talking-books-n-spice · 11 months
Regalia City - Club Honey
This is the first story in my Regalia City Series!
Plot: Your friend dragged you out to the newest club that's just opened, and through pure circumstance you meet the owner, who appears to be a charming Fae male...or is he?
First Person Female Reader POV NSFW
TW: Implied mind control/magical influence (if there's more, please let me know in comments or DM)
A/N: If you spot any spelling mistakes, please let me know! <3
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At 27 you would think I’d know better than to let Lindsey talk me into going out on the town by now.
It was my first weekend off from work in two weeks, and Lindsey thought the best way for me to spend my hard earned money was to check out the newest club that had opened earlier that month.
The Hive.
It was apparently a 25+ only club on Sunday nights, which would eliminate a lot of the Regalia Tech students and the usual overly rowdy crowd.
There were protests to this ruling (of course), but since Friday and Saturday night were normal nights, their complaints fell on deaf ears. The police and lawyers of the city had even taken the club’s side, as it kept drug distribution and drunken disorderlies on the lower end.
Much to Lindsey’s protest, I’d chosen to wear my most comfortable and cute green dress for the night. I had to remind her that unlike her, I wasn’t actively prowling for a bed buddy. I was joining her at the club to keep her drinks safe, and to have some fun myself.
The club had been built on the corner of Marine Way and Bedell Street, putting it right in the crossroads of the Warehouse District and Late Night Row.
As we got in line behind a half-orc and his human boyfriend, I could feel the bass from the music through the walls. From here you could just barely catch a few beats of the song playing.
A cooler breeze blew by, making me shiver and dance in place.
“I always forget how cold it gets at night this time of year.” I mumbled, rubbing my hands over my bare arms to keep them warm.
Lindsey shifted back and forth on her feet, “I really need to stop wearing open toed heels.” When I gave her a tiny smug smile, as I’d advised her to wear her spiked books instead of the heels, she gave me a hard swat on the arm, making me giggle.
We kept ourselves distracted from the cold by catching up on our respective works’ weekly gossip.
Being the only human assistant manager at a clothes’ store tailored towards Naga, Lindsey usually dealt with the worst kinds of customers and coworkers. If she wasn’t of the “Out Crazy The Crazy” mentality, she’d have quit ages ago. Instead she trucked on, and helped bring in the best sales the store has seen since its opening.
By the time we got to the door, we were having to speak a bit louder in order to be heard over the music that was barely being contained.
The bouncer, an orc standing at 7ft with shoulders wider than the doorframe, gave our IDs a quick check, then gestured for us to go inside.
When I stepped over the threshold I felt as though I’d walked through a sheet of jell-o, raising goosebumps on my arms and legs. Lindsey pointed to the doorframe, “They’ve got this place juiced.”
Looking to where she pointed I saw runes carved into the wood of the doorframe. I couldn’t tell which language they belonged to, but they were clearly active as they were softly glowing in a golden hue.
“Maybe it's an age repellant? You can’t get through if you’re not the right age?” I suggested as we continued down the carpeted stone steps.
From outside, the building had looked like just another warehouse that was in better condition than the rest. If not for the neon yellow honeycomb shaped sign that hung outside the door, no one would know where this place was.
The stairs took us down two flights, then leveled out into a short hallway. Strobing rainbow lights and the silhouettes of dancing bodies beckoned us forward.
The scene we stepped into was something you could truly only find in Regalia City.
The warehouse had been dug down deeper by two stories and divided into two floors.
We entered into the lower floor, which was specifically for the dancers.The floor beneath our feet was designed to look like honeycomb carved from amber, and with each step you took, the section of comb beneath your feet briefly lit up in muted rainbow tones. It was somehow working with the strobe lights overhead, creating just enough lighting that you could see where you were going and who you were standing next to.
The second floor held the stage and equipment for the DJ, and a walkway built into the walls of the warehouse above, connecting to a larger section filled with tables and booths for people to sit and drink.
“This place is bananas!” Lindsey yelled over the music.
Unable to resist I yelled back, “I think you mean, its the BEES KNEES!”
“I hate you so much right now!” Lindsey cackled and towed me towards the bar that I’d missed with my initial sweep.
There was a bar built into the wall just to our right, and I couldn’t quite see it from the lower level, but I thought I could see the edge of another bar on the upper level as well.
We got a couple shots, tossed them back, and went to the dance floor.
A couple hours, and a few drinks later, I was up on the second floor sitting at a table and sipping some water.
Tequila and excessive jumping around to music do not agree with my stomach.
I’d lost track of Lindsey at least an hour ago when she’d started shoving her tongue down a Naga’s throat. She’d given me the thumbs up behind his back, our basic signal that she was still conscious of what she was doing and that I didn’t need to follow them back to his place.
The DJ was playing a remix version of a song I knew, but couldn’t remember the name of. Each time the beat dropped, and ramped back up the dancers went nuts. Earlier when I’d first come up to the upper level, I’d looked over the railing and watched the dancers.
It was almost hypnotic to watch all their individual bodies moving in time to the music. Groups that had come to the club together would slowly sync up their movements, and you’d see these clumps of people moving in tandem just slightly against the rest of the floor. Add in the honeycomb lighting and it gave me a really strong impression of actual bees in a hive communicating.
Thinking back on that notion, I swept my gaze around the booths and tables.
If this was a kind of beehive, then there had to be someone here who was something of a Queen.
“...OMG is that?”
“No way, what are the odds?!”
“Can you get a pic?! No one will believe us if we don’t have proof!”
There was a group of women in the booth just next to mine, and they’d been relatively calm a second ago, now they were practically clambering over one another to peer over the top of their booth.
Following their line of sight I was able to spot who they were watching.
Over at the bar, a man was behind the counter speaking with the bartender. I’d guess his height to be about 6ft, in his yellow long sleeved shirt, and black slacks, I could see he was lean but not in the skinny sense. 
I had to wait for the white strobe lights to flash some white in his direction to see the rich gold of his hair which was styled in what I think is called a wolf cut.
With another flash of white light, I caught sight of movement just behind his shoulder.
“Rue! Can we get a picture?! Pretty please?!” 
One of the women in their booth must have had just a bit more to drink than her friends, as she’d gotten onto her knees on the seat cushion and started hollering at the man while waving her hand to get his attention.
Her friends were trying to get her to sit back down, nervously giggling and whisper yelling at her.
Fully immersed in the entertainment that was happening, I tried my best not to break out laughing and draw attention to myself. Lindsey was going to be so jealous she missed this, (or not, considering she’s probably getting her rocks off with the Naga.)
To my amazement, as well as the women’s, Rue must have heard her over the music. He said something to the bartender, who laughed, and he came out from behind the counter and made his way towards the group of women.
As he got closer the women subtly adjusted their push-up bras, skirts, and hair to further enhance their best assets.
Sipping at my drink I couldn’t stop watching.
I had no idea who Rue was, but I did know he was quite handsome, and he was most definitely a Fae. 
I got a better look at the wings that fluttered and twitched with each step he took, their shape was almost like that of a bumblebee’s, except the rounded curves drew out into points. 
When he reached their table and turned to the side, I could make out a honeycomb pattern in the membrane.
Between his clothes and wings, I had a sneaking suspicion as to who he was.
“Good evening ladies. Are you enjoying your time here?”
Even from where I was sitting, I could hear the honeyed tone of his voice in each syllable of his words. 
A flush of heat tickled over my skin, and looking at the other women, I could tell they were just as enamored as I was. A couple of them had their mouths slightly open in a gape, while the woman who had initially called him over looked ready to rip his clothes off.
They giggled and chirped their replies about loving the club.
Rue’s lips drew back in a pleased smile, “Glad to hear it. Now what was this about wanting a picture?” His head tilted the slightest bit as he leaned in a little closer, and I swear I heard one of the women gasp.
‘It’s like watching a porno’s opening.’ I thought, still amused.
They all spoke at once and scrambled to dig out their phones from their tiny purses.
There was a bit of squabbling about who’s phone they would use and who would take the picture, since the one taking the picture would need to be the furthest from Rue to get everyone in the shot.
Rue’s smile stayed in place, and I wondered if he was amused or simply used to this scene happening.
His wings gave a small flutter, and his head turned in my direction.
There had still been a decent bit of distance between my spot and where he’d stopped to talk to the group, so I hadn’t been able to tell what color his eyes were.
Now as they locked with mine, I could see they were a vibrant shade of amber with a thicker black ring around the iris.
I was grateful I hadn’t taken a drink of water just then, as I would have surely choked.
Having his full attention on me was electrifying. ‘No wonder those women were losing their minds just to get a picture.’
Rue lifted his hand and gestured for me to come over.
I didn’t hesitate, or even consider declining. I was out of my seat and walking over to him.
“Hi there, I’m sorry to inconvenience you, but would you mind taking a picture for us?” 
Rue’s honey voice dribbled into my ears, and that flush I’d felt before turned into a wave of heat.
The women in the booth immediately latched onto the idea, and implored me to help them out, even offering to buy me my next drink in exchange.
Again, I didn’t even consider turning them…him…down.
“I don’t mind at all. In fact you’ve asked just the right person. I’m a photographer by trade.” 
This got me a burst of excited exclamations from the women, and Rue’s smile somehow managed to shift into something just a touch more interested.
Or was that just my imagination?
One of the women offered me her phone, which they’d agreed was the better to use as it had the best camera.
I had Rue sit dead center and had two women sit on each side of him. I took a couple pictures in this arrangement, then asked them to switch so everyone had a chance to be center. 
The smiles the women gave me were full of gratitude for giving them each a chance to have that moment. While Rue’s smile remained the same for every single picture.
It was just genuine enough to tell me he didn’t mind being surrounded by beautiful women, but it didn’t quite bring the shine of happiness to his eyes that I could see in the womens’. It was most definitely a rehearsed smile.
When I gave them back the phone and they crunched in close to look at the pictures, they squealed and giggled.
Rue leaned in to get a look and his brows rose, “If that’s the quality you can get with a camera phone, I’d love to see what you can accomplish with a proper camera.”
The women all agreed and asked if I had a social media account, and if I handled weddings and other special events.
Ever prepared for new potential business, I had a couple business cards on hand that I gave out.
To my surprise, Rue snagged one of the cards before I could put the rest away. He read over the information then asked, “I’d hate to take up any more of your time tonight, but could I interest you in a business proposition?”
From the corner of my eye I saw the other women try to cover smiles and eyebrow wiggles.The one that had called Rue over even gave me a subtle thumbs up and mouthed, “Do it for us!”
Who says us ladies can’t offer each other support?
“I was actually going to head home shortly, so I don’t mind at all.”
“Excellent, let’s go talk in my office.” Rue pointed to a door that was behind the bar and labeled ‘STAFF ONLY.’
In any other circumstance, I’d be politely excusing myself from the situation or suggesting a time and place that was more out in the open.
I couldn’t be certain if he was using magical influence, or he was just that charismatic, but my mind and body were completely drawn to this man, and I accepted the invitation.
Following behind him, I was able to get hints of his scent. It was earthy, sweet and floral all blended together with an undertone of something that must be his general musk, and it was making my mouth water.
‘I wonder if he’d taste sweet.’ 
The moment the thought crossed my mind, his wings gave a particularly strong flutter and he gave me a glance over his shoulder that was undeniably heated.
Everything I knew about the Fae came from my required history lessons in high school, and the odd bit of gossip I caught every now and then. One such thing I vaguely recalled was mention of some Fae being able to sense or know when someone was thinking about them, especially if it was something amorous, as it called to their darker nature.
The heat that had settled along my skin turned into a deep flush of equal parts embarrassment and arousal. As he apparently hadn’t minded the idea.
We passed through the staff entrance, and down a small hallway that led to  washrooms and a change room for the staff. At the very end of the hall was an unmarked door. 
This was the door that Rue opened and gestured for me to enter.
Stepping over the threshold I got that sense of walking through a layer of Jell-o again. Glancing at the doorframe I didn’t see any runes, and guessed that these were a different kind designed for security.
The inside of the office was much more spacious, with a light wooden desk, black pleather chairs and a couch, and walls that were designed with even more of the honeycomb pattern.
My curiosity overcame my etiquette, and later I would just play it off as drinking too much, “I apologize if this comes across as rude, but I’ve been wondering since I got here. Why the beehive theme?”
“Let’s just say it’s personal preference.” Rue teased as he took a seat at one end of his couch and invited me to join him.
I’d expected him to sit behind his desk in his sleek looking office chair, what with this being a business talk.
My mind noted that the door was still open, and the heat I’d glimpsed in his eyes a minute ago was gone.
I sat at the opposite end of the couch and practically melted into the soft synthetic material. ‘I might just steal this couch.’
When I appeared to be settled Rue went right into it, “First let me properly introduce myself. My name’s Rue, and I’m the owner of this establishment.”
Finally having that suspicion confirmed I replied in kind. I didn’t bother with a nickname or just my last name, as was a common safety practice when dealing with Fae, since he’d already seen my name on my business card.
“As you know, we’ve only been open for the last month. Our numbers have been good, and with the rotation of our designated nights, I can’t see our customers thinning out in the long run.” As Rue spoke of his business, the honeyed layer I’d heard from his voice before was more subdued. He was also using hands and his eyes were shining, making it clear how proud he was of his club.
“An idea I’ve been toying with is creating an Instagram for the club to better spread the brand. We’ll eventually be offering merchandise online, such as branded shot glasses, shirts, and keychains. For the Instagram account I was thinking of sectioning off a part of the upper level for a photo op area.”
Realizing where he was going with this I asked, “And you’re wanting to hire a professional photographer to work the area?”
Rue’s smile broadened, clearly pleased that I’d followed his trail of thought, “It wouldn’t be every night of the week, but at least once or twice a week for each of the designated nights. Guests would be able to take their own photos with their phones, or they could pay a small fee to have a professional take the photo as well as have it posted to the Club’s Instagram page.”
It was a rather brilliant idea, and not one I’d heard of other clubs doing either. Sure it was common practice for people to take selfies and pictures of the clubs and tag the business, which was great for publicity, but if that person was placed in the club’s feed, it was just as good as the old fashioned Wall of Fame restaurants tended to do.
“That’s a rather smart approach, and as someone that knows the field, I’m sure any photographer that deals with people would jump at the chance to have reliable income.” I deliberately phrased my words this way so it would open the conversation to a proper offer.
The man had only seen a couple pictures taken on a camera phone, he couldn’t possibly want to hire me for such a coveted position based on that.
Rue’s emotions were apparent as he went through confusion then amusement, “I was rather hoping you would be the photographer to jump at the position.”
“I’d be more than happy to take the job, but are you sure you’re wanting to hire me for it? You’ve only seen one picture from a camera phone. I’d be more convinced if you’d gone through my portfolio first.”
Was I fishing for compliments? Maybe just a little. It wasn’t every day a gorgeous man offered a golden work ticket to someone they’d just met 10 minutes ago.
And there was still that heated glance he’d given me earlier.
Some kind of magic had to be at play, as Rue’s eyes warmed, making the vibrant amber change to the color of liquid honey and his voice returned to that deeper, smooth tone, “I could tell from that picture how good your technique is, and I could tell from how you interacted with those women that you’re goal is always to give the customer the best memory captured in the moment. Am I wrong?”
I was so entranced by his voice, I didn’t notice when he’d shifted closer. The space left between our bodies suddenly felt charged, and heat returned to my skin.
“That’s…pretty accurate.” I was having a hard time getting my brain to think of words, as it was more focused on his eyes, and the more potent presence of his scent. I gently cleared my throat, “You’re deceivingly perceptive, you know that?”
Rue laughed, and the sound of it had my heart squeeze in giddiness.
“It's an effective bonus to my magic. Which reminds me…”
It was as if I’d blinked, and the distance between us was gone.
One of his arms was draped over my shoulders, and his other hand held my chin, allowing him to brush the edge of his thumbnail along my bottom lip.
My breathing stuttered and my brain practically flatlined as it tried to process what had just happened.
“...Just what were you thinking about earlier, my flower?” 
Even if I had the ability to control my blush, I doubt I would have been able to do so now. It burned along my cheeks, chest and neck, and where he touched me felt as though my skin was going to burst into flames.
He’d just been offering me a job, and now he was trying to make me admit I’d been having inappropriate thoughts about him.
“I…um…don’t think I should say, since you’re going to be my boss.” 
There was a shift in the air around him as his smile edged into the smirk of a cat that was about to eat the canary, and to my awe I saw the black edge of his iris spread out thin lines across the white of his eyes that interconnected into a honeycomb design. 
It was a startling and enthralling sight.
Rue must have seen my eyes widen, and his gaze lowered to my lips which had parted to release a small gasp. He seemed to give me a moment to react, as if he were expecting me to try and pull away. When I didn’t do any such thing he inched a little closer, “You’re not my employee just yet, and I think you’ll find the work environment rather lax in that regard.”
The hand that held my chin grazed up along my jaw to cup my cheek, a means to keep me in place and make room for his lips as they came down to meet mine.
The moment his lips captured mine, I heard the door swing closed, and every inhibition I had about this behavior left me.
There was no easing into things.
Our kiss was frenzied, as were our hands as our fingers searched and tore at the fastenings of our clothes.
I vaguely felt the clasp of my dress scrape across my scalp as he pulled it over my head, my own hands popped two of his shirt buttons off in my rush to tear it off him.
Lust allowed me to take a moment to scan my eyes over his chest, and every inch of it looked delicious. Particularly the golden hair that started below his belly button and descended beneath the waist of his slacks.
Desperation and curiosity joined forces and propelled me to taste him. 
My mouth trailed kisses from his lips down to his throat, nipping and biting as I went, continuing further down to swipe my tongue over one of his nipples. I felt and heard Rue’s groan, encouraging me to do it again before continuing down.
I moved off the couch and Rue eased himself back, our physical connection never breaking. I wouldn’t let it, my hands or lips needed to keep contact with him. The tang of his skin had the slightest hint of sweetness to it, and that sweetness was the most addicting thing I’d ever tasted.
When my lips reached his treasure trail his hands made quick work of removing his pants. His cock sprang free, and my urgency doubled.
I dragged my nails down his hips as my teeth nipped his skin down to the base of his cock. Rue’s whole body shuddered as he let out another groan. His hands went to my hair to tug on the strands and urge me closer in unspoken encouragement.
Not that I needed any, as I was more than eager to drag my tongue along his cock’s length, giving it a rough flick along the small vein just below the head. Rue hissed a word that wasn’t in English and his grip on my hair briefly tightened.
A bead of precum was already waiting for me along his slit, and I swiped it off with my tongue. I hummed in delight as my taste buds found this to be the strongest hit of sweetness yet. My mouth watered just imagining what his cum must taste like.
My self control held on just enough to make sure I eased him into my mouth, and sucked him in a bit at a time in order to allow my throat to adjust to his girth sliding down. His hands held my head in place and his hips began to snap forward, “My beautiful flower…fuuuuuck your mouth feels so good…so good for me, my flower…”
Over and over his honeyed voice praised me and cursed as he chased his pleasure through the use of my mouth and throat. I’d never been skull fucked before, and in this moment it was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced. I could feel my panties soaking through and the desperation for my own pleasure built to a point that I began to whimper and moan.
“Yes, yes, yeeesss my flower.” Rue’s voice rasped and his hips gave a sharp thrust forward, nearly causing me to gag. He held me in place and I felt the base of his cock engorge forcing my mouth to ease back. There was a strong twitch and a gush of warm, thick liquid surged along my tongue and down my throat.
As I’d hoped, his cum tasted of pure honey with a salted undertone. I swallowed and sucked him dry for every drop.
Rue had to gently force me off his cock, which I did with a pitiful whimper. Lightly coughing and panting hard I moaned, “More…Need more, tastes so good.”
“You’ll have more my beautiful flower, but not until I’ve had my fill of you first.” Rue cooed to me as he pulled me off the floor.
In a daze of pent up need, and still tasting hints of his cum on my tongue, I didn’t even register his fingers pulling off my bra and panties until his mouth latched to my nipple and his long slender fingers stroked between my folds.
I was so sensitive, that touch had me quivering and nearly collapsing to the floor.
He tugged me forward, making me straddle his hips. I arched against his mouth as my hips twitched and thrust against his fingers.
He curled one of them along the edge of my entrance, and I nearly wept in frustration when he didn’t push it in.
Drawing his hand up he showed me the coating of slick that covered his fingers, “Look at this delicious nectar.” He marveled before putting the fingers in his mouth. His honeycombed eyes remained locked with mine as his tongue extended past his lips, showing me that it had changed as well.
It was much longer and more narrow, the edges curled upwards forming a tube that wasn’t completely closed. It twisted and curled between his fingers to lap up every last drop of the slick, all the while a deep, vibrating hum of pleasure came from his chest.
Somehow I could feel that vibration against my core, stimulating me further and with no friction I felt my inner walls clench almost in pain. My hands clutched into his shoulders as I begged, “Rue…Rue please…I need it…Please, please.”
His tongue drew back into his mouth as he smiled in a way that my mind should have registered as wrong. Instead the heavy haze of lust distorted it into a good sign.
Reaching down Rue took hold of his still engorged cock, and ran his head between my folds, “My beautiful flower begs so prettily, of course I’ll give her what she needs.” He pressed the tip just at the edge of my entrance, then drew back his hand so he could take hold of my hips with both.
Without any warning, he shoved me down onto him, and at the same time he thrust up as hard as he could.
Where pain should have been, only overwhelming pleasure blanketed my mind. My climax was so brutal I wasn’t sure I even made a noise, as my lungs couldn’t seem to let out the air.
As soon as the pleasure began to ebb back, my lungs let out a keening moan and an assortment of curses and praises. Rue chuckled, kissing and nipping at my throat and breasts as he began to thrust into me.
My first climax had barely receded as I felt the next beginning to creep up, “Rue…oh Gods…don’t stop…Don’t stop!” 
Rue’s only response was to use my hips to move me in rhythm with his thrusts. I didn’t resist or attempt to help other than to keep myself upright. I let him use me as he wanted, as which brutal thrust granted me another surge of pleasure.
I felt my second climax fast approaching, and Rue sensed it as well. He must have, as he did just as I’d asked him not to, and he stopped!
Freezing in place with me lifted off him, his tip barely piercing into me, I whined, “No! No no! Please, was so close!”
Rue’s eyes bore into me as he leaned in close and placed a feather light kiss against my throat, “Does my flower want more? Does she want me to fill her with my seed?” His voice was just as light as his kisses.
My nails scratched along his shoulders, as I felt my climax and the high of my pleasure begin to recede, I was so tightly strung and ready to release I felt as though my skin would break open, “Yes, Gods yes I want that.”
“Does my flower promise…” He kissed the underside of my jaw, “To come work for me…” then the middle of my throat, “and  to join my garden?” His lips grazed over the juncture of my throat and shoulder as he whispered this.
Had I been in my right mind, had I not been intoxicated by the effect of his magic (something I came to learn later on) I would have realized the trap and immediately ended things.
But I wasn’t in my right mind, and all I could think of was how it would feel to have him cum inside me.
“Yes,I promise! Please, please just fuck me!” 
“Such a good flower for me.”
His grip on my hips clenched, and his cock thrust into me harder and faster than before.
My climax crashed through me harder than the first, leaving me breathless and barely staying up right.
“So good, so so so good for me.” Rue didn’t stop thrusting, not even as the base of his cock became engorged. I felt it press my walls open even further, sending an extra thrill of pleasure into the mix that was consuming my mind.
With a single hard thrust he sent his cock in as deep as it could go just as he began to cum.
My body shuddered from the inside out, as though it were enjoying the sweetness that his body could produce without the use of my stomach.
As the high began to calm, and I was left with the body strength of a cooked noodle, Rue eased me off his softening cock and laid me down on the couch.
The haze lifted from my mind as my breathing slowly came under control, and I gradually realized what I’d done.
Horrified by my wanton actions, as well as his encouragement and influence of it, I tried to muster a glare in his direction.
Rue gently tsked as his hands gently slid along my legs, “Now now, there’ll be plenty of time to be upset later. I still need to get my fill of you before you sleep.” 
I was so weak, I didn’t have any strength to resist when he pushed my legs back open and hooked one of them over his shoulder.
Realizing what he wanted I feebly protested, which he ignored and leaned in towards my now saturated and sensitive cunt. I could feel some of his cum already leaking out, which was what he darted for first.
His tongue flicked out, the tip which was somewhat split lapped at the fluids.
From this position I watched his wings stand erect and vibrate, creating a low buzz that accompanied the pleased hum from his chest.
“Just as I hoped, your nectar tastes even better this way.” He sounded entranced, his words were spoken in such a reverent way.
His tongue continued to lap at the moisture along my skin, flicking out and sucking in the droplets into his mouth. Pressing in closer it slid into my entrance, and despite its narrow shape, my walls still registered the intrusion.
Flickers of pleasure played in my mind, and if not for the sensation of warmth being drawn out of me, I would have given into it. 
He was sucking his cum and my slick out of me, drinking it up through his tongue.
I had no words to express the shock and terror this was instilling in me. I had no strength to push him back and make him stop.
More concerning, was the lack of will I had to even try either.
Rue had made me promise to be “part of his garden” and I was getting a terrible idea of just what that meant.
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Here you go!! I love y'all sm <33
Repost if your account is a safe space for acespec ppl
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Guys, this is Tomarry to me; and you can't say otherwise because I can't hear you LALALALA —
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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9x01 | requested by Anonymous
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months
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"you're making me even more nervous."
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love language: affectionate bullying
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asmolbirb · 3 months
Something something a metaphorical examination of William Laurence that frames his life as a series of awakenings that ultimately culminates in him finally having the space to take a midday nap. Sleep framed as healing; rest framed as safety. &c.
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lolalvrrgurl · 5 months
The way teen!Vi is sitting....gays are physically unable to sit correctly
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And there's teen!Cait <3 being all pretty..and, wait... she'd fit so well BETWEEN VI'S LAP, oh MY GOSH (for the way she sit) oh.. i need a moment like this to happen, imagine Vi hugging her from behind and cuddle, and—she will totally hide her face in the curve of her neck....i cry, i need it...I NEED SOFTNESS AND TENDERNESS
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luxmoogle · 6 months
Your bio says you can be bribed with lux, but what about 13 postcards I found randomly? Would you take those?
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csyakult · 8 months
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✻ ⌣ 🦦 ˚ 𖤛
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cardboardboxfly · 11 months
Call me Nibbly cuz I’m consuming every single bit of information I can about the hatchetverse
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