#s rereads trc
cabeswaterdrowned · 8 months
a fic where Blue and Adam are technically dating but both having emotional affairs with Gansey at the same time… actually that is the dream thieves canon.
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steelycunt · 2 years
for the record i agree with u completely but pls elaborate on ur forlorn gansey feelings if you're so inclined <3
HI OMG !! god i wish i had my copies of the books with me rn so i could refer back to them because i feel like without them im about to say sooo much without saying anything at all like my thoughts are so shallow and half formed but just like...god. his wholeee search for glendower there is smthn so utterly forlorn tragic melancholy behind it and behind his obsession with it and behind his sense of duty towards it and behind how much of his life and his purpose and his being he hinges on the result of it. especially when it ends up dissolving into practically nothing in front of him. AGAIN wishing i had the books but like thinking of uhh i think whelk's?? description?? of him being smthn like strange, desperate gansey. and the bit where its like gansey clung to the possibility that his king would explain the intricacies of gansey to gansey. his fear of having to confront and define who he is as a person and what his purpose is outside his search for glendower...which is at least part of what keeps him so devoted to it...and like. between his supposed responsibility towards that and his responsibility (as he sees it) to looking after his friends all of whom have problems of their own all thats left for himself is like. sitting alone on the floor at like three am painting little carboard models of henrietta. IDK at the end of the day hes just this weird desperate little guy hes kind of fucked up he's like one of those sharks that die if they stop swimming and he knows it and thats why hes gotta keep looking for this dead welsh king and never ever think about what'll happen afterwards so that he never ever ever stops swimming because once he does....
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-} ~ Ch. 202 (x ×××HOLiC) ~ "Kimihiro" Watanuki's "Birth" & "Tsubasa"
"Don't {'Disappear'}!!!!" - Tsubasa Yelling Desperately, To the 'silent' Watanuki...
{Caps by Me} (Please ASK to Use) Tsubasa {Series} (C) C.L.A.M.P
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ofliterarynature · 7 months
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[loved liked ok DNF (reread) bookclub*]
Mammoths at the Gates • An Impossible Imposter • Greywaren • The Hexologists • Mister Impossible • Reclaiming Two Spirits • (Check, Please: #Hockey)* • Thornhedge • Call Down the Hawk • All the Hidden Paths • All the Beauty in the World • (The Raven King) • (A Strange and Stubborn Endurance) • (Blue Lily, Lily Blue) • The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie • The Missing Page • Bird By Bird • Lucky Red • Portrait of a Thief
I suppose I may as well start with the giant pile of Maggie Stiefvater and get that out of the way, lol. According to Goodreads, this was at least my 3rd time through the entire Raven Cycle. Despite that, I had only the vaguest idea of what happened in the last two books, and now having reread them (again), yeah, that tracks! I can hang with book 3 but I have no idea what was really going on in The Raven King, and as a series finale I didn't love it. It felt a lot like the dreamer plotlines drowned out the original Glendower and ley line story that we started with. But, Maggie being Maggie, I love the way she writes so much that I at least still enjoyed the reading experience. And it made an incredibly clear lead-in to the Dreamer Trilogy (which I had not read), it made total sense, I was hopeful! Again, Maggie being Maggie, I had a good time reading them, I liked learning more about the Lynch brothers, I'm always down for some art forgery, but I just didn't really like it and (while I'm glad for Maggie that she was able to write it) I could have lived without it. It completely did not have the vibe or charm of TRC and, criminally, did not include the Gangsey. How!!!!
The Missing Page - liked it! It felt a lot more solid as a mystery than the first book, which I greatly appreciated, though the villagers in the first book were maybe a bit more fun. I'm not feeling particularly inspired to go look up more Cat Sebastian after this, but if she writes another one of these I'd read it.
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - I've had this one on my mystery tbr for a while, and for some reason I'd thought it was set in a much earlier time period than the 1950's? lol. Our protagonist is the youngest of 3 sisters growing up in genteel poverty with an absent father, and she has the run of the village, the house, and an incredibly well stocked chemistry lab left by an ancestor. She is both incredibly clever and terribly naive, and absolutely terrifying because of it. Flavia is fascinating as a detective, because she's not written as the protagonist of a middle grade mystery novel - she's a child. This was an interesting read, but I'm not sure it's what I'm looking for in a mystery novel and I don't think I'll continue the series.
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance - reread this in advance of the sequel - it was a bit easier to see some flaws this time around, but had a good time! This *was* my first time listening to it on audio though, and I'm not sure I'd recommend it. It had a different person reading for each of the main characters and their voices just didn't pair well for me - not to mention one of them also read Lev AC Rosen's Lavender House and boy does he do some distinctive character voices.
All the Hidden Paths - didn't go quite so well. I think primarily my mental space was not pairing well with the tensions of reading this for the first time, I do think on a reread I might like it better. Somehow the spy/saboteur was my favorite character? He was soo bad at his job, I found it very funny. But overall, I think it was just a little too close to a rehash of the plot from the first book, leaving me to think Meadows might not be the best at writing mysteries. Luckily it does at least score high on my romance scale.
All the Beauty in the World: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me - first nonfic of the year! I've been eagerly anticipating my library getting an audio copy ever since I first heard about this last year, it sounded cool, I'm fascinated by art museums and behind-the-scenes! Unfortunately I was not into it, and almost 2 months on I can't remember enough to even try to tell you why. It did pair interestingly with another recent read, The Mixed Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler, but I'm still learning how far into memoir territory I can go. Someone stop me from trying the other Met nonfic book I found recently lol.
Thornhedge - wonderful! No notes! I love fairy tales and this was a delight to read.
Check, Please! #Hockey - loved getting to revisit this for book club! I've been meaning to for a few years, because y'all. I've read so much fanfic, and I have no idea what is in the comic, what Ngozi posted as extras, and what is fanon. The comic had less than I was expecting! Still fun, my fellow book-clubber liked it, but my real love was the tweets! I'll definitely try to read Vol 2 this year so I can then browse the larger collection of them compiled in the Chirpbook.
Reclaiming Two Spirits: I saw this one on tumblr and fortunately was able to get access to the audiobook! It's a topic I was very interested in learning more about, and I did! But - this is a research project, more than anything, it could be very repetitive (which, fair. colonizers suck), and it felt distanced from its subject. I feel it's a book that definitely has its place, but it's not objectively a 'good read,' and I'd rather have had something from someone who is indigenous and two-spirit themselves.
The Hexologists - it has its quirks, but this was unapologetically a delight to read and I had a fun time! I'm a sucker for a world with a magic vs industrial revolution, not to mention a married pair of established investigators, and I always appreciate an author who's willing to get a bit silly. If there's ever more books I'd love to read them!
An Impossible Imposter - she is what she is, I had a good time! This one felt like it might have taken some inspo from The Moonstone 👀
Mammoths at the Gate - had a good time with this, as I always do with the Singing Hills books. Stories about stories are like catnip, I should reread them all sometime!
Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott (DNF) - I have only the vaguest memories of reading parts of this for a creative writing class in college, and now that I'm getting more into nonfiction thought why not? Unfortunately the audiobook version I got was read by the author, who absolutely does not have an audiobook voice/cadence. I considered trying again with the version read by someone else, but decided I wasn't actually interested enough to continue.
Lucky Red By Claudia Cravens (DNF) - the host of one of the podcasts I listen to was gushing about this one and I was like, sapphic western? Sign me up! I read about 25% of it, and it all seemed fine, it just wasn't feeling particularly interesting to me. Absolutely give it a shot if you'd like!
Portrait of a Thief by Grace D Li (DNF) - I knew going in this had been getting mixed reviews. I really like the idea of it - I enjoy a heist, am always interested in fine arts/art history drama, and vigilante art repatriation hell yeah! But this felt very much like it was trying to emulate a heist *movie*, and it just wasn’t working for me as a book. If this ever gets adapted I’d love to see it.
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jeanmoreaux · 4 months
18, 38, and 44 for the bookish asks!
thank you gracie <333
18 — Favorite unfinished book series.
i am so so excited for the saga series, the fragile threads of power, and ofc tsc to continue. one that’s not yet counting as a favourite but that i am still very interested in is the datk rise series tho i haven’t even read book 2 yet so maybe that’ll change but i am intrigued by the concept.
38 — How many books have you read this year?
currently at 93 but a fair share of plays, short books, and poetry (and rereads) kinda inflate the number
44 — The book(s) whose stories have become part of your very makeup.
oh i think we all know aftg & trc irreversibly changed me as a person. frankenstein left a lasting impression on me too. the green bone saga change the way i think about storytelling and family sagas. and this last winter i read a place for us which fucked me up severely. i am sure there is more. i think every story i enjoyed makes up a part of my psychological makeup.
bookish ask game 📚
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pallases · 5 months
21, 36, 47 for book asks <3
21. The book(s) on your school reading list you actually enjoyed.
this one depends on your definition of school reading list. when i took ap lit, during the second semester we shifted to small group choice readings and mine were pride and prejudice, volume 1 of les mis, and jurassic park all of which i thoroughly enjoyed. also pre-ap lit we were given a pretty lengthy list of books to choose a summer reading from and i picked a tale of two cities which i also really liked madame defarge was sooo fascinating to me
but if we’re sticking strictly to like. class-wide assigned readings i had fun with frankenstein :] shakespeare’s works too, though i think i would appreciate them much more today. and the things they carried by tim o’brien!! it’s a collection of short stories abt the vietnam war, semi-autobiographical, i really liked the writing style and formatting and it had a lot of interesting things to say abt war and storytelling
also maybe the book thief? this was in eighth grade when i was on some sort of individual advanced track and i think my teacher might have given me some books to choose from and i picked that. but not sure i might have just been straight up assigned it. regardless i loved it. other than that there weren’t many assigned readings that i didn’t like on some level these are just the ones that stick out now
36. Your absolute most favorite character(s) from any book you've ever read.
i think gansey might take the cake <3 he is just so very endearing and resonant. i would need to reread again to say for certain though bc the first time i read trc my favorite was v much adam then i reread and it slowly shifted to gansey idk which of the two i would like better if i read it now or if it would change to a different character altogether. but at this moment in time probably gansey yeah
47. What are the last three books you read?
answered here!
— bookworm asks!
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kelliealtogether · 2 years
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Make a post recommending a fic you love from at least a year ago. Dust off the archives, dig through your AO3 history and share those old fics with newer fans who might not have seen them - and the fans who’ve been around forever and might want to revisit an old fave.
I have read many, many, many a TRC fic, but nothing has ever surpassed we all fill up with time by interropunct. It's one of the first fics I read after getting back into reading fic and I literally cannot recommend this fic enough. The writing is superb, the characterization is spot on, and the relationship dynamics are so well done. On top of that, the D/s scenes in this fic are not only some of the best D/s scenes I have ever read, but they. are. goddamn. hot. Mindblowingly so. One of them in particular makes the ex-Catholic in me salivate.
Give it a read. Click that kudos button. Leave a comment. I'm probably going to go reread it right now because I love it that much. If you read it, I hope you love it, too.
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seeraphina · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
Tagged by @dickggansey​ 💞 💖
What book are you currently reading? i’m (slowly) rereading trc yeowch
What do you usually wear? lots of bright colours, especially primary colours, big flashy jewellery, mismatched patterns on patterns, clown stuff, vintage stuff, fun materials, glittery stuff. i really like 70′s and 80′s era clothing!
How tall are you? about 5″5 i think
What’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? i’m a leo! and carl from shameless is the first person who comes to mind who shares my birthday lol
do you go by your name or a nickname? ya just leah, but i use seraphina as a username on the internet a lot
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?  lol i wanted to be an archaeologist when i was little so no, defs not. i still wouldn’t mind working in a museum of some sort though
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? always crushing on willa fitzgerald tbh
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? i’m good at english, history, art, humanities type stuff. i’m very bad at maths and directions. like, not my rights vs lefts, i mean i can manage to get lost just crossing the street.
Dogs or cats? more familiar with dogs but i also like cats!
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? honestly? it’s still this drawing of adam. i just think he’s so cute lmao
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? currently obsessed with little ceramic trinkets! i’ve followed so many cute ceramicists recently and i am so inspired! i want to get back into ceramics!
what’s a hidden talent of yours? if you give me a blank map of the world i can fill in all of the country names. or i used to be able, idk i might be rusty now
what's something you wish to have at this moment? a job ig :/
i’ll just tag a few mutuals but no pressure :p @carcrashgf @ronanessy @cavalierappreciator @nightwashh @onlybluetalk @robobee @thedreamthieves @pinterestinfluencer
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madtangledblues · 2 years
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!! tysm @declanscunt for tagging me <3
3 ships: honestly ive been kind of having a big bluesey moment recently since ive been doing my trc reread. jordeclan is always and forever OBVS but has been exacerbated in the wake of greywaren release. ig i’ve been also having a wesper moment bc of all the s&b s2 stuff so that’s where im at rn
first ever ship: percabeth 🤭🤭🤭
last song: love, try not to let go by julia jacklin. i love love LOVE julia jacklin and this song is just so me.
last movie: i was having a christmas romcom moment while packing for my trip so i did a double feature of something from tiffany’s and last christmas. which side note is an absolutely wild movie??????? still thinking about it i can’t believe that was an actual theatrical release
currently reading: i packed everything i know about love and gideon the ninth as my travel reads and i just started gideon. so far it is absolutely slaying i love it !!
currently watching: honestly nothing???? give me good show recs i feel like i never watch tv
currently consuming: the last piece of chocolate from my advent calendar :))
currently craving: a nice, good rice dish. i dont even care what so much but i want to eat rice
i tag @kazbiter @thegreatwhore @rock-n-rollin-bitch @tearbiscuits and anyone else who wants to do this !! <3
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Other One Piece / TRC ideas
As said, Sakura (c-Sakura at this point) gets to shoot people. One of these people is Luffy after he kicks Syaoran’s ass in an early on misunderstanding-battle. He thinks she’s ok after that.
(Sy gets a decent showing but it’s Monkey D. Luffy come on.)
in said conflict, which probably gets resolved by Fai doing magic or a third party intervention sending them all on the run together (Smoker?), Usopp ends up being the one to confront Sakura. There are two ways this could go:
Usopp sees this one kid go “punching a rubber man doesn’t work, here let me try my burning magic sword.” He sees a guy who kinda acts like an older Zoro going ham at the actual Zoro, and it’s terrifying. The third enemy is trading kicks with Sanji and he’s smiling. Then he looks back at Sakura like what the shit is this one about to do?
And Sakura’s just like “I am just. Standing here?”
2. Usopp realises she’s no threat and decides to take her hostage but then he gets a close look at this pale, tired, sickly, and importantly, nigh-supernaturally charming girl and goes oh no she’s just like Kaya I can’t fucking do this
“I. Uh. The Great Captain Usopp has chosen to spare your life. Praise me and run. Go. Shooshooshoo oh lord I don’t have the heart to fight you.”
(then maybe she pulls a gun on him)
(not that I’m in any position to write this fic rn but if I did I’d obviously have to fully reread and watch trc to get the characters and setting properly down pat)
in the epilogue when they re-embody the C-S’s, R-Syaoran tries to explain the utterly demented shit that happened since they last saw each other and not even Robin can understand it
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cabeswaterdrowned · 8 months
The thing is Sarchengsey obviously are basically in a throuple at the end of trc and it works for them and I could see Noah being a third for any two chars and it working because he’s like a puppy and I think Rodansey could be mostly functional together eventually if the timing worked out + they spend some time in therapy, if we’re being optimistic. But Blue x Gansey x Adam is the ot3 where there are feelings and attraction there on all sides but I can not see it being good or healthy especially not if they tried to get together during the dream thieves like I think they’d ruin everything for everyone if they did and that’s why I’ve decided they’re my favorite trc ot3 because I really love mess (and just the complexity of the triad dynamics is so good but that’s another thing) having a threesome would Not fix them they should do it anyway.
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Fandom Things
I'm in a TRC mood, and I think I'm going to reread (probably listen) to all the books again (and finally Greywarren).
BUT I do want to say I probably won't be writing any more Gangsey fics other than The Dark Lady, which is Declan-centric anyway. I'm in my early twenties and even though I'm pretty sure all the characters are 18 by The Dreamer Trilogy, I think it is safe to say I've outgrown them as a smutty fanfic writer.
That means I have to get all my narcissistic need for aggressive validation here once and for all.
My TRC Fics:
Masterpiece - Jordeclan Femdom fic (Rated E) Godling - Part 1 of the Summer Magic Series - Gangsey (minus Noah) beach vacay (Rated E) And It Was Good - Part 2 of the Summer Magic Series - What happens in the Pig stays in the Pig (Rated E) Otherworldly Devises - Part 3 of the Summer Magic Series - Ronan uses his powers for sex evil (Rated E) Hurt Me More - Declan/Jordan/Mr. Gray angsty 3some (Rated E) Fuck The Patriarchy - Blue/Gansey/Henry get ready to crash a political dinner (Rated M) The Dark Lady - WIP/Hiatus pirate-y 1800's possessed art fic (Rated E)
I started most of these when I was about 17 and took years to finish any of them. Maybe I'll start writing cozy fics so I don't have to say goodbye to writing these characters. Oh, and you can expect more Jordeclan ❤️
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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likeclarabow · 9 months
happy new year abby!!!!!!! congrats on meeting your reading goal, i’m glad that despite your busy life you’re still able to enjoy reading for yourself <3 some bookish questions, if you don’t mind …
what was your favourite reread of 2023? what book did you mean to read but ended up not? what books were you looking forward to but disappointed by? what book took you by surprise? your favourite series? your favourite standalone? your least favourite book(s)? what book did you write your favourite review about? and finally, what book(s) are you most looking forward to reading in 2024?
may this year be full of blessings to you!
hiiiiii love, happy new year!!!! i'm finally back on my laptop so i'm sorry this is a few days late <333
favourite reread: i did a lot of rereading this year and i loved them all but probably six of crows!! every time i reread that series i'm a little nervous that its not going to have the same magic it did the last time and it always does and this time was no exception its just going to be a forever favourite and i'm so glad i reread it
a book i meant to read and didn't get to: there were a few i meant to at the very least start over my break that i didn't get a chance to (this biography i picked up at a school social and the hundred years war on palestine by rashid khalidi), books i had on hold at the library but it was just never the right time (as long as the lemon trees grow by zoulfa katouh), and my book lovers reread that i was all set to start and then i didn't read for like 3 weeks
a book i was looking forward to that disappointed me: greywaren by maggie stiefvater was soooo messy plotwise and there were things i wanted wrapped up that were just not addressed in a satisfying way yes i gave it 5 stars the epilogue made me cry those 5 stars are for declan lynch and for how much i love the trc/tdt universe as a whole pls take my rating system a little bit seriously (so i guess it wasn't 100% disappointing i just wanted more from the final book) (honourary mentions to nine liars by maureen johnson bc it was sososo fun for 99% of the book but the very end was so unnecessary i'll never forgive her, and harlem shuffle by colson whitehead i liked the writing i just thought the plot would be different from what it ended up being)
a book that took me by surprise: the day of the jackal was supposed to be something i picked up for a few hours for shits and giggles since i've never had any real interest in 70's spy thrillers but i actually enjoyed it enough to finish! also these violent delights by micah nemerever surprised me because i did not know what to expect at. all. and i still dont know how to describe the feelings that book gave me but i certainly didn't expect them
my favourite series: beartown!!!!!! you know exactly why i don't even have to explain </3 (honourary mention to sandra gullands josephine b trilogy its one hell of a historical fiction series and i enjoyed it SO much)
my favourite standalone: rebecca by daphne du maurier!! its just the most beautifully written book that captivated me from the very first page <33
least favourite books: the last word by taylor adams (extraordinarily mid upon first read and it just seems so bleh looking back), ready player one by ernest cline (i can see why my boyfriend loves it but it just didn't appeal to me at all), 20,000 leagues under the sea by jules verne (jules verne knows sooooo many facts about the ocean and electricity and he put every single one of them in this book in very long paragraphs but i forgive my prof for making me read it)
my favourite review: i didn't really write any solid reviews this year (something i'm hoping to do more of in 2024) but my favourite mini reviews are the ones i left for wuthering heights and 20,000 leagues under the sea bc i think i'm funny and bc i think they sum up my reading experience quite well
books i'm most looking forward to reading in 2024: soooo many a curse for true love by stephanie garber, a man called ove by fredrik backman, alone with you in the ether by olivie blake, divine rivals by rebecca ross (!!), penance by eliza clark to name a few
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crykea · 3 years
Literally incapable of sleeping rn bc I'm fixating on tsubasa reservoir chronicles
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starslung · 3 years
just found out that i’ve lived on two of the florida ley lines the entire time i’ve been here ?? and i didn’t even know ???
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