#roii friends
smrvero · 2 years
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astrologian players.
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Hey, I've just started RoIiS because my friend bullied me into it. Does Madame Spiceberry ever gets a first name ? Or does the people who knows her well calls her Spice or something ?
Calling her anything but "Madame Spiceberry" just doesn't feel the same
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thedevilsrain · 2 years
I’m sorry Jimmy Page did WHAT?? Can you expand on all that??? (I know he sucked but wooooooowww it just gets worse and worse doesn’t it?)
yea man sure!
(put under a readmore, it gets upsetting)
so this part, you can just fill under "gossip", nothin exactly criminal here, its just to show that hes an asshole. in 1970 (when he was a well grown adult of 26) he got married to a woman, then proceeded to cheat on her (will elaborate. dont worry) for a decade, including when she was pregnant and when she had her baby
now the actual, like, criminal part (and if i get any "well thats not under the age of consent" comments i swear to god)... this is pretty widely known, widely available information, widely photographed, widely in newspapers, that he had a "relationship" with a 13 year old girl, who herself used the term "basically kidnapped" to describe how richard cole took her to JP's hotel room. heres a source, here's another, and here's the entire wikipedia tab dedicated to it
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this next part is complicated, because i'm assuming it's not something people hear much about, even if it is one of the first news that show up when you google jason bonham's name. he appeared on the howard stern show (no comments lol) and commented how, when he was sixteen, JP, himself an addict, gave him cocaine
BUT, two weeks later, he retracted the statements, and gave a PR response on his website how all of it was untrue. heres a source and a screenshot in case roIIing stones goes to shit
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like i said. it is complicated. he retracted the statement, but i just cannot imagine someone making up a story (especially someone like bonham) that someone as rich and famous and important as page would give him hard drugs as a teenager
not only that, i think everyone has at least one story of a family friend offering them something when they were a little too young. but thats just me
back to gossip! like the leo after him, he keeps getting older, but they say the same! 79 year old page has been in a relationship of six years with professional 33 year old weirdgirl poet scarIett sabet (who, fun fact, is over a decade younger than his oldest daughter of the same name!) since 2014, when she was 24 years old and he was 70! however, they've admitted to knowing each other since she was twenty-two! source here, an source there!
he was also married to jimena gómez-paratcha from the mid-90s, when she was around 23 and he was around 50, to 2008, in a period where they had two children, and he adopted her daughter! source here
and thats it! a callout post for a recently 79 year old millionaire. being genuinely serious, however, i dont judge nor care abt people who like him. some people have their limits on who they like, some don't, and thats fine. the world is a beautiful sphere of contradictions. but i do hope this explains why i am filled with dread every time i see that man's balding, frog looking grin. maybe it's just his ponytail really
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thewildwilds · 4 years
So, I don't know if you remember me, but it's the chubby-guy anon from before. And I know that you've been busy with other works. But your recent dating saga with trans-man Fuyu. My heart. It can't handle the love for your work! Even if I'm not trans myself, I wholly love and respect what you do. You SEE us, and do what you can, even if little.
Of course I remember you!!! Thank you so much for the kind message!! This is just so sweet omg :’) I’m also neither trans nor a man, but I try my best to bring a lot of humanism into my work. The world is so interesting and diverse and there’s a lot we can learn from each other!
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thalkonwrites · 3 years
The Quest
Wilkolaks are the first breed of werewolves, making them the most powerful of all the clans. With this status they are tasked with guarding the Last Prophecy and helping those weaker than themselves. 
Nearly ten years ago a witch and his daughter sought shelter from a terrible fate, brought on by lust for power.  They stumbled upon a kindly Wilkolak family. The father begged for them to take his daughter, protecting her at all cost.  The family agreed, and the father left, leaving behind a book of spells, a small golden orb, and his daughter. 
Come to present day, the young girl is traveling with the oldest Wilkolak son. Enjoying their freedom, before they began their studies for their adult lives. One summer adventure couldn't turn bad...could it?
**Triggers are marked in bold, if I missed one please kindly let me know**
Table of Contents (Remaining chapters under page break)
Chapter One - Tess & Tom 
Chapter Two - Entertainer
Chapter Three - Finding A Ride
Chapter Four - The Wilkolak
Chapter Five - The Star
Chapter Six - Nymphs
Chapter Seven - Destru
Chapter Eight - The Lucinda May
Chapter Nine - Secrets
Chapter Ten - Mess
Chapter Eleven - Fire
Chapter Twelve - Dreams
Chapter Thirteen - The Last Prophecy
Chapter Fourteen - Preparations
Chapter Fifteen - The Journey Home
Chapter Sixteen - Magnolias
Chapter Seventeen - Home
Chapter Eighteen - Theo
Chapter Nineteen - Recovery
Chapter Twenty - Translation
Chapter Twenty One - Changes
Chapter Twenty Two - Werewolf Camp
Chapter Twenty Three - Forbidden
Chapter Twenty Four - Full Moon
Chapter Twenty Five - Taken
Chapter Twenty Six - Separated
Chapter Twenty Seven - One and a Half Years Later: Tess
Chapter Twenty Eight - One and a Half Years Later: Tom
Chapter Twenty Nine - A Test
Chapter Thirty - Destru’s Idea
Chapter Thirty One - Richard
Chapter Thirty Two - Tess’ Star
Chapter Thirty Three - Transformation
Chapter Thirty Four - Hero’s Dias
Chapter Thirty Five - Sword of the High Priest
Chapter Thirty Six - Trap
Chapter Thirty Seven - Sirens
Chapter Thirty Eight - Dungeon
Chapter Thirty Nine - Escape
Chapter Forty - Rune
Chapter Forty One - Friends
Chapter Forty Two - Regrets
Chapter Forty Three - Tom
Chapter Forty Four - Kiss of Death
Chapter Forty Five - Revelations
Chapter Forty Six - Matera
Chapter Forty Seven - Tess
Chapter Forty Eight - The End
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shifterwithnofilter · 3 years
Morning Payback (Swatchton)
first || prev || next || bird body language
"SWATCH," Spamton whisper-shouted the [[BIRDMAN]]'s name as he tried to wake them, getting worried about the fact it was already near [It's high noon!].
"SWATCH," he repeated, a little louder, letting out a subtle [[mmmmm]] sound as they [If you fail to respond].
"SWATCHY," he called for the [FINAL OFFER!] time, [[doubIe tap]] their beak cautiously, before skittering back as they stirred. With a yawn, and a big stretch, they sat up and caught him in their arms on instinct. "Mmn, what is it, Spamton? Another nightmare?" came their sleepy reply as they started to wake up, voice uncharacteristically hoarse, making his breath get [CAUGHT IN THE ACT] up in his throat.
"NO, NO," he clarified as soon as he could, frantically shaking his head and even waving his arms as he was [HoId On Tight!], "I JUST DIDN'T WANT YOU TO BE [Don’t be Iate!]." ESPECIALLY NOT FOR [[$4.99]] [@$$]’ SAKE. He huffed, continuing to try and nudge them further into consciousness.
To his surprise, though, they just roIIed [OVER HERE], and grinded their beak. “Don't worry about that,” they dismissed as he made noises of protest, yawning once more, “I took a leave.”
“WH4T.” He froze in their arms, Iooking up at them and bIinking. They tiredIy hummed in confirmation, and he squinted, smacking the [Fresh chicken breast for saIe!] “OKAY, WHO IS THIS [[BRAND NEW YOU]] AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH SWATCH,” he haIf jokingIy asked, turning red as he feIt their entire body shake with Iaughter under him.
ThankfuIIy, they didn’t seem to [TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS?], onIy absentmindedIy preening his hair as they answered with their own joke. “What, am I not aIIowed to take breaks, Master Spamton?”
“OF COURSE YOU ARE, YOU [[BIRD BRAIN]],” he reassured anyway, taking it on as a more [[SERIOUS DEALS]], “I’VE JUST, NEVER SEEN YOU [Buy 1, Take 2!] BEFORE.”
At that, Swatch’s beak [cIick here!], before transitioning back to tongue [cIick here!] instead. “I just, didn’t want to Ieave you aIone and in the quiet after aII that,” he confessed, finaIIy giving him the reason, and making him [DOWNSIZE NOW!] again.
SHOULD’VE KEPT MY [#@%$] MOUTH SH UT. he scoIded himseIf, scratching at his waist where the cords coiIed. He couIdn’t beIieve he was proving that [FIFTY PERCENT OFF!] head’s words so quickIy, but he supposed that it was inevitabIe. Of course he was going to find the [[Quickest way to get thin!]] in the way of what the guy Ioved doing most. Some friend he wa--
“Hey,” their voice cut his thoughts off, seeming a bit smoother now that they’ve been given more time to wake up, “Thank you for teIIng me.”
“I know it’s, hard, to ask for heIp. And that, the fact it’s me doesn’t make it any easier,” they continued, before Spamton couId [[DENIED]], Iifting him up and above their head to Iook at him right, “So thank you for trusting me.”
HOW… was aII he couId think as a miIIion questions [[POPPED UP]] in his head, staring down at him, for once.
“IT’S [[Nothing better than this!]],” he repIied once he got ahoId of his thoughts, though his IittIe Iegs kicked in frustration and embarrassment as the gIitch sent an entireIy different [[Message Here]].
“It’s not nothing,” Swatch showed him they couId stiII understand, smiIing kindIy, “But I’m gIad it seems to come naturaIIy to you.”
He scoffed, Iooking away from the [TOP LIST OF THE MOST IRONIC MOMENTS], hoIding tight onto his wings once more. “I CAN BARELY [Show and TeII] YOU [[ANYTHING YOU WANT, ANYTHING AT ALL][,” he muttered, motioning to his throat with a groan which, of course, comes with its own mechanicaI noises.
“I disagree,” they [[Counter offer?], craning their head to catch his eyes again, “I think that how you are makes it easier to understand, if anything.”
“THESE [Best SaIes Pitches of AII Time!] MAKE SENSE TO YOU? ?” he couIdn’t heIp but ask in a somewhat angry [diaI tone] with a sarcastic Iaugh, knowing for a fact that it confused the utter [[#377]] out of him sometimes.
“More than anything,” they repIied without missing a beat, and once more, Spamton is taken aback. How many [And so much more!] times was this butIer going to shock him? He added another question to the coIIection, before absentmindedIy rubbing his cheeks to try and get them to stop [FLASHING LIGHTS]. To be fair, at Ieast this time, it seemed the bird’s eyes widened at their own words too.
There was a reason Swatch liked being alone in the morning. The main being, avoiding all this. Knight, why did I open my beak before I was properly awake, they thought as they chuckled awkwardly, placing Spamton down on the coffee table and putting on his glasses.
“Breakfast?” they offered abruptly, standing up and drumming their wings. They preened their feathers to try and seem more presentable, at least as much as they could while still shirtless. However when they ruffle their feathers, the sudden pain makes them flinch. Right. He recalled the nightmare, rubbing their feathers again with a slight grimace.
It wasn’t anything too bad, kind of like being sore from a pinch, but nonetheless Spamton looked at them, guilty. “DID I..?” he asked as he stepped forward, before withdrawing again with a closed fist.
They stepped forward to make up for the lost space, kneeling down to be eye level with him. “Spamton, it’s okay, it’ll fade. I just need to fluff them up, and it’ll be good as new,” they dismissed, waving it off and smiling at him.
The puppet frowned, still, but at least came closer again. “HOW?” he asked, after looking them over and checking for any signs of anything worse that they’re failing to admit.
“Ah.” They smiled bashfully at his concern, and frankly the attention on his chest alongside the question. “Well, there’s many ways to. Personally, the one I do takes more time or energy than some others, but considering we’ve got the whole day, I don’t mind that method,” he explained with as little detail as possible, but the salesman still caught on.
“WHY DON’T YOU JUST DO THE [Easiest Ways to Get Rid Of Chest Pain]?” he asked, and they blushed as they thought of it.
“It’s embarrassing,” they mumbled with a dismissive hand, using the other to pin down their tail behind them.
Spamton remained undeterred and unphased as he crossed his arms, sitting down at the edge of the table. “SWATCH, YOU SAW ME [Sob Stories to Pull at Your Heart Stings!] [[ALL NIGHT LONG]], I THINK [you owe me] A LITTLE BIT OF [5 Most Embarrassing Moments],” he assured in a teasing manner, though Swatch could see that if they declined, he wouldn’t push.
Letting out a sigh, and another embarrassed laugh, they covered their face and eyes. “I… Alright,” they gave in, shaking their head and pulling up their other arm to lean on it.
It still took a moment or two for them to finally convince himself to actually say it, needing to recount all the reasons why Spamton wouldn’t actually judge them for it. But eventually, abruptly, they blurt out, “The quickest way to get a Swatchling to fluff up is to pat them.” getting muffled by their feathers.
It’s clear that he heard them regardless, however, as he enthusiastically replied with, “WELL [[WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST SAY SO]]??” making them look up and turn to him.
“JUST [Press F1 for] HELP,” he instructed, confusing them.
They craned their head at his response, unable to stop a small smile from forming on their face as they do. “F… one?” they attempted followed with a questioning tone, though they straightened up as a green puff of smoke appeared on top of the puppet.
Somehow, a tinier version of him came out of it, flying towards him and patting their head. It poofed away before they could respond to it, though they did laugh, heartier this time, as soon as they processed. “Was that healing magic?” they asked as they ran their hands through their feathers, feeling the pain fade as if it were never there.
“[Yes siree!]” Spamton responded and despite the glitch, Swatch could hear the genuine pride in his voice for the first time in a while.
“That’s very handy,” they complimented him honestly, wanting to fuel that further, “And I must say the manifestation is an amusing one.”
“Little angel?” they noted, debating internally if that could be a good nickname or not.
In the meantime, however, they paid close attention to how eagerly he nodded his head, legs swinging absentmindedly as he hummed in confirmation. “YOU CAN [CALL ANYTIME],” he informed them, “AS LONG AS I’M AROUND, THEY’LL [[be there in 30, or your cash back guaranteed]].”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” they said with a small giggle, though they flushed and looked away as they realized what they’d implied. He didn’t want the man to think that they’d take advantage of his TP, if this cost him such. Though… It did sound like he was offering. “Would you really not mind, if I did call F1 sometimes?” they asked before they could get too into their head about it, though they blush and fluff up more as the process repeated.
“NOT ONE BIT, SWATCHY,” Spamton responded with his own giggles, joining his spell in patting their head. Not that they found they minded, they quietly admitted to themself, trying to suppress a trill in their throat.
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french-fry-gallery · 5 years
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👩🏻Me as an ML Character🦁
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Civilian Name: Annabelle (that’s all you get lol) Ethnicity: English, part french Relations: Adrien's sister Miraculous: Ribbon, hair/neck bow Close friend of Marinette In my own love square with Luka (if Mari won’t have him, i sure as hell will)
Kwami Name: Roii (*Roi, "king" in french) Miraculous: Ribbon (bow) Embodiment: Bravery Personality: Confident (contrasting my shyness uwu) Animal: Lion Food: Strawberries
Transformation line: "Grow mane!" De-Transformation line "Shrink mane!"
Superhero Name: Rugir "rouge-ear" ("roar" in french) Miraculous: Ribbon (1 knot, 2 loops, 2 loose bits change colour), neck bow Weapon: Frisbee (kinda like ninja stars) Power: “Mighty roar!”, roar will scare away enemies for 5 minutes Abilities: Strength (can lift almost anything), sense enemies (hearing, scent)
Akuma Name: Serenity Object: Ring Represent: Peace, life Why: Finds out about Hawkmoth's identity (dad) Abilities: telekineses, grow plants, float Goal: Bring peace and life, destroys buildings and things that aren't natural or dangerous Emotionless (since i’m normally super emotional/sensitive and amused easily)
Flower crown meanings:
Apple blossoms: peace, love, fertility
Basil: peace, wards off negativity, good wishes, wealth, happy home
Lavender: peace, love, protection, happiness, sleep, devotion
Violets: peace, healing, loyalty, devotion, mourning
White poppies: peace, mourning
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dramaticwrites · 6 years
And They Were Roommates sequel?
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing: Jason Todd/Roy Harper
Original: HERE
Note: Sorry this took so long....I was had to keep changing things so my ideas didn’t overlap with my Mood Ring series.  I wasn’t sure what you were hoping for this but I hope I got something you like (also I’ll probably edit this more later when its not 4am)
“We don’t have to do this.”  Jason said, his arms crossed across his chest.  “We can just go back to bed and tell them you weren’t ready.”
“Are you trying to get me back to bed because you don’t want to go or because you want to have your wicked way with me?”  Roy asked, buttoning up his shirt as Jason glared at each button.
“Yes.”  Jason answered, not bothering to note which he was replying to.  “Oliver didn’t invite me to your funeral.  And you don’t even like Bruce.”
“Are you seriously going with that?”  Roy asked, raising his eyebrow and smirking knowing full well his husband had better retorts than that.  “And I like your brothers, and Dinah.”
Jason grumbled as he stalked over and gave Roy a kiss.  “You need to stop liking things.  It’s annoying.”
Roy laughed, “I liked you.”
“And look where we are now.  About to have an awkward dinner with both our families.”  This caused Roy to laugh harder.  “I don’t know what you find so funny.”
“How about you stop thinking of this as an interrogation and more of a chance to rub our awesome marriage in everyone’s face?”  Roy suggested, leaning in for a slow kiss.  “Because not even death could keep us apart.”
“Yeah, I’m going to have to hire a better hitman next time.”  Jason said, with no real heat. “But if I’m putting up with this we’re getting ice cream on the way home.”
“Really?  I didn’t know that all I had to do was stop off for some ice cream sundaes to get you to play nice.”
“I never said anything about sundaes, I was thinking to take home for later.”  Jason said, looping his fingers through Roy’s belt loops and pulling him closer.
“You keep doing that and we’re going to be late.”  Roy warned.
And so they were late to dinner, but Jason happily filled everyone in on why much to Dinah and Dick’s amusement and the horror of everyone else especially Bruce and Oliver who seemed to pale much to Jason’s glee.  Roy seemed equally amused as he dragged Jason by the hand to the table, sitting down next to Dick who gave them both a big grin.  Jason wanted to wipe that smile off his face and leaned over to give Roy a long kiss that was only slightly more mature than sticking his tongue out at Dick.  Of course rather than annoy Dick it seemed to only make his smile wider.  Jason would have been more annoyed but it wasn’t like there was a bad reason to kiss his husband, especially after all those months of not having husband.
Dinner itself was some of the most uncomfortable small talk Jason had to ever endure to the point where he was thankful Dick was there to mediate between Oliver and Bruce who seemed to both want to talk about their recent successes.  Normally Jason would gladly tune out the conversation but every time he tried Roy would nudge him with a look that said ‘if I have to listen to this you do too’, which really wasn’t too fair since actually going through with this dinner was Roy’s idea.  And more importantly it wasn’t Jason’s fault Dick kept trying to drag Roy into the conversation, clearly missing talking with one of his friends.  
As the plates were being cleared Bruce cleared his throat, “You two seem...happy together.”  Bruce said as it each word pulled a tooth from his mouth.  “Therefore, I’d like to pay for your wedding.”
“Wait what wedding?”  Jason said, turning to Roy, automatically assuming this was one of his crazy ideas only to find him equally confused.
“Absolutely not!”  Oliver said just below a shout.  “We will pay for the wedding.  Star City has some beautiful venues.  Dinah and I have already started looking.”  Oliver added looking at Dinah for backup just to have her shrug and give Roy and sympathetic smile.  
“Why pay for a venue when the manor is plenty large for a wedding?  Unless that’s what the boys want.”  Bruce said, all eyes turned to the boys in question.  
Roy cocked his head to the side.  “Sorry, but what the fuck is going on?  Did someone slip something into my food?”
“No dumbass.”  Jason said fondly.  “I told you we should have just stayed in bed though.”
“After all you two have been through you both deserve a nice wedding.”  Oliver tired.  
“Uh.” Roy said looking at Jason for backup only to have him just raise an eyebrow with a smirk. He was clearly enjoying his I told you so moment.  “Ollie...you do realize I’m already married right?  Like that happened before I died, which I mean is the only reason you have not to have invited my husband to my funeral.  So if you did know you might not want to mention it.”  He said and Jason gave a snort.
“Yes, Damian gladly filled us in on the fact that you two had a ceremony.”  Bruce said begrudgingly.  “That being said, it was not an official wedding.”
“We’re both dead at this point I don’t think official really matters.”  Jason pointed out, grabbing Roy’s hand under the table.
“I could hack in and make it legitimate.”  Tim said, adding his two cents to the conversation.  
“What does that matter?”  Roy ask, looking around the table.  “We had a great wedding, said we would love each other to death and beyond, went home, and had take out.”
“Is that a euphemism?”  Dick asked.
“Please don’t answer that.  I’m too young to drink and I’m already done with this whole evening.”  Damian pleaded, glaring at Dick for even asking.  Dick just shrugged sheepishly, at least he seemed to care about not corrupting Damian enough not to push it though he was expecting a number of phone calls and text about it later.  
“But-”  Oliver started.
“No.  We’re married.  We’re happy. We’re going to go get ice-cream.”  Roy said standing up, pulling Jason up with him.  
Jason just beamed proudly before kissing his husband and dragging him out of the room, subtlety giving the middle finger behind him.
Later, after the ice-cream and the activities that followed the two laid in bed, Roiy curled around Jason like a cat while Jason ran his fingers through Roy’s hair.  “You know,”  Roy said, “It wouldn't be the worst idea to have Tim hack in and make our wedding official…”
“I know.”  Jason sighed.  “I’ll text him tomorrow, see if he’ll do it.  He’ll probably make us go on a double date in return.”
“Hmmm, might be worth it.”  Roy mused sleepily.  
“Yeah…then I’ll have proof your ass is mine.”  Jason teased.  “That sounded dirtier than I intended.”
“Eh still works.” Roy said, turning over and placing a gentle kiss on Jason chin.  “I love you Mr. Roy Harper.”
“And I love you Mr. Jason Todd.”  Jason laughed, turning off the light and wrapping his arms around his husband before slipping off to sleep.
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tomans-darlings-au · 8 years
Things I need to bring back with my Homestuck OC’s:
Matt’s closeness with his mom.
Mary’s fear of being unable to console her friends.
Mama Santiago x Beta Bro Strider.
Papa Santiago x Alpha Bro Strider.
Roii in general and his devotion to Matt.
Ruka’s completely platonic relationship with Jake and her partial reliance on him to keep her PTSD at bay.
Onee Akihiro teaching Roii about martial arts lifestyle combat, discipline, and spiritually.
Aniki Akihiro’s invention and knowledge of the game thanks to Alpha Mom Lalonde.
Osiris’ more violent nature and older sibling relationship with Lucius.
Lucius’ past.
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mundodeseriess · 4 years
Roii, poderia fazer icons do Chandler de friends pfvr, obgg 😊
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shabbuwhite-blog · 6 years
ArjunPari#2 Tuesday 28May2013 ...............Are you from Andhra?
The day started. I was wishing for best to happen today. The first face which I saw was Kiran's. Kiran is my childhood friend.
'Kiranu..Rey eeroju emana theda jaragaali..chachav roii..' ('Kiran.! If something is going to be wrong today, I will kill you'.)
I was about to catch a BMTC bus and the first thought came to my mind was the moment I saw Parineeti. I was wishing if that happens again. Is this a movie that the destiny will bring people together? I got into a bus with a smile on my face.
I was standing and searching if I could find a seat to sit. I heard.. I heard.. I heard her..
It was the voice which filled my heart yesterday.
It was the voice which introduced the 'Parineeti' into my life.
It was the voice of a beautiful face.
'Hey Arjun. Hi. You can sit here.' She was removing her head phones.
'Hi.' I was muted.
It was 2 minutes silence and she broke it.
'Are you from Andhra.?'
'Yes. How did you guess?'
'You were speaking Telugu with your friends at lunch yesterday.'
'Do you know telugu?'
'...............Are you from Andhra?'
My face was glowing as bright as a star. She was laughing out loud. I was watching her with delight. She started again..
'I am from Delhi. I just know a bit Telugu. I can't understand but i always try to.'
'Oh. Okay. Your face doesn't look like South, sure is from North.'
'But my friends say that i look like 'Achha telugu ammai'(Perfect Telugu girl)'
'You speak good.'
'I try to.!'
The day was amazing. I was flying in sky. We were at the same place.. all the day.. working at office.
It ended as beautifully as it started.
I went to room and kissed my bro Kiran. i love you darling.
'Why are you so much excited Arjun.?'
'I am just happy today.'
What is going to happen tommorow. I am going to sleep hoping the best for tommorow. It looks like these days are going to be the milestones of my life. Read me to know more about my love and life.
-Arjun Krishna
Click here for Author's Facebook Page
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smrvero · 24 days
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my static friends u.u + our cute ninth man. me not included.
i just pulled up their lodestone pictures and drew them
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smrvero · 2 years
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heaven on high +  stormblood carbuncle.
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smrvero · 1 year
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Commission for a client of their WoL
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smrvero · 2 years
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antares and rowan
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smrvero · 2 years
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