#rufo: road trip part 9
spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Road Trip (Part 9)
Rufo x Female Reader
Part 9 of Road Trip
This part is in Rufo’s perspective.
Tag List: @booklover2929​ @the-clown-crypt​ @chii2blog​
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        Rufo stared down at the woman lying beside him. Her hair was in a wild mess both from the events of the night and of her tossing some in her sleep.  It was amusing how wild it had become.  Her lips were ever so slightly parted, and I chuckled to myself when I swiped my thumb at some drool on the corner of her lips. She was out like a light with not a flinch in sight when I touched her.  I didn’t want to think it, but she looked rather beautiful.  Even with the hint of the morning light that hit her face as it broke into their room as it finally got passed the gray clouds outside. The way her nose twitched as she slept, her soft snores that she probably didn’t know she even did, her soft little coos that followed suit.
         I furrowed my brows and I resisted the urge to smack myself upside the head.  I still didn’t want to wake her, so I forced himself to look up at the ceiling, my mind whirling with my frustrations.  A woman was beside me.  One I had decided not to kill when we first met simply because she had a good taste in music.  And that sweet smile of hers as her face lit up.  Then I got to know her, and she got to know me.  Even after I showed her my secret she didn’t make any hints of leaving. Which I was really thankful for because I didn’t want to kill her at that point.  Instead, she wanted to keep going on this little road trip with me. Hell, even with Crowley on our heels she still wanted to keep going.  Though what if she got mixed up and got hurt?  I shook my head as my brows only furrowed more.  No, I wouldn’t let that happen.  I would drop her off somewhere and find another car.  
         (Y/N) was starting to stir as she started to wake up which caught my attention, pulling me away from thoughts that were less than friendly.  I rolled over to my side and in turn so did she.  I watched as her body stretched and felt her grab onto me.  She was so warm, so gentle even in the early morning hours. Her tired eyes blinked slowly and were soon looking up at my own.  Then she smiled.  That gentle, soft smile that at times I couldn’t get out of my head.  Her hand reached up and I quickly glanced to it as it landed on my cheek.  Her thumb grazed over part of the triangle like scar below my eye.  It felt strange and I could feel myself on edge, as if suddenly she would despise everything about it, about me.  But no, her smile never wavered and neither did her touch. Her touch was so gentle compared to how rough and damaged the shaped scar was.
         “Good morning, Rufo.  Did you sleep well?”  Her voice was even gentle despite a gravely undertone.  She had used quite a bit of her vocal cords and I smiled at the memory of our romping last night.
         “Like the dead, doll.  How about yourself?”  I went to go tug the blankets away from us so we could get started with the day.
          “Best I have in a long time.”  She had a beaming smile as she sat up and ran her hand through her bedhead to try to tame it.  It didn’t work but the effort was there.  
          “Very good.  Couldn’t have you not sleeping well doll.”  I let out a hearty chuckle as I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a morning shower.  I didn’t notice her coming in behind me until her arms wrapped around my torso and she peaked around from my side as I lifted my arm.  “Wanting to join me this morning?”  A crooked grin grew on my face.
          “If you didn’t mind of course.  Cut our shower time in half too.”  Her fingertips trailed along my skin as she pulled her arms away so she could start the shower for us.  Something in the moment felt right.  Though I knew I shouldn’t be here like this with her.  Yet I still made the choice to stay.
          “You’re right about that doll.”  I slipped my fingers through my blue curls as I turned around to meet her gaze.  Blush had dusted her cheeks and I could tell she had been looking over me as she waited for me to join her.  “Feeling alright there?”  I couldn’t help but chuckle as I went past her to get under the hot spray of water.
          “Y-Yeah, I am.”  She muttered as she joined in with me.  Her cheeks only became more flushed which put a smile on my face.
           Halfway through the shower I couldn’t help to get a little handsy.  She was washing her hair when I moved her hands to the side to slip my hands where hers had been.  There was a look of surprise and her cheeks only got redder as my fingers worked the shampoo into her hair.  I could see she was melting a little and her body pressed into mine.  My cock hardened against her stomach and I could hear the faintest of surprised gasps from her as it twitched between us.  It didn’t take long after me rinsing out her hair for me to have her up on the wall with her legs around my waist.  Her face was buried into my neck as she clung onto me for what felt like dear life with every thrust.  I knew my fingertips would leave a nice pattern of bruises on her ass the harder they dug into her.  
         It didn’t take long to get her to cum the first time or even the fourth time until she was limp in my arms.  She was even whining when another climax of hers was building up.  Despite her weak whimpering protests of another orgasm, her body tensed then shuddered against my body as she got lost in the wave.  It was a lovely sight to see, I had to admit.  The way her eyes rolled back, how her mouth dropped open even with no noise coming out, how even after becoming so tired she still tried to claw and grab at me.  I felt the tug of my own gut hinting to my release so quickly I slid myself out, getting cum all over her stomach and part of her chest as a deep groan left my chest.
          Both of us panted as I moved her to be under the spray of water so she could get clean again.  Her fingertips still lingered against my skin even though it was hot to the touch.  She didn’t seem to mind the heat though, more so sought it out as she only held tighter. She stayed in my arms as I stepped us out of the shower and until I set her down on the counter to dry her off.  I could hear that annoying voice in the back of my head, the one telling me this was a bad idea, that I should just find an excuse to leave and make sure to never see her again.  Instead though we went about our day, going out to enjoy the town one more time before one last night in the hotel.  Just one more day I kept thinking to myself.
         We had found some goodies in a few of the stores we hadn’t gotten to look at the other day and then grabbed a bite to eat at one of the local diners.  I couldn’t help but to watch her.  The way she walked, the way her body moved when she was standing in place, how her eyes lit up when something caught them.  Everything caught my eye.  So did the middle-aged sleaze ball of a rube who had been eyeing her since we had sat down in the diner.  He wasn’t exactly hiding how he was looking at her though she hadn’t noticed as she was focused on me.  He didn’t seem to be deterred by the fact of my presence and he was even pretty ballsy when we left.  The rube had the gall to get up and follow us.  She hadn’t noticed just yet since he was keeping some distance away.  I wasn’t going to let some rube ruin our day.
           “Aw dang it.”  I huffed out as I patted my pocket in an exaggerated manner.  “Forgot my wallet back at the diner.  I’ll be right back doll.  Wait here for me.”  I guided her to lean against the wall and gave her a wink.  “Won’t be too long, I promise.”
          She had agreed to stay put just before I turned to head toward the diner.  I saw the rube leaning out from an alley to peek to see where we were.  He was doing a shabby job at being secret. Perfect.  He couldn’t get much of a reaction out except for a grunt as I grabbed him to shove him back into the alley.  I had a firm grip on the front of his shirt as I dragged him deeper between the two buildings, at least far enough so anyone who passed by wouldn’t really notice unless they looked hard enough.
         “Trying to cop a feel on her rube?  Get in her pants hm?”  I shoved him against the wall despite his kicks.  He also couldn’t really answer me as I had a hand wrapped around his throat, cutting off his air supply just enough.  “See a pretty girl in town and you wanna just ruin her.  Men like you give gentleman like me a bad name. As if she’d want a rube like you.” My finger tightened and that lovely bubble of rage inside me was starting to get worse.
          Worse it certainly did as I beat the man to a near bloody pulp.  How dare this vile piece of flesh and bone think about tainting someone precious with his filthy hands.  How dare he even let the thought cross his mind that he could even try to get her alone while I was near her.  He tried to beg but his words didn’t last too much longer.  My hands squeezed around his throat and I could feel his windpipe breaking under my fingers that was followed by the snap of his neck.  It was a satisfying noise, I couldn’t lie.  He was a bloody mess and gone as I stood up from where I had my fun.  Sure, I was a bit bloody myself, but we would be out of town soon and with the sun setting it would be easier to slip back to the hotel.  I must have taken too long though and she had gotten worried about me.
          “Rufo?”  Her voice broke through the silence and down the alleyway.  And then a gasp.  “Rufo!? What the hell?”  Now I turned to see her, eyes wide as she looked at the body at my feet.
          “Look doll, I can explain.”  I took a step closer and she took one back.  “Look, I’m not gonna hurt you.  I made a promise.  Let’s just get back to the hotel so I can get changed and we can go about our evening. Okay?”  Her eyes wavered between me and the body, a look of uncertainty and terror that didn’t sit well with me.  “Doll, I’m a man of my word.  Just listen, he was following us.  Following us for you.  You didn’t see the look on his face that I saw.”  I could feel my skin starting to pull taunt and my human skin wasn’t looking so human.  “That rube wanted to fucking touch you and there was no way in hell I was gonna let that happen.”  My hands grabbed her shoulder and she finally looked me in the eyes with a surprised expression.  Probably because my fingertips were digging into her skin and I was starting to heat up.
           “I… Alright Rufo.”  Her voice was barely above a whisper and I got her quickly out of the alleyway and we managed to slip back into the motel room.  
           “I’ll be back in a bit.”  I locked the door and shut the blinds before going to the bathroom to wash up.
          I looked myself in the mirror when I was drying off my hair, letting my wet curls fall wherever they wanted when I set the towel down.  My skin looked more supple from me calming down and my skin was only hot now from the shower.  As I looked at myself all I could see was the look on her face when she had found me in that alley.  The fear in her eyes and it made me feel a tightness in my chest.  I didn’t like it.  My hand rubbed along my chest through my chest hair as that one thought came back into my mind.  
          Leave her behind to find a new car and get back to my work.  Especially with Crowley on our tail.  I couldn’t let him get too close to her.  I felt my skin getting taut at the thought and had to calm myself before going back out in just a pair of underwear.  She had been laying out in the bed and she was flipping through the channels, already changed into her pajamas for the night.  She hadn’t noticed me, and I could see the disinterest in her eyes as channel after channel passed.  She looked peaceful as if she hadn’t seen the body of a man that I murdered in an alleyway and me splattered in his blood.  I made my way over to the bed and that’s when she looked up to me with her smile.  That smile.
          I waited until she was fast and deep in her sleep before grabbing my bag and leaving.  I walked a little bit before ‘borrowing’ car.  I didn’t drive long.  Just a few towns over so I could at least get some rest.  I made the decision to try to enjoy the circus that was in town the next day. Besides, a clown like myself had to make sure the other clowns were doing things properly.
         Sitting in the motel room was strange.  So empty. Even though there wasn’t a storm raging outside for once I could feel one raging inside of me.  I made myself sleep though.
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spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Road Trip (Part 6)
Rufo x Female Reader
Part 6 to Road Trip
Tag List: @rottenhearts-and-sharpteeth @trig-loves-clowning-around @the-clown-crypt @chii2blog @booklover2929
If you’d like to here is my Ko - Fi link if you’d like to donate.  This is of course at your own leisure and if you want to show your support in some way other than liking and reblogging my writing!
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         With the tent packed up and everything back into the car we finally made it to the Midwest.  We stopped in a small town for some lunch and to fill up the tank once more. Rufo had gone inside to pay for the gas and probably grab something to drink.  He was gone for a longer than usual, but we had been driving for a bit already and perhaps he needed a pit stop then make sure his legs were properly ready to go. However, when he came out he looked like he was in a hurry.  There was a mixture of annoyance and anger on his face as he approached me and the car. I went to ask him if everything was alright, but he just came around to me and grabbed me by the arm so he could drag me around the car.  Despite my protest and questioning he shoved me almost a little too roughly into the passenger seat then hurried himself into the driver seat.  He peeled out of the gas station and went off an exit that was making us go in a completely different direction.
        “Rufo!  What the hell is going on!?”  I finally managed to get the seat belt on me, clearly frustrated from his behavior.    We were heading a completely different way than planned which only spiked my confusion. That’s when I noticed something red on the spot of my arm he had grabbed me that had bled into my shirt.  It was wet and smelled irony like blood.  “Rufo.  What’s going on?”  My voice dropped and I looked to him.  I saw his hands covered in blood along the front of his shirt.  “What the fuck!?”
         “Ah, language doll.”  He held up a hand with a finger pointed up to silence me.  “And calm down.  Be thankful it’s not yours and the bastard deserved it anyways.”
         He looked calm, as if nothing was wrong, as if he wasn’t covered in someone else’s blood.  I pushed myself back into the far corner of my seat as I looked on at him. The thought of dialing 9-1-1 came to mind but what if he went after me next?  I was in easy reach of him and I didn’t know what he was capable of doing. That’s when he looked over at me. Something looked wrong with his skin. As if it didn’t fit too right like it had before.
         “Calm down.  I ain’t gonna kill ya.  I killed the bastard to protect us.”  He looked back ahead, wiping his bloody hands on a spot of his pants that didn’t have blood. “Had one of Crowley’s cards.  Saw it as I walked by and while he was taking his phone out to dial him.  Kept looking right at me as he fumbled with his phone.  Thankfully the clerk didn’t notice as I dragged the guy to the back to give him, well, a talk so to speak.”
         My heart was thudding in my chest and words were hard to find.  Maybe Crowley had been right.  Rufo was so calm about murdering someone, it was clear he had done it before.  Or maybe just aftershock of the first time? Or if he had before just how many times had he done it before?  I didn’t ask to find out.  I just stayed quiet in my seat and so did he.  Even when one of his favorite songs came on.
         “That wasn’t your first kill, was it?”  I finally spoke and my voice cracked a little at the end.  I could see Rufo shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.
        “Part of my job doll.  Get rid of the problems and any that pop up along the way.  Tie up loose ends that come up and would cause a lot more issues for me to fix later on.”  He glanced at me from the side of his eye.  “I can explain better when there’s no chance of anyone overhearing.”
        All I could do was nod.  I didn’t have anything else to say so I sat there.  Even when we passed by a state trooper I just sat there.  I didn’t particularly want to join in the body count and some morbid part of me was curious in his reasoning.  It was a few hours later when we found ourselves in a small town of less than a thousand people.  There wasn’t much too it but a few diners, a lot of antique stores and a single motel that we checked into without a worry.  Rufo had carried the bags in and I found myself sitting on one of the beds closets to the door.  With the bags set by their respective bed he turned to face me, taking off his jacket.
        “Who are you?”  I finally met his eyes.  Those stunningly icy blue eyes that still sent a shiver through my spine.  Even more so now than ever.
        “Still Rufo.”  He slipped his hands in his pockets as he spoke.  “Rufo the Clown to be more specific.  Though, I don’t always look like this.”  One hand gestured to his almost normal looking body and he chuckled as my brow raised.  “Guess I should show what I mean.”
         Before my eyes Rufo was starting the change. His skin was growing paler and paler by the second until he was titanium white.  His body hair and the hair on his head bled into a bright blue that popped against his skin.  My brow furrowed as I backed up on the bed, my heart pounding as the man before me grabbed his face with both hands.  With one fluid sweep he ripped his face clean off to reveal another right underneath.  I felt the scream bubbling in my throat as I looked this new face over.  Titanium white like the rest of his body.  Blue triangles above and below his eyes that looked like they were etched right into his skin.  And indeed, they had been as I noticed the cuts that extended past the corners.  Big red lips were over his mouth that pointed upward at the end, being topped with a red dot on each end.  On the tip of his nose sat a black dot to tie the whole look together.
       “What the fuck.”  Was all I could mutter out.  I kept whispering it under my breath as I couldn’t take my eyes away from the clown who stood before me.  “What the ever-loving fuck!?”
        “Language doll face.”  He held up a finger and I shut my mouth, nodding which made him smile. “Rufo the Clown.  Full time clown and problem solver.”  He slipped his hands back into his pockets as he paced the room.  “I was truthful when I said I’m the way to job out west.  Crowley just happened to get in the way.”
         “Is…is he like you?”  I finally managed to pipe up a few words and he tossed his head back in a laugh.
         “We’re both far from human.  I at least started out as human.  Crowley is a hunter of sorts.”  He turned to look at me.  “Far more dangerous than me and that’s saying a lot.  He’s not one to mess with.  It’s a lot of fun though if I gotta admit.”  Rufo cracked a smile and seeing it on his clown face sent my heart skipping a few beats. “He doesn’t want me getting to where I need to go but he’s keeping his distance it seems.”  There was a pondering look on his face, almost like a frown as he got deep into a thought.  He snapped his finger suddenly and made me jump.  “That’s it.”
        “What’s it, Rufo?”  I should be bolting out the door.  I should have been running to the police station we had driven past that wasn’t too far away.  But no, here I sat as I asked questions.
         “He’s not one for killing innocent bystanders if he can help it.  Even when he gets a little on the mad side.  He loves a good fight but only to those he’s after.  It’s you.”  He pointed at me as he got closer.  “He’s waiting until you’re out of the picture.”  Rufo walked around the small room as he laughed but then suddenly stopped in his tracks.  He turned to face me, holding his hands out to the side in a gesture.  “Wanna keep going out west with me (Y/N)?  Can still see all the sights you wanna see.  We can take all the time in the world.  I can understand if you don’t want to travel with a clown like me.”  He came up to me with his hands on resting on the bed on either side of me, leaning toward me.  “Whatcha say (Y/N)?  Keep enjoying the vacation and I’ll make sure you get back home safe and sound with Old Rufo?”
        He looked almost excited, but he was trying to hide it with a wide, smooth smile.  I could feel a headache starting as I was trying to take everything in, and I scooted back further on the bed.  His smile faltered for a moment when I moved but he tilted his head to the side as if to distract me from the slight quiver of his lip corner.
       “You aren’t going to kill me?  After telling me all this?  After showing me what you actually look like?”  The thought about running for the door came back to mind. I had been having fun though.  It had been so long since I had a lot of fun, especially with someone else.  But the thought of being murdered made the police station look rather tempting.
        “I already said I wasn’t goin to doll.  I would have killed you when we were all alone in that gas station when I first met you.  You piqued my curiosity though, especially when I saw a young thing like you blasting out some good old Bobby Darin.”  He shook his head and he stood back up.  “And I’m a man of my word.  I won’t kill you and I’ll make sure you get back home safe and sound after I get the job done.”
         “I… We should get some rest.  It’s been a long day for the both of us.”  I couldn’t meet his gaze as I slipped off the bed, going to my bag to grab some clothes to change into.  “I’m going to take a quick shower.”  My words were rushed as I went to the bathroom.
        I did make the shower quick but every second was filled with racing thoughts.  Maybe when he’s asleep I’ll go.  I could easily sneak my stuff out and take off.  But what if Crowley came after me since I knew about Rufo?  What if Rufo got so angry that he tracked me down for running off?  If Crowley was anything like Rufo, or worse, I couldn’t defend myself.  And I had been having fun with Rufo if I was being honest with myself.  He had even comforted me when my anxiety spiked during the storm.  Maybe he wasn’t all bad?  We could still have fun and he did say he would make sure I got back home safely.  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad?  
        I left the bathroom with a slightly clearer mind, dressed in my sweatpants and a t shirt.  Rufo was still in his clown appearance, propped up on his bed with his pillows while flipping through the channel.  He didn’t pay me too much mind as I climbed into my bed.  He was still watching reruns of Cops when I fell asleep, curled up under the sheets.  I could only hope for a smoother day tomorrow.
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