#rumi- eats like that
kaeddehara · 1 year
how would you guys feel about a gamer al haitham fic??
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chamkirigoe · 2 years
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the art of perfect blue.
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kevyeen · 4 months
I love it when people listen to Sanama (especially the live version) for the first time because I get to see their brain chemistry alter forever.
pst; here watch it here hehehe: https://youtu.be/wDES77ndVFg?si=eS2YyR5-hgb86_Zz
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andypantsx3 · 6 months
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𝑤𝘩𝑒𝑛 𝑖 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 : 𝑡𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑖 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑜 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 : 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑖
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𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: In order to placate your anxious mother, you agree to return to your hometown to participate in a mating run—knowing full well that betas rarely get chased, never mind betas nearly old enough to age out of the practice. You’ve decided to treat it like a vacation, a chance to visit with your childhood friends, the mating run itself a nice relaxing hike. All in all it’s a solid plan—until alpha Todoroki Shouto, your best friend's little brother, steps in and blows it all to pieces. 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡: omegaverse, no quirks au, alpha!shouto, beta!reader, mating rituals, age gap, best friend’s little brother, older reader, afab reader, some class differences, aged up characters, semi-public sex, slight small town romance vibes, background implied dabihawks for some reason, smut, 18+; mdni! 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ: 5.7k | chapter 1 of 4
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It was a freezing day in spring the first time you set foot in the Todoroki house.
You had shared a class with Touya for years now, and in that time you’d become something of his best friend. You’d bonded early over a mutual hatred of fish and your status as the two best tree climbers on the playground—two integral friendship quality bars if ever you’d met them—and your entente had strengthened over the following months.
After enough time together Touya had even seemed to like you, seeking out your opinion, deploying you like a shield between himself and the other kids. He wanted to be paired with you for group projects constantly, as he seemed to disdain the ability of the other kids in your class.
He eventually acquiesced to two other friends—Rumi and Keigo—as Keigo was a really fast runner, and Rumi could kick a kid almost clear across a playground. But the two of you remained particularly close, and a few years in, Touya had seemed to want to check the final box of your friendship.
That was the day he’d haughtily informed you that you were coming home with him.
You’d phoned your mother from the school office to obtain permission, and then pulled your jacket on to follow Touya out into the cold, his skinny legs beating a quick path through the streets.
You’d half-expected that Touya lived in a box behind a shop, with the way he descended ravenously on his lunches (as well as yours, and Rumi’s, when he could occasionally get them—though notably not Keigo’s, something that had only retroactively made sense to you as an adult). But the house Touya steered you to was enormous—easily the biggest house you’d ever seen—a stately pile at the end of a fancy neighborhood.
You’d later learn this was because his father was the mayor, and the Todorokis were neck-deep in generational wealth. At the time you’d been mildly annoyed, because what had you let him eat part of your lunches for if he lived in a house like this?
“I’m home,” Touya had called into the echoey foyer, grand but strangely barren. He’d kicked off his coat and shoes, discarding them carelessly—perhaps purposefully—on the floor, then gestured for you to follow him into the kitchen as a warm voice called out to him. “Welcome home, Touya.”
“I brought Y/N,” he announced grandly as he prowled into the room. To you he said, “This is my mother, Rei.”
The voice you’d heard resolved itself into a woman, tall, with beautiful long white hair and a small, but unmistakably fond smile on her mouth. You startled, immediately floored by her beauty. She looked just like Touya, the same delicate prettiness to her mouth, the shape of her eyes—but even lovelier. She looked simultaneously like she belonged on the cover of a magazine, and would be embarrassed by one saying so.
She also smelled like an omega—sweet, but a little wilder than you were used to. Like spring flowers blooming on a cold day.
“Hello Y/N,” she said warmly, turning to you. You gave a shy wave back, suddenly nervous in front of her.
As she turned you finally noticed the child on her hip—a small, round, pudgy little thing with half red and half white hair, and two mismatched grey and blue eyes that pinned on you immediately. It was wearing a horrendous polkadot onesie, and you felt your eyebrows raise without your permission.
“That’s Shouto,” Touya informed you, and the pieces slotted together in your brain. Ah, so that was the face to the name.
Shouto was the little brother Touya complained about incessantly—the one that was his father’s favorite, the one that stared too much and wanted to play with all of Touya’s toys even though he was too little for them, the one Touya was saddled with babysitting constantly. He’d made Shouto out to be this sort of tiny harbinger of evil—but Shouto did not look very evil, perched there on his mother’s hip.
He blinked at you, a flutter of surprisingly long eyelashes, for a baby. You had the thought that actually he was kind of cute. Most probably not a harbinger of evil, and actually very sweet-looking, if weirdly round.
“I need to be excused from Shouto duty,” Touya said, the question posed more like a statement.
Rei shook her head, a somber little smile playing about her mouth. “I have to make dinner before Fuyumi and Natsuo get back from their playdates and your father gets home. Why don’t you take Shouto to play with you and Y/N?”
Touya rolled his eyes in the long-suffering manner of a man who’d endured it all. Shouto didn’t seem to notice, however, his mismatched gaze barely detaching from your face. You noticed Shouto’s left eye was the exact vivid blue of Touya’s, and his other eye the same silver as his mother’s.
“He’s staring like a weirdo,” Touya complained, but collected Shouto from Rei anyway. Shouto let himself be passed over as placidly as a bag of potatoes, still watching you.
“Y/N is a new face for him, he’s just curious, Touya,” Rei said, smoothing Shouto’s hair down as Touya hefted him in his arms. Shouto reached out a hand towards you, fat fingers flexing.
“What, you think I’m some taxi service who’s gonna bring you wherever you want to go?” Touya demanded. Shouto ignored him, his little chubby arm wavering.
Strangely, something compelled you to step closer, reaching out a hand in return. Shouto seized it in his pudgy little fist, staring up at you with solemn eyes. His other hand reached out to you, too, twisting in Touya’s grip, and Touya let out an annoyed scoff.
“Y/N didn’t come here to hang out with you,” he said. But Shouto ignored him, his little hand fisting in your tee shirt. He seemed to be trying to lever himself up out of Touya’s arms and into yours.
You were startled, never having held a baby before, and Shouto was kind of a big one. But Touya showed you how to hold him under his butt and across his back, and you heard the rustle of his diaper as he was handed off to you.
“Hi Shouto,” you said, watching him watch you.
His eyebrows raised, some small happiness lighting up his expression, and he gave a little kick that wiggled his whole body in your arms.
“He likes you,” Rei said over the counter top, as she settled a cutting board and a pile of vegetables across it.
You looked back at Shouto, feeling weirdly pleased. Maybe babies weren’t that bad.
Touya made an annoyed sort of grunt, stomping past you. “We’re going to play in the living room,” he announced imperiously. You glanced at Rei to make sure that was okay, then followed Touya, Shouto heavy in your arms.
By the time you arrived, Shouto had settled a hand on either of your cheeks and seemed to be trying to stare directly into your soul, and Touya patted him firmly on the back, clucking. “Stop being such a little freak.”
“He’s fine,” you said, bemused. No one had told you really little kids were this intense and weird. But Shouto’s little round face was kind of sweet, and it was hard to be annoyed at a baby staring up at you, that clearly enamored.
“Actually he’s being way nicer to me than you,” you told Touya.
Touya rolled his eyes and busied himself pulling out a horde of action figures, legos, puzzles, and games, as well as a turtle with multi-colored blocks set into it that appeared to be for Shouto.
“Oi, it’s turtle time, weirdo,” he told Shouto.
That seemed to break the baby’s singular focus on you, and he peered around, lighting up nearly the same way when he saw his blocks as he had when he’d seen you. You laughed, and helped him settle on the floor next to you, watching his clumsy, chubby grip fumble on the blocks as he carefully removed them one-by-one from the plastic turtle.
Touya set up the legos around you, an older parallel of his brother, though you thought he would kill you for saying so.
A block appeared in your lap, carefully and deliberately placed by a fat-fingered hand. You smiled down at Shouto, picking it up and gesturing grandly. “For me?”
A grey-and-blue gaze attached itself solemnly to your face, as if awaiting your judgment, and an instant fondness swept over you. Who knew babies could be this cute—when they weren’t screaming and crying and generally being small and annoying near you. Touya had massively undersold his little brother, who was the sweetest baby you’d ever encountered.
You bowed your head, clutching your gifted block close to you. “Thank you, Shouto. It’s very nice.”
Shouto stared up at you, smiling a shy little almost-smile, clearly pleased. You couldn’t help but reach up and ruffle that distinct tuft of hair, taken with him already. Yep, definitely a good little kid.
And you decided then and there that you liked Todoroki Shouto—though for now he was a child—you both were children—and he could only mean so much to you.
You wouldn’t realize how much he’d actually come to mean to you, until many, many years later.
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Touya’s white mess of hair was the first thing you spotted as you stumbled into the restaurant.
Outside it was unseasonably cold, an icy wind tearing through you as you’d rushed all the way from your mother’s house. The inside of the restaurant was blessedly warm, and slightly smoky from the meat and vegetables grilling away on each table top. Touya was on the far side, and you could see Rumi’s white hair beyond him, Keigo’s blonde riot of waves peeking over the top of the booth next to him.
Rumi faced the door so she spotted you first, a mouth-splitting grin overtaking her face as she waved you down.
You hurried your way over, letting out a surprised hrrk! when Rumi drew you down into a rib-crushing hug, her alpha strength barely contained. You fell into the seat at an awkward angle, your joints screaming.
“Well look what the cat dragged in! You don’t look a bit changed, you little beta cuck,” she crowed, making you choke on a laugh as you almost inhaled a mouthful of her hair.
“Rumi—!” you sputtered, half-pleased and half-scandalized that she clearly hadn’t changed in the years since you’d seen her last. She crushed you to her harder, and you could feel your eyeballs all but bulging like a rubber doll.
“If you plan to crush her to death you could at least wait until I clear the scene,” came Touya’s disaffected drawl from the other side of the table. “The last thing I need is police on my case again.”
That was so typical of him, too, after all this time.
“Good to see you too, Touya,” you said, even though you couldn’t get a look at him through Rumi’s hair. She ground her knuckles into the top of your head for good measure before releasing you, and you came up for air gratefully, watching the two men on the other side of the table grin at you.
Keigo looked exactly as you’d left him, a little bit more filled out than the skinny teen he’d been, the same wiry facial scruff growing in, those golden eyes alight with typical playfulness. Touya looked like he’d aged the most, his scars—fresher when you’d graduated—now deepened to the color of dark bruises. His features were still achingly familiar under them, however, the fine-boned prettiness of his mother shining through, his father’s blazing cerulean eyes the only nod to the other half of his parentage.
“So you really obeyed mommy dearest huh,” Touya said, pinning you with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes at him. As your closest childhood friend, he still knew all your weak spots, your mother the biggest of them. Growing up she’d been lonely and overworked, and you’d tried to care for her and please her the best you could. You still called her several times a week and sent back your wages to help pay for the house, and pay down the pile of debt your father had left her in when he’d died.
The concession of returning home for a few days to attend the annual mating run, as pointless as it was going to be, was the least you could do for her.
“You know as well as I do that no one is going to run down a beta,” you said, settling yourself in next to Rumi and shedding your coat and hat. “Especially not now that I’m well past newly-presented. It’ll be like a vacation.”
“You never know,” Keigo said, raising his fluffy eyebrows at you, his grin wicked. You flung the pile of your things across the table at him, but he intercepted easily, all alpha reflex. He stuffed your jacket down next to him, laughing at you.
“I do know,” you said emphatically. “And I’m not fussed about it. I don’t know who she thinks is going to pay her bills if I’m off getting dicked down by some knothead idiot.”
Touya made a dismissive noise and you looked around the table for something to fling at him too. He’d never had to worry about money, his future shored up with the Todoroki family fortune, built over generations and then basically quadrupled by his father. Since coming out of the correctional facility for a string of petty crimes, Touya had been skating by on family generosity, and you knew he wasn’t about to stop.
“Just burn her house down like mine,” he said, an unholy grin overtaking his face as he leaned forward. There was a light behind his eyes like he wasn’t entirely kidding. No one had ever been able to determine if the Todoroki family fire had been an accident or not, although Touya claimed it had been.
But you’d known Touya your whole life and you had your suspicions. Touya had hated his father for nearly all of your living memory—and the Todoroki men had an almost disturbing single-mindedness about them. You had long wondered if Touya’s fixation on his break with Enji had ever played into the fire that ravaged their house during your middle school years.
The one exception to the Todoroki single-mindedness was sweet little Shouto, who you’d last seen at your high school graduation. He was several years younger than you and had still been round-faced and chubby-cheeked then, all wide solemn eyes and pouty little mouth, just like when he was a baby.
You hadn’t seen him since, but couldn’t imagine Shouto turning out anything like Touya.
“I’ll take that under advisement,” you said to Touya, not liking how his grin widened.
Purportedly he’d come out of the correctional facility for good behavior, his record squeaky clean.
“So why even agree to the run?” Rumi asked. “If you’re not looking to actually take anyone home?”
You helped yourself to the water that had been laid out before answering. “It’s just easier to appease my mother. She gets what she wants—some indication I’m open to my life mate-–and I get what I want, which is to be able to use this as an excuse next year.”
“Aww you won’t come back to see little old us?” Keigo asked. His tone was wheedling but his eyes tracked your expression carefully, always observing.
You smiled at him. You did miss your old friends, and you liked how easy it felt to sink right back into them after so many years away. You wanted to see them outside of the confines of a group chat or the rare facetime.
And you missed a lot about the town you’d grown up in. You liked the tiny storefronts of the downtown shops and the easy access to the coast and miles of hiking trails. You’d had a dream of opening up a little bookstore in one of the lovely brick buildings downtown when you were younger—but that was back before the staggering number of dollar signs on your mother’s bills had made themselves known to you and the romance of your daydream had begun to seem more like foolishness.
The bigger cities offered the bigger jobs, the bigger wages to send home. Even if it meant you could only see your friends every few years and mostly kept in touch via group chat.
“How about you guys come to me?” you asked. “There’s a chicken place I think Keigo will want to make the trip for.”
Keigo’s grin widened and he leaned in, interested. “Say no more,” he drawled.
On the table top, Touya’s phone vibrated. He peered at it, dismissing the notification with a swipe. “Rei wants to see you,” he reported, the usual blend of disrespect and unwilling fondness for his own mother layered in his voice. “She says you should come by the house.”
You smiled, pleased to be remembered. “I’d love that. Who’s living there now?”
Touya stretched, his back brushing the booth. “I do. And she does. Enji visits sometimes—” his tone was pointedly colorless “—and Fuyumi and Natsuo come by a couple times a week. Shouto is there almost daily for dinner when he’s not on shift, because his own cooking is absolute shit.”
You blinked, struggling to reconcile the idea of sweet-faced little Shouto with an adult who lived on his own now. “On shift?” you asked.
“He’s a fireman,” Touya rolled his eyes. “Little fucking do gooder. Ever since the house fire he’s wanted to.”
Your eyelashes fluttered again, your brain floating with the images of skinny, round-faced Shouto struggling to haul people out of a burning building. You struggled not to voice this disbelief.
“Wow, good for him,” you said.
“Not for me,” Touya complained. “Ever since he’s presented he’s been eating us out of house and home. Can’t find a fucking thing in the cabinets after he’s been through—”
And that shocked you, too, the idea that Shouto was already grown enough to have presented.
Objectively you knew he had to be into his early twenties at this point, but hearing the changes life had wrought on him was almost too much to contemplate. You wondered what he had presented as, and whether he’d be subject to the run this week as well. You’d always sort of suspected he’d be an omega, with that wide-eyed, beautiful face—almost a carbon copy of his mother’s, the same delicate prettiness in it as Touya.
And he’d been so sweet, too. When you’d been much, much younger—before Touya had become too cool and too emo for it—you remembered playing house together, remembered how often you’d dragged Shouto in to play the part of your son. He’d always sat there, a chubby-faced toddler, smashing blocks together and staring up at you with big eyes as you and Touya made plastic food and Touya unrolled a days-old newspaper collected from his father, bossing you around from his armchair.
Even when Shouto had gotten older and started to get as fresh with Touya as Touya was with him, he’d always been nice to you, always watched you with those same wide, mismatched eyes.
Yeah. He was most probably an omega.
“Well I’d love to see Rei, and Natsuo and Fuyumi and Shouto,” you said.
Touya stretched in the booth, not minding Keigo and thumping him right across the chest. Keigo squawked in annoyance.
“I’ll tell Rei you’re coming for dinner,” Touya said.
You smiled, pleased. You knew what a huge deal it was for both Touya and Rei to be in the same house again—both in recovery, both sharing the same space again.
When you’d left, Rei had been hospitalized and Touya had already been knee deep in petty crimes and utterly disinterested in any sort of overtures of help. For them to both be together again, getting regular help, with Enji out of the house and a rotating string of their family members checking in on them—you were happy to see them healing.
The buoyant feeling lasted all the way through lunch and too many drinks, until Touya shepherded you out of the restaurant, blazing a familiar path towards his family home. You followed, gratified when you saw that the Todoroki house was just as you remembered it, even the rebuilt pieces nostalgic.
Its grandness had been a shock to you as a child—not only in comparison to the tiny, squashed little two bed you’d grown up in—but that Touya had grown up there, in so vast and elegant a space. Touya who you dug in the dirt with. Touya who picked bugs out of the mud and put them on you. Touya who turned his nose up at dolls and ate things right out of your lunch box without asking, like he was a starving child without any access to food.
The house said otherwise.
Touya treated the Todoroki mansion with the same pointed lack of care he had as a teenager, kicking in the door as he led you inside, throwing his things in a pile in the entry. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, fondly nostalgic over his shithead behavior.
“You missed a spot—I think there’s a bare patch of floor over there,” you said.
Touya gave you a narrow-eyed gaze over his shoulder as he uttered a string of objects you might suck.
You raised your eyebrows at him, smiling and unbothered. He’d always said it was your beta nature that left you unfussed with his various attitudes, taking everything in stride. You didn’t know if that was true—you’d always sort of suspected it was the strange, inherent connection you felt to him, and to the Todoroki family at large that kept you fond of him, even as he descended into teenage fury.
You didn’t know what it was, as you’d not ever felt it with your other friends’ families who you’d spent nearly as much time with. But if it netted you a lifelong friend, you weren’t about to question it.
Rei was in the kitchen like she had been that first day Touya brought you home, an enormous expanse of marble counter and vaulted ceiling that made her look unfathomably small. Her snow white hair had been cropped short into a page boy cut and made her look younger than her years, especially when she glanced up at you with the very same smile she had when you were a child.
“Welcome back, Y/N,” she said. You bowed respectfully, Touya scoffing and grabbing the back of the collar to haul you up.
“She’s not the fucking prime minister,” he grunted.
“And you’re not the boss of me,” you sniped, the drinks you’d both shared at lunch making you a little looser tongued in front of Rei than you’d have liked.
“Shouto will be by in just a few minutes as well, and he’ll be so happy to see you,” Rei said, smiling gently.
“Shouto lives on his own?” you asked, curious. Aside from picturing him as the skinny preteen you’d last seen him as, you also had trouble imagining kind, sweet little Shouto leaving his mother on her own—and with Touya definitely counted as on her own, for all the help he was. Shouto seemed devoted, familial.
“He’s wanted his own space since he presented,” Rei said lightly, clearly unbothered.
It was rare for omegas to peel off from their family units before finding a mate, and the strangeness of striking out on his own struck you even further. Maybe he wanted a nest to bring someone back to, after finding the right person?
You wondered if he was going to be participating in this year’s mating run, and made a mental note to try and find out if he wanted help avoiding any undesirable alphas. If he was an omega, your beta scent would help disguise some of his tracks, you’d just have to follow in his footsteps far enough away from the main track that a ranging alpha wouldn’t accidentally stumble upon it.
That thought was cut short, however, by the sound of the door creaking open in the foyer you’d just come in from. There was the sound of rustling fabric, like someone shedding their coat, and then footsteps padded through the hall. A hint of a scent met your nose, slightly sweet and smoky, with an undercurrent of something fresh—like a campfire burning on a cold, clear day. Your brow furrowed, the frostiness an almost-familiar dimension, like Rei's cold widlflower scent. Who was—?
Then a tall, unfamiliar alpha poked his head through the door, fluffy red and white strands of hair tangling across his forehead. He was an arresting sight—easily the most beautiful person you had ever seen, every single one of his features so perfectly and evenly placed, like he'd been put together deliberately. He looked startlingly like Rei, if Rei were a man, except for the fiery blue of his left eye, the shock of scarlet hair above it.
You stared at this new interloper, confused, until you were seized with a sudden memory of that scar, that same mop of hair bent over a turtle-shaped block puzzle.
No. No fucking way.
Rei smiled, opening her arms, and you gaped after him as Todoroki Shouto prowled across the kitchen to her, enveloping her in a hug. Where Touya was taller than his mother, his baby brother almost dwarfed her, easily clearing six feet, his shoulders broad and his frame packed with dense muscle. He'd always had the same elegant, sweetly beautiful set to his features that his mother and Touya did, but there was something sharper about them now, a slightly more alpha edge to him.
An enormous bicep shifted against the sleeve of his t-shirt as Shouto held Rei, and suddenly it was very clear how Shouto had managed to become a firefighter.
Something pinched your arm, hard, and you whipped around to stare at Touya accusingly. “Ouch!”
He smirked. “Don’t fucking stare like he does.”
You scowled at him, and opened your mouth to say something unsavory, until two mismatched eyes turned on you, pinning you in place.
“Y/N,” Shouto said. His voice was deep as midnight—so much lower than you had remembered—careful and smooth. The sound of it slithered up your spine like a shiver.
“Shouto?” you answered, stepping closer. “You’re Shouto? Are you sure?”
Shouto released his mother, only the tiniest corner of his mouth twitching. And that was confirmation enough. Shouto had always been a little serious, watching you carefully and intently. He was most like his mother that way—withdrawn, a little bit solemn.
“As far as I am aware,” he said. His tone was flat but you heard the tease in it, regardless. And that was so like him too, couching his inner little shit under the most serious tone, under those earnest heterochromatic eyes.
“Wish he wasn’t,” Touya muttered.
“Oh my god, Shouto. You’ve grown up so much,” you said, a strange thrill zinging up your spine as he stepped closer. That scent like campfire on a cold day washed over you, making you a little dizzy.
Shouto’s eyes got a little bit round at the edges, and something pulled at the corner of his mouth again, an expression you didn’t recognize. His tone was soft as he observed, “You are exactly the same as I remember.”
You could tell he meant it kindly, so you chose not to be offended with his obvious tact. You were well aware you were not a fresh-faced high school graduate anymore.
“I’m definitely older than you remember,” you said, resisting the urge to poke him in the chest. Your hand felt magnetized toward it for some reason. “Don’t be surprised if you hear my bones creaking all the way from the preserve during the run.”
Something sudden and strange passed over Shouto’s face, those mismatched eyes narrowing in on you.
“You’re running,” he said, his tone suddenly flat. “This year.”
“Yeah I’m back in town for it,” you said, ignoring Touya’s scoff at your side. “Gotta appease my mother. She doesn’t get that betas aren’t the target crowd for this, nevermind ancient ones. That, and I plan to disappear up a tree if someone so much as sniffs in my direction.”
“Up a tree,” Shouto repeated, sounding contemplative.
You wondered if he was internalizing how weird you were. He probably wouldn’t have remembered you being weird, considering how younger kids never thought to question their older peers. Maybe he’d even thought you cool when you were growing up together—you’d quickly disabuse him of that notion.
You nodded. “I’ve only been followed by alphas twice and both times I lost them up that big willow overlooking the bay, if you take the seaside path out two miles?”
Shouto’s eyes tracked you closely, like he was committing every word to memory. “I know it.”
You smiled. “The sea breeze is just enough to hide a beta’s scent, once you’re out of sight up there. I hope the city life hasn’t gotten me too out of shape to get up the trunk. Though to be frank I’m not too worried about it this year. Are you running?”
“Yes,” Shouto said, so quickly that it looked like he’d startled himself.
Touya’s head whipped around to stare at him, and Rei’s eyelashes fluttered momentarily, a weird stillness overcoming her—until a sort of look of understanding came over her features. You thought you caught a hint of a smile as she ducked her head to return to her dinner preparations.
“Thought you said you weren’t interested,” Touya said, his tone accusing. “You’ve never run before.”
Shouto looked deeply unfussed by his older brother’s sudden consternation. “Perhaps I have changed my mind.”
“The hell you did,” Touya said snottily. “You said you knew you wouldn’t find your life mate there.”
“Perhaps that has changed too,” Shouto said, his tone so dry that you could tell he was purposefully needling Touya. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Brothers.
Touya’s scoff overlaid the thump of Rei’s knife as she returned to chopping, and you realized how rude it looked for the three of you to be standing there arguing while she was working.
You hurriedly stepped around Touya and Shouto, peering over Rei’s shoulder. For some reason you were hyperaware of Shouto as you passed him, a thought you shoved right back out of your mind as you approached Rei. “Is there anything I can help with? I feel like I have years of free dinners to pay you back for.”
“I am almost done, but thank you, Y/N,” Rei said, as Touya said something in a haughty tone of voice, and Shouto’s low baritone answered. Rei’s mouth quirked softly at this—and you realized it was the same way Shouto smiled, small and private.
“—Not bringing home some weird fucking omega,” Touya was saying when you turned back to the boys. You startled when you realized Shouto had shifted to face you instead of his brother, and his body language looked like he was mostly ignoring him.
You channeled your sudden laugh into a fake cough. Touya eyed you sourly, long used to your tricks.
“Well if you want any help on the run, let me know,” you told Shouto, cutting into their argument with the practice of a beta used to diffusing things, especially between Touya and others. Shouto’s mouth twitched again like he knew what you were doing, and you watched his eyes pick over you speculatively.
You marveled at how far back you had to tilt your head if you wanted to look him directly in the eye now. He was so big, and so unexpectedly handsome—he really had grown up well. Some omega was going to be very, very pleased at the end of this week, provided he really did go after someone.
“If it’s your first you probably won’t know all the best hiding spots,” you told him.
Not that they were really hiding spots, considering most omegas wanted to be found. And there was no one on this earth who wouldn’t want to be found by an alpha who looked like Shouto did now. But he’d probably want to make sure he got to his intended first, before any other alpha found them.
Shouto nodded, leaning forward conspiratorially. “I will take you up on that,” his tone was low, intimate.
You smiled up at him, though something weird twinged in your chest. “Lunch sometime this week then? I’ll walk you through everything.”
Touya made a noise of disgust, and you shushed him. Shouto’s smile pulled into a quarter-moon sliver, sweet and beautiful. “I would like that.”
A strange little thrill zinged down your spine. You very pointedly did not think about it, instead shooting Shouto a thumbs up. And then, seized by a sudden need to get away, you marched forward to grab Touya by his collar, dragging him out into the dining room.
“Do you have to make your mother do everything? Let’s set the table,” you ordered him, shoving him at the cabinets. Touya swore at you, trying to twist his lanky body out of your hands, spitting like a wet cat.
But your mind was already elsewhere, occupied by this strange new turn of events. It really had been a long time away from your hometown, and much more had changed than you realized. You’d missed seeing Touya start to recover his life, you’d missed Rei returning to herself, you’d missed Shouto growing up into a man—and an alpha. You were suddenly overcome by the feeling that you did not want to miss any more, did not want to leave again—though of course that was foolishness.
The run was less than a week away, and you had train tickets back into the city just after.
And you had your mom to provide for, much as she wanted you to settle down with the first rando who got handsy with you in the woods. An alpha would have to bring more than an interest in you to your coupling in order to win you—and that was not going to happen, especially not to a beta, and especially not to you.
You laid the dishes out, resolving yourself. You’d enjoy this week, but never lose sight of the fact that you’d still have to leave at the end of it.
After all, it wasn’t like some miraculous twist of fate was lurking just around the corner of the Todoroki kitchen, ready to change your life.
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emmyrosee · 10 months
my friend ate this when she was pregnant with her first born, and naturally I had to put Samu here 🩷
“You want to eat what?”
You smile and dig your toe into the ground, swaying shyly at the reaction from your loving husband at the mere idea of your craving.
“I want ice cream in… like. Cabbage.”
His brow cocks and he licks his lips, looking at you in disbelief, and you can’t help the laughter that bubbles in your throat from the genuine judgement coming from your man.
He sighs, “I can make you any food on the planet, buy you the finest of fast food… but you want ice cream-cabbage-sandwich?”
“It sounds so good right now,” you whine. Then, your hands come up to cradle your belly, “I can’t help what Rumi wants me to eat.”
“Didn’t she want skittles in milk the other day?”
Your mouth practically salivates at the memory of the sweet treat he made you previously to satisfy your craving. But that’s not what you want right now.
Right now, you want an ice cream-cabbage-sandwich.
Osamu moves his big hands to cover his face, scrubbing softly before laughing, shaking his head, and then stalking over to you. Two large hands gently cradle the baby in your belly, thumbs lovingly stroking over the curvature of your bump. He sighs, “what ya think, Rumi girl? You want chocolate or vanilla?”
You pull a face, “vanilla. I’m not a sociopath.”
He snorts and moves to the vegetables, “right, of course, what was I thinking?”
Tagging 🥺 @reverie-starlight @wolffmaiden @thoreeo @aliensknowmyillusions @tutuwusworld @lavishcherie @sassycheesecake @cheolattes @rrairey @dira333 @unknownspecies
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dashitsxx · 4 months
i could eat that girl for lunch | various fem! characters x fem! reader | drabble (18+)
your devil is back! billie needs to make more wlw songs like you guys can't imagine my obsession with this song >< this is to honor pride month and the lgbtq+ community, i love you all! short drabble for you all <3
warnings. pure smut & cunnilingus
sinful moans echoed through the bedroom as hands were wrapped around your thighs in a tight grip to prevent your struggles from escaping. your back was arched from the foreign sensation as gasps slipped out. you had your hand grabbing the hair of the person salvaging your cunt as if the world was going to end tomorrow. you protest through your swollen lips with "slow down" and "wait please." yet it all falls on deaf ears as she continues to lick your pussy in pleasuring strokes. painful bruises were starting to form on the plush of your thighs until you felt a warm touch on your clit. your eyes widened, "oh fuck... no, i can't do it anymore! wait!" but she ignored your pleads as she slowly circled her thumb on your nub before pulling her tongue out of your slit as your essence and her spit was dripping down on her chin. you took this chance to struggle out of her grasp, but she didn't budge due to her strength. a menacing smirk forms on her sultry lips as her eyes are clouded in lust, desire, and temptation.
"darling, you better give me more, i'm still not done with my meal."
maki zenin, mei mei, shoko ieiri, yuko tsukumo, mikasa ackerman, annie leonhart, hange zoe, pieck finger, rumi usagiyama (mirko), kaina tsutsumi (lady nagant), nana shimura, makima, himeno, quanxi
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saeist · 4 months
a/n: another ua student!touya ft. hawks and mirko as his classmates!! + basing this "long eyelashes" debacle from the fact his eyelids are a little thicker than todoroki's + it's canon that he has long lower eyelashes since it's prominent when he was young lol
"i'm jealous"
you casually drop a bomb on touya, who was currently in the kitchen eating piping hot udon.
touya's eyes widens, ultimately choking on his food. like you just didn't witness him knocking on death's door, you casually slid to the seat next to him, watching him just choke there
"being jealous is one thing, but not helping your poor boyfriend who's choking? that's a little overkill don't you think?!" touya exclaims, after regaining his own composure
instead of answering, you shrug, staring at the now pouting boy beside you
"i'm not a mind reader you know?" touya points out, catching your gaze. it's making him a little uncomfortable being put on the spot like this. last time he checked, he didn't even look at another girls direction! so what could have made you jealous?
the way you were just staring at him in silence is making him uneasy. it's almost like you were making him admit to something he didn't even do
touya racks his brain for any close encounter he had with any female today during class. maybe he accidentally brushed hands with a classmate earlier today, maybe he bumped shoulders with a third year student back at lunch rush, maybe he made eye contact with another girl for a split second on accident when he was scanning the hallways for you
his mind ends up dating back at lunch where you two were having lunch with your two other friends being keigo and rumi
wait a second.. could it be rumi?
"is it rumi? but i thought you two were best friends so you were cool with us messing around with chicken little back there at the cafeteria? if it is rumi then i'll try not to interact with her that much if it makes you jealous, i'm sorry, doll. forgive me" touya rambles, suddenly getting on his knees and bowing down to (almost) kiss your feet
your eyebrows shot up at the mention of your best friend
"what are you rambling about? of course not! i'm not jealous over her, dummy" you finally break your silence. "i'm talking about your eyelashes"
touya's eyes widened once again. he slowly rises from your feet to shoot you a dirty look. did you really just make him kneel and kiss your feet over the thought of you being jealous over someone else when you were just jealous of his eyelashes all along?
"run that by me one more time?" touya puts his hands on his hips
you let out a fit of giggles watching his now irritated face.
"i'm jealous of your long eyelashes, touya" you grin, standing up to reach his face, cupping his cheeks as you run your thumb against his eyes
touya's eyes flutters shut, letting you touch his face this up close and personal. he won't admit it out loud but it tickles when your thumbs run through his long lower lashes
but the way his face scrunches says otherwise
"it tickles, doesn't it?" you giggle
"no? who said that?" touya denies, turning his head away to hide the impending blush that's rapidly spreading across his cheek
you can feel the cuteness aggression rushing in. you turn his head to force him to look at you. you squeeze his cheeks as you lean in until..
"if you're gonna suck faces could you guys at least do it in the privacy of your dorm rooms? ever heard of that?" keigo casually walks in with rumi on tow
"yuck" rumi gags, skipping past the two of you to get a carrot from the fridge
"i suggest you two get the fuck out of here unless you want roasted chicken and rabbit for dinner" touya growls, (softly) prying your hands off his face as he glares at his two best friends who were now running away while laughing
"so, doll.. where were we?" touya smiles softly, acting like he didn't just threaten his friends just a second ago
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i-cant-sing · 26 days
i miss salauddin sm pls give me more
hmmm I miss him too. ok how about some tooth rotting fluff?
Salauddin wakes up in the middle of the night, an hour before Fajr prayer. He always wakes up at the same time at night. He doesnt look to the other side of the bed, but he sees your form lying there, sleeping.
You never wake up for Tahajudd like him.
Salauddin makes his ablution, performs the Tahajudd prayer, making dua for you before anything else. He prays that you're always happy, prays for forgiveness from Allah on your behalf, prays to meet you in heaven. And then he makes a short prayer for himself, forgiveness for his past and future sins. He then prays Fajr, the morning prayer.
Salauddin then sits on the prayer mat, and he feels you sit beside him. He takes your hand in his, and starts tasbeeh on your fingers, counting them on your hands so that you get the reward too. He closes his eyes and he feels you lay your head on his lap. Usually, he would smile, but not today. He's mad at you today, and you know that. But you wont ever apologise, and he wont ever make you. He just needs to let it pass.
With his eyes closed, he recites the Quran. He's a hafidh, and he knows you're one too. But he still recites better. However, he loses his concentration today due to his frustration with you, and he hears the amusement in your voice as you correct his pronounciation, correct his mistakes.
Still he does not react. He keeps his eyes closed, his voice monotonous, not showing any signs of fluster. You cant get away with it everytime, not so easily at least.
He's mad at you. And you will know it.
After finishing recitation, he gets up and begins getting ready for the day. He hears you calling his name gently-
"Yusuf. Yusuf."
Yusuf. Only you are allowed to call him by his real name. And you use it to your favour, you know how his heart flutters at hearing his name roll from your tongue.
No. Not today.
He stands in front of the vanity, fixing his clothes. He wears his chaddar- the white chaddar you adore. Usually, he would wrap it around your shoulders, but not today.
Salauddin picks up the bottle of kohl, its the same one he bought you. He hears you whine his name as he places the kohl in his eyes. Usually, he would line your eyes with kohl before his, but not today.
Not after what you did last night.
He sits down in the balcony, the servant leaving a some dates and hot tea. He feels you sit opposite to him, trying to make him look at you, but he instead kept his eyes focused on the pyramids.
Salauddin would usually feed you dates from his hands, after he took the seed out. He knows how it annoys you when your hands get sticky from the juices. But not today. Today, he only took the seeds out and put it in your plate and poured tea in your cup. You never had to use your own plate and cup, not when Salauddin fed you from his plate and shared his cup with you, blowing on the hot drink.
Not today.
He walks out of the room without eating, to attend to his duties. He didnt feel like having breakfast today, but he hopes you're not starving yourself at his expense... wherever you are. You dont follow after him when he left, you're a little short tempered like that. If he ignores you a few times, you give up trying to get his attention until he comes to you himself. You're not like him, you dont have patience for your beloved like he does.
But not today. Maybe some time apart will make you think about what you did.
Salauddin is fine as noon comes and he offers Dhudhr prayer, still no sight of you. You're probably taking a nap. He does get a little concerned after praying Asr, no sign of you all afternoon. Did you sleep through lunch?
Finally disturbed, he gives in and goes to look for you. He goes to the bedroom first, no sign of you. Then he makes his way to the dining hall, the library, before finally going to the stables.
He spots your figure there, standing in front of your favourite horse Rumi.
As always, he comes to you.
He watches you turn away from him, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff. You're mad at him.
Salauddin's lip twitches.
"Y/n." He walks closer, coming up behind you.
"No." You say sharply as he tries to turn you around, shrugging his hand off your shoulder.
"No. I'm mad at you." You state.
"I know. I'm sorry." He apologises, as always. You never apologise.
You turn around, frowning at him. "You ignored me all day."
"I'm sorry."
"You misbehaved with me."
"I'm sorry."
"You didnt feed me."
"I'm sorry."
"You were mad at me." Were? So you know he's let go of his anger?
"I'm sorry."
"You should be."
He nodded. "I'm sorry."
"You didnt visit me all day."
"I'm sorry. I was going to now." He offered his hand. "Lets go?"
You smiled, finally letting go off the anger as you let him encase your hand.
Salauddin walked out of the stables, telling the servant to take care of the horses, especially Rumi.
A few minutes later, he reached the place he visited the most with you only.
The sun had set, the sky turning dark to indicate the time.
He looked at you. "Why dont you go in and wait for me? I just need to pray Maghrib."
You walked inside while he offered the evening prayer. And like every prayer, he prayed for you first, then his subjects and then himself.
He finished his prayer, and stood outside the entrance. He noticed a small flower growing outside. A pink flower. He plucked it gently.
With a deep inhale, he walked inside. His steps were gradual, despite it being darker than earlier. He knows you're not scared of the dark. Where you are, he hopes its not as dark.
He spots you sitting on the ground, waiting for him, looking sad. You perk up when you notice him.
"You came." You smiled. "You took so long."
"I'm sorry." He joined you on the ground, sitting next to you. "Here." He showed you the pink flower, watching your eyes lit up.
"Wow." You were in awe. "Its so pretty. Come on, place it."
With a smile, he nodded at your request. Salauddin took the flower and placed it on the grave.
The two of you sat in silence, and he felt you put your head on his shoulder.
"Only one flower? You should bring more." You complained.
He nodded. "Next time." He could never say no to you.
How could he explain to you that no matter how many flowers he dresses your grave with, you wont come back.
Salauddin stayed there for a bit longer, wiping his tears before returning home with you.
He offered the night prayer Isha, before lying in bed, where you were already waiting for him.
"Yusuf?" He opened his eyes. You were both lying on your sides, facing each other.
"I'm sorry for not coming in your dreams last night." You pouted, surprising him as you apologised for the first time.
"I promise I'll visit tonight!"
Salauddin smiled. "Okay."
He could never be mad at you for long. He forgave you when you left this world, he can forgive everything else too.
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Ngl, I cried writing this.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 3 months
Mirko’s NSFW Alphabet
(A/N- This is my first time doing a NSFW alphabet, and it’s Mirko, I love this woman)
(Warning: NSFW content, GN! Reader)
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A = Aftercare (what their aftercare is like)
- Likes to do things for you so you don’t have to get up. She’ll bring you whatever you want, she wants you to be able to catch your breath and relax after that eventful night.
B = Body part (Favorite body part of yours)
- Your thighs, she loves the way they tense up when you’re hitting your climax at full force.
C = Cum (anything with cum)
- The taste of you gets her going. She also loves it when your juices get everywhere, the mess you make turns her on.
D = Dirty secret (👹)
- Rumi loves it when she’s fucking you and her strap keeps hitting back on her clit over and over until she hits her climax the same time you do. Both of you breathing heavy, calming down from the intense high. She can’t get enough.
E = Experience (How much experience they have)
- She has some experience. Probably did it a few times before you came into her life. Though it feels like she’s been doing it for years considering how good she is at pleasing you.
F = Favorite position
- Any position that allows her to see your face. Fucking loves it when your face contorts in utter pleasure, she has to see it almost every time.
G = Goofy (Goofy or serious during the deed)
- Very serious. Rumi takes pleasuring you and making you feel so good very seriously.
H = Hair (How groomed they are down there)
- The carpet matches the drapes. She sometimes shaves down there, but not all the time.
I = Intimacy (How intimate or romantic they are)
- It depends on the day really. Sometimes she likes to spoil you all day and then at night show and tell you how much she loves and needs you.
J = Jack off (Masturbating hcs)
- If she’s away for a trip or mission, she will touch herself to a picture of you. Or she’ll sext you until you can’t take it anymore and call her, begging for her to help guide you through touching yourself. Which will eventually lead to the both of you masturbating to each other’s voices.
K = Kink (Some of their kinks)
- Has a mommy kink. Loves praising and degrading you too.
L = Location (Favorite place to do the deed)
- Anywhere in her house. Everywhere in the bedroom, kitchen, living room, the shower, etc.
M = Motivation (What keeps them going)
- Knowing that after the deed, you’ll continue to love her for her and not just for her fame and money.
N = No (Nope. They’ll never do it)
- Anything to do with fecal matter or throw up. She crosses the line there, especially considering her quirk increases her senses.
O = Oral (Anything with oral)
- Loves it when you please her by eating her out. She’ll praise you and will tell you how to eat it too.
P = Pace (Are they fast or slow?)
- It depends on how the both of you are feeling. If she’s feeling romantic and y’all are having passionate sex then she’ll go slow. Other times she likes to go fast.
Q = Quickie (How do they feel about quickies?)
- Rumi always likes a good quickie. For example, right before she has to go somewhere for a while. She always promises to take more time on you later and she always keeps her word.
R = Risk (Are they willing to take risks?)
- She is willing to take some risk but not too much. Rumi doesn’t want anyone else seeing you in this lewd state, she wants to be the only one.
S = Stamina (How much stamina they have)
- A lot. Especially with being a Pro Hero, all that training she endured gave her a lot of stamina.
T = Toys (What’s their opinion on sex toys)
- Loves to use them, on you and her. She has a variety of different types and sizes of toys. She likes to explore new ones every once in a while.
U = Unfair (How much they tease)
- Rumi definitely has a lot of those teasing moments. She really can’t help it when you make those facial expressions at her.
V = Volume (How loud are they)
- She’s somewhat quiet. Often times you’ll hear her grunt and groan when she’s thrusting into you with her fingers or strap. When she’s close to cumming you’ll hear her trying to hold back her moans.
W = Wild card (A wild hc)
- Loves the sound of your voice and the lewd noises you make (especially when you’re all tired and fucked out) So much in fact that it gets her so embarrassingly horny very quickly.
X = X-ray (What’s under there)
- Sexy muscles that have some veins popping out as she’s fucking you hard and slow (or fast)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
- Has a somewhat high sex drive, especially as she falls more in love with you, she just can’t get enough of you.
Z = Zzz (Do they fall asleep afterwards?)
- Loves to hold you in her arms and listen as your breathing evens out as you fall asleep. She loves it so much that she’ll force herself to stay awake to experience this perfect moment.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani’s Kitab al-Aghani records the lives of a number of individuals including one named Tuways who lived during the last years of Muhammad and the reigns of the early Muslim dynasties. Tuways was mukhannathun: those who were born as men, but who presented as female. They are described by al-Isfahani as wearing bangles, decorating their hands with henna, and wearing feminine clothing. One mukhannathun, Hit, was even in the household of the Prophet Muhammad. Tuways earned a reputation as a musician, performing for clients and even for Muslim rulers. When Yahya ibn al-Hakam was appointed as governor, Tuways joined in the celebration wearing ostentatious garb and cosmetics. When asked by the governor if he were Muslim Tuways affirmed his belief, proclaiming the declaration of faith and saying that he observes the fast of Ramadan and the five daily prayers. In other words, al-Isfahani, who recorded the life of a number of mukhannathun like Tuways, saw no contradiction between his gender expression and his Muslimness. From al-Isfahani we read of al-Dalal, ibn Surayj, and al-Gharid—all mukhannathun—who lived rich lives in early Muslim societies. Notably absent from al-Isfahani’s records is any state-sanctioned persecution. Instead, the mukhannathun are an accepted part of society.
Far from isolated cases, across Islamic history—from North Africa to South Asia—we see widespread acceptance of gender nonconforming and queer individuals. - Later in the Ottoman Empire, there were the köçek who were men who wore women’s clothing and performed at festivals. Formally trained in dance and percussion instruments, the köçek were an important part of social functions. A similar practice was found in Egypt. The khawal were male dancers who presented as female, wearing dresses, make up, and henna. Like their Ottoman counterparts, they performed at social events.
- In South Asia, the hijra were and are third-sex individuals. The term is used for intersex people as well as transgender women. Hijra are attested to among the earliest Muslim societies of South Asia where, according to Nalini Iyer, they were often guardians of the household and even held office as advisors.
- In Iraq, the mustarjil are born female, but present as men. In Wilfred Thesiger’s The Marsh Arabs the guide, Amara explains, “A mustarjil is born a woman. She cannot help that; but she has the heart of a man, so she lives like a man.” When asked if the mustarjil are accepted, Amara replies “Certainly. We eat with her and she may sit in the mudhif.” Amara goes on to describe how mustarjil have sex with women.
Historian Indira Gesink analyzed 41 medical and juristic sources between the 8th and 18th centuries and discovered that the discourse of a “binary sex” was an anachronistic projection backwards. Gesink points out in one of the earliest lexicography by the 8th century al-Khalil ibn Ahmad that he suggests addressing a male-presenting intersex person as ya khunathu and a female-presenting intersex person as ya khanathi while addressing an effeminate man as ya khunathatu. This suggests a clear recognition of a spectrum of sex and gender expression and a desire to address someone respectfully based on how they presented.
Tolerance of gender ambiguity and non-conformity in Islamic cultures went hand-in-hand with broader acceptance of homoeroticism. Texts like Ali ibn Nasir al-Katib’s Jawami al-Ladhdha, Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani’s Kitab al-Aghani, and the Tunisian, Ahmad al-Tifashi’s Nuz’ha al-‘Albab attest to the widespread acceptance of same-sex desire as natural. Homoeroticism is a common element in much of Persian and Arabic poetry where youthful males are often the object of desire. From Abu Nuwas to Rumi, from ibn Ammar to Amir Khusraw, some of the Islamic world’s greatest poets were composing verses for their male lovers. Queer love was openly vaunted by poets. One, Ibn Nasr, immortalizes the love between two Arab lesbians Hind al Nu’man and al-Zarqa by writing:
“Oh Hind, you are truer to your word than men. Oh, the differences between your loyalty and theirs.”
Acceptance of same-sex desire and gender non-conformity was the hallmark of Islamic societies to such a degree that European travelers consistently remarked derisively on it. In the 19th century, Edward Lane wrote of the khawal: “They are Muslims and natives of Egypt. As they personate women, their dances are exactly of the same description as those of the ghawazee; and are, in like manner, accompanied by the sound of castanets.”
A similarly scandalized CS Sonnini writes of Muslim homoerotic culture:
“The inconceivable appetite which dishonored the Greeks and the Persians of antiquity, constitute the delight, or to use a juster term, the infamy of the Egyptians. It is not for women that their ditties are composed: it is not on them that tender caresses are lavished; far different objects inflame them.”
In his travels in the 19th century, James Silk Buckingham encounters an Afghan dervish shedding tears for parting with his male lover. The dervish, Ismael, is astonished to find how rare same-sex love was in Europe. Buckingham reports the deep love between Ismael and his lover quoting, “though they were still two bodies, they became one soul.”
Today, vocal Muslim critics of LGBTQ+ rights often accuse gay and queer people of imposing a “Western” concept or forcing Islam to adjust to “Western values” failing to grasp the irony of the claim: the shift in the 19th and 20th century was precisely an alignment with colonial values over older Islamic ones, all of which led to legal criminalization. In fact, the common feature among nations with anti-LGBTQ+ legislation isn’t Islam, but rather colonial law.
Don't talk to me I'm weeping. I'm not Muslim, but the grief of colonization runs in the blood of every Global South person. Dicovering these is like finding our lost treasures among plundered ruins.
Queer folk have always, always been here; we have always been inextricable, shining golden threads in the tapestry of human history. To erase and condemn us is to continue using the scalpel of colonizers in the mutilation and betrayal of our own heritage.
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katsukichu · 6 months
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 (𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐨) 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Re-upload of an old piece I did for two collabs (chubby chasers collab by @/kyovtani & stay soft collab by @/touyaspeach). [NSFW-18+]. Minors and ageless blogs dni (I will block you)
Mirko sends you a picture of her at the gym & you get a bit self conscious. She reminds you that you'll always be her petty girl. [AO3]
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The gym is eerily silent this morning. The usual buzz of people working out is replaced by the clattering of keyboard keys as the receptionist, Akira oversees the administration. She’s grateful for the silence but can't help but wonder why she's having such a slow start today. She stares at the empty studio,furrowing her brows she quickly dismisses her thoughts as she sifts through her emails.
Her tranquillity is soon interrupted by beeping from the revolving doors - indicating someone's just checked in. Akira looks up from her computer to see Japan's 5th hero - Mirko.
"Good morning, Mirko!" she greets excitedly.
"Sorry for the confusion but I thought you'd be in for your regular 3 o'clock session? “ Akira apologises checking her profile on the system.
"Hi hun sorry it must've slipped my mind I meant to call yesterday and reschedule.I have to attend that stupid hero gala today.” Mirko sighs as she tucks her membership card in her bag.
Oh, the hero gala! that explains why anyone isn't here. They’re getting ready, Akira thinks.
"No problem at all, I hope you enjoy the gala!"
"Thank you hun, but it's a big waste of time. I’d rather spend my time working and getting stronger. I mean who wants to be interviewed by people who just want to get under your skin?"
Akira acknowledges Rumi by nodding.
"Sorry you have to deal with the press being so rude. Just know us civilians appreciate you - thank you for your service"
Rumi smiles in response and slips into the studio - she appreciates the comment but truly doesn't care about what the public thinks of her.
Mirko is tough and fierce, especially to the public eye. She has a brash demeanour and laughs in the face of danger. She’s a hero, it’s her job to save people not to impress them.
Rumi is fit, she follows a strict exercise routine every day with no expectations - even a stupid hero gala. Although she enjoys carrots, she tries to have a balanced diet - unlike the cliche she doesn't "eat like a rabbit"
Mirko starts doing some warmup exercises - she switches between the treadmill and spin bike for a while before moving on to the calf and leg machines - these ensure she doesn't get any cramps.
Her favourite and most vigorous part of her routine included bench presses and hip thrusts. She’d even put some men to shame with how easily she does it.
It may look like she isn't breaking a sweat, but her heart is racing. It makes her veins feel like they're on fire and leaves her a little breathless. The only other time she feels like this is with you, her sweet y/n.
Mirko swears she doesn't have a type. Looks are not important to her but she can't help but gravitate towards chubby people. She thinks they're all so unique - just like the stretch marks that adorn their soft skin.
Society is cruel but your weight doesn’t define how "attractive" or how "healthy" you are. Just like the saying: "The bigger the figure, the more I can love.” Rumi thinks knows being chubby just means there's more of you to love.
There's nothing more that Mirko loves than to pick you up, as if you weigh nothing, and look into your eyes. She's constantly teasing you - yet also reassuring you - that she can handle your weight. Her bench presses, hip thrusts and lifts are double or sometimes triple what you weigh. If only you could see yourself from her perspective. Maybe then you'd understand how stunning you are.
Rumi is only satisfied with her workout when she's drenched in sweat and her muscles ache. Before showering she snaps a picture to send to you. Her left hand is up showing off her muscles and her abs are on full display. The sweat is still trickling down her toned body and her gym outfit - that she designed - hugs her in all the right places.
She sends you the picture saying "See something you like, baby bun? 😏😉"
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The sunlight streams through your slightly parted curtain and illuminates your shared bedroomp. Rolling over to Rumi's side of the bed you sigh at the empty space. You move the pillows and blankets aside to locate your phone. Ignoring all your other notifications you smile seeing a message from Rumi.
Opening it you try typing a reply but can't form coherent sentences. You wake up, sit at the edge of the bed and stare at the picture of your gorgeous girlfriend and simply reply with a string of emojis 😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵
The longer you stare at the picture you realise it makes you feel a bit anxious and insecure. Rumi has an athletic body and a lot of muscle. You know you shouldn't compare your body type because all bodies are good bodies but you start to feel ashamed about your physique.
You don't have toned abs - instead, you have a plump tummy. Your thighs stick together and are covered in stretch marks and cellulite. Your arms aren't muscular at all; they're a bit flabby. You have back rolls and love handles. You don't have a perfect figure with big boobs or a fat ass - you don't fit the ideal description of being "curvy.” You have body hair, which is something natural, yet society is disgusted by it.
Dating Rumi feels magical and surreal. The only difficult things were dealing with the public and your own insecure thoughts. You try not to let the comments get to you, but some are so harsh.
Things like:
"Oh, so you're a hero huh? I thought the Commission was strict about training?"
"What makes you think you're cut out to be a hero, especially with Mirko? Can you even keep up with her? Didn’t think she'd be into someone bigger than her”
“ I'm pretty sure she said she doesn't need a sidekick especially not someone as useless as you"
"You're not exactly that 'graceful' why don't you pursue something else. Something more suitable for someone of your form?"
People have always doubted you. They’ve always questioned if you were cut out to be a hero. People have made you feel so different and alienated all because of your weight. You feel the hot tears stream down your cheeks. Using the back of your hand you try to wipe them away.
As if on cue Rumi comes home and due to her acute hearing from her quirk, she hears your sobs from the front door.
She drops her bag, slams the door and sprints towards your bedroom hoping you're not in danger. She's ready to pounce on the villain - fists clenched and teeth bared- but instead sees you. She takes a moment to gather herself before calmly making her way to your crying figure.
"Hey baby bun everything is alright" she assures.
She can be so soft and caring - a real 360 from what she was moments ago. Grabbing the tissues and water bottle from the bedside table she hops on the bed and sits next to you
"N-N-No it's not" you stutter, shaking and trying to hold back tears.
Rumi shushes you as she wipes your tears away. She holds the water bottle and helps you drink as well as take deep breaths in sync with hers until you're able to calm down. She holds you against her chest - you can hear her heart racing.
"Who made my baby bun upset?" Rumi asks as her ears and voice drop in pure concern.
"Me... I made myself upset" you admit.
"It's just…" you trail off avoiding eye contact
"Why do you love me? I'm not fit like you, I'm just me I'm fat -"
"HEY that's enough! “Rumi cuts you off.
"I didn't mean to startle you but you're fucking perfect! “ she exclaims
She feels her heart break into a million pieces. How long have you been keeping all this inside? Why haven't you told her - if someone was bothering you, they'd be dead because no one's hurting what's precious to Mirko.
Rumi has an idea, and her ears shoot up.
"Wait a minute I can show you! Come here bun" Rumi gestures for you to sit at the edge of the bed.
You don't know what she's up to but follow her regardless. She opens the closet door and you're met with the full body mirror inside.Immediately you look away and try to hide your dishevelled appearance.
"Come on my pretty girl, don’t hide from me, wanna see your cute face" Rumi says, making you look in the mirror.
"You know what I see when I look into the mirror? The most gorgeous girl in the world. You’re a cutie - a soft and cuddly one too. Being chubby doesn't mean you're greedy, ugly, or out of shape bunny. I love you just the way you are, and I'll always love you for you. I’ll do anything to make you realise that you are perfect just the way you are." Rumi says.
"You really think so" you sniffle looking up at her with teary eyes.
"Of course, baby. I mean every word! But you know what they say, actions speak louder than words. Let me show you what I love about you.“
Rumi tilts your chin up so you're looking at her.
"First off all I love all of you. Every single inch of you. Let's start from up her" Rumi kisses your forehead.
"You are so smart, talented,creative and so strong. I know your brain can be a meanie sometimes but I'm going to Lunar kick all those negative thoughts away" - the two of you giggle.
Rumi cups your face in her hands - her rough palms contrast your soft face.
"You are stunning - mesmerising actually. Your eyes - even though they're a little red now- remind me of the prettiest gemstones. Your lips are soft,sweet and so kissable" Rumi says, placing her chapped lips against yours.
"And of course, who can forget these adorable cheeks" she says while teasingly pinching and squishing them.
There are no bad intentions behind her touches or words purely love and admiration.
"Rumi I -"
"Sweetheart I'm not done yet. I want to praise all of you from head to toe." Rumi cuts you off.
"Your arms are perfect. When you hug me or cuddle me-it makes me feel like I'm at home." Rumi says hugging you.
"You know it'd be better if you're naked." Rumi mumbles pulling away from the hug.
"RUMI DON'T BE SO BLUNT!" you squeal. You feel the blood warm up your cheeks and both of you giggle again.
You hesitated at first but then realised it's just Rumi - the only person you'd leave yourself so open. The only one you will allow you to see you so bare - not only your body but your soul.
She tugs at the hem of your - her- shirt and asks if she can remove it. She does the same to your bottoms. You agreed but only if she takes hers off as well. She does and it makes you clench your thighs together.
Positioning herself on the bed and in front of the mirror she gestures for you to straddle her toned thigh.
"I can't sit there ill -"
"You'll what? Hurt me or something? Think I can't handle it? “She chuckles.
"Come sit. Now. “she instructs.
You know better than to keep her waiting, so you try and hover over her thigh. Only for her to grip the curve of your hips and pull you onto her.
"I said sit not hover bun. I hope you don't try to do that if I ask you to sit on my face.“ Her tone is dangerously low and makes your tummy pool with heat.
"Look how good we look together," Rumi says. You can't focus - not when your soft body is pressed against her strong one. You’re already soaked, and she hasn't even touched you yet. You can't bring yourself to look at the mirror, so you nuzzle your head into her neck.
"You're even cuter when you're squirming. Didn't know that was possible ”she teases.
As you wiggle your hips your clit catches on her muscular thigh, and you stifle back a moan. She flexes her thigh in response.
“Not yet bun”
She holds you in place and turns you so face the mirror once again.
"Your body is perfect.Look at your boobs so what if they're not perky or even? Mine aren't either" Picking your hand up she places it on her boobs.
"And this tummy… where do I even begin. It's not disgusting -it helps keep you nourished. It’s got stretch marks on it and so does mine “she moves your hand down from her chest, along her abs and across her stretch marks.
"Rumi, you're stunning “you whisper. She stretches her fingers over yours and pulls your hand closer so she can hold it.
"So are you, baby. I wanna take care of you.Bun there's so much I have to say. I could go on for hours talking about the reasons I love you - not only your body but your mind ,your soul but right now… I just want to worship your body a little ”
Slipping away from you she kneels on the cool tiled floor and settles between your thighs. You’re flustered by her comments, but your eyes follow the way she moves.
When her fluffy ears tickle you, your sweet laughter fills your shared bedroom. Rumi finally lets go of your hand with a kiss as she massages your thighs.
"So soft, pillowy, absolutely stunning" She traces her fingertips along your stretch marks. She runs her hands along the soft chub of your hips and all the way down to your calves finally settling her hands back on your thighs.You shiver at her soft touches - it makes your body feel electrified.
"Mind if I mark 'em up a little?"
"Mmh" is all you can respond with
"I need words baby. Are you in the mood for this & want me to continue?"
"Y-yes it's okay"
"Good because the only time I want to see you crying again is when it's on my strap. Got it Princess?"
(a/n-the best line I've ever wrote in my whole writing career)
Before you can respond she starts softly kissing along your inner thighs.You place your hands in her hair making sure not to grip too tight or near the base of her ears - which are extra sensitive. Rumi sucks on your soft skin and smirks when the bruises blossom on your skin.
You grind against the edge of the bed and your grip tightens on her hair. Looking down you feel a sense of pride and belonging which fades into concern.
Fuck how am I going to cover them up before the gala? you pondered.
"Eyes on the mirror pretty. Want you to watch how you fall apart for me" Rumi requested.
She smirks, spreading your plush thighs apart. You prop yourself up on a pillow and on your elbows trying to follow Rumi's order to look in the mirror.
You feel overwhelmed - mind hazy with lust and embarrassment. You don't know where to look.
"C-can I look at you instead?"
Rumi gives you a hazy smile before running her fingers along your pretty pussy. She swears she loves all of you equally, but your pussy was something else. She loves the way she has to use all her fingers to spread your folds and mound just so she can see your clit.
She adores the way you flutter and clench around nothing - you're so cute and eager. She doesn't mind whether you shave but secretly finds it hot when you let it grow. She's not letting a little hair stop her from pleasing you.
Rumi knows how to pleasure a woman - she alternates kissing along your thighs and pussy. The anticipation makes you dizzy. As she teases you, you gasp and buck your hips towards her.
She uses the tip of her tongue to swirl around your throbbing clit. She feels it pulsing on her tongue and stops to edge you for a bit before flattening it and running it along your eager slit.
She feels so good it almost hurts - you feel a dull pain almost desperate to feel something. Rumi always makes sure you're dripping before easing a finger into you. She curls her fingers upwards, and it hits your sweet spot every time and uses her other hand to spread you open so she can lap at your clit
Even though your plush thighs are muffling her ears she can still hear you.Your shared bedroom that was recently filled with sobs and giggles is now filled with lewd moans and erratic breathing
"No cumming until you tell me what I want to hear," Mirko says, slowing her movements
"Please… Please Please" you beg feeling a flurry of butterflies in your tummy.
"No not that… I want you to say you're pretty"
"m pretty" you try to say but instead it comes out in a high pitched squeal
"Say it like you mean it or you're not going to cum" Rumi demands, completely stopping her actions.
"Fuck. Mmh sorry. I’m pretty. I’m pretty Mmh so pretty. Mmh Mirko's pretty girl" you blabber, unsure of what you're saying all you can think about is cumming.Arching your back and trying to hump Rumi’s fingers you cry out of desperation.
"That's a good girl. You are my pretty girl, don’t forget that. You can cum for me sweetheart" Rumi praises, lapping at your clit, pumping, and curling her fingers again
You feel your tummy tighten before cumming all over Rumi's fingers. Your eyes are shut, and the most angelic moans leaves your lips.
Your chest heaves and Rumi looms above you cooing about how proud she is of you. She takes a moment to appreciate your stunning body again as she licks her fingers.
"You think you can give one more pretty? “ Rumi asks, massaging your legs
Still trying to catch your breath you nod frantically - wanting to please your girlfriend.
Rumi's pussy is throbbing and drenched in her own arousal. All she can think about is pushing your thick thighs up so she can grind on your pretty pussy.
She holds your legs to your chest - digging her hand into the soft flesh. Feeling her pussy on yours makes both of you whimper. The two of you are so wet and desperate and you know you're not going to last long.
She may be smaller than you but thanks to her training she pins you down easily and humps you like a bunny in heat. Slipping her hand between the two of you and spreading your pussy open so you grind clit to clit with each other.
“Just like that bun.... there’s my good, pretty girl” she grits.
With each harsh thrust of her hips, it makes your tummy rolls and boobs jiggle. Rumi is truly mesmerised by your beauty. She keeps glancing up and down. Your eyes are shut in pure ecstasy and your tongue is lolled out of your mouth.
"S'pretty like this - all for me right Princess?"
"Mmh. M f'you Rumi. I'm y-your pretty girl."
"That's what I wanted to hear"
You continue rocking your bodies back and forth at an even more frantic pace.
"Faster pretty. Fuck just like that. ahh" Rumi curses.
The two of you cum hard and Rumi almost collapses on you. Catching herself she allows herself to gently lie on top of you. Bodies pressed together and drenched in sweat and with racing hearts, the two of you lay like this for a while.
You can't think straight at all - the room feels like it's spinning. You struggle to keep your eyes open and even out you’re breathing.
“One more alright. Just relax, I got it".
Rumi is full of energy - it’s her quirk or being a hero but she's got excellent stamina. Sex always ended up being multiple rounds with the sweetest aftercare.
Rumi goes to the bedside table and grabs her strap on and a bottle of lube - not that she needed it.
"Are you okay with this? “She asks while lubing up her strap.
Still basking in your afterglow and trying to come back to reality you reply with a meek "yes.” You can't see Rumi but hear the jingle of the buckles as she secures the strap on.
"Absolutely sure? Cause I really wanna fuck you against the mirror so you can see how pretty you are taking me "
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cvnt4him · 4 months
Can I request Hawks x reader Enimies/rivals with smut and then fluff towards the end
As you all know I love and adore izuku midoriya, however, I am loving this req mostly because I get to expand my horizons on characters hopefully I didn't stray too far away from hawks actual character, I hope you all enjoy and leave more reqs!!!
Enemies With Benefits.
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You and hawks, or rather keigo takami, had met in UA highschool, he was best friend with rumi usagiyama, she was cool, strong, reliable and trust worthy, they were best friends until you came along.
She never really had any girlfriends mostly because she wasn't too girly, she liked getting her hands dirty, she wasn't afraid to be in the splash zone, which to her surprise, you were just like her, you liked to be messy and get your hands dirty as well, you walked with your head held high and spoke loudly with confidence.
She loved that, you weren't shy and quiet like most girls that attended at the same time as the three of you, you were loud and boasted and demanded what you wanted and made damn sure you were going to get to your goals no matter what it took, you were respectable and she enjoyed that, it wad a breath if fresh air to have a cool girl to hang around in rumi's opinion.
Keigo however, he loathed it. He loathed you, he had so much hatred and spite for you it was honestly impeccable he still was trying to be a hero, he didn't hate you for befriending his best friend, no. But rather because your quirks were so similar, because you were much better than him, faster, stronger, and overall better. You were better. It didn't take a microscope to see that.
So when you were with going against each other in the sports festival, he'd thought he had the upper hand when he got you tit he ground, he was ready to throw you out yet you had s trick up your sleeves, there was a lot of smoke and debris flying around, you shed that to your advantage, blowing tbe smoke and debris his way making it to where he couldn't see, he rubbed his eyes the heavy amount of smoke and sand getting in his eyes, he tried to make out your figure through the smoke yet failed as you flew him out of the ring, therefore winning the battle against him, rumi cheered you on and laughed that her other friend had lost, she was a team player and still congratulated the both of you and told keigo, 'better luck next time!'
But did that anger him even more, not only had he lost to the likes of you, but to his surprise there were agents in the crowd looking and looking over you all to pick out and recruit the best of the best, he knew he had to do a good job, he tried so hard, and when you ajd besten him, it enraged him, a fiery pit of fury burning inside if him, he hated you, your shitty smile, and that shit eating grin you gave him as you turned to look at him with a chuckle, you walked last him and bumped him nearly knocking him over, and fluttering your wings in his face.
"whoops! Better watch out, baby bird."
You digressed, laughing and walking away with a sway to your hips, he growled under his breath before pushing you against the wall catching you and rumi off guard.
"hey, what the hell takami?"
Rumi shouted at him, coming to your defense as you looked at him with a spite filled look, you hated him just as much as he hated you, that hate could be sensed from a mile away, your squinted eyes loomed up to his, his hair covering his eyes from the side but you could see them, his burning, fury filled, yellow eyes, they peered at you from beneath his hair, they stared deep into your own with such hatred, you weren't affected by it, not even phased even a little, he didn't make you scared, you thought he was pathetic, worthless.
"you walk around with your head held high, all high and mighty thinking you're better than me, but you're not. You're some snobby rich bitch from a good family and a good home, you're a self centered, conceited piece of trash who's incapable of love, you push others away and you take, you feed off of others and once there's nothing left for one to give you, you vanish, you're a user, an abuser, and you are a manipulative gaslighting piece of shit."
With every word he uttered, venom spat right along with them, he knew it would be unheroic to fight you head on, he didn't want to get kicked out, UA was his ticket to becoming a hero like his idol, so he fought you with words, he knew they would get to you, by the way tour face looked in shock and anger and slight embarrassment he could tell they defintely hit you where it hurt.
You were speechless, rumi just sat there wide eyed at the both if you before pilling keigo off of you.
"what the fuck, man? How could you say something like that, she's -"
Rumi continued yelling at him for the cruel things he said to you, the words she spoke falling into deaf ears, you both glared at each other with piercing eyes, you growled lightly before scoffing, a smile falling right back onto your face, it angered him even more, how could you smile knowing what he'd just said to you? Had it not affected you?!
You laughed before walking away, rumi stopped talking as you grabbed her attention, keigo's eyes never left you once.
You stopped right next to him, your mouth right next to his ear before you whispered something so vile, so disgustingly crass it made his stomach turn, he wanted to puke, lunge at you, something, everything. But he just froze. Tears threatening to spill from his eyes, not out of sadness or humiliation, but out of anger, be was so angry he almost cried.
"never forget where you came from, you loser wanna be, you're a nobody and you're unloved, how dare, you even come to me, telling me I'm incapable of love when you've never had any to begin with. Speak what you know, not what you think you know."
A smirk was plastered on your face as you walked away, taking your win with pride, your head was still held high as you laughed to yourself, knowing what you'd said definitely struck a nerve.
Keigo takami vowed, that he'd never stop training to be better than you, he was better than you, and he was gonna prove it no matter what.
Years had past, he hadn't given you a single thought since you all had graduated, he became a hero, #2 at that, and you became a---
'this just in, a villain has struck a local bank, making a huge hit, clearing out the entire bank! While we wait for the heroes we--'
Hawks was already on the scene, clearing the bad guys of the money they'd stolen and scared the day with a smirk, giving autographs and taking pictures with his numerous of fan girls.
"awwwh, baby bird, are you trying to get one of these teenagers to love you? How pathetic."
His eyes shot open wide, horror filled them, he hadn't heard that voice, that name, in such a long time. There was no way.. you were the one behind this, he thought it was too easy, there was no way these simple criminals were behind a huge heist, something this big couldn't have been orchestrated by one of these lowlife thugs.
He turned around to see your wings wide and open, you were in a black suit with a hood over your head, a maniacal smile being plastered on your face as you held a finger gun out to him, what were you doing, he squinted his eyes and took his glasses off to get a better look at you.
Was all that was heard from you before he was shot in the wing with a quirk canceling bullet, you had discovered some time ago that yes his wings are apart of his body but they're also his quirk, the bullet won't take his wings away but they will weaken them, he won't be able to fly or even move his wings without being in utter discomfort, suffering as you laugh above him with glee.
He groaned people screaming as need reporters and other reporters cried the scene taking shots of you as you just smiled before being captured by none other than the #1 hero, endeavour.
Everyone hollered and gave cheers and hoorays and the #1 hero had saved the day!!
You pouted as he held you if his shoulder in hand cuffs, you had been on the run for a while, finally you'd been caught, but again to hawks this felt just too easy for him to wrap his head around, he tried to stand before being betrayed by his legs, they were weak, he was weak, everything started to get blurred around him as he looked intensely pale, before anyone knee uit he'd passed out, body thudding against the ground.
It had been three days since he had gotten shot, he was able to move around well and fly faster than ever, all he needed was a little rest and he was back in action!
But he still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, he felt uncomfortable everywhere he went, maybe it was side effects from the bullet, or maybe it was him being hungry, but he just couldn't relax for the life of him.
He tried to fall asleep in his bed without ail, he moved around and shifted all about to find comfort, suddenly his wings felt too big, and his hair was just everywhere, he'd gotten so sweaty he felt like he just went for a run. He sighed in annoyance one last time before finding comfort, he held his pillow and closed his eyes tightly, before something clouded his thoughts.
The way you laughed at him, called him that oh so annoying name, the way you looked.
His eyes shot wide open as he furrowed his brows in anger, he groaned loudly.
It was going to be a long day tomorrow.
He walked around endeavours agency in anger, he knew he was going to have to go and see you in jail he knew he was going to have to settle this lifetime battle you two have had since you were kids.
He sighed and jumped out of the nearest window before flying over to Tartarus, the prison where the most evil, most vile, the most cruelest and inhumane villians go, so why the hell were you there. He thought to himself with a chuckle.
He arrived, being let inside, as he made his way to your cell. Empty. It was fucking empty.
"GUARDS!... Is her cell supposed to be this empty?"
The guards were in shock, one of them sounding an alarm causing a number of people to look around for you, you were known to be in spots you weren't supposed to be.
Hawks groaned, leaving the jail and flying over the city, there was just no way you managed to escape from there threshold. The greatest villain of all time, AFO hadn't even done that, not without hell at least.
He couldn't wrap his head around it, you weren't even a threat to society, you were some bitchy cunt who tried to prove a point that was irrelevant and useless, how did you even get into UA, why did you even go to UA if you were just going to be a villain in the first place?
So many questions filled his head, he was confused angry and hungry, he decided to pop over to the burger shop he and rumi used to go to all the time, you occasionally accompanied rumi as you two were friends.
He decided to take a break and flew down to the shop, he ordered his usual and sat on top of a building eating and staring at the sunset, he sighed in content with his delicious burger before feeling like he was being watched again.
He finished his burger, standing and wiping off his hands, he stretched his wings out and stretched his body with a moan, before sighing one last time as he tackled you fastly on top of the roof, pinning you down with a frown.
"hello, baby bird.~" you sang to him from beneath him, you were still in your prison clothes as you smiled up at him, he groaned as he peered down at you with spite filled eyes.
"awh do you still hate me for winning the sports festival when we were kids? Come on man that was like so many years ago, grow a pair."
You roll your eyes at him as he surprisingly lets you stand up, he moves to get off of you as he sighed in annoyance.
"you're going back to Tartarus."
"I'll just get out again, let's not waste anyone time eh?"
He pushed you back onto the ground, you fell with a thud, groaning and looking up at him in anger.
"what the hell man?"
"we're not friends, I in fact hate you wish I could kiss you with my bare hands, however I am a hero and can't do that, so I suppose I'll just have to send you back to jail, I'm sure they won't mind if you have a couple of bruises."
He smirked and cracked his knuckles, earning an earnest chuckle from you, he rolled his eye before dropping his arms.
"you don't want to fight, baby bird, we both know you just want to sit down and have a talk about friendship and goodliness." You scoff, and laugh at him making him look at you with hate filled eyes once more.
"besides,... I missed you." You admit lowly, looking away from the blonde as you look out into the distance, smile slightly faded and your laughing ceased.
He lifted an eyebrow at you, looking you up and down before scoffing, he didn't believe you one bit, you'd always hated him, and for what? The only time he'd actually treated you with disrespect was when you won the sports festival, he'd always been somewhat civil towards you.
"yeah okay sure, enough games degenerate you're going back to Tartarus."
"why were you even there, keigo?"
You question, looking back at him with a piercing gaze, he shivered at your eyes staring directly into his, his feathers ruffling up slightly, he couldn't look away from your eyes it's like they were sucking him in and hypnotizing him, he didn't remember you being so pretty.
He gulped before managing to get out of the trance you put him in, his eyes shooting down to his feet as he crosses his arms and pulled his wings in.
"you were there for me huh."
You ask, but not as a question, you knew he was, he had no business being there 5 days after you'd gotten put in there, there was no reason for him to be there if not for you.
He sighed and looked back up at you, his arms finding themselves back at his side again.
"I wanted to talk." He answers bluntly, skipping the lies and other lame excuses.
"about what, baby bird? I'm all ears."
You say, the wind billowing into your hair in the best way, the sunsets arrays shining onto your beautiful skin, making you look so gorgeous.
You were breathtaking to him, why had he started to feel these odd feelings about you now? You were a villain it goes against his code as a hero to even affiliate with a villain outside of a mission.
All he could do was look at you, he couldn't think of any words at the given moment, that stupid name he hated so much becoming rather appealing, he thought so hard about your words, it bringing a slight blush to his face.
You smiled, you'd thought he looked pretty well, the years have traded him fairly, he was rather handsome dare you say, his eyes looked more attractive than normal, the vibrant electrifying gaze he has, so intense and sexy, you couldn't possibly look away now.
You bit your lip as you moved closer to him, his eyes watched you closely, your every move his eyes moved along with them, he stared down at you something else filling his eyes that you noticed, want, he wanted you and you knew it.
You wanted him just as badly, the tension between you two becoming rather sexual, his breaths and changed, you continued to get closer to him as your faces were so close, his breath fanned your face lightly, the smell of the burger coming off of it but you hadn't minded it too much, it was kind of nostalgic in a way.
His eyes kept faltering from your eyes to your lips, the way he licked his rather dried lips made you chuckle lightly, you were tired of beating sound the bush, you pulled him into a rough passionate kiss moans and groans coming from the two of you, the way he pulled at your waist and tugged at the bottom hem of your shirt signaling he wanted it off, it caused you to feel hazy, he pulled you deeper into the kiss, tongues gliding and dancing so sweetly against each other like they were made to.
You pulled away, he tried following your lips before accepting the end of it, both of your breaths were heavy as you tried regaining air into your system, he held you tightly looking down at you with those piercing lucent eyes, his yellow eyes become more lust filled and lidded as he looked at you, you swallowed, his eyes never leaving touz waiting to see what you'll do next.
You liked that, he was waiting for you, waiting for you to do something it's almost as if you were in control.
"we should go somewhere a little more private, yeah?" You sing to him, your voice light and breathy as you still tried to catch your breath from the previous heat filled kiss.
He nodded before grabbing you and picking you up, holding you bridal style, it made you squeak lightly, you and wings you could just fly.
"I can fl---"
"i can get us there faster." Was all he said as he cut you off mid sentence, zooming through the sky in what seemed like a very, he hadn't wanted this moment between you two to vanish, he wanted to be as quick as possible to get back to you.
You couldn't fly as fast as him, that's for sure, when he settled you down in his house, coming in through the window you were dizzy, the fastness from his flying causing you to have some kind of jet lag, and you weren't even in the air for that long, you fell against his chest as he quickly brought your lips back to his, pulling your face up by your chin, as he pressed his soft lips to yours, a light sound leaving his throat, he must have really needed you.
You happily kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he put you down on the couch, hm getting on his knees as the kiss suddenly broke, you sigh and you watch the way his eyes trailed your body up and down slowly, he looked at you with such needy eyes.
His eyes stopped at your thighs, his hands big warm hands rubbed up your body before coming back down and gripping your high rather harshly z you winced, his eyes shot up to you, but not in concern, he had a mischievous look in his eyes, the need still being laced in his lucent yellow eyes.
He pulled your pants off hurriedly, like he wanted what was behind them in an instant, he looked back down to your now bare thighs, they were so soft and squishy under his touch, the way his warm hands touched you body sent a shiver down you spine, you just looked down at him as he rubbed your thighs, squishing and squeezing them with every touch, he finally pushed your thighs apart, before seeing a damp spot in between your thighs that was on your panties.
A smile shot to his face, you wanted him just as bad as he did you, his hands moved to touch the inner flesh of your thighs, a sigh leaving you as he glanced up to you before looking bad down to your clothed cunt, to weren't embarrassed by the want the dripped from you cunt, you had wanted him and you weren't ashamed of that, especially because you knew he wanted you too.
He moved his face closer to your clothed cunt, taking off his jacket in one swift motion as he buried his face in between your thighs, his eyes rolled shut as he licked a stripe up your cunt earning a whimper from you as your whole body shook, you were instantly hit with an intoxicating feeling inside, one lick from him and you already were ready to take his cock whole.
He kept licking long languid stripes up your clothed cunt, a wet patch forming from his tongue and your juices mixing and dampening the cloth that covered you, your taste danced on his tongue so nicely, he was drunk off of the little that he was given, he couldn't Wait to taste every bit of you.
No, he really couldn't, he ripped out panties off of you with one hand, they broke as he simply threw them somewhere before diving right back into your pussy, his nose tickling your clit in the sweetest way, his tongue licked and slurped all of your juices up expertly, all you could do was moan and kay your head back from the feeling he was giving you, your hand fell into his messy blonde hair as he shook his head around, groaning around your clit as he sucked it, the vibration sending chills up your entire body.
You lightly tugged at his hair trying to get him away from your cunt, you hadn't even cum yet you were heavily overstimulated, it hurt in such a delicious way, he pushed his head deeper into tiur cunt, you hand feel out of his hair at the immense pleasure he was giving you, he looked up at you the entire time, his lucent lidded deep lust filled eyes, staring at your body, the way you moved and squirmed underneath him, he was the one giving you pleasure, you needed him, and he could strip your upcoming orgasm away from you at any given moment.
You wrap your legs around his head, locking him in place and which he happily accepted, he was so pussy drunk, drinking everything you gave him willingly, he slurped and sucked at your clit licking it with light and fast licks, he managed to move from the painful grasp of your legs wrapped around his head to catch a breath, his mouth and chin dripping in your arousal, you breathed heavily, looking at him as he didn't bother wiping his mouth, simply diving back into your cunt and devouring you all over again.
It hadn't taken long for you to cum around his tongue, he guided you through you mind boggling, toe curling, gut wrenching orgasm, you moaned aloud as he drank everything you gave him, staring up at you and watching your face contort in such beautiful ways, your brows furrowing, the sweat slightly sticking to your forehead, the way your eyes squeezed shut, you were too entrancing to be real.
He moved away from your cunt with a smack of his lips, licking every last bit of your arousal off of his lips and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his breath smelled exactly like you, he hadn't minded though. He moved back up to your face, the strong scent of your cunt sticking to his breath, he pulled you into a somewhat soft kiss, you were still trying to regain your composure before he'd pulled you into the kiss, it was sweet, gentle, and compassionate, he kissed you like he loved you only soon to fuck you like he genuinely hated you.
Before he had, but getting you like this, seeing you in a vulnerable estate, he hadn't necessarily wanted to kill you anymore, he wouldn't go as far I say he liked you more or less just liked eating you out.
The kiss became more passionate, filled with lust and greed from both sides, a groan escaping him as he moves to take off his suit as you grab at his pants attempting to unbuckle this belt, you were so close and yet, the heat of the moment, everything that was once there vanished once his phone rang.
His pants vibration from his phone ringing loudly in his pocket, he rolled his eye before grabbing at it to see who it was.
"shit, endeavour."
He sighed heavily before picking it up.
"go for hawks."
You snort, cringing at this, trying to hold back a laugh as he glared at you, his now he remembered why he disliked you heavily, you couldn't never take anything seriously, hell he bets you even would want him to fuck you whilst he were in an important call, fucking slut.
You could hardly make out coherent words but from guessing you figured it was about you escaping.
Hawks sighed once more before banging up the phone at grabbing at his jacket that was thrown off of him previously.
"awwh, where ya' going, lover boy?" You ask with wide eyes and a pout, he scoffs and rolls his eyes, grabbing his glasses out of his coat pocket and putting them on.
"stay here. I'll deal with your slutty ass once I get back."
He gives you a rebuttal before zooming out of the window before you could even say anything back, you roll your eyes with a smile, laying back on his couch, it was rather comfortable, you'd supposed you'd be there for a while so might as well get settled in.
AN: wow this was an interesting one, I couldn't figure out if I wanted to do a full blown smut or something light so I js went ahead w something light sorry if it wasn't what you'd expected, again this is my first time straying away from my main bae, [my zuzubear] i hope i stayed true to hawks' snarky teasing character!!
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creative-crybaby · 8 months
Greener Grass
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PAIRING: Usagiyama Rumi (Miruko) x fem!reader
GENRE: smut (18+)
Minors DNI
TAGS + WARNINGS: light nipple play, fingering, masturbation (f), face riding, oral (f receiving) squirting, cum eating, manhandling, praise kink, spanking (like, once)
Let me know if I missed anything.
SUMMARY: You're quick to anger when an Internet troll talks down about your girlfriend, and it's up to her to remind you not to waste your time on losers like him.
© creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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You’re curled up on the couch when Usagiyama returns from her daily run.
The position you’re in is less than comfortable. You’re hunched over, phone in hand, and far too close to your face than any eye care professional would recommend, your brows furrowed. The rabbit hero keeps her gaze on you as she heads to the kitchen, grabbing some water from the fridge.  
“Babe,” she calls out, though you don’t answer, too engrossed in whatever seems to be making your blood boil on your device. Leaning on the kitchen island, Usagiyama takes a few sips as she continues to watch you. “You good—”
“I can’t believe this guy!”
Your sudden outburst makes your girlfriend blink in surprise, setting her water bottle on the kitchen island before joining you on the couch. 
“What guy?” The Pro Hero quirks a brow at your ferocious typing, your thumbs aggressively hitting the screen as you mumble curses under your breath. With a frustrated huff, she snatches your phone from your grip. “What’s got you so heated?”
Despite your apparent anger, you go quiet once your girlfriend has your device, watching her crimson eyes glide across whatever is on the screen.
When her focus returns to you, you’re in a curled-up position, knees to your chest as you hug your legs. Your brows remain creased in guilt, your lips forming a pout as you avoid meeting Usagiyama’s gaze. You look like a kid about to get scolded by her parent.
“Some asshole troll kept talking shit about you on social media,” you finally grumble. “Kept calling you ‘mid’ and saying you were just in the top five for some ‘woke’ agenda.” Your body language opens back up as you face her, your expression returning to one of anger. “I couldn’t let that slide, Rumi! Like, what does he know anyway? You’re out there keeping everyone safe while he whines about not getting his dick wet! And you know he wouldn’t say anything like this about Hawks or Endeavour, or—”
You shut your mouth, blinking at your girlfriend as she leans back. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Usagiyama holds your phone to your face. “What does he know anyway?” When you don’t respond, she continues. “Do you know who he is?”
You shake your head. “No.”
“Right, his username is just a bunch of numbers.” The Pro Hero’s words make you press your lips into a thin line, and she places your phone on the coffee table. “He doesn’t even have the balls to show his face on the internet.”
Her eyes narrow as she smirks at you, slowly crawling on the couch to trap you against the armrest. Usagiyama’s still somewhat messy from her run, sweat cascading down her forehead and body, but you aren’t the least bit disgusted. If anything, you find yourself in a trace, your gaze following one of the droplets down her collarbone to the valley of her breasts and disappearing behind her sports bra. 
“Rumi…” you swallow, pushing some loose strands of her hair out of her face as a distraction. If your girlfriend caught you staring, she doesn’t comment, instead leaning forward to nudge her nose against your cheek.
“You know what I think?” she muses, her lids drooping. “I bet that troll’s some jobless loser living in his mom’s basement, meanwhile,” Usagiyama brings one of her muscular thighs to settle between yours, “I get to come home after a long day of being the number five Pro Hero to my pretty, pretty girlfriend.” She kisses you, holding you in place with her fingers tipping your chin. You moan, and she pulls away with an airy laugh. “I think I’ve hit the jackpot here.”
And with that, the hero’s lips are back on yours, the kiss far deeper and hungrier. You’re more receptive this time, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her closer as she nuzzles her thigh further between yours. A mewl escapes your throat as her tongue dances with yours, your hips grinding against her knee.
When your girlfriend pulls away, you pout. “What did I do to deserve your teasing?”
She copies your expression before snickering, shifting to settle between your legs and licking her lips upon catching sight of your soaked panties. Flipping your skirt to rest on your waist, Usagiyama takes her time sliding her hand up your thigh until it finally reaches where you need it most. Your hips are already lifting for her touch, but she just chuckles again as she rips your underwear off your body. You gasp, not given a chance to protest before she speaks.
“So wet,” the Pro Hero muses, her fingers dancing across your slit. “Guess arguing with creeps on the internet riles you up in more ways than one.”
“No!” You shiver when she brushes against your clit, legs spreading further apart subconsciously. “It’s just you—you did this. You did this and you know it!”
Your flustered state has your girlfriend throwing her head back in laughter, her lids drooping as she calms down and returns her gaze to you. 
“You’re so fucking cute,” she says lowly, slamming her lips against yours as she slides a finger into your heat. You mewl into the kiss, your brain foggy as you share oxygen with your lover. It doesn’t help that she’s curling her digit inside you just the way you like it, dragging it across your walls and immediately finding that sweet spot that makes your clit jump. Broken moans seep out your mouth as she creates a rhythm, soon adding another finger as she nibbles on your bottom lip. 
“More, please,” you manage to mumble. “Need more, Rumi…”
Usagiyama continues massaging your insides as she pulls away from the kiss, grinning at you with pride. “Since you asked so nicely.”
Her lips find your neck, leaving their mark on your skin with the help of her teeth as her fingers fuck you with abandon. You throw your head back with a wail, hips trembling as your lover bullies your sweet spot. It’s no surprise when the coil in your belly is only a hair away from snapping, and having words of praise and encouragement purred into your ear just about does the trick.
Your orgasm hit you before you could prepare yourself. Body stiffening, you let out a silent cry as your jaw falls open. You can’t even close your legs with your girlfriend sitting between them, her unoccupied hand on your thigh to keep it in place.
“Good, good,” she coos, planting a soft kiss on your pulse. “Oh, what a good girl you are~”
Her pace only falters once you find your voice, your pleas for her to slow down reaching her ears and eventually pulling her slick-coated fingers out of your throbbing cunt. Usagiyama rubs your thigh as you catch your breath, your vision hazy as you watch her suck your essence off her digits. Her crimson eyes don’t leave yours as she does so, and you let out an airy moan.
Your gaze then falls to her chest, and your hand tugs on her sports bra. 
“Your turn,” you mumble, peering at the rabbit hero. “Gotta thank you for your service.”
She snickers at your words, but complies, yanking the somewhat sweaty garment over her head and chucking it somewhere in the living room. Your eyes light up at her nudity, your hand gliding up and down her body, tracing the outline of her abs and tweaking at her nipple. 
Your girlfriend sighs in contentment. “Can’t go a day without coppin’ a feel, huh?”
“You’re one to talk,” you pout without stopping your actions. “Can’t go a day without slapping my ass like some pervy old man.”
“You’ve got a cute ass,” she argues jokingly, soothingly rubbing the area as if for good measure or a silent apology. “Can’t help it.”
“I said I like being spanked, not smacked so hard that I’m sent flying higher than Hawks.”
Your exasperated whine makes Usagiyama coo, though you don’t hear any remorse as she returns to burying her nose into the crook of your neck. 
“You’re not helping your case here,” she purrs, and you can feel her smirking against your skin. “So damn cute, aren’t you? Your face, your expressions, your sounds,” she pulls back to look at you, her hands slipping off her leggings and panties from her body, “I could just eat you out.”
Still recovering from your release, you offer a nervous chuckle, your gaze on her fully nude figure. “You mean eat me up?”
“I meant what I said.” Not a second later, the Pro Hero lifts you from your spot to bend you over the armrest with her lying on the couch, her face between your legs and inches away from your cunt. “Ready, honey?”
“Huh—” You hardly have time to process what just happened before she yanks you down to sit on her face, her mouth immediately getting to work by making out with your weeping pussy. Moans and gasps fly past your lips from her ministrations, and it doesn’t help that she mocks your sounds, the vibrations attacking your clit and setting your body on fire. You lift your torso from its hunched position, struggling to shift from its spot. “Wait—”
“I got you.” Usagiyama’s words come out muffled, what with her mouth being occupied, though she seems to catch your struggle; lifting you once more, she keeps you splayed open for her with your knees on the armrest and your body holding itself up. 
You’re still wearing your skirt, yet you catch your girlfriend’s rabbit ears poking out from between your legs, the soft fur tickling your inner thighs. With one hand on the back of the couch for balance, the other strokes the long ears, earning you a choked groan from the hero. 
Daring to take a peek, you glance over your shoulder to find Usagiyama’s fit body splayed across the couch, one of her hands toying with her cunt. The sight only worsens the heat in your lower belly, and you find your hips grinding in tandem with your lover’s skillful tongue. 
“Lemme help you,” you pant, keeping your gaze on her display. “Just lemme turn around and—”
You don’t get to finish your sentence as the rabbit hero’s muscular arm hooks over your thigh to hold you tighter in place, the hand between her legs not stopping as she guides your hips to drag harder against her mouth. 
If you were a mess before, you’re an absolute lust puddle now, shocks from your cunt shooting throughout your body and shutting your brain down. Your guilt for not being able to pleasure her disappears—all you know is to beg for more. All you can do is beg for more. 
“Rumi!” you squeal, her tongue fucking into you while she drags your puffy clit against her nose. Despite the discomfort it brings your neck, your head remains turned as you watch your girlfriend pleasure herself, her abs occasionally flexing as she finger fucks her cunt. 
Meanwhile, you’re sliding a hand up to your chest, tugging and flicking at your nipple, chasing your high as Usagiyama’s moans go straight to your sensitive pussy. Bless her for holding you up—your legs could give out at any moment. 
“Cum on my tongue, honey,” she rasps beneath you, the squelching of her cunt growing louder as her fingers deepen their thrusts. “Make a fucking mess and let all of Japan know who’s responsible.”
You can’t refuse her even if you want to. Not that you do want to, not when she’s harshly sucking on your clit and showing you the stars and planets while setting your body ablaze. 
And the waterworks—not just the tears prickling your waterline, but the gushes of clear liquid soaking the hem of your skirt, the couch and no doubt, your girlfriend’s face. You can hear her drawn-out moan even with your heart pounding at your ribs, though you can’t tell if it’s from your taste or her having reached her high. Either way, the vibrations further fuel your orgasm, elongating it and making your legs give out.
Your eyes were crossed, too, apparently, though you didn’t realize it until your vision returned to normal. You feel your body carefully being brought down to lie on your stomach. When you turn to face the rabbit hero, you find her already sitting up on the couch, her legs spread apart as she licks your juices from her lips and chin. Matching her position, you reach for her hand, the one she used on herself, and wrap your lips around the slick-stained digits, sucking them clean while your eyes flutter shut at the savoury taste. 
“That’s my girl,” she smirks. Her fingers slip out with a pop, grimacing as you sit on a wet spot on the couch. Usagiyama pulls you into her side, wrapping a muscular arm around your shoulders. “Not so fired up now, are you?”
You hum, brows pinched together as you nuzzle against your partner. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The Pro Hero barks a laugh before scooping you into her arms and standing up from the couch. The sudden movement makes you yelp, clinging onto your girlfriend even tighter. 
Nevermind that.” Usagiyama’s marching to the bathroom before you know it, her energy in full tact like the past several minutes never happened. Even in her hold, your legs feel like jelly. “I still have a shower I need to take.”
“But the couch…” you can only whine an excuse.
“Nothing we can’t clean it later,” the Pro Hero dismisses, not even bothering to look back. She keeps her hold on you with one arm to open the bathroom door before carrying you inside. “Hell, we’ll get a new one if we gotta.”
Settling you on the toilet, your girlfriend gets to work by getting the water running in the shower. Her hair is still in her high ponytail from her run, and you watch with a tired smile as she frees the snowy strands from their constraint. 
“You owe me new panties,” you buzz, checking to see if you can stand. Successfully on your feet, you then find Usagiyama before you.
“Yeah, with all that hero money I got?” she muses, helping you undress. “Do you even need em when you’re home? They’ll just get in my way.”
Now that you're fully nude, your girlfriend takes the opportunity to slap your ass. You yelp, and she laughs at your reaction before leading you to the shower, pushing you against the wall as soon as you’re both in. 
The water is warm, caressing your skin with droplets upon droplets, yet Usagiyama’s gaze is more than enough to make you shiver.
You smile coyly. “Hi.”
“Hey,” she smirks, her hand trailing up your inner thigh. “You know I wasn’t done with you, right?”
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© creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
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summary: in a season where you're determined to fly under the radar, newly-returned crown prince!touya todoroki has other ideas. in this hand, a death is dodged and a deal is made (again).
wc: 3.3k
cw/tags: royalty!au/regency!au, fem!reader, mentions of blood and injury, what are we? trope, hurt/comfort, swearing, mentions of eating and food, unabashed references to dbatc and fortnight by taylor swift, also keigo is here lol
note: i love injury/comfort prompts, that's all. hope you enjoy!
likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated!
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“Who was that?”
“No one you need to care about,” Touya assures you when he steps back into the carriage, but he catches the skeptical narrow of your eyes as you follow the receding top hat-wearing figure. There was never getting anything past you, he’d learned over the weeks of your fake courtship. “It’s just personal business that requires my attention.” You hum, unnaturally letting the conversation drop and turning your gaze back to the scenery outside the window. Against his better judgment, he decides to press your buttons further. “You’re not going to accuse me of nefarious activities, my lady?”
“I’m not sure of what you mean, Your Highness,” you state curtly, a nearly imperceptible amount of malice behind your words. He frowns, searching his recent memories for what could possibly be bothering you. Was it something he’d said? Did he beat you too badly at poker? Were you craving a snack from the market? He stares dumbly until you finally meet his eye and you carefully nod your head over to the side, toward the third occupant of the carriage. Oh, shit. Right, he’s here too. 
“Please don’t feel the need to censor yourself for my sake, my lady,” the handsome, blonde airhead that was Prince Keigo Takami says politely while Touya fights the urge to groan. As the other crown prince of the nearest neighboring kingdom, Keigo had tormented Touya’s existence for an annoyingly large part of his life. He visited annually in his signature scarlet coats with gilded birds of prey embroidered on the sleeves, a stark contrast to Touya’s wardrobe of blue and silver. To his further irritation, your maroon day dress and satin gloves matched with Keigo’s color scheme and drew a harsh contrast between the two benches in the carriage. “Though, I do appreciate you sitting next to me for the trip to the market district. You are a better conversation partner than your suitor, if I may be blunt.” The smile you give Keigo is fake, he knows, but it still makes him nauseous to see you laughing with someone other than him. 
“It’s easy to imagine how this ride would have progressed if I were not here,” you chuckle and the prince next to you beams. Touya sticks his tongue out in disgust when Keigo is preoccupied looking out the window and you shoot him a stern look, making him click his tongue and cross his arms defensively over his chest. “The modiste that I visit for my nicer dresses is just down that street,” you point out, returning your attention to Keigo. “If Lady Rumi requires a dress for the end-of-season ball, she will be more than satisfied with the Yaoyorozu family’s work.” 
“I will pass word along,” Keigo affirms. “Have you decided what you will wear for the end-of-season ball?” You shake your head, examining a stray thread sticking out from your gloves and not looking anywhere near the other occupant of the carriage. 
“Most likely a dress similar to this one. The beading on this bodice is my favorite, but I may need a different color since I wore red last year.” 
“I believe blue would be a wonderful color for you, if I may,” Keigo offers and you nod, the stiffening of your posture almost too subtle for Touya to catch. Blue was always Touya’s color, the same way red was Keigo’s. “Wouldn’t you agree, Touya?” Asshole. You blink at him expectantly and he clears his throat for an excuse to stop looking at you. 
“Wear what you want,” he mumbles eventually, his words directed at the window beside him instead of you. “I don’t care.” A part of him dies from being so cold to you; but, if his indifference bothers you, you’re a master at hiding it. Prince Keigo, however, draws his mouth into a taut line in something akin to disappointment. 
“Forgive him for his cold demeanor,” Keigo amends, giving you an apologetic smile. “He’s been nauseous in carriage rides since we were children. It must be making him more irritable than usual.” 
“The only thing irritable about this carriage ride is you, Keigo,” Touya mutters with his eyes closed, his forehead pressed against the glass. He must’ve been in hell, the way Keigo was trying to silently implore him to say something and how you were wearing red, of all colors to wear. Red? Were you fucking kidding? “And, that obnoxious shade on your clothes,” he adds. You bark out a laugh that lacks any amount of humor, nothing like the warmth you’d shown Keigo. You were certainly angry at him. 
“I’m honored you find this shade so deplorable, Your Highness, since it belonged to my grandmother.” You huff an emotional breath with a hand over your heart. “May her soul rest in peace.” Touya’s face is lit on fire and he checks his watch in a futile attempt to make time go faster. Keigo manages to conjure up a few stunned apologies, but you end up sitting with the two princes for the rest of the ride in silence. 
Your dramatic sadness was feigned, of course. Truthfully, the dress was just a gift from your father for your birthday the previous year. Your grandmother had left you nothing but old shoes at her passing when you were barely fourteen, but Touya didn’t need to know that. 
You wanted to bother him, make him angry, and push him to his emotional limits just as he was testing yours. He was exceedingly frustrating lately, blurring the lines between fake affection and genuine romantic gestures so often, it left your head spinning. Every time you thought you had a grasp on where his mind was strategically, he’d turn around and look at you so lovingly that your knees would weaken. The feelings slowly making themselves known were becoming impossible to ignore, and you settled for re-discovering your dislike for Touya to combat them. 
And, obviously, he’d taken notice. 
“You’re upset with me,” he mutters next to you, quiet enough so that no one in the square could eavesdrop. Prince Keigo was away for the time being, looking through swatches of fabric that could be used for the palace’s new curtains. “I want to know why.”
“What gives you such an impression?” 
“You’re refusing to look at me, for starters,” he grits out. You abruptly turn on your heel and move to the next stall, selling winter wear and other warm clothes. A dark blue cloak catches your eye and you run your fingers over the ruched velvet. It was beautifully made and gave you an excuse to continue ignoring the prince. “Do you like it? You can have it,” he says from over your shoulder, gesturing for a nearby servant to pay the vendor. Before currency can be exchanged, you shake your head, giving the seller your thanks before leaving. The prince’s patience was sure to be running short now, and you glance at the clocktower for an estimate on how much longer you had to endure this. When you’re about to find a new hiding spot, an all-too-familiar hand grips your wrist and you’re dragged into a nearby alley between two buildings. The prince’s arm comes up to block you in, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The prince is close enough that you can see where the skin of his scars draw jagged lines across his face. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He all but spits the word and you refuse to back down from his glare. “You think you can just ignore me and get away with it? You think you can just back out of our deal?”
“I never said I was backing out of anything,” you snarl. “Maybe, I just want you to leave me alone for a single moment!” 
“I am your prince,” he hisses.
“And I am to be your intended within a fortnight, only for you to leave me like none of the exchanges we shared mattered in the slightest. Let me deal with that how I will,” you demand and shove his arm out of your way, storming into the marketplace and disappearing among the crowd. You hear him call out your name but you don’t dare respond, an odd feeling akin to grief starting to stir in your chest. You catch the faintest blur of movement running along the walkways between the four towers surrounding the square–
And barely dodge the arrow aimed directly for your liver. 
The marketplace descends into chaos within seconds as another barrage of arrows fires in your direction and you duck behind a stand as it falls, frantic customers running about like ants trapped in a jar. You pull your legs close and spot a growing patch of red dripping from your skirt and cringe when you see the gash cutting into the right side of your calf. You must have caught it on something while you were running, or a stray arrow grazed it during the first wave. From what you could tell, there were probably three or four assailants, all armed with bows and shooting in your direction. You silently prayed that Touya was still alive, however much you wanted to strangle him yourself. Boots skid to a stop in front of you and you’re ready to fight the attacker off with a nearby shard of stained glass, but relax when Keigo’s worried face appears in front of you. 
“Shit, there you are. I saw you storm off right before the attack started and figured Touya said something stupid again,” he says, his relief evident. “Are you hurt?” 
“There’s a wound on my leg,” you inform him with a wince, pulling up your skirt and fighting back a wave of nausea when you see how much blood is gushing from it. “I don’t–I don’t think I should be losing…” 
“That much blood, I know,” Keigo finishes, holding out his hand and tugging you out from under the table. With a hand around your waist, he guides you back into the dark alley, away from the screaming crowd, unrelenting streams of arrows, and the sudden smell of something burning. “Stay here, I’ll send Touya to come get you.” 
“No buts. He’s going to kill me if something happens to you, so just stay here. Okay?” You nod and back further into the alley, an airy feeling growing in your mind that was making it hard to think. You register Keigo running back out into the conflict, but don’t remember how you ended up slumped against the wall or how long you stayed there until Touya tore his way through the darkness. The airiness in your head was concerning, now, but something in your head said that sleeping it off would make it go away. The prince didn’t think so. 
“You gotta stay with me,” you hear him plead, his body crouched in front of you and his face inches from yours. Something was bright and vividly blue behind him in the square, waving like a clothesline in a hurricane. Fire? “If you go to sleep, that’s going to ruin many, many things for me.”
“I’m bleeding out and the only thing you can think of is yourself,” you murmur, blinking slowly. The dry skin of his palms meet your cheek as he gently holds your face upright, his burning stare wrought with concern. “Typical.”
“The only thing I’m thinking of right now is you, dumbass,” he snaps, glancing up and down the alley. “I need to move you. I have a safe house a few blocks down from here. If we go now–”
“I can’t,” you tell him in a broken whisper and his face falls. “It hurts too much to walk.”
“I’ll carry you. I don’t care how far or for how long, I just need to get you somewhere safe.” Desperation starts to leak into his voice and, if you weren’t on the verge of passing out, you would tease him. “Wrap your arm around my shoulder because we have to go, now.” You have no choice but to obey him as his arms slip under your legs and back, and you stifle a cry into your fist when a blinding spike of pain throbs in your calf. 
“Touya, it hurts,” you groan against his chest. “It really fucking hurts.”
“I know it does. Just hold out for a little longer and I’ll stop the bleeding, I promise. You’re going to be okay.” The dark alleys of the market district become a blur of bricks and broken windows, ultimately fading into darkness as Touya’s voice becomes distant. 
You wake with a start in an unfamiliar bed and register the dull pain in your calf, now carefully wrapped in thick gauze. It was dark and you could vaguely make out silhouettes of furniture in dim candlelight. You were in an attic of some sorts, your bed shoved against a slanted wall and facing a large circular window that overlooked the city. A small sofa, a set of drawers, and a desk were haphazardly strewn across the remaining space, and a surprisingly soft rug hits your feet when you swing your legs over the edge of the bed. Before you can stand, a square cutout in the floor pops up and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t relieved to see who opened the hatch. 
“What the hell are you doing sitting up? You should be resting,” Touya commands, hurriedly setting down a tray of food and rushing to your side. Without meeting your eyes, he kneels in front of you as you open your mouth to argue, but the words die on your tongue when he gingerly takes your calf in his hands. “The bleeding stopped, thankfully, but you need to be careful not to open your stitches.”
“You gave me stitches?” 
“No, a friend did. She’s good with needles and better with blood than I am,” he replies absentmindedly, still turning your leg over in his palms. He rotates the limb a little too far to the side and you inhale through your teeth, flinching away as far as you could go. “Shit, sorry.” He stands abruptly and retrieves the tray of food from the floor near the hatch, setting it on an empty spot on the bed before sitting down himself. “Are you hungry? You need to eat something, and drink water, and probably rest some more–” 
“Touya,” you insist, grabbing his hand as it shakily rearranged various small plates of food. He finally looks at you and you’re met with an expression you’ve never seen on his stupidly handsome face. The prince looked…scared. “Just give me a second to process things, please.” 
“You need to heal,” he protests. “I will take care of you.”
“You can, if you tell me where I am right now,” you state and he exhales out of his mouth, considering you a moment longer before setting the tray in your lap. “I’ll eat, but I need you to explain to me what happened.” He watches you take a few small bites from your fork before answering, like he was still afraid you’d deny him the opportunity to dote on you. 
“We were attacked. Assassination attempt on my life. You just happened to be in the crossfire,” he scowls. “I’m sorry you were hurt because of me.” The silence in the attic as you eat is palpable. “And…I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you angry.” Your mouth quirks into the tiniest smile, but it’s again devoid of any real humor. 
“You still don’t understand what you’ve been doing?” He was wracking his brain again, trying to figure out what he’d done, but no answer occurred to him. 
“I don’t, but I do feel remorse that I’ve upset you,” he admits, hoping you’d put him out of his misery and just tell him what he did wrong so he could fix it. He wanted to fix your sad smile the same way he’d fixed your leg, but something in him was saying that what you were feeling wasn’t simply physical. “If we’re going to finish the deal–”
“That’s why I’m upset,” you interject and he pauses. How could you be mad about the deal when you’d been so agreeable only a few weeks ago? “I can’t say I enjoy how this agreement has been progressing.” 
“What have I done to upset you?”
“What haven’t you done should be your question,” you mutter almost imperceptibly. Touya exhales deeply again, this time through his nose. At least you were feeling strong enough to talk back. “You really don’t understand what your intimacy has been insinuating?” He freezes. Were you implying what he thought you were implying? 
“I don’t know what you mean,” he forces out. If you developed feelings for him, that wasn’t his fault. He was going to leave, after all, so he’d be out of your life soon enough. Perhaps, though, that wasn’t what you wanted. Nonetheless you shake your head, a clear signal he was losing you again. “Please, tell me what you mean,” he says in an attempt to regain your attention. You pause, eyes staring off at the blanket covering your lower body.  
“You look at me fondly as if I were a friend,” you explain quietly. “Sometimes, I’m foolish enough to believe I am one; yet, it feels like a small cut every time I realize that it is all for show.” 
“And how many cuts do you have now?” How many times had he hurt you? 
“Too many to count,” you say and something in his chest twists like a maid wringing a towel. He’d been selfish, truthfully. He liked your attention, how you rolled your eyes and were quick to debate him on any topic under the sun. It didn’t occur to him, though, how the blurry line between business and friendship affected you. 
“I don’t know what you want me to do.” The look you give him is akin to his royal tutor hitting him on the head with a rolled up scroll. 
“Do you care for me, Touya?” He nods carefully, trying to predict your angle. “Are you being genuine?”
“I have every reason to lie to you, but on this I am true.” 
“I am not just a business transaction to you?” 
“The furthest from it.” You seem to accept this and the tiniest weight leaves his shoulders, but the aura of unhappiness that you radiate still remains. “What would you have me do to prove that I care for you?” 
A pause, two shaky breaths.
“Let me in. Allow me to be your friend, if only for the fortnight until you propose.” There was a sadness in your request that he couldn’t place, but he finds himself agreeing without hesitation. Despite the masquerade ball of liars and fakes he’d been trained to deceive in the palace, a part of him longed to be seen by someone for how he really is. The only question now asked how much danger he was unwillingly putting you in. 
For the time being, he stored the concern in the back of his mind, relishing in the feeling of your hand slipping into the rough calluses in his palm. Whether you reached out first or he did, it didn’t matter. The touch felt different, something shifting in the air as he ran his thumb over your knuckles. You’d set down your utensil and found the side of his face, brushing your fingers over the mottled scars on his cheeks. What an odd ache, he thought to himself as he replayed the memory back in his mind while you slept again. He didn’t understand the feeling until a few hours later, when he returned you home and you were out of his sight. 
For the first time in years, Touya Todoroki felt seen. 
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emmyrosee · 3 months
Hello, it's my first time requesting, so I'm not sure if this is the inbox you mentioned. I hope it is, and sorry if it is not. Can you do dad Miya Osamu with his child standing on his leg to be able to see the counter while he cooks, or something similar his child hanging on his leg, so he has to pick them up every time he needs to move around the kitchen to find stuff? I don't know if I explained it well, but if you want, I can send you the video I saw that made me ask this. Thank you :)
The pots boil loudly on the stovetop, and you watch affectionately as Osamu hunches over and grabs Hiroki, wrapped happily around his leg, by his bottom. The small boy laughs at the movement, and Osamu lets him go once he’s at the stove, stirring the water to quell its bubbling fury.
“I can take him off, you know,” you remind him, which your husband shrugs.
“I dunno,” he says. “Like having little man here. He doesn’t help a lot, but he boosts morale.”
“Is that what they said about you in high school?”
You laugh at the glare he’s quick to send you over his shoulder, head whipping to face you before he takes a dramatic sigh in through his nose, “I’ll have you know I was very talented in high school, thank you very much.” He hooks his hand under Hiroki’s bottom again as he turns back to the island in the kitchen, resuming the chopping of his vegetables while Hiroki starts suckling on the hem of his fathers pants. “What do you want for sides?”
“Whatever you suggest,” you hum. Osamu once again grabs Hiroki and waddles his way to the fridge, careful to not make the small boy fall off.
“I think there’s some left over kimchi, I know Rumi liked that the other night.”
“Kimchi it is, then,” you say, smiling. “With how picky she is, anything you get her to eat is plenty fine with me.”
“I know,” Osamu chuckles. He reaches into the fridge to grab a pack of chicken cutlets, placing them in his hand before grabbing Hiroki once more with the other. “Go relax momma, I’ve got this.”
“You sure you don’t want me to take him off?” You ask.
Osamu looks down at his little boy with an affectionate smile, “nah. Besides, you deserve 15 minutes to yourself. I’ll call you when dinners done.”
“Okay,” you mewl, stalking up to him to press a kiss to his cheek. A tiny hand pats your thigh lovingly, and when you look down, Hiroki has his father’s pants in his mouth again. “He’s uh-“
“Yeah, I know. I feel it.”
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arc-misadventures · 10 months
A funny little idea that popped into my head with the bunny knight posts.
Rabbit faunus Jaune introducing his 'daughter' Juniper(small faunus version of the jackalope) to Velvet and her family
Little BunBun
Jaune was in the midst of a mission in a small village that had recently been attacked by, Grimm. Jaune, and his team had managed to defeat the, Grimm with minimal damage to the town. But, they were combing through the town checking the destroyed, buildings for any survivors, or if there may still be some, Grimm lurking about.
Jaune: Guys? How’s everything going; Any survivors?
Ren: None so far.
Nora: Found one! Pyrrha, give me a hand!
Pyrrha: On it!
Jaune: Need help?
Pyrrha: Don’t worry, I got him!
Jaune: Okay.
Jaune continued to walk through the town when he stopped abruptly, he heard some rustling in nearby bush. He raised his shield, and pointed his sword towards the sound. He slowly creeped forward, hearing the bush rustling more until it stopped when he came close. He bent down to look at the underbrush. And, saw something he didn’t expect.
Jaune: Oh… Well, hello there.
Jaune: So, yeah. That’s how all of this happened.
Velvet: Oh, that so sad…
Lulu: I can’t believe this could possibly even happen.
Ilaria: It’s more common than you may think… The same thing happened to me when we were younger.
Rumi: I have the scars to prove it.
Silk: And, it happened to this innocent child as well?
Lily: So… W-What’s her name?
Jaune: Oh yes, say hello to my adopted daughter, Juniper Arc. Say ‘hi,’ Juniper.
A small faunas girl slowly peaked out from behind, Jaune’s leg, before darting back behind his leg.
Jaune: It’s okay, Juni, they’re alright. Just like gramma, grampa, and all your crazy aunts.
The girl slowly appeared from behind, Jaune’s leg, and nervously waved at the, Scarlatina family.
Juniper: H-Hi…
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Ilaria: Well, hello there sweetie, my name is, Iliara, it’s nice to meet you~!
Juniper: Hi…
Lulu: She’s so cute~!
Lily: Oh~! I want one~!
Silk: She’s already got eight aunts… What’s wrong with one more…?
Velvet: How about another sibling instead~?
Rumi: This is… giving me ideas…
Iliara: You look hungry, do you want something to eat dear?
Juniper looked at them before darting back behind her adopted fathers leg. Jaune could feel her shaking nervously against him.
Jaune: Sorry, she’s scared around other people because of… Because of stuff.
Silk: What stuff?
Jaune: Stuff.
Lily: Best leave it at that.
Jaune: Give her some time, and some space, and she’ll warm up to you all eventually. So long as you don’t do what my mother did…
Velvet: What happened?
Jaune: Well…
Juniper: SHE’S. SO. PRECIOUS!!!
Juniper, Jaune’s mother squealed in delight as she hugged her first grandchild. She didn’t care if she was adopted, all that she cared was that she finally had her first grandchild, and that she was absolutely adorable.
Everyone was adoring watching, Juniper embrace her new grandchild, except for two people; Jaune who knew, Juniper, his daughter, had anxiety issues when it came to other people, and Juniper, the child, who was in the midst of said anxiety issues as she frantically tried to get out of her overbearing grip on her.
Jaune: Yeah, she started to hide behind something whenever mom got too close for comfort.
Ilaria: Oh my.
Jaune: So yeah, please give her some space, and time.
Lulu: Can do!
Rumi: I’ll make sure the others give her some space.
Silk: I gotta take a photo of this!
Lily: Awwww~! The way she clings on to him is so precious!
Velvet: She’s just a scared little bunny rabbit.
Ilaria: She reminds me of you girls when you were her age. A whole litter of scared little bunnies. Ahh, you were so adorable.
Jaune: Yeah, she is a… Hmm? What is it, Juni?
Jaune bent down to look into the eyes of his daughter after she pulled at his pants leggings. Looking into her beautiful golden eyes as she cutely stared at her adopted father.
Juniper: Dad, i’m hungry.
Jaune: Alright, lets get something to eat dear.
Jaune picked up his daughter, and held her in his arms, and turned to address the, Scarlatina family.
Jaune: Sorry, ladies. The little lady is hungry. We’re going to grab something to eat. We’ll catch you all later. Say, ‘goodbye,’ Juni.
Juniper: Bye.
IRVLLS: Awww~!
They waved back at the little girl as they watched the father, and daughter duo leave.
Velvet: That is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.
Silk: I always had a feeling, Jaune would be a great father. And, he took to it like an eagle flying in the sky.
Lulu: Hey… Uhh…? D-Did any of you feel a sort of… throbbing feeling in your gut?
Lily: Now that you mention it, I kinda did.
Rumi: So did I.
Silk: Are we sick?
Velvet: I knew there was something off with that casserole we had yesterday!
Ilaria: Oh don’t worry, I know what this feeling is, I’ve had it before myself.
Silk: You have?
Ilaria: Oh yes, numerous times in fact.
Velvet: Then what is it?
Ilaria: A desire to do some baby making~!
Lily: WHAT?!
Lulu: That was my womb throbbing then?
Velvet: Did seeing, Jaune with, Juniper really do that to us?
Rumi: Dips.
Silk: Di…?! Fuck!
Lulu: Wait, are yoy two going to… with the aim of having his kids?!
Silk: I want to be a mom, and, Jaune has already proven he will be one hell of a daddy~! So why not?
Rumi: I’m at that age where I want to settle down, and have a family. Who better to do that with than, Jaune?
Ilaria: Care to make that a threesome sister? Maybe we can give our hips a break of we tag team him.
Rumi: Ha! That’s not gonna happen…
Ilaria: I know…
What do you think of the art? I couldn’t find any good art of a jackalope anime girl. So I found a cute bunny girl, and tweaked it so she looked like a faunas version of, Juniper.
Which was a nightmare to do that on my phone. Couldn’t get anything looking right…
Art isn’t mine.
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