#russian speakers
rrcraft-and-lore · 5 months
Just arrived today at home.
The first foreign edition of The First Binding in hardcover.
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rabid-citrus · 1 year
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
romanticizing the soviet union has been an increasingly huge problem on here lately, so i think hypervigilance for that is probably why people have been sussy of your post. i will admit i checked out your profile before reblogging to make sure you weren't another stalinist weirdo 😅 anyway, have a nice day! and may your notes be peaceful
The notes seem pretty normal to me, got one comment saying something like “op didn’t deserve the harassment” and I’m confused what they meant? There’s just some people disagreeing or correcting me on stuff
Haven’t personally seen many tankie blogs on here to feel wary like that but I am like that with YouTubers so I get it lol. I don’t think it’s romanticizing the Soviet Union to like some stuff from it. I pretty openly talk about liking Soviet cartoons, I grew up watching them and my art style is influenced by them, there’s lots of cool Soviet art in general and they made cool scientific achievements. It was a repressive authoritarian regime that committed atrocities but it’s also a place a lot of regular people lived in up until pretty recently and it’s where my entire family is from. It’s like how it’s not American exceptionalism to like southern food or jazz music
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guys that obviously wasnt mike wheeler. mike wheeler doesn’t have short hair nor does he want to el to improve her motivation. finn wolfhard is playing mikes russian counterpart famously known as mikhail son of enzo. obviously the ai was gonna be wrong if it was trying to lip read in english 🙄🙄 hes literally russian🙄
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
studying Yiddish is so interesting and surprisingly simultaneously isolating and …. Deeply enmeshed in the world because ok. First off the Yiddish Verses Hebrew drama is imho a pretty recent controversy shaped by modern national politics that elides the extent to which Yiddish and Hebrew were contact languages for hundreds and hundreds of years. In the Ashkenazi world they mutually reinforced and defined each other. But Yiddish was also definitionally a contact language! What it was, a crucial aspect of Yiddish’s power to negotiate Yiddishkeit and create a home of Yiddishkeit was in the net of connections and translations with Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Russian, Romanian, German, Slovak, Dutch, Ukrainian, and so forth. These were all part of the ecosystem of Yiddish Culture and Yiddish linguistic culture, and so while working to reclaim Yiddish culture there’s all these silences in the ways Yiddish was not Yiddish alone but that so many of these languages have so few Jewish speakers left and there’s been so many connections of this linguistic echosyatem that have been lost
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prostocupoftea · 6 months
thanks to this post for posting about it on here!! Made me find it out (:
Udp: Thank to this post for a lot of corrections!
If im gonna change some things i will leave the closest to the original translation in the brackets to it will not drift it's meaning if anyone wants to use it!
[Verse 1]
Я другом твоим хочу стать - I want to become your friend
Дай побольше о тебе узнать - Let me know more about you
Будем вместе мы играть - We will play together
То, что в письме - лучше не знать - What's in the letter - better not to know
Задаю тебе вопросы: - Asking you questions
Зима, лето или осень? - Winter, summer or autumn?
Твоя любимая еда? - What's your favorite food?
Какое имя у зверька? - What's the name of your beastie? (as in like. small animal. it rhymes in russian i promise.)
Доверься мне, мы же друзья - Trust me, we are friends after all
И ты со мною до конца - And you with me untill the end
Я всё узнаю про тебя - I will find out everything about you
От меня не скроешься - Can't hide away from me
В моих руках твои друзья - Your friends are in my hands
Ты их забудешь навсегда - You will forget them forever
Ведь у тебя есть только я - Because you have only me
И только я, и только я - And only me, and only me
Бесконечное веселье - Everlasting fun
Только лишь для нас двоих - Only for us two
С тобой найдём мы увлеченье - With you we'll find devotion
О проблемах позабыв - All problems forgotten
[Verse 2]
С возвращением, друг - Welcome back, friend
Кажется был завершён сеанс - Seems like our seance was cut short
Но ты не бойся, коли вдруг - But don't fear, if that's so
Смогу восстановить баланс - I can fix the balance
Осталось сделать одну вещь - Only one thing left to do
В админ состав меня вовлечь - In admin list include me
В командную строку набрать: - Type into cmd:
“Кинито дать твой комп зас—” - Give Kinito my pc- (wow i accidentally made it rhyme. anyways, back to blank verse)
Давай, давай, пиши! - Come on, come on, write!
Комп мне свой уступи! - Give your PC to me! (it uses Russian rude-ish-sland for the word computer but that is most likely for song purposes bc it only has one vowel while computer is a long word in both languages
Я не вирус! - I'm not a virus!
Я не вирус! - I'm not a virus!
Бесконечное веселье - Everlasting fun
Только лишь для нас двоих - Only for us two
С тобой найдём мы увлеченье - With you we'll find devotion
О проблемах позабыв - All problems forgotten
Бесконечное веселье - Everlasting fun
Только лишь для нас двоих - Only for us two
Нам не скучно - это правда - We're not bored - that's the thuth (technically better in future lang like "we won't get bored" but in song was present bc song purpouses so i will leave it like that in literal translation)
Разве не согласен ты? - Dont you agree?
А теперь… Дай мне доступ! - And now... Give me access!
Мы же друзья! - We are friends after all!
Скажи, ну хоть раз - Tell me, even once
Подвёл я тебя? - Have I let you down? (also technically in the present tense here but yeah...)
Целый мир, здесь я и ты - This whole world, for me and you (orig. "The whole world, here's me and you")
Места нет для скукоты - No place for boredom here
Всё подстроил под тебя - Everything i arranged for you
Теперь системой правлю я - Now the system's ruled by me
if ya are native/just really good in english i'll be happy if you check it for any mistakes or propose better/rhyming translation! that's just the meaning mosly word-by-word (:
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so I met a guy from russia on r/language_exchange back when I was on reddit, and we call usually twice a week so I can practice my russian and he can practice his english. and it’s really funny watching my brain go through the mental parkour of communicating ideas in a language I know enough to speak conversationally, but I’m still not fluent in. like I probably use “интересный” (interesting) five times per sentence
like last time we called, I was telling him about the fact that I’m rereading the unfortunate events books because I really liked them as a kid and I felt the writing style really impacted my own art, as well as my interests and my outlook on life, and wanted to touch on a bit on what the books were about. it came out something like
«Сейчас, я читаю книги, которые я прочитала в детстве-” (sudden, jarring switch to english because I didn’t know what the books were called in russian) “a series of unfortunate events” (sudden, jarring switch back to russian) “которые мне очень понравились. Книги о грустных детях с ужасными жизнями, но они очень смешные, потому что у них есть- uh- тёплый- NO- тёмный умор- not ‘warm humor;’ ‘dark humor.’ is that how you translate it. what is ‘warm humor’ even. но мне особенно нравится как автор, uh-” (here I break off because I want to talk about how I like how the author references classic literature a lot, and I appreciate the references a lot more now that I’m older and have studied literature, but I’m not quite sure how to formulate that thought) “автор написал шутки о классической литературе в книгах, и не понимала- wait, should I have used perfective or imperfective aspect there- их когда я была моложе, и сейчас я понимаю их потому что я часто читала литературу в университете”
which translates something to
“Now, I’m reading books that I read in my childhood, “a series of unfortunate events,” which I really liked. The books are about sad children with horrible lives, but they are very funny because they have- warm [wrong word] - NO- dark humor (…). But I especially like how the author […] the author wrote jokes about classic literature in the books, and I didn’t understand […] them when I was younger, and now I understand them because I often read literature in college”
you know, it kinda gets the point across? sort of?
anyway mad respect to anyone who’s had to learn a second language bc it’s not easy!!
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blood-orange-juice · 9 months
I wonder if Anton and Tonya are twins, actually. Since these are variations of the same name.
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galaxythreads · 7 months
i just rewatched the interrogation scene between natasha and the Russians TM in Avengers 1 and my Russian is a lot better than the last time i saw this because i'm 80% sure when natasha says "вы правда думаешь, что я красивая?" (you really think i'm pretty?) she's using вы, not ты, which is hilarious to me. girl, if i was being tortured, i don't think i'd be polite about it.
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appldino · 8 months
А сколько здесь русско-говорящих....Мне любопытно стало
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pteropods · 3 months
crazy that indonesian isnt even top 29 help??? its 56(?)
IKR??? esp bcs Indonesia is like the fourth modt populated country in the world ,,, like obv mandarin and english n hindi wld be above it, then spanish n arabic bcs its got so many countries, but its wildddd its so low for native speakers. Even if u include non native speakers its only 11th :0
#lookin at the top 10 tho im.not suuuper surprised#english is 1 which makes sense. over a billion second language speakers#mandarin is 2 and it can get up there by native speakers alone#like literally the number of native soeakrrs os over 300 million more than the third one#hindi is 3 urdu is 10 and bengali is 7#those are all spoken in India +which give them a huge boost just by native speakers (not to mention the other countries its just India has#A Lot kf people)#and then second languahe speakers are pretty high too#spanish duh#its thd go-to second languahe for any english speaker and I assume a lot kf other european language speakers#plus theres all of south america besides three countries#and EG#french is also duh its an official language in lime 30 countries#Arabic actually Kinda surprises me to be 6 only bcs the classification doesnt include dialects#and theres A Lot of dialects#OH WOW actually thatd entirely by second langauge speakers#it doesnt list ant native speakers sjnfe every1 learns their respective dialects first#b4 learnjng standard#thays less surprising then actually#since a lot of ppl wld learn MS arabic after already knowing theur own dialect#esp for like international business n stuff w/ other arabic speaking countries#and then lots kf ppl learn it as a second language#portugese at 8 ... its got PALOP and brazil so I get that yeah#and russian at 9#honestly im just surprised its below portuguese and russian. esp russin tbh#also I didnt know urdu has sk few speakers ....#(“few” its 232 million LMAO)
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gray-ace-space · 1 month
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that's good luck i think
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rodolfoparras · 8 months
Doesn't help that the face model/body of the actor that does makarov has man titties in general.
After some research I can confirm that Julian is a big tiddied man
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samodivas · 8 months
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draakart · 4 months
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Permafrost specialists out to help a small and isolated village in the Far East.
With a focus on Aleksandr Chernikov, who is a tall Russian man. The face I've decided on for him is the top centre. I don't think he's the sort to do anything too complex with his hair and beard
Other characters are Bogdan Novak, a geteza who loves to play the concertina and Botagoz (who still needs a last name), who is a butch Kazakh.
They met each other at the regional centre for higher education, which I am tentatively calling the Siberian Permafrost Institute.
This lot are sent as delegates to the sickly Far Eastern village of Belmorsk, who are dealing with the consequences of long-preserved chemical dumps in the permafrost thawing out. Or so the Institute assumed.
The reality of what is making the townsfolk so ill is much more sinister.
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logicpng · 11 months
How do you pronounce the name of your CaelOS ocs?
for aster it's just like their namesakes are pronounced! the wikipedia pages have pronunciation guides. Urs is like how you'd say Ursa Major but drop the "a"
IPA can be a bit difficult though, so this is the closest i can give you to spelling those out:
Rigel - RAI-jel
Vega - VEE-gah or VEI-gah
Aldebaran - AL-deh-buh-ran (kinda what you see is what you get kinda pronunciation)
Urs - OO-rs or IR-s (IR as in "girl". the latter is how wikipedia lists it. im not too sure how to spell it out? and the former is how i actually tend to say it)
and Aster is just AH-ster, like the flower or given name
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