deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "What happened here?" - Gekk to Byakko cause bf keeps getting hurt
aftermath of a fight
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Blood has turned sections of snow white hair crimson, pupils constricted with an intense focus as he stands among shattered weapons. Chains lay scattered on the ground, snapped under the tiger's brute strength if a few pieces still clinging to him. It's a far cry from the usual laid-back and calm appearance of the older demon. Violence curls around him, and he crushes the bones of some unfortunate demon under his foot without batting an eyelash.
Gekkouin's voice has Byakkomaru stiffen and become still before he looks over his shoulder towards where the other demon stands. Does he recognize who it is? The answer is not as obvious as it should be when he makes no move to immediately answer or interact. He turns around to face Gekkouin after a few tense seconds of silence.
" I'm dealing with trash. " Byakkomaru finally answers, his voice frigid and informative as he slowly starts to move away from the bloody scene. It feel like walking in a fog. He is aware but it feels harder to control what he does or to focus on words. Byakkomaru's wrath is a very rare thing to show even in small glimpses, let alone to be enough for him to start acting on it. The come down is hard, the smell and feel of blood trapping him in a cycle of violent urges.
He stops a few feet from Gekkouin, blue eyes focused on the other demon. " They wanted to go after Shinya. I won't allow it. " He murmurs, fingers curling into fists as he thinks about it. " I won't allow it. We're already short on time without those stains adding more into the mix. And if that witch is behind this - " Byakkomaru snarls, anger so suffocating it was nearly tangible in the air, so great his words fail.
The demon draws in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment as he tries to swallow the flames of anger that feel like they're creeping up and devouring him. " It's fine. I'm fine. " Byakkomaru forces his shoulders down into a relaxed position as he tries to really focus on Gekkouin. " What's up? " He asks, wiping the blood from a cut on his cheek.
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ofsavior · 7 months
smash or pass? || @rosysins
Smash or Pass + Shinya (for Guren and Mahiru~)
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“ Pass~ unless Guren's involved too. ”
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“ ................................................ Pass. ” No one ever said Guren was honest.
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queensconquest · 3 years
rosysins replied to your post “guren squad: struggling with relationships...”
gekk vc: stop being a smug lil asshole to the humans. they've got enough problems to worry about.
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   Ears  perk  up  at  the  sound  of  his  little  birdie’s  voice  and  he  sits  up  with  a  large  grin  “  Hmmm  ,  make  me  ,  little  birdie  ~  “  He  taunts  with  a  fanged  grin.  “  I  know  ,  I  know.  But  they’re  making  it  harder  for  themselves.  “  
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ofichinose · 3 years
help guren; he needs it. || @rosysins​
(from eri hehe for that relationship advice meme): "The easiest way to keep a man is to keep tied to the bed."
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❛ Is this some kind of Hiiragi trade secret? ❜ He won’t elaborate further.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "would you check over there?" - Gekk to Byakko again hehe <3
would you prompts
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Byakkomaru turns his head towards Gekkoin at the question, ears perking up as he turns in the direction that was being pointed out to him. Gekkouin wanted him to go check? The tiger demon can't exactly fathom WHY this request was being made of him. He gives a snort.
" For someone who likes to call me the lazy one, you sure are acting lazy. " Byakkomaru remarks with a shake of his head.
Words aside, he does still do as he is asked. He pushes himself up from his spot and starts to head over towards the other room that was opposite of were he had been. Was it because Gekkouin actually wanted him to check for something, or was it a distraction? But if it was a distraction, then what was it a distraction from? That only serves to raise the demon's curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back.
" What exactly am I checking over here for, little birdie ~ ? " He asks, unable to resist the playful teasing name as he peers over the scenery. The question should be a good determent to discovering if there was something he was actually supposed to be doing, or if this was nothing more than a way to get the tiger occupied with something else. Either way, he'd entertain it for now.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "sorry, you can't get in here without the right password." (TIME FOR FLUFFY BFS)
blanket fort prompts
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" The right password? "
For once, Byakkomaru is dumbfounded as he stares at the elaborate construction that Gekkouin has created out of blankets and pillows. That needs a password? He could slip through it in a million ways. But clearly that is not the point of it. " And I don't suppose you're inclined to give it to me from the kindness of your heart? "
If he knows Gekkouin, the answer is absolutely not. So he'll just have to be creative.
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Byakkomaru shifts his form, flicking his ears forward as he sits down. " What about now? Is this an acceptable alternative to knowing the password? " Soft and fluff fit the theme and aesthetic of the blanket fort, did it not? It seemed like it would make sense to give him permission to enter.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "Well if I'm all yours then kiss me like it." (time for SPICY demon boyfriends)
Possessive, territorial, and jealous starters
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Byakkomaru is rather famous among demons for his calm, collected behavior. He has an almost limitless patience — but it is being tested. Of course Byakkomaru knows just how good looking Gekkouin is. And he also knows Gekkouin is perfectly capable of handling it all on his own. And he can't exactly blame other demons for looking, but that doesn't mean it doesn't cause something possessive and protective to flare within his chest. ( The line between the two could be razor thin and this felt like one of those times where he could no longer tell which was what. )
Either way, the tiger had moved closer and that had been that. Or, so he had more or less thought. A lift of a brow had him offering an explanation as a simple Mine punctuated with a stolen kiss. His little birdie. His secretly shy boyfriend, despite how tough he might look upon first glance. One who hid behind barbed comments. He expected an insult, not that.
Gekkoin had just opened a can of worms, he'd gone and opened a whole dam with that phrase.
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Byakkomaru's attention snaps towards Gekkouin, pupils instantly constricting into narrow slits. A snarl rips straight out of his chest, deep and possessive, and then he surges forward with a burst of speed. Byakkomaru does at least remain considerate enough to take consideration of their horns - though whether consciously or instinctually was left to the unknown. His hands cup the side of Gekkouin's face and he slams their lips together, instantly closing the distance between them. No play, no tease, just a possessive demand.
He kisses with a dominating, desperate hunger that envelopes the space around them like a fog over the surface of a lake. He kisses like he'll starve to death without Gekkouin. It's a primal, intense hunger that's finally been set free of the tiger demon's careful control, set loose in all its monstrous yearning to be laid bared for Gekkouin. It invades every gesture and touch, shows in how he crowds Gekkouin back against a wall, the way his lips move and teeth nip and tug. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. It's a chant woven into each kiss, the hands that hold his boyfriend tight in his claws.
" Gekkouin. " Byakkomaru manages to groan his name, sultry voice deeper than usual with his desire. His fangs nip onto Gekkouin's bottom lip, and then presses forward again, tongue slipping past to taste his boyfriend and drink from the source. It feels like being lost in a haze, Gekkouin's the only thing he can ground himself with this moment. He memorizes it all despite knowing it, every nook and crevice, purrs into their kiss with a sharpened smile. More. More. More. It's that thought that pulls him back, makes the haze in his eyes clear up a little bit.
He pulls back just enough to break the kiss with the only sliver of restraint that he still possesses. He flashes a grin, tongue darting out to lick his lips as if he's just tasted a particularly delicious meal. And he has. " You have no idea the power you have over me. " Byakkomaru rumbles, ducking his head down to press several desperate kisses to his boyfriend's throat. His fangs ghost over the skin, but he doesn't bite down, only presses himself closer, his restraint held in the tension of his shoulders.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@rosysins replied to your post “" . . . Nobody's safe, huh. " Don't mind the...”:
byakko just shuffling gekk into a cage and booking a flight to idk, russia HJBRFBBHE
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Exactly. Could gekkoin just fly there? yeah but this way byakkomaru makes sure he gets there safely
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deathfavor · 1 year
@rosysins​ said: 001. (For Byakko and Gekk 💕)
scenery rp meme 001.   a tattoo parlour, buzzing with machinery and walls lined with artwork .
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   “  Thinking about getting more ink?  “
   Byakkomaru’s gaze slides over the walls of different art and styles and spanning every sort of genre the mind could possibly imagine. He’d never actually been in a tattoo parlour till now. Sure he’d seen them, sometimes gazed in from the wind with mild curiosity, but hadn’t ever actually stepped foot inside of one. Never had a reason. He liked tattoos. But he never had considered one for himself and thus had more or less only appreciated them from a distance. 
   It doesn’t however stop him from slinging an arm around the smaller male as he leans closer. (And if he complains, Byakkomaru certainly doesn’t appear to take any notice of it.) Instead, a hand lifts to allow a finger to ghost over the tattoo on the side of Gekkouin’s face, enough for the nerves to feel it but not nearly enough to feel like a normal touch. Gekkouin looks good with tattoos, he could see him potentially adding more to what he already has.
   “  What would you get if you did? Continue this design, or something else?  “  He inquires, blue eyes bright with curiosity rather than any sort of teasing. He really was curious both in what they were doing here and what he might be considering doing.
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ofsavior · 2 years
Fandom! (hope i'm not too late ehe): Fate?
send a fandom; get a muse. || @rosysins
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for the irony if nothing else.
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deathfavor · 6 months
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@rosysins said: "stop saying I'm jealous. I'm not - I just. I don't like having to share." (MORE demon boyfriends)
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" Would you prefer the term possessive ~ ? " Byakkomaru lifts his eyebrows with a smug smile on his face.
The present situation was certainly a change from the typical situations. Normally it was hard to tell if Gekkouin even wanted anything to do with him at all. Being kept at a distance left the tiger uncertain to what exactly they counted as. If the other demon wanted space then so be it. Byakkomaru would give that to him.
So instead he decided to chat with some of the other demons instead. Out of all the demons, Byakkomaru was rather known for his patience and calm demeanor. He wasn't one to butt heads or send jagged remarks at others simply because he could, unlike several other brats he could name. It had seemed to be going quite well - up until they suddenly excused themselves and disappeared. A quick glance had revealed one rather jealous looking demon approaching.
" It's semantics anyways; jealous, possessive, you do understand the implication I'm trying to get across. " He folds his arms, posture relaxed while he lifts an eyebrow at the bird. " Besides, who said anything about sharing? I was just talking with them. Shinya and their wielders have a mission next week, so I thought it'd be a good idea to know the demons I'll be overseeing. "
His ears flick down with a slight chuckle, though the tone behind it is one that's hard to pinpoint quite what it is. " You sure are getting worked up for someone who likes pushing me away. But really, it was just work. No need to get your feathers all ruffled, Gekkouin. "
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: 'I was worried something happened to you' (sweet & soft sentence starters) from gekk to byakko (bcos they deserve to be soft for v-day)
soft & sweet sentence starters
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Byakkomaru can count on one hand the amount of times that he's recently had Gekkouin openly admit to anything when it comes to his emotions. He rarely speaks in anything other than barbs and is quick to revert back if the situation is anything other than dire. He's certain that's what's about to happen when he replies. He can't fault Gekkoin's concern ; the tiger has been abnormally absent despite the fact their wielders are nearby. Especially when Byakkomaru is prone to wandering around on his own to keep surveillance. So it had come more as a surprise when Gekkoin had come searching for him and eventually found him in the space between planes of existence where he'd been lurking.
" I'm fine, as you can see. " And here comes the insult or barb. Byakkomaru notes, a song and dance that he's become familiar with. His hair dances in the breeze, strands of stark white that stand out despite the fog and light colors. His gaze meets Gekkoin for a moment before turning away. " It's only a matter of time before I'd inevitable reform anyways. " He muses, with a soldier's like mindset that he's never been able to shake. He'd be brought back to the weapon no mate what. ( If it broke though, even he is not sure what would happen. )
" Ah - since you're here though. " Byakkomaru turns away from whatever it is that has held his interest, hands clasped together. " Shinya and I are going to be leaving tonight. " He strolls closer until he's standing only a couple feet from the bird demon, head canted to the side. " So this'll probably be our last bit of time together for a some time. " A small smile decorates his face as he bends down a little bit closer towards Gekkoin. " So? Want to spend what time we do have together before then? "
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deathfavor · 1 year
@rosysins said: you said you were hungry, so i brought you something. (from Gekk for Byakko <3!)
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   Gekkoin could certainly be good at giving the impression that he didn’t care. But the truth was something that rarely stayed in the dark. Gekkoin cared in his own way. It was just a matter of making sure to pay enough attention. Byakkomaru was well aware of that, even when the other would try to push off his affections and toss names at him. If Gekkoin really wanted to, he could start an actual fight. But he never did.  
   Byakkomaru’s mouth waters when the smell of food reaches his nose and he lifts his head to see Gekkoin approaching. He doesn’t even have to say anything ; already his little bird is tossing out what is half explanation and half excuse. He could spare him from this little display, but Byakkomaru listens with focus and a smile. It’s cute, both his embarrassment and the way he showed his care in these little displays they had. 
  He stands up to take the offered food, and bends his head to press a kiss to Gekkoin’s lips.  “  Thank you.  “  This time, there’s no teasing or playfulness. It’s warm and simple and genuine as he gently presses their foreheads together in an affectionate gesture.  “  I appreciate it. “
With that, he gives one more smile before he steps back to sit down. If the volume of his stomach is any indication, he's starving and this smells heavenly.  
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deathfavor · 1 year
@rosysins​​​​​​ ​said: here, take my jacket. it’s freezing. (from Gekk to Byakko again <3) 
will they won’t they starters
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    Blue eyes blink in surprise when the tiger finds a jacket being shoved unceremoniously into his arms while Gekkoin is looking at essentially anything OTHER than Byakkomaru even when saying what he’s saying and doing what he’s doing. It’s cute to witness. Not to mention he thinks this jacket is suspiciously a bit big for the other and perfect for him. However, he is merciful enough to NOT point that out, or even tease the possibility despite how easy it is to take.
   “  Thanks.  “  Byakkomaru tilts his head with a grin as he takes the jacket and slides it on.  “  Nothing like the temperature suddenly dropping, huh?  “  He offers a rumbling laugh, long lashes fanned against his cheeks when his eyes close. He hadn’t exactly planned on spending hours and hours of time chatting and eating - or rather, he hadn’t expected for it to go so late into the night when the temperatures had plunged under the cover of darkness.  “  I’ll make sure to bring it back.  “
   It feels wrong not to tease him a little bit though. Byakkomaru slings an arm around Gekkoin’s shoulders, leaning closer as if nuzzling against him.  “  You really are sweet despite how you might try to show the world.  “  It’s a tease, but the warm affection in his voice is all genuine, his expression soft.  “  Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone your secret.  “  He adds, smile stretching a bit further.  “  After all, I like keeping this side for myself.  “  You care.
   His arm slides off of the other man’s shoulders as he straightens up.  “  It is late though, I’m sure you’re exhausted. I won’t take up too much more of your time.  “  Byakkomaru adds on a more serious note, though his expression is still warm.  “  I’ll let you know when I get back safe, okay? Though don’t stay up on account of me.” 
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ofsavior · 1 year
what does your heart look like?
an open door, a burning hearth
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Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
molten lava and charred flesh
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Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness
tagged by: stole it
tagging: @legacychosen @deathfavor @kyukicho @valorheroics @diablescharmants @treasurechcst @rosysins @capuchinofoam
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ofsavior · 2 years
what element writer are you?
Storm Writers
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Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
tagged by: @deathfavor​​ (considering this is the same as my original result, I guess I have not changed).​
tagging: @pyropalle @agalere @h0pefall @halphcs @metnoia @rosysins @duskwilt @legacychosen​ @valorheroics​
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