#s/i: sinnoh!alice
avas-wonderland · 11 months
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the-unknown-void · 2 years
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I posted 266 times in 2022
That's 264 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (30%)
185 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 237 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#hdtf - 37 posts
#half-life - 35 posts
#adrian shephard - 32 posts
#hunt down the freeman - 31 posts
#mitchell shephard - 26 posts
#art - 23 posts
#half-life 2 - 22 posts
#alice shephard - 21 posts
#doodles - 21 posts
#sketches - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#we literally have morning doves that come by our balcony all the time and they look just as silly as any pigeon :>
My Top Posts in 2022:
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HLVRAI! These designs aren’t entirely original Basically @xenodogartz ‘s designs from here. But with my own style and form I make designs. Love the blorbos <3 I have more art dump comin be warned
13 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Just something I want to shout
I swear to ARCEUS, does anyone else perfectly imagine Volo with Wheatley’s voice from Portal 2? Especially his evil laugh!
19 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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See the full post
22 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Also me: hehe Autism Shephard (It’s bad looking but does that really matter?)
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This guy has become my vessel for projection.. somehow, I find it funny that I chose the US Marine out of all the characters. But now I just.. I love em.
Oh yeah Obligatory Yippee
39 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My pokemon phase won’t end
I’ve thought of like, other things that could be shown in sort of the style Legends Arceus is? Showing the region’s past. So here’s a list of ideas! I know the first one’s a bit weird cuz 70-90′s isn’t “ancient” at all but.. I want it and it’d be showing the past so I’m still putting it here
Kanto in the 70's, 80's, or 90's, whenever Team Rocket was formed. Maybe more stuff on that unconfirmed war?
Ancient Johto, like.. the century the tower burned? Plus it could hook in with Legends Arceus with the canonical connections of Sinnoh and Johto with “Sinjoh”. Oh also that Dragon Tamer Clan, that could be important!
Alola's first settlement, it has the vibe of possibly being an isolated group of islands for a long time until finally some people found it so.. could be cool!
Galar the darkest day < this is just an epic title tbh
The age of war in Kalos before the ultimate weapon
The conflict between brothers in Unova, solve the mystery of what Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyruum originally were? :0
The birth of Hoenn, maybe something to do with the Draconid tribe. Tbh I didn’t play OR/AS but I read the OR/AS manga so I do not know a lot about them.
These are just little ideas I have, I’d like to talk about them :D
64 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
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himacchu · 6 years
im making this shit up as i go don’t mind me
do the parents have one child or are there twins, triplets, etc.?
Hima, having grown up with a shitton of siblings, thinks it would be ULTRA fun to have as many kids as possible. Don’t know where her logic came from on this, considering most of her siblings hate her guts, but, when does she ever make sense? Maybe she’s compensating.
But, anyway! Let’s say, twins, for the first pregnancy! A boy and a girl. You know Hima’s gonna be over the moon when they arrive.
what do the parents name the baby(ies)?
I think both Ash and Hima would like cool, striking names–Alex would be one! And for the girl, Amber! Alliteration, gotta love it!
did the parents discuss other names, too?
Hima would spend a lot of time daydreaming over names, and every now and then she’ll go bug Ash with “HEY! Whaddya think of _____? Or ____? Or this or this or this or—!!!” She won’t stop.
Stealing from this old thing, Aster would probably be one of the names they’re partial to!
how do they decide on the name(s)?
Both, at the same time: “They uuUUUuuuH Sounded Cool.” They’re both simpletons.
what would the child have been named if they had been the opposite sex?
Whether there was two boys, or two girls, the other would be Aster, which is pretty gender neutral, luckily!
did the parents find out the sex during pregnancy or is it a surprise?
Hima insists on it being a surprise. It’ll be like finding a totally new Pokémon, she says. Not…not really, Hima.
were there any complications in the pregnancy?
evil cackling oh boy could you imagine how juicily devastating it would be for Hima to suffer a miscarriage? You know I’m into suffering.
But, no. Mars will fret and make absolutely sure that everything is going smoothly for her baby sister.
Though we can save it for an AU, maybe.
which parent carried the baby?
Ash, clearly.
how easy was it for them to conceive?
*legally blonde voice* what, like it’s hard? I uh! Have only a vague idea about how the technical stuff works tbh so! Anyways.
was the child carried to term?
Hm! Sure, why not.
did the parents deliver in a hospital, at home, or somewhere else?
Mars absolutely doesn’t trust these primitive human hospitals and their practices, but! Hima wants the Real Earth Experience ™, so they go to a hospital.
did the delivery go according to plan?
The doctors are probably extremely baffled by Hima’s unusually high pain threshold, but it goes fine.
did the parents have any daily rituals (reading to their belly, etc.)?
Ash’s ritual is trying to get Hima to fucking sit down and rest. She’s really wanting to play with Pokémon and take care of her berry farm.
do the parents have a baby shower?
Hima’s under the impression that this a Required Earth Tradition ™, and you know both parents are right there for any excuse to eat cake, so yes.
what about a babymoon?
A whomst now.
how supportive was the other parent during the pregnancy?
Ash seems like he’d definitely be supportive! I feel like he’d worry a lot ‘cause he’s not sure what’s going on, though.
which parent worried the most and which one was chill?
Ash would probably worry, but Hima’s got an ‘everything will turn out fine!’ sort of attitude.
which parent left pregnancy books all over the house and which didn’t touch them?
They probably don’t get much of those in the first place. They’re wingin’ it.
is the child a good sleeper?
Amber sleeps like a rock, but rolls around all over the place. Alex might wake up in the middle of the night and wail like a banshee.
how often does the child cry?
Alex is the crier. Amber will stick her whole fist in his mouth to shut him up.
which parent finds it easier to get them to stop?
Hima! She’s very patient with them.
how does the child behave at bath time?
Lots of splashing! They’re very fascinated by the water and make an absolute mess. Both parents think it’s a riot, though.
what is the child’s first word?
Fuck. Ash stubs his toe once and says it so loud it leaves an impression.
how bad do the child’s diapers smell and which parent has the misfortune of changing them?
They’re…average? Ash and Hima take turns.
which parent has a harder time adapting to their new role?
Maybe Ash, but they’re both having a blast with it. They probably think of it like taking care of Pokémon. That’s not how it works, guys.
just how terrible are the terrible twos?
Alex will bite things and Amber bonks him on the head when he acts up. She’s weirdly responsible for her age.
does the child go to day care? if they do, how old are they when they start?
They start around three!
if the child doesn’t go to day care, who says home to look after them?
Since Hima stays home to take care of her berry farm anyways, she’ll take them with her.
which parent babyproofs the house?
Neither–it’s Delia and Mars.  What are these fucknuts doing, Mars thinks.
which parents designs the baby room?
Both, but Hima’s more into it. She has a blast making it as colorful as possible.
which parent is more likely to give in to tantrums?
Alex is more of the tantrum type than Amber is, and depending on what he’s mad about/wants, both parents will do their best to calm him down and think through what the best course of action is.
is the child spoiled with toys?
Oh, definitely. It’s not necessarily that they’re bought whatever they want, but Hima will get everything cute she sees in the store.
which parent does the potty training?
which parent has to take them outside to hose them down after a particularly nasty diaper?
Either will do it.
which parent do they take after more?
Alex is like. an angrier version of Ash. Amber is actually a bit like Delia! With Hima’s cheeriness mixed in.
what habits do they pick up from their parents?
Alex might pick up a verbal tic similar to, but not exactly “uh-huh.” But of course, both love Pokémon as much as their parents do!
how often is the parents’ date night now?
Probably not as much as it used to be! But they still make time for each other.
who babysits when the parents go out?
Delia or Uncle 🅱itchie
how did the parents decide what school to send the child to? or was the child home-schooled?
They go to the local elementary school in Pallet Town.
who packs the lunches?
Hima has a lot of fun cutting their sandwiches into shapes and arranging the lunch box nice n’ pretty, but she can’t actually cook much without Delia’s help.
are the lunches eaten by the child, or thrown away?
Alex might get embarrassed from the cutesiness of it, but Amber will shove the food in his mouth if she has to.
which parent helps with homework?
Hima, since she’s definitely had more education. But she’s shit at explaining things.
what does the report card look like?
As much as he doesn’t like to admit it, Alex studies, and he does well. Amber gets great grades easily.
is the child/ren popular, or only have a few friends?
Amber is naturally charismatic, but Alex gets into fights easily. He chills out later on, though.
does the child play a sport?
They both play soccer!
does the child play an instrument?
Nope :0c
do both parents turn up to the matches/recitals?
which parent buys their clothes? or does the child pick out their own clothes?
Hima buys the clothes initially, but she has Bad Taste, so eventually they pick out their own.
what’s the child’s style?
Both kiddos like sporty sorts of clothes!
is the child more interested in playing inside or outside?
They’re very encouraged to play outside and explore on their own.
how often does the child get in trouble? what do they get in trouble for?
Alex will fuckin fight anyone, you can imagine how that goes. Amber is a little goody-two-shoes, but with a bit of a mischievous streak.
does the child have any siblings/cousins? how well do they get along?
Two little sisters, named Alice and Celeste because I’m extremely creative
what pet does the child beg for? do they get it?
They are excited about getting Pokémon eventually!
is the child shy and reserved, or outgoing and gregarious?
Amber is sociable with everyone, but Alex prefers the company of Pokémon.
does the child still take after the same parent they did as a toddler?
A little less so! They’re becoming pretty distinct from their parents.
….I’m not gonna do the rest cause I just can’t think that far rn. But! Here’s some headcanons.
- Alex has an extremely strong sense of justice and is good at cooking. Some of the kids talk smack about his mom for bein Weird and he will punch their lights out. He’s also got a severe case of resting bitch face. He shows a softer expression around Pokémon, though, especially cute baby ones. When he’s little he hides behind Amber a lot and hisses at everyone else. He’s short and salty about it. Makes faces when his parents smooch. Momma’s (and Grandma’s) boy but respects his dad a lot. Scared to shits of Grandma Xena, though. Picks Charmander as his starter.
- Amber is a Big Fuckin Lesbian. Very popular w girls. The type to play the prince in the school play. Also decent at cooking. She’s actually scarier than Alex is when she’s angry. She wears her hair in pigtails like mom used to, early on, but switches to a single ponytail. She’s the one to be silly with her parents. She picks Squirtle!
- Bonus! Alice and Celeste. Both are pretty quiet, but in different ways. Alice is grumpy and would rather read than talk. She befriends a Croagunk on a vacation to Sinnoh. Celeste is very timid and is pretty much glued to mom and dad and her older siblings, always hiding behind them. She wants to have a Pikachu just like her parents do.
- Alex is soft on Celeste, but Alice freaks him out. She constantly talks shit to him. rip in peace
- Amber has the respect of all her siblings, even Alice.
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withironwings · 6 years
How Ruadri runs this blog
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Sloths move faster than I write. Occasionally I’ll get in a groove where I’m bouncing replies back to people fast, but usually, the stars have to align just right for me to write anything other than meme responses. Trust me, I WANT to write more, but my brain is pretty much constantly holding up a figurative middle finger every time I set my fingers down on my keyboard.
My length varies a lot, and I try to keep things relatively short and sweet for the sake of my partners, but my hearts says to write a fucking novel with each reply, so I tend to get kinda long winded. I don’t expect partners to match my length, but I do expect some effort be put into replies. Please give me something to work off of. Show me that you care about our threads.
The absolute best way to get me to write a starter is to plot with me and just ask me to write one. The second best way is to send a meme. Aside from that... Well, I occasionally put out starter calls, but those are rare on this blog. So, seriously, just plot with me. Come into my inbox or IMs. Don’t be shy.
Eyyy inbox stuff is my jam. It’s what I have the most muse for responding to. Hit me ic with memes, questions, accusations, flirtation, YOU NAME IT. I still might be slow-ish but I guarantee I will be hyped when I see something’s appeared in my inbox.
As I mentioned yesterday (somewhere inside this monstrously long ask), I follow back based on compatibility (as determined by rules), my interest in their muse, and my interest in their writing. I think that’s fairly standard??? I like having a lot of mutuals, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look closely at people’s blogs before following them.
That said, I rp with non-mutuals sometimes! I don’t have to follow you to rp. I just have to be comfortable with you and your blog.
OHOHO SIT DOWN AND BUCKLE THE FUCK UP I WANT SO MANY THINGS. Bear in mind, these aren’t solely specific to this particular blog. If you see something that you like, but would rather do with a different muse of mine, that’s fine! Hit me up anyway.
Mid-game Colosseum based threads. I know most of my followers haven’t played Colosseum and this is asking a bit much, but I want to explore the tense social and political environment of Orre as Cipher aimed to take over. Not to mention it’s a chance to show off a younger, more hostile Mark.
More rivalries and antagonistic relationships. Sometimes, your muse just needs someone to hate. I’m ready for my boy to be that someone. Fight him.
Complex romances with a heavy focus on character development and realistic struggles. I love all ships, but I would like to have some where it’s about more than just the characters being in love, and puts a lot of emphasis on how their relationship effects the rest of their lives, the choices and sacrifices they make to be together, and how it changes them as people.
Not to be that guy, but... more angst. Don’t look at me. I’m horribly predictable and have no chill.
Familial relationships. By blood or by choice, I want my muse(s) to have family bonds!
Sinnoh stuff. I’ve got two of my three favorite regions covered with Hoenn and Orre, so now I just need Sinnoh based interactions.
As I’ve mentioned a couple times, an Imawa no Kuni no Alice AU would be cool. Except no one knows the series well enough, so...
Despite my irresistibly charming personality and unparalleled eloquence, I’m mad fuckin’ shy and may not message you first, and feel like I’m being a nuisance talking to you regardless of who messages who. Basically... if you wanna chat, just do it. Talk to me. I’m dumb and probably want to talk to you but am too shy.
TAGGED BY: @rebelracket TAGGING: idk who still hasn’t done this sooooo @vivian-redgrave @spectral-speaker-violet
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avas-wonderland · 11 months
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Haven’t drawn Cyrus in a dog’s age so here
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avas-wonderland · 11 months
I would like to ask 14 and 22 of the most recent ask meme to everyone if its not too many
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The other three are not here due to pressed time but I will answer in substitute.
14: What is the most creative date you both have ever been on? If you haven’t had the chance to go on any dates yet, what’s the most creative idea you can think of?
A date that I find intrigued me the most in concept is the night Alice invited me to an annual meteor shower sighting in the cliff tops of Sinnoh. It was calming to watch the tails of meteors sail across the sky while in her company
22: Have you developed any new hobbies thanks to your s/o’s influence? If so, what were they? What about the other way around?
Alice had inspired me to test the waters of new poffin recipes….they are time inducing in a positive way. Contrary wise, I have educated Alice on the basics of astronomy. I enjoy seeing her gratitude for it
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avas-wonderland · 3 months
Ice cream game! Mint chip! I think that’s the one I forgot what it said as soon as I stopped looking at it
Mint-Chip: What's something that you disagree with your f/o on?
Something that Cyrus and Sinnoh!Alice disagree on is how they bother view the world in general. Alice sees a chance for kindness to help it while Cyrus sees it as a mess but they both wish to make a change
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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“How is she still in one piece?”
“…I dunno…”
(reblogs are encouraged, Pr0shippers DNI)
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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Remake of something from last year and based on my favorite song sung by Rin Kagamine!
(Reblogs>Likes, proshippers DNI)
Taglist: @little-shaymin @cherry-bomb-ships @cuppykin @disneymarina @self-shipyard
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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Holding Hands💙
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avas-wonderland · 3 years
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❤️Certain as the sun, rising in the east❤️
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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avas-wonderland · 3 years
I like you *shows you my deigns for my Beauty And The Beast AU*
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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Quick mermaid AU thingy:)
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avas-wonderland · 3 years
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“He asked for no pickles”
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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SelfShiptember Day 9: Space Adventure
(Busy college day so here)
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