#s04e10 “It's a Wonderful Lie”
thankstothe · 2 months
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442 notes · View notes
gabrielokun · 7 years
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184 notes · View notes
barbarab1707-blog · 3 years
About Dany the Dragon, chains, and how Jon sealed his fate at the Dragonpit meeting
Daenerys is a dragon. I think no one can argue with that. She calls herself the Mother of Dragons, people call her the Dragon Queen. 
She also sees herself as a dragon, as per this:
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And this:
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Olenna even tells her: “You’re a dragon, be a dragon” which is also the “counsel” Missandei gives her before her death, “Dracarys” (=be a dragon).
And at the end the showrunners show us this:
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Dany has finally completely embraced her inner dragon.
How does this tie in with the Dragonpit meeting? Well, this scene is full of foreshadowing of what is bound to happen in season 08, especially regarding Dany the Dragon and Jon’s fate.
Before the dragonpit meeting, we have this piece of dialogue: “Dragons don’t understand the difference between what’s theirs and what isn’t. Land, livestock, children. Letting them roam free around the city was a problem.”
So, dragons don’t make the distinction between what’s theirs and what isn’t. Dany being a dragon, she is the same. 
Which is shown by this (land):
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Dany not making the difference between which lands belong to her or not, could be further illustrated when Dany tells Jon this in s08: “what happens when they demand you press your claim and take what’s MINE.” She considers the 7 Kingdoms to be hers, when they are, by right, Jon’s.
This (livestock):
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And this (children):
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The second part of the sentence about letting dragons roam free is more important though. The Dragonpit was built in order to contain the dragons and control the damage they could do. 
In Dany’s case, what prevents her doing too great a damage, what controls her inner dragon and prevents it to “roam free” are her counsellors. They are her Dragonpit if one could say. Jorah, Barristan, Tyrion, all helped at one point or another to stop her unleashing her inner dragon, which manifests as anger. They also all failed at one point or another.
From the beginning of season 04, Dany herself started slowly slowly fearing her inner dragon, her own power and anger, which coincided with the moment where she started fearing her children’s power and wildness. This culminated with her locking and chaining Rhaegal and Viseryon in s04e10 and thus, trying to repress her nature.
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However, trying to repress her nature didn’t seem to work all that well for her.
Besides, while his brothers were in chains, Drogon was still “roaming free”, which could mean that, as much as Dany tried to repress her impulsive and prone to anger nature, she still couldn’t fight it completely. Something that is confirmed when she feeds Meereenese nobles to the still chained Rhaegal and Viseryon mid-season 05, after Barristan’s death which angered her. 
Moreover, at that point of time, she doesn’t have anyone to keep her in check anymore, as Jorah is in exile, and Barristan is dead. Instead, she has Daario and Missandei encouraging her to embrace her inner dragon. Dany starts reconciling with it when she escapes the fighting pits on Drogon’s back. She is free again to be who she is. She embraces again her inner dragon when she burns the khals and takes over the khalasar (something that isn’t hers to begin with but feels entitled to have).
She wants to go full on dragon when she makes that speech to Tyrion when she returns to Meereen:”I will crucify the masters, I will set their fleets afire, kill every last one of their soldiers and return their cities to the dirt. That, is my plan.” Tyrion, who has taken Jorah’s and Barristan’s vacant positions, manages however to temper her first impulse. 
But, it’s interesting to note that he was the one to set Rhaegal and Viseryon free from their chains which was 2 episodes prior to her unleashing her anger on the khals.
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Tyrion freeing them from their chains is interesting on a symbolic level and as foreshadowing as well, as in season 07, Tyrion’s bad decision making is what provokes Dany’s anger more and more, progressively awakening her inner dragon.
That’s when another comes in to help keep it in check once again: Jon.
From mid-season 07 until the end of s08e04, Jon is the one to act as Dany’s chains/Dragonpit.
However, s05 Dany, Jorah, Barristan, Tyrion, Varys and Jon all forgot something important:
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You are damn right, Jorah. No one can tame Dany’s inner dragon, not even herself. (Sorry about the typo in the picture, I got it elsewhere, I’m too lazy to make my own).
And they forgot this:
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Interesting we got reminded of that at the Dragonpit meeting. I think we heard that one before, didn’t we?
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Hey, look! Drogon is in chains…Kraznys is at the other end of the chains, thinking he is in charge. But Dany is actually the one holding the whip in that scene. She is the master, the one with power. And hey, Kraznys even calls Drogon “a beast”. Doesn’t that remind us of something?
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I’m not saying Jon is Kraznys, I’m just pointing the fact they both see dragons as beasts and both think dragons can be controlled, bound to their will, or in other words, chained to them. In Kraznys’ case, it was an actual dragon, in Jon’s case, it was Dany. Kraznys fell into Dany’s trap, failed in controlling Drogon and Dany unleashed her anger on Astapor. 
In s07e06, we also have this:
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Another dragon in chains! I’m starting to think now that this ridiculous scene had a symbolic purpose. The only one who could actually bind a dragon to his will is the Night King. And it makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, Dany bound her dragons to herself with blood magic and the NK bound Viseryon to himself with his magic. Only Dany’s Ice counterpart to her Fire could do it. No one else.
Let’s have a look at another moment at the Dragonpit. This is what Jon told Cersei when he refused her conditions:
“I am true to my word, or I try to be. That is why I cannot give you what you ask. I cannot serve two queens. And I have already pledged myself to Daenerys of House Targaryen.”
And this was his speech when Tyrion told him he should have lied: “I’m not gonna swear an oath I can’t uphold. Talk about my father if you want, tell me that’s the attitude that got him killed, but when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies, and lies won’t help us in this fight.”
What does that have to do with anything? will you ask in a Sansa fashion. Well, the interesting thing about Jon’s speech on promises and lies is the chain on the floor while he does it.
The chain looks like this after Jon kills the wight:
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Then, just before he starts his speech about oaths, promises and lies, it looks like this:
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The chain has been rearranged on the floor by the staff, as we can see that on the second picture it is further away from the wight’s remains than on the first picture. Also, its spiral shape looks better. It is supposed to mean something.
Jon steps inside the spiral shaped chain right before his speech about promises and lies. The photo below is taken after he’s finished though:
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What does it mean then?
The first meaning I spoke about was the obvious one, Jon is still chained/tied to his mission, as the wight’s remains at the end of the chain show us. Which leads him to:
Fall into a trap he creates for himself. 
When he “bent the knee, but” on the boat, he lied to Daenerys, or, as Tyrion put it so well in s07e03 (when he convinces Dany to let Jon mine the dragonglass), he gave her “something by giving her nothing”. However, at the Dragonpit, Cersei puts him on the spot, and he has to cover up for his previous lie and assure Dany of his loyalty to her. By pledging himself and the North to her in front of everyone, he is swearing an oath he cannot back out of. Even less after talking about upholding oaths and words meaning nothing when false promises are made. Those very words chain him to his public pledge to Dany. That’s what the chains are showing us, Jon, in season 08, feels he has no choice but to be true to his word, it is a matter of honour. This, in turn, leads him to:
engage himself in a spiral of lies and events (spiral shape) he won’t be able to get out of (chains). The only thing that finally frees him of this spiralling is her death.
He thought he could bind her to his will, control her. Instead, he got himself in chains, like the shot below shows:
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Jon is inside the spiral while Dany stands at the other end of the chain. Dany, like in the scene with Kraznys, is actually the master, the one in charge. Jon, through his decision to pledge himself to her, has made himself her prisoner. We can say that from the moment he stepped foot on Dragonstone until the moment he killed her, he never ceased being her prisoner. Sansa was right, by going to Dragonstone, Jon walked into a trap. Not only the one he created for himself at the Dragonpit, but also the one Tyrion had set up for him when he invited him to Dragonstone without mentioning he had to bend the knee. 
Anyway, he walked into a trap, then failed in controlling Dany’s inner dragon, and she unleashed her anger on King’s Landing. Just like in the scene with Kraznys really.  It’s worth pointing that Dany is standing in KL (a city she will destroy) when she repeats the same words she told Kraznys in Astapor (a city she destroyed). She freed the people of Astapor, and later on, she “freed” the people of KL (albeit in a tiny bit extreme way). It looks like a kind of echo to me.
For those who would like to say that Jon becomes the dragon in chains, I will say no no no. Jon’s personality has nothing to do with Targaryen mentality, he is a Stark through and through!
Well… except maybe for… falling for his sister? Alright, alright, maybe he is the chained dragon here, but just a little bit, okay? Let’s say he is a winged wolf in chains, yes?
Seriously though, I wonder if, by showing us the two scenes displaying chains in season 07, they weren’t trying to draw a parallel between Viseryon the dragon being bound to the Night King’s will (Ice), and Jon the dragon being bound to Dany’s will (Fire). Without Viseryon nor Jon having a real choice in it either. 
One other thing that I feel foreshadows Jon’s fate in season 08. Before the Dragonpit meeting, Tyrion says: “but in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world”. Jon in season 08, acts as Dany’s illusory dragonpit/chains, he prevents her from doing damage as best as he can. But she sees him as a threat and he is afraid of her which is understandable, as being too close to a locked and/or chained dragon is still a dangerous position to be in:
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It’s interesting to see that the Dragonpit, which is the place where Jon sealed his fate, is a ruin. Jon, who is Dany’s last metaphorical Dragonpit, ends up broken. A dangerous position to be in indeed. 
Am I going too far here?
To conclude this thing, I’d like to mention another scene in that same episode that foreshadows as well Jon’s fate as a prisoner of Dany’s. It is the one with Theon. 
Theon mentions his time as a prisoner of Ramsay’s and how Yara, his sister, was the only one to try and save him. In season 08, Sansa is the only one who tries, in a desperate move, to save Jon, by telling Tyrion his secret. Most importantly, she goes to KL with an army to try and free him at the very end, while he is still a prisoner (but of Grey Worm’s now. Geeez, poor Jon…). The parallel can even go on, as Yara failed in freeing Theon and bringing him back home, and Sansa, although she manages to free Jon, fails in bringing him back home too. Jon is a broken man, Theon was a broken man. In season 08, Theon chooses love for the Starks and Sansa over duty to Yara, his Queen. Jon at the end chooses love for Sansa over duty to Daenerys, his Queen. 
Anyway, those were my latest messy ramblings and that’s all for now.
Thanks for reading!
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Chapters: 22/22
Fandom: Merlin (TV) 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings 
Relationships: Leon & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine & Leon (Merlin), Gaius & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan/Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan & Percival (Merlin), Lancelot & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Merlin (Merlin), Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Leon (Merlin), Leon/Mithian (Merlin), Lancelot/Leon (Merlin), Leon & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Leon (Merlin) 
Characters: Leon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Kilgharrah (Merlin), Aithusa (Merlin), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Agravaine (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Lamia (Merlin), Mithian (Merlin), Helios (Merlin) 
Additional Tags: Sir Leon the Long Suffering, Immortal Leon (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Mild Language, Merlin’s Magic Revealed (Merlin), Leon Knows About Merlin’s Magic, Magic Revealed, Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur, Canon Dialogue, uther appears breifly to say the stuff he says in the show, we’re getting into the plot now folks, Canon-Typical Violence, Merlin is a baby duck, Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Protective Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot is a mother hen, Exhaustion, Fainting, Gwaine jumps to conclusions, Fluff, Banter, Friendship, happiness and laughter, Inside jokes, Episode: s04e01-02 The Darkest Hour, talks of self sacrifice, Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, kilgharrah speaking in riddles, Kilgharrah is largely unhelpful (big surprise I know), Self-Sacrifice, The veil is involved so its sad, Angst, Destiny, Grief/Mourning, origin of Elyan/Gwaine/Percival, Sadness, they are all going through it, The author utilizes a canon lie and turns it into truth, aka leon really is found by the madhavi people, everyone has a lot of feelings, Leon isn’t okay, he’s going through it, merlin is a dumbass, merlin jumps to conclusions, The author hates agravaine, Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Leon’s been through some shit, leon is a little shit, Elyan and Percival are therapists, because Leon really needs therapy, Gwaine is a therapy dog, Leon is a porcupine, Episode: s04e06 A Servant of Two Masters, Gaius is So Done (Merlin), crossbow scene, Episode: s04e08 Lamia, Mind Control, Enchantment, Merlin’s insecurities over his magic, Dissociation, Nightmares, Singing, Platonic Cuddling, (And maybe some not so platonic cuddles :) ), Episode: s04e10 The Herald of a New Age, Episode: s04e11 The Hunter’s Heart, barely. the similarities are mithian and one morgana scene, Matchmaking, Pining, Flirting, nongraphic kissing, its not love at first sight more like intrigue and chemistry at first meeting, Foreshadowing, really that should have been tagged since the begining but im tagging it now, chapter 18 uses the word smiling and its synonyms so many times, they are so smiley this chapter might be the most tooth rotting fluff i’ve ever written, Episode: s04e12-13 The Sword in the Stone, Torture, Psychological Torture, sadistic morgana, Canonical Character Death, Murder, Arthur Knows About Merlin’s Magic (Merlin), Near Death Experiences, Love Confessions, Uther Pendragon’s A+ Parenting (Merlin)
When Leon discovers he can’t die after waking up from a fatal injury inflicted by a skeletal soldier, it changes everything. Juggling the stress of being a knight in Camelot, keeping several dangerous secrets including his own immortality, and marveling over the lack of self-preservation of some people, it’s no wonder that Leon has a big headache.
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night-faye · 3 years
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leon & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine & Leon (Merlin), Gaius & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan/Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan & Percival (Merlin), Lancelot & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Merlin (Merlin) Characters: Leon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Kilgharrah (Merlin), Aithusa (Merlin), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Agravaine (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Lamia (Merlin) Additional Tags: Sir Leon the Long Suffering, Immortal Leon (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Mild Language, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Leon Knows About Merlin's Magic, Magic Revealed, Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur, Canon Dialogue, uther appears breifly to say the stuff he says in the show, we're getting into the plot now folks, Canon-Typical Violence, Merlin is a baby duck, Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Protective Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot is a mother hen, Exhaustion, Fainting, Gwaine jumps to conclusions, Fluff, Banter, Friendship, happiness and laughter, Inside jokes, Episode: s04e01-02 The Darkest Hour, talks of self sacrifice, Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, kilgharrah speaking in riddles, Kilgharrah is largely unhelpful (big surprise I know), Self-Sacrifice, The veil is involved so its sad, Angst, Destiny, Grief/Mourning, origin of Elyan/Gwaine/Percival, Sadness, they are all going through it, The author utilizes a canon lie and turns it into truth, aka leon really is found by the madhavi people, everyone has a lot of feelings, Leon isn't okay, he's going through it, merlin is a dumbass, merlin jumps to conclusions, The author hates agravaine, Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Leon's been through some shit, leon is a little shit, Elyan and Percival are therapists, because Leon really needs therapy, Gwaine is a therapy dog, Leon is a porcupine, Episode: s04e06 A Servant of Two Masters, Gaius is So Done (Merlin), crossbow scene, Episode: s04e08 Lamia, Mind Control, Enchantment, Merlin's insecurities over his magic, Dissociation, Nightmares, Singing, Platonic Cuddling, (And maybe some not so platonic cuddles :) ), Episode: s04e10 The Herald of a New Age Summary:
When Leon discovers he can't die after waking up from a fatal injury inflicted by a skeletal soldier, it changes everything. Juggling the stress of being a knight in Camelot, keeping several dangerous secrets including his own immortality, and marveling over the lack of self-preservation of some people, it's no wonder that Leon has a big headache.
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thankstothe · 11 months
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348 notes · View notes
thankstothe · 1 year
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417 notes · View notes
Chapters: 20/? Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leon & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine & Leon (Merlin), Gaius & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan/Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan & Percival (Merlin), Lancelot & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Merlin (Merlin), Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Leon (Merlin), Leon/Mithian (Merlin), Lancelot/Leon (Merlin), Leon & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Leon (Merlin) Characters: Leon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Kilgharrah (Merlin), Aithusa (Merlin), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Agravaine (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Lamia (Merlin), Mithian (Merlin), Helios (Merlin) Additional Tags: Sir Leon the Long Suffering, Immortal Leon (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Mild Language, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Leon Knows About Merlin's Magic, Magic Revealed, Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur, Canon Dialogue, uther appears breifly to say the stuff he says in the show, we're getting into the plot now folks, Canon-Typical Violence, Merlin is a baby duck, Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Protective Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot is a mother hen, Exhaustion, Fainting, Gwaine jumps to conclusions, Fluff, Banter, Friendship, happiness and laughter, Inside jokes, Episode: s04e01-02 The Darkest Hour, talks of self sacrifice, Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, kilgharrah speaking in riddles, Kilgharrah is largely unhelpful (big surprise I know), Self-Sacrifice, The veil is involved so its sad, Angst, Destiny, Grief/Mourning, origin of Elyan/Gwaine/Percival, Sadness, they are all going through it, The author utilizes a canon lie and turns it into truth, aka leon really is found by the madhavi people, everyone has a lot of feelings, Leon isn't okay, he's going through it, merlin is a dumbass, merlin jumps to conclusions, The author hates agravaine, Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Leon's been through some shit, leon is a little shit, Elyan and Percival are therapists, because Leon really needs therapy, Gwaine is a therapy dog, Leon is a porcupine, Episode: s04e06 A Servant of Two Masters, Gaius is So Done (Merlin), crossbow scene, Episode: s04e08 Lamia, Mind Control, Enchantment, Merlin's insecurities over his magic, Dissociation, Nightmares, Singing, Platonic Cuddling, (And maybe some not so platonic cuddles :) ), Episode: s04e10 The Herald of a New Age, Episode: s04e11 The Hunter's Heart, barely. the similarities are mithian and one morgana scene, Matchmaking, Pining, Flirting, nongraphic kissing, its not love at first sight more like intrigue and chemistry at first meeting, Foreshadowing, really that should have been tagged since the begining but im tagging it now, chapter 18 uses the word smiling and its synonyms so many times, they are so smiley this chapter might be the most tooth rotting fluff i've ever written, Episode: s04e12-13 The Sword in the Stone, Torture, Psychological Torture, sadistic morgana, Canonical Character Death, Murder Summary:
When Leon discovers he can't die after waking up from a fatal injury inflicted by a skeletal soldier, it changes everything. Juggling the stress of being a knight in Camelot, keeping several dangerous secrets including his own immortality, and marveling over the lack of self-preservation of some people, it's no wonder that Leon has a big headache.
4 notes · View notes
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leon & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine & Leon (Merlin), Gaius & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan/Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan & Percival (Merlin), Lancelot & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Merlin (Merlin), Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Leon (Merlin), Leon/Mithian (Merlin), Lancelot/Leon (Merlin), Leon & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Leon (Merlin) Characters: Leon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Kilgharrah (Merlin), Aithusa (Merlin), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Agravaine (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Lamia (Merlin), Mithian (Merlin) Additional Tags: Sir Leon the Long Suffering, Immortal Leon (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Mild Language, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Leon Knows About Merlin's Magic, Magic Revealed, Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur, Canon Dialogue, uther appears breifly to say the stuff he says in the show, we're getting into the plot now folks, Canon-Typical Violence, Merlin is a baby duck, Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Protective Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot is a mother hen, Exhaustion, Fainting, Gwaine jumps to conclusions, Fluff, Banter, Friendship, happiness and laughter, Inside jokes, Episode: s04e01-02 The Darkest Hour, talks of self sacrifice, Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, kilgharrah speaking in riddles, Kilgharrah is largely unhelpful (big surprise I know), Self-Sacrifice, The veil is involved so its sad, Angst, Destiny, Grief/Mourning, origin of Elyan/Gwaine/Percival, Sadness, they are all going through it, The author utilizes a canon lie and turns it into truth, aka leon really is found by the madhavi people, everyone has a lot of feelings, Leon isn't okay, he's going through it, merlin is a dumbass, merlin jumps to conclusions, The author hates agravaine, Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Leon's been through some shit, leon is a little shit, Elyan and Percival are therapists, because Leon really needs therapy, Gwaine is a therapy dog, Leon is a porcupine, Episode: s04e06 A Servant of Two Masters, Gaius is So Done (Merlin), crossbow scene, Episode: s04e08 Lamia, Mind Control, Enchantment, Merlin's insecurities over his magic, Dissociation, Nightmares, Singing, Platonic Cuddling, (And maybe some not so platonic cuddles :) ), Episode: s04e10 The Herald of a New Age, Episode: s04e11 The Hunter's Heart, barely. the similarities are mithian and one morgana scene, Matchmaking, Pining, Flirting, nongraphic kissing, its not love at first sight more like intrigue and chemistry at first meeting, Foreshadowing, really that should have been tagged since the begining but im tagging it now, chapter 18 uses the word smiling and its synonyms so many times, they are so smiley this chapter might be the most tooth rotting fluff i've ever written Summary:
When Leon discovers he can't die after waking up from a fatal injury inflicted by a skeletal soldier, it changes everything. Juggling the stress of being a knight in Camelot, keeping several dangerous secrets including his own immortality, and marveling over the lack of self-preservation of some people, it's no wonder that Leon has a big headache.
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Chapters: 19/? Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leon & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Merlin (Merlin), Lancelot & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine & Leon (Merlin), Gaius & Leon (Merlin), Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan/Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine & Percival (Merlin), Elyan & Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan & Percival (Merlin), Lancelot & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Merlin (Merlin), Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen & Leon (Merlin), Leon/Mithian (Merlin), Lancelot/Leon (Merlin), Leon & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table & Leon (Merlin) Characters: Leon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Kilgharrah (Merlin), Aithusa (Merlin), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Agravaine (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Lamia (Merlin), Mithian (Merlin) Additional Tags: Sir Leon the Long Suffering, Immortal Leon (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Mild Language, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Leon Knows About Merlin's Magic, Magic Revealed, Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur, Canon Dialogue, uther appears breifly to say the stuff he says in the show, we're getting into the plot now folks, Canon-Typical Violence, Merlin is a baby duck, Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Protective Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot is a mother hen, Exhaustion, Fainting, Gwaine jumps to conclusions, Fluff, Banter, Friendship, happiness and laughter, Inside jokes, Episode: s04e01-02 The Darkest Hour, talks of self sacrifice, Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, kilgharrah speaking in riddles, Kilgharrah is largely unhelpful (big surprise I know), Self-Sacrifice, The veil is involved so its sad, Angst, Destiny, Grief/Mourning, origin of Elyan/Gwaine/Percival, Sadness, they are all going through it, The author utilizes a canon lie and turns it into truth, aka leon really is found by the madhavi people, everyone has a lot of feelings, Leon isn't okay, he's going through it, merlin is a dumbass, merlin jumps to conclusions, The author hates agravaine, Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Leon's been through some shit, leon is a little shit, Elyan and Percival are therapists, because Leon really needs therapy, Gwaine is a therapy dog, Leon is a porcupine, Episode: s04e06 A Servant of Two Masters, Gaius is So Done (Merlin), crossbow scene, Episode: s04e08 Lamia, Mind Control, Enchantment, Merlin's insecurities over his magic, Dissociation, Nightmares, Singing, Platonic Cuddling, (And maybe some not so platonic cuddles :) ), Episode: s04e10 The Herald of a New Age, Episode: s04e11 The Hunter's Heart, barely. the similarities are mithian and one morgana scene, Matchmaking, Pining, Flirting, nongraphic kissing, its not love at first sight more like intrigue and chemistry at first meeting, Foreshadowing, really that should have been tagged since the begining but im tagging it now, chapter 18 uses the word smiling and its synonyms so many times, they are so smiley this chapter might be the most tooth rotting fluff i've ever written, Episode: s04e12-13 The Sword in the Stone, Torture, Psychological Torture, sadistic morgana Summary:
When Leon discovers he can't die after waking up from a fatal injury inflicted by a skeletal soldier, it changes everything. Juggling the stress of being a knight in Camelot, keeping several dangerous secrets including his own immortality, and marveling over the lack of self-preservation of some people, it's no wonder that Leon has a big headache.
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 7 years
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