#romitri fan fiction
7kell-blog · 2 years
Romitri - Devotion
How wonderful to see Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway steaming up a new Vampire Academy adaptation. Obsessed with this series on Peacock and highly recommend everyone check it out. Lots of fun, great cast, action and of course -- romance.
#Vampire Academy
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lesbianonna · 2 years
St. Polina
or: alt romitri meeting for the first time
Rose knew she shouldn’t go past the wards — everyone knew — it was past four in the afternoon, and the autumn leaves were grazing her cheeks as wind bit her skin. Her lungs filled with the cold of the season as she ran for cover. One more hour, and Strigoi were going to chew on her like a dog on a bone.
Mason had bailed on her.
Actually bailed.
She was going to kill him.
As soon as she made it back to St. Vlad’s, which was in the opposite direction she was running, she was going to take her time ending his life.
Then, lit up like a Christmas tree a month too early, she spotted the Russian province of St. Polina. She hesitated.
Rose had grown up at her school, no province to call her own, no heritage to claim, but knew that if a dhampir was in trouble, anyone would take her in. Her pace picked up.
The cobble stones felt familiar yet strange beneath her boots, as if she was intruding. The thought of a Strigoi at her heels made any shame crumble off her body, however.
A pack of blood whores smiled at her, greeting her in Russian. She avoided eye contact with an awkward smile. “Yes, hi,” she mumbled, and looked for a place more cozy, less scandalous to stay for the night. The moon hung high now in the sky, and Rose was set on protecting her neck from Royal Moroi men looking to score. The last thing she needed was getting stuck being a Moroi’s favorite; she’d rather face off a Strigoi without weapons and a year’s training missing.
Green lights nearly blinded her as she turned the corner.
Music and alcohol.
She opened the door.
Off duty Guardians laughed together, hanging off each other and raising their glasses after what she assumed was a successful night. Rose attempted to blend in, but there were a lot of brunettes and tall men, and she soon stuck out like a sore thumb.
“And who do we have here?”
A group of young dhampirs smirked at her, eyes lingering on her midriff and chest a bit too long. She placed her hands on her hips. “Celine.”
“Celine, I like—“
“Alright, enough.”
Luckily, before they could take it far enough for Rose to break their noses, a tall dhampir in a long coat shoved at one of their shoulders, waving him off. They seemed to be friendly enough that it didn’t cause a fight. Rose sighed internally.
“You’re not from here.” Not a question. It was obvious. Aside from Rose’s terribly obvious accent, she couldn’t blend in if she tried. Even the female Guardians wore tight dresses and makeup. She felt like an outsider even with her own people.
“What do you mean, I’m right from up the street.”
He suppressed a smile. “Of course. We’re practically neighbors.” They sat together at the bar. “What are you doing here? You’re not a student at St. Jude’s, are you? I patrol there from time to time.”
Rose shook her head, giving in as every ounce of annoyance she felt towards Mason rushed into her chest. “St. Vladimir’s. I was supposed to meet someone not far from here, but he ditched me. When it got dark, I ran for my life.”
“Literally.” He raised his glass. “Now what’s your actual name?”
Rose cocked her brow. “What makes you think I’m not Celine?”
“I have a feeling you’re not the kind of girl who just gives out her name.”
She grinned, taking his glass from him. The ice cubes were cold, cooling the blush on her cheeks. “Rose. Rosemarie Hathaway.”
His long fingers took the glass back. “Dimitri. Dimitri Belikov.”
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thegoldenlily · 3 years
I feel as though Neil/Olive was placed into BL’s second half because the most obvious choice for a spirit dhampir baby was Rose/Dimitri, and RM chose not to do that for very good reasons because it would've meant Rose going through an unprecedented pregnancy in the public eye and becoming a mum at age 19…but the resolution to Neil/Olive was to move both parents out of the picture so Sydney would have to become an adoptive mum at 19 instead? It just doesn’t add up for me
I completely agree! I think the entire point of Declan was to open the door for Rose and Dimitri to have kids in the future. Unfortunately it came at the cost of taking away Sydney's choices. It is sad that Rose was given the time and Sydney wasn't.
I do want to say I know I've made jokes about hating Declan. I don't. He's a baby (fictional or otherwise). I do sincerely dislike Neil though, and I'm not a fan of the Declan plot. I just want to reiterate that I in no way hate babies or dislike children, nor do I think that they're a burden that kill your hopes and dream. I'm not even against the idea of Declan. As a Romitri fan who always had the impression that Dimitri would choose to have kids if he could, I am absolutely excited that this is an option for Rose and Dimitri if and/or when they choose to pursue that.
My hatred of the end of TRC isn't a hatred of babies. It's a dislike for the timing of it all. It's a disappointment for a young woman who was only just given the chance to live her life and be able to truly be irresponsible and reckless for the first time, and immediately having that option taken away from her. Obviously you can still live your life and do fun things when you have kids, but it is different because you do have a responsibility to those kids, ultimately, and your priorities become different.
But also...I am a bit disappointed in having the happy endings in stories having to be marriage and babies. Particularly when it's so rushed.
I think I'd be happier for the Declan plot to have happened later. Sydney and Adrian should have been older, should have had more time to themselves. They both need time to heal from their trauma and abuse; they need time to be young and have fun. It would have been more satisfying to see them have a real choice in the matter, too. I like the idea of them agreeing to adopt Declan when they're older and in a better place to do so. If Neil and Olive had Declan years later instead of in TRC, and then this happened, and Sydney and Adrian had expressed interest in having kids, then chose to adopt him...well, that would've been nice to see.
I ultimately just wish Sydney had been given the same consideration and courtesies as Rose.
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jessicahambys · 3 years
I don't know if Adrian is the fan favorite in the books? It's true that most everyone in the book fandom, even people who hate other popular characters, usually like or love Adrian. But he's never been the favorite for Rose shipping, unlike D/E in TVD. That surprised me when I first read VA, usually you expect the sarcastic bad boy to be the shipping favorite but the fandom was like 75:25 in favor of Romitri even before the final VA book was released or the spin-offs started being published.
Oh my god, yeah! Def did not mean Adrian as a fan favorite ship with Rose, but as a fan favorite character of the series in general. I am in agreement that the canon ships are the fan favorite ships, with the only possible non-canon ship I can think of having any weight or fan backing being the romantic Rose/Lissa shippers, but even they are the minority to Rose/Dimitri Lissa/Christian. But, because Adrian is a fan favorite character that perfectly fits the bad boy persona expected in YA fiction, does have a romantic relationship with our main protagonist in the original source, and considering how show adaptations like to just take the foundation of a series and run with it especially with ships, I can totally see Julie making Adrian/Rose being a bigger thing in the series, which I wouldn't necessarily mind so long as it still has an expiration date attached to it/it isn't prioritized above our main ship of Romitri.
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