#ron staedtler headcanons
aquatic-mycologist · 2 years
Can you do a Ron staedtler x reader where they have the same relationship as Reagan and Brett and the reader also works for the Illuminati
First request hype first request hype!!! So sorry for delay, stuff came up in my life 💔 Hope this is okay! Feel free to tell me if this isn't what you had in mind or meant!! Also, this got long, so!! Under Read More!
The last thing Ron expected was to find a SINGLE tolerable person in the Illuminati circle
So when Kluge announced that a new person was gonna be joining the team Ron was. less than excited.
He was very dry and distant for the few first weeks despite your attempts to strike up a conversation, most you'd get out of him would be a sarcastic or backhanded response
Don't get him wrong though! It's not that he automatically dislikes you, it's just that you're, like, UNUSUALLY friendly..? And actually trying to actually TALK to him? Learn more about him?? Invite him to hang out and grab something to drink????
Yeah this had to be some sort of plan to get him to do something for you...right?
But he starts letting his guard down when one day you come to work with an extra coffee for him and...oh wow, that's his usual coffee order. He thought you were just making small talk. Huh
He outright asks you if you need him to do you a favor or something
He doesn't mean it bad!! He's just...Shocked and not used to positive input from others, especially work buddies
And when you reply that you just wanted to do something nice for him and offer him a smile, somewhere deep deep DEEP in his mind he kind of knows he's a bit fucked <3
He starts to open up to you more, slowly but surely. He'll start engaging in your conversations, he'll go out of his way to say hi to you when you walk into work in the morning, he'll begin to actually laugh at your dumb jokes, he starts to initate conversations with you by himself and sometimes even swing by your office when he has nothing better to do
When he swings by your office one day, he starts venting about you guys' coworkers and how they're such big assholes to him all the time, even opening up a bit about how his own work at Illuminati fucks him up a bit
What he didn't expect though was for you to actually listen to what he says, and to offer him a kind smile and some sweet advice
He's stunned to say the least, but he actually offers you a very faint, slight smile in appreciation. He doesn't thank you with words, but you can tell that it means a lot to him
After some time after the two of you start getting along, everyone is surprised that Ron is like. Actually having fun and cracking jokes and laughing with you. It's like for a small moment, for some strange reason, you can give him the comfort he's never had
To be completely honest with himself, Ron didn't know exactly where his feelings about you fell. You were kind of the opposite of him, you loved to goof around and make very stupid puns and jokes, you were a bit awkward but never lost your optimism and go-getter attitude, and...you listened to him. You were there for him, always. And he'd be lying if he said that he didn't catch himself staring at you a bit too long sometimes, that he didn't smile at your god-awful snort when you made a particularly horrible joke and that he didn't stay awake for a few hours more than is appropiate at night thinking about you
That's something he's not ready to share with you yet
But when he gets to work early, and he gets to see you walk through the door and wave at him excitedly as you jog over with a smile
He thinks he might be ready one day
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leonwrites4u · 1 year
can we have some headcanons for Ron (inside job) developing a crush on gn! reader with a Luz Noceda personality?
please, and thank you
Yes!! And I'm so sorry for the wait. I tend to spam posts then go on break (terrible system)
Ron Staedler with a Luz Noceda personality s/o
He thinks you're the most precious person on the planet
How the hell did he find someone like you, someone so bubbly, optimistic and.. Full of life in a world like this
He thinks he's so so so lucky and he cherishes every moment with you
He loves your happy personality
But that also means he's there when you're weak
When the world's got you down
When all the pressure gets to you
He's there, and he won't leave
He adores you with every atom in his body and he wants you to know that
"... Uh- S/O..I want you to know how much you mean to me. You're like a diamond in this messed up world and I wanted you to know that. I love you"
your outgoing-ness compliments his awkwardness perfectly
He's so loving w/ you, he kisses your hand often, and he wants to just settle down with you as soon as possible
No idea if this is what you expected but yeah!! I'm so happy to write this for you!
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do you write for multiple characters at once? liek simple headcannons but w a few characters included? if not just ignore this but if you do what about ron, brett, and / or andre (feel free to pick who u wanna write for lol) with a Short™️ reader ? i really love what you've posted so far :P
I do! of course, and thank you!! I’m including height headcanons for everyone too. 
Brett Hand
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- brett stands at around 6′2″ or 74 inches. he’s the second tallest of the three, but has always been a little intimidated by anyone taller than him. so he mentions it less than ron does.  - the type of man to buy you stools for your kitchen if he see’s you struggling to get anything. he won’t even mention it to you, but some days you randomly notice a lot of unannounced furniture. if he see’s something starting to wear or tear, he’ll just get you a new one. call him irresponsible with his money all you want, he just wants to make things easier for you.  - oh the hugs are supreme. whether he’s checking in on you at work or simply just gotten home, draping his arms across your waist and hugging you from behind, to his chest has to be one of his favorite things. you could practically use him as a pillow and he’d still just be happy to have you with him.  - would not hesitate to pick you up if needed. piggy back rides? he’s literally built for it, need to grab something high up? he’s right there without a second thought. he does tend to lay out his house a bit differently when the two of you start dating, if he knows you’ll be over he sets out any coffee supplies you could need on his counter so you don’t have to stress over it in the morning.  - he does worry though, he knows you can take care of yourself but, if someone hurt you, especially while he wasn’t there, he couldn’t live with himself. just a little more cautious about your safety, (will splurge on any self defense tool you could ask for) he will not hesitate to get weirdly protective the second someone so much as looks at you wrong.  - will occasionally call you short or shorty, but if he ever sensed it making you uncomfortable he’d stop. if he knows you well enough, he’s able to read you like a book. very hypervigilant. 
Ron Staedtler 
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- ron is definitely the tallest of the three at a staggering 6′4″ or 76 inches. he’s also definitely the one that mentions it the most. he’s used to being the tallest person in the room, but he is such a tease. 
- this man spends most of his time with you in his arms in some form or another. pda is already a strong-suit of his. leaning his head on your shoulder while you’re working? his fingers laced with his or his arm snaked around your shoulder? he loves it. can’t get enough of it.  - definitely holds stuff above your head, waits for you to reach up and kisses you when you do. that’s practically his favorite move, and he pulls it off quite well every-time. he’s a pain in the ass but he really does love you.. he does get over affectionate sometimes, so prepare to be occasionally smothered in pecks.  - will just grab stuff off shelves for you if needed, don’t think you won’t get a chuckle or two out of him as he does though. (if you get tired of his shenanigans and climb on the counter though he’ll cheer you on regardless) 
- i’d say you get scary dog privileges but he’s more mildly concerning if anything. that being said if anyone ever tried to mess with you, they can prepare for an awful surprise when he stumbles upon it. he’s a nice guy but he knows how to kick some serious ass. 
- very soft, will spoon the living hell out of you, (and doesn’t really have a preference between big spoon or little spoon) on one hand being coddled does feel pretty nice, and the other, he gets to wrap around you.. win win. 
Andre Lee
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- andre is our shortest member of the three, at 5′9″ or 69 inches, 😌 this only means that he isn’t used to people being much shorter than him in relationships, which means he’ll definitely notice it more.  - he finds he actually does like being the taller one, but he is not nearly as showoffish as ron. if he sees you struggling to reach something? he’ll grab it for you. it was originally how the two of you met, you were struggling to grab a coffee cup from the top shelf of one of the cognito kitchens, and he noticed. not wanting to be awkward he grabbed it and delivered it to your desk.. than realized he made it a bit more awkward.  - prepare for a lot of time spent with his head resting on yours, especially if he's tired. he falls asleep holding you a lot ( otherwise he tends to have trouble staying asleep) usually leaving you half awake and tangled in limbs. not that you really mind it.    - might crack a few more jokes about it if he’s high, but he usually has a higher standard for humor than that, (absolute lie, if you so much as say ball around him he’ll giggle like a mad man) bad habit. if anyone else ever jokes about it though prepare to be lectured, only he can make fun of his s/o - would not hesitate to provide you platforms or heels if you were insecure (or dysphoric) about your height, but he thinks it’s just a part of you and won’t hesitate to remind you of that. prepare for him bragging over his perfect partner anytime you mention feeling insecure.    - he’s just stupid in love with you, your height will never change that. <3 
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urfavoritegirls · 2 years
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not a request, this was just sitting in my drafts for a while
cw: so much fluff
characters: brett, andre, gigi, reagan, ron
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✮ he slipped on his ass right after this photo was taken
✮ i think he would be 50/50 about pda, like he loves holding your hand and hugs but would be more nervous about kissing
✮ on dates he is more calm about kissing but at work he'd be like "babe.." with his face all red
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✮ the silly man
✮ one hand on you always no matter what
✮ willing to cuddle you anywhere if you wanted
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✮gigi would do anything to share their cute s/o
✮ picnic dates >>
✮ one hand on your hip and visa versa
✮ little smooches if she has to leave without you
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✮ is alright with PDA
✮ its just clear she's extremely nervous about it though
✮ walking through rain while talking about anything is one of her many ideal dates (also is one of the only ones that includes going outside. besides museum dates)
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✮ kinda like reagan he's alright with it
✮ wouldn't be as nervous to kiss you though
✮ likes holding your hands, he's one of those people with weirdly cold hands 24/7 and likes the warmth
✮ but generally likes being private when he's affectionate with you
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hurlingsupport · 9 months
If you write for Rob Staedler, can you do romantic headcanons where gn!reader is like the token "yes-man" of the Illuminati?
Sure thing! I'm definitely late on doing requests, so sorry about the wait—but here it is!! A bit angsty ngl, but I hope you enjoy this either way!
"Run Away" (Ron Staedtler x Yes-Man! Gender Neutral Reader Headcanons)
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To start off, I think Ron would make a bad first impression with the reader, regardless of them being a Yes-man sort of person.
As stated in the Rontagion episode, Ron commonly makes bad first impressions. You can see this in his character introduction, as well as when Reagan introduces him to Brett and the others.
So, with that in mind, a Yes-man! reader would probably act nice towards Ron while still holding dislike towards him.
Despite this, I feel like a situation would come up where their dislike is mentioned, and while the reader hurriedly tries to cover it up, they're surprised by Ron's acceptance of it.
Of course, you're offput by his acceptance of it. Perhaps the reader has a need for everybody to like them similar to how Brett does, which makes them admire Ron for his nonchalantness.
Because of this, you might make friends with Ron right then and there, putting the bad first impression behind you.
If that does happen, I think Ron would find some sort of solace with you in the Illuminati. And when the two of you get closer, he would express his regrets of joining and how his job torments him.
In this case, I think the reader would encourage him to leave; even if it meant never seeing him again.
Following the storyline of Ron meeting Reagan, I think the plot would be generally the same. Only Ron doesn't hook up with Reagan at the end of the night.
It just doesn't feel right, and he can't understand why. At least until he sees you again at work the next day.
Still having not left the Illuminati despite your endeavors, he would hang around you more often. He feels... happier around you.
Just being around you brings his spirit up, and the fact that you're encouraging him to leave for his own good goes straight to his heart.
At some point, I think he might confess on a particularly bad night. Maybe his subject's memories really got to him, and he just couldn't handle it.
He'd beg you to run away with him, to leave the Illuminati behind and make new lives for each other.
But with his tearful eyes and his frantic breathing, the reader is well aware that he's not thinking straight. And while a Yes-man! reader would vigorously encourage Ron to leave, I think they would have trouble leaving themselves.
So, without denying his pleads, they'd simply hold him close. Listening as he whispers how much he appreciates them and how he couldn't stand to lose them to this hellish company.
"I love you. So, so much."
It'll come out quietly, and the only indication that he said it is the feeling of his breath against your ear. Shivering slightly, you'll only hold him tighter.
And perhaps when he's thinking more clearly, he'll realize it's hopeless to try and leave such a life behind. But until then, you'll hold him as he confesses every little worry he has. And you'll happily allow him to believe there will ever be a future for the two of you.
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dozing-composing · 9 months
may we have some inside job headcanons for Ron with a coworker who’s a half-blood vampire? And since they’re a half blood, he didn’t realize for a while until he saw them turn into a bat or walk up a wall, and then they a little crash course on their vampiric traits 🦇
Ron Is So... Babygirl. Underrated Character For Real! I Also Have A Different Definition Of Vampire Than Most, So Be Aware That Mine May Not Align With Your Definition! I Can Add Or Change Things If Needed!
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ᴠᴀᴍᴘʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ…
✦ Ron is a simple guy when it comes to work. Go in, get the job done, come back. He doesn't really hold much regard to his coworkers, until he met you, that is. ✦ You were just another regular person. Someone he should be able to count on should things go awry. Normally, he doesn't like working with other people, but something about you seemed off. He can't quite figure it out... ✦ But one day he accidentally walks in on you ranting to yourself. He rolls his eyes and is about to walk out to leave, but then he sees you walk up a wall. Defying gravity right before his eyes! Then you walk on the ceiling like you would on the ground. ⤷"How the hell are you doing that?!" "RON!" You stop mid-rant, and glide down, your feet reuniting with the floor below. ✦ Now he's ultimately confused. Do you have anti-gravity shoes or something?? What kind of technology are you using? Were you always able to do that? Why are you able to do that?? ✦ You sit him down to explain. You're what's considered a "half blood," meaning you get the best of both worlds. Whatever questions he has, you answer. ✦ Whether you were born like this, or were bit is completely up to you. You say you can do all sorts of stuff like turn into a bat, levitate a couple of feet off the ground, walk up walls, see clearly in the dark, all the good stuff. Sunlight doesn't really have an effect on you either, but you do sunburn easier than most people. Your nocturnal ability goes in and out, turns out still being human causes you to still get tired. ✦ He's fascinated. But there's one thing he's still confused on. And that's why you decided to hide this from him. He would've loved to work with you more! ✦ And that's the thing. You don't like bringing it up not because it's a touchy subject or anything, but because it usually scare people away. Everyone thinks you're out to get them and their blood, but that's not true. Being half allows you to enjoy human food. And while you can drink blood, you consume stuff like animal blood. ✦ He nods as he takes in your concern. He never thought of it like that. You're out here trying to be friendly and when you show your fangs (metaphorically, unless you did show them) they back away from you. ✦ From now on, he's going to put in so much effort to show his appreciation for you. Some of his gifts are really cheesy. One time, he got you a stuffed bat plush and had the words "Batty for You!" embroidered on one of the wings. You still have it to this day.
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urfaveisalesboy · 2 months
Ron Staedtler from inside job
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Ron staedtler is a lesboy!
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 year
Reagan, Brett, and Ron w/ a friend who’s scared of the dentist
fandom: inside job
warnings: mentions of dentaphobia, medicinal drugs, dental work, etc.
a/n: I just randomly started writing this like a half hour before I got two fillings
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to some degree, she totally gets it, the dentist is not fun
she had some dental issues as a kid, so she’s been there
if you have an appointment for anything other than a cleaning, she can tell just by looking at you
I’m not sure if she’ll go into the room with you, but she’ll definitely be there for you when it’s all done
if it’s an extraction and you were given a lot of painkillers, she’ll watch over you until it wears off, making sure your back and head are elevated when you go to sleep
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I can see Brett being the kind of guy who’s very meticulous about taking good care of his teeth
mostly because he probably also dreads needing dental work
if you need the emotional support, Brett’s your guy
first of all he’ll make sure you don’t psych yourself out too badly
And will be right there with you (if it doesn’t get in the way of anything)
he’ll let you near crush his hand if you need to until it’s all over
reminding you that it’s going to be okay, and it’ll be done before you know it
if you’re still dizzy from the numbing meds the dentist gave you, he’ll put on something relaxing for you like an animal documentary
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I think Ron would be relatively okay with going to the dentist, but it’s not exactly something he looks forward to
when he finds about about your phobia, he doesn’t totally get it at first, but he can tell how much it freaks you out
to a point, he understands. especially if you’ve had some not-so-great experiences w/ it in the past
one time he stayed with you while you got a filling, and that was probably the most relaxed you’ve ever been in the office
if it was something big and you were really drugged up for it, he’ll probably record you while you’re dizzy
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Another IJ request, Ron Steadtler is a transmasc Lesboy grey-asexual
Ron Staedtler from Inside Job is a transmasc lesboy and greyasexual!
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noahzanehethey · 2 years
Loved your breagan + inside job HCs!, was wondering if you got any more to share?
Always do! (Season 2 spoilers + poly Reagan headcanons) -After Reagan found out about Brett's love for puppet making, she gave up part of her home office for Brett to use. -And Gigi let him help on some of the shows they control, so he can put his puppets to use so they don't just sit on a shelf all the time. -I feel like Andre would slowly help Glenn realize that he's not entirely straight. (In s1 e1 Myc said 3 people in the room were attracted to Brett and Glenn got really defensive about it.) -Brett was there for Reagan after the whole Ron situation, he might not have entirely liked him at first but he knew how Reagan felt about him. -Brett and Reagan's apartment is covered in Brett's favorite boy band posters, and there's like one bill nye poster he got for Reagan. -Their apartment is covered in fidget toys, weighted blankets, and so many fucking stuffed animals(mainly squishmallows). Brett was the one who suggested they get this stuff at first, and obviously, Reagan was hesitant at first because she didn't want to waste money on things she didn't think would work for her, but they ended up helping her a lot. -They do not have metal silverware, they have those rubber ones made for toddlers and stuff because neither of them can stand the noise of it scratching against the plate. -They also have those plates with separate parts on them, it helps Reagan get full meals in her instead of just eating a bag of Deli meat for lunch and dinner.
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insidejobheadcanons · 2 years
Idk why, but I headcanon that Ron Staedtler suffers from a generalized anxiety disorder.
1. Constant guilt that he has to repress, and when it’s no longer repressed he stresses over things that happened years ago (like squishing a ladybug and introducing Kanye to politics lol)
2. His attempts to erase his own memories (presumably to free himself from the guilt and ease his suffering)
3. Doesn’t seem to be good at making friends or strong relationships beyond Reagan because he fears causing them harm or that something is wrong with him (he was afraid of asking out Reagan because he sees himself as a screw up, and he struggles to connect with Brett until they have a moment of emotional openness)
4. Used to be a conspiracy nut and craved an explanation about reality because he was ultra paranoid
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tenpixelsusie · 10 months
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i rambled in the tags of a "transfem headcanon character poll" a bit ago and i forgot to post them but here they are :0]
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OHOHO I can. keep it coming with requests anon, because hyper specific stuff is my favorite to write tbh
Went with Reagan, Brett, Ron and Andre for this! (Sorry JR fans i’m saving him for special occasion) 
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- her first reaction is shock, she hesitates to touch you at first, wanting to make sure she doesn’t overwhelm you.  - she has.. a confusing time with people’s emotions, but it’s you. “Hey.. what’s wrong?” 
- she’d take your hand in hers, rubbing the back of it mindfully. modeling breathing techniques they sprung on her in anonymous anonymous.  - cooing the only words of comfort she can think of, all of her thoughts cease when you wrapped your arms around her. she froze for a few seconds, before returning it.  - she’s always struggled with repressing her own emotions, but this had been a long-time coming. she pondered how you’d managed this long without any outburst. she rubbed your back haphazardly, and listened to you with shaky breaths try to explain the source of this.  - “I’m glad you told me” was her first response, “I know it feels like it sometimes, but you don’t have to handle this by yourself. promise.”
- the type to let you vent to her and than will take you out to get food, because talking about emotions is exhausting  - expect her to be a little more vigilant when it comes to your emotions though. 
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- his first instinct is to smother you, “what’s wrong love? did something happen? can I hug you?” all of his concern poured out into his words, waiting for you to give something of a nod before wrapping his arms around you  - if you need a minute to cry it out, he’s all for it. expect him to rub your back and just listen. 
- he might cry a bit himself, (he’s on the higher empathy side of autism I don’t make the rules, me too brett)  - that being said, anything you got going on? he’s in it with you. if this is caused by a certain person? expect him to have some stern words for them, if it’s at a situation? he won’t stop until he can help you figure it out. 
- he usually keeps a panic attack kit on him at work, so he won’t hesitate to get you a fidget if needed. he understands how hard it can be to come down from sobbing like that. when you’ve calmed down to a certain point, he takes your hand in his. 
- “I want you to know i’m happy you shared this, and I care about you. I promise we’ll figure this out together okay?” every bit of his reassurance seems to be nothing but believable. 
- if the two of you are at home when this happens? expect to be cuddled and practically worshipped until you feel better.. if you’re at work, he’s taking you to his office to wait out the anxiety-attack hangover.
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Ron - “honey, ” his hands find your face quickly. wiping your tears with his thumbs.  “hey, what’s going on?” he waits for you to find the words. a patient frown dawning his lips.  - straight to reassurance. “everything’s gonna be alright, I promise”     - he’s not happy that this is happening, but he is a little relieved that he’s finally seen you showing some of your emotions, he just worries you don’t feel comfortable around him sometimes. (Despite this obviously not being true)
- “I’m here to listen.” he reassures. as the initial tears and your breathing start to slow, he’ll start to listen to the situation, and throughout it expect him to be nodding all the way. he just wants to make sure you know he’s listening. - and really, he is. if you need help trying to fix a problem? this guys there, if you just need to talk for a little bit, he’s always up to listen. he just wants to see you happy. - that being said, he’s happy the two of you could talk at this level. there’s something of a bond that comes from it.
- expect him to start checking up on you more, especially just asking if you need to rant to anyone. coworker problems? parking ticket? ranting family member? he’s practically heard it all.
- he’d ask you to go watch movies after this, I don’t make the rules. he might even take the day off for it.
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- he might immediately worry he did something wrong, but when he figures out this is an entirely different problem, he’s doing everything he can to help you calm down (he’s definitely had his own panic attacks before though, so he already has a few ideas in mind)
- he reaches for a hug, wrapping his arms around you with a soft sigh. “I’ve got you. I promise.” He hums out, letting you sob into his shoulder.
- the crying doesn’t last very long, and within a couple minutes, your breath’s feel somewhat full again. your hands though continue to shake in Andre’s grasp, and he doesn’t let up on tracing your palm.
- after a bit of talking, mostly andre listening (with the occasional verbal profanity at the absurd-mess of a situation) he starts to understand your apprehension to leave that facade you put on for work. he definitely knew someone was under there, but he realized this might be his first time meeting them.
- he’s generally the most down to earth out of the group when it comes to mental health stuff. he has nowhere to judge. so by all means, if his partners having trouble with it? he’s all ears. sometimes having someone to just listen to you can go a long way. he really cares about you, and he knows you’d do it for him.
- “we’ll figure this out; we won’t stop until it’s fixed.” His hand squeezed yours; and his eyes finally met yours: anything about his expression could’ve easily convinced you of his intentions.
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urfavoritegirls · 2 years
could I get some Ron Staedtler cuddle hcs?
SORRY I WAS INACTIVE FOR A FEW DAYS IVE BEEN BUSY SORRY lol anyways cute request i love cuddle hcs
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cw: sfw, fluff, swearing, i think thats it
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✮ ron himself is a really big fan of cuddling
✮ he likes how it seems he can only get good, refreshing, rest is if he's wrapped in your arms
✮ i feel like he'd be very shy about asking to cuddle in the beginning of the relationship (tbf he's very shy about being intimate in general)
✮ he would observe if you where busy or not, and if you weren't he'd just pull you onto the couch and cuddle into you
(later in the relationship he apologizes for just snatching you like that LMAO)
✮ is very fidgety while he's snuggling though, probably playing with a button on your shirt
✮ prefers cuddling in the sweetheart cradle position
✮ thinks resting his head on your chest while listening to your soothing heartbeat is the best thing in the world
✮ he's always big spoon though if you guys are spooning
✮ probably hum's songs softly. some 90s shit everyone's heard
✮ also enjoys watching tv while cuddling, and discussing the plot with you
✮ some nerdy shit like star trek
✮ alternatively shitty romance movies the two of you can make fun of
✮ "this is bullshit, he should've ended up with rebecca" "ronnie its a movie for 14 year old girls"
"so what, i will fight for rebecca's right to love" "ron please-"
" rachael didnt even care for him!-" "man of my dreams-"
"worst part is they ended it on a cliffhanger!" "love of my life-"
✮ you guy's debated if it was shameful to be on team rachael
✮ will always ask you about your day
✮ overall a nice cuddler
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girlintheflesh · 2 years
fuck it, reagan and ron proposal hcs! probably going to write a fic about this at some point, but for now, i have a few fun little ideas I want to share. is this rushed and cheesy? yes. apologies in advance
-who proposes, you may ask? the answer is, both of them.
-reagan took the most initiative, however. she invited him to the broom closet after hours. ron was just like “oh ok but also can we go to dinner afterwards”
-so they get there and both of them have a ring in their pockets. reagan has a simple band made out of some sort of metal she’s engineered herself.
-ron had a ring custom made for reagan that looks like a hex nut. bc engineering/robotics
-reagan had a speech prepared. which she then forgot in the moment.
-ron is just kind of running his mouth talking about love and shit to fill the silence and reagan just blurts out “will you marry me?”
-she and Ron stand there in silence for a second and THEN Reagan drops to her knee and pulls out the ring
-ron follows suit, and they have a laugh about that, before exchanging rings (and yes they put the rings on each other’s fingers ofc)
and everyone is happy. the end.
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lava-slug · 1 year
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I wanted to do something...
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