#rose and blue
esuemmanuel · 2 years
Caía la tarde con el timbre de su voz cantándome canciones de cuna. Ella deseaba tanto que siguiera soñando, mas, no sabía que al hacer mi vida, también la soñaba. Me miraba a los ojos y me acariciaba la frente, dirigiendo sus dedos a mis labios; ahí, en ese lugar sagrado, me dejaba la huella de su ser en un beso, para luego esfumarse al tacto del rayo de Sol vespertino, el mismo que se colaba por la rendija de la ventana. El viento la ayudaba a volar, en tanto el firmamento bailaba. Antes de irse, me dijo, con esa voz suya; la misma que adornaba las mañanas de marea baja y brisa fastuosa: "Hoy te estoy amando Yo". ¿Cómo no iba a entregarme a su boca ni al susurro perenne que nacía de su garganta? Si le hablaba a mi alma como si no hubiera un mañana. Deseé tanto abrazarla a mi pecho, pero el viento se la llevaba, desvaneciéndola ante mi mirada, mientras yo suplicaba que se quedara. Su secreto era visitarme, vestida de sílfide divina, cubierta de estrellas diamantinas y un halo de luz que titilaba en Rosa. Se sentaba a mi lado, frente al piano y me tomaba las manos, para adornarlas con sus labios, en suaves besos perfumados; y me invitaba a tocarla. Y no solía poner resistencia cuando eso sucedía, ya que mis manos volaban a su encuentro, posándose en el marfil del piano como si de su piel se tratara. La sentía. Me impregnaba de su esencia, de su mágica presencia vestida de notas finas, en sonatas adormecidas, para no dejarla ir. La besaba con la música y el deseo ferviente de amarrarla con las fibras transparentes de mi alma, la misma que nacía al roce del marfil. Nos sumergíamos en una profunda ensoñación. Ella ardía en Rosa, mientras yo latía en Azul… y, como llamas majestuosas, en su ardor divino, nos hacíamos el amor. Se entrelazaba en mis manos, se fundía en mis brazos, haciendo del momento, el clima perfecto para no decirnos adiós. Envuelto en su esfera de luz amorosa, le cantaba al oído, la arropaba con el ropaje divino de mi devoción; de esa casta energía que emanaba de Mi Corazón.
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The afternoon fell with the timbre of her voice singing lullabies to me. She wanted so much for me to keep dreaming, but she didn't know that by making my life, I was also dreaming her. She would look me in the eyes and caress my forehead, directing her fingers to my lips; there, in that sacred place, she would leave me the imprint of her being in a kiss, to then vanish at the touch of the evening sunbeam, the same one that slipped through the crack of the window. The wind helped her to fly, while the firmament danced. Before leaving, she told me, with that voice of hers; the same one that adorned the mornings of low tide and lavish breeze: "Today I am loving you". How could I not surrender myself to her mouth and to the perennial whisper that was born from her throat? If she spoke to my soul as if there was no tomorrow. I wanted so much to hug her to my chest, but the wind carried her away, fading her before my gaze, while I begged her to stay. Her secret was to visit me, dressed as a divine sylph, covered with diamond stars and a halo of light twinkling in Rose. She would sit next to me, in front of the piano and take my hands, to adorn them with her lips, in soft perfumed kisses; and she would invite me to touch her. And I used to put up no resistance when that happened, since my hands would fly to meet her, resting on the ivory of the piano as if it were her skin. I felt her. I would soak in her essence, her magical presence dressed in fine notes, in sleepy sonatas, so as not to let her go. I kissed her with music and the fervent desire to tie her with the transparent fibers of my soul, the same one that was born at the touch of ivory. We were submerged in a deep reverie. She burned in Rose, while I pulsed in Blue… and, like majestic flames, in their divine ardor, we made love to each other. She entwined herself in my hands, melted in my arms, making the moment, the perfect climate for not saying goodbye. Wrapped in her sphere of loving light, I sang in her ear, wrapped her in the divine garment of my devotion; of that chaste energy that emanated from My Heart.
— Esu Emmanuel©
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