is the guitarist from yesterday as well, and as you looked at him in closer proximity, he looks rather less intimidating than when he’s performing. “You are correct. In fact, North Eclipse will happen two days in a row starting tomorrow. You’ll love the transforming colours as well as the Aurora by the second day. Have you purchased the camping set? It would be much lovelier to witness by the lake,”
“Excellent. And we have. By the way, my name is Brian May, apologies for the late introduction. And this boy is Roger Taylor. We thought it’ll be better to look and visit the forest whilst the mechanics' repair the sound systems.” They fought for a bit before you can finally tell them the dos or don’ts headstart; don't ever wander around by yourself, or start a fire without the ranger’s guide—No Hot/Warm Smoking at all!—as the atmosphere is very suited for a fire to grow at an incredible speed. And, apparently according to Brian, the most important don’t that you mentioned is to not jump off the cliff without your supervision. Despite the odd gravitational pull, which will allow for a higher chance of soft landing, only if done correctly,
“He will jump, doesn’t he?” You ask Brian when Roger wanders whilst you all waiting for your drone. “Oh, he will. Our friend, Freddie, think he wouldn’t do it for a hundred pounds.” “Well, we still got time, how about purchasing the one-time use glide parachute as well?” The man sighed, “I have. Do not worry. I will make sure this brat doesn’t make your job much more difficult,”
Right when the engineer delivered your drone, you start your hover car engine and goes to your outpost to drop-off the supply and get your gears. On the way, however, both Roger and Brian cannot stop to ask you questions. It’s not an unusual thing for the people to ask about the destined place they want to see, but you find these men's are particularly funny; when Brian’s question mostly shows how much of a space geek he is, and how much he’s generally interested in the planet, Roger is quite the opposite,
“Why does the lake called Nymph Lake? Are there used to be Nymphs there? If it is, are they pretty? Is it possible to shag them—?” Brian slap the blonde’s shoulder, “have manners, Rog!”
You laugh and nodded. “It's used to be where the Nymphs nestling every winter. But the Nymphs has long migrated to the colder part of the continent due to the humans. The first colony engineered the climate to sustain the next. Although, in the end, this planet fall under protected planets for exactly that reason; that there are Nymphs.”
“Are there any Nymphs there? Right now?”
“There’s a possibility. Two, in fact. Though perhaps you wouldn’t be as excited once you see them. No. I would rather we didn’t sight them at all if you want to see the Eclipses.”
“Why? Are they ugly?” “Not at all, they’re very beautiful.” “Then why?”
“Rog, Nymphs are the number one predator on this planet. Why do you think the girls chose to stay with Freddie and John instead?” Brian intercepted before you could answer. “Yeah? So does human on Earth,”
“Has any of you perhaps read the articles on them?” You ask, holding back your smile. “Yes. But I answer for myself.” Says Brian, once he notices your naughty smile, he quickly catch what you meant. “Perhaps it would be better for Roger to just see them, then. Easier to understand, I’m sure.” You close the conversation just as you park the car,
All three of you take thirty minutes to walk into the nearest cabin, your mate is already there, done packing your gears as a thank you for fulfilling his “extra” supply. “Should we change?” Ask Brian, notices you have changed your uniform into something more practical, whilst Roger and him still wearing some sort of party suit. “If you’d like. But it’s not necessary yet. Most of our forest journey wouldn’t start until before evening. And considering Nymph Lake and north cliff is a hot spot for tourists, there'll be a cabin nearby. If there's a chance, maybe we can stay outside longer,”
Brian doesn’t question further about why there isn’t much forest walking or hiking yet, despite this planet is known for the beautiful forest landscapes. But before Roger could ask about it, your mates quickly answered as he pointed at you, “Nymphs.” “Blimey, you have your personal Nymphs? That’s hot,”
You ignored Roger inappropriate comment whilst you ask your mate about your other requests. He whispered that it might take a while for him to catch the silly “brats” and feed them, but he assures you there wouldn’t be any direct sighting, at least until you’re done showing the first Eclipse, “notify me if you do sight them,” he adds before the three of you leaves,
The first few hours of the trip was uneventful until your tracker is picking up movement from your east-southeast. Two blips getting closer very slowly in the pattern that’s far too familiar for you. “Is that the Nymph tracker?” Ask Brian, which caught Roger’s attention. “Yes. But you shouldn’t worry. It’s just to keep track of when they’re near. Jake will take care of them—,”
“They’re near?” Ask Roger as he snatches the tool. “It’s okay.” You reassure Brian that's already halfway through scolding his friend. “Unless the blips getting louder, they’re not near enough yet for us to see or worry.” “Why should we worry again?” “Because—,” Brian shakes his head, “—because I must notify my mate. He’s supposed to check on them yesterday, but they kept running away,”
Eventually, the darker the night sky, finally the tracker did give very loud beeps, indicating the Nymphs are now on your east only by two hundred metres. “Roger, would you mind clicking the red triangle on the screen? Brian?” The urgency in your voice causes the brunette to steal the device from Roger, as Roger’s eyes now scanned the forest from the general direction where the Nymphs should be. “I clicked it.” “Thank you,”
Roger’s high-pitched yelp almost makes you hit the brake. “What happened Rog?!” Yelled Brian. “I saw big shadows in the forest! There are monsters there!” “They’re not monsters.” You try to calm him down. “Are you damn sure? Because I have good eyes and there are clearly four—no, eight eyes! Looking at me!” “The doctor prescribes him with minus ten eyeglasses.” “And I am wearing them right now, you blind fuck!”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to worry. Jake is Nymphs expert. He will take care of it soon. He’s notified when Brian hit the red triangle button.” “What does the button means?” Roger asks. “Crisis button.” “You’re making fun of me aren't you.” “If you say so,”
Jake did take care of them as the blips' gone after thirty minutes the "crisis button" was clicked. He messages you that the troublemakers will be away for a while. You make sure to tell Roger about that, even get the confirmation from your mate through a live call. And when you suggest them to stretch the seat and take a nap for a while, they do so without hesitation. Apparently, according to Jake when you're chatting with him to get rid of the boredom, your clients are rising rock stars, and you’re not surprised, particularly Roger, you can imagine there are currently more than two girlfriends waiting for him back home,
You've arrived at the cabin by the time the sun sets. You keep checking for any sign of the Nymphs, but it seems like Jake has done his job properly. As you see the sky, you can already see small strings of blue light; the first North Eclipse will fully form in 7 hours, should be enough,
"You should continue sleep inside, much comfier. I will wake you guys up in two hours so you can stay awake longer for the Eclipse tonight." You say when they're awake. Roger goes straight to one of the bedroom, whilst Brian instead change his clothes and start reading about the said eclipse,
"Are you not going to sleep?" He asks you. "I'm born here in the fourth colony when they arrive, so my biological clock had already been adjusted to this planet." That fact interests him so much that he stopped reading and ask you instead about the planet,
You find Brian quite interesting yourself; he's an Astrophysicist from Earth, and wish to take further education about Planets in Jupiter. He's far too clever to be boring and is very enthusiastic when you ask him about what's out there, and especially to tell you about Earth. You laugh when he told you that Roger is a Biology student; maybe he would not think he can shag the Nymphs if he broadens his education a bit,
As if knows that he's being trash talked behind his back, not long after, Roger's join you with a very messy hair, already stripped his jacket off, and half the shirt buttons were undone. Bri—a nickname he preferred you to call him—smack his friend's shoulder as he points at you with his eyes,
"Oh right! The Nymphs!" He quickly buttons his shirt and folds the sleeves. But this time, instead of correcting him, Bri has done the same and getting the camping kits ready, as he throws the one-use glide parachute to Roger; "No chute." "Then we'll leave you behind." "It'll be recorded!" "Edit it!" And they continue to fight whilst you go outside, inspecting the weather and overall readiness to start hiking,
"Will it be safe?" Ask Bri later. "Jake has confirmed. And like what Roger's find hot; I'm very familiar with the Nymphs around here. Worse case I have to force them down." "Let's not get to that outcome." "Then make sure to follow my words and not to wander by yourself." "Aye, aye, captain." Roger answered instead. "And no smoking something warm and hot." "You should've told me that sooner, or I wouldn't have to come." Both you and Bri ignored that,
The hike to the cliff is only two hours, the slightly cold temperatures help the process smoothly. As expected, Bri writes down his observations on pretty much everything he finds interesting, but of course mostly on how the sky changes in particular. On the other hand, Roger already started smoking cold smoke, Saturn brand—which is expensive and delicious, he notices you staring,
"Want one?" "Already clean." "Suit yourself." You can tell he's a bit annoyed by your nonchalant attitude towards him since the first time you two met; as you immediately put all your attention to Bri and ask about his observations. But it appears that he could entertain himself rather quickly with the changing surrounding,
"We could stay the night; the Nymphs won't bother us anymore." You say after Jake's affirmation regarding the safety. "Shut up! I'm here for the Nymphs. We're going straight to the lake!" "How quickly would you change your words once you see one." Jokes Bri, which again flew over Roger's head. But before Bri could elaborate, both of the musicians' step halted as they noticed at the same time you've arrived at the north cliff,
"Not the best view for the Eclipse, but it will come soon and we wouldn't be able to catch it better than from this place. If we push for the Lake, it'll take too long. For the night, let's camp here and enjoy the view." You'll be securing parameters from the habitats' insects and animals. You also make sure to take some precautions in case the Nymphs somehow slithered out of Jake's sight. Whilst the men's erecting the tents and some recording equipments—Brian, specifically have the newest climate and atmosphere capturing technologies, and have already taken out a computer out of his backpack,
"You're not going to wear it don't you?" You stand beside Roger, as the man tries to calculate how to make the legendary soft landing. The parachute is at a stone near him, unopened, the drummer simply shakes his head. "I will record it in the best angle if you promise to listen to me." You say. "That's a done deal," he quickly answered,
You're correct to think Brian found it more important to observe and calculate the change in the atmosphere bubble of the planet whilst one of five natural moons that orbit the planet is about to align itself perfectly to make a lunar eclipse. Than to babysit his friend all the time despite knowing full well the said friend will jump off a cliff. So after telling Roger how to properly do it, you ready the drone camera,
"What the fucking hell are you doing, Roger?!" Bri came in a furry you wish not directed at you; so you just realised it was a group chat, which also means Brian saw the video too after you posted it per Roger's request. "And you help him?! I thought you were a ranger!" "I am. That's why I'm helping him, so it's much safer for him to do it,"
"To fake it. Do you think I'm mental, Bri? That's ten metres down! And you don't help me calculate how to do it! But I don't know a ranger got some sick camera skills. Thanks, mate." He gives you a fist bump,
After that, Bri refuses to talk to you with the excuse that he doesn't want to be bothered when analysing. In exchange, Rog—he thinks you're swell enough to get the privilege—converse with you about many things,
You judge Rog too soon; despite his constant crude remarks and impulsive behaviour, he's quite the observer. He notices how, despite progressing so very quickly, humanity stills holding on tightly upon intolerance, violence, the corrupt systems, and many roots of hatreds—what's currently very hot is xenophobia. Much scarier, he says, that we get a hold of technology to colonize planets, that if we find something stronger than atomic bombs that could destroy planets in an instant, there's more likely a star-system scaled war to follow soon after,
As he exhales the cold smokes, both of you finally notices the very bright blue light above your heads. Bri, of course, too stunned to notify you about it sooner. But you've seen the Aurora many times, yet you always find it beautiful. You swear you'll never get bored of it. You quietly hum the lullaby that always put the Nymphs to sleep, as it's part of your ritual whenever you see the Eclipse,
It's like being K'Od in an instant, after making sure his devices still running, Bri goes to his tent quicker than any Nymphs. Rog, on the contrary, says that he's ready to go to the lake, and is itching to pull a prank on his tired friend to wake him up; "Enough to get to the lake and get the tent up and going back to sleep again in anger," before you stopped him,
In the end, after you insist on telling his friends, particularly the Freddie guy, that he's pulling a fake stunt, he heeds your order and goes inside the tent to preserve his energy for the next, much more difficult journey to the lake. You check the forum for the other forests statuses; many Rangers are happy to get some time off, whilst the southern Rangers with their neverending warm weather complained about being busy with the nonstop waves of tourists. You commented; “At least the Nymphs will melt over there. These wee dogs love attention,”
Around the afternoon, the boys finally woke up as you roast some vegetables. After having brunch, the three of you packs up and continues onward to the Lake. In the end, Bri snitches Rog out on the group chat and they fought along the way. If it weren’t from that, perhaps you wouldn’t take too long to arrive at the last destination; but the boys that's previously buddy-buddy whilst eating, now throwing rocks and push each other until one fell on the muddy dirt—Roger. It’s not easy to separate them when they’re so close to a fist fight, but to threaten them that you’ll leave if they didn’t stop is a good enough reason for Brian to go as far away as possible from Roger,
The rest of the walk is uninteresting, although Roger is now live chatting with some girls you assumed to be the girls that supposed to come. He took pride in being in a relationship with the three girls at once when you commented on how pretty they are. “I can hook you up with some of them that got some good taste on handsome boys like us. Maybe even you, an athletic ranger.” “Why, thanks. But I’m good for now.” “You’re with Jake?” “No. He’s dating the new guy from the forest down by the river.” “Just hit me up whichever floats the boat when you’re bored.” Sure. No problem.” “Y/n?”
Brian called from behind. He points at the dirt; looks like a fresh mark of the Nymphs tail. “Is it really safe to continue?” “It’s from yesterday. But I will tell Jake to get them away if it’ll make you feel safer.” “That’ll be delightful, yes please.” “Mate, is that the lake?”
Now Roger practically drags you and points at the giant forest opening five hundred metres on the northeast. “Yup. That’s it. Although be careful—,” Roger already running towards it, Bri pats your shoulder. “Let him.” “That’s what I planned on doing...”
It’s not surprising by the time you and Bri arrives, Roger looks disappointed and mostly angry... At you. “What the hell? I thought there would be Nymphs here!” “Well, they used to be here. But the weather is a tad warmer, not suitable for them to make the nest—,” as you said that, you saw four scally eggs deep down the lake. Both Rog and Bri saw it too. When Brian is now visibly worried, Roger is looking more excited than ever,
As they prepare for tents and devices, Roger finally allowed to swim and clean himself from the mud, after practically begging and assures you that he wouldn’t touch the eggs. You, on the other hand, busy yourself notifying the northern rangers group about the eggs. They told you to come and hold a meeting; whether they should take the eggs to the pole or not, and conduct more research on why they’re not melting from the weather. And you'll have a meeting about letting the babies grow in the reservation on the south pole or whether you should take care of them,
“Jake will come here once you guys are done so he can inspect the eggs. Both the parents grow in this area but has long used to a warmer temperature, so there’s high chance only one or two are left behind for Jake and I to take care,” you explained to Bri after he asks what you would do with the eggs. “Jake is the official Nymph Expert, but I have taken care of many since I’m ten. We’re doing what we can to make sure the Nymphs didn’t get the bad attention from NASA and Space Union. Or they might... Get hunted down.” “That’s absolutely terrible!” “That’s why I hope we don’t have to sight them anymore on your stay. The situation has been quite complicated as of lately,”
Night come fast and the sky is brighter as if it’s not evening yet. The second Eclipse was caused by the red moon, which causes a colourful mix of red and blue dancing in the sky. The aurora from the changing season blend in beautifully, and the three of you can do nothing but to enjoy them. “I’m making this an annual visit,” says Bri as he smiles wide, which makes you smile as well. “I agree. Next time we should drag Freddie and John with us.” “Then make sure to come straight to me; I will make sure for a better journey next time! And if you stay for a week, the autumnal colour scheme would be the sight you should never miss!”
As the three of you enjoyed the night, you tell them few of your knowledge regarding the planet, many cycles of the lunar eclipses, your favourites Eclipses, and the scientific reason behind them. “You only sleep for five hours?” “Yup.” “That’s nice huh, can get many things done at night.” “Quite correct, for example—.” “Your future partner would love it once they knew you can go for several rounds on daily basis.” “Please don’t mind him.” Says Brian, as he hurls his clogs at Roger that's protecting his head from the incoming projectiles. Perhaps it was the lightning, but you notice Brian covering his mouth with his hand, blushes when he notices you staring at him,
Suffice to say, you’re a bit nervous that Brian might catch a cold on the way back to the cabin. He keeps coughing when you look at him, his face is a bit pinker, and he’s quite obvious on trying to hide it to by looking away immediately as you catch him stealing glances. Roger, on the other hand, looks disappointed that he didn’t get to see any Nymphs, although he’s healthier for someone that swims in the cold lake,
When you’re only one hour away from the cabin, Jake called you privately. “Get the guests here quick. I have fed the Nymphs but they’re nervous for some reason and get away. My tracker detects them going to the lake at a very high speed. I will follow them with my vehicle. Be careful,”
Now the role has switched, when you told the boys to hurry pack and get back, Brian is the one that’s confused, whilst Roger looks shaken and nervous. “Something the matter, Rog?” “Yes, it’s clearly about the monsters right? They’ve hunted us since we’re on the way here.” “Do not worry; I will protect the two of you with my life. Besides, we’ve got the tracker,”
Despite telling him that, you’re a bit anxious yourself. Not from the fact that the Nymphs might bother you again, but more from what actually happens with the Nymphs? Are they alright? They’ve been behaving oddly since the middle of the summer, perhaps it got something to do with the eggs. You probably shouldn’t have let Roger swam, he might smell like the lake now. Even though you have told him to deep scrub and shower before you go straight to the outpost, you’re still not sure that he wouldn’t be the centre of attention if the Nymphs did come still,
And the Nymphs did come,
At the most inopportune moment, to say the least, you’re barely a third of the way, at night, when one of them cross the road right in front of you. “What the fuck was that!?” Screamed Roger, you kinda understand that he has been on edge the entire time. “One of the Nymphs.” You say, “stay inside the car.” “Are you mad?!” Now it’s Brian that’s yelling at you. “You shouldn’t worry about me. I know these Nymphs quite well.” “How could they didn’t show up in the tracker?” Ask Brian, very nervously getting his head out the window. “That’s what I’m going to find out soon,”
Roger screamed as he points on your left. There’s a three-metre tall shadow lurking inside the forest. It must've been the female Nymph. You make a purposeful right-hand gesture, calling it to come. “M, M. I’m here. It’s okay, girl.” But as you get your attention fixated at the giant, Brian launch at you and you both rolled on the road. “What the—?!” “The other one jumps at you!”
And he didn’t lie. The male Nymph is unsuccessful at ambushing you. You forgot the couple usual strategy when they’re playing with you, but that’s when they’re still the size of a big golden retriever. The beast is quadrupedal, looks like a mix of dragon tail lizard and iguana but with two pairs of eyes slitted eyes, and lion-like mouth with four sharp fangs sticking out. The smaller one of them is the size of a full-grown horse. The male Nymph is growling, seeing you as a threat; you quickly stand up after telling Brian to stay down,
“Calm, boy. What is it? Are you still hungry?” You take out a processed game from the car. But the Nymph is still looking at you, finally notices you’re someone friendly. You held out your right hand at its face, asking permission to touch it, and it gave you the permission as it rubs its head on your palm like a spoiled dog,
“AARGGHHH!!” Roger gets out of the car and ran to you. “That fucking thing is sticking its hand inside the damn car! Fucking Brian forgot to close the fucking door!” “Calm down! They’re sensitive to loud noises.” “Fucking right they did!” The giant Nymph is the female, and unlike the male that’s covered in a stark blue plain scales, the female is covered in dark green with brown streaks, perfect for camouflage,
“Down, Meadows!” You yell at the female, and instantly the female head is down, showing its perfect obedience. “Harold! The boy isn’t food! You just ate!” The male is so very slowly and hesitantly backed off. “What’s with you two?” You see Meadows is circling the car, looking for something. “Both of you clearly isn’t hungry, but why? Wait, Meadows, down—!!”
Too late, the Nymph has flipped the car, scratching right at the engine box as she does that, destroying it in an instant. The remaining electricity causes the animal to flinch and run away, with Harold follows her from behind. You run towards the engine; completely wrecked. “My god... What is wrong with them...” You called Jake and told him about the ambush, also about the destroyed car,
“Jake will hunt them and put them to sleep. Meanwhile,” you take out and unfold a hoover cart. “We will have to walk and leave the car. My supply drone will get us a hoover vehicle by tomorrow's afternoon. But if you’re tired, we can camp here.” “That’s a bad fucking idea.” Roger comments. “As you’re aware, they’re sensitive to sound. I brought the prevention tools that will handle the worst of them. Don’t worry, once you’re far and safe from this planet, I will find out what’s happening to them,”
Being scared shitless, Roger is the first one to get into the tent. After thanking Brian from saving you, he sat the opposite of you on the controlled artificial bonfire. “This is the first time it happens?” “Yes. They never outright try to murder me—they shouldn’t, at all, in fact. I took care of them since they’re still in eggs, they see me as their mother. So, yes, this is very odd indeed.” “But Meadows? Harold?” Ask Roger suddenly, poking out the tent,
“Meadows because she looks like, well, a meadow. The’s the biggest female that I have ever taken care of.” Brian looked at Roger and smiling cheekily for some reason. “Harold is the male Nymph. He’s fastest one in this entire planet. I call him Harold because Jake thought it was silly, and Harold, indeed, acts very silly when he’s playing.” This time, it’s Roger that gives a naughty side glance at Brian. “Once again, you shouldn’t worry. I know them very well,”
In the morning, the three of you immediately use the hover vehicle—it’s actually a unicycle but flying—once it arrives. You keep contacting Jake back and forth about the Nymphs, Jake has successfully sedated Meadows. “You shouldn’t worry about Harold. He’s completely distracted by the bait until tomorrow.” At least that’s what Jake told you as you’ve arrived by the road near the outpost,
“I have put another decoy by the road,” you say, “but it’ll be safer for us to go quickly to the outpost.” You keep on scanning the forest on the way, as it’s clear that the tracker is broken somehow, that’s why it didn’t pick up when Meadows and Harold ambush you. Jake is tailing from behind for extra protection whilst you go first,
“Finally!” Screamed Roger as he ran towards the building. Your eyes still looking out for any shadow in the forest as Jake unloaded things from your supply drone and hover cart... “Harold, down!” You yell which makes Brian ducked down, looking around in panic. “Harold, down! Down! DOWN!” You practically screamed and shoot the taser gun at the launching Nymph, whilst Jake is fast enough to pull Brian away from the now stunned Nymph,
“Oh my fucking god, oh my god, oh my god, my baby! My baby, oh my god! I’m sorry, baby! I’m sorry, love!” You run at the Nymph, hugging it. “Oh my god, baby! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—.” You stare at Jake with eyes full of tears, telling him to get Brian inside, as you continue to soothe the Nymph and apologizing,
“Are you okay, mate?!” Roger asks Brian, but Brian attention is still focused on the large Nymph, and especially, at you. It breathes slowly as you sat beside its face, stroking it and rubbing your forehead against it. Tears streaming down your cheeks as you hum it a song. “What a mother,” comment Jake. “It’s not the first time Harold has been tased, always by me. Not once did y/n has forgiven me from it, that’s why I gave her the gun. But this is also why I don’t want her to handle the difficult job, especially to Harold, her golden child,”
After calming down and letting Harold go, you get inside the outpost shitfaced. Your eyes are red. “I’m sorry. Are you alright, Bri?” “No. Are you alright? And it’s supposed to be me that apologizes.” You give him a dismissive hand gesture. “It’s just silly Harold, he can handle it... But he’s still my... Baby. It pains me to hurt him... I have to get used to it—,”
“Look. I’m stupid. And I’m sorry.” Said Roger after showing you one of the Nymph eggs from the lake that he hid in his backpack. “I really don’t know that Nymphs are beasts! And you snitch on me you bastard! I try to prove to Freddie that—whatever.” “What “whatever”!? You almost get y/n and I killed! And you stole a bloody rare species egg! You will most likely get us in trouble on security later too you fucking cunt!! Will you once please think before doing something as extremely stupid as this?! Or tell us! So at least we know we should bloody sedate and tase you instead of the poor creature!” Brian continues to scream at Roger whilst you and Jake try to calm you down and let Brian do the angry part,
“It’s okay, Brian. This isn’t the first time someone tries to anger the Nymphs,” you say on the way to the headquarters. “No. I will alert the authority about his foolish action. I’m sure there’ll be more foolish men like him coming that might try to harm the lives of those creatures. This way, there’ll be more precautions on what sort of criminals is allowed to get in.” Well, he’s right. Although you’re still unsure whether you should report Roger and potentially get him banned. After all, the man actually is clueless about the Nymphs,
Brian cannot stop apologizing after reporting Roger—you provide your explanation that severely lowers his sanctions; that it was pure accident, and you’ll handle the Nymphs with the organization after. “Please have a tea with us after our gig. So we could repay you for Roger's foolishness.” “Ah, I would love to, but unfortunately my babies needs my attention a wee bit urgently after. Maybe next year? You did promise you’ll make this an annual thing.” He’s clearly happy, but he’s trying to hide away his wide smile from you. “Are you serious, Bri?” Ask Roger jokingly over it, so you don’t really mind them,
Before the gig, Roger pulled you somewhere more private. “Hey. Um, I’m terribly sorry. For thinking you’re a dude, and for that egg thing.” “No problem. But please listen to me next time, alright? The Nymphs are dangerous creatures.” “Roger that, ma’am. Ha.” You both laugh at his pun,
“Oh, uh, by the way, when are you going back to the outpost?” He asks after he’s called to the stage. “A bit after the gig, unfortunately. But I’m not going to the outpost, I have a meeting with the organization on the HQ.” “Okay, good, that means you got time for a bit of talk? Great. Excellent,” then he ran to the stage. You knew where his intention is going,
You get the prime seat by the bar and can see the boys clearly. A couple of times, Roger is winking and Bri flashes his smiles at you. By the time they’re done, one of the stage team is calling you to go backstage,
“I only got twenty minutes. I’m sorry, they changed the schedule without consulting me.” You say at the man, he smiles and nods as he goes to whoever the boys needed some words with you. It’s Brian. “Hi. I’m sorry for keeping you here. I have something to ask—.” “Hey, y/n—,”
It was both Brian and Roger, they stare at each other in confusion. “Why are you here, Rog?” “Wait, hold on. Y/n, can you wait just a min?” Roger drags Brian somewhere and they both talk. You keep on checking your watch, and time is running out. “I don’t know you’re seeing her too!” “Shut your mouth! She can hear us!” And Roger is right, you can hear them loud and clear, so they’re getting a bit further away,
“Hey, I can’t really wait any longer. The representative is calling me. If you got something to say, forward it to Jake! He got my numbers!” You wave at them and walk backwards before they could catch you. “See you guys next year! I’ll be waiting!” Both of them—particularly Roger, screamed; “See you too! We will come! We promise! I will call you!”
Next year...
You almost late to the HQ meeting because damn Jake woke you up late. After the small party that he throws to celebrate your new official Nymph Expert, he slept through the alarm that you both set for the meeting. It’s about the opening of the first Science Institution on that planet that’ll be focusing on studying the planet. You’re a bit excited because there’s a Planetary and Astrophysics course, and you wish to apply; thanks to Brian,
Talking about Brian, you remember the last year incident that actually caused a massive change and strengthening of the security. You expected them to come today, and you’ve been preparing for the week stay, just in case they did hold on to your promise. And they did come; there are posters about the music festival tomorrow at the stadium, one of the band that’ll attend is Queen, and apparently the most anticipated one. Unfortunate, you can only come for the after-party,
You, the engineer ranger, and Jake and his boyfriend came a bit later when the party had toned down a bit. There are many rangers that attended too, thanks to the newcomers that are currently holding posts. As you sat down the bar stool and ask for a drink, someone joined you on your right. A particular blonde man wearing sunglasses and golden-purple suit in a dimly lit room,
“Everyone would still easily mistake you from a man, ma’am,” he says, leaning towards you by a bit. He smells of cold smoke and alcohol. “Well, sir, my fashion choice is only for those that appreciate it.” “Oh. Don’t misunderstand, I appreciate it. Incredibly.” A lop-sided smile grows on his lips,
“Have you heard what sort of natural predatory creatures that live on the planet? What an exotic and beautiful beast. I heard there’s this particular ranger that has been taking care of them since she’s still ten. In fact, she owns two big and the fastest Nymphs on the planet. And to be completely honest, someone that emits such fearless and powerful aura is... Very hot,”
You try your hardest to hold back laughter and replied; “Unfortunately, that ranger has long parted with said Nymphs. But I heard there’s another ranger that just got an official Nymph Expert title, and she’s currently taking care of ten Nymphs at once. A new type of Nymphs that are currently being observed for its natural resistance towards temperatures that’s far warmer than its cousin could resist,”
The man sighed deeply as he lifted his head up. “Goood. Unfortunately, only those Nymphs that could handle the currently hot temperature. Care to hook me up with the said Nymph Expert? She seems to know her way with a heat-sensitive creature such as I. Got a nice suite too so the check-up can be performed... Undisturbed, and in the best setting possible—”,
Jake tapped your shoulder, completely destroys the mood. “Busy? Got someone that want a full week tour—oh, hi, Rog!” “Piss off, cu—,”
“Hi, y/n. Long time no see.” Brian sat on your left, “oh, Roger found you first? Doesn't matter. Anyway, how are you?” After a brief catch up, Brian says that he and the band will be seeing the Eclipses this year. “Great! I have done some preparations as well! Making sure the cabin fits bigger scores. So glad all of you could come!”
“What about the Nymphs?” Ask Brian, “how’s Meadows and Harold?” You told him that the two was put in the reservation on the southern continent, where it’s much warmer and perfect for the two. You also tell him about your new duty to watch over the new reservation near the north cliff, where much tamer new species Nymphs are taken care of,
“You can pet them and play with them. Although, unfortunately, Rog, you can’t shag them as it’s against the law.” The three of you laugh and argue a bit about last year incident, teasing the hell out of Roger, before Bri touches your hand on the bar. He looks at you meaningfully and whispers; “Are you, by chance, free to have some tea tonight? You do promise to have it with me this year, yes?”
“Excuse me, mate, she’s booked for the night. We got some check-ups to do regarding my symptoms—,”
“Unfortunately, my Nymphs has booked me far before any of you are here.” You pull your hand, “but we’ve got a week. Whether you do actually have Nymph fever—it’s an actual disease, or to just have some tea, we've got plenty of times, I’m sure?”
Although a bit disappointed, they both agreed and promise to genuinely have a good time this year.
The end.
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Heating Uno game pt. 7
This is the last one I’m sorry for spamming ><
Roger: *plays draw four on Bri*
Brian: *grumbling* This is the ten bloody times I got hit with draw fours tonight...
Freddie: (Sings) *places skip and skipped John after he’s being skipped twice in a row* Fourth skips John has received~
John: I feel for you, Bri...
Brian: It’s okay. I got so many nice cards.
Roger: Unfortunately you’re not gonna use it. *skips Bri*
Brian: Oh I’m gonna hurt you.
John: It’s gonna turn around and you’ll feel some pain, mate.
Freddie: *placed reverse* Here comes the pain, doo doo doo dooooo~
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Mr D (John Deacon) x Tomboy!Reader University AU imagine
I just want to put this out first, I might write it tomorrow if my muse is staying for the night~ And yes, I might start calling John as Mr D. This could also be Joe's John for whoever desires it~
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You and John are both from the same college; he’s in Electric, you’re in Mechanical,
Meet one day when your mutuals introduce you since you both are honour students and tryhards,
Quickly becoming a best friend; from studying together, hanging with the same group of friends, shared an interest in music, you’re amazed by his skills in both Guitar and Bass, he even teach you, and you ended up buying steel acoustic guitar for yourself to practice at home. Witty banter is your form of communication with each other,
You are crushing hard on him, never thought it will ever be more—you’re wrong,
You give hints, being more—very—forward, even ask and paid for dates, all but to no avail,
One day, one of your friends says you guys look like a couple for always being together. John straight up and quickly says; “No no no. We didn’t fit each other. I think I only pair with shy girls...”
It breaks your heart, but this isn’t the first time you were rejected from being a tad too tomboyish for a boy, so you let it go, maybe your feelings will go away this time too,
Nope, wrong again,
Now you’re much too aware of his interactions with other college students, especially with cute and shy girls, and the pain keeps on growing; you decide to distance yourself,
Your mutuals keep reminding you about him, how he’s getting close with girls, even from far away, you can’t get him out of your mind, out of your heart,
You tell your friends, doesn’t work. You write it down, doesn’t work. Hey, maybe you can make it a bit artistic by turning it into a poem? Still doesn’t work,
It’s near the final exam, and you’re stressed the hell out, now, from missing him, too much. What sadden you the most; he might not, at all, missing you, he never looked or ask why you suddenly leave him,
Getting carried away, on your terrace at night, you sing and play your guitar; how you have suffered—yet the feelings remained, and you wish your beautiful dream is enough to satisfy your heart for the rest of your life without him,
He saw you; you saw him, on the street, quite close; he wears a blue shirt and dark blue jeans, still got his bag, and a carton bag on his right hand from a cake store somewhere. A handsome typically-disciplined-college-student sight,
He must’ve been listening and seeing you in your dramatic blue moment; tears and snots, voice cracks galore, sub-par guitar skill. Fantastic, you thought, he's head over heels from the sight,
“O-oh, hi, John. What you got there?” Says you as you approached him,
He didn’t reply. Your zero sense of boundaries and forward nature wake him up when you reach for the—presumably, a cake,
“You alright?” He asks. “Exam.” You answered. “Ah, every engineer students’ wet dream.” He jokes. You continued, “surely you have seen me. Undoubtedly, a human like me can’t resist the fiery passion, just like everyone else,”
“Not us.” Now he’s serious, as he puts his right hand on his back, hiding the cake away from you, that’s the trigger for you,
“Oh, absolutely not! Who ugly cries and screamed like a dying cat that actually is fine from the inside? Certainly not me. Are you?”
“What happened, y/n? Are you really okay?”
"Oh, it's a perfectly adequate vibe. I have a crush on you, it turned serious. Ask you out, invade your personal space. Turns out I'm not your type. You know, blah blah blah, the common gossip. Now, what you got there?"
You didn't know you shed tears and have your voice breaks; you just realized that when John is covering his mouth and blushing hot red,
"Exam fried your brain, mate. Your sarcasm detector is rusty."
"Most definitely. And I will just let you insult your way out of your own fake confession, you know, like a c**t that I am. To keep deflecting your obvious and incredible attempt at seducing a man. Thinking I was too uncool to be your boyfriend. You're right, just another common f**king gossip."
Your cheeks heated, eyes wide, mouth open—a silent statue; whilst he twiddles about, wishes there's a shovel to dig himself a grave,
"Mate, if you're not serious, know there's a consequence." You say, despite your heart is about to explode,
"What sort of punishment awaits me, your honour?" He retorts out of habit,
You hug him too, out of habit. You panicked,
"I will crush you and kill you with my love, and hugs, and kisses, and cuddles—everything. Don't make me buy us engagement rings. So, until you plead guilty."
"Then I plead not guilty."
Then he kisses you,
To be continued?
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Your taste sucks
Based of the banter I had w my big brother yesterday
Roger: I’m going out for smokies. Need anything?
Brian: Can you buy some tissues, please. We’re out.
John: I’m sorry, it’s my—sneeze—fault. The cold had not been forgiving this week. Also, some allergy and cold medicines, please.
Roger: Anything else?
John: Raisins too pl—sneeze.
Roger: Ew—who eat that disgusting thing?!
John & Brian at the same time: I do.
Roger: Seriously?! You peasants and your horrid taste buds.
Brian: Only select few can understand and taste it, just like royalties; which makes you the peasant here.
John: And that’s why I keep sneezing, Rog—sneeze—. Because I'm allergic to your cheap and generic taste in food. So, do me a favour, can you please buy the Raisins?
Roger: slams the front door
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Heating Uno game pt. 6
John: *place 8 yellow on top of 8 red* To yellow!!!
Freddie: John got two cards left.
Brian: And whose fault is that?
Freddie: Technically, not mine.
John: Place a good card, Rog.
Roger: *place 9 yellow*
John: That’s not a good card... *starts drawing*
Freddie: John doesn’t have anymore yellows lol
Brian: Whose fault is that, John?
John: ... Mm-sorry...
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Heating Uno game pt. 5
Brian: *plays wildcard*
John: Stays on blue.
Brian: *chooses blue*
John: Yes!
Roger: Why did you do that?! Only John has blues!
Brian: Because you hurt me, I hurt you.
Freddie: What are you, Keanu Reeves? Did he kick your dog or something? 
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The boys playing monopoly pt. 2
John: I will go to you for advice then, Rog.
Brian: You can’t be serious, John.
Roger: Hold on, Bri. Who was it that got a streak going? Hmm?
Freddie: Then, dear, what’s your forecast on the market?
Roger: It’s going to rain.
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The boys playing Sea of Thieves. A pirate open-world game.
Roger: I’m afk for a moment, need to get a drink.
Brian: I’ll look out for other ships.
John: Are we starting the raid?
Freddie: Yes. Join me, darling, I’m kinda overwhelmed over here.
John: Okay, the raid isn’t going to fuck itself.
Roger: (In the background) *Chokes on drink*
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Heating Uno game pt. 2
Freddie: *plays plus four* Okay, what colour am I going, dear?
Roger: Challenge that f*ck!! Challenge him whatever colour he chooses!
John: *to Freddie* Whatever you want, babe.
Freddie: Did you just call me babe??
Brian: Yes.
Roger: Hey! Did you just call him babe?!!
Brian: Yes. Yes, he did.
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