#rules of the fae
bet-on-me-13 · 4 months
Danny is a Fae at Starbucks
So! Danny works by Fae Rules, Names and all, but he has no idea about that because he was forced to run away from Home (and the Ghost portal) before his Ghostly Education could be completed.
He runs to Gotham and eventually gets a job at Starbucks, or some other Cafe.
He has to ask the question "Could I get your name please?" A LOT while working there. And unintentionally steals hundreds of Names by the end of his first day, much less a week or a month into his job.
One day, Constantine visits Gotham for a Meeting with Batman, but by the time he gets to the Meeting Point he has bigger issues to discuss.
"Why the hell does half of your City belong to a Fae Lord?!"
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nyxshadowhawk · 5 months
One day, I'll have kids, and my kids are going to want to go on the internet. And this is what I'll tell them:
The internet is like Fairyland. It is a wondrous place, a place of many marvels and many opportunities.
It is also a dangerous place, with strange rules that often seem arbitrary — to navigate it, you have to learn its fairy-logic, and learn to speak its language.
It is a place of tests and trials — the folk can be cruel, pointlessly so, just because it amuses them. It's often not personal, even if it seems like it is. The worst are the Trolls, but they will lose power if you don't engage with them.
It is a place of illusion and lies. Everyone wears a mask, and not all the masked people are actually people. Don't believe everything you see or hear, for illusions are everywhere.
Time moves differently there. Entire days can go by, seemingly in an instant.
Do not accept anything you're offered, and be very careful to whom you tell your True Name.
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corkinavoid · 4 months
DPxDC Shit Fae!Danny Has Said While Living With Waynes
Danny, making a 'got your nose' gesture: Hey Jason, look, I've got your name!
Red Hood, who suddenly can't remember his own name: What the fuck
Bruce, in a tired dad voice: Danny, please, we talked about this, return your brother's name back
Danny: Oh, come on, it's not like he even uses it
Jason, thankfully remembering his name: And I repeat, what the f u c k
Steph, at dinner: I was wondering, what do faeries even eat normally? Like, flowers and stuff?
Danny, his eyes two black voids inside his eyesockets: The souls of the innocent
Steph: So that's a 'no' on the flowers?
Danny, back to normal and shoving a bagel in his mouth: I mean, I can, but would you want to stay on the crumbs-only diet when you are in a 5-star Michelin restaurant?
Tim: It's actually 3-star. Michelin rating system only has three stars, not five.
Dick: Are you saying that people are basically food joints for Fae?
Damian, at Constantine: It would do you well to choose your wording better when speaking to fair folk-
Danny, very much a fair folk, appearing out of thin air in the Cave: Yolo, s'up bitches, guess who's back in town!
Damian: -even when they do not necessarily do so themselves.
Constantine, looking between them: Are you sure you're the human and he is the changeling?
Tim, 46 hours of no sleep: Hey, if you can take a name from someone, does it mean you can take, like, other things that have no real shape or form?
Danny: Names do have shape and form, they even have taste. Yours is like a ping-pong ball made out of really dense cotton candy with banana-caramel flavor.
Tim, losing his touch with reality: Dense banana cotton candy...
Danny: By the way, I know you wanted to ask me if I could take your need to sleep from you, and theoretically, the answer is yes.
Tim, his whisper full of hope: ...will you?..
Danny: No. Either go to sleep or keep suffering. I'm not here to make your life easier.
Danny, after a half-an-hour rant on the Fae customs and traditions: -and Fae never tell the truth, but also never lie. It's a work of art, you know, say what you want but never in a way that makes sense.
Jason: So Fae just like to fuck with people.
Danny, looking him in the eyes, smiling and winking: Sure, humans are very fuckable.
Bruce, trying very hard not to pay attention to this: Can you make an example?
Danny: Sure. I lied.
Bruce: Where?
Danny: :)
Bruce, feeling like he is about to lose his mind: W h e r e ?
Alfred, right after he heard Dick's muffled screaming in the hallway: Young Master Danny, would you mind returning Master Dick his ability to talk in coherent sentences?
Danny, obediently standing up and walking out of the library: ...okay.
Bruce: How come he always listens to you?
Alfred: He knows what I will do if he doesn't.
Danny, returning to the library: He will change all the silverware to iron-ware. As well as the doorknobs and hairbrushes and lightswitches and everything else.
Alfred: Did you fix Master Dick's shoes?
Danny: I did. But I still think that making all of his shoes left ones was funny.
Alfred: Indeed, it was.
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There's also a fic now.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 268
Fright Knight sighs, running a clawed hand through his hair in an attempt to stop the flames from flickering into being. It had been far too long since he had taken a human-ish form. His human-ish form. Ugh. He didn’t exactly care for his human form after so long as a ghost, but needs must he supposed. 
Especially with the whole, we’re going to punch a backdoor into the literal daycare part of the Infinite Realms and be surprised when literal toddlers go exploring. 
Well, at least it got him off of guard duty for a bit, which was relieving. Not that he didn’t love the darkness, but it got boring in the shadow of his sword for literal centuries with nothing else happening. He was a warrior for Realm’s sake! Borderline an Ancient in both power and age! He wasn’t meant to stay so still for so long. 
So while ghostling wrangling wasn’t exactly in his area of expertise, he could definitely gather them back up to the Realms. And deal with the curs who had decided to attack literal babies. 
The Daycare area was already understaffed due to just how large it was, and the one in charge of this section had practically sobbed to the Council (In another world they would have been put on hold for a century in line for their concerns, and then more once a Sarcophagus was opened, but they had told the other ghosts in distress, causing others to let them go up in said line) how they were almost certain they had felt at least one core form Outside the realms thanks to the breach. 
Which had understandably put everyone at an uproar. 
So here he was slipping between shadows to do reconnaissance and take stock of if any Ghostlings had left the city. And gently scruffing those he comes across in exasperation because what are you doing, ghostling? Look at the mess, what would your caretaker say? 
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butchlesbiancosmo · 16 days
bad ending: timmy grows up and completely forgets his fairies like they never even existed
good ending: timmy gets adopted by cosmo & wanda, becomes a fairy and is never seen again in the human world
true ending: timmy grows up and makes a life of his own on earth BUT gets to keep his memories about fairies and becomes an intermediary between new godkids and fairykind. in other words he gets to keep his friends and family from BOTH earth and fairy world
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stupid-elf · 4 months
Growing up with strict, neurodivergent parents while neurodivergent yourself will have you as an adult acting like you've recently escaped the feywild. What are the tricky rules? Is everything accounted for? How do I ensure I don't accidentally step over the line into Impoliteness. You know the consequences aren't death and dismemberment but you might look down one day and find you've lost your shadow and all of your friends if you're not careful
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
adding a dog into the poll for women? feels not great for women. not to mention people are gonna #dogsweep and then what's the point
Hey. Maybe chill about the silly Tumblr polls. Is this dumb? Yes. However, the dog fits the stated criteria, and far be it from me to backpedal just because I didn't think to include species designation among the poll guidelines.
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telleroftime · 8 months
I think I covered Vampire!Sukuna that's forced to respect the innate rules of a vampire before -- such as the one where they must be invited into ones home -- but I just had a few more ideas regarding it.
Well, in this case it would also be Fae!Reader, which is once again a pairing I'm pretty sure I mentioned before. Anyways, yes! Vampire!Sukuna that camps outside of Fae!Reader's bungalow. That or human!Reader that grew up with the fae and is much more aware of how the forest works than the mighty and evil Sukuna. Featuring Uraume in certain places.
When the Reader first notices Sukuna they aren't too worried. He may be a vampire now but he was born a human mortal so they know that the same tricks would work on him too. They set up precautions and change their presence around their territory. Namely a lot more fairy rings appear in key locations. The mythology surrounding fairy rings states that if humans dance on them they would be punished by the fairies and made to dance in the ring until they pass out. Reader knows that and very quickly shuts down Sukuna's game of cat and mouse by tricking him into walking on one.
And they would proceed to exploit such tricks. Not only the natural rules of fae but also the bodily limitations of a vampire. They'd be cosied up in their little cottage at night knowing well that Sukuna cannot enter without an invitation, and during the day they would traverse through patches of light whilst grinning in the directions of the shadows.
You'd think that Sukuna could use Uraume's human nature to get to Reader but that wouldn't work either. If the fae don't want to be found by a human then the human will never find them.
Now, the Reader wouldn't be too interested in tricking Sukuna into something much more malicious than simple tricks, especially not after growing familiar with his vampiric presence, so one way or another they would need to stop him from accidentally falling into a fae-bound deal. By that I mean they would have to interrupt him and Uraume whenever it sounded like they were about to say "thank you." Sukuna would never but Uraume might. Same with apologies.
I love the idea of Uraume thinking that Reader is simply being humble when they say "don't thank me" and "don't apologise to me" when in reality Reader is getting a headache from controlling the impulse to form a contract with them.
I also love the visual of Reader slapping a hand around Uraume's mouth when they are about to thank another fae.
When it comes to names, the first time Sukuna introduces himself to Reader they instantly know that's not his real name. Names hold power especially in the hands of the fae, though since it also wasn't a lie they wouldn't press him about it. Uraume on the other hand makes the mistake of handing them their name which to Reader means there's on less threat. A human whose name is revealed is of no power in the eyes of the forest.
And speaking of lies, Reader would be able to catch Sukuna out on every like he speaks. Not like he himself would lie (seeing as he never seemed to lie in the anime). Uraume too. But if he ever did Reader would know... Though that aspect of fae nature would easily backfire on the Reader since they themself wouldn't be able to speak a lie. Only finely chosen words. So you know, plot.
And since I spoke more about Fae!Reader...
The fae are weak to iron so Reader would avoid any metals and alloys containing it. It'd leave them using pure silver which Sukuna, as a vampire, would be weak to. He would stay away from silver alloys and would instead opt for, you guessed it, iron. His weapons would be made of iron.
Imagine Sukuna making fun of Reader's weakness to iron so they just throw a silver fork at him, or better yet some random log as they comment how a "wooden stake" could finish him off.
Outside of vampires being unable to enter a home without first being invited, another thing vampires cannot do is cross running water. So, imagine finally Sukuna gets to chase the Reader. Finally everything is in line for him to drink their blood. It's the middle of the night and the Reader is far away from the nearest fairy ring and he's about to grasp them... when they suddenly cross a river and Sukuna is stranded on the opposite side to them. He'd be so unhappy.
And yeah. I think that's it for now.
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marte-14 · 20 days
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Never dance with a fae
I just discovered that you can't dance with a fae because, usually, you die after.
And what if: Hyrule dances with someone who had hurt/was going to hurt the others?
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
*trips and stumbles into a modern supernatural story setting*
a young woman who's kinda done with dating but is out with her succubus bestie because said bestie needed a night out and oh no she just accidentally used the Unseelie Prince himself as a fake boyfriend to get rid of the human creep who's been hitting on her all evening in the nightclub which also doubles as a supernatural haven (but only if the supernaturals abide by the treaty that says they can't use their power on the humans who are also occasionally allowed in to help make the place look more legit...)
And oh no, the Unseelie Prince is not impressed at the gall of this boring human falling into his royal lap and demanding that he pretend to be something so revoltingly demeaning as her boyfriend, but then she realises that he's not going to play along and stands up with this kicked-puppy look in her eyes and... what's a dark and uncompromising Unseelie Prince to do but kiss this human breathless, and with only a look tell the creep to fuck off or he'll decorate the walls with his insides...
And then the pathetic little human has the nerve afterwards to 'thank' the Unseelie Fae Prince with a reputation for eviscerating people who look at him sidelong for too long? Like she's his equal? Like what he deigned to do for her was something she's just going to brush off and forget and not owe him ten different ways til Sunday??? And then she just... walks away from him after that and goes back to her bestie who comes back to wonder what in the name of all creation just happened - 'I leave my human alone for five minutes and this is the mess she gets into? Have you lost your goddamned mind, girl?’
So yeah. That's where I'm at today.
How are you?
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centuryberry · 2 months
Fae AU
As I promised in an ask, here is a detailed outline of the Fae AU. The AU itself has grown and changed a bit since I first presented it.
Summary: Fae Lord Wukong fell in love with the mortal who entered his forest. It didn't matter that the said mortal had a wife and child. He would make him his. Years later, Yue willingly jumps through a fairy ring to bring back what the fae stole from her.
This AU is split into three parts: The Abduction, The Change, and The Rescue.
Part I: The Abduction
Macaque, Shanzha, and Yue (who are all humans in this AU) went out camping as a family one beautiful summer.
Fae Lord Wukong catches sight of Macaque and falls in love with the mortal instantly. Taking a mortal form, he lures Macaque away from his family. He tricks him into giving Wukong his true name. After that, he whisks the mortal away through a fairy ring.
While enthralled by Wukong's beauty, Macaque's love for his family and his iron wedding band gives him enough clarity to start struggling against the Fae Lord.
Fae Lord RinRin hears her husband complain about his lover's stubborn attachment to his mortal life and decides to sever it by killing the wife and snatching the child. She fails spectacularly when she takes one look at Shanzha and falls in love.
So, RinRin decides to approach Shanzha in a mortal form, get close to her, and then whisk her (and Yue) away into the Fae Realm. She's only half successful since Yue managed to slip away at the last second.
Macaque and Shanzha reunite in the Fae Realm and try to escape. Their fae kidnappers make a game of it. If the humans win, they can go home. If they fail, they stay in the realm forever.
Despite passing many of the trials set in front of them, Macaque and Shanzha lose when they're both inevitably charmed into the Fae Lords' beds in a moment of weakness. They take their defeat happily (their emotions are influenced mostly by fae magic).
What Wukong and RinRin didn't tell them was that they would have never won. They had already consumed food in the Fae Realm. They would have eventually crawled back or died of starvation.
At some point, Macaque and Shanzha snap out of their happy haze long enough to flee. They make it out of the boundaries of Wukong and RinRin's lands, which are the Summer and Spring Courts, respectively.
Part II: The Change
Being exposed to the Fae Realm started to affect Macaque and Shanzha and change them as they survived in their suddenly harsh environment. But they remain as their situation is better than being enthralled puppets of their kidnappers.
Macaque grew more ears. Shanzha's teeth and nails sharpened. Macaque's shadows started to move on their own. Shanzha's steps start to leave behind frost. They both gained monkey-like features, reminiscent of the natural forms of their fae.
The Autumn and Winter Courts were empty as their previous rulers had either disappeared or were struck down by Wukong and RinRin.
After growing into their new powers and forms, Macaque and Shanzha take over the seats of power and become the new rulers of the realm.
While they sometimes miss and yearn for Wukong and RinRin, they're also very bitter about being taken away from their old life and their child. So they are in constant conflict with the Spring and Summer Courts, who are unaware of their old identities.
The Seelie and Unseelie Court are embroiled in constant fights.
Part III: The Rescue
Years later in mortal years, Yue grows up beautifully under the care of her godparents DBK and Iron Fan. While she's still haunted by the events that took her parents away from her, she managed to move on and make a life for herself. She's even engaged.
Her spouse-to-be turned out to be a Changeling and was snatched back into the Fae Realm just a day before the wedding. Witnessing this, Yue jumps in after them.
Yue somehow comes out into the other side in the Autumn and Winter Court where she reunites with her parents, who are very changed.
Their reunion is tearful and very emotional.
Yue's beloved is stuck in the Spring and Summer Court, so she fights her way to them with her parents' help. It's very dramatic.
Wukong manages to take out Macaque's eye during the battle before he realizes his enemy's true identity. RinRin has a similar revelation. Struck with guilt and desperate to have them back, Wukong and RinRin allow Yue and her beloved to safely return home - no fae tricks this time.
Shadowpeach and Iceflower's relationships remain open-ended since forgiveness would take a lot of groveling and time, which the fae have a lot of. Perhaps Macaque and Shanzha eventually forgive them and take them in as lovers again. Perhaps Wukong and RinRin are stuck pining and yearning as their beloveds try to stab them. Who knows?
There are two endings:
"Good" Ending - Yue and her beloved reunite and escape back to the mortal realm, but not without a tearful goodbye to Macaque and Shanzha. She finds her closure and steps into her new life with her beloved and their families in the mortal realm.
"Bad" Ending - Yue's beloved embraces their fae nature and forces Yue to stay in the realm with them. She mourns the loss of her human life but is comforted that at least she's still with her parents.
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corkinavoid · 4 months
DPxDC Tim Encounters a Fae at a Gala
Which may be a problem, yes, but the much more alarming part? The Fae looks like Damian.
"This is pretty boring, don't you think?"
The voice comes from behind, and Tim recognizes it instantly, but at the same time, he doesn't. He's never heard Damian talk like this, easy and a little amused, with no usual stiffness to his speech. Yet this couldn't be anyone else - being a vigilante means you can never drop your guard even in your civilian identity, and who other than Damian could have sneaked up on him?
He turns around.
It is Damian, and at the same time, it's not. The boy looks just like the demon child, the same face, same height and skin tone, the same way he puts his hair. But something is wrong. The way he holds himself, his relaxed and almost lazy posture, the absence of a usual scowl on his face, the way he feels comfortable here, in a crowd of people.
And his eyes, when he looks at Tim. Icy blue, almost translucent, like the color of icebergs and glaciers.
The not-Damian tilts his head a little and smiles just slightly. Tim blinks, realizing that there was a question, and he just stares at the boy instead of answering.
"Yeah, sure," he clears his throat and breaks the eye contact, looking away from not-Damian's eyes, his thoughts a frantic mess. Is this another clone? Or some kind of a shapeshifter? In any case, they approached Tim first, he can't lose his chance at gaining some information. So Tim smiles back, "Is it your first time? At the gala, I mean."
Now, when he looks at the boy again, the stricking resemblance doesn't hit him so hard. Instead, Tim notices something else - the boy is... eerily beautiful. He's never noticed Damian looking this nice - because that would be kind of creepy if he did, - but this not-Damian is... He can't really put it into words.
He's just beautiful.
Almost unnaturally so.
"You could say that," not-Damian answers, looking over the crowd around them, "I'm not used to so many people around, but I've seen my fair share of social gatherings."
Tim blinks. That statement compiled with his absolute lack of any kind of nervousness makes little sense.
Alright, he needs to get at least some information from the mystery twin. He is a detective, for god's sake.
"Are you here with someone?" That can be a useful question. Tim sure as hell knows that Bruce could not invite some Damian lookalike without prior warning, which means the boy had to come as someone's plus one. Or he sneaked in with no invitation, that's also a possibility.
"My godfather should be here somewhere," not-Damian nods, scanning the crowd before nodding his chin in the direction of a small cluster of people. Tim follows his gaze and finds a white-haired man in a matching white and silver suit in the middle of telling some kind of story.
"Vladimir Masters?" He questions with a noticeable amount of disbelief. The man never said a word about having a godson. Ever. And Tim did a thorough background check on the owner of DalvCo.
"Got it in one," not-Damian grins. Is it just Tim, or do his teeth really look sharper than they are supposed to?
Come to think of it, his ears are also not as round as they should be.
Unnatural beauty, sharp teeth and pointy ears, questions answered in a vague and unclear way. And Tim hadn't noticed him blink even once.
He has a guess. He doesn't like it, it's a very, very bad guess, but Tim is a Bat, a Robin, and a Detective. He knows when he needs to trust his gut even if his gut is telling him absolute nonsense.
He just needs to make sure.
Tim swallows the anxious feeling in the back of his throat and turns back to not-Damian, smiling:
"I think I didn't catch your name?" He does his best at sounding confused and not alarmed. The boy's grin widens just a bit, but Tim feels a cold shiver run down his back, and his mind is all but screaming for him to run away for this is not human, and whatever it is, it is dangerous.
"Would you give me yours in exchange?" The boy's voice is soft and easy, not a hint of mischief. Just a casual question. Maybe a little teasing.
Tim's blood runs cold as he tries to remember everything he has ever read and heard about the fair folk. Never give them your name, but there has to be a way to answer this question, right?
"You may call me Damian," he finally answers. Maybe this is a risk, calling himself his brother's name, but Tim feels like this is somehow a right thing to do since the boy - the creature - looks like him.
Not-Damian's eyebrows shoot up, and there's a hint of surprise in his eyes when he starts quietly laughing. The heavy pressure of the air around him disappears at the sound of the crystalline laughter, like it was never there. Tim feels like he had just disarmed a bomb or passed a test with his own life at stake. Maybe he actually did.
"Clever," the boy grins again and nods politely, bowing his head down like they are at a medieval ball and not a gala, "My name is Danny. It is nice to meet my brother's brother."
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valrayne-faeu · 3 months
Would a powerful enough fae be able to step outside of the kingdoms? Have their own little space- a neutral ground of sorts?
you don't have to be powerful to do that, just prepared and determined to do so! the feywilds beyond the kingdoms can be dangerous-- filled with magical, powerful creatures, many undocumented. you're welcome to venture out there and create your own homestead, or continue until you find another kingdom (there's more out there than just Summer and Winter), but you must be careful. those that journey far can find themselves changed, or lose themselves along the way. it's not for the faint of heart, but it's certainly possible!
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sae-mian · 1 month
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Vacation Destination: Part 1
The Wild Woods
Feeling a bit magical this summer? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live as a fairy? Well, The Wild Woods Association has the perfect summer vacation for you and your family! Take a trip to the Wild Woods, a small area nestled on the edge of the Fae Wilds where you’ll enjoy a cozy lifestyle in one of our rented cottages. We have cottages ranging from a cozy night in with two or a magical fairy adventure for a family so that everyone can have a fairy-tastic time! -Take a special guided tour through the fae wilds and see all that has to offer to learn about the rich history of fae society and hear amazing stories of old from our friendly staff. -Enjoy our petting zoo with friendly animals and also learn about their history and how our organization helps animals of the fae wilds from becoming extinct. 
-Take a ride on our giant swans along the Glowing River and see all of the amazing sights of colorful groves and grottos to make your trip feel like you're in a fairytale. -Take a tour of our Crystal Caverns and experience the magic of gemology with a tour! Or take one of our guided meditation classes within the Caverns and experience pure bliss with the good vibes around you. -Expose yourself in amazing theatrical performances by our actors in the theater! Shows are put on every night that are in both common speak and fae speak. Laugh, Cry, and Cheer at the amazing shows that are put on!
Our Wild Woods is a vacation spot of wonders and enchantment. Whether you're wanting a thrilling adventure, a relaxing week away or an educational journey the Wild Woods association will help you seek your magic vacation in a snap!
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
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Enjoy this picture of me from Halloween!
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