#rufo: road trip part 10
spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Road Trip (Part 10)
Rufo X Female Reader
Part 10 to Road Trip
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Tag List: @booklover2929​ @the-clown-crypt​ @chii2blog​
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         I woke up that morning with the memories of the night before playing over in my mind.  The way Rufo eyed me as he approached the bed.  How he took the remote from me and changed it to a music station, one that was playing oldies.  He had grabbed my hand and we danced a little to the music.  No words between the two of us and I felt we didn’t need them.  Even when he had me pinned down to the bed there were no words but the sounds that filled the room.  I had to blink hard and shake my head before sitting up.  I could feel my cheeks heated with the blush that was sure to be bright on them.  That’s when I realized Rufo wasn’t lying beside me.
        I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom thinking maybe he was just getting ready for a shower.  Though when I saw the bathroom was empty my heart started to sink.  I went back to the main room and that’s when I saw the note on the desk.  I took it in hand and sat down on the bed to read it.
        I hate to leave like this but it’s what’s best. Go on and enjoy yourself and the rest of your vacation.  Thanks for letting me tag along for as long as you would let me.  Thanks for the memories and good times doll.  
        And just remember, gray skies are gonna clear up.
        Rufo the Clown”
        I sat there for I don’t remember how long until the knock on the door from room service startled me, telling me it was about time for me to get going.  Even packing up and leaving in my car felt like a blur.  He had left some time in the night when I was deep in sleep. Probably knew I would have asked him to stay and tell him that things would be alright.  All I could do was sigh to myself and try to think of what next was on my agenda before the clown had joined.  Before I found myself attached in some way.
        I decided to go to the circus that we had planned to go to together.  I’m sure he wouldn’t be there and it would help get my mind off of things by having some fun.  I managed to find decent parking and bought my wrist band so I could freely enjoy everything the circus had to offer.
         The rides were the typical rides you would find at a travelling circus and I admit I rode the Tilt A Whirl and Scrambler more times than I could count.  I even managed to go on the Ferris Wheel alone even though I could feel my heartbeat pounding hard in my chest when I was at the very top all alone.  The view was worth it though as I looked out the tree lines and hills in the far-off distance.  I even managed to get a good couple of pictures before the descent back down.
        I made it to the big top show just in time to get a good seat close to the front amongst the sea of people.  The show was splendid, and I joined in on the clapping and cheering of the crowd after each act.  I didn’t even notice the gaze of the tall brown-haired man who looked ever so plain in the crowd. Heck, I didn’t even notice as he was getting closer behind me when the large group of folk were guided out of the tent so they could once again enjoy the festivities outside.  Though when he grabbed me that’s when he finally got my attention.
        “Evening cupcake.  I hope you enjoyed the show because we have some place we need to go.” His grip got painfully tight as he shoved me into his body as he made his way through the crowd.  I don’t even think my feet touched the ground much.
        “Let go of me!”  I shouted and even though I was loud enough for several people to hear me, none of them looked at me.  “Let me fucking go!”  I screamed again and tried to jerk away.  It always most worked but his grip was too tight and ready.
       “Now, now, don’t want to ruin everyone else’s day. That would be rude cupcake. Though, there is one person I need to see you like this.”  As I squirmed I saw him scanning around and then he grinned.  I didn’t really like that smile of his.  
        “I said let me go!”  I kept trying to jerk my body away again despite the pain in my arms from his hold.  It almost felt like I was about to break my own bones to get out of his grip and I damn well would if that’s what I needed to happen.
       Though when I looked up to see if anyone was looking I noticed one person.  Rufo looking as human as ever.  He was looking right at me and at Crowley.  That’s when I saw the eyes in his skull sink and his skin start to tear away.
        “(Y/N)!  Crowley! Let her go!  She’s got nothing to do with us!”  I could hear the change in his voice from how it normally sounded to a dry growl as if his vocal cords were becoming taut.
        “And now we make our exit.”  There had been a sea of people between us and I managed to get an arm free as I reached out to Rufo.  
        It didn’t matter though as the people cleared away for Crowley and seemed to move in front of Rufo which didn’t end too well as they were shoved away or worse.  Tears welled up in my eyes as Rufo got further and further away and eventually my arm drooped down.  Crowley didn’t speak as he got me into a car, tying up my hands though still made sure I was comfortable in the back seat of my car.  All I could feel was my heart aching the further we drove away.
        My eyes stayed looking out the window and watching how the road twist and turned.  I didn’t have a clue where were going and I doubt Crowley would give me an answer. Though I didn’t need to wait long as he pulled off to a dirt road which my car didn’t like too much with all the bumps, but it made due as we approached a small wooden cabin tucked away in the trees.  
       “Almost done (Y/N).  Don’t you worry.”  Crowley finally spoke just before getting out of the car.  He came around and got me out so we could trudge our way into the little cabin.  
       It looked as if he had been staying here for about a day.  There were some kerosene lanterns lit and the furniture that was there seemed to have always been there with an almost decaying appearance.  Laying out on a starting to rot tabletop was a brief case and inside was a various things like chalk, crystals, and vials filled with questionable liquid.  He had me seated on one of the sturdier chairs.
       “Now, sit there and be good for me cupcake.” He tied my ankles to the chair, and finally he fashioned a rope around my torso to keep my arms pinned to my sides.
        “Why are you doing this to me Crowley?”  My eyes followed him as he went back to the table and he grabbed a piece of chalk from it.
        “It’s not necessarily a you thing.  It’s a more of him thing.”  He jutted his head toward the door that we came in as he turned. “Him and I have been fighting each other for quite some time.”  He moved to the center and got to work drawing a large circle and various symbols. “You see cupcake, I’m very old. Much older than you can probably imagine.  I’m under certain rules and obligation to get rid of evil things.  Especially when they get under my skin and make me itch.”  His eyes stared into mine and that damned smile of his was back.  “And he’s like the damn chicken pox.”
        I didn’t say anything more as I watched him finish up.  He wiped his hands on a rag which he tossed onto the table along with his supplies. He paced around the room for a bit, peaking out the window now and again.
        “What makes you think he’s going to know where I am? That’s he’s going to come for me?” My leg was bouncing, well what it could with my legs tied to the chair.  “I’m not much of a prize.”
        “You say that but that’s not what I see.”  He turned his attention to me.  “He doesn’t put up with many people and put up is a strong phrase.  Most of the humans he comes in contact with end up dead.”  He strolled over to me and leaned over so he could get in my face.  “And you two seem to have gotten rather close.” As he said that his eyes flicked over me and there was that smile that sent chills through my body.  “So that makes you pretty special, cupcake.”
       “We just had a lot in common.  That’s all.”  I tried to look away, but I could still feel his eyes staring into me.  If I could fidget more in my seat, I would have.  “At least I’d like to think we did.”
       “Well, you have some time to think about all those things in common cupcake.  It’s gonna take some time for him to find us since there were some dead-end roads on the way here that he’s gonna have to figure out for himself.  So kick back, relax.  Take a load off.”  Crowley had a jokester smile as he stood back up and grabbed a chair for himself at the table.  
       So I sat there, staring at the door.  Thoughts flooded my mind as I imagined Rufo trying to find me.  If he was. From the window I could see some clouds over the trees roll by and all I could think of was the storms these past few days.  How Rufo took it upon himself to comfort me, to distract me what ways he could.  The way he looked at me with those icy blue eyes. How he held me tight to his side as we watched rerun after rerun of Cops in some hotel in the middle of nowhere.  The way he looked at me during our few moments of passion followed by his lingering touches throughout the day.  Hell, how he even murdered someone to keep me safe.  It had honestly been one of the most enjoyable times in my life in so long.
       It was that moment when I decided that I would do anything for Rufo.  
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