reverseracism · 7 years
whats your opinion on middle eastern black people (that have african ancestors) using the N word? do they have the right to use it?
If you are black, you have a right to reclaim the word.
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bt21rugrats · 3 years
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⦿ welcome to the archive blog for @sunnybughobi and @joonie-joons‘ series rugrats, which if you’re unfamiliar, is a collection of drabbles and headcanons regarding bt21 and what they would be like as actual children, with bts as their fathers. ⦿
feel free to send us asks! the bt21 boys will do their best to answer all your questions regarding their best friends and dads. 
tags we use... 
rr.archive - all works regarding our bt21 series. 
rr.asks - any asks sent in for the bt21 kiddos. 
rr. (insert bt21 name here) - select a specific tag for works only about your selected character 
rr.q&a - questions about our series or anything else of the like.
these tags may be updated at any time! feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments! thanks for dropping by and considering our work.
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reverseracism · 7 years
An someone elaborate on shea moisture products that have been pulled?
Their new ad alienates and leaves out their core consumers. Their new formulas for many of their lines, new and old, cater to hair with looser curl patterns or not even ones with a curl. 
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reverseracism · 8 years
i'm feeling....weird about the fact that the man who got shot trying to help the two indians in kansas is getting so much recognition. i obviously think he's incredible and did something amazing that so many people would never do. but i just feel weird and i'm not sure why. maybe because people don't always rally like this for other people who do great things like this. idk?? i feel weird
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reverseracism · 8 years
Can I ask why you didn't even mention Muslim women's day yesterday?
Probably cause we don’t know about it. 
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reverseracism · 8 years
Don't you think that Moonlight's win is tainted by the #oscarsowhite campaign? People were protesting for a black movie to win and promptly one did. Makes it seems race was the deciding factor. I have heard people call it an affirmative action Oscar.
Even without #oscarsowhite it would have been called affirmative action oscar. Any time a black person wins something or gets something whites will called it such. 
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reverseracism · 8 years
imagine if pewdiepie wouldve made a joke about "kill all christians" or "kill all whites"
It’s all fun and games until you start talking about white people. 
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reverseracism · 8 years
Doesn't Whoopie Goldberg have an Oscar, Emmy and Tony?
I believe the difference is that Viola is the first for all three when it comes to acting while Whoopie got hers from hosting.
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reverseracism · 8 years
Today there was a nazi on my campus (University of Florida). This is the second day he's shown up. Today he got mobbed by protesters. The police would not allow us to touch him, even when he threw up a nazi salute. They did nothing to intervene until the nazi asked to leave, then they cleared a path and gave him an escort so he wouldn't get attacked. The nazis name is Michael Dewitz, he goes to Santa Fe College. Feel free to fuck up his life as much as possible.
Also, about the UF nazi: there were a couple white ppl in the crowd that apologized to the fucker and tried to shake his hand and asked if they could take him out to lunch??????? I hate this school jfc
okay uf nazi info again (sorry for all the messages) I forgot to mention that this man purposely stood next to the tent of a jewish club and afterwards he was interviewed. no one asked the jewish ppl how this impacted them, no they just gave the nazi a platform instead
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reverseracism · 8 years
idk if anyone knows this it hasnt really been said but he said the n-word in one of his videos. it was the video about being most handsome or something and then he brushed it off as a joke and retweeted someone who tweeted out #pewdiepieisan****party except without the censor...
Yup. These white boys will keep trying to get edgier and edgier and hopefully they’ll be taken off air or something that affects them financially. 
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reverseracism · 8 years
I'm getting sick of how much attention the national park service and nasa guys are getting from the media, with everyone acting like they're "the resistance" and giving them a free pass on sexist jokes and stuff like that, when poc and specially woc have been fighting the regime for ages with little to no recognition... It was fun at first but now it really feels like erasure :/
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reverseracism · 8 years
The racist strategy is to either make it okay to subjugate and/or kill you, or make life here so intolerable that you have to leave. That's where the "if you hate it so much why don't you leave" comes from.
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reverseracism · 8 years
Trump won't even address the women's march, but he's tweeting about the fucking pro-life march and his Vice President even spoke at it. I am LIVID
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reverseracism · 8 years
i've never met any republican who believes in the altruistic values of women's march and blm. why is that?? is republican really another word for regressing bigot? or is it because they only get their info from fox news and facebook lol why is this
Its mostly because republicans and conservatives in general believe that social issues are identity politics that doesn’t concern them. Which is funny when they talk about Martin Luther King Jr.  
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reverseracism · 8 years
Trump on black history month: black people exist! I know, right! *waiving tiny hands around* but they love me. The black people love me! One of my friends is black! They all love me! *more tiny hand waiving*
It’ll be “There’s my black over there”
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reverseracism · 8 years
what Im really worried about is that Trump ends up doing well in terms of new industries, new jobs, decreasing the immigration (sorry English isnt my first language I hope you get my point) etc. so people wont notice the devastating effect it will have on environment until its too late, so many (white) people will turn a blind eye to social issues, so people will claim hes a good president. do you think thats possible?
It is. 
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