#rossi is Very Much in the box. and hes dumb
bacchicly · 1 year
19 (or more) Kisses Deep
For @darcyfangirlsfrequently
Ship: Garvez (of course)
Summary: It's Luke's Birthday and surprises are in store...a sweet little ficlet for an amazing Garvez writer and all round awesome Darcy! Happy Birthday, Eh?
Words: 1400ish (not all mine - some belong to Leonard Cohen)
🎵🎶…takes you down….to her place by the river…🎶🎵
"So just so I understand, son…" Rossi's eyes twinkle as he raises both his eyebrows and his glass in a mock toast. "...you are doing all this as a surprise for Penelope to celebrate YOUR birthday? I am not criticising - but I have never seen anyone concentrate so hard on making crustless cucumber sandwiches in my life." 
At the mention of Penelope, Luke can't help but break into a sheepish goofy grin. Rossi is right - it is crazy.
🎵🎶…and you know that she's half-crazy but that's why you want to be there 🎶🎵
Luke wipes his hands on the "Kiss the cook twice - I'm Italian!" apron the older agent passed to him wordlessly about an hour ago when he first invaded Rossi's kitchen with a large cardboard box of groceries, a "Best of Leonard Cohen" CD, and a "thank you" bottle of scotch. 
🎵🎶 And just when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her - 🎶🎵
The lyric seeps its meaning into Luke's brain - dissolving his smile - and prompting him to grab his beer and take a long pull… no wonder he can't convince Penny he honestly loves her.  Poets. Bah.  Always making things so complicated.  Give him the Beatles any day over this dross "With a love like that you know you should be glad." Simple.  To the point.  Poetry. Why does she adore this dumb Canadian crooner anyways?  
"Hey.  Watch your mouth you chuckle-head, no speaking ill of the Lord Byron of Rock'n'Roll. We had some very interesting conversations in '77, I'll have you know."
Luke didn't even realise he had spoken aloud.  
🎵🎶 Then she gets you on her wavelength...And she lets the river answer that you've always been her lover 🎶🎵
"Sorry.  I didn't know you knew him personally."
"Don't worry about it.  What you should worry about is those scones - they are smelling like they might be just about done."
Luke's eyes widen in slight panic, sets down his bottle with a thunk, and spins to check on the oven where his strawberry streusel scones have been cheerfully baking for the last 19 minutes. He sighs with relief when, after yanking open the oven, it's clear from the delicious smell, the perfectly browned tops, and Rossi's chuckles - they are perfect.  
"Use the oven mitts!" says Rossi as he tosses a red quilted pair at Luke - who naturally grabs them out of the air and tugs them on grinning.  
"Yes, sir!"
Luke pulls the pan of scones out of the oven.  Breathing in deeply and he grins like an idiot to himself as he carefully moves the toothsome wedges to the cooling wrack.  He even starts to hum…
🎵🎶And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, And then you know that you can trust her...For she's touched your perfect body with her mind 🎶🎵
Hmm maybe there is a reason why Penelope likes this guy so much…
The song ends and another starts - low and slow - and Luke turns back to the cucumber sandwiches.  He'll finish them and then start on the pinwheels - cream cheese and maraschino cherry - and then do some apricot chickpea curry endive boats to round out the table.  
🎵🎶 If you want a lover -I'll do anything you ask me to 🎶
He should probably pre-boil the water too so that he can warm the tea pot just before she arrives too.  
🎶🎵…If you want a partner, take my hand, or If you want to strike me down in anger…🎶🎵
Ok...yes. Maybe...maybe... this guy does know a thing or two….chuckling over the memory of Penelope storming at him over something or other.
🎵🎶 Here I stand. I'm your man. 🎶🎵
Luke's hands still as the next lines wash over him.
🎵🎶 If you want a boxer...I will step into the ring for you 🎶🎵
Yep.  Definitely knows a thing or maybe nineteen.
🎵🎶 And if you want a doctor...I'll examine every inch of you...If you want a driver, climb inside...Or if you want to take me for a ride...You know you can! I'm your man. 🎶🎵
He shivers at the thought of examining every inch of her…of insides… of rides…
This had better work.  It's his last Hail Mary.  If, after today, Penelope is not willing to give him a chance… a real chance this time....
…well, that will truly be the end of it, won't it? 
His heart rebels at the thought and the song echos the frustrating truth: for him? There will never be an end.
🎵🎶…And I'd howl at your beauty...like a dog in heat...and I'd claw at your heart...and I'd tear at your sheet...I'd say please (Please)...I'm your man 🎶🎵
His hand tightens around the handle of the knife he was using to slice off the last cucumber sandwich crusts.  Why doesn't she get that this is it for him?  That she's it for him.  That he's…he's…her man?
🎵🎶 If you want a father for your child...or only want to walk with me a while across the sand - I'm your man 🎶🎵
Oh Hell.  True.  All true.  All desperately outrageously frustratingly gloriously true.
The song pulses under his ruminations - pulsing and pleading - begging for any crumb… weirdly strong in it's subservience…
🎵🎶 I'm your man 🎶🎵 
The final cords swell and ebb away… and in the beat between tracks he-
"Newb-Luke-Birthday Boy???  What are you doing here?"
Luke's head snaps up and he stares.
It's like thinking of her has summoned her.  
She is wearing the outfit she was wearing the day she met Roxy - all oranges and yellow sunshine  …the day he knew he was a goner….. and just like she always crashes into his life - awkwardly sweetly infuriatingly - she is here early and is carrying some giant box of something or other.  And as usual… he's not ready - caught off guard - consumed…but can't help but grin like an idiot as his heart starts to do it's joyful Penelope-wiggle-of-joy.  
Damn.  I'm HER man.
"What am I doing here?  What are you doing here?  ROSSI?!?!?"
The older agent appears behind a sputtering Penelope and then with a too-innocent too-indulgent too-self-sastified curl of his lips - the pompous ass that is David Rossi shugs into his coat, turns on his heel, and jangles his car keys in the universal sign of "I'm going out".
Penelope is now the one spinning on her heel - echoing Luke's "Rossi!" but her boss cuts her off.
"You're both very welcome.  Now be good, kids. Help yourself to anything you can find. I'll be back at midnight.  Lock up when you leave and don't turn into any pumpkins!"
The next song is well begun now and they watch helpless as Unit Chief David Rossi literally waltzes out on them - shamelessly adding his baritone to Cohen's bass… "...take this waltz, take this waltz! With its very own breath of brandy and death!"
Penelope spins back to Luke - but slowly - gathering her thoughts. 
Why is he here? He wasn't supposed to arrive until much later.  She was supposed to decorate and everyone was supposed to arrive and then Matt was supposed to swing by with him on the way home from a birthday dinner with "Uncle Luke" and they were all going to jump out and yell surprise and Emily had ordered a cake and…. Well apparently something else is happening… those Sneaky Mc Sneakertons!
"Luke?  What's going on?"
"I…I…I think…"
🎵🎶 There's a concert hall in Vienna...Where your mouth had a thousand reviews 🎶🎵
"...I think…I think our team is as tired as I am of waiting." 
And with that Luke puts down the knife, pushes himself away from the counter, crosses to his bambi-eyed love, takes the box and set it on the floor, and then draws her into his arms, their eyes lock, their hands clasp, and their lips tingle as they sway into a kitchen waltz.
🎵🎶 And I'll dance with you in Vienna...I'll be wearing a river's disguise...The hyacinth wild on my shoulder...my mouth on the dew of your thighs 🎶🎵
They move as though they have always danced…always will dance…close and smiling…Penelope tilting to smile up at him…Luke tilting his head to breath her in…
🎵🎶 Oh my love, oh my love...Take this waltz, take this waltz...It's yours now, it's all that there is 🎶🎵
And they come to a stop and finally finally their lips meet in a slow deep kiss filled with promise. 
When they part - Penelope's eyes are closed and she is so so still…
And with that Penelope can't help but twinkle up at him and lean in to whisper…
"Apparently you're Italian and I am supposed to kiss you twice."
And so…she does.  
…although they hardly stop at two.
🎵🎶 There ain’t no cure…there ain’t no cure… there ain’t no cure for love. 🎶🎵
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maschotch · 2 years
for the opinion thing, if i ever hear someone say "reid carries the team" i automatically don't trust them. but if i hear "reid and garcia carry the team" then i automatically do trust them. like something about the vibes is so different. even as a reidgirl, genuinely do not trust anyone who thinks reid was the only important member of the team.
AKDHSLHD people really say that??
tbh the only indispensable person is garcia. they literally would not be able to function without her breaking privacy laws left and right lmao
i dont even think reid is the best profiler? if it was just one char and garcia for each case, this is the order i think would succeed the fastest: hotch -> morgan -> gideon -> emily -> walker -> tara -> elle -> matt -> luke -> reid -> blake -> rossi -> kate -> jj
not to say he isnt useful. but he’s not the most well rounded. he’s a specialist, like blake, and he’s lacking in some areas. akdhsk maybe a bit too harsh, but he could be replaced by google pretty easily. im
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An Unhealthy Obsession: Chapter Twenty Three
Dancing on the Alter
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Hey everyone! Thanks for hanging in there - I know I don't have a clear-cut schedule of when chapters get released but I appreciate you all reading and loving it nonetheless. You all have been a great audience and I love writing for you <3. Enjoy, and thank you all again.
Previous Chapter | Master List
“Oh my god, you’re so immature. How are old are you, ten?”
“I’m ten inches into your mom.”
Prentiss had the grueling task of trying to question you today, and you weren’t going to stop being annoying for anyone. Anyone besides Agent Hotchner, anyway. The team had gotten used to your antics more at this point, and stopped taking what you said so seriously.
“You used cough syrup to drug Agent Reid, so it wouldn’t be addictive?” she continued her questioning, ignoring your previous comment.
You nodded and added on: “That, and it was cheap and easy to find too. You’d be surprised what you can find out there.”
“Right,” she said, shaking her head, “and do you know what’s in cough syrup that gives it the drug effect?”
You shrugged, and she continued.
“Codeine. Which is a highly addictive substance. People have gotten seizures from drinking too much, Y/N.”
“Oh,” you replied sheepishly.
At the beginning of interrogation, Morgan had said he couldn’t tell if you were insane or a genius. Over the course of your containment, they learned there was a third option; you were just really dumb.
“I have no idea how Agent Reid put up with you for so long.”
You licked your lips and smiled, getting back to what you were good at – comebacks.
“Well,” you began, “Agent Prentiss, I’m not very smart and he’s the definition of smart. We complete each other,” and you smiled.
She rolled her eyes.
“Right, if that’s what you call it.”
“Any updates on him, by the way?” You shifted your tone and sat back up. “How’s he doing?”
“He’s fine,” Prentiss muttered through her teeth, “I swear you only get serious when it comes to him. I’ll make you another deal, answer three questions of mine seriously and I’ll let you in on what he’s doing.”
It was the same deal JJ offered you yesterday, the deal Morgan offered you the day before, and the deals the rest of the team had offered you for days. But they knew you wouldn’t refuse, and it was the fastest and easiest way to get information out of you.
“Alright,” you sighed.
Agent Prentiss began to speak, but then closed her mouth and put her finger up to her ear. Confused, you tilted your head and leaned in, trying to see if you could hear anything they were saying.
“Right,” she replied to whomever she was speaking to.
She put her hand down and clasped her hands on the table.
“Well, Y/N, I’m going to be leaving you. There’s another member of the team that needs to speak with you.”
Agent Prentiss began to stand up to leave the interrogation room, and you immediately bombarded her with your curiosity.
“Who is it? Is it Morgan? Hotchner? What’s it about?”
Her grin sent shivers down your spine, and she teased that “it’s someone you haven’t met yet.”
She left the room, and you were left alone with that tantalizing hint. Who hadn’t you met? You toyed with Agent Morgan, tormented Agent Jarreau, teased Agent Prentiss, and stood head-to-toe with Agent Hotchner. Obviously, you knew Spencer, but there was no way they’d let him interview you. You kept mulling it over in your mind, wondering if there was a side character you had missed when heavy footsteps entered the room.
“So, you’re the one everyone’s been talking about.”
You were shocked to find someone you had forgotten about completely standing over you with a cardboard box in his hands.
“Agent Rossi. Of course.”
He smirked.
“You recognize me?”
You had to find some excuse to explain why you knew him.
“You’ve written a lot of books,” you lied, deciding it sounded reasonable enough.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, Y/N,” he explained, circling down to the chair in front of you, placing the box on the floor. “You’re a curious little criminal, aren’t ’cha? That, and I heard you’re a bit of a penile.”
Penile? You’ve never heard that before as an insult, but it worked.
“What’s in the box?”
Agent Rossi scoffed.
“They weren’t kidding. Fortunately, that’s what I came in here to talk with you about.”
He leaned over into the box and pulled out what looked like a burnt and crispy brick.
“We found about fifteen of these in your movie collection when we were cleaning out your home. Nothing else around them was burnt.”
You held out your hand to inspect it, puzzled and surprised. What could have been burnt in your collection? As you rubbed your hand over the top of this…thing, you wondered if they found any of your movies or shows from the future. You would’ve had a hard time explaining why you owned things made after 2009.
You turned the brick over in your hand and as you did, you realized what this object was, and decided that this would have been really hard to explain.
Only a few words were visible on the back, “bureau,” “profiler,” “Matthew,” and “Gubler.” Putting them together, with the fact there were fifteen of these bricks, you understood this was the series collection of Criminal Minds itself. Not only that, Rossi had held it in his hands and without knowing what it was.
“Probably just a collection of indie movies I owned,” you answered, trying to keep your voice as steady as possible. “I don’t seem to recognize it but maybe it was pirated.”
You handed the case back to Rossi, feeling unnerved as he grabbed the series he existed in, and he put it back in the bin.
“Right, because a lot of pirated indie disks burn up their entire case, and nothing else around them.”
“I seriously have no idea how they got all burnt up and black like that,” you replied truthfully.
He stared at you for a second, and you stared back.
“Was there something on them you didn’t want us to see?” he asked.
He wasn’t necessarily wrong, per se. You knew he meant related to the case, as if you were trying to burn up evidence. But you couldn’t imagine the fear and trauma that watching yourself live out your life on a fictional show would do to someone; how would you feel knowing your life was a lie, or that people had been recording you in your most private moments. You took the former approach.
“I will cross my heart on it,” you stated while doing said action, “that those cases did not have any evidence. Besides, you don’t need them to charge me – right? I mean,” you shrugged, “you already caught me in the act of it.”
“Most people we catch don’t outright say they’re guilty.”
“Yes,” you continued, “but most the people you catch red-handed don’t come out without a bullet wound. I’d rather be in prison and alive - if you catch my drift.”
You two sat there for a bit, analyzing one another. Unfortunately, you weren’t the profiler in the room. You decided to shift topics.
“Anything else you want to ask me?”
“Yeah, actually,” he responded. “One more thing – why Spencer?”
You smiled at the fact he said: “Spencer,” instead of “Agent Reid” like everyone else.
“I’ve liked him for a long time,” you answered, “he’s smart – of course – but he’s kind, and considerate, funny, charming, attractive, and he’s a very genuine person.”
He held up his hand to pause you.
“You think he’s funny? Now I know you must be lying to me.”
You laughed.
“It’s a niche humor, but he has his moments.”
He smirked and scratched his head.
Agent Rossi got out of his seat and lifted the box from the floor.
“I know you usually get a treat of updates on the guy,” he stated, “but I’m not going to give you that. You can just worry about yourself right now.”
“What I’d worry about,” you joked, “is the fact you lifted with your back and not your legs. You’re going to kill your back that way.”
He began to leave the room, having a guard hold open the door for him.
“I think this job’ll kill me before my back ever does. See ya.”
The guard motioned you to come towards them, and you followed. You two left the room and went down your usual corridor. You replayed your time with Rossi over in your head while walking. He seemed very casual with you, not angry or irritated. You didn’t provoke him either, but you didn’t feel like you had to.
That was probably the smoothest interrogation you went through.
As you walked down the hallway, you ran into Madeline.
“Hey, buddy. I’ll be taking Y/N for now. She’s needed in another spot right now.”
The guard you were currently with began to argue.
“But they said to bring –”
“-- I just got the call,” she interrupted holding out her walkie-talkie. “One of the agents needs her for questioning in a different part of the facility.”
Questioning? But you just got out of questioning! And why in another part of the building?
“You’re the boss,” the guard grumbled, and traded places with Madeline. They walked off in the direction you two came from, and Madeline continued walking with you. She turned you down a different hallway you usually went into, and another.
“Who is it? Why do they need me in another room?”
Madeline remained stone-faced but answered you.
“There’s a material witness they need you to speak with.”
Material witness? Who could’ve been a witness?
Actually, thinking about it now, it could be a great deal of people. It could be Matt who called the police at the club. Damian was also there and could point you up in a lineup. Any of the taxi drivers, the guy from the video shop…there were too many options.
She stopped in front of a small door on the side of the hallway.
“This is the room.”
You looked at the door, then back at her.
“This says ‘broom closet’ on it.”
“I’m aware,” she replied as she opened the door and shoved you in.
The door shut behind you and you shook your head, trying to make sense of what was happening. You tried the doorknob, but it felt locked. You were stuck in here for a while, at least.
“You look terrible, by the way.”
You turned around.
“Oh my god.”
In this little claustrophobic closet was Spencer, standing in front of you. He practically pounced on you and your lips touched one another’s in a flurry.
His hands wrapped around your head. You grabbed his arms and pulled out of the embrace.
“What are you doing here?” you hissed.
“I passed the psych evaluation this morning, and I’m good to go.” Spencer grinned, pulling you into a hug. “I came here as soon as I could and I had to see you.”
You hugged back, a mix of emotions.
“How did no one catch you? If they find out I’m seeing you…”
“She’s watching out,” Spencer replied, alluding to Madeline outside, “I paid her to. They won’t find out.”
He grabbed your face and kissed you again.
“God, I missed you,” he whispered into your mouth. He slammed you up against the wall of the closet, pushing his body up against yours. You met his lips with yours, and you melted into him. His touch, his embrace, his voice – it felt intoxicating to be with again. You couldn’t believe he had sought you out after getting cleared, and especially not as he moved his hands down to your waist.
You put one of your hands around his neck, and the other down to his waist as well. Your tongues meeting together and the warmness of this small space made you drown in the space of him.
“I didn’t think I’d be able to ever see you again,” you confessed as you wrapped your leg around his.
He moved one of his hands down to grab your thigh that wrapped around him.
“Why’s that?”
You moved your mouth down to his neck, kissing it feverishly, drunk in his scent.
“They’ll be moving me to prison soon after they’re done with me. Who knows if I’ll ever get out.” You grabbed his hand with yours and brought it back to your waist. “I’m so happy to see you again.”
He pushed you back, his face puzzled.
“But I’m good. I’m free, I’m okay – I got a clean bill of health. Why would they send you to prison?”
You lifted your hand up to his cheek and held it gently.
“I still abducted and kidnapped a federal agent, Spence. That’s a federal offense, not to mention the fact I seem to have given you a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.”
His eyes moved frantically across you and your face. You moved your thumb back and forth on his cheek with a sad smile.
“Is that what they told you? Is that what they said about me?”
“Spence,” you brought up your other hand and brought his head down to meet you at eye level. “You should’ve been out there solving cases and catching killers. I held you captive and kept you from your life. You shouldn’t like me like this – I’m not good for you.”
He shook his head, getting out of your embrace.
“I don’t care that it’s not healthy, or usual, or – whatever. I haven’t felt this way for a person in a long time, and I don’t want to let that feeling go this time.”
He grabbed both of your wrists.
“This isn’t Stockholm or some kind of fawn response. This is real.”
He kissed your forehead, then paused. He held up a finger to your lips to keep you from talking, and moments later you heard the marching of feet on the other side of the door down the hallway. You two paused like deer in the headlights until their walking had passed.
“Spencer, regardless of if I think that or not, the team’s not going to believe it.”
He moved his hand down to your chin and stroked it with his thumb.
“You don’t think that…do you?”
You gave him a kiss on the lips, a gentle one.
“I’d like to think otherwise. But it won’t matter when I’m locked up anyway.”
His entire demeanor seemed to shrink. You pulled him into your body again, putting your hands on his shoulders.
“Let’s enjoy each other, one last time.”
You grabbed his head and brought his lips to yours. You kissed him and he hesitated, but gave in. Your mouths met one another and blended into you. He pushed you back up again against the wall, and you wrapped both your legs around his waist. He gripped the bottom of your thighs and hung onto the legs of your jumpsuit. You continued to make out with him as you ran one of your hands through his hair, and lifted up his shirt with the other.
Being with Spencer and dragging your hands across his chest felt like dancing as the world was ending. Although your punishment would be soon and you’d be isolated for years, right now you feasted yourself on the body of Spencer as you switched and leaned him against the wall.
You hadn’t really understood the term Last Supper until you were here, making love with Spencer Reid in a broom closet in one of the world’s most guarded buildings. A final toast of indulgence, of giving in to you and your temptations. His body was the best high you could get, and it felt like a final celebration of your love for him.
Both of you hot and heavy, you finally spoke again between the moans.
“You know, if I got to go back and choose whether to do this all again or not,” you confessed. “Being with you was worth everything.”
“This isn’t goodbye,” he whispered solemnly.
“And if it is,” you replied, “I want you to know that I love you with all of me.”
You were shocked to hear yourself say that.
“I guess I wanted to tell you that in case I never get to,” you chuckled.
“No, no, don’t say that,” he said while giving hickeys to places only the jumpsuit could cover.
“There’s nothing you and I can do about it,” you rebuked, “this isn’t up to us anymore. But this,” you continued with a kiss, “this moment is.”
He lifted his head from you.
“Actually, there is something I can do.”
He immediately stood up and began to dress again. You pulled up the zipper on your jumpsuit as you watched him frantically try to fix his hair and clothing.
“What are you talking about?”
He shook his head, too frantic to give you an answer. He finished getting ready and grabbed you by the shoulder before leaving.
“Wait a few minutes after I leave. The guard outside will take you back to your cell and we should be fine.” He kissed your head, shaking and holding the kiss for longer than usual. “You’re going to come out of this.”
He opened the door and left the broom closet. You waited a few minutes, as he said to do. You finally left, and Madeline walked by you as you made your way back to your jail cell.
“You two must like each other a lot. You guys were in there for a while.”
You looked up at her, her figure towering next to you as you walked.
“Did you see where he was leaving to?”
She shook her head and opened the cell door.
“He didn’t say or nothing. He gave me some cash and hurried out, though.” She chuckled. “I said yes for twenty-five bucks, but he left giving me forty. If he didn’t just jet off like that, I would’ve said something.”
She closed the door, leaving you in your enclosure.
“By the way, Agent Rossi heard you had been doing some reading. He left a book on your cot.”
She left the jail cells and you were alone again.
Curious, you walked over to your cot to see what Rossi had left you. It was a first edition of Twilight, and in the inside flap held a note.
This reminded me of you. Hopefully, you don’t watch people in their sleep, though.
You scoffed as you flipped through the pages. The book came out when you were in elementary school; you and your friends tried to read the books secretly, not understanding quite yet why your parents called them “mature.” It sure made toxic relationships seem romantic, and maybe that’s why your relationships never felt healthy.
You began to read, and began to get sucked into a world filled with supernatural beings and teenage angst. Bella had just started a game of volleyball in her P.E. class when the door to your jail cell opened suddenly. It jumped you out of the haze the book had gotten you stuck in, and you were surprised to see the same guard from before in the room.
“You’re wanted immediately for questioning.”
Walking the same path you had memorized at this point, you played over in your mind what else they might need you in questioning for. They had most of your information, fake or genuine, that you had given them. You entered the interrogation room to find Agent Hotchner, Rossi, and Morgan all in the room at once.
You didn’t make your way to your usual seat, just paralyzed. Usually, one person was in the room questioning you, not three at once. They all looked frustrated.
“Tell us, Y/N,” Rossi started, “what did you do?”
Every inch of your body was covered in fear. “Do…?”
Morgan sneered. “Stop playing coy, you little freaky –”
Hotchner held up his hand and interrupted.
“Y/N, about half an hour ago, Agent Reid dropped all charges on you. He’s not holding you accountable and dismissing the issue legally.”
“Unfortunately for both you and him, we’re not done yet.”
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Thinking of You
Pairing: Spencer Reid x f!reader Genre: angst, fluff Warnings: kidnapping, blood, torture, mentions of BDSM??, noncon kissing, degradation, shooting, death Summary: the reader is taken by the unsub and she starts to hallucinate a certain dork Word Count: 4.7k words
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All you can see is red and, no, it’s not from anger. Well, maybe a little bit of that too.
Blood trickles down your forehead into your eyes, your vision blurring with every drop that drips from your wound. With your hands tied up like this, you can’t wipe the blood from your eyes. With your head pounding, you try to remember how you got here. 
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You playfully punch Spencer’s shoulder with a laugh, watching him rub his arm where you hit him. “There’s no way that actually happened!” you shout once you calm your laughter. You watch Spencer smile and nod his head, still rubbing his arm. 
“It did! You can ask Hotch,” he replies. He was telling you a story that happened before you joined the team as you two drove to the jet for a case. 
“There’s no way Garcia actually said that to Morgan on speaker! How was she not fired?” you ask incredulously, starting to cackle once more. He laughs along with you, remembering the shock on Morgan’s face when she said it to him. 
“I wish you would’ve been there to see it. Everyone’s face was priceless,” he says, his voice softer than before. You calm yourself again and look over at him, your heart warming at the sight of him. It was still pretty early in the morning, so the sun was shining right in his eyes as you drove, the sun visor doing nothing to protect his beautiful eyes. 
You’ve been on the team for about a year and a half now and it’s honestly been a wild adventure after the next. You were only supposed to stay on the team for a year but, of course, Spencer convinced you to stay and it honestly didn’t take that much convincing. You loved this team as your second family now and you couldn’t imagine working anywhere else or with anyone else. 
You park the car and get out, heading towards the jet where everyone else is walking to. Seeing Morgan, you quickly drag your luggage over to him and start teasing him. You watch him sigh and move his head to glare back at Spencer. You and Spencer start laughing again as you climb the steps, leaving Morgan to stare after the two of you. 
“Oh, you think that’s funny do you?” he asks you two, a playful lilt to his voice. You nod your head, trying to stop your laughter but Spencer kept cracking you up. “Reid, should I tell (Y/n) here about the peach incident?” Morgan asks him with a smirk. Instantly Spencer stops laughing and blushes a dark pink, shaking his head. “That’s what I thought,” he finishes as he sits across from the pair. 
“What? Peach Incident? I wanna know!” you say with a new light to your eyes, looking between the two males. Blackmail on Spencer? Who would’ve thought that existed. 
“No. Nothing happened. He’s bluffing,” Spencer stutters out, his face growing darker, causing Morgan to laugh. The others start to chuckle to themselves, finding the three of you amusing. 
You all stop when Hotch comes to sit down with his fresh cup of coffee, his voice serious as he starts to discuss the case. You all go around tossing ideas out, trying to brainstorm different answers. The flight went by in a minute, it feels like. Then again, your attention was on Spencer for more than half of the ride. The others have never seen you two go more than fifteen minutes without talking to the other. 
Once you touch down in a new state, you all pile out and into the cars waiting for you. You and Spencer take the back of one car while Rossi and Morgan take the front. “This unsub is kinda harsh,” you say softly, looking over the file again. 
“What makes you say that?” Rossi asks curiously, wanting to hear more of your input. 
“I mean, we’ve seen some things in our day but this? This just seems so...ruthless,” you say quietly, looking down at the pictures. Maybe you only thought it was worse than the others because all of these women kind of look like you. 
“Yeah, the stabbing of the genitalia is an overkill. I thought maybe he knew these women but maybe he just hates women in general. Since they all look similar, my guess is that they’re a surrogate for someone,” Morgan replies. You nod your head, trying not to imagine what pain these three women felt before being killed. 
Once you reach the station, you all walk in and set up in an extra room that they’ve allowed for you to use while here. From there, Hotch gives you all your orders. “JJ, Reid. I want you to go interview the two families that showed up today. Morgan, (Y/n). I want you two to go give the second family a visit. See why they haven’t been answering any of the police’s calls. Blake, we are going to go look at the kill sight where the last body was found.” 
With everyone having their orders, you all disperse out of the station. You give Spencer a goodbye smile before following Morgan to one of the cars. “So, peach incident?” you ask as soon as you two are enclosed inside of the car. He laughs as he starts the black vehicle, looking around him as he pulls out of the parking lot. 
“How did I know you were going to ask me again as soon as I heard we were paired up,” he teases with a smile. You grunt and look over at him, placing your cheek into your hand as you watch him drive. 
“C’mon, just tell me! I won’t tell Spencer that I know!” you plead. He scoffs at that, trying to hold back his laugh. 
“Yes, you will. I’m not dumb,” he replies as he checks his GPS to make sure he’s driving the right way. You let out a long groan and dramatically throw your head back against the headrest. Guess you’ll have to blackmail or guilt-trip him if you ever want to get that information. 
He parks the car on the road and checks the GPS once more to make sure that you two have the right address. “Well, this house is...interesting,” you comment as you study the exterior. I mean, it wasn’t terrible but you can tell by the yard and the house’s structure that they don’t take care of it very well. 
“Does anyone even live here?” Morgan asks half playfully as he steps out of the car, making you do the same. You two walk up the driveway and to the front door, both of you staying quiet for a moment to see if you can hear anyone inside. 
Hearing nothing, Morgan knocks on the door. “Hello? Anyone home?” he calls loudly. You both wait for a long moment, hearing nothing once more. 
“Despite their yard, I saw a shed and greenhouse in the back. Maybe they’re back there?” you guess, turning away from the door to look at Morgan. He silently nods his head before turning around and going back the way you two came. You two walk around the house and into the backyard, the dead grass crunching underneath your feet. 
“I can check the greenhouse while you check the shed,” he offers, leaving you to agree and split away from him. You walk over to the shed, noticing the lock is missing from the door. You take one last glance at Morgan before slowly opening the shed door. 
“Hello?” you call, looking into the poorly lit area. There were lots of boxes along with tools lining the wall. You look around the area, looking for clues as to if they’ve killed anyone here or with any of the equipment. You stop at a workbench, seeing tools and papers littering the desk. You pull a glove from your pocket, starting to move the papers around to read them. 
All of a sudden, you hear wood bending and creaking underneath someone’s weight. You turn around to look at Morgan, only to find a tall man with a shovel. Then, you don’t see anything except for black. 
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You grunt at the memory, feeling your head throb as you recall the events. The edge of the shovel must’ve been what caused the injury on your head. You don’t doubt that you have a concussion. With blood still dripping into your eyes, you try to figure out where you are. From the looks of it, you’re in an abandoned factory of sorts. 
You tug on your arms again and feel something wrapped around your wrists, holding your arms out behind you. This is also keeping you sat up, the strain of whatever is binding you too great for you to slouch forward. You tilt your head back, hoping to get the blood out of your eyes. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been out for nor do you know how long it is until someone shows up. You bring your head back down and watch as the same man as before walks over to you with a handheld toolkit. He gets down on one knee and then opens up the kit. 
“Are you Mr. Jenkins?” you ask softly, finding your throat a bit dry. He ignores you, pulling out a cloth and dousing it in saline solution. He then cleans your wound, not bothering to be gentle about it. You don’t make a peep though, remaining quiet as to not irritate or upset him and make him stop. Once done with that, he dries the area before wrapping gauze around your head. There’s still caked blood on your face and with your injury, you’re not sure cleaning it up and wrapping it was the best way to go but you suppose this is better than nothing. Besides, you can’t even see how bad your injury is. Maybe it feels worse than it actually is. 
When he deems his job done, he packs everything back into his kit before standing up. “Wait!” you call weakly, watching him not even hesitate to leave you alone once more. You sigh and look around, finding it much easier to see now. After some time has passed, you feel a streak of blood start to trail down your face. You were right, the wound is bigger than he’s letting on. 
You tilt your head back to keep the blood from getting in your eyes again, closing your eyes since all you’re looking at is a ceiling. You take a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying to think of a way out of this situation. Already knowing the answer, you bring your head up for a moment to check to see if you still have your gun. Confirming that you indeed don’t have it, you tilt your head back again. You then wondered if he knows you’re not just a random person that wandered into his shed. Your badge is in your coat though, so you can’t check to see if it’s gone or not. You’re guessing he checked all of your pockets before leaving you alone though.
Guess you just need to remain calm and wait to see what happens.
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Morgan walks into the greenhouse, finding dead and withering plants scattered around. Despite no one being inside, he starts to look around for evidence or hints as to what these people really do. 
He stops his snooping when he hears a truck on gravel, his boots stepping on dead plants and dried leaves as he walks towards the exit. What he finds though isn’t at all what he’s expecting. 
There you are, limp in someone’s arms and being tossed into the bed of a truck. “Hey! Stop!” he shouts, pulling out his gun as he starts running. The guy, knowing he’s been caught, starts to run to the driver’s door. Morgan aims his gun at the driver and fires, the first shot just missing by a couple of inches. With the man in the truck and starting to drive off in his truck, Morgan shoots at the tires. He curses loudly when he misses or the bullets don’t do anything to stop the driver, simply slowing him down a little. Morgan memorizes as much of the plate as he can before the truck disappears around the corner. 
Morgan curses loudly again and takes out his phone, calling Hotch. With everyone alerted, they all come to the Jenkin’s home. Caution tape is put up at the entrance of the property to keep nosy neighbors at bay, forensics showing up and starting to take pictures of the crime scene. 
Everyone turns when JJ and Reid pull up in another car, knowing that this isn’t going to be good. Reid is in front of them in practically a second, his eyes wide and fearful. “What happened? Where is she?” he spits out faster than anyone can decipher. Morgan, already knowing what he was going to say, places his hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, calm down. Take a breath,” he says calmly, hoping Reid won’t lash out. Lash out is exactly what Reid did though. 
“Calm down? How am I supposed to be calm when (Y/n) was taken by someone? Look at all the blood! She’s probably bleeding out! What were you doing? Why weren’t you here to protect her?” Why wasn’t I here to protect her?
“Reid,” Hotch warns, stepping up beside Morgan. Morgan sighs and looks over at the blood, a frown hanging heavy on his face. “Morgan, tell us what happened now that everyone is here,” Hotch commands. 
Morgan sighs again, refusing to look at them. “(Y/n) and I knocked on the door and there was no answer. She then pointed out that there was a shed and greenhouse in the backyard, and that they might be in there. So, she took the shed while I took the greenhouse. I was looking around inside when I heard a truck. I come out of the greenhouse to see...to see our unsub carrying her to the back of the truck. I called out to him as I drew my gun, starting to fire as he escaped.” 
Everyone stays quiet for a moment after he finishes, no one really knowing what to say. Reid, of course, is the first one to speak. “You should’ve been with her. You shouldn’t have separated. You—”
“Reid,” JJ interrupts, placing her hand onto his back. “You can’t blame him. All of us probably would’ve done the same to cover more ground quicker,” she says softly, trying to soothe him. His hands clench into fists, his eyes stinging with the want of tears. He can’t cry though, not here. 
“I’m sorry. Let’s just work hard to bring her back,” he mumbles, staring at the red ground. 
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It’s been a couple of days, you know that much. Mr. Jenkins hasn’t given you any food and has only given you enough water to not die from dehydration. You’ve barely slept a wink, the position you’re in keeping you upright. Besides, you’re too worried and scared to actually close your eyes for long. 
You’re assuming that Mr. Jenkins doesn’t own this property or else the gang would’ve found you by now. You wonder how Spencer is handling this.
“Well, I’m quite upset, I’ll tell you that much.” 
You turn your head to the side, finding Spencer leaning against an old, rundown machine. A smile comes to your face just from the sight of him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you,” you reply hoarsely, your throat dry as a bone and begging for water. He smiles back and walks over to you, squatting down in front of your slouched figure. 
“That’s quite the bump on your head,” he says as he runs his fingers over your wound. You can’t feel his touch though. 
“How did you find me?” you ask, wondering why he isn’t freeing you. 
“You know, I kind of like you tied up like this,” he teases, a smirk spreading across his face. You feel your face heat up at his words, your eyes now avoiding his face. 
“Spencer, I don’t think now is the time for us to be talking about this,” you stutter out. He chuckles at your embarrassment, his hand moving to cup your cheek but you still can’t feel his touch. 
“You’re so beautiful, you know? I never get tired of looking at you,” he whispers, leaning closer to your face. Your embarrassment only grows at his compliment, your head shaking. 
“I don’t understand—”
“Do you remember that one time we played chess? The time before we worked that one stone case? You were right, I did let you win. I just wanted to see you smile when you realized you won,” he whispers. You let out a weak laugh, remembering the memory like it was yesterday. 
“I knew it. I’m a profiler, after all. I can tell when you’re lying,” you respond softly, all this talking starting to drain your energy. He chuckles and leans forward, his breath fanning across your face. Just like you figured, it smells like coffee. He’s addicted to the stuff. 
“No you can’t. You just think you can,” he replies playfully. He then starts to lean closer, his lips ghosting over yours. You close your eyes, waiting to feel his lips against yours. You’ve been wanting to kiss him for so long. You always imagined he would taste like coffee. 
Well, you had your eyes closed until a creaking door is pulled open. You open your eyes to find Spencer gone and in his place is your captor. “What? Wanna kiss?” he snaps, squatting down in front of you. You look away from him, the smell of his breath making you want to puke. He reaches up and grabs the back of your head by your hair, forcing you to bring your head up to look at him. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he snaps. 
He then smashes your lips together, his cracked and dry lips completely covering your own. You don’t return the kiss, simply sitting there as still as a statue. He doesn’t bother kissing you long, knowing you won’t return it. “Dumb whore,” he mumbles as he stands up again, reaching for a container that he had set down when he came in. He pulls out a half filled water bottle and a piece of moldy bread. 
He sets the water bottle down without the cap before setting the bread down onto the dirty floor. “Bone apple teeth,” he jokes as he leaves. You feel your eyes sting but you force yourself not to cry. You bend over with your arms still behind your back and take the top of the water bottle in between your teeth. You then slowly sit up and tilt your head back, using your mouth alone to drink the water. You then look down at the bread once you finish the water, deciding that it’s not worth the trouble. You haven’t gone that long without food, after all. 
After the first visit, Spencer always comes back to visit you more. He never gives you that kiss though. “I have to leave you wanting more or you’ll leave me,” he explains after you confront him one day. Your brows furrow in confusion, your eyes barely even open at this point. 
“That’s not true. I would never leave you,” you reassure. He turns to look at you from his seat beside you, a sad smile coming to his face. 
“Just trust me. If I do...something will happen to you,” he whispers, turning away to look around the dank factory. You let out a sigh and nod your head a bit, understanding what he’s saying. 
“Okay. Just because I’m accepting that though doesn’t mean I like it,” you reply lightly. He hums and looks at you again, his face going from sad to heartbroken. 
“I miss you, you know.” This makes you smile and your heart flutter in your chest. 
“I miss you too. Why else do you think I’ve made you up?” you reply. It took a couple times of him showing up for you to realize that you’re hallucinating him. You didn’t really mind though. He helped you stay sane. 
“Because you need someone handsome to look at?” he asks jokingly. You hum and nod your head, coughing weakly before you can reply to him. 
“There’s that too,” you admit. He laughs and leans over to rest his head on top of yours. In return, you rest your head on his shoulder. Honestly, he’s probably the only reason that you haven’t gone insane yet. 
“I’m getting close. I’ll find you soon,” he promises. You let out another hum, hoping he’s telling the truth and not lying to make you feel better. 
He’s gone in a blink of an eye when the door opens and your captor walks in. “Alright, your time has come,” he says as he starts to undo your binds. Your shoulders and arms scream in pain but you keep your lips tightly sealed to keep you from actually screaming. 
“Do you know who I am?” you croak out. You hear him scoff as he makes you stand up, your vision instantly swimming and causing you to get light headed. You lean against him to prevent yourself from falling down, fear starting to crawl it’s way through your mind. 
“You’re in the FBI, right? I found your badge in your pocket. I took it upon myself to see this as a challenge,” he replies, shoving you forward and causing you to fall face first. You barely have the strength to push yourself up but it didn’t matter since he’s grabbing you by your hair and arm to drag you back up. “I think I’m doing a standup job too. They have no idea where we are,” he informs you proudly. 
You can’t tell where he’s taking you, your vision swimming too much to tell, but the next thing you know, you’re being laid out on a hard, cold surface. “I figured that you’re special, so I’m going to give you some special treatment.” You grunt before letting out a dry cough. 
“Yay me,” you reply sarcastically. It takes you a moment to realize that he’s cutting off your shirt and dress pants. It didn’t take him long to start cutting you. You bite your tongue to stop from screaming but the pain eventually gets to be too much. You try to fight him off but god, you can hardly keep your limbs up or moving. You wouldn’t be surprised if he also drugged the little water he gave you. 
You’re not sure how long you’re there for. A couple minutes, an hour, a day, you don’t know. It doesn’t matter. You’re losing blood fast and you know what comes at the end right before he kills you. “Ready for the finale?” he asks darkly, trailing his knife from your foot up your leg towards your crotch. 
You refuse to beg though. You won’t give him the satisfaction. 
“Aww, you’re no fun. By this point, all the other girls were whimpering, snotty messes begging me to spare them. I even got offered for them to be my sex slave and what have you. I wish you’d offer me something like that,” he whines playfully, a dark smile on his face. With the tip of his knife a little above your pelvic bone, he connects his lips to yours again. He shoves his tongue into your mouth, starting to drag that knife down and lighting a fire in the blades place. You bite his tongue just as multiple doors bang open. 
“FBI! Move away from the woman!” someone calls. He pulls his face away from yours, blood pouring from his mouth where you bit into his tongue. 
“You little bitc—” he starts to yell as he pulls his arm back to stab your genitals, just like he did for his other victims. He doesn’t get the chance to stab you though, a gunshot ringing throughout the factory and piercing right through his brain. His blood sprays on you before he falls dead to the floor, relieved tears starting to leak from your eyes. 
Spencer was by your side in a second, holstering his fired weapon. “You’re okay. God, we were almost too late,” he mumbles, tears coming from his own eyes. He helps you sit up before draping his coat around your shoulders and pulling you close. Paramedics are quick to come over to you two, trying to separate you two to put you onto a stretcher. 
“No, stop! I’ll carry her,” he says quickly, keeping you wrapped up tight in his arms. He then turns you to pick you up bridal style, whispering calming words to you as he carries you out of that wretched place. He kisses you on your temple before handing you over to the ambulance, refusing to leave your side as he rides with you to the hospital. You smile lovingly at him as he squeezes your hand, your body not having the energy to return the act. 
You don’t remember passing out but you did, apparently, since the next thing you know, you’re waking up in a hospital bed with a certain nerd asleep by your side. You let out a sigh as you shakily bring your hand up to run it through his messy hair. He wakes up right away and looks up at you like a deer caught in headlights. “Oh thank god,” he sputters as he stands up to wrap you in a hug. You grunt when you feel the pain flare up in your arms, this making him pull away instantly. 
You find tears in his eyes, your own eyes starting to tear up as well. “I thought I was going to lose you,” he cries, his voice sounding crushed. You sniffle and gently grab his hand, being careful of your wounds. 
“I thought I was going to lose you,” you reply shakily. He smiles at you and uses his free hand to wipe away your tears that started to fall. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks softly, almost too quiet for you to hear. You laugh weakly at this, remembering how you begged imaginary him to kiss you back in the factory. 
“Please.” You barely get to finish before his lips are meeting yours. Not to your surprise, he tastes exactly like you thought he would. Coffee. He kisses you passionately, every single emotion you both feel being expressed through that kiss. Fear, guilt, desperation, love, admiration, and so much more. 
You two pull away when someone clears their throat. “Well, at least I know that you’re okay now,” Rossi teases, the rest of the gang looking in from behind him. You and the others laugh as you wipe the tears from your eyes while they all come in. 
“I’m more than okay. Thanks for saving me, guys.” 
“Don’t thank us,” Hotch says. 
“It’s all because of boy wonder here that we were able to find you,” JJ supplies. You look to Spencer to find him blushing. 
“He went on an absolute rampage,” Blake starts, getting a ‘no, I didn’t’ in response from Spencer, “He refused to sleep until he found you. I don’t think anyone has ever been scared of Reid until that moment.” You’re starting to feel warm now. He did all that for you? 
“Stop exaggerating,” Spencer snaps, giving your hand a squeeze. This makes everyone laugh. Well, except for a certain member of your crew. 
Morgan walks over to your bed, his whole body tense and he almost seems ready to cry. “(Y/n), I’m sorry that I got yo—”
“Stop. Don’t blame yourself. There’s nothing we can do about it now. Let’s just learn from it and move on, yeah?” you say kindly, a warm smile on your face. He lets out a hefty sigh and nods his head, a small smile coming to his face. 
“Now, give me a hug. In fact, everyone give me a hug!” you command, making everyone chuckle as they follow your orders.
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lunarianillusion · 3 years
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 09
When the final school bell of the day finally rang Marinette and her pack practically bolted from the building, before the braindead could catch them. When outside she told the others to go on ahead without out her, telling them she would meet them back at the hotel, and that she had to quickly grab something from her room. Chloe was a bit hesitant since the toxic shepherd and her herd were still lurking, but Marinette reassured her as best as she could making her lead the other three away.
The omega made quick work of avoiding her parents, not caring for what they possibly could have said in her migraine induced morning, and up to her room. After slipping in through the trap door the hidden kwami’s all came out of hiding. All very happy to see that the young guardian had recovered from the past morning.
The omega smiled softly at the little gods that cared for her wellbeing. She was truly happy to have found away to release the kwami’s from the box confines. Giving them a small piece of freedom, they needed. She hoped to give them true freedom one day, but for now they needed to focus.
“It is time for step two,” The noirette said, gaining the complete attention from all the little gods. Then they turned to one and other a silent conversation among the concepts of the world and gave each other a firm nod of agreement. “We are all ready to proceed young guardian,” Longg spoke firmly with the slightest hint of longing. She could tell and could not blame him for wishing to meet with his possible soul bearer, but she could not trust the dragon’s soul bearer just yet.
The guardian’s blue eyes turned to onto the light turquoise kwami nearby. “Are you ready?” The snake gave her a small grin. “I am.” “You better take good care of her, understood,” Pollen buzzed while giving Sass a fireless glare. To which he chuckled in return and gave his fellow god words of assurance, as Marinette grabbed the small box holding his miraculous.
After procuring the miraculous of change, along a thick binder filled with Lie-la’s inconsistencies and fever dreams, the omega hero made her way over the grand hotel. Upon arrival Marinette encountered Chloe’s loyal butler. He informed her that monsieur Bourgeois was in search of his daughter and so advised the dark-haired girl to take the long route to the nest. As to not alert the dumb mayor that Chloe now has taking more of a residence in her secret room.
Over the time that Chloe has used opportunity to redeem herself to others, she had become aware of how toxic her family was and had been distancing from her parents whenever she needed room to breathe. The staff had been happy to provide her with a special place for the blond within the hotel. One of the rooms had been modeled into a one room apartment specially decorated for the young alpha and kept off the books so that her father would not find it. When they showed her the room Chloe had burst into a sea of overjoyed tears, having been giving confirmation that she was indeed became a better person in the eyes of others. That had been such a relief for the girl and a great boost to her confidence.
Giving the beta butler her thanks, the omega made the long round way to Chloe’s second room that gained the title of the nest over the past months. Upon arrival and entry, the blue-eyed omega was met with the homely interior of the apartment, that made it feel as though you just walked into a hunter’s cabin in the mountains. To the right was the sitting/living area with a large half circle couch and two armchairs standing around a round red wood coffee table. A large flat screen tv hung from the wall infront of the sitting area, with several drawers under it filled with the girls collection of DVDs and blue ray’s. To the left was the kitchen area with a wooden bar counter that separated the kitchen from the hall and living area, around it stood four wooden fashionably cushioned barstools. In the back, past the doors that led to the bathroom and workspace, was a window seat bed that had been transformed into a large nest. Made from a mismatch of blankets, pillows and some articles of close from the two female occupants. A large deep dark red canopy hung from the ceiling that gave the two a feeling of a save close offed space, for whenever the one of the two took shelter here for the rut or heat.
The smile on Marinette’s face came naturally as she past the rooms threshold. This was a place of safety for her, something that her old home could never again be. How she often wished she could live here but her ‘parents’ would kick up a fuss and she really did not need the extra headache’s.
Her eyes drifted around counting all of the current occupants in the den. Nathaniel and Marc sat snuggled together upon de couch, enthusiastically discussing their new comic idea, Chloe was in the back near the nest looking for something in one of the large bookcases lining the wall and Tim was in the kitchen making the holy elixir, COFFEE. “Can you make me a cup too, Tim,” the female omega called out gaining her packs attention. Though Chloe was the only one that gave a verbal response in the form of a pained groan and calling her an addict. She ignored her friend in favour of focussing on the steaming cup of coffee that the dark haired prepared for her. She gave him a grateful smile and a small thanks as she took a seat at the kitchen counter and dropped her thick binder with a thud onto the wooden surface.
She took a careful sip from her given ambrosia and then pulled on her business face. “So now that we have all gathered, shall we get started on the downfall of the delusional spider and her plague of insects.” The crystal blue eyes glanced around the room once more and taking in the malicious smiles of her pack. “Oh yes, let’s get started,” the blond female nearly cackled as she pulled out to binders of her own. Yes, they were ready for the hunt.
And so started of several hours of compiling all the tall tales that had past Rossi’s lips from the lady blog, their phones and school camera’s, curtesy of Tim’s hacking skills. But as people will agree after a certain amount of time one gets side-tracked, especially if you have a petty alpha female wanting revenge. Surprisingly the two male omegas’ were very much on board with the pettiness.
“But wouldn’t she simply blame Marinette,” Chloe interjected. She and the male omegas having a thorough discussion over how to trick Lie-la into spraying herself with skunk musk. They discussed it for over an hour.
“Not unless she believed it to be a gift for Marinette,” Marc began to supply, making Chloe pull a face. “She would say she was so thankful for the gift while just taking it,” The jade eyed male continued. “But either me or Tim or me would say it was for Mari,” Nathaniel took over, “She in a fit her supposed supremacy will spray herself and then come to the horrid realization of the disgusting odour. This will work in our favour two ways. One Lie-la will smell just as horrid as her soul is,” “And two, because they will think we ‘tried to do this on Mari’ we can get in the flies good graces and here about any possible plots to hurt our leader and prepare for that accordingly.” Marc finished, devious smiles on both his and boyfriend’s faces.
“You two are bloody devils,” The blond alpha started, eyes filled with wondered surprise before beginning to laugh gleefully. “And I love it!” she exclaimed as Marinette and Timothy were just finishing up all the processed evidence that they had gathered. Next time they were going to look into things Lie-la had done before she had come to Dupoit. But for now, it was pack bonding time.
“Nath please cal-”
“NO Marc he is right. They gods have deceived us. COLOUR IS A LIE!!!” Marinette exclaimed as she threw her sketchbook across the room. Whirling around she grabbed the redhead and raised her hand to the window. “OPEN THE WINDOW WE MUST FLY!!!”
“Mari, Tim, put the mugs down,”
The two in question raised the offending cups to their lips.
“I swear to the powers from the beyond, don’t you two dare drink that! That is your fifth cup in the past thirty minutes.”
The alpha omega duo took exaggerated sips from their cups, the sound penetrating the air. Within seconds the blond was chasing around her two coffee addicted friends around the room in a made chase screaming profanities every so often. The two coffee worshippers always two steps ahead of the girl with surprising agility, not letting a single drop of the elixir of life spill from their containers. Whilst Nathaniel and Marc watched the chaos from the couch unfold, sharing a bowl of popcorn.
After a long chase, that resulted in Chloe’s loss, the pack had nestled themselves on the couch and chairs around the tv. They had some action movie playing and were making all sorts of critics, on the fight scenes mostly. It made for a rather peaceful atmosphere.
Marc and Nathaniel were snuggled together within a wool blanket on one of the large armchairs. Chloe and Marinette had claimed the couch, their heads on opposite ends and legs tangled in the middle.  Tim sat on the other chairs, his legs dangling over the side and hid eyes taking in more the people around him then the movie. Taking in every detail of the scene around him and committing it to memory as his senses were lulled by the peaceful atmosphere, making him feel safe.
As the late evening came Marc, Nathaniel and Tim went to their own homes, begrudgingly. Leaving Marinette and Chloe in the nest, for Mari had no interest in returning home for the night. And she also had a mission to fulfil.
The two having just finished the dishes, from the room served meal, sat curled up in the nest/bed area talking about the day events and other random thoughts. When, to Chloe’s surprise the noirette omega took on a far more serios exterior. Her blue eyes calculating and analysing the blond before her and her posture straight as an arrow and rigged. “What’s wrong Marinette?” the alpha asked, using her full first name instead of one of her nicknames.
Taking a small breath, to try and calm her nerves, Marinette spoke: “I need to ask a favor of you Chloe Bourgeois, something of great importance. But I need to know that I can fully trust you with what I am about to ask of you.” The mayor’s daughter opened her mouth to say that ofcourse she could trust her, but the darked haired held up her hand to stop her having not yet finished. “I know that I can trust you with anything that happens in our normal lives, but this is not something that can be considered normal and many things are at risk,” she took a moment to let the gravity of the situation sink in. “So, I need to know that I have your compete loyalty and that you will always have my back trough whatever may come. I need to know that you will not stab me in the back,” the last part had been whispered almost so quietly that Chloe might not have picked it up had she not given the omega her full attention.
The last words that were spoken stung the blond a bit, but she understood the meaning behind them more then anything. For those she had once considered her most trust pack members had turned their back on her for the stupid lies of a filthy leach that now trespassed on their territory. She understood the words very well. But Marinette asking this meant that she trusted Chloe so much that she was about to reveal possibly one of her most precious secrets to her friend. A swell of pride and determination flowed through the alpha as the implications of her request made itself clear in the former bully’s mind. And she swore not to let that trust in her go to waist. Chloe poised herself and stared straight into Marinette’s eyes conveying as much determination as the blond could muster through her gaze and scent.
“Marinette, you have given me so much even after all the years of torment I dragged you trough. You forgave me when I finally got my act together which was already more then I deserved, but you also let me join your pack and supported me as I tried to see what I needed to do to become a better person. You made me realize what I truly needed to be happy and because of that I have finally found who I want to be. I will never be able to fully for all that you have done for me. So, whatever secret you share with me I will take to the grave, whatever deed I must do no-one will lead it back to you. I will have your back in all the fights that are to come,” she took a deep breath, to keep her rage for those who did betray the omega at bay, but gaze filled with determination. “I swear I will never betray you for as long as I breath. That I assure you,” Chloe finished.
Marinette could feel her eyes tearing up, but she forced herself not to let any of the tears fall. No was not the time for tears. Even so, the words and emotion that the blond had expressed made Mari so happy and it took away all of her doubt. For no lie was uttered and the absolute devotion coming from her alpha friend sealed that fact.
Carefully she pulled out a dark octagon box with a red sigil painted on the lid. A box the omega knew Chloe recognised. She smiled at the wide eyes she got from her friend before dawning her hero persona. “Chloe Bourgeois this is the miraculous of the snake, that will grant you the power of change. I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng former hero known as Ladybug, current true holder of peafowl and guardian of the miraculous ask you to join me in the fight to end the terror of Hawkmoth. Will you accept?”
A long tense moment of silence followed after the proposition was finally spoken. Both party’s staring intently at the other, their minds whirling with uncoordinated thoughts and question, as fate awaited an answer.
Hesitantly Chloe broke the silence not with an answer to the question, but with a question of her own. “Am I worthy of a miraculous?” Her self-doubt shining through in the quiver of her voice.
Marinette’s demeaner softened at her friend a surge of reassurance washed over the omega, she made the right choice. “Yes Chloe, you are most definitely worthy of a miraculous,” Marinette assured, but could see that the blond was not fully convinced. “You said it yourself, you have taken the road to better yourself in both in your own eyes and the eyes of others. I and many others have been beside you watching you take that rocky road head on and witnessed the fruit it bore. From all the people you helped with charities and donations, from the kids in the hospital that smile so brightly every time you come to visit, form Trevor and Miranda who practically see you as their own daughter, from our friends that would come running at slightest of whispers of you being in danger. I assure you that you are worthy to wield a miraculous. So will you stand beside me as my partner and friend through the coming battles?”
As the finale words sunk in, Chloe felt her resolve strengthen. Whipping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes she gave her friend another look of determination, as she took the small box from Paris’s true hero hand. “I would be honoured,” the blond spoke receiving a grateful smile from the noirette in return.  
Opening the box, a turquoise glowing orb circled around the alpha, making her reminisce of her first meeting with Pollen, before the orb took on the form of a snake like being. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Chloe. I am Sass, the kwami of change,” the snake kwami spoke. “The feeling is mutual,” Chloe replied sincerely as she took the miraculous from its confines and placed it around her wrist. The band camouflaging the moment it was clipped on. The twisting turquoise band turning into a single rose gold band with two swirls circling a sapphire rose with a few clear diamonds. As the miraculous settled the new kwami and wielder pair turned to the young guardian with Duusu now floating beside the omega.
“I will have you know that I have many questions for Dupain-Cheng,” the female alpha said without any heat behind her glare. Making Marinette give a small at her friend. “I would not expect anything less from you,” Mari sighed light heartily, before she turned a bit more serious once more. “But let me first tell you the full extend of what has been going on.”
Author note: This chapter was honestly hard to write, with the heart to heart between Chloe and Marinette being an especially hard point, but I hope you could still enjoy the chapter it and please tell me what you think of the story so far.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Safe and Sound
Pairing: Spencer reid x reader
Summary: Reader goes into a coma after being tortured on a case and Reid spends all of his time with her.
Warnings: Abuse/torture, coma, probably a swear word or two
Category: Angst/fluff
A/n:I wrote this really late last night while half asleep, so it isn’t the best quality but oh well, I hope you enjoy!
Pain was the only feeling you had. It wasn't just a feeling, it was also your current emotion. You were ashamed in yourself for being so stupid.
You were moving in on the unsub, thinking it was only one person, you should have been able to take him out, but it was two grown men. Two grown men that took you out instantly.
And now you’re tied up to a chair, a blindfold tight over your eyes.
“Your friends are watching. If you try to send messages you’re dead.”
You smile sadly and look up, revealing your battered face to the men who beat you.
“I’m alright guys. Just look for the victims. I’ll be fine-”
A fist to your face cuts you off, and you let out a yelp as they yank your hair backwards.
“You all have four hours to find her. Every ten minutes we’ll carve two letters into her. If you can’t find her in time, she’s dead.”
A blade is pressed against your neck and you whimper.
The blindfold is torn off of your face and you look around with bleary eyes, observing all you can about the area around you.
An abandoned production warehouse. There’s colorful powder streaked across the walls and floor, so beautiful, yet you knew it would only fuel your nightmares for the next few months.
“You better hurry.”
The tall man behind me presses the blade into my neck, marking a shallow sting of blood on your throat.
“P-please... Please stop.”
The team could only watch in horror as you get beaten, Penelope trying desperately to track the live footage.
A firm hand is resting on Spencer’s shoulder, trying to calm him down as he glares at the screen, tears dripping down his neck.
Thirty minutes pass with no succession of finding Y/n. six letters are carved into you.
One of the men, the taller one, walks in front of you and pinches your cheeks together.
“We’re going out, but we’re watching you. If you try and send any messages to them, We have deadly gas in the vents waiting to be released. Behave.”
They walk out, but not before punching you in the stomach, the rough leather of their gloves rubbing against your carved skin.
“Please... Guys they’re going to kill again... I... I don’t think I’m gonna make it. If... If anyone is watching this, please, Tell the rest of the team I love you all. Penelope, please keep being yourself, never lose the light that you have, it’s a beacon for others.”
Penelope’s eyes overflowed with tears as the team watches you bleed out more and more with every breath.
“Rossi, you gotta get out more man, get yourself a woman to love. There’s someone out there for you, you’ll find her soon.”
Rossi turns his head, not wanting to cry at your words.
“Emily, You are the strongest woman I know, please don’t lose your persistence. JJ, Tell Henrey I said Hi okay? You’re so brave, don’t let anyone push you around. Morgan, You keep fighting for what’s right and don’t you dare give up, the world needs you bud.”
“Hotch, it’s alright to take breaks, this team is strong, they’ll survive if you take a cheat day. You have to give yourself a chance to breath okay?”
Even Hotch himself had a tear dripping down his cheeks as you let out broken sobs, almost screaming as the pain in your stomach starts to make you dizzy.
“Spencer... Oh god Spencer... I’m so sorry... I should have waited for you to come up... I’m so sorry...”
““But if I’m... If I’m gonna die then I have to tell you... I have to tell you that I love you. I’m in love with you...”
You look around, looking at the corner where a pile of spilt boxes on the floor, Makeup palettes shattered across with broken eyeshadow on the floor.
“It was a few months ago in December, it was a cold night.” You desperately send them hints. “You had given me an eyeshadow palette. I was upset that day, and slowly, I forgot about it. But I came across it recently. I’m so sorry that I never told you. I love you Spencer... I love you so much.”
The team watches Spencer, waiting nervously as his eyebrows are furrowed together.
“I never bought her an eyeshadow palette...”
Everyone’s eyes widen.
“Garcia look for abandoned eyeshadow palette factories within a fifty mile radius.”
Hotch demands as Morgan sits Spencer down.
“Take a breath, we’ll save her.”
“Morgan, I love her too, if she dies, it’s my fault, I didn’t make it to her in time...”
“Hey kid, don’t do that to yourself, she’ll make it.”
Spencer continues to think about all the times you two had together. You were the only person who listened to his rambling, you actually listened and you liked it. You and him told each other everything, your deepest darkest secrets.
He couldn’t survive without you, there was no way. You helped him when he had nightmares, you made him coffee, you truly held his heart in your hands.
“There’s a match! 68738 Raney Street! Go get my baby!”
Reid is off in a bolt with Emily and Hotch following right behind him.
The men return to the ware house, flipping knives in their hands.
“Looks like it’s time for some letters.”
“Can’t we just finish the message? Please baby?”
The tall man sighs before crouching in front of you, pulling your shirt up and place the knife right under your boob before pressing it in, making you scream out.
“Please! Please stop!”
Your breathing is labored, the blood draining from your body quickly as he continues to slice into you like a stick of butter.
The last thing you hear before passing out  is the sound of bells ringing in your ears.
You wake up with a pounding headache, you can’t open your eyes or move any limbs, but you can hear voices talking.
“The nurse said she had a few complications before they could get her to surgery, her heart stopped twice, but they managed to stabilize her.”
It was Penelope, you could tell by the sigh that followed she was talking with Morgan.
“What did they... What did they cut into her?”
His voice was shaky, it made your eyes tear up even when closed, and you could feel the itch slip out of your eye as Penelope speaks.
“They said death is the beginning.”
“And he’s been there since she got out of surgery?”
“He refuses to leave. The nurses told him he had to leave but he wouldn’t budge. It’s been three days. I don’t think he’s eaten...”
Another sigh from Morgan.
Your body is numb, gentle pins and needles spread all throughout your senses. More tears slip through the tiny slits of your closed eyes, dripping down to your ears.
“She’s crying... Probably a nightmare...”
Silence. You can feel yourself drifting back to sleep slowly, the gentle beep of your heart rate putting you to ease as your breathing slows down.
“I can’t believe she went through that torture for four days...”
Had it really been four days? It felt like a life time had passed from being taken from your team.
As you drift into a deep sleep, you can only relive the horrors as you remain unable to wake up.
The next time you awaken, you still can’t move or even blink, your throat dryer than before, pools of sweat at your thighs. You’re able to feel a hand clutching yours though, it’s slender and bony, long fingers squeezing yours tightly.
“You might be able to hear me, and if you can, we uh... We saved you Y/n. You’re safe now.”
You wanted to smile and throw your arms around his neck, but your limbs feel like lead, the heaviest lead in the world and you just can’t lift them up.
“I love you too Y/n. I love you so much. But it’s been eight days since you got to the hospital... Please wake up so I can tell you how much I love you.”
A pair of lips presses against your forehead. It tickles, warm breath from his nose gliding over your skin as he finally pulls away.
“Wake up soon Y/n...”
You slip in and out of consciousness like that for the next few weeks, listening to Spencer’s stories of the team’s current case, and relaxing to classical music as he reads books aloud to you.
They were books you loved too, fictional books about space pirates and cheesy rom-coms. You were so grateful  too him, hoping you could move sometime soon so you can kiss him.
One day the nurse came in to talk with Spencer.
“Her state isn’t improving, she hit her head pretty hard when you found her,  we don’t know how long it’ll be until she wakes up.”
You wanted to fight for him. You wanted to open your eyes and look at his beautiful face, you wanted to be able to hold him in your arms. So when his hand returns to your’s, you try your hardest to squeeze his hand, to let him know you’ll survive.
It takes all of your energy, but briefly, very briefly, your hand clenches softly, and you can feel his hand tense up.
“She squeezed my hand!”
With those words you swiftly passed out.
Spencer squeezed your hands days after that, it had been almost three months now, and a few days since you held his hand.
Your disheveled state was slowly improving, your sunken cheeks and deep eyebags now gone, but you still weren't waking up. 
“So I brought a children’s book today, I thought you would like it.”
He begin’s reading to you, squeezing your hand every few seconds to hopefully gain some sort of reaction from you.
But once again, nothing.
“Please wake up soon princess...”
You strain your muscles harder than you ever had to before, trying so hard to tap your fingers on his hand in the tune of the distant piano playing in the background.
One finger twitches on his skin, bouncing up and down to the beat of the piano, the rest of your fingers following suit.
A gasp escapes his lips.
“Princess? Are you awake?”
How the hell do you think I’m gonna answer that Spencer you dumb-
“Oh wow princess, You’re awake! Um, Uh, Okay, I need to go get a doctor, keep your fingers tapping okay? Doctor!”
You keep tapping your sore fingers, listening to Spencer and the doctor panicking about what to do.
But then, You’re eyes slowly flutter open, the blinding light impaling your irises as the sound of Spencer’s crying fills your ears.
 “Good morning Agent Y/l/n, you’ve been sleeping for a while now, I’m gonna help you sit up okay?”
You do your best to nod as the female doctor moves the hospital bed upwards, allowing you to lock eyes with Spencer.
“Sp... Spence...”
Your voice comes out broken and shattered, only a semblance of a croak, but he leans in and wraps his arms around you, making you feel safe and secure.
“Hey princess, I missed you so much.”
He presses a kiss to your head again, letting his tears fall onto your hands, which he’s held against his cheeks.
“I... I love...”
“Shhhh, I know princess, I know, just relax now alright? You’re safe and sound.”
“I love you...”
“I love you too.”
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erikavixin2006 · 4 years
Where Lila knows not to mess with the cat's princess.
A seemingly innocent smile appeared on Lila's lips as the girl walked down the streets to her "supposed" self-proclaimed kingdom, her mind swirled with thoughts and plans of taking down a certain half-Asian. Ever since the pig-tailed girl responded confidently to her threat, she began to find certain ways to tarnish the goody-two-shoes reputation. Marinette didn't seem to call her out of her lies anymore, frequently avoiding her. Whenever she got closer to the bluenette, said girl would either walk away, or stand there quietly while she babbled on her lies towards her clueless friends.
Even the mention of the students of Francoise Dupont made her lips twitch into a smirk. How clueless and mindless they are, believing whatever they want to hear, if she cared she would've felt sorry for Marinette, but she didn't. When framing her for theft and bully, most of her friends felt betrayed and hurt, angry even. She would've succeeded in getting rid of a love-rival if it weren't for a certain Agreste.
Adrien Agreste is a famous model, kind and handsome, qualities every woman wants in a man, and also, loved by almost half the population of teenage girls in Paris. Lila knew there were 3 girls after him apart from herself. Chloe Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter, which Lila considered not much of a threat since the girl seemed to show little romantic interest in him, confirming both of them to be just best friends. Next is Kagami Tsurugi, a big threat, the Japanese girl is beautiful and confident, and her mother is good friends with his father, Adrien had dated the girl for a while, only for both of them to break it up, thinking it's best if they stay friends, even so, Kagami had proved to still be very protective of Adrien, disliking Lila once taking a good look at her. Finally, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the biggest threat, the girl is hopelessly in love with Adrien, always stuttering and stumbling around him, though after a while, she stopped, her confidence increasing rapidly, a trait Lila soon found to be annoying, the half-Asian was supposed to be out of Lila's way when she started going out with Luka, but for some reason the two decided to stay friends, making Marinette a nuisance in Lila's eyes. Lila isn't blind, she could see the obvious love and adoration in Adrien's eyes whenever the bluenette is in his line of sight. The blond was obviously in love with her, and that made Lila's blood boil in anger, she tried to bad-mouthed her in front of Gabriel, but the middle-aged man shrugged it off, already meeting Marinette a few times, deeming her a worthy friend of Adrien once seeing her devotion towards Adrien and her exceptional talent in fashion. And that is when Lila knew she couldn't simply manipulate the man that easily, giving up on that idea, continuing to get on Agreste's Senior's good side, spying on Adrien.
Speaking of the blond boy, her lips turned into a lovesick grin when thinking of him. He is everything she ever dreamed of, rich, handsome, and kind. His name will bring her fame and fortune from all over the world. Just the thought of her hanging off the clueless man's arms while attending worldwide events made her feel giddy. Now that she is on his father's good side, it's only a matter of time before Adrien comes crawling to her feet, worshiping her just like the others. Though she admit the boy isn't as dumb as he seems, already knowing the girl's exceptional talent in lying, as the good-for-nothing superhero called her out in front of him. She hated the spotted hero, finding her a threat to her well-formed lies. But, the hero isn't in her way this time, her plan was to take down Dupain-Cheng, though the girl's friends still think of Marinette as the sweet, kind girl they loved, Lila is going to make sure they think her of the opposite by the end of the day, after all, no one can resist what they want to hear, she will be getting her fame soon. Plastering on a sweet smile, the girl walked into the school, fully unaware of what lies ahead of her.
Adrien Agreste had a feeling that something will happen today, and his suspicions lie on the sausage-haired girl that just walked in the class, her face planted with an all to sweet smile that disgusts him. His first reaction was to look behind, as if fearing something had happened to the girl that he called "Everyday Ladybug" , she's not here, late as usual, sighing in relief, he turned back to the front, lips stretching into a thin smile as Lila practically latched onto his arm after waving to the classmates, her nails digging into his flesh a little too deep, the man quickly shrug her off, uncomfortable. Lila looked a bit disappointed, but quickly put up her act.
'Oh Adrien, I was just wondering if you would help me with yesterday's Physics homework, you know my cousin is a great Engineer in Japan, she promised to teach me all about her research but due to me having short-term memory loss I couldn't remember a lot of the equations,' she spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice. Adrien wanted confront her again, but it's been weeks since he did, and she never listened, he soon gave up, only ignoring her brags and answering her questions half-heartedly. 'I'm sorry Lila, but maybe you could ask Max about it, I'm having some troubles on Physics myself too,' Adrien just spoke a lie, though not a bad one, he was just trying to dismiss Lila, as he wasn't really in the mood this morning. Lila definitely got the message, replacing her frown with a smile, gushing on how polite he is and moving towards her seat at the back.
Adrien's annoyed frown softened once he saw the pig-tailed girl stumbling into the class, dropping her stuff in the process. The girl quickly stood up and ran towards her seat, greeting her classmates on the way. Adrien saw the twitch of Lila's left eye as all of the classmates greeted the girl, smiling all the way. The certain rustle in his over-shirt pocket reminded Adrien to keep an eye on the liar. Plagg, due to certain reasons, had been a little attached to the baker girl, unbeknownst to Adrien that the angel sitting behind him is the love of his life as well as the guardian of the Miraculous Box, but Plagg knew, and he had a certain soft spot for the Ladybug Miraculous holder, if he could he would've cataclysm the terrorist they call Lila already. He kept calm though, the god of destruction knew that a certain goddess of creation would give him a scolding if he did anything to disrupt their holders lives'.
The day had gone well, but once lunch arrives, Adrien knew Lila will strike. He saw Lila planting Chloe's expensive necklace into Marinette's bag. The mayor's daughter is known for her unforgiving behavior, if she found her necklace in Marinette's bag, she will accuse without explanation. His blood boiled as he hid behind the door, he had given Lila many chances, his mother taught him to always be forgiving, and he had done just that, only for his princess to be hurt time and time again, now, he's had it, fuck the high road, he's not Gabriel's Agreste's son for nothing. He watched as Lila smirked in triumph, flipping her brown hair and sashaying away.
Adrien waited until the coast is clear, before quietly walking in the classroom, now wondering why doesn't the school provide any security cameras in the classrooms at all. Plagg merely peeked out from his over-shirt pocket, 'Defending your precious girlfriend aren't you? and you still call her a friend,' he muttered the last part. Months of being Chat Noir had strengthen his senses, hearing Plagg spoke the last part brought a small blush to his cheeks, he didn't deny, only muttering a small, ' I still love Ladybug,' . Plagg merely rolled his eyes, 'Yeah yeah loverboy just go help your princess,' before tucking himself back into his over-shirt.
Gabriel taught his son a little, but he still remembered one of the lectures he gotten, is that to never show mercy to someone who is a threat to you. And Marinette is his sunshine, picturing her unhappy broke his heart, he will not let that happen, ever. Lila needs to learn her lesson, and he will make sure she does.
With a flick of his wrist, the expensive jewelry was fished out of the girl's bag, and without a flicker of remorse in his eyes, Adrien swiftly dropped the necklace into Lila's bag behind. Standing up, he glanced around, making sure no one saw it. Plastering a model smile, he walked out of the classroom, muttering a few words for Plagg to keep his cackling down.
'Hey my dude, where have you been?' Nino questioned, his arm draped around his girlfriend's shoulder. They were in the cafeteria, with Marinette, the girl smiled brightly at the model. Adrien's eyes softened at the sight, as he took a seat beside Nino, replying, 'Oh I was caught up in the class, apparently I mixed up my Physics and Chemistry notes together,' . He glanced to the center, where Lila is surrounded by many students, as she spoke about her "latest" story, one about how she and Ladybug had been hanging out together. Alya would've gone to her side, but when that one time Lila purposely let slip that she knew Rena Rouge and Carapace personally, the reporter then knew that Lila Rossi is a liar. Alya then apologized to Marinette. The four best friends chatted through the lunch hour, and a side Adrien never knew he had is excited for class to be in session again.
Adrien knew Chloe will find out eventually, as her shrieks disrupted everyone in the class. Ms, Bustier isn't in yet, and that gives plenty of time for the drama to be unfold. 'My necklace is gone!' the blond screeched. Sabrina beside her was frantic, searching around the floor for it, and even going as far as going through other's desks to find it. Everyone was silent as she screamed, searching through her purse for it. As predicted by Adrien, Lila spoke up in a timid voice, 'Uhm Chloe? Maybe you could tell us what it looks like so we could help you look for it,' she smiled.
Adrien silently chuckled went Marinette grumbled under her breath cutely. Chloe huffed, ignoring Lila, Sabrina spoke up, 'It's this beautiful Bee pendant, it has the shape of a bee, it's really shiny so I think finding it wouldn't be much of a problem, if you guys could help search for it, it would be great, please?' she clapped both hands together. The class, shrugged and merely started to look around, ignoring Chloe's useless protests of accusations towards everyone in the class.
Adrien's eyes flickered towards Lila, the girl pretended to look around, only for her to put up a fake act. her eyes pretended to lit up, as she spoke up in a small voice, 'I remember seeing that necklace Chloe,'. Chloe placed her hands on her hips, 'Well? Where is it?!' . Lila then pretended to be confused, 'Though I'm not sure why Marinette was holding it earlier,' she then clasped her hands to her mouth in surprised, pretending to have said the wrong thing. The classmates had gasped in horror, and Chloe had screamed towards Marinette, demanding for her to empty her bag. Adrien had to hold in the pain as he watched Marinette's eyes flashed hurt ,confusion and anger. Sabrina walked over to Marinette, muttering a soft apology before opening her bag, dumping the contents out.
The class watched, most of them not believing that their kind Marinette would do such a thing. The search went on for a few moments, as Sabrina shook her head towards Chloe. The blonde girl huffed, 'I knew it, Dupain-Cheng wouldn't have the guts to pull of something like that, so Sabrina, check that girl's bag, or whatever her name is, judging at her tacky clothing she definitely seems like someone who would want to get her peasant hands on my priceless necklace,' she accused, and Adrien had to hide his smile of satisfaction as he watched Lila turned pale, quickly finding up excuses, 'You're accusing me? I...I just want to help Chloe,' she said, her voice trembled a little.
Everyone was either too shocked or too perplexed to step in. Lila is loss at words now, she was sure she slipped the necklace into the bluenette's bag, but Marinette seem surprised too, Lila didn't have time to suspect anyone, as she could feel cold sweat dripping down the back of her neck. Sabrina is walking towards her, and began to reach for her bag. Everyone except the four friends gasped in surprise, as Sabrina pulled out a necklace, to be specific, Chloe's necklace, from the side pocket of Lila's bag. Chloe scowled at Lila, as she snapped her fingers for Sabrina to come forward with her necklace. Most of the students were hurt, while some were even glaring at her. Lila thought fast, she had no time to be panicking now, 'I.. I didn't know how it ended up in my bag, someone must have framed me, please guys you have to believe me,' she sobbed, another act that Adrien and Marinette saw through.
Sweet Rose spoke up, 'Let's give Lila another chance guys? The necklace probably dropped into her bag, and maybe Lila saw wrongly of Marinette, maybe they were both framed?' she spoke softly, and Lila had to sigh through her hands, sweet gullible Rose, so clueless. The rest didn't have a chance to speak up as Ms. Bustier walked in the class, telling everyone to settle down and opening her book to start the lesson. Adrien was satisfied, but he knew Lila wouldn't go down after that, so he decided to keep an eye on her for now. Seeing his princess smile in relief, he knew it was worth it.
Lila simply didn't know what went wrong, she was really sure no one had saw her do it, or did she merely forgot it all? A million questions swirled through her mind. Most of the students still shot her suspicious glances. The girl had no time to ponder on the miscalculations she made, she had to gain back their trust, and she knew just what to do the next day.
'Tikki, what do you think happened today?' Marinette had her chin propped up with one hand, the other holding onto a pen, as she wrote halfway in her diary. Tikki giggled quietly, knowing full well what happened. The Miraculous of the ladybug and the black cat represented yin and yang, meaning that they're one. Both of the Miraculous complete the other. Creation may seem powerful and incredible, when really it's vulnerable in many ways, that's why Destruction is there, to make sure nothing happens to Creation. With Creation comes Destruction, it's been like that ever since the beginning.'I'm not sure Marinette, but I do know Lila finally deserved what she got,', Marinette nodded her head, as kind as she may be, she is thrilled to see the shock look on Lila's face. Tikki float towards Marinette front, 'But you really should be more careful Marinette, Lila may have slipped up today, but we'll never know when she will frame you again,' she warned. Marinette giggled, 'Alright Tikki, I'll be more careful,' she kissed the top of the kwami's head.
Lila was sure, today she will ruin Marinette once and for all, she spent all of last night devising a new plan, but first, she had to earn back the trust of the class. She went for Mylene first, knowing full well that she is just as vulnerable as Rose. Stepping up to her in the locker room, she spoke in her best "sweet" voice, 'Mylene, I just want to say, I really didn't know how Chloe's necklace got into my bag, and I'm really sorry if I broke your trust, I really didn't know what happened,' she pleaded. Mylene, being the sweet girl she is, smiled, 'Of course Lila, we were pretty shocked yesterday, and might have judged you too quickly, I want to apologize too,' she smiled, which Lila inwardly sneered at. She flashed her a sweet smile, grabbing both of her hands, she questioned in an innocent tone, 'So are we still friends?'.
Mylene softly grabbed onto her hands, 'Of course Lila, we're friends,' . Lila scoffed, Who does she think she is? Grabbing my hands like that, these peasants aren't worth near my delicate ones. She hid her disgust as she embraced the shorter girl. Meanwhile, Marinette and Alya were at the half-Chinese's locker, Alya scoffed, covering her mouth with her tablet to speak to Marinette, 'Can you believer her? I can't believe I used to worship her, poor Mylene,' . Marinette rolled her eyes at Lila, she was glad somebody was on her side. 'They'll find out she's lying one day Alya,' the bluenette assured. Alya looked at Marinette and embraced her, 'Girl, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you before, now I know how you feel,' . Marinette smiled sweetly, the opposite of Lila's own smile.
'Hey! How my favourite dudettes hangin?' Nino waved towards them, as the two girls exited the locker room, heading to class. The upcoming DJ slung an arm around Alya, Adrien tailing behind, waving at them softly. Marinette waved back at the two. As the four were about to head up, Marinette halted, 'I left my bag in the locker room again!' she sulked. Alya chuckled, 'You're too cute Mari, go get it, we'll wait for you here,', Marinette nodded and ran, almost tripping over her own feet. Adrien had to ignore the flutter in his heard upon seeing their "Everyday Ladybug" so vulnerable and adorable.
Alya turned towards Adrien, Nino's arm still slung around her, 'So, Sunshine boy, what happened yesterday?' she questioned, Nino looking at the both of them questioningly. Adrien cocked a teasing brow, his Chat Noir side showing a little, 'Whatever do you mean, Alya?' he smiled. Alya jabbed a finger to his chest, 'Don't play dumb with me, Golden Boy, I saw your expression when Lila got exposed, that was your doing wasn't it?' she demanded. Poor Nino didn't understand what's going on, but soon caught up when he recalled yesterday's event, 'Dude? That was you? How?'. Adrien sighed, 'I couldn't let Lila bully Marinette, and I think it's time she learned her lesson, I'm done playing the high road, I won't let anything happen to Marinette,' he spoke in a low voice, not wanting to gain the attention of the students around them. With that he caught up towards Marinette, who is making her way towards them, both of them engaging in a conversation seconds later.
Nino and Alya looked at Adrien shocked, as the two walked up the stairs. The turtle hero and the fox hero following soon after. Nino could then make out a string of words that his girlfriend muttered, 'Just a friend my butt,'.
It's Art class for their first period, and their work is painting. Lila is finding it hard to get to Marinette, Alya and Nino were always with her, and so is Adrien, she fumed as she eyed Adrien leaning towards Marinette to compliment her art, the girl flashing him a grateful smile, a pink hue dusted her cheeks. Adrien is supposed to be fawning over her! Not that good for nothing baker girl! Lila was blinded by anger and jealousy, and the plan she so carefully devised last night was dumped to the side of her brain. The spotted hero in civilian form now began to stand up, and walked out the class to wash her cup filled with dirtied paint water. The moment she passed by Lila, the olive-eyed girl forgot all about staying calm and composed, sticking her foot out, to which Marinette is unaware of (focused on the part where she might accidentally spill the water) and tripped her. Marinette fell, her cup knocked out of her hands, and drenched her body from head to chest.
Students turned their focus from their painting to the fallen girl on the floor, soaking wet at this point. Most of them came to aid her, while some of them chuckled and turned back towards their work, dismissing this as another one of Marinette's clumsiness. Adrien was not convinced, he saw Lila's foot stuck out when his princess tripped. Meanwhile Marinette sneezed from the cold air hitting her drenched body, her hands flew to wrap around herself, shivering. Alya rushed to aid her best friend, but Adrien beat her to it, taking off his white over-shirt and wrapping it around the girl, supporting the girl as he excused both of them to get Marinette cleaned up, despite the pig-tailed girl's flustered state.
Before they left, Adrien shot Lila a look, his usual kind green eyes turned acid-green as he glared at her, a warning glare. Lila flinched a little, but quickly masked it, as she gushed on how clumsy Marinette is, inside she is burning with rage towards the blue-haired girl, What does Adrien see in her?!  She cursed at herself for letting rage blind her. The class isn't much help either, instead they're adding fuel to Lila's fire, gushing on the "Adrienette" moment that just happened. They were all supposed to be shipping her and Adrien! They would make a much better pair than Adrienette!
'I could've sworn I tripped over something,' Marinette spoke from the inside of the girls bathroom, while Adrien stood outside, waiting for her. He had handed her his spare black shirt in his locker, his white over-shirt now fitted to his body once again. The man sighed, 'I saw Lila trip you, are you hurt anywhere?' he spoke with concern. 'I'm fine Adrien, thanks for caring, I have to be careful from where I'm walking now,' she giggled. The door opened as Marinette stepped out, in one of Adrien's shirt, her black jacket sealed in a bag. Marinette rinsed her dirtied hair with clean water to wash the paint off, letting her hair down for ti to dry quicker. Despite sounding normal, the girl is still in a rather flustered state, 'Are you sure about your shirt? I don't think your father would do well with his son's shirt on some random girl,' she tugged on the hem of the large shirt nervously. Despite Adrien's lanky frame, he is still a lot taller and broader than Marinette, and the half-Asian is a petite girl. Adrien fought back the blush, covering his face with his hands, the girl looked so adorable and small he had the urge to just embrace her and never let go. 'It's fine Marinette, besides, my father wouldn't mind, if I explain the situation to him I'm sure he'll understand,' he straightened up. Marinette stammered, flushing red, 'I....B..but I didn't want you to get in trouble because of me! I...I promised to give it back tomorrow!' she squeaked the last part.
The blonde swallowed dryly, muttering something that went unheard by Marinette, 'She's going to be the death of me one day,', staring down at the fidgety girl, he placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling, 'It's okay Marinette, really, keep the shirt, I have more at home, you need it more than I do, now come on, let's get back to class,', he grabbed her hand and led her out, ignoring the slight rustle of movement in his shirt pocket. Marinette is a blushing mess right about now, just when she thought she is moving on, she managed to fall in love with him again, and it's more complicated now as she was just starting to feel butterflies around her kitty too. Tikki peeked out from her holder's purse, giggling quietly at her owner, if only she knew.
Squeals were heard in the art room, which were identified as Alya's and Rose's. The entire class is welcomed by a flushed Marinette and a slightly pink Adrien. The art teacher merely smiled at them as he watched the scene. The blond made sure his pig-tailed princess was back to his seat then went back to his own, where Nino nudged him in the ribs coyly. Alya and the rest of the girls, excluding Lila, Chloe and Sabrina, the brunette is raging at this point (surprisingly there's still no akuma) at her seat, rushed to the bluenette, demanding details. 'Girl explain to us why are you in Adrien Agreste's shirt?!' Alya shook the girl hard. Rose squealed, 'Oh my gosh It's so romantic! He lent you his shirt!' she sighed dreamily, leaning against Juleka, who merely gave a nod of approval towards Marinette. Alix placed both hands behind her head, whistling, 'I do hope you both didn't do anything more~' she teased. Adrien peeked and chuckled to himself when Marinette buried her red face in her hands, and let out a muffled scream, avoiding eye contact from everyone. The black cat in civilian form had to finally admit that Marinette isn't just a friend after all, though he still has feelings for his bugaboo. Mylene gushed, 'You're so adorable Marinette, relax, Alix's just teasing you,' . Marinette tucked half of her face into the large shirt, breathing deeply into the boy's scent, all the while hiding her flushed face from the others.
Lila is fuming, her neatly detailed plan was all ruin, all because of her jealousy. Putting up her fake act, she can't afford to receive anymore of the accusing glances, and strutted off to gush at Marinette, biting her tongue in disgust.
It's P.E. The teacher had decided with dodgeball, the most feared yet celebrated sport among the students. What's worse is that she announced the rules to be different. Where one boy and girl were teamed together. But, alas, exceptions were made. The rules were simple, the boys can get hit by the balls, while the girls are to throw the balls, but if the girls do get hit, then the pair is out. Lila, once again lied about her Arthritis acting up again.
The P.E. teacher was, well, you could say a romantic that loves shipping students together. She paired up, of course, the heroes of Paris, Adrien and Marinette, followed by Alya and Nino, Kim and Alix, Max and Sabrina, Mylene and Ivan, Juleka and Rose (the teacher made an exception, Juleka took up the role of the boy, protecting sweet Rose from the rage of dodgeballs.). Poor Nathaniel got paired with Chloe, much to his dismay. Lila's head snapped up, once hearing Adrien and Marinette's name together. She couldn't do anything but just watch as Adrien pulled Marinette to their spot, with Marinette beginning her self-conscious rambles on how she would be slowing Adrien down.
Marinette knew she was clumsy, as the game started, her guilt built up as Adrien shielded her from the incoming balls, with most of them knowing Marinette's high chance of slipping up and tumbling over her own feet. Adrien, with his cat-like reflexes worked perfectly to prevent the balls from hitting his princess.
Lila watched in jealousy, as Adrien grabbed the bluenette's hips, twirling her behind him, not even her anger towards Ladybug can suppress the rage for Marinette inside Lila. Soon, a few pairs were out. Poor Nathaniel had to kneel down to apologize to Chloe when failing to protect her from the incoming ball fired by Alya. Juleka and Rose were soon out, Rose squealing many apologies for not being able to throw the balls correctly, Juleka silencing her with a cheek kiss. Alix and Kim were on fire, aiming to destroy every last one of the pairs. Their latest victims were Max and Sabrina, both laughed a little at their defeat, joining the others to the benches.
Alya and Nino, and Adrien and Marinette, engaged in a little war, where they keep firing balls at each other. Alya mocked the poor clumsy girl poking behind form Adrien's shoulder. 'Come on Mari, look at poor Adrien, he looks bruised all over, are you going to just stand behind him and let him take all the hits by himself?' she high-fived Nino, who just merely chuckled as Adrien shot them an annoyed glance. Marinete grumbled, deciding to let her Ladybug confidence take over her for just this once.
Mylene and Ivan were out soon, when the shorter girl tripped over a ball, causing her to fall, the ball rolling over to Lila's foot. Once Ivan and Mylene were settled on the bench, Alix called out from the center, 'Lila! Could you throw the ball over here?! Me and Kim are going to pulverized those two!' she slammed her palm with her fist, as Kim gathered up the scattered balls. Lila smiled, an idea popping up in her twisted, evil mind. Grabbing the ball, she threw it as hard as she could, but not aiming at the sporty pair, instead, at Marinette, who is wide open for the ball to hit her. Lila made it seem like she missed her aim, as the class watched in horror, the ball merely a few seconds away from Marinette's head.
Adrien's cat senses picked up the ball coming towards Marinette. Reaching one hand to push Marinette behind him by the waist, he blocked the ball with his arm, his glare fixated on Lila. Marinette barely knew what was going on, she stared at the man before her with wide eyes. Lila gritted her teeth, harming Marinette isn't as easy as she thought it would be, as Adrien seems to have appointed himself Marinette's knight in shining armor (knight in shining black leather, to be more precise), but Lila didn't seem to learn her lesson just yet, Adrien had confirmed so himself, the evil glint in Lila's eyes showed that she is stubborn, and not the kind he sees in his lady and Marinette's eyes. Lila smiled apologetically, 'Oops! My Arthritis is acting up again! I hope you're alright Adrien and Marinette!'.
Adrien put on his model facade, 'It's all good Lila, thanks for the ball, now we have extras to defeat the remaining pairs!' he smiled. Kim and Alix scoffed from the center, 'As if!'. The three pairs went through war, Marinette beginning to feel more and more confident during their battle, laughing and throwing balls more frequently. Adrien saw as Marinette giggled, one of her balls hitting Alya's elbow, to which both of them yelled out words of frustration. The sight of her sweaty and laughing reminded him so much of his lady he couldn't help but fall deeper in her spell, he knew he was screwed once he stared into her bluebell eyes that seem to resemble Ladybug so much.
Kim's shout broke Adrien out of his trance, as he looked toward Alix, who is armed and ready to attack them, determined to remain superior in the battlefield of sports. What she didn't know, (but will soon find out when she gets her Miraculous) is that she's facing Paris's beloved badass duo.
As if their Ladybug and Chat Noir senses kicked in, Adrien blocked the ball, Marinette coming out from behind, holding one of the balls. The adrenaline flowing through her veins as she momentarily forgot about everything, focusing only on the target in front of them. Tossing up the ball, she jumped up, her form of hitting the ball reflected through Adrien's pupils. He had forgotten all about everything, admiring the beautiful sight of the girl he had called his "Everyday Ladybug". Marinette drew her right arm back, spiking the ball towards Alix, who her and Kim never expected to see it coming. The entire moments was so fast, the class was in awe. They had seldom gotten to see this side of Marinette, and they had cherished it.
The ball hit Alix's hip, which Kim failed to shield her from the shock he had just received. When Marinette dropped to the ground, Adrien had lifted her up and spun her around, both laughing in victory. The entire class, excluding Lila again, had rushed towards them, celebrating their success, thought Kim and Alix began a playful argument on who wasn't fast enough.
Lila gritted her teeth in anger, her olive eyes squinted in jealousy. The saying of "Jealousy is an ugly thing" is proven to be right. Lila had lost all sense of logic, blinded by jealousy, she wanted Marinette done.
'Still a friend to you kid?' Plagg teased, holding onto his daily dose of camembert, Adrien grumbled into his pillow, muttering 'Are her eyes always this blue? Am i falling in love? What happened to Ladybug? Can you be in love with two at the same time? What's happening to me?' the question flowed out of his mouth. Plagg laughed hysterically, 'Kid, maybe you should try going for pig-tails this time, imagine, all the good bread to go with cheese!'. he gobbled down the smelly cheese. Adrien lift his head to face Plagg, 'You always think with your stomach,'. Plagg shrugged, 'So what are you doing with the sausage girl?' the god of destruction started calling her  that after getting a good look at her hair, he really thought it was sausages hanging from her hair.
'She seems pretty angry today, I think it's only a matter of time before she completely loses it, we'll take the high road for now, I never thought annoying someone could be this fun,' he chuckled. Plagg settled himself onto the boy's bed, 'I guess they can strip off your title as Sunshine Boy,'. Adrien merely chuckled and settled down, staring at the ceiling, sorting out his feelings.
Adrien was right, Lila had lost her temper days after, all her built up lies and threats fall into the ditch. She let her emotions take over and lost everything she once had.
It was during school when some students had extra classes, the Akuma Class had one extra period in Chemistry, as they went to their locker to gather their things for the class.
Lila has had it, she spent the whole day tripping Marinette, even going as far as spreading rumors, and framing her. But it always didn't go her way, if anything it made Marinette more loved, and she had to control herself from pouncing on her when having to watch the class gush on how close the bluenette and blond had gotten. She knew Adrien is preventing everything she is planning, constantly in the right place at the right time, she was furious at Adrien for stopping her. He was suppose to be fawning over her like the other mindless idiots! Seeing the two of them so close together at Marinette's locker, with Marinette leaning back a little to show Adrien something form her sketchbook, the man leaning in a little, his chin almost touching the girl's shoulder. It was such a sickeningly sweet posture that it practically radiates diabetes. Alya had her phone out while the girls gushed over it.
Deciding it was the last straw, and momentarily forgetting the presence of practically the whole class in the locker room. Stomping over to them, she screeched like a spoiled child, or in most people's case, a banshee. 'I have had it with you Dupain-Cheng! You were supposed to be an outcast! Alone! I was supposed to be there next to Adrien! Not you! I didn't plan all of this just for you to get closer to him! Ughh! I hate you!' she screamed it all at a stunned Marinette.
Before Marinette could respond, Lila continued, letting her rage completely take over, 'And you! You're supposed to be fawning over me! Like the mindless idiots in the class! Not going over to her! She's a nobody! What's so great about her anyway! I'm a model! I worked with the famous Gabriel! All she ever does is doodle some ugly designs and bake bread! I'm the one who's worthy of the Agreste name! Me! If you have gotten together with me I would've actually met Jagged Stone and Prince Ali, then I wouldn't  have to lie about this! I wouldn't have to lie about all these stupid diseases and everyone would be flocking over to me! Not this girl you called your "Everyday Ladybug" !' she finished, panting, challenging Adrien, who suddenly had his arm around Marinette, both of them glaring at the brunette.
Lila froze, she looked around her, the entire Akuma class stared at her, shock. Alya had her phone out. Oh no, she messed up, it was all going so well, and she let her anger control her. She now wished for an akuma to take over her already. Quickly thinking of a new excuse, she spoke with a paled face, 'Oh no! I let my disease take over me again! I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean what I said to Marinette and Adrien! My lying disease had acted up again. Please understand!' she cried out, fake tears streaming down her face.
Alix broke the silence, screaming, 'So Marinette was right all along! You are a liar! I can't believe you!'.
'So uncool Lila!'
'You've been lying all this time! And we thought Marinette was jealous! Oh Poor Marinette!'
'There is a 99.97% chance that there is no such disease Lila,'
'How could you Lila! We would've accepted you just fine when you don't lie!'
Lila's eyes widened, 'N...no guys! It really is a disease! Please! You have to believe me!' she cried out, her face turning as white as a sheet of paper. Nino called out, 'I don't think the word "believe" would suit this conversation right now Lila, you just lied to all of us, and you even framed our dudette Marinette for all those horrible things! That's low!' the DJ shook his head in disappointment.
Lila's shocked expression morphed into something uglier, anger, turning around, she screamed at Marinette, 'It's all your fault! If you weren't in the way! I would've been in the spotlight! I hate you! You're nothing but a nuisance in our lives! I wish you were gone! I don't get what Adrien sees in you!' she was about to scream more when she flinched at the sound of a fist against the locker door. Looking to wards the source, she was greeted by the hovering figure of one Adrien Agreste, his fist still remaining against the metal material of the locker, his eyes, acid-green, glinting dangerously at her, 'Shut up Lila,' he growled, something that the others were not aware that he could create.
'W..what?' Lila was speechless. Adrien spoke up in a low voice, 'I said shut up, you don't get to talk about our "Everyday Ladybug" like that, nor do you have the privilege. I like her, you want to know why? Because unlike you, Marinette doesn't go lying about everything, and she actually works hard to achieve her dreams. She actually met Jagged Stone, but she didn't brag it all out like you, she's humble, she's kind, and she puts other's needs before herself, and, Rossi, that is why Marinette would always be a thousand times more better than you. I'm not stupid Rossi, I know you've been spying on my on behalf of my dad, you manipulated him to get closer to him, so don't go spouting all that nonsense of you wanting the best for me, you don''t care about me, you just want my last name, and I despise people like you. So don't talk about my princess like that, is that clear?' he finished. Marinette's eyes lit up at the mention of her nickname. Only one person has ever called me princess, she flushed red at the realization.
Adrien is Chat Noir!
I've been rejecting him for him!
And he just openly confessed to me, if this is a dream don't wake me up?
Lila's eyes were wide, she didn't seem to hear the "Since when did you call Marinette princess?!" from Alya behind her, all she could focus was the fact that her future would be ruin, all the fame and fortune she ever dreamed off, gritting her teeth, she pointed towards him, showing her true colors at last, 'Really?! You don't know what I'm capable of Agreste, I could get you out of school with just a few of my words! Your father wouldn't even know what's coming! Ha! Do you think I really liked you?! You're just a stepping stone towards my popularity! And here I thought you were perfect?! If it weren't for your last name then I would've just turn you into one of my minions!'
Adrien's eyes reflected hurt, he hated being recognized only for his name, it makes him think that all he's ever good for is his name, not what he truly is. Lila noticed this, sneering, she mocked, 'What Agreste, you're going to hurt me? Slap me? Think before you act blondie, I can tarnish your reputation by reporting that you, a boy, hit me, a delicate woman, imagine what would the press think of you?' she cackled.
Marinette has had it, no one, and she means no one, talks to her precious kitty like that! Drawing her hand back, she slapped the girl across her face cleanly. Lila stumbled back, while everyone widened their eyes at the force coming from the petite girl. The Italian touched her now red cheek, anger rising quickly, how dare that peasant slap her! Before she could take it out, Marinette beat her to it, and the force of her voice caused everyone to silence themselves immediately.
'Adrien can't hit you, but I can! How dare you! You witch! Using Adrien and my friends like that as your pawns! They're not some dolls you can control! Can't you see you're hurting them! I would've tolerate you if you target me only! But you're the kind that thinks of yourself as some goddess or ruler, that you're above us all! Manipulating us, lying to us! You really are the worst of the worst! Adrien knew you were lying, but being the sweet and kind person he is he gave you chance for you to change, but what did you do?! You used this kindness to your advantage! Adrien isn't some kind of trophy for you to hang around your arm! He's a real person who just wants to live a normal life, instead people like you used him, turned him into some kind of eye candy! Can't you see he needs emotional support?! He needs someone there for him, his father is always busy and he just lost his mother! He's hurting inside, and you don't even acknowledge that fact! Well let me tell you this Lila, we are not minions who you can control! You will either apologize to them or stay an outcast! Unlike Adrien, I am not that kind to let you off the hook!' Marinette finished, out of breath.
Adrien stared at the girl, the sight of her standing up to him almost made his eyes water, she's simply the most amazing girl he met besides Ladybug, he wondered to himself on how he didn't notice this goddess of a woman before.The confidence, the voice, the posture, it reminded him so much of his lady, he had never fallen more harder than ever for a girl, not even Ladybug crossed his mind as his eyes only ever saw Marinette Dupain-Cheng right now.
Lila had her eyes wide open once again, she was pale, and everyone could almost hear a whimper escaping her lips. The class stared at Marinette, their class president is incredible! The liar had to mutter a small apology half-heartedly and ran out, ashamed and embarrassed.
The situation was so tense they were surprise an akuma didn't appear already. Alix cut it off with a wolf-whistle, Alya shoved her phone towards Nino and ran towards Marinette, 'Girl that was so awesome! You're so amazing! Just like Ladybug!' she hugged the half-Asian. Soon after the rest of the girls joined, thanking Marinette. Everyone just stood there thanking their beloved class president, well, almost everyone, Adrien still had that lovesick gaze on her, which did not go unnoticed by Alya.
The Ladyblogger placed her hands on her hips, smirking teasingly, 'So, Sunshine Boy, what's all this about liking my girl Marinette and calling her princess? Isn't she "just a friend"?' she quoted. Adrien snapped out of his trance, face burning red as he stammered some quiet words out, covering his face. Rose squealed, 'You do like Marinette! Oh it's so romantic on how you defended each other! You're just like Ladybug and Chat Noir!'. The rest of the class nodded in approval. 'It's like they're the civilian versions of Paris's superheroes!' Mylene giggled.
Both Marinette and Adrien took this as a suspicion on their superhero identities, flushing red, they held their hands up and denied everything in panic. Their friends laughed at the two's reaction, 'You two really are made for each other! Just kiss already!' Alix called out, fist bumping Kim in the process. They flushed red again, as Chloe called out, 'Ugh! As if I'm seeing those two lock lips! Sabrina! Let's go! We're late for Chemistry!'  she snapped her fingers, beckoning the girl to follow her. The class gasped in surprise, they were approximately 15 minutes late for their class! Yells of surprise were heard and within seconds the locker room was empty, except for the bluenette and blond.
'Adrien? Did you really mean what you said earlier?' Marinette bit her lip, looking down at the ground shyly. The blonde lifted the girl's chin up slowly, in a soft voice, he spoke, 'Yes, I really like you Marinette, and I realized I had been for awhile, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met, and I have been pretty blind for not noticing such a wonderful girl in front of me, I'll be delighted if you'll return my feelings,' he gave her a shy smile. Marinette would've exploded, but she bear the thought that the man in front of her was her partner, the one that had been in love with her alter-ego for so long, confessed to her twice, and her heart swelled at the feeling. 'Of course Adrien, you have no idea how long I've been in love with you, and yes, you have been pretty blind to not notice,' she giggled at the last part. 'We'll talk about this later, okay? We're both really late for class,' Marinette began to leave, but Adrien stopped her to thank her once again.
'Marinette, i just want to thank you for standing up to me, it really means a lot to me, You're really amazing you know that?' he added the last part with a soft smile, one that the spotter-hero had seen frequently on a certain feline-hero. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck shyly, Marinette smiled, 'It's alright Adrien, plus,' she leaned towards his ear, whispering the last part clearly, 'I couldn't let her bad-mouthed my chaton that way, could I?' giggled quietly to herself, she walked out, not before shooting a quick wink towards the model.
Adrien stood there, frozen. Did she just call me? Only one person calls me that. No, it cant be. I can't be that lucky. Then, if she says she's been in love with me for awhile, then that means, she rejected me, for me?  Piecing the puzzles together, he came to a conclusion: Marinette is Ladybug. Why wouldn't she be? they're both brave, courageous, kind and Adrien had to say, extremely gorgeous. Hearing Plagg stifle a laughter inside his pocket, his suspicions were correct. He's the holder of the black cat Miraculous, the literal owner of the God of destruction and bad luck, how could he be this lucky?
Smiling in a lovesick way, he promised to himself that once the pig-tailed girl was his, he would never let her go, not ever again.
(This is just a one-shot to giving our heroes some justice, absolutely no Lila hate)
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
Slow Dance
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A/N: based on the song Slow Dance by AJ Mitchell and Ava Max.
Warnings: fluff haha, there will be mistakes. fem!reader.
Hi! Could I request Spencer Reid fluff? Spencer and the reader have hidden feelings for each other and his team manages to get him to tell the reader? Thank you :) @hahaboop​
I have a request for Spencer Reid! One where the reader is the youngest member of the BAU (maybe she could be like 22, just graduated from college) and everyone is really protective of her. So, Spencer has a crush on her but doesn’t know how to tell her because all the members in the BAU are too overprotective and the rest of the building flirts with her or something like this. @always394patronus​
Word Count: 2.3k
If you stay for this minute, girl I'll never let you down...
The team had just gotten back to the BAU after a long case a few states away, and everyone except you and Spencer was out of the door. You were stressing out because yet again you were being paired with either Morgan or Hotch on every single case you’ve been given the past few months. At first you had hardly noticed, but with every passing case and every, “young one,” comment, you have grown more and more furious.
Spencer understood completely. Having been a twelve year old highschool graduate, he’s gotten his fair share of the “being young,” comments and teases. He could only imagine it was probably considerably worse for you since you were a woman, and women are commonly misconstrued, as the, “weaker gender.”
You were everything but weak though. Over the past few months, after you had joined the team, he and pretty much everyone noticed that you are incredibly smart, head-strong, honest, and ambitious. Perhaps this is why the team felt the need to protect you.
Sure, there have been plenty of new members, and new people and faces and scents, but you were different. In this case, different wasn’t terrible, it was just - unexpected. You were the youngest there, and with you being another woman added to the team, everyone kind of looked at you a little differently. It wasn’t that they doubted your profiling skills, oh no, you were, “damn good,” at your job as Morgan likes to say, and it wasn’t the fact that they thought you couldn’t handle yourself because of your age, but they were trying to make it so that the cases wouldn’t get to you.
Because of your age, they felt that after a while maybe the cases would get to be too much for you, and they wanted to prevent you from a world of confusion and hurt.
That is what hurt you the most though. Why couldn’t you just be treated like everyone else here?
And Spencer listened to anything and everything you had to say. He had become the closest thing to a best friend you could have, but sometimes it just didn’t feel like you were meant to be just friends.
Sometimes he’d catch himself staring at you a bit too long, or wanting to come up with anything he could to talk to you, or maybe even go as far as staring at your lips when you were talking, but he digressed, and tried to suppress anything he might have felt for you.
And you did as well.
All the time you had caught yourself wanting to just pull him into a hug that lasted forever, or hold his hand, and maybe even kiss him, but he was your coworker. Not only that, but on top of all the field limitations, those same limits seemed to be in office as well.
We ain't off the limit, I could hold you after now. No more talking, I don't know what you wanna do with that?
A few bold interns from a couple of floors down had tried to ask you out on a date, and maybe even a few more, but as soon as they had or even had the thought to, Morgan, Hotch, and sometimes even Garcia would give you a disapproving look, glare the guy down, or maybe even go as far as shut the guy down verbally for you.
Afterwards you’d always apologize to the guy, and you always felt bad for having to do it. Well, not really. Of course it made you upset that they never seemed to want you to live your life and actually find love, but the only one you wanted to go on dates with anyway was Spencer.
You knew your jobs, and the fact that you worked together could be a problem, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you could actually be something. Or maybe you misinterpreted the looks he gave you, and he actually doesn’t like you that way at all.
That night, Spencer had gotten home and went straight to sleep. Usually he’d dream of his mom, the cases, or maybe even some of the plain rides, but tonight's dreams seemed to have been filled with you. You were on his couch, in one of his cardigans, reading a book, eating some kind of fruit. He came in, sat next to you and handed you a cup of coffee after placing a quick kiss to your lips.
In the dream after that he had woken up, and you were snuggled in beside him. He had his arm wrapped around him, and your legs were tangled with his. The sun had barely risen, and the comforter was twisted in a weird way between the two of you, but when he actually woke up the next morning, he couldn’t help but noticed it felt so normal, and he wished it had been real.
He ran his fingers through his tangled curls, and scolded himself for those dreams. How was he going to look at you the same in a couple of hours when he almost-knew what it felt like to kiss you, and he almost-knew what it felt like to be so close to you?
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” You cringed at the nickname Rossi used towards you, but you answered him anyway.
“Nothing, just tired.”
He shook his head and laughed to himself. You gave him a ‘what?’ look.
“You’re not tired Y/N. You’re distressed.” He nods towards where Reid is sitting. “You haven’t stopped staring at him, care to talk about it?”
“Not really.” You sighed, spinning your chair around so now you were no longer even facing Reid - that way you wouldn’t be caught staring again.
“I say go for it.” You give him that ‘what?’ look again waiting for him to elaborate. “It’s obvious you two like eachother. Take it from me, don’t wait before it’s too late.”
“But the team -” You argue.
“At the end of the day, the team doesn’t matter. Just you and Spencer.”
And with that, Rossi walked away leaving you to think about what he said, and if it was even really possible for you two to be something more than friends.
It feels good, why you even wanna hold it back? We just work and I know there's no coming back.
“Awe, would you look at them!” Garcia gushed, watching you laugh at something Spencer said across the bullpen.
“Look at who?” Morgan asked clearly oblivious to the two of you.
“Spencer and Y/N.” Garcia answered pointing slightly in your direction so that Morgan could see too.
Morgan looked over and saw that you were sitting on your desk, and Spencer was standing in front of you with a cup of coffee in his hands. You were giggling like crazy, and Spencer smiled too although he wasn’t quite sure what the joke was.
“Y/N! Tell me what’s so funny! All I said was cassava!”
This only caused you to laugh even harder. There was this trick in elementary where you would ask someone a series of easy math questions very quickly, and then on the last question you’d ask them to name a vegetable. The trick was that usually the participant would say the basic vegetable, “carrots,” but no, Spencer Reid answered, “cassava.”
Once you stopped laughing, you explained it to him, and he didn’t find it as funny as you did, but nevertheless he started laughing too because your laugh seemed to be infectious. _
“I didn’t know which you liked better, so I brought both.” Spencer said, smiling behind bags of chinese food and two boxes of pizza.
“Oh my God Spencer!” you gushed, grabbing some of the bags and one of the boxes.
He closes the door behind him and puts all the food on the table.
“What are you even doing here?” You ask giving him a quick hug.
“Well, I know you’ve been a little down lately, and I just thought I’d help in any way that I could.”
You almost cried. He was so sweet to you, and you had no idea how to react. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and show him how much you appreciate him with a passionate kiss, but you knew that you probably shouldn’t.
Spencer invited you over for a movie marathon, and you’d be there any minute. He had made sure his apartment was flawless, and everything was perfect. Sure, you’ve been to his place before, but lately, things have begun to feel...different.
There was this one time at work where you two had gotten so close that he had just almost kissed you, but he had chickened out, and he had regretted that decision ever since.
When you got there, you both ended up staying up until three in the morning watching your favorite movies.
“Do you wanna go catch some lunch?” Terry from downstairs asks you.
“She likes someone else, sorry my man.” Morgan answers for you resting his arm across your shoulders.
Once the guy was gone, you turned to him with a frown.
“Someone as in who?” You ask.
“Uh uh,” he steps away. “Don’t play dumb with me Miss Lady. You know exactly who I’m talking about.” You rolled your eyes and walked over to the elevator.
Once you had entered the bullpen, you noticed Penelope and Spencer in a corner - except she looked to be giving him a pep-talk of some kind. _
“Spencer I’m telling you, you NEED to make a move.” Penelope practically whines. “I am tired of seeing you two pine after one another.”
Spencer shakes his head and sighs. “We don’t know if she even - and the team. The team practically throws the guys who even look at her out of the window.”
“You’re different, you know it’s different with you.”
Spencer wasn’t so sure. He’d hate it if he were to kindle something with you, and the team was unsupportive. _
A couple of days later, Spencer had walked by your desk and noticed a bouqet of roses in your wastebasket.
“Who were those from?” He asks half curiously, half jealousy (although he’s not willing to admit that.)
“Some guy named uh- Dylan, but I uhh, I’m interested in someone else.” You looked everywhere but Spencer’s eyes, trying not to laugh.
“Oh, you do?” he asks wearily, not quite sure where you were going with this. “Do I know him?”
“Oh yeah.” You smile. “You guys are practically like this.” You twisted your middle and pointer finger together to show the closeness.
He smiled down at you catching on. “Don’t tell me it’s Morgan, Y/N.”
“Nah. This guy likes to read. I don’t think Derek’s ever picked up a book in the last five years.”
It was late one night and you and Spencer were the only ones left in the office. You walked over to his desk where he was reading the newspaper, but when he noticed you his head immediately picked up. “Remember when I told you that you know the guy that I’m interested in?”
“Mhmm yeah, I think I remember.”
“He’s you. The guy is you.”
“Could have fooled -”
And you leaned in capturing his lips in yours. He tasted of coffee and bubblegum, which isn’t as bad as it might seem. He kissed you back and you forgot everything for a moment - forgot you were at the bullpen, forgot he was your coworker, and forgot the team's reaction actually might have meant something to you.
They meant nothing now when he’s pulling you down to straddle his lap and deepening the kiss. When you felt his tongue along your lips you opened your mouth a little wider so that he could kiss you just a little bit harder.
You both pulled away at the same time but stayed close, as he was running his hands along your sides.
“Me. You could have fooled me.” he finishes. You laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his lips which he returned before climbing out of his lap and steadying yourself on the ground.
You were going to walk away, until he grabbed your hand and pulled you back.
“Hey,” he practically whispered. “Go to dinner with me tomorrow night.”
I wanna slow dance if you’re feeling me now If we don't hold hands you'll be killing me now
Spencer had arrived at your apartment with a bouquet of wildflowers.
He had knocked, and when you opened the door, he was absolutely shocked.
“Wow, you look stunning.” He lets out.
“As do you.”
You grab the flowers from him and place it in a vase before grabbing your jacket, his hand, and heading out of the door.
The night went smoothly, and the dinner was great, and it couldn’t have been more perfect.
“Spence?” You asked, rubbing your thumb across his knuckles. You were holding the hand he wasn’t using to drive.
“Have you ever seen The Notebook?”
“Why?” he asks looking over at you. You couldn’t have been more beautiful in his eyes.
“You’ll see.”
When he pulled out in front of your apartment, and you were out of his car, you took his hand and led him to the middle of the street - the only source of light being the street lamp hovering above the two of you.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
“Slow dance with me.”
“I can’t dance.”
“That’s alright.” You stepped close to him and guided his hands so that they were resting on your backside, and you brought your arms up to wrap around his neck. From there, you led him to step with you to a nonexistent rhythm.
You two weren’t really worried about any cars, this wasn’t a busy street.
“Tell me about The Notebook.” he says, pulling your body closer to his.
“Well Noah actually laid down in the street, not danced and -”
I need a romance, one chance I just wanna know, will you slow dance?
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Tikki’s blessing
Because I had already made a “Plagg’s revenge” kind of fic, and Tikki deserves to do some justice herself, I wrote this.
Personally, I think Tikki is more vicious when she wants to punish someone.
“I can’t believe that brat!” Marinette left herself fall into her fainting couch and grabbed a pillow, screaming into it.
Tikki went out of her purse, already knowing what had happened. The class was organizing the same annual bake sale they always did, but thanks to Lila’s manipulations, Marinette had ended up with almost four times as much work as before, and half the price to boot. “Because you’re  a nice person, aren’t you, Marinette?”
At least her parents had agreed already, and some of her classmates had actually agreed to help her too, but still, what was done was done.  
Tikki has had enough of Lila too.
She knew some lies were a necessary evil in everyday life, but that bratty girl was taking it too far. She couldn’t remember anything she had said that was truth. She wasn’t even sure that the liar’s name was “Lila Rossi”, or that she was Italian.
Tikki wanted to do something about it, but by the looks of things, her current holder, Marinette Dupain-Cheng seemed to think otherwise, probably because Plagg’s current kitten advised her to not rock the boat and the take the high road, otherwise, Marinette could have exposed Lila a long time ago as Ladybug, or as herself, and prevent a lot of headaches.
Being a teenager was stressful. Being the savior of Paris was even more stressful, so Tikki didn’t like this lying liar who lies adding even more stress to Marinette.
Many people had called Tikki a “Goddess of Creation” or a “Creation Spirit” or even a “Creation Fairy”. She was none of those things. She didn’t “use” creation. She is creation itself, and unlike Plagg, she had control over what she could create, and a good intuition about creating useful things.  She wasn’t Life, however, as other people usually said, but it was close enough.
And the thing is, She is Creation of All Things, and all things include havoc and retribution.
So she decided to bless Lila. And by “bless”, she meant she was going to give Lila some of her own creation powers. She wasn’t crazy, of course giving Lila even the tiniest fraction of her powers was risky, but she could revoke the blessing at any time, and she could also put some failsafe in the bless itself.
So after she was sure that Marinette was asleep, she put her plan in motion. Tikki really hated to work without telling Marinette first, and really hated herself for it, but she was pretty sure her holder would veto her idea, as she had to admit it was a bit cruel and devious, but still, that brat needed to learn a lesson about lying. She sighed deeply, finding her resolve, and flying outside the house, going through the window.
She didn’t know exactly where Lila’s house was, but she had a vague idea for how she had heard the liar speaking. She hoped at least that was true.
She finally found Lila’s house, some hours before sunrise, and found the liar’s room easily.  
Tikki smiled in a sad kind of way. Lila didn’t look different from any other girl from this point of view. Her house was nice; her room was filled with anything a teen would want.  She really couldn’t put her finger on why this girl needed to lie so much. But regardless, she had taken her decision and was going to bless this bratty kid, no matter what.
She puckered up the things that passed for lips on a Kwami and kissed Lila on the forehead. She hadn’t blessed anyone like that in a long time, so the tiny kiss shinning for a second came as a bit of a surprise. It had been so long… She sighed satisfied, and hoped against hope that this brat would learn her lesson. Heh, at least she would get to have some fun.
She shrugged and left for home. Thank herself she didn’t actually need to sleep. She’ll just ask Marinette for some breakfast cookies to get energy for the day.
The next day (Or already, for Tikki), it was Nino’s birthday, and Marinette decided to surprise him with a box of éclairs(which were Nino’s favorite) to share with the class to celebrate him. Only the freshest ingredients (As Always), the creamiest cream, and she even took the time to color the chocolate in green and blue, Nino’s favorite colors.
Everyone was happy with the treat that Marinette was offering, but before they could even bite into it, Lila… of course Lila had claimed to be lactose intolerant, throwing herself a pity party about how she wouldn’t be able to taste the oh so delicious éclairs that Marinette had made!
And she didn’t want to prevent everyone from eating the delicious treats just because she wouldn’t be able to partake in the festivities. She knew her public, and of course everyone else felt guilty and immediately reassured her that if they couldn’t get them, then no one would, much to Nino and Marinette’s disappointment. Everyone returned the éclairs to Marinette.
And Alya, good and sweet Alya, decided to buy Nino a vegan cake so that Lila could enjoy with everyone! Despite the fact that Nino didn’t like those kind of cakes, but it was for Lila’s sake!
And Alya, good, sweet, naïve Alya, got everyone to chip in some money for the cake. Lila of course took the chance for another low blow to Marinette, commenting how it was a shame that the Dupain-Cheng Bakery didn’t carry vegan option for people with allergies like her (Never mind that she claimed to be intolerant, not allergic). Marinette was quick to point out that they did made vegan option upon request. And again, Lila commented it was a shame that they weren’t ready to pick up.  
Marinette gave the whole box of untouched éclairs to Nino so he could enjoy them later, which he greatly appreciated and thanked her for them. They  were taken aback when Alya asked for her to give some money for Nino’s cake, and Lila of course took this as an opportunity to stir more trouble, she claimed to be broke because she gave all her money to some charity, otherwise she would gladly give it to the cause. Everyone was whispering about how selfless Lila was, but Nino, bless his heart, showed everyone his box of éclairs, the ones they had rejected, and kindly reminded everyone that Marinette had already given him a gift. Lila tried to say that having a bakery, the éclairs were no problem to her, but Nino very politely told her that he’d rather have the éclairs than some nasty vegan cake with fake milk. Alya got mad at Nino for being so rude to Lila, and cancelled the whole cake thing off, returning the money to everyone. She didn’t talk to Nino for the rest of the day.
Later that day, during lunch hour, Lila noticed that she actually didn’t have any money on her, but she figured she had forgotten it at home, and guilt tripped Alya into paying for her lunch, which she gladly did. She didn’t expect that Lila would get the most expensive item on the menu, seafood with garlic sauce.
And then she had to run to the bathroom after drinking her chocolate milk, which curiously, no one reminded her that she was actually lactose intolerant, but she figured she had gotten something bad in her lunch. Probably the expensive seafood she had made Alya buy for her. Then again, it was probably because she mixed chocolate milk with seafood.
Tikki snickered inside Marinette’s purse when she heard what happened to Lila (And that Alya had to run after her). Her blessing was working.
Next was during P.E. class, where Lila told Mr. D'Argencourt that she was having “feminine issues” having bad cramps and other related issues and would be unable to do the exercises. She had to run to the bathroom again when her period actually started, bad cramps included. Alya again accompanied her suffering friend.
Tikki smiled to herself after learning of this. Her blessing would allow Lila to create things about herself, so when she claimed to be lactose intolerant, she became just that. When she claimed to be broke, her money actually disappeared. She had claimed to be on her period, and now she was.
She wasn’t dumb, she knew that sooner or later Lila would claim something good about herself, but she also knew that if there was something Lila loved more than gaining attention due to her many talents and connections, she also love to play victim to get out of showing those fake talents and connections, so anything good she said about herself would immediately be negated by something bad she said about herself. And even if she didn’t play victim, Tikki thought it would be a nice trade-off if she used an actual talent (gained through magic, but still) to impress other people, instead of her usual lies.
She also know that although the brat wasn’t a master manipulator like Marinette thought, she also wasn’t particularly dumb, and would eventually realize she was under a spell and would try to take advantage of it. And the failsafe would act at that moment, revoking the blessing.
It could last a day, a month, or all of Lila’s life, but Tikki was in no rush, after all, she was Creation, and she was eternal.
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - the team discovers your relationship in an unexpected way
warnings - none
word count - ?
note - the dress is heavily based off of the one josephine skriver wore to the 2019 met gala - look it up for a better feel for the fic :)
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spencer walked into hotch’s office with his case files in hand. as per usual, the genius was done his work before everyday else. it was a friday afternoon, the team had just touched down an hour or so ago and jumped right into paperwork.
after placing the files on his boss’s desk, spencer stepped back. “hey hotch,” spencer first greeted, “is there anyway i can take a long weekend? just monday i mean.”
thankfully, hotch nodded. “of course. just fill out one of the forms. are you going to see your mother?” the unit chief asked. spencer smiled slightly. “yeah something like that,” he replied, knowing that it wouldn’t raise any questions.
the team was ordered by strauss to work late monday night. recently, they had traveled a ton and spent more time in random states than in the quantico office. in order to log extra hours, they would need to remain in the office even if work was finished. it was a dumb rule but the team had all understood, even if they were annoyed by it.
“you know, i don’t think it’s fair that pretty boy isn’t here to work late,” morgan complained as he grabbed a box of takeout from garcia. everyone was sitting in the main bullpen, eating a late dinner as the last couple files were being finished.
“yeah well think about us. it’s the met gala tonight and we can’t watch the red carpet,” j.j. protested, motioning to emily and garcia.
“why don’t you just watch it in the conference room. we can make snacks,” rossi suggested. everyone agreed to that idea, even the guys who had very little knowledge of fashion.
gracia sat down in her seat next to morgan and tuned to the other two girls. “i’m so excited to see y/n y/l/n, her outfits are so cute,” garcia spoke. emily nodded, “her dresses are gorgeous. remember last year? absolutely breathtaking.”
an hour later, everyone gathered in the conference room, taking seats around the round table. garcia took the remote before turning on the tv and clicking on the chanel with all the red carpet interviews and first looks of the outfits.
meanwhile, up in new york, you sat in the studio, just a few minutes away from leaving for the event.
you were wearing a silk tan gazar dress which was short in the front and had a long train in the back. the top was strapless and puffed out, creating the illusion of two layers. hundred of crystals and flowers were stitched into the fabric, making it look like a garden. your hair was in its natural style with a headpiece made up of elegant flowers on your head. to finish the clothing aspect off, you had on thigh-high boots, sporting the same design of your dress.
makeup and jewelry were a whole different story. a berry colored blush was across your cheeks as well as on your eyelids. other colors for eyeshadow and highlighter were added. your lipstick then matched the blush. finally, rings were slipped onto your finger, no necklace or brackets, however.
“how are you feeling?” spencer asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.
you shot your boyfriend a warm smile. “nervous”, you replied, standing up with his help. even with heels on you were still shorter than the fbi profiler. “shouldn’t i be the nervous one? it is my first red carpet after all.” spencer smirked
before you could respond, one of the employees knocked on the door informing you that it was time to go. with one final deep breath, you grabbed spencer’s hand and led him out of the room and to the car.
back at quantico, the teams eyes were all glued to the screen. morgan has already been smacked twice by garcia for commenting on the outfits when he barely knew that the theme was. suddenly, the camera turned towards where the cars were pulling up.
a man stepped out of the car first, his identity unknown as he kept his back to the camera. he did, however, hold his hand out to help whoever was in the car get out. garcia let out an audible gasp as you stepped out, a wide grin on her face. “oh my god she looks gorgeous.”
the room stopped as the man with you turned around, his face now fully visible. jaws dropped as none other than their resident genius was revealed, his hand interlocked with yours and a bright smile on his face.
“oh my god,” j.j. spoke up.
the commentators notes about your outfit before the actual interview went unheard as the team observed spencer’s outfit.
spencer was dressed in a deep maroon suit. flowers started in the shoulder and went down to the bottom of the jacket. the pants had the same floral pattern, creating a bleeding effect of the design. his hair was its natural short style. except, small flowers were pinned in his hair. even his nails were painted the same berry color as your cheeks.
“is that-?” emily asked, despite it being obvious that their fellow agent was in attendance at the met gala.
despite spencer not being a people person and not doing incredibly well around large crowds, he looked incredibly calm and as you two walked up the red carpet. his arm remained around your waist as pictures were taken. both of your faces shifted from smiling to straight-faced when posing.
it felt painfully long until you two made your way over to the main interviewer. the team watched intently as you greeted her.
“let me start out by saying, you look absolutely gorgeous. who have you brought with you?”
“well this is my boyfriend doctor spencer reid,” you introduced, smiling as spencer waved slightly. “doctor?” the interviewer asked.
spencer and you both nodded. “i have phd’s in mathematics, chemistry, engineering and then ba’s psychology, sociology, and philosophy,” spencer responded coolly. “that’s incredible! are you a certified genius?”
“yeah i am,” spencer spoke. you rested your hand on your chest and laugh. “you don’t have to be so modest about it,” you joked, making the three of you chuckle.
morgan scoffed. “there’s so much to unpack here. first off, boyfriend? i didn’t even know pretty boy was dating someone. second, i’ve trained that kid for how many years? and now when he’s on a red carpet he can answer questions like that?”
for the third time, morgan was smacked, this time by j.j. “they’re dating derek. you do things like that when you’re in love. sorry to disappoint, but i guess spence isn’t in love with you,” j.j. laughed. morgan playfully rolled his eyes before turning back to the tv.
“how long have you two been together?” the interviewer questioned.
“we’ve been together for almost a year. due to our work, we both travel a lot and haven’t done an official announcement. but, we figured it was time to say something,” you replied, a bright smile on your face as you talked about your relationship.
the interview went on for a few more moments before another question was brought up. “are you attending the afterparty?”
you shook your head no. “as much as we’d love too, we have a flight back to washington d.c. as soon as the event is over,” you explained. the team all smirked at each other at this new piece of information.
when the two of you arrived in the city that night, the team was all there to greet you. sure, it had been a slightly shocking to meet everyone, especially as many of them knew who you were. in the end, the team had all expressed their happiness for your relationship before bidding you both a goodnight.
back at spencer’s apartment, you both changed into pajamas and brushed your teeth. before getting into bed, spencer pulled you into a long kiss, his hands resting on your hips.
“tonight was amazing,” you whispered.
“not as amazing as you,” spencer smiled, kissing your forehead softly.
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justcourttee · 4 years
I Won’t Try Again- Pt 2
Damian Wayne closed his laptop with a brief smirk. He had received the answer he hoped for from the designer in Paris. In less than 24 hours, she would be in Gotham City and he would be in possession of a favor from none other than Tim Drake himself. 
Two months ago, they both bet that the first one of them to discover the identity of MDC and bring her to Gotham won a favor from the other. While he was skeptical at first considering Drake’s skill set, he also knew that a favor from his brother was priceless.
“Demon spawn, do you have those papers I need for today’s meeting?”
Speaking of the devil, Drake leaned against his office doorway, a cup of coffee in hand, hair pointing in multiple directions as the black circles he called eyes bored straight into Damian’s. 
“They were on your desk this morning Drake; Are you behind on your caffeine today? You usually are much more organized.”
Tim raised his eyebrows as he grunted and turned toward his office. Damian exhaled as he slid his laptop into his briefcase. He had much to prep before the designer arrived in the morning. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When the plane touched down in Gotham’s airport, Marinette released a breath she had been holding since they left. This was real. This was happening. She was really in Gotham.
“How are you feeling?”
Adrien brushed her shoulder with a small smile, trying to ease his best friends nerves. 
“Terrified if I’m being honest. I keep trying to convince myself that this is really happening.”
“Marinette, you’ve faced multiple akumas. Hey, you’ve faced my father. You’ve designed for multiple stars and shown down Lila Rossi. You can handle the Waynes, piece of cake.”
She shot him a grateful smile. After they defeated Hawkmoth, they finally decided to reveal their identities to each other. It was a blessing for both as they found a friendship that surpassed anything else in the world. There was an awkward period where they tried to date, but both decided the friendship surpassed any risk of dating. It was also confirmed on Adrien’s 21st birthday when the words Blonde, my favorite, appeared on his neck.
“Right, piece of cake.”
As they collected their baggage, the four friends made their way to the exit. There stood an older gentleman with a sign that read Marinette Dupen-Chang standing next to a luxury limo. They all inhaled sharply as Alya let out a short squeal.
“Girl, this is going to be an exciting six weeks!”
Alya looped her arm through Marinette’s as she dragged her towards the man.
“Miss Marinette I presume?”
His kind smile reached his eyes as he offered his hand to take her bags. She nodded in return.
“Yes sir, and may I ask your name?”
“I am Alfred, butler and family friend of the Wayne’s. Pleased to meet you.”
His eyes turned to the three standing behind her.
“Friend of yours?”
“Is that alright? They do not have to stay in the apartment with me, they just didn’t want me to come to the States alone.”
Alfred smiled and nodded.
“Of course it’s alright. You have very thoughtful friends Miss Marinette. Please, allow me to take your bags.”
As he gathered their suitcases, the door to the limo opened and a man stepped out. Marinette’s breath hitched as she took in the man in front of her. He was put together very nicely, hair slicked back, clean shaven, and beautiful emerald eyes staring her down. He smiled as he offered her his hand.
“Miss Dupen-Chang? I am Damian Wayne. Your profile was most impressive. I am honored you accepted my offer.”
Marinette felt her whole face go red as she shook his hand firmly. 
“You honored? Sir, I cannot express enough how grateful I am for this opportunity. My friends really pushed me to get out there, but I never thought, I mean I never believed, I just-”
He chuckled as he put both hands in his pockets noticing the other three standing behind her. 
“I look forward to getting to know you all over the next six weeks.”
He reached to reopen the door but stopped as he stiffened staring past the group and into the open field of the airport. 
“Get in.”
His voice turned sharp and cold as he roughly shoved the designer into the limo, ushering her friends in before slamming the door. He shared a look with Alfred before running straight into the airport. The four friends shared a look as well, all nodding in agreement as Marinette slipped out the back side. 
Before she made it to the doors, she heard an alarm sound from inside as people began running toward the exit. She held the door open ushering people out as fast as she could. Once she was sure as many people as possible were out she ran in opening the box from her purse. 
“Trixx! I need a disguise, fast.”
The kwami nodded in understanding, closing their eyes tightly as Marinette transformed. She gasped as gunfire could be heard in the direction she was running. Turning the corner, she slid to a stop as she saw the scene unfolding in front of her. 
Damian Wayne was surrounded by four men with guns, all wrapped in vines turning them a  sickly green color. 
“Ivy wants your father to give her an answer boy.”
One of the men poked his gun into the Wayne’s chest causing him to stumble a bit.
“You want to tell me what this is about?” 
The growl in his voice caused Marinette’s heart to skip a beat. She couldn’t waste a second. Detransforming, she caught Trixx, offering her a small snack. 
“Marinette! What are you doing?”
The harsh whispers matched the angry look on Trixx’s face. 
“I have a plan, but we have to act quickly.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Damian had counted all the exits. These men are dangerous while under Ivy’s control, but they’re meant to scare, not to hurt. All he had to do was-
“What the fu-”
The men all turned their guns toward the bats flying from the ceiling. Damian’s eyes narrowed as dozens of rabid bats dove from the ceiling at the men. They shot in every direction, screaming as the bats latched onto their faces. He began to reach for a gun that had been dropped when he heard her. 
“Over here! Mr. Wayne! We have to go!”
His heart dropped as he saw the designer waving him down from the corner. Silently he cursed as he took off toward her, running away from the fight. He hates running from the fight.
“What are you doing?”
He didn’t mean to sound so harsh, he really didn’t, but she was a casualty he couldn’t afford. She scoffed as she grabbed his wrist running towards the limo parked outside.
“A weird way to say thank you if you ask me.”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. As if he needed saving. But a small part of him was impressed. She ran into a situation, assessed the surroundings and waited for the right moment to offer her help. It was dumb, reckless, and dangerous, but still, impressive. 
As they slammed into the door, Alfred floored it away from the airport.
“Miss Dupen-Chang, while I appreciate the save, please do not feel the need to put yourself in unnecessary danger. Ivy might not be safe, but she is definitely not the worst I have faced in this city. I cannot have my personal designer dead now can I?”
He watched as she shared a look with her friends before nodding at him in agreement. He closed his eyes for a brief moment in thought. 
Just what exactly had happened in there?
Tag List:
@amayakans @maribat-is-lifeblood
557 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 4 years
Planning is Everything
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***One-Shot*** // Masterlist to other stories
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer x OFC
Summary: With the holidays around the corner, everyone starts making their plans to celebrate with their loved ones. Spencer has trouble making those plans when the one person he wants to plan with doesn't really know about his feelings. Maybe things can change when Penelope unexpectedly brings him to Aitana's house for a full day of Christmas decorations.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @maaaaarveeeeel @anotherunreadblog @stareyedplanet​​
[If you would like to be added to this OC’s taglist please let me know!]
Pronunciation of the OC’s name sounds like “eye-ta-na”
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The holidays were thought to be the best time of the year. Spencer supposed it was true if you had everybody around for the period. He heard countless plans that everyone at work were making. JJ of course was planning everything around her boys—she and Will were taking them out God knew where but it would be amazing. Emily and Luke had a few of those holiday-themed dates around the city. Matt was the same as JJ: it was all about the kids. Rossi differed in that he only had his wife to worry about. Tara and Penelope seemed to love the Christmas events in the city, they were out together whenever they could.
He...he couldn't find the energy to partake in any of those plans. He would like to but he had other places he would rather be, places he would really rather be.
No one was surprised when it one day slipped from him. They knew exactly who he wanted to spend all these Christmas days with. She was the only one who hadn't figured it out.
Aitana Serrano could be one of their best profilers but when it came to their own Dr. Spencer Reid, she was quite clueless. She really couldn't see it. And it wasn't like Spencer was a master at hiding it either. His skills at hiding his expressions and watching his body language took a dive when she was around. The good thing is that she was always around him anyways. She liked being around him and the reason for that wasn't that hard to figure out. Thankfully, the two had a very good set of friends watching out for them. They were always looking for ways to nudge them a little closer to each other.
And what better time than the holidays?
"Hey," Penelope tapped the back of Spencer's head, startling him out of his thoughts. He had paperwork set in front of him and he thought he would be able to finish them before going home. "I'm stopping by Aitana's tomorrow morning. She's getting her Christmas tree tomorrow and we're going to decorate it."
"Sounds like fun," Spencer smiled at her.
Penelope almost snorted at the little sad puppy smile that it was. "Don't be dumb, Wonder Boy, and come with me."
"What? No, no, Aitana invited you and..." He didn't want to just invite himself over if Aitana didn't even want him there. "It's your plans."
"Please, I doubt she would mind my plus one if it's little ole you," Penelope winked. "We leave by 10!" She wiggled her fingers goodbye as she headed out. Knowing him, he would need the whole night to get into the idea.
Maybe he did.
Spencer knew that Aitana wouldn't be angry, per say, if he dropped by with Penelope but comiing unannounced wasn't his favorite way to do things. In a perfect world, he would've had enough courage, enough creativity, to plan something out for just the two of them. She was a huge Christmas lover and would give anything to be the one who surprised her with the best Christmas-themed date. But those were just wishes. Reality was a whole other thing and he would have to stick with what he had.
And what he had with Aitana was only friendship.
Aitana was pulling out the branches of her Christmas tree when she heard the expected knocks on her door. "Come in!" she yelled, rather strained as she pulled apart two branches. She was working on the last part of the tree, the very top, and for some reason it was the hardest.
"We're here, we're here!" Penelope bustled into the living room with Spencer, both carrying bags in their hands. "Sorry, bit the snow makes everything and everyone go slower! And I brought a plus one, hope that's okay!" She cast a smirk at Spencer. Even with that confidence she boasted that it would really be alright with Aitana, Spencer still held his breath until Aitana gave the confirmation.
Aitana was standing on a step stool when they met her in the living room. Spencer couldn't think of a better way to start his day when he spotted her. She was entirely focused on a pesky branch. The snowy day outside hadn't interrupted her one bit. Her short curly hair was braided with a green ribbon to adorn it. Her blouse was a bit disheveled from her work but Spencer could still see the adorable little reindeer print it had. He was sure that her pants were only black because she couldn't find a matching set. She always pulled the best things out of her closet. She had good taste for everything.
Aitana beamed when she saw the pair but Penelope thought she was a very smart cookie who knew that said beam was mostly because of her plus one.
"Spencer!" she exclaimed. "Of course it's alright!"
Penelope's smirk on Spencer turned smug in record time. "Thought so."
He flushed. "R-really?"
Aitana was grinning ear to ear. "Yeah! I would have called you but I wasn't sure if you want to come over and decorate a tree...I didn't know if you thought it would be kind of boring."
"No," he said quickly. "Definitely not."
"Perfect! Oh, and I brought the stuff," Penelope gestured to the bags in their hands.
"Oh thanks," Aitana hopped off the steps and came to take them. "I would have gotten them myself but I had to wait for the Christmas tree to be delivered."
"No problem," Penelope said as she handed the bags over. Spencer did the same but it ultimately was too much and they had to bring the bags to the couch instead. Afterwards, both Penelope and Spencer were able to get rid of their heavy jackets. Aitana had her living room as warm and comfy as possible.
"So I set up the branches already," Aitana pulled back a few steps to motion towards the tree. "What do you guys think? I went with an artificial one. It's just easier and saves me a lot of money for years to come." She'd gotten a decent sized frosted tree with pine-cones and berries. "I mean, I know it's still fake but it looks real, doesn't it? The branches and all...?" She stuck the tip of her index nail between her teeth while she waited for the verdict.
"You know back when artificial trees were developed, they were made out of goose feathers dyed green?" Spencer said, figuring it would help her see that her tree looked much better.
On his other side, Penelope was looking at him like he'd lost it. Why would he say that?
Fortunately, Aitana just laughed. "Really?"
He nodded. "And then when they were made in America, the company actually used the same machinery they used to make toilet brushes but they were dyed green too."
Penelope wanted to smack her forehead. He just kept going and going...
Aitana's fingernail came back to her teeth in her nervous antic. "So...is my tree better then?"
Spencer smiled at her. "It's beautiful."
She beamed and clapped her hands together. "Great! So we can start!" She grabbed one of the bags and headed for the tree. She set the bag down on the floor and took a seat in front of it. "I went with the nude colors this year. I thought it would look nice with the whole frost thing I got going on here."
"It'll look wonderful, darling!" Penelope exclaimed then shoved another bag to Spencer, motioning with her head (in a manner that Spencer wondered if it pained her bones) to go to Aitana. She was already busy pulling out all the ornament boxes and mesh ribbons on the floor. When he finally took the bag and went to where Aitana was, Penelope dilly-dallied by the remaining bag. "Oh shoot!"
Aitana looked up from a box she'd been about to open. "What's wrong?"
Penelope was looking at her phone. "Plumbing problem in the apartment. I have to...I have to go, I'm so sorry."
Spencer raised an eyebrow at her. "It was fine when I picked you up..."
Penelope's smile was tight, almost snapping at him not to go poking holes into her fabulous explanation. "I can't plan these sort of things, can I?" Spencer's expression said she definitely could and would. "Aitana, I'm sorry—"
"No, no, it's alright," Aitana stood up from the floor. "Do you want us to take you back—"
"No! I'm good. I would rather see your marvelous tree picture when it's all done! I'm sure Spencer wouldn't mind helping you, right?"
Spencer wouldn't even bother getting upset for this trick. It was on him for not seeing it coming sooner. "Of course not..." But he would definitely have a talk with her for this later.
Penelope was pretty happy when she left, barely making it seem like she had that plumbing problem.
"Just you and me," Aitana said to Spencer when they heard the door close. "You sure you want to spend your day with me?"
"Yeah," Spencer said wholeheartedly. "Unless...unless you don't want to...?"
Aitana cocked her head to the side, her expression incredulous. "Of course I do! Let's do the ribbons, yeah?" She picked up a shiny dark brown mesh ribbon. "I was thinking I'd put it on the tree and sort of twist them around the branches. Makes it really nice afterwards."
"Yeah, of course," Spencer motioned her to start so he could see exactly how she wanted it.
She had to come up the step stool to show him how to start from the top. They carefully wrapped the ribbon around the tree until Aitana felt like it was secured properly. She then surprised Spencer with another mesh ribbon. It was cream colored with white sparkles. She giggled with his reaction. "It's just two of them, I promise."
Shortly afterwards, they opened up the boxes of ornaments. There were glittery dark browns, cream colors, and dazzling whites inside. Some baubles were larger than others, some seemed a little excessive. Spencer shyly pointed that out but Aitana assured him that it would all come together on the tree.
"I like things to show," she said as started putting some of the baubles on the bottom. "I don't mean excessive but, you know, I want it to be seen. What do you usually do for your tree?"
Spencer had started on the other side of the tree but still stood where he was able to see her. He was being as gentle as he could with her glass baubles. They had little things inside like autumn leaves and stems. It was something truly Aitana. "I don't really put one up."
"What!?" Aitana sounded as if she'd heard blasphemy. "What do you mean!?"
Spencer shrugged. "I live alone and...I don't really have a lot of room for one. Especially one this big," he made a gesture at hers.
Aitana chuckled for a moment. "Yeah, okay, your bookshelves do take up a lot of space...but not even one mini tree? You know they make small ones but not like the 3ft ones."
"I don't know..." Spencer didn't know how to put 'I don't know what to be festive about' in a sentence that didn't make him sound gloomy.
"Don't go Grinch on me, Spencer Reid," Aitana came up to his side. "Maybe after this, we can look for a small tree for you."
The idea of them spending yet another moment together left him with a warm face, especially when he realized it would a moment together where it was about him. Aitana smiled at his pensive face—at least that's what she thought it was—and wondered what type of tree he would like. She would do her best to find one that matched his apartment's style. They spent the rest of the time putting the ornaments around the tree and discussing what type of tree he would like.
"And you can pick out the color scheme for your baubles!" Aitana exclaimed. "It's my favorite part of the whole process: choosing what colors you want for the baubles. There's just so many, you know?"
"Mhm," Spencer nodded. "Did you know that the first baubles are thought to have originated from the idea of blown egg shells?"
Aitana's eyes widened. "Don't kid with me..."
"I'm not," Spencer raised his hands in front of him.
She shook her head with a laugh. "Do not stand there and tell me that my baubles came from egg shells!"
"Well, it's thought to be!"
Aitana set her hands on her hips, raising her head to meet his gaze. "Egg shells?"
"Blown egg shells?"
Aitana wanted to stay serious but her lips were quirking into a smile and before she knew it, she lost against another laugh. "Spencer, I just can't believe half the things you say sometimes!"
"I wouldn't lie to you," Spencer said, meaning it entirely.
Aitana went for one of the last baubles, a large one, and came up beside him. "Yeah?" She looked at him while her fingers tried leaving the hook of her bauble hanging on a branch. "So you would tell me if my decorations were bad?" She meant it as a joke but Spencer still nodded with his most serious face.
"But I wouldn't have to because you always have a good eye for decorating. You'd never decorate something badly."
She smiled at his kind words. Doing so and getting lost with his own smile, her fingers slipped over the bauble's hook. "Oh no!" She dove to catch it at the same time that Spencer did. They ended up grabbing it with their hands over each other's. "Nice catch!" Aitana exclaimed when they straightened up on their feet.
"Yeah, uh, I never had those..." Spencer flushed with the realization their hands hadn't moved apart. He was never a handsy person but right now he couldn't find anything better than this. Her hands were like soft feathers cushioning his skin. Aitana was smiling at him, albeit shyly if he'd paid a little more attention. In his defense, he was trying to make sure his hands weren't as clammy as he thought they were.
"Should we, uh, put the bauble on the tree?" Aitana timidly asked him. She knew he wasn't that thrilled with closeness so, as reluctant as she was, she pulled her hands from the bauble.
"Where did you, uh...?" Spencer looked back at the three.
"Right there," she pointed to the branch she'd been working on. She watched him fondly as he set the bauble right where she wanted it and on the first try. "You're pretty good at this," she said afterwards. "Might ask you to do this with me every year." Wouldn't that be nice? It would be very nice. She had luck this year that Penelope had taken him with her this year because she would've never had the courage to ask Spencer herself. She was afraid she'd bore him to death with this nonsense of hers.
"I'd like that," Spencer surprised her with his words. He was very aware of what he'd said for that he found it hard to look at her for a few seconds.
"You wouldn't get bored?" she asked, pretending to work with a bauble that most certainly did not need work on. "Because I know my decorations take a long time. I take it very serious, as you can see. My brothers always did the tree really quickly when we were younger. Thought they were the fastest decorators too."
"The world record for the fastest tree decorating was 36.89 seconds," Spencer said, "Sharon Juantuah in Essex, UK had a 100 lights, 2 lengths of tinsel and 15 baubles when she was done."
"Really?" Aitana raised an eyebrow. "Only 15 baubles?"
Spencer nodded. "Yup."
"Mm, I like having more..."
"And it looks wonderful."
Aitana brought her fingernail to her teeth, cheeks once again threatening to turn pink. "You're too sweet, you know that?"
It was Spencer's turn to blush. She thought he was sweet. He was actually saying the right things to her. It gave him a sense of hope that maybe one day he might actually say the right thing to get a date with her.
When all the baubles were set accordingly and after Aitana did a quick check to make sure that no two colors were right next to each other, she went back to the bags. She soon realized that Penelope had left her own additions in the bag. She should've known with that woman. "Penelope left me a couple things," she pulled out a box of pine sticks. "It may be an artificial tree but it's going to smell like a real one. You want to put those in?"
"Yeah," Spencer came to take the box and returned to the tree.
"Oh my God, Pen," he heard her say afterwards with a soft laugh to follow. He looked back to see Aitana taking out a mistletoe from the bag. She was shaking her head. "What does she think I'm going to be doing these days?"
Spencer preferred not to voice those thoughts. He cleared his throat and offered her an awkward shrug before he put all of his focus on the pine cone sticks.
"If I don't put this up, I won't hear the end of it," Aitana decided it was best to just go with it. She found the first spot to hang it from which turned out to be the living room's threshold. "I'm going to laugh when she has to give Luke a kiss."
At that, Spencer freely laughed. Aitana looked back to see him having to pause with the pine sticks in order to laugh. It was rare to see him like that. Aitana wished it wasn't like that but given their line of work, it was typical.
Before she returned to the bags, she decided to start up a some music for the background. "Do you mind?" she asked when Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy started from her phone.
"Course not." Spencer watched her sway back to the bags on the couch. He was smiling at her but when Aitana happened to look his way and caught him, he was immediately flustered.
She laughed when he dove his gaze to the branches in front of him. "I'm a whole show, huh?" She may have been embarrassed, her cheeks were a pink tinge. Anyone else would've said she was crazy but that would never leave Spencer Reid's mouth. He wasn't like that.
"It's okay," Spencer said quietly while he waited for his face to calm down with the heat.
Eventually, she returned to dig through the bags. There weren't many things left anymore besides the little ornaments that would go around the house and the tree topper. She started pulling out the tree topper when she noticed something different amongst the remaining ornaments. It was a small box with an adorable little red ribbon over it. She left the tree topper to take the box up instead.
"What's this?" she pulled the lid off and found one more ornament tucked inside. It was wooden crafted with 'A. D. T.' carved in the middle. There was a smaller carving of what seemed like a wrapped candy on the bottom right. A red and white plaid ribbon was attached to its top. "Oh, now this is nice!" She turned around to Spencer and showed him the ornament. "Did Penelope get this?"
Spencer was shifting on his feet for some reason. "Um, no, not...not really. I did." Aitana froze for a second. He now had undivided attention. "I was going to...to give it to you at work but then Penelope invited me here so I thought...I thought it would be—be better here."
Aitana looked at the ornament again with a new sentiment. "This is beautiful, Spencer. Is it hand-carved?" That was a stupid question to ask when she could see it plain as day but right now, her vocabulary wasn't at its strongest. Her heart speedy heartbeats were certainly a sign of that.
"Y-yeah," Spencer nodded. "Your initials. Aitana Dulce Serrano."
"And the piece of candy on the bottom..." Aitana chuckled at the carving. "Dulce means..."
"Candy," Spencer finished, though a better translation for him was 'sweet' because that's exactly what she was. "It's like a signature for your tree, cos...cos it's all made by you."
Aitana felt her entire face warm up. She had no idea what to do with herself at that moment. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She did have an idea of what she wanted to do but she didn't want to invade Spencer's personal space. "You are..." She couldn't even that sentence.
Spencer smiled in what he was sure was awkwardly. He didn't have anything better than that. "Do you like it?" His entire happiness may be depending on it.
Aitana almost laughed incredulously. "Spencer, I love it! The only reason I'm not over there hugging you to death is because I'm not sure if you'd want me up in your personal space!"
Spencer straightened up with a clearing of his throat. "I wouldn't...mind..." He was actually proud of himself for being able to say that in one go, even more when Aitana ran up to him to give him that hug. She was so warm and, ironically, smelled sweet. He had no idea how long the hug would last so he would soak up every second he had.
"I have to find something amazing to give you now," Aitana said, her arms still tightly wrapped around his neck. "I don't know what it is but rest assured that it will be amazing!"
Spencer laughed. "You don't have to. I just know that you love your decorations so I figured having a personalized one would fit perfectly with your themes."
Aitana felt a rush of butterflies thinking about the fact he thought of her and her decorating nonsense. She was really lucky to have him in her life. She may have snugged to him without even noticing.
Spencer noticed. He noticed straightaway. He swallowed hard and had to put every last bit of his focus on making sure he didn't make this awkward. He didn't really know what to do but he was sure the main thing was not to make it uncomfortable. This was the closest he'd ever been to Aitana and he wanted to do it right. "
"I'm going to put this right up front," Aitana eventually pulled away but her eager smile was enough to ward off any of Spencer's doubts. She was enthralled with his gift. "Can you get the tree topper for me?"
"Yeah," he nodded and went for the bag on the couch. By the time he had the tree topper, Aitana had already placed the ornament right at the center. It was one of the first things anyone would notice. He couldn't help his swell of pride seeing it there. Maybe some part of him hoped that Aitana would think of him every time she saw the ornament.
"Looks perfect!" She stepped back beside him.
"Tree topper?" He held it for her. She gingerly took it into her hands and pulled out part of the ribbon. It was a huge ribbon bow in a dark brown and cream color, just like the rest of her tree.
"I want to put it," she said with a giggle. "At home, I always got to put the star. It was easy to do that when you're the only girl in your family."
"You were sneaky, then," Spencer smirked.
"Yup!" She headed for the step stool with Spencer right behind her. "You tell me if it's crooked, alright?"
Spencer stepped back to instruct her what side she needed to tilt the topper should it need to be. It was bemusing to watch her strain to pull it after he asked her if she wanted him to do it. She wasn't as tall but she was going to get the job done one way or another. To her credit, ten minutes later she did it.
"It looks good?" Aitana called. She was giggling as Spencer held his hands out in a frame motion. "What's the doctor's verdict?"
"Perfect!" He dropped his arms to his sides.
Aitana clapped happily. "Then I think we are done!" Spencer agreed and walked over to her. "With the tree because my house still needs a little Christmas upgrade!"
"I know for a fact that Penelope brought a whole lot of stuff for that," Spencer said.
"Yeah, but we can take a break," Aitana shrugged. She went down the step stool only to trip on the last one.
"Woah!" Spencer's reflexes were shockingly good because he caught her on time. "Did you get a little too excited there?"
"M-maybe..." Aitana was flat-out embarrassed and it showed in her cut-up laugh. Her hands rested on his shoulders, gripping them from the fall. "I just really love Christmas, if you haven't noticed." She raised her head and found they were incredibly close this time.
"I noticed," Spencer smiled softly at her. "And I think it's nice that our work hasn't tainted your holidays."
Aitana's eyebrows knitted together. "Is that why you don't put up a Christmas tree? Because of everything that we see?"
Spencer didn't immediately answer but his expression was doing it for him. There were images that just didn't fade so quickly. "It's not the entire reason but...kind of..."
"Oh, and me trying to force you into buying a tree and decorations doesn't help."
"No!" Spencer was quick to say and at the same time pulled his hands off her body. "You being in the holiday spirit is so nice to see! It makes me so happy knowing that your happiness hasn't been spoiled by work. And I would definitely like to put up a tree in my house, if it's with you. I like spending time with you. You make everything better, you make everything...sweet."
Aitana fiddled with her fingers in front of her. "You really think that?"
Spencer panicked for a moment when he realized that he had said all that. His first reaction—his instinctive reaction—was to make up something to downplay his words but Aitana seemed hopeful. She was hopeful for something and that something had to be about his words. He didn't want to be the reason her hope dwindled.
"Well yeah," he shrugged. "You're fun to be around with. Everyone always has plans for this time of the year and...it makes me wish I could plan things with you."
Aitana felt the air leave her for a second there. Her fingers pulled apart from each other and her right hand seemed to want to point at herself but her nerves were too much to do it. She glanced over her shoulder to her Christmas tree then back to Spencer. "So...you'd want to...keep doing this?"
By this point, Spencer saw no more reason to hide. He already said what he wanted to. "Yeah, and-and maybe go out to see, uh, the Christmas festivals. Get some hot chocolate maybe? I-I know there's a mini-concert happening this weekend. All the classics will be sang..."
Aitana chuckled while Spencer slowly trailed off. "Last Christmas?"
"Yeah, I-I'm sure that'd be one of them..."
Aitana folded her arms over her chest and stayed quiet for a few seconds (which seemed agonizingly long for Spencer). Panicking came easy to him thinking she was deciding how to reject him. "Could you...could you take like 10 steps back?"
"What?" Spencer looked down at the floor as if he'd find something there.
"Scratch that, 12 steps." Aitana motioned him to do it.
Though he was completely lost, he went ahead and took the 12 steps back. "...nine...ten...eleven...twelve." He looked around to figure out what was so special about the spot. When he met Aitana's gaze, she was biting her index fingernail again. What was she nervous about? "I'm not sure what to do now..."
"That's a first." She dropped her hand to her side then rushed up to him.
He caught her in his arms just as she threw hers around his neck and kissed him. Once more, the instinct came back and this time it was telling Spencer to hold Aitana tightly and kiss her back. He pressed her body against him and followed her sweet lips in whatever way they went. He knew it was impossible but he was sure that she tasted like actual sugar. He would've laughed if it didn't threaten to end their moment. He didn't want anything to ruin it. Aitana's hands were at the nape of his neck toying with his hair. Her touch was soft like he knew it would be. They'd touched before but nothing like this which meant everything he felt was new and better.
When they pulled apart, only slightly though, Aitana smiled up at him. "That was better than I thought it'd be," she admitted. She giggled with the clear blush on Spencer's face. She pointed a finger up and when Spencer followed it he found the mistletoe that she'd hung earlier.
"Ooh..." That's why he'd taken the steps backwards. "Clever girl."
Aitana shrugged proudly. "First kiss under a mistletoe...how could I let the opportunity pass us by?"
"About what I said..." Spencer stopped when she placed a finger over his lips.
"I'd love to go wherever you want. Anywhere. A walk, a festival, putting up a tree at your place..." She pulled her finger from his lips and fixed his cardigan. "Just tell me when."
"Tomorrow?" Spencer tried his luck. "Uh, there's a live reading for Christmas books. You said you like—"
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" Aitana practically bounced on her feet. She was an utter child for these things and yet he still wanted to give her more events like those? She was really lucky. "Oh Spencer, you have no idea what you started."
"I think I have a pretty good idea," he said, smiling softly at her. "I promise I won't be a Grinch."
Aitana laughed. "You could never be," she cupped his face. "I'm just over-the-top for the holidays."
"I love it. I really do. I want to make those plans that everyone always makes. But, just with you."
"Well, we can take a break here and make some hot chocolate in the kitchen...I have marshmallows. And the sugar."
"Dulce," he enunciated her middle name in a way that left her puddy in his arms.
She leaned on him with the biggest grin on her face. "Hot chocolate?"
"Absolutely," he nodded.
"And then we can start making those plans," she promised him.
Spencer already had at least a dozen plans lined up in his head. His arms wrapped around her again. He could finally do that and more. "I love the sound of that." They met for another kiss that delayed their hot chocolate for at least another five minutes.
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hypersweettea · 4 years
Weapons of Mass Destruction - Nuclear War
Part One: Mushroom Cloud
Betad by @miraculous-mused
AO3 - The Beginning - Cold War
Marinette woke up the day after Lila finding her in that alley and thought for once this was going to be a good day. She climbed down the ladder from her loft and got dressed, then she packed up her backpack and purse. She unplugged her cell from the charger without bothering to look at it before exiting the trap door to her room and descending the stairs to go continue her morning routine in the bathroom, depositing her bags and phone on the couch.
In fact, Marinette didn’t look at her phone the whole morning until she walked into school and saw the stares and whispers aimed at her from the entire student body of Collège Fraçoise Dupont. She tried to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and finally pulled out her phone, hoping that when she checked the news, all she would see was possibly a rave review from Jagged Stone about the latest piece he’d commissioned from her. Or maybe her parents' bakery got a Michelin star and they forgot to tell her. Do bakeries even get rated for Michelin stars? God she sure hoped so. However, instead of seeing a review on her designs or a news article about the patisserie, she saw a recent school photo of her right next to a picture of Ladybug with the headline; Breaking News: A New Post on the Ladyblog Reveals the Superheroine’s identity. Marinette felt the floor drop out from under her and all common sense leave her mind as only one thing filled her mind. Kill Lila Rossi.
Marinette took off at a speed that the students of Dupont had never seen from her outside of being late to class, along with a look they had never seen painted across her usually sweet features. She ascended the stairs and sprinted down the hallway at record speeds, kicking open the door to her classroom with a bang, silencing her classmates within. She scanned the room for her target and found her in the center of an eager crowd that was desperate for more about how she had been working undercover for Ladybug to uncover Hawkmoth’s identity.
To her credit, Lila had to good sense to realize she was in deep shit when she saw Marinette’s face, but she still thought she could talk her way out of it, “Oh Marinette there you are,” she swallowed hard and plastered a fake smile on her face, “I was just telling everyone how we were working together this whole time and were only pretending to hate each other.” She was trying to trap Marintte in a lie. Or give her an out. Either way Marinette was done playing games. Lila had put not just her life on the line, but those of her parents as well.
Marinette let out an absolutely feral screech and launched herself at Lila, pinning her by the neck to the back of her seat. After some of her classmates got over the shock of seeing their normally sweet classmate attacking somebody, they tried to pull her off of Lila, but Marinette’s Ladybug strength made it practically immovable. Had Adrien been there they might have got her pried off, but sadly the blond was scheduled for photo shoots all day.
“You stupid bitch!” Marinette screamed and shook Lila, making some of her classmates gasp in shock. They’d never heard her cuss before.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?! Not only have you put me and my family at risk with this bullshit story you concocted, but you’ve put yourself at risk as well!” Angry tears were starting to run down Marinette’s face, “if Hawkmoth buys this scenario you’ve come up with he’ll come after you for double crossing him! What were you thinking, you idiot?!”
Alya as usual, lacking all sense of self preservation, butted in, “So is it true that you’re Ladybug then?” Marinette stopped shaking a shrieking Lila and turned her head slowly in Alya’s direction.
“You!” She growled, releasing Lila and started to slowly stalk towards the unfortunate blogger, “How many times have I begged you to stop posting secrets about the Miraculous on that dumb blog of yours?” Alya tried to butt in again and defend her blog but Marinette cut her off, “I thought you’d finally got it after your identity as Rena Rouge had been outed during Miracle Queen and all those fans harassed you for a couple weeks,” if she’d had anything left in her mind besides rage Marinette would have felt Tikki prodding her side through her purse, trying to get her to stop before she said anything that confirmed she was actually Ladybug.
“I should have never given you a miraculous,” with those words the final nail was driven in Marinette’s coffin and her identity forever outed but she paid the bombshell she’d dropped and kept ripping into Alya, “you’re irresponsible; you have no sense of self preservation; you take everything at face value, honestly it’s like you have no critical thinking skills; and above all you can’t keep your mouth shut. You’ll post anything you hear if you think it will get you the views. Honestly I don’t know what I was thinking, trusting you!”
Alya, speechless for once, felt tears start to well up. Her hero, no, her best friend just said those horrible things to her and as Alya thought about it, she could blame her. Marinette was right, she had ignored both Marinette’s and Ladybug’s pleading that she didn’t post those theories about the miraculous or any thoughts on the heroine's identity all for some measly internet fame. The only reason she’d kept her own identity a secret was because she wanted to keep her family safe and deep down she knew if she said anything Ladybug would never let her be a hero again. She saw Ladybug through rose colored glasses, believing that she was invincible and Hawkmoth would never be able to hurt her. But as she looked into Marinette’s eyes, she saw past the rage and saw pain, betrayal, and powerful fear.
Marinette was scared alright. Scared for herself. Scared for her parents and friends. And most of all, scared for the Miraculous Box and its contents. If Hawkmoth managed to defeat her he would know right where to find it. In the home of the defenseless bakers, Tom and Sabine. And Marinette wouldn’t be able to protect either of them if she was defeated. In the back of her mind she knew it was no use trying to deny she was Ladybug. Hawkmoth, for whatever reason, trusted Lila and would probably believe her claims, no matter how much Marintte tried to change people’s minds.
As Marinette saw her life falling to pieces before her very eyes, she started coming up with a plan. Although there was probably no way she’d come out of this unscathed, she could at least protect her and family. After shooting one last murderous glare at Lila, she sprinted back out of the stunned and silent classroom, past Mme. Bustier and towards home. She knew what she had to do.
(Lol I forgot to add this last night sorry)
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cyn-00 · 4 years
37? from fluff? with morgan tryna be scary and tough but spencer is like no no no. you’re a teddy bear😂
OH this turned out so cheesy and fluffy Dumb Anon Who Hates Fluff from the other day is gonnna throw up 💞 (also: this is much longer than the others! hope you don't mind).37) "You're just a softie."
Prompt list (requests currently closed)
Read it on AO3
Reid, JJ and Rossi's attention was abruptly captured by the doors of the police station slamming open; the handcuffed unsub along with some officers, Prentiss and a very angry-looking Morgan making their way inside.
The genius stopped taking pins off of the map, a nauseous feeling boiling in his stomach as he registered a second too late that the guy's gaze was fixated on him and him only; regardless having a whole room of people among which his eyes could wander, a whole room of people staring at him like you would stare at an exotic but icky bug trapped in a glass box.
The look deep inside the criminal's eyes was disgusting to say the very least, but something similar to fascination denied the young profiler to tear his gaze away.
It was only when the man smirked at him that the feeling of being violated overpowered whatever sort of "scientific" interest Spencer had toward the pedophile they'd just caught.
Spencer swallowed almost audibly and met Morgan's eyes.
"You alright there, kid?" the man asked taking a step closer, concern drawing his eyebrows together as though pulled toward one another with invisible threads.
Spencer made the mistake of glimpsing one last time at the unsub, only partially hidden by his boyfriend's broad shoulders.
Derek stood imperceptibly straighter, carefully turning his head.
He didn't need more than a fifth of a second to pick up on what was happening.
"Wh- son of a bitch." he hissed, taking large steps toward the man sitting on a chair by the wall, at safe distance from Spencer - apparently not safe enough, though.
"What the hell, man??! Get him out of here!"
The distracted police officer hardly guarding the criminal winced at the loudness of Morgan's voice.
A shorter but older officer came to his inexperienced colleague's aid, forcefully dragging the unsub toward an empty room.
Morgan never stopped glaring at the man, a dead weight lazily thumping his feet at each step as though all his physical effort were being exploited to keep his eyes glued on the young genius' figure, even if the space parting them increased by the second.
As Derek turned around, everyone including the members of the team present in the room feigned being busy with whatever, jerking their gazes away. Everyone except Spencer, who on the contrary watched attentively as his boyfriend walked back toward him. With each feet of distance his legs erased it seemed to him Derek's features got softer and softer and the tension in his muscles leaked from him drop by drop.
"I'm sorry about that, Spencer." he apologized with a deep exhale, once he'd got close enough to drop the surname and indulge in that mirage of intimacy.
Reid frowned. "It's not your fault."
The older man sighed again and leaned ever-so-slightly closer, cocking his head to one side as if trying out another perspective to look at him better.
"I always feel like it is when anything happens to you, sweetheart." he claimed in a quieter voice, bringing a hand up to briefly stroke his boyfriend's cheek with his knuckles.
That statement and the profoundly affectionate way Derek was staring into him were nearly overwhelming, enough for Spencer to feel the impulse to avert his eyes and direct them toward his shoes.
"B- but it's not." he reiterated in a murmur. "plus, nothing happened anyway."
Morgan shook his head in the attempt to un-convince himself of being guilty in whatever way he thought he was.
"I know." he agreed at last, looking down to take Spencer's hand in his own. "I'm just really tired. Can't wait to get the fuck outta here and go home with you, pretty boy."
There was something irredeemably frustrating about the rate Spencer's brain had fried up once it had processed that Derek was referring to whichever house they'd get to that night as "home", without having decided yet whether they'd stay at his or Reid's place. And the umpteenth pet name on top of that.
"...you're just a softie." he mumbled to himself, smiling at the ground.
Awkwardness materialized in the form of a brief silence.
Derek cupped the other's chin in a hand to lift it back up.
"I'm a what now??" he asked with disbelief and most of all amusement radiating from every pore of his skin and facet of his demeanor.
Spencer slid his hands in his pockets, acting laid-back despite the regret for having let that slip out tinting his cheeks bright pink.
"Garcia always says it. Not to your face, I'm guessing." he shrugged - that was true, at least. "At first I looked at her exactly as you're looking at me right now, but finally I understand what she means."
The other man's eyebrows shot up in indignation. "Just 'cause YOU turn me soft it doesn't mean I'm a 'softie'." he air-quoted. "Besides, that's on you, sugar."
The short relief Spencer had felt once it had become clear that Derek didn't need an explanation for why Penelope and him labeled him as 'soft' was unpolitely dismissed by literally everything else the other man said.
Reid tried to ease the feeling of his face torching up by digging his teeth in his bottom lip. He slightly ducked his head once again but couldn't give up on returning Derek's gaze, albeit through his lashes.
Morgan broke both the eye-contact and the silence with a snort that quickly escalated into a chuckle, folding his arms on his chest and shaking his head.
"Spencer, I can't, if you look at me like that."
The genius mistook that for some weird type of reprimand and pouted meekly.
"Y- you can't what ?"
The other's grin widened and that didn't but confuse Spencer further.
"I didn't do anything!" he was not playing dumb. His failed attempt at understanding was authentic, but that damn smile was contagious and Derek must have rightfully thought Spencer's mirroring of said smile meant he did understand.
The man in front of him didn't bother responding, instead looking around non-chalantly before grabbing Reid's wrist.
"D- Der- wh- what-" Spencer only managed to stutter as he was being pulled toward somewhere, zig-zagging between desks and occasionally people, who luckily were not in the least interested in what the two were doing. Which anyway, he didn't know.
Before he could process, Spencer was in an empty room - the one JJ had used to talk to the victims' families - poorly lit by the lamps in the lobby alone, pressed up against a wall and smothered by his boyfriend's kisses, landing all over his face with no specific order or preference or hierarchy or regard for the genius' germophobia.
"Der! Come on!" he protested in between giggles, scrunching his nose. "There's-" his phrase was cut off by one of the kisses shutting his lips.
Derek let out an annoyed close-mouthed sound before stopping to get air.
"What is there?" he asked in a breathy whisper, tucking flying hairs behind the genius' ears tentatively.
"There's, uhm..." Spencer gulped, toying pointlessly with the collar of the other's t-shirt, slightly frayed from use. "...there are people outside. A lot."
Morgan nodded. "Let me think..." he murmured teasingly.
The man leaned in with such slowness Spencer was melting under his ever-lasting gaze; his timid smile only growing bigger the more Derek's face inched closer.
He placed a kiss on his lips just as slowly.
"I don't care." Morgan finished his phrase, before continuing with a trail of pecks that passed by his cheek and eventually led to his ear until his face was buried in Spencer's curls and his arms were squeezing him in a hug.
The slimmer man gladly returned it, letting a solid 20 seconds pass before speaking up against Derek's shoulder.
"...see? You're a softie."
Morgan scoffed but agreed nonetheless. "Alright. For you I'm a softie."
Saying that the genius wasn't expecting him to give up so easily was an understatement - which only strengthened his theory. He found himself bursting in a laugh.
"If garcia finds out you admitted it..."
"Oh she's NOT gonna find out." the other rushed to contradict, pulling away enough to see Reid's face again. "Because you WON'T tell her, am I right?"
Spencer arched a brow. "...that's supposed to be threatening?"
"Mhmh." Derek nodded. "It is."
"Well, not to shatter your dreams or anything, but it's not really worki-"
A syllable away from the end of the young agent's sentence the light in the room switched on, and the couple barely had the time to scowl at that that the door was being opened.
The two took their arms off of each other and parted a few feet, quickly turning heads to look at the intruder.
"Oh !- sorry guys," Emily grimaced; only half of her body inside the room and a hand still gripping the door handle. "...but we gotta get going."
The cringe on her face morphed into an amused, knowing look.
"I looked everywhere for you..." the woman added, because for some wicked reason she always found it extremely fun to make things more awkward.
Spencer braced his arms around his torso and looked at the floor, hoping that avoiding her eyes would suffice for stopping either the blush from dusting his face or the ridiculous chuckle from escaping his lips; both in the best case scenario.
"Ah, yeah, sorry. We'll be right there." Morgan offered to answer in the other's place; the utter embarrassment his voice and attitude delivered were yet another point at Garcia and Reid's thesis' advantage.
Prentiss lingered in the room a while longer - an eternity - glancing between them, and ultimately got out, leaving the door ajar because keeping it completely open would be too much of a mockery, but shutting it would mean she'd have to come back 10 minutes later and witness that very pathetic scene a second time.
Spencer's body let go of the chuckle he'd been holding - sparing him the most part of the blush, though, which he was grateful for - and finally detached his back from the wall.
"You are so soft." he casually remarked once again, brushing past by his boyfriend to get out of the room.
Derek managed to reach him with a couple of strides before he could get too far to hear his reply.
"Only for my baby boy."
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sodone-withlife · 4 years
Criminal Minds Fic Part One
| PART 1 | PART 2 |
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: implied (canonical & noncanonical) character death, canon-typical violence
Notes: I really don’t know where these ideas come from. I love agent as unsub stories, but I decided to twist it and this fic is the result. This starts a few weeks after “100” and involves an AU origin story for Hotch.
gnossienne: n. a moment of awareness that someone you’ve known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life, and somewhere in the hallways of their personality is a door locked from the inside, a stairway leading to a wing of the house that you’ve never fully explored—an unfinished attic that will remain maddeningly unknowable to you because ultimately neither of you has a map, or a master key, or any way of knowing exactly where you stand. (The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows)
“Our agents have already done a great job of isolating this branch. With this recent development, however, your involvement may be incredibly helpful in completely dismantling them.” A short pause, “Should you accept, you would be doing this for at most nine months, but none of us in the task force think you’ll be doing this for more than six.”
“Foyet took care of that time issue—permanently. You know that.”
“Don’t play dumb. What will my team know?”
“You know the protocol. David Rossi will be briefed on the basic information, but only because of your shared history. The rest of your team will be told that you’ve been temporarily reassigned to a task force involved in a classified operation and that you are to have little to no contact with people not in-the-know.”
“You do know that the chances of them being brought in because of a related crime or something I’ll have to do are very high.”
“The paperwork required for them to be brought in is prepared and ready in a locked drawer.”
“And the brass allowed that?”
“Sam wasn’t the only one fighting for it. Erin’s relentless bureaucratic nature was particularly effective.”
“Strauss, she-?”
“Yep. She does like you, you know? Remember your two-week suspension a few years ago? She was hoping you would figure things out with your,” a brief pause, “wife and son.”
Heavy silence.
“You can rest assured that all bases have been thought of and covered, and I’m sure you know that your team will be in good hands.” There was a sigh.
“The brass has gotten desperate, given that it’s been over two decades of escalation, despite the best efforts of the agents both inside and outside working on isolating and dismantling the group. When this came up, the brass wanted to take complete advantage of it.”
“You—the brass knows of the tactics they employ, their M.O. for the more violent crimes, their ‘initiation’ process?”
“And they know that I’d probably be at the very least complicit, if not an active participant, in such crimes?”
“As I said, they’re desperate. Slightly uncomfortable, yes, but still desperate. Though, you and I both know that your role would not require such depravity against innocents on your part, especially with your skillset and training.” Another pause. “It goes without saying that this will be difficult and high risk, and everyone involved will understand if you decide against doing it.”
There was a scoff, then a pause. “You are aware that while my motives for doing so are not insidious, they do not come from a place of altruism.”
“I don’t expect them to be.”
A longer silence.
“I’ll do it.”
“You’re looking bright right now. You have a date tonight, Morgan?” Prentiss teased tiredly as she, Reid, and Morgan made their way into the almost empty bullpen carrying cups of actually good coffee.
Morgan snorted. “Yes. With my bed.” Prentiss rolled her eyes, grateful for the levity after having spent a week chasing a child murderer out in Oregon. She shook that thought out of her head, starting her routine scan of the bullpen and surrounding offices as she set her coffee down on her desk. There’s Reid, there’s Morgan next to me, there’s JJ walking in with Garcia from their offices, Rossi and Hotch—
“Didn’t Hotch and Rossi get here before us?” she asked, noting the emptiness of their respective offices. The others simultaneously looked up at the senior profilers’ offices and then at the conference room, confirming that yes, they weren’t here.
“They could have already left…?” Reid suggested half-heartedly, clutching to his coffee like a lifeline.
JJ eyed him skeptically, “Dave? Yes. Hotch? Not likely.”
Whatever discussion that would have ensued was cut off when the glass doors suddenly swung open. The team looked over and watched in silent confusion as their leader strode determinedly towards his office, slamming the door behind him. Rossi, who was behind Hotch, walked in at a slower pace, a grave expression on his visage.
He paused by the team standing around Reid’s desk, “I’ll explain in a bit.”
Offering no further explanation, he walked up the stairs and into Hotch’s office. The team watched from outside as Rossi closed the door and blinds, deliberately preventing them from profiling through the window. The group shared a glance before reluctantly drifting away to begin writing up their reports.
“He got a phone call on the plane earlier, do you think it had something to do with that?” Prentiss leaned back in her chair, tapping a pen on her desk absentmindedly. Her speculative question pulled everyone out of their distracted focus on their work, opening the floodgates for continued discussion.
They were interrupted when, after twenty-one minutes and seventeen seconds (according to Reid), Rossi opened the door and walked out of Hotch’s office alone, catching the team’s attention.
“Someone get Garcia and JJ, they need to be here for this.”
Within minutes, the team sans Hotch was assembled in the conference room, facing Rossi.
“I would like to start off by letting you all know that this is all very sudden and unexpected,” the tension in the room skyrocketed as the profilers recalled the unpleasantness of the last few ‘sudden and unexpected’ events, “but there will be some changes in the BAU for at most” Rossi made sure to emphasize,  “the next nine months.”
“Is this something to do with Hotch?” Rossi nodded in affirmation, much to the team’s increasing alarm.
“His position in the BAU is not being threatened,” he was quick to reassure them, noting their wariness and remembering the stories he heard about Strauss’s interference a few years ago. “But, as of tomorrow, Morgan will be the acting Unit Chief.”
Morgan reared back in shock as the others all focused on him. “What?” he asked incredulously. “What’s going on with Hotch?”
“Hotch has been temporarily assigned to a task force running a rather sensitive investigation, and he will be out of contact for the next nine months,” Rossi said, taking in the shock and dismay radiating out from the team with a heavy heart while hiding his own worry.
He turned to Garcia. “And Penelope—well, all of you,” he amended, flicking a serious glance over the rest of the team, “ I have been ordered to tell you that you are not to look into it in any way, shape, or form, at the risk of compromising their security.”
Prentiss held up a hand. “Hold on, he’s gone for the next nine months, just like that?” she asked as the others remained shell-shocked, trying and failing to imagine the BAU without their boss.
Rossi didn’t answer, turning away as something in the bullpen caught his attention. The team followed his gaze towards Hotch, who was standing at the top of the steps, his bag over his shoulder and a file box under his arm. They watched through the window as their boss inhaled deeply and swept down the stairs and out of the bullpen without looking back, body taut with tension and expression darker than they’ve ever seen.
The group continued to stare even after Hotch left their line of sight. “Believe me, this wasn’t a decision he made lightly,” Rossi let out a deep breath and turned back to the team.
“Why him?” Reid asked quietly. Rossi’s heart ached for the young man, who he knew viewed Hotch as a surrogate father. He met the youngest agent’s gaze with his own grim gaze. “There’s a lot that I don’t know about this situation, and that includes the reasoning behind this. What you know right now is all that I’m allowed to share, and my knowledge doesn’t extend that far beyond all of this.”
It was clear to everyone that they weren’t being told everything, but they recognized the resolute look in the senior profiler’s eyes; they weren’t getting anything out of him. Rossi made sure to make eye contact with each of the team.
“Hotch is not pulling a Gideon. He will be coming back,” he said strongly, “but in the meantime, we still have jobs to do. I won’t ask you to be completely adjusted and not think about him at all, I just ask that you continue to work hard and do your jobs in Hotch’s absence.”
“Hey Morgan, can you look over this case?” JJ asked, file in hand and standing in front of Morgan’s desk.
“Sure,” he replied, quickly finishing a sentence in his notes before looking up and taking the file that was held out for him. Concern slipped over his face as he noted JJ’s uncharacteristically spooked expression. “Something wrong?”
JJ shook her head, watching as he opened the case file. “Um, I’m not sure. I got the call an hour ago and the file was just faxed over. It might just be me, but…” she trailed off as he paused at the pictures of the victims and their information. He looked up, meeting her gaze.
“You see it too?” she asked, to which Morgan responded with a short nod.
He stood up, gathering the files and walked out of his office, JJ just a step behind him. The two walked into the BAU conference room, gathering Garcia and the other profilers on the way. The liaison waited until the others sat down before presenting the case. A picture of a conventionally attractive young man popped up on the screen.
“Joshua Brentwood: he’s the manager at a Manhattan startup and was found in his apartment just a few hours ago like this,” another picture appeared, causing Garcia to turn away while the others looked on in detached fascination. “But the coroner determined the time of death to be around thirty-six hours ago.”
Rossi quickly did the math. “Early Sunday morning, maybe close to midnight,” he stated, bemused. “And they just found his body?”
“Apparently a coworker went over to check on him because he hadn’t shown up to work at his usual time and called it in,” Reid replied, looking through the file intently.
“There were rose petals scattered all around the bed, and ‘to my dearest’ written on the wall in the victim’s blood,” JJ reported. “No DNA or other trace evidence was found at the scene, the unsub did a pretty good job of cleaning up after themselves.”
Four more photos popped up on the screen. “He was one of five men—a project manager, a marketing manager, and two software engineers—who have been found like this in the past six weeks. Three weeks between the first and second kill, and it’s gotten shorter. The fourth body was found only two days before the most recent victim was killed.”
“Five dead so far with this MO and staging?” Prentiss repeated, “Why weren’t we called in sooner?” JJ shrugged, unsure.
“Multiple knife wounds to the upper body, cause of death is exsanguination,” Reid mused aloud, looking through the victims’ info. “Relatively large age range but similar physical characteristics, height, body shape, hair color—” He suddenly stopped, separate pieces somehow coming together and forming a strange theory in his mind.
“Um, this…” he began hesitantly, looking at the liaison. “It looks like… ?” JJ nodded, flicking her eyes towards Morgan, who was watching Reid with a carefully blank expression. Prentiss briefly looked up, noting with concern the state of her fellow profilers. It wasn’t long before the dots connected in her head; she felt her mouth open slightly in shock as Garcia inhaled a quick breath.
Rossi cleared his throat, the sound ripping through the silent room, “Physical characteristics of our victims aside, any other similarities?” No one responded, eyes till on the pictures.
“I’ll look into their online lives,” Garcia quickly bowed out of the room for the comfort of her screens. The room was silent as the profilers took in the crime scene photos.
“We’re going to New York,” Morgan’s voice cut through the tension. He looked around at his coworkers. “Meet at the jet in thirty.”
“Talk to me, Garcia,” Morgan paused in his setting up of the evidence board and turned his attention to their analyst as he answered the call. He was the only one present, JJ being outside talking to the lead agent and the victims’ loved ones. Reid was exploring the two most recent crime scenes with the local agent, and Rossi and Prentiss were meeting with the ME.
“Okay, so local agents have already established that the first four were all at local BDSM clubs the night of their murder. I looked into the most recent victim’s whereabouts, and lo and behold, he was also at a club Saturday night.” She cut him off before he could say anything, holding off his questions. “And yes, the list of clubs is being sent your way right now.”
“You’re a gem, Garcia. Anything else?” Morgan asked, walking over to get the sheet that was coming out of the fax machine.
“Oh, yes. Okay, so I also looked through the security footage that was sent over, and I could only get footage of him coming and leaving, and when he leaves he always disappears somewhere within the block.” Faint sounds of her shifting around in her seat came through the speaker, “I checked the surrounding cameras, and there’s nothing. And the clubs’ security cams are absolute crap, all I can tell you from that is that he is most definitely male and between 5’10 and 6’0.”
Morgan let out a sigh. “It’s alright, Garcia. Send over the footage after you’ve put it through your programs and continue digging; I’ll call when we get something new.”
“Garcia out.” He allowed himself a brief huff of amusement before he turned to the evidence board, sobering up as he took in all that they had so far. Failing to keep his mind from straying towards thinking about the strangeness of the MO, he shook his head as he moved to lean against the table, pulling out his phone.
“Rossi. Have you seen Hotch’s scars from Foyet?” His head dropped in resignation as he listened to the other’s answer. “Alright, thanks. Get here as soon as you can.” He dialed another number.
“Reid, you got anything?” His eyebrows flew up as he listened to the chatter from the youngest agent. “Well, hopefully, there’ll be a match in the system. I want you back as soon as you finish up the fourth crime scene,” he moved to hang up, only to pause when Reid asked a question.
Sighing, he answered, “Rossi confirmed it. The first was slightly messy and the last two were quite sloppy, but the general locations match.” He looked up as JJ walked into the room balancing two cups of coffee and a couple of folders in her arms.
“Alright, I’ll see you two in a bit,” he hung up and turned his attention to JJ. “What’s up?”
“Only one of the victims had any family members nearby,” JJ said, walking over to the table and setting a coffee down next to him. Morgan nodded in thanks as she set her own cup down next to his, “and agents already talked to the coworkers. It seems like they were quite well-liked in the workplace and didn’t have any enemies, though they were highly private and could be classified as workaholics. Neighbors didn’t hear anything,” she finished, biting her lip.
“Go on,” Morgan said, noticing JJ’s hesitation.
She took a deep breath. “If this is going the way it seems to be going, I don’t see a point in talking to them again.” She walked over to the board, tapping a finger on one of the photos. “Exactly nine knife wounds on every victim? And with Rossi’s confirmation about the location of each stab wound…” she swallowed, trying to wrap her head around the mind-boggling situation. “This isn’t a coincidence. There’s not going to be any connection between the victims beyond the obvious; this unsub is probably just looking for surrogates.”
Morgan made a sound of agreement, dropping heavily into a chair behind her, arms crossed. The two silently stared at the board, ignoring the agents outside giving them strange looks.
“I forgot to ask earlier,” Morgan interrupted the tense silence, “has the press gotten a hold of this yet?”
JJ sighed and nodded, “Agents here managed to keep it quiet for the first two murders, but the story leaked two weeks ago, just after the third.” She eyed Morgan. “Should I hold a press conference?”
“Let’s hold off on that and wait for the others to come back and see what we have,” he decided, standing up. “Given the timeline, the unsub is probably going to kill again very soon, so let’s review the footage and see what comes out of it.”
“Alright, let’s start with what we know,” Morgan began, looking around the room. “We have five men who went home with our unsub and ended up tied to the bed, gagged, and bleeding to death from nine stab wounds. Garcia ran the security cam footage through her programs, our unsub’s height is likely just under six feet.” He opened his hands in invitation, “What else have we got?”
“The staging, it screams of the unsub demanding someone’s attention,” Reid said absentmindedly.
“Writing ‘to my dearest’ on the wall in the victim’s blood, gluing the eyelids open and thus forcing the victims to look at him,” Prentiss listed off, continuing his thought process.
“All the victims were stabbed in the same places, and the ME said they were done using the same knife,” Rossi informed the group. “There were no hesitation marks; the unsub is fairly organized. He knew what he was doing, and he’s taken care to leave no trace of himself on the victim or at the scene.”
Prentiss nodded along, “He probably has a criminal history, then. ”
“The last two victims were found in worse shape, however; the stabbings were much messier and the bruises from whatever he was doing were much more severe,” Reid threw in. “That, plus the fingerprint that the crime scene techs found at the end of the message in blood and the significantly shorter cooldown period… ” he looked at the others, “he’s clearly devolving; he’s going to have to kill again, and soon.”
There was a loaded silence, the profilers not wanting to bring up the element they’ve tried to ignore (despite knowing better but of course, they couldn’t help but want to ignore—).
“The rose petals scattered at the scene, the staging, the victimology…  ” Morgan trailed off. He shook his head, pushing his feelings aside and biting the bullet, “With nine stab wounds that are eerily reminiscent of what Foyet did to Hotch, it seems like the unsub’s focus is on Hotch, and something happened recently that set the unsub off.”
“But Hotch isn’t here,” JJ stated the obvious as if she was trying to remind them (or herself), “He's been away on assignment for the past six months.”
“The half-mask and slash down the side of the face also don’t make any sense,” Reid remarked, frowning at the pictures. “Is it just a coincidence that every other aspect happens to be a reflection of Hotch, or maybe it’s like a reflection of the unsub themselves so that in the unsub’s mind, they and Hotch are forever connected?” The others were silent as they contemplated the inconsistencies.
A breath wooshed out of Morgan as he reached for his phone. “Hotch and the unsub have to have crossed paths before. I’m going to have Garcia dig into him,” he said, expecting the noises of protest that erupted around him. He held up a hand, stalling their protest before it went any further.
“I’m open to suggestions if anyone has a better idea,” he said, an eyebrow raised as he dialed her number and put his phone on speaker. No one responded.
“Quantico office of omniscience and excellence, what can I do you for today?” The analyst’s quip with her bright tone coming from the phone’s speakers alleviated some of the tension in the room.
“Hey mama, I hate to ask this of you but I need you to dig into Hotch, particularly his activities since Foyet first attacked him.” The team listened with faint feelings of amusement as the analyst did a double-take, choking on her coffee. There was a moment of silence when she finally calmed down.
“So it’s not a coincidence like I had tried to convince myself?” her voice was quieter, more subdued.
“I’m afraid not, baby girl,” Morgan said, hoping the nickname would lift her mood somewhat and glad to hear her voice brighten a bit when she responded.
“I’ll get right to it then. Also!” She quickly added, “the fingerprint analysis just came through, and there was a match in the system.” That caught all of their attention as they stood up, preparing to move if they had to.
“Do we have a name?”  Prentiss asked.
“Unfortunately no, but I can tell you that it’s popped up in a bunch of crimes in the past decades—”
“What kinds, Garcia?” Rossi cut in.
Garcia hummed, eyes presumably roving across her screens. “Mainly what local PD determined to be drug-related incidents, some murders that went cold… but—and this is interesting—according to the reports, the victims apparently have ties to organized crime.”
Rossi did a double-take. “Where is the crime centered? Has there been bureau involvement in any of them?” he demanded, leaning forward over the table towards. The others watched, unsure as to what direction he’s going with his questions.
“Um, Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan… and yes the FBI was involved.” The agents watched in confusion as Rossi immediately pulled out his phone.
“I need to make a call,” he sent them a look, quelling their questions. “If I’m right about this, there won’t be any need to give a profile,” he said shortly, rushing out of the room.
The others remained standing, surprised at his abrupt exit. “So, does anyone know what that’s about?” Garcia asked.
JJ shook her head, still staring in the direction Rossi went. “Nope,” she responded, popping the ‘p’.
“Alright then, Garcia, I want you to send over everything you have on the previous crimes,” Morgan hesitated, clearly uncomfortable, “and on Hotch.” She acknowledged the order, hanging up.
Putting his phone away, Morgan turned to the others. “I’ll let Rossi do whatever he’s doing. Reid, JJ, I want you two scouting the area around the victims’ homes; see if you can figure out how he disappeared. Prentiss, you and I are going to take a nice tour of some of the BDSM clubs of the city,” Morgan ordered.
“We’ll check in in two hours.”
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word-scribbless · 5 years
Good enough
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X female reader
Masterlist Part 2 Part 3
Just an idea that popped in my head! There might be typos. I might do a second part for jack’s question for her but I don’t know
Y/n was sitting in the living room of the house she shared with Aaron and Jack. She knew how much she loved them and how much they loved her, however today was just one of those days. She was terrified that she wasn’t good enough for them. She heard Aaron’s key in the door and quickly tried to make it look like she wasn’t crying or worrying since jack went to bed.
“Hey love” Aaron greets as he comes to the sofa to kiss her
“Y/n what’s wrong?”he says before she can greet him properly.
“Nothing I’m okay” she says reaching out for him
“Y/n you know I know you’re lying” he says sitting down next to her.
“Ughhh profilers!” She sighs
“Yeah, sooo you gonna tell me or do I need to use my skills?” He asks, pulling her legs over his.
“Don’t you dare Aaron Hotchner!” She glared at him
“Then tell me sweetheart!” He coos looking at her softly.
“I’m just being dumb!” She looks away
“Still, I wanna help” he says, taking her hand in his and running a soothing thumb over her knuckles
“I don’t feel good enough” she whispers
“You’re right that is dumb” he chuckles
“Aaron!” With a slight laugh but sad eyes
“I’m sorry love! Not enough for what?” He asks.
“For you and Jack!” She admits as she looks up to see the shock in his eyes.
“Y/n sweetie you are everything to jack and I. We love you so damn much y/n” he says moving his palm to cup her face.
“I know you do! But, what if I’m not good enough at being a mom figure to jack” she asks sadly
“Is this cause he called you momma last night?” He wonders
“Maybe, I don’t know! I love that he did that! So much that I feel a little guilty.” She admits looking down
“Y/n if this is going too fast for...” he says before she cuts him off, taking his face in her hands and saying,
“NO! Aaron no! That’s not it at all! I just...That little boy deserves the world, what if I’m not enough.”
“Y/n you are better to that boy than anyone in this world!”he says
“Y/n, it’s true!”
She sighs and he tilts her chin to look at him.
“Y/n remember our anniversary?” He asks seriously
“You really want me to?”She chuckles
“Good point” he laughs “but yes, I do want you to remember it. Don’t think I don’t know what you did for my son and I that day.” He says lovingly
“Aaron” she whispers
“Y/n you were furious with me” he says
“No I was upset Aaron not mad”
“No you were pissed, but that’s okay! You should have been!” He presses.
A few months before, on their first anniversary Aaron had stayed on a case that he wasn’t fully needed on instead of coming home to spend it with y/n and jack even though they had plans and jack had a game.
Rossi came back for the game but not Aaron. Y/n knew that he felt guilty and needed to end that horrible case himself, and she understood but she was upset. She also had a very depressed jack on her hands. He was upset and angry at his dad for missing his game. She did everything she could to cheer him up that day, despite how upset she was.
She was afraid he didn’t come home because he wasn’t fully sure about their relationship. She soon learned that wasn’t true when he came home, he treated her and jack like a prince and queen and ended the night telling her he loved her and asking her to officially move in. He also explained why he felt the need to stay on the case and she understood.
“Okay I was kinda mad, but I don’t hold it against you!” She said truthfully.
“I know y/n that’s why I love you!” He said kissing her head.
“I love you too” she says kissing him quickly on the lips before he continues.
“I’m asking you to remember all the things you did for jack that day!”
“It was nothing” she says
“Y/n it was everything!” He whispers, looking at her eyes. “You called me that morning” he continued
“Yeah, we talk every morning” she said
“Yes but our first call that morning ended with you in tears, and I didn’t think I would hear from you the rest of the day, let alone the next hour.” He says
“Jack was sad!”
“Yeah, and the first thing you did was call your boyfriend; who just ditched you, that you wanted nothing more than to scream at!” He says and she nods weakly with a small guilty smile.”You convinced my very angry at me son to call me so we could do our pre-game ritual pep talk.”
“Yeah well” she says like it’s nothing
“Y/n you didn’t just do that for me, you did that for that little boy! You did that so that jack would have a good day and game.”
“Yeah and he kicked butt that day!” She smiles
“Yeah he did! Probably because not only did you call me but then you went to his game dressed like a jack Hotchner super fan!”
“Ughhhhh tell me Rossi didn’t take a picture “
“Oh several pictures my sweet girl” he laughs
“Oh nooooo!” She says. Remembering how she decked herself out in his teams colors, along with Aaron’s shirt that said “Hotchner” on the back. She had even painted her face with his number. They both smiled at the memory.
“My favorite is the one with jack on your shoulders, happiest I’ve seen him in a very long time y/n! You make that little boys life so much better!” He says honestly
“Yeah! And mine!”
“Okay I think I believe you!” She says leaning in for a hug, feeling much better.
“I’m not done!”
“No?” She giggles.
“Uh-uh. Do you really think jack didn’t tell me what you said about me that day?” He asks, she sighs leaning her head back.
“A woman can have no secrets around here!”
“Y/n on a day where I completely let you down and made you lose all hope in you and I. You still told my son that I was your super hero, that no matter where I was, you know I wished I was with you. You spent an entire night that was supposed to be about you and I, that I ruined, defending me to my son!” He says looking down at her with love.
“It was all how I feel Aaron” she says quietly.
“I know that, but you should have been furious at me and you were defending me. Not for me or for you, for that little boy who you love like he was yours!” He says
“I love him so much Aaron!” She agrees
“Y/n, I know him calling you momma is a big deal. Truth is, you deserve that title so damn much, and honestly I know Haley would agree with me.” He says seriously
Tears she had been holding back were now flowing freely down her cheeks. She could even see the tears forming in Aaron’s eyes.
“Jack and I talked about it a while ago.” He admits
“You did?” She asks.
“We did. We talked about how he loves you like a mom, but he knows you don’t want to replace his mommy. He asked me if I thought you’d be okay with being called momma, and if I would be okay with it, and think Haley would be.” He says, tightening his hold around her shoulders.
“Really?” She asked through tears
“Yeah, I told him that I honestly thought that his mom sent you to us.” He admitted looking down at her and wiping her tears away. “and that I would be okay with it and I think you would be too, and he could try it or talk to you about it. I didn’t want to take that moment from you and him so I didn’t bring it up with you.” He says looking at her
“Aaron! I love you!” She says hugging his waist.
“I love you too y/n” he smiles and kisses her head
“We talked about something else that night too.” He admits.
“You did?” She asks curiously.
“Yeah, we talked about this.”
He says pulling a small box out of his pocket. Y/n gasps
“Y/n” Aaron says getting on one knee in front of her where she’s sitting on the couch while opening the box to reveal a beautiful ring. “Jack and i talked about how much you mean to us, about how much I love you and about how much we want to be a family with you.” He takes her hand in his free one. “ we agreed that I could ask you this question and then jack and you could have your own moment, so here goes my moment. Y/n l/n you mean the entire world to me! You and jack are the light of my dark world and I love you so very much. Y/n I want to spend my entire life showing you how much you mean to jack and I. Y/n will you do the honor of marrying me? Be our family?”
Y/n nods through tears “yes! A million times yes” she says with a shaky voice. Aaron slips the ring on her finger and she slides into his lap on the floor kissing him!
“I am so lucky! I get both the Hotchner boys all to my self?! She whispers looking at the ring while still hugging Aaron’s neck.
“Forever my love! Now let’s celebrate and get some rest sweetheart, you have another very important question from the shorter of the Hotchner men tomorrow, as long as that’s okay?” He asks
“Eeeeeee I can’t wait!!!!!” She jumps a bit.
Aaron laughs and pulls her toward the bed room.
“I know how we can pass the time” he says kissing her neck.
“Mmm, okay I think I like this plan” she hums not believing just how lucky she is.
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