#rylan salzman
insidious-whispers · 7 years
On June 10, 2014, 16-year-old Rylan Salzman called 911 in Tacoma, Washington to report a murder. Rylan confessed to the dispatcher that he had beaten his father, Richard Salzman, to death and concealed his body in a backyard compost box. Rylan only made the call after his mother told him she would be filing a missing persons report and gathering a search party to look for his father. According to Rylan, his mother, and his sister, Richard was an alcoholic who had physically and verbally abused the family for years. Rylan says on the night of the murder, Richard was mistreating his wife during a phone call. When Rylan stuck up for his mother, Richard pushed him to the ground causing Rylan to snap and beat him to death with a cane. Rylan pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 7 years, a juvenile facility until he is 21 and then a psychiatric facility for the remainder of his sentence.
The above video is the recording of Rylan Salzman speaking with the dispatcher in an eerily calm tone.
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