#rufo the clown x reader
spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Road Trip (Part 10)
Rufo X Female Reader
Part 10 to Road Trip
Back to Reader’s Perspective
Tag List: @booklover2929​ @the-clown-crypt​ @chii2blog​
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         I woke up that morning with the memories of the night before playing over in my mind.  The way Rufo eyed me as he approached the bed.  How he took the remote from me and changed it to a music station, one that was playing oldies.  He had grabbed my hand and we danced a little to the music.  No words between the two of us and I felt we didn’t need them.  Even when he had me pinned down to the bed there were no words but the sounds that filled the room.  I had to blink hard and shake my head before sitting up.  I could feel my cheeks heated with the blush that was sure to be bright on them.  That’s when I realized Rufo wasn’t lying beside me.
        I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom thinking maybe he was just getting ready for a shower.  Though when I saw the bathroom was empty my heart started to sink.  I went back to the main room and that’s when I saw the note on the desk.  I took it in hand and sat down on the bed to read it.
        I hate to leave like this but it’s what’s best. Go on and enjoy yourself and the rest of your vacation.  Thanks for letting me tag along for as long as you would let me.  Thanks for the memories and good times doll.  
        And just remember, gray skies are gonna clear up.
        Rufo the Clown”
        I sat there for I don’t remember how long until the knock on the door from room service startled me, telling me it was about time for me to get going.  Even packing up and leaving in my car felt like a blur.  He had left some time in the night when I was deep in sleep. Probably knew I would have asked him to stay and tell him that things would be alright.  All I could do was sigh to myself and try to think of what next was on my agenda before the clown had joined.  Before I found myself attached in some way.
        I decided to go to the circus that we had planned to go to together.  I’m sure he wouldn’t be there and it would help get my mind off of things by having some fun.  I managed to find decent parking and bought my wrist band so I could freely enjoy everything the circus had to offer.
         The rides were the typical rides you would find at a travelling circus and I admit I rode the Tilt A Whirl and Scrambler more times than I could count.  I even managed to go on the Ferris Wheel alone even though I could feel my heartbeat pounding hard in my chest when I was at the very top all alone.  The view was worth it though as I looked out the tree lines and hills in the far-off distance.  I even managed to get a good couple of pictures before the descent back down.
        I made it to the big top show just in time to get a good seat close to the front amongst the sea of people.  The show was splendid, and I joined in on the clapping and cheering of the crowd after each act.  I didn’t even notice the gaze of the tall brown-haired man who looked ever so plain in the crowd. Heck, I didn’t even notice as he was getting closer behind me when the large group of folk were guided out of the tent so they could once again enjoy the festivities outside.  Though when he grabbed me that’s when he finally got my attention.
        “Evening cupcake.  I hope you enjoyed the show because we have some place we need to go.” His grip got painfully tight as he shoved me into his body as he made his way through the crowd.  I don’t even think my feet touched the ground much.
        “Let go of me!”  I shouted and even though I was loud enough for several people to hear me, none of them looked at me.  “Let me fucking go!”  I screamed again and tried to jerk away.  It always most worked but his grip was too tight and ready.
       “Now, now, don’t want to ruin everyone else’s day. That would be rude cupcake. Though, there is one person I need to see you like this.”  As I squirmed I saw him scanning around and then he grinned.  I didn’t really like that smile of his.  
        “I said let me go!”  I kept trying to jerk my body away again despite the pain in my arms from his hold.  It almost felt like I was about to break my own bones to get out of his grip and I damn well would if that’s what I needed to happen.
       Though when I looked up to see if anyone was looking I noticed one person.  Rufo looking as human as ever.  He was looking right at me and at Crowley.  That’s when I saw the eyes in his skull sink and his skin start to tear away.
        “(Y/N)!  Crowley! Let her go!  She’s got nothing to do with us!”  I could hear the change in his voice from how it normally sounded to a dry growl as if his vocal cords were becoming taut.
        “And now we make our exit.”  There had been a sea of people between us and I managed to get an arm free as I reached out to Rufo.  
        It didn’t matter though as the people cleared away for Crowley and seemed to move in front of Rufo which didn’t end too well as they were shoved away or worse.  Tears welled up in my eyes as Rufo got further and further away and eventually my arm drooped down.  Crowley didn’t speak as he got me into a car, tying up my hands though still made sure I was comfortable in the back seat of my car.  All I could feel was my heart aching the further we drove away.
        My eyes stayed looking out the window and watching how the road twist and turned.  I didn’t have a clue where were going and I doubt Crowley would give me an answer. Though I didn’t need to wait long as he pulled off to a dirt road which my car didn’t like too much with all the bumps, but it made due as we approached a small wooden cabin tucked away in the trees.  
       “Almost done (Y/N).  Don’t you worry.”  Crowley finally spoke just before getting out of the car.  He came around and got me out so we could trudge our way into the little cabin.  
       It looked as if he had been staying here for about a day.  There were some kerosene lanterns lit and the furniture that was there seemed to have always been there with an almost decaying appearance.  Laying out on a starting to rot tabletop was a brief case and inside was a various things like chalk, crystals, and vials filled with questionable liquid.  He had me seated on one of the sturdier chairs.
       “Now, sit there and be good for me cupcake.” He tied my ankles to the chair, and finally he fashioned a rope around my torso to keep my arms pinned to my sides.
        “Why are you doing this to me Crowley?”  My eyes followed him as he went back to the table and he grabbed a piece of chalk from it.
        “It’s not necessarily a you thing.  It’s a more of him thing.”  He jutted his head toward the door that we came in as he turned. “Him and I have been fighting each other for quite some time.”  He moved to the center and got to work drawing a large circle and various symbols. “You see cupcake, I’m very old. Much older than you can probably imagine.  I’m under certain rules and obligation to get rid of evil things.  Especially when they get under my skin and make me itch.”  His eyes stared into mine and that damned smile of his was back.  “And he’s like the damn chicken pox.”
        I didn’t say anything more as I watched him finish up.  He wiped his hands on a rag which he tossed onto the table along with his supplies. He paced around the room for a bit, peaking out the window now and again.
        “What makes you think he’s going to know where I am? That’s he’s going to come for me?” My leg was bouncing, well what it could with my legs tied to the chair.  “I’m not much of a prize.”
        “You say that but that’s not what I see.”  He turned his attention to me.  “He doesn’t put up with many people and put up is a strong phrase.  Most of the humans he comes in contact with end up dead.”  He strolled over to me and leaned over so he could get in my face.  “And you two seem to have gotten rather close.” As he said that his eyes flicked over me and there was that smile that sent chills through my body.  “So that makes you pretty special, cupcake.”
       “We just had a lot in common.  That’s all.”  I tried to look away, but I could still feel his eyes staring into me.  If I could fidget more in my seat, I would have.  “At least I’d like to think we did.”
       “Well, you have some time to think about all those things in common cupcake.  It’s gonna take some time for him to find us since there were some dead-end roads on the way here that he’s gonna have to figure out for himself.  So kick back, relax.  Take a load off.”  Crowley had a jokester smile as he stood back up and grabbed a chair for himself at the table.  
       So I sat there, staring at the door.  Thoughts flooded my mind as I imagined Rufo trying to find me.  If he was. From the window I could see some clouds over the trees roll by and all I could think of was the storms these past few days.  How Rufo took it upon himself to comfort me, to distract me what ways he could.  The way he looked at me with those icy blue eyes. How he held me tight to his side as we watched rerun after rerun of Cops in some hotel in the middle of nowhere.  The way he looked at me during our few moments of passion followed by his lingering touches throughout the day.  Hell, how he even murdered someone to keep me safe.  It had honestly been one of the most enjoyable times in my life in so long.
       It was that moment when I decided that I would do anything for Rufo.  
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I watched Malignant again and it reignited my need to write Gabriel May x reader. 👀 All these ideas, I swear! The plan so far:
Finish the last two chapters of Alone Wolf
Write next chapter of Slumber Party
Start Road Kill (a long shot slasher x final girl)
One shot Kill Zone Captive (Agent Orange x reader)
One shot unnamed Malignant reader x
Rewrite and post the entirety of Empty (previously written Rufo x reader long shot)
Links to my AO3 and WattPad below
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the-clown-crypt · 5 years
Can someone please write a threesome fic of Heath Ledger Joker and Joaquin Phoenix Joker raw dogging Reader please?
Please and thank you.
Horny clown bitch
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spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Road Trip (Part 7)
Rufo the Clown X Female Reader
Part 7 of Road Trip
Tag List: @trig-loves-clowning-around​ @rottenhearts-and-sharpteeth​ @booklover2929​ @the-clown-crypt​ @chii2blog​
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         The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the shower running and decided to take the time to get dressed for the day.  I was slipping on my shoes when Rufo came out, dressed in his usual attire of slack pants and a button up.  Though as he was coming out I watched as the human looking skin grew over his body and his hair changing back to black.  I couldn’t lie, it was interesting to watch. He saw me watching him from the mirror he was in front of and turned to me with a smile.
          “Morning doll.  Hope ya slept well.  Figured we could take a break from driving right away and we can explore the town a little bit.  How does that sound?”  His brow raised as he strolled over to me so he could put on his own shoes.
         “Uh, yeah, that sounds good.  I did see a lot of antique stores when we were coming in. A lot of them looked pretty neat.” I nodded as I finished tying my laces.
        “We can hit up as many as you like.  Ladies choice.”  He seemed so pleasant, as if yesterday didn’t happen at all.  
        Once his shoes were on we decided to head out on foot into town.  It was a beautiful morning with only a few clouds in the sky.  I even brought my camera with me to take some pictures here and there when something caught my eye.  Every antique store we stepped into was a little treasure trove of assortments that I wished I had more room in my car for.  We found ourselves in a particular one that had two floors and Rufo had found something that he was telling me about.  There was such enthusiasm in his voice as he talked about memories on how he used to use it back in the day.  When his eyes landed on old circus memorabilia though that’s when he really lit up.  
        “Almost looks like my own.”  Rufo mused as he picked up a vintage throwing knife.  It was rusted in some spots but other than that it held up its age well.  “Just needs a good polish is all and all brand new.”  He had a fond smile before setting the knife back down, letting out a small sigh.  When he left to go look around the corner I picked up the knife and held it to my side so he wouldn’t see it.  Nothing wrong with getting him a little something as a little thank you, right? “Hey, (Y/N)!”  Rufo called from around the corner and I quickly made my way around.  In Rufo’s hand was a little clown.  “Look at this little fella.”
        Rufo held up the clown for me to take and I did with my free hand.  The small clown was in a bright red outfit with a small hat that topped his bright green hair.  The makeup on the porcelain face consisted of red lips with a red outline a little bit out, a green dot on his small nose and big blue eyes.  There was a little charm about the doll that I couldn’t help to smile at and Rufo looked very pleased with himself when he saw how I was smiling.
         “He’s adorable Rufo.  I think he’s pretty great.”  My eyes glanced up to Rufo and he took the clown from my hand.
        “Perfect.  I did say we would find you one.  Maybe find him a friend or two at some of the other shops.”  Rufo turned on his heel as he went to look around again.
         “Rufo, don’t think you’re paying for him.”  I did my best to keep up with him.  It was easier said than done when Rufo had such long legs.
          “Nonsense.  I’m a gentleman and a gentleman should get the little lady some gifts now and again. I’m going to get you this little fella and that’s that.  No arguing with me doll.”  He turned to give me a side eye, so I understood to drop the subject and I did but only after giving him an eyeroll.  I was getting him a gift so I could let it slide.
          We wondered through the shop and I managed to get away to pay for the knife and tuck it into my bag so he wouldn’t see it. After he paid for the small clown we left to explore the rest of the shops and he indeed did find me a couple more clowns.  There even had been one that was almost like him except the triangles were smaller and the dots at the end of the mouth were also triangles that pointed upward.  Along our walk around the small town we would see some posters for a circus that was coming up in two days close by in the next state.
         “I haven’t been to a circus in so long.”  I tried to think of the last time I had been to a genuine circus, but the memories were fuzzy of a younger age with a smaller me.
         “How about we change that then?  We’re ahead on your little schedule.  We’d have plenty of time to enjoy a circus.”  Rufo had the bag of clowns in one hand, his other in his pocket as he looked down at me.
         “Are you sure?  Don’t you need to get to your um, job?”  I raised my brow, looking back up at him to meet his gaze.  The way he was looking at me made my cheeks blush. He had such a gentle smile on his lips and there was a bit of a sparkle in his eyes.
         “Don’t worry about the job, doll.  I always get them done, one way or another.”  He chuckled, plucking two tabs off the poster that offered free entrance.  “This is a vacation after all, and you’re supposed to be having fun.  So, let’s have some fun.”  He tucked the stubs into his pocket the put his arm around my shoulder to lead us away to somewhere else.  “And a clown knows best about fun.”
         After that, we had some lunch then we checked out of the motel so we could take off down the road.  Things almost felt back to normal between the two of us as we eased back into idle conversation between singing along to the music.  After a while Rufo flipped off the music and let out a long sigh.  
        “(Y/N), it’s not usual I have someone I can open up to things about.  I usually end up killing anyone who tries to know too much about me.  Heck, even if they catch me in an off mood if they tap me on the shoulder just a little too hard.  Only one who really knows me well is the man I work for.  You’re probably the only willing living person who knows who I am.”  There was a bit of solemnness in his tone.
        “I still don’t know too much Rufo.  You don’t have to tell me either if you aren’t comfortable with it.  Yeah, I’m curious but I wouldn’t want to push you.”  I shrugged and Rufo chuckled with a slight shake to his head.
         “Oh doll, you couldn’t push anything out of me even if you tried or gave me some big old puppy dog eyes.”  His fingers ran though his hair as he let out a few more chuckles before having a more serious look on his face.  “No but I think it’d help to explain things just a little with me. Seeing as we’ll be around each other a bit longer and you agreed to stick around with me.”
       Rufo went on to tell me about the time before. How he was a boy named Cecil Phelps who grew on a farm with a little sister who looked up to him.  How he ran away to the circus so he could try to get to his dream life of being an escape artist.  He even would write to his family and send them money when he could. I could see an old pain in his eyes when he spoke about his sister, but he would quickly move on.  He told story after story about the circus and each of the members of his new strange little family.  For a while there he had even become a ring master to fill in now and again. Then he told me about Serenity Falls, how the townsfolk hated them all and that one night after some murders and a scuffle some of the towns people came to the circus late into the night to kill. And kill they did.  They burned the trailer with the clowns inside, Rufo being one of them.  Rufo then went into how he clawed himself out of Hell, wandering the town of Serenity Falls until Albert came into the picture.  Even Albert had tried to send him back a few times but Rufo kept coming back, so Albert decided to put the stubborn angry soul to use and eventually got him a new body to help further.  Rufo had been enjoying his new life to the fullest despite some bumps in the road of trying to help the souls of his friends but he was making due.
         “And now I’m here.  On another job on some other part of the country.  Been doing this for a long time.  Don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”  There was a stone look on his face, a stiffness in his jaw that had set about halfway through his story telling.  I had turned my body so I could look at him better as he spoke, and I found myself resting a hand on his arm which surprised him.  He looked at me with a raised brow before quickly looking back to the road.
         “Rufo, I’m so sorry for what happened to you.  What they did was horrible and I’m sure each and every single one of them will get what’s coming to them.  In some way or another.”  He could see that I was sincere and there was an odd look on his face. Something that he never had felt before perhaps of someone accepting and knowing of what had happened.  “Thank you for telling me.  It means a lot to me that you told me.”
        “I… Thank you, (Y/N).”  He only nodded and I slipped my hand away, facing the road again. There was a sense of ease on his face that settled in with the restlessness that had been there the start of the drive.
         It had been a few hours and now I could see he was getting tired.  The next time we had to fill up I suggest we switch off and he agreed, leaning the seat far back so he could stretch out his long legs.  He even fell asleep at one point.  I draped his jacket over him like a blanket so he would rest better.  We wouldn’t be driving much longer anyways as the sun was starting to set and I could see some storm clouds rolling in. It was nice to have a moment to myself to just sit and dwell on everything and how I felt. Even after finding out everything I still couldn’t ignore the way I felt for him.  The butterflies fluttered in my gut and I could feel how my heart pounded in my chest.  I hadn’t known him for more than just a couple of days but there was still the nagging feeling of something there.  Though I could push it down for now and ignore it as he slept next to me.  For now, at least.
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the-clown-crypt · 5 years
hhhhhh I need some more reader x clown smut can someone please tag me in something pls hhh
just horny for clowns is all what can I say?
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Rufo: Reflection
Direct sequel to Naughty and the last one shot before Empty begins
Warnings: fluff, biting, shower sex
Rufo stood at the bathroom sink, brushing bits of flesh off his teeth while he studied his reflection in the mirror.
The blood on his face and arms had washed off without too much difficulty, his skin returned to it's usual pristine white. His face lost the corpse like quality as his mood improved; his cheeks filled back in and his light blue eyes were no longer sunken down in their sockets. Even the bullet holes in his slim chest were gone. He looked normal again. Well, normal for him.
Putting away his toothbrush, Rufo grabbed one of the blue curls framing his face and examined it. His hair had grown a lot longer than he kept it when he was alive. Of course, it hadn't been curly then. Or blue. He was considering cutting it when two arms wrapped around his waist and his girlfriend pressed herself against his back. The corner of his lips lifted in a crooked grin and he turned around in her arms to face her.
Her smile was warm, the bloody massacre of her coworkers all but forgiven. She (had a beautiful smile) was an unusual woman.
“What are you so happy about?”
“You made it back by Christmas, just like you said you would.”
Rufo lifted an eyebrow, the cut out triangle on his face distorted.
“I’m a man of my word and I gave you my word, didn’t I?”
“Yeah... you did.”
She bit her bottom lip as she ran her nails up his bare chest and linked her arms behind his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. Rufo bent to accommodate her. He (loved the way she kissed) pressed his scarred lips against hers, then pulled away.
“Get the shower ready for us.”
When Rufo returned (home) from a job, they showered together. It was a long standing routine that he looked forward to. It gave him a chance to (hold her) plan what he wanted to do to her body next and if he snuck in a little teasing, then even better.
She turned on the water and unzipped the red dress she had picked out just for him.
“You really did look beautiful in that dress doll.”
Rufo didn’t mind giving his lady a compliment when one was due. She looked back over her shoulder at him and kept her tone playful as the dress fell to the floor.
“Even though it made me look like a whore?”
“Especially because it made you look like a whore.”
He winked at her and she laughed as she stepped into the shower and closed the stall door. Rufo glanced at his strange appearance one last time before he pulled off his slacks and joined her. Steam billowed out as he stepped into the glass shower. The bathroom was one of the reasons she had picked the apartment in the first place and he had to admit, he was going to miss it when he relocated her. The bodies wouldn't be discovered until after the holidays, so he figured he might as well enjoy it while he could.
She was rinsing her hair and Rufo took the opportunity to look over her body; the curve of her back, the shape of her calves. He (loved her body) admired the red welts and dark bruises that covered her ass from his earlier punishment. Her skin bruised so nicely. She moved out of the way so Rufo could stand under the stream of hot water and he let the massaging jets run though his hair. Red water faded to pink as blood swirled down the drain. Her hand closed around his wrist and he let her pulling him out from under the water so she could wash his hair.
Rufo held her so she could stand on tip toe while she massage his scalp with her fingernails. Before her, he had never considered letting anyone else wash his hair. She worked her hands through the rest of his curls as he leaned further into her touch. He enjoyed the feel of her breasts pressed tight against his chest, the feel of her ass in his hands while he held her against his cock. Maybe he would keep his hair long after all.
She finished with his hair and grabbed the soap before she moved on to his body. She rubbed the tense muscles in his shoulders, then scrubbed the dried blood off his chest until he was squeaky clean and clown white. Lathering up her hands, she started to wash the v of his hips. Rufo smirked as he watched her.
She moved lower and took his cock in both of her hands, squeezing with slightly increased pressure while she stroked his shaft. It felt good and before long Rufo was hard again. He leaned his head back against the tile and thrust up into her hand while she gently squeeze his balls. His girl was good.
"Does that feel good Rufo?"
He moaned, then heard her giggle. His eyes snapped open and a sadistic smile spread across his lips as he looked into her eyes. So she wanted to play huh? He grabbed her wrists with one hand and turned her into the water so her back was held against his chest.
“Yeah, it does. But I'm clean enough. It's your turn now.”
Rufo pressed his cock against her ass and moved her wet hair from her shoulder.
“I have to make sure my dirty girl gets clean too, don’t I?”
His breath was hot against the back of her neck, her body arched into his when she felt his teeth graze her skin. He (loved her soft skin) enjoyed sinking his teeth into her flesh and had indulged himself back at the office. Soapy hands rubbed over the bites before moving lower to massage the muscles that held up her breasts, just like she had shown him. Her head fell back against his shoulder and she moaned his name. It took all of his willpower not to bend her over right then.
Rufo worked his way around her tits and rolled her nipples between his fingers. He (loved the noises she made) pulled until she yelped in pain, then continued to pinch and pull on her tits with one hand while the other one slid down her belly to rub between her legs. Running a finger up the length of her slit, he was amazed at how wet she already was. No matter how many times he used her, what hole he chose to abuse, the bites, the cuts, the bruises, she was always ready for (him) more.
“I... think I’m clean now Rufo.”
She was breathing hard, and he laughed as she tried to grind against his hand. He enjoyed the hell out of teasing her.
“Oh, you think so? I better make sure.”
Rufo pushed her back against the shower wall and she gasped as her bruised ass made contact with the glass. He dropped down to his knees in front of her and lifted her leg up high, fingers sinking into the flesh just behind her knee while he held her wide open. She stumbled, then grabbed onto his shoulders for balance. His face was right next to her cunt anyway, so he used his fingers to spread her labia for a better look.
Her voice was shaking but she knew better than to try and stop him. He pushed his middle finger all the way in to the knuckle then wriggled it around.
“Hmm.. I don't know. You seem pretty dirty to me princess.”
He smiled as he added a second finger, then pumped them in and out while he look over the faded bruises on her thighs. He'd have to fix those.
Leaning forward, Rufo pressed his lips against the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, then sank his teeth into her skin until he tasted blood. Her pussy squeezed around his fingers and she screamed, but she didn't dare push him away. When Rufo pulled back, she had a perfect imprint of his teeth right next to her cunt that was already starting to bruise. He bit his way up her leg, leaving matching bruises every few inches while three of his fingers worked her pussy and his thumb rubbed her clit. She sobbed, and when Rufo looked up to see her crying his cock throbbed. But no, he wasn’t read to fuck her. Not just yet.
She flinched when he brought his mouth to her mound but instead of biting her, he flicked his tounge over her clit. Another lick made her throw her head back and moan (for him) like a slut. Rufo had spent a lot of time learning her body early in their relationship. Before her, his experiences with women had been… complicated at best. Now he could bring her to orgasm in almost no time if he wanted. She pulled his hair and rode out her pleasure on his face while he sucked her clit. It wasn't something he would normally have allowed, but it was Christmas Eve. He fingered her until finally, she grabbed his wrist and begged for him to stop. It was time.
Rufo got to his feet and lined up, then started to push in. Even though she was dripping wet, he had to force his way past her bruised muscles.
“Sore already?”
He groaned as he pushed the last few inches of his full length inside her and she cried out in pain.
“Yes but please, don't stop. It feels good.”
Her eyes were clenched shut, her pussy throbbed from her orgasm but still, she moaned and held on to him. He grinned and pulled almost all of the way back out before slowly pushing back in.
“Good. I’m not even close to finished with you doll.”
Rufo kept his grip on her leg and brought his other arm to rest against the shower wall just above her head. He pressed his forehead against his arm and closed his eyes while he slid in and out of her, enjoying the way her insides squeezed around him. His kept his pace agonizingly slow until she bucked her hips in an attempt to get him to go faster. He figured he might as well accommodate her, the hot water wasn't going to last forever.
Rufo effortlessly lifted her away from the glass, then let her drop back down onto his cock. His fingers dug into the bruised flesh of her ass and she yelped as he roughly bounced her up and down. Her arms tightened around his neck, her cries changed to loud moans and gasps. He (loved how loud she was) made her scream by bouncing her harder while he thrust up against her body. Rufo's arms were shaking, but it wasn’t from the strain of holding her. Her slick warmth slid up and down his cock and it didn't take long before he started to feel the familiar tightness in his balls. Her screams changed pitch as she struggled to hold on to him and he knew she was just as close as he was.
“You ready to cum?”
He growled in her ear, his breath uneven.
“Yes, I’m so close Rufo. Please... it’s right there!”
He shifted her body in his grip so she could roll her hips and grind her clit against his pelvis.
“That’s it baby. Cum with me.”
Rufo held her down on his cock while she screamed his name. Her body squeezed tight around him, throbbing, forcing him over the edge with her and he couldn't hold back a moan of his own.
After the last twitches of pleasure had passed between them, she moved and he felt cum start to run down his shaft. It was an odd sensation, one that filled him with something he couldn't quite describe. Possessive satisfaction maybe? Instead of putting her down, he held her closer (and smelled her shampoo) until he caught his breath.
Rufo sat her back on her feet, then rinse off before he stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist while she cleaned herself up and when she was finished, he stood waiting with her towel in his hands.
He (loved her) dried her hair and kissed her on the lips.
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Rufo: Naughty pt. 2
Warning: jealousy, blood, gore, cannibalism (?) eye trauma
The look on Rufo’s face made you want to run and hide. His body was actually shaking with rage.
One of the guys that worked two floors down stepped in front of Rufo, blocking his view of you. You couldn't hear what he was saying but you could tell from his posture that he was asking him to leave. He went to grab Rufo by the shoulder but the clown suddenly moved. Rufo swung his arm up in a wide arc and a spray of red followed the glint of the knife in his hand. Your coworker fell backwards, clutching at his throat, but even across the room you could see blood pumping through his fingers.
Jingle Bell Rock began to play as the screaming started.
Rufo stepped over the dying man and grabbed Helen from accounting by the hair. He plunged the knife in her face then let her limp body drop to the floor before he advanced on his next victim. The small crowd panicked in their rush to get away from the corpse like clown and you were knocked to the floor. Another scream was cut short as you crawled your way through the legs of the crowd. Someone kneed you in the cheek and another lady stepped on your hand with her heel before finally, you were able to stand.
An empty hallway was to your left, so you ran for it. You had no doubt that Rufo would find you eventually, but if you could hide somewhere, give him enough time to calm down a little, maybe you would stand a chance. Rounding the corner of the hallway, you ran into the second office on the right. You left the door open and dove under the desk where you tried to control your breathing. Closed doors seemed be more suspicious than open one so you hoped Rufo would check those first.
The screams faded as the crowd moved further away and it was almost quiet, until gunshots went off at the end of the hall. The noise was too loud, too sudden. It startled you and you jumped, hitting your head against the bottom of the desk. Who the hell brought a gun to a Christmas party?
Everything was dead silent for just a moment, then your boyfriend started to laugh. It wasn’t a nice laugh. The screaming started again and you laid your head down on your knees. You had really messed up and Rufo was angry with you. That thought broke your heart.
You listened as someone ran into the room with you and slammed the door before turning the lock. Looking up from under the desk, you found a blood splattered Richard slumped against the wall.
“No! Nonononono, he can't find us in here together!”
Richard's panic stricken eyes snapped to your face and you realized your mistake.
“What the fuck is going on? You know that… that thing?!"
Rich was on the verge of hysterics and you didn't guess you could really blame him. Rufo was a hard pill to swallow.
"Was that your boyfriend in clown makeup?!”
The screams were getting closer so Rich shuffled some papers on the desk, then picked up a letter opener and held it out like a weapon.
“Thats just going to piss him off.”
Richard didn’t seem to hear you or maybe he just didn't care. The last scream cut off right outside the door before the knob rattled and you heard Rufo chuckle. Locks did absolutely nothing against him and within two seconds Rufo had the door open and was stepping into the room.
Richard's eyes went wide with terror as he reached down and pulled you out from under the desk by your hair. He spun you around to face Rufo then pressed the letter opener to you neck. You gasped as you got a good look at your boyfriend underneath the harsh fluorescent bulbs. Despite the small cluster of bloody bullet holes in the front of his shirt, he looked fleshier, more alive than he had before, but that wasn’t saying much. Gore covered his mouth and both arms all the way up to mid forearm. His sleeves were rolled back to his elbows and the untouched strip of titanium white skin between the blood and his shirt seemed obscene, yet mildly erotic. Your heart beat faster and your breath caught in your throat. Rufo always had that effect on you.
The smirk on his skeletal face disappeared as Rich shoved the letter opener harder against your skin.
“Don’t even fucking think about coming any closer!”
Richard was screaming, right in your ear.
“Ballsy move Dick. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Rufo raised his bloody hands to show they were empty and slowly stepped closer to the desk.
“But I wonder, could you do it Dick? Could you actually kill someone?”
Your voice was barely above a whisper. Taunting Rich wasn't very helpful and seemed like a good way for you to end up dead. It was kind of ironic though. The situation reminded you of the first time you had met your boyfriend, only this time you were someone else’s hostage.
“Relax doll. I can stop him before he hurts you, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of hot water just yet.”
Your face fell as you realized you were stuck between a rock and a hard place. You were the one Rufo was actually angry at.
“I’m not joking freak!”
Richard's hand shook and you felt the tip of the letter opener puncture your skin. Warm, wet blood trailed down the curve of your neck and Rufo's eyes followed it until it soaked into the top of your red dress. He turned his attention back to Richard and looked every bit the cold killer you knew he was. There was something demonic burning in his blue eyes when he smiled.
“You’re going to be my new best friend Dick. I’m going to take my time with you.”
Richard panicked and would have killed you, but Rufo moved too fast. His hand shot out and closed around Richard's wrist before he twisted hard enough to snap ligaments. Rich gave a small cry of pain before Rufo grabbed his throat and drove him down to his knees. Richard used his one good hand to try to break Rufo's grip, but you knew it was hopeless. Rufo was inhumanly strong.
You started backing away towards the door as Rufo turned the point of the letter opener and drove it through Richard's eye, just deep enough to destroy the organ. Fluid dribbled down his cheek and the scream that tore from Richard's throat made you feel a little sorry for him as you turned to run. You had almost made it to the door when the letter opener flew by your face and embedded itself in the wall by your head.
“Stop running.”
Rufo’s tone didn’t leave any room for argument.
“You’re just making it worse for yourself, princess.”
You watched Richard's eye goo drip from the letter opener then slowly turned to face Rufo. He flashed a bloody smile at you, then looked back down at Richard. Rufo peeled his good hand from his arm and held it up to his scarred mouth.
“You really shouldn’t touch things that don’t belong to you, Dick. Especially when they belong to me.”
"No! Please... no!"
Richard begged but Rufo wasn't a merciful man. The clown bit through three of his fingers, then swallowed them. Bile rose in your throat at the sound of bones crunching and you closed your eyes while Rufo continued to eat. After what felt like an eternity, Richard's screams dulled to quiet whimpers and you felt the unnatural heat from Rufos body as he stepped in front of you.
Opening your eyes brought you face to bloody face with the man you had been dating for almost a year. The corpse like appearance was almost gone and white skin was visible through the bullet holes in his shirt. Rufo stepped closer and pressed you back against the wall while he retrieved the letter opener, then pressed it against your cheek.
“Now, what am I going to do to you?”
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Rufo: Naughty pt. 1
Warnings: jealousy, blood, gore, cannibalism (?) knife play, spanking, rough smut, punishment sex
It was Christmas Eve and you were fighting with your boyfriend.
You hadn’t seen the jerk all month! He was halfway across the country for work and before he left, he had promised you that he would be back in time for your first Christmas together. Yet here it was, Christmas Eve, and he had just called to say he wouldn’t be back until late tomorrow night. Not much of a Christmas together at all! Your one year anniversary was right around the corner, did he plan on missing that too?Tempers flared and a yelling match ensued before you hung up on him. He tried to call you back twice but you ignored it. Let him spend the night angry. It served him right.
Your phone rang again, but this time it was your co-worker Holly. She had been pressuring you to go to the company Christmas party even though you told her that your boyfriend forbade it. Holly could be a little pushy sometimes, and when she heard the tears in your voice she became even more determined. How would he know? He was the one who left you alone on Christmas eve! She did have a point...
Thirty minutes later, you were dressed and ready for the party.
You ended up enjoying yourself more than you thought you would. There was a decent amount of food and drink and the conversations with your co workers helped take your mind off the argument. Even your boss Richard was being pleasant and brought you drinks throughout the night. Your boyfriend didn’t particularly care for your boss, and even though you reminded him constantly that 'Rich' was the modern hypocorism for 'Richard', he insisted on calling him 'Dick'. He was convinced the man had a thing for you, but you didn’t see it that way.
It was getting late when your happy mood was ruined by one song. Blue Christmas started to play over the speakers. The slow melodic tune made you think of your boyfriend and you realized just how much you missed him. Sure, he was a little rough around the edges and he could be a little crazy, but he made you feel like the most important woman in the world.
Holly spotted the look on your face and made her way over to you. She really was pushy.
“Don’t tell me you're thinking about that asshole boyfriend of yours. I don’t know WHAT you see in a guy like that.”
She scoffed and you smiled. You could tell her exactly what it was you saw in your boyfriend, what he did to you when you were alone, but she would probably die from embarassment. Not to mention a few other little details about him.
At that moment, Richard came up behind you and slipped his arm around your waist.
"May I have the next dance?”
You were just about to tell him no, that you had too much to drink and you were headed home since it was so late when Holly nudged you.
“She would love to!”
Holly winked and you glared at her while Richard pulled you to the dance floor. He took your hand and held you a little too tight for your liking as you swayed to Santa Baby. The dancing made your head spin, but when you put your hands on his chest he didn't let up. Instead, he leaned down to whisper in your ear while his hand inched lower.
"So tell me, have you been an awful good girl this year?"
He smiled and that was it. Boss or not you were about to give him a piece of your mind when you heard a commotion at the door. Apparently, so had Richard because he stopped swaying and you both turned to look at the man who had just walked in.
“Evenin' folks.”
You shivered as you recognized the cold, polite voice. There was only one person you knew who spoke like that. Richard misread your shiver and took the opportunity to pull your body even closer to his.
“Is… is that a clown?”
He laughed a little in disbelief and you couldn't blame him. You took in the shoulder length wild blue hair, the titanium white greasepaint that was not in fact paint, and the blue and red markings that were carved from his face. Jack wasn’t wrong. He was a clown. He was also your boyfriend, Rufo.
Rufo was smiling inside the red clown smile, but it looked strained. It was never a good sign when he wore his clown face in public.
“Don't mind me. I’m just here to fetch my stray….”
His steel blue eyes landed on you and he almost choked on the words. You had to admit, it looked bad. Richard's arms were wrapped around your waist and your body was pressed so tight against his there was no room for Jesus. You had shown up in a skimpy little red dress with a white jacket, but as the night wore on and you drank more, the jacket disappeared. It was the dress you had picked out for your Christmas date with Rufo, but in a moment of anger, you decided to wear it to the party. You regretted your decision as you watched his smile disappear. His lips turned down in an angry snarl and his face started to change. The skin across his cheek bones pulled tight while his cheeks sunk in. His lips dried then cracked as they pulling back from his too perfect teeth and his blue eyes sank into fleshless sockets until they were only pinpricks in the shadows of his face. You knew Rufo had a temper, but you had never seen him look like that before. He looked like a corpse. He looked... furious.
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Rufo the Clown: Red Silk (revised)
An Empty one-shot
Warnings: face fucking, spanking, restraints, biting, knifeplay, bloodplay, choking
Rufo sat on his girlfriend’s couch with his head leaned back and his eyes closed. His hand moved up and down, slowly stroking his cock while he thought about what he planned to do to her.
They hadn’t been dating long. It was only his third time visiting her as her lover, but Rufo was tired of holding back. He didn’t mind being a gentleman, treating her the way a lady should be treated, but he had darker urges when it came to sex. It wasn’t so different from his urge to kill. It was simply something he had acquired when he possessed Marco’s body which, by the way, came with it's own dark desires. He wanted to hurt her. To cut open her skin, rip into her flesh with his teeth and taste her blood. So far he had only bitten her, but it thrilled him and he wanted more. What better time to push her to her breaking point?
He listened to her footsteps as she crossed from the bathroom to the bedroom door. He could hear every move she made and if he had really tried, he could have listened to her heart beat. It was a pretty neat trick to have especially in his line of work. The bedroom door creaked and she tiptoed down the hallway, pausing when he finally came into view. Rufo rolled his head forward and opened his steel blue eyes, grinning as he looked over her body while his hand moved a little faster.
Wet hair hung loose. A heart pattern t-shirt with no bra. Red shorts that were so tight they left nothing to the imagination and her eyes were glued to his hand, watching as he stroked himself. He smiled wide enough to show teeth too perfect to be natural.
“Come over here.”
It wasn't a request and she rushed to obey. She learned quick, he had to give her that.
She stepped in front of him and he watched her struggle not to fidget with her hands. Sex with him still made her anxious. Good.
“Like what you see baby girl?”
She nodded, her eyes drifted down to his cock.
“Then get on your knees.”
She dropped to her knees and he grabbed her wet hair, forcing her face down to his crotch. The tip of her tounge hesitantly swiped the head of his cock before slipping back between her lips. Brat.
“That’s not going to work tonight doll.”
Rufo pulled her head back so he could look into her eyes and dipped his hand down the front of her shirt. He squeezed her breasts then painfully tweaked her nipples between his thumb and forefinger until they strained against the fabric of her t shirt.
“I think I’ve been too easy on you. In fact, I think I need to fuck some fear back into your body. What do you say?”
Her eyes went wide and her lips parted in a soft gasp. He liked that look on her face and shifted to sit on the edge of the couch.
“Lets try this again.”
When he pulled her head down the second time, she made sure to take his cock in her mouth. She swallowed him down to the back of her throat, almost gagging in the process. Rufo held her there and enjoyed the feel of her struggling before he finally let her up for air. Thick strings of saliva trailed from her open mouth and connected to the head of his cock. Her eyes were red with tears and she quickly sucked in a breath of air before he pushed her back down. His other hand slid down her back to her ass and he squeezed hard enough to make her moan.
“That’s it baby. Just like that.”
Her mouth felt good wrapped around him, her tounge worked him just as much as her lips. Rufo moaned and raised his hand over her ass before bringing it down in a harsh slap. Her body jumped and he knew it had to hurt. He tightened his grip to keep her in place and slapped her just as hard on the other cheek. She tried to cry out, but couldn’t manage anything but a muffled sob around his cock. Rufo slapped again, over and over, alternating sides until finally, she tried to pull away from him. He yanked her head up, grabbing her bottom jaw as he brought his face down to hers.
“Did that hurt?”
She nodded, her swollen bottom lip protruded in a pout and Rufo laughed in her face. He knew it would take more than a couple of slaps to the ass to really hurt her. Hell, he’d done more than that in their short time together. She was pushing his boundaries, so he figured he might as well push hers right back. Rufo stood and picked her up by the head as if she weighed nothing. Her legs kicked out into empty air while he carried her down the hallway to her bedroom.
“You better suck it up sweetheart. I’m just getting started.”
He cackled and threw her on the bed. A red silk scarf materialized between his hands as he climbed on top of her and used it to tie her wrists to the headboard. She held still for him and he grinned, happy with her sudden decision to obey. He’d never lost his temper with her, she wouldn’t still be alive if he had, but she knew just how dangerous he could be.
“Spread your legs.”
She lifted her knees, opening herself up just as he’d instructed. Rufo stripped off his clothing then climbed between her legs. A flick of the wrist, and a knife appeared in his hand. He watched her and ran his tongue over his teeth while he tested the sharp edge of the blade against the pad of his thumb. She struggled and pulled against the scarf, but she could try forever and never get out of those bonds. He had made sure of that.
“What are you going to do with that?”
The look on her face was driving him crazy. It was somewhere between fear and anticipation. He moved the tip of the knife to her hand and lightly scratched a trail down her arm, across her breast and abdomen, then finally came to rest at her mound. She was so close to tears, he could feel her body shaking underneath him.
“Why, I’m gonna use it to cut you up doll. You should try to hold still. Wouldn't want me to slip now would you?”
Her whimper made his cock throb and he pressed the flat of the blade against her slit. The thin material of her shorts was already damp and turned a slightly darker shade of red. Rufo smirked as his eyes flicked up to her face.
“Filthy girl. You’re not wearing any panties.”
Her cheeks flushed and he chuckled as he grabbed the crotch of her shorts. He pulled the material out away from her skin before slicing through it with one quick flick of his wrist. The blade almost nicked her skin causing her to flinch. Just the way he wanted. One look told him how wet she was, but instead of touching her he left her needy and exposed. Rufo ran the knife under her shirt and lifted, cutting it up the middle. The heart print pattern split in half and fell away, revealing nipples that quickly stiffened. He spared a moment to tease them before he grabbed her breast and squeezed. She moaned and arched her back, pushing her tits harder into his hand. No, she was enjoying it too much. He slapped her across the breast and she looked up at him with hurt in her eyes... so he did it again and again until her skin was puffy and red.
Once he was satisfied with the hand print, Rufo raised the knife to her hot skin and sliced the side of her breast just enough to bleed freely. Her jaw dropped open as he lowering his mouth to the cut. The sweet taste of her blood filled his mouth and he moaned while she screamed. He worked his way down her body; slicing and biting across her ribs, her stomach and finally her thighs. He watched her pussy as he sucked on the inside of her leg. She was even wetter now. Throbbing. His eyes followed the trail of blood and bruises covering her body until he could see her sweat soaked face. Her breathing was erratic, her lips swollen, her cheeks flushed and her eyes half lidded while she panted. She was at the limit of her pain tolerance and as much as he wanted to push her past it, he enjoyed having a girlfriend.
Rufo tossed the knife off the edge of the bed and pushed two fingers inside her cunt while he moved his mouth to suck on her clit. Her eyes snapped open. She screamed his name and tried to sit up, but the scarf held her down. Her pussy squeezed around his fingers, clenching as he pumped them in and out. She was wet enough so he added a third finger and curled them up to press against her g spot. She screamed when she came, but he didn't let up. He fingered her through her orgasm and didn't stop until she collapsed, limp on the bed.
Her insides were still twitching when he pushed his painfully hard cock deep inside her, filling her in one swift stroke. Rufo moaned and lifted her hips in his hands, bouncing her in his lap as he thrust in and out of her.
“You’ve got a great pussy baby. Always so wet and tight no matter what I do to you.”
No answer. He dropped her hips and changed the angle so he was leaning over her body. His hands rested on either side of her chest as he continued his steady rhythm. Her eyes were closed, her breathing deep. She was out of it and that just wasn't going to work for him. He ran his hand along the side of her face before slapping her. Hard. Her eyes snapped opened but it took another slap before she finally focused on him. His hand moved from her face and closed around her neck as he picked up his pace. Rufo squeezed tighter and pounded into her, fucking her harder and faster than he ever had before. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, the bed springs sqeaked to his rhythm and he watched her eyes roll in her head. Her face was starting to change from red to blue when he felt the familiar tightening in his groin. Rufo thrust a few more times before he came, spilling his load deep inside her. He lowered his forehead to rest against hers and one final spasm followed a groan of pleasure, then it was over.
Rufo released her throat and watched her color return as she sucked in deep, sobbing breaths. Honestly, he would be surprised if she was able to speak tomorrow morning. A dark ring was forming around her neck but he knew some tricks with makeup to help her hide it from public view. He didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about his girl... or else he’d have to punish them. He smiled. He knew he was starting to feel the slightest hint of affection for her and it made him feel almost human again. She was entertaining and accepted what he was, which was a feat in it's own. Not only that, but the sex was great. She’d proven she could take physical punishment and he was willing to bet with some work, he could push her even further.
Rufo untied her and held her close while he stroked her hair. He told her what a good girl she was and how well she did and he meant it. He was proud of her. His desire for blood and violence was temporarily sated and he finally felt content, laying there with her in his arms.
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Rufo Collection
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Rufo the Clown: Audience pt. 1 (revised)
An Empty one-shot
Warnings: voyeurism, possessive behavior, blood, gore, rough explicit smut
Earl E. (not to be confused with Earl C, it said so right on his uniform) stood in the bedroom of apartment number 504. He was the maintenance man of the building but he wasn’t there for work. In fact, the owner of the apartments had no idea he was there and that was the way he intended to keep it.
He ran his grimy fingers over the lacy panties belonging to Miss 504 before selecting a particularly nice pair and lifting them to his face for a good sniff. The thought of little Miss 504 wearing those panties made his cock stiffen and a smile spread across his face. He’d been watching her since she moved into the apartment two months ago. She was a pretty thing. Quiet and standoffish, but she had an ass that had become a major point of Earl’s fantasies as of late.
Earl was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the lock on the front door click. He shoved the panties into the pocket of his overalls before he scrambled to hide his large frame in the walk in closet. The closet door was one of those old fashioned ones that had wooden slates running across it and at just the right angle, Earl had a clear view of the room without being seen. He had, after all, installed those closet doors for just such an occasion. Maybe with some luck he would get a show from Miss 504. Maybe if he was really lucky he'd be able to surprise her and get more than just a show.
His hopes were quickly crushed when Miss 504 stepped into the bedroom... with her boyfriend. He was usually away for work, whatever it was that he did, so his presence caught Earl off guard. Earl wasn’t a man that was easily intimidated, but this guy made him feel uneasy in a way he couldn’t explain. They walked into the bedroom and Earl could have sworn he saw the man turn his ice blue eyes towards the closet door. There was no way he could be seen from the outside, but the thought of coming face to face with that guy and seeing that creepy smile again sent shivers down his spine.
It had only taken a week of her living in the building for Earl to decide he really liked the look of Miss 504’s body. He found any excuse he could to work on her floor in the off chance he got a peek, and he was thrilled when the elevator he was working next to opened. There she was, trying to smooth her short skirt back into place with a deep blush on her cheeks. Her man was with her and it didn’t take a genius to figure out things had been hot and heavy in there a few moments ago. He probably had her stink all over his fingers, and was that blood on her lip? Nah, it must have been smeared lipstick. Earl let his eyes wander over her legs as the boyfriend grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out of the elevator. They were probably in a rush to get back to their apartment and finish what they started. Earl turned around to check out her ass as she walked by but instead, came face to face with the dark haired man.
He had the coldest eyes Earl had ever seen. The almost white blue of them just didn’t seem possible. Earl was a big guy, and while the boyfriend matched him in height, Earl easily weighed double what he did. He would be damned if he was gonna let this guy intimidate him. Earl stood a little straighter and made his voice sound a little deeper.
“You got a problem mister?”
The man continued to stare at him and Earl found it difficult to keep eye contact with the skinny little twerp. A smile stretched across the man’s face. It started on one side of his lips, then continued to spread until his smile was all Earl could focus on. It seemed too large, his teeth too straight and Earl noticed he had some of her (blood) lipstick smeared on his teeth. He leaned forward and Earl flinched. For a moment there, he had thought the man was going to bite him. Instead, he spoke to him in a pleasant, friendly voice.
“If you keep looking at my girl like that I’ll rip your eyes out of your skull. Do we have an understanding..” his eyes flicked down to Earl’s nametag. “Early?”
Earl nodded and the stranger reached out to pat him on the shoulder. His skin was hot, even through Earl's coveralls and he caught a whiff of something long dead.
“Smart move Early, maybe you do have a brain buried in all that blubber.”
He laughed and disappeared down the hallway, pulling his red faced girlfriend behind him. Earl stood frozen in place and tried to remember how to breathe.
That was two months ago and since then Earl had convinced himself that he had heard him wrong. Nobody threatened a man his size, especially not in a tone as casual as if they had been discussing the weather. Still, it had taken a long time for Earl’s desires to burn out the memory of his fear. He had only recently started adding 504's panties to his collection.
Earl watched the man stare directly at the closet door and knew he hadn’t heard him wrong. The boyfriend reached behind him and pulled the bedroom door shut then clicked the lock in place. Miss 504 turned around.
“Rufo, what are you doing? Aren’t we going out to dinner?”
Rufo? What the hell kind of a name was that? Must have been a pet name. The man, Rufo, smiled as he stepped closer to the woman and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Dinner can wait babydoll. I have something more important to do.”
Rufo grabbed the back of her head and kissed her. It wasn't a quick peck either. Earl could hear the sounds of their lips working together from his spot in the closet. He watched with envy as Rufo’s hand slid down her back and squeezed that perfect ass, almost like he was taunting him. She broke the kiss and Earl could hear her try and catch her breath.
“But Rufo, we have tickets to..”
Whatever she was going to say ended in a gasp as Rufo grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.
“It's been a long time since I got to play with my girl.”
Rufo’s other hand traveled down her stomach and lifted her shirt up over her bra. He pinched the thin material covering her nipples.
“You know how I get when it's been a while. You wouldn’t be telling me no, now would you?”
Despite his predicament, Earl felt his cock start to harden while he watched them. He could just imagine how wet her pussy would be. His hand slipped into his pocket and he rubbed the soft material of her panties.
“I would never tell you no Rufo."
“That’s my girl.”
Rufo grabbed her bra and ripped it open, making her tits bounce before he roughly palmed them. Earl pulled the panties from his pocket and wiped at the sweat on his forehead. He watched that lucky bastard lower his mouth to her breasts while his other hand rubbed her shorts between her legs. Earl was considering pulling out his cock for a quick stroke when 504 yelped in pain. Rufo moved his mop of dark curly hair and Earl realized there was a bleeding bite mark right above her nipple. He expected her to push Rufo away or slap him but instead she moaned and rocked against his hand. Go figure. They were in to some freaky shit.
Rufo let go of her hair and grabbed her around the waist. He lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed where she landed with a bounce. Honestly, Earl was impressed. He didn’t see how a man that size could be strong enough to toss her that far, let alone make it seem so easy. Rufo walk across the room and Earl had to squint for a better look. There was something wrong with his face. The flesh seemed to run like a candle melting, or a balloon deflating, but that couldn’t be right. Earl was convinced there was something wrong with his eyes up until the point Rufo reached up and pulled off his face.
Earl slapped a hand over his mouth to keep from screaming as he watched Rufo's fingers dig into his own flesh. He pulled down and the whole thing came of in one piece before he tossed it to the side. Earl didn't see where it landed, but he heard it hit with a wet thwap. His stomach churned as he prepared to see a red mass of muscle where Rufo's face had been. What he wasn't expecting was skin as white as fresh snow. Earl adjusted his position and when he looked again he realized Rufo’s face wasn’t just white. Blue triangles sat above and below his eyes and a big red smile was painted across his mouth. He looked like a fucking clown.
Rufo leaned over 504 and grabbed her shorts. He yanked them off her body and Earl caught a quick glimpse of her panties. They matched the pair in his hand. Rufo wrapped a titanium white hand around her throat and squeezed. Earl heard her wheeze as Rufo pressed her into the bed and stared down at her. His eyes narrowed.
“You are my girl, aren’t you?”
She nodded and gasped for air. Rufo's expression didn't change as his other hand ran up her thigh and dipped into her panties. Earl couldn’t see from his angle, but he could hear exactly what he was doing to her. Rufo's face split into that damn cocky smirk that Earl hated so much. It was even worse with the clown makeup on.
“This pussy belongs to me, doesn’t it babydoll?"
To prove his point, Rufo squeezed tighter. 504 tried to answer him, but only a gargled, choking sound came out. Earl thought for sure this was it. Rufo was going to kill her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her lips turned blue. Just when it seemed like she was about to lose conciousness, Rufo let her go. She choked and gasped for air while her hands ran over her heated face. Rufo pulled his fingers out of her and laughed.
“Naughty girl. You liked that, didn't you? Now, I want you to get on your hands and knees for me.”
504 rolled over and crawled to the middle of the bed. She was facing Earl’s hiding spot and she didn’t even know it.
“Like this Rufo?”
She pressed her tits against the bed and stuck her ass up in the air, shaking it for him while she smiled. Earl desperately wished the closet was on the other side of the room. He still felt pretty confident that neither of them knew he was there, until he noticed Rufo staring right at the door. There was no way. He felt his blood run cold and his erection wither away as Rufo winked then unzipped his slacks.
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Rufo the Clown: Audience pt. 2 (revised)
Warnings: voyeurism, possessive behavior, blood, gore, rough explicit smut
“Just like that. Keep facing the closet for me”
Was he fucking with him? Earl made it a point not to look at another mans junk but even he couldn’t help but stare when Rufo pulled his out. His dick was the same shade of white as his face and arms! Earl watched Rufo crawled on the bed behind Miss 504 like it was the most natural thing in the world and slap her on the ass. Rufo pulled her panties up between her cheeks and spanked her again. This time he hit her harder and she gave another little yelp of pain.
“You HAVE been waiting for me, haven't you?”
504 looked over her shoulder at him.
“Of course I have Rufo. Now please. I want you so bad.”
She pushed her ass back against him, her voice was thick with lust and Earl was surprised she wasn’t panting like a bitch in heat. Rufo chuckled. That stupid cocky grin was still planted on his face as he lined up and pulled her back on his cock.
“Careful what you wish for doll.”
Earl watched the expression on 504's face change. She bit her lip while Rufo pushed inside her and when he grabbed her by the hips and started thrusting, her mouth dropped open in a little o of pleasure. There had been a few nights where Earl had jacked off to the thought of her making that face for him.
Rufo reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair. He lifted her upper body off the bed until it was flush against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled and squeezed her tits while he kissed a trail down her neck to her shoulder.
“I love it when you say my name like that.”
Rufo stared down Earl’s hiding spot and sank his teeth into her shoulder. 504 grit her teeth, but when blood started to run past his red painted lips and drip down her breast, she screamed in pain. Rufo didn't stop thrusting as he bit down again and left another set of teeth marks on her body. This time it was his name she cried.
Earl shifted his position in the closet and cursed under his breath. It was barely audible to him, but he noticed the clowns body tense. Rufo pulled his bloody lips from her skin and frowned inside his clown smile. He bared his teeth in anger and slammed her face back down into the mattress, holding her down while he pounded into her.
“You know what I would do to you if I found out you were fucking around on me?!”
He moved his hand from her hip only long enough to slap her ass again before he resumed the harsh pace of his thrusts. 504 gripped the blankets so tight Earl could see her knuckles turn white.
“Only you Rufo… you’re the only one who gets to fuck me!”
That seemed to please the clown. His smirk returned and he changed the angle of his hip to move with her instead of against her. Soon she was moaning louder than Earl thought a quiet girl like her could. Rufo pulled her head up and gave Earl a good look at her face as she came. The manic clown behind her laughed and let her body drop to the bed. He grabbed his cock, now covered in her cream, and gave it a few hard jerks before thick streams of cum shot out and covered her back. Rufo groaned and leaned his head back to try and catch his breath while 504 rolled over and smiled up at him.
“Rufo, I'm going to have to shower again.”
Rufo looked down at her, a sadistic smile planted on his face as he tucked himself back into his slacks.
“Sorry Doll. You know I just can't resist performing in front of an audience.”
Earl barely had time to stand up straight as Rufo flew across the room and threw open the closet door. Earl came out swinging. He put every ounce of weight he had behind a punch meant to knock out the clown, but Rufo ducked at the last minute and grabbed him by the wrist. 504 screamed as Earl’s forward momentum was used against him and Rufo swung him against the wall. His considerable weight busted through the plaster, leaving an impressive hole. Earl felt the tendons in his wrist snap but the adrenaline coursing through his system did wonders for the pain. He tried to stand up and throw a punch with his one remaining arm, but Rufo was too fast for him. Earl didn’t know where the knife came from, he didn't even see it until he was pinned to the wall with the long blade wedged between the bones in his forearm. Earl opened his mouth to bellow his rage and hurt but slim fingers wrapped around his face with bruising force and cut off any noise he would have made. He tried to lunge forward in one last rush but he was held down with impossible strength. He should have been able to overpower the slim man, nobody was that strong, but Rufo held him still without even breaking a sweat.
Earl’s eyes went wide as he finally got a good look at the clown face. The pattern had been carved from his skin deep enough to stick a fingertip in. Earl could make out the twisted knots of scars hidden just underneath the colored patches of skin. Skin, not face paint.
Rufo stared at him with eyes that seemed to glow with insanity from deep in their sockets. When he spoke, his voice sounded like dry, dead leaves rustling in the wind. Heat radiated off his body and Earl gagged against the stench of death.
“Early Early Early. I thought we had an understanding.”
Rufo casually reached out and Earl thought he was going to brush his hair back from his sweaty forehead. Instead, he felt the hot finger of the clown push behind his eyeball and pop it out of the socket. Rufo gripped they eye and pulled until all of the connective tissue snapped and the organ came free. Earl screamed but the vice like grip on his mouth muffled the noise. Rufo glanced at the eye before he crushed it and tossed the gooey remains to the side.
“Now that the cats out of the bag so to speak, I'm going to ask you one more time. Have you been fucking our friend Earl here behind my back?”
Earl could see 504 with his one remaining watery eye. She had been watching the whole thing, one hand covered her mouth and the other arm held across her breasts like he hadn’t already seen everything she had and then some. He silently pleaded with her to do anything, say anything to save him. She moved her hand from her mouth and grabbed the little decorative pillow beside her. It was almost comical the way she threw the pillow at the clowns head. The look of surprise on the clowns face before he turned to glare at her was even better. Earl almost felt like laughing.
“Of course I haven’t! I didn’t even know he was in there! I wouldn’t have done that stuff with you if I knew. That creep saw... everything.”
Her face burned red with embarrassment and she looked away from both of them. So much for mercy.
“I believe you babydoll, but a man comes home from work and finds some rube in his closet he’s entitled to ask a few fucking questions.”
Rufo turned his attention back to Earl, the grip on his face tightened as he leaned closer.
“Your turn now Early. I’m going to let you go and you’re not going to scream. You’re going to explain to me just what you were doing in that closet and you better make it damn good.”
Rufo moved his hand and Earl stammered.
“I was...look pal. You don’t know what she's like when you’re gone. Parading her ass all around in those skimpy outfits. She’s been begging me for attention. If anyones to blame here, it's her.”
Earl ignored the look of indignation on her face as he wet his dry lips.
“Honest man. You gotta believe me.”
Rufo looked him up and down then reached into the pocket of his uniform and pulled out the sweat stained stolen panties. He waved them in front of Earl’s face.
“Final answer Early?”
Earl took a shaky breath and licked his lips again as hope died. In that moment he knew he wasn't going to make it out in one piece.
“Earl. It’s just Earl. They put the E on my uniform because Earl C is the groundskeeper.”
Rufo shrugged and reached into Earl’s mouth. His bloody fingers wrapped around his tounge and he pulled. The muscle stretched a lot further than Earl would have guessed before it tore free. Earl thrashed his head from side to side but couldn’t shake the clowns hold. Blood spurted out of his mouth and hit the clown in the face, but Rufo simply smiled and tossed the tongue down beside the remains of his eye.
“Unfortunately for you, Earl, I could hear your heavy breathing as soon as I walked through the front door. I wonder what you would have done to my girl if I hadn't shown up?”
Earl tried to scream when Rufo pulled the knife out of his arm, but only succeeded in choking on his own blood. Rufo grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him away from the wall.
“You're a bad man Earl, and bad men have to be punished. Oh, I almost forgot.”
Rufo chuckled and ripped Earl’s nametag from his uniform. He tossed it to the woman on the bed.
“Wouldn’t want to make identifying the body too easy for them. Pack your bags doll, I think it’s time we relocated.”
Rufo kept a tight grip on the back of Earl’s neck as he steered him towards the bedroom door. Earl only had a moment to wonder what was in store for him before Rufo changed course and flung him towards the large bay windows that covered the far wall of the bedroom. He let loose a gargled scream as his weight carried him through the windows and over the balcony in a crash of shattered glass. Earl fell five stories, head first, while the clown laughed. His last conscious effort was to put up his hands as the sidewalk rushed up to meet him.
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Rufo the Clown: Journey pt 8
Final Part
Warnings: blood, character torture, angst
Albert continued to silently stare at Rufo with a smirk on his face. "Our usual arrangement should be just fine Cecil. I'll say... a year of service should suffice?"
"A year!" Rufo was sitting on the edge of his seat as he lifted a hand to run through his curls. "How long is it going to take to awaken her abilities?"
Albert glanced at you and raised a shoulder. "One, maybe two days. But there is no guarantee she will survive the ordeal. It's going to be excruciatingly painful and require a lot of my time and effort. I need you to make it worth it to me Cecil. A year, or no deal."
Rufo leaned back in his chair, his long legs almost brushed Albert's desk as he stared up at the ceiling. His gaze shifted over to you and he sighed causing your heart to drop. He opened his mouth and you expected him to say no, but instead he agreed.
The next twenty four hours were the worst of your life. During the most painful moments of the ceremony, you thought death might have been a mercy.
First, Albert rubbed some strange silver powder all over your body. Then, he made you sit in a circle surrounded by writing you couldn't even begin to guess the origin of. Finally, he started chanting and when he started chanting it felt like the powder was trying to burn straight through your skin.
Rufo took a seat just outside the circle and watched as your body contorted in pain. His face remained completely unreadable past the clown makeup as you screamed loud enough to tear your vocal cords. After a few hours Rufo stood and left the room, shortly after that Albert said it was time for a break, he said if he kept going you would die for sure.
You drifted out of conciousness but when you woke up you were in a large, soft bed. A blanket was pulled over you and there was a glass of water on the nightstand to your right. Grabbing the water, you swallowed it so fast you started to cough. "Slow down before you drown yourself."
The sound of Rufo's voice next to you startled you and you almost dropped the glass. You hadn't realized he was laying in the bed next to you. After taking another sip of your water, you turned to him. "Why did you do that for me. I want to know.. just in case.." He kept his eyes closed as he cut you off. "Finish your water. Albert wants to get this over with as soon as possible." You nodded and quietly did as he asked.
More powder, more pain, hours and hours of pain. You couldn't say exactly when it started but eventually you felt the pain change. It started low in your belly, it felt like raw power and it felt.. good. The change was gradual but by the time Albert finished chanting and blew out the candles you were a sweaty, panting mess.
"Well." Albert stared down at you with amusement written across his face. "That was an unexpected show." Rufo joined him in looking down at you. "Does that happen every time?" Albert shook his head. "I've never seen a succubus awaken in person, I've only read about it and nobody has bothered to document the noises they make. The reason why is beyond me."
Albert turned his attention back to you as you finally focused on his face. "Sorry my dear, but there is no time to rest. You have survived and I need that spell written right away." He sounded almost apologetic as he turned and left the room leaving you alone with Rufo.
Rufo moved inside the circle and sat down beside you. "A succubus. Jesus. Do you have any idea what seeing you like that was like? Do you know what you look like even now? No, of course you dont." He was mumbling to himself but stopped as you placed your hand on his arm. "Rufo. What happens now?" He stared down at your hand, then slowly looked up to your face. "Now you're gonna bleed. A lot, but you'll live."
Albert called from down the hallway and Rufo stood, lifted you up in his arms. He carried you to Albert's study and you noticed a gold pan and silver knife sitting on the desk. Albert sat behind it, an old fashioned writing quill and an ancient piece of parchment lay in front of him. "Cecil, if you would please." He raised his hand and motioned at the chair in front of you. "Have a seat."
You expected Rufo to lay you in the chair but instead, he sat down and held you in his lap. Albert raised an eyebrow as Rufo gently pulled your arm over the pan. He picked up the knife and stabbed it into your wrist causing blood to spurt out and into the pan. "Mmn" You bit your lip from the pain and groaned as you buried your face in Rufo's neck, his body stiffened but he didn't push you away.
You were dizzy and on the verge of passing out again by the time Albert's quill stopped scratching on the parchment. "All done, and would you look at that, the bleeding has stopped." Rufo shifted you in his grasp and you felt him examine your arm. "Of course it did Albert. She doesn't have to worry about physical damage. Not anymore anyway. I slit that woman's throat, the one companion of the hunter, and she bounced back like it was nothing." Albert chuckled and you got the impression that you were being carried somewhere. "They are powerful creatures. Do you know what you got yourself into Cecil?" If Rufo answered him, you didn't hear it. "Have it your way. I want her cleaned up and once she is rested I have a job for you to attend to. Do with her what you will, she's your problem now."
It took a full day for you to recover your strength enough to leave which, normally you would have been out of commission after losing so much blood. Albert said his pleasant goodbyes and assured you that if you ever needed help he would be happy to assist, for a price of course. The police car you had arrived in was nowhere to be found so Rufo walked you down the driveway. He paused just outside the gate and turned to you.
"Well, you're free to go. Maybe I'll see you around." You stared at him in shock. "You're leaving me?" Rufo returned your stare with one of his own as skin started to grow over his clown appearance. "You're free. Go back to your old life, forget about me and forget about this. I'll bet the money will be even better now that your powers have awakened."
You turned away from him and looked up and down the street. "What about you Rufo? Where are you going?" He was quiet for a few moments and when you turned back to him a normal looking man stood before you. "I'm already on another job for Albert, I'm going to California"
"And if I wanted to go with you?"
Rufo scoffed and shook his head. "With me? Why the hell would you want to do that? You know what I do. It'll be dangerous."
"Rufo, I have no idea what I am or what I'm capable of doing. Before you, I had no idea any of this shit was possible. I.. want to learn and I want you to teach me."
Rufo studied you like he was staring into your soul before finally, he smiled. "Alright. Let's go."
Special shout out to @booksdragonsdolls and @pennytrash for being with me from the start of the Rufo fandom to me finally finishing this fic. It took 10 months but I finally finished this story. (Except for maybe a smut follow up)
@trig-loves-clowning-around @witchyclowngirl @allkundsofwrong @pinoflicious @clumforme @vladsgirl @fugiecakes @claddypenny @clown-purinsesu-shuga @grotesquegabby
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spooky-raccoon · 6 years
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22. Hipbone
This kinda turned into a lot of kisses and me throwing in my breeding kink at the end.  I am drinking again so oops.
Rufo was usually a rough lover but usually when he came back from a job he enjoyed slowing down and being softer.  A day after he came back from a recent job we had enjoyed a relaxing date on the town then made our way to the bedroom.  I could tell it was a time he would be soft the way his lips peppered soft kisses from my lips to my collarbone.  His hands took their time, playing at the hem of the dress I had worn that night.  I could feel his bulge rubbing against me as he held me flush to him.
“I’ve missed you so much baby girl.”  His voice was soft as he tucked some hair behind my ear, his fingers slipping into my hair.  “I’m not leaving for a while this time.  I promise.” His lips trailed along my neck as he guided me to lay on the bed, lifting the dress above and off of me to leave me in the blue lace trimmed lingerie I had gotten for tonight.  “All dolled up for old Rufo.”  I could feel the hot breath of his low chuckles, sending a small shiver up and down my spine.
I watched as his skin changed from the healthy human color he wore out in public to the titanium white I knew best.  His hair changed back to a vibrant blue as he sat up to unbutton his shirt.  I watched him, biting my bottom lip as my eyes trailed down his toned body to his blue happy trail.  As he started to undo his bottoms with one hand he leaned in with another kiss, trailing down my breasts.  I laid down for him as his feather like kisses continued.  Once his pants were undone his large hands cupped the side of my hips, his fingers softly digging into the flesh.  His lips trailed along my stomach, peppering a few extra kisses on my abdomen.
“I’ve been thinking doll.”  His lips trailed to the hem of the panties as I looked to him to meet his gaze.  “I’m ready.”  There was a small fluttering in your chest as his kisses went along your hip bone, switching to the other side to match the kisses which made you wiggle a little in anticipation.  “I’m ready for a family.”  He lifted himself up a little with a soft smirk growing on his face, “Let’s make a baby.”
@crooked-incisors @ihaveaseriousclownproblem @trig-loves-clowning-around
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Rufo the Clown: Journey pt 7
Warnings: blood, angst, mention of child death
Rufo got out of the car and stepped around to open your door for you, like he always did. You didn't fight or argue with him, instead you took his offered hand and let him pull you from the car. Once out of the car he grabbed you by the upper arm and started to walk you towards the house. You had no idea if he was trying to comfort you or if he was worried you were going to make a run for it.
"I'm sorry" You glanced up at him as he spoke and wondered if he was apologizing for how he spoke to you earlier, or if he was sorry he was leading you to your death. You told yourself that maybe it was for both.
Rufo pulled you towards the door and it opened to reveal an older man. Albert was stocky, with short grey hair and stood, dressed in a flannel shirt and blue jeans. The light from the open doorway cast shadows over the rest of his features hiding them from you. "Ah Cecil" He spoke in a friendly, familiar tone. "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show up or not." You turned to look at Rufo or Cecil or whatever his name really was as he snarled. "We ran into a few problems."
Albert chuckled and moved out of the way as Rufo pulled you into the house. "I would say so. A burned bar, a trail of bodies across the country, a gas station explosion, cops who's bodies were partially eaten. The same cops who, need I remind you, worked at the exact station printed on the side of the vehicle currently sitting in my driveway. What part of subtle and do not draw attention to yourself did you not understand?"
Rufo ground his teeth and you could see him struggling to control his temper. "She's here, alive, and I made it before the sun rose so how about you cut me some slack Albert." Albert scoffed before finally turning to you. His grey eyes traveled over your body as he took in your condition. You were used to men staring at you, but the way he looked at you.. it wasn't sexual at all, more like he was figuring out where to start cutting. "Well, I suppose you did meet the requirements in the allotted time. I knew there were risks involved and I planned for some extra.. collateral damage when I selected you for this task. Still, I doubt anyone else could have completed this job to my satisfaction. Well done Cecil, you continue to prove your worth." Rufo visibly relaxed. "Thank you Albert."
Albert nodded, his eyes finally found their way to your face and he smiled. It was a smile you assumed all grandfathers had. "Welcome my dear, my name is Albert Miles and I'm sure you have many questions. Before I answer them is there anything I can get you?" Swallowing the lump in your throat, you glanced at Rufo before you answered. "Bathroom" You had to lick your dry lips before you could continue, Rufo hadn't stopped for water or a bathroom break since the gas station. "May I please use your bathroom?" Albert directed you down the hallway and informed you that there was a first aid kit in the cabinet.
You relieved your bladder first, then washed the blood, sweat and old makeup from your face in the sink. After that, you patched the wound on your scalp as best you could with the supplies from the first aid kit. You were bruised, exhausted and barely recognized yourself in the mirror but still, you squared your shoulders and opened the bathroom door. You wanted answers and it was time to get them.
Following the sound of voices, you found Rufo and Albert in the study seated on either side of a large, wooden desk. They both turned to look at you and Rufo gestured towards the chair next to him. You took the offered seat and noticed a cup of hot chocolate on the desk in front of you. "Now, you are probably wondering why I've brought you here." You nodded at Albert as you picked up the cup and took a sip of the pleasantly warm liquid. "The short answer to that question is quite simple. I need your blood."
You stared at him over your cup as Rufo uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "Her blood? That's it? I could have just brought it to you instead of bringing her along!" Albert shot a look at Rufo and he shut his mouth. "Don't misunderstand my meaning. I need ALL of your blood and I need it to be fresh." You sat down your cup and opened your mouth before closing it again. "But.. why me? Why do you need my blood?" Albert leaned back in his seat and laced his fingers together. "What do you know of your mother?"
"My mother?" You shook your head. "Nothing... she gave me up for adoption as soon as I was born. I was raised by the state." Rufo turned his head and stared at you but you ignored him. Albert nodded. "This may come as a shock to you, but your ancestor on your mother's side was actually a very powerful succubus." "I knew it!" That time you did turn to look at Rufo and his smile quickly fell from his face.
"A succubus?" You stared at Albert with raised eyebrows. "Like a sex demon?" Albert nodded. "Yes, something like that. Although your powers have been dulled through the bloodline they are still there. Think about it. Your mother, too young to have a child but forced to give birth abandons you. You grow up seemingly always drawing the attention of men and are scorned for it. It's no wonder you chose your profession, I imagine the money was more than adequate for your lifestyle. Especially after engaging in sexual intercourse, that's when your powers are at their strongest." You wanted to argue with him, to tell him that was all impossible, but deep down it made sense. The desire for sex, the way you felt after.. even the way men responded to you. He was right.
You gripped the edge of the desk. "But... I still dont understand why you need all of my blood?" Albert held your gaze as he answered. "I need the blood to ink a new spell I've been working on. Your powers, however, are weak and dormant therefore I need a much higher volume." "But.." You looked up as tears formed in your eyes. A spell, you were going to die because he needed to write a spell. "But what if you take the blood, a little at a time until you have..." Albert shook his head and your heart fell. "No, I have to write it in one go, with fresh blood. That's just the way magic works my dear. I am sorry that you have to die." It seemed crazy, but he really did seem sincere. "Well, as long as you are sorry." You didn't try to hide the sarcasm from your voice as you turned away.
Rufo cleared his throat as he looked between you and Albert and you turned your attention back to him. "What if you woke up her powers first?" Albert raised his eyebrow and smirked at him. "Why Cecile, I'm shocked. I told you not to do it.." Rufo frowned behind the clown smile. "Just answer the question Albert, would that work?" Albert narrowed his eyes then shrugged. "In theory it would. But why in the world would I take the time?"
Your mouth dropped open as you stared at him. There was a way for you to survive this but he... he didn't want to take the time to do it? Albert ignored the look you gave him and continued to talk to Rufo. "Time is very important to me Cecil, you know this. I have a window but it is a very small window and I do not want to miss this opportunity." Rufo quickly looked at you from the corner of his eye. "What's it going to cost Albert?"
Albert smiled, almost like he had been waiting for that question and waved his hand. "Oh I don't know, if I awaken her powers I'll be obligated to teach her how to use them and that's just not something I want to deal with right now. Releasing a full powered succubus on the world without any training just seems... irresponsible."
"Irresponsible!" Rufo jumped up from his seat and glared down at Albert. "Irresponsible like leaving that book in that shitty little town by the weird lake?" Albert returned his glare but kept the smile on his face. "I've been alive a long time Cecil, I can't keep track of every single spellbook I've ever had."
Rufo started to pace in front of the desk. "Yeah? And what about that asylum huh? The hunter would have never become a threat again if you hadn't murdered all those babies and left their corpses in the basement! If it wasn't for the hunter, my family, that you are responsible for killing in the first place, would have had another chance at life!" Rufo was almost screaming and Albert's smile quickly dissapeared. "Those matters have already been amended Rufo, so sit down and lower your voice!" Rufo didn't sit down but he did stop pacing and stood in front of Albert. Albert fixed Rufo with a look that made you want to run and hide but Rufo didn't even flinch. "Have you been asking questions about me?"
Rufo held out one of his hands. "I kill people for you Albert. Sometimes they think if they give me unsavory information about my employer I'll go easy on them. I don't, but what kind of an amateur would I be if I let free information slip away?"
Albert chuckled and the tension seemed to ease from the room. Rufo returned to his seat and braced his hands on his knees. "Now, I'll ask again. What's it going to cost me to keep her alive?"
(Next part is the finale)
@booksdragonsdolls @pennytrash @trig-loves-clowning-around @witchyclowngirl @allkundsofwrong @float-me-to-the-moon @pinoflicious @rufotheclown @clumforme @vladsgirl @fugiecakes @claddypenny @sailor-purinsesu-moon @grotesquegabby
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spooky-raccoon · 6 years
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Rufo had come with you to hang out with a few friends to a local bar to have some greasy bar food and a few drinks.  He didn’t mind your friends and in fact enjoyed their company. Well except for your ex, Mike, who admitted to Rufo he still had feelings for you during one drunken night.  He always noticed the way Mike would look at you, his eyes lingering a little too long on your curves or making googly eyes at you when you weren’t paying attention. Rufo would hold you tighter to him the longer the night went until you had to give him a glare and a hushed whisper to ease his grip.
The walk home was quiet, but you can feel the tension and anger radiating off Rufo.  You didn’t want to ask what was wrong yet until you two made it back to your home. Once you made it over the threshold of the house and you entered the hallway you turned to him as he came in. The door shut behind him and you didn’t have to ask what was wrong as he started to fume, angered words spewing from him.
“He knows damn well that you’re my girl.  Doesn’t matter how many times I kiss you or coo sweet words to you in front of him.”  Rufo went up to you and grabbed onto you, his eyes widened in anger as he snarled.  “You’re my girl.  And I’m going to make him understand that.  Go to the bedroom and wait for me.”  With that he went out the door, slamming it behind him.
You weren’t sure what he was planning on doing but you did as you were told.  You went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, waiting patiently for whatever Rufo had planned.  Time passed and soon you heard the slam of the back door.  Rufo’s footsteps thudding against the hardwood floor and there was the sound of irregular steps and muffled noises.  As the bedroom door opened you saw he was dragging Mike behind him, gagged and bound.  Rufo tossed him to the ground, an annoyed snarl on his face as he looked at the man.
“Rufo, what are you doing?”  You looked at him almost surprised then to Mike who was looking at you, his eyes begging for help.
“I’m showing him that you’re my girl.  Then I’m going to kill him slowly.”  Rufo’s eyes snapped to you, “Going to make you scream my name over and over until he gets it through his thick skull and then crush it with my bare hands.” Rufo was looking less like himself by the second as his skin started to pull tight against his face as his hair turned the blue you knew so well and while his skin turned an almost blinding white. Mike looked to Rufo, watching in horror as he squirmed on the floor, trying to get away from the situation. Rufo let out a bellowing laugh as he looked to him, going up to him and grabbing an ankle in one of his hands.  “Now, now, you aren’t going anywhere.”  With that and a loud echoing crack, Rufo snapped the man’s leg backyards until bone protruded.
Rufo’s gaze turned back to you after breaking the other man’s leg. Before he could give you a command, you stripped off your clothes and he let out a content noise at your obedience. As he came up to you, his hot hand wrapped around your neck and he guided you to bend over the bed.  You could tell you would be in for a long night and soon Rufo’s name rolled off your tongue through the waves and pleasure and pain he was giving you, egging you on to scream his name louder each time.
When Rufo finally spilled his hot seed into you, he eased you onto the bed then turned his attention to Mike on the floor who was somehow still awake despite the pain he was in.  You watched through tired and pleasure glazed eyes as Rufo tortured the man slowly then keeping his word as Rufo crushed Mike’s skull with his hands.  You fell asleep as he cleaned up the mess but woke up slightly when he crawled into bed.  He looked normal now, a pleasant smile on his face.
“You’re my girl.  I’ll make sure no one forgets that.  Good night doll.  I love you.” He said softly, exhaustion lacing his words.
“I love you too, Rufo.  Sweet dreams.”  With that you two held onto one another, sleeping peacefully in each other’s loving embrace.  
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