#rs ariane
pizzahatt1 · 5 years
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tswift · 3 years
swifties... swiffers... must we start a war with every other fandom under the sun like sdhjsdg
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rivdraws · 4 years
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ariane 👉👈🥺
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runescapeoutfits · 4 years
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Today i want to show skin
Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes i like to show some pixels skin ;)
Wearing: Loyalty crown 3 years, Blood necklace, Replica Verac’s brassard, Archon tassets, Ariane boots, Swift gloves & 120 Hunter cape.
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catpetter72 · 3 years
I really liked the City of Senntisten. It felt nice to not have a quest with extraneous exposition and instead focused more on environmental storytelling that allowed the story to move on naturally. The end was especially kind of ominous for me; it felt like the four other gods were attempting to send Azzanadra to his grave (or at least power up themselves) with how quick they were to assist him in his plan to siphon the eggs and how quickly they were to suggest he be the one on the front lines. Senntisten was a cool environment too, and it actually took me by surprise with the route they took with it. The city being seemingly empty and the general creepy atmosphere and ambience backed up against the stoic architecture was a cool contrast. Also the horrific, aggressive shadows and the sinister notes that are totally not about Xau-Tak were cool touches. So yeah, it was cool to not have a quest that was just, uh, like that. A lot of recent RS quests tend to steer towards the more dialogue-driven side, and I’m glad this one wasn’t lol. It works, and it doesn’t. (tangent below if youre interested in my shit opinions).
Dialogue-heavy narrative with quests like The Needle Skips are good, where the dialogue is heavy but is also purposefully ambiguous and character-driven to keep the story a mystery. It becomes egregious when its bomb shell after bomb shell or weird mystical properties that no one had ever heard of until this very moment.
Desperate Measures was probably the worst when it came to this, if I’m basing it off of recent examples. There was so much stuff revealed in that quest at such a breakneck speed that my eyes began to gloss the page every time the dialogue box would appear. It made me dread whenever Charos would appear, which kinda fuckin sucks because he’s an interesting dude with an interesting past that has the potential to be pivotal in continuing or creating new narratives. Like, the human that Lord Drakan trusted the most, and the criminal that has been on the run for centuries has been relegated to being the D&D party’s resident Wiki editor that isn’t allowed to be a character.
Ariane was somewhat the same in Azzy’s quest, but she never had much of a character in the first place other than “I love knowledge.” or “No! Don’t do that bad thing!” so not much was lost from that.
Though I think CoS had different writers from the previously mentioned quests, which is probably why it felt so different, so I believe I can sus out the common denominator here.
(also for the love of god please hire script editors or checkers or something because there are so many grammar mistakes in all of these quests that make my skin crawl i’m sorry i can’t help it)
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kethsi · 4 years
uhhh RS headcannon ariane is a lesbian
Good for her. I hope she gets a loving and supportive Girlfriend whenever she’s ready for a relationship!
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shadowtongued · 5 years
hey i’m abt to yell abt lore, carry on
jgfkh i lov so much that the fandom mostly disowns the personalization jagex threw into endgame for sliske last minute. like shit that makes no sense and never had any real pretense other than ‘how can we make him worse, we already went from intelligent and methodical, how can we just shit all over that? knock off shitty joker sounds right. have him out of nowhere with no previous lore just have sliske confess to killing azzy’s brother, burn all the bridges he had with his bro for no real reason. have wahi go from laughin ‘oh that’s just like sliske’ to disowning him in 00.003 seconds. yeah just villainize him last minute bc we are behind schedule anyway.’ don’t twist me! i like villains, LET THEM BE CRUEL, but jagex is BAD at characterization consistency.
like, i have no problem with accepting ‘sliske killed a kid’ i do not accept the ‘i did it for fun lololol!’ bit. fuck off jamflex, after like 3+ yrs you have made it CLEAR he isn’t motivated to do anything unless it serves a purpose. even azzy stated sliske does things for the sake of of their purpose and the effect they have on the world as a whole. that’s his thing; methodical planning and string pulling. having him ‘do things for the lulz’ removes anything you built up in ur broken, ‘we put deadlines on ourselves and rush to complete them’ pile of shit finale.
people have a stigma against ‘i’m canon divergent uwu’ in the rpc and on this site as ‘u just wont swallow the truth for my pweshhious babby fav’ but anyone who has ACTUALLY played RS for the lore knows there’s so many lore fails, so many EPIC quests that fell flat with ‘well uhh i guess that’s solved yay’ (xau tak anyone? massive threat just capped up and done?), so many jmod quest writers NOT communicating for consistent storylines (people atill complain abt the end of the pest queen, that was WEAK shit), and characters going from good, smart, heroes to suddenly has 3 brain cells, can’t do things alone, comic relief (... esp to COMPETENT FEMALES *cough meg cough relomia cough ariane*) in the span of 3 mins. sliske didn’t kill alotor for fun. i don’t stan or condone the masses of shit he has done. but. for all purposes on this blog, he did it to frame the mahkorat who were gaining power to force the mahjarrat to take action to wipe them out for the survival and benefit of the entire tribe. let him be a murderer but do it fucking RIGHT.  don’t @ me. *idgaf. i’m wrong but also right. *(i do but as a lorehound, i’m fed up. take this with a grain of salt.)
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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freemindtech · 3 years
NASA Set to Launch $10-Billion James Webb Space Telescope on December 18
NASA Set to Launch $10-Billion James Webb Space Telescope on December 18
The James Webb Space Telescope, which astronomers hope will herald a new era of discovery, will launch on December 18, NASA said Wednesday. The $10 billion (roughly Rs. 73,700 crores) observatory, which is a joint project by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency, will blast off on an Ariane 5 rocket from Spaceport in French Guiana. It is currently stowed at contractor…
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carasecelebridades · 3 years
Rs 336 Milhões ! Esse é o valor da mansão que Jennifer Lopez e Ben Affleck estão cogitando comprar para morar juntos. By Ariane Júnior
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sidnazpro2020 · 3 years
Latest News Today - ESA Signs Contract for Prometheus Ultra-Low Cost
Latest News Today – ESA Signs Contract for Prometheus Ultra-Low Cost
European Space Agency (ESA) is focussing hard on building its own version of low-cost reusable rockets with their Prometheus and Phoebus demonstration projects. This week, the space agency signed two contracts worth a total value of EUR 149.5 million (roughly Rs. 1,333 crores) with ArianeGroup that it said will benefit Europe’s new Ariane 6 launcher and also a new generation of European launch…
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runescapeoutfits · 4 years
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I have a green wreath + 120 agility... ¿how can it match?
Wearing: Third age wreath, Gossamer gloves, Chic scarf, Ariane bottoms, Silken top recolored version, Musketeer boots & 120 Agility cape.
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decodingannelister · 4 years
Tuesday 12 January 1819
7 1/2
11 1/4
B[efore] B[reakfast] look[in]g ov[er] my acc[oun]tts. Ab[ou]t 9 a note fr[om] Misses Prescotts of Clarehall to invite Mar[ia]n and myself to tea and sandwiches on the 20th inst. [this month]. Excus[e]d myself and was sor[ry] Miss M[arian] L[ister] was n[o]t at Shibd[en] Hall. At 11 1/2 d[o]wn the o[ld] b[ank] up Hort[on] St[reet], Bl[a]ckwall and Royst[o]n R[oa]d to Pye Nest to inq[uire] aft[er] Mrs E[dwards] and h[e]r child[ren] John and Delia. Mrs E[dwards] n[o]t being d[o]wn st[ai]rs d[i]d n[o]t see h[e]r and st[aye]d on[l]y a few min[ute]s. Fr[om] Pye Nest d[o]wn Callista lane direct to Mrs Cath[erine] Rawson’s. Left a tick[e]t. Mrs Tom Rawson als[o] n[o]t at ho[me] rang the bell at Mr Saltmarshe’s d[oo]r but no one com[in]g w[e]nt al[on]g Harrison Lane and d[o]wn by the Shay to the end of Ch[ur]ch lane and call[e]d on Mrs Ralph- sat w[i]th h[e]r so[me] time- she seem[e]d ver[y] m[u]ch out of sp[iri]ts ab[ou]t Mr Josias Stansfeld of whom the acc[oun]t of this morn[in]g was no bet[ter] fr[om] Mrs R[alph]s up Hort[on] St[ree]t to the lib[rar]y g[o]t there ab[ou]t half past one and st[aye]d there 1 1/2 h[ou]rs look[in]g ov[er] and r[ea]ding period[ical] works- Carey on Latin the sug[gested] pronounciat[io]n of Latin (ver[y] good) in the Gent[leman]s mag[azine] for Sept[ember] 1818 Rev[iew] in the month[l]y of Mirbels physiol[ogy] of plants( rev[iewe]d ver[y] fav[ourabl]y ind[eed] etc. etc. G[o]t to N[orth]gate ab[ou]t 3 and st[aye]d 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t. G[o]t ho[me] at 4 10/60 by o[u]r cl[ock], 1/4 h[ou]r too soon. Bef[ore] tea wr[ote] out the ind[ex] fr[om] 15 to the end of Dec[embe]r last. In the ev[ening] wr[ote] a rough dr[a]ft of an ind[ex] or rath[er] list of the books and pamplets notic[e]d in this vol[ume] and wr[ote] my journ[al] of today. Should not have thought of going out this morning but as was agreed on Saturday to meet Ɵ [Miss Browne] passed their house at twelve or ten minutes before twelve by the old church saw not a trace of her she must have been prevented much against her inclination I got over not seeing her very easily
A li[tle] sm[all] r[ai]n ab[ou]t 10 a.m. and it was then damp and like[l]y for mo[st] but it clear[e]d a lit[tle] and grad[uall]y turn[e]d out fine- the wind rose en[ou]gh to dry the causeway and make walk[in]g in the aft[ernoo]n ver[y] pleas[an]t. B[arometer] 1/4 deg[ree] bel[ow] chang[ea]ble F[ahrenheit] 41° at 9 p.m. (fire in the hall)
WYAS Reference Number:  SH:7/ML/E/2/0098
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cafe-e-escrita · 7 years
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                      C A P Í T U L O     T R I N T A&U M
Oi oi, olha eu aqui :) . Eu trouxe mais um capítulo para vocês! Como será que Anna e Gael vão ficar depois da bomba de ontem? ai ai ai... Amanhã provavelmente eu não postarei pois tenho uma confraternização e me esqueci totalmente, rs. Mas sábado eu venho de certeza com uma surpresa de Natal para vocês! Agora vamos deixar de enrolação. Espero que curtam este capítulo rsrs ♥
“Porque você teve um dia ruim Você está se sentindo para baixo Você canta uma música triste apenas para mudar isso Você diz que não sabe Você diz para mim "não minta" Você força um sorriso e dá uma volta de carro Teve um dia ruim A câmera não mente
Você está para baixo e na verdade não se importa Teve um dia ruim Teve um dia ruim” (Bad Days— Daniel Powter )
 SENTEI no banco de madeira da varanda e fiquei observando a porteira ao longe à espera de Gael, enquanto lá dentro Heitor e Sr Júlio discutiam com a ex esposa dele. Também nem sei que título devo dar para ela, porque meu coração diz que para ele, ela é a ex, mas para ela, o casamento não chegou ao fim. Dou um longo suspiro e repouso minha mão fechada em minha bochecha direita. Meus olhos se enchem de lágrimas, mas eu não me permito chorar, não ainda. Se eu tiver de chorar, que seja depois da conversa que terei com Gael quando ele voltar sabe-se lá de onde.
Minha irmã chega e se senta ao meu lado. A princípio eu não notei a sua presença, mas quando ela repousa o seu braço sobre o meu ombro, enlaçando-me, eu permito olhar para ela e abraçá-la melhor. — Sinto muito, Lu. — Eu pensei que ela estivesse morta. – eu digo, por fim. — Para falar a verdade, eu também. Sou tão inocente quanto você, até porque, tocar no nome dessa mulher era proibido por aqui. — O que será de nós agora que ela está aqui, Ari? – me solto dela para encará-la. Meus olhos ardem devido às lágrimas, e uma gota teimosa sai do meu olho, enquanto o enxugo o mais rápido possível. — Ele não a quer, minha irmã. Disso eu tenho certeza. Ele te ama. — Eu sei, mas é complicado. Ela é a mãe do Joaquim, você sabe como ele é louco pelo filho, e se ela o usar como desculpa? — Ela não vai fazer isso. — Quem garante? — Lu, não fica pensando nessas coisas agora. Vocês já passaram por tantas coisas, e não é ela quem vai destruir o que vocês dois têm. Eu queria muito acreditar nas palavras da minha irmã, mas algo me diz que a vinda dessa mulher para a Fazenda Maria da Fé será o fim do nosso relacionamento. Sinto o meu coração esmagar só com essa ideia. — Porque eles estão discutindo? – pergunto porque a minha curiosidade é maior. — Porque Alexandra queria se alojar no seu antigo quarto. — No quarto de Gael? Ela balança a cabeça confirmando. — Mas Sr Júlio disse que de jeito nenhum. Se ela quiser ficar nesta casa, que seja no quarto de hóspedes. — No quarto que papai dormiu? Ao lado do quarto do Sr Júlio? — Esse mesmo. – Ari deu uma risada. — Ela achou que seria no seu quarto, Lu. Mas Heitor disse que estava ocupado e então ela ficou furiosa. Heitor disse que não tinham a obrigação de deixá-la nesta casa, e que se ela reclamasse mais um pouco, pegasse suas coisas e fosse embora, como fez há anos atrás. — Mas eles são casados, Ari. Você sabe que ela ainda tem direito de morar aqui. — Sei sim. Mas Alexandra não precisa saber de nada disso. Ficamos em silêncio por um bom tempo. A barriga da minha irmã já se notava em suas roupas, e eu não via a hora de ter meu sobrinho ou sobrinha em meus braços. Com certeza serei a tia mais babona do mundo. Olhei a hora e já estava muito tarde. Passavam de uma da manhã quando Ariane foi se deitar, mas eu disse que ia ficar por aqui mais um tempo. Liguei para Gael, mas ele não atendeu, mandei mensagem para ele no whatsapp, mas não chegou. Ele estava em algum lugar que não tinha internet. Liguei mais quatro vezes, todas em horas salteadas, e na quinta vez ele desligou o celular. Deitei no banquinho de madeira só para esticar as pernas e acabei pegando no sono. Acordei com uma mão gelada sobre o meu rosto e quando abri os olhos, Gael me encarava, seus olhos arregalados me diziam que ele estava preocupado, mas tenho plena certeza de que a preocupação não é sobre eu estar dormindo em um banco do lado de fora da casa. Me sentei rapidamente e esfreguei os olhos, o dia já amanhecia, mas não peguei o celular para ver as horas. — Posso saber porque você está dormindo aqui, Anna? – ele pergunta e seu hálito denuncia que esteve bebendo. — Você bebeu? — Você não respondeu a minha pergunta. — E nem você a minha. Ele dá um longo suspiro e fica em pé. Eu bato no banco para que ele se sente ao meu lado. — É, eu bebi. Precisava beber, mas por favor, não brigue comigo por isso. Não hoje. — Eu não vou brigar, Gael. Não tenho esse direito. Ele me encarou por um momento, provavelmente ia me perguntar sobre o quê eu estava falando, mas não perguntou. — Agora responda a pergunta que eu fiz. — Eu estava te esperando e acabei pegando no sono. — Sabe que pode pegar um resfriado, não sabe? — Eu realmente não me importo. – agarrei o seu braço e encostei minha cabeça em seu ombro — Eu fiquei preocupada, Gael. Eu queria ter ido com você, sabe que pode contar comigo, não sabe? — Eu sei. – respondeu após um longo suspiro.  — Eu sei, Anna, eu sei. Mas eu não podia te levar comigo. Estava muito puto. Porra, eu ainda estou! Mas não quero descontar a minha raiva em você, quem merece toda a minha ira é aquela mulher. Eu não suporto vê-la. Peguei em sua mão e apertei com força. — Vamos subir Anna, precisamos dormir. Assenti e o acompanhei para dentro. Subimos as escadas em silêncio, antes de ir para seu quarto, Gael passou pelo quarto de Joaquim e o observou dormir por alguns minutos. Aproximei-me do pequeno e o enrolei melhor, depositando um beijo em sua testa, antes de irmos para seu quarto. — Obrigado, Anna. – disse ele. — Pelo o quê? — Por ser a mãe que meu filho nunca teve. Gael depositou um beijo em minha cabeça e entramos para dormir. Meu coração se encheu de felicidade e de esperança. Mesmo com a vinda de Alexandra para esta casa, Gael não vai me deixar, e juro que eu vou fazer de tudo para que continuemos juntos. Eu o amo com todas as minhas forças e não vou deixar que nada nem ninguém o tire de mim.
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news Daniel Jeremiah's mock draft 1.0: 4 QBs in top 15 - NFL.com
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Fox news
The NFL has launched the list of underclassmen which were granted early entry to the 2020 NFL Draft, ushering in the decent birth to Mock Draft season! With 93 days till Spherical 1 kicks off in Las Vegas, right here is my first peep at how the predominant 32 picks of the 2020 draft class would possibly perhaps well play out.
NOTE: The final draft present can also trade reckoning on the tip outcomes of Goal Bowl LIV.
College: LSU | Year: Senior (RS)
Burrow would no longer include elite arm strength, but he tests one one more box, and he's a unbelievable slot in the Bengals' offense.
College: Ohio Yelp | Year: Junior
The Redskins include already bought some proficient objects on the defensive line, but Younger is a once-in-a-decade abilities.
College: Ohio Yelp | Year: Junior
Detroit would possibly perhaps well with out issues public sale off this slot to those groups looking out for a quarterback. If the Lions stick and get, Okudah would provide a unparalleled-the largest make stronger in their secondary.
College: Louisville | Year: Junior
Dave Gettleman loves big, physical soccer gamers, and they don't bag any larger than Becton (listed at 6-foot-7, 369 pounds). He's a mauler in the depart game, and he's shockingly nimble in shuffle security.
College: Alabama | Year: Junior
Tua does near with durability issues, nevertheless it be a anxiety price taking for the QB-starved Dolphins. He can sit in the serve of Ryan Fitzpatrick for a season whereas he recovers from hip surgical treatment.
College: Alabama | Year: Junior
The Chargers are in the QB market, but they additionally include a determined want to boost the OL. Wills is a rock-solid player, and he'll begin from Day 1 at right sort out for the Bolts.
College: Auburn | Year: Senior
Matt Rhule will be given the time to construct this team the acceptable technique, and that starts with upgrading in the trenches. Brown is plan to be one of many tip three or four abilities on this draft class.
College: Iowa | Year: Junior
The Cardinals want to present protection to their funding in Kyler Murray. Some mediate Wirfs will assign at sort out in the NFL, but I see him as an All-Real-caliber guard at the following degree.
College: Clemson | Year: Junior (RS)
Pairing Simmons with final one year's first-round get, Josh Allen, will give the Jaguars two elite defensive athletes to construct around. He can play linebacker or security.
College: Georgia | Year: Junior
The Browns ought to make stronger their offensive sort out recount. Thomas has some areas for development, but he'll be too tempting to shuffle up.
College: LSU | Year: Sophomore (RS)
Customary supervisor Joe Douglas is determined to boost the OL, but on this recount, the depart at the scrape has already taken space. Chaisson is an prominent athlete and would fit easily into the Jets' design.
College: Oklahoma | Year: Junior
The Raiders need more playmakers. I mediate Lamb is the finest receiver on this draft class.
College: Utah Yelp | Year: Junior (RS)
The Colts have not publicly committed to Jacoby Brissett as their starter in 2020, and Like is exclusively too absorbing to shuffle up. He would possibly perhaps well want to take a seat for a one year, but the payoff can be tremendous.
College: Oregon | Year: Senior
Groups are all around the intention on Herbert. On the opposite hand, he does fit the profile for Bruce Arians -- he's large, solid and clear.
College: Alabama | Year: Junior
Jeudy would give the Broncos plan to be one of basically the most thrilling collections of younger talent-scrape gamers in the league. Alongside with him to a neighborhood that already comprises Drew Lock, Courtland Sutton, Noah Fant and Phillip Lindsay would strike apprehension into opposing defensive coordinators.
College: Iowa | Year: Junior
The Falcons include tried and failed to land a persistently productive edge rusher. Epenesa would no longer include the highest ceiling, but I mediate he'll be a right 8-to-10-sack performer at the following degree.
College: Alabama | Year: Junior
McKinney is the finest security in the draft, and he addresses a glaring need for the Cowboys.
College: Georgia | Year: Junior
Swift is a special player and would team with Tua to murder some excitement in Miami.
College: LSU | Year: Junior
The Raiders want to bag faster and more dynamic on protection. Queen performs sideline to sideline, and he's prominent in protection.
College: Florida | Year: Junior
The Jaguars include a necessity at cornerback, and Henderson is broadly viewed as the 2nd-finest player at the scrape on this draft class.
College: Alabama | Year: Junior
Tempo! The Eagles are centered on getting faster this offseason, and Ruggs is mainly the most explosive player in the draft.
College: Clemson | Year: Junior
The Funds want so to add a gigantic-bodied playmaker. Higgins is a leap-ball specialist.
College: LSU | Year: Junior
The Patriots would possibly perhaps well peep at an offensive lineman right here (see: Michigan center Cesar Ruiz), but they want so to add some formative years and athleticism at the safety scrape, as nicely.
College: LSU | Year: Junior
Jefferson is terribly right as a route runner, and I in point of fact esteem his toughness. He'll fit completely subsequent to Michael Thomas.
College: South Carolina | Year: Senior
I in point of fact include Kinlaw rated very excessive, and this would possibly perhaps be too unparalleled fee to shuffle up at this location. He's a physical freak.
College: USC | Year: Junior
The Dolphins' offensive overhaul continues with a truly athletic offensive sort out. Jackson is finest 20 years routine, and he has gigantic upside.
College: TCU | Year: Junior (RS)
Blacklock is plan to be one of my current possibilities in the category. He's a considerably larger player than frail teammate L.J. Collier, whom the Seahawks selected in the predominant round final one year.
College: Oklahoma | Year: Junior
The Ravens worship having a peep at Oklahoma. Murray is a dynamic athlete, and Baltimore needs an make stronger at the linebacker scrape.
College: Auburn | Year: Senior
Davidson has internal/begin air versatility, and he performs extraordinarily absorbing. He would join Jeffery Simmons to present the Titans two younger constructing blocks up front.
College: Colorado | Year: Junior
The Packers don't get WRs in the predominant round, but Shenault is more than factual a receiver. He can line up in the backfield and transfer around the formation to murder mismatches in Inexperienced Bay's want.
College: Wisconsin | Year: Senior (RS)
Baun can play on the threshold or off the ball. His athletic ability and versatility would fit nicely in Steve Spagnuolo's protection.
College: Clemson | Year: Junior
Terrell had a tough game vs. LSU in the nationwide championship, but the relaxation of his tape is terribly fair appropriate. He has measurement, length and instincts.
Note Daniel Jeremiah on Twitter @MoveTheSticks.
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