#runaway kiddos
bwoahtastic · 1 year
Little Maxy keeps finding his way back to Charles and it's just that Charles feels Max deserves better but when once someone tries to take Max away Charles is all flashing teeth at them and goes MY pup!
Aksks pls Charles finding maxy somewhere and he keeps trying to pawn him off to various pack members he thinks will take good care of the pup, but then 5 minutes later he hears the pitter patter of little feet or just feels two big blue eyes staring st him kwks. He even wakes up one time because Maxy curled up on the end of the bed and Charles quickly tucks him in next to him so Maxy won't fall off and is warm and cosy (just because seb would yell st Charles if that happened, not because Charles is starting to care)
Someone from foster care coming and saying they are placing max with a foster family and suddenly Charles is hissing and swatting ay them like an angry kitty and holding Max close because that his pup! And seb tries to defuse the situation but the foster care people are happy because Charles proved he is a good momma protecting maxy like that? And besides, maxy is conked out on Charles's chest snd just snoozed through the hisses sksksk
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otaku553 · 11 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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guaranasims · 2 years
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morning vs. night
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c4ts4ndstuff · 2 years
i'm playing the Little Nightmares DLC and i love all my little nome friends
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thenanbakacorner · 9 months
Hello! I'm glad to see you here again I hope you're well ^^ I was wondering if I could request some headcanons of Hajime, Upa, Liang and Samon from a female reader who gets along very well with children. As if one day they found her consoling or playing with the son of any guard and they simply caught baby fever. Thanks.
Sure thing!! I love writing stuff about kiddos,,
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🦍 Hajime 🦍
Hajime never really entertained the idea of children. For one, the two of you were already busy as it was with work, and Hajime never really thought he'd be great dad material. But boy, does that change one fateful day..
It's a usual day at work and his usual business, making his rounds around the building to make sure everyone's staying in line, traps are working, etcetera.
As he makes his way through a hallway he picks up on the sound of a child crying nearby. Heading to the fork in the halls and turning right, he sees you there, on one knee and petting the child's back, your soft voice comforting them gently.
For a bit Hajime just stands there, watching. Then you pick up the child and hold them against your chest, turning to notice Hajime there and smiling with a greeting and an explanation.
Apparently the child, whom is the son of one of the guards, had snuck off from his mother earlier and gotten lost.
Hajime didn't think the image of you holding a young child would set off certain neurons in his brain which made him imagine that child being his own with you.
That image keeps him up at night for more days than he could tolerate and soon enough, he's asking you how you'd feel about being the mother of his kids.
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🧘 Upa 🧘
Being a dedicated Qigong Master, Upa never once had the thought of being a dad cross his mind. He found the idea to be too unimportant or even just distracting compared to his goals in life.
That and honestly, he couldn't stand hearing kids cry and throw fits. It always annoyed him.
One day while out training in the courtyard, one of the guards has their kid with them, letting them play, and of course, Upa is irked by the tot's squeaky voice distracting his training.
The kid ends up tripping on a loose root and starts wailing. Upa groans, but you on the other hand, run over and help the child to their feet, gently dusting off the knees and shushing them.
Upa finds himself staring a bit longer than he'd have thought he would as you rub their sore elbows, thumb away their tears, gently squishing their cheek in an attempt to make them giggle..
He doesn't realize he's blushing a bit until Liang asks him if he's feeling alright cause he's looking flushed
Upa mentally curses you for managing to make the idea of children actually seem tolerable and something he could want one day when out of prison with you
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🍑 Liang 🍑
For the majority of his life, Liang has never really been around kids or interacted with them. Though he's sure during his time in the mafia where he was sicked on people, he must've orphaned a child or two. And the idea broke him.
Cause while he may not have been around children that much, he can't lie; he's got a soft spot for them.
Every now and then kids of guards show up at Nanba with their mothers, but today happened to be take your kid to work day, so there were a few.
He, his cellmates and you were running along the exercise track, not paying much attention to anything else. That is until you spotted a child running off from his dad.
You stopped to help the guard catch the runaway kid, taking the boy's hand and leading them back to the very thankful guard.
Liang ended up stopping so he could look back at you as you knelt down and gently explained to the child why running from daddy is not good and scooted them into his arms.
Thoughts of how good you were with the child bloomed into wondering how you'd be with a child you had with him.. then wondering why the hell he thought of that and having a blush attack.
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🐒 Samon 🐒
Since you and Samon started dating he's actually thought of having kids several times, and those thoughts only grew once married to you.
But he never really got the guts to actually ask you about it, monkey man was too worried he'd disturb you
You can imagine his surprise when he sees just how good you are with kids one day
He just so happened to stop by a guard room that you were staying at, and when he questioned why you had a young child sitting on your lap, you explained that the guard had to run elsewhere quick and you were tasked with watching the kid for him
As Samon took care of the business he had at the room, filling out some paperwork, he couldn't stop his eyes from glancing up at every little giggle and laugh that came out of the child as you played with them.
Realizing you seemed to like kids just as much as he liked the idea of having them with you, it sent off fireworks in his brain and completely derailed his focus on work.
He finally had the balls he previously lacked to ask you about children by the time you both got through your front door.
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hunterscabin · 1 year
Everything Goes Wrong
Summary: Dean is there to comfort his little sister after she suffers a fatal injury while hunting.
Pairings: Dean x Sister!Reader; Sam x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Angst; hurt/comfort; whump; death
Word Count: 1.3k 
Author’s Note: Requested from anonymous many moons ago. 
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Dean. He was running toward you, screaming your name. You couldn’t comprehend his urgency; the leviathan were dead, the fight was over.
It all happened so quickly. You walked into a battle already underway. A small group of hunters also trailing the levis were first to arrive at the hideout, complicating an already dicey hunt. At the sight of their chaotic fighting, it became immediately clear that none of them had the tact or skill of a Winchester. Your brothers took action, causing two of the chompers to flee. Dean tossed one of the rookie hunters a sack of crude borax bombs and instructed them to capture the runaways. Sam crossed the warehouse, distracting one of the remaining leviathan. Dean took advantage of his brother’s diversion, driving the righteous, blood soaked bone he brandished deep into her skull.
On the other side of the abandoned stockroom, you were taking a beating from the last leviathan. He had been momentarily stunned by the bottle of borax you smashed over him, but his resiliency was remarkable. Almost immediately regaining his composure, he flung you into a pile of scrap metal. You scrambled to your feet, unsheathing your knife in the process. He made quick work of disarming you before effortlessly pinning you against a steel support beam. You winced, preparing for the worst, when suddenly, he retreated. Your eyes opened to find Sam impaling him with the bone several yards away.
High off the action, your entire body pulsed with energy. Or was it throbbing? Normally, the adrenaline of a hunt didn’t make you this… this… what was this feeling? You heard Dean shout your name again. Why did he sound so strange? A warmth spread across your stomach, and you looked down to find a mess of red. Blood? Your blood. Soaking your clothes and pooling at your feet. Bewilderment washed over you as your fingers wrapped around the handle of your blade. 
Just as Dean reached your side, your legs buckled. He braced your fall and carefully lowered you to the ground.
"Sammy!" Your eldest brother’s voice was gruff and full of urgency.
Consumed with killing the leviathan, Sam had been unaware of the commotion behind him. When he turned to see you bleeding in Dean’s arms, Sam shot up and sprinted toward you. He landed hard on his knees in front of Dean.
"Just the knife?" Sam’s eyes darted rapidly up and down your trembling form, trying to assess the damage.
Not wanting to speak the words, Dean nodded, his expression telling Sam the severity of your injuries.
“The car’s too far.” Dean thought aloud.
Sam wrestled with his next move. He didn’t want to leave you. He knew your chances of surviving were slim. He heard it in Dean’s tone. He saw it on your bloodstained clothes. Still, if there was even the slightest chance of saving you, he had to try.
“I’ll see if I can catch up with the other hunters.”
Both men knew it wouldn’t be enough, but it was the best Sam had to offer. Dean nodded reluctantly.
As your brothers’ muffled voices became more clear, so did your reality. The once dull pressure was now a searing pain. Your body screamed and your face contorted.
"Y/N, look at me.” Your eyes, wide with fear and confusion, found Sam’s. "You're gonna be okay. I’m going to get help.” 
Sam leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be right back, Y/N/N. I promise.”
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Through a large, broken window, Dean watched Sam tear across the field and into the nearby woods. When he glanced back at you in his arms, your eyes were closed.
"Y/N, you gotta stay awake." Dean gently shook you until your gaze met his. "That's my girl."
"So tired, De." Your groggy voice begged for sleep.
"I know you are, kiddo, but I need you to keep your eyes on me.”
"Too hard,” you murmured, “Can’t do it."
"Yes you can, sweetheart." Dean was no longer able to mask his concern. "How can I help, Y/N/N? Tell me what to do."
Your brother’s desperation lifted the fog numbing your senses, and you clearly understood what you hadn’t before; you were dying. Anyone else would panic at this realization, beg their God for more time, cling to the last bit of life and fight. Not you. You woke every morning knowing this was a possibility. Saving people, hunting things; it was a dangerous road.
You weren’t bitter; no matter how menacing, your days were full of purpose, and that wasn’t something most people could say. You weren’t afraid; years of close calls had prepared you for this moment. You were, however, insurmountably saddened by the fact that Dean had to watch you die. You knew he would bear the weight of your absence completely despondent and guilt ridden. There was so much you wanted to say to ease his inevitable grief, but talking had grown increasingly difficult as words and breath eluded you. The most you could do was take the hand of solace Dean extended. You silently prayed that would be enough. 
"Tell me a story."
Dean smiled. Between your sleepy eyes and the way you were curled in his arms, it felt like you were little again.
“Have I ever told you about the day mom and dad brought you home from the hospital?”
You shook your head “No.”
“Sammy was not happy.” Dean gave a weak laugh remembering how ornery his brother had been. 
“He locked himself in his room. I tried to tell him that having a little sibling wasn’t all bad, but he wouldn’t listen. Dad had to take his door off the hinges to get him out.”
“He loves’me now.” you noted dreamily.
“He sure does.” Dean agreed, furrowing at your slurred speech. Another sign that your body was succumbing to its injuries. 
“That phase lasted less than an hour,” he continued. 
“He held you.” Dean’s voice was thick with nostalgia. “Mom convinced him. He sat in Dad’s chair, and she laid you in his lap. He wasn’t sure at first, but then you smiled.” 
Despite your pain, a contented grin eased across your face. 
“Just like that.” 
“D’d you hold me?”
Dean nodded. “You were so small, but I swear your eyes were as big and Y/E/C as they are now. I stared at you for hours. I never wanted to let you go.” I still don’t want to let you go. 
Dean paused to clear the sadness from his throat, but he was losing the battle against his emotions. He could see your eyes growing dim and feel your skin getting cold. You didn’t have much longer. 
“I love you so much, Y/N/N.” Dean’s words were short and breathless. 
“I love you too.” 
Dean pulled you closer and placed a warm hand on the side of your face. 
“De?” A small, crimson spot appeared at the corner of your mouth. “C’n I close m’eyes, now?"
At once, Dean felt everything and nothing. He knew the instant your eyes closed, he’d never see them again. He cursed himself for bringing you on such a risky hunt. He cursed himself for not keeping a better eye on you during the fight. He cursed Sam for still being gone. Not because he thought his younger brother would bring anything or anyone to save you, but because he knew how broken he’d be, returning to find his little sister asleep forever. He wanted to shake you, to scream, to do everything in his power to ensure your heavy lids didn’t fall, but he refrained. He knew this would be the last comfort he could ever give you. Dean surrendered to his heartache and let you slip from this world.
"Yeah, baby girl. You can rest now. I’ve got you.”
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riizewrtr · 7 months
hi! i was wondering if i could request riize members as dads? just little scenarios of each member and their kid(s). it’s okay if you’re not comfortable with this topic!
ohhh my god, when that day comes... whole bunch of fluff... i love when riize were on hello82 with the little kiddos... we need more!!
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Shotaro would LOVE taking his twins(idk why i can see him with twins) on walks in Japan. he would give each a turn on being on his neck. they would stop at little snack trucks getting all kinds of snacks for his little ones. They would all have a similar laugh to him the most, the small little giggles and laughs together with his kids. their laugh would be so distinct and different you'd know him and the kids were at the playground.
Eunseok I can see with a son, he would playfully teach his kid really random english words, and when his son is around riize they would hear the same they hear from Eunseok "nice" "very good" etc lol he would take them to concerts with riize, bring them on stage and such. his personal insta i can see FILLED with his kid!
Sungchan with a baby girl and a big brother. I can see him always having to chase the runaway girl, lol he acts like a little monster when chasing his kids. always carrying his kids on his arms/shoulders cause he's strong and they enjoy when he uses his strength on them to carry them :((( "up, daddy, up!!!" is what he hears ALL the time lol but of course he LOVES doing upsy's with his little monsters!! (that's what he calls them btw))
Wonbin would have a son who would also learn how to play guitar as good as his dad, he would also know how to skate. He would dress his son in the same style, and they would both look like complete models. His kid would have a bubbly personality and almost 3D like, I can really see his child bringing the most out of Wonbin more than Riize does tbh, so combining them would be a crazy bin bin lol
Seunghan would have 2 girls and 1 boy, he would lowkey enjoy doing all of their hairs tbh lol he would always remind the girls how pretty they are and the boy as handsome. he would call his son his twin, instead of his son lol he would love playing and throwing his kids in the air and singing to them to sleep.
Sohee would love being a boy dad lol he would teach his son how to sing at a young age of 2 years lol he would be practicing and his son would be too busy trying to outsing his own daddy. they'd have sing offs when he's older tbh i can see it!! :(( they'd have the most precious smile, almost similar to sohee's, and would be blessed with the good vocals as well!!
Anton would have a babygirl :(( she would be just as soft spoken and sweet as her daddy. Always very respectful, and not loud. ((besides her tantrums lol)) but her tantrums were never long cause I can see Anton SPOILING her. Her grandparents would spoil her as much, and I can see Anton a bit jealous about it btw lol she would learn the cello and maybe violin.
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juniefruit · 27 days
☆ Burn the Breeze ☆
☆ cowboy! chan x gn! reader
☆ notes: as a midwestern resident I feel it's my due diligence to write this...
☆ summary: Life on the ranch was business as usual. It only takes one runaway calf to bring you to Chan, head rancher of the neighboring property. You've gotten used to the summer storms that pass through the area, but this one caught you off guard...
☆ warnings: NO SMUT!!! Safe for the kiddos!! jk. just a few horny thoughts by both Chan and y/n. petnames-doll, sweetheart, getting soaked (by the rain...), western attire, cow wrangling & horse riding
☆ word count: 4.6k
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Rays of bright summer sunlight beat down upon the grounds of the countryside. The tall, dry grasses hiss in the breeze, and the ranch horses whinny in their pasture. The sun was unforgiving this summer, the heat hitting you in waves until you seek the shade from one of the sparse trees on the grounds. You huff out a sigh and wipe your brow at the thought of finally ending the day and leaping into bed. The mountains gleam with golden sunlight, creating a picture-perfect view you never got tired of. This ranch was your family’s pride and joy. Your cowboy hat casted a shadow above your tired eyes, and your boots shuffled against the dusty gravel in front of the barn. The worn-out radio strewn with cobwebs inside the barn was playing muffled country songs, barely detectable. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear the chickens shuffling about in their coop. And even farther, against the backdrop of the mountains, horses whinnied beyond your property; you wondered who they belonged to.  The few moments of tranquility were almost concerning. It didn’t last long, though. The panicked shriek that you recognized as one of the mother cows brought you back to earth. With a sharp turn of your body, you sprinted to their pasture. Hopping the fence with a step and a jump, you sought after the sound of concern. The mother cow was all black except for a white spot on the top of her head and her hooves. You realized, her calf is nowhere to be seen. Spinning around and looking through the surrounding herd, you don’t see the tiny black fluff ball anywhere. You immediately assume the worst. Wolves did come through the area once in a while, but nightly patrols and electric fences seem to do the trick. 
“Don’t worry mama, I’ll find your baby.” You pat her head with a sigh before making your way to the stables, where your horse, Haven, was. She had a beige coat, with a mane of the richest caramel brown. Quickly saddling up, you head out into the acres and acres of land that neighbored the ranch, searching for the missing calf. The searching went on until you reached the fence of the neighboring ranch. You didn’t know them too well, only from the few times you had spotted a few young cowboys wrangling their herd of cattle in the distance, too far away to see any distinct features. As you walked along the property line, sudden commotion to your left caught your attention. 
“C’mere, you lil’ rascal!” A man shouted, on top of a horse with a coat of fur as dark as night. Lasso in hand, he was trying to catch something. Squinting your eyes, you recognized the baby cow. It had the same coloring as its mother. The calf was yelping in distress, clearly scared from being in an unfamiliar environment all by itself. You watched, stunned. He was exceptionally handsome, shirt hugging his broad shoulders just right, and black cowboy hat framing his features. 
“Ha! Gotcha now.” He spoke as the lasso caught onto the calf to stop its frantic running. His muscles in his back and arms rippled as he held the rope steady. The huff of your horse alerted him of your presence, his eyes landing on you near the fence. A smug smile grew on his face.
“This one yours?” He spoke loudly to cover the distance. His voice was firm but not threatening, and smooth as molasses. In your dazed state, it took you a few beats of silence before your brain processed his question. 
“Uh? Oh, yeah. Thanks for rescuing him-” You stated.
“Ah, no big deal. Happens all the time.” He brushed it off with a shake of his head, as if wrangling a spooked calf was as easy as breathing. You stuttered, no coherent words available. 
“So, you’re from the next ranch over?” He asked with a tilt to his head, a playful expression as his eyes peered into yours.  
“Y- Yeah, he must’ve seen something and ran off and couldn’t find his way back,” you gesture to the baby cow, still tugging on the lasso. The man shifted on his horse, stepping closer. He loved eye contact, apparently, because his eyes, like sculpted marble, pierced your gaze. He chuckled at the calf’s curiosity.
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call my ranch. We’re always happy to help.” He was close enough to reach over and hand you a business card from his back pocket. The proximity wasn’t helping your nerves. It felt like you couldn’t breathe; he was dripping with suave confidence. “Or just call me,” he winks with a smirk. “Number’s on the back. And I’m Chris, but you can call me Chan.” 
“O- Okay. Thanks.” Sure enough, when you flipped over the card, his number was writted neatly in blue ink. “I’m y/n. I live… over there.” You pointed behind you, and immediately regretted opening your mouth. He stifled a chuckle and his eyes crinkled with his smile. 
“I would hope so, sweetheart.” His subtle accent tainted his voice, smooth and sensual. He hands you the lasso, the calf running to your side beneath your saddle. “I’ll see you around, yeah? Get this little guy home before it gets dark.” He said. With a determined nod and a goodbye, you set off with Haven and the calf. Once back, you loosened the rope and reunited the herd. Crap, you realized, you had Chan’s rope. You’d text him about it later. The thought brought heat to your face and you’re lucky that no one was around to see you blushing. The late afternoon setback had put a pause on your nightly relaxation, but now was finally the time. You were asleep before you knew it, the rising sun and the call of a rooster disrupting your peace. 
During your entire morning routine, you were drafting messages to Chan in your mind. Too desperate, too formal, too casual. Your eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Until you finally settled on something you deemed decent-
You: Hi Chan! It’s y/n from yesterday. Thanks so much for your help! I have your lasso, when do you want it back?
Chan: Hey, sweetheart. My boys are making dinner tonight, why don’t you join us? 
You froze. My boys? Does he have kids? You barely know this guy! You didn’t have any plans tonight though… And he seemed nice… Whispered the little voice in the back of your head. 
You: That sounds great, see you at 6?
Chan: Sure, doll. Just come through the front door.
And it’s settled. As the rising sun shone through the blinds in your living room, another day on the ranch began. The anticipation was killing you; but most of the ranch animals didn’t seem to mind your distracted state. A thought struck you like a bolt of lightning; you’d bring a housewarming gift to Chan and his… boys. But what, though? You mulled it over until you finished lunch, and through the afternoon while tending to the chickens. Every grueling minute that went by, the knot in your stomach tightened, just like the lasso you had a death-grip on in your left hand. You opted to drive the distance, lasso and a basket of eggs settled neatly in the passenger seat. Walking up the white wooden steps, your feet fidgeted in your cowboy boots, and you fixed your hat for the thousandth time already. You hit the doorbell with your elbow, shuffling to the side so you wouldn’t drop anything. When you opened the door, You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Hey, you made it!” Chan, as smiley as ever, was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. But behind him… those were not boys. Those were men. Very loud, chaotic ones. Three of them were arguing over something on the TV, the tallest holding the remote over his head. One of them was out cold on the couch; one was eating... Is that cheesecake? And the last two were casually playing on a nintendo switch. Snapping out of it, you realized that Chan was still looking at you with a certain sparkle in his eye that you couldn’t discern. 
“I did! Uh-” You look down, lasso in one hand, basket in the other. “Here’s your lasso. And I also brought these, as a gift!” You lift up the basket of eggs to show them off. 
“Aw, ya didn’t have to, doll,” He stepped closer, “But thank you. The boys will probaby go through these in a day or two.” He loosed a faux sigh at the sheer thought of how much food they use. His voice was saccharine sweet with an australian lilt to his voice that had the power to instantly draw you in like a spider’s web. 
“You mean, them?” You pointed behind him curiously. He looked behind his shoulder instinctually. 
“Yeah, why dont I introduce you to them? Don’t get all shy now, they won’t bite.” He smirked, shuffling to the side to let you in. Your boots came off by the door, placed neatly next to the pile of men’s boots of varying colors. As you passed him, Chan’s scent was woodsy but clean; pleasant to be around. You were pleasantly surprised at the state of their home; pristine walls spotted with tasteful decor for a ranch house, dark hardwood floors smooth beneath your feet. 
“Ahem!” Chan faked a cough to get everyone’s attention. They turned their heads simultaneously, alarmed at the sudden sound. Those on the ground scrambled to their feet, one of them shoving the sleeping one awake. “Boys, I want to introduce you to y/n. She lives on the next ranch over on the left side,” Chan smiles at you with a sincere look on his face, not matching his usual rugged and cool demeanor. You smile with pursed lips, waving. Chan points as he names each of them. “Here we have Hyunjin, Minho, Changbin; then Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin and Jisung.” 
“Okay… I think I got it.” You say, repeating their names in your head with a furrow in your brow.
“Ah, don’t sweat it y/n. Why don’t we start dinner?” At Chan’s words, the boys cheer, making their way to the large dining table and attached kitchen. 
Sitting to Chan’s right, he had rolled up his sleeves to his strong forearms, showing off a beautiful tan. Veins ran alongside them, stopping at his hands that were bony yet built, secure in the way they gripped the cutlery. Safe to say, dinner was entertaining. Your presence gave Minho just the right dosage of an ego boost when you complimented his cooking, a sly smirk gracing his features. The boys behaved like it was any other dinner, managing only a few stern looks from Chan when things got too heated. They’d tease him about wanting to make a good impression on you later. And when all was said and done, Chan walked you out the door, with that dimpled smile that made you feel dizzy, until you were sat in your ranch’s truck and driving down the gravel driveway, a blush as red as the sweetest cherries on your cheeks that Chan wished he could’ve seen.
That dimpled smile, those broad shoulders. His playful jokes and mannerisms. If you could superglue yourself to him, you would. Every time he spoke, you took in every word like a sermon. You’d listen to him talk for hours if you could, and gawk at him like he was the world’s most beautiful creation for even longer. But you couldn’t voice your true feelings. It was such a deep and vulnerable part of you, you just couldn’t. Not when Chan would be so nice about his rejection, letting you down so softly that you couldn’t even argue. He’d probably even try to set you up with someone else from his ranch, which you’d have to politely decline because you only want him. Him, always him: ‘What’s Chan doing right now?’ ‘He should take a nap, he looked tired yesterday.’ ‘I wonder if he would like this dress.’ You couldn’t get enough of him.
Chan took it upon himself to start patrolling the property line between you two, “coincidentally” at the same time you were. Sometimes, you’d talk until the sun went down, and the crickets started chirping, until your horse stomped her feet and you had to pull yourself away to finish your duties. Even your horses got to know each other, huffing and sniffing like good horse friends, you assume. 
Chan also wished that you could just read his mind. You were perfect to him, crossing his mind at all times of day and night. Ever since he first laid eyes on you, he was a goner. He shunned himself for not introducing himself sooner, had he known about the cute rancher down the street. That’s the hardest part, even though it’s quite simple: he thinks about you, and he blushes until his mind overheats and he can’t focus. How could he tell you that? He’d probably stutter and mumble until he melted into a puddle of embarrassment. Oh the duality. He imagines he’d get lost in your curious eyes, so patient as you wait for him to finally spit it out. You care about him and his boys, and it makes his heart swell with something he’s never felt before. 
Tonight was no different. You were laughing at something Chan said, the dim lamp-post on the property line illuminated your features, until a boom of thunder surrounded the area. You were so lost in eachother, you must have missed the storm clouds rolling in. The horses whined, and then you felt the drizzle of rain. Chan chuckled at the scene, and a droplet slid down the slope of his nose. 
“I should get going,” You mused, but not sounding too enthusiastic about it. 
“Aw, you scared of a little rain?” Chan teased, dimples on full display. You huffed out a laugh. 
“What? No way. I just-” A crack of thunder and lightning so bright your eyes hurt. The rain got heavier. Your horse got restless. Chan frowned at the weather. “Really, I need to go check on everyone. This could be bad.” You squinted up at the sky, the color of a thunderstorm. 
“Yeah, I’ll do the same. The boys are probably already working on it.” With a determined nod, you both set off in opposite directions. Once you were back, all the ranch animals already sought cover. Going through your mental checklist, everything looked good. Just one last place to check: the cow pen. And the gate was wide open, creaking with the force of the wind. You outwardly groaned, stepping into the pen to take a headcount. The wind howled past your ears, and the rain thudded against the sodden ground. Squinting, something felt off. Counting again, something felt like it was missing. The calf. Of course. Rain was running down your face at this point, fishing a flashlight out of your satchel and turning it onto the highest setting. You flipped around and darted for the wooded area at the property border. It was your best guess, if you had anything to learn from the last time this happened. You were honestly kind of glad, because Chan would’ve stayed a stranger otherwise. As you reached the fence, you heard the shouts and orders from the boys across the way. They were working hard to make sure everything was sealed and shut before the storm got worse. Your frantic heart was bettering in your chest, eyes scanning every barn and pen you could see. Before you could react, an old and gnarly tree branch was smacking you straight in the arm. Yelping in surprise and a flash of pain, you don’t have time to deal with it right now. Horse jogging along the fence, a few moments pass and, you hear it- the baby. Tying Haven up under a tree so she stayed moderately dry, you gave her a peck on her cheek before hopping the fence and following the noise. Through the haze of the rain, there was the calf, stuck under a pile of logs that had fallen. The ground was muddy and slippery so it couldn’t stand up, hooves covered in muck. 
“Oh my god, baby!” You gasp in surprise. You really should give the calf a name. What you didn’t see, though, was Chan, who also heard the calf in distress. The rain was so loud you didn’t even hear the stomping of his boots in the mud. His eyes widened in shock. Pet names already? Not that he was complaining. When you completely disregard him and go straight to the calf, he almost facepalms. Of course, the calf. The baby. As you kneeled next to the poor thing to try and help, Chan kneeled beside you. You noticed him for the first time when his muscled arm reached for a log to toss it off the calf. 
“This guy just can’t stay out of trouble, huh?” He says, voice strained over the rain and thunder. You huff out a laugh at the situation, reaching for a log. 
“Y/n. What is this?” Chan grips your forearm, as if it wasn’t hard for you to breathe already. You glance down, and it’s not mud covering your arm, but blood. A sizable amount of it. Chan’s eyes flit to yours, eyebrows laced with concern. You lock eyes. 
“I must’ve hit it or something, I- I don’t know!” You say defensively, breath hitching. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be alright. Let me-” He tapers off, shoulders rolling under his soaked shirt. His deft fingers untie the bandana looped around his belt. Grabbing your arm, he ties the bandana around the wound firmly to slow the bleeding, eyebrows furrowed in focus.
“Does that hurt?” He runs a hand against yours, comforting you. His touch was blazing against your skin, soothing against the cold rain. You relished in the touch, wishing you could feel his skin on yours forever. 
“Good. Just stay there while I get these logs off.”
You didn’t obey his orders. Your mind was running so rampant, you didn’t even register that he was trying to be protective. As if he could just let you run around with an open wound; he wouldn’t be having that. Or, so he thought.
“Hah, as if. Move over.” Against your better judgement, you get up with your good hand, kicking and shoving the waterlogged wood away and into the mud. Chan watched, mouth agape, as you did your own thing. If he didn’t like you before, he definitely loves you now. The furrow in your brow when you focused, and the little huffs of air when you kicked a log to the side. Chan couldn’t help but care for you, but that didn’t mean he thought you needed it. The fact that you, despite your wound, were helping this calf proved to Chan everything he needed to know. The sleepless nights thinking about you, or the hot summer days when he daydreamed about you, wondering if you were taking a well-deserved break. Truth is, he needed you like oxygen. And he hoped you needed him too. He would scream his confession from the tallest mountain if it meant you’d be his. He’d wrangle the meanest bull, clean the entire barn. Anything for you. If only someone had the guts. 
The calf was squirming, not helpful at all. It squirmed and whined until the last log was lifted off its hind leg, shakily standing up. Sure enough, the calf ran off. Chan practically leaped over to where you stood, now clutching your arm. His palms engulfed your shoulders, now shivering slightly from the cold, wet shirt. 
“Let’s get you inside, yeah?” You only nodded weakly in response.
Chan didn’t leave your side until he barged into one of the barns, big wooden door groaning in response. He ushered you inside, guiding you to a chair, leaning over your shivering form. His eyes, wide and worried, scanned you for damage. He couldn’t even think about how he could see the silhouette of your body through your soaked shirt, not now at least. 
“My horse…” You said, eyes closing in exhaustion. He reached up to a top shelf to grab a blanket, wrapping it around you. If you weren’t so cold, you would have jumped from the close proximity.
“Don’t worry about a thing right now doll, I got it.” He took out his phone from his back pocket, dialing Jisung. A few rings passed.
“YEAH?” Jisung yelled through the pouring rain.
“Do me a favor, run and grab y/n’s horse from the property fence. It’s…” Chan turned his head towards you, silently asking.
“By the big old oak tree and the creek.” Chan relayed the information to Jisung. 
“Oh and, if you see a runaway calf, just hold on to it for me,” He added.
“On it, Chan. I think we already found it- Minho! Be gentle with that calf!” Jisung trailed off, and Chan loosed a small smile and hung up. You couldn’t help but smile too. 
“How are you feeling, doll?” Chan leaned in close again, holding himself up with an arm against your chair.
“I’m fine, Chan. Stop worrying so much,” You complained. It really did bother you that Chan was so caring, it messed with your head. Chan looked down, at nothing in particular, then back up.
“Sorry doll, can’t do that. You’re too precious to me.” You said nothing, just stared into his rich, brown and inviting eyes. The silence made his heart race. As much as Chan likes to be in control, you were something he couldn’t tame. Not even when you reached up to wrap your arms around him and pull him closer. His breath hitched. His brain short-circuited. He felt like he was going to fall into you, but by some higher power, his arm on the chair held up. His eyes were wide with shock before he realized his face was in your neck, the smell of rain still lingering on your semi-wet hair. Then it hit him: he wasn’t hugging you back. He felt you break away just the slightest bit before he abruptly pulled you back in. As if he would ever let you go now. His arms splayed across your back, rubbing up and down in soothing motions. 
“What would I do without you, Chan?” You asked, not fully knowing how Chan was gonna answer. He nuzzled a bit closer, nose and lips brushing against your nape. 
“You don’t even have to worry our pretty head about somethin’ like that, cause I’ll be here for as long as you’ll have me.” He spoke into your neck, the vibrations sending a bolt of electricity down your spine. You hummed in acknowledgement, attempting to bring him impossibly closer. 
“I’m cold.” Chan huffed out a chuckle. Could you be any cuter?
Reluctantly, you both pulled away, chan inspecting your bandana-clad arm. The blood had soaked through a bit. 
“Let me see if this barn has somethin’ for your arm,” he mumbled to himself, walking over to the rustic cabinets in the corner. The rain pitter-pattered against the roof high above you. He opened each and every one, brows furrowed in concentration. In the lowest cabinet, he kneeled down and reached all the way inside to take out a first-aid kit, covered in dust and cobwebs. He blew the dust off and, of course, it went right into his face. He coughed, and your lips hurt from trying to keep a grin from breaking free. In another cabinet, he must’ve found one of the boy’s old t-shirts, because it was faded and stretched out, but clean nonetheless. Walking back over to you, he pried open the kit and took out some cotton pads and gauze. Gingerly taking your arm in his outstretched palm, his eyes cearched yours for permission. You gave it without a second thought. He made quick work of taking the bandana off and wrapping your wound in something clean. Satisfied with his work, He leaned down and pressed his lips to the gauze. 
“A kiss makes everything better, don’t ya think?” There he goes with that teasing grin. You hum in response.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You spoke as he lifted himself up, but before he could, you grabbed him by the shoulders and redirected him to your lips. Chan hummed in delight when your hands slid up to his neck, resting right under his jawline. His lips were pillowy soft, just like you imagined. 
Personally, Chan was convinced he was dreaming. It was only when you shivered against him did he come back to reality, grasping the old shirt in his off hand. When you ran out of breath, he spoke.
“Go change into this, doll. Promise you’ll feel a lot warmer.” His gaze didn’t waver, and this time, you listened. 
“But where? I don’t see a bathroom.” You stood up, and he couldn’t resist a quick kiss before he answered with a nod to the left. 
“There in the corner, unless you wanna strip right here,” He teased, but his eyes were lidded and you swear his gaze darkened like he wasn’t joking. 
“Sure, Chan.” Your tone was laced with sarcasm before walking over. When you walked out, Chan was arranging the blanket and some old pillows on a faded couch that had seen better days, but it served its purpose. He changed into something else too, because his soggy work shirt was in a lump on the coffee table. Yours joined the pile too. Chan’s heart almost burst at the sight of you in that tee. The bright red tint to his ears blew his cover. You giggled at his speechless state, tossing yourself onto the couch alongside him. Chan outstretched an arm across your part of the couch, a classic move. It was nearly midnight now, the adrenaline had worn off, and you were tired. The throbbing pain in your arm is disregarded when you have Chan's body emanating such warmth, you couldn’t help but shuffle a little closer and lean against his firm shoulder. 
“Thank you, for all your help,” You spoke softly. At those words, Chan left a kiss at the top of your head.
“Anything you need, I’m here.” After that, if he said anything, you didn’t hear it, because your eyelids felt heavy and the soft tap-tap-tap of the rain lulled you to sleep. When you awoke, there was a strong set of arms wrapped around you, and only after a mini panic attack did you remember. Quietly turning your head, the morning sun shone graciously onto Chan’s face, void of any frowns or scowls. Just… serenity. His cowboy hat was on the ground, somewhere, but you couldn’t care when you took a strand of his hair and twirled it through your fingers. Your ears twitched when you heard the creak of the barn door opening, a head poking through and then standing in the doorway. This was Jisung, you think. 
“Oh- Sorry guys-” He whispered. But behind him, the click of a camera sounded. 
“Just got us some new blackmail,” Minho grinned, poking his head though the barn where his arm was outstretched, holding his phone. 
“Get out before Chan gets mad! For your own good!” Your voice was a hushed and hurried whisper. Speaking of the devil, his arms shuffled around your waist. 
“Who’s good?” Chan was still groggy when he lifted his head, but ended up dropping it onto your shoulder anyways. 
Minho and Jisung booked it out of the barn. 
Thanks for reading! Check my masterlist for more!
Warning: Everything I post is 100% my original writing & thoughts. This also includes the moodboards at the beginning that I create. Please do not plagiarize or copy. Tag for inspiration or add-ons. Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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linkspooky · 3 months
overhaul with his quirk likely never had to face consequences if he accidentally injured one of his subordinates he could just heal them
Hello, kiddos.
This is the perfect time to explain the new term I just coined called: Narrative Gaslighting.
Narrative Gaslighting is not:
Breaking Show Don't Tell: A story failing to properly demonstrate in story something, usually a narrator tells you about a character, or setting. For example: Telling us Endeavor is on a journey of atonement, but never having him take any action in story to show this.
Retcons: Short for retroactive continuity, an ongoing story, a new story detail revising something in the past often changing or imposing a different interpretation of previous described events. For example, in doctor who the reason why Wilf wasn't at Donna's wedding in "The Runaway Bride" is because he apparently had the Spanish flu. Retcons aren't necessarily bad, because sometimes you get cool new ideas, like Wilfred objectively the best doctor who character.
Plot Holes: An inconsistency in the narrative. These are sloppy storytelling but they're not usually done onpurpose.
An Unreliable Narrator: The classic example of this is the Agatha Christie novel "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" where the narrator / perspective character is the murderer, and hides his role in the murders the whole novel until hercule poirot exposes him. This is a character in the story deliberately misleading the audience, either to conceal a twist, or sometimes unreliable narrator adds to characterization, like a character says something untrue and you're supposed to go "no that's wrong" and it turns out the character is lying to themselves.
Narrative Gaslighting is when a narrative deliberately tries to mislead you, straight up lies, or just insists that that did not happen totally happened guys. Much like real gaslighting it makes you question what you just read. The intent is to just manipulate you into read the story way the author wants you to instead of what's written.
The ask that anonymous sent to me is an example of narrative gaslighting because it's insisting upon something that's blatantly untrue. Overhaul faced consequences, he lost both of his arms and could no longer use his quirk, he was jailed and kept in isolation so long he was reduced to a state where he couldn't do much more than beg for someone to help restore his father figure from his coma. The main character also seeing Overhaul in such a desperate state, instead of agreeing to help wake up Pops who was in a coma (and innocent of the whole affair with Eri mind you, he told Overhaul to stop) instead put a condition that Overhaul is only worthy of human sympathy if he apologizes to Eri first.
Another example of Narrative Gaslighting is the narrative insisting that Deku is someone who "is possessed by a drive to save others that eclipses all common understanding" because his action of not wanting to save Overhaul directly contradicts this, but Horikoshi still wants us to believe Deku is an all-loving hero who's the embodiment of "Heroes who Saves" so he just straight up lies to manipulate us into seeing Deku the way the narrative wants us to, even if it doesn't align with his actions at all.
Here is another example of narrative gaslighting, where a story just insists upon events that are patently untrue to the point where it makes you question what you just read.
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No he didn't. No he did not. You're lying. You're a liar.
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corpse-destroyer69 · 4 months
*Kiddo woke up the next morning in Mary’s arms. She was lying on top of him, her head on his chest, while his hands were linked together around her waist. A small, sharp pain throbbed in between her legs. At first, she didn’t know what it was, but as her eyes adjusted to the morning light, and noticed Mary was naked below her and she was naked above him, all the events from last night came rushing in. She had lost her virginity. Kiddo remembered the fight she got into which prompted Mary to drag her back to his place and have his way with her, which is what she wanted ever since he adopted her. She was his and belonged to him. Sure, she liked Tom, and loved how sweet and gentle he was. But at the end of the day…Mary was the one who rescued Kiddo and became her new adult figure in her life - her daddy. She would have it no other way.*
*Kiddo adjusted herself on top of Mary, nuzzling her nose into his neck, and breathing him in. She remembered Tom telling her to slap Mary if she wanted him to wake up. She considered it but decided against it. She didn’t want to hurt him, even though he hurt her. She deserved every bit of pain for being a brat.*
*Instead she decided to let him rest. She carefully slid off his body, off the bed, walking over to her bag. She rummaged through it to find some clothes to wear. Once she found new sets of attire she slipped them on. She walked over to the fridge and opened it. Mary didn’t have shit for food. Just a few beers, a gallon of milk, half a stick of butter, some slices of bread, and a bag of lettuce. What the fuck has he been eating?? She thought about buying him some food, or ordering breakfast from McDonalds. She grabbed her wad of cash on the bed, underneath the pillow, looking back up at Mary one last time. He was so cute when he slept, it made her heart melt.*
“I’ll be back soon, daddy.” *She whispered, kissing him on the cheek. Hopefully he would be up by the time she came back. Kiddo headed towards the door and walked to the nearest McDonalds. The throbbing between her legs never stopped, a constant reminder that he owned her.*
- @ask-runaway-girl
*Mary had never felt such a fear waking up alone in his bed. The soft sunlight breaking through the tiny cracks of his halfway covered window shone on his peacefully resting face and he slowly stirred awake. His eyes still closed and not even fully awake yet he remembered the last night. Mary was in a soft and cuddly mood, his body relaxed and rested. A man will always wake up with a good mood if he‘s fucked the night before is what they always said. And they were right. Mary felt like he could take on the world, his bed warm and balls empty. He could get used to wake up like that. His hands reached out trying to grab the beauty he had spent the least night with just she wasn‘t there. His eyes shot open, the smile on his face faltering. Where was she? He sprung up and called for her.*
„Doll? Doll you there?“ *A moment passed, then another. He was getting nervous. Mary pushed the covers away making his way to the bathroom to check if she was there. She was not. Mary‘s heartbeat picked up, his face growing hot and his mind replayed the events of last night. He must have taken it too far, the slip of control, the pain in her eyes. She lost her trust in him. It was all his fault. He scared her away. He pulled on his hair, pacing back and forth in his small apartment. Fuck what would he do. He couldn‘t let her live on the street ever again he promised her that. Or did he? In his head he did at least. Mary was literally on the brink of a small panic attack How could he be so stupid, so selfish and so harsh?*
„Fuck fuck FUUUCK!“ *Mary thundered and didn‘t even notice how he still was fully naked, his head completely occupied with other thoughts. Where would she go? Where could she be? And then it hit him. She would most likely be with Tommie. Mary sprinted to where his pants lay on the floor, searching frantically for his phone to call Tommie and check if she was with him her safety the only thing that mattered.*
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edaworks · 19 days
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Charlie does not like your power armor’s headlamp, and invites you to kindly fuck off, thanks.
This boxcar-child tweenage runaway spends a lot of time tagging along with caravans and knows where to find all the best street food on the Eastern Seaboard.
She gets to spend some time hanging out with Shaun, Nat and the other kiddos in my wip, One if by Land. I envision the kids in much the same way as a flock of wild turkeys: This pack of raptors is one step removed from a pack of small dinosaurs, and they are Coming To Eat You.™️
Progress shots below the cut.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Lewis finding a small pup near his hotel and the poor thing is whining and looking around for help and being ignored and so he takes them upstairs and calls Seb because he doesn't know what to do and Seb trying to give the pup a bath but it's screaming whenever Lewis let's go and Lewis has to sit next to the bath holding the pups finger and he doesn't really understand why the pup is so obsessed with him 😅
Oh plss maybe its little maxy? He is just the smallest little toddler, round cheeks and big blue eyes and whimpering softly while.trying to crawl over to people but evrryone ignores him.
Lewis sees him and Maxy whines and holds out his little arms so Lewis cautiously goes over. He has no clue what to do with a pup but he is sure Seb will know.
Lewis taking Max up to his hotel,room and calling seb who comes sprinting over lol. Max seems fine with seb at first, as long as he is in Lewis's lap as Lewis tries to warm him up a bit, but the little thing starts screaming whenever Lewis lets go of him, like when Seb wants to bathe him. It ends up seb gently bathing the pup while Max clutches on to Lewis's finger and stares up at his new papa! Cos Lewis is his papa now, even if Lewis doesn't know it yet sksk
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Wondering how Tarn and the Nurse's story would go if they shared a world with Fusian Cannon Wedding Megatron.
The idea of fusion Cannon Wedding Megatron!AU is that the senate reserved the right to take any sparkling from unconjuxed parents ostensibly to be put in a worthy home while simultaneously making it cost prohibitive for all but the elite. Even for the upper middle caste it was incredibly burdensome. But if you could get an audience with a priest of the 13 they could interview a couple deem them worthy and chose to wave the fee.
Megatron, the agnostic, due to Gladiatorial WWE-esque Theme Shenanigans actualy ends a priest of Megatronus because he refused to be a fake priest in such a way that the last Priest of Megatronus decided "welp this is my best bet as a secuessor." Megatron ever the political activist used this to perform legally binding weddings for any sparked couples he came across.
Cue the Revolution and the risk of Deceticon newsparks being stolen increases. But there are treaties to return kiddos to their parents or next of kin. So if con, bot, neutral, or implausiblely compatible alien sparks up or is sparked up by one of his Decepticons, they are kidnapped and brought to the alrer at gunpoint for now High Priest Megatron to Marry them off "for the children's sake." The DJD has brought runaway 'juxes to the alter.
Now the DJD still has the Doner Cause because it's a way of protecting the bitties. Megatron initaly gets wind of the situation of with the Nurse and is relatively chill. Right up untill he realizes that the nurse was never married to the sire. Nevermind their Caimen with very diffrent rules and cultural norms. (Also their the mentee of a very scary Healer). Kaon doesn't even have to pull a witnessed act shenanigans to help his ship set sail. He just has to include a question in his routine report that Tarn is continuing providing doner support as outlined in the Doner clause. "As the cowardly tratitor abandoned his lover the moment he found out she sparked we did not find out he had sparked her after he was dead. Is it possible to posthumously conjux them for the security of the sparklings?" Kaon knows damn well posthumous conjuxing isn't a thing.
Shenanigans are about to ensue.
This is great because Megatron's manifesto would have revisions about religion, so instead of an atheist society, he more likely written about freedom of religion for anyone to practice. Just as a final Fuck You to the Senate with their harsh stance.
And because of the wild shenanigans, I think the Decepticons would have strong civil and family court proceedings.
Deadzone and Nurse were (ex) fiances, so Megatron could be chill with that.
But not with Tarn also sparking up the Camien. Now that's a whole-ass security risk!
Megatron wouldn't need to demand Tarn to return. The Peaceful Tyranny bulleted itself to the main flagship, ignoring everything else to get it situated after the consequences of too much excitement at the "fake" resort wedding.
A poor, sleep-deprived and absolutely exhausted Nurse would have been scooped up and thrown into the shower and polished to high-hell. You were vaguely aware of quick, sure servos working your back and sensory panels, and Helex was hogging the dryer.
This was no dignified walk. The entire Justice Division burned rubber and left scorch marks on their stampede to the Altar. Every other 'con jumped out of the way and booked it elsewhere because no one wanted to be in the vicinity that had the D.J.D. that hyperfocused.
Shockwaves rippled across the base that it wasn't a gruesome execution but a wedding.
Out of all the mechs, Tarn's.
The gossip mill was set aflame. Information between truth and rumors clashing, especially when the newlywedded mech was spotted with strange, blue Energon painted bright on his chassis.
The reality of it was far less fantastical.
You were a sack of photon-potatoes over Tarn's shoulder as he carried the cradle-pod of newsparks under his opposite arm.
At the daunting reveal that Megatron the bomb of Megatronus Prime's ordained lineage with the markings and proven insignia, you took a short break in the private sideroom (with proper permission from the High Priest) to freak out over your own lack of preparations and courtesies for said High Priest.
You did invoke part of an old bonding custom from Caminus' initial vorns when the Titan carried the survivors of the Tribal wars composed of different peoples.
You and Tarn get married with each other’s Energon painted upon the chassis.
Not only Megatron officiated the ceremony, but allowed a generous honeymoon package of timeoff and a few gifts.
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howlingday · 1 year
Good Mom Raven
Raven: (Wearing a I.D.G.A.F.A.Y.K. shirt, Captioned beneath with full spelling)
Mom: Don't you think that shirt is a bit inappropriate for a PTA meeting, Ravine?
Raven: Don't you think that shit spewing from your fucking mouth is inappropriate, Gloria?
Raven: And it's Raven, ya bastitch!
Mother: Are you actually grilling at a school potluck?!
Raven: Yes, Tracy, because some of these kids deserve something more than just kale chips and whatever vegan bullshit you're pawning off.
Raven: Oh, and tell your beta-bitch husband that if he tries to tell me how to grill again, I'll chop his dick off and shove it down your throat. That way he can at least put it in your mouth once, instead of the neighbors'.
Raven: (Bites, Chews) Hm... Wow... I'm impressed, Coral. These oatmeal raisin taste like your sex life.
Mama: Oh, you mean they're moist and absolutely delicious, right?
Raven: Nah, more like they're dry, crusty, and probably hasn't been touched in damn near twenty years.
Ruby: Mom, you don't have to walk me to class.
Raven: Why not? Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your boyfriends and girlfriends?
Ruby: Mooom!
Raven: I'm just teasing, Ruby.
Ma: You're that girl's mother?! No wonder she's such a delinquent! She's caused thousands of property damage! She should be locked up!
Ruby: (Whimpers)
Raven: (Swigs, Exhales) Hold this, kiddo.
Ruby: Snrk!
Raven: Really? You got yourself a girlfriend? Good for you, Yang!
Yang: Yeah, but... I haven't told Dad, and-
Raven: Pfft! So? He doesn't care, so long as you're happy! Besides, knowing how close him and Ghira are, I'd say it's only a matter of time. Besides, you can't be worse than her ex, right? You know, the psychopath?
Moma: Your daughter is one of those [REDACTED]?! Ugh! Doesn't she know that lesbians don't know what real love is! When the Brothers return, she'll be destroyed along with those filthy animals!
Raven: Yeah, right. Like you know what real love is. And at least those "animals" know how to please a man. You should ask your husband. He would know.
Raven: Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't ran off with that cute bunny girl I keep seeing him hang around with. I bet even your kids like her better than you.
Yang: (Covers her mouth)
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
I saw you were looking for a Christmas prompt and I had an idea (you don't have to take it of you don't like it or if you're just feeling finding one you like it by yourself :]) :
If I'm not mistaken it doesn't snow in California right? Let's say that Laddie really wanted to have a snowy Christmas but can't have it, bc there's no snow, and Dwayne buys steals a couple of artificial snow and convince the boys to fly for a little a while spraying "snow" to make Laddie happy, if he happens to ask how is it snowing in California reader would simply say
-Have I ever told you that I'm a witch, kiddo?
-No way! Seriously?
-Awesome! I have a vampire and witch parents!
Ok but I swear I just died from the cuteness of this idea!! I had to write it immediately! Laddie deserves snow! As someone who is from Florida and has also never seen snow in her life I know where Laddie is coming from.
Santa brought us snow! (DwayneXFem!ReaderX Laddie)
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Word count: 1,739
Pairing: DwayneXFem!Reader (Romantic) Laddie Fem!Reader (Maternal)
Warnings: Absolute pure fluff!
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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You watched as the young boy sighed yet again at the images that hung in the shops, depictions of snow covered houses and roads, cars carrying freshly cut trees and children having snowball fights. Yes these Thomas Kinkade-esk paintings were lovely, but impossible, at least where you were. The lively town of Santa Carla was known for many things, the pier and boardwalk, the runaways, the drifters, the shady passer-throughs, the missing people, and being the murder capital of the world…But what it wasn't known for…Was snow…that was California for you. You were very much used to it, having come from Florida, you had never seen the joyous fluffy powder that caused kids to lose their minds and adults to bundle up around the fireplace. But you were in fact, one of those adults, and Laddie wanted to be one of those kids. 
"I really wish it snowed here" he pouted as the two of you walked along the boardwalk, the boys currently out hunting. 
"Christmas is supposed to look like that" he stated, pointing at another image. 
"But it's never like that here, it's just like every other day"
"But with presents" 
"But with presents," he giggled.
"I know sweetie, if it makes you feel any better, I've never seen snow either" you told him.
"Nope, it was always too hot where I lived in Florida to snow. I've never had a white Christmas either" you explained, watching as the boy looked back at the image.
"I wish Santa would bring snow this year, for both of us" he stated, and you swore your heart melted. Laddie was such a sweet and gentle child, you wanted to give him the world…and if it was snow he wanted, dang it he was gonna get it…You just had to figure out how.
"So you want to make it snow for Christmas?" Dwayne asked after you had pitched the idea to him once they returned, Laddie off with Paul and Marko on rides.
"I want to figure out some way, he deserves to feel that sort of Christmas magic" you explained, watching Dwayne give you a small smile as he leaned over the table, taking one of your fries.
"And how do you purpose we do that Princess?" 
"That's where I'm stuck. I know back home, Disney does this thing called snoap, where it's this soap mixture that shoots out of these box things that looks like snow. But I'm not sure what the mixture is" you explained, watching him nod.
"If we found one of those big snow machines to…borrow for a bit that might work, but they are loud, he'd know where the snow was coming from" you added.
"I know there is also a mixture of baking soda and water you can make for fake snow. Or powder that you just add water to that makes fake snow…I'm not sure" you sighed.
"You just want him to have a good Christmas…A memorable one" he smiled.
"Exactly! I'm used to never having seen snow by now. But I know how badly I wanted to see it when I was his age. It was never the same type of Christmas in Florida that you saw plastered everywhere. Now snow, no fireplaces for Santa to climb down to put presents under the tree"
"I still don't see how we teach our kids that a man breaking into your house is ok as long as he has gifts" 
"That's not the point" you laughed, though he was right, it was an odd concept.
"I want to give him that moment that, maybe, Christmas can be magical wherever you are" you explained, saddened by the thought that maybe you wouldn't be able to. But Dwayne just took your hand in his and gave you a soft smile.
"We'll figure something out"
"Are you sure this will work?" You giggled, looking at the machines that each of the boys held, they honestly looked like some sort of large leaf blower but there were slots on the back end for a large chunk of ice, chunks of ice that the boys had somehow acquired an overabundance of. It had been a couple nights since you had pitched the idea to Dwayne, both of you trying to figure out how to bring it to life, this seemed to be his solution.
"We overheard the guys saying these were the latest and greatest for the snow park places" Paul stated while patting the machine he was holding.
"We already did a test run, you should have seen how confused the couples on the beach were" Marko laughed.
"Oh my God is that snow?!" Paul mimicked a woman's voice while looking over at Marko.
"It can't be, it doesn't fuckin snow in California!" Marko replied, deepening his voice.
"Then what is it?! What if it's poison! I'm getting out of here!" Paul finished in the high pitched voice before they both laughed. You could truly picture these two flying over random couples to terrorize them, safely hidden by the clouds.
"Well I'm glad they bring joy to everyone" you laughed. 
"So how do you purpose we do this?" David asked, looking at you and Dwayne.
"This is your son after all," he added. Even after this much time that still made your heart warm…Your son. Dwayne had treated Laddie like a little brother until you came along, the little boy soon growing attached to you, and when you and Dwayne made it official it didn't take long for the boy to ask if you could be his parents, a question you happily said yes to. 
"We'll wait just a bit for it to get cloudy, then we'll take off. The ice is hidden far enough away so even when we have to get more he'll never know. Y/N you bring the rock box out and turn it up as loud as it can go to cover up any noises from these" Dwayne explained while lifting the machine slightly.
"Sounds like a plan" Paul smiled, Marko and David nodding along.
"Thank you for doing this" you told them all with a smile, you really were beyond thankful to them for helping you give Laddie a Christmas to remember.
"You don't have to thank us Sorella, we want Laddie to be happy too" Marko spoke while sitting down his machine.
"Yeah! Every kid should have at least one magical Christmas!" Paul smiled excitedly.
"And if we can provide that, then we will" David finished, a small smile on his face.
"Now you better go get ready" he added while looking over at the cave.
"Ok, I'll go get everything, be out in ten?" You asked, watching as they all nodded, the clouds overhead becoming denser.
"We'll see you then" Dwayne smiled, leaning down to give you a kiss before you made your way back inside. 
You and Laddie finished wrapping the last of the gifts for the boys, knowing that tomorrow night you would be watching the boy happily hand them to everyone. You secretly checked your watch for what felt like the hundredth time, before realizing it had been ten minutes already. 
"Ok! So now that we got that done, wanna go outside? We can bring the rock box" you smiled.
"Can we bring your Christmas cassette?!" He asked excitedly.
"Of course!" You nodded, standing up and grabbing the boom box and desired cassette tape. Before the both of you made your way up the stairs.
"Why are we going outside to listen to music though?" He asked once you both got out of the cave.
"Well…I heard that something magical was gonna happen tonight" you smiled, sitting down with him and putting the cassette in, turning the volume all the way up, the boy's cue.
"Magical?" Laddie asked while looking over at you.
"Yup, but we gotta watch for it" you nodded towards the sky, and you both turned to look at the clouds, Laddie very confused, while you were trying to hide your smile. Soon enough you saw the first few specks, and then a few turned into more, until it was slowly drifting down onto the two of you, the wind catching it slightly as it blew it around, making it look even more magical.
"IS THAT?!?" Laddie asked excitedly, jumping up from his spot as he jumped up to catch the cold flakes in his hands.
"IT'S SNOWING! SANTA BROUGHT US SNOW!!" He yelled, and you couldn't help but smile and laugh along with his excitement, you had to quickly blink back the tears as he jumped around, the white flakes landing delicately in his hair and on his jacket, his face upturned as he cheered. It was such a beautiful sight, a pure joy that you rarely feel once you reach adulthood, that childlike joy when you feel like the whole world is magic, and nothing can go wrong. You wanted to capture that joy and let him bask in it forever, never having to worry about anything. It was only the sound of his voice that brought you out of your thoughts.
"I don't understand though, I thought it didn't snow here" he asked while looking over at you, shaking his head to cast off some of the still falling flakes.
"Wanna know a secret?" You asked with a smile, watching him nod.
"Have I ever told you that I'm a witch Sweetie?" You smiled, as his eyes went wide, an expression of pure shock crossing his face.
"No way! Seriously?!" He asked running up to you.
"Yup" you nodded from your sitting position.
"Awesome! I have a vampire and a witch for parents!" He cheered into the night, and you knew that Dwayne was smiling too if he heard that, both of you watching Laddie play in the snow that had gathered on the ground, before running over to you with two big handfuls and throwing it in the air above you.
"Wanna have a snowball fight?" You asked with a smile.
"Yeah!" He cheered before hugging you and pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
"You're the best mom, I love you"
"I love you too sweetie" you smiled while hugging him back, giving him a quick kiss as well.
"Snowball fight!" He shouted before running off a bit to grab some snow, and you swore that over the sounds of Christmas music, you could hear four different laughs.
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smallraindrops-blog · 4 months
The Eros of May
WMFTD!Y/N x Hypnos
(The last day)
Wordcount: 550
Summary: Told in snapshots. There is a beautiful man with sleepy golden eyes, warm skin kissed by the sun and the lingering days of spring.
Warnings: no beta
notes: a writing challenge for myself, I took two different challenges and mashed them together. Credit to this post and this post and their creator for making these challenges.
One more thing, these are out-of-order, not a straight timeline. Sorry for any confusion.
To find the rest, use ‘The eros of may’ tag please. 
Thanks to everyone for coming along with this journey with me. With two minutes left before midnight, here is the last part of TEOM ( a03 link will be posted later once i edit it.)
Thanks again, my friends.
Am i allowed to cry at my own writing?
Memory lane.
The end happened on a perfect summer day. 
The Mediterranean Sea gleamed that impossible blue, so bright that it hurts to look for long. Wild poppies and daisies and so many colorful wildflowers grew on the hills of ancient ruins. Stone that was here before you and will be long after you were nothing but dust.
You took a terrified breath then another. 
With a boastful laugh, your dad clasped his arm on your shoulders as he watched you fight down the panic. “Remember, waiting is the worst part. Which is why me and your Pa eloped.”
”You were a pair of teenage runaways.” You replied sharply, brushing a hand down on the suit. Your eyes darted down to the beach, watching as children ran between the chairs. Family and friends were milling about, chatting as they waited for the ceremony.
Hermes was laughing at something Pa said, as Hypnos’ mother sat with Zagreus’ parents for companionship. It was a beautiful scene.
You didn’t tell him that you and Hypnos almost eloped but Hypnos had really wanted his family to be there. And whatever Hypnos wanted, so did you.
”We were.” Achilles laughed, his smile growing soft. “I never could have imagined a better life.”
You nodded, parting your lips when you heard footsteps behind you. Achilles straightened his back and pulled you into a tight hug. He whispered, “I am so proud of you. I love you, kiddo.”
“Love you too.” You told him, returning the hug. Achilles gave you a manly pat on the back and hurried down the path.
Faintly you heard Thanatos’ voice. “Just say the word, I got the car and he won’t find us.” 
You shifted on your feet, a little annoyed that Hypnos’ twin was willing to play runaway driver. Mostly you were glad that Hypnos had someone willing to do that for him.
When they rounded the cliffside, you felt breathless when you saw him. You didn’t see Thanatos’ scowling expression, like he wished you would just drop dead.
Hypnos was gorgeous in a simple dark red suit, his hair flowing in the cool breeze. His smile grew when he saw you, and you knew you looked like a fool with your own smile. 
Ruefully, Thanatos let his twin go, watching with an odd sort of bittersweetness. Hypnos rushed to you. You met him halfway, and swung him around in your arms. 
He was laughing when you put him down, his cheeks flushed. Gods, help you he was perfect. You wanted to kiss him but you resisted, knowing Hypnos would tell you to wait.
“I will go tell everyone to get seated.” Thanatos said, walking past them. He shot you a look, a silent warning not to ever break Hypnos’ heart again. 
Once he was down at the beach, calling for people to sit, you looked down at the gorgeous man in your arms. He looked back up at you, his smile brighter than the sea itself. 
“Ready?” You whispered, pressing your forehead against his. 
“Ready.” He said, cupping your cheek.
The music began. 
Arm in arm, you and Hypnos walked down the path to the beach, toward the shining blue seas.
The end happened under a wedding arch of daisies, with a single kiss to seal vows evermore, but so did a new beginning.
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