#royal prose
we-all-horny-here · 4 months
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Finally finished the Pony Sides, I've had so much fun tbh, not just designing them but also drawing, since I haven't used the binary pen in so long
I think the hardest part were the cutie marks and names, especially since I've been trying to choose ones that share nicknames with their original names (not the proudest of Logan's especially, might change it in the future)
Also Janus is, of course, a changeling, you can see his changeling form under the cut
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yrsonpurpose · 10 months
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Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A ✿ / ❀
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
Babe Ruth
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lost-in-prose · 1 year
Realizing you're gay is a slow unfolding, realizing you are coming into the world. It’s not like what they show you in the movies. It’s not an alarm shaking you from your fantasy, followed by a big stretch as you grow into your new skin. There isn’t a sunny kitchen waiting for you downstairs filled with people who love and care for you. There aren’t friends telling you they are happy that you are here. 
It’s the crackling in your bones as you beg to stay as you were. If you don’t think about what is waiting for you, it can’t come. Right? You snuggle deeper into the familiar comfort. Outside, someone screams for you to join them. But you don’t. 
Not yet. Still waiting. 
You’re still waiting for a sign. Do you wake up, or do you continue to sleep? Staying here, in this familiarity, is what saves you. Even as your mind fights to break the surface, you stay as you are. Drowning. Drowsy. Dreaming. 
Realizing you're gay isn’t something someone can tell you. It’s not your mother coming in to tell you to get ready for school. It’s the panic as you think you’ve missed your alarm, only to realize you have a little more time to just lay there and be you. In your own little world, no one but you exists. Your mom stands outside with her ear pressed against the door, hoping you’ll join her. 
And for a second, you think of the possibility of doing so. Of labeling yourself as awake. But then the dread seeps back in as you think about the questions to follow. Why are you waking up now? What made you so tired in the first place? Do you feel safe being awake in a world that will only make you tired again? 
So you stay. You’re now fully awake, your eyes blinking away the dreams of what had been before you awoke. And you lay there. There’s no rush, is there? It’s you and the walls of your childhood room that have suddenly become a stranger’s house. Nothing seems like it’s yours– it never has been. Everything you have ever touched has just been a figment of what you had been shaping yourself into while you were fighting to stay asleep. 
Realizing you're gay is like waking up, only to fight to go back to sleep. Your siblings wait for you. Your parents wait for you. Your friends. That girl on social media. The non-binary kid you sit next to in class. That TV show that tells you you’re okay. You’re safe. You’ll be alright. And instead of kicking back your covers and giving them what they want– what you want– you curl further into yourself. Being awake can wait. For now, you have sleep to catch.
[my page is a safe space. feel free to stay as long as you need]
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affectionatelyrs · 9 months
Gonna Give You Something (So You Know What’s on My Mind)
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RWRB | E | 4.3k | Chapter 1/2
Tags - Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Smut, Humor, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions
Alex hums, turning around to pull open the freezer drawer. “You want anything?” But Henry barely registers his question. Not when Alex is slightly bent over, allowing Henry a perfect view of his perfect ass. Each individual ridge of his spine is visible due to his lack of shirt. All of these things combined would normally be a large enough issue in itself to render Henry dumbstruck, except— Except, that’s not the only thing that Henry’s faced with. Right there, clear as day: blue lace, delicately peeking out from the waistband of his joggers. Henry’s hand immediately flies up to his cheek. The skin is hot to the touch, and he feels the imprint of where the material once lay like a brand.
Or, With the help of a white elephant gift, Henry learns that maybe the whole being-in-love-with-his-roommate thing isn’t as one-sided as he thought
Part 1 is posted now! :) And part 2 will be posted on Saturday. After not writing for nearly a month, I was feeling kind of bleh, but this fic reminded me why I love writing. I had so much fun with it, and I'm so thankful for everyone who's been supporting me. I'm so excited to finally be sharing this with y'all - it's low key crack treated seriously but I took it... way too seriously
Read part one here
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animeomegas · 2 years
Hiiii authorrr, super excited for this event, can I get my greedy hands on some delicious hcs of the prompt swimming in the lake for Asmo,,with it being completely unintentional and originally meant to be a tour around the palace grounds?
Yeahhh he’s def pissed off and distressed over ruining his meticulously applied makeup / outfit for his first official date with his friend now turned potential lover, but all of those feelings fade away when Reader simply jumps in with him and starts worrying over him this will then definitely not start a water fight with Asmo laughing at readers first thought being getting in the water with him instead of pulling him up,,
Oh for some backround, reader and Asmo are childhood best friends, and when Asmo told them about his advisors starting to pressure for him to get married while he was still “young and fertile”, reader sent in a letter requesting to court him the next day
Hello! I'm glad you're excited! I'm happy to get an Obey Me! request, I've been craving some of those recently hehe.
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"When you said 'walk in the garden', I thought you meant the rose garden," Asmo grumbled, holding the edge of his long dress up at the hem to avoid it getting caught on any brambles or mud. "Not the wilderness."
"But you've seen the rose garden a million times, Asmo, how boring!" you exclaimed, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air. "I'm taking you somewhere special, behind the lake."
"I like the rose garden," Asmo sniffed. "It's a lot nicer than whatever this is."
You rolled your eyes, too used to his fear of getting dirty to bother arguing with him. You had made your case about the joy of frolicking in the woods countless times, but Asmo had never agreed with you.
You walked in silence for a few moments until the back of the lake came into view as the trees parted. Asmo let out a gasp at what he saw. It was a little rocky shore that led to the lake, unobscured by human presence, and filled with wildlife that had taken refuge in the wilder parts of the palace grounds.
"It's beautiful," Asmo breathed, eyes wide.
"Isn't it?" you agreed. "I discovered this spot a few years ago when I was hiding from the servants who wanted to give me a bath."
Asmo pulled a face at that. He took more baths than anyone you knew.
"Here," you said, taking off your jacket and laying it down on the ground of the shore. "Sit."
Asmo hesitated, but eventually he pulled up his dress and gently lowered himself to the ground. You plopped down beside him, uncaring about the dirt.
You both looked out at the view together in silence for a moment.
"Listen," Asmo said hesitantly. "I-I wanted to say thank you, for sending that proposal. You gave up the possibility of a love match to save me from a horrible arranged marriage and-"
"I would have never chosen to do anything else. You are my best friend," you said firmly. You didn't want Asmo to feel indebted to you when it was his parents in the wrong for trying to use his beauty to marry him off to the richest suitor, no matter how old or nasty. Asmo didn't deserve that.
"Still, thank you," he said softly, hugging his knees to his chest.
"Being married to a friend will be much more fun than anything else," you said, your voice ending the conversation.
Asmo took a deep breath and then an image of determination settled on his face.
"I'm going to look at the birds by the lake," was the only thing he said before rising from his seat and striding towards the water.
"Wait, Asmo! The rocks can get slippery over there-"
Too late. Asmo's foot slipped out from under him and he splashed straight into the lake.
Your heart dropped as you heard his screech. Without evening thinking, you kicked off your shoes and any outer layers that you could before jumping in after him with a shout of his name.
The water was freezing. You pushed the shock feeling down and tried to swim, only to realise you were crouched in hip deep water. Oh yeah. The lake was shallow at this point.
"Ugh!" Asmo groaned. "My hair and make up are ruined! And my dress! Do you know how many hours it took my to get ready this morning?"
You did. You had heard the servants complaining about it.
"And why," he continued, staring at you with angry eyes. "Did you jump in here instead of pulling me out?"
Your brain stalled.
"Er, yeah," you said, scratching the back of your head. "That probably would have been a better plan."
You and Asmo stared at each other for a moment, dripping cold water.
You were the first one to break the silence with a giggle, before you burst out into full on laughs. Asmo remained grumpy for a couple more seconds until he cracked and joined you in laughter.
Yes, being married to your best friend was definitely the best possible outcome.
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magnifiico · 10 months
@sparesovereign || cont.
The queen, Magnifico had come to conclude, had a propensity for talking. Respectfully, of course: she had said nothing wrong thus far, and the friendliness exuded in every lilt of her tone, every smile she cast in his direction, gave further evidence of precisely why her kingdom adored her so. He was silent while he let her finish a saga of curiosities. And when she cleared her throat, he supposed that was as good a time as any to finally reply.
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“Well, I can't say I know much about how your sister's magic works,” he admitted. “I do recall hearing she had been born with such power; I was not. Surely that must make a difference.” Which made him thoughtful, albeit fleeting in the moment, as his attention pulled back to the sister present at his side. “When you think about it, someone wishing for snow could very well result in devastation quite similar to what Arendelle faced many years ago. Decidedly undesirable, all things considered.”
Whether someone had wished for it, King Magnifico declined to elaborate.
A hum rumbled in his chest while his gaze flicked to the mountains, head tilting somewhat as if to better absorb the sight from a new angle. “Is the trek permissible for a queen?” But his voice was light, the glint in his eyes sportive. “I'd be delighted.”
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witchofanguish · 3 months
I mean, at the end of the day, machine translating every series on kakuyomu is in the interests of everyone involved, right? The aggregators like Novel Updates get to display ten thousand different series instead of the 100 they would be able to show if there were only human translators working on WNs, the translators get to make ad money and/or subscription money off random rubes that evidently don’t care about prose, and the random rubes get an endless amount of sludge to trawl through where they would have to be more selective if not for MTL. The only person losing here is me personally and like a couple hundred other ‘elitists’ or whatever.
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It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular rôle at these al fresco performances.
Dr. Seward, is that you writing for The Westminster Gazette? Who else would describe *checks notes* Children Playing by:
using a latin phrase,
an O-circumflex from French, and
a sweeping generalization of "the general principles of human nature"
all in one sentence?
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elucubrare · 1 year
Did you know blue is one of the most elusive colors in nature, often just a reflection or a trick of the eye? Shadow Blue channels the ethereal, illusory nature of our universal favorite color.
bro it's navy
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princessfbi · 6 months
if he has read yours then he has certainly read the best ones 🙌🏻
Well that’s what I’m saying! I have some good shit! But you’ll only find it if you dig for it. 😂
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we-all-horny-here · 4 months
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They look so nice together, I'm sure nothing bad will ever happen between them ahah :)
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drunk-on-writing · 1 year
the boy is a bird a bird with a broken wing still determined to fly to fly into the sun the boy is the sun the boy burns bright no one can look at him no one can really see him the boy doesn’t want to be seen wants to hide in the shadows wants to disappear like a father wants to hide while he hurts the boy hurts a heavy kind of hurt an invisible kind of hurt the boy hurts and hurts and hurt and hurts like a bird with a broken wing like a sun that can’t shine like a father that leaves
(cc, 23)
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stormykatie · 1 year
i never held your little hands
though in my dreams, i had
we picked daisies together, we did
and your chuckles still reverberate
over my ears as i try to make sense
of it all
it doesn't make sense, nothing is
making sense
even the hole i try so hard
to fill with thoughts
of you glowing under the sun
seems fleeting
my darling, you were so perfect
but then you fade away
gently, slowly
a dream finally detaching
itself from reality
so i could wake from my sleep
did you think it will be easy?
did you think that it won't hurt?
when i opened my eyes, no words
could console me,
no amount of tears
could wash away my grief
the only thing that holds
my pieces intact is the knowledge
that your pain is over
while mine has just begun
-thoughts before d&c, katie
Image lifted from https://pin.it/1ra1G8Z
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sacrificialflowers · 4 months
ezekiel cuts his eyes over to the other in the shop, slow & deliberate movements as he cuts over fabric, moving sewing needles & thread off to his side table. the atmosphere is icy, & he is not pleased with their presence there. today, he thinks the sky has peeled open to reveal the nothingness behind their world ; he thinks the other only serves purpose as a void. " you look well. "
starter for @r3dblccd .
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ren-is-ur-gfriend · 5 months
Love and one of its definitions (poem)
Knowing you is like a distant torment.
A love so sweet, yet I feel absent.
A Time Machine needs no inventing,
when the intestines of my heart keep lamenting.
I’d apologise to you, one too many times.
Yet every excuse I make feels like a crime.
I wonder, are you a juvenile caged in my heart?
But here I am, sentencing you to a life apart.
I shall set you free from the life of a criminal,
For I do not deserve a love so unconditional.
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