jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 10 months
ArShi TS: Open Secret [2/3]
Word Count: ~2000 words
Prompt by @ruminationsofaraven​
What if all the secrets are revealed during the Holi segment? Can you write about the dynamic shift in the characters and how this would affect the Raizada parivaar in this phase of their lives.
Read part 1
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Shyam had intended to color Khushi all along. If only Arnav hadn’t come in between… but for how long? What if the next time Arnav wasn’t around? Then? 
The thought sobered Payal up more than the lemon pickles. Them hiding Shyam’s true colors was a mistake. That man had no intention of changing, his disgust on Khushi being married was evident and so was his desperation to get to Khushi one way or the other.
Oh what had they done! For Payal’s marriage they had all put Khushi’s safety at stake. What if Khushi wasn’t married into the family, what if he had blackmailed Khushi to ensure the safety of Payal’s marriage? 
Khushi’s marriage, more of an elopement, was a blessing in disguise because Payal’s marriage to Akash had just been the leverage Shyam could have used against the Guptas. Especially Khushi.
No, Akash had to know the truth. 
Payal composed herself and head to her bedroom to find a stony faced Akash, a devastated Nani and an enraged Manohar. 
What was going on? 
– – – – – – – – – – –
“What is going on!” Manohar yelled, quieting Manorama with his rare rage as the rest of the family flinched in the living room. Shyam sweated profusely, Khushi blinked in confusion and Arnav was just sobering up. 
“Mama ji-” Shyam began but Manohar stopped him in his place with a look. 
What the hell… 
Anjali sat next to Khushi, holding her hand tightly. Khushi’s attention was diverted to the quivering pregnant woman. 
“Bitwa, please calm down. Anjali bitiya-” Nani began, trying to reign in her son’s temper. Anjali was expecting and she was of faint heart. God forbid if she followed her mother’s footsteps then Devyani would have no will to live at all. 
“How long has this been going on?” Akash asked Shyam, his anger barely in check. When Shyam feigned innocence, Akash rolled his eyes and took Khushi’s phone from Mama ji. 
“Di, I’m really sorry. But you should read the texts that your husband sends out to your sister in law.” Arnav stood up, realizing Akash had figured out what he had. He grabbed the phone from Akash’s hands, stopping him from handing it over to Anjali.
Anjali wouldn’t be able to bear the truth. 
“Akash, leave it.” Arnav warned. Akash froze, Arnav knew. 
“Bhai… how can I leave it? The whole house has a right to know, especially Di-” Shyam paled at the conflict between the cousins. Shit. They knew. But how much? And what perspective? 
If Akash thought what Arnav thought, then Khushi and Payal would be kicked out from the house and everything would work in his favor. 
But Anjali looked strangely calm. Perhaps she wouldn’t believe her cousins. Shyam formulated a plan, he would beg for forgiveness and talk about the way Khushi came onto him. That’s how the Gupta sisters are. Payal grabbed Akash at the first chance and when Khushi couldn’t get Arnav, she and her family latched onto the very married Shyam. 
This would make perfect sense. 
And Garima would never speak to the family - he knew it by her fear of Payal’s broken wedding! 
Anjali stood up and grabbed the phone from her brothers, reading aloud the text message from Shyam. 
“Dear Khushi ji, it’s time to bury the hatchet at this wonderful festival, isn’t it? I miss you, and I still love you. Trust me, Rani Saheba means nothing to me. Yours, Shyam” Anjali’s voice shook. Khushi panicked, disgusted at the text message. She should’ve never given the man another chance. Rather, she should have buried him alive the minute she had got to know the truth. 
He wouldn’t stop. He never would. It was her biggest mistake to have kept it quiet for the sake of Payal’s marriage. But speaking of Payal, where was she? 
Arnav yanked Khushi by the arms, his eyes bloodshot in rage. 
“How dare you-”
“Chote!” Anjali pulled Khushi away from Arnav’s grip - which left bruises on Khushi’s arms, as always. 
“Di?” Arnav asked in disbelief. 
“This is a lie…” She pointed to the text, “or half of the truth. We don’t know everything. I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding.” Anjali begged her brother. 
Oh Anjali and her false hopes.
“Exactly Rani Saheba, this is not what you think it is.” Shyam, finally, opened his mouth. The whole family glared at him except Anjali. Phew, that meant his lottery ticket still believed in him. 
“No Di, I know her. She’s a disgusting gold digger woman with no character-” Khushi stared at Arnav in disbelief. That is what he thought about her? Is that why he married her? But what about their heartbeats? How was he able to give her so much happiness and so much pain at once? The ground slipped beyond her feet as vicious, vile words spilled out of Arnav’s mouth. 
“Bhai-”, “Bitwa-” Akash and Manohar tried to stop Arnav but in fail. 
“ENOUGH!” Payal screamed, her family in tow. 
This was worse than she had imagined. Akash, Manohar and Devyani gave her a chance to tell the truth and she rushed home to bring back Garima and Madhumati to corroborate their version of events. But all they walked into was Khushi’s character assassination. 
How did this happen? It was Shyam who sinned, correct? 
“You’re happy hiding the truth na Amma?” Payal accused Garima, tears pricking her eyes. Madhumati on the hand just stormed off into the living room, her blood pressure rising through the roof. 
Shyam remained quiet, the situation was incredibly volatile and he needed to assess everyone’s tonality before he could give a fitting reply to save his place. But his demeanor slipped looking at Madhumati raging like a bull towards him. 
She paused, switching glares between him and Arnav. Interesting, who would she hit first? By the looks of it… Arnav was the target. 
Instead she grabbed Khushi’s wrist and pulled her away. 
“What are you doing?” Devyani asked. 
“Well this house does not respect my niece, so I’m taking her away from here.” Madhumati announced, pulling a frozen Khushi along.
“Respectwa? Hello hi bye bye, since when have we started respecting these kind of women?” Manorama sneered. 
“Enough!” Payal snapped, tearfully she looked at Akash, “Akash, when I thought you, Papa ji and Dadi ji gave me a chance to bring my family along I thought you were giving the truth a chance. But I see you’ve all already laid judgment - especially jethji.” Arnav frowned. 
“There is no other truth, Payal,” Arnav warned her, holding his sister tight. 
“How do you know that Arnav?” Arnav stiffened as Anjali’s soft, yet firm voice broke through the tension. 
“How do you know everything?” Anjali whispered.
“Exactly saale sahab-” Shyam agreed, “No one’s talking to you Shyam ji,” Anjali said, freezing Shyam. What did that mean? Did Anjali know the truth? How? 
“All you have is Shyam ji telling he loves Khushi, what do you know about what she feels?” Anjali questioned. Arnav balked at his sister’s calm questioning. Where was the anger? Where was the rage? This was her life!
“I’ve not seen anyone ask Khushi what the truth is.” Anjali left Arnav and held Khushi. Madhumati let her go, stunned that out of all people to show rationality it was Anjali. 
“What is the truth Khushi ji, tell me? You’ve already tried telling me once, haina?” Khushi finally broke out of her thoughts, staring at Anjali in confusion. 
Anjali smiled amidst her tears, holding Khushi’s cheeks gingerly, “It’s ok, this time I wouldn’t pretend to fear for my husband’s life.” The whole house fell quiet as Khushi broke into sobs, hugging the other woman tightly. 
– – – – – – – – – –
Anjali had laughed at everyone when they learned Khushi’s fiance was Shyam too. But the laughter quickly faded when she saw the ring on Khushi’s hand to be exceedingly similar to Shyam’s taste and the engagement ring he had selected for Anjali. 
Or when Motilal met Anjali again, laughing how Shyam was buying two rings for Anjali - he must be making up for a crime! 
Anjali’s suspicions solidified when the day she formally introduced Shyam and Khushi, Khushi’s engagement broke and she had come over the next day, tearfully trying to tell her the truth.
She thought all was well with Shyam paying attention to her, Arnav and Khushi’s growing attraction to each other, and Shyam’s joy over her safety when she returned from the accident. 
But one look at Holi and she knew her husband hadn’t stopped chasing Khushi, in fact he had only grown bolder, more dangerous. 
– – – – – – 
The house was quiet as Khushi was done with her version of events - from Lucknow to Delhi. 
“She’s lying!” Shyam cried, but this time Madhumati held his wrist in a menacing grip to let this man escape. 
“Lying? We have the whole of Lakshminagar to confirm your dalliance in our house!” Payal seethed. Garima closed her eyes, the errors of her judgment clear.  
“Hello hi bye bye, actions so down yet voice so louds?” Manorama scoffed at Shyam. Unbelievable! Any emotion, any tears, anything she felt for her beloved damaad disappeared in an instant. Manohar consoled the distraught Devyani but Manorama sought strength from Anjali’s strength. 
If her darling niece didn’t break down from the truth - she would not either. She slipped away from the crowd, calling her police contacts to file an FIR for everything Shyam had done. Attempted bigamy to stalking, siphoning funds off Anjali’s account to continuous harassment of Khushi.
Someone over here had to be practical.
“If you had only asked me,” Khushi asked Arnav, distraught that he hadn’t even liked her enough to ask. Not even asked. He had simply believed the worst of her in the blink of an eye. 
And even if he had believed the truth, did he think he had no right to yell at her? To demand her side of the story? To demand justifications for what all they felt? 
“So everyone knew some part of the truth anyways?” Akash laughed bitterly, settling on the sofa. Arnav could not respond, his heart soaring at the thought that Khushi was innocent but his mind calculating the damage of his actions. 
“And nobody, nobody told me.” Akash sighed. Payal reached out to him, attempting to hold his hand but he shrugged it off.
“You know Payal, I understand Bhai not telling me because if I heard only his version of events I might have not been able to marry you. I get it that he tried to preserve our family as much as he could. I understand Di not telling me because she herself was not sure if what she suspected was true or not. But you? Your family? You all literally did not tell me the truth just so you could marry me?” Akash was hurt, that despite all of his mother’s warnings that the Guptas would like to secure this marriage - a part of her was right. 
“Nahi Bitwa, Payal already had a broken marriage-” Garima began but Akash raised his hand, unable to hear anything else. 
“I know she had, and to be honest I’d understand if you had hidden that from me. But a truth concerning my sister’s wellbeing? I mean don’t tell me you all actually thought Di would be happy with Shyam-” Akash questioned the Guptas, their shame faces telling everything. 
Shyam, meanwhile, had nothing apart from silence to offer. The family spoke as if he didn’t exist, and pretended to not see when the police picked him up and carried him off to jail. This was the heights?! His yells to Anjali, curses to the Raizadas and threats to the Guptas only helped the police further to lock him up. Manorama only bid him a happy bye bye from the doorway. 
“I’m sorry Di,” Khushi whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. Anjali had not left Khushi’s side at all. She had played complicit to Khushi’s harassment. 
“It’s ok, you’re young. People make mistakes,” Anjali paused and looked at a stricken Arnav, “don’t they?” 
Arnav swayed on his feet, collapsing by Anjali and unable to meet Khushi’s eyes. 
What had he done? 
“You are right Akash. My family acted purely out of selfishness for my marriage to happen. As such I have violated the sanctity of truth of our marriage.” Payal whispered, wiping her tears away. 
“Hence, the only way to repair this, is for me to walk out of your life.”
A/N: Finally I've updated this! Last part left! Let me know how you think this would transpire???
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foolgobi65 · 4 years
Prompt Fluff: “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” - Ram x Sita - High School AU
!!!! this was so fun!!! short and sweet lol (sorry!) but thank u so much for the prompt hope u like it!! 
“Are you flirting with me?” 
Sita looks up from the book she’s pretending to read, sitting across from Rama as she always has when he chooses to study in the library during their shared lunch period. Her foot rests against his sock-covered ankle, as it has the last twelve times they have been here. Rama, hair slightly ruffled after nearly half a day of class, tie slightly undone under his vest and school blazer on the table to discourage others from joining them, is staring at Sita as if for the first time. 
It isn’t scandal, Sita decides after a minute of observing his expression, nor is it disgust. Just surprise. 
So: “Yes,” she says, shrugging, “I am. You finally noticed?” 
His eyes widen. “Finally? Has...” Rama swallows. “Was this not the first time?” 
Sita would laugh if she didn't know that the Head Librarian was just waiting for an excuse to finally toss her out, Sita’s study partner being the son of a major school donor notwithstanding. She smiles. “It’s been a few months,” she admits, trying to be kind. It wasn’t like she hadn’t known that he would be obtuse after so many years of watching him accidentally reject the offers of other girls, not even realizing he was doing so when he walked past them to sit next to Sita on school trips, trade books with her in the hallways, drive her home after school. 
“Months!” Now Sita hears the scandal, and begins to blush. 
“It’s ok if you don’t like me back,” she mumbles, watching her fingers trace the lettering on the spine of her book. “I just thought --” 
“Not like you back?!” Sita’s eyes snap up in alarm because Rama sounds as near hysterical as she’s ever known him to be. He’s raised his voice in the library of all places! “Sita,” he leans back, chair scraping as he stands up, towering over her as he makes his confession. “I’m in love with you!” 
“What?” Sita stands up so quickly she gets tangled in her chair, tripping slightly as it moves back. Rama’s hand shoots out to grab hers as she flails back, and when she’s steady enough to look at his face again he’s smiling gently, eyes fond as if he really is in love. 
But wait -- “You always look at me like that,” she accuses. 
“Like what?” 
“Like you love me! I just thought you looked at all of your friends like that.” Or well, she’d hoped, which was why she had spent the last few months trying to get his attention, but she hadn’t known.
Rama’s brow furrows. “I don’t have any other friends,” he says honestly as if that doesn’t break Sita’s heart every time she thinks too hard. But in a way, that’s kind of her point. 
“How do you know it’s love then, and not just....heightened friendship?” 
His face relaxes back into the smile. “How do you?” 
“I....” So many things, Sita thinks, but none that can be said in the middle of the library on a Wednesday. Especially not when she knows that the Head Librarian is undoubtedly creeping the stacks, trying to listen to their conversation so that she has something good to pass on at the next faculty meeting. Sita bites her lip. “Because of this,” she decides, left hand reaching out to grab him by the tie, right hand tangling in his hair. 
Their first kiss is a mash of noses and lips, and the rim of Rama’s glasses biting just slightly into the skin of Sita’s cheek. He’s leaning awkwardly over the table, hands planted like trees at the edge of the table. Sita realizes very quickly that neither of them has ever done this before -- and she knows that the only movies he sees are the once he watches with her. 
Still: “Good?” she asks when they split apart. 
“We’ll practice,” he says dazedly, eyes roaming the contours of her face as one hand coming up to wipe what she assumes is spittle at the edge of her lip. “But yes, I’d say so.” 
Sita smiles. “Good.” She leans in to peck him quickly on the cheek. “I love you too.” 
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2,7,20 - soft asks
Hey! Thanks for the ask :)
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
I think Tu Hai Mera Sunday might have recently stolen this mantle, that movie made my entire heart happy! But before that there was never a movie per se, but I’d watch my favorite scenes in movies to cheer myself up (For example, that scene in Baahubali when he chops that dude’s head off for attempting to grope his wife - yes, that’s a feel good moment for me. I can be categorized as weird 😂)
7. what color brings you peace?
Teal in any shade - I find something about it very soothing.
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
Can I say Covid-19 vaccine with no side-affects or would that be too on the nose? I feel like that would solve many of the stressors in my life right now, haha.
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herawell · 4 years
Bhallaladeva - ten sentence prompt
(Favorite) Color
Kattappa’s eyes are always a little softer when he looks at Baahu, and Bhalla practices twice as hard to make up for it, until his cheeks are flushed with exertion.
Only Devasena would decide to combine Carnatic music with rap for the annual charity gala, and not tell Mother or Bhalla, the real CEO and CEO-apparent of Mahishmati Inc, until the afternoon before the event.
The crowds begin to cheer with real enthusiasm, and his palms have ten red crescents when they unclench.
Mythological Creature
Baahu reveres Devasena as something greater than she really is – his four-fingered archer, his Kuntalan firebrand – and it irritates Bhalla to see his dreamy brother so characteristically smitten.
Father is an excellent bedtime storyteller, but only when he hasn’t had too much to drink, and as Bhalla gets older, more and more nights Father comes to his bed with slurred bitterness and dark mutterings.
He loathes the idea of fate governing all, that one cannot rise on the merits of clever and cunning, and never heeds the palm readings conducted by the priests; to his surprise, Baahu agrees.
Bhalla hopes that if Dronacharya had asked him what he saw when looking at the tree, he would have had enough of Lord Arjuna’s focus and ruthlessness to also say, “The eye of the bird.”
Role Model
Long after his hair has gone gray, he can still feel the cadence and echo of his mother’s voice, commandeering the throne room.
“Why is that your mother is also my mother, but your father is not my father?” Baahu asks one day, shortly after they lose their first teeth, and it is a question Bhalla never really answers.
Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Cardinal Virtues
Having a son and heir is every man’s dream, but Bhadra is entirely Bhalla’s in a way he cannot explain, in a way that makes his son all the dearer to him.
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ambidextrousarcher · 4 years
Daisy, hyacinth, cherry blossom - flower ask
Daisy: Hugs. Someone reaching out to me. Both of these things make me smile  a lot.
Hyacinth: Haha, everyone is asking me hyacinth, Aaliya akka! Anyway, I guess you’ve already seen it, but it’s me enacting scenarios in my head and out loud whenever I’m free.
Cherry blossom: Um, I’m a student. So, ah, work for me, is college, I guess? I wake up between 4:30-6:30, depends on whether it is exam time or not. If I wake up a 4:30, I study till 7. I get ready by 7:30, and am in class by 7:50 for the 8 am class. I have class till 1, then lunch. I listen to music/read while eating, and am in lab by 1:50 for the 2′o clock class. We’re generally left by 4. Then I go to my room. I take a nap if I woke up at 4:30, otherwise, I hit the gym for 30 min after getting fresh. Then I come back, chill till dinner. I talk to my parents and family after dinner. By 9-9:30, I start studying/completing records, till about 11:30, if I woke up at 4:30, otherwise I sleep by 12-12:30.
Holidays: I wake up latest by 8:30. It’s not really structured. I catch up on writing and reading novels, study randomly, talk for hours with family and friends, eat, watch videos, sleep. Sometimes I go to the mall, or to a hotel, mostly order from Swiggy/Zomato.
Quite a boring life, I guess. But I’m happy, so hey.
Thanks for the question, @ruminationsofaraven!
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phati-sari · 4 years
Heyoo! Just dropping by to say that you have a phenomenal IPKKND fanblog with the fun bits and great fan fiction. 💕🤩 Cheers.
Thank you very much, this so kind omg. Thank you thank you! I’m really glad you like my corner of the interwebs.
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rowdyprofessor · 4 years
Okay, so is Advay really a Maths Professor? I watched IPKKND 3 four days ago and it went by as a blur. Finished 70 episodes in one day and I honestly don't know how I feel about all this. This is toxic addiction. 🥵🤦‍♀️❤ He had me at the beard. 🥵💕
I have no idea what I watched either. I mean: 
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It’s such a confused mess hahah but holds a special place in my heart. I loved it in the beginning, Advay was such an arresting lead. 
I see you’d asked @theladyofthewest this question as well :) He was indeed a maths professor. Meghna introduced him to us in Episode 8:
Advay. Advay Singh Raizada. London-return. Maths professor, musician, and rich.
He had cloud-seeding software on his laptop and he saw equations everywhere (I called it Advay-vision, I never got over them getting rid of that.) 
There was also this gem in Episode 22:
Chandni: “Aap koi master-ji hai kya?”    [Are you some kind of teacher?] Advay: “As a matter of fact, yeah. Main ek professor hoon.”    [As a matter of fact, yeah. I’m a professor.]
So of course, Chandni calls him Rowdy Professor :)
I always thought he must have a very strong background in science as well, considering his tricks with electromagnets and what-not, but that’s mostly just me projecting my double degree onto him haha.
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lumifuer · 5 years
#2 with Dean Winchester, fluffy smut with knife kink, maybe.
Thank you for giving me a smutty request with Dean! It’s on the list ♥
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meraudurs · 8 years
Dude, you like biriyani? Just saw it on your blog and it was nice to see someone appreciate that baby!
right!! it’s so good omg 
my mom makes it every three weeks on saturdays. and I?? die of happiness every time. 
one food I can have everyday for the rest of my life and I can never get tired of it :D
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Tag Game #10
Thanks for the tag @ruminationsofaraven💕💕
Relationship status : Single (we’re not counting fictional men we’re married to in our heads right?)
Favourite colour : Pink/Teal
Three favourite foods : Mumbai Chaat (Frankie, pani puri, etc), Bubble Tea, Fettucini Alfredo [these three right now, my craving changes now and then] 
Last thing I googled : Gunjan Bhushan (yes, MJHT waali)
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Time : 11:01 pm
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Tagging: @maansiloves, @m0hinii, @ferociouspompom, @shiyaravi, @shaonharryandpannisim, @pakki-ya-nahin​, @leila1​ and anyone else who wants to do this.
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awkwardqueenofhell · 3 years
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Ram in '96 (2018)
"The Life of Ram"
@ruminationsofaraven @rippys-chai
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desi-bollywoodhaven · 3 years
Tagged by @ruminationsofaraven thank you ❣️💜
Top 5 Celebrity Crushes
Chris Evans
My darling baby
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Ranveer Singh
My sweetheart, He looks great in everything
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Rana Daggubati
My giant baby, Rana! Also Bhalla!
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Ben Barnes
Those eyes
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Sebastian Stan
Actually Bucky Barnes
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Shruti Hassan
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Disha Patani
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Anushka Sharma
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Tamanna Bhatia
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Samantha Akkineni
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herawell · 4 years
@ruminationsofaraven replied to your photoset: Faasle hai phir bhi magar, jaise milte nahi kisi...
I remember how I pined over this song at night, especially with the earphones on and duniya (world) zoomed out. Rahmagical!
Thank you! <3 <3 <3
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shaonsim · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me, @folkwh0res and @forgivehimgoosebumps !!! The rules are that the last picture of character saved on my phone will be my co-star in the film with the name of the last song I heard. Since I don't have photos of characters, saved on my phone, I'll go with the one I do have, which is this beautiful, silly doodle of a peacock, done by yours truly.
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Prepare yourselves for the film reaching your screens this Christmas - Naino ne bandhi kaisi dor yeh, starring a peacock and shaon 😎
tagging: @a-confused-contradictory-mess @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @ruminationsofaraven @heyifinallyhaveablog @ambidextrousarcher @medhasree and anyone else who feels like it!
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carminavulcana · 3 years
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Prompt:  DARK AU - Bhadra is actually Mahendra. The soldiers killed Sivagami and recovered the infant. Devasena doesn't know. @ruminationsofaraven @bleedinknight @thebaahubalibakeoffchallenge
Mourning The Unknown
Blood doesn’t call to blood
When stained by the dirt 
of tainted love. 
A mother in name is not
the giver of life. 
A father of dead flesh is not 
the giver of a name. 
Rage bleeds and trickles down
the curve of emaciated breasts,
and revenge stirs the dying embers
of a fire that was never extinguished.
The messiah died 
on the pyre of hope. 
His shell lives on in the ruins
of his mother’s broken home. 
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avani008 · 3 years
My prompt was: Crack! - Bhalla has a doppelganger who is born to a farmer in the neighboring village. Kattappa and Baahu encounter the man during their pre-coronation tour.
“No,” says Kattappa, as firmly as he can manage through lips quivering with laughter; and yet Baahu’s grin only widens.
“Yes,” pleads his irrepressible, impossible nephew. “Only imagine the look on Bhalla’s face! And it wouldn’t be for long, only time enough for ah, my new friend Bhola—“
They turn as one to consider the man before them, attired in honest homespun, known by an outlandish northern name, as he obligingly pauses in ploughing his fields to gawk back at them. By itself it is an unremarkable expression; but on features shared by the elder prince of Mahishmati, it is—
Uncanny, Kattappa decides. He does not add aloud: rather more pleasant than Bhallaladeva’s usual glower.
“Bhola needs somewhere to escape his creditors,” Baahu continues, “and one day’s beating won’t be enough to deter them. They need a reason to fear Bhola himself, and I know no one who might do so more easily than my brother.”
Kattappa raises an eyebrow. “And meanwhile…”
Baahu’s smile, once earnest, turns impish. “We wouldn’t want Mother to worry about Bhalla’s disappearance, would we? Happily we have someone who might take his place while he deals with matters here.”
Altruism is not among Bhallaladeva’s graces; Kattappa has no doubt the exchange between prince and pauper will not be voluntary, at least on Bhallaladeva’s part. And yet, would that be so bad a fate? It is past time Bijjaladeva received his comeuppance, and given certain conversations Kattappa has overheard….
“Only until the coronation,” he finds himself saying, and prays he won’t regret it.
Tagging @thebaahubalibakeoffchallenge @bleedinknight @ruminationsofaraven
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