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Tuesday #ootd #wiwt #10inch #icedye by #homesteademporium #bleedingrainbow by #harebrained #halloween #rubycup #blackedition #endperiodshame #bekindtoyourvulva #rebelliousmenstruation https://www.instagram.com/p/BvukuP-BzHR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dmn18igeg5vd
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nakedshop · 3 years
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De ce să alegi o cupă menstruală? 🌸 Este mai ieftină - o cupă costă cât echivalentul a 5-6 luni de produse menstruale de unică folosință. 💰 🌸 E mai comfortabilă - nu toată lumea poate folosi absorbante sau tampoane. Unul din avantajele cupei menstruale este comfortul, poate fi folosită pe întreaga durată a ciclului menstrual, chiar și noaptea. E perfectă la sport, chiar și la înot, alergat, gymnastică, CrossFit, cupa va sta în loc! 🌺 🌸 Prietenoasă cu mediul - cupa e cel mai sustenabil produs menstrual, pentru că ai nevoie de o cupă pentru 10 ani, evitând mii de absorbante și tampoane care ar ajunge în natură. Planeta îți va mulțumi! 🌳 Dacă calculăm cam 25 tampoane sau absorbante pe lună x 12 luni pe an x 10 ani din viața cupei menstruale = 3,000 de produse menstruale de unică folosință care nu vor ajunge la gunoi. ⁠⁠ 🌸 E practică - Ruby Cup poate fi purtată 8 ore. O poți lua cu tine oriunde, camping sau la festival 🌲 https://nakedshop.ro/produkt/cupa-menstruala-ruby-m/ . . . #cupamenstruala #rubycup #menstruatie #faraplastic #ciclumenstrual #sustenabil #sustenabilitate #zerowaste #zerowasteromania #faradeseuri #fararisipa https://www.instagram.com/p/CSygw6TDJWR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Will you ask Emily how to know which ruby cup to get
Emily says:
There’s two sizes. The smaller size is the typically better choice. There’s a chart on their site if they’re really worried about it. And if they’re SUPER worried about like branding being biased- there’s a site called PutACupInIt that has every brand and every size and info and stuff
(But rubycup is superior because of the soft silicone and the fact that they donate to impoverished countries)
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all-considered · 5 years
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MENSTURAL CUPS & PERIOD POVERTY This nifty little cup is the most low waste option when it comes to periods.  Have you tried one? I am still getting used to mine, but will definitely persist. :) . The amazing Antónia @she.is.awake @lixo.zero.angola got me thinking more deeply about why reusable menstrual products make sense... about how they aren’t just more sustainable than disposables for our environment, but are good for individuals who live in places with ineffective waste management. Approximately 100 million women & girls around the world live in period poverty. This means that they are unable to access the basic necessities to manage menstruation & often can't go to school or work during that time of the month. Women & girls everywhere should be able to experience this natural process with dignity. I'm originally from Zimbabwe & it breaks my heart thinking of period poverty there & in neighbouring Mozambique in the aftermath of the recent cyclones. . Here are some initiatives & organisations we can support who offer assistance, education or donations of menstrual products to girls & women in need: @daysforgirls @waminamz @the_cup_effect @subz_pads @femmeinternational @rubycup @freedom4girls @bloodygoodperiod @onegirlorg www.sanitaryaid.co.zw . 💕 Please comment below with any I may have missed. . . . #girlsempowerment #endperiodpoverty #periodpositive #lowwasteperiod #wastefreeperiod #MenstruationEducation https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxc6ZY3HhY_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14bf3v3p005tj
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30 Days to Zero Waste - Day Day 13 - Give reusable menstrual products a try! You may be #cupverted! @thedivacup @lunettecup @lunapads @v.cups @rubycup #divacup #menstrualcup (at Toronto, Ontario)
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tassenfinder · 6 years
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Menstruationstassen, das ist das, worum es auf diesem Account hauptsächlich geht. Aber ganz so einfach ist es ja nicht, denn unsere Menstruation begleitet uns in unserem Alltag - bei der Lohnarbeit, bei der Carearbeit, im Schlaf, beim essen, bei unseren Hobbies - wenn sie da ist, ist sie dabei. Unsere Hormone verändern sich den ganzen Zyklus über, auch während der Menstruation. Wir sind immer noch wir selbst - aber eben auch ein bisschen anders. Vielleicht weicher, vielleicht stärker - mehr Energiegeladen oder ganz müde. Fühlen uns attraktiver, oder wie ein Häufchen Elend. So individuell wie wir und unsere Perioden sind, so müssen auch die Produkte, die wir nutzen, individuell zu uns passen. Und das ist letztlich das, was wir mit dem Tassenfinder erreichen wollen: Wenn Du denkst, dass eine Menstruationstasse etwas für Dich ist, kann Dir unser Test die richtige empfehlen. Und falls nicht, bist Du trotzdem herzlich eingeladen, zu bleiben. #hauptsacheblut 🍷❤ #menstruationstasse #menstasse #menstrualcup #meluna #rubycup #lunette #merula #superjennie #evelina #femmycycle #menstruationstassenberatung #menstruationmatters Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash https://ift.tt/2xMMrMa
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johnlmangum84 · 6 years
How Does Circular Economy Work Within Business?
Guest Post by (S A Y A Designs)
An average household uses numerous everyday items that end up as waste. These are little things which we all use, but not very often do we notice the amount of waste that they add up to. Luckily today many innovations, new ways of thinking and alternative products give us the choice to avoid waste, reuse it or recycle it.
At the same time though, we have to change the way we think about waste these days. This starts with the purchase of any new item – it is our responsibility to produce as little waste as possible. Many businesses give us the option to choose sustainably produced and conscious products. Their business model is based on a concept which is called Circular Economy:
This economy model uses innovation and new ways of thinking to cut down on waste. At the same time it minimises the negative impacts of production on the environment. Its aim is to build economic, natural and at the same time social capital instead of draining them. Consequently it intends to stop and eventually reverse biodiversity loss. Take a look here at the UN Sustainable development goals for 2030 and how you can contribute to a sustainable future yourself.
Image: Zero Climate Hour by Mark Dixon / https://www.flickr.com/photos/9602574@N02/41791924330/
To get a quick overview we summarised and cut down four main points of the 17 development goals for you.
The goal is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This matters to all of us – half of the world’s population lives in cities and the numbers are growing. Especially in developing countries people already have to deal with the negative impacts of the uncontrolled and unsustainable growth of cities. In order to reach this goal equality has to be established and issues like poverty, climate change, healthcare and education have to be tackled everywhere.
‘Around 1.6 Billion people depend on forests for their livelihood.’ Here the goal is to manage forests sustainably, fight desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and stop biodiversity loss. As all life on earth is connected to the forests this is an incredibly important issue. Simple examples are all pollen-carriers, such as insects. They live off the forests, its flowers and other nutrients. In our global food economy they have an estimated value of US$200 billion per year. Concluding: If the earth’s forests diminish, their population will diminish and so will our food supply. This is one example of many of how the loss of biodiversity in the future will have an impact on our lives.
We all know it: We have to take urgent action to tackle climate change and its impact. If we do not take action now, the world will be facing problems which start with poverty, food and water scarcity and reach towards the induction of conflicts. ‘Doing nothing will end up costing us a lot more that if we take action now.’ Most importantly, the world’s biggest economies have to take action, but every single one of us can contribute! Here are some ideas.
All around the world the middle class is growing, and with it the demand for higher living standards. Therefore we have a higher consumption – of food, textiles, etc. Not changing our consumption and production patterns will irreversibly destroy our environment. Today all over the world businesses have to face the fact that they should implement a more sustainable production in order to create products that have a positive impact on a social and environmental level.
How does a circular economy work within a business?
Luckily there are already many businesses which have understood that a sustainable production and consumption will in the end benefit them, their customers and the environment in the long term. Here we will introduce 3 examples to you:
Image: Hair sticks by SAYA Designs / www.sayadesigns.com
  SAYA Designs
This heart centred venture is following the principles Recycle – Repurpose – Replenish. Under the slogan “Turning Heads for All the Right Reasons” SAYA makes a promise to their customers and a commitment to the environment.
RECYCLE – The beautiful wooden hair sticks are being made in Indonesia from salvaged root wood.
REPURPOSE – As an alternative to plastic and elastic, SAYA Designs’ hairpins are made from up cycled and the designs are inspired by the rich Indonesian flora and fauna.
REPLENISH – To give back – planting trees is one of the best solutions to many of our climate change-related problems. SAYA is partnering with the organization GAIA which replants endangered tree species all over Indonesia.  At SAYA, for every purchased hair stick, up to ten seeds will be bought and planted through GAIA.
Consequently: 1 Hairstick | 1 Tree | 50 LBS CO2 Savings per Year | Enough Oxygen Generated for 2 Humans per Year
Image: Ruby Cup / www.rubycup.com
“Buy One. Give One. Change Someone’s Life.”
Rubycup works towards a fairer and more informed world concerning women’s menstruation. For each menstruation cup they sell, they give one to a girl in one of 6 different African countries or Nepal, and at the same time invest into educational workshops and trainings on how to use menstruation cups.
Through this, they not only educate and help on a social level, but also work against a source of waste that is often underestimated: In your reproductive lifetime you will use up to 12,000 disposable period products which all contribute to an immense 200.000 tonnes of waste per year in the UK alone. A cup on the other hand can be used for up to 10 years and therefore saves you from producing waste.
Image: Island Bamboo Toothbrush / www.cleancoastcollective.org
This collective focuses on eliminating as much plastic rubbish as possible. By selling lifestyle accessories which replace the cheap and toxic single-use plastics in your life they create real alternatives.
However because the already existent plastic rubbish will not vanish from our world just like that, 100% of their profits from product sales go directly towards their “Trash Tribe” expeditions. On these expeditions volunteers’ clean Australia’s most polluted beaches. Their main goal is to raise the overall awareness for the plastic pollution problem we have in our world. If you are interested in volunteering for them, you can apply for one of their expeditions to remote beaches!
As we can see, different brands and businesses conduct the circular economy in different ways, for everyone there a way to give back, raise awareness, educate and get people moving towards helping our planet. In the future we will need more businesses that work under the principles of the circular economy, as there has to be a circle of life – from the environment, to the product and back to the environment. This way the wellbeing of our forests, ecosystems and future generations can be protected and improved.
The post How Does Circular Economy Work Within Business? appeared first on The Good Shopping Guide.
from Shopping http://www.thegoodshoppingguide.com/how-does-circular-economy-work-within-business/
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foolishupbringings · 6 years
Ruby Cup
Make a small change to create a big difference in the life of another woman, @RubyCup can help. #helpyouhelpthem
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All my ladies out there! Let’s chat about something not everyone feels comfortable talking about: periods. We all get them, we all hate them, but picture living somewhere where you do not have the education or resources to maintain them. Then, try to picture even being shunned for that wonderous week while you’re on it. Crazy, right? In some countries, this is just reality for most young girls…
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mycupnz-blog · 7 years
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We Love Ruby Cups! Are you looking for a beautiful cup with a social mission? For every Ruby Cup you buy one goes to a girl in Africa! #mycupnz #mycup #menstrualcuprevolution #menstrualcups @rubycup (at My Cup NZ)
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Thursday #ootd Moderate #cruelladevil by #bellalunainspirations Menstrual Cup by #rubycup Underwear #celestial #eve by #accalia #rebelliousmenstruation https://www.instagram.com/p/CDM2vFkJvZY/?igshid=1b3e3gktgz4ju
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nakedshop · 4 years
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🌺 Cupa menstruală 🌺 Știai că❓ 👯‍♀️ Cumpărând 1 cupă Ruby, donezi 1 cupă unei fete sau femei care nu are acces la produse menstruale 👏 Ca și tine, ea se va bucura de 10 ani de ciclu menstrual fără probleme și fără deșeuri 🌿 În multe țări, menstruația este încă un subiect tabu 🌍 Multe fete ajung la menstruație fără să știe ce se întâmplă cu corpul lor și fără să aibă cu cine vorbi despre asta. 💃🏼 Cumpărând o cupă Ruby, donezi mai mult decât o cupă menstruală. Oferi acces la mentorship și workshopuri educative, unde aceste fete și femei vor învăța despre îngrijirea menstruală și fertilitate, precum și cum să folosească noua cupă! 🧜🏻‍♀️ Fiecare femeie are dreptul la această educație esențială, și donația ta le va ajuta să o obțină. 🌸 Până acum, prin programul cumperi 1, donezi 1 au fost donate 100.000 de cupe în 13 țări. 👏 Este făcută din silicon medical, safe și ușor de folosit. Sustenabilă și zero waste. 🌺 . . . #cupamenstruala #menstruatie #nakedshopro #sustenabil #faradeseuri #faraplastic #zerowaste #zerowasteromania #buy1give1 #rubycup #menstruatiefararusine #sustenabilitate (at NakedShop.ro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGurQBxJTd9/?igshid=1doj348czbhan
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Zum Anfang des Jahres durfte ich für @rubycup ein paar Illustration anfertigen. Und zwar hat Ruby Cup ausgerechnet, wieviele Tonnen Tamponmüll letztes Jahr durch den Verkauf ihrer Menstruationstassen gespart wurde. Sage und schreibe 1.093,43 Tonnen! 
Hier gehts zu meinem Blogpost dazu!
Folgt mir:
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bestketodiet · 7 years
Marathon Training | Vegan Meal Planning
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Electrolyte Drink: + 1.5 cups of coconut water + juice of 1 lime + 1-2 cups of fruit (watermelon, mango, strawberries) + Himalayan sea salt
Protein Balls: + 3/4 cup plus 2 TBS peanut butter + 1/4 cup maple syrup + 2 TSP water + 1 TSP vanilla extract + 2/3 cup walnuts + 3 TBS cocoa powder + 6 TBS chocolate chips Blend it all together in a food processor and voila, protein balls!
FemmeLife: http://bit.ly/2rScu3o
Chart Your Cycle course [Registration Open!] http://bit.ly/2iI2DFk For those new to FAM and charting, who want to learn more about the sympto-thermal method, and whether it’s a good fit for their birth control method (hint: it is)
Ditch the Pill course [Registration Open!] http://bit.ly/2hKryes Do you really want to quit your hormonal birth control, but you’re really nervous about how your body will react? Scared of acne, irregular cycles, cramps, etc.? Take my hand and let’s go through all that you need to know together. And you’ll find yourself ready to toss that HBC in no time!
1-on-1 Coaching: http://bit.ly/2ir6d9c Maybe you’ve taken one of my courses, or you’ve just been watching me on YouTube, and you really want some time to work with me, ask me your questions, and get my help learning about your body and your cycle. Let’s connect and set up a call!
Let’s be internet friends Website: http://www.femmehead.com Instagram:http://www.instagram.com/thefemmehead Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thefemmehead Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thefemmehead Patreon: https://patreon.com/user?u=4908097 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/femmehead/ aStore: http://astore.amazon.com/femm017-20
Daysy: use “FEMME” at checkout for a discount
My current favorite cup — RubyCup: http://bit.ly/2gMOvdr use this affiliate link to help a sister out
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Plastic Free July - Day 5 - Make the switch to a menstrual cup to #refuse plastic applicators. If you're not comfortable with that please don't flush applicators down the toilet because they often end up in our waterways and on our beaches. Become #cupverted! @plasticfreejuly @thedivacup @rubycup @lunettecup @v.cups . . #plasticfreejuly #menstrualcup #divacup #plasticfree #noplastic #tampon #tampons #storyofstuff (at Cherry Beach)
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tassenfinder · 6 years
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Nachtrag zum Thema "Stiel kürzen": Klappt gut mit einer Nagelschere, weil die schön fein ist! Taste dich vorsichtig ran und kürze nicht direkt zu viel. #menstruationstasse #menstasse #menstrualcup #meluna #rubycup #lunette #merula #superjennie #evelina #femmycycle #menstruationstassenberatung #feecup #lilycup #merula #tassenfinder #hauptsacheblut https://ift.tt/2P6KHDQ
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sopkosmetik · 7 years
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Auch wenn ein Großteil unseres Tassensortiment zu Cuplove umgezogen ist - bieten wir nach wie vor die beliebtesten Marken weiterhin an! Mit der RubyCup in den Frühling nur 29,99€ + vegan 🌱 - für Fragen zu den Tässchen stehen wir gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung! http://bit.ly/2oUjDyF http://ift.tt/2pHTlz9
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