dxrkenedheights · 10 months
where: outside cross cabins
with: ryan cross and elijah jones @waterfallswords
Are we going to see Liadan and Shuhshurhsahr. "Nah, Jude. Why you followin' me!?" Are we seeing Tammie and Edunnn? "Yeah. Wait, Judes. I'm goin' to see Tammie and Eden. Where you supposed to be?" Ryan replies to his nephew, several paces ahead of the young boy. He glances over his shoulder, eyes darting between cabins and trying to wonder where his brother's kid even just came from. "Who's got you right now?" Dad. "Where he at?" Jude shrugs. Are we gonna see Isla? "I don't even know where she is. Probably with lil El." Jude sighs in disappointment, prompting a slight laugh from Ryan. A stroke of luck turns the corner in the form of Elijah Jones, causing him to lift a hand to flag him down. "Eli, can you watch Jude in Hunt's cabin 'til he gets back? I gotta get to Tam so she can go on this patrol before she kills everyone."
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dxrkenedheights · 4 months
where: asphodel
with: ryan cross and tammie scott @rviner
"Will you stop pacin'?" Ryan's tone is both a request and demand, watching as Tammie circles the room for what feels like the millionth lap. He's not surprised his role currently consists of mundane watches or check-ins, but he didn't think he'd be reminded of jail when no longer locked in a cell. "She said she'd be twenty minutes, girl. It's been 'bout five. God damn." he adds in a sigh with a quick check of his phone, nodding to one of the seats. "Just sit your ass down. Maybe if you and your sister didn't run outta here like bats outta hell, there'd be no damn talks and shit." he can hear how he sounds, how it even feels alien to be coming from him but...he's trying. "Y'all got my ass on the line too, by the way. And still ain't heard no sorry."
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dxrkenedheights · 1 year
where: somewhere, kaslo
with: ryan cross and tammie jones @rviner
As soon as Ryan's eyes open, they snap to Tammie's listless frame the other side of the concrete room. And just like that, the panic resumes from where it left off. In the hour that Tammie remains still, Ryan tries all of the obvious means of escape. The tiny caged window is laced with wolfsbane, the bars made of silver and the murky view that it grants him only shows large numbers of humans. All with guns, and no doubt silver bullets. He fights through his own haze of drowsiness, his newly given wounds working with the wolfsbane to slow him down and weaken him. And he also knows that if he finds a way out, Tammie can't do a thing. He keeps a watchful eye on her breathing, finally noticing a faint change in the pattern and he's there at her side in a flash. "Hey, hey. You wakin' up?" he touches her shoulder and then her face, watching her stir with concern. As soon as her own eyes flutter open, he presses a finger to his lips. "You good? Sit up." he takes hold of her, moving her in a carefulness. "God damn, they used a lotta wolfsbane on your ass." he brushes hair from her face, seeing the fever taking hold of her and draining the color from her complexion. "Talk, Tammie."
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: supply depot
with: ryan cross and tammie jones @rviner
Ryan likes to think he's a little more coy than he is, but the depot seems flooded by huge men wearing fur and carrying ax's. He's fairly certain they're taking things for themselves, deciding to shut up about it because, soon, a bigger concern arrives. He acts purely on instinct as soon as he sees Tammie and herds to her within an instant, hand coming to her waist and then slipping to her back. "Hey, on er...second thought I think they got it covered here." he says innocently enough, dropping a kiss to her face as he starts guiding her back the way she came. "Who's got Eden?"
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: holding camp dec 31st with: ryan cross and hunter cross @manybcdthings
Ryan peers at the watch tower, his eye glued to the scope of his gun and his finger itching to get near the trigger. There's no order to act yet, but the urgency has spiked his blood. For now, they've been told to gather the final pieces of intel for when the moment comes. He counts two men at first, then a third one joins them. The pair of soldiers chatter like mindless birds, while new arrival nibbles on some grub a few steps away. None of them sense the hungry gaze of predators as Ryan scans them through the sight. And as he observes their patterns, Ryan pulls away from the gun and glances at Hunter beside him. Then at Elliot on the other side. The youngest Cross is a few yards away, munching on his own snack. Ryan’s face returns to the scope and then…a snort escapes him. He stifles a laugh, his shoulders shaking as he moves away from the gun again, nudging Hunter’s arm. “They look like us.” he mutters in full childish amusement, sweeping his arm in a circular motion to include the two of them and Elliot. “I'ma put a bullet right between human-you's eyes when that Rin bitch says so.”
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: supply depot, dec 31st with: ryan cross and isla alvarez @waterfallswords
"Yo, El!" Ryan calls as he appears from the other side of the truck. Preparations far from over before they can head out and embark on what's to come. It's why Ryan doesn't feel too bad with his intentions of plucking Isla from Elliot, knowing she'll wind on back to him for the final farewells. "Lemme steal y'girl for a minute." he adds once closer, clapping Elliot's arm as he passes. His baby brother has his mouth too full of food, his protest just a mumble of crumbs so Ryan has the perfect excuse to not listen. He's able to gently sweep Isla way from Elliot, dashing smile including.
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But a rare expression of sincerity moves to his features once he's stepped aside with Isla, Ryan taking in a deeper breath. "I uh..." he let's out a laugh, mostly because a struggle for words isn't even him. The earlier conversation with Tammie has his mind working in an overdrive, one he has to clear if he's going to bring his best fighting foot to the night. "In my room, in my dresser at the bottom. There's like uh...a paper sack with some whiskey in it. I know you can't drink but just...I don't know. Use my name to get some cake or somethin' from the cafe. But you can do that and head to Tammie's?" asking for favors isn't in his nature either, Ryan usually the one to take on them for everybody else. "She's gonna be worried about JJ and I know she won't wanna worry every other damn Jones too, and you're gonna be worried about El so...just have a girl night. Whatever the fuck y'all do." he huffs then, but it wouldn't be Ryan if a joke didn't follow. "And hey, if just by chance, a pillow fight happens, you got that camera right?"
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: jones cabin dec 24th? if you want idc
with: ryan cross w. tammie jones @rviner
"Babe. Christ." Ryan's whisper is more tired than annoyed, jostled from shallow sleep again by Tammie's shifts and turns in the bed. It's like they've been sleeping on rocks tonight, or this morning, his eyes squinting to the deep blue hue that blankets through the room. It's pointless to even pretend to sleep anymore, the two of them having the same restlessness where tiredness simply won't win. Ryan's arm flops lazily behind him, expecting it to meet against her side or arm but instead it hits the mattress and he twists to see how far Tammie's wiggled away through the night. There's an immediate huff of a laugh at the sight. "Where you goin'?" he turns fully, arm hooking around her middle to glide her back in place. "You've kicked me more times than when I piss you off." he mentions, words accompanied by a grin. "You ain't a wolf. You're a God damn kangaroo." he mumbles then, eyes closing but opening shortly after.
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: cross cabin, dec 13th
with: ryan cross w. jj jones @wilddwcrds
The sorry look on Ryan's face is promptly changed when the cabin door bustles open, a full expectancy of a brother, Mase or Tammie to be the steps out into snow to check on him. It's a Jones alright but Ryan squints through a puff of smoke as it's JJ that appears. "Oh Jesus, it was that bad they sent you?" it's not a quip or a bitter remark but one of light laughter, aimed at his own blood stained head. It's not news that the two of them may as well be the two that fought in the cabin, there's been numerous occasions it almost has been. "I just needed a minute, man. I'll be back in to clear up, and-" he glances to his cigarette in a grumble. "Say sorry to y'all, I guess." just because it's an easier word for him doesn't make it a comfortable one.
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dxrkenedheights · 10 months
where: cross cabin, dec 13th partay
with: ryan cross and hunter cross @manybcdthings
The cabin is even louder than predicted, with cackles that pierce above the already impressive volume. Drinks flowing usually means some form of chaos is afoot, but for now the only thing that clings to the atmosphere is a relieving happiness. Ryan has kept a keen eye throughout the evening for Lia, but there's been no flash of red hair. It seems Hunter has been on a look-out too, both brothers catching one another when their glances peel away from the cabin door. "Expectin' someone?" he taunts when he slides between a free spaces to get to Hunter, punching his brother's arm in way of a greeting before he grabs two beers from the counter. "I know it ain't Roxy you're waiting for, and unless you and Dom took your bromance to the next level, it won't be him neither."
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dxrkenedheights · 10 months
where: town hall
with: ryan cross and liadan murphy @gloriouswhispers
It's difficult for Ryan to know if his steps towards Lia will form an over stepping of a clear and distinct boundary that Hunter has set without a single word. None of the brothers are stupid, they know exactly what's happening to Hunter while a slow partition is being formed between the two worlds. Almost as if he wants them to be two lives he moves between but never once meet. He has his guesses as to why, but he knows it's not for him to speak on. Ryan has still made visits to check in with Lia, and his new little niece. He wishes he could tell the Murphy that there's been a slow decline in Hunter ever since she left the pack. It's clear to those close to him, but once again, over-stepping springs to mind. "Li, you got a sec?" he gives her a nod when he's close enough but Ryan glances to Saoirse in her arms with a smile. A hand comes up to brush a finger on her cheek gently. "She can listen in, it's fine. Ain't no big secret."
He glances through the town hall, a small hint of his name mentioned in the distance that pulls his attention to Tammie and Elijah by a far table. It hits him quickly how there's now small pockets of new families forming, life rolling on but morphing around them or with them. He looks back to Lia, a light distraction over his features before he springs back to his initial thoughts. "You get some of those boxes of shit too? We're havin' a few of us over, I said to Hunt to ask you to head over. You need a night, you know?" he doesn't even phrase it as a question. And Hunter needs a night where he sees that Lia doesn't deserve any of this. He makes an awkward expression, although its more playful. "I er, can't say it's...for Aidan. Sorry. But...curls? If she don't hate cussin' or..." general hooliganism.
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dxrkenedheights · 10 months
where: cross cabins, evening nov. 28th with: ryan cross and wolf cross @secrettyrant
By the time Ryan makes his appearance back home, there's only one cabin that he's determined to stop by. He knows Wolf will already know, and still there isn't much in the way of remorse. Beau had it coming, just like Jack had it coming. A weight has lifted from his shoulders along with it. And in the span of three years, he thinks only a handful of occasions where his aggression got the better of him is something to celebrate.
This doesn't stop him from entering Wolf's cabin with a careful stride, not sheepish or cautious but a respectful gate instead of his overly certain one. "I knew you'd wanna talk." he states as a greeting, glancing at each room to ascertain who else might be home. All seems quiet for now, and Ryan approaches the table and chairs to accept whatever conversation comes next. "I ain't sorry, though. Best to start there, huh?" he says it truthfully with a simple shrug once he's settled at the table.
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dxrkenedheights · 10 months
where: the castle nov 7th with: ryan cross and wolf cross @secrettyrant
Ryan finds himself sitting alone for a few moments, his brothers dispersing and leaving him in a small state of thought. He hasn't mentioned Hunter's outrage from a few days prior and nor has he uttered a word about Rory's sudden crash. Both events happened while Elliot and Isla were late back and Ryan has kept them to himself, mulling them over more frequently than not. They both weigh on his mind for different reasons. Broken has always been a theme that followed the Crosses, showing it's face in a variety of ways. All Ryan can think about is if it's all they're destined to be, unable to conjure a single thought on how to fix it. He isn't expecting Wolf's footsteps to return so soon, Ryan's head pulling to glance to his brother and notice the warm drinks he's carrying. "Damn, read my mind." he laughs as he reaches for one, taking it from Wolf's hand and settling back again.
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He quickly notes how Wolf has only returned with one each, and Ryan is able to quickly connect the dots. Not much can often be missed by Wolf, especially not moods or feelings. It draws a coy grin to Ryan's face as he looks to his brother, already shaking his head slightly before he blows on the drink. "Go ahead man, do the whole speech thing." he waves a hand with a cheeky laugh. "What phrase you wanna use this time? A problem shared is a problem halved?" he jokes because it's always easier, even with the intrinsic knowledge that Wolf can practically read minds.
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dxrkenedheights · 11 months
where: the castle, during the storm
with: ryan cross and mason cross @ofwrxth
As he sits beside Mason, Ryan's mind is drifting to a million things at once. He's barely registering the conversation his son has with little Teddy Prescott, perhaps too distracted by his own previous interaction with Tammie. The only thing that catches his hearing is when Teddy leaves and he swears he can hear a certain infliction in Mason's tone. Immediately, Ryan's laughing and his look shoots to his boy as a cackle erupts. He can't even speak through the laughter until he sighs some of it away, tickled pink. "See ya!" he mimics in exaggeration, lost in his own amusement. He sighs again, chuckles still shaking his shoulders. "Man, that was smooth. I'll use that one." Ryan goads, glancing to Mason and then the disappearing sight of Teddy. "How'd it go again? See ya!? Like that?"
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dxrkenedheights · 11 months
where: the castle, nov 6th
with: ryan cross and tammie jones @rviner
Whispers travel fast through the town but Ryan didn't particularly need to listen to them. Seeing Tammie suddenly clutching a tiny bundle in her arms was enough to stir an onslaught of confusion from him. Not really the how but just the vision itself, Ryan nervously wracking through his own thoughts the few occassions he saw her. Was that going to be their life together if everything happened differently? But, he kept true to their last words. More or less steering clear of her entirely, even more so when Isla and Elliot missed their return window. Even more so when the storm hit through the town and Ryan didn't drown from the flooding but from his constant battle as Beta. Make sure everyone's alright.
He doesn't notice that he hovers close to Tammie as he calls the last dregs of a conversation to the back of Hunter's head. His brother padding away from him and once his eyes catch sight of her, the double look isn't even subtle. Ryan nods upwards, ready to step away before the words stirring behind his teeth end up escaping.
"Wasn't sure if I should say congrats or what." he gestures to the girl in Tammie's arms, a forced chuckle as always but these days they deplete much quicker. He'd heard that the Jones' girls returned to the town with a child, and you'd have to be an idiot to not piece together what they went through. But, Ryan hazards a guess that even if it weighs on Tammie's mind, she's never going to say a thing. His eyes move around the castle for a second, noticing the annoying form of Beau in the distance and suddenly he can't help himself. He's laughing with a more solid sound. "Gotta hand it to him, that was fuckin' fast."
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dxrkenedheights · 11 months
where: the castle
with: ryan cross and rory hayes @rviner
He can see where Rory's training has improved. Slow as it might be, an improvement is still an improvement. Her technique is more concise in comparison to how she started. She's a little faster, a little stronger. He can see where she's listened to Elliot, taking opportunities to attack or escape from a grapple. She's doing all the right things, staying consistent and listening. If it was anybody else, Ryan would say Rory is on the right track to being a good little fighter. But, not yet. There's something he can't put his finger on. A block that Rory can't fight through, something that holds her back. He knows that if this was Jeffrey, if he was Jeffrey, how exactly he could dismantle it. Break her down to build her back up but...that isn't what they're doing there. It isn't what Ryan wants to do, least of all to his younger sister.
"Alright, take a minute. I wanna talk to you." he puffs, throwing off the kick pads from his hands and gesturing for Rory to grab her water. He does the same, watching how the sister still carries herself with a slouch. Her shoulders are tense and her spine is far from straight, no sense of pride or confidence. "That was good, you know that right? You knocked me back a lil, you ain't done that before." he encourages after he sips from his water and trails back over to her. There's a moment of silence as Ryan considers how to approach this, how to pluck a thought from Rory's mind that is clearly a minefield. One wrong move could undo everything, all the progress gone for nothing.
He considers all of the times his fears were used against him, how the training in the Cross pack tried to turn all of them into the perfect soldiers. A switch they could all flip at a drop of a hat. How Jeffrey tried to make them feel weak for feeling anything but anger and hatred. "It's that day, right? When you showed up?" he questions quietly, crouching beside her as she sits with her water. Ryan remembers it like yesterday, as much as he wishes he didn't. "Anyone would be scared of dyin', Rory. If that's what's makin' you not wanna throw yourself into this, we gotta talk about it."
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dxrkenedheights · 3 months
where: howl
with: ryan cross and hunter cross @manybcdthings
"Jesus." it's the only thing Ryan can say as he steps into the club, epileptic lights and the music to match. Talk about a culture shock, as if New York City isn't already one to the trailer park wolf. But, after six years in prison, Howl feels like an assault on top of an assault. His hackles are immediately up, a frown on his face that's rarely ever there. Making him and Hunter look even more fucking identical. Which no one should point out right now, for their sake. "Why the fuck we gotta do this, Hunt? This some bullshit." his arms flail weakly in a defeated shrug as he follows his brother who's clearly had a few security tasks at this fucking shitshow before. "When y'all said 'bout Anvil, I thought y'all meant we'd be fightin' folks." but legally, a loophole that he should have known was too good to be true. "So, what the fuck we do? Just stand here and watch 'em!?" Ryan gestures to the crowd that they've slipped around the edge of to a back room.
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