#rwby war of the rose
arc-misadventures · 1 year
Faunas: Does, and Don’ts
Ruby: So, you’re dating, Weiss. Any does, and don’ts with her. Since she’s a faunas, and all?
Jaune: Why are you asking me this?
Ruby: Just curious how other faunas feel about having their tails pulled. Some people have pulled my tail too, and I didn’t like it. So, I was curious how others felt about it. And, if differently faunas feel differently about about their tails being pulled; me being a wolf, and Weiss a snow leopard.
Jaune: Okay, but why not ask, Weiss what it’s like to have her tail pulled?
Ruby: I have, but she starts blushing, and refuses to talk about it. So…?
Jaune: Weiss is a rather reserved person, she probably doesn’t want to talk about such private matters.
Ruby: Yeah, that makes sense.
Jaune: Yeah, so about your question: First things first: Never touch a faunas tail! If you accidentally brush their tail they will get incredibly uncomfortable! They may just slap you out of habit.
Ruby: Yeah, I can see that. Ha… I’ve even done that myself too.
Jaune: if you grab it though, well that leads to some other problems.
Ruby: Such as?
Jaune: You’ll be lucky if you just get slapped, they might try, and gut you if you did this. Mind you, these rules apply to a lot of faunas in general. No one likes to be inappropriately touched.
Ruby: A guy groped my butt once.
Jaune: Wait, seriously?! What happened, are you okay?!
Ruby: I’m okay. He was arrested, after they took him out of the wall, Yang punched him through.
Jaune: Ahh~! Yang’s such a great big sister.
Ruby: She is~! So, next question: What would happen if a faunas’s tail was pulled by someone?
Jaune: Well, they may try, and kill you. Yang punching that guy through a wall would be considered a nicety.
Ruby: Makes sense, but what would happen if they didn’t do that?
Jaune: Well, but I can’t say for others, but in my case: Pray that your pelvis can endure what is to come…
Ruby: Oh... Is that why, Weiss is walking funny..?
Jaune: Yeah, pretty much.
Ruby: I see… So, one last question.
Jaune: And, that is?
Ruby: Was it worth it?
Jaune: Oh hell yeah it was!
Ruby: Oh, okay then... So, Jaune… I’m a wolf faunas, with a tail, and all that.
Jaune: And, a pretty tail at that.
Ruby: T-Thank you… S-So… W-Would you like to touch my tail…?
Jaune: Sure.
Ruby: Really?!
Jaune: Yeah, why not?
Ruby: That’s great!
Weiss: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: EEP?! Weiss?! H-Hey… How’s… How’s the limp…?
Weiss: Manageable! Now come here, we need to have a conversation, privately!
Ruby: O-Okay!
Weiss: We’ll be right back darling~!
Jaune: Okay…?
Weiss: Now you listen here, Ruby Rose! If you’re trying to do what I think you’re trying to do, then I’ve got one word for you!
Ruby: A-And, that is…?
Weiss: Leg stretches. For the love of the gods do some leg stretches before you ask him to pull your tail. Trust me, you will not regret it.
Ruby: Oh… I thought you were going to gouge out my eyes for encroaching on your territory. You did mark him as yours, right?
Weiss: Oh silly little girl~! He marked me, I’m masters good little pet now~! And, master can have as many pets as he wants~!
Ruby: Oh… Okay…?
Weiss: Now you be a good little girl, flash that little tail of yours in front of him, and make sure he claims you as his personal bitch by the night, okay~?
Ruby: You meant that as a faunas thing right?
Weiss: Sure, why not. Either way, you’re walking funny in the morning.
Ruby: Aren’t the leg stretches supposed to prevent that?
Weiss: No, but it helps. Somewhat…
Ruby: Oh… Okay then.
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craziechwiv · 2 months
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frishbi · 7 months
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RWBY X Star Wars AU! :D
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rubyfunkey · 4 months
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comic commissioned by @bravewriting for their lovely RWBY/Nuts n Dolts role-reversal fic linked above :)
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notmaplemable · 3 months
Artic Fox Weiss: You should choose me as your mate.
Wolf Ruby: No, pick me!
Jaune: I don't know.
Weiss: Have you considered this? *cute yip*
Jaune: Aww.
Ruby: But what about this! *puppy dog eyes*
Jaune: Awwww.
Weiss: So?
Ruby: Which one of us do you pick?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...I can't pick one.
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rubidimum · 9 months
RWBY star wars au
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 26 days
Ruby: Have you ever smelled Jaune when he uses his semblance?
Jaune: I have a smell when I use my semblance?
Weiss: Oh my gods I thought I was the only one.
Jaune: WTFuck?
Weiss: It’s like lemons and caramelized sugar. Like something sweet being torched but gently.
Ruby: And ozone too. Like you’re standing next to a thunderbolt. Only you’re a person.
Jaune: And this is a good thing?
Ruby: You can taste it. It tastes so good.
Jaune: Huh.
Weiss: I’m so glad you brought this up. I thought I was losing my marbles.
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chaikachi · 2 years
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She's doing her best, okay?
Loosely inspired by that one scene from Friends.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Jaune: Do you want to join my Religion?
Weiss: What's your religion?
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Weiss: Where do I sign up?
Ruby: ...
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rwac96 · 8 months
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My Dress Up Heiress: Teacher's Pet by MallowYallow
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razorblade180 · 5 months
Ruby:Can I say something a little strange and not be judged?
Weiss:I will make an attempt.
Ruby:I would pay so much money for a weighted blanket that’s as heavy as when Jaune sleeps on me.
Weiss:Okay, so I really hate that I understand exactly what you’re saying. It’s like a forever cuddle. It could be a heated blanket too to simulate warmth.
Ruby:I am so happy I brought this to you. Do you have the funds for this dream?
Weiss:I think there’s a market for it.
Yang:Blake, we have to finish this mission soon. They’re starting to implode.
Blake:Honestly I think a weighted body pillow is the way to go.
Blake:..Y’know since you’re the odd one out, it’s actually you who isn’t normal for thinking about this.
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
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Winter: Penny being a part of my soul has nothing to do with my attraction. Even if I want Jaune to protect me and constantly hug Ruby, that's proof of nothing.
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howlingday · 1 month
Ruby: We came as soon as we could! Is he okay?!
Weiss: What happened?
Yang: The doctors say he's fine now. He just needs to stay a couple of nights so he can recover.
Weiss: What happened, though?
Yang: ...
Ruby: (Covers mouth) Oh my god...
Yang: I'm sorry, Rubes.
Ruby: It's fine. I'm... I'm just glad you got him to the hospital in time.
Yang: Yeah, lucky.
Weiss: ...
Ruby: Can we go see him?
Yang: Yeah, just ask the lady at the desk.
Ruby: Okay! You coming, Weiss?
Weiss: In a bit. I need to speak to Yang for a moment.
Ruby: Okay. Take your time. (Pecks cheek, Walks away)
Yang: ...What's up, Weiss-
Weiss: What were you doing at Jaune's?
Yang: Straight to the point, huh?
Weiss: Yes. Now answer me.
Yang: I was going to... talk... to him.
Weiss: Talk to him how? About what?
Yang: Why are you grilling me all of a sudden?
Weiss: Because between you and an Ursa, I'd trust the Grimm to be nicer to Jaune.
Yang: Ouch.
Weiss: You literally beat him to a pulp after he and Ruby had sex. She was afraid to tell you because she knew how you'd react!
Yang: Oh, so suddenly I'm the bad guy because I don't want some dopehead knocking up my sister?!
Weiss: That is not the issue, Yang, and it doesn't answer my question. Why were you at Jaune's?
Yang: I was trying to make him break up with Ruby!
Weiss: Oh... Yang...
Yang: Don't give me that! He's a danger to himself and the last thing I want is him getting Ruby hurt, too!
Weiss: That is not for you to decide, Yang! Just because you're her sister doesn't mean you get to decide who she dates, let alone put her boyfriend in the hospital!
Yang: I didn't put him in the hospital! I mean, I brought him here, but- I didn't put him here! I didn't! I... I didn't...
Weiss: ...Yang?
Yang: ...When I got to his place, his door was unlocked. I walked in, looking for him, and then I found him lying there. I saw the empty bottle next to him and I grabbed him. I called the hospital, and I carried him outside. As I brought him outside, he...
Jaune: Yeng...
Yang: Jaune! Just- Just hang in there, okay? You're gonna be okay!.
Jaune: Err... Err you happy... Yeng?.
Yang: Happy? What the hell are you talking about?!.
Yang: Oh, thank the Brothers...
Jaune: I hope yer...
Yang: Jaune...? JAUNE!.
Yang: One freaked out ride to the hospital later and I called you guys.
Weiss: You saved Jaune.
Yang: No, I didn't. I... I was the one who almost got him killed. Sure, he took the pills, but I was the who pushed him to it. I... I'm such an asshole.
Weiss: ...Yes, you are. You're a selfish asshole who beats people up because you're uncomfortable with their relationship to your sister.
Yang: ...
Weiss: BUT you are also the kind of person who doesn't sit around waiting when someone is in trouble. You could have left Jaune to die on the floor, but you didn't. You could have dropped him in the street and dusted off your hands, but you didn't. You could have just gone home and left him alone here, but you-
Yang: I get it, I get it! (Sighs) Still, I feel like shit. All this time I kept thinking, "Was it me this time? Did I push him to do this?"
Weiss: Do you think you did? Did you say anything?
Yang: Well... Not recently, but-
Weiss: Then I doubt it was you.
Yang: But- Whoa!
Weiss: (Hugging Yang) Thank you. Thank you so much for saving Jaune...
Yang: ... (Hugs back) You're welcome, Weiss.
Weiss: (Pulls away) But this doesn't mean you can keep beating him up just because he's dating your sister!
Yang: ...
Yang: Alright, fine... I'm gonna head home.
Weiss: Leaving already?
Yang: Yeah... I think I've done enough already.
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Blake: What is one the wildest thing you’ve heard during sexual activity?
Weiss: “The entire pill bottle won’t save you from this.”
Everyone:*looks at Jaune*
Jaune:Listen, I was tipsy and we were out all night. I remember saying that though.
Weiss:I never understood how someone could be afraid and so turned on at the same time until that night because he made it sound like a fact.
Ruby:You’ve said scarier.
Weiss:No I haven’t.
Ruby: “Put them on speaker.”
Yang:Who was on the phone?
Weiss:*looks away*
Yang: Don’t you turn from me!
Nora: “Keep playing and I will open this door.”
Jaune:Why do we have two people trying to be this reckless by involving other people.
Weiss:You were trying to make a person!
Jaune:My declaration doesn’t counter medical science!
Blake: “Ruin me like Beacon.”
Weiss:Get your act together.
Yang:Leave me alone. It was a very long day when I said that.
Jaune:*looks at Ruby*
Ruby:…Now I want you to think very carefully before-
Jaune: “My throat remembers every vein.”
Ruby:*throws pillow* I said think carefully!!!!
Yang:I’m gonna do my best to forget that.
Blake:I think that’s a good one.
Yang:Of course you would. “Keep crying. I might listen.”
Blake:We were- out of context that sounds bad! But I’m not explaining either!
Ren: “Why do you think you own your waist?”
Nora:And I stand by that question! There are specific moments it’s no longer yours.
Yang:Jaune, you should also do a Weiss one.
Weiss:Hey! Then Ruby needs to do a Jaune one and so do I!
Yang:No you really don’t. I promise.
Weiss:Jaune, I’ll pay for your silence.
Jaune:Funny enough, I think you’ve told me that before in bed too.
Weiss:Shut up. That was our first hookup! Doesn’t count.
Jaune: “Hello Mrs. Arc. Yeah he’s right here.”
Weiss:*covers face*
Everyone:Stop answering calls!
Weiss:Stop calling. Text like everyone else.
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notmaplemable · 5 months
*Shortly after the battle of Haven*
Ruby: Okay, Weiss. Even since we left Patch I've been Jaune's partner.
Weiss: And you would prefer to keep him as your partner? If so, I understand.
Ruby: No no no, you're still my bestie better than the restie.
Weiss: I sense a but coming.
Ruby: But Jaune's my best friend too, and he shouldn't be alone.
Weiss: Hmm, I agree.
Ruby: So I want to do a threesome.
Weiss: ...What?
Ruby: You know, like let's all be partners together. 3 partners. We'll be team... RWBY+J I guess.
Weiss: Oh. I would be open to a threesome with you and Jaune, in both senses of the word.
Ruby: ...Okay. Let's go ask him about it.
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rodanhoax · 8 months
Blake: So... Who tops?
Ruby/Weiss: Me.
Blake: ?
R/W: ... Weiss/Ruby
Blake: ??
R/W: ... Jaune
Blake: ???
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