#round trip included six hours of driving
allisonreader · 2 years
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3 notes · View notes
senorabond · 6 months
Rumor Has It: Chapter 9 Peña x f!reader x Pike
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Pairings: Marcus Pike x f!reader; Javier Peña x f!reader; future Peña x f!reader x Pike
Chapter 9 Summary: Flashback: All rules go out the window the first time you and Marcus are truly alone.
Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI), Explicit sexual content, additional warnings may be added for future chapters
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Chapter Warnings: no use of y/n, flashback, workplace romance, oral sex (m receiving), Marcus being the softest saddest boy, bearded!Marcus, ‘good girl’ origin story
Reader/Character notes: Reader is fem!afab; No mention of Reader’s body size, shape, composition, or skin color.
Words: 4.4k
Author’s Note: I wrote most of this at the same time I was writing chapter 8; I just couldn’t get this image out of my head of sad-boi!Marcus, watching his classic films, eating his pint of Ben & Jerry’s… I decided to break up this flashback as well because there is so much I want to do with bearded Marcus and the word count was getting untenable. 
Thank you to my darling, my lovely beta, Kilamonster! I’m forever grateful for your unceasing encouragement and feedback. Besitos para ti 💋💜
Dividers by @saradika!
Masterlist || Previous Chapter
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One Year EarlierWashington, D.C. 
Pike had been acting weird ever since he went on that work trip to give a deposition. At first you thought he was just grumpy from being jet lagged, or perhaps the deposition hadn’t gone well. His office door was closed most of the time, which was very unusual for him. 
The poor man looked like somebody had run over his dog. You’d never seen him look so haggard in all the months you’d been detailed to his unit. His shoulders drooped, his shirts were wrinkled, and his usually well-groomed appearance turned a bit unkempt. You had to admit the beard he’d been growing for awhile had a rakish charm about it. He’d let his hair grow out, and the forelock that fell over his forehead was simply dreamy and emphasized his large, coffee colored eyes. Apparently the sad boy look did it for you.
You saw a few members of his team try various things to engage with him, inviting him to happy hours and trivia nights, bringing him coffee and pastries each morning. He was always grateful, insisted on paying for the food and drinks, but declined all invitations. Whispers were starting to circulate about various reasons for the change in Pike’s demeanor. 
You hate rumors. Which is how you find yourself sitting in your car on a Friday night, fully intending to go to the gym, but thinking about Pike instead. This had gone on long enough. Either he needed to be snapped out of it, or needed a friend to talk to about whatever he’s going through. 
Instead of driving to the gym, you stop by the store to pick up a six-pack of beer you’ve seen Pike drink at happy hours, and go to his place. He’s hosted team hangouts there, always making sure to include you. The case you’re on now occasionally results in late nights with a few of the team ordering massive amounts of takeout and working late into the night, camped out in various locations around his living room. You’re always the first to nab the cozy throw blanket off the back of the couch and hunker down into the plush cushions.
Tonight is different. You’ve only been alone with Pike a few times, never for long, and never at his place. Those few times you have been alone were always work related or out at a social function for as long as it took for someone to get back with the next round. By the time you begin to second guess your decision to go over, you’re already in his neighborhood and turning down his street. 
You think to yourself that it’s still not too late to turn back. Then Pike’s face from that afternoon comes to mind – those big, brown eyes of his that are usually so full of passion and intelligence had dulled the last few weeks. With your mind made up, you park in front of his townhouse and grab the six-pack from your passenger seat. 
A few steps from the front door, you pause when it occurs to you that the windows are darkened. His car is there, but the only light you can see is coming from the fan-shaped window at the top of his door. He might be out, or sleeping – you check your watch – at seven o’clock on a Friday night. Or, he might have somebody over, and having a young-ish female agent from work showing up would just be an awkward mood killer. 
You hesitate, then take a step forward, thinking you’ll leave the beer for him and send a text. Shaking your head, you realize that’d just be creepy, and turn around to go back to your car. Just then, you hear his front door open and whirl around to see Pike standing there in a white undershirt and joggers. 
“Hey –”
“Hey!” You cut him off, a little too loudly and flinch. “Hey, sorry, um…” You’re not quite sure what to say at this point, it all sounds too dumb. He doesn’t look angry, just a bit bemused by your presence. Thankfully, Marcus ends the awkward silence first.
“Do you want to come in?” Stepping back, Marcus opens the door a bit wider and you can see that he’s barefoot. You’re not sure why you find that endearing.
“Yeah, thanks.” You step inside, noticing that most of the interior lights are off except for a couple at the back of the house. There’s faint noise coming from the TV in the living room. Not sure what else to do, you stand there and awkwardly hold up the six-pack. 
“I brought beer.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” Marcus politely takes the beer and shuts the door. As he walks back to the kitchen, he asks over his shoulder, “Did I miss a group text about a hangout?” 
“No, I just…” Sighing, you hover at the threshold of his kitchen, where he’s opening two of the beer bottles. You decide to lean into the awkwardness and just go for it. “Are you okay?”
“What? Yeah, of course I’m okay. Why do you ask?” Marcus answers far too quickly and casually, so you push.
“You’ve seemed…off lately.” Accepting a beer, you take a swig to steady your nerves. The words all come out in a rush. “Ever since you went to give that deposition. You just haven’t seemed yourself.” 
Marcus watches you silently. You shrug, and admit, “I guess I was kind of worried.” 
You pause, your stomach in knots, sure now that you’ve just been imagining things, and that you’ve overstepped the limits of your professional relationship. Marcus takes a deep breath and places both hands on the island counter, leaning with his arms straight. He fixes you with an unreadable expression.
“Did the others put you up to this?”
“No!” You assure him, stepping forward and putting your beer bottle on the counter. “Nobody put me up to this. Nobody even knows I’m here.” 
Wanting him to believe you, you place a hand on his upper arm, feeling the well developed muscles flex under your touch. 
“Really, Marcus. You can talk to me. What’s going on?” 
Marcus sniffs, then takes a long pull from his beer. 
“Have you ever seen Casablanca?”
An hour later, Casablanca plays quietly in the background, and the two of you are settled back on the couch, washing down pizza with more beer.
Turns out Marcus hadn’t expected to see you standing there when he opened his front door. He’d gotten an alert from his doorbell camera and figured it was the pizza delivery guy. You laugh together when he shows you the video captured of your exchange.
“So, wait – you were just sitting here in the dark, watching a classic romance, in your pajamas? Where’s the pint of Ben and Jerry’s?” You’re both laughing at your lighthearted ribbing. You swear Marcus blushes a bit, but the beard and dim lighting makes it hard to tell.
“In the freezer…” You laugh even harder at this revelation. “What? I was saving it for after the pizza!” 
“You’ve been holding out on me, Pike?” You give him a playful push with your foot. “Go get it!” 
Marcus’ smile looks almost back to normal as he gets up and pads off to the kitchen, returning with a pint of Chunky Monkey and two spoons. 
“So,” you start, swallowing your first bite. “Who is she? Or he – I don’t want to assume, of course.”
“Who says there’s anyone at all?” Marcus demures, taking a large spoonful for himself. You sit facing each other on the couch, hunched over the shared ice cream.
“Seriously? The movie, the comfort food, the sweats – it’s Breakup Recovery 101, and you could teach the course.” He chuckles as you knock his spoon away with your own to go after a large piece of walnut.
“I know it’s cliche, but...”
“But it helps,” you finish for him, and he nods. Selflessly, you let him take the chunk of chocolate you were gunning for. The ice cream is starting to make you feel cold and you look around the room.
“What?” Marcus asks, turning his spoon over to lick it clean. 
“Where’s the blanket that’s normally here?” You pat its usual spot on the back of the couch. 
“Oh, hang on, I’ll get it.” While you dig around for another piece of chocolate, he disappears upstairs. A minute later he’s back with the cozy throw. “Sorry, I usually put it out if I know you’re coming over.”
Marcus spreads the blanket over both your laps while you hold the ice cream out of the way. 
“You don’t normally keep it out here?” Marcus shakes his head.
“Nah, I don’t usually need a blanket. But you got cold the first time you came over – for the Superbowl party, I think? I went out and got one so you’d be more comfortable the next time.”
You stare at Marcus, blinking, as he picks through for the good bits. This man, who barely knew you the first time you came over, went out and bought a blanket to keep at his house on the off chance you got cold here again. You don’t even remember saying you were cold at the party, you’d just put on your jacket until the house warmed up a bit. You’re not sure what to make of the feelings stirring inside your chest. 
“Thanks, Marcus. That was really thoughtful.” He shrugs in reply. 
“I like my friends to be comfortable.” And that’s when you remember Marcus sees you as a friend, and you see him as one too. You swallow around a lump and clear your throat. 
“I didn’t even know you’d been seeing anyone. Will you tell me what happened?”
After a deep breath, Marcus tells you everything – about his last assignment, the woman he’d briefly been engaged to when he came to D.C., and the man she stayed behind for. He tells you about seeing both of them when he went to give the deposition. And in return, you tell him what a badass he was for laying it all out for that asshole.
“Well, I don’t know about ‘badass.’ This is so embarrassing, but I actually said I’d grown the beard out for,” he raises his fingers in air quotes, “‘an undercover thing.’”
You try not to laugh, but fail miserably. “Aw, that’s not so bad.” Marcus rolls his eyes. 
“No, really! Once after a bad breakup I dyed my hair blue and sent my ex a glitter bomb.” Marcus laughs and tugs playfully at a lock of your hair.
“I bet you looked cute as hell with blue hair.” 
“Trust me, I didn’t look nearly as cute with blue hair as you do with a beard.” You reach up and stroke the side of his scruff. The shared laughter fades, and you’re left just looking at each other, taking one another in. 
The words bubble up in your chest and flow out, “She was so stupid, Marcus. I bet she doesn’t know what she’s missing.”
Marcus smiles ruefully and ducks his head, and you leave your spoon in the carton so you can take his face in both of your hands. His cheeks are soft and warm under your touch.
“I’m serious. You’re an amazing agent, an incredible friend, and an even better human being. I mean it when I say it’s her loss.” 
Marcus’ eyes go soft and he swallows. You realize you’re still holding his face and begin to retreat, but he holds one of your hands in place, his fingers cold from the forgotten ice cream in his lap. Closing his eyes, he takes a breath and turns his face to kiss your palm.
“Thank you,” he whispers. 
Your chest is tight from holding back the urge to do – what, you’re not exactly sure. Anything, whatever it takes to bring that smile back to his face and erase the sadness from his eyes. Leaning in, you brush a gentle kiss across his cheek, then another. 
And then his lips are on yours, warm and soft, slightly sticky from the ice cream. Marcus is moving, setting the half-melted ice cream on the coffee table and letting your spoons clatter, his lips never leaving yours. 
Your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer and you can smell the sweetness of the dessert on his beard. When he deepens the kiss, you sigh into his mouth, enjoying how his tongue tastes and feels against yours.
The scratch of the stubble doesn’t hurt, but the hairs on his upper lip tickle at your nose when you suck gently on his bottom lip. He moans, which seems to surprise him, and he pulls away, breathless. 
You try to follow but he holds your upper arms while saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry – I shouldn’t have – so many reasons…”
You can see he’s overthinking everything, so you put it plainly. 
“I want this, and I want you. Is that how you feel too?” 
Marcus says emphatically, “God, yes. But–”
“Let me make you feel good, Marcus.” You press your forehead to his and stroke his cheek. Placing light kisses to the corner of his mouth, then the apple of his cheek, the scruff on his jaw, you add a soft, “Please.” 
Marcus inhales sharply through his nose, and his hands flex, tightening their grip on your arms for a second. You lay a kiss at the corner of his eye, the place that crinkles so sweetly when he smiles. Turning his face into yours, he nudges your cheek with the gentle slope of his nose. His arms encircle you, one hand coming up to cup the back of your neck. 
“Let me help you forget.” 
Smoothing your hands over his chest, you try to slow your breathing. Being in Marcus’ arms, practically in his lap, is making you feel desperate. You’d do anything to make him feel better, anything to make him feel cherished. 
“Just for tonight?” A hint of pleading enters your voice. Slowly, you pull your feet under you, kneeling on the couch. Marcus swallows thickly, and when he finally speaks, his words come out hoarse. 
“Say it again.”
Not quite sure what he means, you pause for a moment, pulling back to bring him into focus. His pupils are blown, his soft lips parted. Marcus looks as wrecked as you feel. 
“Say ‘please’ again.” The words send tingles straight between your legs. 
“Please, Marcus.” 
It comes out in a whisper, immediately followed by his mouth on yours. His broad chest feels hot under your hands where you grasp the soft cotton of his t-shirt. 
He slips his large hands under the hem of your sweatshirt, then molds them to your ass. Putting your arms around the back of his neck, he lifts and helps you clamber over until you're straddling his lap.
“I want to make you feel good too,” he pants between your lips. 
Marcus leaves a scorching trail of kisses and licks down your neck until you gasp and grab a fistful of his soft hair to hold him to the spot that makes you dizzy. Feeling the evidence of his growing arousal, you roll your hips to press against him, sighing from the relief the friction gives you. Marcus lets out a soft grunt and pulls you into him again, this time lifting his hips up to meet yours. 
Unzipping the loose hoodie you’d intended for the gym, Marcus helps you free your arms from the fitted cuffs and tosses it somewhere on the floor behind you. You’re only wearing a lightweight tank top over your sports bra, and, in the back of your mind, you’re happy you happen to be wearing the nice one that actually makes your tits look good. 
Deciding to show them off, you strip the tank top over your head and toss it to the side of the couch you’d been sitting on. Marcus lets out a breath and pauses to admire your body, running his hands up and down your exposed midriff. As his hands caress your breasts, your nipples harden against the soft fabric of your bra, and he swipes a thumb over one causing you to shiver. 
Reaching down, you tug the hem of Marcus’ white undershirt up and he leans forward, allowing you to pull it all the way off. You knew his arms were nice, but his chest and shoulders would have made your knees weak if you were standing. His golden skin is dappled with a light sprinkling of freckles down the column of his neck. You lean over to kiss at the base of his throat, feeling it vibrate when he hums, then lick and suck your way across his neck and shoulder. 
“Your mouth feels good,” Marcus intones huskily.
Smiling, you nip gently at his earlobe before whispering, “It’ll feel even better on your cock.”
“Fuck,” he groans. “You want to suck my cock?”
In answer, you reach between your bodies and palm his dick through his soft jogging pants, then give it a small stroke. He grunts, then turns his head, capturing your lips in another heated kiss.
When you moan, he deepens the kiss and drags his hot tongue against yours. He tastes so good, you’re reluctant to stop, but the size and heft of him through his pants is too tempting to resist. Sliding a finger into his waistband, you give it a playful tug and feel him smile against your mouth. You slip your hand inside and wrap your fingers around his sizable cock. 
“Oh my god,” you murmur, and he huffs a small laugh that gets drawn out into a moan when you grasp him firmly in your fist. 
“I'm flattered,” he says lightly, but as you give him a tentative stroke his brow creases and he lets out a soft gasp.
“Trust me, it's not just flattery.” His breath hitches when you stroke him again and he kisses your bare shoulder. You reach down with your other hand and pull his cock free of his pants to give you more freedom of movement. 
Glancing down between your bodies, you're disappointed that you can't make out much in the darkness of the living room. Setting a slow, easy pace, Marcus groans and rests his forehead on your shoulder, grabbing a fistful of each ass cheek in his hands. 
“Does that feel good?” Your voice comes out low and intimate, almost a whisper.
Nodding, he makes small movements with his hips to thrust up into your hand. 
“Do you want more? Do you want my mouth?” 
He lets out a guttural moan and nods more empathically, pulling back to kiss you again. Breaking the kiss gently, you slide down between his splayed thighs and kneel before him, the plush rug comfortable under your knees. In this new position, you're more acutely aware of how wet you've been getting. 
You can see the top half of his cock trapped between his stomach and waistband, and eagerly reach for him.
“Take this off first,” he instructs softly, toying with the strap of your sports bra with a quirk to his lips. 
Smiling, you obey and pull off the tight garment, watching his face to see his reaction. In the dimness of the living room, the light cast from the TV flickers silently across his face, highlighting the cut of his jaw and cheekbones. 
“Beautiful,” he whispers to himself, and cups your face in his hand. He drags the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip, unconsciously flicking his tongue out to wet his own. You decide you like seeing him from this angle, awaiting his next word or move, basking in his praise.
You grasp at the elastic waistband and Marcus lifts his hips. As his cock is freed, he watches you intensely under heavy lids. Pulling his jogging pants all the way down to his ankles, you let him adjust and get comfortable while you stroke his thighs. 
Your mouth waters, impatient to feel the swollen head of his cock slipping past your lips. Grasping the solid weight of him in your fist, you pull up from the base, delighted to see a drop of precum pearl at the tip. Before it can spill over, you lean in and lick the salty substance away. 
“Fuck,” Marcus’ hips spasm involuntarily, the head of his cock bumping into your mouth. “Shit, sorry.” 
Ignoring his apology, you engulf him in your mouth and swirl your tongue around the ridge, then flick it at the sensitive spot just underneath. Keeping one hand at the base, you gather spit in your mouth and let it drip over the cut head, stroking him a few times to make it nice and slick. 
“Jesus,” he whispers, watching you create a seal between your mouth and hand, stroking the length that won’t fit in your mouth. His moans and sighs fill your ears, hands roaming your shoulders and neck, cradling your head, pulling back your hair. He’s holding back, though. Thighs and abs rigid, arms tense, he isn’t giving himself over to the pleasure.
“I want you to use my mouth,” you tell him, then take him back in your mouth. You take one of his hands and place it at the back of your head, giving yourself a push to indicate that he can pull you down if he wants. Marcus groans and gives an experimental push, but stays tense.
Pulling off him again, you stroke the head to keep him stimulated. “Please, Marcus – fuck my mouth.” 
“Oh, fuck…” Marcus slowly begins to relax, allowing his hips to buck up and meet your mouth as he gently pulls your face down. “Your mouth, it feels so good, you’re so good.” 
He drops his head to rest on the back of the couch. His large hands palm each side of your face and you take him in, all the way to the back of your throat, letting him feel the vibrations of your moans. 
“Ah, hnh, fuck…” Every bob of your head and thrust of his hips elicits a grunt or noise in the back of his throat. You’re sure you must be soaking wet now, and you’re tempted to touch yourself while you suck him off. 
“Just like that…fuck – so fucking good, baby. Take my cock – ah, yeah…” 
The sounds he's making have you moaning and whimpering around his cock, eyes closed, drool coating your mouth and chin. 
“I’m not gonna last if you keep that up– ugh, god.” 
Clenching your thighs, your hips move involuntarily, trying to get some stimulation to your throbbing clit. You need some relief, and press the heel of your palm to your mound, grinding into it in time with every thrust of Marcus’ cock into your mouth.
“Fuck, are you touching yourself while you suck me off? Does it turn you on that much, taking me deep, feeling me fuck your mouth?” 
You answer an mhmm around his cock and look up at him. From the pale light of the TV screen you can see the sheen of perspiration on his chest and forehead, his mouth open, that plump bottom lip quivering slightly. 
He meets your eye as he fucks into your mouth. “Shit, that’s so good, baby, don’t stop – your fucking mouth – ah, god, yeah, keep playing with yourself, good girl.”
Good girl. 
Your clit throbs and you let out an involuntary moan, your eyes fluttering shut. Nobody has ever called you a ‘good girl’ before, but Marcus’ ceaseless praise activates a part of your brain you didn't know existed. 
You need to make Marcus feel good, and you feel driven to perform well enough to earn that ‘good girl’ from him again. You want to taste and swallow his cum as your reward. 
Eyes closed again, you press down and relax your jaw, suppressing your gag reflex around the softer glans as you grip the rock hard base of his cock. 
“Fuck, I can feel your throat, baby. You still touching yourself?”
You manage to whimper another mhm and nod slightly before he's hitting the back of your throat again. Your pussy is on fire, already clenching around nothing, desperate to take Marcus’ cock.
“Unh, yeah, don’t stop, I love how turned on you are by this. I can’t wait to taste you too – do you want that? You want my mouth too?” 
Moaning your assent, you caress a hand over whatever planes of his body you can reach without breaking rhythm, feeling the muscles in his abs and thighs quiver as he thrusts steadily. 
“Oohh fuck, yeah – you're taking me so deep, that’s it, that’s … that’s a good girl.”
There it is again, those two words: good girl. A keening sound comes from your throat in response. Head swimming, you'd swear you're drunk off his cock and his words. 
Marcus’ voice is getting more strained, wavering from guttural to breathy. His cock swells in your mouth and your eyes water slightly.
“Fuck, baby, you’re getting me so close. Do you want my cum?” 
Whimpering, you use both hands to grasp onto his hips, keeping up the pace with your mouth as his hips stutter. 
"I’m so close, where do you want it?” His words are rushed and tense, but you never break your stride, moaning around his cock and making your answer obvious. 
“Shit. Here it comes – I’m cu–” Marcus doesn’t get a chance to finish his warning before his cock is pulsing and shooting his cum onto the back of your tongue. Letting out a hoarse cry, he grips reflexively to your face and hair as his orgasm rips through him.
“Ah, ahh, yes, take my cum – so good, so fucking good for me…” 
As the last shudders ripple through his muscles, he sighs and strokes your face tenderly while you happily milk the last drops of his cum into your mouth. You can’t help feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride in making Marcus feel so good. 
Before either of you can catch your breath, Marcus leans over and captures your mouth in a deep kiss. You both moan as his tongue explores your mouth, tasting himself in every corner.  
“That was incredible,” he sighs between kisses. “You’re incredible.” 
Marcus kisses up your jaw to your ear and whispers, “I want to make you feel just as good…” He drags the tip of his tongue from earlobe to pulsepoint, then makes you lose nearly all your senses as he sucks and nibbles on the sensitive spot.
Still on your knees, Marcus’ assault on your neck has you arched back until you feel the press of the coffee table behind you. It’s not exactly uncomfortable, but you are positioned awkwardly enough that you cling to Marcus for stability, the muscles in his back broad and firm under your hands. 
“Bedroom.” It’s the only word you manage to gasp out. 
“Upstairs.” His reply would sound casual if not for the heat in his voice. 
“Show me.” 
Marcus stands, helping you regain your balance on your feet. He kisses your lips again, then pulls back with a sly grin on his face. 
“Say, ‘please.’”
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Chapter 10 - Coming Soon!
Additional Author’s Note: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the lovely comments and reblogs! I can’t tell you how much they mean to me. As always, I would love-love-love to know what you think. I really want to become a better writer, so any and all feedback is welcome! Thank you for reading! 💜
No-Pressure Taglist - I just like making friends!: @kilamonster @half-moon16 @for-a-longlongtime @pedroswife69 @pedroshotwifey @angiewatson @morallyinept @peepawispunk @i-wanna-be-your-muse @marysucks-blog @guelyury @connectioneverywhere @sunshinehaze1 @drewharrisonwriter @venturawriter @survivingandenduring @thetriumphantpanda @umniamusic @itsbrandy @eyeswidecovered @myntyuu @cajuncayenne @kirsteng42 @tupelomiss @jensensational71 @mellymbee @urmomsgnocchi @your-slutty-gf @sinpathyforthedevilish @searchedhighandlo @lizzie-cakes @tkingbacksydney @littlemisspascal @din-jarhead @read-and-wip @thegirlwiththecircus @jessthebaker @rav3n-pascal22 @hotgirlbedtimescenarios @penvisions @lotusbxtch @devineconjuring @ezrasbirdie @perotovar @ilovejavierpena @ozarkthedog @swiftispunk @agentjackdaniels-blog @janaispunk
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The RA Immunity Treaty, and the one night it was broken
The spirit of the RA Immunity Treaty has only ever been truly violated once, in a 2021 incident that shook the core of every Elsewhere RA. While the nature of the Fair Folk and young people sometimes meant that the treaty’s exact wording was taken advantage of (at least once a year someone’s final exam schedule would be altered at the last minute or a musically talented RA not wearing their pin would be offered a quick trip under the hill) the mutual understanding of the RA’s role and importance was a sacred trust earning respect from the Fair Folk and students alike.
The incident took shape when the seventh daughter of one of Elsewhere’s most beloved RAs took up her mother’s old mantle in her final year of study. The mother was a 1992 grad, and held the distinction of being the only Elsewhere RA to negotiate the return every single one of her residents, every single semester, for her three years as an RA (and two years as a grad student). “The Fey were easier to negotiate with than our girls.” She’d bemoan to her partner when the girls became teenagers. The mother had passed her RA pin down to each daughter and then she pined it one final time on her youngest’s favorite jean jacket. The pin had tarnished some over the 30 years, but its luster still shone brightly and pushed each daughter’s heart in beating “bring them home. bring them home. bring them home.” The Fair Folk found each daughter to be as joyfully tenacious and verbally gifted as their mother, and delighted in their end of semester ventures under the hill. No daughter was exactly like her mother, and no sister was like the one who had proceeded her, but all loved the residents and changelings in their care. 
The seventh daughter wore her pin with pride, but she struggled with balancing her identity in her role, as new RAs and seventh daughters often do. The pin was affixed to her rain jacket as she completed her rounds that fateful night. As the clock struck 12, a mix of curiosity and perhaps a note of cruelty caused four water spirits to carry the RA under the hill. By 1am, the Head RA was aware she was missing. By 3am, every RA was at their post, pins affixed, salt packets out, and ready to defend their residents, including changelings, from whatever was coming. By 6am, the call had gone out, and the mother had returned. Six daughters walked behind the mother and their hearts beat out "bring her home. bring her home. bring her home.“ By 8am, every past RA within a two hours drive of campus stood at the base of the athletics building. Alumni from the past graduating class, all through the 1960s, more than 300 of them. Anger and confusion burned in their eyes. Current RAs ran up to the mother with toys from the dollar store, cream cheese packets, and Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. She waved them off. This was not a time for bartering. 
Their procession entered the tennis court, and greeted the Fey court as old friends. 
The mother stood before the Fey Queen. The Queen smiled, noting the mother’s salt earrings and silver wedding band. The mother did not return her smile. 
"30 years ago, I protected each and every one of your people as they passed through my halls. I was not unique. I was one link in the chain. Why violate it now?”
“A seventh daughter is a rare treasure.”
“My daughter is a treasure. She is loved beyond measure back in our world. Return her now, and we will continue to love and protect each of your children as they journey through our world. Do not gamble all of their safety against my one daughter." 
"You would risk every changeling for one daughter?" 
"I would risk everything for my daughter. Such is the oath every parent takes on, and such is the promise of being an RA at Elsewhere.”
“You are no longer an RA. You have no power here.” The Queen offered. Her tone placid, and gentle. The mother threw back her head and laughed.
“When I was 19, I swore an oath to bring them all home, to love those who deemed themselves unloveable, and to safeguard those behind me on their own journey. It’s true, I no longer complete rounds here but I have never turned my back on a lost child in a grocery store, I have loved those around me when they said they were unloveable, I have spoken for justice and built community wherever I went. I have not broken my oath. We are RAs from our first duty day to our last breath. We bring them home, and when needed, we bring home to them.”
The Queen nodded in understanding. Diplomacy was a fraught game, the mother had always been one of the better players. The mother spoke again.
“Return my child. Return the RA to her post. Return to the treaty.”
“I agree.” The Queen waved her hands and the daughter materialized. She sprinted to the arms of her sisters. The mother nodded her thanks, for she could not speak it lest she incur a debt, but turned and began to point the procession home.
The seventh daughter paused to hug her mother, then addressed the court. “I will see you in a month,” She promised. “You have three of my residents. I will bring them home.” And arm in arm with her sisters and mother, they went home.
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paulgadzikowski · 3 months
I've been on an adventure since yesterday.
When my late mother bought a car and effectively turned it over to me because she wasn't driving any more, she disallowed road trips because she was afraid of the car breaking down out of town. So for something like seven years I've been planning that, once I'd inherited the car like I did in May, I would take a day trip and have Steak & Shake for lunch. There are none in Omaha so I don't think I've had Steak & Shake since I last went with my late wife to Iowa City for her to take the Iowa bar exam. The delay worked to my advantage because now there's one in West Des Moines, only a little over two hours away, that wasn't there yet the first time I looked (the closest one then was on I-29 in Missouri somewhere), and I lived the dream a few weeks ago, mostly.
I was telling the story to my sister's and brother's families last weekend while they were in town for clearing out Mom's apartment, and afterwards I took it into my head to look up where the nearest White Castle restaurant is. (You can get brand name sliders from your grocer's freezer but it's not the same.) The answer was Columbia Missouri. I don't think I've eaten at a White Castle since I lived in Louisville so yesterday afternoon I set out, thinking - not having looked at the online map too carefully - that Omaha to Columbia would also be two hours one way, probably less.
I was wrong. It took me five and a half hours, including rest breaks. If I'd been thinking, even when I thought it'd be a round trip of about six hours (including the meal), I'd've left at about noon like I did on Steak & Shake Day instead of at about 14:00. It probably didn't help that I hit Kansas City at rush hour (I'd been thinking that that would happen on the way back) but it probably didn't hurt all that much either.
I had my meal about 19:30 and then (having started considering this option shortly after realizing how far it was between Omaha and Kansas City, and then deciding on this option shortly after realizing how far it was between Kansas City and Columbia) I got a hotel room and put off driving back till today.
Will I do it again? Not soon.
But was it worth it? Yes.
For one thing, before I left Columbia I had lunch at the Steak & Shake down the street from the White Castle. Also I saw a lot of cows
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glorytv · 5 months
▌  oh, cabi cabi!
caribbean bay is generously sponsoring an exclusive all-inclusive getaway for jincheon's athletes, coaches, and selected staff! located in yongin, just an hour and a half drive from jincheon, caribbean bay is a luxurious indoor and outdoor water park and resort. the park will be closed to the public on march 26-29 as it hosts athletes, coaches and selected staff from jincheon national training center. everyone will leave for yongin together on the national team's private buses at 8 am on march 26. attendance is mandatory for athletes and coaches, while there are limited spots available for staff. treat yourself to some well-deserved rest and relaxation! (and try not to think about the first round of evaluations for the olympic qualifiers scheduled for the second week of april...)
aquatic center: the aquatic center is an indoor waterpark zone. it operates a spa & sauna, an indoor wave pool, and the 'quick rider' (indoor tube & water slide).
sea wave: the sea wave is a large outdoor wave pool, generating artificial waves up to 2.5 m. in the wave pool, everyone has to wear life jackets inside the yellow line, and the wave comes regularly every 90 seconds. sea wave includes the wave pool, a diving pool, and the sandy rest zone.
bay slide: the bay slide features six tube slides and three water bobsleighs. the 'mega storm' is the largest slide, with a height requirement of 120 cm. the mega storm can be used in a round tube and the tube spins down the slide from 37 m in the air to the ground. in the last portion of the slide, the tube plummets into a funnel-looking tornado that is 18 diameters. a trip through the mega storm lasts around a minute.
fortress: this area includes a flowing water pool, a surfing ride, and an adventure pool. the flowing water pool is the world's longest streaming pool, also called a 'lazy pool.' for more less relaxed and more exhilirating water play, the adventure pool splashes 2.4 tons of water at once.
wild river: this area is an extreme water play zone. the main facilities include tower boomerango, tower raft, wild blaster, and san juan bar and restaurant. tower boomerango has five tube slides and one boomerango. tower raft is an extreme water slide featuring a large tube slide track that four people can ride at once. the tube slides down a 90-degree slope. the wild blaster is a log ride-like tube slide. san juan bar and restaurant is the only restaurant in the water park, offering a large menu of caribbean and korean food.
the bay: a recently constructed hotel attached to the resort. each room accommodates two persons, and features its own private bath along with two double beds. attendees may select their own roommate. coaches and staff share rooms, while athletes are paired off for their stay.
this event is open to participation until april 30th. after, you'll have a two-week window to finish all interactions related to the event. by may 15th, no interactions related to this event can be posted as we prepare for our next event (first round of evaluations for the olympic qualifiers). tag related posts using #gtvcabi. your character can do anything during their stay. an optional sidestory is available, check it out below if you're interested in joining. reply with the role you want to claim. happy roleplaying!
▌  sidestory: caribbean bay ad shooting
four public figures from jincheon have been chosen to shoot an ad for caribbean bay. this ad will be aired during commercial spots on national tv and displayed on caribbean bay's website. the ad involves two main characters and two side characters, and will be shot alongside a handful of extras. the ad features a lifeguard training camp taking place in caribbean bay, focusing on MC1 and MC2 as they navigate the rough waters of a mutual crush, and eventually find love during their stay at the water park. everyone wears white tops and red shorts provided by production for the water training scenes. everyone is expected to bring their own clubbing attire for the party scene. the san juan bar and restaurant will be closed on march 28 for shooting.
main character 1 (male, hall of fame subplot): through the course of their training in different parts of the water park, MC1 and MC2 constantly steal glances at each other. they refuse to talk, which builds up frustration, and ends with an altercation in the locker room, where MC2 rolls her eyes at MC1 before leaving the room. later, at night, they have a heart-to-heart by the pool. at the end of the commercial, they're seen dancing together at the san juan bar and restaurant during a party, having finally reconciled. MC1 is required to attend shooting on march 27 and 28 2, starting at 6 am and ending at 11 pm.
main character 2 (female, hall of fame subplot): through the course of their training in different parts of the water park, MC1 and MC2 constantly steal glances at each other. they refuse to talk, which builds up frustration, and ends with an altercation in the locker room, where MC2 rolls her eyes at MC1 before leaving the room. later, at night, they have a heart-to-heart by the pool. at the end of the commercial, they're seen dancing together at the san juan bar and restaurant during a party, having finally reconciled. MC2 is required to attend shooting on march 27 and 28, starting at 6 am and ending at 11 pm.
side character 1 (male, hall of fame subplot): SC1 is MC1's friend, who is seen training alongside the other lifeguards. he's seen talking to MC1 in the locker room before MC2 leaves. he's also seen flirting with SC2, applying sunscreen on SC'2 back. SC1 is required to attend shooting on march 27 and 28, starting at 12 pm and ending at 11 pm.
side character 2 (female, hall of fame subplot): SC2 is MC2's friend, who is seen training alongside the other lifeguards. she's seen talking to MC2 in the locker room before MC2 leaves. she's also seen flirting with SC1, laying on a pool bed while SC1 applies sunscreen on her back. SC2 is required to attend shooting on march 27 and 28, starting at 12 pm and ending at 11 pm.
extras (open to everyone): lifeguards seen in the background during training, and party-goers seen in the background during MC1 and MC2's reconciliation. extras are required to attend shooting on march 27 (6 am - 12 pm), and march 28 (6 pm - 11 pm).
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duodusk · 2 years
hello . ive just woken up and early . why? becoz wilbur says we're gonna drive to iowa. will where are- what are we doing? we're driving to Keokuk. Iowa. why? ??? why? two hours forty six minutes. why are we doing this?? youve not explained to us why we're doing th- I'VE never been to iowa it isnt real. i- as far as i know. i have no intention to ever go to iowa i mean what? are we gonna go to davenport? no. im not going to iowa. ever. exc- par- so i decided im gonna go right now so then i can say to myself "that's it! until the day i die i will never enter iowa."
ive never been to arbys! im so excited for arbys guys! me too! we're going to arbys! THE "MEAT MOUNTAIN". our main goal of iowa wait- the Main Goal of Iowa is arbys?? yes! why?? when you zoom in to keokuk iowa the first thing that pops up is a big word that says ARBYS cuz theres nothing else there because THEY'VE got the meat! they've got the meat! also uh me and ranboo discovered yesterday we got Insider Information that if you order- from someone that WORKED at arbys if you order something called a "Meat Mountain" you get a sandwich with- with every single type of meat on it. three types of cheeses and that INCLUDES chicken tenders and- And he himself said in the time he worked there only THREE people ever ordered it, and every time they did, the- all the waitstaff and all the chefs went :O and they pogged! and they POGGED and they just pogchamped! they POGCHAMPED! me and ranboo are going to split a "Meat Mountain" together and that is NOT what you think it means! what do we name this road trip? Race to "Meat Mountain" is Wheatskins editing this? is Wheatskins editing this? yea Wheatskins. Title Card: Race to "Meat Mountain". Go! [Race to "Meat Mountain" title card plays].
there is a stain on the back seat. ranboo's sat- I'm sitting in it! it stinks of cigarette smoke. the check engine light's on. yep. welcome! we have NO windshield wipers no windshield wipers! wait what?? im just gonna- im gonna use my body to clean the windscreen of its RAIN- drops oh its fine NOW... but theres no windshield wip-- if it rains we're fucked tho. the thing is we- so we went to hertz premium car rentals and they said "we have no cars!" and i was like well thats kind of the one thing ur supposed to have. and then we call up. what was it.. Visco Cheap Cars. Visco Budget Car Rental! oh jesus. and there's- OH MY LORD. so um ive got-- ... it is raining. it IS raining. oh... OH MY GO- wait. that's not. that's not their solution surely. that is. not the solution they made. Open the window. open 'er up! you're doing it, will! oh god. yeah that's- that's MUCH better thanks. i made it worse. "we went to iowa just to eat a sandwich" or you call it-- OR you call it Race to "Meat Mountain". Race to "Meat Mountain" is like a thousand times better. Race to "Meat Mountain". Wheatskins play the title sequence again [Race to "Meat Mountain" title card plays].
this bridge is made of copper. Minecraft! WOAH. wait its copper bridge? great job oxidizing! WOO WOOOOO YO IT OXIDIZED! I actually like that! its like. co- coc- oxidized- cock. cock. why- "it's like cock." I HAVE A STAMMER! bro I STRUGGLE. i think the hotel thinks im having a prostitute come round later why? what??? because i- s- right, so- just dont finish the statement. a- no, no i'm gonna explain- OHH MY GOD. gone fishin'! theres only two things i like in my life: my WIFE and fishin! (and one of 'em dont complain!) canonically your wife is a fish actually wilbur so really mjhhtghh there's a- there's a rest area! oh my god what can we get?? deli. oh! isnt that... isnt that meat? so deli is sandwich and meats i dont know if we should go- the- the prelude to- i need to save myself for the meat mountain! i'm a feeble boy! theres only so much meat i can handle! im hoping the meat mountain's gonna take my virginity.
now we'd been on the road for a good while at this point and, although we were saving ourselves for food, hunger had already began to set in. now, we're all adults! this should've been something we could've handled! but... TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST IT'S SONIC THE HEDGEHOOOOG!!! guyssss, calm down!! i GOT this. wait- there's gotta be a sonic. ive never been to sonic before and i want A Chilli dawg. WE NEED TO GOOOO I KNOW!!! subway! subway! subway! subway! subway! to the RIIIGHT!! NOOOOOW!!!!! they got a rizzo's!!!! just get hashbrowns! just get hashbrowns! theyve got a rizzo's! what the FUCK's a RIZZO'S??? WE DONT HAVE HASHBROWNS AT SUBWAY! WHY DONT YOU HAVE HASHBROWNS AT FUCKING SUBWAAAAAAAAAY??? to- are we- he's gone. where did wilbur go?? where did he GO? where's he going?? i think he- i think he's going to- wait, where'd he- i feel like we should go with him is he just actually going to subway ?? on a quest to find Wilbur Soot in a subway. why dont we just g- ahhh yknow what, im waiting for sonic! that's what im thinkin. should we just wait for sonic? we just let this guy get his subway? ill- i'll go to sonic, too. i got- i got tired of waiting for you so i just came here.
now that wilbur was fed, youd think we'd get on with our mission right? but you're WRONG. i'd spotted something in the distance that i'd never seen before: is that a walmart??? yeah! have you not been to walmart? NO?? we're going to walmart now! we're here. odds on i buy playdoh? for me. buy me some. five. three two one three. one. buy me some anyway sure thank you its for him- youre not old enough to buy your own yet. you might choke! oh they got magic- oh wait! a magic 8 ball!! we can ask it a question! what's your question jack? i dont- i- anything in the world. okay? literally anything where is she? on a remote island in the middle of bermuda. i love how baby yoda was such a hit they just was like... let's just.. let's just put him on everything hold on. I TOUCHED ITS SOFT SPOT! what the fuck did it just do? it like sl- spoke in a deep voice-- HIGH SCORE ELEVEN. Bop it. wait its a bop it! it's a bop it???? its a bop it??? what????? I told you that was a bad idea. he's scary. like im actually sc- that's a saw trap right there it sounds like s- Bop it to start. okay! Twist it. Pull it. you twist its head??? this thing is horrifying! im buyin this. i am buying this.
time for sonic! its sonic time. THE HEDGEHOG! THE FREAKIN HEDGEHOG! we're going! sonic time! this is such an odd sonic what the... my GOD! look at that! its like psychedelic! we're gonna trip out at sonic! ah, whatre you doing? why're you out there crazy? im gonna take a picture of you now. WE'RE ORDERING. what do you want jack? corn dog. that's it?? where are you going? im gonna go wild out for a bit. pff, whats that mean?? yea just the- the corn dog, a small fry, and a small dr pepper SNF SNF SNRK what the fuck is- what the fuck- what the fuck.. um, can i get chilli cheese fries and a large drink- hey baby, hehe and another jumbo- you look like you were really proud of that one, too hhh, hhhhhh t- tell 'em- hhhhfdjkfd hahah. and a large oreo shake shelby tell 'em thanks from me. tell 'em thanks!! i'll pay! i'll pay! I'll pay. I'LL PAY. that's it stop filming my card. i dont want Wheatskins knowing my fucking card. im lookin at you Wheatie. you know what, get it on the Manifold Business we vlogged this. yknow what, do it on the Manifold business account! do it on the Manifold business card! manifold legal is covering this- manifold legal is out of money. cum. uoohhhh ohh :( LICK THE SIDE! lick the side! LICK THE SIDE!! what do you MEAN lick the side?? lick it! LICK THE SIDE! do you see how much th- lick it while i film! LICK THE SIDE!!! LICK THE SIDE! slrrrp. im so sorry i ordered smalls for- that's 5up's, you can eat one of mine please dont eat mine sir please dont eat his fries siir theres not many left ! theyre really hot. whyre you eating em like that, king? slrrrp. i cant get it out. suck harder. i cant get it up! i need your help- you gotta give it that- that good-good gotta give it the sloppy top I'M known for my schlopery. will, film me eating a corn dog! this is my first ever corn dog ever. i've never had one! its really hot. all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way just in one go! all the way get to the stick! i couldnt go any further... its burning my mouth right now, its really hot. crunch crunch. crunch. to like- i have to process the moment like, i have food in my mouth everywhere! ive got worse in my mouth, king! ive had worse in my mouth. 2017. what does that mean?? the year or like. he had two thousand and seventeen things in his mouth. the stick touched my tonsils as i took the last bite. if you gag on the corndog you know she's not a baddie. im sorry to my audience for letting them down! no that's... that's misogynistic, i shouldn't. ✨i'd say all girls are baddies✨well done, will. pffh hahaahaha! if she gag on the corndog she not a baddie! she not a baddie. aint that right, ranboo? thats what im sayin!
now, we may have eaten, but for some reason the crazy hadnt worn off yet. guess you cant take me anywhere! (Wheatskins, you should add like the- the... "she so crazy" yknow with the fuckin chips on her- like the bag of fuckin chips on her head but just, just make it me, i think thatd be funny) I'm a crazy individual. I have deranged thoughts, some of which would land me in the slammer. mmmm hey, wh- Wheatskins, Wheatskins, just make that lean. Wheatskins, wocky slush, make it wocky slush, please. make it that wo- make it, make it that- purp drank. w- Wheatskins, ma- Wheatskins, make-- Why'd you say it with such urgency?? make it that- Wheatskins- you cut yourself off! "make it that-- wheatskins" Wheatskins, no, you gotta make this.. i've been unable to get my codeine fix the whole time ive been here, Wheatskins. you gotta film ranboo wildin' out. he's gonna st- he's gonna wild like i do. he's gonna wild- yeah. wild out, king. go quirky, go insane, th- ...he went right behind the fucking sign! RANBOO! we didnt see you, wild out now! we didnt see you before. you gotta wild out now. (he's wildin). oh yea, he's- he's buggin. no i dont want- i dont want your nug-nugs. no nuggies! no nuggies! roll- roll the windows up, kids! thats what that codeine'll do to you. it's my- my s-- my wocky slush. sonic was great! lets go to connetikuk. kowekuk! iowa! keokuk! keokuk! oiowa! anyone watching this video from keokuk iowa, take a picture of you at the- one of the places that we are at later in this video, and... hashtag MissionTo"MeatMountain" Road to "Meat Mountain" hashtag Road-- race- race to "Meat Mountain" hash- hashtag- what was the- ratio! hashtag RaceTo"MeatMountain" ratio! Hashtag RaceTo"MeatMountain" put that on twitter! put the title screen right now, like the intro guys- put uh- Wheatskins, play the title screen [Race to "Meat Mountain" title card plays].
shelby, how's driving been going? hands on the wheel, please. sorry can we have a ran- can we have a ranboo solo moment? ranboo, hold the camera, pointing at you hi guys :) how you doin? how you been? its been a while since we last spoke! Hey. Don't interrupt my solo moment. this is- this is all i have. hi guys, uhh welcome to the Race for "Meat Mountain" uh- play the- the title sequence [Race to "Meat Mountain" title card plays]. we're driving through, uh, Missouri Unincorporated Territory right now! uhhh, uh- we're about to hit frankfort, which is described by wikipedia as, frankford is an unincorporated place in Unincorporated Territory, Missouri. guys, lemme tell you something about this place. there's fuckall going on. im entertaining myself with the images of my mind. all i can picture is the cymbal monkey, yknow the monkeys that clap their cymbals? Keokuk! Keokuk! Keokuk! Keokuk! Keokuk! oooo, my mans just braked. on a road? what a- what a country! what an unincorporated territory! oh look at that peep! there's a peep! a what? there's a peep on the side of the road! what the fuck is a peep ??? shelby, your eyes are supposed to be on the road, youre staring at purple peeps in the field??? theres purple people?? there was a purple peep! like thanos? or maybe someone whose drank a little too much lean? I've Got Ya Now. don't worry viewers :) youre safe with me!
so far this has been a pretty straightforward journey! we made a couple of stops, but other than that, it was pretty much smooth sailing and having a few laughs! but then the First Disaster struck. auh, guys i need to tell you something. i really need the bathroom, but i'm- i'm gonna be honest, im genuinely a little bit frightened of going to the toilet around here. i think they're gonna smell that im an atheist out-of-towner? just go over and be like, "That Jesus Guy.." oowh, im g- i'm so scared its okay! its okay! you need to let it out! jack can you come in with me with the camera? i dont wanna be dr disrespect and film you while youre pooping, king. no, dont come in the bathroom dumbass oh. bye will! bye! we reassessed, and im not gonna go in and film even the ground, i will get shot. wait- ive got a fucking white button-up shirt that doesnt matter! it doesnt matter, it doesnt matter w-w-w-wait, wait- wilbur dont take your shirt off- He's dead. this guy's buggin! let's lock the car, let's keep the camera down, let's just film our balls. let's just film our balls! how ya doin? good! i'd shake yer hands but its cold. do ya- how ya been? do yall have a bathroom? hhhhhhh . get in, get in! FLOOR IT! you got funyuns!!!! i didnt know what to do so i bought funyuns! i tried to say, "have y'all got a toilet," like, "have y'all," i tried to throw a y'all in there, and i ended up goin, "Have Y'all- Have Y'all Got A Bathroom?"
Keokuk! Keokuk!!! Shelby said- Keokuk! Keokuk! Keokuk! YEAHHHH!!! I'm so excited. i'm genuinely- i cant believe im going to iowa i cant believe- me- me neither! i cant believe we are cause it doesnt exist! imagine if we get to keokuk and like- there's like a man at the road who's like, "When you leave, tell everyone Iowa exists." and we- "I see you recording," he'll say, and he'll say, "Right, here's some footage to splice in to your cam- video. Tell them Iowa's real," and then- but behind him is just black void. you have to like sign an NDA. i believe that, honestly. or they shoot you! or- or they- or they shoot you and then you 'died in a car accident.' WAIT look! jack!! wait, we're on the way! it's just white! it's- there it is! Keokuk! exit half a mile! we're bout to be there! is this the- wait. "the people of iowa welcome you!" "the people of iowa welcome you!" we fuckin made iiiiiiiit!!!! YEEESSS!!!! oh he's going, wow he just went for it. he's gone. ooh it smells like manure we're here! it stinks! it stinks here it smells of poo but we made it! we made it to iowa i'm in eye-oh-wuh! to arbys!!! Will. yeah? we're on the phone now. WOAH LOOK AT THAT LOOK AT THAT AAAAAA WE'RE IN KEOKUK YEAAAAA myyy camera died. Wheatskins add a, the camera died. bwah bum buh doowww wooomp. Wheatskins, play the- play the intro play the intro! [Race to "Meat Mountain" title card plays].
ARRRBYYY'S!!!! THERE IT IS!!! oh it's there!!! YEAA YESSSS this is, a fever dream. this is incredible. we did it! we did it. oh we did it! to the "Meat Mountain!" alright, this might be a crazy one, but i've heard of, like a rumor. is there an off-menu thing called the "Meat Mountain"? yeah, it's- we could still make it. for real?? yeah. okay! we'll get that! it's real! it's real! it's real! it's real. are you sure you can eat all that? probably not. aha i'll give it a go though! that's a lot of meat! i'm aware! hahaha. youre a little- a little one, too! hahaha!! f- fuck! hahahaha-- we're gonna give it a go! oh my lord, jesus. open it open it open it open it i'm opening it! i'm opening it! let's see this- ready? ohh ohhh my god my oh- hhahah, that's too much! wow that is a lot hey jack, how hungry are you, man? chicken, turkey, beef-- 👀
Initial impressions... weren't great! but what can you expect? a burger that tall could never look beautiful! and its not about the outside appearance!! it's the beauty within :) i was in it for the flavors, the meats melting on my tongue. i just wanted to feel my mouth full of meat, and i wanted to taste-- ...........maybe cut that part, i dont know-- take a bite, king. you got this! my god do they have the meats. they do have the meats. unhinge your jaw! ccrrrunch. Oh. oh, oh oh boy that's a good bite! that was a good bite. that's a solid bite! you got- you got the top to bottom! what is it like? oh! i heard a crunch... i could hear how dry that is. okay, he's still... i dont think i wanna take a bite anymore is it just a lot of flavors..? that should- it's a lot of flavors, not all of them i can analyze at once... crrunch. my god. it's impressive! you are good at that! ranboo. ranboo this is- ranboo. we cant film him taking a bite take a bite. you came here, this was yooour plan. this was never my plan. you told me about the "Meat Mountain" i told you about the "Meat Mountain".... good luck! you got this! crunch. that was a solid bite, king. that was a good bite. for those of you at home, Good Bite. that's ranboo jaws. now you know what my jaws can do. how does- how does it taste? give us- in, in one word- Meat. ..he just went in for a bite on his own choice, by the way, like that is just his own choice there. I was hungry. You gonna blame a man fer being hungry? Food's food! .... i have to have a bite. originally, me and ranboo were the ones taught the tale we came all this way you have to have a bite! im not even hungry! we ate, i had a subway! yeah, i dont know why- you dont have to be hungry for the "Meat Mountain" the "Meat Mountain" is hungry for you. oh i cant describe the smell, hold on.. crrunch. get it. my god that was impr- oh my god?? wow. king! thoughts, feelings, any? i hate the mix of temperatures. oh yeah yeah, no that's the thing- the ham is cold, the chicken is hot. yea that's what got me. this is the last bit that hasn't been bitten. crunch ... it tastes like a pastrami sandwich yeah- is this part not bitten? now the Final One. the final bite. this is it. one final bite! we're making the Pentagram of the Mighty Meats. the mcyt pentagram... in a "Meat Mountain".... crunch there's five bites of a "Meat Mountain" ...actually it's just like a little star now. i've been thinkin about it just now. sluuurrp.. why did we drive two and a half hours to iowa for this? wh- haha, why- yeah, wait, didnt we drive past an arbys? we passed three! we passed like several arbys. a good like thirty minutes in. ... Iowa baby! that's what im sayin! ay, Wheatskins, play the title card again! [Race to "Meat Mountain" end card plays].
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
A Thousand Years
Written By: Christina Perri & David Hodges
Artist: Christina Perri
Released: 2011
Alternate version included: A Thousand Years Pt. II feat. Steve Kazee, 2012
“A Thousand Years” is about an eternal love. It was written by Christina Perri, specifically for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 soundtrack. Christina Perri explained her inspiration for writing the song in a 2012 interview. She said “The producers came to me in 2011 and said, ‘can you write a song for Breaking Dawn – Part 1?’ So I went and saw the film six months before it came out, and wrote ‘A Thousand Years’ for Edward and Bella. I’m not a vampire, even though I wish I was, but I tried to step into their love story.”
[Verse 1] Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm Afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow [Pre-Chorus] One step closer [Chorus] I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more [Verse 2] Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything Take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this [Pre-Chorus] One step closer [Chorus] I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more [Bridge] One step closer One step closer [Chorus] I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more
Tainted Love
Written By: Ed Cobb
Artist: Soft Cell
Released: 1981
Originally recorded by: Gloria Jones, 1965
Soft Cell’s 1981 synth-pop hit “Tainted Love” is a remake of a 1964 Gloria Jones song. Jones’ song was a B-side to “My Bad Boy’s Comin’ Home,” a Motown single that flopped. Jones’ “Tainted Love” blew up in the UK’s Northern soul scene in the ’70s after British club DJ Richard Searling bought a used copy on a trip to the US. After “Tainted Love” got a boost from the Northern soul scene, Gloria Jones recorded a new version in 1974, but it failed to chart. When Soft Cell decided to give the song a go in 1981, they changed the key and slowed the tempo. They worked with producer Mike Thorne to create the electronic arrangement for the song. Thorne told Sound on Sound: “You could smell the coke on that second, Northern soul version, it was really so over-ramped and so frantic. It was good for the dance floor, but I didn’t like the record…when Soft Cell performed the song I heard a very novel sound and a very nice voice, so off we went.”
[Intro] [Verse 1] Sometimes I feel I've got to Run away I've got to Get away From the pain you drive into the heart of me The love we share Seems to go nowhere And I've lost my light For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night [Chorus] Once I ran to you (I ran) Now, I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Oh, tainted love Tainted love [Verse 2] Now, I know I've got to Run away, I've got to Get away You don't really want any more from me To make things right You need someone to hold you tight And you think love is to pray But I'm sorry, I don't pray that way [Chorus] Once I ran to you (I ran) Now, I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Oh, tainted love Tainted love [Bridge] Don't touch me please I cannot stand the way you tease I love you, though you hurt me so Now, I'm gonna pack my things and go [Chorus] Tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh Tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh [Outro] Touch me, baby, tainted love Touch me, baby, tainted love Tainted love, oh Tainted love, oh Tainted love
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sissytobitch10seconds · 7 months
Febuwhump 28: Unexpectedly Expected
Fandom: Grishaverse: Six of Crows and Shadow and Bone Summary: Death was around every corner, including the one that their car had just rounded. Warnings: Car crashes, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, gore, major character death, and heavy angst Word Count: 1,883 Ship(s): Kaz Brekker/Nina Zenik/Inej Ghafa/Matthias Helvar/Wylan Van Eck/Jesper Fahey
Archive link!
“Jes!” Nina called as she twisted around in the front seat so that she could see the lover behind her.
“Yes, beautiful?” he asked, his eyes flicking up from his phone for only a moment.
Inej loved them when they were like this, all together in a roadtrip across the country. Nina and Matthias traveled a lot because they had always wanted to see the world and their job forced them to do so. She traveled as she searched for cases that were close enough to what had happened to her and her brother that she could right the wrong that had happened years and years ago (she was aware that it was a bit selfish, but she had her entire life stripped from her when she was only fourteen, so she figured that she had earned the right to be selfish). Kaz, Wylan, and Jesper were always home because of their jobs which meant that they didn’t travel with the others very often.
Despite that, she had managed to convince them that they could take some time off their work for a road trip together. It was mid-December now, as they traveled across the vast expanses of America so that they could visit Colm on his farm in Nebraska. They had woken up very early the morning before so that they could get bundled down in the car and miss the morning traffic out of New York City. The only drove for about eight hours at a time, stopping frequently so that Trassel could be walked and Kaz could stretch his leg out. They rotated drivers and music so that no one would get fed up with any one position.
Inej could just barely see what everyone was doing in the rear view mirror as she tried to keep her eyes on the road. She was driving today, she usually took the midday shift because that was when her restless energy got the better of her. Nina was in the seat next to her, weighted red stuffed dragon in her lap and snacks shoved into every pocket that side of the car had. Jesper was sitting directly behind Nina with his weighted lap blanket spread over his legs to keep him warm and the battery pack for his phone on top of that. Wylan was on the side behind Inej, his head leaning against the window and his pretty mouth open as he snored away. Kaz was in the middle so that he could stretch both of his legs out in front of him, vitally trying to stay awake despite the lack of sleep and soothing motion of the car getting to him. Matthias was in the one seat that remained in the back with Trassel’s bed covering the space where they could be brought up from the floor. The white dog was snoring soundly, sighing every so often when he got a head pat.
“Can you give me one of your Red Vines, please?” Nina asked, perking her lips out in a pout that Jesper was never able to resist.
It seemed this time was slightly different because he narrowed his eyes at her. He picked the candy up from where he had snuggled it into the pocket of the door and then bit into one. “Tell me why I should.”
“Because I’m your girlfriend and you like me very much?” she offered.
“You also have the rest of the snacks,” Kaz’s voice broke through the conversation before the real fight could break out.
Wylan jerked awake and then gave a dramatic yawn. Inej always thought it was so cute when he had taken his anti-nausea medicine. It made him sleepy in a way that no late nights in the lab or his office ever had, cuddly and flushed with warm from the floor heater of the car. “What’s going on?”
“Nina is trying to steal my snacks even though she is the ultimate snack thief!” Jesper squawked indignantly. He leaned around Kaz so that he was closer to Wylan, whispering conspiratorially. Kaz pursed his lips and raised his hands up into the air so that he could accommodate for the sudden lapful of boyfriend that he had been given.
“Nina is not a snack thief, she is the distributor,” Matthias shouted above them from the backseat. “Watch. Nina, my beautiful love, would you please pass me the bag of chips?”
“No,” she immediately replied.
Jesper and Wylan both cackled at that, flinging themselves away from Kaz so that he had some room to breath again. He seemed to miss their presence, if Inej had to guess.
“What? Why not?” Matthias scoffed.
Nina turned around so that she was able to look between Jesper and Kaz to address him properly, “Because every time I give you a snack you end up feeding half of it to Trassel. He has his food back there and we can’t keep feeding him human food or we’ll have to stop more often!”
“That might not be so bad,” Kaz grumbled as he shifted around in his seat.
Inej turned her head back to look at him, her free hand brushing over his knee. “Is it  bothering you today?”
“The extra space is good, but the lack of the heater in the middle sucks,” he grouched.
She gave him a sympathetic smile and then turned back to the road. The highway that they were on was taking a sharp turn, which meant that she had to focus on not getting too close to the guard rail. She was good at this, she drove for a half of what she did for a living, after all, so she wasn’t putting that much brain power into it. It was only when they came around the corner of the hill and saw what was waiting for them that she began to panic.
A semi, lights and horn blaring, was charging for them on the wrong side of the road. She swerved to the left, which also happened to be in the direction of the hill, just as the massive vehicle hit the side of their van. She felt the car that had been riding their ass all the way since the last gas station ram into them from behind. Both of the vehicles hitting them at once meant that there was nowhere for the energy of the crash to go but into them.
A scream tore through her throat as she felt the windshield break and shatter glass all over her body. A thousand tiny cuts formed on her face and her arms. She was pushed forward into the steering wheel so hard that she felt her arms dislocate from their sockets, unable to stay so close when her head and torso were being pushed in different directions.
Inej could barely even focus on herself despite the unbelievable amount of pain that she was in. She turned around so that she could see her lovers, to get some glimpse of them to make sure that they were okay. Nina was hunched over in her seat, her head smashed against the airbag that hadn’t gone off and smearing blood against the black matte. Kaz was groaning in the middle seat, his bag leg crunched up against his body and Jesper laying limply against his side. The aforementioned boy had been shoved so far forward that his head was essentially against the middle console, but it was then that Inej noticed the massive tree branch that had entered through Jesper’s window and existed through his upper chest. Wylan wasn’t making any noise other that spluttery coughs that sounded a little too wet to just be vomit. Trassel was in the very back, howling and barking as he too had been affected by the crash. Matthias was doing nothing to help him though, which meant that he was likely injured too.
“Matthias!” Inej shouted. He was the only one that she couldn’t see, the one that needed help. “Matthias!”
The semi-truck slowly backed up so that her side of the car was free to the open air, the freezing cold air of the winter. She just barely turned her head to the side despite the searing hot red pain that shot through her because of her dislocated shoulders to that she could see the door being opened.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t even see you guys coming!” the truck driver said as he unbuckled her seatbelt and then got her out of the car. 
He shouldn’t have done that, she knew that he should have left her for the EMTs to come and find. He didn’t have the training to know whether or not she had a neck injury that could kill her if she as moved too much. All she could say was, “You were driving on the wrong side of the road.”
“There was ice,” he tried, but she just spit out the blood that was pooling in her mouth from the busted lip she was sporting.
The man got up and removed the others from the van as well. Inej had been surrounded by enough death that she knew Nina was already gone. The defect that they had in their airbags had killed her, prevented her from having the cushion that she would have needed to survive. Her green eyes were glassy and her form was limp as candy wrappers and empty soda cans trailed after her.
Jesper was also gone, the tree branch squelching as he was dragged out of the van and laid down beside Nina. Kaz was still alive, but his legs were twisted in some horrendous mockery of what had happened to him when he was a child. Wylan was soon to be gone, his front was covered in foamy white bile and blood dripped from his mouth. Matthias was dead as well, completely stagnant and bleeding from the entire left side of his body.
The people in the car behind her had the decency to check for pulses, likely because of the EMTs that they were on the phone with. Soon the bodies were covered with the blankets that the truck driver found in the back of his car.
Kaz had started to mumble about Jordie, then his body began to seize. He didn’t stop, his head thrown back against the pavement and his mouth clenched shut. The people that had hit them from the other side tried to pry it open so that he could get some air around the convulsions, but they weren’t trained and they had no medication. Eventually, his entire body went lax. They were doing CPR on him to the instructions of the person on the other end of the phone, but Inej knew that he was gone. 
They were all gone, Wylan had already been covered up with another one of the blankets after he vomited up another bout of pinky foam and then went still.
“This wasn’t how this was supposed to happen,” Inej whispered. She could feel her own injuries getting to her the longer that she lay on the cold ground. She was shivering from the temperature of the asphalt, but that only made her hurt worse. She could feel bloating around her hips and stomach, likely because she was bleeding internally. “I’m so sorry.”
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girderednerve · 10 months
apologies dear friends i continue to be: a grouchy old man, obsessed with libraries
my new job is fine objectively like there is nothing wrong with it but my boss is very "do storytime, do more storytime, we must schedule storytime," and does not really listen to anything i say, such as 'i would like to do less early literacy programming so that i have some time to do programs for elementary & early middle schoolers,' or 'please schedule me on the youth desk instead of giving me nothing but unstructured office time, leaving me isolated & uninvolved in the day-to-day operations of the library, with which i need to rapidly develop familiarity,' or 'our desk schedule actually should not be rigidly set a month in advance, because we need to be flexible & can work out desk coverage on a department level,' or 'you actually do need to have a clear & specific plan for emergencies, including severe patron issues, & this plan should be communicated to all staff instead of vaguely stashed four folders deep in the shared drive'. (actually when i repeatedly pressed for clarity on who is in charge at any given time she posted an updated chain-of-command document which listed, for some reason, me? as third in line in case of emergency? which is just bugfuck)
it feels very frustrating & i know that many of these problems will resolve themselves as i begin to actually do programs—i haven't been able to because all programming at this library must have at least 2 weeks' advance notice, and i came onboard right after thanksgiving/needed time to get my bearings at least a little—so we can get some cute kid pictures to placate the board & build more of a sense of what is needed. but i still don't really know how to pull reports so i can't weed, i only just got ordering credentials this week & have had to find $2k of books to add to a library collection with which i am largely unfamiliar & for which i have absolutely zero circulation numbers, & nobody has actually given me an up-to-date budget (i am meant to guess, i suppose?). it feels kind of like a slow ongoing disaster; i know this feeling is partially because i have 2 hours' round-trip commute to worry & stew & so on, but i also am just like. girl you are a bad manager. you have persistent staff issues because you are not good at managing people. every meeting you are in is worse because you are in it. you cannot handle interpersonal tensions by having your assistant make friendly 'reminders' to all staff which are obviously about a single person, that never works. i have really strong feelings about management for a person who does not want to be in management! should probably try to walk that one off!
i cornered the adult services/sysadmin librarian today to talk to him about some stub ideas i have for kid programs about 'learning to code,' because we have (apparently) gotten lots of requests for this kind of thing, & basically everything on offer is just buzzwordy bullshit like 'make a bracelet that spells your kid's name in binary using different color beads!' or 'buy this expensive piece of edtech which will be unsupported in six months & anyway only introduces kids to our very closed environment!' or 'just let them spend some time on the computer, so their elastic little brains can pick up digital literacy skills by exposure :)'. so i had some ideas which seemed less like, um, nonsense, but i don't actually know how to code (am stupid) so i wanted to run them past him to get a sense of whether there was any real content there. i want to build a little model transistor & talk about why computers use binary. i want to use a makey makey to have the kids construct a sort of human circuit by holding hands, so we can model a logic gate. i want to write an if-then chart together & roll dice to determine which dance moves we do (cf. a ucla comp sci prof's exercises with her four-year-old). i want to use a makey makey to make a simple morse code transmitter so we can talk about encryption & transmission. i want to make an escape room so we can practice some very basic math & simple decryption (& also persistence!). i want to have tweens play scaled-down capture the flag to think about security. my boss just wants me to do three storytimes a week into infinity
anyway i am still marinating on my computer skills for kids concepts (it's mostly buzzwordy bullshit! even the stuff i want to do is kind of bullshit, lol) & plotting my wind tunnel/paper airplane prototyping program & figuring out when i can schedule my middle grade graphic novel book club. i am trying to figure out how this job might be doable. maybe someday i will want to go to work. america autem delenda est
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irishgolfadventure · 1 year
Day One
Hi to All - We arrived early this morning in Dublin at 8:00a which was 3:00a ET in the U.S.  Everything went smoothly with the exception that Delta canceled our flight out of Indy and put us on an earlier flight which caused us to have a six hour layover in Boston. Small inconvenience.
Once we landed in Dublin and secured our rental car, we headed north for Newcastle which is about 80 miles up the east coast from Dublin located in Northern Ireland. Of course getting adjusted to driving on the opposite side of the road with the steering wheel on the right side, caused some early anxiety for both driver and passenger. The round-a-bouts were and continue to be the most confusing part of the driving adjustment!
Newcastle was very busy today as the people of Northern Ireland celebrate May 1st as a holiday. So the streets were packed with people and the pubs were doing a brisk business. So we parked our car and walked around and enjoyed some people watching. Rural Ireland seems like a step back in time to the fifties and sixties which to us creates a quaint cool vibe!
We’re staying at The Briers Country House. The property was recently acquired by Darren Fenton the new owner. He and his staff personify the friendly nature of the Irish people. Very helpful, kind and always willing to strike up a conversation...and it may last a while. And they have a trait we could all use more of - very attentive and great listeners! 
We learned some of the differences between Ireland and Northern Ireland which were helpful. First of all, they are both separate countries and occupy one island! Northern Ireland is part of the UK and Ireland is a sovereign country that is part of the European Union. Northern Ireland’s currency is the British Pound and Ireland is the Euro. There are no patrolled borders but since Brexit there is ongoing debate as to whether there should be. I’m sure you’re thinking that’s enough info on this topic!!
Tomorrow we play our first round of golf. And we’re starting with one of the courses I’m most excited to play, Royal County Down. By all measures RCD is one of the best courses in the world and you can find it ranked anywhere from number one through number ten in the world. Pics and videos will be in tomorrow’s post.
Are you wondering why I included a picture of Tom Coyne’s book, A Golf Course Called Ireland in this post? First of all, the book is a very enjoyable read whether you’re a golfer or not. Secondly, I reached out to Tom and was able to have a 90 minute Zoom call and a couple of other follow up calls with him to go over our agenda. He was extremely helpful and gave me a ton of names and places not to miss along the way. He also told me using his name would be helpful with acquiring golf merch and course favors at many of the courses! Of course you know, I would never think of doing such a thing.....by the end of the trip people will think Tom and I are brothers! :-)  
Have a good evening! Look forward to sharing our Royal County Down experience with you tomorrow. gb
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rajasthantourtaxi2 · 25 days
5 Nights 6 Days Golden triangle tour By Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company
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Five Nights Six Days Golden Triangle Tour arranged by Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company
Three famous North Indian cities— Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur—are thoroughly explored on the five nights six days Golden Triangle Tour by Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company. Considered the Golden Triangle, this path offers a rich cultural and historical experience highlighting India's royal past, architectural wonders, and energetic customs. Those who want to savor a laid-back and comfortable vacation while delving deeply into the core of India will find ideal fit for this tour.
Why would one choose the five nights six days Golden Triangle Tour?
This longer trip lets you visit every city at leisure, therefore making sure you never miss any highlights. More time to absorb the sights and sounds will help you to fully appreciate India's rich past, energetic culture, and architectural magnificence.
Day 1: Arrival in Delhi.
Here in the Capital City welcome. Starting your adventure in Delhi, Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company welcomes you at the railway station or airport. Look about your hotel and get ready to discover this vibrant city, which masterfully combines old and modern cultures.
Investigating Old Delhi Visit Old Delhi first to begin your research; the magnificent Mughal fortress, the Red Fort, brings history to life. Wander around Chandni Chowk's busy streets, stop at one of India's biggest mosques, Jama Masjid, and ride a rickshaw to really appreciate the energetic scene.
The Highlights of New Delhi Explore New Delhi in the afternoon, with its broad avenues and buildings from the colonial era. See the stunning Lotus Temple, Rashtrapati Bhavan—the President's House—and India Gate. See the UNESCO World Heritage landmark, Qutub Minar, to round up the day.
Day 2: Sightseeing Delhi
More and Humayun's Tomb Visit the architectural wonder that inspired the Taj Mahal, Humayun's Tomb, first thing in morning. Then investigate the busy marketplaces of Connaught Place for food and shopping as well as the serene Lodi Gardens as a city getaway.
Leisure Evening at Leisure Spend your evening seeing the nearby markets or seeing a cultural event featuring Indian dance and music. Delhi's active nightlife and gastronomic scene present many choices for discovery.
Day 3: Delhi through Agra
Trip to Agra by drive. Following breakfast, set out a picturesque three to four hour trip to Agra. Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company guarantees a comfortable trip so you may relax and take in the beauties of the landscape.
The Great Taj Mahal When you get to Agra, see the Taj Mahal—the pinnacle of your trip. Built by Shah Jahan in honor of his cherished wife Mumtaz Mahal, this famous white marble monument represents a lifetime of love. Spend time investigating its reflecting ponds, delicate carvings, and gorgeous gardens.
Agra Fort and Local Craftsmanship Head to the Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site providing a view of the grandeur of the Mughal Empire, following the Taj Mahal. Visit nearby artisan workshops later to observe how classic marble inlay is created.
Day four: Agra to Jaipur via Fatehpur Sikri
Investigate Fatehpur Sikri. Stop at Fatehpur Sikri, the Mughal abandoned city, on way to Jaipur. View its mosques, courtyards, and well-preserved palaces including the striking Buland Darwaza.
arrived at Jaipur Arriving at Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, noted for its vibrant markets and royal past, See your hotel and savor the evening at leisure. Discover the nearby marketplaces, well-known for textiles, jewelry, and handcraft goods.
Day five: Jaipur's whole day
Amer Fort's Elephant Ride Visit Amer Fort, a magnificent hilltop fort combining Hindu and Mughal architecture, first thing in morning. A really royal experience, enjoy an elephant ride to the fort. Inside investigate the lovely courtyards and Sheesh Mahal, Mirror Palace.
Hawa Mahal, Jantar Mantar, City Palace Proceed to the City Palace, combining Mughal and Rajasthani building styles. Nearby lies the famous Hawa Mahal with its distinctive façade meant for the royal ladies to view street life and Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observatory.
Dinner Following Cultural Exhibition Finish your day with a classic Rajasthani meal together with a cultural performance including dance and folk music. It's the ideal approach to encounter the hospitality and local way of life.
Day Six: Travel from Jaipur
Leisure in the Morning Spend your last morning seeing Jaipur at your own speed. See nearby markets, savor a leisurely stroll in the gardens, or unwind at your hotel.
Trip Backward Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company guarantees a seamless departure from Jaipur, therefore facilitating transportation to the airport or railway station. Bring with you the rich recollections of an amazing trip in India's Golden Triangle as your tour ends.
Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company's five nights six days Golden Triangle Tour transports you through the cultural core of India. From the royal palaces of Jaipur to the ancient sites of Delhi and the ageless beauty of the Taj Mahal, this trip presents the ideal mix of history, culture, and luxury. For those wishing to leisurely discover India's rich legacy, this is a perfect fit.
The BPGP MBA: A Gateway to Global Business Leadership
The Business Post Graduate Program (BPGP) MBA is designed to equip aspiring business leaders with the skills, knowledge, and experience required to excel in the global marketplace. With a strong focus on leadership, innovation, and strategic thinking, the BPGP MBA program offers a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for the dynamic challenges of today’s business environment.
H2: What is the BPGP MBA?
The BPGP MBA is a flagship program offered by top business schools around the world. It is a full-time, intensive program that spans 12 to 24 months, depending on the institution. The program is designed for professionals who have significant work experience and are looking to advance their careers to leadership positions. The curriculum blends theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to navigate complex business landscapes.
H2: Key Components of the BPGP MBA Curriculum
The BPGP MBA curriculum is structured to provide a holistic understanding of business management. Here are the key components:
Core Courses: These include foundational subjects like finance, marketing, operations, and human resources. Core courses are designed to build a strong foundation in essential business concepts.
Electives: Students can choose from a wide range of electives that allow them to specialize in areas such as entrepreneurship, digital transformation, international business, or sustainability.
Leadership Development: The program places a strong emphasis on leadership skills, with courses and workshops that focus on emotional intelligence, ethical decision-making, and strategic leadership.
Global Exposure: Many BPGP MBA programs offer international immersion experiences, where students can study abroad, engage with global businesses, and understand different cultural and business practices.
Capstone Projects: The BPGP MBA often culminates in a capstone project or thesis, where students apply their knowledge to real-world business challenges, often working with companies or startups to solve strategic problems.
H2: Benefits of the BPGP MBA
The BPGP MBA offers several benefits that make it a valuable investment for aspiring business leaders:
Career Advancement: Graduates of the BPGP MBA program are highly sought after by employers worldwide. The program’s rigorous curriculum and emphasis on leadership make graduates well-equipped to take on senior management roles.
Networking Opportunities: The BPGP MBA offers unparalleled networking opportunities. Students connect with peers, faculty, alumni, and industry leaders, creating a global network that can be leveraged throughout their careers.
Global Perspective: The program’s focus on international business and global exposure ensures that graduates are prepared to work in diverse and cross-cultural environments, making them more competitive in the global job market.
Entrepreneurial Skills: For those looking to start their own business, the BPGP MBA provides the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. The program encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, with many schools offering incubators and support for startups.
H2: Who Should Consider the BPGP MBA?
The BPGP MBA is ideal for mid-career professionals who are looking to transition into leadership roles, entrepreneurs who want to scale their businesses, or individuals seeking a career change. Candidates typically have a few years of work experience and are looking for a program that will challenge them intellectually and professionally.
H2: Admission Requirements
Admission to a BPGP MBA program is competitive. Most programs require:
A Bachelor’s Degree: A strong academic record is essential.
Work Experience: Typically, 3-5 years of professional experience is required.
GMAT/GRE Scores: Many programs require standardized test scores as part of the application.
Personal Statement/Essays: Applicants need to demonstrate their motivation for pursuing an MBA and their career aspirations.
Letters of Recommendation: These are usually from professional contacts who can attest to the applicant’s leadership potential and professional achievements.
H2: Conclusion
The BPGP MBA is more than just a degree; it’s a transformative experience that prepares students for the highest levels of leadership in business. With a focus on global business, leadership development, and practical application, the BPGP MBA equips graduates with the tools they need to drive innovation and success in any industry. Whether you’re looking to advance in your current career, pivot to a new industry, or launch your own business, the BPGP MBA provides the foundation and network to achieve your goals.
Q1: What is the typical duration of a BPGP MBA program? A1: The duration typically ranges from 12 to 24 months, depending on the institution and program structure.
Q2: Do I need work experience to apply for a BPGP MBA? A2: Yes, most BPGP MBA programs require applicants to have 3-5 years of professional experience.
Q3: Can I specialize in a specific area during the BPGP MBA? A3: Yes, the program offers a range of electives that allow students to specialize in areas such as finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more.
Q4: Is international exposure a part of the BPGP MBA? A4: Many programs include international immersion experiences, offering students the chance to study abroad and gain global business insights.
Q5: What career opportunities are available after completing a BPGP MBA? A5: Graduates can pursue leadership roles in various industries, become entrepreneurs, or transition to new sectors, thanks to the comprehensive skill set acquired during the program.
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akbran-tours · 1 month
Taj Mahal Tour From Hyderabad By Flight By Akbran Tours
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Taj Mahal Tour By Air From Hyderabad With Akbran Tours
Akbran Tours has designed the ideal schedule for you if you're in Hyderabad and long to see the Taj Mahal's breathtaking splendor. This travel package gives you the opportunity to see the famous Taj Mahal and other Agra sights in a single day, all with the convenience of a direct flight.
H1: Summary of the Flying Taj Mahal Tour From Hyderabad Travelers who wish to see the Taj Mahal's magnificence without committing to a multi-day trip might take this tour. Round-trip airfares from Hyderabad to Delhi, private transportation to Agra, and a guided tour of the Taj Mahal and other important Agra attractions are all included in the package.
H2: Leaving Hyderabad Early in the Morning H3: Handsome Flight Itinerary The tour starts with a flight from Hyderabad to Delhi, usually leaving at five or six in the morning. Akbran Tours makes sure all of your travel plans go smoothly so you can unwind and enjoy the ride. Arriving early gives you plenty of time to discover Agra's attractions.
H3: Departure from Delhi and Travel to Agra When you arrive in Delhi, you will be met at the airport by an Akbran Tours representative. You will then be driven to Agra in a cozy, air-conditioned car for a three to four-hour ride. Experiencing a peek of rural life is enhanced by the picturesque drive across the Indian countryside.
H2: The Taj Mahal's discovery H3: Tour with a Guide of the Taj Mahal Without a doubt, your trip to the Taj Mahal will be the highlight of the day. Explore the architecture, history, and romance narrative of this breathtaking site with the assistance of a knowledgeable guide from Akbran Tours. Constructed by the Indian emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute to his spouse Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal is a testament to eternal love and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
H3: The Magnificence of Mughal Buildings The majesty of the Taj Mahal will enthrall you as you stand in front of it. A masterwork of Mughal architecture, the white marble edifice features elaborate carvings and inlay work. To help you fully appreciate this architectural wonder, the book will give in-depth descriptions of key design features like the central dome, the minarets, and the symmetrical layout.
H2: Extra Touring Around Agra H3: A trip to the Agra Fort The journey proceeds to Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, after your visit of the Taj Mahal. Before relocating their capital to Delhi, the Mughal kings lived primarily in this enormous red sandstone fort. During your tour of the fort's corridors, gardens, and chambers, the guide will narrate tales about the fort's past and its importance in the Mughal civilization.
H3: Souvenir Purchasing Beautiful handicrafts from Agra are well-known, especially the leather goods and marble inlay work. A visit to a nearby artisan workshop is included in the tour, where you can get up close and personalize mementos of your trip and see the artistry in action.
H2: Agra luncheon H3: Authentic Cuisine of the Mughals An exploration-filled day is guaranteed to satisfy any appetite, and the tour includes lunch at one of Agra's well-known eateries. You can taste real Mughlai food here, with flavorful and historically significant dishes. Your cultural experience is perfectly complemented by the great dinner.
H2: The Journey Back H3: Evening Takeoff Reentry into Hyderabad Following a day of exploration and learning, you will be taken back to Delhi in time for your departure to Hyderabad in the evening. Making the most of your time and avoiding travel tiredness, this direct trip guarantees your return home the same day.
H3: Stress-Free Vacation Your comfort and convenience are top priorities for Akbran Tours during the trip. All aspects of the journey, from the time you leave Hyderabad until you return, are planned to be seamless and stress-free, so all you have to do is enjoy the experience.
H2: Why Select Tours Akbran? H3: Tour Planning Proficiency Akbran Tours is well known for its well prepared itineraries, which are intended to provide a thorough but easygoing travel experience. They take great care to make sure you see the most of Agra in a single day without feeling hurried or overburdened.
H3: Tailored Support Akbran Tours goes above and above to meet your demands, from personalized preferences to specially designed itineraries. Every tour is distinctive and catered to your interests because of their dedication to offering individualized service.
H2: Synopsis The ideal method to see one of the most famous sites in the world in a single day is to take Akbran Tours' Taj Mahal Tour from Hyderabad by Air. This tour offers a seamless blend of history, culture, and convenience with professional guides, excellent travel arrangements, and an emphasis on offering an unforgettable experience. Engage Akbran Tours to help you realize your desire to see the Taj Mahal.
First question: How long is the flight from Delhi to Hyderabad? The flight from Hyderabad to Delhi takes about two hours.
Q2: What is covered by the travel package? The package includes lunch, trips to local artisan workshops, private transportation, round-trip airfare, and guided tours of the Agra Fort and Taj Mahal.
Q3: Can families take this tour? Yes, this is an age-appropriate and family-friendly tour.
Q4: When visiting the Taj Mahal, what should I wear? When visiting the Taj Mahal, it is advisable to wear modest dress and comfortable footwear.
Q5: Can I modify the tour? Yes, you may add extra sights in Delhi or Agra to your tour itinerary by customizing it with Akbran Tours.
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daroldsims · 5 months
Six Top Hiking Routes in Washington
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Some individuals know that Washington State provides world-class hiking trails. The routes traverse diverse landscapes, including rugged coastline on the western border, arid high desert terrain in the eastern regions, and multiple mountain ranges in between.
The Skyline Trail, a primary hiking route in the Paradise hiking zone of Mount Rainier National Park, consists of a 5.5-mile path heavily enjoyed during the summer season and revered for its breathtaking vistas of Washington's iconic peak, Mount Ranier. Individuals can access the trail from the historic Paradise Inn parking area and winds through expansive subalpine meadows. Skyline Trail offers remarkable scenery and serves as the starting point for many adventurers aiming to summit Mount Rainier.
Next, the Cascade Pass Trail is one of the most accessible routes in the remote expanse of North Cascades National Park. Accessing the trail requires a 23-mile drive on Cascade River Road from Highway 20 near Marblemount. Recognized as one of the premier hikes in the region, it covers relatively easy terrain and offers stunning vistas of the rugged mountain peaks and the glaciated valleys below. The seven-mile round-trip involves navigating several switchbacks, gaining nearly 2,000 feet in elevation along the way. The Sahale Arm Trail suits advanced hikers and extends from the Cascade Pass Trail. It features additional panoramic views of subalpine meadows and majestic mountains.
Goat Rocks Crest Trail is a highlight along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in Washington. Spanning approximately 28 miles with over 2,000 feet of elevation gain, the hike typically requires at least one night of camping. Hikers should prepare for varying weather conditions and expect to travel rugged terrain that winds along an exposed ridgeline dotted with large boulders. The route offers breathtaking views of iconic Cascade peaks like Mount Rainier, Mount Adams, and Mount St. Helens.
Hoh River Trail sits on the northwest side of Olympic National Park and showcases the diverse landscapes of the Olympic Peninsula in Western Washington. The national park boasts rugged coastlines, snow-capped peaks of the Olympic Mountains, and a captivating rainforest. Stretching over 17 miles, the trail maintains a relatively flat terrain, and its width accommodates summer crowds. Permits are available for camping along the trail for backpackers seeking an overnight stay. As the trail ends, hikers reach breathtaking vistas of Blue Glacier and Mount Olympus.
The Wallace Falls Trail in Wallace Falls State Park is one of Washington's most famous hiking routes. Just an hour from Seattle, the popularity of the hike stems from its accessibility and breathtaking scenery. The 5.6-mile round-trip trail passes by nine distinct waterfalls along the Wallace River. Hikers should prepare for intermittent slippery conditions, particularly when navigating the rushing waters. With an elevation gain of 1,300 feet, the trail's steepest climbs occur between the middle and upper falls.
Lastly, located in the eastern part of Washington State, the Steamboat Rock Trail near Electric City in Steamboat Rock State Park covers six miles in a loop and has an elevation gain of 700 feet. This trail sits 800 feet above Banks Lake, a sprawling reservoir spanning 600 acres. A moderate climb is necessary to ascend this route. During springtime hikes, wildflowers adorn the trail and offer panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape.
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qnewsau · 5 months
$165k raised to restore Priscilla Queen of the Desert bus
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/165k-raised-to-restore-priscilla-queen-of-the-desert-bus/
$165k raised to restore Priscilla Queen of the Desert bus
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Donations to a campaign to rescue and restore the original bus from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert have come in from all over the world.
The much-loved 1994 Australian film is celebrating its 30th birthday this year.
Three decades on, the long-lost original bus from Priscilla has been found – in a state of extreme disrepair – in regional New South Wales.
The 1976 Hino freighter bus will now be professionally restored and immortalised in Birdwood’s National Motor Museum.
On Friday, the History Trust of South Australia launched a campaign calling for donations.
After a $100,000 boost from the South Australian government, in just a few days donations have surpassed $165,000.
Joyous piece of Australian culture
National Motor Museum Director Paul Rees said Priscilla’s global fanbase meant the first donations came in from overseas before Aussies awoke on Friday.
“There were donations from France [and] there were German messages,” Paul told SA radio station Power FM.
“My favourite was Mimi from Minnesota, who wrote, ‘Good on you guys, love this film and well done for getting the bus. Here’s 250 bucks.’
“Priscilla is an icon. It’s a worldwide hit. This movie was 30 years ago and our restoration project will be a great tourism attraction for South Australia.”
The museum’s ultimate goal, Paul said, is “a huge exhibition to honour this joyous piece of Australian culture.”
“As a social history museum, our mission is to tell the history of Australia through the lens of motoring,” he said.
“That comes to us in all sorts of ways, including culture. The road movie is Australia’s thing, isn’t it? Priscilla is one of those.”
Paul Rees said Priscilla director Stephan Elliott and the cast considered the bus the fourth member of the ensemble.
“I think just like any decent person who’s fallen on hard times, we need to give her some love and attention,” he said.
Priscilla’s rescue mission spanned multiple states
When a landowner in the town of Ewingar came forward with the discovery, Paul Rees immediately set out from Adelaide.
He said he drove for 40 hours on a six-day round trip interstate to see Priscilla recovered.
“We took her off the farm in the hilltop in NSW’s northern rivers region, very isolated,” he recalled.
“We got up there and watched the bus go off to Brisbane. It was so fragile that we had to find the nearest company to do the early scoping work.
“Even as we’re driving the bus back on a tilt tray, we had a fleet of vehicles following and picking up bits from the road as things fell off.
“We had to [go to Brisbane because] on the epic journey back to Adelaide, there wouldn’t be much left.”
Paul said the History Trust’s project will be a “museum-grade heritage restoration”.
“It’s not a backyard job, it’s very thorough. If parts aren’t available anymore, we’ll try and restore them to the best of our ability,” he said.
“We can get fitters and turners of a certain age who can spin and create bits and pieces as they were back in the 1970s.
“That’s a better way of restoration so we really know we’re getting something as authentic as we can.”
More on Priscilla:
‘Save the queen’: How the Priscilla, Queen of the Desert bus was found
Broken Heel Festival is celebrating Priscilla’s 30th birthday
‘They booed’: Stephan Elliot recalls horror first Priscilla screening
‘Hire locals’: Outrage over RuPaul’s Drag Race stars’ Priscilla shoot
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danielmrose · 1 year
The Journey - Nuts and Bolts
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As I see friends who haven’t seen me in a while they are effusive in their praise of physical fitness. Over the last year, my body has transformed. What they can’t see is the transformation that has taken place in my heart, mind, and soul. Those changes are of course nearly impossible to simply see.
As important as the physical fitness has been, it’s these other changes that are more important. They are the changes that will help me to maintain my physical fitness beyond reaching a goal.
The single most common question that I get is, “how did you do it?”
My usual response is, “eat less, move more.” Which in a crude sense, is exactly the answer.
But there’s more to it than that, much more.
What are the nuts and bolts for the change in fitness that I’ve experienced?
The first thing, of which I’ve written about at length, is that my self-perception had to change. I had to love myself enough to pursue fitness. By loving myself I was able to make a decision to choose a fully orbed pursuit of health.
Regarding spiritual fitness, I once again began reading. I know that sounds silly. Reading had fallen from my regular habits. I read only when necessary. But, over the last year I began reading in earnest. Not just reading, but reading books that challenged me spiritually and theologically. I didn’t read fast or to “get through” things but I read and pondered. This included the Scriptures and books written by people that I wanted to learn from.
I know that these aren’t really the nuts and bolts that people are interested in when they ask, “How did you do it?” But, without the inner changes the outward changes would not have been able to happen. We have to deal with the inside so that the outside can be transformed.
What about the nuts and bolts for the physical fitness?
“How did you do it?”
The first step that I took was to identify what was the friction point that inhibited me from pursuing exercise. What I learned was that my key friction point was how long it would take me to exercise for 45 minutes. My gym was about a 20 minute drive. So, 40 minutes round trip, plus 45 minutes to exercise, plus another 20 minutes to shower and dress. In other words, it took two hours to exercise for 45 minutes. I don’t know about you, but I’m not typically able to carve out two hours from my day.
When I learned this, I started a 15 minutes per day walking commitment. My thought was that I could do anything for 15 minutes. Indeed I could and I did for over a year. This got me moving. Once I started moving, I kept moving.
I realized that I wasn’t losing any weight and my body was not changing. I had to change what was going into my body. I spent about six months controlling for carbohydrates. I ate less than 25g per day. This started my weight loss.
After six months I hit a plateau at about 30lbs lost. One of the trainers at my new gym (it is 7 minutes from my house!) told me about something called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the number of calories your body burns just by living. He shared with me about the need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight long term. We talked through the role of macronutrients, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The plan was to maintain muscle while losing weight. To do this I followed a simple plan.
Eating: I targeted approximately 2000 calories per day with 100g protein as the bulk of those calories. This target was based on my BMR. I used this calculator to determine my calorie goal: BMR Calculator. I ate a lot of chicken, salmon, turkey, cruciferous vegetables, and green leafy vegetables.
Tracking: I used an app called Carb Manager. Its free version allowed me to track calories and macronutrients. The premium version I purchased to get finer control. For about a year I tracked almost everything that I ate and drank. This helped me to understand what foods were costing me in terms of calories. It was surprising to see how many calories were in things like dressings and sauces. Tracking is critical because it keeps you honest.
Exercising: I began lifting weights three days a week and I used an app called, FitBod. It uses AI to construct workouts. There are gifs that show you how to do the lifts and it tracks all the weights that I lift. It’s like having a personal trainer in my phone. I also walked for at least 30 minutes, at least twice a week.
That’s it. That’s the nuts and bolts.
That’s how I did it.
What questions do you have? What other information do you want? How can I help you on your journey?
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Organizers, athletes adapt to warming climate before and during Canada Winter Games
The East Coast's whipsaw shifts between freeze and thaw has complicated life for the Canada Winter Games, as athletes and organizers adapt to what climate scientists say is the new reality of less snow.
Jean-Philippe Le Guellec, the information officer for biathlon at the Games, says in the weeks leading up to the competition, there were questions whether a mild January might force some skiing events to move off Prince Edward Island.
In the end, the skiing venue at North Wiltshire, P.E.I., was helped by a brief cold snap that started in early February and snow-making machinery that had stockpiled snow on cold days since late last year.
However, as events began on Monday, rain was coming down and a temperature of 4 C was forecast for Charlottetown, while speedskating practices at the Halifax oval were delayed by a steady downpour and temperatures of 8 C.
According to Environment Canada, the last time the Island held the winter games in 1991, the average temperature was -11 C and 88 centimetres of snow had fallen during January. This year, the average temperature in January was -2 C -- the warmest since 1953 -- and 58 cm of snow fell during the month.
Le Guellec, a former Olympian and World Cup racer, said that the gradual fade of snowy winters in large parts of the Northern Hemisphere has his sport worried both domestically and on the international scene.
"They (P.E.I.) didn't have much snow until last week and there was a big concern about holding the event. They had a fallback plan to go to Charlo, N.B., which is four hours away," he said in an interview from Charlottetown the day before the biathlon -- a sport combining cross-country skiing and target shooting -- was set to begin.
According to "Canada's Changing Climate" -- the 2019 summary of federal climate science -- over the past three decades, global warming has led to a decrease in the proportion of Canadian land covered by snow. The document says there are "significant reductions in seasonal snow accumulation" projected across Southern Canada in the decades ahead, including the Atlantic region.
"Climate change is very real," Le Guellec said. "We see it winter after winter."
For some skiers, it's meant long hours in December and January training on asphalt surfaces, using carbon tipped poles and roller skis that substitute for cross-country skiing on snow.
It's become common for Nova Scotia athletes and their families to drive round trips as long as 1,000 kilometres, seeking snow to train and race on to prepare for the Games, coaches and athletes say.
Ewan Miner, 15, a Nova Scotia biathlete who races this week, describes the long trips as an "inconvenient" but an increasingly normal part of his sport. "(Climate change) will have an effect on the availability of venues for our sport. But there are still people willing to drive the six hours or seven hours to train," he said in an interview on Sunday.
However, Peggy Falkenham-Boutilier, the team's coach, said her association is starting to seriously consider what biathlon looks like without snow in Nova Scotia.
"In this last two years we've re-evaluated and we're asking ourselves the question, what should a shooting range look like? Should it be a roller skiing facility that allows us to have our loops on asphalt?" she said.
Daniel Scott, a professor of geography and environmental management at the University of Waterloo, said the challenges at the Canada Games are reflecting wider trends. "This is something the current and future generations of snow sports athletes will have to get used to and adapt to as best as possible," he wrote in an email on Monday.
He said interviews he conducts suggest the prime concern of the athletes and winter sports enthusiasts is that as local conditions decline, "we lose an important pipeline to the next generation of snow sports athletes."
The researcher said that like most sectors of society, there is a bias in sports circles towards excessive optimism about climate change, but he says predictions of doom aren't helpful either, as both attitudes can become paralyzing.
"We do need to be realistic about future climate outcomes and plan accordingly. I don't see that in the world of sport yet," he wrote.
The public relations team at the Canada Winter Games said a race site official for biathlon was unavailable for comment and sent written comments Monday to indicate the races were proceeding, and there are "no concerns with conditions" at the venue.
"The host society is currently using the alpine snow-making system to make and stockpile snow so it can be harvested and placed at the nordic venue, if required, to provide cross-country skiing an expanded trail network," they wrote.
Meanwhile, the swings of the Maritime winter were expected to continue this week, as Environment Canada forecast temperatures to shift from rain on Monday to a low of -11 C in Charlottetown by week's end.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 20, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/jlUnfaT
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