agent-murica · 4 years
Is there a magic phrase I can send you to ask your updated thoughts about season 15? I read through all of your season 15 tags and I wanna know more of your thoughts on it? If it’s too much trouble for you I completely understand season 15 was a long time ago and if you don’t want to do it I don’t want to make you. I just really like heading your thoughts. Thank you!
Oh man, my updated thoughts? I’m always down to talk about s15 no worries!
Well for starters, I can still confidently say that it’s still one of my favorite seasons. I just really loved the new characters introduced. Dylan Andrews is, I think, in my Top 3 of my favorite woman in RvB, right behind Kaikaina and Shiela. I also still like Jax, since I know people didn’t really like him cause he was constantly making movie references and was annoying, but I liked him! I thought he was funny. And of course, my favorite villain in all of RvB- Temple.
I have many, many thoughts about Temple as a character. For starters, I love Joe for even attempting to address the fact that SIM Troopers and the SIM Trooper program was a MASSIVE unethical operation and was very fucked up. Since RvB is a comedy driven show, I never thought that it would get pointed out, so since Temple did that, I automatically loved him. Plus, I like that they didn’t change that he was a SIM- he’s stupid, he looks up quotes and monologues to sound more intimidating, he has no strength to go against Freelancers so he circumvents that by freezing them. He’s so creative! And I know a lot of people are skeptical about the validity of the cause of Biff’s death, and I personally flip-flop depending on the AU or fic that I’m writing, mainly because this is RvB. I didn’t even think twice about a SIM dying by a flagpole, I just went ‘yeah that checks.’ But I can also vibe with other interpretations of Biff’s death.
Now, I’m not above having some criticisms of the season. For one, my biggest gripe has GOT to be the fact that in the last few episodes when they’re on their way to stop Temple, they made the other Red and Blue SIMs like... that. Seriously, I hated that when it first aired and I hate it now. Like, I’m not even going to get into the implications of when writers have a villain with a reasonable and justifiable ideology but then go forward to make it impossible to sympathize with said villain by making them do a bunch of evil shit, there’s a really good post I saw earlier that discussed this in a broader sense. Like, the Blues and Reds were used for human testing unknowingly and thus without their consent, and thus have had their rights violated. Also, they apparently club baby seals so you definitely shouldn’t feel bad when the Reds and Blues kick their asses. Like, I get that you’re supposed to root for the BGC, but they could have done that in literally any other way.
Also, quite a few of the jokes were distasteful. I won’t go into which ones, because I’m pretty sure we all know which ones by now (the ones with Tucker and Kai...). In a similar sense, I feel like it had the build-up to be a somewhat Red Team focus, with Grif leaving, Simmons dealing with this, Sarge switching sides, and then Lopez being the one to get help. But after Wash, it switches focuses kinda jarringly. And I think both Red and Blue fans can agree that Wash has been hurt enough by now, let the man rest he deserves it.
On a more positive note, I know the fight scene between Carolina and Texas was weirdly paced, yeah whatever who cares about fighting when the character emotes were so GOOD!! I would gladly give up all fight scenes in favor of having the characters move around casually more. Any day. It just added so much character and more emotion than the fight scenes do. (I am ALWAYS thinking about Caboose hugging Locus).
Uhm, I think this is everything at the top of my head right now. I’m sure if I go back and rewatch the season (I’m due for a rewatch anyhow) I could say so much more.
TL,DR; I love s15, and can also recognize it’s flawed, and it still holds up as my favorite season of RvB so far!
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dragon-nix · 7 years
hey so i dont usually do these in depth analysies so if i get something wrong im sorry, but theres something about rvb s15 that really stuck out to me. andrews asked temple when he wouldnt shoot grif if he was afraid of blood (it sounded kind of mocking, so maybe im reading too much into this). however, the first episode we see blood splatter all over temples helmet. it seems really out of character for this guy to be afraid of blood when hes never been afraid to shoot or kill before. at first i thought it was cheap writing and i thought for a long time on how andrews couldve possibly known that. i think i have it now. andrews was wrong. temple is NOT afraid of blood. hes afraid of blood on orange armor.
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blu-vs-blu · 7 years
Wash Did It
Wash: Alright, who broke it?
Wash: I'm not mad, I just want to know who did it.
Simmons: I did. I bro-
Wash: No. No, you didn't.
Wash: Grif?
Grif: Don't look at me, look at Tucker!
Tucker: What? I didn't break it.
Grif: Huh, that's weird. How'd you know it was broken?
Tucker: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken???
Grif: Suspicious
Tucker: No. No, it's not-
Doc: If it matters, probably not, but Donut was the last to use it.
Donut: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Doc: Oh yea? Than what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Donut: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Doc.
Simmons: Okay, okay, lets not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it.
Wash: No! Who broke it?
Tucker: Wash, Carolina has been really quiet.
Carolina: Really?!
Everyone: -arguing-
Wash, from a different room: I broke it. I haven't slept in 3 days, it burnt my hand, I punched it. I predict they'll be at each other's throats with war paint and rocket launchers.
Wash: It was getting too chummy around here anyway
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returnofdedsec · 7 years
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wlw/mlm solidarity is achievable. RoosterTeeth single-handedly tore down all homophobic stereotypes between lesbians and gay men and heres the proof
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sxpaiscia · 7 years
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after season15 trailer of red vs blue my mind just.. went crazy with a “dark simmons AU”. grif is dead. simmons went mad and start updating more and more his body because he thinks he is weak, he could have saved grif if he was strongher. why human body is so fragile? he starts a revenge against the man(s) that killed grif.  i have a lot planned for this AU, and @riathedreamer is even helping me! thanks you girl! stay tuned because i will post more stuff about this lovely nerd <3 
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saibugs · 7 years
Wash grew a beard and I’m all for this.
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renaroo · 7 years
My Abridged Feeling: RvBS15
Okay, bear with me. Or don’t, actually, because me being sour a year after a season of an internet show has very limited mileage lol
So one thing I’ve had to come to terms with over the past year of massive changes in my life is that expectations are only what you make them. As in, if you have them you’re going to have to accept that there’s a chance that what you’re expecting is actually going to let you down.
I’m a scientist, not a philosopher, so give me a break on the poor analogy.
But I do hold a lot of expectations for the things I love not because of the anxiety-inducing wait to see if I can be let down… repeatedly, but because the feeling of wonder and joy for when your expectations are met or, better yet, exceeded is that worthwhile of a process.
Something meandering through mediocrity, especially when it has impressed expectations from me before, becomes incredibly frustrating as a result. And that frustration of wasted potential actually annoys me and earns more of my ire than things that are truly bad.
If you follow my blog for multiple fandoms I’m in, you’re probably at least peripherally aware of my stance on this considering the love-hate relationships I have with various media like comics and movies. Things that disappoint me by wasting all their potential get big huge dissertations about them while stuff like, say, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows get mercilessly mocked in about one post after I see it and then forgotten into the… ooze, as it were.
And I think that’s why I’ve spent the better part of a year trying, desperately, to put into words the ways that I didn’t enjoy Red vs Blue Season 15 where I was one of the people who couldn’t have cared less about Season 14.
Season 14 didn’t let me down because I thought it was a dumpster fire from the beginning and as a result actually had a few of the shorts surprise me with… I guess, competency?
Last Season, though, I had expectations for. I was rooting for. And, for the first five or six episodes, I was actually enthusiastically in support of. It led me on with the promise of being something that the season ultimately wasn’t. And I think that unevenness and the general let down is what left more of an impression on me than the general low quality of seasons before.
RvB has always been fairly uneven as a series overall, and I think that’s probably more evident in the Blood Gulch seasons and the Freelancer seasons than in the more comprehensively arcing Recollection or Chorus Trilogy — both conveniently playing out in three acts overall with three act structures taking place over the course of the individual seasons as well. But all seasons are guilty of it, and if you’re one to nitpick — which I think we all know I am — then you can do so for every season.
Which is why I could never fully articulate my issues with Season 15 as a whole, because the issues were always there, and sometimes could be just as if not more egregious than Season 15, but rarely did they bother me to this degree. And a part of me understood even from the beginning that it’s because, overall, if I was enjoying the other material, if I was entertained and had my expectations exceeded in other departments, I was always willing to overlook the things that RvB was bad at. I enjoyed the characters and their journeys over each of the story arcs too much to not appreciate what was there.
So I could still give a huge play-by-play of each of the individual things that were bothering me, as exhausting as that process has been for me especially in the last few months, but I don’t really feel like that gives me the closure I’m seeking in doing so.
I might still make individual posts about the pacing, the queerbaiting (which I have so much to say about i can’t even begin here omg), or the INCREDIBLY tone deaf treatment of racial stereotyping and suicide — in 2017, the worst possible year for either of those things that I can think of, not that any time would be good. And there’s a part of me that feels like I should make those posts when the exhaustion over it all isn’t as strong, sure. But mostly I just want to express that for me, as someone who has been watching Red vs Blue with my friends and making friends through it for almost a decade now, last season was the most disappointing for me because it seemed to lose track of its own threads and, more importantly, at times completely ignored the progression of the characters I loved which was the strongest asset that RvB has always had in my opinion.
If the characterization and relationships aren’t there, what makes RvB stand out from the internet humor gamer-based ugliness of the early 2000s isn’t there, and at least for me I’m beyond that being a passing grade on its own. And I think, for at least most of the people I’ve talked to personally, whether they’ve had the strong reactions I’ve had or not, that seems to be a predominant feeling.
Among a thousand nitpicks, which I can totally do if I eat enough chocolate and people don’t mind my posts looking like screaming IMs with my friends on Discord, of all the failings that I can point to with this past season, the most comprehensive reason I didn’t enjoy last season and am still apprehensive going into a new season is that for the first time in my viewing, RvB truly felt like “more the same”.
And that’s not nearly as fun.
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trawpius · 6 years
4TB Universe
RVBS14 - Entire Triplets Arc extended over a 20 Episode Season
RVBS15 - Vignettes jumping between Grif befriending Carolina and befriending Wash
RVBS16 - Political drama in which Kimball deals with the UNSC placing an embargo and sanctions on Chorus. Niner returns as a runner, bringing in necessary supplies that Chorus can’t make on its own.
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On S15E7
(Opening Thoughts)
What does Grif’s absence mean for this season? I understand there may be a logistical reason for him to be gone as Geoff (Grif’s voice actor) was on hiatus for a period of time this year during RVBS15 production, but is there a reason, I mean, a real, plot-pushing reason for him to be gone, and is he coming back?
Tucker begins with the soliloquy of “A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link.” Understandably, he’s legitimately frustrated that Grif has left the team for the foreseeable future. In his point of view, Church is responsible for all of the Sim Troops and Wash and Lina’s lives, and when a chance for them to save Church in return rises, he sees the only logical response to be to join the team and save Church. Thus far, however, we haven’t seen much of a reaction from anyone else (excluding the general reactions of everyone from E6).
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returnofdedsec · 7 years
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returnofdedsec · 7 years
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Grimmons is dead GRICUS is my friend now
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returnofdedsec · 7 years
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returnofdedsec · 7 years
Episode 4s ending was actually kind of funny 😂
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