#s/g au
acoraxia · 15 days
Death’s Second Chance (long comic ahead)
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and then Narinder cut his hair :)
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ryllen · 10 months
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.+💚. Green .💚+.
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Prompt 38
Jaskier has kept a secret for years. The ring with dandelions carved into it that he wears every second of every day is the only thing keeping him from turning into ash. He sleeps with a lovely woman one night, desperately trying to move on from Geralt (it doesn't work, he is still very much in love with his best friend) only to awake in the morning and find- FUCK She stole his ring! That conniving little-! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What does he do!? He races to the mirror and it confirms his worst fear. The glamour the ring gives him is gone. He can't see his reflection. He reaches a hand up to his mouth and feels his fangs. No- Nonono! Then his worst fucking nightmare ON TOP of his worst nightmare happens. He hears the stomping footsteps of a witcher approaching their room. Godsdamn it all. He hears the doorknob jiggle and.. Alright, he'll be the first to admit it, he panics. "DON'T COME IN, GERALT" The doorknob jiggling pauses. "Jaskier? Are you alright?" "Y- YES! Perfectly peachy! Don't come in!" Jaskier rushes around the room, pacing in panicked circles like a caged beast. He was a caged beast. He reaches to close the curtains of the only window in the room and like an idiot, he fumbles in place and ends up with his hand in the direct sunlight. He shrieks in pain and holds his hand to his chest. Geralt, scenting agony and hearing Jaskier yell, barges in without another moment of thought. Only to see Jaskier scrambling away from him in fear. In all his years of knowing Jaskier, he has NEVER been afraid of him. It physically pains Geralt to see it now. He doesn't understand why he wasn't allowed in. There's no lover of Jaskier's hiding in a corner embarrassed at being caught, Jaskier isn't indecent or anything, so why-? Then he looks at Jaskier, truly looks at him, and sees his blue eyes are glowing, and his mouth - Parted open as he pants - reveals fangs. Geralt's eyes dart to Jaskier's neck and it's confirmed. The worst part of it all, is the way Jaskier's eyes keep glancing between the door out of the room, and Geralt's silver sword. Geralt is infuriated. Not only did the woman Jaskier take to bed last night turn Jaskier into a vampire, but she also made Jaskier fear Geralt because of it. When Geralt says he isn't going to harm (let alone KILL like Jaskier had feared) Jaskier for the twentieth time, Jaskier finally believes him, and begs him to help him track the woman down. Geralt is intent on killing the vampire that ruined poor young human Jaskier's life. Jaskier is intent on getting his human-glamour, sunlight-immunity-enchantment ring back from this human he slept with, so he can go back to pretending he's human, like he has been doing for the past hundred or so years.
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maximura · 6 months
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mistystarshine · 6 months
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This is art of a scene from fic nine of Devour You Whole
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necropathys · 8 months
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rgrk 🌙🌑⛓️
SwapDream Nightmare by @song-song-a-deactivated20230619
Nightmare Sans by @jokublog
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amanitacurses · 5 months
Can I humbly request some cute OoT Dark x Link? Like them holding hands and generally being cute together?
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Holding hands, being cute together dancing, and also Dark being the P e a k of flirting :)
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ryuki-draws · 3 months
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Limiters disabled. Sealing implants offline. Blood Type: Blue. Angel identified.
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
splits in brewing romance?
Ofcourse! (Couldn't manage to do the six splits due to motivation)
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@b-r-i-n-g-x @shygirl4991
Heres a bit of detail:
Heart and Spade both have the black and white pattern for their symbols meaning it represents that they both have the kind of "sibling bond" with each other
Heart and spade both wear hats than book
Both have hair on loose while book has it tied
Both have earrings than book
Both have folded sleeves than book
Both have weird effects from the scar than book
Both have their symbol pin than book (having his own manager pin)
Only spade wears the chain belt for fashion (and probably does not strangle someone with it if they complain)
Spade has black ripped jeans
Heart's Criss-cross and Spade's hat were made by Four specifically to match their liking
Heart's shoes have heart patterns from the foot
Spade's shoes have spikes around
Book's shoes have a ribbon design of mocha brown color for his liking
Spade has spikey bracelets
Heart wears a bow tie, Book for a fancy necktie, and for spade nothing at all.
(Spade does not like to feel strangled by the ties so his two unbuttoned shirt reveals a bit of skin.)
Four is the one to give Book a hairtie
Spade's hair is loosened than it was supposed to have its hair up (but due to four's compliment about his hair down- he did kept the word)
Heart has braids on the sides (Book did the braids)
Book wears formal
Spade wears a bit of more 'epic clothing' to be in the cool style-
Heart wears pink kind of valentine
Heart has a bit of white tainted eye from the scar due to the feelings and emotions he expressed
Spade has it closed due to the shut down from his person-ego
Book remains the same but a bit more head focused
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Horror House Reacts... to Zoo Animals!
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.I've been watching Robert Irwin and Dave Salmoni take wild animals onto the Jimmy Shows and scare the Jimmy's and various other guest stars sOooooo... I had to make this XD
Plot: We are gonna hand each horror Villains a dangerous animal and see how they handle it. Warnings: Swearing. No actual mention of meerkats despite the gif.
Audrey II: A European Brown Hare.
Audrey II, staring at this hare stood up on its hind legs giving them the Eye: ... that is one ugly bunny rabbit. Y/N: AUDREY TWO!!- Audrey II: wh- AM I WRONG?-
Audrey II has no fear, they're a plant from outer space. He also doesn't particularly care for animals though, since its pretty globally accepted that animals are allowed to eat plants when they're peckish... and understandably, they are not having that. Not in this green house XD Nu uh, no siree, nope nope nope, the hare is gonna get eaten first if he even looks at Audrey II wrong.
Billy Loomis: An Emperor Scorpion.
Y/N: Close your eyes and put out your hands. Billy: ... *sigh* *does as he's told as to not be called a coward* Y/N: *Places the scorpion in Billy's cupped hands* Open them! ^^ This is Phil, he's very chill. Please don't drop him. Billy: ... heheh, can I keep this?? Y/N: ?? What??? No, you cant keep Phil- Billy: I wanna leave him in Stu's bed. Y/N: DEFINITELY not-
Billy, is... *sigh*, a teenage boy.
Bubba Sawyer: A Red Kangaroo.
Bubba: *Very cautious, looking at this jacked foreign creature. He's never seen anything like this, he lives in buttfuck nowhere Texas with no tv.* Y/N: Here, Bubba. *hands Bubba a bouquet of gum leaves* Offer her these. Bubba: *Unsure, but approaches the weird pocketed creature and offers out the branches... Quickly calms down when the kangaroo starts simply munching on the leaves* Y/N: See? ^^ Bubba: *Already petting the kangaroo. Wants to take her home and keep her safe and pet her and give her leaves forever.*
Bubba does not love casually 😅😅😅 Once he's warmed up to someone, that person is his family and he wants to keep them safe. My suggestion?? Sneak the kangaroo back to the zoo in the dead of night while Bubba's asleep. (or call Drayton. He certainly don't want no goddamn kangaroo in his house)
Carrie White: A Boa Constrictor.
Carrie: Um, is this safe?? *Eyeing the snake's head closely as you place her gently over her shoulders* ... Y/N: Oh yeah, don't worry, this one's a sweetheart ^^ Carrie: Okay... *snake raises her head and looks around very peacefully, just surveying the room* Oh, she's sweet!... Y/N: She seems very comfortable with you! Carrie: ! Really??
Carrie was apprehensive at first, but when she realises that the boa is not feeling threatened (or hungry), she relaxes and spends quite a while with the snake in her arms! ^^ She's disappointed when she has to say goodbye ):
Chucky Lee Ray: An Eastern Canadian Moose.
Chucky: *staring up at this giant fucking creature, clearly ready to run at any second if the thing makes an unpleasant move* ... You have gotta be fucken kidding me. Y/N: Nope. This is Jessica-Mae! She's from Canada, and she's really nice. I think she'll let you sit on her back, if you wan- Chucky: No I don't wanna sit on Jessica-Mae's back actually Y/N, Jessica-Mae is a fucken monster- Y/N: c h u c k y
Chucky has a... healthy cautiousness when it comes to wild animals XD He does like tarantulas, though.
Freddy Krueger: A West African Lion.
Y/N: Okay so for this one, um, I'm uh... yeah I'm gonna step out. Freddy: ... wait. Wait wait wait. Why are you- *You close the door one side of the room and as soon as the lock clicks into place, the lion prowls in on the other side* Freddy: Oh. Freddy, hands out like 'i mean no harm': ... nice kitty Freddy: ... um. I saw the lion king. It was... a great piece of cinema; your people should be proud. Freddy: ... please don't eat me, you giant son of a bitch.
Freddy was SO EXCITED to meet an animal, but now he's got some concerns about those teeth and his privates.
Jason Voorhees: A Ussuri Grizzly Bear.
Bear: ... *Staring down Jason* Jason: ... *Staring down Bear* Bear and Jason: *Staring each other down* Y/N: ... *Wondering if you should do something* Jason: *Suddenly walks over and gives the bear neck scritches*
... this is a giant toothy puppy to Jason XD Jason loves wildlife, they were his friends growing up in the woods! ^^ And he knows how to keep them calm, so he's very good with them. He hangs out with the bear until its time to go outside, then Jason follows him outside and hangs with him out there ^^
Jennifer Check: A White Rhinoceros.
Jennifer, as soon as Grizelda the rhino steps in: -oh jesus fucking christ. Jennifer: You're fat. Y/N: Oy! Jennifer: What??? She's meant to be, right?? 🙄 G o d... look who's animal-cist. Jennifer: ... can I feed the fat bitch?
The fact that this is an animal does not change a thing about the way Jennifer talks to her XD She is so fascinated, though, and wants to feed Grizelda, pet Grizelda, ask many many questions about Grizelda... she loves her.
Jerry Dandridge: A Perentie Monitor Lizard (Goanna).
Y/N, helping goanna onto Jerry's lap: Now, be careful with Sandy, he can be kinda easily startled and then his claws will cut into your skin, and- Jerry: *Getting along great with the Sandy, Sandy is in the best mood you have ever seen him in; purring.* Y/N: ... Y/N: ... wtf, how?! Sandy's usually so grumpy!- Jerry: Oh I guess we just have a connection~
Jerry and reptiles get along great, they're cold blooded and he... is always cold. He has no blood. He's a vampire XD Try giving him a puppy, though, and watch that puppy leap away from him and growl like a possessed thing (Jerry gets so frowny about it XD).
Michael Myers: A Bengal Tiger.
Michael: *Stock still, actually considering running for the first time in 50 decades* Tiger: ... *yawns* *prowls over to Michael and lays on top of his feet, promptly falling asleep* Y/N: ... um. Well, I think she likes you?? Michael: *Does not move an inch for 3 hours while the tiger naps, staring at it*
Michael, just like cats... is a bitch. They basically adopt him into their family as their big dumb weirdo child (Yes, even the big terrifying ones) and there is not a thing grumpy old Myers can do about it XD
Pamela Voorhees: A Silver Fox.
Pam: *Loves the fox. Sitting in her chair and leaning down to give it treats. Cooing at her.* Y/N: You're so good with her! ^^ Pam: ~Stay away from my son, dear, and I wont have to sick her on you~ Y/N: ... D: What?
Pamela and a sharp toothed creature is a dangerous combination. Stay away from her son.
Patrick Bateman: An African Savanna Elephant.
Patrick: *A too-big smile glued to his face as he strokes the dirty wrinkly elephant* This is... this is fun... Y/N: I knew you'd like her! ^^ Anna is so sweet, and gentle, and quiet, so- Patrick: -You cant tell when I'm fucken lying through my t e e t h!?
Patrick doesn't like any animals, they're wild and filthy and break irreplaceable things he spent hard-earned money on to be unique, but he will force a pleasant face because that is what he does
Pennywise: A Mountain Zebra.
*i was tempted to do a turtle but... seemed too obvious XD Still unsure i made the right call*
Penny: Heheheheh, whats black, white and- Y/N: Don't do it. I swear. Dont do it. Penny: Okay okay okay, I'll be serious. Hey, why do zebras have stripes? Y/N: Oh, well they developed stripes because- Penny: Because they didn't want to be Spotted!
Penny c a n n o t s t o p m a k i n g z e b r a j o k e s. Otherwise, he's pretty good with the zebra. No problems ^^
Stu Macher: A Somali Ostrich.
Stu: Heheh... Y/N, these things don't bite, do they?? Y/N: Oh they totally do. *Hands Stu the leash* Anything with a mouth bites. Stu, levelling his gaze with the giant flightless bird: ... I will bite you back.
Stu is a little chicken, but he's also really curious!! XDD So sure, he'll hang onto the leash and feed the monster bird!! But he will absolutely crouch down and cover his head if the ostrich starts fluttering his wings. And don't you dare leave him XD
Tiffany Valentine: Baby Nile Crocodiles.
Tiff: Chucky!! We have new children now!! Chucky: THE FUCK WE DO- Y/N: N- no... you cant keep them actually... Tiff, ignoring you and Chucky: The kids are gonna love these ^^ Come on, sweethearts, into the sack, single file now- hey, Trudy, no biting your brother-
Tiffany is in love XD And you know how one-track-minded she can be when she's in love XD
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flyingtsukkis · 20 days
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steins;gate kryk au literally just bc i ran into cosmic looper in one of my playlists and my one brain cell was like haha omg what if kryk so
cw blood under the cut lol 🫠 and s;g spoilers
rip yaku 🗿 djjdjd
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killugonficlibrary · 2 months
Hi! Not sure if this fic is already on here, but if not PLEASE check out Double-Edged Crown by cyberflamingo on Ao3! It is probably my favorite fic of all time!
Double-Edged Crown by cyberflamingo ( T | 107,683 | 16/16 )
The wealthiest families in Yorbia are given the opportunity of a lifetime when their daughters qualify to compete for the prince’s hand in marriage.
Only one contestant isn’t excited to participate. Killua, a mercenary forced to take his sister’s place, just wants to be eliminated so he can stop cross-dressing and return to work. But things take a turn for the worse when he finds himself succeeding despite his best efforts to fail—and as the competition continues, he begins to suspect the prince may have a couple of screws loose.
Because if Killua’s pass rate is any indication...the man has some very strange requirements for his future wife
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This fic~ is immediately and without question one of my all-time favorites. Utterly hilarious & charming. Authentic friendships. I felt the stellar-story flutters and laughed way too actually-out-loud-ly. Thanks for the rec! ^^
~ gabs ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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born-to-riot · 4 months
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SKAM: Prythian
On this season of SKAM, we focus our attention on Azriel Notte, a star defensive player for Night Court High School’s lacrosse team. High school is hard enough on its own, admittedly Azriel doesn’t make it any easier for himself by pretending he’s straight. Come along with us as we take a deep dive into Azriel’s mind, joining him in his battle to make it through Junior year. It’s going to be a bumpy ride, especially once he is forced by his AP anatomy teacher to get tutored by transfer student Eris Vanserra.
Hiii this is an Azris high school AU based off the show SKAM. It is a gift for @fieldofdaisiies and I am very excited to stir up some drama for y'all.
This is also a part of AZRIS WEEK 2024: FREE DAY
Thank you so much got @azrisweek for hosting the event.
Without further ado, I invite you to please click the link above to enjoy Episode 1.
Tag list: (let me know if you want to be on or off here):  @acourtofladydeath @ofduskanddreams @secret-third-thing @areyoudreaminof @iftheshoef1tz @chunkypossum @queercontrarian @yourlazykitkat @krem-has-a-mess @witch-and-her-witcher @yanny-77 @pippsmcgee @amarillis39 @fieldofdaisiies @jules-writes-stories @marina468
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spuffyarchive · 9 months
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maybe i'm ready to love you by chasingfictions [NC-17]
“Buffy?” He almost never used to call her Buffy. Did he? Always Slayer, or pet, or love. Or like, he’d use her name, but it always sounded odd, in his mouth. All tender, touchy. Like, like he was making eye contact with her, just by saying it. "Spike." She wonders if it feels the same, for him. His name, her tongue. - (Or: Spike’s gone, and Buffy doesn’t care. No, really, she doesn’t. Cross her heart.)
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mixelation · 11 months
me pressing my face to your blog like the 'sickos' guy looking at reborn au au: YES. HAHA YES
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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real talk: lxl should continue to explore romance fantasy concepts in their songs. it’s clearly working for them~
#typical prince aesthetics in romeo/julieta and nonfan… and now historical rofan in meoto…#(and there’s also whatever’s going on in tsuki no hime but that has no mv :( sadge)#sorry guys i still have meoto on the brain pls suffer with me~~~~~~~~~#but mannnnn. i was struck by sudden inspiration for a meoto au a n d#well. ig now i understand why they skipped over the falling in love phase. romance is hardddd#i want to subscribe to the meoto expansion pack p l s i need to know what their deal is~~~~#bc man. how in the world did they go from complete indifference to promising to stay together forever hello#what happened???????? excuse???????????#man. m a n. ok i think im done for the night. i hope#LXL MEOTO CRISIS 2K24#(but if anyone here wants to get into the otome isekai genre in general… i recommend starting off with ✨s u r v i v i n g r o m a n c e✨#(it’s a great story and it’s still modernised enough to ease into the genre. and after that…)#(you can just go for the series with the most interesting premise/prettiest art/both tbh)#(though i personally recommend ✨the perks of being an s class heroine✨ ✨the villainess’s stationery shop✨ for milder content)#(and there’s also some series with both isekai and regression.)#(like they isekai after their 1st life in 20xx-> live out their 2nd life in the fantasy world -> regress to a point in their 2nd life)#(for that type i kinda like ✨i shall master this family✨ though ngl i’m mostly reading it bc i think the aunt is very pretty)#(a nd there’s the occasional modern regression story but that’s pretty soap drama-esque and the one i read got ridiculous at times lmao)#(but ofc the ones with less romance focus are fun too~~~~ like stories with multiple isekai-ed people for one)#(b u t i digress i think i’ll stop here before i lose the plot any longer ahaha~~~~)
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