#ruby redfort fanfiction
lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
7, 8, 27
7. What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
I have two normal duvets, three softer blankies which are small and thin and hard to explain, a lighter weighted blanket and a heavier weighted blanket and the fluffiest blankie you will ever see which is thin and fluffy and about the size of a regular duvet versus my other blankies which are about the size of my weighted blankets. It really depends on the season and temperature and how I'm feeling like in the colder months I will sleep curled up in a nest with every single one of them all wrapped around me all snuggly and warm and in the hotter months (rn it is sweltering in NZ) I'll sleep with like. a single duvet. My favourite blanket is the ultra fluffy blankie which I often wrap around myself while I write fanfiction in order to simulate the feeling of Viggo's fur cloak that I write him as having.
8. What’s your favorite band/artist?
Kikuo. I am a Kikuo stannie. I have so many favourite musicians but Kikuo is the one I drool over the most.
27. What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
Well I'm not allowed to say @evilwriter37's fanfictions even tho I want to so I'm gonna have to say the HTTYD book series. Predictable I know but I literally can't read for shit due to ADHD. I also really like A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, I own a copy of the book illustrated by Yuu Shiina and I've also listened to an audiobook of it on youtube and I was even watching the anime at one point. Also the Moomin books are great, Wings of Fire was my hyperfixation in my tween years and it still holds up (I'm trying to reread it and I binged the first book in a day which was intense), Ruby Redfort still has a soft spot in my heart even tho I haven't read it in forever and the My New Zealand Story series is good because I can binge each book in one sitting and it's like a diary format of events in my countries history from the POV of kids so it's quite palatable (haven't read it in forever tho). One of my favourite reads of 2022 was Yotsuba tho like I was wheezing the whole way through and I've only read the first volume so I cannot wait to read the others. I have so much manga sitting on my shelves that I need to read and series that I have read so basically all the manga I own is pretty sweet.
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blackers-donuts · 5 years
I really wanna write a good omens! Ruby redfort au but I’m not sure how it would work
Probably got like Spectrum as like Heaven then the Count as below. And have Clancy and Ruby? representing Aziraphale and Crowley respectively. Idk, any ideas please
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Day 3 of posting a ramble or infodump about something I know probably too much about
Today’s topic, via spinner wheel, is my favorite books and literary works! 
I used to be an avid book reader, but now I don’t read many physical books, in favor of internet stories (read: fanfiction). Here’s a list of my favorites of both, with a brief synopsis (without spoilers) and notes on why I liked the story so much!
The Inquisitor’s Tale (Adam Gidwitz) - this is hands-down one of the best books I’ve ever read! The subtitle is “Or, The Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog” and that sums up the idea nicely. The book centers around these children, being hunted down by the king of France for heresy, in a fictional iteration of medieval France. The story is full of religious themes, and a feeling of family. 
The Ruby Redfort series (Lauren Child) - one of the best mystery/suspense spy series ever; it was initially written for middle-grade children but I think anyone can enjoy them. Centered around a thirteen-year-old genius code-cracker (and her “sidekick” babysitter butler sorry house manager Hitch), each book has a sort of “nerd-topic” driving the plot - think advanced mathematics, organic chemistry, or synesthesia - but the book does a really good job explaining these at a level for almost anyone to understand (in fact, they’re how I got into a variety of subjects!)
Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard (Jonathan Auxier) - also originally written for children but honestly a great book. Bookmender Sophie Quire is tasked with protecting a special book, the protecting of which sends her on a weird and suspenseful adventure with a boy named Peter Nimble and his cat-horse-man-thing named Sir Tode. I can’t say much about the plot without spoilers so that’s all...
The Golden Phoenix (emiartse) - this one is on Ao3, and it is the best Disney AU of the Dream SMP anyone has ever made. Can’t reveal much without spoilers, but basically Tommy is this story’s version of Rapunzel, and Techno and Wilbur are the “Eugene”s. There’s a lot of incredible worldbuilding in this one, and I absolutely love it. 
Tommyinnit’s Clinic For Supervillains (bonesandthebees) - I know a majority of the fandom has read this or at least heard of this, but it’s for good reason! I think this is one of my favorite hero AUs on Ao3, and it’s just so good. Civilian Tommy stumbles across an injured supervillain in an alley, and against his better judgement uses his own powers to heal him. This sets off a big long chain of events with Tommy, his roommates, the villains, heroes, and vigilantes, and Tommy has to deal with all that :3
17 hours (bonesandthebees, thanotaphobia) - say byebye to the U.S. coasts, because they just got nuked. Wilbur and Tommy set out to meet Techno and Phil in Nowhere, Oklahoma, where emeraldduo has built a doomsday bunker. Roadtrip shenanigans and apocalypse hijinks ensue. 
This Is Not an Act of Spite (Alex_Wants_To_Die, ellabellachicketychella) - Another Tommy-centric hero AU, but a little different - I love the characterizations and how they all interact! It’s not finished yet (still quite a ways to go) but I’m here until it’s done!
the stars and their children (bonesandthebees) - if you can’t tell, I love bee’s writing... basically, space royalty AU where Wilbur and Tommy get pretty much exiled off their planet and have to negotiate with the leaders of the Antarctic Empire for protection (which is not gonna be easy). Also not complete yet but I devour each chapter as it comes hehehe (also I’m one of bee’s named anons, she just doesn’t know, or which one heheee)
Tour En L’Air (CalistaWon) - hands-down, best short fic I’ve ever read. Tubbo is secretly a ballet dancer and by accident lets Techno know. Through a chain of events, Tubbo ends up telling all the others, then streaming teaching some of them some ballet. As a dancer this one made me so happy inside, I love fics like this!
I don’t know about any of the other authors but bee has a tumblr! @bonesandthebees! if you read these fics or any of hers, give her some love! 
That’s all I got for now, enjoy the rest of your day/night my lovelies :D
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embersofmemoriesx · 7 years
LB pre Baker's Death
BRADLEY's POV (him and Hitch are handcuffed to chairs after being captured. Loveday steps in...)
Me and Hitch watch as Loveday takes out the four men. In saving our  target from being kidnapped we had ended up being captured ourselves. Well "captured". It wasn't exactly our finest moment or quite according to plan. Fortunately I know how to escape from handcuffs quite easily.
Hitch is aware of  this and he flashes me a knowing smirk from his seat. I could go and help my Loveday but she is (as always) supremely capable. Besides, I have front row seats to the action.
I'm in awe. Within 15 seconds the four men are unconscious and sprawled across the ground. She turns around to face us and flashes me a flirtatious smile before flipping the hair from her face
'Enjoying the show are we Baker?' She smirks
I go to respond but Hitch beats me to it. 'That was seriously cool LB'
She says, ' I learnt with the best'
'Well' I say, flattered but sensing some smart remark
'When he actually decided to fight that is'
There's the smart remark.
I show her my best innocent expression 'LB can you not see that poor Hitch and I have been helplessly handcuffed to these chairs?'
'Yes . It reminds me of a similar situation on our vacation to Mongolia. Ooh Do you remember how we escaped?'
'How could I forget?' I flirt
'Remember the look on Odella's face as we walked straight through her security and out the building'
'She looked like steam was about to start pouring out her ears!' Loveday says before changing her tone slightly
'do you know what else I remember?'she says
'What?' I ask
She leans in towards my chair. Her face suddenly close to mine. My heartbeat speeds up.
'How easily you can get out of handcuffs' she says with a dangerous smile and tips my chair backwards at alarming speed.
Hitch takes a sharp intake of breath but she catches the chair just before I hit the ground.
'Don't get lazy my love' she whispers.
And with that she lets go and my chair drops the final two inches to the ground. She starts striding off and she is out the door before she calls
'Hurry up you two, we've got work to do'
I think about all the doubt around Loveday when she joined spectrum. If a woman would be capable of agent duties.
And here she was, one of the finest agents spectrum had ever seen.
In a second I break free of the handcuffs and jump to my feet. Smoothing down my suit sleeves I turn towards Hitch.
'You may want to hurry up, if I've learnt one thing in life it's that LB doesn't like to be kept waiting'
Hitch POV
And with that he ran off after her. You could hear their laughter.
'Wow' he thought to himself. 'Bradley is a lucky guy'
Then he remembered Bradley's warning. He wondered how far his luck with spectrum would go if he didn't catch up with them soon.
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ollierachnid · 7 years
Ay yo, go read my shitty Ruby Redfort fanfiction.
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Is it just me or does anyone else need a Clancy Crew x Reader fanfiction?
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ruby1redfort · 3 years
Prologue of Count’s Daughter
 12 years ago
           “Victor, I'm worried. You know that I’m going to have your child right? So what’s going to happen? How will she grow up? What will happen to her?” Iriana, Count’s wife asked, worry etching her voice. “You can’t expect her to be here with us especially when we’re pulling off heists? What about Spectrum?” 
“Don’t mention Spectrum to me,” Count spits out. “Our daughter will be safe and sound. I have a sister that she can stay with. When she’s old enough to join us we’ll go and get her.” His tone changes, trying to pacify his wife. 
“Spectrum won’t bother her because they hate children. Nothing can go wrong. Our daughter will be perfect and nothing will go wrong, ever. She’ll be fine living with her aunt. We can see her every now and then. I mean it would be right for her uncle and aunt to check up on her. She doesn’t have to know until she’s older and can take it.” 
Yet everything did go wrong. The aunt didn’t want to take the child and had to be blackmailed into submission. Yet they couldn’t make her like the child.     The next heist the pair pulled, Iriana was captured by Spectrum. Count couldn’t visit his daughter with the police hit on his heels, and Iriana most likely blabbing to Spectrum about his sister and daughter. He would just have to take care of that himself. 
Injecting his sister with a slow acting poison that will have her live for 11 years would do nicely. Then he could take his daughter and everything would be perfect. He would get his revenge on LB and the wonderchild Bradley Baker. Injecting the poison would be the perfect job for his new apprentice. The only good thing that came out of that night.
Yet even he couldn’t do it. He was so weak. Count gave him the poison, the location, even his sister’s habits so it would be easier to kill her, but he still failed. He was seen by Count’s daughter. He thought that he could hide it but he couldn’t. Nevertheless the poison was in and the woman would die. Then the child would have to go with them. They would win not matter what.
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agentredfort · 5 years
submission by @nowhere-dawn-death-phan​
“What,” says Froghorn, the usual delicate edge to his voice gone. “In the living hell is that?”
He knows what it is really, he just wants Blacker to say it out loud.
“It’s an earring.” says Blacker in the type of tone that conveys Miles is obviously some sort of idiot but that he doesn’t want to have to actually say such a cruel statement out loud.
Froghorn bites back the urge to tell him that isn’t an earring. Froghorn doesn’t have a problem with Blacker wearing earrings, on account of the fact that some of them are actually surprisingly tasteful given the guys typical fashion sense. That however, is not an earring. It’s a headache waiting to happen. Froghorn tells him such and Blacker simply scoffs and turns his head away.
The worst part is that Froghorn can’t properly tell what the earring is, because Blacker refuses to keep still long enough for him to get a good look at it. One moment there’s a sparkle of blue catching the light, then Blacker moves his head slightly to the left and the light reflecting off the walls is orange instead. Blacker spins on his heel to find something he’s put down and forgotten the location of, and the entire colour wheel flies by so fast it practically sends Froghorn dizzy. 
When Blacker ducks down under the desk to retrieve half a doughnut, a mug that’s practically started growing its own ecosystem and a black biro that looks like its been dropped into the paper shredder and the remains have been poorly stuck together with what seems to be scotch-tape and chewing gum, the earring flashes green and stays that way, allowing Froghorn to lean slightly to the left and get a good look at it.
It’s an opal. Of all things - an opal.
It’s only small, rounded off and smoothed over, and it sits in a small cradle of untarnished silver. A stone of that size should not be sufficient to cause such a disruption, but just like everything else about Blacker, it was obnoxious beyond all sense of reason. Not that Blacker in and of himself was obnoxious as such, it was just that his general untidiness, haphazard style of working and exuberant zeal made him a bit of an eyesore to the processing centre. The man was a walking headache even before the introduction of such a garish garment.  Froghorn kicked his heel up onto the door-frame, tried his hardest not to look nearly half as disgusted as he felt - and failed appallingly. 
“Rainbow?” His tone was almost borderline scathing.
Blacker backed out from under the desk, turned and stood up. “I thought it quite appropriate, actually.”
Froghorn thumbed the side of his nose and tried to ignore the kaleidoscopic explosion that accompanied any sudden movement on Blacker’s part. “Of course you did. And I’m not saying it isn’t, I’m saying its tacky and tasteless." 
"Ruby got it me for my birthday.”
Froghorn blew air out through his noise. Oh, that made so much sense now. Of course Little Red Rubyhood-was that a good nickname? Little Red Rubyhood? Little Red Rubyfort? Little Redfort Rubyhood?  Little Rubyhood Redfort? Of course Redfort had thought it would be a perfectly good and completely sensible idea to buy Blacker a literal migraine-inducer to attach upon his personhood. 
“You don’t like it?” Blacker asked, fiddling with it anxiously. 
Froghorn huffed. “It’s just a bit….obnoxious.”
Blacker furrowed his brow. “Is it really? I just thought, Spectrum, y'know? Different colours, rainbows, and so on and so forth. Plus, Ruby bought it for me, and it’s really quite a nice earring.”
“The logic’s perfectly reasonable. The execution could have perhaps been a bit better, mind you.”
“I’ll bear that in mind.” Blacker said softly, and then forced a rather unsure smile. “Anything else you wanted, Miles, or just to question my choice of accessory?”
“Just the mockery.” Froghorn said casually, scratching behind his ear for a moment before turning and wordlessly heading up the corridor towards his own office; so focused on where he was going that he didn’t notice Blacker worriedly examining his reflection in the dirty window of his office.
Froghorn noted with a sense of satisfaction that the next time he saw Blacker, he was sporting a simple plain grey stud in his ear in place of the former atrocity to all things with the ability to see in colour.
Although his victory was decidedly short lived when he saw the dejected expression on the agents face.
…Maybe there were things better left unsaid?
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
I wrote an LB and Baker fic in the soulmate au because I love it so much
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
When Hitch told Ruby
So Hitch/ Blacker/ Froghorn is a thing that I like! So I wrote y'all a fic of Hitch telling Ruby about his lovelife. It's short because I'm in London, soooooo I'm busy. Ruby got the information in drips, about Hitch and his partners. Slowly, almost enough time between each slip that she almost forgot the previous bit. "I'm gay." The first one, probably the hardest for Hitch as he sat at the end of Ruby's bed in her dreadful room. Twisting some sort of fabric in his hand, later it would be revealed it is Blacker's beanie but not now. Ruby merely shrugged at her desk, and turned around before patting his shoulder strongly and grinning. She had always known Hitch wasn't the James Bond seducing wives of mobsters to release information and Hitch had been sent abroad a lot, intending to seduce mobsters wives. Instead he played them like he played Sabrina Redfort, cautiously like a piano then gaining confidence and crescendoing into the release of information over coffee and scones. "I like Blacker," the second as they are in the car on the way to LB at some actual sensible time in the day. Ruby sat in the front, but Clancy sat in the back. It was the second time he was going to Spectrum, going to be interviewed for some job. "Does he like you back?" Ruby asks. Hitch nods and grins, "yeah." "Good," says Ruby. They share a glance then Clancy opens the window in the back destroying their moment but causing them to burst out laughing. "Hey Hitch, are you okay," she asks before he passes her some toast. "Blacker likes Miles," he says, "and Miles likes him back." Ruby almost swears but catches herself in the gleam of Mrs Digby's eye. "I can't say I blame him honestly, Miles is clever and interesting and handsome and has a job that isn't dangerous," he says. "I wouldn't say being a house manager is dangerous," retorts Mrs Digby. "Uh, well what Miles does is more stable then this- not to say anything is wrong here. It's just," says the now flustered Hitch. Mrs Digby nods and slides the jam down to him. "So what happens if this Blacker leaves you for this Miles then?" She asks, "do I need to file a murder case?" "This isn't an episode of Crazy Cops Mrs Digby, this is Hitch's love life," says Ruby, "now are you going to take me to school or am I going to have to walk?" Ruby looks up as Hitch walks in. "You know Miles," he says quietly. Ruby automatically thinks the worse, "he got Blacker!" "No, well yes. Ruby, this is complicated so shut up for a bit and let me explain, coz you are going to see me with both Blacker and Froghorn and you'll see them together and I just don't want you to give them death stares or something," he says, "and your mum invited them to tea so you'll have to pretend you don't know them." "Why don't you just explain on the night," asks Ruby. "I told your mum I'd tell you now, Miles, Blacker and I. We are dating each other, all three of us," he says. "Oh, okay," says Ruby. Hitch pulls on his shirt sleeves, "you know, it's healthy and we all communicate and we tell each other everything." "It's fine Hitch, it sounds fun- perfect for hiking, well technically four is better but three is better then two," she says, letting her mind ramble to hiking. "What?" "Well say Miles falls over and breaks his leg whilst you're all hiking and there is no way to find the mountain rescue, well you'll stay with Miles and Blacker will get the ambulance- preferably you'd take someone else and they'd go with Blacker," she explains. "I'm proficient in first aid," he says, "and we don't go hiking." "Be cute if you did." "Ruby this is Miles and Ethan," says Hitch, "guys this Ruby." "It's a pleasure," says Ruby. Miles shakes her hand, "so you're Sabrina's daughter." "No, I'm her pet dog," says Ruby sarcastically. "That's Bug," says Hitch giving her some evil eyes. "You named your dog Bug, Ruby," asks Blacker. Ruby nods. "What type of dog is he?" "Mongrel, like Timmy. From the Famous Five," she says. Blacker nods. The meal is awkward, pretending that Sabrina's awkward questions are far less awkward then they actually are. "Well I met Ethan first," says Hitch, "we went to University together." Blacker nods, "then I met Miles at work." "What do you do?" Brant asks. "Miles, is a computer programmer and I'm a cameraman," says Blacker, "we work for the same company." "Oh and what do you film?" "This and that, whatever I'm told really," he explains. "So what do you do in your spare time Ruby," asks Blacker. "Nothing much really, read and watch tv. Del won the pingpong tournament we had, I play basketball despite my terrible height," she says. They meal goes on, Buzz pads down from Ruby's room inevitably and curls under the table at desert. "Thanks for having us," says Miles as he shakes their hand. "Well, Hitch is basically family so it would just be wrong if you didn't come," says Sabrina. Brant nods. "It would be nice to see you again Mr Froghorn and Mr Blacker," says Ruby minding her manners whilst her parents were in the room. "You will do Ruby, call me Ethan," says Blacker winking at her. Froghorn had a shit-eating grin, "you sure will. And call me Miles." Hitch smiled as they left the door, shutting it behind them. "Glad to get that over with, anyone want a coffee?"
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
Through all of Time and Twinford
Ruby Redfort and a Doctor Who crossover because i was in Wales and saw the Dr. Who experience and i love it. What happens when Hitch sees Lorelei and LB calls that deep blue phone? "LB, this is crazy. I swear I saw Nine-Lives again," says Hitch rubbing his head, "she was dead and I swear that she is back." LB swore, walked out to Clancy's desk and picked up a deep blue phone. One of the fancy ones that had the slide numbers, she slid in a few numbers. "Ma'am, do you want to contact anyone. That only has receiving calls," says Clancy. "Hush Crewe now," she says before speaking into the phone. She puts the receiver down and looks at Ruby, "have you got anything to add to the debriefing?" "No," says Ruby, "I, it was her. How is that possible?" "Quite likely," says a deep British job. Hitch has his gun out and pointing between the man and the woman who has stepped out of a blue box, "I swear you were older and in charge of this whole thing Hitchen." "No?" Hitch says confused. "Hitch, Ruby and Clancy, this is the Doctor, and I am yet to be acquainted with your companion," says LB. "How do you know my name, what the hell is in that box?" "That box is the Tardis, and inside it is a time machine, you have an issue with a shapeshifter?" "We killed her, we cremated her. She's back- more like a resurrector," says LB. "That's interesting LB, this is Bill by the way," says the Doctor, "I am of course presuming you're LB." "Yes, last time. You were Scottish?" "Gosh that was a while ago, regeneration it's still me," he says. Bill looks at Ruby, "so what is this place." "Can I?" Ruby asks LB who merely nods and shrugs. "Is it like a secret spy thing," asks Bill, Ruby and Clancy is talking to her as Hitch is telling the Doctor what is happening. "Well sort of," says Ruby, "it's complicated. Spectrum is a non-government organisation who stop bad people." "Like...." "It's a lot like Crazy Cops- do you have that in England," says Ruby. "Not in my time, I'm from the future," says Bill, "wait I can't say that. Well you probably presumed didn't you." "Yeah," says Clancy, "I had a little hunch." Ruby scoffs a little laugh, "so I'm a coding and field agent, the first since Bradley Baker. And Clancy here is, what is your title Clance?" "Some secretary, did you see all the hundreds of phones out there? I answer them, make sure it's an agent or feed and make sure they get told the right info," says Clancy, "I ring them sometimes. It's simultaneously more and less complicated then it looks." "What do you mean the first since Bradley Baker?" "It's just some bozo," says Ruby, "nothing to worry about, seeing as he's a bit dead. What is the Tardis?" "Time and Relative Dimension in Space, Tardis," explains Bill dramatically, "it'll take you anywhere." "What's the craziest place you've been," asks Ruby. "I've been to the end of the universe, to see if this girl I liked who got possessed by some sort of rain creature puddle thing would follow me," explains Bill, "then we went to a planet yet to be inhabited by humans and found killer emoji bots." "What's emoji?" Clancy asks, "we don't have all your fancy modern tech." "Pictograms, pictures you send in your messages to people," she says, "like smiley faces and hearts and stuff." "Okay," says Ruby not really understanding it. "Ruby come on," LB says. "Redfort, find me Lorelei," says the Doctor. Hitch looks cautiously at him, "why can't I?" "Because you are important," says the Doctor. "And Ruby isn't?" "Okay, you do it Hitchen," says the Doctor quite annoyed. Hitch leaves, throwing a walkie talkie towards the Doctor, "I'll call you, when I find her." The wait in awkward silence for a bit. "So, sir. How have you been, since the last time?" "Here and there," says the Doctor, "okay. I'm bored lets go, LB you stay here Clancy, Ruby and Bill come on." They all walk out. "This way," leads the Doctor holding a sort of wand and now he's wearing some sunglasses. "Bill, come on Clancy. How good at you at codes?" "Ruby is better," he says. "Clancy is amazing," says Ruby interrupting. The doctor nods before throwing a pad of paper towards Clancy, "sort that out. It's anagrams." Clancy pulls a pen out of his pocket and starts figuring it out. "It's in some sorta language sir, I can't speak french," says Clancy. "It's in code Clancy," says the Doctor. Clancy nods again putting pen to paper and scribbling guesses down. Eventually there is a screech of the walkie talkie and a "Oh God, it's at the library." Clancy turns in the opposite direction and breaks into a sprint. "Well come on," says Ruby quickly following him. They run to the library and see Hitch against a bookshelf, World Politics section, holding a gun to the woman just in front of the World Religions section. "Lorelei, you are dead," he whispers. The Doctor comes up behind him and points the sort of wand at her, it buzzes quietly and then it buzzes at the paper on Clancy's hand. "Slitheen," says Clancy, a bit confused if you asked him. "Oh it has been a while hasn't slitheen. When was the last time you came to earth?" Low grumbling comes from the now creature shedding Lorelei's skin. "Sarah Jane? Oh she was a clever girl wasn't she?" "Ruby, what is happening?" Hitch asks now slowly inching behind the doctor. "I don't know?" "Hitch, Clancy, Ruby this is a Slitheen oh and Bill this is a Slitheen- they skin their prey. I should go back to the alien," says the distracted Doctor. "Bill?" "I don't know," she whispers. There is some conversation then a wave of the screwdriver. It seems to fill with air, then bursting covering the crowd with green goo. "That'll warn the others- they'll be off your hands now Hitch," says the Doctor, "sorry about the goo." "I've been worse," says Bill. "Well I haven't," snaps Ruby shaking off the goo. "Let's get washed off, I can get to Spectrum through a bookshelf," says Hitch, "can you clean this up Doctor?" The Doctor nods and there is another buzzing and it slowly goes away- on the books and the humans. "Need any help here?" A librarian asks. "Yes, we are just visiting," says the polite Bill, "Ruby tells me the library is one of the defining features." "Yes," agrees Ruby, "the architecture is exquisite." The librarian nods and turns around, "thank you. Miss Redfort you have five books overdue." "Oh, I'll get it to you soon," winces Ruby. "I'll extend it for you," says the librarian before leaving. There is a slight pause as Clancy takes out a book for coding. A person walks up to the Doctor who is scanning some classics. "You don't have much sci-fi," he says, "lovely British section though." "Is there anything you'd like to see," he asks. "HG Wells," informs the Doctor patting him firmly on the back and moving towards the group, Ruby hiding in the middle. Hitch leads them to the cooking book section and pulls a copy of some fish book off the shelf and the shelf swings open revealing a corridor leading to Clancy's desk and the Tardis. "Ring us if there is an issue I don't know why you are starting to get Aliens, lets hope it's happy coincidence," he says. "Thank you Doctor," sighs LB, "sir." "We'll meet again LB," says the Doctor. LB rolls her eyes, "some point across time I suppose." "Yes," says the Doctor, "now bye." There's a vwoosh vwoosh and the Tardis disappears. "Tell me, no don't. Forget this happened you three," she yawns, "I'm off to bed." She goes to her office, Hitch takes Clancy and Ruby home and they all fall asleep, peacefully despite the previous adventure.
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
Sweating Is Totally (not) Necessary
I thought I would write this for @agentredfort‘s birthday. It’s what happens when Blacker and Del gets shot in the knee and how spectrum reacts with a wee bit of Clancy who has taken over Buzz’s job. I’ve forgotten how BAYD ends so I presumed it. Happy Birthday!!!!
The phone finally picked up, Ruby knew it was still Clancy’s first few weeks at the desk of Buzz and he was getting a grip with the phone system but it really should be quicker.
“Page me through to Froghorn,” she says, “please Clancy.” “Coming right up agent,” says Clancy and she hears more buttons being pressed, accenting some words of confusion. “Agent Redfort,” says Froghorn, “I hope this is important.” “Yes, Blacker,” she says, “Blacker got shot.” “What! Tell me everything,” says Froghorn. “He left a few minutes after Hitch picked me up and well, we heard the shot so we turned around. Blacker’s gone to the medic place in Spectrum, Hitch is chasing the shooter. He wanted me to ring LB, coz the office is compromised but well. I thought you would prefer to know, I’m going to ask Clancy to ring her after you,” she says. “Who’s with you,” he asks. “No one,” replies Ruby. “Use those parkour skills to climb on top of a building, I’ll be there in five,” he says, “ring LB but be safe. There will probably be more.”
She hears the phone click, “get me LB.” “I heard it all Redfort, good initiative but you should have at least told Crewe to tell me but well, Froghorn has taken it upon himself to find you. I’ll see you in a while, how bad is he?” “He was bleeding quite heavily, when the agent with Hitch took him in,” says Ruby, “what was that about anyway.” “Just a test Ruby,” says LB, “I’ll see you later.”
“Ruby!” Froghorn whisper yells. “I’m coming down,” she says before tumbling off the small building. “You’re crying Ruby, I’ll take you home,” says Froghorn. “No, no take me to Spectrum, I need to talk to Clancy,” says Ruby. “You need to go home Ruby,” says Froghorn. There’s another bullet shooting past someone’s ear, it whistles so close to them that Froghorn leaps into Hitch’s left car and snatches Ruby back in. Froghorn swears, notices no one behind them and swirls into a car park. “Hurry,” says Froghorn. They crawl through some hole and land in front of Clancy, who quickly embraces her.
“You’re bleeding,” he says to Froghorn. “I’m fine,” says Froghorn sternly. “Redfort,” says LB. “Let me see Nick, Blacker,” corrects Froghorn. “No,” says the Doctor. “You have to, I’m his boyfriend. Come on,” says Froghorn, “you have to let me.” “No, wait till he has recovered, at least a little bit,” replies the Doctor. “Blacker, he’ll be a bit different,” says LB, “Crewe get out.” Clancy detaches himself from Ruby’s side to go back into the office behind his desk.
“Right, Blacker will be a bit different,” says LB. “How? He won’t like donuts anymore,” laughs Froghorn quietly. “He’s quiet, the Doctor reckons that he won’t be- well let’s be glad he’s not a field agent,” explains LB. “LB, I’m not one for threatening but I would do anything, to know what is happening to Blacker,” says Froghorn lowly. “They reckon he’ll lose his leg,” says LB, “look Miles, Hitch has found the shooter, and the one who shot you two and he’s being interrogated to see who he works for and how many people know about the base.” “I’m going to kill them,” says Froghorn.
A phone rings, LB motions for Clancy to come back in, he darts in and picks it up. Using a quick alibi and flicking through a book to here the correct code back. “Person in charge of Coding team,” whispers Clancy, “gotta hunch that that is Blacker.” “I’ll take it,” says LB before turning to the phone and yelling something in there about training and a waste of time if he couldn’t think it out by themselves.
“I think you’ll both want to stay here tonight,” says LB. Hitch runs in, “you okay Froghorn, I’m so sorry.” “He’ll be fine, Nick will be fine,” he says, as way of answer. “If I was a few minutes later,” says Hitch. “Well, don’t sweat it Hitch. Honestly it’s fine,” replies Froghorn, “I just need to be able to see him.”
Another phone rings, “Ruby.” “Here,” she says. She listens to the breathy message and bursts out crying again, “Del.” “Who on earth is Del,” snaps LB. “Ruby’s gal,” says Hitch as way of explanation. “What about her,” says Froghorn. “Shot, leg same as before, someone knows about Spectrum,” says Ruby. “Dismissed Ruby and Froghorn, Hitch get this Del girl in. Clancy do you have a sweetheart?” LB basically yells.
Ruby had never seen her this angry. Not quite sure what this was emotion was about, Spectrum had never been this compromised before. The circle was kept as tight as possible after Buzz, the main reason why Clancy got the job was that he already knew. Maybe it was because Ruby is dating Del, maybe because everything is falling apart around.
“How are you?” Froghorn asks her once they are walking down the corridor. “Terrible, I’ve grown up here you know, five years. And it starts to feel like a gimmick- especially now Clancy is here, and you forget there is a real risk, till some stupid thing happens to your girlfriend,” says Ruby angrily. “Well- you’ve always had a bit of a death wish Redfort,” says Froghorn.
“Ruby, Del wants you,” says Clancy. Ruby gets up and tucks the mystery novel into her pocket and follows Clancy to the hospital part of Spectrum, a room partitioned by a curtain. “What’s happening Rube?” She asks, “where am I?” “Spectrum,” says LB- watching from the corner. “What’s that,” Del says. “A spy organisation separate to any government,” says LB. “Why aren’t you answering Ruby?” “I’m not sure what I can,” says Ruby. Del looks at her, “you can tell me anything. Is this where you work?” “I, you don’t have clearance. So I can’t tell you everything, this is where I work.” Ruby explains. “And I’m safe here, you’re safe here?” Ruby nods, “you should rest Del.” Del nods and rolls over, to fall asleep quickly.
LB pats her shoulder once, “so should you Redfort. Leave it to me to find who squealed.” “I don’t want to leave her,” says Ruby. “She’s safe. Hitch is guarding the door,” says LB, “and we are on shutdown.” “I still don’t.” “Go,” says LB, “she’s safe here.” Ruby walks out and finds a bed in some dormitory that usually keeps new agents.
“She’ll be fine, as will Blacker,” says Hitch over breakfast. “Well I was really worried about that eighteen year old, you know,” says Froghorn sarcastically, “instead of my boyfriend and a vital part of Spectrum.” “I will take you down right now,” says Ruby. “Yeah yeah,” replies Froghorn. “She is important to me,” says Ruby. Hitch rolls his eyes, “come on guys. We are all tired and you’re angry.”
“Clancy!” Someone yells, “why are we on shut down.” “Can’t say,” replies Clancy, “LB wants to make an announcement at eight.” “Come on Crewe you know everything about Spectrum tell us what’s happening,” says the same person. “I don’t blab,” says Clancy claiming some fruit from the bowl and heading back to his desk. He’s changed clothes well his top, it’s a fancy shirt and he’s combed his hair. “Why are you all dressed up,” Hitch asks. “Someone fancy’s coming and LB wants me, you Hitch and her to be all dressed up,” says Clancy, “I reckon something important’s happening. Bigger then Del and Blacker.” “What gave that away kid,” says Hitch.
“I’m off to see if I can see Blacker,” says Hitch. “You all know where I’ll be,” says Clancy. “You gotta hunch Clancy,” asks Ruby. “Yes, and it’s keep our heads down and LB will fix this,” he explains. “And what do you actually think kid,” a person asks as Clancy turns into the buff chest of a field agent, Ruby is almost stood up to protect her best friend. “I think this is all out of our control and to let the people in charge take charge,” says Clancy firmly, “now I have a job to do.”
The next day, both Ruby and Froghorn walks in to Del being taught coding techniques from Blacker. “Nick,” says Froghorn, passing him a donut, “I’ve been stealing them from the caff.” “Hey Ruby dear,” says Del, “guess who can go home in a week if this place is no longer in shut down.” “That’s awesome,” says Ruby. Del leans over and kisses her, “it’s weird knowing all this.” “It’s weird being able to tell you,” says Del, “you know if I pass the test LB wants me to help with some physical training. Or what Hitch did when he was in recovery if I go through some training.” “That’s good,” says Ruby. “If we don’t get her for coding first. It’ll be a shame if she goes straight into training,” reckons Blacker. “You’ve got that right,” says Ruby. “You should get back,” says Del after another hour of discussion. “I should stay,” corrects Ruby. “I’m fine babe, honestly,” says Del. “I know, I like spending time with you,” says Ruby. “I should hope so, come visit me tonight,” says Del, “after you’ve figured out who the hell did this.” “And tell LB just my leg has gone it doesn’t mean my brain has broken,” says Blacker. “No,” orders Froghorn, “you need to rest.” “Yes Miles,” says Blacker rolling his eyes.
It’s breakfast when everyone is on breaking point, only twenty people were in Spectrum at the time of shut down- mainly field agents. Meaning Froghorn and Ruby were the only parts of the coding group trying to figure out by anything, the breathy phone call and nothing else. People were tired of rubbing elbows with everyone without getting any reasons so when Clancy is leaving with some dried fruit he gets cornered.
“Tell us what’s happening now, Crewe,” says someone, “why can’t I leave?” Everyone had been told what had happened to Blacker and they knew the reasons why they couldn’t leave. “I don’t know,” says Clancy quietly truly not knowing. “And you want me to believe that, I know twelve different ways to kill you without leaving any sort of evidence,” answers the man. “And I know twenty,” says Hitch, “he doesn’t know, I don’t know, Redfort and Froghorn are working as hard as they can.” “Redfort?” The man asks.
“Oh,” realises Froghorn, he was having a eureka moment, “Crewe and Redfort come on. With the frequency pitching.” “They’ll finish talking to me first,” says the field agent. “I don’t think they will,” says Froghorn smirking, “I’ve figured the code out.” Clancy and Ruby leaves and head to the coding door. “They are going after you Ruby, three of them. It’s so bloody obvious, one that hit Blacker by mistake. Thought you would leave by the front door, then messaged in to tell the other that you had already left having known Blacker was the last to leave. So that’s how they got Del.” “She must have waited for me at home,” says Ruby. “Then they shot you when I got there,” says Froghorn. “This is another Casey Morgan situation,” sighs Ruby. “Well exactly, but play the record again Ruby,” says Froghorn. The breathy voice says, “we’ve got Del and we’ll get everyone. Knees are lovely places to shoot- be thankful only one is a field agent. But we’ll get him last before you of course.”
“They are going for you next Clancy,” says Froghorn, “they’ve used pitch frequencies that adults can’t hear- it was a test. Morse.” “Sick test,” comments Clancy. “You’ve got a hunch right Clancy,” says Froghorn. “Oh, it’s not Lorelei or The Count. That, that phone comes from the sea division, where’s Buzz?” Clancy figures. “Dead right, she fell off the building,” says Clancy. “Yeah, but did you pick the body up because Spectrum could not find it,” says Froghorn. “Oh. So that makes sense- why she knows the phone number. How she can? Clever,” says Ruby, “and about Clancy. On desk.”
“Get LB,” yells Froghorn to the corridor before bounding down the corridor. “You’ve figured it out?” LB says earnestly, “who has been blabbing.” “Buzz, she is in the sea division. Clever girl,” says Froghorn, “terrible and despicable and unorganised but clever.” “I’ll tell them, Crewe.” Clancy follows behind, smiling.
“Wanna go see Del, she’ll be good here working, got spunk. Not that we need any more with you around,” says Froghorn. “We solved it,” says Froghorn entering the room. “Oh, great,” says Blacker. “Who?” “Casey Morgan, Buzz,” explains Ruby, “and Froghorn worked it out.” “Ruby heard the high frequency,” says Froghorn. “Proud of you Ruby,” says Del, “and we get to go home soon.” Ruby kisses her, “yeah definitely. I love you, you know.” “I know,” says Del kissing her again. “Get a room, you two,” says Froghorn. “She just pulled a Han Solo on Ruby,” says Blacker. “I love her, I’d get myself shot for her,” answers Del. “Don’t Del,” asks Ruby. “Hey bozo, don’t sweat it.”
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
Silence Is Golden
So a lovely anon wanted a coding team fic so I wrote one about Ruby burying her hatchet with Froghorn.
There was a sharp knock at the door. Ruby was finally going to bury the hatchet with Froghorn by asking him for help. Okay, she had already tried to find Blacker, Blacker was nowhere to be seen, she knew Hitch was definitely more of a field agent and the way he stared at the paper only proved it. So last on the list of people she could bother without being fired is Froghorn and if she wanted to continue decoding at spectrum. Let’s just say they were bound to either hate each other forever or become vague acquaintances.
“Come in,” he says, “hello Agent Redfort.” He says her name with a sneer she understands, the same sneer Clancy’s french teacher gave him when he said the wrong form of aller. “Agent Froghorn, can I have some help,” she says before adding another word of “please.”
Froghorn looks up from his desk, “you sure as hell ain’t Bradley Baker.” “I did find him though so, I basically am,” she replies, “I couldn’t find Agent Blacker coz I know you don’t like being disturbed and then. I don’t know anyone else.” Froghorn smiles, “always happy to help Redfort. I just don’t like being randomly disturbed.” “I get that sometimes Del gets really loud and I can’t concentrate,” she blurts. “You’re doing that now Redfort, now let’s see the code.”
They sit down and whilst Froghorn at first starts working in a silenced rush once Blacker arrives and starts to show the teenager how they are working the code out, carefully wording how they are not experimenting with stuff they know won’t work. It all fits each person contributing to the completion of the code, a little suggestion here or there from Ruby whilst Blacker and Froghorn work on it. “There you go agent Redfort, glad to be of assistance,” says Froghorn pushing his hair back, it flops forwards depending on how warm it is.
There is another knock on the door and Hitch walks in. “Could you give that to LB, I don’t want to take credit for your work,” she says, they had finished a few minutes ago and now were just sitting there, talking about other codes they had either created or solved. Froghorn smiles, in the awkward way he always acts when someone he doesn’t like does something unnecessarily nice. “Couldn’t have done it without you.” He says. So Blacker picks it up confirms that he’ll tell LB who worked on it. Hitch stares at the current pair now working on a new code, Ruby was testing Froghorn on some code she had created when she was younger.
“I’ll pick you up later then kiddo, see you Froghorn,” says Hitch, holding the door open for Blacker.
Blacker walks back in, suddenly with donuts and coffee from somewhere. Presumably the cafeteria. He passes a donut to Ruby and places the coffee in front of Blacker and sits at the desk in the corner working on his own code.
Someone passes a new code to Ruby and now Froghorn had helped her discover the key she sits on the floor happily decoding the messages and Froghorn works on whatever he was working on before.
“Ruby, we have to head home now,” says Hitch once he had been granted access by Froghorn saying yes through the door. Ruby collects the file, puts it in her backpack. “Thanks Agent Froghorn, couldn’t have done it without you,” she says. Froghorn nods, “you’re welcome anytime Redfort. Anytime.”
The next time she couldn’t find anyone so heads to Froghorn’s to see if she can work with him. Just in quiet, just for the company. “Come in,” he says. Ruby walks in, “do you mind if I work in the corner please?” “Just be quiet Redfort,” he orders, “Blacker’s desk is clean.” She takes it as a yes. They sit in comfort till it is time for them to leave, Ruby had maths homework to breeze through and Hitch was done for the day. “You don’t need to knock Redfort, it just knocks me out of my zone,” says Froghorn.
The next time she just walks in, spots the beanbag now placed in the corner and sits there. She sees Blacker lift his head in acknowledgment and nudge Froghorn’s ankle, “hey Redfort.” “Hey guys, you don’t mind,” she asks. “Your beanbag Redfort, I brought it in foe you,” he says.
Ruby smiles and works, following the advice previously given to her. Eventually Blacker leaves, they continue to work now the careless mutters under Blacker’s breath was gone and they were concentrating fully on their codes. “Redfort, lock up once your done,” says Froghorn, “don’t touch the desk.” She gets tossed the keys and Froghorn leaves.
Now the silence is disconcerting for Ruby. At least with Froghorn their was his breath and occasional tapping of feet that created a noise but not silence like this. Let’s just say, she was glad when Hitch arrived.
“Froghorn just left you?” He asks on the way home. “Yeah, gave me the key and everything. I think we’re alright now,” says Ruby. Hitch shrugs, “whatever you think kiddo.” Ruby looks at him and he laughs, “of course Froghorn likes you.” Ruby smiles and goes to sleep in the seat next to him.
She walks in the next day and passes a paper bag to Froghorn, it contained the last donut that Clancy had given her. He thanks her and continues working, she sits down accepts Blacker’s donut and works. She locks up at the end of the day, and that’s how they end up working.
One day she was in early, it was summer vacation and the parents were away. “Hey Ruby, why are you waiting in the corridor,” asks Blacker. She shrugs and stands up collecting the hoodie from the floor, “no one was in.” “Redfort, what are you waiting for?” Froghorn yells from the corridor, “you have a key.” Ruby smiles, “it is your office, not mine.” “Thats nice of you Ruby, come on in,” says Froghorn. He holds the door open for the pair and they sit down and start to work, like previous days.
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
Riding the rails
A Ruby Redfort, Railhead crossover set in a Railhead universe. Because there isn’t enough fanfic in either. You don’t need to have read railhead, but you definitely should.
——— “The Guardians want you Ms Redfort,” says a station worker as Ruby stops her game of Rock paper scissors with Zen. She smiled and gave him the bag which had his latest stealings, old habits die hard apparently, “Stay at Clancy’s tonight and I’ll get the train over after I’m done.” “What about going home?” “You know why.”
Zen has, well has been identified truly as a Noon. Now adjusting to the life he had always wanted to lead yet also not because he is separated from his sister and mum. He had quickly made friends with the Redforts and Crewes happily running the rails in any train pulling into Grand Central Station- the centre of the network. Another amazing thing about being separated was that he could go wherever he wanted.m “Ms Redfort,” says the station worker starting to get impatient.
Ruby rolls her eyes and follows the worker out. “Miss Redfort, welcome,” says the guardian. “How do I call you?” She asks, pulling her t shirt down around her jeans. So she liked old clothes cut from patterns from the database, adapting it to chameleon different messages. “Call me LB my name is much to hard to say,” it says towering over Ruby. “LB,” she repeats. The guardian moves in a way no one describe, and elegant elongated stretch as it moves across to touch Ruby’s head. “You have been chosen by the empress, by the Guardians to protect the pyxi, we have asked a member of the transport police to care for you,” it says. Ruby thinks, “Pyxi?” “It is unnecessary for you to know what pyxi is, now,” says the Guardian, “you will travel on the Noon train and Hitch will greet you there.” “What about Clancy and Zen?” “The guardians would prefer it if you did not tell them about the pyxi, specifically Zen Starling.” Ruby nods, not quite sure how else to react to the boxes in the satchel that was all that LB had left now, now she was gone.
“Miss Redfort to the train,” says the station worker, now with more medals than before, “Empress Threnody has asked to meet you.” Ruby marvels at the train work, Zen had ridden it, Zen still adored the trains. They were both more addicted to the rails as they would like to admit. “Ruby Redfort,” yells a voice, a man with a navy blue coat steps out of the carriage, “I’m Hitch.” “Ruby, can I go home now?” She asks, hugging the bag to her chest. “Sure, to your friend Clancy’s or to your house,” he asks, “the train is leaving for your planet today.” “Does Empress Threnody expect me,” asks Ruby.
Hitch shakes his head, “we aren’t even going on this train kiddo. Come on.” Hitch leaps off as the train begins to move landing neatly near her. “Bag?” He asks holding his hand out. “No,” replies Ruby.
Hitch nods and moves to sit on the station platform benches. “Do you know what is in here?” Ruby asks. Hitch nods, “LB doesn’t want me to tell you though.” “So why aren’t you looking after the pyxi?” “You’re what eleven kid?” “Thirteen.” “They won’t suspect you,” he says. “Who?” “On the train,” he says, pausing between words to listen to the unbang of the trains. “Come on Redfort,” he says basically throwing her on a new train. “A-7824,” she whispers as she sits in the new cabin, pulls her yellow notebook and pen from a pocket and writes it down. “Don’t you use the datasea?” She shakes her head and replaces it, “I’m greedy with my knowledge.”
Hitch nods, “the pyxi holds the key to the stations. We are protecting them till the person searching for them is apprehended.” “Nine-lives Lorelei?” Ruby gasps. “We call them Raven, but yes. Others call them Nine Lives Lorelei.” “Raven? Like who Zen worked with?” Hitch nods and holds the rope that attaches to the ceiling refusing to sit on the plastic seats that Ruby sat on.
The train jerks forward, rushing through different planets with completely different habitats, thousands of buildings interspersed with the fee trees. Ruby sits in silence scribbling her sightings down unnerving Hitch. “If Zen knows nine lives Lorelei,” she begins before going silent again, then scribbling with her pen, “Hitch am I caught up in something. Something bigger than what I can control?” Hitch nods. Before sitting next to her, “you need to look after the pyxi. That’s all you need to do.”
They pull into the station, and they walk out. “Ruby, you’re back and Hitch,” says her mum as she walks in. “Hitch?” Ruby asks, “how do you know Hitch?” “He’s our butler,” says Mrs Digby, “you’ve been away to long to meet him.” “Away too long, I was just travelling the rails with Clancey, we went down one line and came back,” she lies. “You were with that Noon lad,” accuses Mrs Digby. “Zen?” Sabrina asks, “how lovely. You know Kobi thinks you two should marry.” Kobi being Empress Threnody’s husband and thinking that now because of their marriage he was in charge. “What did he say, two rapscallions deserve each other,” adds Brant. Mrs Digby places a plate of something in her hands, “they are waiting for you upstairs Ruby.”
Ruby nods and sprints up the stairs meeting with Clancey and Zen. All their houses were close to each other and Zen hated being home. They used to sneak out to each other’s all the time. “Kobi thinks we should get married,” says Zen, playing a game of chess with Clancy, looking up as she enters. “Mum just told me, she seemed fairly on board with the whole idea,” replies Ruby placing the plate of biscuits on the floor and slinging the bag down by her bed, “Clancy, rook to D8.”
They finish the game and Zen gets a call to go back to his house, once again clambering out the window to the bridge system that connected the mansions.
“I got a hitch Ruby,” whispers Clancy, “I got a bad feeling about Zen.” Ruby nods, “you know a guardian summoned me earlier?” Clancy nods, “that spread the rails like wildfire.” She shrugs and sets up the tv projection for another threedee bad murder mystery, “I’m in nothing I can’t handle,” she promises though she isn’t sure if it’s to herself or if it’s for Clancy, “nothing I can’t handle.”
——— “Thank you for protecting the pyxi,” says a man swinging into her room from the bridge, she’s reading a book after everyone “Who the hell are you?” She snaps, “get out.” “Pyxi.” He replies. “What is a pyxi?” He laughs and crouches by her, “I think you know Ruby.” “I don’t think I do, what is a pyxi?” She repeats standing to see him clearly.
She knew who he was, Raven, Nine-Lives Lorelei. The person who wanted the pyxi more than anything in his life, the one that killed multiple trains for the pyxi. She swore to herself, that through hell would she give him more ways to kill a train or do whatever he wanted to do with them. “A pyxi is a way to open the k-gates,” he informs. “Yeah right,” she scoffs, “there is no way to open a k-gate. It just exists. The guardians haven’t done anything they’ve just always existed and because they’ve been around the longest everyone believes them.” “That’s a different way of thinking it,” he says, “so if you don’t believe in the Guardians give me the pyxi.” “I don’t have the pyxi, now I will call someone if you don’t leave,” she says. “Ruby, I heard a kerfuffle,” says Hitch through the door. “Bye, I’ll catch you on the rails,” he says before jumping out the window disappearing right away exactly as Hitch burst through the door.
“Ruby,” he says, “who was in here?” “Raven,” she says, before pointing to the window, “he didn’t take anything though.” Hitch runs through the window and Ruby feels under the bed for the bag. It’s all there, the wooden boxes still unmoved.
“Oh my word,” says Hitch, “he won’t be coming back. He shouldn’t have even come here. He can’t have come here.” “It’s fine, I lied to him,” replies Ruby, “I’m just going to sleep now.” Ruby goes to sleep waking up with the sun. “Lets go,” says Hitch at the table, “I need to go to the bazaar.” “Are you taking Ruby?” Hitch nods and stands up allowing Ruby to follow him. “Be back before the last train,” orders Mrs Digby, “we used to respect the trains and they do not want to be waiting around for children.” Ruby nods and pulls her converse on, grabs the bag and follows Hitch.
They are on the same train as the previous day again but now both Zen and Clancy are sat down. Panicking silently as Ruby enters the pair stand up. Zen hugs her, “I heard Raven was at your house last night. I’m so sorry. What was he looking for?” Ruby shrugs, “nothing I ain’t got.” Zen shrugs, “I’m sorry.” Hitch shakes his head, “nothing you could have done kid.” They start a game of chess, using the projecting table to organise the teams. Clancy and Ruby against Hitch and Zen, it’s close, but the system shuts down before they finish.
Ruby and Zen sense the train spiders watching them. “Spectrum, why have we stopped,” asks Hitch. “We have a train blocking the rails,” says Spectrum of Colours the message humming down the walls and carriages. “What line are we on?” Zen asks. “Dog Star, it’s a deserted line,” replies Hitch.
Zen swears, then steps off the carriage dragging Hitch behind him. “Thought Fox,” yells Zen, “let us through.” “Raven says no one can go through.” “Get off the train, the Thought Fox kills trains get off of me,” the train whistles. Ruby grabs her pyxi and sneaks Clancy out the back of a train, they hide crouching behind Spectrum. “Let us through,” asks Zen, “please.” “Raven said no one,” repeats the train. “And you’re still under his control, he can barely control his motorik. Nova left him and she’s just a wire dolly but you have brains, you are clever Thought Fox, you can do anything,” says Hitch. “Who are you?” “Hitch,” he introduces bowing low before the train. “You are clever Hitch,” says the train. “You flatter me, I am not at all. Not like you,” says Hitch. The Thought Fox laughs, “I’ll clear the rails.” “Thank you so much,” says Zen.
Clancy steers Ruby off the tracks, just as the Thought Fox rattles through Spectrum. Metal hitting the tunnel as both Zen and Ruby feel the sadness of a basically brand new train destroyed. Zen walks towards them, a tear in his eye when he thought about how close they were to follow a similar fate to Spectrum of Colour. “Ruby, oh God,” says Hitch, “I’ll take you all back home.” “How?” “Oh yeah, dead line. Anyone got a headpiece?” The children shake their heads. “Let’s wait on the platform, a guardian will find us and send a train,” swears Hitch. They walk along the side of the rails and climb onto the station platform, Hitch lifting the short Ruby and Zen aboard and then the pair lift Clancy up and Hitch quickly follows pushing himself up.
“You actually believe that the Guardians will find us,” asks Clancy as they sit in a corner. “Well yeah,” replies Hitch, “Spectrum is their train.” “They won’t come for us, they won’t come and we can’t get through k-bahn.” “So we are stuck, in a planet that we can’t actually go on the surface on because Raven is up there,” reckons Ruby. “He could be anywhere.” “Who?” A voice calls, “me. You make me feel special Hitch.” “Raven,” sneers Clancy standing up immediately. “Where is my train,” he asks. “Left.” Zen replies. “No, where is the Thought Fox?” He repeats. “Left,” spells out Clancy, “is traveling the lines by itself. No humans. Not here.” Raven swears and holds the hunting pistol up, “this is your fault Starling.” Clancy steps in front, then Hitch.
“You kill them and I’ll destroy the pyxi,” yells Ruby, “we don’t want to disturb you. We just want a train.” “You do have the pyxi then Miss Redfort,” replies Raven. “Yes, and I’ll destroy them if you kill them,” replies Ruby waving the bag carelessly. “Ruby,” says Hitch pulling his own gun out to point at Raven, “I’ll just kill him.” “He’ll just come back,” replies Zen. “Takes a while though,” says Hitch before pulling the trigger and seeing the laser beam destroy Raven.
“Run.” Hitch screams, kicking the lifeless body unto the tracks. “Wait, train now,” says Clancy. The train stops for them, a station angle flickers into and out of existence. “LB,” says Hitch recognising the white clothes on the now solid vision of a guardian. “Hitchen,” replies the ethereal image, “Miss Redfort, the pyxi.” “What are you going to do with them?” Clancy asks. “The guardians do as they wish, we do not answer to anyone,” replies LB. “Well answer to me then,” says Clancy, acting much more braver then he felt. “We do not want any more k-gates, now Pyxi,” it repeats. Ruby hands it over, “there is no need to mKe the universe anymore bigger.” “Correct Ruby, well done. Thank you for helping despite your beliefs of us,” it says, “and you Clancy Crewe and you Zen Starling-Noon.” “Ruby, think of the new k gates. Think of the new worlds,” mourns Zen. LB disappears and the four step on the train which silently takes them back home.
“So we live to survived another day,” says Clancy. Zen nods, “isn’t that how we live anyway.” They all nod, and Clancy announces “I’ll catch you tomorrow. Too much adventure for one day.” They head to her house and watch an old murder threedee. Settling down with Mrs Digby’s sandwiches, making comments about what was happening. What they usually do.
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
Five times Clancy Crew Chained his bikes to Ruby Redfort's and one time he didn't.
First fanfic in this fandom even though it is hella small. I saw the prompt and it made me think of Clancy and Ruby- it starts off with them not knowing each other at all except from passing in corridors.
********* The first time it was a mistake- honestly the chain accidentally went through the frame and well, it only held Ruby up temporarily. She went in to get a donut from the shop and maybe a game of ping pong and by the time she had left the shop then the bike previously attached to hers had gone and there wasn’t a second thought as she climbed on it to go back home.
The second was also a mistake- but it did hold her up. Ruby saw that suddenly in her school cycling was the new way to get around and whilst it was good for the ozone layer or something, it was bad for the already rather small bike hut in school which barely had enough racks for the normal riders but now well, there was a green bike attached to her own red one. And she had to get home before her parents could condemn her for being late. Clancy ran out after half hour French revision session and apologised rapidly before unlocking it and cycling away.
The third time he forgot his lock and picked Ruby’s for the two seconds he needed to lock his bike up for the two seconds to buy a new book on the terrors of the ocean. She didn’t even notice but seeing as Ruby hadn’t really care the previous day and that this was so short and he could spot the redhead in the cafe playing a furious game of pingpong in the window. He placed the thick book in his backpack and picked the lock to start cycling back home, happy that no one really noticed the picking of said lock.
The fourth time, Ruby picked the lock around him and scribbled a quick note that said ‘Your welcome for using my lock Ruby’ and dropped it into his basket, in morse code. Okay, he was testing his luck doing it twice, but he got caught up in the shop- he needed some new textbooks and the shop was out of stock on something and a lady was yelling at the stocker and well it took him half an hour to get his book. At least Ruby didn’t take his bike with her- not quite sure how it was possible but knowing the rumours that circled around the school she would have been entirely possible. He promised himself to never do it again, two times was enough and she seemed fairly nice enough.
The fifth time was on purpose- a joke for Clancy in some sense. In fact he waited at the window of the shop he was in to see her walk past and simply pick his lock around her bike, only to refasten it to the lamp post. Ruby again wrote another coded message, before shaking her head slightly and cycling away. He drained bis milk shake and walked out, translating it to English from the simple binary code it read “Stop being a bozo, bozo.”
The next time they interacted someone had attached their skateboard to Clancy’s bike via bungee ties, for some reason he new exactly who it was despite not even noticing the spray painted R.R on the back. He could have just left it, decided it wasn’t worthwhile to wait but after her doing so much for him throughout the time it was basic politeness that was going to prevent him from unfastening the cords and cycling away. That and a fear of an event later that if he turned up late for he wouldn’t have to appear at all.
“So you’re the bozo that picks my lock,” says Ruby, a light grin on top of her face. “Well, you’re the bozo that has an easy lock to pick, if you had combination lock then I wouldn’t pick it,” he replies. “Why did you wait around, it’s been fifteen minutes,” she says, “since you got here.” “If I go home, I have to go to an event, smiley ambassador kids,” he says combining jazz hands to add to the sarcasm. “You aren’t one of those Crew kids are you,” she asks. “Clancy Crew, yes.” “I’m Ruby, Ruby Redfort. We should meet at a time that wasn’t met by a feud over bike locks,” she says. “I am sorry about that.” She nods and sticks her hand out for him to shake, “heard you didn’t want to go home?” Clancy laughs at his new friend, “no.” “Let’s show you the crazy world of the Redfort’s.” She decides before detaching her skateboard and kicking off into the distance swiftly followed by Clancy on his bike.
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blackers-donuts · 7 years
High School Sweethearts
Hitch/Blacker as more background coupley but a major focus at the start then Ruby/ Del Lancey. (No ones pretending this isn't terrible). It was the second night that Blacker stayed with Hitch and therefore the Redfort family did they raise questions. "Are you brothers?" Brant asked, though the pair looked nothing alike. And no one could put the pair together and immediately think brothers, unless by some way adoption was involved or they had grown up together as best friends. There was no way you could look between Blacker and Hitch and think 'brothers'. "No, Blacker and I," begins Hitch before brushing down the velvet lapels on his suit. "What?" Sabrina asks, Ruby is smiling into her toast watching the commotion unfold before her, she has a vague incling into their relationship with each other. But she wasn't going to say. "Well, it's complicated," adds Blacker staring at Hitch, trying to read his queues. "They are in love Sabrina," snaps Mrs Digby, "like you and Brant. And Ruby and that classmate." "Oh," says Sabrina, "how did you meet?" "Some trip or another," says Hitch, "bumped into each other at the airport." "Where too?" Brant asks. Blacker thinks, "Spain, in school. Hitch was taking art and there was an interesting science trip so I tagged along as well." "Blacker is a scientist," says Hitch. "Yeah, I should head out. Thanks so much for breakfast Mr and Mrs Redfort," says Blacker, "and Mrs Digby. The bacon was wonderful." "See you dear," says Hitch watching his partner leave the house. "Well he seems nice Hitch," says Sabrina, "did you know I once met a gay man in New York. Wonderful fellow, so in touch with his emotions." Hitch smiles and starts to collect the plate things. "I'll drop Ruby off at school," he offers. Brant nods, "thanks Hitch." Hitch nods and helps Mrs Digby put the items away. "Well then Hitch, I'll see you this afternoon. Though there is that barbecue I said I would go to," ponders Sabrina. "Ruby, come on," says Hitch. Ruby collects her backpack from the floor by her chair and heads to the door. "So you and Blacker huh?" She asks quietly. Hitch nods, slips his shoes on that stood by the door. "Is that who you're married to?" Hitch looks startled, "no, not legal yet." "It's not legal?" Ruby asks. Hitch shakes his head, "not to get married, no." "I need to ring Del," says Ruby, sprinting back up the stairs. "We don't have time Ruby," yells Hitch. Ruby shakes her head, "I'll be late. We always have time for Del." Ruby is back down in five minutes, smiling meekly at Hitch. "Not illegal in Twinford apparently," says Ruby sliding into her seat. "You and Del?" Ruby can feel a light blush on her cheeks, "yeah." Hitch holds his fist out and she bumps it lightly, "am I picking you up after school?" Ruby nods, "please." Ruby meets up with her girlfriend, she smiles at the small kiss on her forehead in complete privacy and then Del's arm around her waist. "You gave me a surprise earlier," whispers Del. "Well Hitch gave me a surprise when he brought his boyfriend over last night," replies Ruby. They find Mouse and Clancy and head to lessons. Ruby feels paper being thrown at the back of her head and she turns around to see a smirking Del. A ball of paper in her hands, "Miss Redfort," says her teacher, "could you explain what I just said." Ruby explains it, smiling at the hand attached to hers dangling down the back of her chair. "Are you going to basketball practice," whispers Del. Ruby nods, "it's at lunch right?" Del nods confirming the time. "RedRidingFort and Lancey," sneers Vapona. Ruby laughs as Del turns to face Vapona, coincidentally blocking Ruby's view because of the height difference between them. Del insults her sweetly, laughing off some rumour of Ruby and Clancy. The pair collect their pe kits and walk to the hall. "If you don't pass the ball to me, I will break up with you Ruby," yells Del. "I'm a dear Del, you would never," yells back Ruby before doing exactly what Del said and throwing her the ball. They win the practice match, accidentally disturb the Cheerleader practice and have an amazing afternoon. "Hitch meet Del, Del meet Hitch, and Blacker," says Ruby receiving the paper bag filled with two donuts. "So I don't get to meet Del," says Blacker. "Well I'm Del." "I'm Blacker." They have a discussion about school on hope the way back home. Reaching the house they grab some of Mrs Digby's illegal biscuits before running up the stairs to Ruby's room to ignore some film and kiss each other gently.
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