#rowe fine furniture
rocketjumper · 1 year
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Family Room Enclosed in San Francisco Mid-sized 1950s enclosed family room image with white walls and a brown floor.
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Bedroom Master in New York Example of a large trendy master medium tone wood floor and brown floor bedroom design with gray walls
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heartorbit · 1 year
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el wiwi ATTACK
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comfortless · 5 months
dog hybrid recruit König thots??
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. more loner x loner because it is a treat for me. fem (afab) reader. König is a man just with ears and a tail. vague smut.
He’s the one that was never picked.
So maybe you’re too busy for a puppy hybrid, but maybe you’re a bit too lonely for an empty apartment. You don’t have the space for a big, excitable dog. The cats and bunnies are in high demand, too, there’s no shot of you adopting one of the cute, softer things within your budget. So you settle for a dog. The only dog left at the shelter.
His papers state that he comes from Austria, aged twenty-five and never been put into an actual home before. He’s endured some rigorous military training: scenting, tracking, breaking down thick doors with only a shoulder and an efficient push. A hunter through and through. Then, following his merits: erratic, jumpy, impulsive, and more than a little aggressive.
This dog doesn’t growl, only bites.
The paper sits crumpled in your hands as you eye the dimly lit hallway to your left. Posters of information line the beige walls to either side, some with photos of proud kitties and dogs, hand-in-hand with their companions and cheery phrases printed above in a bright, yellow cursive.
If anything, those are the ones that give you the final push to adopt this unloved, discarded experimental soldier. He’s only been given this one very last chance before… You would rather not think of what comes if you’re to turn away and leave him to rot and wither here. It must have happened a dozen times already: ambitious families looking for a more intriguing addition only to lock eyes with this pitiful thing and shake their heads ‘no’ for him to be put on death row like this.
“He’s scary,” the clerk reminds you once you’re finally led down the hall to the tiny room your new pet— no, friend, must be kept in. It was easy to think of them as something else sometimes. Animal instincts as prevalent as their claws, teeth, and fuzzy little ears. But you didn’t need a pet, there were an abundance of shops for those. You needed a good soul to spill your guts to and maybe pet from time to time.
“I’m sure he’s fine.”
The poor thing is locked away to fester in what more closely resembles a cell than anything resembling a home. A steel door with a thin, narrow gap in the middle like a peephole keeps him locked in tight. Peering through that narrow gap, you only then seem to realize just what an impulsive decision you’re making.
König is exactly what the clerk said, continues to say next to you as she searches for the correct key on the ring. He’s bigger than any other hybrid you’ve seen before, built narrow at the waist but broad and deadly where it matters most; arms like narrow trees and thighs larger than your head, all muscle and intimidation, even with the cute, perky ears peeking out of the top of his helmet. He was definitely used for guarding and killing, and how a man his stature could even begin to fail that was unknown to you. Not that it was necessary. At most, he may need to shoo a scuttling pest out of the front door and put away a dish or two.
When the door swings open, the clerk offers a hesitant nod before dismissing herself back down the hall, and you’re left stood with a pair of blue eyes locked directly onto you.
König assesses with a tilt of his head and a slow ascent to his feet. He’s clad in layers of black, an empty vest where magazines or grenades must have been in place prior. Hell if you knew. He should have been given a fresh change of clothes after being discharged and sent to this place. A proper bed, too, considering the only furniture in this barren place seemed to be a cot that could never hope to hold him.
If not for the swaying of his tail, you might even find yourself nervous, but he does well to try and look approachable, even greets you with a thickly accented tongue beneath that hood. A simple, “Hallo.”
“I’ve adopted you,” you explain, and it sounds ridiculous. You can’t just adopt a full-grown man. Maybe a puppy or some hybrid child, never a man better suited for a gladiator pit than a home. “I mean that… if you want to come home with me, you can.”
He gives you a huff, a burst of breath that pushes the hood out from his face and a near imperceptible roll of his eyes as a step is taken toward you. It must sound stupid, even to him, but the wiry tail at his back does not cease its wagging. No matter how stern the glimpses of his face seem to look and how alarming his size may be, he’s nothing but an eager pup it seemed.
“Richtig… Then let’s go.”
Life with your big soldier turns out to be remarkably easy.
The first few weeks are dedicated to stoking up some sort of bond and rationing out chores. Simple tasks to see how he adapts, and small rewards in the form of pets along the velvety fur of his ears and scratches beneath his chin. The walks with you seem to be his favorite and tend to be long, but he remains right at your side the entire way. The only barking to be heard comes from nosy passersby that warn you to keep your beast on a leash, but you let him be reasoning that it wouldn’t do you any good at all. Your strength was that of a tiny rabbit’s by comparison.
König is clean enough from his prior military training and does as you ask without complaint. Even things you don’t request, such as your laundry are taken care of before you ever even return from work. He’s overbearing on those evenings, when you’ve been apart and he sates himself drunk on the scent of your perfume still clinging to the collar of an old sweater. Excitable and sweet, though, when he curls at your side while some movie plays on the television screen.
It amazes you how easily he’s shifted from stiff to adoring in a matter of days, but it’s rare to have a moment to yourself now. The hybrid is insistent on pulling you up into his lap when you’re curled on the couch, or rushing behind to hoist you up and pin you between an expanse of chest and the kitchen counter with drooly licks against the side of your neck and cheek. Biting, too. You try your best to bully that out of him, flicking at his ears or shoving against his face, but there’s always a mark left behind.
When a coworker gives you a mischievous grin and asks if there’s a new man in your life at the sight of a purplish bruise against your throat, that is when you decide that a collar may actually be nice. Weave your fingers between leather and skin and give König a sharp tug when he gets too rowdy, maybe that would teach him. Spray bottles and warnings spoken through giggles just aren’t enough.
You find one that you think might fit at a shop specializing in hybrid needs. It’s thick and well-made, a black leather hold to match that big scary demeanor that he tries his best to uphold. The cutesy silver bell attached to it is just a bonus. At least you would hear him coming the next time he insisted on peppering you in kisses with his tail a blur behind him.
He greets you at the door as always, unlocks it for you and pulls it open before you ever even make it to the top of the landing. It’s cute how giddy he seems each day when you return, how he doesn’t hesitate to walk right up to you with his hands at his sides, his own silent request for a hug or some form of affection whilst staring down at you and mumbling a “hallo” like the most awkward gentleman in the entire world.
“I got you a present,” you excitedly tell him instead of blessing him with your usual embrace, lifting up the little gift bag with a smile.
When the collar is retrieved from the bag by a massive hand, König does not mirror your enthusiasm. Any light in the placid blue of his eyes seems to extinguish, smothered and fizzled out to pave way for a look of the purest disdain. He rolls the leather between both palms, only then regarding you with as a heavy sigh stirs up from his chest to whistle past the open mouth beneath the hood.
Maybe he would have preferred something with spikes. Something heavy and intimidating with a tag that read “FUCK YOU” in red, painted letters.
“I don’t wear collars,” he finally says, flatly.
Or maybe a muzzle would have been best…
“You do now, big guy,” you challenge with an airy laugh, slipping past him to cross into your home. Tidy as ever, he’s been working today it seemed. The bulb in the living room has been replaced, a few pieces of furniture rearranged. It all just looks… cozy. More habitable now that someone else lives here too.
König follows you inside with his head lowered and tail pushed between his thighs. The collar rests in one hand, fingers curled over it so tightly it almost seemed he wished the damned thing to dissipate into dust.
“Nein. I won’t wear it.” The door is locked behind him. It’s the first time he’s refused you anything. Even cleaning up around the kitchen wasn’t met with a rejection. It’s odd, almost uncharacteristic for him.
“I just thought…” You would want to be mine. Properly. With a nice symbol of it right around his neck, with a sturdy leash to lead him by, with…
Any thought in your head puffs into a plume of smoke back there behind your eyes when you feel two hands grasp at your shoulders, push you back towards the wall to hold you there. Hugging, lifting, cuddling up against, even licking… those things were commonplace. This was foreign and surprisingly rough; there’s no give to his hold, no room to even try to move away as his head lowers to stare you straight in the eyes.
“I killed my last handler.”
“Did you…?”
That confession should have sent icy dread to the pit of your stomach, should have spurred you to claw and kick and bite. Surely the shelter would have known, could have warned you too. That would have spared you from looking like a terrified little rabbit now, yet a part of you knew it wouldn’t have changed a thing. König sort of… belonged here, as if written in some silly reading of the stars.
His ears flatten against his skull, large hands trembling where they hold you in place. The dam begins to crack as his eyes grow glassy, gaze far away in a concoction of pain and contemplation. He stares through you, not at, reliving something you dared not ask for an explanation for. The whys and hows die on your tongue.
And there’s nothing scary about him anymore.
There’s only a wounded soldier here.
A good boy.
Your hands rise to flip up the hood, rest it over the top of his head to cup his jaw in your palms, stroking over his cheeks with both thumbs to soothe and comfort. His unwinding comes immediate, hands slipping down to your lower back to pull you in closer.
You don’t apologize and neither does he. Everything just falls back into a comfortable lull, some fuzzy droning from both sides as you wish one another good night. He walks you to your bedroom door, the very best he can do to prove that he’s not some mutt with froth coming from his jaw. You bite your tongue to prevent yourself from encouraging that he sleep next to you.
“You’re a good boy, you know that?,” you tell him as you lean against the door in preparation to push it closed. “The very best there is.”
He doesn’t respond, but the tail behind him wags at a frantic pace from those words alone.
The following morning is different.
There’s food on the table and coffee already brewing by the time you cross from your room into the kitchen. The air bears the scent of sandalwood and geranium, a forgotten candle sat burning on the countertop. You eat your breakfast of too-sweet pancakes and prep your coffee to go all while the shower runs from somewhere down the hallway.
He usually waits, tells you goodbye before you’re off to work, bites at your neck and asks which will be better: a movie after dinner or some fresh air. Instead, there’s a note attached to the door. Something simple and mischievous, a scribbled, lopsided heart and some phrase in German written with handwriting so sloppy that there was no hope of your still sleep-addled mind translating it.
You chalk it up to him being fully adjusted in this new space, let him go about his business while you go about yours.
It would be a walk tonight.
Arriving home twists what is simply different into the realm of bizarre. No hugging by the door, it sits closed and untouched since you left this morning. You inhale something heavy, trepidation or maybe a bit of yearning there, while you fumble with your key in the lock. A click, a push, and then everything just changes. There’s no crashing and burning, only a very firm and insistent buzzing that rises to your chest, because the sight inside is just…
Your König.
The hood has been discarded and set aside on the polished wood of a nearby table, the little bell collar sits right along his throat. It jingles when his ears perk and his tail begins that gentle sway, swishing with every step that you take into the apartment, rampant and unyielding when the sparkles in your eyes cluster like the tiniest, most insignificant stars.
No apologies, but this was something better.
“Gut?,” he asks you, kneels before you with the cutest stare that you’ve ever seen on a man. Constellations sit there waiting to be mapped, and your giant puppy waits for just a little praise.
You stroke his ears first, then dip your head to press a kiss to his cheek.
“The best boy,” you tell him.
“I have a present for you too.”
No protest comes when he herds you out of the door, still in your stiff uniform with your hair a mess. The sun begins its setting out on the horizon, bathing the world in purple and gold. Trees with spring blossoms and wildflowers all abloom tinge the air in something sweet. It’s not your usual trail, and König doesn’t walk at your side this time, only ahead. You watch him fondly as he grazes his fingertips against the blooms hanging from branches just overhead, how he shies away from the curious nesting birds in bushes as to not startle them.
It isn’t the usual trail, but he walks it with confidence. There are no people out so late in the day, and apart from the occasional quip between the both of you, the setting only bears the sound of the chiming of his bell and a few night birds beginning to call. Peace morphs to something greater when the sun tucks itself away and sets the stage for a bright, waning moon. There’s a small clearing, a meadow cut straight through by the dirt path you walk, and only then are you pulled aside.
“Here,” he huffs against your chest when your back meets soft grass and a hazy, spring sky is painted out above you.
Maybe you’re not the best with men, but there have been signs.
So many in abundance that the pitiful squeak that leaves you when his nose finds its way up your skirt is only an embarrassment. König must have found it charming, reaches for both of your hands as he laps at your sex through the thin lace of your panties until your body grows tense and your nails leave little crescents on the backs of his hands.
The words don’t come, they don’t have to when he speaks them for you, little whispers and coos into your hair when any barrier between you is discarded with the descent of a zipper and the sound of tearing lace. There’s an outpouring of thanks in the form of a tiny, fragile, “I missed you.”
The night birds calling washes out each sound that escapes from either of you then, only outdone by the symphony of impact when König loses himself entirely to you. Limbs curling around narrow hips and a broad back, pools of blue so shimmery and pretty they outdo even the moon hanging above locked onto you. He doesn’t look away even as you try to bury your face into the width of his shoulder, only then guides you back down with a gentle hand and a muffled, needywhine.
“Good boy,” comes as a mere peep when he fully sheaths himself and laps at the corner of your mouth as you speak. The praise only causes him to still, pries the words from his panting mouth and reduces them to a series of pleasured, stuttering groans.
“What did the note say?,” you ask him in the silence that comes comfortable once the act is done, nestled into a pair of strong arms with a cheek pressed against an expanse of chest.
“Oh.” König laughs breathily, coming down from the height of both love and need.
“That you found home?,” you ask when he pets at your hair, twirls strands between his fingertips. “Because I think that I may have, too…”
“Something like that.” He shrugs, loosens his grip around your body for a mere second before pulling you in closer, tighter to him, as if letting go would end the world entirely. “Heaven.”
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homunculus-argument · 4 months
I think another thing cats got right is the recreational smackfight. Like walking up to someone you live with and just unpromptedly smacking them just because you're bored and want some conflict to spice up your day, thump thump thump thump and knocking over some furniture, and then you're done as soon as you got it out of your system, and you're both completely fine with each other because obviously it was no real fight, just a little row of recreational sparring as civilised people do.
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apuckishwit · 2 years
Making Room
Steve never gets into DnD.
Not even after Eddie convinces him to join a one-shot over one Christmas when the kids are all back from college and jobs and far-flung adventures. He's not a jerk about it or anything. He sits and makes a character with his boyfriend and he does his best with the role-playing and he only asks Dustin for help with the dice seven or eight times (and everyone had promised to give him an even dozen before they gave him shit about it, so it was fine). It's fine. He's not mad that he spent the time doing it with Eddie and the kids (some of them taller than him now, in spitting distance of college degrees and first apartments and jobs and spouses and lives, but they'll always be kids to him).
But afterwards he kisses Eddie and says it really and truly isn't for him, sorry babe.
And that's okay.
When he and Robin are scavenging through yet another thrift store for furniture and dishes and lamps for the apartment she and Nancy are getting in Indianapolis (he's so sad that her room in the little house he shares with Eddie is going back to being a guest room, but he's so damn happy that she and Nance have stopped dancing around each other...and they're only moving about half an hour away, he'll still see her all the time), and he spots an impractically long desk/table, onviously custom-built, with an absurd number of drawers and compartments built into it, he buys it immediately. He wrestles it into Eddie's van that they borrowed for the day, and smiles apologetically when Robin has to hold like three boxes on her lap. He gets it into their dining room while Eddie's at work, graciously gifting their own table to Robin and Nancy, and it's worth all the hassle (and the fact that one end of the table pokes about a foot into the living room space) when Eddie comes home to something big enough for even his most complicated campaign maps and with plenty of storage for all his dice and miniatures and source books.
And sturdy enough for Eddie's most...enthusiastic...thanks, they find out that night.
Steve never gets into DnD.
But every time Hellfire (whatever incarnation of Hellfire it is, be it the Hawkins crew or some of the guys from the little record shop Eddie works at in town, or some combination) meets up for a game, they get used to Eddie yelling, "Stevie! Evens or odds?" everytime a situation calls for a luck die. They learn that complimenting the snacks Steve sets out will sometimes get them advantage on a roll. They watch Eddie snag Steve's wrist as he passes in or out of the dining room and get him to roll a D20 for various and random reasons. Steve always obliges, before drifting back to the couch with a beer or a slice of pizza and whatever basketball or baseball game is on.
Steve never gets into DnD.
But sometimes Eddie spreads newspapers over the Campaign Table (TM) and sets pots of paint and rows of miniatures out, and he and Steve sit together for a few hours, Steve slapping on the basecoats with a single pot of white, gray, or black and Eddie going to town on the details while they chat about their day, playing footsie under the table or stealing kisses while they wait for something to dry.
"Babe! I need a name for the friendly barkeep who knows more than he seems!"
"He's a half-orc!"
"Those are the big green guys, right?"
"Hmmm. Big Carl."
Steve never gets into DnD. But he loves Eddie, and he loves how into DnD Eddie is. So he makes room in his life for this thing that Eddie loves.
Eddie never gets into sports.
Like, objectively he understands that some people enjoy running around getting all sweaty, trying to keep some kind of ball away from other people and make it go into some kind of receptacle. And he certainly appreciates the view of some of those people in tight little shorts.
Particularly Steve.
Like honestly? If it wouldn't get him labeled a total creep (and they weren't so careful about giving anyone a reason to question the assumption that they're just two young friends living together to save money until they find respectable women to marry)...he'd park his van out by the little middle school where Steve teaches gym and coaches basketball and baseball every day during his lunch break, just to watch his boyfriend run the mile with his students in those shorts that hug the muscles of his thighs just right.
But he doesn't like sports apart from the strictly prurient interest he has in watching Steve wear sports-appropriate clothes.
He tries. He wants to know just what it is that keeps Steve glued to the TV when his favorite teams are playing, wants to understand why Steve yells and groans and jumps up with wild cheers, spilling popcorn all over the living room floor. He just...doesn't get it. Steve tries to explain March Madness to him one year and it makes no more sense than when Wayne tried to when Eddie was a kid. Eventually he just shrugs, kisses Steve's nose, and goes back to petting through his boyfriend's hair with a, sorry, baby, it's not for me.
And that's okay.
He gets up early the week Steve is overseeing baseball tryouts, to make sure his boyfriend has a travel mug of coffee fixed just the way he likes it, and a good breakfast waiting for him when he gets out of the shower. Steve is unquestionably the cook in their relationship, but Young Eddie ate a lot of breakfast for dinner over the years and Adult Eddie makes damn good pancakes, omelettes, and French toast.
Eddie never gets into sports.
But he gets Lucas to break down exactly what kind of notes and stats Steve will be keeping track of and draws up a template "character sheet" for baseball players, spending an hour at the local library laboriously making copies with their cantankerous mimeograph machine.
He sure as shit never gets up at the crack of dawn to go running around the neighborhood the way Steve does...but on days when it starts raining or snowing halfway through Steve's run, he'll drag himself out of bed and throw some towels in the dryer, so they're nice and warm when Steve comes back inside.
Eddie never gets into sports.
But he takes every overtime shift he can for a month, so he can take Steve to Chicago for his twenty-fifth birthday to see the Bulls play. The seats aren't great or anything, and it's noisy as fuck, crowded as fuck, and he has no idea why his boyfriend is losing his mind every time that Jordan guy so much as touches the ball...but Steve's eyes are sparkling, the color is high in his cheeks, and when they get back to their hotel that night, they've barely closed the door before Steve is shoving him against it, devouring his mouth.
"Hey Eds, Ohio State or Georgia Tech?"
"For what?"
"I'm doing my brackets for the pool I've got with Hopper and Lucas!"
"Um, whoever's in red!"
"Ohio State it is, thanks babe!"
Eddie never gets into sports. But that's okay. He loves Steve, and he loves how happy Steve is when he's playing, or coaching, or running (God help him, he fell in love with someone who gets up at six am to run. Without anything chasing him.) So he makes room in his life for this thing that Steve loves.
Because certainly, love grows in shared passions and matching interests. But it also flourishes in the carefully tended space you make just for the things that make your person happy...even if it's just not for you.
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hqbaby · 4 months
fifteen — maybe i do
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2.2k content. profanity, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex
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It was a Friday night and you were all absolutely plastered. It turned out that a surplus of alcohol, a couple of no-shows, and a group of stressed college kids could only result in something on the edge of a mass blackout.
“We should have a wedding!” Suguru suggested. Or maybe it was Yuta. You weren’t really sure anymore.
It didn’t matter of course, because the moment the thought was spoken aloud, everyone fell into unanimous agreement, and your living room was soon filled with an alcohol-induced haze of last minute wedding planning. There was talk about using a bundle of pens as a bouquet, creating a wedding cake with some of your leftover cupcakes in the fridge, Nobara designating herself as the wedding photographer armed with a random phone—not even hers—as a camera.
“Who’s getting married though?” Maki, still managing to ask the important questions even if she could barely stay upright, offered up to the room.
It was Satoru who answered, raising his hand as he used the other to hold you to his side. “We’ll do it!” he said, then he looked down at you. “Right, princess?”
You nodded, grabbing your boyfriend’s shoulder to balance yourself. “Yeah,” you said with a goofy grin on your face. “Let’s get married.”
The girls quickly ushered you to your bedroom, rampaging through your closet until you found a white dress. It was definitely too slutty for an actual bride to wear but it also just so happened to be the only one you had. With much difficulty, Nobara zipped you up and patted your back as you marched over to the door.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married,” she said, sniffling a little. “You’re so beautiful.”
You gave her a little twirl, giggling as you stumbled. “I’m gonna fall over.”
“We’ll catch you,” Maki assured you as she leaned on Nobara for stability. She produced the pen bouquet from the pocket of her jacket and placed it in your hands. “Let’s go.”
When you stepped outside your bedroom, you found that the boys had lined the path from your door to the kitchen with potato chips—probably intended to be petals. They had also rearranged your furniture into makeshift rows that they sat on, all leading to the fridge where Yuji—the chosen officiant—stood with Satoru at his side.
Your boyfriend dried nonexistent tears from his eyes as you teetered over to stand in front of him. He took your hands as soon as you reached your spot and grinned at you. His hair was a mess and his eyes were barely open, but he looked as happy as he could ever be.
“Do you—what’s the words?” Yuji asked only to be met by shrugs and “boo”s. “Okay, okay, whatever. Where are the rings?”
Suguru, the designated ringbearer, pulled two paper rings from his pocket. He handed one to you and the other to his best friend. As you looked at the thing in your hands, you realized that it looked like it had been made by a five year old. Still, you couldn’t help but think it was perfect.
“You may now, I dunno, exchange rings,” Yuji said unceremoniously, gesturing for Satoru to go first.
Your boyfriend, clearly having just as much fun as you, slid the ring onto your finger—the wrong finger, but it didn’t matter. He lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it before holding his own hand out.
You took the ring you were holding, twirling it between your fingers for a moment before you slipped it onto Satoru’s finger. You beamed at him and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into a kiss.
Your friends all erupted into cheers, drowning out Yuji’s protests of, “Hold on! I was supposed to tell you to kiss,” as your boyfriend picked you up and twirled you around, lips never leaving yours.
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You stare at the ring on your bedside table, where it’s been for months now. On the inside, you can see the faint scribble of “Satoru” in Yuta’s barely legible hand. You move your hand to touch it but you stop just inches away.
You’re lying on your bed, completely naked as far as you can tell, still adjusting to the morning light that slips through the curtains. Your blanket is pulled to your chin, covering your sore body as you stay there, completely motionless.
It takes you a moment to remember where you are. What happened last night. And who it all happened with.
You bolt up and frantically turn to the space beside you on the bed. You find it empty, only the indent of a body left in your best friend’s wake.
You furrow your brows. Where could he—
And that’s when you notice them. The faint scent of food being cooked. The quiet cracking of something frying. The little movements on the other side of your bedroom door.
Carefully, you get out of bed and put your slippers on. You go over to your dresser, find some underwear, and put it on. You grab the sweater folded on your desk and slip it over your head before heading out of your room.
The sight that greets you is both familiar and alien at the same time. Sukuna in nothing but sweatpants with his back turned as he works on your kitchen stove.
“Are you making me breakfast?” you ask in a quiet voice. Your throat feels a little sore and your face heats up when you remember why.
Your best friend turns around with an amused look on his face. “Nope,” he tells you before looking back at the egg he’s frying. “This isn’t for you.”
With a frown, you sit at the kitchen table, noting the slight sting of your thighs as you move. “What?”
“I’m making lunch for the kids.”
“Kids,” you repeat slowly. That doesn’t help at all. “What?”
“Your tennis kids,” he says, laughter bubbling beneath his words. “You’re teaching them today, right? It’s Saturday.”
Your eyes widen in realization. “I totally forgot.”
He laughs now, turning the stove off and sliding the egg from the pan to a plate at his side. It’s then that you notice the little bento boxes laid out on the kitchen counter, all full of rice and sausages shaped to look like tiny squids. Sukuna places a fried egg in each box before he washes his hands and walks over to you.
He crouches in front of you and smiles, resting one of his hands on your leg. “You sleep well?”
You nod, still shocked by this whole situation. “You made them lunch?”
“Yeah, I figured you’d be too tired to do it, so I went out and got a few things,” he tells you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
You lean in and kiss him, slow and soft. “I can’t believe you did all that,” you say when you pull back. You scrunch your nose up. “Who are you and what have you done with Sukuna?”
He guffaws, getting up and going to put lids on the bento boxes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Damn, my pussy must be real good to have domesticated you like this,” you muse, grinning now as you watch him scowls despite the growing redness of his cheeks.
“You’re so immature,” he tells you as he stacks the boxes and places them in a shopping bag. He sits in the chair across yours and huffs, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “I’m never doing anything nice for you ever again.”
“Oh, come on, don’t be embarrassed,” you say, reaching over to pinch his cheek. “I think it’s cute.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes, swatting your hand away. “Go get dressed or whatever,” he tells you.
You raise a brow. “Why?”
“Because I’m taking you out for breakfast, duh,” he says, holding up a hand to stop whatever teasing is about to spill from your mouth. “If you say another word, I’m gonna leave you to starve.”
You get up, still smiling, and sit on his lap, facing him as he avoids your gaze. “Thank you,” you say, pecking his lips. “This is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me.”
“It is not,” he tells you. “I recall having to go into the girl’s bathroom once because you had to take a shit and you forgot—”
You cut him off with a kiss, snaking your arms around his neck as he kisses back and grabs your waist. There’s just something about seeing him be so nice and thoughtful that’s turning you on right now, so you grind your hips, vaguely aware of the fact that his dick is directly beneath your ass.
His grip on you tightens as he stills your movements. “I’m not gonna fuck you right now,” he mumbles against your lips before he pulls away.
You blink at him, lips falling into an “oh.” You draw your arms away and clear your throat. “Right, sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Sukuna watches as your expression changes to self-consciousness. He shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he clarifies. “I just—That’s what I do with all the other girls.”
You frown, defensive now. “Oh, right, because I don’t turn you on like other girls do.”
He shakes his head again, more fervent now. “No!” he says. “That’s not what I mean!”
“Then what do you mean?”
He looks at you sheepishly and sighs, running a nervous hand through his hair. “With everyone else, it’s always a rush to, you know, fuck as much as possible,” he explains, cringing when he realizes how terrible he sounds. “I mean, I don’t usually have plans to see them again afterwards, so I don’t—you know, it’s just—it’s different with you, okay? I just want us to take our time. Because, well, I was kinda hoping there would be more of it.”
You nod, smiling at him softly as you place a hand on his cheek. Your heart flutters when he nuzzles into your touch. “I get it,” you tell him. “And, uh,” you clear your throat, a little shy now, “I got what you were trying to say. I do, well, I do want more of… this.”
His eyes light up. Like he hadn’t expected you to say that at all. “Yeah?”
You laugh. “Yeah,” you say. “This is… good. Right?”
He nods, smiling now too. “Yeah. This is really good.”
You’re walking out of the coffee shop when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull it out and check the message, sighing when you read it.
“I gotta stop by the club office,” you tell Sukuna. “I forgot to give them the financial reports.”
He takes your hand and squeezes it. “It’s fine,” he says. “We have some time before you have to be at the sports complex anyway.”
The two of you make your way through the campus hand in hand. You’re both clearly still adjusting to this new development in your relationship—as evidenced in the way Sukuna’s hand is clammy in yours and the way you keep thinking, “Am I walking too slow? Too fast? Should I let his hand go”—but you manage to make it to the office intact.
“I’ll be right back,” you tell him, pushing the office door open.
The room is mostly empty, save for the boxes of unsold t-shirts by the door and the desks littered with gum wrappers and empty soda cans. Utahime would throw a fit if she saw the mess.
“Hey!” Emiko, one of the other club members, says from the desk she’s sitting at. Her laptop is in front of her and there are a few spreadsheets laid out on the surface beside it. “You got the reports?”
“Yup,” you tell her, pulling the envelope from your bag. You hand it to her and she puts it in one of the drawers. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.”
She groans. “I know,” she says, resting her head on the desk. “I’ve been so busy with my other clubs, I haven’t really gotten to spend time here. That’s actually why Nanami put me on desk duty as soon as I ran into him in the hallway.”
You offer her a sympathetic smile. “That’s why I avoid him at all costs.”
“Good tip,” she says, chuckling. “Are you going on the trip?”
You nod. “Yeah! I heard you couldn’t make it.”
“You heard right.” She hums. “I’m heading back home for the break.”
“That a good thing?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely. I miss my mom,” she says. “I saw on the list that you were going with someone. Boyfriend?”
“Yup,” you tell her, the answer coming to you immediately. Is Sukuna actually your boyfriend now though? You should really ask. “It’s… new.”
“Oh, to be in love,” she swoons. “You should really give me tips some time.”
“No luck in that department.”
“Nah, I’m afraid it’s just hookups for me.” She stretches back and looks at her laptop screen. “I gotta get back to these MOAs. It’s so good to see you though.”
“You too,” you tell her, waving as you make your way out the door.
Sukuna’s leaned against the wall outside, head bent as he scrolls through his phone. He looks up as soon as he notices you. “All good?”
“Yup,” you tell him, stopping right in front of him and tilting your head to the side. “Are you my actual boyfriend now?”
He burst into laughter, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he leads you back to the parking lot. “I dunno, tiger,” he says. “Do you want me to be?”
You lean into his hold and sigh. “I dunno. Maybe I do.”
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notes. i’m refraining from leaving any incriminating author’s notes 🥰 CUTE CHAPTER THOUGH RIGHT????
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captain-hawks · 1 year
waking reverie
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levi ackerman x f!reader
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summary: sick and tired of overhearing the sounds of you fooling around with a fellow squad leader, Levi decides to confront you afterward at a particularly inopportune moment.
or, Levi catches you getting yourself off and has a thing or two to say (and do) about it.
word count: 4.3k
content: NSFW, 18+, smut, masturbation, fingering, oral sex, squirting, unprotected sex, rough sex, squirting, dom!levi, possessive!levi, creampie, choking, spit kink, dirty talk, multiple orgasms
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Hange is going to kill him if he keeps stealing their pencils. 
It’s the first thought that crosses Levi’s mind when a loud cracking noise is followed by something sharp jabbing into his palm, and he glances down to see the writing utensil crumble into a sad clump of shards over his page of notes. But he doesn’t mull over it long, not when he’s distracted by something he’s heard far too much of over the past few days—the sound of you giggling, followed by the door to Squad Leader Daniel Flore’s office slamming shut.
Tonight’s pencil met its earliest grave yet, the wood starting to splinter an hour ago when the mess hall cleared out, at which point Levi had begun unconsciously squeezing it in irritated anticipation of…this. 
There’s a scuffling of boots and the squeak of a chair scooting across the floor next door. But then things are relatively silent for a few moments after, and Levi looks up at the ceiling pleadingly, wondering if maybe he’ll finally get some peace tonight. But no, his hopes are quickly dashed when he hears the muffled yet unmistakable sound of you fucking moaning. 
Levi wishes he had another pencil to snap in half. 
Maybe the chair legs will have to do.
It’s not that Levi gives a shit about his fellow Survey Corps members getting laid. In fact, if it means they’re less high strung on the field, he’ll gladly set up a goddamn matchmaking booth outside of the building, if only to save himself the headache of trying to maintain order over a group of sexually frustrated idiots. Whatever it takes to make his life a little less miserable.
He’s perhaps a bit more judgemental when it comes to Squad Leaders pairing off, often shamelessly barking at them the next day not to let their “messy shit” get in the way of doing their damn jobs. Yet he generally waves it off all the same, rolling his eyes when the lovesick idiots start to realize what a bad idea it is to grapple with feelings when you’re supposed to be saving the world from man-eating Titans.
Anyway, you and Flore are both Squad Leaders. Fine. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.
But the real fucking issue here is the fact that Flore keeps his desk up against the wall that he shares with Levi’s office. And he’s been fucking you up against—or on top of, maybe—that stupid, shitty piece of furniture for the past three nights in a row.
So loudly that Levi’s not sure if Flore’s got something to prove or if he’s just downright stupid. Probably the latter, if Levi’s being honest. Either way, he’s well and truly on the verge of losing his mind at this point.
And if a tiny part of it is because he’s downright fucking baffled that you’d go barking up Flore’s tree of all people? 
Levi Ackerman is not jealous.
…he just assumed you’d have better taste.
Perhaps fucking Daniel Flore a mere wall away from Captain Levi’s office wasn’t quite your best decision as of late. 
And not just because of the fact that he can more than likely hear the two of you going at it like foolish teenagers, which is just asking to draw more ire from the already irritable man. 
Not just because, despite your tendency to bicker with one another like it’s your job, you actually have quite a solid working relationship with the Captain. Something you’d tentatively call friendship—and he might even be inclined to agree, on his less moody days. 
The most conflicting part of your tipsy decision that has since turned into a multi-day affair is something else entirely. Something that, in reality, shouldn’t even matter. 
…because it’s not like he’s even interested.
At one point or another, you found yourself developing feelings for Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
—but the idea of Captain Levi fucking Ackerman deigning to get down and dirty with you of all people is laughable, at best. He can hardly step out of his office without turning heads, let alone when he makes his way through town. With the reputation that he’s built for himself over the years, he could have anyone he wanted.
Flore’s nice enough. And he’s a decent kisser, you’ll give him that. But as you glance back at the brown-haired man leaning against the chair and panting, a smug grin on his face as you slip your pants back on to conclude your activities, you internally cringe at the feeling of your underwear brushing against your sad, throbbing clit.
A throbbing clit that you’ll have to sneak off to your own office down the hall to take care of yourself for the second night in a row, because while you ended your first encounter somewhat satisfied, Flore hasn’t been able to get you off since. You’ve put on enough of a show each time to leave him thinking otherwise, half convinced that maybe there’s just something wrong with you, but after tonight, you may have to rethink your arrangement.
There’s a small, well-worn couch situated in the corner of your office, which you make a beeline for after closing the door and shucking your pants off once more. The material drops onto the wooden floor in a careless heap as you slump back onto the cushions, letting your thighs fall open as you lean your head back and slowly swipe a finger over the sensitive bundle of nerves between your legs. 
Your folds are frustratingly dry, your fleeting thoughts of Flore doing absolutely nothing to help dampen your situation. So, also for the second night in a row…your thoughts betray you as they drift to a place you know will leave you slick and whimpering.
A vision of soft, black hair, steel gray eyes, and a familiar commanding, low voice is all it takes to encourage the sticky arousal now dripping at the apex of your thighs, a shameless little moan falling from your lips as you slide two fingers into your aching cunt.
“Have you ever considered that there are other people in the barra—”
The door to your office flies open as Levi storms in without knocking, though his barked out words are immediately cut off the moment his eyes stray to the sofa. He freezes in place, not even bothering to turn around as he slowly kicks the door shut behind him.
And it would be comical, just how many emotions are fighting their way across Levi’s normally composed face, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s now staring at you while you finger yourself because you were so desperate to get yourself off that you forgot to lock the fucking door. 
He blinks, crossing his arms. “You’re joking.”
Fingers still lodged inside of your wet heat because you can’t decide whether or not that’s less awkward than pulling them out and wiping them on the couch, you realize that you have no idea what to say. “I—”
“Was fucking like animals for forty-five minutes up against the wall beside my office not enough for you?” he deadpans.
Your face heats up in embarrassment, and you pull your eyes away from his heavy gaze, looking off to the side of the room as you subtly shift your fingers to your thigh. “That’s not exactly…I just didn’t…” you mutter, trailing off. 
Levi scoffs as he swiftly ascertains what you’re alluding to, “Don’t tell me Flore doesn’t even know how to get a woman off.”
You bristle with embarrassment over his forwardness, finally snapping your legs closed and hastily tugging a pillow over your lap. “That’s none of your business.”
“If two Squad Leaders are fucking on my watch, it’s my business to make sure your messy little relationship doesn’t end up getting us all killed in the field,” he sneers. 
“There’s no relationship. We’re not dating. It was a one time thing”
Levi doesn’t respond.
“Okay, a few-times thing,” you amend with a huff, shifting uncomfortably. 
He continues to stare at you, waiting.
“I was lonely and tired of taking care of things myself. Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
His boots hardly make a sound as he takes a step closer to you and observes, “It looks like you’re still taking care of things yourself, anyway.”
You sigh heavily, “It’s slim pickings around here, Captain.”
Another step.
“So Flore was your top choice?”
Despite the fact that you’re nearly naked in front of the man who’s currently raising an eyebrow as he nudges your discarded underwear with the toe of his boot, you manage to school your features into a mask of cool indifference as you shrug, “My preferred taste is a bit more…unattainable.”
“Let me guess, Commander Erwin?” he drawls.
You can’t help the choked out laugh that escapes you at that—just how very off base his assumptions are. If nothing else, perhaps it means you’ve done a somewhat decent job at not making your crush on the Captain wholly apparent. 
“I mean, he sure does look like he’s fantastic in bed—”
“Spare me,” Levi groans.
“...but he’s just not quite short-tempered and difficult enough for my tastes,” you finish, letting your mouth quirk upward in the ghost of a smile. 
Levi’s knees bump into yours as he reaches the couch, looking down at you with his hands resting casually in his pockets. “And someone is?”
“Someone unattainable,” you concede.
Your breath hitches in your throat when Levi leans down, making a noncommittal noise as he swipes a layer of dust off of the couch’s wooden frame. Clicking his tongue against his teeth, he asks, “So…you’d rather do this,” he gently thumps a fist over the pillow in your lap, “than try and approach this someone?”
Refusing to back down from his stare, you flippantly reply, “Sometimes the fantasy ends up being better than the real thing, anyway.”
Levi’s jaw ticks, and he asks you carefully in a low tone, “And just how often do you entertain this little fantasy?”
“Every night,” you breathe out, not missing a beat.
This time, when Levi leans in, his breath is hot against the shell of your ear as he murmurs, “I can assure you the fantasy pales in comparison.” 
With that, he stands up straight and heads for the door without so much as a goodbye.
Gaping, you call out, “Captain Levi?”
His hand pauses on the doorknob, and without turning to look at you, he says cooly, “My office. Now.”
“It’s cleaner.”
It’s ridiculous, the way your fingers tremble as you slip your pants back on—forgoing the underwear completely this time. On the field, you wield the dual blades at your sides with a steady, focused grip and instinctual precision that once upon a time granted you a top spot in your Training Corps class. 
And yet here you are now, caught in a battle between the stubborn button of your pants and your shaking hands, your entire goddamn axis thrown off kilter by the devastatingly handsome Captain currently waiting for you a few doors down. With a sigh, you give up, tugging your shirt down and hoping for the sake of the last charred bits of your ego that you didn’t misunderstand his invitation. 
Are you really about to go and fuck Captain Levi Ackerman?
You don’t have to ponder the question long, because you’re hardly two steps inside of Levi’s office, having slipped inside the door that he left open just a crack, when you find yourself firmly pressed up against it. 
Levi’s body is warm as he cages you in, eyes boring into your own while he reaches behind you and flicks the lock shut with an abrupt click that seems to echo throughout the room. You’re both silent for a moment, and he takes half a step back.
“Are you certain you want to do this?” 
The question catches you off guard, but you nod.
Levi inhales sharply through his nose and adds, “I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes,” you exhale quickly, already feeling more than a little breathless.
He leans in, letting his fingers ghost over your chin, his breath mingling in the vicinity of yours as he warns you softly,  “I’m not a gentle lover.”
“I don’t want you to be gentle,” you assure him, taking no small delight in the way his eyes briefly close at your affirmation.
“...and I don’t share,” he whispers, thumb skating over your lower lip.
“Neither do I,” you challenge, though you’re well aware you’re getting far too ahead of yourself with your implied request.
“I would hope not,” Levi chuckles lowly. “From now on, you come to me and only me.”
Searing heat drips through your veins, your lips parting slightly as the full weight of his words hits you. 
Levi’s lips hover over yours, so close you can nearly taste the promise on them as he murmurs, “...and you come for me. Only. Me.”
Toes curling, it takes every ounce of restraint inside of your body to hold back the pathetically desperate whimper vibrating through you in response. The quiet, shaky “yes” that leaves you is hardly audible over the rapid beating of your heart.
But it’s all Levi needs to hear, that last exhale, before he cups your face in both hands and slots his lips against yours. 
There’s a focused, measured precision in the way Levi kisses, a push and pull in the way his mouth both guides and chases your own. With a tease of teeth along your bottom lip and a sensual dance of his tongue along the seam of your mouth, you’re caught up in a hungry, electrifying undercurrent that leaves you dizzy on the spot. 
You’ve spent more time than you’d like to admit thinking about Levi’s mouth. The delicate curve of his cupid’s bow. That restless tongue that’s always clicking against his teeth, as if it’s just waiting to be put to use elsewhere. The prominent taste of tea you could guarantee would be lingering on his lips. 
But there’s one thing you hadn’t accounted for, one thing that knocks the air from your lungs.
—it’s the way Levi murmurs your name into the kiss, the curve of each letter so sensual, his voice so rough that you know the memory of it is already irrevocably seared into your mind. 
You let yourself tangle your fingers in the silken, black strands of his hair, earning a pleased, rumbling groan in his throat in response. Pushing your luck, you tug on the locks, and the hot trail of kisses Levi’s blazing along your exposed neck is interrupted by the soft growl that leaves his throat as he bites down on your sensitive skin and begins to suck. 
The firm, solid pressure of his body against yours as you arch into him leaves you keening, and his hands drift down to grasp your hips while he presses hungry, open-mouthed kisses to your chest, as low as your partially-unbuttoned shirt will allow. You rock your hips into him, already drunk on his scalding, attentive touch, and a small moan escapes your lips when you feel the rock hard evidence of his own arousal drag against the apex of your thighs.
“Levi,” you pant out, rolling your hips once more.
He groans languidly, bringing his lips back up to yours for a chaste kiss. Fingertips skating beneath your chin, gray eyes bore into your own as he asks, “Safe word?”
Mind blanking for a moment, every single word you’ve ever known ceases to exist in the heady, addictive presence of the man before you. Your eyes land on something sitting on his desk; it’s broken to pieces but still unmistakable. 
Levi huffs out a low laugh, staring at you a little incredulously before he intones, “Tch. Fine.”
At that, he lets his hand trail down between your legs, another amused sound leaving him when he realizes you didn’t bother buttoning your pants back up before slinking into his office. 
“Eager?” he questions, only to let out a near feral noise when he notices your underwear also didn’t come along for the trip. 
All you can do is whine as he slides his hand into your pants, no small amount of satisfaction gracing his features when he feels the damp pool of arousal that’s since soaked through the material. 
“I hope this was all for me,” he observes, sliding two fingers through your slick, sensitive folds. 
You shiver, pushing into his touch, afraid that you might collapse if he doesn’t start sliding those thin, dexterous digits into your aching cunt soon. 
“You know it is,” you pant.
Your legs quake when he brushes his thumb over your swollen clit, fingertips teasing at your fluttering entrance. 
“I wonder if that’s why you couldn’t come for him,” he muses, bringing his hand up to eye level and watching the way your sticky arousal hangs between the digits. You’d whine at the loss of contact, if it weren’t for the way he sticks his fingers in his mouth and licks them clean.
His hand trails back down to your wet heat as you try to remember how to breathe, his gaze heavy as plunges two fingers into your cunt and rasps, “Because you wished it was my cock inside of you, fucking you stupid.”
Levi doesn’t wait for an answer as he begins to pump his fingers in and out of your needy hole, each thrust punctuated by the wet squelch of your gratuitous arousal. Heat spreads under your skin under his thorough exploration of your narrow, saturated channel, digits curling to meticulously stroke a spot that has you gasping his name. Your fingertips dig into his collarbone, and Levi surges forward, lips crashing into yours as he swallows your pleading moans. And for what may very well be the first time in your life, your climax takes you entirely by surprise, liquid fire whipping through your insides with the force of a raging gale.
He nips at your bottom lip while you come down from your shuddering wave of pleasure, but your fingers have barely begun to reach for his stiff length when Levi suddenly drops down to his knees in front of you. Nails dragging along your hip bones, he swiftly tugs down your pants and tosses them aside before pushing your legs further apart and burying his face between them.
Prickles of overstimulation crawl up your spine, and you let out a small sound of protest, but your core immediately turns molten again at Levi’s ragged tone as he breathes out, “One more. One more before I fuck you.”
There’s nothing calculated about the messy, hungry way he goes down on you, parting your folds to sink his tongue into your cunt, nose pressed firmly against your clit, a moan reverberating through him as he laps up every last drop of the cum that’s leaking out of you. His fingertips dig into your thighs, saliva running down his chin, and he moves to slide two fingers back inside of you while he begins to mouth at your sensitive bundle of nerves
At this point, even if Levi hadn’t made it explicitly clear that whatever this is between the two of you is very much exclusive—
…you’re not sure if anyone else could even come close. 
Reality trumps the fantasy, indeed, Captain. 
And with a firm crook of his fingers, the steaming pressure building up inside of you bursts, clear liquid spraying from your pussy and soaking Levi’s face and hand as you ride out your second orgasm.
If you thought Levi looked feral before, it’s nothing compared to the look that crosses his face as you squirt for him. “Oh fuck.”
He all but drags you over to his desk, unceremoniously swiping everything off of the surface and letting it all clatter to the floor before lifting you up—with strength that honestly shouldn’t surprise you—and placing you on its surface. Fingers aching to touch him, you grapple with his shirt, pulling it over his head while he trails his way down the remaining buttons on yours. You hardly have time to enjoy the planes of his bare chest before you, because he makes quick work of your bra, cursing under his breath at the sight and wasting no time in leaning in to taste your supple breasts. 
A small part of you almost wants to make a comment about dirtying Levi’s clean desk with the arousal you know is dripping out of you once more—you’re so fucking wet for him it’s boredline ridiculous—but all thoughts go fizzling from your mind when he latches onto your nipple and begins to suck.
“Fucking perfect,” he grunts, teeth grazing the sensitive bud. 
Unable to wait any longer to finally see what’s straining for release between his legs, you unbutton his pants, humming in satisfaction at the feeling of his deceivingly thick cock throbbing in your palm. Saliva coats your tits as he sucks more fervently in response to the way you’ve begun to stroke his length, your other hand tangling in his hair.
You freeze at the command in his tone, waiting as he pushes down his pants and underwear, kicking them out of the way before stepping closer between your legs. 
“Next time,” he amends gently, leaning in to graze his teeth along the shell of your ear, lips and tongue pressing into the tender skin behind your earlobe. “Because I might very well lose my mind if I don’t fuck you right now.”
You exhale, muscles aching with anticipation. “Please, Levi.”
He pushes your thighs apart, swiping his fingers through your arousal and using it to coat his shaft before notching its reddened, leaking head at your entrance. And remembering your earlier words about just how you like it, there’s no warning when Levi plunges his throbbing cock into your slick, wet cunt, plastering his mouth onto yours to swallow down each delicious moan that echoes out of you as he splits you open.
There’s nothing gentle about the way Levi fucks you, sweaty hair plastered against his forehead as he revels in the warmth of your tight cunt with each snap of his hips, every thrust deeper than the last. The push and drag of his fat cock has you whining and moaning so loud your throat begins to burn, satisfaction curling in your gut at the mirroring sound that leaves him when you roughly pull on his hair.
Belatedly—too distracted by your lust-fuelled frenzy—you realize that smacking flesh and needy, desperate noises aren’t the only sounds echoing throughout the room. With each punishing snap of his hips, as Levi stuffs you full of his cock over and over, his desk violently smacks into the wall.
The wall that Flore is very likely currently sitting on the other side of at his own desk.
You tell Levi as much, and he makes no effort to slow down as he growls, “I don’t fucking care.”
And well, maybe it’s a little fucked up.
But given that the object of years worth of your wet dreams is currently balls deep inside of you and groaning your name repeatedly, you can’t bring yourself to give a shit, either.
So instead, you whimper, “Harder, Levi. Please.”
Hands trail along your throat, and Levi meets your gaze. You nod, and he tightens his grip, your dwindling airflow setting your nerves alight with pleasure. Your legs wrap around his waist, the balls of your feet pressing into the small of his back, and as he continues to choke you, your tight cunt chokes the width of his cock in equal measure.
It feels so fucking good that tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and your chest aches from the heaving, panting breaths you repeatedly continue to demand of it. The pressure on your throat lessens, and you feel Levi’s hand come up to cup your chin, his thumb pulling down on your bottom lip.
Though it’s only one word, you know he feels just as wrecked as you by his low, rough tone as rasps, “Open.”
You part your lips, and Levi leans in, spitting in your mouth. He feels the way your cunt clenches down on him in response, so after you swallow, unconsciously letting your lips fall back open, he spits again. 
In turn, you grab him by the hair and pull him in for a filthy kiss. Levi’s mouth devours yours as he grabs you by the throat again, moaning against your lips, “Good girl.”
The ache between your thighs blooms red hot, the coil of pleasure twisting in your gut unfurling so rapidly your vision goes white as you come hard, gushing around the stretch of Levi’s cock. He chases your lips as you throw your head back in pleasure, kissing you hard while he drives his length deep into you one last time to the hilt, hips jerking as he empties himself inside of you.
You let your body fall against his as you both come down from your climaxes, breathing heavily. Levi begins to rub soothing circles against your back, callused fingertips skating across your smooth skin, the gesture an amusingly stark contrast to how brazenly he just fucked you. When he pulls out of you, thick cum leaks from between your thighs, making a mess of his desk. 
And for once, it’s a mess that Levi Ackerman doesn’t mind.
Instead, he cups your cheek in one hand, a glint in his eyes as he murmurs, “I think I can get four out of you next time.”
Your eyes widen, laughter bubbling up in your chest as you lean in, lips ghosting over his as you retort, “Cocky bastard.”
Tongue clicking against his teeth, he rolls his eyes and mutters, “Brat,” kissing you again.
— likes, comments, & reblogs are appreciated!
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The Baudelaire family returned to Ireland the next day, only this time, they never had to worry about leaving.
Their new home had been abandoned years prior to them purchasing it and had been left vacant for quite some time after the previous family had fled those lands that had once been filled with such rich history. Overtime, the stories had been forgotten, perhaps almost purposely by those that occupied the neighborhood nowadays, existing only as children's fables or as myth.
One thing they did know though was that the land used to be a vegetable farm, quite a successful one too, and Lawrence intended to make it profitable once more. Already, the farm boys were put to work planting rows of cabbage, carrots and most notably, potatoes.
Hours of labor had gone into restoring the house to what it had once been before the family arrived and at last, it was returned to its original state of elegance. The perfectly laid brick was covered by thick ivy, and the grounds were surrounded by beautifully vibrant flowers, lush green plants, and tall, brilliant marble statues.
It all seemed like something out of a storybook rather than real life.
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The travel horses pushed forward through the gates, and all any of them could do was gawk, unable to believe they were truly going to live here. Even the children, fussy and tired from such long travels, sensed the exhilaration from the adults and had begun to perk up with curiosity.
Ozzy, who rode with Beth in her carriage, stared up at the house in wonder, as though his little mind was trying to comprehend such a big change. "This is our new home, my little dove. We're going to live here now!" Beth whispered to the seemingly awestruck toddler next to her.
"Wooooow!" He exclaimed almost breathlessly, and though it was unclear if he actually understood what it all truly meant, Beth laughed in response, happily agreeing that 'wooow' was right.
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Most of their belongings arrived before The Baudelaires, already unpacked and put away thanks to a moving crew hired on by Lawrence. In addition, he had also taken it upon himself to hire various help, like maids, gardeners, cooks, and even a personal chef, and as Lawrence stepped out of the carriage and onto the stone pavement, he could see one of their footmen waiting patiently to greet them at the door.
"Well, hello there, Baudelaires!" He called out from the porch enthusiastically.
Lawrence waved a quick hello before holding out his arms to take Atticus. "That's Mr. O'Bannon. He worked for the family that lived here previously." He explained once Winifred had situated herself.
They joined Beth and Ozzy next, and walked hurriedly up the front steps while Mr. O'Bannon welcomed them home.
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Winifred audibly gasped as she entered inside, her eyes growing wide in amazement at everything around her, and once everyone had stepped through the front door, they understood her reaction at once.
After they had filed in one by one, Mr. O'Bannon offered a tour of the house and they happily accepted. He informed them of the origins of their new furniture, boasting about the craftsmanship of the Irish workers and the prestigious color schemes of the wallpapering, most notably, the newly popular Scheels green in the parlor and the dining room.
The new decor was so complimentary of the things they had brought from home, they were almost unrecognizable sitting amongst such fine things, almost as if they were new items themselves.
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They had only made it through the first two floors before Atticus started falling asleep in his mother's arms, while Ozzy began to grow rather antsy. Winifred excused herself to rock with Atticus for a while and Beth, wanting to avoid a tantrum, decided to take Ozzy outside to get a better look at the water fountain out front. Which left Lawrence to finish off the tour with Mr. O'Bannon.
However, Mr. O'Bannon dismissed himself as well, needing to check how the luncheon was coming along and confirm the table was being set correctly. Lawrence didn't mind all that much, if anything, he was relieved to see how serious his staff seemed to take their jobs.
And so, just like that, everyone was off in different directions, making themselves right at home.
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Lawrence, who now found himself alone, fancied himself a celebratory smoke out on the balcony. There, he smoked cigarette after cigarette while he watched over the farm hands below, reflecting how just months prior, he would have been down there in the dirt just like them. But, tilling soil and yanking weeds were a thing of the past, and someday soon, nothing but a distant memory.
Now, all there was left to do was assimilate to this new way of life.
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
Honeycomb Hills Apartments
Malte's home!
I shared a preview yesterday, but here is the full post. And when I say full, I mean "OMFG, Kim did you really have to write another essay?!" Yes. That kind of full. I'm not even sorry.
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I was so happy about finishing these apartments that I plunked down three in a row. 😄
Each building has four apartments, all similar: 2 bed, 1,5 bath.
Currently, I only moved one person in: Mister Malte Nerhus, aka Rachel's... I wanna say boyfriend, but then I might be getting ahead of things... crush! Let's say crush!
Malte came to Honeycomb with not a lot of money in his pocket, happy and eager to start working at the university library. When he started looking for a place to live, a two-bedroom apartment wasn't really what he had in mind, (Malte would have been fine in a studio apartment) but it was the only thing available to non-students in Honeycomb Hills and the rent was quite affordable because these apartments are part of an experimental project set up as part of "Greenify Honeycomb Valley": the tenants of the first apartments get a discount on their rent if they fill out regular questionnaires containing questions on how to make the apartment more sustainable and eco-friendly.
So, Malte moved into a two-bedroom apartment, claiming the smaller bedroom as his own and leaving the larger one empty. If they decided to come over, it could potentially sleep his entire family (his mother, grandmother, and two sisters). He spent his money wisely and using the resources available, soon made a home out of this place.
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The large windows are Malte's favourite feature of his home. He built sofas out of old mattresses. The Honeycomb campus has two rather large student dorms and whenever a student graduates and moves out of the dorm, the mattress on the bed they used gets replaced for the next resident. Some of those old mattresses are too filthy to even look at, but many are actually still in good shape. Priding itself on being green, the university actually has a website on which they put up old-but-still-good-for-another-round furnishings, free-to-collect. Malte put new, cheap coverings on the mattresses. Easy to take off and wash when needed.
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Malte loves cushions and blankets. You find those all around the house. Some were already his, the others were flea-market and thrift store finds, just like all the rugs in his home. Old crates function as a coffee table and makeshift shelves. Of course there's books everywhere. The lamps are wall fixtures that were already in the house, as were the curtains, and the poster on the wall is the cover of one of Malte's favourite books, gifted to him by his colleagues from the library where he works as a housewarming present. The guitar and the laptop are Malte's own possessions and the plants are the one item he actually spent a bit of money on, because plants are a must.
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Malte is a creative spirit. Painting, drawing, writing and making music all keep him sane. The painting easel was a thrift store find, and to protect the floors of his rented home, Malte put down a tarp underneath. The easel faces the window, of course. All the artwork on the wall is made by Malte or his sister Solveig. The shelves he built himself from old wood and on the top shelf there's a picture of Malte and his family. A little reminder of home.
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The kitchen came with the apartment. The table consists of a couple of boards on two sets of trestles. That was an easy build.
The two folding chairs (there's a third folded against the wall next to the fridge) Malte brought from home and the other two chairs are old discarded university classroom furniture Malte found on the previously mentioned website.
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Malte's bike has a place on the wall. It's his main means of transportation. The car in which he took Rachel on their second date wasn't his, a colleague lend it to him.
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In the other corner of the room, there's a little workspace. The desk was another university reject and the chair a thrift store find. The paintings are Malte's own work and the pictures show him and his mother and eldest sister.
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Here we have three very similar pictures from Malte's bedroom, but I still wanted to use them all xD. Here we find old mattresses again, although the top one is new. Old crates also make great night stands and a bedroom without books isn't a bedroom. The yellow lamp is a thrift store find and the green one a Swedish furniture store one. On Malte's nightstand there's a picture of his mother, grandmother and sisters. The poster above his bed as well as two on the other wall (see next picture) are enlarged prints of Saarqartoq pictures. Rachel had these printed as a gift for Malte because she knows he does miss home sometimes.
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Malte doesn't have a wardrobe, but installed a rod against the wall which does the job perfectly.
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In the orignal design of the room, the architect intended for people to place a bed below the high window. Malte thought this idea was no good at all. He wanted to wake up with a view! So he went against the design of the room and put his bed against the wall so it faced the tall windows and the green outside. The watermelon bean bag was his latest thrift store gem. It was just too cool to pass by.
And that concludes the tour of Malte's home. There's also a bathroom, which is just a bathroom, and a balcony, which I didn't take any pictures of at this time, but which will show up in a story post, I'm sure.
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Getaway Camp : Prologue
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: language, flirting, fluff, annoyance towards others, harsh parents, meet cute.
Summary: Charlie leaves home early for volunteer work in the Catskills, finally feeling free from his father, and on the path to the life he always dreamed of having. Yet when he arrives he meets someone who can’t help but capture his attention and he realizes fairly quickly that he’s already screwed.
word count: 2.3k
→ One
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June 4th 1961
Charlie wouldn’t consider himself much of a nature guy, but anything would do if it meant getting out of his parent’s house sooner. He had already been accepted to Columbia in the Fall but he didn’t have enough money to rent an apartment in the city quite yet. Which is how he discovered Adler’s West Lake Resort and Lodge. His counselor said the school looked fondly onto volunteers who worked there in the summer. So Charlie packed everything up and got himself the job. After all how bad could it be? A summer away in the Catskills, free food, free boarding, and a few rowing lessons here and there. He could handle it.
“Alright honey, do you need anything for your drive?” his mother asked from the porch, watching as he loaded his stuff in the back of the station wagon. She tried to pretend that she didn’t notice he had packed everything but a small part of her heart broke. This was truly it.
“I’m fine Mom, I promise” he told her, mind stuck on the five hour drive ahead of him.
“Okay honey, make sure you call and let us know when you get there” and both of them pretended not to notice the small chuckle that left his fathers mouth as he read the paper on the patio furniture.
“I will and you have the address and number to the resort already” Charlie reminded her, jogging up the porch where he quickly towered over his mother’s height. She hated how tall he had gotten, a grown man now, no longer her little boy.
“Be safe and good luck at school” she told him before pulling him into a hug. Charlie squeezed her right back, thankful to at least have a loving mother.
“I will Mom, thank you” he told her and she sighed, fighting back tears that threatened to spill over. Her only child driven away by the harsh expectations of her husband. He had been hurt so much by the world already and the minute he graduates high school he is off and running away from her.
“I’m about to head off, sir” Charlie says as he pulls away from his mom, walking to stand in front of his father.
“Good, you wouldn’t want to hit the afternoon rush traffic outside of the city” his father mutters, hands flipping the page of his newspaper. He felt that he owed nothing to his son. The only things his son had ever done was get himself kicked out of the best school in Vermont and cost him a lot of money pulling strings to still get him in an ivy league school.
“Exactly so thank you sir” Charlie said, holding his hand out and waiting for his father to bid him goodbye. He never cared much about what his father thought of him but he also figured if his father didn’t say some sort of goodbye he would always have control over some aspect of his life.
“Goodbye son, don’t dick around too much. That’s my name you’re tainting when you do that” his father responded, hand sliding into his own and firmly shaking it.
“I’ll do my best sir, I promise” Charlie said before letting his father’s hand go one last time. He was going to use these next four years to his benefit and take the well deserved break he needed. He couldn’t believe he spent all those years at Welton wishing his parents wanted him around more. What a waste.
“I guess we’ll see” is the last thing he says to him before returning his attention to the paper in his hand. Sighing Charlie brushes his hands down the front of his button up shirt and turns back to his Mom with a soft smile.
“Goodbye Mama” he says, swiftly kissing her cheek and the tears finally break through and cascade down her cheeks as Charlie jogs to his car that holds every piece of his belongings. He knew he didn’t need all of it for camp but he also knew his car could act as a private storage locker so he wouldn’t have to come back here before classes started.
“Bye baby, we’ll miss you” she calls out as the car rumbled to life and Charlie waved a hand out as he shifted the car in gear and headed down the long driveway. He knew his father would more than likely not miss him but it was kind that his mother still tried, so he waved his hand out his open window for her until she could no longer see him driving down the road.
The drive was fairly easy. Only two missed turns and one incident with a wrinkled map and Charlie was finally pulling his car up to the main lodge, the sun casted over the large lake beside it. It was quiet since campers wouldn’t be here until next week and Charlie was surprised to feel peace from the quiet and warmth that resonated in the area around him. Killing the engine he stepped out the car and started for the doors, prepared for direction to his cabin for the next three months.
“Hello camper!” a chirpy blonde girl perked up as he pushed through the cabin doors. He briefly wondered if it was an act, to be so excited about not having a real shower and mosquotio bites for three months on end. Yet the bright white smile on her face suggested otherwise.
“Hey” Charlie muttered, not one for too much enthusiasm. Actually he was pretty sure he hadn't been excited about anything since his Junior year of high school.
“Did you just arrive?” she asked, hands reaching for a large book that Charlie figured held all the information on every worker for the entirety of the camp. It's possible the smile could be fake but someone with this much responsibility had to enjoy this life somewhat.
“Yeah, Charles Dalton. I’m a Columbia volunteer, new rowing instructor” he said finally reaching the desk, hands falling and crossing over the top. He just wanted to find a bed and lay in it, especially after that drive.
“Well welcome Charles, let me grab your orientation packet and parking pass” she grinned still as cheerful and Charlie nodded, almost scared by how happy she is.
“Just Charlie is fine” he told her and she nodded before bouncing off and finding all the things he needed to get settled in. After only a few minutes she had a small stack of papers set in front of him.
“Okay so everything you need to know you can find in here. Cabin number, work schedule, map of the resort, and anything else you can imagine. When you get to your lodge you’ll find your walkie and uniform waiting for you. Meals and everything are all inclusive for staff and we hope you have a great summer” she finished her well practiced spiel and Charlie smiled as he collected the thick packet from in front of him.
“Josie” she filled in and he nodded.
“Thanks Josie, see you around” he tells her before heading back towards the front doors and where he left his car. Using the map to find employee parking Charlie found himself unloading the two suitcases he packed specifically meant for camp and locking up the rest of his belongings in his car. It was a bit harder to find the cabins but finally he was in the upper woods, brown buildings matching the next all in various rows. A big fire burning with a few people chattering around it and Charlie quickly looked for cabin number sixteen.
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Valerie had only been here an hour and already smelled like wood smoke. This wouldn't have been the case if she didn't somehow end up in a cabin with Chrissy Norwick. Valerie didn't necessarily mind the girl but she liked having a chill first day and Chrissy already had five girls compiled in the small shared cabin as she retold the stories of each date she had with Nate Fanning over the school year. She knew it would be the same thing, Nate would appear at camp and pretend Chrissy didn't exist, that was until the fall when he no longer had all of the camps options to focus on.
So Valerie sat by the fire with a few old friends she had been volunteering with since she was sixteen and listened to their much more relaxed conversation as she waited for her cabin to be much less crowded. It was then she saw a taller boy, chestnut hair falling in his eyes, as he walked the trail up into the cabins. It wasn't often new volunteers came around here so she was immediately perking up. He was handsome, in a soft way. A suitcase hung from each of his arms and she could tell from the hike and the strain off the weight, his chest was puffing out broadly. The small beads of sweat collecting at his hair line convinced her to approach him before no one else could.
"Hey, you need some help?" she curiously asked, straightening out her shirt as she appeared on the trail beside him. He jumped only lightly due to her quick appearance and she tried to hide her amusment.
"I’m fine" he muttered even though his hair was now starting to stick to his forehead from sweat.
“First rule as a staff camper, no job is too small to ask for help” and she was snatching one of the suit cases out of his hand that had been weighing him down the entire trek up the hill. Realizing she wasn’t going away anytime soon he finally took a moment to take her in. The white staff shirt laid across her shoulders and the eagle symbol stretched across the center of her chest. He admired her full hips and bright smile. Her long brunette hair tied high in a ponytail that hung in curly strands down her back. She was pretty and he was supposed to last all summer around girls like this. He prayed she wasn’t a lifeguard.
“For the record, I never asked” he told her before starting towards the cabins where she followed quickly behind.
“Well what cabin is yours then Mr. Independent?” she asked, ignoring his previous statement, and the boy sighed. He was realizing pretty quickly that most people around here were pretty cheerful and stubborn.
“Sixteen and the name is Charlie” he caved and finally she was beaming a smile back at him that made her eyes sparkle. He hated that her eyes sparkled.
“Well Charlie I’m Valerie and you’re in luck. I just so happen to be in cabin fifteen” and she was walking along and leaving him behind, going in a direction all too familiar to her. Charlie was a bit shocked by her ease but followed nonetheless as she led him to a destination he had been counting on the last five hours.
"So clearly you're new, so I'll share some wise wisdom as a camper of three years" Valerie told him, thrilled to have something to do other than stare at a campfire in the middle of the day. The June sun was already hot enough. "Never use the showers on the south end. Theyre used the least so not only do they include a variety of bugs you've never seen before but they’re also the showers that lose hot water first"
"This is not making this anymore exciting" Charlie says and the laugh that comes from Valerie surprises them both. Charlie hates the way the sound wraps around his heart and makes him content.
"If Big Al enters the bathrooms wait at least thirty minutes before going in. If you don't know who that is you'll find out fairly quickly. If it's an emergency we're surrounded by woods for a reason" and now Charlie is the one laughing which based on his attitude when they first met has Valerie fairly surprised.
"Lastly tuesday nights mystery dinner sounds fun but it's actually a mix of leftovers from the previous week so we have staff dinner here" Valerie says just as they approach cabin sixteen only to hear the girl laughs from the one beside it.
"Shouldn't you be in there giggling away?" Charlie asks as he takes his suitcase from her and sets them both on the small porch step.
"God no, no use giggling about cute boys inside when I can be out here talking to them" and much to Charlie's surprise she winks at him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It’s so quick he's almost convinced he didn't see it.
"You seem to have it all figured out Valerie" Charlie says and she softly shrugs, glancing up at the tall trees above them. Birds chirp and in a few hours the cicadas would buzz and she'd finally be right back at home.
"I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting to share but when I remember I promise to tell you. In the mean time Charlie you can find me at cabin fifteen or the lake" she says, oddly comforted by the new guy herself. There was something nice about knowing she got to be the one to greet him here.
"Why the lake?" he curiously asks as Valerie moves to walk away and she flashes a quick grin at him, fingers gliding through her curly brown hair and Charlie nervously gulps.
"I'm a lifeguard" she informs him and for the first time for the entirety of this conversation Charlie accepts that he's screwed. Valerie was not the kind of girl you ignore despite how badly he wanted too. Now worst of all he had to spend every single day of the summer with her in tiny red bathingsuits.
"Of course you are” he says and she quickly flashes him a grin before starting back the way they came, ignoring the group of girls in her very own cabin. Charlie hates how he watches her walk away, admiring her long tan legs in her tight jean shorts. It had been ten minutes and he was already screwed.
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Happy 35th Anniversary to DPS. This is my love letter to this film <3
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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cherry-holmes · 9 months
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña
Chapter 12
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Summary: As your relationship with Javier progresses, ghosts from the past return to avenge what was taken from them.
Previous chapter
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word count: +2.9k
Warnings: Violence typical of the series. Author decide no to give more details to avoid spoilers.
A/N: I’m sorry for the delay! But here is chapter 12, hope to bring chapter 13 ASAP!✨
In less than a week, you moved to Javi's apartment. It could be quicker if you were completely able to walk and if he wasn't that busy at work. Javier felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, he didn't want to leave your side not even for a second. After the attack, torn between worry about your injury and the possibility that you might need help at home, he did anything he could to stay at home with you even when you assured him that you would be just fine and that you understood he have to go to work. But Javi stayed, took good care of you, and the next day, after a session of sweet kisses on the bed, he reluctantly left to work, with Steve giving him a ride.
You assured him that you would be okay and promised to call him immediately if you needed anything, but he didn't feel you were safe anymore. The responsibility and guilt for what happened weighed heavily on him. He needed to take action to ensure your safety and seek justice. He swore to himself that he would make those responsible pay for what they did to you.
He helped you to moved into his place as soon as they assigned him a new truck. You talked with the the landlady of your building to ended up your contract and you sold most of your furniture. You only kept your favorites and replaced Javi's with them.
When he saw at how different his usual manly, lonely and cold apartment looked now, he felt a healing warmth on his chest, and he couldn't feel more comfortable, grateful and in love in his entire life. He knew, in that moment, that he wanted to spend the rest of his days just like that. By your side.
One day, he even seriously thought about calling his dad and ask him to send him his mother's wedding ring as soon as possible.  He didn't, though. Not because he changed his mind about share his life with you or that he had doubts about if you were the one. But because he wanted to do a formal, beautiful proposal. He wanted to do it when you both were far from that dangerous and cruel scenarios; when he take you to Laredo to meet his dad and the ranch and he also wanted to know your sisters and your so beloved grandfather in Mexico.
Javier wanted to do things right with you.
When he was engaged with Lorraine, he didn't even gave her his mother's ring. That should be a signal, he thought. His excuse was that that ring belonged only to his mother and not even his father's constant insistence could change his mind. He was sure, even if he didn't say it, of course, that what he felt for Lorraine could never compare with the bond of pure love his parents felt for each other.
But he could perfectly see you wearing that ring and he thought about how well it matched the necklace he gifted to you on your birthday and that you never took off.
But Javier knew that if he wanted to achieve that, he needed to make sure you will be safe. He felt you were his responsibility, he wanted to provide you and protect you from everything and everyone.
Whatever it took.
"You're gonna be late, Javi," you warned him between kisses and silly smiles, "...again."
"I don't care," he shrugged, seeking your soft lips once more, "as long as I can kiss you."
His mouth captured yours, and you suppressed a soft moan, aware that if he heard you, he would take you back to bed for another round of morning sex. It's not that you didn't want that, but you were mindful that it was the third day in a row he would arrive late at the office. If you had learned something during your time with him, it was that Javier Peña's cock was simply addictive.
As his hands traced the contours of your body, you gently pushed him away, a playful smile on your lips. "Javi, you really need to go."
He sighed, a mixture of reluctance and desire in his eyes. "I know, I know," he said, stealing one last lingering kiss before reluctantly pulling away. "I miss you at the office," he said, "I miss that pencil skirts you wear," he added, giving you a playful wink.
"I'll be back this Monday," you reminded him, "And you'll see me in those skirts all day."
You left another sweet peck on his lips, absorbing his scent and warmth. "I was thinking...," he started, taking the tip of your pointer finger and playing with your red nail, "maybe we could have dinner out, at that fancy sushi restaurant you like."
"Really? Are you sure?" you asked, a hint of excitement that you couldn't hide. You and Javi had been locked in your apartment since the attack. You knew he was doing everything to protect you, and even though you loved the warm nest of pure love and intimacy you had built together, you needed to confront the world sooner or later.
He nodded, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from your beautiful face, "Yeah, don't worry, we'll be fine," he assured you, kissing your forehead. "Call me if you need anything, okay?" he reminded you, his gaze filled with genuine concern.
You nodded, appreciating his caring nature. "I will, mi amor. Please, take care of yourself," you crossed him, as you always did, and planted a last kiss on his lips.
And with that, he left, leaving you with a sense of longing and a smile that lingered throughout the day.
Messina allowed you to take your typewriter and continue working on your translator duties at home. Actually, she didn't have any other choice, as you were the only translator responsible for Javi and Steve's daily reports. It was also beneficial for you, as it provided a sense of normalcy amid the chaos of the ongoing circumstances. Working from home allowed you to maintain a routine, even though the circumstances were far from ordinary.
The day unfolded swiftly as you balanced your work, domestic tasks, and the rhythmic tunes of music on the radio. Javier called, checking on you and informing you about the delay in his return. However, he still eagerly suggested dinner, leaving the plan open for you.
In the late afternoon, after completing your tasks, you treated yourself to a refreshing shower and took extra care with your makeup and clothing, anticipating Javier's return. Remembering his preference, you adorned yourself in red, a color he often praised for accentuating your radiance.
You were ready for the hour he estimated for his return, but it didn't happen. Initially, you used his delay to double-check your papers. However, as an hour and a half passed without his arrival, worry set in. You attempted multiple calls to both the Embassy landline and his personal cellphone, but none were answered.
Sitting on the couch, you turned on the TV, but your mind couldn't shift away from concerns about Javier. It was highly unusual for him not to respond to your calls, especially without prior notice for a date delay. Attempting to calm yourself, you considered scenarios like a sudden meeting or heavy traffic, reassuring yourself that his phone might have died, leaving him temporarily unreachable.
You tried to relaxed, took an aspirin for your heard and tried to pay attention to the television.
Javi is just fine, he'll come at any moment.
A lightning strike in the midnight sky woke you up, your heart racing, and sweat forming on the back of your neck. Glancing at the kitchen clock, you realized it was half past eleven p.m. with still no sign of Javi. You changed into your pajamas and proceeded to call Javi's desk three times in a row and his phone three times.
"Por favor, mi vida, contesta," you prayed. Nothing.
You decided to go upstairs to the Murphy's apartment and knocked until Steve finally opened. You felt a hint of guilt as you saw his sleepy face and a fresh stain of formula on his pajama.
"I'm so sorry for the hour," you said, embracing yourself, "Javi hasn't come home. I tried to call him, but he didn't answer."
Steve's expression shifted from groggy to alert as soon as he heard your words. He invited you in, so  could you explained the situation in more detail.
As you sat on the sofa, Connie emerged from their bedroom, little Olivia on her arms, and approached to you, calling your name softly.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I'm sorry; it's Javi. He hasn't come back," you explained. Connie sat beside you, and her husband asked you about what Javi told you. "He called this afternoon and said he would stay late in the office, but he assured me that he would come for our date," you told them, prompting Steve's eyes to flicker with a mix of surprise and concern. He exchanged a quick glance with Connie before turning his attention back to you.
"Are you sure?" Steve asked, a subtle hint of worry in his voice.
You hesitated, grappling with the unease that had settled in your gut. "Yeah, he sounded occupied. Why? Is something wrong?"
Connie glanced at Steve, and there was a silent exchange of concern between the couple. Steve took a deep breath before speaking. "He left the office as soon as they assigned him a new car, around 3 or 4 in the afternoon," he explained. "I thought he had come home; I called him, but he didn't answer. I thought that you both were, well, busy."
Concern etched across your face as Steve and Connie exchanged a worried glance, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation. A sense of unease lingered in the air.
"I'll try calling him again," you said, reaching for the landline next to the sofa. Each ring seemed to intensify the tension in the room. No answer. Anxiety coiled within you as you contemplated the possibilities.
Steve broke the silence. "I should go to the office. Maybe he's still there."
Nodding, you began to stand up, Olivia's sleepy eyes watching you with a hint of concern from her mother's arms. "I'll go with you," you said.
However, Connie placed a gentle hand over your shoulder, pulling you down again. "Honey, we should stay," her voice sweet and reassuring.
"I can't, I..." your voice cracked as the emotions you had been suppressing pushed to come out, as if you were a pressure cooker about to explode. "I need to know where he is. What if they found him and...?" you stopped yourself, not wanting to even imagine if something terrible had happened to him.
"I know you're worried about Javi, but it would be safer for us to stay here," she explained, and you felt powerless. "Steve is gonna find him, right, baby?" She sought help from her husband, and he nodded.
"I'll call you immediately as soon as I find him," he assured, and after changing his pajama, he left the apartment.
Connie suggested going back to your place, in case Javi called or returned. You sat there, a mix of fear and impatience consuming you. Connie stayed by your side, offering comfort with every reassuring word. The tick-tock of the damn clock echoed through the room, each passing second intensifying your worry.
As you anxiously waited for Steve's call, Olivia shifted in her sleep, sensing the tension around her. Connie softly hummed a lullaby, a melody that seemed to soothe both the child and the anxious mother.
Minutes felt like hours, and the hours were torturous, but finally, the ringing of the phone pierced the heavy air. You grabbed it hastily, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Hello?" you answered, the desperation evident in your voice.
"It's me," Steve's voice came through the line. "I found Javi."
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. "Oh, thank God!" you exclaimed, relief washing through your body. Connie relaxed immediately when she heard you. "Can you hand him the phone, please?" you asked, but your heart sank again when you heard Steve let out a heavy breath. "Steve?"
"Listen, I'm at the hospital," he admitted, and you felt your legs get weak as you staggered back.
"Ho-hospital? What happened?" you urged, a lump forming in your throat.
"He was investigating leads on Diego," Steve explained, his voice reflecting the worry etched on his face. "There was an ambush. Javi took a bullet."
You felt the room spin as the gravity of the situation sank in. You almost fainted, if it weren't for Connie, who held you. She took the phone, and you didn't even protest.
Connie's voice was the lifeline you desperately clung to. She gathered details about Javier's condition from Steve, all while you fought back tears and waves of anxiety. Your mind raced with thoughts of Javier in a hospital bed, a victim of violence that felt far too close to home.
As you listened to Connie, she assured you that he was receiving medical care and in the process of recovery. However, the news of him being shot lingered in your thoughts, and a mixture of emotions flooded your senses—fear, anger, and an overwhelming desire to be by  his side.
Why do things like this have to happen to us? Can't we just be happy, like any other couple? Is this the price of dating a man with his profession? To look over my shoulder every time I go out, to pray for him to return home alive.
"I need to go to the hospital," you declared, a newfound determination replacing the initial shock.
The wait for Steve, since he refused to let you drive in the mental condition you were in, felt like an eternity, each passing moment amplifying your worry.
The knock on your door finally came, and you gathered your things and the ones you took for Javi—clean clothes and personal stuff—rushing to the door.
"I'll call later," you said to Connie, who obviously had to stay with Olivia. She wished you the best as she watched you open the door.
But it wasn't Steve who was standing outside.
A gun was pointed right at your face as a hand grabbed you by the neck to push you back inside. He looked different, years older in a matter of months since you last saw him. But those eyes, full of anger and frustration, were something you could recognize anywhere.
"I've got you, fuckin' bitch" Diego snapped, his voice filled with rage.
As he gripped you against the wall, the force making you stumble. The door slammed shut behind him, cutting off any escape.
"Why are you here?" you managed to choke out, trying to steady yourself.
He glared at you, the gun still trained on your trembling form. "You think you could just leave and forget about everything?"
"I don't want any trouble," you pleaded, your mind racing for a way out of this dangerous encounter.
Diego's laughter was bitter, devoid of any warmth. "You don't get to walk away, not after what you did."
"I didn't do anything," you insisted, your voice shaking. The air felt thick with tension, each moment stretching like an eternity.
Diego's expression twisted into a sinister sneer. "You took everything from me."
As the weight of his words sank in, realization dawned upon you. Diego was blaming you for the turmoil in his life, and his anger was palpable.
You tried to process the situation and plan your next move when suddenly, he turned his head to the living room and spotted Connie, paralyzed with fear, clinging to her daughter's delicate body.
It was evident that he had thought that you would be alone, and a witness was now a problem. He took you to his body, an arm around your neck as he pointed the gun towards Connie. Both of you gasped with surprise and fear as your friend tried to protect her daughter with her own body.
"NO, NO," you shouted, panic creeping up through your system, "Wait, don't hurt them!" Fear gripped you, but you maintained composure. "Diego, please, we can talk about this. There's no need for violence," you pleaded, the urgency in your voice belying your attempt at calmness.
His laughter echoed through the room, devoid of any warmth. "Talk? You think talking will fix this mess? You took everything from me, and now you'll pay."
The moment he unlocked the gun, you felt a heavy pang in your stomach. Connie started to cry, and you were shaking so much that your jaw hurt.
"Please," you begged, taking him by the arm, pulling him to the door, "You're here for me, let them alone, please..."
"If you call the police, I'll come back and kill your daughter, do you understand?" he said to Connie in Spanish, but she managed to comprehend and nodded.
You felt relief the moment he stopped pointing at them, but your heart raced harder as he forced you to the door.
"Walk, bitch," he muttered, this time pointing the gun at the back of your head, so you didn't have any other choice than to follow his orders.
He took you outside the building and into a car where two other men were waiting for him. He climbed into the car next to you and made you cuff yourself and wear a mask on your head as the car disappeared into the night.
76 notes · View notes
ukulelevillainwrites · 2 months
Heist time
One shot
Warnings: swearing, spoilers for the empty grave sort of
Content: I used the characters from the show, but it’s set after the events of the empty grave tho it’s a tiny bit canon divergent. B99 Halloween heist for our favourite agents.
Summary: Lockwood and Kipps engage in another bet, only this one involves a heist.
Word count: 7.3k
This fic was inspired and triggered by this post
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Quill Kipps believed that the longest, most excruciating moment of his life had been when he almost bled out from a stab wound caused by a relic man’s sickeningly rusted blade. But now that he thought of it, he sort of missed the cold and comforting embrace of the Other Side. If it were up to him, he’d cross over again in an instant. Anything to get out of lifting yet another heavy piece of furniture up the never-ending stairs of this damned house. Lockwood might have been satisfied with the new look he was giving his home, but Kipps’s back certainly disapproved of his decoration choices. His former rival and current part-time employer had taken the easy side of course and led the way up to his bedroom, the last piece to complete the Portland Row puzzle. How had his life come to this? He had asked himself this question countless times since he had more or less joined the agency. One day he was a highly esteemed Fittes agent, the next he was playing mover for his much younger boss, which was certainly not part of his job description. He almost tripped over the carpet on the landing but at least they had reached the final floor. Lockwood could find a way to fix the headboard of his new bed on his own, Kipps had already done enough.
“Quill?” Lockwood started, obviously about to ask him another favor.
“Nope. I’m going to get some tea, ask someone else.”
The boy didn’t insist. Well, he was eighteen now, but he was still a boy to him. He probably always will be. What happened next certainly confirmed his intuition. As he headed down the stairs to go put the kettle on, he caught sight of the worst prank he had ever seen.
“Are you serious with this?” He asked, detaching a frame off the wall.
“Oh, nice look out, Quill! This is obviously in the wrong place! I usually hang it along the first flight of stairs, where more people can see it.”
Lockwood took hold of the framed article. He didn’t look ashamed, not even a little bit. Instead, he smiled. A wide and proud grin that Kipps really wanted to punch off his face.
“This isn’t funny. You know how badly written that article is! It made me look like a total fool.”
“My point exactly.” Lockwood winked before passing him in the stairs.
“Here! This is much better!” He said as he hung the frame on the first landing of the house. Kipps wondered if he had done it on purpose to hang the article in the one spot where sun shone brightly to reflect in the glass and make it even more apparent than it needed to be. Knowing Lockwood, he probably did. But for a moment he considered if even divine forces were against him in this fight.
“Take it down. I thought we’d grown past this.”
“Well, obviously you haven’t.”
Kipps stayed silent for a moment. However childish Lockwood was, that pesky boy had still managed to get him right where he wanted. Fine. If he wanted childish, he’d give him childish.
“Take it down or I’ll do it myself.”
His light but somehow threatening tone had gathered a crowd around the landing. Lucy was intently listening to their bickering, apparently very entertained. Holly and George were standing by, not sure where this conversation was headed.
“I won’t let you.” Lockwood responded with a grin.
“It’ll be when you least expect it.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Wanna bet?”
George audibly sighed at the offer. Kipps didn’t look away from Lockwood’s defying stare, but he could sense the researcher rolling his eyes behind him.
“What are the stakes?” Lockwood asked back, seemingly eager to humiliate him one more time.
“If I manage to steal that article before 6pm today, I get to burn it.”
“Interesting. I’m willing to agree to your terms,” he kept the attention of the room, voluntarily lingering before certainly overbidding, “but if I win, you have to call me the best agent/genius and wear a shirt with this very article printed on it for a day.”
“Are you really this childish?”
“You’re the one getting mad over a piece of paper.”
Kipps paused to consider the offer. How hard could it be to out-think his pompous and overconfident rival? Lockwood held out his hand for him to shake and without hesitating much longer, Kipps agreed to his terms.
As soon as he shook his rival’s hand, Lockwood could feel the cogs turning in his brain. Besting Kipps should be easy enough, but he wanted his plan to be extravagant. After all, when was he not? With a proud grin, he looked back at his audience. George seemed exasperated.
“What? This one doesn’t involve the future of the agency!”
It did nothing to relax him. Instead, he cleaned his glasses with a concerned frown on his face, like a disapproving parent disappointed in his son’s poor life choices.
“So, how are you gonna do it?” Lucy asked with much more enthusiasm.
“Well, you could always help me out, Luce.” He winked at her and enjoyed seeing her blush slightly.
“Hold on,” Kipps interrupted from behind him, “if you’re getting outside help, I should too!”
“I’m out!” George exclaimed, “I have work to do for that case coming up in two days. A case we should all get acquainted with, by the way.”
“I’ll help you out!” Holly volunteered, “Let the responsible adults win for once.”
“I will allow no such courtesy.” He declared. “Now, time to strategize.” He grabbed Lucy’s hand and lead her towards his bedroom to discuss his plan behind closed doors.
He didn’t register the inherent intimacy of such a gesture until he saw Lucy lingering near the door, unsure where to sit. The desk was still lying in pieces on the floor, his office chair was downstairs, the headboard was resting sideways against the dresser and the only available seat was the bare mattress resting on the bed frame, the one piece of furniture he actually got around to building. Awkwardly, he signed her to join him behind his dresser that was acting as a protective sound barrier. Hopefully, the chest of drawers would keep Kipps and Holly from hearing anything in case they were trying to eavesdrop.
“Is this really necessary?” Lucy asked out loud.
He brought her near and whispered, “You can never be too careful.”
Besides, he would be lying if he said it wasn’t a good opportunity to stand closer to her. His hand didn’t leave her arm while he explained his plan.
“I need you,” he locked eyes with her and closed his hand around her forearm, “to take care of Holly while I distract Kipps.”
“That should be easy enough, how do you want me to proceed?”
“How good are you at making a mess?”
She smirked. “Good enough to drive Holly insane. What about Kipps?”
“Oh, don’t worry… I’ll get him to leave the house.”
He sent her a knowing smile and she looked back at him with a warning stare. He knew she would object to part of his plan, but she wouldn’t get mad over something so insignificant. Besides, she looked adorable when she gave him that look.
During her years at the agency, Lucy had become more than familiar with Lockwood’s tricks. She knew them so well that she could guess which ones he would use before he said it out loud. She even called some of them her own now. This experience also gave her enough hindsight to know that she shouldn’t get her hopes up. Every attempt Lockwood had made at costumes and disguises had failed horribly. The future of the company wasn’t at stake here, which was a relief. But she had already taken to the game, even though it had barely begun, and her competitive side was showing.
“Please, don’t do an accent.”
“Come on Luce! Don’t you have a little faith in me?”
“Only a little…” She mumbled teasingly. She was lying of course. She knew that he would find a way to make it work somehow. He still hadn’t let go of her arm and brought her closer. She felt flustered. She wasn’t used to this proximity yet. His eyes dropped down to the necklace that never left her neck and he smiled softly.
Suddenly, a thud knocked against the door, revealing the anticipated eavesdropping of their competitor. With a grin, Lockwood offered her his arm before heading towards the door and opening it in a dramatic swing. Kipps did his best to discreetly stand up straight and look like he was casually checking out one of the books on the nearby shelf.
“How about some tea to set the start of our bet, Kipps?”
Lucy felt bad for him. Sort of. He was clearly running out of excuses. He mumbled under his breath and led the way down the stairs with a defeated gait.
“I’ll prepare the mugs.” Holly declared, following closely behind him.
Lockwood and Lucy grinned at each other before joining them, ready for the first part of their plan.
They were sipping in silence. Each of them eyed the other over the freshly poured mug she had handed them. Lucy and Lockwood kept throwing side glances in the other’s direction and Holly couldn’t tell if it was just them being them or if she should be on high alert for heist-related shenanigans. She knew the point was to have fun. She knew the rivalry between Kipps and Lockwood wasn’t really relevant anymore. But it did little to prevent her from keeping a professional and watchful attitude. Old habits die hard. After another stare-filled silence, Lockwood put back his mug on the Thinking Cloth with more noise than necessary. He announced that he had some work to do and winked at Lucy in a very unsubtle way before exiting the room. Something was up, that much was clear. But what was he planning? Before she or Kipps could object, Lucy spilled the content of the honey bottle both on Kipps and the floor.
“Oh no Kipps I’m so sorry!” Lucy apologized. She talked loudly and there was an edge to her voice. This was a distraction and Holly knew better than to get caught up in it. She stared at the basement door, sure that Lockwood would try to sneak back upstairs in the commotion. She tried to stay focused but out the corner of her eye she saw Lucy approaching Kipps’s stained sweater with a tissue. She could already picture the bits of white paper sticking to his ruined clothes and the frustration in his brow. He did care a lot about his black turtleneck.
“Lucy, no! Stop! Start by scraping the excess honey then use dish soap.”
The girl took her jam-covered knife, loosely scraped it on the side of her plate and was about to make matters worse.
“No! Forget it, I’ll do it.”
She got up, and before she could attend to the sticky stains George came in with a call for Kipps. The room fell silent when he answered.
“Wait, who is this?”
He seemed perplexed. George went back to the library undisturbed, and Lucy jumped up to reach for the dish soap. Oh no. She wasn’t going to… Before Holly could react, Lucy covered Kipps in dish soap, making him jump up and walk into the pool of honey formed on the floor by the spill. He shrieked as he almost slipped and Holly couldn’t help her high pitched scream at the mess.
“You told me to use dish soap!” Lucy justified.
“Not like this! Is this your first day being alive?”
Kipps gestured them to shush but apparently the caller had hung up. He set the phone on a spared corner of the table, looking down at the mess.
“What did I do to you, Carlyle?”
“I’m… sorry?”
“A very touching apology, thank you! Well, apparently there’s an emergency staff meeting at the restaurant I work at… whatever that means. I guess I should go.”
“Please, don’t make a trail of honey around the house, it’ll take forever to clean up!” Holly said, already dreading the hours of cleaning ahead.
Kipps nodded and exited the room with his shoes in his hand. He gave her a weird look before leaving. “What about the heist?” she thought. She looked back at Lucy’s fake sorry look and before she could scold her, Lockwood came back up.
“What’s all this noise about? Oh, Holly, you’re doing that thing with your face again.” And then he smiled, his usual wide charming smile like he was a perfect angel who had never done anything wrong. Whenever she got stressed out, Holly had this unconscious habit of furrowing only one eyebrow, giving her face an asymmetrical tension that made the two idiots next to her laugh occasionally. A giant, impossible to clean, sticky puddle of honey was more than enough to stress her out. She did not laugh at his remark and he toned down his gigawatt smile.
“I’ll be with George working on our next case, if you need any help.”
No. He wasn’t getting away that easily.
“I know what you’re doing.”
“Who do you think I am, Lockwood? The fact that you thought this would work is seriously offending.”
“You can come watch me work if you want.” He asked with the same grin.
“Yes, Holly, you can go. I’ll clean, it’s my mess after all.”
At least, she was acknowledging it. She turned around to follow Lockwood into the library when a glass hit the floor, breaking into a thousand little shards most likely wedged in honey or hidden in unattainable corners. She shut her eyes tight, annoyed but also impressed at how easily they had played her.
When Kipps arrived back at the house, he already knew what he was going to find. A stressed-out Holly, a proud Lockwood and a missing frame. At least he wasn’t covered in honey anymore. His rival hadn’t been too discreet about his ploy. He had recognized the boy’s voice through his horrible accent when he had picked up the phone. His sudden disappearance and Lucy’s exaggerated efforts to mess with his favorite turtleneck only confirmed his suspicions. He wasn’t too offended by the simple and frankly idiotic way they had used to get rid of him. At least they felt threatened enough to need him gone before attempting anything. 
When he crossed the door, he didn’t even go upstairs to look if Lockwood had bothered to replace the frame with a fake. He headed straight for the kitchen to relieve Holly from the work she was certainly still attending to. Lucy and Lockwood were nowhere to be found, probably too busy celebrating to keep an eye on their prized possession.
He found his partner in crime trying to get the honey out of the multiple sponges she had used. The floor was spotless, but now the mess had been moved to the sink. He came to stand next to her and looked out the kitchen window to surveil the garden at the back of the house. She turned and apologized for having been so easily distracted. She was ashamed of how simple it had been to sidetrack her. Kipps said nothing. After a minute or two of pensive silence, Holly asked if he was upset, worried she had messed up his plans for good.
“You did a wonderful job.” He simply offered, the shadow of a smile forming on his stern face. She looked back at him with a frown.
“What do you mean?”
“I knew it was Lockwood’s plan from the start.”
“And you let him get away with it?”
“Are you familiar with the Hungarian fencing term ‘husszú görcs’?”
She sent him a look to let him know how pedantic he was being. He knew that already, he just couldn’t resist.
“It’s a strategy-”
“Of letting your opponent win points early to give them a sense of overconfidence thus exposing a much easier target for you later.” Holly finished.
He stared at her in stunned silence.
“I was an agent at Rotwell remember? And our fencing coach was Hungarian.”
He had trouble hiding the thin smile slowly twisting his lips. Even though she took away his moment, he was incredibly grateful to have her on his team.
“Now the real question is: how do you know where he hid the frame?”
He lifted an eyebrow and looked back at her with a smirk.
“Oh. Right. Lucy.”
They looked back at the garden in unison. There were two things that even a stranger could figure out about Lockwood by just looking at him: he had too much confidence and he was head over heels in love with Lucy Carlyle. This specific girl happened to have done a lot of gardening in the last few weeks, planting flowers in the back garden, which made for a perfect hiding spot in the turned soil.
“How do you know for sure he hid it there?”
“I have eyes everywhere.”
They stepped outside and a small shadow emerged from the apple tree at the end of the garden. Bobby Vernon had stayed loyal to Kipps even after his humiliating demotion by Penelope Fittes. Or should he refer to her as Marissa now? He was grateful for the boy’s admiration and even more grateful for his help.
“Is that where he hid it?”
Bobby nodded. “Just like you said he would.”
The three of them stayed out of view from the windows and approached the new patch of purple and yellow pansies freshly planted last week. Kipps took the lead, crouched down and looked around in the dirt, trying not to disturb Lucy’s recent work. Lockwood wouldn’t have been so careless as to mess up her gardening for the sake of a bet. He must have hidden it somewhere he could disturb without risk. The three of them crawled out of sight to the next empty lot where the soil had been turned recently.
“That’s where I saw him.” Bobby confirmed.
It didn’t take much digging to reach the white plastic bag sticking out of the dirt. Inside sat the frame and its perfect example of bad journalism.
“Thank you for your time, Bobby. That’ll be all.”
He dismissed the boy, hid the frame underneath his sweater and asked Holly if she wanted to keep the bag. It was covered in soil but she had the habit of keeping every plastic bag they used since it could ‘be useful still.’
They were surprised to see George back at the Thinking Cloth, scribbling away something probably regarding the upcoming case.
“I thought you were working in the library?” Holly asked innocently.
Her tone was far too conspicuous to Kipps’s taste. It was obvious they were hiding something. Karim would figure it out instantly. He nonchalantly bent slightly over, hunched over the frame to try to hide its shape under his clothes. A sudden pain in his lower back reminded him of his labor earlier that day. It also made him realize that he must look ridiculous. The bet was messing with his head. But he’d need to stash the article somewhere safe before letting his guard down.
George asked Holly further details on the clients’ rendition of the events, what they had described precisely on the phone to get a better idea of what they should be expecting in the coming days. Her professionalism took over, she sat down at the table and took out a notebook he didn’t realize she had with her this whole time. Kipps used the distraction to slip out as discreetly as possible. He checked on Lockwood through the library door ajar. He could see why Karim had preferred to move back to the kitchen. They were lying down on the couch, sharing one magazine, tangled together under a blanket. Lockwood seemed to be reading the article out loud, Lucy staring at him starry-eyed. He had to admit that it was rather sweet, a bit nauseating if you stayed with them too long perhaps. He didn’t mind though. It provided him the perfect distraction to complete his plan.
He started up the stairs slowly and carefully. They may have redone a lot of the house in the recent months, but the foundations were still old. Those stairs can reveal any attempt at sneaking around. Luckily for Kipps, he had worked on those very steps when fixing the damages. He knew them like the back of his hand by now. Every single one that creaked and where to step to remain invisible. This part would be a piece of cake. He made his way up the first set of stairs without trouble. He smiled to himself. He couldn’t wait to see Lockwood’s face when he would pull out the frame from its cache at 6pm. Right under his nose from under his bed. He began his way up the second flight of stairs confidently. Despite his boots, he could feel where he had worked, where the wood was solid and silent. He was three steps short to the landing when suddenly a loud reverberating creak alerted everyone of his whereabouts. Betrayal. He had worked so long on those stairs, listening, learning their pattern, but most importantly renewing them. He gave them his time and patience to rebuild them and for what? He wondered how it was even possible for him to have missed a stair in such bad shape. He heard shuffling downstairs. The love birds had probably been alerted by the wooden backstabber. He didn’t have time to dwell on treachery, he needed a place to hide. Fast.
He made no effort to conceal his footsteps anymore. He rushed to the landing and into Lockwood’s room but the others were already catching up to him. He didn’t have time to lift the mattress and secure the frame there. Panicked, he looked around for a new hiding place. There were still some cardboard boxes lying around the landing. They would have to do. He picked the one filled to the brim with random items and buried the frame among them. When his rivals reached the floor, they found Kipps leaning in that same falsely casual stance he had when they caught him eavesdropping earlier.
Creak. Something wasn’t right. Lockwood could hear Holly in the kitchen. It must have been Kipps. He had to check what he was up to. But doing so meant getting up. Getting up and giving up on having Lucy in his arms. It was a tough choice. So tough that he considered letting Kipps win the bet for a moment.
“Did you hear that?” Lucy suddenly said, listening intently.
Before he could answer she rose to her feet, determined to see who was making a move on the frame. It didn’t matter much since he had replaced it with a fake. However, it did little to stop her. She would hinder the plan of anyone who dared try to take victory from him. Lockwood couldn’t help but stare for a moment, watching her fondly while she resolvedly climbed the steps to investigate the noise they heard. His heart was beating fast when he caught up to her. He reached for her hand and tangled his fingers with hers.
They arrived on the landing hand in hand to find Kipps looking at the same bookshelf he had earlier. He was visibly panting, his chest rising fast despite his best efforts to seem casual.
“Still can’t find that book, Quill?”
“Erm… I was just uh…”
“Maybe you’ll have more luck in the library. There’s plenty more there. I can help you look for it if you’d like?”
“No need for that.”
“No, please, I insist.” He offered him a gracious smile, internally proud they managed to disrupt his plan.
Lockwood took pleasure in watching his opponent’s defeated face as he slowly turned back towards the stairs. He squeezed Lucy’s hand before letting go and escorted Kipps back downstairs.
While the two of them were busy squabbling on their way to the library, Lucy used the distraction to check on the decoy and on their hiding spot. The fake frame was still hung on the stairs which was a good sign. What worried her was what she might find in the garden. It would be bad if Kipps’s team got the frame, but she would be lying if she said it was her only source of worry. Lockwood had been mindful of the freshly planted flowers but she feared his rival had not made the same effort. She quickly followed downstairs and waited for them to enter the library. Out of the corner of his eye, Lockwood slightly smirked at her to signal her to go check their hiding spot. She made sure Holly wasn’t spying from the living room. The coast was clear. She silently reached for the handle on the kitchen door she overheard George mumbling, probably about that case he had been talking about. It wouldn’t be the first time she heard him talk to himself out loud. She could always ask him to stay quiet. Maybe bribe him by giving him her next biscuit in the rotation. She turned the handle and before she could step into the room, Holly’s familiar voice answered George’s. Lucy froze in place. This was perfect, Holly wouldn’t be watching her every move. But she had to release the handle unnoticed, and more importantly a much more acrobatic mission awaited her. As delicately as she could, she released the handle and stepped back from the door, silently aiming for the entrance. Walking backwards, she passed Lockwood again, who made Kipps carry as many books as he could before the poor man had enough of his nonsense. When he saw her going towards the front door, he dropped yet another book onto the pile Kipps was already carrying, making him drop everything. In the commotion, Lucy quickly opened and shut the door, slipping outside without anyone knowing.
The next part would be harder than anticipated. Without taking the time to think too much about it, she jumped to reach the top of the garden wall and pushed on her arms to pull herself up. It was easier to do when she didn’t have an eleven-pound silver-glass skull on her back commenting on her form and mocking her graceless performance. She let herself drop in the garden and remained low as she made her way to the flower beds. She was relieved to find them untouched. Kipps and Holly had had the good sense of digging into the empty patch of dirt next to it. It was good news for her gardening, but the turned soil also meant that their rivals had the frame in their possession. Luckily for them, they had a grouchy reluctant ally to keep track of the frame’s location.
Getting back upstairs hadn’t been easy. Lucy tried her best to sneak around the landing as silently as she could. Coming through the front door, she hadn’t had the chance to check if Holly was still busy with George. She counted on the researcher’s inability to keep his explanations short to keep her cover safe. She retrieved the ghost-jar from its hiding spot and made her way into Lockwood’s room, their rendezvous point. It still made her queasy to go into that room like it was her own. He had said to make herself at home, even in the middle of half-finished furniture. She hesitated, unsure where to settle the skull before getting answers.
“Just put me anywhere but the bed. Lord knows what you did there.”
She put it down on the floor with a crash, no longer caring about being discreet.
“Looks like I hit a nerve,” the annoying ghost said, “Will lover boy be joining us?”
As if summoned by the nickname, Lockwood entered his room and sat on the bed with giddy anticipation.
“So? What did you find out?”
“Kipps has the frame. He dug it up from the garden.”
“Damn it. Did the skull see where he hid it?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Skull answered with a crooked smile.
“Yes, we would. Now tell us!” Lucy asked not so nicely.
“I’m not sure I was paying attention.”
Oh, how that ghost could push her buttons.
“You were the one begging to participate in the first place! But fine if you won’t tell us maybe I’ll leave you in the oven again so George can get back to his experiments…”
“I was not begging! It’s just nice to be included for once. Fine. I saw the ginger head run upstairs and he hid the frame in a cardboard box on the landing.”
She ran back outside.
“What did he say?” Lockwood asked, his eyes following her to the landing.
She came back in disappointed.
“It’s supposed to be hidden in a cardboard box there but I’ve looked through all of them… it’s not here. Looks like Kipps was faster.”
“Damn! That son of a bitch is good…”
Kipps joined her and George after a loud bang was heard from the library. It sounded like books being dropped, another task for her later. Probably seeing the exhaustion on her face, he told her that he had taken care of it.
“Another meagre distraction of Lockwood’s.”
She laughed at his comment before asking George if he still needed her help.
“No worries, Holly. I can finish this by myself, thanks.”
“So, what is our next move?” She asked her partner.
He threw a sideway glance at George who was back to reading his casefile intently. He nodded towards the door and she followed him without a word. She thought he might be taking this whole thing a little too seriously. George said he was too busy with the case to participate, he wasn’t a threat. Still, she followed him in a corner of the library and listened intently as he whispered his misadventure with the steps. She tried as hard as she could not to laugh when he rambled about the steps of the house betraying him. It got especially tricky when he went on about dishonor and treachery.
“Now, I need you to go back upstairs and get the frame from that box I hid it in.”
“On it.”
“I’ll keep an eye on George.”
She refrained from rolling her eyes and went upstairs. When she got on the landing, she heard Lockwood’s muffled voice coming from his room. He must have been elaborating a new plan to steal back the frame with Lucy’s help. Hopefully, that would distract him enough while she looked through the boxes. They really needed to unpack them soon, it clogged the stairs and the access to their rooms. She opened the first one she could find. Inside were items that certainly belonged to Lockwood’s parents. She felt uncomfortable rummaging through them like this, especially for a silly bet. She opened the rest of them and looked but tried not to disturb anything. Her search was not successful. Instead of disrupting the items, she tried to call Kipps discreetly.
“Do you remember which box you put it in?”
“I think it was that one…”
He opened the box and looked delicately through it, just like she had done. One box after the other, his face went from relaxed, to worried, to panicked.
“Where is it, where is it?!”
“Lockwood must have taken it back.”
“Damn! That son of a bitch is good…”
He barely had time to think of a plan when the door to Lockwood’s room opened, letting his rival on the landing with them.
“Kipps! What a surprise…” He said in that smug tone of his. “It’s almost 6.”
“It looks that way yes.”
They stood face to face, each glaring daggers in the other’s eyes. Lockwood might have come back before he could get the frame from where he had hid it, but Bobby was still watching his every move, standing by behind the apple tree. Kipps was still sure of himself and he knew he would best his rival at that game.
“I’m gonna get that frame back!” They both declared at the same time.
Kipps’s faith in his plan and in himself evaporated before his very eyes. His conviction was shaken. Was Lockwood imitating him poorly? Was he making fun of him? Or was he genuinely convinced that he had the frame in his possession? His rival’s mask slipped too. So Lockwood did not have it. And he didn’t have it. Then who did?
“I’m gonna get that frame back!”
As Kipps exclaimed the same sentence, Lockwood took a step back in surprise. What game was he playing? He stared at him for a few seconds, trying to read whatever ruse he was attempting. The longer he stared and the more obvious his confusion was. How could he look so sincere? Kipps had really worked on his poker face, he thought. Unless he wasn’t acting and the frame was actually out there, out of both their reach when time was running out. Lucy might have an idea. But before he could turn to her to try to read her expression, she bolted down the stairs.
“I’m gonna get that frame back!”
The fact that both boys exclaimed that sentence at the same time threw a gust of cold air through the landing. Everyone stood silently, staring, observing, waiting for someone to stop pretending. The moment never came. One voice broke the silence.
“How strange. It’s almost like that box just disappeared, isn’t it?” Skull asked in that smug know-it-all tone Lucy was so used to. “Didn’t Karim take care of the boxes? No that must have been another day. Unless…?”
Without thinking, Lucy rushed to find George. She didn’t know whether it was the adrenaline, her feelings for Lockwood or her sense of competition, but she had never climbed down the stairs so fast. She called for Lockwood to follow her and heard the hurried footsteps of three eager agents rushing to meet her first. She made a mental note to stick that bloody ghost-jar in the oven for a good forty-eight hours for being so unreliable.
They found George still hunched over his research in the kitchen, so focused that he didn’t seem to register their arrival, no matter how loudly they opened the door.
“Please don’t bother me because of your bet.” He said without looking up from his notes.
Lucy took a tentative step forward.
“Actually… We were just wondering what you might have done with one of those boxes that
are on the landing.”
“You mean the ones I asked you to sort out about a week ago?”
“Better late than never?” she tried to justify.
“I put most of them in the basement.” He answered after a long sigh.
The four of them rushed through the cupboard-like basement door. Lockwood and Kipps tripped each other the whole way down, resulting in loud banging noises against the iron spiral stairs leading the way to their office. Kipps threw himself on the first box he could find, hurriedly but somehow delicately pulling everything out of it and laying all the items on the floor next to him. Lockwood and Holly did the same, and she joined the party a few seconds later without results. Both rivals looked up from their respective boxes visibly panting with matching defeated looks. Apparently neither had prevailed from their thorough search. Where could that frame be?
“Look there’s another one in the storage room!” Holly exclaimed.
With one last race, they all scurried into the room. Before they could turn around, the door slammed behind them, effectively trapping them among magnesium flares and iron chains.
Kipps spun around first to see the iron door sliding shut. He put all his weight to try holding it back but it was no use. Panicked, he tried to go for the back door, rattling the handle vigorously like it would make a difference.
“It won’t budge, Kipps. I made sure of that.” Came a mocking voice from outside.
“Is this your idea of a joke, Karim?”
The gap in the storage door slid open, and mischievous eyes peaked inside.
“Indeed, it is.”
Only his eyes were visible, but it was obvious from his tone that he was smiling in that self-sufficient way of his.
“Cut it out, I’m claustrophobic.”
“You weren’t that claustrophobic when you slept in that broom closet to avoid bunking with me. I think you’ll be fine.”
The humiliation slowly dawned on him. The four of them looked around the room, unsure of their fate. Kipps looked at his feet, defeated. When he looked back up, he saw the three others at different stages of confusion. They didn’t seem to know what was happening either. However, he noticed that Lucy had a small smile on her face, almost satisfied. Did she betray Lockwood to win the bet? Or worse, was Lockwood up to this?
“What is this about, George?” Lockwood asked before Kipps could.
“This,” he paused dramatically, “is how you lose.”
Slightly squinting through the hatch, George reveled in seeing his friends squirm. He wondered if that made him some sort of evil villain, but he liked seeing Lockwood stare at him with that fly-catching gape way too much to care. Even more so when it was joined by Kipps’s despair-filled eyes. He took the general tensed silence as a sign that they had not in fact anticipated this turn of events.
“So you were playing all along?” Lucy asked.
“No. I just saw an opportunity and took it.”
Kipps rolled his eyes and George couldn’t help smiling wider.
“I knew I had to be weary of you Karim.”
“I appreciate the compliment, Kipps. Though, obviously, you weren’t cautious enough.”
“So how did you double-cross us all?” Lockwood asked. If he didn’t know any better, George could almost hear a certain pride in his friend’s voice.
“Well… Since you’re dead set on turning anything into unnecessary races, I had to find a way to teach you a lesson.”
He heard Lockwood scoff.
“I’m with him on that one.” Lucy added in a lower tone.
“So, when you asked me to make you that fake article to use as decoy, I saw an opening.”
“Hold on. Karim was helping you too? How is that fair?”
“I know Bobby’s pocket-sized, Kipps, but since you had him surveil the house I’d still say your teams were pretty equal.” George retorted.
“You knew about this?”
“You had Bobby watching us?” Lockwood asked his rival.
“I mean, we planted Skull too.” Lucy tried to reason him.
“The skull was in on it too?!” Holly exclaimed.
“When Lockwood asked for my help,” George started again, effectively shutting up any other protest emerging from the small room, “he asked me to replace some parts of the article with more modest words like ‘Lockwood is the best agent/genius.’ Instead, I added my own version, almost certain that Lockwood wouldn’t even bother to check. Turns out I was right.”
“Lockwood! You couldn’t even look through it?” Lucy said.
Kipps let out a self-sufficient laugh.
“Yeah, well, you didn’t check either!”
Before any other fight could erupt, George carried on with his explanations.
“Even though Lockwood kept his hideout secret, it wasn’t hard to figure out that it had something to do with Lucy. I mean… even Kipps thought of it.” Through the hatch, he saw Kipps’s eyes throwing daggers his way. “Which left either the attic or the garden and given the number of times I caught you all coming back inside, it was obvious it was the latter. I didn’t need to bother getting it myself though, Kipps did an excellent job retrieving it, as I knew he would. What I needed was to mess up his plans instead.”
Silence had returned inside the storage room. They all had their eyes focused on his, waiting to hear more about their defeat.
“While Kipps and Holly were outside, and Lucy and Lockwood weren’t paying attention to anything besides themselves, I slipped into the hall to mess with the stairs. I made sure enough of them creaked to make sure Kipps would panic-hide the article. I have to say, you avoided a lot more creaky steps than I thought you would, I was impressed.”
Kipps stared back expectantly, clearly curious to know how he had managed the rest of his plan.
“When you hid it on the landing, I had a much easier target to disrupt all future strategies. Now the last part was harder. I had to move the box one step at a time very quickly to make sure you wouldn’t see me. First, while Lockwood and Kipps were in the library, I kept Holly busy with the case, pretended to go to the bathroom, saw Lucy sneaking out the front door and I ran to put the box in my room. Then, Kipps’s paranoia dragged his team in the library while Lockwood and Lucy where in his bedroom, so I took the box back into the kitchen. Finally, while you were realizing the box was missing, I was busy placing it inside the storage room, like a piece of cheese on a mouse trap. A trap in which you all fell being none the wiser.”
He paused for a minute to savor their reactions. Lucy accepted defeat and laughed at the situation. Holly looked stunned. But the most priceless reactions were the two rivals going through different stages of grief. He wished he could record this moment to look back at it a hundred more times.
“I bet with this whole getting-locked-in-the-storage-room thing you didn’t even see the frame I placed inside the box, right?”
Lockwood and Kipps exchanged a glance and jumped on the box. They battled to get hold of the frame first. Lockwood prevailed, holding the prize up high before looking at it more intently. He scoffed and looked back at him through the hatch.
“Well, what does it say?”
“George Casper Karim is a genius hidden two, no three times-”
“It’s actually four times.” George said with a smile.
“Lockwood is a loser” he continued, “Kipps must incline in front of George and so does Lockwood, Kipps still managed to lose spectacularly to George Karim.” He concluded.
They all looked back at him, Kipps’s murderous eyes contrasting with Lucy’s barely contained laughter.
“Are you proud of this?”
“Very yes, thank you for asking.”
“But where is the actual article?” Lockwood asked, almost too certain he found a chink in his armor.
“Oh, you mean this?” He said as he pulled the piece of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it through the hatch.
There was another stunned silence. Lockwood shook his head, slowly admitting defeat. 
“So, what now?” Lockwood asked.
“I believe you both need to say something.”
They exchanged a look, Lockwood now amused.
“George Karim is the best agent/genius.” They said in unison.
General relief flooded the storage room now that the bet was over. George certainly hoped it would deter them both from making more bets any time soon.
“Well, maybe we can celebrate with a cup of tea?” Holly offered.
“That’s a sweet sentiment Holly but I’m not opening this door.”
“What?!” They all exclaimed, louder than necessary.
“You see, I’ve worked all day on our next case and you’re all way behind. I’m gonna need you to catch up. You’ll find the materials on the shelf next to Holly.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Don’t worry, I left some water and a box of doughnuts for you, I’m not a monster.”
Lockwood tried to force the door, like Kipps had earlier. They all shouted a mix of indignation and insults his way. It all sounded like incomprehensible gibberish.
“You can keep screaming if there’s more, but I’ve got a date with Flo!” And with that he left them there, the protests and the clattering of the metal door fading as he went up the stairs.
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Note: I’m guessing that, just like Lockwood, you didn’t check the article hanged at the top of this post. You might want to check it out. *wink* (you have to zoom in because it blends in)
26 notes · View notes
kultavalo · 14 days
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The Horizon, Jake Kiszka/Chris Turpin
Chapter 2: Dancing On The Shore
Summary: Their fingers laced together in the sand when suddenly, in the distance, they could hear the ringing of a ship’s bell. Just one at first, and then two, and three and more and more until the entire night was filled with the sounds of an armada sailing into port. 
The new fleet had finally arrived.
Tags: AU-pirates, angst, 1700's, golden age of piracy, emotional hurt/comfort, alcohol use (wine), skinny dipping, light pining, kissing, religious references, crying, love confessions, mentions of pregnancy (background character), sadness, grinding, romance, sexual references.
Word Count: 8.2k
A/N: once again a huge thanks to my besties @scarletvanfleet and @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka for the continuous support and beta reading. This is a bit of a long chapter but what can I say, it's a big story. please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in any future updates! Thanks for reading!
The candlelight, reflected on the waves, turned the rippling water into folds of molten amber. The sun had dipped low beneath the horizon, and the soft melody of the sea was the only sound that echoed through the grotto as Jake finished setting up the dinner he had prepared. 
The rocky ground was sturdy enough to support the simple wooden table and chairs he had hauled in there many moons ago. The entrance to the cave curved slightly. A narrow path on the left, flanked by a small stream on the right snaked its way into the cliffside alcove, both eventually widening out into a shallow tidepool and a larger rocky plateau.
Jake had found this location on one of his many lonely walks along the beach during his early days as an ensign. The little spot, protected from the elements and largely hidden from sight, had become a bit of a safe space for him.
Life in the navy barracks was fine and comfortable enough, but it didn’t make for much privacy. Sleeping with a dozen other young men in the same dorm meant that almost every hour of the day was spent with other people in the vicinity.
Jake needed some space for himself. A spot he could retreat to when everything became a bit too crowded. A spot where he didn’t have to worry or hide his true self.
He spent many afternoons there, slowly crafting it into a space of his own. Sweeping the plateau and creating a border between it and the water with a carefully laid row of rocks. On warmer days he’d wade into the shallow pool and clear it of the flotsam and jetsam that washed in with the tide. 
Over the years he had collected random pieces of furniture people had thrown out onto the beach. He squirreled them away into his little grotto and fixed them up using the limited skills he had picked up from watching and assisting the shipwrights. After a while he had assembled a small but sturdy collection; a small square table, two wooden chairs, a little bookcase, a chest, and an old sleeping cot.
It wasn’t much, and the cave was not completely cut off from the elements so he would still have to perform regular upkeep on the wooden furniture. But he managed to completely weatherproof the chest, which meant he could use it to keep a bedroll, some blankets, and some pillows dry and ready to use whenever the barracks became too crowded.
Chris had found him here. Like he had found him everywhere.
The moment they met would forever be seared into his memory. It must have been about four and a half years ago by now.
Jake had been laying on his cot, reading through some of the letters he had received from home. Most were from his twin brother, Josh, their correspondence being the most frequent as they were not used to being so far away from one another.
Josh had voiced his desire to move closer to Jake. He had just finished his training as an apprentice tailor and was ready to start his own business. But their small and quiet hometown had no need for another craftsman and Josh had no desire to make the same frock and coat over and over for the rest of his life. 
Jake’s port town might not be a major metropolis, but it was a thoroughfare for all sorts of people and trade. Jake had seen the giant rolls of fabric being hauled off of ships, met the travelers from all over the globe who would pass through port on their way elsewhere, stopping for provisions and garments for other climates. Josh would be able to make a name for himself here.
As he read over his brother’s words for what felt like the hundredth time, aching for that little piece of home as he imagined Josh’s voice reading the words to him, a sudden crack of thunder rang out over the beach.
The day had been bright when Jake had entered the cave. Warm enough for him to dare a swim in his tide pool, after which he had dressed only in his breeches, not wanting to get the rest of his clothes wet.
The storm that now raged outside had come in suddenly. Dark clouds and big, heavy raindrops combined with a barrage of hailstones pummeled the beach and the surf. Jake could spy a sliver of the outside world from his spot on the bed. He regarded the ominous weather for a moment, thinking it matched his current mood rather well, before turning onto his other side and unfolding the most recent letter he had received.
The grim weather did not bother him. His little sanctuary was warm and dry. Kept that way by the candles he had placed onto the cave’s natural shelves and alcoves. He had his blankets and his letters and his books. He had even managed to make a stop by Mrs. Oliver before heading to the beach. She had supplied him with a batch of yesterday’s cinnamon muffins which were deemed too stale to be sold, but were still some of the best baked goods Jake had ever had. He could stay here all night if he wanted, wallowing in his homesickness and stuffing himself with the overflowing box of pastries.
But destiny had something else in store for him.
With his back now turned to the entrance of the cave, and the deafening roar of the thunder outside, Jake didn’t realize he was no longer alone until a trepidatious voice rang out. An uncertain “Hello?” made him shoot up, tossing his letters to one side and grasping at the dagger he had hidden beneath his pillow. He didn’t pull the weapon out yet, not wanting to immediately escalate the situation, but still preparing himself in case the voice belonged to someone looking for trouble.
But the man who had entered his domain did not look like he was looking for trouble.
He looked like an angel.
His shoulder length blond hair clung to his face in windswept tendrils. His light linen coat and shirt were soaked through, as were his black trousers. His black leather boots were obviously more suited for walking around town, or maybe a stroll in the park, than they were for a treacherous climb down the rough end of the beach, and the walking cane the man was holding completed the look of an unprepared gentleman out on a stroll on unfamiliar terrain, finding himself in a sudden storm and heading for the nearest cliff for shelter.
Jake’s grip on his dagger eased slightly but his fingers stayed wrapped around the hilt. He didn’t know this man. Had never seen him around town, and despite his soft and gentle appearance, Jake knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
“I’m-...I’m sorry to have disturbed you, I- I don’t mean to intrude, it’s just… Well, I was caught in the downpour and I saw this opening in the rocks…I…would you mind if I waited out the storm here? I can compensate you for your hospitality! I don’t have much money on me but I have some… My name is Christopher, I arrived in port about a week ago…I-” the man rattled on until Jake lifted his free hand, a gesture for him to stop speaking. Christopher quickly complied and looked down at his own hands, a slightly embarrassed expression painting his features.
“My name is Jacob.” was all he could think to say. 
Jake was an eloquent man. Soft spoken and intelligent, he did not often find himself at a loss for words. But something about this stranger had wiped all coherent thought from his mind.
His fingers slipped out from under his pillow, leaving the dagger in its resting place. Both hands now free, he quickly grabbed the shirt he had dropped at the foot of his bed, suddenly hyper aware of his state of undress. He slipped the garment over his head and tried to make himself as presentable as possible.
“Please, take a seat, you’re welcome to wait out the storm here.” Jake awkwardly gestured to the simple wooden table with its patchwork chairs. He never knew why he had bothered to drag both chairs in from the beach. He didn’t plan on bringing anyone else here and he didn’t need two chairs for himself. But the backrests had these beautifully carved birds and it had seemed like a shame to leave them behind.
The man, Christopher, bowed his head in gratitude and quickly made his way over to the chair. The silence that followed as he sat down was slightly awkward. Jake was still somewhat unsettled by the sudden presence of another soul in his little sanctuary. He felt the need to shift his melancholic mood into something more pleasant. Christopher had obviously not expected to find him here either, he was simply seeking shelter from the sudden barrage of rain and hail.
As he gathered his thoughts Jake stole a glance at him. The other man was awkwardly shifting on his chair, his rain soaked hair dripping onto his shirt, turning the fabric slightly see through. He picked at the skin around his fingernails as his eyes flitted about the cavern. They landed on the chest and the bookcase before drifting over the rows of candles along the walls.
Jake was just about to speak up, introduce himself properly, when Christopher spoke again. His voice was quiet, almost like he was afraid Jake would actually hear him, and when the words hit Jake’s ears they seemed to be steeped in sadness.
“Do you live here?”
The question snapped Jake out of his sullen mood and he let out a giggle at the absurdity of the situation. The sudden loud noise startled Christopher, who finally dared to look up and make eye contact. The expression on his face was one of confusion tinged with fear and Jake quickly stifled his laughter. Christopher must think him insane, a half naked man in a cave who laughed at simple questions. He was making a fool of himself. He cleared his throat and lightly shook his head before he answered.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. Your question, as heartfelt as it seemed, simply caught me off guard. no, please let me properly introduce myself. My name is Jacob Kiszka, I am a lieutenant commander in the New England navy. I am stationed at the barracks near the ports. This place is simply my little hideaway, I come here when the base gets too crowded or I simply need to think. I’m not from around here you see, I can’t really go home on the weekends like the other fellows, so I made a bit of a space for myself here. But no, I don't live here full time.”
Jake wasn’t sure why he had said all that. He was usually a very private man, not sharing much about his personal life with anyone. It had even taken Mrs. Oliver a good few months for him to open up and tell her about his hometown and his family but even she didn’t know about the cave.
But Christopher was already here, had already seen the most private thing he had to offer. And there was such kindness in his eyes…
Jake’s words seemed to reassure him. A bit of his nervous energy dissipated and his expression turned from confused to intrigued. He listened attentively to Jake as he explained his job and his rank and the circumstances that led him from his tiny town in Sault Ste. Marie all the way to a New England port.
How being the youngest of a set of twins, but simultaneously older than his younger sister and brother left him essentially feeling a bit like the middle child. Left adrift between his other siblings who either required less or more care and supervision. From a young age he had been attracted to sailing. Having been the only child who had gladly accompanied his father as he went out with his sailboat on the weekends to catch fresh fish. A supplement to their otherwise quite boring diet. When the navy recruiters had flocked into town one summer, it had taken very little convincing for Jake to enlist.
“I was only sixteen, and in hindsight probably far too young to leave home. But they promised an education that my family simply couldn’t afford otherwise. My mother was heartbroken when I left but she knew it was for the best. I’ve managed to make a career for myself and she’s very proud of me. She writes often. I try to go back as frequently as I can.”
In return Jake hung from his very lips as Christopher told him about his life in England, how he had been an apprentice to his father, a master clockmaker, for as long as he could remember. How he, in turn, had also become a master of his craft. 
“It seems unkind to say but the reason I couldn’t stay in England is simply that my father trained me too well. He taught me everything I know but it’s all I know. And it’s all people know to expect from me. Everyone just knows me as young master Turpin, but for once in my life I would just like to just be Mr. Turpin. I love my father, as hard as it is for an Englishman to say, but I needed to leave before the constant comparisons to him made me turn sour.”
Jake had joined him at the table now. Their conversation flowed as smoothly as the tide washing in and out of the cave’s pool. There was no explaining it, as soon as they had opened their mouths there had been a connection. The awkwardness of their first few moments together had melted away and it seemed like they had known each other for years.
They talked for hours that night, not even noticing when the storm let up and the sun started to set. They ate from the box of pastries and drank from the bottles of fresh water and wine Jake had stored on the bottom shelf of his book case.
After the rain had passed the night turned humid. The air hung heavy around them. Oppressively warm as only an August evening can be, and aided by the heat of the candles burning in the cave. A layer of salt seemed to descend over everything, but whether it came from the sea or the two bodies providing conversation that echoed off of the cave walls no one could say.
The rain that had soaked Christopher to the bone had long dried on his skin but the sweltering heat was quickly becoming uncomfortable in a similar way. His shirt was sticking to the back of his neck despite him having removed his jacket hours ago. Etiquette prevented him from stripping any more items of clothing beside his waistcoat and cravat, which he had quickly taken off after he realized Jacob was also only in his shirtsleeves. He was simply not yet used to this new world heat.
Jake could read the discomfort plainly on Christopher’s features. He could feel the sweat starting to form on his own brow too and his shirt clung uncomfortably to his back. The humidity was becoming unbearable and it made it hard to focus on the conversation at hand. Emboldened by the half a bottle of wine flowing through his veins, Jake offered a way to cool down.
“Christopher, I don’t mean to be too forward, but the heat is starting to wear on me. And please correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe it has caught you as well. Would you be amicable to taking a short swim to cool off? I know the temperature of the water in this cave should be quite pleasant and I promise you it is completely safe, I swim here quite frequently during the warmer months.”
Jake tried to make himself sound as formal as possible. This would simply be a way for them to get out of the heat. A completely innocent swim to regulate their body temperatures and replace the salt of their sweat with the salt of the water. The fact that he had become more and more mesmerized with this fascinating man who had stumbled into his cave had absolutely nothing to do with it.
The flush on Christopher’s cheeks seemed to deepen for a moment, something Jake attributed to the heat and the wine but not his words. The man had been well spoken all night, voice clear and steady, never stumbling over any of his words, but suddenly his speech became jumbled.
“Well…I uhm, I don’t have a swimming costume you see, or well, at least not at hand at the moment. Nor do I have a towel or, or a clean shirt for that matter… and what if the tide comes in? Or washes out? Or however it works, I admit, I’m not familiar.” 
Jake stifled his laughter. He didn’t want to make Christopher any more uncomfortable than he already was by laughing at him. And truly he wouldn’t be laughing at him, simply at the situation. Living in the navy barracks had taught Jake to very quickly get over any sense of bodily shame he might have had. When you live with two dozen other men in very close quarters you see much more than you ever bargained for and it soon becomes routine. But Jake also realized that this was not a common thing and that the average civilian had a much more puritan way of seeing things, so he understood Christopher’s hesitation.
“I have some towels here for when I go swimming by myself. I must admit I also don’t have a swimming costume on hand. No one else ever comes here you see. I understand if my suggestion was out of line and I sincerely apologize, please, let us continue our conversation. I’d hate for you to leave.”
Jake wasn’t sure why he added that last part. Some hidden sense of desperation finally bubbling to the surface of his mind atop a sea of wine, and heat, and pleasant company. The need of finding a true friend and conversationalist finally fulfilled, he feared he had squandered it all by his overly familiar suggestion. But much to his surprise Christopher quickly shook his head and spoke up resolutely.
“No I- I think a swim would do me good.”
Jake lost the struggle to keep a smile off of his face at those words. He quickly stood and walked over to the weather proofed chest, retrieving two clean towels he had stolen from the Navy’s laundry room when he was on wash duty. They were slightly worn but still functioned well enough. When he turned back around he was met with the vision of Christopher pulling off his unbuttoned shirt and neatly hanging it over the back of his chair. His skin was pale and unblemished. Completely unlike Jake who, in his line of duty, had become tanned and scarred.
He could see the sinewy muscles shift underneath Christopher’s skin and for a moment Jake became enamored by the curve of his shoulder and the way his hair fell across it as he bent down to unbuckle his shoes. He realized he was staring as Christopher sat back up and he quickly averted his eyes, moving instead to place the towels on the table and move a few of the rocks that made up the border of the tide pool so they would have an easier time entering and exiting the water.
Shirt, shoes, and socks now shed, all that rested Christopher were his trousers. Jake could sense his hesitation and quickly started stripping off his own clothes in order to make the other man feel more at ease. Being naked was uncomfortable for most, but being naked while others were still dressed always seemed worse somehow. Jake undressed with the utmost nonchalance. He figured if he treated this as he would any other swim, or communal shower at the barracks, he’d have the most chance of making Christopher as comfortable as possible.
Jake had only bothered to dress in his shirt and pants after his solo swim earlier that day and thus reached the same state of undress as Christopher within seconds. Continuing in one fluid motion from shucking off his shirt, he deftly undid the row of buttons keeping his pants closed and easily stepped out of them. He neatly folded them over the back of his chair and sat down on the cleared edge of the pool, lazily dipping his legs into the water and letting out a content sigh at the coolness that enveloped them.
As he let himself submerge fully into the water he could hear the rustle of fabric behind him and the sound of one of the chairs scooting back across the rocky ground. Jake opted not to turn back around until he heard the splash of another body entering the pool, granting Christopher at least that modicum of privacy.
He could hear the other man let out a similar sigh of relief at the coolness of the water and as Jake turned, he caught just the slightest glimpse of tiny blond curls sinking into the darkness before the rest of Christopher’s abdomen and torso followed. Soon he was submerged down to his chest. The pool was shallow enough for both men to stand, and in the corner farthest from the entrance it even held a small, underwater ledge which could function as a natural bench. Jake made his way over and took a seat, planning on staying in the water for a while, or at least until they had both cooled off enough to brave the humidity of the rest of the cave once more.
As Christopher made his way over to take a seat next to him, Jake busied himself by scooping handfuls of water up over his hair and face, washing away the sweat and slicking back his already damp locks.
Before Christopher sat down he fully submerged himself for a second or two in a similar attempt to rid himself of the sticky sweat that clung to his skin.
As he reemerged Jake adjusted his previous observation. Christopher didn’t look like an angel, he looked like a siren. The way his hair clung to his face, the intense pale blue green of his eyes, amplified only by the slight redness in the whites from the sea salt, the way the candle light played across his pale skin. Jake was completely enraptured by him and in a moment of weakness, he reached out and tucked a strand of the damp hair behind one of Christopher’s ears.
Shocked at his own actions Jake quickly retracted his hand and went to apologize. But he only managed to draw his hand back a few inches before Christopher caught it, and all the words he managed to squeeze out were simply the other man’s name. 
They stared at each other in silence for a singular, everlasting second, Jake’s wrist caught in Christopher’s hand and his gaze captured in those sea glass eyes.
“Please Jacob.. Call me Chris.” Chris said in a whisper, a smile playing along his lips and a glint of…something in his eyes.
“Jake… please call me Jake” was all Jake could reply before Chris placed the hand he had captured back onto his cheek and leaned into his touch.
That first meeting had been almost four and a half years ago to the day. Chris had visited the cave nearly every night after that. They would talk, and swim, and talk some more. Becoming closer and closer as the days passed. Never once had Chris thought to bring a swimming costume.
After nearly six months of almost daily visits, Jake had become utterly devoted to Chris. The man occupied his mind all hours of the day and night. Every waking moment he longed for the other man’s company and in his dreams their relationship blossomed into a beautiful intimacy, the likes of which he had never experienced before.
Jake kept these thoughts to himself of course.
Besides having become closer to Chris in their constant conversations, they had also grown somewhat closer physically.
After that first night where Chris had refused to let go of his hand, opting instead to nuzzle into it as Jake stroked his thumb across his cheek, their touches had become more and more frequent.
They would greet each other with an embrace during which Chris would always tangle his fingers into Jake’s hair, untying whatever ribbon he had used to keep it in a neat ponytail and making it flow loosely over his shoulders and back instead.
In turn Jake would assist Chris in taking off his coat and placing it over the back of one of the chairs. As the nights went on and they became more comfortable, more and more items of clothing would be shed, often resulting in them conversing in nothing but their pants, or even completely naked, submerged in the moonlit water of the pool.
It was during one of these nights, once again aided by a fair helping of stolen wine, that Jake had thrown caution to the wind and fully crossed the line into the unknown.
The night had once again been unbearably hot, and it had taken them no time at all to end up in the pool once more. Having become more comfortable with each other’s nudity, Jake had flung his clothes in Chris’ general direction, laughing as they hit the other man square in the face, and diving into the pool with a great big splash. Chris joined in his laughter and dove in after him, surfacing right in front of Jake’s face and splashing him with water. Jake splashed him back, starting a brief but intense water fight that ended when Jake managed to capture Chris’ hands. They were both heaving with laughter, reveling in the childish games their age didn’t often permit them.
As both men caught their breath, hands still clasped together, stray giggles forced out between pants, Jake simply couldn’t stop himself. His body moved as if possessed, lowering their entwined hands into the water, forcing their bodies closer together. The cave was quiet, save for the crashing of the waves on the shore outside and their slowly steadying breaths which now landed on the other’s face.
Chris made no moves to distance himself from Jake. His eyes were wide, not in shock, but in an effort to absorb every millimeter of Jake’s face in the dim candlelight. The fact that Chris made no attempts to flee filled Jake with the last shred of courage he needed to finally ask the question that had been stuck in his throat since the moment he laid eyes on the other man.
“Christopher…Chris. May I kiss you?”
He had barely gotten all the words out before Chris’ lips were on his. The warmth of his skin, pressed so impossibly close to his own, flooded all of Jake’s senses. He felt enveloped by him. The way his arms roamed over his back and pressed them closer together, one of his hands snaking its way into his hair and gripping it tightly. Chris kissed like a parched man finally feeling the touch of water on his tongue. His movements were hungry, desperate, but somehow also gentle, nearly reverent.
Jake felt like he was being worshiped. A ravenous kind of devotion was placed upon his body and as Chris’ lips moved from his own, across his cheek, to his ear, and down his neck, his continuously muttered stream of “you may, you may, you may” sounded oddly like a prayer.
The feeling was overwhelming. Jake had been loved before, sure. His mother loved him, as did his father, and his siblings all loved him in their own ways. But he had never been adored before. His veins felt like they were on fire as Chris’ lips made their way down his chest. A sob thundered through Jake’s rib cage as a kiss was placed right over his heart.
Chris straightened himself faster than lighting, his eyes searching for Jake’s expression through the flood of tears that rolled down his face. His hands tenderly cradled his cheeks, thumbs wiping away the torrents that flowed down his skin.
“Jake, my dearest, my love, what happened? Did I hurt you?” Chris asked, only partially successful in his attempt to hide the panic in his voice.
Jake shook his head as hard as the hands cradling him allowed. His head was flowing over with the love he was feeling and all his body could think to do was cry.
“You are so beautiful, so beautiful.” was all he managed to force out before another sob was expelled out of him and Chris pulled him into an embrace that felt like he was holding love itself.
“Oh my love, my love…” Chris muttered against the crook of Jake’s neck and the heat of his breath made it feel like the words were being seared into Jake’s skin. He was being marked as Christopher’s love, by Christopher’s love. 
“Let out all your sorrows my dearest, I am here. You have me, I am yours.” 
Chris held him for what felt like hours, letting Jake cry onto his shoulder until all his tears were gone and all that was left was the feeling of Chris’ arms around him and the steady rise and fall of his chest against Jake’s cheek.
“I’m sorry…” Jake began to apologize but Chris just held him tighter and shushed his words away as his fingers combed through Jake’s dark locks.
“Don’t apologize Jake. you have nothing to apologize for. If we are to share this love, my only condition is that we also share our pain.”
Jake pulled himself away from Chris’ chest just enough to look into his eyes.
“Love?” Do you love me?” He asked, his voice sounding smaller than he had sounded in years. And there was that kindness In Chris’ eyes again. That gentle and easy reassurance combined with whatever that glimmer was that had flitted behind his irises that first night in the water.
“I think I do. I think I have for quite some time now, I have no other way to describe this utter devotion I feel towards you.” Chris spoke, and this time it was Jake’s turn to parch his thirst on Chris’ lips. His kisses were softer, less urgent. Jake had always been of the opinion that if something was worth doing, it was worth doing well and without hurry. 
He created a map of Chris’ body in his mind as his hands roamed his skin. The crook of his neck, the ridges of his spine, the way his hips pressed against his own when he pushed against the small of Chris’ back. It all became a part of the idol he was building in his head. It would become a tiny piece of home Jake would be able to take with him whenever his ship left the harbor. The map of Chris’ body had become the new north on his compass.
They kissed and hugged and simply held each other the whole night through. When the water had become too cold for either of them to stand they had dried themselves off and slotted their bodies together on Jake’s tiny sleeping cot. They kept each other warm that night, and many nights after in the four years that would follow.
But now, as Jake lit the final candle lined up along the walls of the cave, he wondered if that time might be coming to an end.
He had received his call to duty a day or so ago. It had been nearly a full month since the conversation Chris and him had shared on that bench outside the church. They had been given more time than they could have hoped for, but it hadn’t been enough. It would never have been enough time. 
The days had warmed up since that dreary July morning where Jake had shared the truth about the severity of the pirate problem the navy was facing. They had once again slipped into the heady heat of August, but despite the humidity Jake had still decided to dress in his Sunday best.
It might have been the last opportunity he would get.
There was no need to invite Chris to the cave. He would be there, as he had been every night Jake spent on shore and off duty for the last four years. All Jake had to tell him was to dress up and bring his good wine. The smile Chris had given him at those words had been bittersweet.
Jake had gone all out, cleaning the entirety of their shared slice of home. He had picked flowers along the dunes and placed them in old jars all around the cave, he had washed the sheets of the cot and even brought a table cloth he had found to cover their old rickety table with. He floated small tealights on pieces of driftwood, spreading the amber light even further than it had ever reached before.
The meal he had prepared wasn’t much special, just a simple dinner of meat, vegetables, and potatoes, but he had managed to convince Mrs. Oliver to bake him Chris’ favorite cake; spiced blood orange.
He had just laid out the final pieces of cutlery when he could hear the telltale approach of his beloved. Heeled boots clicking across the rocks and crunching over the fine layer of sand that managed to cover the floor no matter how much Jake swept. He turned around and there he was, his siren.
Chris was dressed in the exact same suit he had worn that first night they met. The cream colored linen had softened over the years and the shirt had become slightly tighter as Chris had grown stronger and bigger from hard work and sturdy meals, but he still looked as beautiful as he had all those years ago.
Jake could feel the tears prickling behind his eyes, but he quickly swallowed them down and replaced them with the loving smile Chris deserved.
“Hello my dearest.” Jake spoke as he walked over to help Chris take off his jacket, just like he always did. Chris smiled and planted a soft kiss on his lips before turning and allowing Jake to help rid him of the garment. When Chris turned back around his eyes finally drifted over the interior of the cave, landing on every candle and flower Jake had added before finally settling on the dinner for two that was laid out on the table.
Jake could see the same swell of tears behind Chris’ eyes but his love quickly blinked and softly cleared his throat as he spoke.
“You truly are the most adoring man that has ever lived. Every day over you make me proud that you’re the keeper of my heart.” 
Jake beamed at his words. Chris’ praise was always so poetic and it made him feel seen in a way that no one else ever had.
“Come, sit down, before the food gets cold.” Jake ushered him over to the table, pulling out a chair for Chris to take a seat before sitting down himself. They talked as they ate, discussing their day and any news from around town as they did every night.
“I think Mrs. Oliver may be with child.” Jake gossipped as he sliced into the meat on his plate.
“Really?!” Chris replied, his eyes wide in amused wonderment as he listened attentively to the rumors and daily minutiae Jake had picked up since they last spoke twenty four hours ago. He reveled in the feeling of normalcy and routine. Just for one last night.
“Hmm, I doubt she knows I noticed but with the way Mr. Oliver dotes on her you’d think she was made out of the finest china available. It’s quite adorable.” a smile danced around Jake’s lips as he looked down at his plate. He was truly happy for them.
“Well I for one would not be surprised if you were to receive a request to become a godfather. Mrs. Oliver has always said you are like a brother to her. It would only be fitting.” Chris grinned at Jake who was still staring at his plate. His smile had faltered slightly. As much as he would love to be a godfather for his best friend’s child, he knew he would be shipping out within a day. And there was no promise he’d return.
He lightly shook his head, plastering the smile back in its place as he stood up from the table and extended his hand to Chris, urging him to get up as well. 
“Come, I have something to show you.” he said as Chris placed his hand in Jake’s and allowed himself to be pulled up. Jake led him over to the book case where on the middle shelf a small, worn, wooden box rested. Chris had never seen it before, despite his frequent visits to the cave, and the presence of the item confused him slightly. All questions he might have had were expelled from his mind however as, with his free hand, Jake lifted the lid off of the box and the cave was filled with the small tinny waltz as played by a music box.
“It washed up on shore about a month ago. I must admit I’m no expert when it comes to cogs and springs but I fixed it up as well as I could and she seems to work like a charm.” Jake muttered, seemingly a little flustered at having kept his tinkering a secret for so long.
Chris couldn’t help it. The tears flowed freely down his cheeks now, and when Jake looked up from the box his hands immediately flew up to cradle Chris’ face.
“Oh I’m so sorry my love, I wanted this night to be one of joy and light but it seems now like that might have been a foolish idea. I never meant to upset you my dearest but I know the entire situation itself is upsetting.” Jake spoke as silent sobs wracked Chris’ body.
“I wish you wouldn’t have to go.” Chris lamented between labored breaths “I know it’s selfish but I wish you wouldn’t have to go. Every time you deploy it feels like my heart is carved out of my chest and stored in the hull of your ship. I wish you wouldn’t have to go.”
Jake felt his own heart shatter at Chris’ words but only because he felt the exact same way. Whenever he sailed out he couldn’t shake the feeling that part of his soul remained ashore.
“I wish that too my love, I wish that too. I am bound by duty but know I am bound to you too, and know that I will do everything in my power to return to you, I promise you that.”
Chris’ breathing evened out and the flow of tears slowly subsided. The sadness he felt was far from gone but he didn’t want to spoil their last evening together with a never ending flow of tears, and so he took a deep breath and pressed his lips against Jake’s.
Their kiss was urgent in a way. Chris tried to convey every ounce of love he felt through the connection of their skin, he hoped it would be enough.
As they parted, Jake wiped at his own eyes with the back of his hand. He sniffed once before forcing the return of his smile to his lips. The music box still played softly behind them and Jake took Chris’ hands in his own once more as he asked with a deep bow “Mr. Turpin, may I have this dance?”
The three kisses Jake received translated to the reply he knew so well; “you may, you may, you may.”
They assumed the positions for a slow and gentle waltz as the music echoed off of the walls of the cave. Their steps were clumsy and Chris could tell by the tiny movements of Jake’s mouth that he was counting along with the rhythm of the song. Neither of them were skilled dancers but they reveled in the closeness of their bodies and the shared movement. 
It didn’t take long for Chris to rest his head on Jake’s chest, the sound of his breath slowly entering and leaving his lungs, and the steady drum of Jake’s heart against his cheek was all he needed to calm him down. The music faded away into the echoes of the cave and it was just the two of them once more. Their shuffling feet and Jake’s quiet counting the only sounds that filled the air. 
The sun had set outside their rocky abode but the humidity still clung to them like flypaper. Their movements became sluggish until they finally stopped altogether.
“Could we go take some air for a moment? It’s dark now so no one should be able to see us.” Chris suggested and Jake nodded his head in agreement. Leading each other by the hand they excited their cave for a moment and sat down near the surf. It wouldn’t be long until the tide would come rolling in but they didn’t plan on sitting there long. Just long enough for some of the heat from their skin to dissipate and to breathe in the cool sea breeze.
The night was clear and the stars shone brightly above them. The light of the moon cast a silvery glow over all and the sand seemed to almost sparkle as they sat down.
“Have you told your brother you’ll be shipping out?” Chris asked softly.
“I have.” Jake answered. About two years ago Josh had finally made the big step and left Sault Ste, Marie to join Jake in New England. He had opened up a small tailor shop near the harbor and he was doing quite well for himself. Chris and Josh had met a few dozen times and Josh knew that Jake and him were good friends but despite their closeness Jake hadn’t yet been able to tell Josh what exactly Chris meant to him.
“He is anxious as well but he wished me luck and a safe and speedy return. He asked if I needed anything mended before I left so I’ll be picking up the last of my clothes from his shop tomorrow morning. It’ll be good to see him one last time before I go.” As he spoke, Jake absentmindedly traced his fingers through the sand. He drew spirals and hearts and stars until, as he came to the end of his sentence, he wrote Christopher’s name on the shore.
Chris smiled as he saw the letters of his own name appear in the sand in Jake’s handwriting and with his own hand wrote ‘Jacob” underneath.
Their fingers laced together in the sand when suddenly, in the distance, they could hear the ringing of a ship’s bell. Just one at first, and then two, and three and more and more until the entire night was filled with the sounds of an armada sailing into port. 
The new fleet had finally arrived.
Jake’s imminent departure was real now. Without the new ships it had all felt so far away. There were preparations at the docs, sure, but it hadn’t felt like an army sailing out yet. There were no ships and so nothing had felt imminent. But now there they were, pure white sails floating through the darkness like ghosts on the surf. The waves of their boughs traveled to shore on the incoming tide, washing away their writing in the sand.
Chris looked down at the vague indentations of the letters left behind.
“I suppose that was bound to happen at some point. It’s not a very permanent way to record our love.”
As he spoke he untangled his fingers from Jake’s and reached into the pocket of his waistcoat and retrieved a small dark blue box.
“That’s why I made you this. So you can take me with you wherever you go.” he said, as he handed the box to Jake.
A look of surprise washed over Jake’s features as he accepted the present and took off the lid.
Inside, nestled on a piece of deep black velvet, lay a shiny golden pocket watch. The front cover was decorated with an intricately carved crescent moon, its softly smiling profile looked oddly similar to Chris’ own face and when Jake popped it open he was greeted by the beautifully painted clock face. Along the row of roman numerals, painted in tiny lettering was Chris’ brand. 
“Christopher Turpin
Master Clockmaker”
But that wasn’t what caught Jake’s eye. For on the inside of the cover, etched in Chris’ own handwriting, were two simple words, repeated thrice.
“You may, you may, you may.”
Tears welled up behind Jake’s eyes again but this time he let them flow freely as he closed the watch, placed it back into the box, closed the lid, and put the box in his pocket before crashing his lips against Chris’.
His movements were fierce, pouring all his love and hopes and wishes into the connection of skin they shared. Jake’s lips roamed across Chris’s face, covering every inch he could reach in kisses and whispered declarations of love. Chris giggled at the tickle of lips on his cheeks, and his eyelids, and his forehead. His laughter was cut off with a gasp as Jake hoisted himself onto Chris’ lap, grasping his face in both hands as he placed another kiss upon his lips. But this kiss was different from the previous ones. There was a hunger here that seemed to seep out of Jake’s bones and onto his skin. A ravenous desire that burned out of his fingertips and outward from their chests which were now pressed together.
Chris answered that hunger with his own, opening his lips to let Jake feast on him. Jake’s tongue ravaged his mouth, tasting every millimeter, deepening the lines on the map of Chris’ body that lived in his mind. Maybe if he could keep tracing those lines he’d have some sort of reassurance he would be able to make it home.
Jake’s hands slid up into Chris’ hair as his tongue flicked across his teeth. Chris in turn held onto Jake’s hips like a drowning man onto a buoy. As soon as Chris’ hands landed on him, Jake let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Their lips disconnected but their foreheads melted together instead as Jake’s hips rolled forward against Chris, seemingly on their own accord.
“I need you.” Jake breathed, his words spread an undeniable heat across Chris’ skin.
“You have me, I am yours.” Chris responded as the tide of Jake’s hips continued crashing against his own. His hands sank down and grabbed onto Jake’s backside, pulling him as close as he could, intensifying the sensation of their groins pressed together with every wave.
Jake let out a groan at the feeling of being held so tightly, his ass cradled in Chris’ strong hands while his member slid up and down the steadily growing bulge in his lover’s pants. His grip on Chris’ hair tightened, pulling his head back slightly and exposing Chris’ pale throat. Jake could almost see his panting breaths flowing through his windpipe. As his right hand held the grip on his hair, his left traveled down to feel Chris’ heartbeat pulse against the side of his throat. It fluttered against his finger so rapidly. Even through the fabric of his cravat he could feel Chris’ life beating a steady, racing, rhythm against his hands. 
The feeling was intoxicating. 
Jake tried to set the grinding of his hips in time with the beating of Chris’ heart but it proved to be an impossible task. The faster his hips moved, the faster the pulse thrummed against his fingertips. Jake was snapped out of his reverie in the end by Chris letting out a soft whine. His hands roaming across Jake’s back, grasping at the fabric of his waistcoat, fighting for any sense of purchase as the warmth of Jake’s length slid against his own.
“Jacob please,” Chris forced out as Jake finally slowed his relentless grind.
“Please, please, please, I need you too, please take me, use me, I’m yours…. I’m yours.” he babbled and as Jake looked down at his face he could see Chris’ pupils blown with lust. He released the grip on his hair and gently combed his fingers through Chris’ long locks instead.
“Tell me what you need my love, I’ll give it to you. Anything you ask for, I’ll give it to you.” Jake muttered to him as he pressed their foreheads back together. They breathed in each other’s air as Chris sorted through all the things he could possibly ask from Jake. His mind was a maelstrom of wishes but in the end he landed on a singular simple request.
“Take me to our bed Jake.”
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
since so many of you wanted a part two to this fic:
"" please, could you write something were the reader is part of kipps crew and lockwood is like obsessed with her. anytime they encounter he goes out of his way to be nice to her and kipps finds it so weird because she is like is best friend or sister even. that would be so cool! also love the new things you’ve posted earlier!!! ""
a/n: i am here to deliver! i have to say, i did not expect many, if any, requests for a part two of this piece (named Anthony on my masterlist), but here you go! thank you all for your support and love on not just this piece, but my other fics i love you all <3
warnings: angst, brief mention of suicide (for a case) female reader (few pronouns used)
part one
Your day could not get any worse, not even if a ghost appeared out of nowhere and killed you. No, in fact, that would be preferable to having Kipps screaming in your face.
"I told you to stay away from him! And now you tell me that you want to join his agency? You have got to be kidding me. This is some kind of prank, right? Is Bobby in on it? Ned? Surely not Kat."
You can't bring yourself to look at the guy who you have relied on for most of your life. The guilt is tearing you apart.
"No, it's not a prank," you say. "But, I'm not happy here, Kipps. I feel so... constrained. I don't want to keep having to follow a system that is so pick-and-choose with what they do and who they send. I want action. I want freedom."
Kipps looks like he's going to tear his hair out. "Freedom? You won't be getting freedom when DEPRAC arrests Lockwood and his little friends, you right along with them, for breaking the rules! God, do you ever listen to me?"
It feels like your heart is sinking, attached to a heavy weight. "Do you listen to me? I've told you I'm not happy here. The team barely speaks to each other, and all we seem to be doing is trying to show up Lockwood, George, and Lucy, and that's not what all of this is meant to be about. What happened to saving the world, Kipps? Isn't that what you used to tell me we'd do?"
And there it is: the breaking point. You've never seen him look so hurt, so betrayed, but you feel the exact same. He was meant to be your biggest supporter, and he can't even do that. Instead, he's so caught up in his pride, his love for the Fittes agency over his love for you, that he won't acknowledge how you feel.
"Hand in your notice by the end of the day," he says, his tone hard and his teeth gritted. "I want you gone by the morning."
"Kipps -" you say, but he's already lost interest and is walking away.
Asshole, you think, but there's no malice to it.
You can only watch as he, the only family figure you ever had in your life, leaves you behind.
"Oh, (name), we didn't expect to see you so soon," Lucy says upon opening the front door of 35 Portland Row. "I've almost finished setting up your bed in the attic with me, but - Wait, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine," you say, but it's not overly convincing. "Just thought I'd leave before I got caught up in any big cases."
"You fell out, didn't you?" She ushers you inside, softly shutting the door behind you. "(name), I'm sorry -"
"I'm fine, Lucy," you insist.
She nods, but the look on her face tells you everything. Even if she doesn't know you that well, she's a little worried. With an attempt at a comforting smile, she leads you up the stairs, pointing out the boys' bedrooms and the bathroom, along with a room that no one enters - "We've been in it before, but only because Lockwood let us. You'd best wait until he's comfortable with you going in before finding out what's in there." - and, then, finally the attic.
It's a big space, crowded with over-large furniture. A double bed in the centre of the wall on the right, a wardrobe over on the other wall near the window, and a dresser beside. A small door leads to a tiny, cramped bathroom. Your bed, a fold-up one with a mattress haphazardly thrown on it, is squished in between the door and the wardrobe and, as tightly-packed as everything is, you smile at the cosiness of it.
"I'll just finish up on your bed -"
"I can get it, Lucy," you say, dropping your bags down at the foot of the bed. "Thank you. Are Lockwood and George here? It's awfully quiet."
Lucy snorts. "No, they're out at the moment, doing something or other. Do you want me to go put some tea on?"
You manage a smile. "Yes, please."
As it turns out, Lucy makes nicer tea than Geroge, and she's also kind enough to give you a bigger mug, although there are a few chips on the top. You suppose that's the norm with most of their things.
It doesn't take long for Lockwood and George to return from whatever they were doing. They trudge into the kitchen, arguing about something, but stop short in the doorway. Lucy gets up from her seat, halting her conversation with you, to pour them some tea while you sit, clutching your mug close in both hands.
"(name)!" Lockwood says, plastering on his infamous smile. "I didn't know you were here."
George shuffles past Lockwood and reaches into a cupboard, grabbing a biscuit. "She wasn't meant to be here for another week or two. Isn't that how notices work?"
"Uh, well." You shrug awkwardly, opting to stare at the scribbles on the thinking cloth, as you've been told it's called. "Things changed."
"Kipps made her leave sooner," Lucy says, and though she's worded it a little more gently than you had while talking to her over tea, it still hurts to hear. "Fell out."
"Well, you're here now," Lockwood says cheerfully, sitting down at the head of the table, just diagonal from you. "You'll have none of that from us."
Soundlessly, you move a plate slightly to reveal in loopy handwriting: "Lockwood is a prick and I hate him" next to a poor drawing of his face with devil horns. You raise your eyebrows, but he only laughs.
"What actually happened?" George asks. He looks a little too eager.
You purse your lips. "Told Kipps I wanted to leave, gave him a load of solid reasons, and he shouted at me a bunch. It's whatever."
Lockwood is watching you carefully as if watching and waiting to catch the pieces of you when you inevitably break. You offer up the best smile you can muster, but it doesn't seem to convince him.
"I'm fine, I promise," you say. "What about you guys? Any interesting cases lately?"
"Well," Lockwood says. His usual expression has returned - the cocky grin and sparkling eyes - but there's something a little subdued about it. His eyes still haven't left you. "George and I have just come back from the Archives doing some research for a case we've got tonight -"
"You mean George did the research," George grumbles. "You sat and daydreamed the whole time."
Lockwood only rolls his eyes. "Either way, you're welcome to join us on the case tonight - we could use an extra pair of hands."
Sipping your tea, you shrug again. "Might as well, as long as you're all fine with it."
George looks a little apprehensive about it, but Lucy nods. "What do we know so far?" she asks.
"Ms Diven, the client we met with this morning," George clarifies, glancing at you, "told us that there's a presence in her house, something she can sense but can't see, obviously, and that it's causing trouble. Well, that leads us to believe it's a Type Two, but who?" A smile splits his face, clearly very in his element. "In the Archives, I found some information on previous owners of the house, but only one of them seemed worth noting." He slides a newspaper cutting onto the table.
"Heidi Kairn," Lucy reads. "But, who was she?"
"Famous singer in the forties," George says. "The industry messed her up. A lot of stuff went down, and she ended up..." He drew a finger across his throat. Everyone got the message. "She's the only notable death from that house."
"Any clue what the source could be?" Lockwood asks. You notice how his hand on the table has moved slightly closer to yours. "Surely there won't be anything left from when the death occurred."
George shrugs. "It could be anything. A floorboard, a piece of furniture. We'll have to scout it out when we're there."
"Well!" Lockwood grins widely. "I suppose we should get our equipment ready."
Staring up at the house in front of you, you can't help but feel guilty. Not even a whole day since leaving Fittes, since leaving Kipps, and already you're on a case. Maybe Kipps was right to feel betrayed.
A hand closes softly around yours. When you look, it's Lockwood, looking straight on at the house with a grin.
"It's still daylight, so we'll scout out the house, use our Talents to see if we can figure anything out, and do our usual setup: iron circles in the main rooms, temperature readings. In half an hour, we'll all meet up back here on the porch."
You have to admire the confidence he speaks with. Kipps, for all his pride, would shout orders and stay behind with a facade of confidence, but it was easy enough to hear the fear lingering in his words. But, Lockwood doesn't show fear. Whether he even feels it right now is beyond you.
"George, Lucy, you guys take the bottom floor. (name) and I will take the top."
Lucy looks like she's trying to suppress a smile, glancing between you, Lockwood, and your clasped hands. "Got it. See you guys soon. Come on, George."
The pair trudge into the house, immediately taking a right into what you assume is the living room.
"Are you alright?"
You look back at Lockwood. "Hmm?"
That careful look is back. "It wasn't your fault, you know, yours and Kipps' argument. If anything, it's mine."
"That doesn't matter right now," you say, but you appreciate his words nonetheless. "Come on, I'd like to get this case over with as soon as."
It appeared to be harder than you thought. Lockwood and Co, though using many Fittes techniques for their procedures, also did some things very differently. They used the Fittes grid technique for temperature readings, but where they placed their iron circles was entirely different from where you would've done so. And, while you were glad that orders weren't being shouted at you by someone who didn't have the full scope of what was going on, the silence made you uneasy. The investigation of the house took a lot less time than it would've at Fittes, and even though everything that needed to be done had been, you couldn't get that pit of dread out of your stomach.
It was a moderately sized house, not large in any sense, but grand enough to have guest bedrooms which, in your eyes, said enough. The rooms were all relatively simple, with plain-coloured walls and light and trodden carpets. There were two kids' bedrooms, both concerningly beige, and the bathroom was about the size of the kitchen back at Portland Row.
"You've got Sight, too, right?" Lockwood asks, opening the door to the master bedroom.
"Yeah. Not as good as my Touch, but strong enough."
"So you see that deathglow, too?"
You step into the room, only to stop short. Lockwood pulls a pair of sunglasses from his coat, placing them over his eyes. A deathglow hovers over the ground, blindingly bright in the growing darkness of the room.
"Sense anything?" Lockwood asks.
Shuffling back slightly, you touch your hand to the doorframe and open your senses.
Crying. Someone is sobbing hysterically as they run into the room, throwing themself onto the bed. There's a strong chemical-like smell, something that has your gut twisting. A faint figure, one you can barely see, pushes itself off the bed as horrid cries escape their lips. The sound is heart-wrenching. They reach for something on a dresser that is no longer there, clutching at their chest and putting a hand to their mouth. Shortly after, they collapse, seizing.
Gasping, you tear your hand from the doorframe, stumbling back. It hurts to breathe.
"Anthony," you manage. Your heart is pounding in your chest.
Lockwood's face appears before yours, hands gently touching your face as he repeats, over and over, "You're okay. You're safe. You're with me."
It's at times like this that you hate your Talent. Sometimes, Touch just gives you the echoes of the past you need to hear to locate a source or figure out who the Visitor really is, but, other times, it feels like you're being sucked back into the past. Everything, all the emotions, feel amplified.
"Hey, you're okay," Lockwood repeats. His forehead presses against yours as his dark eyes meet yours. His gaze is so reassuring that you can't look away. "We need to get back outside, tell the others whatever it is you've seen. Can you do that?"
Taking a deep breath, you nod.
"You don't have to continue with this case," he says. "Lucy, George, and I should be able to manage on our own."
"I'll be okay," you say, your voice quieter than you thought it'd be.
His eyes close momentarily, then his hands fall from your face and he steps back. "Come on," he says gently.
George and Lucy's findings are very limited. The temperatures in each of the rooms are relatively normal, except for the office which, judging from the layout of the house, is just beneath the room with the deathglow. Lucy had heard nothing out of the ordinary, not until the same moment you had used your Touch.
"Horrible crying," she says. "Full of pain. I couldn't make out any words. It was very faint."
"(name)?" George says. "What about you?"
You take a sip of tea from your flask to soothe your nerves. "The same, but I was dragged back to that moment, if you get what I mean. I could see her faintly - Heidi, that is. There was a really strong smell, something chemically, probably some kind of drug. I saw -" It takes you a moment to get the words out. "She overdosed in the master bedroom. As she... you know, she was holding something on her chest, a necklace, maybe."
Lockwood's hand closes around yours once more. You can't look at him, any of them. "You don't have to carry on with this case. That's a horrible thing to have to see."
"I've told you already, I'll be fine." Another sip of tea. "George, does that give you any clue what or where the source is?"
George takes a minute to think, biting down on a block of chocolate from Lucy's bag. "Well, it could well be a necklace. If I remember correctly, a lot of newspapers commented on her outfits a lot, and she wore the same necklace everywhere. A string of pearls, I think."
Lucy groans. "Yeah, because all that women cared about back then was what everyone wore." She breaks off another chunk of chocolate for herself. "Surely, she would've still been wearing the necklace when she was buried, or whatever. Why would it be in the house?"
"God knows," Lockwood says. "We're not here to figure that out. We're here to secure it and get rid of the Visitor."
You glance at the sky and then check your watch. Summer means that the days are longer, so Visitors take longer to gain strength. "Nine p.m. Getting dark."
Lockwood grins, and it helps ease you. "Let's go jewellery shopping."
A lantern on the dimmest light setting is placed in the master bedroom to give George some light as he scours the room for the suspected source.
It's better to keep light usage as low as possible, a fact you're more than aware of, but the darkness of the landing that seems to stretch on endlessly is making you anxious. Even with Lockwood to your right, and Lucy just behind, making sure nothing comes at George from inside the bedroom, you can't help but feel worried.
It takes all of your power to pull those emotions together and shove them deep, deep down. You can't afford for the Visitor to feed off of them.
"Ghost fog at the end of the hall," Lockwood announces. "George, you any closer to a source?"
"Not yet. I'm about to start prying up the floorboards. Luce, you have any gum? Miasma is starting to taste horrid."
There's a sound of crinkling wrappers, then silence again.
"Crying is back," Lucy says. Slowly, she draws her rapier, and the sound of the metal unsheathing gives you comfort. "Getting louder."
"There's a faint figure appearing," you say. "It's her."
The weight of the salt bomb in your hand is familiar, soothing. This is no different from every other case you've been on, it's just a different team.
Slowly, the ghost of Heidi Kairn becomes more and more visible. She wears a summer frock that reaches her knees, patterned with polka dots, and her hair reaches her shoulders, slightly curled and neatly styled. Her face is beautiful in a timeless sort of way. A string of pearls hangs around her neck, glittering in the other-light she produces.
For a moment, you believe she's harmless. She approaches curiously and cautiously, eyes doe-like. You don't want to hurt her. She's causing no trouble. She's so, so sad, and so lonely...
A shriek of rage pierces the air, and the ghost shoots towards you and Lockwood. Out of pure instinct, you throw the salt bomb, preventing her approach momentarily, and Lockwood keeps her back with a continuous movement of his rapier. His arm reaches out, slightly in front of you.
"I've found it!" George shouts.
"Well, get it out!" Lucy says, throwing another salt bomb at the ghost.
The ghost wails, floating around desperately to find a gap to dart through, but she's kept at bay by three rapiers and a few more salt bombs.
"My arm is stuck!" George says. "Lucy, help!"
Lucy hurries backwards, and Lockwood moves back to cover her space slightly. You throw another salt bomb, earning another shriek of anger.
Fighting Visitors is what you've spent most of your life doing. This is the easy part, for you. It takes almost no time for you to fall back into a routine of rapier manoeuvres and throwing salt bombs, and, soon enough, you and Lockwood are working in tandem.
"Got it!" Lucy says.
Heidi Kairn's ghost wails once more, darting straight for the master bedroom, but she never reaches it. She's cut down by two rapiers and before she can fully reform, her source is wrapped tightly in a silver net.
There's a moment of silence, and then Lockwood, Lucy, and George burst out into laughter. It's contagious and before long, you're laughing, too, leaning against the wall.
Already, they feel like family, and the realisation makes you smile even wider.
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 15
Chapter Fourteen here.
It took a second for Sammy to comprehend how huge Littles’R’Us actually was when they pulled into the parking lot. It made Costco seem small by comparison. This wasn’t going to be a quick trip.
Sammy took a deep breath, trying to not feel so overwhelmed. She couldn’t help but notice Allie was treating her much more like a Little than ever before. Movie night now felt like a lifetime ago. She still didn’t feel like a Little. She felt the same as she did the day she received the news.
Just…with much less bathroom control. And did get a bit sleepier around midday and around 8 PM, and, she had to admit, did have to work harder than usual to not be emotionally overwhelmed. But still, adjusting to being treated like a Little was harder than she expected.
“You ready, Sammy?”
“Do I have a choice?”
Alyssa laughed, “well I guess not, no. But I want you to stay close to me, this store is huge and I don’t want you getting lost, okay? I want you to hold my hand or the cart at all times.”
“I’m not a baby,” Sammy huffed.
“I never said you were, Sammy. I just don’t want you getting lost. What would you do if you got lost? You don’t have the keys to the car. You don’t have a cellphone to call me. What would you do?”
“Well, I would have my cell phone if you didn’t take it away!” Sammy retorted.
“We went over this, Sammy,” Alyssa said sternly, “you don’t need a cellphone like you had. We can get you one designed for Littles in the future, but I don’t want you surfing the web and getting into trouble.”
Sammy stuck her tongue out Allie before she realized she was doing it. Her face flushed with embarrassment.
“Well, that is a great point there, Sammy!” Allie laughed, “now can you hold my hand?”
Sammy did. They walked into the store. It was hard to fathom how large it was. There seemed to be endless rows of Little’s products of all levels. It was so big, Alyssa grabbed a map before heading to the counter.
“Hello,” the woman at the counter said nicely, “how can I help you today?”
“We’re here to get everything set up for my new Little, Sammy,” Alyssa responded.
“What a cutie!” the woman said looking down at Sammy, “the first trip is always so exciting! You get to pick out everything your heart desires, little one!”
Sammy couldn’t bring herself to respond. Instead, she hid behind Alyssa in embarrassment.
“She’s still a bit shy,” Alyssa acknowledged.
“Well, that’s perfectly fine!,” she said to Sammy before turning back to Alyssa, “I can get you set up, did you bring the paperwork from the Littles Registration Office?”
“Yep, right here.”
“Perfect. Okay. So I see Sammy here is a Level Two Little. Most of the L2 supplies are down towards the back. Just head straight down and you can’t miss it. You’ll find the diaper aisle on the way, as well as any of the products that are appropriate for both L1s and L2s, such as bottles, sippy cups, and diaper bags.”
“Great,” Alyssa replied, “but these shopping carts don’t seem big enough to carry everything, though.”
“Whoops, I almost forgot! You’ll use this scanner here to select any of the bigger items you’d want. We offer same day delivery and installation if you finish before noon, which gives you three and a half hours, plenty of time. For things like diapers, you can put some in your cart, but the rest you can scan in and we’ll delivery them along with any furniture. And everything you scan will be added up and once you get to the checkout, the government rebate will automatically deduct from the total and you can pay the difference, if any, there.”
“Thank you so much,” Alyssa says as the woman gives her the scanner, “I think we can figure it out from here!”
Alyssa grabs a cart. “Okay, Sammy, you ready to start?”
“I-I guess,” Sammy whimpers.
Unsurprisingly, the diaper section is huge. There are diapers of every size, thickness, color, interest.
“It look’s like the L2 diapers are a few rows down,” Allie says, consulting the map.
“What’s the difference between L1 and L2 diapers, Allie?”
“Well, L1s and L2s have different needs. Remember, L1s aren’t able to walk or talk, so their diapers need to be different than for L2s. L1 diapers are way thicker since they don’t need to worry about walking. They’re so cute though. I’m sure we could get you some!”
“Sammy laughs nervously, “I think that’s okay, Allie.”
“Well, if you change your mind, let me know!”
They get to the L2 diaper aisles. Sammy sees there are three sections: Daytime Diapers, Nighttime Diapers, and Swim Diapers. Each design had a diaper on display, to let the Littles get a better idea of each design.
“Okay, lets start with daytime diapers,” Allie says, “which ones do you like best, Sammy?”
Sammy’s stomach sank at the question. This made it feel so real. She was going to pick out the diapers she’d wear for the rest of her life.
“I-I don’t know,” Sammy whispers.
Allie pulls Sammy in for a hug. “It’s a lot, I understand, Sammy. But would you rather have me pick out boring, ugly diapers? If you’re going to wear them anyway, you might as choose the ones that match your style!”
Sammy doubted diapers would ever match anyone’s “style,” especially not hers. As she looked around, she definitely didn’t think anyone of these diapers would do that. All of them were in sickening pastel colors or complete with babyish cartoon patterns on them. She started walking down the aisle, seeing her options.
“Look at this one, Sammy!” Allie encouraged, “these one’s have astronauts and these one’s have rockets on them!”
Alyssa knew it was a mistake as soon as she said it. Sure, they did make the most sense for Sammy, but maybe it was still a bit too soon for Sammy to want them.
Sammy teared up almost immediately. It was one thing to go from an adult to a Little, but going from potentially being a rocket scientist, to wearing rockets on her diaper was just too much. Tears welled in Sammy’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, Sammy, I should have known that was a stupid suggestion! I didn’t mean to upset you!”
“It’s not fair!” Sammy whined, “I don’t want to wear diapers with rockets on them, I want to work on rockets! I want to go home!”
Alyssa kicked herself. She should know how to not set off her own Little’s tantrums, even if this was so new. “Sammy, please, everything is okay. Come here.”
“No!” Sammy shrilled defiantly, stomping her feet, “I won’t do it! I won’t choose a diaper! I won’t be a Little! I won’t I won’t I won’t!”
Sammy’s screams echoed across the store, drawing sympathetic looks from other Caregivers. Alyssa stood there, unsure how to help Sammy.
“It’s okay you’re upset, Sammy. It’s okay to be angry. I know you don’t want to be wearing diapers. These are big emotions, it’s perfectly fine to feel them. But right now you need to choose some, okay? It’s not up for debate.”
Sammy looked mutinous. “I’m not a baby! You can’t make me!”
Alyssa sighed. “Sammy, now is not the time for screaming. I understand you’re frustrated, honey. But you need to calm down and explain to me how you’re feeling, alright? You cannot scream like this in public. Can you take a deep breath for me, Sammy?”
It took a few more stomps, but eventually Sammy gave in and took a deep breath.
“Thank you, Sammy. You’re doing great. Now let all your anger and frustration out as you breathe out, okay? Nice job. One more time. Good girl, Sammy. Now, can you tell me how you’re feeling?”
Sammy took a few steadying breaths. As she did, she felt herself calm down, regaining the clarity she had before. “I-I’m sorry, Allie! Sometimes it feels like I lose control and just want to cry and scream, I don’t know w-what’s happening to me.”
“I understand, Sammy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it?”
“But we can’t yell and scream when that happens, can we? We need to talk about our feelings before they explode, okay?”
“Y-you’re right, Allie.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sammy. Just promise when you start to feel overwhelmed, you’ll tell me, okay?”
“Thank you, Sammy. That’s very mature of you. Now, can you help me choose some diapers?”
“Yeah, I can, Allie,” Sammy says, looking back at the rocket ship diapers, “I actually do want them, Allie. I want to see them so I’ll always remember my goal, to be the first Little rocket scientist ever!"
Go to Chapter Sixteen.
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