#rufo: road trip part 4
spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Road Trip (Part 4)
Rufo the Clown x Female Reader
Part 4 to Road Trip
Tag List: @trig-loves-clowning-around @rottenhearts-and-sharpteeth @booklover2929 @the-clown-crypt @alien-rat
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        A couple hours passed and after a quick dinner we finally found a cozy looking hotel that seemed to be hidden away from the world.  We gathered our bags that we’d be needing for the night and made our way inside and up to the desk.  
        “Hello.  How can I help you two?”  The lady at the desk greeted us as we came in with a pleasant smile and her eyes read that she needed some more coffee.
         “Room for two please.”  Rufo leaned onto the counter, a simple smile on his face but perfect as well.  I made the mental note to not focus on his smile so much as I felt warmth on my cheeks from blushing.
         “Seems I only have one room left.  The honeymoon suite with the plushest California King bed and a lovely hot tub with top of the line jets and a lovely bubble function.” The woman beamed as she read off the information about the room.
        “Are there no rooms left with two beds?”  I raised a brow and the lady shook her head, giving an apology.
         “That’s fine.”  Rufo waved his hand in a dismissive manner so the lady would ignore my question.  “The little lady is just nervous about our little elopement.  Her parents weren’t too happy about it.”  He chuckled as he played off a lie and slipped an arm around my waist to pull me close to his side.  “We’re on our way to go to get hitched in secret so they can’t barge in and stop true love.”
         “Well, congratulations to you too and I hope for a bright future for the both of you.”  The lady grinned as she started putting some information in the computer after Rufo handed her cash.  “We’ll send a complimentary bottle of champagne for you to celebrate along an array of desserts.”
        “That’s splendid of you.  Thank you ma’am.  We appreciate it greatly.”  Rufo tucked his wallet back into the back pocket of his pants.
         “Thank you.”  I could feel myself feeling jittery from being help by Rufo and working on playing out the lie.  
         “Let’s get up to the room then doll.  I hear a hot tub calling our name.”  Rufo winked at me as he took the key from the lady then started to lead me down the hall where the room would be.  When we got into the room I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was keeping in.  “Don’t forget to breath.”  Rufo laughed as he set his duffle bag and my suitcase to the side.  That’s when we got a good look at the room.
        It was definitely fancy.  The large bed had a beautiful velvet burgundy bedspread and there was even a little kitchen area that led to the hot tub in the corner. There was no couch and even the usual desk was smaller than most.  There were two televisions, one above the hot tub and one in front of the bed.
        “Well, looks like we may have to share a bed for the night.”  Rufo sighed as he looked around as he realized there wouldn’t even be much room for either one of us to lay on the floor.  “If that’s alright with you doll.”
        “I, uh, yeah that’s fine.  You take a side and I’ll take the other.”  I didn’t look at him and played it off as there was a knock on the door which got my attention.
        “I’ll get that.”  Rufo walked past me and made sure it was just the hotel worker with the bottle of champagne and dessert tray.  He slipped the guy a tip and rolled in the trolley.  “Whatcha say sweetie.”  Rufo winked at me as he grinned.  God, what a perfect smile.  “We can relax with some booze; some chocolate covered strawberries and live it up a little in a hot tub.  This is supposed to be a vacation for you after all.”  
        To be honest, it did sound nice to just unwind. This was a vacation after all like he said.  We took turns using the restroom to change into swimsuits that I was thankful to have packed and I stood nervously in the bathroom as I stared at myself.  My swimsuit wasn’t anything overly revealing but the high waist shorts highlighted the curve of my hips to my waist and my top did accentuate my breasts just a little.  The ruffles on the top gave a more flouncy and carefree vintage feel to it but having someone I didn’t know too well just yet see me in a bikini still nagged at me in the back of my head.  I could hear him popping the bottle of champagne then the clinks of glasses as he got the glasses set up to pour.
       “Come on, (Y/N).  I can’t drink this bottle all by myself.  Well, I could but that wouldn’t be any fun.”  I could hear him laugh to himself through the door.
        With a deep breath I gave myself a nod in the mirror and stepped on out.  He had his back to me when I had come out and he had a simple pair of blue swim trunks on that didn’t give too much away about his thighs.  They did look rather muscular though just like his calves.  I really had to stop staring at him during this trip.  He turned to hand me my glass and I watched as his eyes gave me a long look over, eyeing certain parts and I could feel my face heating up as I took the glass he offered me.  He had even gotten the hot tub ready which I gestured at.
        “Come on, Rufo.  Let’s get in and relax a little.”  I chuckled, playing off my nerves as I stepped into the water.
        “You look rather nice, (Y/N).”  He said matter-of-factly as he scooted the trolley over so we could easily reach the desserts.  He soon slipped into the water and found one of the seats in the hot tub.
        “I, uh, thank you, Rufo.”  I had remembered our little conversation from a couple days ago and kept any negative words to myself which he seemed pleased at.  He found the remote for the television and flipped through the channels and stopped on reruns of Cops.
        “Hope ya don’t mind doll.  It’s one of the few shows I don’t mind these days.”  Rufo leaned back in the seat and was sipping at his wine, grabbing a strawberry to eat.
        “Don’t mind at all Rufo.”  I took a strawberry for myself and I didn’t notice the way Rufo watched me as I ate it.
         Glasses were refilled a few times here and there; laughs were shared and soon the tray and bottle were both empty.  We were both pretty tipsy and making silly comments at the people being arrested on the show.  He had even scooted closer as we pointed and laughed.  Overall, I felt great.  Though it came time for bed as it was nearing midnight, and he helped me get out of the hot tub even if he was a little wobbly on his own legs as well. He was surprisingly strong for his frame as he picked me up out of it with such ease.  Though with the alcohol in me it maybe helped that I was more like a poseable ragdoll.  He even grabbed my sleeping clothes for me and guided me in the direction to the bathroom so I could change.  It took a little bit longer this time to dry off and change but I managed and came back out to see he was adjusting his pajama pants, guessing he had just put them on.
         “Come on doll.  Let’s get you to bed.  You drank quite a bit.”  He walked over to me, taking a few missteps here and there but he got me in the direction of the bed which I flopped on.  “That’s one way of doing it.”  He chuckled as he got in beside me.
        “Mmm Rufo?”  I rolled over, getting into a comfy spot.  He was grabbing the remote to put Cops back on the television in front of the bed.
         “Yes doll?”  He raised his brow, not looking at me as he looked for the right channel.
         “You’re very handsome.  Like, you have such pretty majestic flowing hair and a killer smile.  Like. Wow.  I just wanted you to know that.  Very stunning man.”  In my tipsy state I was a bit braver and words came out more freely than I would have liked.  A lot of the times I wish I wasn’t as brave but when the words came out of my lips I couldn’t stop that.
        “I, uh.”  This time Rufo was the one to stumble of this words and I swear I saw his cheeks blush up just a little bit.  “I’m just an old man (Y/N).  I’m nothing special.”  That’s when my brow furrowed, and I let out a loud enough huff that made him turn around with such a surprised look on his face.
         “Now you listen to me, mister.”  It took some effort to sit up and keep myself up, but I managed.  “So long as I am around you, you are not allowed to think bad about yourself.  Got it mister?”  I pointed a finger at him and before I could get an answer from him I flopped back down.  “Ain’t having such a handsome man with the most perfect damn smile I’ve ever seen in my whole little life put himself down.  That would just be ridiculous.  Fucking…. Ridiculous and so dumb.  So dumb.”  I propped myself up on an elbow, Rufo’s mouth was open to speak but I cut him off as more words just came out.  I didn’t even try to mentally stop myself at this point.  “I’d kill to have a man like you in my town that I could swoon over and hope I catch his attention.  Six foot something handsome son of a gun with a jaw sharp enough to cut a man with eyes so stunningly piercing to finish the job.  God damn, you have some stunning eyes.  Could get lose swimming in them or something like that.”  I somehow managed to run a hand through my hair despite my limb not feeling like it was all there.  I pointed at him again.  “Kill I say.” Another flop and I was back down. I could hear him chuckle.  “Don’t you dare laugh at me.  I’m being very, very, very serious right now.  So serious.  Like, you wouldn’t believe how fucking serious I am in this exact moment in time.”
         “Language doll.  And oh, I know you are.  I’ve seen the way you’ve stared at me.  I’ve got a keen eye.  Seen the way your cheeks get all pink and rosy if you stare at me too long and I catch ya.”  He slipped under the covers and I rolled onto my side to stare at him the best I could in the darkness of the room.  Thankfully the television helped illuminate where he was though he was a little fuzzy around the edges.  “But you wouldn’t want to get mixed up with the likes of me.”
         “Stop that.  I would say the same damn thing about myself.  I’m not a fun person.  I work all day at a dumb desk and you.  You get to go all around the world and see such pretty sights and see cool things.” He had rolled over now and I put a finger on his hairy chest.  “Kill, I say.”
        “You’d probably change your mind doll if you knew any better.”  He chuckled and shook his head.  “But I promise not to put myself down anymore as long as you’re around.  Pinky promise.”  He held out his pinky and I took it in mine.  It took a few tries, but I got it.  “Can’t have you coming after me all said and done.”  He grinned and soon his eyes closed so he could sleep.
        I followed suit but I woke up in the middle of the night after a worse nightmare than usual to find myself cuddled up to him. He had rolled onto his back at some point and here I was curled up to his side.  I was still feeling slightly buzzed, but I could see he was awake and paying attention to the show that was barely audible.  My heart thudded in my chest and my eyes widened as I realized it was his arm around me that I felt with his hand clasped on my shoulder.
         “Go back to sleep doll.  I’m just having trouble sleeping is all.”  He hadn’t even looked at me or away from the television.
         “I… I’m sorry, Rufo.”  I muttered and my face heated up in embarrassment and knowing I was in his arms.  I went to wiggle but his fingertips dug into my shoulder and I got the hint to stay put.
        “Just get some rest.”  He now turned his head to me, and I swear his eyes were almost glowing.  It was probably just the light from the television though.
          I nodded and closed my eyes again.  In my half-asleep state, I rolled over in his arms with a few seconds later he followed suit to spoon me with an arm under the pillows and his other arm draped over my side.  I fell back asleep to the sound of his snores softly going behind my ear. It was probably the best sleep I had ever had in a long time.
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