#s sorry about that I will do better. (absolute lie.)
serekiri · 11 months
Jeff the killer walked so aoba seragaki could run and trip and fall onto his face and get a heavy nosebleed on the floor
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spongeyspot · 10 months
Toxic Traits/Red Flags HC
Characters: Arthur, Javier, John, Lenny, Dutch, Micah, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Mary Beth, Abigail, Tilly, Karen, Sadie, Molly
(A/N): WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS DAWG. I LOVED @cowboyfromh3ll 's take on that shit sm and these hcs have literally been swimming in my head for weeeeeeeeks bro
Edit: some of these were kinda hard because there's not a lot of bad in the characters themselves... I had trouble with specifically Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth, and Tilly. Sorry if they may be OOC. IM EVEN DOING THE GIRLS BECAUSE IM IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD
Content Warning: female reader, jealousy, self hate, narcissism, gaslighting, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, mentions of murder and violence, mentions of infidelity, mentions of sex (Sean, Micah, Sadie kind of) (MINORS DNI)
Not edited btw
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The boys
Arthur Morgan
- Honestly, I feel like Arthur would have this insane, crippling fear of rejection, especially when it comes to dating. - His self hate/deprecation plays a huge part in this, and quite honestly, him and Mary not working out probably also probably contributed to it. - Very emotionally distant. Has a hard time expressing his feelings openly due to that same fear of rejection.🚩 - Bottles shit up until he feels like he's gonna explode 🚩 - His impulse control is almost nonexistent 🚩 - Will resort to saying things that he doesn't even mean. He just says things when he's angry🚩 - Will hate himself even more if he makes you cry - Won't hesitate to run away from camp for a while to cool off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing per se, but he usually takes his time away to overthink the fuck out of everything - Prone to acting violent. (not to someone he cared about, but to other people, absolutely)Also due to his poor impulse control. 🚩
Javier Escuella
- Has a flirty personality, but around women, it just seems to get worse. 🚩 - Tells you you're overreacting if you tell him it bothers you🚩 - Overprotective of you. Always has his eyes on you, and practically orders you to stay in camp where it's safe. - As if you step one foot outside the camp without him, you'll spontaneously drop dead - Jealous asf. Are you laughing at what Bill just said? It wasn't even that funny. Why are you standing so close to him? You should be at least 6 feet away from him, not 5 and a half. 🚩 - Also has a problem with how you dress sometimes. God forbid your shirt is ever low cut. He'd probably ask you to change. 🚩 - And if you get offended or upset, he'll lie and tell you it's because he can't stop staring at your chest, and he'd like to focus of whatever it was he was doing.🚩
John Marston
- Stubborn as all hell. Doesn't listen to anybody for anything.🚩 - Commitment issues up the ass - Says mean things out of anger and sometimes actually means them 🚩 - Won't apologize half the time. He thinks kissing it better actually makes it better 🚩 - Regularly ignores his own bad habits instead of actually facing them 🚩 - Will run away from problems like Arthur, but worse. He'd be gone a really long time.🚩 - Gets annoyed with you if you get angry at him for leaving and staying away for a while. He told you he needed space, didn't he? What else do you need from him?? 🚩 - Ignorantly clueless half the time. Head empty, no thoughts.
Lenny Summers
- Not assertive in the slightest, and usually, respectfully, keeps to himself. -Takes orders without verbal complaints but inside he's annoyed as fuck 🚩 - Even if he hates doing something he'll probably just go "Okay" and do it anyway, and he'll sulk all day afterwards - Refuses to tell you what's wrong because he thinks he'll sound childish.🚩 - If you push the issue, he might snap at you out of annoyance like "Would you just let it be??" - Immediately feels guilty and shameful, and he'll hide away until he's ready to apologize and face you again - Also kind of a know-it-all... He'll correct you a LOT. It would get annoying 🚩 - Would blatantly tell you you're wrong before correcting you🚩 - Not necessarily an asshole about it but he still tends to get under your skin sometimes
Dutch Van Der Linde
- The BIGGEST Narcissist you'll ever meet.🚩 -He loses another piece of his mental state with every breath he takes. Slowly but surely losing his mind.🚩 - King of gaslighting🚩 - How could you even think that about him? He could never do anything wrong! You must be crazy...🚩 - Tries to recite his "pretty words" from Evelyn Miller to try and sound smarter than he actually is 🚩 - Expects you to just feed his ego without him actually doing anything to earn it🚩 - Will try to correct you even when he's wrong🚩 - Refuses to admit he's wrong. He can never be wrong. That word isn't even in his vocabulary unless he's talking about literally anyone but himself🚩
Micah Bell
- Where do I even start with this guy - Not above putting his hands on you if he doesn't get his way. Let's be honest here.🚩 - Mega Narccisist, almost as bad as Dutch 🚩 - Will brag and share every sexual encounter you've ever had with him like he's talking about the weather🚩 - VERY prone to Violence 🚩 - NO impulse control. Murders people for fun.🚩 - Backhanded and borderline abusive compliments 24/7 "You'd look so good if you weren't so fucking fat..." 🚩 - Selfish lover. Thinks just sticking it in will do the trick, and it does, for him at least.🚩 - Little to no affection. What are you? His girlfriend? Wait...🚩 -If he actually does show you affection, and you react in surprise, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself, and that that's the last time he ever does anything nice for you.🚩
Charles Smith
- Impossible to read sometimes - Like Arthur, Charles tends to keep a lot of his emotions bottled up until he feels like he's gonna pop 🚩 - Like most of the men in the Van Der Linde gang, Charles is also prone to acting violently. I mean, he started a bar fight with a fucking chair, and he fights in street fighting rings, let's be real for a second.🚩 - He's incredibly quiet and reserved a lot of the time, and sometimes you just assume that he's listening to you when you talk, but a lot of the time, he's lost in his own thoughts. - Will do everything anyone asks him to at the expense of his own free time and energy, and sometimes he works himself to exhaustion just to try and please everyone.🚩 - In doing so, he sometimes doesn't have time for himself at the end of the day. It also seems like you spend time together less and less as the days go on. - If he ever got himself hurt and you tried to help him, he'd decline any help with anything to save his own pride. The last thing he needs is you thinking he's weak. 🚩 - Extremely Overprotective. Like to the point where he'd beat the shit out of anybody you asked him to🚩
Sean Macguire
- An Alcoholic🚩 - horny 99% of the time, but half that time he probably has whiskey dick. Still asks you to try but doesn't understand that it's like trying to play pool with a rope... - If he can manage to be sober enough to actually get it up, and you're not in the mood, he'd get pissy and annoyed with you for "wasting his boner" 🚩 - Will probably also brag about having sex with you to everyone🚩 - Needy as all hell - Bro sulks on purpose - Low key loves the attention you give him when you continue to ask him what's wrong, but he never actually tells you and constantly says "I'm fine..." or "It's nothing..." 🚩 - But then sighs dramatically and continues sulking and dragging his feet so you keep giving him more attention 🚩
Hosea Matthews
- Ignores his physical health until he's practically dying. You've told him to get that cough looked at for literal years and he just says "I will" and does nothing 🚩 - sometimes talks to you as if you're a child especially if he's around Dutch -low key gaslights you sometimes 🚩 - and he says it with such a gentle tone, its hard to catch it 🚩
The girls
Mary Beth Gaskill
- Daydreams way too much - Likes to live in her romance novel fantasy land rather than face reality 🚩 - Cries a lot - Tries to be angry but can't help but cry instead - If crying makes you feel bad for her, she'll probably do it on purpose so you comfort her and give her attention🚩 -If you're in a fight, she'll turn on the crocodile tears to get you to stop being angry with her or whatever it is you're arguing about.🚩
Abigail Roberts
- She can be verbally abusive if she's pushed far enough 🚩 - Holds in a lot of her emotions🚩 - Neglectful of her own personal needs to make sure you or Jack are fully provided or cared for🚩 - a lot of the time, when she's upset with you, you're probably given the cold shoulder and the silent treatment - incredibly protective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but she can sometimes be super overbearing.
Tilly Jackson
- Tells it how she sees it, sometimes accidentally sounding a lot colder than she means to 🚩 - Too sarcastic for her own good 🚩 - Laughs a little too much sometimes when you tell a joke, and you can often tell it's actually incredibly fake🚩 - gets irritated really easily, especially if she's bothered while doing her chores. The last thing she needs is Grimshaw on her ass again.🚩 - irritable a lot of the time, unintentionally becoming short or snapping at you - like john, she also believes that kissing it better is better than actually apologizing
Karen Jones
- An alcoholic 🚩 - picks fights with you for fun, finds it entertaining to see how red your face can get from anger 🚩 - Screaming matches are a regular occurance between you guys, and she starts it almost every time 🚩 - Pretty jealous when it comes to the opposite sex🚩 - Has self doubt and believes that she can't give you everything a man probably could
Sadie Adler
- The nosiest woman in America. No chill. She reads everyone's mail. - Makes a lot of loose threats 🚩 - Anger issues🚩 - Low impulse control🚩 - Can be a little too rough sometimes 🚩 - If she's upset with you, she'll either yell or storm off. Sometimes both. 🚩 -(She tends to walk away a lot more often because she's actuall self aware that her anger issues are a problem) - She'd never admit that to you though.
Molly O'Shea
- Even more jealous than Javier🚩 - Glares at and envies anyone you talk to that isn't her🚩 - Has immaginary conversations with people in her head🚩 - Rubbing her hands together when the real life conversations are following the script she had planned out in her brain - Needs constant reassurance - "D'you even love me anymore?!"🚩 - Overthinks everything 🚩 - Paranoid as hell about infidelity - Gets mad at you when she dreams about you cheating on her🚩
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coichii · 23 days
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22:43 - HYUNJIN
pairing - nerd!bf!hyunjin ♥︎ fem!reader
genre: angst, comfort & college AU
word count: 0.7k
warnings: negative self talk & swearing like once
A/N : this is very self indulgent bc 2 weeks in and math is already eating my ass ! also I’m sorry if this sounds rushed 🙏🏾 like I said math is beating me rn
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“Ok, then after that you carry the x and combine the common factors.” He says, but to be honest, it all sounds like gibberish to you.
Math is the hardest subject to master in your eyes. All those formulas and variables go in one ear and out the other.
Hyunjin, being the incredibly smart and sweet boyfriend he is, kindly offered to help you. Of course you gladly accepted his help, but it would be a lie say you weren’t 5 seconds away from crying.
You groan, throwing your head down on your hands. You couldn’t understand a thing. The feeling of inferiority and stupidity were wracking your brain.
“Im so stupid, why can’t I understand this.” and more self deprecating thoughts were going through your mind. You hadn’t even realized that you had started crying, or that hyunjin was trying to get your attention.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?!” You hear his voice cut through your thoughts. He looks at you, obviously panicked from your sudden outburst. “I- I don’t know, i’m just s-so-“ You can't finish before a fresh set of tears and choked sobs are coming from your body.
Immediately he’s moving to hold you in his arms, stroking your lower back as you continue to cry. Quiet praises and hushes come out of his mouth, small kisses being placed to either side of your face.
It takes you a while to get yourself together again, choked sobs turning into small hiccups. You look up at hyunjin, a small, warm smile plastered on his lips.
“Can you tell me what happened, my love?” His voice sounds gentle, slighting healing the current tears in your heart. “I don’t k-know i think I got a little frustrated” You lie. You didn’t want to tell everything about how you were feeling to him.
It’s not that you didn’t trust him, you just didn’t want to be so vulnerable. However, he obviously caught this.
“You’re more than a little frustrated. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help you baby, that’s all I want to do for you.” The way he says it and looks, has all your walls opening immediately.
“I’ve just been so stressed. I can’t keep up hyune i can’t. I can’t stop myself from comparing me to my classmates. They’re so much better than i am. They don’t cry under the littlest bit of pressure, and they certainly aren’t crying over fucking calculous. I just.. don’t know what to do anymore.” You trail off at the end, heat rushing to your cheeks in embarrassment, even more so from his lack of response. You’re about to apologize for ranting before his voice cuts yours off.
“Oh Y/n, i wish you could see your self through my eyes.” He starts, eyes warm. “You really don’t know how absolutely intelligent you are. You got into this amazing school, your writing is so beautiful it brings me to tears, the way you explain your work is so incredible, and so much more. You are the smartest person I know baby, don’t compare yourself to anyone else you hear me. Not understanding something doesn’t and will never ever make you dumb.”
All you can do is hug and kiss him. The thoughts of inferiority don’t disappear, but they are definitely drowned out by the love of your life’s words.
You pull away, flashing him a bright smile, which he gladly reciprocates. “Now, why don’t you say we take a break and watch some spirited away, hmm?”
“But love, we still have all this left to finish.” You frown. You don’t want to pull him away from his own work just for you. “It’s okay, I honestly think I could use the break too.”
You sigh as you agree, his puppy eyes he starting staring at you becoming to much to handle.
As you get up, packing away your belongings, you can’t help but to think just how lucky you got to have a boyfriend as smart, loving, and caring as him.
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back to masterlist…
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midnightwriter21 · 2 months
heyy :) can i request small scenarios of s/o asking the kny hashira what hairstyle do they like the best on them?? (like braid, ponytail, bun, hair down etc etc) some fluff!!
demon slayer hcs: which hairstyles do the hashira prefer
characters: obanai, rengoku, sanemi, muichiro, mitsuri, tengen, shinobu, giyuu
warnings: i say meanie words
an: giyuu’s kinda sucked lol i’m sorry. i don’t write for gyomei
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i think obanai would prefer his partner to have a practical hairstyle
that way it doesn’t become an obstacle or even a danger if they come into contact with a demon
therefore he’d probably like his partner to wear their hair tied up in some way
whether it’s braided like mitsuri
or in a simple ponytail
as long as it’s outta the way and won’t become a safety hazard
bc with snake boy
your safety is his top priority
obanai is canonically down bad for his bae
so he’d also like his partners hair tied up so that it doesn’t obscure their face from his view
he likes to admire you
wants to see every inch of every expression that crosses your face
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i’ve said this before in other hcs but imma restate it here
kyo is the ultimate service bf
will do EVERYTHING for you
including doing your hair
that being said
i feel like he’d do your hair exactly the same way he does his
the lil half up half down thing he got goin on?
it’s the only hair style he knows how to do lmfao
if you don’t prefer that hairstyle he would absolutely learn how to do other ones
would prob ask mitsuri to teach him how to do hair
he just wants you to be happy with the way you look
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he’s so gorgeous it makes me sick
my man’s likes long hair
now do NOT get it twisted!!
if you’re on a mission?
that hair better be tied tf up
ponytail, braids, bun, pigtails
he don’t care
but put it up
like obanai, your safety comes first
sanemi will tie your hair up himself if need be
it might get tangled… but it’ll be up
if you’re just chilling at the butterfly mansion or at his estate though…
he likes it down
he likes the way it flows down your back and frames your face
and when he’s feeling soft he likes to run his fingers through it
he thinks it makes you look more innocent and carefree
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he does not gaf
at all lmfaoooooo
okay that’s a lie
i feel like he doesn’t really care about the length of your hair
or the exact style you wear it in
but i do think he likes face framing bangs
not for any real reason
just that it accentuates your facial features
it draws more attention to just how cute you are
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oh you already know that y’all are about to be TWINNINGGGG
mitsuri is braiding your hair herself😤
i just know she’s so gentle with it too
she’s brushing your hair and detangling any stubborn knots
you don’t even feel the slightest tug on your scalp
did y’all’s moms ever pull tf outta your hair while they were doing ur hair when u were little?
i learned to do my own hair rly young cause she was so rough… just me? oh okay
yk when you used to plan to wear the same outfits as your friends when you were younger?
the whole “let’s both wear a skirt tomorrow” type thing?
that’s mitsuri but with your hair
and it’s every single day
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he does not have to be THAT fine bro tell the animators to calm down
ik they be animating him with one hand if ykwim lmfaoo
*ahem* anyways
another one that does not gaf what you do with your hair
as long as it’s ✨flashy✨
and by flashy i mean he wants it to be something that makes you feel and look confident
cause confidence is sexy af
now he does want you to keep up your hair maintenance
and by hair maintenance
i mean make sure that hair dye stays fresh
those split ends? trimmed
and keep that shit washed and clean too
other than hair maintenance i don’t think he’s that picky
every once in a while he might suggest a hairstyle he thinks would suit you
but ultimately it’s your decision
also i think he’s really good at doing hair
i mean the man has 3 wives already
if you think he’s not helping them style theirs… your wrong
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mommy? sorry… mommy?
i think she’d prefer your hair to be tied up in a bun
she likes to see your face
study your expressions
she likes being able to read you
things you like, dislike, and how you react to certain things
not only does she think you’re adorable
but she thinks your facial expressions are entertaining as well
she’s gonna help you do your hair
and she’s def the best at doing hair compared to the other hashira
she’s gonna have you looking good asf
not a hair out of place
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water boy likes short hair
not super short
like below the chin but just barely above the shoulders
idk why i just feel it in my bones
also the cute wispy bangs covering your forehead
i can’t come up with a reason for this i just think it fits lmfao sorry
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
mingyu boyfriend headcanons <3
a/n: after spending lots of time inside due to the city being frozen during the holidays, my brain is on the domestic!mingyu agenda. i'm so :-( i love him :-( also pics not mine~
content: fluff | wc: 1.3k | warnings: none! | pairing: boyfriend!mingyu x gn!reader | requests: open
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this is going to be a long one i'm so sorry i'm just so in love with mingyu as we all should be tbh
thinking about a tweet that said something like "any boy can be babygirl, but it takes a man to be a wife" AND MINGYU IS THAT MAN
yes he is your wife while he is your boyfriend. no further questions.
he's the sweetest angel ever. he can be a little shit with flirty pickup lines or his whining, but it still has all the energy of a sweet baby angel
when he's tired, he is actually so whiny. like boy pLEASE chill but he will not!! all he wants to do is lie down and hold onto you for dear life
you are his favorite teddy bear (he has definitely said this to you on multiple occasions) and when you are in his arms he never wants to let go.
falls asleep holding you and, if you drift apart, as soon as he feels you move he will pull you back towards him and probably give you a kiss on the forehead because it's pure instinct it doesn't matter if he's asleep it WILL happen
when he's feeling low, sick, or extra sleepy, he will want to be your teddy bear though. he loves being held by you because it makes him feel so safe and warm and loved
giving him lil forehead kisses or pats on the head or backhugs also make him feel so safe and warm and loved and no matter how long you've been together he will blush when you do that
and probably giggle!! you hear him go "hehe" more than you would ever think is humanly possible. he's just filled with utter delight when he's with you :,-)
it started somewhat early in the relationship, partially as a joke and partially as a way to show how often he thinks of you, but, whenever y'all are watching tv or walking around outside or simply existing, mingyu will point at something and say "that's you <3"
like the main character in the film you're watching says a joke and he smiles and goes "that's you!" and then another character trips so you point and say "that's you :-)" and mingyu pouts but his heart is beating a million miles an hour because he loves that you love him the way he loves you
he will definitely do it with cheesy stuff too like he sees a rainbow or a pretty flower and without thinking "it's you" falls out of his mouth :-( he sees you in everything :-(
when you're not together, he will send you pictures/videos of things that remind him of you
he's also the type to send you voice messages to tell you jokes or things that happened during the day if timezones/schedules mean he can't call you
he also really wants you to do that too because he loves hearing your voice ! he will listen back to old voice messages when he's away and missing you :-(
mingyu is such a clumsy baby
after being around him enough, you know to have a mini first aid kit ready at all times
and he L O V E S when you take care of his injuries
he always insists that a kiss will make it better
if he scratches his knee and you put a bandaid on it without giving it a kiss, he will feign intense pain until he gets that kiss and then a warm smile lights up his face he is so dramatic istg
as we all know, he is a big acts of service kind of guy
don't be surprised if you hear clamoring in the kitchen early in the morning. there isn't a burglar; it's just mingyu making your coffee/tea and cooking a lil breakfast AND tidying things up for you
he's wearing an apron over his pj's !!!!!! so cute <3
when you're doing the dishes, he will always roll up your sleeves if they start to fall, and he is looking at you with the most lovestruck eyes. like he thinks you're SO beautiful and it shows!!!
absolutely adores cooking for/with you. that's one of his love languages for SURE. really anything domestic that you two do together will make his heart soar because you're his home!!!
he also loves feeding you oh my GOD he thinks you're so cute when you eat and he is always willing to give you the last bite :-(
grocery store dates !!
if either of you are grocery shopping separately, the other will make a shopping list and leave lil notes with it too because you two are always being cute and silly
sometimes mingyu makes up dumb names for the things he needs because he thinks it's a fun game and loves when you call/text him because you have no idea wtf a sparkly wheat mattress is it's a loaf of multigrain bread
strikes me as the type of guy who will kneel down to tie your shoes whether you're in the doorway about to leave or in the middle of the city like he will drop everything to make sure your shoes are snug so you don't fall
i also think if he scolds you on things like not wearing enough layers he'll lowkey use a baby voice because he doesn't want to upset you and is just genuinely worried because he wants to protect you at all costs
he's also a big fan of holding your face in both his hands and kissing you on the forehead, nose, cheek, lips because he wants all your attention on him always <3
if you're hanging out in a group of people and you haven't looked at him in a while he will poke/nudge/squeeze you to get your attention. if you're too far away for physical contact he will wave at you until you look at him i'm crying
he's the absolute best at comforting you !! do not be surprised if he cries when you cry like you're his world so seeing you upset breaks his heart :-(
talks about you CONSTANTLY. he thinks you're the funniest, smartest, most talented, most amazing person in the world and he will tell absolutely anyone and everyone about you
good luck telling seventeen any anecdote about your life because mingyu has already told them 3 times <3
when he gets scared or embarrassed he will hold onto you for dear life and/or hide behind you
it doesn't matter if you are a whole foot shorter than he is. he is standing right behind you hiding his face in his hands or the crook of your neck like mingyu we can still see you ?? but he's like nope! no one can see me i'm safe behind the love of my life! they can protect me from everything!
sometimes he will use sweet pet names like love/angel/dear but he often uses your name because he loves the way it sounds and feels to say it
your name feels safe in his mouth if you know what i'm referencing you can probably hear me sobbing right now
he LOVES holding your hand. sometimes he will swing it as you're walking or bring your intertwined hands up to his lips for a lil kiss. if you look at him like ??? why are you so cute :,-) ??? he's looking at you completely clueless because he has no idea that he's doing these things they're so natural to him
so thoughtful on dates/anniversaries/birthdays or any occasion that's important to either of you
will give the most special gifts and they're often accompanied by sweet and heartfelt notes/cards/speeches
truly mingyu spends every second expressing his love for you and everything is so tender and heartwarming because he's just a big ball of love and that love is all for you <333333333
he looked at you with heart eyes the first time he saw you and that look of adoration never fades
sorry this is a mess and i could probably write hundreds more but i have to stop now because i genuinely need to lie down on the floor and kick and scream and cry now. i hope everyone gets the mingyu they deserve <3
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loveharlow · 6 months
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SEVEN - 006
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[7.4k] based on 1x06.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mild violence, gun violence/graphic depictions of gun use, mentions of drowning, arguing, entrapment, references to mild bullying
A/N‧₊˚ Idk if y'all can tell but I be eatin the kie x sarah x reader drama up when i'm writing like it's too fun to write
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“SORRY, YOU’RE STAYING WHERE?” Kiara asked grabbing a tray of food as John B leaned against the counter and you trailed behind her with a pitcher of drinks. The Wreck had opened for the day not too long ago.
“Tannyhill.” He said shortly, eyes wide and unexpecting as he leaned his forearms on the counter.
“So, you’re living with Sarah Cameron.” Kie said with a tight-lipped grimace. 
“Look, the only reason I’m living there is ‘cause her dad bailed me out, alright?” The Routledge boy reassured, following you both out to the table where JJ and Pope were lounging inside of The Wreck. “And it’s way better than foster care which, by the way, is where I was about to go.”
“So, do you have membership to the clubs now?” Pope perked up curiously, legs kicked up on the wooden surface. Kiara sat the tray of fries down while you poured the drinks into each respective cup before taking a stand behind JJ’s chair that was next to Pope’s, leaning your arms over it as you bent nonchalantly behind him, stealing a fry from his hand over his shoulder.
“I don’t know, Pope.”
“What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?” He questioned again, amusement in his brown eyes. “Does it come with a sweater vest or do you have to buy one of your own?”
“Look, you promised.” Kiara cut in disappointedly, returning back to the original topic of conversation. “You said you weren’t with her…” John B just shrugged as if he wasn’t caught in a lie.
“Bro, just own it. She’s got you.” JJ scoffed. 
Kiara just ignored the blonde. “If you wanna hang out with her, that’s fine. But I’m letting you know that I’m not doing anything with Sarah.” She continued on, affirming the boy. 
“Do you guys see her here?” JB cut in shortly, annoyed. “No? Right, okay. A little focus would be fantastic. We’ve got the map, right?”
“It’s out of whack ‘cause the guy was ganja’d when he drew it.” JJ piped in. 
“It’s more so due to the fact that the coast has changed.” You offered, looking down at the blonde. “But it deffo looks like he drew it after ingesting a whole eddie and downing half a bottle of Everclear.”
“We just have to look for the landmarks that haven’t changed.” Pope spoke to no one in particular as he surveyed the map. 
“What about the old forts?”
“Battery Jasper.” Kiara threw out with full confidence. Pointing to a clear spot on the map in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Looks were shared around the table before everyone shrugged, you all hopping up and heading outside of The Wreck and into The Twinkie.
“WE’RE IN BATTERY, RIGHT HERE.” Pope had the map pressed up against a rock, still reading it as the remaining four of you looked out at the expanse of land in front of you. Nothing but grass and trees for miles. “So if this is parcel nine, then it’s somewhere northeast of here. Over there.” He concluded, pointing ahead.
“That’s not Tannyhill,” JJ began, squinting his eyes. “That’s a subdivision.”
“Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island.” John B told him. “Over time, it got sold into smaller pieces.”
“So we’re looking for an old stone wall…” Pope pondered, heading back into the van without a word. The rest of you simply followed, loading into the van with JB as the driver and following Pope’s verbal lead. “The road should split up here. You’re gonna take a left.” He said after a few minutes of driving.
John B made an unnecessarily sharp left turn, sending the three of you in the backseat flying against the wall of the Twinkie. After a few curses and groans, you looked to see what was stone wall. “This is it.” Pope claimed.
“Are you kidding me?” Kiara exclaimed, hopping out of the van as the rest of you followed. Looking up at the house, it was immediately recognizable.
“The Crain House?” You asked incredulously, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“Worst-case scenario.” JJ quipped. “I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husbands head on the property.”
“Honestly, I don’t really believe the stories about this place.” John B shrugged, taking the first step and leading the group through the thick mess of greenery that led up to the house itself. You were constantly swatting leaves and branches out of your field of vision as you walked.
“Which stories did you hear?” JJ inquired.
“The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she’s been holed up ever since.” Kiara replied. “On certain nights, when the moon is full, you can see her in the windooow.” She teased, wiggling her fingers in a spooky motion. 
“Okay, it’s not funny ‘cause it’s all true. I swear to God, guys, this is all real. I knew Hollis.” JJ preached. 
“Hollis Crain? The daughter?” You asked, tilting your head in his direction as you dodged a branch. 
“Yeah. She was my babysitter.” He told you, holding up the next branch for you to walk under, releasing it just in time to swat Pope in the forehead. “She told me all about it. About her mother, what happened in the house. As a kid, she heard all these stories about how her mother had killed her father. Hollis didn’t believe it. Until that night…” He trailed off.
You groaned at his dramatics, stopping in your tracks to cross your arms and shift your weight. “What night?” You asked, feeding into JJ’s theatrics.
“When Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. So, she goes down there to see her mom washing her hands in a sink full of blood. Her mother says she just cut her finger. Next morning? She says her father and her split up. But then, Hollis noticed something — her mother going in and out of the parlor constantly, hands full of plastic bags. Weeks pass and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she’s using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse, is her father’s head looking straight back at her.”
“...You are so full of shit.” John B protested, throwing his head back and walking off.
“Wait! Dude…” JJ grabbed his best friend by the shoulder. “You sure you wanna do this? She’s an axe murderer and… you got a cast on.” 
“I don’t give a shit, JJ.” John B said angrily. “I’ve got nothing to lose, right?” He threw the blonde’s words back at him. “You guys comin’ or what?” He spat before continuing his journey further onto the Crain property, the rest of you reluctantly following.
Stopping in what seemed to be a garden just a handful of feet from the front door, John B turned around. “Here's the plan. We need to look for the wheat near the water, like it said in Denmark’s Letter.”
“What kind of water? Like, pond water?” Pope replied.
JJ chuckled. “Bong water?” He tried to joke. John B just twisted his face and ignored at his childish tactics.
“Look, I don’t know, just look for water.” He demanded before continuing to lead the group. He crept around the foundation of the house, crouching in front of a small entrance that led under the structure. “C’mon, it’s the only place we haven’t looked.” He urged the four of you, turning on his flashlight and crawling through the entrance as the rest of you piled in, single-file behind him.
You coughed as you stood to your full height and dust filled your lungs. The crawlspace was filthy, smelly, and festering with mosquitos. You clicked on your mini flashlight, scanning the space. 
“There’s not even water on the pipes.” JJ judged, rubbing his palm against the pipes that were so dry, the interaction sounded like nails on sandpaper. 
“There’s not a drop of water here...” Pope said, irritated.
“Know why we didn’t find it?” Kie sighed, turning her sights to John B. “Bad karma.”
“God, here we go…” JB rolled his eyes.
“We had a good thing going. And then you decide to rope in Barbie and now, trail’s gone dry. Coincidence? I don't think so.” The brown-haired girl mouthed-off. 
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you about Sarah. What the hell’s the deal with you two?” Then his eyes landed on you, standing a few feet behind Kie between Pope and JJ who were also listening in on the not-so-hushed conversation. “You three.”
“I just got bit by three fatass mosquitos, I’d like to opt out of this particular conversation-” You spoke with a snarl, swatting another mosquito that flew across your vision as Kie’s voice sounded out again, cutting off yours.
“Nothing’s the deal.” She spat, offended.
“Is it because I kissed you? Is that your problem?” John B’s head whipped to the side when Kiara’s palm made harsh contact with his cheek, the remaining three of you making simultaneous ‘O’ faces of shock from the sidelines. 
“Stop treating me like I’m some girl who’s obsessed with you instead of your best friend who’s actually trying to look out for you.” She reprimanded sternly.
“Did you, uh, hit me?” John B grimaced, turning back to face her. Kiara simply held up her right hand, her backs to the three of you.
“Skeeter.” Was all she said.
“Yeah.” Then John B was slapping her back. You threw your hands up in the air as Pope exclaimed and JJ chuckled at the two.
“Woah, hey!” Pope threw out, then John B was holding up his right hand, this time with his palm on display since he was facing you all, presenting a flattened mosquito stuck to his palm. 
“Skeeter.” He retorted firmly, eyes squinted. They started playfully slapping each other’s faces and arms back and forth as the remaining portion of you went back to looking once the show had ended. You flashed your light up and down, side to side but still nothing. And the mosquitos were eating you from the inside out…
Why were there so many mosquitos in a basement? 
Aiming your flashlight down, you started tapping the toe of your foot lightly against the ground, catching a certain blonde’s attention.
“Tap dancing, are we?”
“No. Mosquitos.” You dismissed him in your focus, stepping up onto a wooden platform and tapping your foot on top of it. It sounded hollow. You paused, kneeling on top of the structure and knocking on it, still hearing that same hollowed-out echo. 
“Yes, princess, there are mosquitos everywhere.”
You sighed, shining your light through the crack in the planks but it was pitch black. “Mosquitos swarm near water.” You told JJ. “Still water. They need it to hatch eggs. So, why would so many mosquitos be in a basement with seemingly no water?” You almost sounded like you were talking to yourself with the way you were mumbling, looking for something small, your sights landed on a small pebble in the gravel under the house, picking it up before dropping it through a space between the wood. Planting your ear against the ground, you waited, until seconds after dropping the stone, you heard water splash.
“You find somethin’?” JJ asked, you being unaware that he was still watching you. You turned to him with your full attention now.
“Help me move this.” You whispered to him, already starting to pull the planks up in a frenzy. The other three pogues seemed to notice that the two of you had found something and started to help move the planks until a good chunk of them were out of the way.
The five of stared down as a well stared back at you, a least a couple dozen feet deep. 
“Well, well, well…” Pope muttered in the ring of silence.
“That was a good dad joke.” John B told him, never taking his eyes off the well, a smirk breaking out on his features. “We’re gonna need a really big rope.”
“NO FUCKING WAY.” Kiara spat, pacing the patio of The Chateau — Sarah Cameron was sat next to John B, presenting as unbothered as ever. You sat on the farthest cushion right across from JJ and Pope. “You brought her here? So what? She’s in on this now?”
John B looked to his two guy friends for help, Pope simply shrugging his shoulders and muttering an ‘I dunno’ before JJ threw his hands out. “All I care about is her cut coming out of your share.” He directed at JB, pointing his finger for emphasis. 
“This is our thing.” Kiara scolded, pointing to everyone but Sarah to further prove her point. 
“I’m just a tad uncomfortable with this…” Pope added. 
“When are you not uncomfortable?” John B tried to defend the blonde girl.
“I rode here on the back of JJ’s bike pretty comfortably.” The curly-haired boy sassed back from JJ’s side. 
“It’s true. Most relaxed I’ve ever seen him.” 
“We were all comfortable until you brought her.” Kiara shot out, not making eye contact with Sarah, who had finally had enough.
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Was the first thing the blonde girl had said since her arrival.
“I mean, you could always go home. Just a thought…” You spoke nonchalantly, shrugging from your seat across the patio. Sarah eyed you meanly before looking at John B, scoffing.
“I told you.” Your eyes squinted and your head tilted to the side.
“Told him what, exactly? That your a liar?” Kiara argued before Sarah’s attention whipped around to her.
“No, that you’re a shit-talking bitch.” She told Kie, turning to you next. “And you’re a lying slut.”
Chaos broke out — voices over voices, JJ and Pope betting money as the three of you argued over one another.
“When have I ever lied to you, Kiara?!”
“You get somebody close to you for like a month and then completely turn your back on them-”
“I’m a slut? I’m sorry, how many boyfriends have you cheated on? This year alone?-”
“Everybody, shut up!” John B stopped the arguing. “Kie, Y/n, you are my best friends, right?” Both of you just looked away, giving him his answer but not the satisfaction of hearing it. “And Sarah, you’re…”
“...Say it.” She said, a sly smile on her face.
“...You’re my girlfriend.” John B proclaimed, a boy-ish grin on his face. You couldn’t help but groan and throw your head back, all eyes turning to you as you brought your angry gaze back down.
“You met her like three whole days ago, John B.” You fussed, crossing your arms over one another. “What happened to using her for information? And I quote ‘getting what we need and cutting her loose’?”
“...You said you were using me?” Sarah asked her “boyfriend” sadly. 
John B shook his head in the smallest of motions, avoiding her eyes at all costs. “No.”
“Yeah, you did.” Pope refuted his claim. “You said those things...”
“Look, love just walked in, okay?” He tried to reason with you all but you couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.
“Three days!” You laughed out. 
“I didn’t expect it, it just kind of happened. And I’m not gonna deny it.” He continued, ignoring you. 
“Well,” you got up from your seated position, hands slapping your knees. “If Clueless is in, count me out.” You told him, hands in your back pockets. 
He shrugged like a child. “I’m not choosing, if that's what you're getting at.” He stated bluntly. You nodded your head, biting the inside of your cheek and looking around before deciding to walk off, heading for the dock.
“JUST CONSIDER IT.” JJ threw out the idea from his place beside you, leaning against the wood of the pier in front of The Chateau, Kiara and Pope having a separate conversation in front of you.
“I’m not considering anything, JJ.”
“You don’t have to like it. None of us do. But John B isn’t willing to choose and we can’t do this without you.”
“John B clearly can. He knew how we felt about her and he did everything we advised him not to do.” You snarled, looking out at the water. “None of you know her, not really. You think I just up and decided to hate Sarah Cameron one day? No.” You scoffed. “She creates a false sense of security and then when you start to rely on her, she uses it all against you.”
You both sat in silence, JJ not wanting to question you any further for the moment.
“What if he chooses her?” JJ asked you after a couple moments passed. You brought your eyes back to his, wind blowing your hair in your field of vision, voice small as you spoke.
“Then he’s a worse friend than I thought he was.”
YOU DECIDED TO MAKE YOUR WAY HOME AFTER WHAT WENT DOWN WITH JOHN B. You didn’t intend on making him choose between you or Sarah but you felt as if this whole thing had spiraled out of control. Maybe the biggest part was that you felt lied to. He promised there was nothing happening between them and when it came down to it, he couldn’t even make a decision between two of his life-long best friends and a girl he met less than a week ago. Something behind his logic, or lack of, struck a nerve within you. 
Opening the front door to your Figure Eight home, you were greeted with two muddy paws against your thighs.
“Aww, Marley!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands out to the sides. “What did you get into?” You shook your head, patting the stains on your denim shorts as you kicked the door closed behind you and walked to peer out of the patio door, seeing holes galore in the backyard. You looked down at the animal, hand on your hip. “You know, she’s gonna flip.” You told the dog as if she could reply back.
Her fur was covered in brown and black, muddy paw prints left behind by her pattering feet. You just sighed, bending down to scratch the top of her head as she leaned into your hand. “Guess it’s my fault for leavin’ you. I’d go crazy if I was stuck here alone with her, too. C’mon,” You threw your head out in the direction of the garage door. “Let’s hose you off so I can cover your tracks.”
You started walking but stopped when you didn’t hear Marley trailing behind you. You peered back over your shoulder to see her sitting patiently. “No, absolutely not.” Was your reply to her pleading puppy-eyes, a whine leaving her closed lips. “I am not picking you up, Marley. You’re a big girl, c’mon.” The golden retriever made no move. “I’ll give you a treat after. You wanna a treat, girl?” 
Her ears perked up in the slightest of motions and suddenly the medium-sized dog was sprinting towards you, basically running into the garage door that was still closed. You just giggled, opening the door for her to run out and hop into the metal tub in the parking space that was bought especially for her. Tying your hair back and grabbing the length of the hose, you started to hose down your mess of a dog.
YOU WERE SOAKED BY THE END OF MARLEY’S BATH. You smelled of Pumpkin Spice pet shampoo and wet dog, strands of golden hair stuck to your arms and legs as you rinsed out the tub and let it flow down the driveway. The dog in question was probably running a muck in your room where you’d locked her so you could clean up in peace — covering up the holes in the backyard to the best of your ability and mopping the floors. 
Once the dog-tub was water-free, you kicked it back to it’s original position in the corner of the garage. The sound of your mother’s SUV pulling up into the driveway could be heard as you turned the hose off and put it away. She must not have seen you in the dark of the garage as she got out of the car, heels hitting the concrete as she slammed the driver’s side door shut. Her cell phone was pressed between her shoulder and ear and she fought to get her purse up onto her arm.
“I don’t care what you do, Cameron. Or how you do it for that matter. Just do something because this is both of our asses on the line.” She spat to whoever was on the other end of the line — Cameron? Maybe it was a new hire at the office.
Her eyes shot up and seemed to finally register your presence, a look of shock filling her features for a moment before it faded into something else. Something more irritated. “We’ll talk about this later. Hopefully, you’ll have gotten rid of the problem by then.” Was all she said before hanging up.
You had turned back around at this point, focused on putting Marley’s bath supplies back into their respective cabinets and shelves. 
“I didn’t expect you home.”
“Neither did I.” You replied bluntly.
“You know, it’d be nice if you could be home more often. You still have responsibilities, and that dog does whatever it wants.”
You stood to your full height, facing her now as you crossed your arms. “I could say the same for you.”
She scoffed, shifting her weight. “I have work. A job. You just run around with your delinquent friends all day and night. Your room is empty for days on end.”
You shrugged, jutting your bottom lip out. “What are you lonely, or something? We barely talk when I am home.”
“You want to talk? Let’s talk.” She crossed her own arms, staring you down.
“Not really-”
“I heard John B had a pretty nasty fall from The Hawk’s Nest last night and you and your friends were there.” You veered your neck back at her statement, a look of offense written across your face.
“What’re you keeping tabs on me now?” 
She just shrugged and shifted, pointing her chin towards the ceiling as if she knew she had you cornered. “Word travels fast on the island. The real question is what were you kids doing up there in the middle of a thunderstorm? Everything I hear about that little posse of yours is dangerous.”
All you could was laugh humorlessly, pushing yourself off of the garage wall and heading for the door back inside of the house. “I’m not doing this with you.” You told the woman, shaking your head. 
“Answer the question, Y/n!” She called after you, following you into the three-story house and slamming the garage door closed behind her.
“No! I’m covered in mud, water, and dog hair and you’re pissing me off!” You were practically stomping up the stairs. “Everytime I come back to this house you interrogate me. Calling my friends delinquents as if these aren't kids you’ve known for years!”
“Well, clearly I have good reason to-” You stopped at the top of the stairs, turning and staring down at your mother who was still at the bottom, making no moves to follow you up. 
“Maybe it’s time I question you because I have a fair few of my own.” You spat. “How did you find about the Hawk’s Nest because there were only six of us there when it happened? When did you and Shoupe get all buddy-buddy? Or better yet, how’d you manage to scrape up the money to buy a house on Figure Eight so suddenly? And don’t think I’m dumb enough to believe my father’s life insurance was enough to cover it.”
She didn’t say anything. Anything at all. Your mother just stared up at you with a look on her face that you’d never seen before it. It was angry, dark — borderline evil. It made your heart thump out of your chest and your knees get weak. It was a look that a parent should never direct at their child. 
With one last glare, you turned your back and went into your own bathroom to clean yourself up, not neglecting to slam the door behind you.
YOU SIGHED AS YOU HOPPED FROM THE HMS POGUE ONTO HEYWARD’S BOAT. After your shower, Pope had picked you up from the short pier in the back of your house with Kie lounging in the boat. He said something about JJ and John B needing a tow after conking out in the middle of The Marsh.
Approaching Heyward’s boat that was still in the middle of The Marsh, you and Kie edged towards the front of the HMS Pogue, preparing to step off. Extending your legs, you made it onto the other boat without fail, Kiara following you into the Alp where the two boys in question were.
“What did you do?” You asked annoyed, still reeling from the events of earlier — both of them. 
“The alternators not…alternating, anymore.” JJ told you, throwing his hands out. 
“Did you check the plugs?” Kiara suggested, stepping in front of you and approaching the boys as you leaned on the entryway. 
“No, you should check ‘em. Give ‘em whirl.” They handed her whatever tool they’d been using, stepping away.
“You guys are useless…” You let the two guys walk by you, stepping further into the space with Kie. “Uh, is this a joke? There are no plugs, like at all.” She muttered.
Suddenly, you heard water splashing, turning around and walking back out to see that JJ and John B had jumped into the water and were swimming towards the HMS Pogue that was getting farther and farther away.
“What’re you-” You started, cut off by the sound of banging coming from below the deck of the boat.
“John B! John B, let me out!” Came an unmistakable voice. In a haste, you lifted the hatch in the floor, coming face to face with Sarah Cameron. Not giving her time to speak, you just huffed and ran towards the edge of the boat.
“What the fuck?!” You yelled at the three boys across the water, Kiara and Sarah on each side of you now. Both equally as angry as you. “Are you serious?” 
“Get your asses back here!” Kiara demanded.
“We can’t!” Pope shrugged with a sly smile. “Not until you three work out your issues!”  
“You can’t just leave!” Sarah tried.
“There’s food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt!” John B shouted back. The three of you ignored them, kicking off your overalls and stripping down to your bikinis.
“This is ridiculous…” The blonde girl muttered under her breath, kicking her shorts off of her ankles.
“Well, I’d rather drown than be here with you, so…” Kiara retorted, taking her shirt off. 
“Fine. Be my guest. Maybe you’ll finally shut the hell up.” Sarah shot back. 
“You don’t even know where you’re going.” The two girls continued arguing as the three boys drifted farther away.
“I don’t care.” Was all the Cameron girl said back before jumping into the Marsh water, just as Pope revved up the engine on the smaller boat and they sped away. Sarah cursed them before turning around and swimming back to the boat, screaming and going under before popping back up.
“Ah! I got stung by a jellyfish! Shit!” She cried, still swimming back to the boat.
You rolled your eyes and turned away from her, fixing the ties on your swim suit. “Maybe next time don’t jump into The Marsh.” You reprimanded meanly.
“Thanks for the advice, after the fact.” She retorted, climbing onto the boat and sliding against the side.
“It’s not like you listen anyway...” You shrugged, leaning against the boat. 
“Kiara, you know what they say about curing jellyfish stings,” Sarah ignored you, talking through heavy breaths and looking up at the brown-haired girl. “You have to pee on me.”
The girl simply cringed. “I have a better idea.”
NIGHT HAD FALLEN AND YOU WERE SURE THE GUYS WEREN’T COMING BACK FOR THE THREE OF YOU ANYTIME SOON. The night air was cool and Sarah was high off of the weed left behind, courtesy of JJ himself. She’d been laughing and talking about nothing non-stop for the last hour.
Kie was sat next to her in the cockpit of the boat while you sat on the hardtop, swinging your feet.
“Hey,” Sarah piped up, interrupting her own giggling. “Would you rather…have, I was imagining you like this just now, it was pretty funny.” She was directing the question at Kiara. “Would you imagi- would you rather…have nipples for eyes or have eyes for nipples? Imagine if you get really old and your nipples, your boobs get saggy, your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied.” 
She attempted to laugh it off in her impaired state but took the hint when Kie gave her a side glance, no humor present in her expression. “Is this like your first time smoking or something?” 
“...No.” Sarah said lowly, looking down.
“Could’ve fooled me.” You muttered, annoyed by the girls incessant laughter and talking. 
After a couple moments of tense silence, Sarah attempted to speak again. “Hey, Kiara…”
“Oh my God.” She cut her off. “Enough the ‘Hey, Kiara’ bullshit.” She turned her entire body to face the blonde, a hard look in her eyes. “Why’d you do it?”
“...Why’d I do what?” Sarah played dumb.
“We were best friends.” Kiara started solemnly. “We stole beers from your dad’s fridge, we watched movies together, we cried about boys...” She reminisced. “And the next thing I know, the entire school thinks I have a crush on you because you started a rumor that I did.”
“It was just a joke.” Sarah tried to dismiss, rolling her eyes.
“To who? Because it wasn’t funny for me. And when it spun out of control? When it went from people saying I had a crush on you to saying I tried to kiss you? To saying I was stalking you? That I had a shrine? Was it still just a joke then?” She reprimanded. “You never even bothered to clear it up. Just fed into it. You just cut me off like nothing happened. I mean, really, what did I do?”
You continued watching the interaction happen from the hardtop of the boat. “You liked me.” Sarah blurted. “...When people get close to me, I feel trapped. And…I bail. And then I blame them for it.” She got out, turning to look Kiara in the eyes. “I’m really sorry…And I miss you.” Then her eyes were on you. “Both of you. Do you think there’s a chance that we could be okay again?” She was looking at Kiara again.
“Honestly. I don’t know.” Sarah simply nodded and bit her lip, accepting the answer before turning her sights to you once more. 
“Y/n?” She called. You assumed she was waiting for your answer to the same question, all you could manage was a huff of air to leave your lips. 
“What a bunch of bullshit.” You breathed out, an incredulous smile on your face as you looked away for moment. You could hear Kiara sigh.
“No, Kiara. If you want to forgive her, by all means be my guest. But me and you?” Your eyes were on Sarah, glaring at her. “We will never be ‘okay’ again.” You mocked.
“What do you want from me?” Sarah spat out. “I apologized-”
“You apologized to Kie. Not me.”
“Well, I’m sorry. For…whatever I did.” She slurred, slouching further against the inside of the boat.
“Whatever you did?”
“You were the one sneaking around with my brother, Y/n!”
“And you're still downplaying the situation! That’s not what happened nor is it why our friendship ended and you know it.” You disputed, anger filling your tone.
“Our friendship ended because you tried to make the situation into something it wasn’t.”
“You never even considered the possibility that what I told you was true. You called me a liar, turned me into the school slut-”
“He’s my brother.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s not a bad person, Sarah!” You said with finality in your voice. “And if you can’t see that, then maybe that makes two of you.” Was the last thing you said before hopping down from the top of the boat and disappearing around the corner, away from the two girls. 
THE THREE OF YOU SAT ON THE EDGE OF THE BOAT, WATCHING THE BOYS ARRIVE AS THE SUN CAME UP. You’d slept in the helm of the boat while Kiara and Sarah slept out in the open. You hated to admit how lonely you felt hearing them giggle in the middle of the night but it was quickly overshadowed by the memories of what was said between you and Sarah. A small part of you wondered how Kiara could forgive her so quickly. So easily.
“Let’s not give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked.” Kiara whispered to the blonde next to her. You simply kept quiet. Because for you, it didn’t.
“So, did you guys, you know…” Pope led on as the smaller boat parked next to the bigger one. You said nothing as you hopped off the edge, from one boat to the other. 
“Reconcile our differences?” Kie finished for him.
“Nope. Not even a little.” Sarah shook her head. “But we’re…willing to work together?” She said, turning to Kiara who nodded in agreement as they both stepped onto the HMS Pogue. 
“You know what? That’s victory.” JB cheered, dapping up Pope. “You guys ready to jack some loot?”
YOU ALL WAITED UNTIL IT GOT DARK ONCE MORE TO RETURN TO THE CRAIN PROPERTY, FULL PREPARED THIS TIME. Rope, pulley, flashlights. You were equipped with the gold-mine starter kit and ready to throw John B down into a well beneath a murder-house.
Parking in front of the house but still out of sight, John B hopped out of the driver’s side to round the van and open the side door, pausing. “I wanna say thank you guys. Seriously.” He told the five of you whole-heartedly. “It means a lot to me that you’re here tonight.”
“Of course, man.” Pope assured him softly, giving him a special handshake. 
“All right, we done with this circle jerk?” JJ cut in. “Can we go do this?” 
“Let’s go get that wheat in the water.” Pope exclaimed, jumping out of the van first, followed by Kie, then Sarah.
“Weed? I’m up for weed.” JJ said, letting you get out before him. You rolled your eyes, a small smile breaking on your face as you climbed out of the van. The first one in hours.
“Wheat, J. He said wheat.” You corrected. You all formed a sort of single-file line, hopping the fence one by one. You all walked as quietly as you could through the tall grass and bushes, sticking as close together as possible. Out of the blue, a light in front of the house lit up your frames, the six of you scrambling to duck and hide, turning your flashlights off.
“Why would a blind lady need motion sensor lights?” You hissed frustratedly confused. 
“Let’s throw a rock at it.” John B offered. You all looked at him stupidly.
“That’s a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that we’re here.” Kiara said sarcastically. 
“Do any of you have a better idea?” 
“What about the breaker in the circuit box on the porch?” Sarah asked. “We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids and if we were brave enough, we’d go all the way up to the porch.”
“No, no, you’re not going into the house alone.” John B protested.
“I’ll go with you.” Kiara volunteered herself before turning to you. You simply raised a brow as if to ask ‘what?’. Only then did you notice that the rest of the group was staring at you as well, then you got the hint, smacking your teeth.
“Christ, fine, I’ll go, too. Just… stop looking at me like hungry orphans.” You mumbled, getting up and walking towards the house, slightly crouched.
“We’ll wait for your signal!” Pope whisper-shouted as the three of you disappeared into the thick of the bushes. You let Sarah lead the way, seeing as she had an idea of where you were going and what you were looking for.
“She must have a generator plugged into the main power supply.” Sarah informed from the front of the line. The three of you crept up the porch steps, the wood creaking ever so slightly as you did. You aimed your flashlight at the circuit box in question, using your empty hand to open it. You quickly noted a problem.
“Where are the breakers?” Your face twisted in confusion, visually following the wires that were connected to the box. “It goes inside.” You said annoyed, pushing the circuit box door back closed. You turned back to the two girls behind you, a weary look shared amongst the three of you before Kie took it upon herself to carefully open the gate in front of the back door, twisting the knob quickly but quietly.
Pushing the door open, the three of you slid inside swiftly as the door creaked, making your face twist. You all treaded carefully through the dark home. You nearly jumped out of your skin when a cat yowled beside you.
“Shi- get out of here you mangy thing!” You whispered, pushing the feline away with the toe of your shoe. You follow the wires on the ceiling to the location of the breakers, Kiara wasting little time in switching the generator off, the house and surrounding areas going pitch black as she did.
You all let out sighs of relief, small victorious smiles breaking out on each of your faces. “We should probably get out of here now.” You advised, the other two agreeing. You hadn’t even lifted your foot to step away before a whirring sound echoed throughout the house, the three of you throwing yourselves against the wall and out of sight of whatever was around the corner.
You could barely hear one another breathing, contemplating whether you should stay put or make a break for it. It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of heavy-breathing and what sounded like a cane hitting the floor accompanied by delayed footsteps. 
You could feel your heart in throat as you tried your hardest not to move a muscle, the footsteps growing closer by the second. Fear rushing through your veins when you heard a voice call out.
“It’s late, Leon.” An old, raspy, elderly voice spoke — Mrs. Crain. “Too late...” She coughed, cane still hitting the floor ferociously with every step. You swore you could’ve cried when the woman in question rounded the corner, standing right in front of you three with no clue. “I can hear you, Leon. I’ve been waiting all night!” She screeched, whipping her head in your direction so fast you were surprised her neck didn’t snap in the process.
Her teeth were yellow, her hair was dead and gray, and her eyes were white. Pure white. The three of you screamed simultaneously before booking it in the direction you came. You don’t know how you ended up splitting from each other but you did. You ended up in some old dusty study-type room, the only exit being a window. You ran over to it, using all your strength to pull it up but it wouldn’t budge.
“Where are you, Leon?!” Her voice scratched your ears with the way it echoed. You cursed as you continued pulling at the window, eventually giving up and running out of the room. Fortunately, you ran in just time to find Mrs. Crain swinging aimlessly at Kiara with a fire poker. You took the opportunity to grab the object when she swung it back once more, snatching it and throwing it across the room.
Sarah entered just as the old lady turned around and gripped you by the arm, the blonde grabbing Kiara as you pushed Mrs. Crain off of you and ran into the room with the other two. Sarah closed and latched the door shut, Mrs. Crain banging from the other side. 
She’d managed to find the stairs the led under the house where the guys were, you and Kiara following her down in a hurry. 
“Guys!” All three of you called, sprinting through the crawlspace. 
“Woah, what’s goin’ on?” JJ asked as you accidentally ran into him, the blonde stabilizing by your upper arms.
“Mrs. Crain is up there. She’s trying to kill us with a fire poker.” Kiara breathed out. 
“We locked her in the parlor but we have to go. Like, now.” You said frantically. 
“Okay, code red.” JJ said, releasing your arms and heading back towards Pope. He leaned over the well, shouting down. “John B! Get back on, man!” The rest of you grabbed the length of the rope, using all of your man power to pull the boy back up when the you all fell, the rope pulling up nothing.
“Where is he?” Kiara panicked, crawling to the well to lean over it. “John B?!” His voice came back up but no one could tell what he was saying. It was just a faint echo. His next words were clearer, however — he was calling your names.
“He’s drowning! We gotta pull him up!” Sarah assumed the worst as you scrambled to grab the rope again. 
“John B? Get back on the rope, we’re gonna pull you up!” Pope called down into the well. Once JB affirmed that he was secured, the five of you began pulling once more, much more synchronized this time. You were using all the strength you had to pull him up when a gunshot made your ears ring.
You ducked, as did the rest of the group, your grip on the rope loosening. Pope and JJ hurried to tie the rope so it wouldn’t drop any further as you all scurried around the crawlspace, hoping the blind woman would think you were gone.
Only problem? None of you knew how to shut the hell up. Another shot rang out and that’s when you all decided you had to make a run for it. You saw John B’s muddy hand gripped the edge of the well before you bolted, knowing he’d be a little behind but just fine. You sprinted out into the yard, practically launched yourself back over the gate and threw yourselves into the van.
JJ started the van without John B inside as more gunshots sounded, the boy running behind his own van for dear life. 
“John B, come on!” The boy caught up, launching himself into the back of the van and sliding the door shut as JJ sped off. 
“Everyone okay? No bullet holes?” JJ questioned from the driver’s seat.
“I think I’d know if I was shot, right?” Kiara asked, hands patting her frame. 
“You look disgusting.” Pope breathed out, the statement directed at John B who looked more like a mud-man than a teenage boy.
“And you smell even worse, my God.” Your face winded with disgust. 
“What the hell just happened?” Sarah ran her hands through her hair, throwing her head back.
“All-time Pogue Hall of Fame, baby!” JJ cheered, giving you a high-five as you basically sat back to back as he drove.
“That bitch is possessed.” Kiara said.
“How can she move that fast?” John B breathed out, and you wondered how he could talk without minding the substance all over his face, including his lips.
Suddenly, John B pulled something from his pocket or under his thigh, it was hard to tell when he was the same color all over. “What is that?” You asked, squinting your eyes as he used his thumb to wipe away the debris on the object, revealing the unmistakable color of gold. “...No motherfucking way.” You scoffed.
“We did it, baby!” He whooped, holding the gold bar up in the air. “I did it!”
“Oh, my God!” JJ supported him as he drove, eyes looking back when they should on the road. The van was filled with cheers, so loud you were sure any houses you passed on the road could hear. 
“You guys were gonna be rich!” Kiara broke through the cheers. “Like Kook rich!”
“Full Kook!” Pope started, the rest of you joining in joyously. The Twinkie had never been more lively or celebratory. After days of being chased, shot at, arrested, jumped, and targeted — you all had done it.
You had found the gold.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm @i-love-ptv @liability28 @rivaiken @sophiahristov @rafxcameronss @ldrvinyl @purplerose291 @boo22sstuff @heartsforandrewgarfield (striked means i'm unable to tag you!)
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whorbidmore · 6 months
okay, so, I've fallen victim to the leon kennedy brainrot steadily overtaking me, following me from Tumblr to Pinterest, to Instagram and even the absolutely fucking dreaded application of TikTok. I don't even use it that often??? and the algorithm is just like 'wow, yeah, this little fuckers gay as hell send in the 40 year old meow meow!!' and having watched Death Island fairly recently, I'm gonna have my opinions on what this dude would be like. Cus my brain loves to rationalize shit and think ab 'what if this mf was someone real?' so... fuck it.
Leon Soft Kennedy Headcanons
accidentally bigoted. - im sorry but let's be so fucking real here. he's a 40 something year old man who spent the majority of his life in either the military, a police training academy in the 90's, or otherwise working under the U.S Federal System with minimal/no time between missions to unpack absolutely everything he's got going on... the guys gonna have some problematic tendencies. Obviously that doesn't mean he means any of that or is incapable of change, etc. etc., but I know for damn certain this dude would laugh a little at Bill Burr's borderline to blatantly misogynistic material and has probably chuckled unironically at the attack helicopter jokes. But, he's not a complete dick, and would definitely become more critical of those kinds of jokes if it's pointed out to him.
honest to God, Dad Without Kids™ - it's not simply enough for me to leave it at 'but it's the vibes!!' so, I'm gonna break this shit down. Leon is absolutely Gen X incarnate. I can fucking guarantee you that on his off days he accidentally ends up dressing as an undercover cop; I'm talking cargo shorts, light blue button up, those fucking standard issue boots cus "they're perfectly good shoes" and those stupid ass sunglasses... you know the ones I'm talking about. Let's say you're living with him, right? And you're... you, and you wanna watch something on TV. This dude would strain himself getting up like a turtle fallen backwards on its shell, stand up, walk right in front of the TV screen and stand there with his hands on his hips. It doesn't matter that he had to piss, he needs to get a better look of what's happening! Does those really loud, obnoxious coughs and sneezes, absolutely blows his back out doing one at least five times a year.
Only watches British Reality TV - Considering he's canonically a film buff, I'll say that this is purely for whatever he gravitates towards on general streaming services. I honestly don't see him being the type to regularly tune in to standard American cable TV, or only does so under specific circumstances like American Ninja Warrior or maybe Forged in Fire if there's absolutely nothing else. It's not something that's exclusive to Americans, — I'm from New Zealand and I do this too, — but Leon absolutely falls into the category of watching British Reality and Game shows purely because of the accents. I'm talking Jeremy Kyle, The Big Fat Quiz of Everything, Taskmaster, The Great British Bake Off and so on and so forth. It doesn't matter that baking isn't his forté or a passion of his, if Josephine curdles her buttercream by over mixing, his hands are in his hair in utter disappointment. 100% tries to mimic their accents too. We all do it, don't lie.
Has... very dated music tastes - I don't know if you could guess, but the last paragraph included me calling myself out and name dropping some shows I watch anyway or grew up watching, and I'm just saying that this is gonna be no different. If anything? This'll be worse! Since I'm very passionate about the music I listen to and have the inability to keep my interests separated from the other, of course my love of particular bands will bleed over into my interpretation of Leon's character! Anyway, all that for me to say that Leon fucking LOVES 90's grunge musicians, specifically Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, as well as early nu metal bands like Korn (their dubstep phase did not happen.), TOOL, and Rage Against the Machine — and no, he unfortunately doesn't see the irony of him being a fed and listening to Rage, — but would also have a soft spot for psych rock, post-punk and shoegaze. My man's definitely laid awake at night, sobbing without expression as he struggles to accept that Ada never really wanted him like he wanted her while listening to fucking Slowdive. My hottest take here is that he doesn't really listen to Deftones. Like he'll occasionally blast My Own Summer, Change, Bored or Rosemary, but anything outside of those? He just didn't listen to 'em. My second hottest take is that he does NOT like Slipknot, which kind of pains me 'cus I do, but I fucking bet you this dude would actually adopt one piece of "Gen Z lingo" or whatever just call them cringe. Though admittedly he would've been jamming the fuck out to Psychosocial and The Devil in I when they came out. Went off the deep end in Vendetta, obviously, and drunk-cried himself to sleep on the couch listening to Linkin Park.
Very confusing spending habits - On one hand, we all understand that Leon came from money, — he was implied to have been born into a mob family from my understanding? And I doubt he'd ever really had to worry about being fully, irrevocably broke, — but I'm sure that growing up in the U.S Foster Care System made him at least a little more cautious of where his money comes from, where it's going, what he's spending it on, etc. So, on the one hand, he's apprehensive to spend recklessly, particularly on perishables. But also, if he can drop over $100,000USD on a motorcycle that got absolutely fucking cheese grated into the road, and spend a perceived, metric fuck ton of money on designer leather jackets and massive watches, it's gonna be hard for me to call him 'financially conscious'. On one hand, he gets apprehensive on spending more money than he needs to on food since he's "just gonna shit it out later", but if he sees a cool watch or a nice suit in a shop window? Money's suddenly not an issue! Not because he's materialistic, but because the one thing he really maintains a sense of control over in his life are his possessions and the way he dresses. The D.S.O can call him in for another months long mission whenever they please, and all he can realistically do is allow the government to tug on his leash and put him where he's needed. He may as well spend their money on things he wants!
Gets out... enough? But also, not really? - So, personally I've pegged Leon as more of an introverted person, — amateurly typed his MBTI as possibly ISFJ? — so he doesn't really feel the need to go out and meet new people or really hang out with anyone. If somebody invites him out? Sure, he'll go. Otherwise, it rarely occurs to him to meet up with friends or colleagues at a cafe or anywhere. I think he'd prefer to just go there alone, mostly for the sake of having somebody else cook for him as opposed to actively seeking out the atmosphere. It's pure convience in his mind. And remember when I said in the beginning about him accidentally being at least a little misogynistic? Yeah, that was me trying to say that he regularly tries to hit on younger waitresses. Not because he actually wants anything to do with them, but simply because it's an ego boost. He likes that he can make girls half his age blush or offer him their numbers, because it tells him that he's still desirable, and ultimately, that gives him the power to reject them politely and go about the rest of his day. If they don't reject him first, of course. Admittedly, Leon's audacity towards women peaked during Infinite Darkness.
Since I'm planning on posting more NSFW headcanons for this guy, — and more NSFW kinds of posts, — here is the obligatory Minors DNI attachment. For your own safety, I don't care if what I have to say is tame so far, you can hold it off I promise.
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geekforhorror · 1 year
thoughts on perv ani? 🎤
anakin being a perv
he absolutely would be one
there’s no denying it
he would eye fuck the shit out of you and would look sexy while doing it !!
he feels like he has to stop at some point but he can’t bring himself to
his self control is non-existent
he would definitely look up your skirt on multiple occasions but you don’t notice
and if you did notice?!
you would love it and grin
in all honesty, he would be the BIGGEST perv whenever you’re changing or taking a shower
when you go into the bathroom to take a shower, the door is cracked open just the tiniest bit and it allows him to look at you
he LOVES the way you strip yourself of your clothes and drop them to the ground
and if he saw your bare figure? OH MY GOD. he would be in love.
he can’t help but grow hard at the sight
he wants to relieve the aching pain that pools in his aching dick so what does he do?
he jacks himself off.
while doing so, he thinks of all of the ways he would take you in that bathroom
in his head, he would push you against either the shower, the wall, or even the sink while fucking your pretty brains out <3
he fantasizes about the noises you would make while he’s fucking his cock into your tight walls
“my girls taking my cock so well, huh? just like a filthy little slut…” is what he imagines he would say
i mean he’s not wrong…
but he forgets he’s a slut too since he’s getting off to all of the possible things you would say
sooner or later, he would cum around his hand, not even caring about the mess he made
ok next topic!
i have to say it.
he’s a fucking panty swiper AND sniffer
i’m sorry i had to.
if you’re not home, he would use his key that you gave him to enter your quarters just to sniff his favorite pairs of panties
he knows which ones you wore when you were so incredibly wet for him and sniffed the arousal that remained in the fabric despite washing them
he would swipe a few of those from the drawer before putting it inside the pocket of his jedi robe
if you asked where your panties went, he would lie through his teeth and say some shit like: “don’t worry about it love, i’ll buy you new ones” or “maybe it was the laundry machine”
that dirty little fucker <3
he’s such a fucking horn dog during sex
he wants to slap ur ass to see the movement of its flesh
he also fucks your tits just to watch the way they bounce
during sex he would take pictures of u in every position possible whether it was you bent over crying while taking his throbbing cock or even just in missionary
wants to see every angle of your body in the pictures
your tits, ass, hips, face…everything.
he would use them in desperate matters
you’re away at a meeting? he’s using them to jerk himself off.
he’s horny while you’re off on a mission? he’s using them to jerk himself off.
“that’s it baby, just like that… fucking take it…” he would say with closed eyes and a cramped, cum filled hand
you get the point.
he fucking loves imagining the way you would clench around him
at one point, he even buys himself a flesh light that replicates your pussy in every way possible
when he’s not fucking the fleshlight until he cums, you better believe he’s humping the sheets and pillow, imagining that it’s your warm cunt beneath him
he’s so fucking loud but he doesn’t give a shit
he just wants to cum
he doesn’t even care if you know he does this
if you do find out or walk in on him, it just makes him push you onto the mattress and live out his perverted little fantasies <3
ok that’s it for today!
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base0h · 1 year
If you were in the hospital
a/n - I’m in the hospital so this is absolutely perfect 💪 kinda self indulgent sorry
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, sick reader, modern au, I bully kidd even when I’m sick (don’t worry I’m not too sick to bully him)
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- this asshole wouldn’t fit through the damn doorway 💀 and he would be the person the other patients were complaining about
- “Um. Nurse? There’s this red haired guy who threatened to kill me earlier?” -random innocent person
- jokes aside, he would stay with you and get you whatever you need. Aggressively.
- “Hey Kidd, I need some water.”
- “Kidd! Ask nicely-!”
- poor you 😭
- he would try and sleep with you on the bed but his fat ass can’t fit 💀 bro is too big for that
- he would also invite killer if that’s ok with you, killer is a better caretaker than him obviously
- he would be helping the nurses politely and making sure you were comfortable
- Kidd would literally threaten the doctor to come and check on you or else he’d kill his family 😭😭😭😭 pls save this doctor
- when the room gets super quiet, he’d ask the literal most random ass questions so it doesn’t get awkward but it gets more awkward after he asks them
- “Does your ass itch? Mine does.”
- “WTF KIDD?!”
- 💀💀💀💀
- He snores really loud so you’re probably not going to sleep very well, but knowing he’s there with you is comforting at least
- bro wakes up the other patients in other rooms 💀
- if Kidd is there, killer’s there too- they’re inseparable and also Kidd would die if killer and you weren’t there trying to keep this dumbass alive
- killer would be telling Kidd to shut up every five seconds as he should
- all in all, a 0/10 hospital experience, but a 10/10 emotional support experience 👍
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- let’s just say this time, he’s not your doctor
- trust me, he’d be there before you even arrive in the ambulance 💀 he has everything you need
- changes of clothes, your favorite blankets, water bottles, stuffed animals, movies, literally everything
- he’d be the one who’s talking with the nurses and telling them what to do 😭 the poor doctor became his subordinate
- it got kind of annoying, but he asks a TON of questions almost every minute or so
- “Are you feeling nauseated?”
- “Dizzy?”
- “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
- “What’s your name, and where are you right now?”
- yeah he’s just worried, go along with it
- he’s the type of guy to literally never leave and just stare at you the entire time, it’s creepy
- “Law, you staring at me is not helping.”
- “I- wha-?! Fine. I’m just worried y/n.”
- “Okok! Sorry- you can stare at me- don’t sulk and turn emo in the corner!”
- “I’m not EMO!”
- “Yeah you kinda are.”
- Law is the definition of emo 💀 he can’t lie about it, and he can’t hide it, it’s just natural
- even if you don’t want to, he’s going to help you walk around the hospital room, just to keep the blood flow going
- he knows that even though you’re not supposed to move around a lot, walking a little bit is good
- law will not sleep at all- he will continue to stare at you as you sleep, it’s creepy 😭
- literally law: 👁️ _ 👁️
- it’s amazing how you were able to sleep with him staring through your soul, I commend you for that
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- my man is THE WORST when it comes to you getting sick
- he looks everything up on google and gets the worst results
- “S/o has a horrible stomachache.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- “S/o feels dizzy.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- oml poor ace 😭
- he rushed you to the ER, and almost crashed into 80 cars on the way 💀
- trust me, they moved out of the way
- the doctors hate him because he thinks you have some crazy disease when in reality you just have a really bad flu
- “I’m telling you! It’s appendicitis!”
- “Sir- it’s the flu- please calm down.”
- “I’M CALM.”
- no he’s not 😭
- very confused by the machines
- “Ace. It’s an IV. It’s so I don’t get dehydrated.”
- called sabo and started freaking out to him 💀
- “Ace I’m sure y/n is not dying. Calm down.”
- you sure abt that ace?
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- I can confirm that he is never calm when it comes to your health and safety
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- he wouldn’t know what to do, but he’d follow you and stay with you for the entire time, so don’t worry about that
- he’s like law, and would stare at you literally every second that you’re there
- “Zoro you don’t have to stare.”
- “I dunno- what if you start having a stroke?!”
- my guy doesn’t know that you’re not an old, senile elderly person 💀
- he would fall asleep on you while holding your hand, since he’s been so worried, it kind of exhausts him
- it’s adorable though
- he snores, but it’s cute that he fell asleep holding your hand just tight enough to let you know he’s there with you 💜
- if you ever needed help getting some water, a heat pack for your stomach, or literally anything? He’s got you covered
- but if he has to leave your room for it he might not come back. Ever.
- as you were watching tv about some crash a couple miles away, you saw a green haired guy in the background that looked oddly familiar
- he seemed to be buying a water from a vending machine
- when he turned around you almost broke the tv remote in half
- “ZORO?!”
- nah this idiot 💀 y/n I suggest you put some kind of leash on him
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a/n - zoro needs to eat the gps gps no mi 😭
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da-rulah · 7 months
Hope you’re doing well!! Your work is amazing recently as always!! Thanks you for always providing us with such great writing😭
How do you think the papas would react if reader said “i love you” for the first time during sex?
Hello lovely, I'm so sorry this has taken literally weeks to get around to but I'm here and I'm motivated so let's get INTO IT.
Thank you so much too, I'm so glad you like my writing! 🥹 Hopefully, you'll love this too...
TW/ female reader, breeding kink (kind of), dom/sub dynamic, choking, cunnilingus, crying during sex
Primo is a master at this, and it's one of his favourite things to do.
His tongue works absolute magic between your folds, and the chorus of whines and moans he draws out of you are his favourite of the dark hymns he's heard in his time.
He's been at this for over 30 minutes, made you cum twice already and shows no signs of tiring, despite his age.
Frankly your head was hazy and you could barely string thoughts together, curses and praises flowing freely from loose lips...
So that's why you didn't register when it slipped out. The only thing you noticed, was Primo's tongue disappearing.
When it dawned on you, panic rose in your chest.
"What did you say, fiorellina?" He hasn't moved, but his eyes are on yours while you look down at him between the valley of your breasts. There was no hiding it now.
"I-I... I'm sorry... but I love you, Primo."
He rests his cheek against your inner thigh, his eyes softening and a smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
"Why do you apologise, fiorellina?"
You begin to tear up, overwhelmed with fear and regret but Papa turns his head and beings to press kisses to your inner thigh.
"Never apologise, amore mio... non puoi immaginare quanto ti amo (you cannot imagine how much i love you)" he say as he mouths at your thigh, leaving open mouthed kisses as he spills his adoration right back to you.
He showers you with the most beautiful of prose, speaking nothing but pure poetry about how much he loves you, how he has since the day he met you, that you were a blessing from the Dark One... all while still between your legs, his lips and tongue working their dark magic on you...
'Sessions' with Secondo often included hours of teasing, of orgasm denial, of working you up until you couldn't take it anymore...
And then, finally, he'd take you as his.
Much like tonight, where he had you spread out on your back for him, and he was relentlessly hammering his hips into yours after over an hour of nothing but toys and teasing.
You hadn't meant to say it, but when he'd told you tell him exactly what you were thinking, landing a harsh spank to the underside of your thigh that he pressed against your torso, it just... escaped.
Secondo stilled immediately, his eyes wide and crazed as they bore down into yours.
Suddenly his hand was around your throat, pinning you to the mattress beneath you.
"Say that again," he growled, daring you.
You knew better than to argue or disobey a command, and even with his hand wrapped around your throat, you stuttered out a weak confession one more time.
Now, Secondo had a rule about your sessions - he never kissed you. You were here to play, to be subservient. That was the agreement.
So when he lurched himself forwards and all but swallowed your lips with his own, you couldn't help the squeak of surprise that got lost between the hand around your throat and his lips moulding with yours.
"You do not lie, vero? (right?)" he asked, his forehead pressed to yours as his still-angry looking eyes searched yours. But it wasn't anger, it was desperation.
You shook your head as much as his grip allowed, and he dove in for another kiss - one that you could better anticipate, yet was no less aggressive than the last.
He released his grip on your throat and redistributed it to your hip, starting to pound back into you over and over as he kissed you.
He let you wrap your arms around his shoulders, holding him closer, suddenly more intimate than you had ever been together.
It didn't even bother you that he hadn't said it back immediately. You knew. Just from his behaviour, you knew.
It wasn't until you had both climaxed and found yourself being pulled into an embrace between his sheets that he finally said what you'd longed to hear for too long.
"Ti amo, dolcezza... By Satan, I swear, ti amo..."
Your relationship with Terzo was exclusive by this point. He only had eyes for you, still in the beginning phase of a relationship that was exciting and fresh.
You knew you loved him, there was no doubt in your mind, but telling him was another story.
Did he love you back? You were sure of it. He doted on you like no other. But you knew it would be hard for him to say the words, given his inability to handle emotion and have a half-serious conversation about feelings.
Not to mention the fact he found it difficult to believe he was worthy of a love like yours...
You figured you'd have to be the one to say it first. Terzo was too insecure. You had to give him the confirmation he needed.
You just didn't expect it to rocket out of you as he was buried inside you from below you...
You saw the concentrated expression on his face vanish, and he looked up at you so fast you half expected him to bolt from beneath you and hide.
"You do, eh?" he asked, his eyebrow quirking up and his smirk lifting the corner of his lips. "You love your Papa?"
You stopped rolling your hips and swatted his arm playfully.
"I'm serious, Terzo... I love you..."
Terzo's smirk softened into in blissful grin, and he sat up to come face to face with you, wrapping his arms around your back to keep you connected.
"I love you too, tesorino," he told you plainly, honestly. All he'd needed was the affirmation.
You sealed your confessions with a kiss that would make the circles of Hell envious, his hands roaming your skin as if he couldn't leave a single square centimetre of it untouched by the love you deserved.
Suddenly, he flipped you onto your back, not once disconnecting himself from you.
"You're mine now, no take-backsies..." he grinned, bowing his head to suckle and nibble at your neck while his hips began to piston his cock in and out of you once again.
You don't know what's got into him tonight, but nothing seems to be enough for Copia.
Never enough kisses, never enough flesh to grab or suckle at, never enough of you... He needs more, he seems so desperate.
There's this urgency you can't explain, like there's something missing.
You think you know what it is, the feelings between you lingering in the air but evading capture like smoke.
He's becoming agitated, like it's frustrating him that he can't find what he needs from you tonight. He's growling into the swell of your breast as he fills you.
"C-Copia stop... stop..." you pause him, pushing on his chest until he's hovering above you, his Baphomet pendant swinging from his neck between you. He's coated in sweat, his paints melting under the duress.
"What's wrong?" he asks, panicked.
"I was going to ask you that..."
His head droops as he lets out a deep breath. He swipes his hand over his face, smearing what's left of the melting paint.
"Mi dispiace... I just... something is missing..."
You take his face in your hands, and he looks distraught... It's all you want to do, to comfort him. To reassure him, give him what he's missing...
"It's because I need to tell you something, Copia. And I need you to hear me, no matter the consequence..."
He waits for you to go on, his heart thundering in his chest from his exertion and the fear of whatever you were about to say to him.
"I'm in love with you."
The change in him is almost instantaneous. His eyes turn glassy, and his shoulders relaxed as if the tension dissolved in them.
"Anch'io sono innamorato di te... (I'm in love with you too...)" he cries, tears spilling and dripping to your own cheeks, painting them with grey streaks while your own drip down your temples.
Any fear you had that your feeling weren't reciprocated, that he would panic and leave; well, they made you feel ridiculous now. Of course he loved you too.
"Make me yours, Copia..." you told him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips and threading your fingers into his hair. "Give me everything you have."
With a new fire in him, the embers stoked by your confession and flames roaring to life again, he slammed his hips into yours over and over.
"You have all of me, amore. I'll give you every last fucking drop of me..." he lifted his hand from beside you where he held himself up, and flattened it against your abdomen, "until everyone can fucking see that we belong to each other."
The urgency in him returned, except this was different to before. Now he had that missing piece, and his need to have you both coming undone together, consummating your confessions had taken over....
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itsmarsss · 8 months
The World-Famous Annual Heffley Puppet Show [Rodrick Heffley x Reader] (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
(~from the vault~)
Susan invites you to watch one of the Heffley's weird annual traditions, and you're expecting anything but this.
Word Count: 1,479
Dating Rodrick Heffley was… an experience. Not in a bad way at all, it was only that it could be… weird, for lack of a better word to describe it, at times. Like right now, for instance, when you were sitting in his living room while his parents told an extremely over-complicated story through… puppets.
You weren’t exactly sure how you'd gotten yourself into this situation. Okay, well, that was a lie, actually.
Susan had been incredibly persistent about you coming to the ‘World-Famous Annual Heffley Puppet Show’, as she made sure to announce extravagantly, adamant about you being present to witness the oh-so-great performance, and, despite Rodrick´s ridiculous attempts at making faces at you from behind her that quietly told you to not, in any occasion, agree to it, you just couldn’t get yourself to say no.
“Why would you say yes? You could have just said your grandma just died or something!” Rodrick questioned you, exhasperated.
“Dude! Don’t say that about my grandma!”
“Okay sorry. But you could’ve said absolutely anything! Anything!"
“I tried! She kept finding solutions! She even said she’d move the date up.”
“She said that?”
“Yeah. Why?"
“Shit. She’s never moved the date before. She really wants you to go.”
“Why is that?"
“No idea. I think she just really likes you."
“Why do you sound so shocked about that?”
“She’s never really liked any of the girls I went out with.”
“Okay, James Dean. You’ve gone out with like one girl before me when you were like sixteen.”
“Hey I got laid! Occasionally.”
“It’s true!”
“Yeah right.”
“Fine. I got laid twice. Happy?"
You shrugged, grinning at him as you poked fun at him some more.
"Well now that you said yes to her I guess we’re gonna have to go.”
“It can’t be that bad!”
It could. It definitely, 100%, without a doubt, could. The ‘performance’ had been going on for about half an hour now, and it didn’t look like it was heading towards an end any time soon. You were all sitting in chairs, which were lined up in front of the couch, your seat between Rodrick's and Greg's, with Rowley by Greg’s left and Manny by Rodrick’s right.
Okay, yeah, maybe this time you should have listened to Rodrick.
You really, really tried, but you could not, as much as you desperately wanted to, figure out the plot of the story Mr. and Mrs. Heffley were trying to tell. It had something to do with dragons and fried chicken and at some point you could swear there was a clown. How any of that tied up together was beyond you, and, as you could see, Rodrick and Greg too.
The only ones who seemed to be having any fun at all were Manny, who was standing up and clapping like crazy throughout the entire thing, probably props to the very questionable voices his parents were making for the ridiculous amount of different characters that seemed to progressively look worse in appearance as they showed up, and Rowley, who also didn’t seem to understand any of it, but looked entertained nonetheless, occasionally even shooting Greg a few comments, to which Greg just smiled and mumbled something incoherent under his breath in response.
You leaned over to Rodrick, who was wide-eyed at this point, looking borderline terrified at the scene that unfolded in front of him. “You said it was bad, not that it was gonna give me nightmares!” You whispered.
He looked genuinely embarrassed, and for Rodrick Heffley to be embarrassed of something, oh that was something. “I tried to warn you!”
“What are you guys talking about?” Greg whispered too, making himself a part of the conversation.
“Shut up dickhead,” Rodrick let out under his breath, to which Greg replied by sticking his tongue out at him, earning a middle finger in response. Oh, brothely love.
“Do you guys really have to go through this every year?”
They both nodded. “It’s like it gets more terrifying every year,” Greg commented, and you took a quick glance back at the couch, where Mr. and Mrs. Heflley were crouched behind. Apparently a pig who was wearing a bow tie was hunting down a rabbit for sweets now.
“Do you guys think they’d notice if we left?” Greg asked and you pondered on it. Then you had an idea.
You turned to face your boyfriend. “Okay look. You gotta be fast alright? And you can't let your mom be upset at me."
“What?” Rodrick questioned you, finally managing to look away from the trance the puppet show had kept his eyes in.
“When I say I gotta go you say you’re coming with me.”
He nodded, though he hadn't really gotten the gist of where you were going with that.
“Wait can I come?”
“No,” Rodrick promptly replied.
“Come on give him a break," you nudged his arm, to which he rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh.
“Fine. But only ‘cause she asked.”
Greg smiled, looking at you. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Alright we gotta get out fast. Just grab Rowley with ya.”
Greg nodded in understandment.
“Hey Mrs. Heffley?” You spoke up.
The voices stopped. You were already grateful just for that moment of silence. Susan’s head appeared from behind the sofa. “Yes dear? Something wrong?”
“I'm really sorry, but um I really need to head home, I think.”
“Oh but we’re only halfway through-”
“I’ll take her home!” Rodrick exclaimed at lightspeed, yanking you by your wrist and sprinting towards the front door.
“We’ll come with!” Greg yelled too, doing the same with Rowley, leaving only Manny as an audience for the remainder of the story.
“Bye! Thnak you for inviting me!” You yelled over, already out by the front yard.
“Uh- bye sweetie!”
You got to Rodrick’s van, which was parked on the street, all panting and out of breath from running so fast.
“Okay, get in demon spawn.” Rodrick unlocked the back door and waiting for the boys to enter.
“Hey!” You exclaimed in feighened offense.
“Not you. You’re a… sexy little demon...ess,” he smirked, knowing he’d get a laugh out of you.
You could hear Greg and Rowley say ‘ew’ from the back as you got in the car.
“I agrre with them, ew. I think I prefer demon spawn.”
Rodrick got in himself, turning the engine on. “Okay any ideas?”
“Can we go to Chipotle?” Rowley asked.
“No we should go to Taco Bell!” Greg yelled, and they immediately started arguing about it, talking over each other so loud you couldn’t understand a single word they were saying.
“Hey! Dickheads! Shut up!” Rodrick yelled, and, surprisingly, they did. “Y/n chooses.”
“What? Why?” Greg asked, offended.
“She has girlfriend privileges!”
You laughed at Greg’s angry expression. “Well I think we should go to Subway.”
“We’re not going to Subway." Rodrick deadpanned.
“What? You said I had girlfriend privileges!”
“Not if you choose fucking Subway!”
“Fine. Domino’s?”
“That's a decent option!” He smiled, and started driving.
You got yourselves a large pizza, Greg and Rowley quick to leave the table and go chase after each other around the place.
“You have grease on your chin,” you informed Rodrick when you looked at him. He wiped it off, his mouth full of food. He tried to say something, but quit as soon as he started, the sound muffled.
“Dude swallow the pizza first, that’s gross!”
He did so before trying again. “I said thank you.”
“It was looking all greasy and gross!"
"Oh shut up," he smiled at your teasing. "I meant for saying yes to my mom. She was actually like super excited about it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows together, confused. “Wait I thought you wanted me to say no.”
“Well yeah. But she clearly liked that you did go or whatever. She likes you.”
“That good?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. Maybe he won’t be so up our asses if she likes you.”
“Well you’re very welcome. Cause that was… something.”
He laughed. “You thought that was bad? You should see the Christmas one.”
There was no way. “They do a Christmas puppet show too?”
“Oh no it’s much worse. They actually act in it.”
“Yeah. And you’re officially invited by me.”
“Oh no don’t bring me into this again-”
“Too late! I-” he took a sip of his soda- “will be telling my mom you had a wonderful time today, and you were so, so bummed you had to go home early!”
“You’re a jerk!”
“What's that I hear? You’d be thrilled to attend the Yearly Heffley Christmas Play?"
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
You smiled. You supposed you signed up for weirdness the moment you said yes to dating Rodrick Heflley of all people.
“I do, actually!”
He smiled at you. No, you don't.
[. . .]
A/N: heyy rewrote some thingies but its mostly the same as when i first wrote it. so here ya go with some more rodrick content! :)
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vulpixisananimal · 3 months
(You breathe in, and out.)
(You let the pitter pater of rain fade into the background. The rustle of the trees, the wind through the branches, all fading away. All untill, you hear it. An ocean. The steady sound of waves coming in, and out. It sounds like your breathing, or your breathing sounds like the ocean.)
(You're leaning against the Favor Tree. Not the one that shaded your body, no, the one that made it's home in your mind. The sky was lightless and beautiful, with stars dotting the night. Looking down, you could see the beach, the black sand beach with water crashing against the shores, and seagrass sprouting from the dunes. A few paces away from where you stood, was a staircase that lead down to the shore. And to your side was a ladder leading up the tree.)
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(Well? You don't have all day. Come out.)
(You knew there where others here, maybe they were just too tired. Maybe if you did something they'd show up to stop you. Loop, maybe. Maybe if-)
(What do you want.)
(Finally. Loop the star, the sponsor, the stagehand. They jumped from the top of the tree to join you at it's base. What a pleasure it is to finally meet you.)
(Don't lie to me, Null, trying to lie in our own head is just insulting!)
(You're right, it's not a pleasure. But it was about time we finally met properly.)
(Loop looked angry and took a step towards you. You stupid little THING. You KNOW you've been avoiding me because of that absolute IDIOCY you put our body through!!)
(You won.)
(BUT AT WHAT COST!!! We had a heart attack! We were bedridden for a week!! Stars, are you an IDIOT?!?)
(You got things done. We got out of Jouvente alive.)
(What's going on? A new voice. You look, it was the host themselves finally gracing you with their presence. They were climbing the stairs up to the favor tree.)
(Good to meet you, Siffrin.)
(. . . Null, right? He came towards you and Loop. What's with the yelling.)
(You were trying to get through to this idiot just how DANGEROUS messing with time IS!!)
(You knew what you were doing, Star. You huff. Perhaps if you-)
(PERHAPS WHAT!!! I'll Kill you!! That's what!!)
(Loop, please-)
(Then try it, star. I'll kill you right back. You reach for your knife, you knew it was there.)
(FINE THEN!! You lunge at Null, ready to kill.)
(You try and stop Loop and Null fighting.)
(Loop grabs you, you fight back, stupid star!)
(You feel dizzy.)
(S-stop fighting!)
(I'll kill you! I'll kill you so we don't have to suffer!!)
(You feel your body getting sick.)
(You'll have to try, Star. I'll kill you right back-)
(You feel a bang on your head.)
(You feel a bang on your head.)
(You watch as Mal Du Pays strikes Null and Loop, getting them to stop.)
(You're both causing us more harm than good. I could feel it from my room.)
(Your head hurts. Stars, it was a migraine. All the fighting in your head was, was just too much.)
(Just breathe, Siffrin, breathe. . .)
(Breathe in. . .)
(. . .)
<And out. . ..>
{Do you feel better?}
(Yeah, yeah, better. Still headache, but, better.)
<I am sorry for causing a scene.>
[Causing a scene? You've given us a massive blinding headache!!]
{Stop. Find yourself. Say who you are. Then continue.}
<Okay. . .>
(. . . You're Siffrin, okay. You can see yourself standing at the staircase.)
[You're Loop. You're leaning against the tree glairing at Null.]
{You are Mal Du Pays. You are standing. Making sure they do not fight.}
<You are Null. You are glaring back at Loop.>
{Hmm. That worked.}
<What did you do, shadow?>
{None of you pay attention, do you? It was a grounding technique Odile had taught us you all were stupid enought to ignore.}
[Oh how kind of you, Mal~ To give us this fine, FINE gift!]
(Loop, is there something going on? You walk over to the favor tree and sit at it.)
[Yes! Yes there is!]
<It's me. The Star doesn't like me. We're too alike, naturally.>
[I'll kill you I swear~]
(You sigh. Listen, Loop, you get it. It's, it's rough. You still remember that night, that heart attack. You really, really don't want to deal with that again.)
[Stardust, respectfully, you are a naive idiot~]
{You agree. You trust too easily.}
(What do you mean! Null's a part of our mind too!!)
{And he's reckless.}
<Again, I got the job done.>
{You did. I commend you. However you put our body in danger beyond what is reasonable.}
<I did better than you, you got hit, didn't you?>
{You are aware of your own faults.}
[Getting along well, it seems~]
(You sigh. Ok, you get it. Maybe Null shouldn't be trusted with full body controll, but they still deserve a chance.)
<And what about Ramos?>
(You look away.)
{Ramos will betray you. Ramos will ruin our life.}
<They are a strong fighter, what makes you think they are now an ally?>
[And you trust them, just like that!?! Really, Stardust, that's just silly~]
(You know.)
(You know, ok! You know you shouldn't trust Ramos!! But what were you supposed to do, not give them a chance?!? Look at what we did!! What we said to our family!!)
<That's different.>
(HOW is that different!! What we did was worse!!! We nearly ended the world and all Ramos did was change a few blinding memories!!)
{We only have so many memories left.}
(Do you think about ANYONE but ourself!?! That's Isabeaus friend! They have regrets!! We should give them a CHANCE!!!)
[. . .]
<. . .>
{. . .}
(What, do you think we shouldn't have been given a chance?)
{. . . No. Where I in your familys position, no.}
<We're stuck like this untill we die, now. That's what we wanted, right? What you wanted?>
[. . .]
(. . . Anything to add, Loop?)
[. . . You got your happy ending. So what.]
(. . .)
[No, I'm not going to tell them. None of us are.]
<Afraid of being rejected?>
[Of course not!]
<Afraid of being accepted, then. Pathetic, hiding behind a star because you fear that which could give you happyness. Maybe you don't want it anyway.>
[SHUT! UP!!!]
(Stooooooop your head already hurts enough. Please.)
{You feel a hand on your bodys shoulder.}
{Quick as lightning you slash with your dagger and bolt into awareness. It's raining, your dagger nips the hand that grabbed you, you look up-}
{Oh. Mirabelle, and. . . Ramos.}
{Mirabelle was holding the gash in her hand. It wasn't deep, and started healing it.} "A-ah- o-ow- I-I'm so sorry I'm sorry I, I was trying to, t-to wake you up and you weren't responding s-so-"
{You was surprised, so you acted accordingly.}
{Quiet, Ramos was walking up to you both. They looked nervously at you.} "A-are, are you alright? Mira?"
"I-I am, it, i-it just stings a little bit! I-I'm sorry Siffrin."
{You have your bored expression on. You rub a fist on your chest. "Sorry." It's what you were supposed to say.}
"I-It's fine. Uh, M-mal?" {You nod, you notice Ramos shuffle back a little bit.} "O-okay, okay. I'm really really sorry b-but, but something happened!! A-and, and we had to, h-had to make sure you were o-okay and, a-and-"
{You stand up, Mirabelle wouldn't have risked waking you if it was something simple. She's hyperventilating.}
[Do the brething thing with her, that'll help.]
{Ugh, fine. You nudge her to get her attention, she jumps and is about to stutter out something, but you hold up a hand to stop her. And you pat your chest with both hands. "Breathe with me."}
{You breathe in. . .}
[. . . And out.]
[You smile at- oh! Hmm! You were in control now! Well, might as well take advantage of it.] "Feel better, Mirabelle~?"
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm better- o-oh!" [She looks up at you, surprised.]
[You playfully bow.] "Lovely Loop at your service~"
[She giggles at that.] "I-is, is it that easy to switch? Between you all?"
"Oh not at all!" [You say jokily.] "I suppose the breathing did the trick though. Now, how can I help you today, Housemaiden~"
"R-right." [She had her serious face on.] "T-there's, there's a serious situation! I-it's Isabeau, he, h-he-." [She looks over at Ramos.]
[Ramos must have realized what she wanted them to say, and looked away from you.] ". . . . It's mind craft, again. Isabeaus being effected by it."
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mybutcheredtongue · 6 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
post azkaban sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER TWENTY (see full series list here)
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On the 22nd of November you sit on the floor of your office late at night, watching the flames of your fireplace crackle and pop. Beside you, sits Harry, eyes focused on the fire as well. Sirius had asked him to wait in front of the fire in your office at one o'clock and for you to be there too. You can't say your heart isn't beating faster than the steady tick of the clock on the wall, worried and giddy at the same time.
"I'm sorry about this whole situation, Harry," you say with a sigh, reaching out to stroke Dubh's fur idly as she clambers into your lap. "I know this isn't what you want. I tried everything to get them to change the rules but nothing worked."
"Thanks," he says blankly, like he's used to being disappointed.
"And that article in the paper — "
"I didn't say anything of that. It's a lie," Harry responds quickly.
You nod. "I'm well aware. Rita Skeeter is...difficult." As soon as the words have left your mouth, you grimace, shaking your head. "Actually, she doesn't deserve that nicety. She's a bitch, Harry. A nasty old hag that has nothing better to do with her life than spread rumours and sensationalise everything in sight."
Harry seems slightly taken aback by your words but nods in fierce agreement nonetheless.
"My best advice to you, Harry, is to run for the hills every time you see her — or just wave me over if I'm near. I am well accustomed to small talk with people like her — the trick is to just get them talking about themselves."
He nods. "I don't plan on going anywhere near her ever again."
"Smart decision," you say, sighing. "And look — I know I'm not supposed to get involved but if you need any help whatsoever, just ask. There's plenty of useful spells I can teach you and tips I can give — anything at all."
Just then, the flames move in a peculiar fashion and Sirius' head appears in the fire. Both you and Harry let out a small gasp, and when you look at Harry, his face has broken into the biggest smile you've seen him wear in weeks.
"Sirius!" Harry exclaims immediately.
He looks different from the last time you seen him. His face had looked gaunt and sunken, but now he looks far healthier and his hair, which was long, matted and greasy, is now clean and neat. You're glad to see that though he's trimmed it a tad, he's kept the beard. He looks younger.
"Hello, Harry," he says, before he turns to you, smiling, "and hello to you too, love."
You bring your hand up and give him a tiny little wave, unable to stop the giddy smile taking over your face at the sight of him.
"How're you doing?" Harry asks.
"Never mind me, how are you?" Sirius asks firmly, returning his attention to his godson.
"I'm — " Harry stops himself suddenly, holding himself back. Just when you're about to check if he's alright, he spills. He tells the two of you everything: about how no one believes that he hasn't entered himself into the tournament, how Rita Skeeter had lied about him in the Daily Prophet, how he can't walk down a corridor without getting sneered at, and about the toll it's all taken on his friendship with Ron.
You feel your heart ache for him. He deserves absolutely none of this and you wish you could do more to help.
"Hagrid's just shown me what's coming in the first task, and it's dragons — I'm a goner," he finishes desperately.
Sirius is looking at Harry with deep concern as he says, "Dragons we can deal with, Harry, but we'll get to that in a minute — I haven't got long here...I've broken into a wizarding house to use the fire, but they could be back at any time. There are things I need to warn you about."
"Just break into Moony's house next time," you say simply, shrugging. "Sounds much easier to me."
Sirius gives you a look that suggests he already thought of that, but obviously decided not to as he was already coming north to see you two. You smile cheekily at him and he shakes his head, refocusing his attention on Harry.
"What do you need to warn me about?" Harry asks.
"Karkaroff," Sirius says. "Harry, he was a Death Eater. You know what Death Eaters are, don't you?"
"He's a Death Eater?" You're shocked. Just this morning you picked his fork off the ground for him at breakfast!
"He was caught, he was in Azkaban with me, but he got released. I'd bet that's why Dumbledore wanted an Auror at Hogwarts this year — to keep an eye on him. Moody caught Karkaroff. Put him into Azkaban in the first place."
There already is an Auror at Hogwarts, you think. Or did Dumbly-dorr just forget about me?
"Karkaroff got released?" Harry says slowly. "Why did they release him?"
"He did a deal with the Ministry of Magic," Sirius replies bitterly. "He said he'd seen the error of his ways, and then named names...he put a load of other people into Azkaban in his place...he's not very popular there, I can tell you. And since he got out, from what I can tell, he's been teaching the Dark Arts to every student who passes through that school of his. So watch out for the Durmstrang champion as well."
How do you not remember any of this? Surely you'd have seen this all mentioned in the papers around that time?
"Okay..." Harry says. "But...are you saying that Karkaroff put my name in the goblet? Because if he did, he's a really good actor. He seemed furious about it. He wanted to stop me from competing."
"We know he's a good actor," says Sirius, "because he convinced the Ministry of Magic to set him free, didn't he? Now, I've been keeping an eye on the Daily Prophet, Harry — "
"You and the rest of the world," he says bitterly.
"— and reading between the lines of that Skeeter woman's article last month, Moody was attacked the night before he started at Hogwarts. Yes, I know she says it was another false alarm," Sirius says hastily, seeing Harry about to speak, "but I don't think so somehow. I think someone tried to stop him from getting to Hogwarts. I think someone knew their job would be a lot more difficult with him around. And no one's going to look into it too closely; Mad-Eye's heard intruders a bit too often. But that doesn't mean he still can't spot the real thing. Moody was the best Auror the Ministry ever had."
"So...what are you saying? Karkaroff's trying to kill me? But — why?"
Sirius hesitates.
"I've been hearing some very strange things," he says apprehensively. "The Death Eaters seem to be a bit more active than usual lately. They showed themselves at the Quidditch World Cup, didn't they? Someone cast the Dark Mark...and then — did you hear about that Ministry witch who's gone missing?"
"Bertha Jorkins?" You say. You recall reading that article about her disappearance not too long ago.
"Exactly...she disappeared to Albania, and that's definitely where Voldemort was rumoured to be last...and she would have known the Triwizard Tournament was coming up, wouldn't she?"
"Yeah, but...it's not very likely she'd have walked straight into Voldemort, is it?" says Harry.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Sirius says grimly, glancing at you. "Do you remember her at school?"
You nod your head. "She was at Hogwarts when we were, a few years above us," you explain to Harry. "As thick as a board, she was. Very nosey, too. Awful combination."
"Makes her easy to lure into a trap," Sirius finishes.
"So...so Voldemort could have found out about the tournament?" says Harry. "Is that what you mean? You think Karkaroff might be here on his orders?"
"I don’t know," Sirius says with a shake of his head, "I just don’t know...Karkaroff doesn’t strike me as the type who’d go back to Voldemort unless he knew Voldemort was powerful enough to protect him. But whoever put your name in that goblet did it for a reason, and I can’t help thinking the tournament would be a very good way to attack you and make it look like an accident."
"Looks like a really good plan from where I’m standing." Harry grins bleakly. "They'll just have to stand back and let the dragons do their stuff."
"You'll be fine," you reassure firmly, though you're not sure if it's for Harry's sake or your own. "I'll be there, all the rest of the teachers will be there, and there'll be that group of dragon keepers there too."
"Look, about these dragons," Sirius says, speaking quickly now, glancing around him furtively, "There's a way, Harry. Don't be tempted to try a simple Stunning Spell — dragons are too strong and powerfully magical to be knocked out by a single stunner, you need about half a dozen wizards at a time to overcome a dragon — "
"Yeah, I know, I just saw," Harry says.
"But you can do it alone," Sirius tells him, looking him straight in the eye. "There is a way, a simple spell's all you need — "
At once, all three of you go dead silent and whip your heads to the closed door.
"Go, Sirius, quickly!" You hiss at him urgently.
You scramble to your feet, grabbing Harry's invisibilty cloak off the desk and launching it at him.
Harry frantically pulls the cloak over his head and ducks behind your desk as you make you way over to the door, glancing back at the fireplace to see that Sirius' head has disappeared and the flames have returned to normal. You feel a small pang in your heart.
Who could possibly be knocking at your door at one o'clock in the morning? Surely everyone is asleep by now?
You pull the door open and are met with nothing but the quiet, dark corridor.
"Must've been Peeves," you mutter angrily, moving to close the door. Of course that poltergeist would find a way to cut your time with Sirius short.
"Oh, no, mistress, it is Bitsy!"
You look down in search of the voice and sure enough, at the foot of your door, is Bitsy, grinning up widely at you with her ginormous eyes reflecting the flickering light of the candles on the wall. You notice that she's holding a tray of scones in her tiny hands.
"Bitsy?" You say in shock and confusion. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"
"Bitsy was cleaning this corridor, mistress, and heard talking coming from mistress's office! And Bitsy thinks 'why is mistress up so late talking?' Perhaps she has a guest and is very hungry! Mistress was not at breakfast this morning, and I isn't seeing mistress in the kitchens either!"
While part of you feels angry and cheated that she's just interrupted your seldom chance to talk to your husband, you can't be mad at Bitsy and her big kind heart.
You chuckle softly. "Oh, Bitsy. You are far too kind to me. You're right, I didn't attend breakfast this morning nor did I go to the kitchens in the afternoon — I had breakfast with a friend of mine in Hogsmeade today. I should have told you."
Bitsy beams at you and holds the tray out for you to take. "Bitsy is glad to know you did not go hungry this morning. For you, mistress!"
You accept the tray with a smile. "Thank you, Bitsy. You are very kind — let me go fetch something to give you as a thank you."
"Oh, no, mistress! I cannot accept anything from you, I is just doing my duty!"
You leave her momentarily, placing the tray of scones down, grabbing a box off your desk and returning to hand it to her. "Film for your camera, Bitsy. So you can take more pictures. "
You don't miss the gleeful smile that spreads over Bitsy's face as she looks at the box in wonder. "Mistress, I must not — "
"I insist, Bitsy. Actually — I order you to accept the film. I know how much you love your camera," you tell her, pushing it into her hands.
"Thank you, mistress," she says gratefully, bowing to you. "I must return to my work now, unless mistress requires Bitsy for anything?"
You shake your head, smiling. "No, but thank you, Bitsy. I think it's time for mistress to get some rest."
Bitsy leaves, clutching the film tightly in her hands and bowing out of your view before Disapparating. You close the door behind you, letting out a sigh as Harry stands up slowly, pulling the cloak off.
"I'm sorry about that, Harry," you say. "I really wish we could have more time with Sirius."
"Yeah, me too. Was that a house elf?"
You nod, chuckling. "Sure was. That's Bitsy. You see, I stay up much later than everyone else — I'm usually up in the tower because of course, the best time to view the stars is at night, so I sleep in the next day and miss breakfast a lot of the time. And when I do, I can go down to the kitchens and Bitsy and all the other house elves will give me something to eat — have done since I was in school myself and did the exact same thing. Bitsy is my saviour, honestly. She's an absolute gem."
"You're able to get into the Hogwarts kitchens?" Harry says curiously.
"Yep. There's a painting of a bowl of fruit down by the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room — just tickle the pear and the door'll open right up for you."
You know that as a teacher you probably shouldn't be telling him this, but you don't really care. You went there countless times as a student so why shouldn't he?
Harry nods thoughtfully before asking, "That spell Sirius mentioned, that could defeat a dragon...have you any idea what it is?"
You bite your lip, drumming your fingers against your hip as you search your brain for anything like that. "I don't, Harry, I'm sorry. Perhaps you could try confundus, and confuse it? I can't say I'm too familiar with dragons...now, you should go to bed, Harry. A good night's sleep for the next few days is what you need before the first task. And in the meantime, I'll have a look and see if I can figure something out for you."
"Thanks, but I doubt I'll find it easy to sleep," Harry remarks, throwing the cloak back over his head.
"Well, if you do find that you can't sleep, come up the Tower," you tell him with a smile, pulling the door open for his invisible figure. "I find stargazing is the best way to relieve stress and solve problems."
You feel like you're about to get sick. You stare at the Hungarian Horntail, huge and terrifying as she crouches protectively over her eggs, huffing great hot breaths out of her large nostrils. And there, standing across from this fearsome beast as though rooted to the spot, is Harry. The crowd roars around you but you can barely hear them as your stomach knots and twists and flips with sickening worry.
"Accio Firebolt!" Harry yells, raising his wand.
You wait. The crowd waits. Harry waits.
And then you see it. Harry's broomstick, his Firebolt, hurtles towards him and stops in mid-air beside him, waiting for him to mount it. You vaguely register Ludo Bagman roaring something over the crowd in response to this, but you're too focused on praying to whatever great deities you can to protect your godson. You're just so relieved that he managed to figure something out — and something so clever, too! Why hadn't you thought of a Summoning Spell? It's so simple. Sirius will be so proud of Harry when he finds out.
Harry rises into the air, the wind rushing through his hair, surveying the dragon not far below him. A sort of resolve seems to come over him and then he dives, forcing you to bring your hands up to cover your eyes in fear.
"Oh, I can't watch," you breathe. Beside you, Minerva gives you an understanding look as she watches on. You hear the rush of fire, the crowd cheering and screaming, and then —
"Great Scott, he can fly!" Bagman roars. "Are you watching this, Mr Krum?"
You open your eyes just in time to see Harry plummet to the ground once more, just missing the burst of flames that flies from the Horntail's open maw — but not quick enough to completely avoid the whip of her tail and to your horror, one of the long spikes grazes Harry's shoulder, ripping his robes.
"Harry!" You shriek, practically about to chew your finger off with the alarming rate you're biting the tips of your nails as you reluctantly watch on, wishing for it to be over.
He begins to fly this way, then that, not near enough to make the dragon breathe fire at him to stave him off, but still posing a sufficient enough threat to make her keep her eyes focused on him, tracking his every move.
The dragon's head sways with his movements, her eyes unwavering as she followed him, gruesome fangs bared. You can feel your heart palpitating in your chest. Harry rises even higher, the Horntail's head rising with him, her neck now stretched out to its fullest extent.
You jump as the Horntail lets out a deafening roar, her tail thrashing threateningly as she blows another burst of fire at him, which he thankfully dodges.
She opens her mouth and then she finally rears, spreading her great, black, leathery wings at last and Harry seizes the opportunity to dive at an incredible speed. You can barely keep your eyes on him with the rate he's whistling through the air, hurtling towards the nest of eggs.
"Come on, come on, come on..." you chant, hands tapping frantically at the tops of your thighs as you sit on the edge of your seat, watching impatiently.
Harry takes his hands off his broom, seizes the golden egg, and with another huge burst of speed, he's off and soaring out over the stands. He tucks the egg safely under his uninjured arm, and looks out over the stands.
You can't help but jump out your seat, cheering yourself hoarse as you voice your praise and feel relief wash over your body like a tsunami. The noise around you is monumental, drumming in your ears like a jackhammer.
"Look at that!" Bagman yells. "Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is the quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr Potter!"
The dragon keepers rush forward to subdue the Horntail and you hurry out of your seat, practically sprinting to the entrance of the enclosure. Minerva is hot on your heels and Moody and Hagrid have already beaten you, waiting with wide smiles for Harry to land.
"That was excellent, Potter!" Minerva cries as the boy hops off his broomstick. She points a shaky hand to his shoulder. "You'll need to see Madam Pomfrey before the judges give out your score...Over there, she's had to mop up Diggory already..."
"Harry, you were brilliant!" You exclaim excitedly, eagerly pulling him in for a hug and beaming at him. Normally, you'd worry about other students thinking you have a favourite — which you do, of course you do — but today you couldn't care less, you're so overwhelmed with relief and swelling with pride for your godson. "Absolutely brilliant, Harry! Just — fantastic, honestly, I can't believe it, I was so worried — I'm so proud — "
"Thanks," Harry says, unable to keep the large smile on his face down, his face red.
"Yeh' did it, Harry!" says Hagrid hoarsely. "Yeh did it! An' agains' the Horntail an' all, an' yeh know Charlie said that was the wors' — "
"Thanks, Hagrid," Harry says loudly, so that Hagrid doesn't blather on about how he had shown Harry the dragons beforehand. You give a light chuckle.
Even Moody looks very pleased, the slightest of smiles tugging at his cracked lips. "Nice and easy does the trick, Potter."
"Right then, Potter, the first aid tent, please..." Minerva says, gesturing to the tent with her hand.
He leaves, giving you all a grin before heading into the tent and you just smile proudly after him, rolling on the balls of your feet.
"Oh, he was just excellent, wasn't he?" Minerva says to you, smiling. "The best out of the all the champions, by far!"
You nod enthusiastically. "Easily! Oh, Merlin, I am just so glad he came out alright, I thought I was going to chew my own hand off with worry..."
"He was migh'y," Hagrid says loudly, a sob racking his body as he reaches into his pocket to pull out a large handkerchief, bigger than your face, and blows into it. "Jus' migh'y."
"Oh, Hagrid," you say softly, reaching up to place a comforting hand on his back, smiling sympathetically.
Across the enclosure, the five judges are sitting at the end in raised seats draped in gold. The first judge, Madame Maxime, raises her wand in the air and what looks like a long silver ribbon shoots out of the end of it — forming the shape of a large figure eight.
"Not bad," you remark, clapping along with the crowd. "Must've been the injury that lost him marks..."
Crouch comes next, shooting a number nine into the air.
"Excellent!" Minerva exclaims.
Next, Dumbledore puts up a nine and the crowd yells louder than ever.
Ludo Bagman — ten.
You turn to Minerva in disbelief, matching looks of shock with each other before you eagerly applaud.
Now, Karkaroff raises his wand. He pauses for a moment, and then a number shoots out of his wand — four.
"What?" You yell indignantly, blinking several times to make sure your eyes aren't tricking you. "A four?"
"How shameful, he gave his own student a ten!" Minerva remarks angrily.
Several members of the crowd seem to agree with you, bellowing angrily and booing at Karkaroff's biased marking.
Suddenly, Sirius' words ring in your head.
He's a Death Eater.
You feel your spine chill as you look across the enclosure at Karkaroff's steely expression, steadfast in his decision to reward Harry four marks.
"A toast!" Dumbledore announces, raising his glass. "To the completion of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament!"
You grin, raising your glass in tandem. "Cheers!" You clink it against Minerva's, then with Professor Sprout's on your other side.
All the staff have gathered in that small room right of the Great Hall for a little staff-only party, the fire blazing in its place and radiating a pleasant warmth around the room. The house elves have prepared a small spread of finger foods for the lot of you — and you've gone straight for the cupcakes, decorated humorously with little edible dragons. They're delicious — you make a mental note to voice your thanks to Bitsy the next time you see her.
Despite the happiness that's settled in you since Harry's successful task, when your eyes land on Karkaroff, sitting on the opposite side of the room to you, talking with Snape, unease gnaws at your gut.
You're sitting in a room with a Death Eater.
You've been in this situation countless times, of course, back when you were an Auror. But then, you knew what was going on. You knew what you were in for. Here, you don't. At parent-teacher meetings, you don't doubt you've been in the company of some Death Eaters, or former Death Eaters, rather. Some of your Slytherins' parents certainly seem to have a fondness for opaque, long-sleeved shirts...
You can't help but remember that night at the Quidditch World Cup, and your brain starts to picture one of those cruel Death Eaters pulling off his mask and revealing Karkaroff's sharp face.
You grip your champagne glass tightly, downing the contents and taking a deep breath. You should go mingle, the time for investigating Karkaroff can come tomorrow.
It's this little staff party that you finally get acquainted with Madame Maxime properly, trying your hand at your conversational-level French. She seems very impressed at this, delighted that you know at least a little bit of her own language — she says something about the 'arrogance of native English speakers', which you don't disagree with.
"Oh, and look at this pretty diamond on your finger!" Madame Maxime exclaims suddenly, catching sight of your engagement ring, sitting pretty above your wedding band on your left ring finger. She takes your hand in her much larger one so she can inspect it closer. "You are married?"
You look at the sparkling ring, glinting in the candlelight, smiling softly. "Yes, I am."
"How sweet," she remarks, dropping your hand gently. "I was married once."
You raise your eyebrows imploringly and she leans closer, waving her large hand theatrically as she says, "But he was a bastard."
She laughs fiendishly, and you just sort of watch, unsure whether you should laugh or not.
"You can laugh!" she assures when she sees your unsure expression. "Good riddance, is what I say. He thought he could keep the company of some girl while I was at working at Beauxbatons — so I said to him, 'fuck you and the whore you rode in on!'"
You nearly choke on your champagne, shocked at what you've heard come out of Madame Maxime's mouth. She grins proudly, showing rows of pearly white teeth. She seems to be finding your shock very amusing as she laughs again.
"His loss," you tell her, chuckling.
"Absolument." She shrugs nonchalantly, as though it was nothing to her but a stone in the bottom of her shoe. "Et toi? Where is your husband?"
You don't answer her for a moment, sucking on your teeth. "Well, I don't know, actually."
"How do you not know?"
"Oh, because he's just escaped from prison," you answer simply. You don't know what makes you tell her that. It would have been so easy to lie, but you don't. Perhaps it's the two too many glasses of champagne you've had, or perhaps it's the way Madame Maxime doesn't seem to care about anything, really, other than Fleur Delacour and the tournament.
Her mouth drops for a second, before she laughs. "Ah, well, c'est la vie. Marriage is never easy."
You chuckle softly, shaking your head. It feels weirdly relieving to you that she couldn't care less about your personal life. You find a new respect for the woman in front of you. "Certainly not."
→⁠→ read chapter twenty-one here!
→ all kinds of interaction appreciated ♡
Hugs and bisous for my incredible taglist loves:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @hyperspeedo @carpe000diem @jennifer0305 @idkman5335
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roeroe-world · 3 months
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could it be or could it not be? (a different world edition)
As requested❤️: @notapradagurl7
starring: bumper robinson as dorian haywood, keke palmer as ruby jacobs
set in 1993.
warning(s): detailed smut, harsh language, adult situations
“I really don’t understand why out of all people your partner has to be her.” Lena sends the male an eye roll, not bothering to even glance in her boyfriend’s direction. Dorian and Lena strolled alongside one another into the lobby, annoyance pouring over both of their frames.
“Don’t start, Lena. I told you Ruby and I are just friends.” He sighs heavily.
The couple were having a slight argument over Dorian’s assignment. This appointed assignment isn’t just the issue, it’s who the assignment is being conducted with. In Lena’s perspective, she thinks her lover should have been paired with someone else.
“Just friends? Oh, please…” With a wave of her manicured hand, her petite body plops onto the couch.
Dorian’s head shakes side to side, occupying the space next to her before leaning in to place a kiss upon her lips. His arms snaking around her neck. Instantaneously, her head turns in the opposite direction as her tongue drags along her cheek. The scene caught the attention of a few familiar individuals.
“Oop, I’m sensing some tension over here. Y’all having a couple’s fight again?” Gina quizzes, eyes darting between the two nosily and carefully.
“How about you mind your business and go back to wherever you came from, big mouth.” Lena insults nonchalantly yet irritation present in her tone. Both Gina and Charmaine’s head tilt backward in pure offense.
“Dang, what’s the matter with you?” Charmaine butts in, the duo welcoming themselves amongst the couch as well. “Yeah, exactly. What is the matter with you? I keep telling you that Ruby and I being partners for this project was completely unintentional. The professor partnered us up. We had absolutely nothing to do with this.” Dorian’s gaze piercing passionately into his girlfriend’s canvas in hopes of her understanding his side.
“Ruby? As in fine Ruby Jacobs?” Terrell makes his presence known, catching wind of the conversation. He takes a seat along the arm of the couch.
Immediately, Lena sits up. “See—” She began frustratingly. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t be just friends with a girl like that.” Her intense gaze falling upon the male, eyelids squinting. “Look me in my eye and tell me that you’re not attracted to her. You better not lie neither.”
Dorian finds himself laughing in disbelief. He couldn’t believe his girlfriend could be this way, so insecure. He’d never given her any reason to feel inferior nor intimidated by another woman. But all of that changed when Ruby transferred to Hillman.
Ruby transferred from Howard to Hillman for a fresh start. She also happens to be a long time friend of his, given they’ve even grown up together. They lost touch for a while after graduating high school but quickly reconnected after crossing paths— to be specific they were passing one another on campus before recognizing each other in a quickness.
Ever since then, things had shifted within his relationship with Lena.
She became a jealous, raging woman. Often speaking ill of Ruby whenever she isn’t around for no apparent reason. Dorian understood to a certain extent but it was growing extremely uncomfortable. Ruby rarely glances in her direction, let alone speaks of her.
“Lena, listen to yourself. You’re being extremely irrational right now.” Dorian argues.
“You can’t even—” Lena began, only to be interrupted.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt whatever this is. But Dorian it’s your turn.” The woman of the hour makes her appearance, butt-length individual braids swinging softly alongside her confident stride. The entire group’s energy shifts, their attention shifting upon Ruby’s frame.
The strap of her Rasta striped backpack chilling on her right shoulder. A purple and white tank top reading ‘Nike’ in white bold letters hugging her torso yet exposing her small waist, matching oversized nylon track pants covering her legs. A fresh pair of Nike Air Jordan 7 OG Raptors adorning her feet.
Gold compliments her skin tone and clearly she’s aware, rocking a plethora of gold necklaces and a few rings. Two of the necklaces being a nameplate necklace which spells out her name in cursive as well as Egyptian queen, Nefertiti. Notes of brown sugar and vanilla bean engulfing her natural being. She’s the epitome of fly.
Her aura was bright yet she was nonchalant and the facial expression amongst her canvas remained unphased. In fact, she doesn’t acknowledge the rest of the group. Her attention solely focused on Dorian’s being, handing the male the car seat.
“Cool. How was she?” He quizzes, referring to the infant simulator resting in the assigned car seat. The infant simulator happened to be the fake baby the duo were given for the sake of their project.
To be specific, their project happens to be a social experiment. The duo were to pretend to be young parents whilst tackling real world issues and college.
“A pain in my behind. I was able to get her to sleep so I could get some studying in thankfully.” She smiles weakly, ignoring the subtle stares they were receiving. “I gotta head to track practice. Good luck.”
“Thanks and before you leave I’m gonna need you to watch her tonight. I have an exam tomorrow morning. I need some sleep.” His pools of brown practically pleading for the young woman to oblige.
Her hands meeting her hips, sighing irritably, “I have an exam too, Dorian. Don’t you think I can use some sleep?”
“No buts.” Before he could even get another word in, Ruby saunters out of sight.
“Okay, wow…” Gina starts with a mischievous chuckle. “So, Lena? You’re like the resentful girlfriend but Ruby is the baby mama that you just can’t seem to get rid of. Mm, I would pay good money to see this in a soap opera.” Her chuckles transitions into intense laughter.
As a result, Lena hops out of her seat and began to march away from the group. Charmaine sends a harsh slap to Gina’s shoulder earning a light gasp— the young woman no longer laughing as the duo began to follow closely behind an angry Lena to comfort their friend.
The moment the trio were gone, the infant simulator bursts into loud wails. Dorian’s tired eyes falls onto his friend, Terrell, whom instantly stands to his feet. A nervous laugh escaping his throat.
“You know, man. I would help you but, um, I gotta study for that uh… exam I got tomorrow too. So, uh, yeah. Bye.” He lies before quickly leaving the scene as well.
Dorian’s head tosses backward in pure frustration, a sigh passing his lips. His gaze falling amongst the crying electronic infant the second he lifts his head once again.
Now you want my love
Well that’s alright
Well, it will be there for you, morning, noon, and night
TLC’s “Baby, Baby, Baby” softly commences through Ruby’s apartment due to her handy dandy CD player. It happens to be a one bedroom, simply furnished but nothing too extra. It was just right, perfect for her accommodation during this point of her life.
She stays off campus, not because she necessarily had to but she chose too. After the horrific experience of having roommates at her old campus, she decided to purchase a place of her own. She needed her own space. Ruby liked it better that way. Besides, she doesn’t live too far from the campus.
Silently, she flips to the next page of her thick textbook which is seated upon her lap. Her legs indian style comfortably, basking in the solitude and tranquility of her space.
Until, a couple of knocks meets her door.
Her gaze travels to the door for a split second before sitting the textbook onto the coffee table and standing to her feet. Glancing through the peephole, she looks to the side with a lighthearted chuckle yet wasting no absolute time to welcome the uninvited guest inside.
“Did you need something, Dorian?”
“Yeah. To study.” Without protesting, she takes the car seat out of his hold as he closes the umbrella. It was storming pretty badly outside. The rain poured at an intense rate and it hadn’t shown any signs of stopping anytime soon.
“You didn’t walk over here in the rain. Did you?” Ruby places the car seat onto a nearby chair, carefully analyzing the infant simulator’s appearance to ensure everything is intact.
Shutting and locking the door behind himself, “I took a cab.” He takes off his red, black and white letterman jacket before neatly hanging it onto the coat rack. She grabs his backpack, laying it on the couch. “I know you’re probably wondering why I’m here. I’ve been trying to study but she keeps crying and the only way the thing seems to stop is when I hold her.”
“It does that to me too. Hence why I gave her to you for the night. You’re not the only one in dire need of sleep and on top of that I have to study too. As you can see—” Her arms motioning to the mountains of paper and textbooks scattered across her coffee table.
Dorian observes the scene. A sense of regret and guilt creeping upon his being. “You know what? You’re right. I should go. Sorry about this.” He reaches for his belongings, preparing to leave before Ruby halts his actions. “Stop. Seriously, what’s happening to us?”
His eyebrows furrowing together, “What do you mean?”
The male began to act oblivious. Though, he knows exactly what she means. Before their project, their friendship was great and they would rarely possess any disagreements. But with the assignment, the duo seemed to be growing slightly distant but oddly closer in the same note due to the infant simulator.
Sure, they were best-friends. But before the “baby” they had their own lives and friends so they weren’t obligated to see one another every day. Now, they had to for the sake of their grade.
“This thing—” The young woman motions to the infant simulator in slight frustration before plopping onto the couch. “drives me nuts. I can’t really hang out whenever I want. You’re starting not to like me anymore. I’ve become annoying. Haven’t I?”
“Woah, what?” Dorian laughs, taking a seat next to his friend. “Look, I’ve been worked up over this project too. You’re not alone and you are not annoying. You’re just… a young mother, technically.” He tries to assure her earning a light exasperated sigh.
“Well, in that case, I don’t wanna have children anytime soon.”
The male finds himself laughing causing Ruby to join him, “I mean, I can’t study. Oh and I can’t take long thorough showers like I usually do. One time, I was in the middle of a presentation and the thing started crying. It was soo humiliating.”
“Tell me about it. My Biology professor literally kicked me out of class.” The two relate to one another, their heads shaking in unison. “I’m so glad we only have a couple of more days left of this project. It has been a long two weeks. Though, I can’t lie, I feel for those who are juggling college and parenthood. It is not easy.”
“Yeah,” She began, her gaze softening the second she turns in Dorian’s direction. “Um, I caught wind of you and your friends conversation earlier…” Instantaneously, his attention falls upon the woman. “I don’t understand the issue your girl has with me. I mean, we’re just friends.” The young woman says with an eye roll, crossing her arms.
Not once did Ruby ever come on to Dorian. Despite the fact that she doesn’t know Lena well, she respects her enough to not interfere in their relationship. But Ruby isn’t an ass kisser so it is what it is.
Dorian sighs heavily, “I tell her that a million times. Lena is just… I don’t know. She’s never been this way. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or upset.” His mind going into deep thought.
“All I’m gonna say is, she has nothing to worry about. I also enjoy our friendship. I think she really needs to dive deep inside and find that insecurity so maybe she can stop taking it out on me. I’ve done absolutely nothing to her nor to you, Dorian.”
The young woman stands to her feet, walking to the other side of her living room to turn off the CD player. “Ruby…” Dorian slowly steps to her, grabbing her hand to gently turn the woman in his direction. “I apologize on behalf of Lena’s behavior. Okay? But I can’t control nor can I convince her not to be threatened by you… I mean… look at you,”
Ruby’s head gradually lifts, their pools of brown connecting, “You’re beautiful. Guys flock to you all the time.” She breaks their eye contact, disconnecting their hands due to her growing quite flustered as she saunters in the opposite direction of the area.
Dorian only follows right behind the beauty. Tension forming between the two.
“Can I be honest?” He inquires, swallowing his pride.
“Yeah?” Her gaze away from his being, avoiding any absolute eye contact.
“I’m glad we became partners because I’ve grown to realize something…” Suddenly, Ruby turns to look at him. “What’s that?”
“How I can’t do this thing called life without you. There’s no other person I see myself doing this—” He motions towards their surroundings. “with.” The duo being partners for the project gave the two a chance to view one another in a different light. A light they never once walked to.
“I… see you as more than just a friend. In fact, I’ve loved you since I was nine years old.”
Ruby grew speechless, peering deeply into his eyes. Derealization creeps upon her frame— nearly on the verge of pinching herself to figure out if she’s dreaming or not. But she isn’t… Dorian is standing right in front of her, live in the flesh. Confessing his longtime romantic feelings for her.
“This may come as a shocker but… I had to tell you before it was too late.” He further explains, stepping closer to the beauty.
“Lena. What about Lena? Did she ever come in mind when you realized you had these feelings for me?” Their chests meeting softly, her gaze peering upward due to their height difference.
“What about her?” Her eyebrow raises at his response. “I care about her but she isn’t you.”
“Could this be? Or… could this not be?” The beauty’s fingertips tracing along the material of his long sleeved shirt.
His face slowly dipping downward toward hers, his lips leaning closer to hers, “It will be.”
Without wasting another agonizing second, their lips connected for the very first time. Their union was fervent, zealous— in search of what was next to occur during this moment. Their tongues began to tango within the other’s wetness. The act creating a track of its own.
Both of their racing hearts thumped intensely as Dorian takes the initiative of positioning his hands along the top of her backside. He wanted to remain respectful, not wanting to overstep his boundaries in any way shape or form.
As a result, Ruby sends him the signal that his thoughts were okay. It was as if she read his mind given their undeniable chemistry, leading his large hands to her covered backside that sat plump and proudly in her shorts.
Her arms hanging loosely around his neck, their heads conducting every which way yet never breaking their steamy kiss. Unfortunately, the infant simulator started to wail loudly catching the duo’s attention. Dorian sends the woman a grip on her backside, his top row of pearly whites softly digging into his bottom lip. Hazy low eyes staring downward at her seductively.
“I got it.”
Suddenly, he snaps out of the trance she unintentionally lured him under. His mind traveling to his girlfriend for a split second.
“N-No, I got it.” He volunteers, tending to the infant simulator’s needs.
Giggling softly to herself, Ruby observes as he rocks and feeds the mechanical infant. Her gaze travels along to her sock cladded feet before lifting her head once again, finger twiddling the tip of one of her lengthy braids.
The second he returns it to its rightful place as soon as it halted its wails, “I should go.” He began to pack his things, preparing to leave once again.
Yet again, Ruby stops him right in his tracks. This time what she had in mind isn’t so innocent.
“You can’t just confess your feelings for me then up and leave. Besides, it’s pouring down out there.” She was enticing, practically seducing him with her eyes. “You gonna go out in the rain? Hm?” They were a deep shade of brown, lust and desire swirling within her orbs.
Her head tilts to the side, their pools of brown burning into one another. “I don’t think you should leave me, Dorian.” The woman confidently steps closer to his tall frame, exuding a femme fatale. A woman clearly comfortable within her sexuality.
He surrenders, “I suppose, I shouldn’t.” The thought of Lena being shoved in the back burner of his conscience.
With his consent, the woman takes his hand and leads him to her bedroom. Anticipation and excitement pouring over his frame as he watches her hips. He takes a seat on the edge of the bed, observing the beauty undress while admiring her being. His member hard as a rock.
Ruby kneels upon her knees, unbuckling the fly of his denim jeans. “You don’t have to do that.” He says, though he doesn’t mind. He’d never received fellatio before so it would be a first.
“Stop worrying. Would you?” She doesn’t bother to even glance at him as his tongue drag across his lips, gaze directed amongst her breasts. He lifts his hips so she could pull down his boxers, he’d never been so ecstatic about anything in his life. He had no idea Ruby had it in her.
Slowly stroking his long phallus, her lust-filled eyes glances upward in his direction. It wouldn’t be long before her lips would be wrapped around him, slurping him up as if her life depended on it. Clearly, it isn’t her first rodeo.
His jaw falls agape, “Oh shit.”
Her hand skillfully strokes him. The beauty’s head bobbing upward and downward with absolute ease. Her skills were heaven sent, becoming a pleasure to the male. She was too good at this.
His head falls backward, fucking her face as his fingers tangles into her braids. “Ruby…” He calls her name, low gaze averting downward onto the sexual deviant earning her attention. Batting her eyelashes, she seductively drags her tongue along one of the veins of his thick phallus, making sure to maintain their hazy eye contact. “Yes, baby?”
Before he could utter another word— he couldn’t any longer. He’d completely lost his train of thought. She snatched them away of him as well as his soul, going harder than before due to his reaction. Ruby was giving him Grammy award winning head, a plethora of profanity escaping his throat.
She was showcasing one of her many talents, revealing that she’s unlike any other woman he’s ever been with sexually. None of his previous lovers offered fellatio and he never pressured them either. But Ruby was more than willing to with no absolute shame.
In fact, she was committed. Dedicated to make him come just with the handy dandy work of her tongue. It had taken much practice, though she loved it. The jaw aches, the tears cascading along her cheeks, her mouth being full, the slob surrounding her juicy lips, the moans— even screams. The aggressive face fucking— she abso-fucking-lutely loved it.
“Fuck, fuck…” Dorian groans aloud, releasing into her mouth without warning. She made him come in under a minute, leaving breathless and panting heavily. He wasn’t expecting that level of head.
She swallows whatever he produces with no complaints, crawling onto his lap. “Think you could handle some more?” Her center throbbed for him, throbbing for a good pounding and he possesses the perfect size for her dripping tight crevice. The woman always desired for something bigger than she could handle.
He was still up at attention. “Hell yeah.”
Reaching for a condom into her nightstand, she makes sure to secure it on him. The second she does, she hops off of his lap and lays beside his being. His eyes closely following the places she goes, watching her legs widen. He analyzes her wetness as if it’s his most prized possession, his trophy.
One of her hands drags between her breasts along onto her toned stomach, eventually between her legs. Her index and middle finger toying with her throbbing center, moaning softly. Dorian replaces her touch, a groan passing his throat due to how soaked she is. He barely touched her and he had her like this.
Ruby practically melted like putty in his hands, surrendering to whatever he had to offer. His fingers soon being replaced with his thick phallus, both of them moaning at the sudden contact.
She trapped him into her cavern and he couldn’t find himself desiring to escape. He was already hooked, longing for more and more and more.
Dorian’s strokes were deep, passionate yet slow. He wanted to savor each second, capture each second. His face no longer buried into the crook of her neck, lifting his head to analyze her facial expressions. Her lips were slightly parted open, low pools of brown flowing into his. “I love you.” She whispers before whimpering shortly after her confession.
“I love you.” He tucks one of her braids behind her ear. Orbs sparkling in admiration. Ruby’s deep brown eyes caught him in a daze. Her cheekbones sat high. Her glossy lips plump and suckable, begging to be ravished. Brown skin smooth and soft, her signature vanilla bean scent entering his nostrils yet again. “You’re so beautiful.”
The woman caresses his back, hips rocking into his. Her legs enveloping his waist. She didn’t want him to stop especially when he stretched her out so perfectly. Dorian already has her right where she wanted him to have her.
“Dorian…” Her feminine tone summons his name. It wouldn’t be the last time.
Natural nail beds digging into the golden skin of his back, the pleasure growing increasingly overwhelming. She felt every vein, every thrust, everything. “Shit.” The second he finds her spot— he seems to not want to leave it alone, deepening the tip of his phallus in circles.
Love marks being left upon her skin, biting and nibbling. His wet tongue sensually dragging along her chest then her brown hardened areolas, showing them the attention they were in dire need of.
The view of her breasts bouncing along each thrust, her reaction garnered another side of Dorian. Without a lack of hesitation, he flips the woman onto her stomach before entering her walls yet again. It catches Ruby off guard but she doesn’t disagree. Her legs shaking immensely.
The headboard bangs against the wall harshly. The couple pants heavily as the aggressive sound of skin slapping bounces off the walls. “Ah, fuck,” Dorian’s tight grip amongst her hips forces her body back and forth. His pace more rougher than before. His lust-filled gaze observing her backside clap against him, top row of pearly whites digging into his bottom lip.
No uncertainty, Ruby pumps herself back. “Oh, yes, yes!” Her body burning for him, sweat beads dripping along their melanated frames. She desired for more, no matter how much he filled her up. “Don’t stop… fuck me, fuck me.” The sexual deviant became a certified fein. So far, Dorian wasn’t a disappointment.
Her eyes rolls to the back of her skull for the millionth time tonight. One of her hands reaching behind her back to grip his hip while the other gripped the sheets due to the fervent impact of his strokes. Drool dripping along her chin due to her jaw hanging agape in pure disbelief yet bliss. She hadn’t had her world rocked like this in awhile.
Her arch remained intact, ass up in the air and face down just as he loves it. The view was a true sight for a sore eyes.
The second she looks back at him with that pouty expression upon her face, the throbbing sensation of his phallus intensifies. He isn’t prepared to come just yet. The effect of Ruby was something serious and Dorian hadn’t prepared for it.
Suddenly, an abrupt feeling of Dorian’s member slipping out of Ruby’s cavern earns a whimper. “Put it back in,” She drags out, high-pitched weak voice holding a slight crack due to the amount of shouting she was doing a second ago.
Dorian doesn’t respond. Instead, he lowers himself between her legs. The male figures he would return the favor. “So good.” He groans against her wetness, ravishing her nectar as if it’s his last supper.
“Ouu—” His thumb pressing against her anus. In result, more of her juices dripping along his chin. “Ah, fuck… just like that.” She encourages her lover, fucking his face.
His tongue dragging across her center passionately, not so rough but it was sensual. Soon enough, two of his thick fingers would enter her warm walls again before thrusting them in and out at a gradual pace. The amazing work of his tongue and fingers would cause the beauty to grow weak in the knees.
Dorian was dedicated given his eyelids were shut, his head moving side to side— up and down to lick every angle of her dripping goodness. He was quite adamant on pleasing the woman. He’s his own man and it showed.
Without warning, she squirts onto his gorgeous canvas with a shout, “Fuck!” He would continue his actions resulting in the woman to feel the urge to squirt yet again.
Her aching paradise would be filled to the brim with his love once more, digging in and out of the beauty mercilessly. She released the urge, squirting along his soaked pelvic area while babbling incoherent words. A flushed yet fucked out expression amongst her naturally captivating canvas. “Mhm,” He encourages her, despite not understanding a word she’s uttering.
A firm grip upon her braids would jolt her head backward in his direction as he continued to fuck her into oblivion, her brain growing completely dumb. “Unh, unh, unh, unh!” She shouts into the heated atmosphere. He sends a rough slap to her backside.
“Ah, shit!” Dorian groans, feeling his orgasm approaching. Though, he was about to come— he continued to give her all he had. He was a panting, sweaty mess but he was still incredibly sexy. “Fuck, I love you.” He meant every single word he said.
“I love you more, baby…” She began, tone of voice frail and shaky. “I love this dick.” Her mouth was absolutely filthy but so was Dorian’s. She brought out that side of him.
“I know…” His gaze averting to where their bodies connected. “You’re so fucking wet for me.” With each stroke, her wetness made its presence known— creating an mixtape of its own. Their sex was sticky and sloppy just as the couple loved it.
Their sexual chemistry was better than expected. It took a moment but eventually it transitioned into something unforgettable, ardent.
Her walls tightens around him causing his eyes to roll to the back of his skull, head tossing backward as his tongue drags along his lips. “Shit. I’m gonna cum.” He informs the woman, his thrusts becoming sloppy. Her nectar sloshing against his hardened member, squirting once more.
Their bodies began to shake violently. Oxytocin and Dopamine streaming along their veins as their love comes crashing down upon them. Dorian continues to pound his lover, unable to get enough despite his orgasm sending a slight jolt to his movements. In result, the couple began to grow overstimulated— fucking one another through their orgasm.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Ruby’s voice high-pitched cries out with a light crack before calling out for the most high. They ride out their highs, Dorian grunting aloud as his seed fills up the latex.
Panting heavily, the male’s arms wraps along her waist. His sweaty chest pressing against her back, lips inching closer toward her ear. “You know there’s no going back, right?”
The second their high came down, the couple was brought back to reality. What they did was absolutely wrong, the ultimate stab in the back. Both Ruby and Dorian understood that but neither of them could deny the burning desire of going there with one another. Though it was wrong, it felt right.
They love one another and Lena couldn’t stop that.
Turning to look back at him, a loving grin upon her lips, a twinkle of admiration and adoration in her eye as her gaze sets upon his captivating canvas. “Of course.”
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Semi-Romantic Headcanons
A/N: I know pretty much nothing about Garreth and Amit so, sorry if theirs are off or just completely ooc. And for Seb and Omi, I’ve read so much fanfiction for them that I’ve forgotten what they’re canonly like. Probably lots of filler, I wanted to make sure they all had around the same amount of words. I like Seb’s the least, it’s so cringy 😭Also the pic below took so long to make omg.
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Sebastian S. + Ominis G. + Garreth W. + Amit T. x Male Reader (Seperate)
Sebastian Sallow: 
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Very flirtatious
Always coming up with witty flirty responses to about anything you say.
Flirt back and he’s in awe, absolutely love-struck.
He’s very clingy, gets really jealous if he sees you talking to others he knows are into you. 
Wants your attention constantly on him.
Not-so-subtly lets others you’re talking to know that you’re together.
Wraps your arm around his waist or goes for a back hug, eyes glaring at the person you’re speaking to.
Once the person walks away, you look back at the shorter boy and he’s innocently staring back at you.
Loves spending time with you, no matter what the two of you are doing.
Likes getting up to mischief with you.
If you’re not so into that though, he’s cool with just chilling too.
He appreciates the quiet moments too, with so much going on in his life, he loves to just lay against you and relax.
Prefers being held though, it just reminds him that he’s safe and doesn’t have anything to worry about.
Such a goofy romantic too.
You two lie in bed, Sebastian in your arms as you place giggly kisses all over each other's faces.
Kisses are his favourite, no matter the type.
Loves any time where your lips are connected to him.
Really likes when you kiss his freckles, his shoulders are crowded with them.
His shoulders and neck will start to redden at the contact and you can’t help but laugh as Sebastian tries to deny his blushing.
Also likes when you just count his freckles
He’ll just jay in your lap as your fingers dance across his face, eyes concentrating as you count out loud.
Wearing such a silly grin as he watches your eyes scan over him.
He offers to duel you in the Undercroft, suggesting it so the both of you can get better at it.
Puts his all into trying to beat you, but always ends up losing.
Fixes his tie and cockily states that he “Lost on purpose” “If he actually put in the effort, he’d hurt you, and he didn’t want that.”
You laugh as you nod, accepting his words to spare him from the embarrassment.
Dates in the Undercroft, or any secret place he can take you.
As much as he loves having your relationship displayed in public, he loves being with you in private more.
He’s got quite a bit on his plate so he likes being alone to talk to you about those sensitive things.
He finds a lot of comfort, not only in your actions, but in you as a person.
He doesn’t crack often, but when he does, you’re his go to person for reassurance.
Prefers to sit in your lap in silence as you comfortingly rub your hand up and down his back.
The sound of your breathing and the feeling of your hands are enough to calm him down.
Ominis Gaunt:
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Loves your touch
Not necessarily the romantic sort, just any physical connection.
He can’t see you so he loves the feeling of your hand on top of his, or placed on his thigh to know that you’re there.
He’s not the biggest fan of PDA, so you might have to just sit really close beside him in class instead.
Your knees or shoulders touching.
In private though, he can’t get enough of your affection.
Pretends to not enjoy it but his face erupts with the slightest romantic gesture. 
Really likes it when you kiss his beauty marks
He’s definitely memorized where they are now thanks to you.
He’ll keep his hands on you a lot, most of the time on your face.
His palm grazing over all your features as he compliments them.
He appreciates your beauty through touch.
Tell him how beautiful he is.
He loses his train of thought and sits there with a goofy grin.
“Thank you, Dear” 
Then tell him how pretty his smile is and he’s covering his face while his cheeks burn.
Lots of study dates.
Likes going somewhere private for them so you’re either in the Undercroft or in your dorms.
Prefers listening to you read rather than using his wand.
Your voice always brings butterflies into his stomach.
Insists that you read to him, he’ll excuse it by saying that he can’t be bothered to use his wand and it’ll just be easier if you read it for the both of you.
You know what he’s doing though, teasing him about it but still reading your assignments to the other.
Rests his head in your lap as you talk to him about your day.
Mumbling every now and then when you ask for his input, but otherwise he just silently listens.
Truly can’t get enough of your voice.
Will fall asleep so quickly if you whisper in his ear while scratching his head or rubbing your fingers against his palm.
He’s such a peaceful sleeper
You’re so grateful he lets you see him in such a vulnerable state.
And of course you show him how much you trust him by telling him all your deepest secrets.
A decent chunk of your nights are filled with comforting whispers and muffled sobs.
You two are always there for each other, no matter how late or how dumb the reason may be.
I’d like to think he’s good at comforting others, he knows what he wished people would’ve told him when he was younger and can find all the right things to say.
On nights like that, his grip is iron.
Whether he’s comforting you, or on the receiving end of the comfort, his arms would be so tight around you.
Touch in those vulnerable moments is exactly what the both of you need.
Let’s end this on a positive note, he really enjoys spooning.
His head dug into your shoulder as all he can feel, smell, and sense is you.
Garreth Weasley:
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Type of guy to claim to be a master at relationships and swooning people.
But as soon as you asked him out, he was so awkward, stumbling over his words as he accepts your confession.
Brags about you to everyone, all the time.
He’s so grateful to have you and he wants the whole school to know.
Definitely the most unintentionally chaotic couple at Hogwarts.
The two of you are always getting into trouble for failed potions recipes. 
Accidently making a mess of the potions classroom.
Detentions become weekly dates for the both of you, the room full of laughter as you scrub away the mess you made.
It ends up taking an extra few hours to finish cleaning but it’s not like either of you mind.
When you guys aren’t in detention, you guys go on proper dates to Hogsmeade.
Takes you to Honeydukes more often than not.
Wants to spoil you by buying anything you want from there.
If you insist on spoiling him though, he won’t deny.
He’s really thankful if you do, demanding that he treats you to something next time.
Big fan of cuddles
Loves to just lie in your arms in your common rooms on the weekends.
Face planted into your chest as he mumbles about whatever.
He rambles a lot
Pretty much all the time
When you're walking to classes, in classes, while you're studying and before the two of you fall asleep.
A lot of his rambling is about his potions
He loves having someone to tell all his findings to.
If you're a quiet person, he'll love that you're such a good listener, and he really appreciates you dealing with his rants.
If you're like him, the both of you are blabbing all day. Conversations never ending. From when you wake to when you sleep.
Randomly kisses you all throughout the day. 
Like all over your face, just jumps in mid conversation and pecks your cheek.
He has no shame, doing it in class and in front of your classmates too.
Gets really flustered if you do it back to him.
Honestly loves just any sort of PDA, like I said before, he loves bragging about you so he’ll love having your arm around his waist as he shows you off.
Or just throwing his own arm around your shoulder while you talk to someone else.
It’s part wanting to brag and part being a little jealous.
You assure him that he’s the only one you want, but it doesn’t stop him from letting the whole school know you’re his and he’s yours.
Kiss his freckles, it gets him all giggly and weak in the knees.
Kiss the ones on his cheeks to the ones down his neck and then to his back, he’s an absolute sucker for it.
His face will turn as red as his hair.
Amit Thakkar: 
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He’s definitely a nervous wreck, all throughout your relationship.
He wouldn’t be the best with words at the start, instead sharing his hobbies and interests with you.
Most of your dates would be up in the astronomy tower.
Amit handing you the telescope each time he finds a new constellation he wants to show you.
Always mentioning how they remind him of your beauty.
The way they shine as bright as your eyes.
Cheesy astronomy pick-up lines he probably learnt from Garreth.
“Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.” “You are my sun, my moon and all of my stars.” “If a star fell from the sky every time I thought of you, there would be none left in the sky”
Honestly, he’s such a gentleman though.
If you guys aren’t in the astronomy tower, you’re out in the fields, hand-in-hand as the two of you lay back and stargaze.
Loves to do things you like too, he’ll try any of your hobbies.
He doesn’t mind what the two of you are doing, as long as you’re with each other.
He struggles with small talk so he likes to just lie on you or sit beside you, enjoying the silence together.
Really enjoys the feeling of your hands in his hair.
Whenever he’s feeling nervous or stressed out, just place a hand in his hair, he’ll immediately relax.
If the two of you are in bed and you play with his hair, he’ll pass out straight away.
He just finds it so comforting.
I feel like he tends to overwork himself a lot, or just forgets to sleep while studying.
So once it gets late, you just carefully pull him away, promising him he’ll get it done tomorrow and to just focus on sleep now.
He’s thankful that you’re there for him, after meeting you, he’s been getting much more sleep.
He’s not sure how to kiss, and whenever the two of you do, he accidentally messes it up.
So he’s just resorted to kissing your hands or your cheek, places he can’t kiss you wrong. 
He loves when you quickly peck his lips, but anything more than that and he’s stumbling out apologies after nearly eating your face off.
You find it adorable and don’t really mind when he messes up.
You tell him but he’s usually too busy worrying about how foolish he looked.
Just give him a few pecks on the cheek and he’ll stop apologizing.
He loves studying with you, he helps a lot with the subjects you struggle with. 
Not only because he enjoys any opportunity to learn but you also give him a kiss whenever you understand what the two of you are working on.
His hand will softly rub against his cheek, he thinks about how he wants you to thank him more often.
A/N: These are the best GIFs Tumblr has for them so I’m sorry they look a little weird. These headcanons are just my opinion so please don’t crucify me for them. If your opinion does differ though, please let me know what you think, I’d like to read what people think they’re like, especially the last two.
- Written by Owner 1
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everlasting-rainfall · 9 months
Hi I’m all caught in the manga and I just had to know , what are your thoughts/hcs on yandere gear 5 Luffy 👀 love to hear your thoughts (sorry if that was a spoiler it wasn’t my intention to spoil it for u )
Also hi hope your doing ok and happy holidays 💗🥰
Oh happy holidays to you too, Darling! I’ve been well if you don’t count the occasional crying breakdown here and there but I hope that you’re doing well too just without the breakdown crying part!
Also don’t worry, you didn’t spoil anything for me!
Anyways enough about me, I’m not gonna lie that I really like Luffy’s Gear 5th form like it’s absolutely terrifying but in a good way. I’ve actually been laughing occasionally about the idea of Gear 5 activating when Luffy was about to be eaten by the Sea King as a kid as I think that’s a bit funny like suddenly Gear 5 child!
Terrifying to imagine but also kinda funny if you think about the chaos that would ensure
Anywho before I get too far off track, let’s get into it!
SPOILERS FOR GEAR 5, Kidnapping, Stalking, Near Destruction of an Island, Heavy Size Difference, NSFW at the bottom
So honestly with your request, let’s pretend that Luffy is always in Gear 5 mode as that will make this easier for me to write like there’s no such thing as turning it off now that he’s activated it
I feel like catching the attention of Monkey D. Luffy in the sense of him being a Yandere is already bad enough but what makes it worse is the idea that he can’t turn it off anymore and I feel like when it comes to this form, his emotions are amplified
The best example that I can give for what I mean is like if Luffy was already a Yandere then these tendencies have been amplified big time like if he’s willing to pick a fight with the World Government over Robin right now then now he’s willing to completely demolish anything that even vaguely threatens his crew now
Doesn’t even matter if it’s like he doesn’t actually know if said person wants to hurt his crew like let’s say that someone like knocks over Chopper while they’re running causing him to get hurt just a little bit. Unless the crew can convince him not to or manage to distract him then that person is done for
Also you’d think that dealing with Luffy raiding the fridge would be a pain in the ass now, yeah? It still is but if Luffy has any feelings buried deep down for some of his crewmates then Gear 5 has brought it up to the surface
So Luffy might be able to be distracted from raiding the fridge through a little something from Sanji like a kiss or something but that might result in Sanji having a hard time walking without a small limp for a good while afterwards but whatever keeps them from starving at sea
Chopper definitely gets Platonic Yandere’d to hell and back like he’s basically kind of acting like a dad, I’d say that you should probably check Luffy’s temperature as he’s actually being a semi responsible parent like telling him to eat healthy and not really allowing him to go off anywhere alone
As for if he had an S/O in this form like if you were dating Luffy before he awakened Gear 5? I’d recommend just honestly getting ready to never be out of his sight like you’re gonna get up to head to another room and he’s already getting up to follow you
He’ll be following you just about anywhere that he can and if I’m right then he’s much bigger in that form too, yeah? So let’s say that he can change his size and when he’s all big then chances are that if he doesn’t like what things look like then he’ll just pick you up and stuff you in his pocket for a while
What better way to keep you safe than to keep you right with him after all? Although even as much as you tell him that a battle with another pirate crew is not enough of a reason to shove you in his pocket, it’s not like he’s gonna listen
Much like with any Yandere too, don’t even think of attempting to escape as not only is he impossible to escape even without Gear 5 but now he can literally just lift the roof of any building that you’re hiding in and grab you like he’s playing with a dollhouse
I wouldn’t recommend at all turning yourself into the Marines to escape him either as that just sparks one hell of a frenzy, you thought that doing this sort of thing before Gear 5 was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet…
If it wasn’t for the others then he would probably unintentionally destroy the whole damn island alongside the Marine base just to get you back especially if the Marines have roughed you up
You cant fight him either, that goes without saying so it’s really better to just do as the rest of the crew has and accept that this is your new life being watched over by an extremely possessive sun god who refuses to let anything happen to any of you…
I’d also recommend getting used to being in Luffy’s bed… Lord knows that when that man fucks you now, it’s gonna be a marathon that leaves you unable to think straight with legs so numb that you’re certain you’ll never regain feeling in them…
Honestly though imagine him being absolutely gigantic and playing with your body like you’re some kind of doll, imagine like laying in one of his hands while a single fingertip of his rubs at the area between your legs or he tries to give you oral but just winds up licking your whole body
It probably isn’t the worst thing but it’s not pleasant although let’s hope that he never wants to stick his dick in you while he’s big like this as you’ll be stretched to absolute hell and back… Like I legitimately think that you’d need either a wheelchair afterwards or a mobility aid for the rest of your life…
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