#saab immigration
usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Ukraine is now calling for THAAD air defense system, F-18 fighters, MQ-9 drones and helicopters
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/07/2023 - 17:40in Military, War Zones
The latest list of U.S. weapons that Ukraine says it needs to fight the Russian military includes sophisticated air defense systems, F-18 "Hornet" fighters, drones, Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, according to documents seen by Reuters.
Officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense presented a “arms list to meet the needs of Ukraine's defense forces” during a closed-door session of a conference in Washington on Wednesday, with the presence of government officials and defense industry executives.
The comprehensive list included weapons that Ukraine already has in stock, such as Abrams tanks and 155-millimeter artillery, as well as some weaponry, as well as F-16 fighters, drones and long-range ATACMS missiles that it has requested in the past.
But the list has some surprises, including expensive items such as C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft manufactured by Boeing and the C-130 Super Hercules manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Boeing's Apache attack helicopters entered the list, as did the Black Hawk helicopter manufactured by Lockheed Martin's Sikorsky unit.
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THAAD system being disembarked from a C-17.
But the Ukrainians didn't stop there. The documents show that Ukraine is also looking for F-18 Hornet fighters, three types of drones manufactured by General Atomics, including the MQ-9B Sky Guardian and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) air defense system manufactured by Lockheed.
Ukrainians know that they must guarantee Western military aid to continue the fight.
Legislation that would provide billions of dollars in new security assistance for Ukraine and Israel was blocked in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, as Republicans pressed their demands for tougher measures to control immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border.
U.S. President Joe Biden made the Ukrainian victory a foreign policy goal while campaigning for re-election in November 2024.
Ukraine's list reflects what would easily be equivalent to billions of dollars in arms purchases or donations.
Source: Reuters
Tags: Military AviationF/A-18 HornetWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Saturday, October 7, 2023
School shooting hoaxes (Washington Post) Over the past year, more than 500 schools in the United States have been subjected to a coordinated campaign of fear that exploits the all-too-real American danger of school shootings, according to a review of media reports and dozens of public records requests. The Washington Post examined police reports, emergency call recordings, body-camera footage or call logs in connection with incidents in 24 states. In state after state, heavily armed officers have entered schools prepared for the worst. Students have hidden in toilets, closets, nurse’s offices. They’ve barricaded doors with desks and refrigerators. Medical helicopters have been placed on standby while trauma centers have paused surgeries, anticipating possible victims. Terrified parents have converged on schools, not knowing if their children are safe. The wave of school shooting hoaxes is without precedent, education safety experts and law enforcement officials say. It’s part of a larger phenomenon known as “swatting,” where callers report nonexistent crimes with the goal of triggering a police response—preferably by SWAT teams—at the homes of enemies or celebrities.
Biden is expanding the border wall (NYT) Confronted with a surge of migrants, the Biden administration has decided to waive more than 20 federal laws and regulations, including environmental ones, to build barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. The move is a remarkable reversal for a president who campaigned vociferously against a wall and halted its construction on his first day in office. President Biden said today that he still believed that the border wall was ineffective, but he insisted that he had no choice but to use money that was already appropriated for the wall’s construction. The homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, argued that there was “an acute and immediate need” for the barriers “in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States.” The move is one of the starkest signs yet of the challenges Biden is wrestling with, as humanitarian crises across the world drive more migrants to the border, and while a deeply divided Congress leaves in place an outdated, dysfunctional immigration system.
NYC mayor to residents of Puebla, Mexico: ‘Mi casa es su casa,’ but ‘there’s no more room’ (AP) New York City Mayor Eric Adams brought a mix of messages to central Mexico’s Puebla state Thursday, trying carefully to walk the line for a city known for welcoming migrants from around the world, but currently struggling with an influx of asylum seekers. Inside Puebla’s ornate state congress building, decked floor-to-ceiling in cream-yellow Portuguese tiles broken only by Greco-Roman columns, Adams focused on the ties binding his city and a Mexican state that has sent some 800,000 of its people to New York over the years. But later, talking to reporters, Adams again returned to the refrain that he has carried on his Latin America trip: New York is “at capacity.” “There is no more room in New York. Our hearts are endless, but our resources are not,” he said. “We don’t want to put people in congregate shelters. We don’t want people to think they will be employed.”
Venezuela issues arrest warrant against opposition leader Juan Guaidó (Washington Post) The government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has issued an arrest warrant against opposition leader Juan Guaidó, and said it asked for an Interpol red alert, accusing the politician of using state oil money for his own benefit. Guaidó, who was once recognized by the United States and more than 50 other countries as Venezuela’s rightful leader, escaped to Miami this year, fleeing what he said were threats of his arrest. He is living in the United States, where he continues to see support from some allies in Washington and Florida. After the announcement by Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab on Thursday night, Guaidó described the allegations as false, and said they were part of a “machine of promoting lies.” Guaidó’s interim government has long been accused by Maduro and even independent observers of mismanaging the public funds under its control, namely through the Venezuelan fertilizer company Monómeros and the Houston-based Citgo Petroleum, an oil refiner formerly controlled by the Maduro government.
Thousands evacuated on Spain's Tenerife as summer wildfire re-ignites (Reuters) More than 3,000 people on the Spanish island of Tenerife evacuated their homes as a wildfire sparked by high temperatures and strong winds raged in a forested area already ravaged by fire in August. August's wildfire burned for days, destroying some 15,000 hectares (37,000 acres) of woodland within the national park surrounding the Mount Teide volcano, Spain's highest peak. Thousands were also evacuated then, with most returning to their homes.
Ukraine heads into winter with a hobbled energy system (Reuters) Ukraine faces a second winter of lengthy power outages amid relentless Russian missile and drone attacks that have left parts of the energy system more vulnerable than a year ago. Thousands of engineers have toiled over the summer months to repair broken equipment, and better air defences could help mitigate the impact of the war as temperatures begin to drop. But there has been neither the money nor the time to complete preparations for the winter, meaning more long nights without light, heat and water for millions of Ukrainians and more suffering too for businesses and the wider economy. Ukraine accuses Russia of deliberately destroying energy installations to inflict maximum suffering on ordinary people, a charge Moscow denies.
Russian missile strike kills 51 (NYT) They came to mourn the dead, but in a split second of thunder and flying debris, more than 50 people who had gathered for a wake were themselves killed on Thursday when a giant explosion tore through a shop in a tiny Ukrainian village. It was one of the biggest losses of civilian life since the war began. Among the dead was a 6-year-old child, according to the head of the local military administration. Ukrainian officials blamed a Russian military strike in the village of Hroza, in northeastern Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced it as “a demonstrably brutal Russian crime.” The tiny enclave had no obvious military or industrial targets nearby. “Almost half of the village was killed by a single strike,” said Dmytro Chubenko, a local official.
Gun running (Foreign Policy) Israeli weapons helped to fuel Azerbaijan’s lightning campaign to take the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region from Armenia, The Associated Press reports. Azerbaijani planes traveled to southern Israel to load up on weapons in the weeks before launching its September offensive, according to flight data reviewed by the wire service, angering Armenian officials. At least 200 people have been killed in the current round of fighting in the ethnic Armenian area, forcing nearly 80 percent of Armenian residents to flee.
Chinese coastguard vessels block Philippines counterparts in dramatic standoff at sea (Independent) A Chinese coastguard ship came dangerously close to a Philippine patrol ship in the South China Sea, sparking fears of a territorial dispute in the contested waters. The Chinese ship manoeuvred and came within 4 metres of the patrol ship near the Second Thomas Shoal. One other Philippine coastguard vessel was blocked and surrounded by the Chinese coastguard and militia ships. The altercation had dragged on for about eight hours on Wednesday after China formed a blockade in the high seas off the shoal that both nations have laid claim to. Two supply boats being escorted by the Philippine coastguard had breached the Chinese blockade and delivered food and other supplies to a Filipino marine outpost at the shoal. This is the second incident since early August that has shown confrontation between China and the Philippines.
Nobel Peace Prize (Worldcrunch) Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian women’s rights campaigner who is serving a lengthy sentence in Tehran's notorious Evin prison, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all.” This comes as Iran’s morality police has been accused of beating a 16-year-old girl, now in a coma, for not wearing a hijab, reigniting anger just after the one-year anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini set off months of protest.
Hamas assault on Israel (AP) Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented infiltration Saturday into southern Israel, sending fighters across the border and firing thousands of rockets into the country as the ruling Hamas militant group announced the beginning of a new operation. The Israeli military put the country on war alert and began striking targets in Gaza in response, setting the stage for what was likely to be a new heavy round of fighting between the bitter enemies. In a serious escalation, salvos of rockets fired from Gaza set off constant air raid sirens as far north as Jerusalem. Videos posted on social media showed what appeared to be uniformed Palestinian gunmen inside the Israeli border town of Sderot. Other footage appeared to show Palestinian militants dragging away an Israeli soldier, still alive, on a motorcycle and Palestinian men dancing atop an Israeli tank that had been set ablaze. The authenticity of the videos could not immediately be verified.
Libya’s deadly floods (NYT) Authorities in both of Libya’s rival governments had known for days that Storm Daniel was coming, and for years that the dams above the city were damaged and at risk of collapse. Yet officials loyal to military commander Khalifa Hifter, head of the eastern government based in Benghazi, appeared never to consider the threat, believing instead the worst of the flooding would come from the sea. A strict curfew, enforced by armed security personnel, required people to shelter in place. Multiple generations of families gathered together and were washed away. Warnings that the dams were filling up circulated among officials in the Ministry of Water Resources. They were not shared publicly until water had engulfed the city. More than 12,500 people from the area are dead or missing, according to the World Health Organization. Residents and activists believe the true number is far higher.
In Shipping, Harnessing the Wind (NYT) One ship was pulled across the sea with the help of an enormous sail that looked as if it belonged to a kite-surfing giant. Another navigated the oceans between China and Brazil this summer with steel and composite-glass sails as high as three telephone poles. Both harness a natural propellant that oceangoing vessels have depended on for centuries: the wind. And they’re part of a growing effort to move the shipping industry away from fossil fuels. Some 11 billion tons of cargo are shipped by sea each year, accounting for as much as 90 percent of the world’s traded goods. Nearly all of it is enabled by burning heavy fuel oil, but that is beginning to change. Wind-powered ships still need a backup fuel to navigate harbors or to function when the air is still. But the idea is to significantly reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
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jobsvisasofficial · 2 years
High Demand for Skilled Professionals in Sweden
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One of the top locations for skilled Indian individuals wishing to live and work abroad is Sweden.  There are also job opportunities in UK and Canada for Indians.  But, Sweden is the world leader when it comes to having a robust job market, and it provides both citizens and Indians with a high quality of life and robust workers' rights.
Previously, Sweden did not issue any permits allowing people to move there in order to look for job opportunities in Sweden or start their own businesses. However, in June 2022, the Swedish government launched a Residence permit, or Sweden skilled worker visa, enabling highly qualified individuals to explore jobs or start businesses.
Professionals can enjoy some of the most amazing benefits in jobs in Sweden for Indians, including high-quality education, inexpensive healthcare, and generous vacation time. It is a paradise of social welfare with high living conditions. Despite having the highest tax rates in the world, the nation also offers some of the most exceptional and lucrative career options. Therefore, read this article to find out about Sweden's highest-paying employment.
Jobs Opportunities in Sweden for Indians
The Swedish government combines the public sector, the welfare system, and a capitalist economy. The need for skilled personnel is constant. The service sector, along with the other sectors, has the most potential.
Stockholm is the nation's financial hub for management, consulting, and finance, housing the headquarters of numerous multinational banks and the biggest stock market in Scandinavia.
Automotive and clean-tech industries - Swedish companies like Volvo and Scania are major automakers. Swedish car manufacturer Saab was acquired by National Electric Vehicle Sweden.
Given that Sweden is a leader in the development of clean technology and environmentally friendly applications, persons with experience and knowledge in the development or production of greener vehicles can find excellent career prospects here.
Information technology - Sweden has a lot to offer in the IT industry with firms like Sony Ericsson and Skype. Which are beneficial and great job opportunities for Indians in Sweden for the IT profession.
Tourist Industry-growing segment is tourism. Sweden is one of the most well-liked travel destinations in the world. Sweden has a variety of towns and stunning natural landscapes to admire, which is why the country's tourist business is growing.
Teaching and education - To be qualified for a teaching position, you must have a solid foundation in the education sector. Since this is a regulated profession, you must first meet the minimum requirements before contacting the appropriate government to request permission to practice.
Healthcare - The healthcare sector attracts international students, but you should first obtain your license, certification, and professional standing before looking for nurse and dentist positions. Will need to get in touch with the appropriate authorities for this.
Your employer will be confident that you have the necessary training and education to work in the field if you acquire this approval. In Sweden, some 40 occupations are controlled in this way, with the healthcare industry making up the bulk. A strong educational foundation and past job experience are the primary criteria for clearance.
Get in contact with our verified and trusted immigration advisors by ringing us at 8595338595 or visit us at https://jobsvisas.com/.
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foldernahas · 2 years
Action bronson tour dates 2016
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Living up to the hype, SPIN says of the project, “It's the rare rap album that actually rewards its mixtape following.” Wonderful boasts an all-star cast, from features by Chance The Rapper to production by greats like Mark Ronson, 40, Statik Selektah, and The Alchemist. To date, the four album singles racked up a cool 45m plays on Soundcloud alone. The work received critical acclaim from Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, and more, debuting at #7 on the Billboard 200. For Action Bronson, this accelerating rise to greatness may just persuade him to put off “laying back, eating poutine” for a little while longer.Īfter extensive national and international touring in 2014, Bronson released his debut studio album Mr. With the leading youth media company's multi-platform power now backing him, forthcoming projects like Rare Chandeliers with Alchemist, Saab Story with Harry Fraud and Blue Chips 2 will find countless new listeners. In August of 2012, Bronson signed with Vice/Warner Bros Records. In awarding the effort a lofty 8.1, Pitchfork called Bronson “one of the most hilarious and creative writers in rap” who savagely captured the essence of New York’s seedy soul: “It is what a Weegee photograph would look like now.” 2012 introduced collaborations with artists like Earl Sweatshirt, Riff Raff and SpaceGhostPurp, as well as Blue Chips, the brilliant street album produced by Party Supplies. In 2011 alone, he released Bon Appetit.Bitch!, The Program EP, Dr. In 2007, joined with Mayhem Lauren and Jay Steele to release the Last of a Dyin’ Breed: Volume 1 mixtape under the collective name “The Outdoorsmen.”īronson’s insistent delivery and penchant for flamboyant phraseology initially drew some comparisons to other rappers, but he has long since matured beyond such superficialities. And after a broken leg forced him out of the kitchen, Bronson began writing seriously. With an oversized personality, intricate wordplay and the cagy charm of an outer-borough striver, he was a natural. But a few years back, he penned a satirical song over a Southern beat CD and the results were improbably impressive. Rap, Cam’ron and Mobb Deep, he never contemplated rapping himself. While Bronson was a ravenous musical connoisseur who grew up admiring artists like Kool G. Consequently, songs in his discography often read like menu items: “Roasted Bone Marrow,” “Pouches of Tuna,” “Jerk Chicken,” “Ceviche.” Rolling Stone, appreciating the theme, described Bronson’s music as “the ultimate in comfort food, with a contemporary twist.” After studying in the Art Institute of New York’s culinary program, he took jobs ranging from busboy to sous chef. It was in the family restaurant that Bronson developed his enduring fascination with quality eating. He was an only child, but the population of the two-bedroom apartment swelled to as many as 13 inhabitants due to cousins, aunts, uncles and refuges from ethnic strife in Kosovo. When Bronson gleefully tossed slabs of meat from Peter Luger’s famed steakhouse into a wild-ass crowd at the Music Hall of Williamsburg, the mosh pit of skaters, knuckleheads, rap purists and young women was evidence of his ever-widening appeal.īorn Ariyan Arslani, Bronson grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, the son of an Albanian immigrant father and a Jewish mother from Brooklyn. In 2011, The New York Times hailed Bronson as “one of the most promising prospects in New York hip-hop.” That formidable potential is now being realized. Over the last few years, the 28-year old Queens native has become one of hip-hop's most charismatic and colorful new characters, thanks to his wicked sense of humor, a buffet of impressive releases and the rare knack for updating cherished East Coast aesthetics into indisputably modern music. A raunchy, cylinder-shaped ginger of Eastern European ancestry might not be the first dude you'd peg for rap stardom, but that's exactly the mantle Action Bronson is on the verge of possessing.
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saabimmigration · 2 years
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The latest data on the labour market in Canada released by Statistics Canada show that the employment rate for recent immigrants is at an all time high!
Overall, unemployment in Canada declined 0.2 percentage points to 5.3 percent, the lowest level since comparable records began in 1976. Statistics Canada measures the unemployment rate as a percentage of the labour force. Provinces relaxed public health regulations throughout the reference week.
“With the unemployment rate at such a low level, practically every industry is experiencing labour shortages, including those in the hospitality business that has yet to recover fully,” says Nathan Janzen, Assistant Chief Economist at RBC Economics.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
A Month of Islam in America: September 2019
The Islamic conquest in America has made great strides in less than two decades since 9/11, just eighteen years ago. This month’s recap is testament to how quickly we have forgotten.
Click any link below for more details and link to original source.
Son of 9/11 Victim Blasts Ilhan Omar at Ground Zero Memorial Service
New York Times Whitewashes 9/11 Attack, Says “Airplanes” Brought Down WTC, Backtracks After Criticism
Illinois: Woman Says Village Wants Her 'Obsolete' 9/11 Memorial Removed
Pastor, church cancel "9/11 forgotten? Is Michigan surrendering to Islam?" event after Muslims complain - answering the question (watch the event here)
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Jihad in America
New York: (Another) Muslim Immigrant Guilty of Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS
Dilkhayot Kasimov, 31, from Uzbekistan, worked to support ISIS by collecting and giving money to another Muslim jihadi to reach ISIS.
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New Jersey: Muslim Immigrant Indicted for Terror Activities on Behalf of Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad
Saab surveilled dozens of locations in NYC—including the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building, and local airports, tunnels, and bridges
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Missouri: Muslim Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Provide Material Support to Islamic State (ISIS)
Hester indicated that he had converted to Islam, expressed animus toward the United States
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Florida: Muslim mechanic who sabotaged American Airlines plane at Miami airport accused of spreading ISIS propaganda videos
Alani shared videos of ISIS murders and made statements wishing Allah would use “divine powers” to harm non-Muslims.
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Alabama: Muslim Woman Pleads Guilty to Concealing Terrorism Financing to al Qaeda
Jihad-financier Alaa Abu Saad was president of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at the University of Alabama.
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Alabama: Jordanian Muslim who grew up in Saudi Arabia arrested in terrorism probe
Nayef Qashou used encrypted phone apps to communicate with suspected terrorists who told him he should carry out an attack in the United States
Texas: Muslim Convert Sentenced to 20 Years for Conspiring to Support Pakistani Terrorist Org
A North Texas man was sentenced today to 240 months in federal prison for conspiring to provide material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistani-based foreign terrorist organization also known as LeT
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New York: Muslim refugee - a trained ISIS sniper - admits he would ‘take up arms’ if released
A Muslim refugee from Kazakhstan admitted he would “take up arms” in support of Islamic State again if he was released. Deport him and his family ASAP.
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New York: Police Searching for Man Who Asked Imam to Help Blow Up NYPD Precinct
Police are searching for a man who walked into a New York City mosque and asked an imam to help him blow up an NYPD precinct.
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Muslims from Chicago, NYC, Minneapolis in Syrian prison for ISIS jihadis want to return to US (Video)
Jihad-waging Muslims who claim to have resided in Minneapolis, Chicago and a family from NYC are mentioned in the clips linked above.
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More Jihad in America:
Texas: Pakistani illegal immigrant admits beating daughter, grandson to death with a stick, severely injuring third man
“I did it,” Sahi said through the translator. “Whatever they’re charging me with is correct.”
Did Mohammad Sahi ‘honor kill’ his daughter and her son, and severely injure another man? Will anyone dare ask the question?
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Minnesota: Iranian Gets 27 Months for Facilitating Illegal Export of Technology to Iran
Negar Ghodskani sentenced for illegal export of controlled technology from the US to Iran. But will she be deported?
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Legal or Litigation Jihad in America:
Terror-linked CAIR claims victory as judge rules terror watchlist violates constitutional rights
Alaska: Terror-linked CAIR forces jail to accommodate sharia for Muslim criminals
Virginia jail ends 'God Pod' program after Muslim inmates and terror-linked CAIR sue
Court Overturns Conviction of Muslim Who Plotted to Behead Blogger Pamela Geller
New York: Drug-dealing Muslim thief sues Brooklyn jail for $10M over Ramadan meals
Missouri: Sikeston cop forced to resign after terror-linked CAIR complaint about anti-Islam comments
Michigan: Fight Against Illegal Sterling Heights Mosque Continues
Prison Jihad is a real problem.
Muslims Over-Represented In State Prisons; In 5 States, 20% or More Are Muslim
California: Jihadist's Prison Release Shows Just How Unprepared We Are
Previous monthly reports here.
Fraud for Jihad:
West Virginia: Syrian Doctor Pleads Guilty to Illegal Distribution of Methadone
Texas: Muslim Who Posed as Physician Found Guilty in Opiod Pillmill Case
Dept of Education finds UNC & Duke misusing taxpayer funding on biased, Islamic propaganda
Rape Jihad in America:
Michigan: Hamtramck school employee accused of forcing student to perform sex act was volunteer at Wayne County Sheriff's office
“Minneapolis Man” Charged with Sexual Assault of 14-Year-Old He Met Online
Immigration Jihad also known as Hijra:
Texas: Second Bangladeshi National Arrested for Conspiracy to Bring Illegal Alien Muslims into the U.S.
Tennessee: New 11-acre Islamic mosque complex opens in Bellevue section of Nashville
Tennessee: Another Muslim immigrant wins an election, this time in Nashville
Days before 9/11, Muslim processions took place nationwide with apparent media blackout
60 Muslim Refugee-Jihadis Caught in the U.S. Profiled in New Book
And courtesy of Muslim immigrants, foolish politicians enact more laws:
North Carolina: Governor signs bill banning female genital mutilation (FGM)
Dhimmitude and Jihad in Government
Texas: Bernie Sanders keynotes event at terror-tied ISNA convention where Islamic books promoting wife-beating, jihad sold
New Jersey: Syrian Muslim mayor who declared sanctuary for illegals, claims searching international travelers violates Constitutional
Michigan: Trump DOJ Sues on Behalf of Muslims Again, Will Force Mosque in Troy Commercial District
FBI’s Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in 9/11 attacks: lawsuit
Virginia: Muslim State Senate Candidate Cries 'Islamophobia' When He’s Quoted
Michigan: Hamtramck building $1.2M in new homes...for Muslim refugees
Two rare victories against the jihad in September:
Minnesota: Govt Hate Crimes Forum with Terror-linked CAIR Canceled (Video)
DC: U.S. Census Bureau abruptly ends just-announced partnership with terror-linked Muslim group CAIR
Please share on your social media sites.
Previous monthly reports here.
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minah-delacroix · 4 years
At any price (part V)
Universe: Dynasty AU
Characters: Minah, Sungjae, Tyler, Tara, Ashleigh, Daniel, Jane, Mark, Jaehyun
Word count: 2 k
“Minah,  we’re about to leave, come down now or you will have to drive yourself to your grandparents’” Tara warned from the foyer, where Jane, Jaehyun, Daniel, Tyler, Mark, and herself had been waiting for the Delacroix heiress for what it seemed to be an eternity —though Mark had pointed out it’d only been fifteen minutes.
“For God’s sake, calm down, T. I’m all ready” Minah spoke and all eyes turned to look at the top of the stairs, where she had made her appearance looking like taken straight from a runway, clad in a sexy Elie Saab crop top and short skirt ensemble of glittering burgundy sequins. A Stella McCartney fake fur coat rested on her shoulders and covered her bare arms up to where a pair of satin gloves hid her skin.
Everybody looked pretty much ready for the party, but the moment Minah stepped in, her friends suddenly looked underdressed or paling in comparison. Not even Jane’s see-through dress posed her much competition and even Jaehyun seemed to have sucked in a breath the moment Minah finally made it down the stairs.
“Wow, you look-” Tyler’s mind ran through a litany of adjectives from gorgeous to the cliched stunning, but when he eventually picked one Daniel was speaking for him.
“Overdressed” He deadpanned.
“You’ve never read Wilde, right?” Jane threw a nasty glare at the man and slid a hand in the crook of Jaehyun’s elbow, pulling him forward till she was close enough to wrap her free arm around Minah’s shoulders. “You look amazing, your grandfather is probably gonna pop a vein” She reassured, slightly pushing her friend toward the door.
Laughing, Minah hoped her grandfather would rather ignore her presence. One of the benefits of attending an event in a property bigger than a stadium was that avoiding people was not supposed to be that hard of a task.  
Minah was about to let Jane drag her outside the manor when Tyler cleared his throat. She broke from her friend’s hold and spun to face him, her smile vanishing when she took notice of how handsome he looked. She paused to look at him from head to toe. Tyler wore a black suit with gold details that caught the dim light of the entrance hall and gave him some sort of god-like glow. She had a brief recollection of standing in front of him at the winter ball of Le Rosey when they were teenagers and she had to gulp when she realized the frisson of electricity waving through her did not exist in high school.
“Is there a problem?” Minah asked, not knowing what else she could possibly say. Tyler laughed shaking his head and enjoying the confused expression on her face, he took her hand lightly into his and lead her to the limousine waiting for them.
Tara and Mark followed them, but before walking through the threshold the woman turned around, looking at Daniel inquisitively
“Why are you standing there? Aren’t you coming?”
“What did Wilde say?” He asked, as though Tara wasn’t looking at him with thinly veiled annoyance etched on her face.
“A good friend will always stab you in the front?” Tara offered, her face softening a bit as she spoke.
“No, babe, I think Jane meant, you can never be overdressed or overeducated.” Mark corrected his girlfriend as he slid an arm around her waist.
As Daniel slipped into the car and took the only available seat between Jaehyun and Mark, he thought to himself that Tyler’s little sister and Oscar Wilde were right. Watching Tyler practically wrapped around Minah, acting as though he would’ve kissed the floor she walked on really felt like a stab.
Closing doors
After briefly watching the garden's decoration —including the 25-feet tree that was supposed to be lit up at midnight— and having Tara gush about how the Delacroix Manor could as well fit the description of the fairy palace of some fantastic tale she’d been told as a kid, the group of friends split up in different directions. Tara and Mark met up with some of their college friends and were dragged by a very excited Arabella Black to greet their old classmates. Jane and Jaehyun had been summoned by Jane’s aunt and they were trapped in a business conversation with Minah’s great-aunt Adelaine, and Daniel had bumped into some old flame —or at least that was what Tara said— as soon as they set foot in the patio. That left Minah and Tyler walking into the Delacroix Manor on their own.
The first thing that caught their attention was the large group of children dressed in outfits that resembled terribly the unmistakable Vienna Boys' Choir uniform following a very stressed-looking man that Minah recognized as the bursar of Wiener Sängerknaben through the foyer.
“Don’t tell me, your family-“ Tyler scoffed in disbelief.
“They’re an NPO, they need help with their expenses and my family has the money to waste on ridiculous things like trees and flying a team of fifty people from Austria.” Minah said unapologetically, “Besides-“ She blocked Tyler’s way to stop him from walking further into the house “It sounds hypocritical coming from a man who has his own patissier and eats food engraved with his family’s coat of arms” she teased. “Not to mention the girls who offer to undress him before a bath like servants from the fourteenth century” She added, moving to the side and leading Tyler through the spacious hall where waiters served glasses of port and offered cocktails exclusively created for the occasion.
“For your information, I don’t need to pay anyone to undress me” Tyler replied defensively “And besides, they only offered because I told them you were a princess and they took it literally,” he said cheekily, giving Minah a lopsided smile.
Minah was so entertained that she didn’t notice Sungjae and Ashleigh arrive.  
It was nearly midnight when Tyler managed to save Minah from a boring conversation with Countess de La Condamine, an avid gossip better known as Radio One France. The middle-aged woman had been passed down a fortune almost as great as the Delacroix’s, but she surely lacked their manners and class, so when Tyler rang Minah from across the room, she sighed relieved to have an excuse to avoid answering questions about who the handsome man with Jane Durand was or why the granddaughter of Madame Amelia Wu was dating the son of Korean immigrants.
“Took you long enough,” Minah said moving through the crowd, her phone still pressed against her ears and her eyebrows raised judgmentally.  
Tyler laughed on the phone “I thought I would let you have some fun before interrupting” he also started working his way through the crowd to meet Minah halfway.
“As much fun as one can get being interrogated by the Gestapo” She scoffed on the other end of the line.
“So, tell me, Miss Delacroix, what’s the best spot to watch the Tree Lighting?”
“Meet me at the staircase, I know the best spot for it”
“Welcome to my hidden refuge,” Minah said ushering Tyler into a spacious suite on the top floor. The room had a sloping roof and huge floor to ceiling windows that gave views over the extensive gardens of the manor. Though the place was as equally elegant and expensive-looking as the rest of the house, there was a certain relaxed vibe to it. Tyler thought to himself that it had a lot to do with the plush sofas in pastel colors arranged opposite each other in front of the fireplace, where flames flickered. Or maybe it was the Christmas tree decorated with cute animals like owls, deers, and squirrels or the fact the suite smelled like a mixture of pine and lilies that reminded him of Minah’s room in the winter campus of Le Rosey.
“I can’t believe we’ve known each other for so long and this is the first time I’m watching how the Delacroix kick off Christmas season” Tyler commented, admiring the scene through the window.
“Hey, here’s to new traditions” Minah handed him a glass of scotch and held her own glass up high.
“To new traditions” Tyler repeated, toasting with a flourish.
Minah watched delighted how the  Christmas lights were progressively lit up throughout the garden, offering quite a spectacle. Meanwhile, people started to gather around the patio as the Tree Lighting neared.
“This couldn’t get any better,” Tyler said, watching the hundreds of golden lanterns lighting up across the courtyard.
“Oh, no, believe me, it does” Minah pulled open the French doors and lead Tyler to the narrow balcony that reminiscent of the Parisian Haussmann buildings, was decorated with low, wrought-iron railings painted in black. “It’s the best view to the gardens”
“Not to mention I have the prettiest girl in this party beside me” The corners of Tyler’s mouth curled up, making a soft laugh escape from Minah’s lips.
“Oh, shut up”
“Make me” Tyler closed the space between them, enjoying the feel of Minah’s skin as he slid his hands around her waist. She tipped her head in return, showing her neck for Tyler’s lips to attack. The next bit seemed quite inevitable, but then, the distant sound of a giggle and moaning caused Minah to push Tyler so abruptly he nearly fell on his bottom.
Minah mindlessly rushed through the balcony and Tyler’s voice floated behind her as she turned the corner, trying to stop her. Whether he could anticipate the scene that was about to unfold in front of them or not, it was already too late when he caught up with Minah. She’d already caught Sungjae and Ashleigh having sex in what once was supposed to be their secret spot.
“Oh my god, are you kidding me?” Minah’s jaw dropped open “Whatever happened to setting boundaries?” She could only hear the words fell past her lips as though some stranger was speaking for her because her attention was focused on the way Sungjae was still gripping Ashleigh's hips and all of a sudden images from the past four years flashed before her eyes.  His lips pressing into the skin of her neck, lips eagerly making their way down her body, the way he whispered love phrases into her ear. The weight of the memories was enough to make Minah gasp for air, as if some invisible force was preventing her from breathing.
“This is not what it-“ Sungjae began.
“Wait, does this mean you two used to do what we were just doing up here?” Ashleigh questioned, eyes on Sungjae as she tried to hide behind him.
“Every year before the Tree Lighting Ceremony” Minah shook her head “This is my house, I’ve marked my territory all over this roof” She stated shamelessly, although she could barely keep her voice even.
“Is that why you brought him up here?” Sungjae glared at a spot behind Minah, which she assumed was where Tyler stood.
“No!” Minah denied with a scoff.
“Why do you care?” Ashleigh asked covering her scrawny figure with Sungjae’s shirt.
“I don’t” Sungjae replied defensively “It doesn’t mean anything”
At this point, Minah was surprised there was no steam escaping her nostrils. Feeling anger wash over her, she let out a forced, vicious laugh.
“Yes, he is right. It doesn’t mean anything” Minah picked Ashleigh’s polyester top from the floor and something that she recognized as one of Sungjae’s many black blazers “Clearly nothing is sacred anymore”
“Minah-“ Whatever Sungjae was planning to say, he didn’t because Minah turned around and threw their clothes over the railing.
“I should’ve listened to Tara when she told me to close the door on you” Minah inhaled sharply, walked through the balcony’s doors, and shut them close in his face, securing them from inside. As she turned around she could hear Sungjae’s voice calling after her, but surprisingly enough all she could think of was that she needed to find Tyler and head back home.
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smitamaxi · 3 years
UAV Drones Market Analysis, Segments, Size, Share, Global Demand, Manufacturers, Drivers and Trends to 2027
UAV Drones Market size was valued at US$ 27.07 Bn. in 2020 and the total revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.92% through 2021 to 2027, reaching nearly US$ 91.05 Bn.
UAV Drones Market Overview:
Drones employ a variety of payloads to collect photos and movies, including camera systems and sensors (e.g., footage of smugglers and unauthorised immigrants crossing borders). Predator drones can monitor border areas invisibly, looking for infiltrators, illegal immigrants, human traffickers, and drug dealers. are used in law enforcement, precision agriculture, media and entertainment, spying, and search and rescue operations, to name a few.
The UAV Drones Market Research Report includes a comprehensive evaluation of strategy analysis, micro and macro market trends and scenarios, price analysis, and short-term market conditions, as well as an in-depth look at significant competitors. The primary and secondary market drivers, market share, important market categories, and regional market analysis are all covered in depth in this report. Major corporations, key collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, as well as modern innovation and corporate strategy are all investigated in UAV Drones Market Analysis.
Request for free sample: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/2632
UAV Drones Market Scope:
The UAV Drones market is expected to increase steadily between 2021 and 2027, according to market experts. Due to their strong efforts, leading industry participants are expected to continue to make aggressive efforts to develop the sector swiftly through 2021.
Import and export consumption, supply and demand, costs, prices, shares, sales volumes, revenues, and gross profits are all covered in this UAV Drones market study. The manufacturing bases, capacity, production, factory prices, revenues, and market share of each manufacturer in the UAV Drones market are examined in this study. The United States (USA), Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, the United Kingdom (UK), Russia, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia are among the countries (regions) studied.
UAV Drones Market Segmentation:
This increase is fueled by the rising demand for drones and drone-generated data in commercial applications. Other countries’ airspace regulations for commercial drones have also been relaxed, resulting in a faster rate of commercial drone adoption. During the forecast period 2021-2027, these are the major important drivers that would propel the Commercial Drones segment forward in the global market.
UAV Drones Market Key Players: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI), Northrop Grumman, DJI, Aerovironment, Parrot, Thales, 3DR, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Textron, Precisionhawk, Aidrones, Saab, Ing Robotic Aviation, Delta Drone, Aeroscout
The study examines the most recent significant advancements in the worldwide UAV Drones market, as well as the leading producers and innovators.
The Competitive Strategy window allows vendors to assess the competitive landscape from the perspectives of market, application, and region, as well as determine whether their strengths and future growth prospects are adequate. Vendors should use sequential merger and acquisition plans, geographic development strategies, research and development (R & D) strategies, and new product launch strategies, or explain the most advantageous match, to implement future business growth and expansion in a predictable time period.
Get more Report Details: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/uav-drones-market/2632/
UAV Drones Market Regional Analysis:
Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America are the five primary regions of the world. The UAV Drones Industry Research examines the market’s key geographies, as well as notable segments and sub-segments. This UAV Drones market study includes figures, geographies, and revenue, as well as an in-depth look at the business chain structure, opportunities, and industry news.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on UAV Drones Market:
COVID-19 is a major public health emergency that has impacted practically every industry and is expected to hinder industrial growth between 2021 and 2027. Maximize Market Study (MMR) is broadening the scope of its research to address key COVID-19 concerns and potential solutions. In light of changes in consumer demand, purchasing habits, supply chain rerouting, market dynamics, and government action, COVID-19 is being examined. The influence of COVID-19 on the market is assessed in this updated report, which includes additional insights, analyses, estimates, and projections.
Key Benefits for Industry Participants & Stakeholders:
The report discusses the drivers, restraints, and opportunities for the industryThe market performance is seen from a neutral perspectiveTrends and developments in the industryStrategic positioning of key players in the competitive landscapeSegments & regions with potential and showing promise for growth are coveredA historical accounting of the value of the market (historical, current, and expected)The market for UAV Drones is analysed in depth
Key Questions answered in the UAV Drones Market Report are:
Which product segment grabbed the largest share in the UAV Drones market?How is the competitive scenario of the UAV Drones market?Which are the key factors aiding the UAV Drones market growth?Which region holds the maximum share in the UAV Drones market?What will be the CAGR of the UAV Drones market during the forecast period?Which application segment emerged as the leading segment in the UAV Drones market?Which are the prominent players in the UAV Drones market?What key trends are likely to emerge in the UAV Drones market in the coming years?What is the expected UAV Drones market size by 2027?Which company held the largest share in the UAV Drones market?
About Us:
Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C research on 12000 high growth emerging opportunities & technologies as well as threats to the companies across the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defence and other manufacturing sectors.
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Best Man
I just wrote this.  Pushed what I had planned to pub Thursday ahead a week :p
It is...very self-indulgent.  But I had sort of a Long Day last Monday and I wanted to write a situation where someone comes out, and the people come out to are actually really thrilled.
This scene mirrors a flashback in Dolls and Duckbacks where Nathanael *tries* to come out to his parents.  
“It’s just a hypothetical,” the boy settled back into the chair, “nothing to get upset about.”
“Honey,” Christian said, “we’re not upset.  This is wonderful!”
The boy sort of cringed into his hands but said, “R-really?  You think it’d be good thing if I were a boy?”
“Of course!  That’s who you really are, isn’t it?  If you’re living as who you really are it’s a good thing.”
The words made him smile, because they echoed so much with his inner monologue, “Yeah, I think it is who I really am?”
Astor clapped his hands, “Oh, I’m so excited!  I’m so excited!”  He smacked his head, “Wait!  I have to-” he checked his watch, “just enough time if I take the Saab.”
“Astor,” Christian chuckled, “what?”
Astor kissed Christian on the cheek, “I’ll be right back!” he ran out the door.
The boy cocked his head, watching him go, “What was that about?”
“I have no idea, honestly,” Christian said, and came around the table, “Get up and hug u your uncle.”
The boy laughed nervously, “Uncle.”
“Come on.  Please?”
The boy stood up to hug the old man.  It was a hardy bear squeeze.  Christian took a look at his face, “I have a nephew!”
“Oh shit,” said the boy.
“Don’t swear,” said Christian.
“Sorry.  But, nephew,” he grinned, “yeah!  I’m a nephew?  I guess.  That’s cool.”
Christian pat him on the shoulder, “I guess this means I’ll have to do more man-centric activities with you.  Uh.  What do nephews do with their uncles?  Fly-fishing?”
The boy wrinkled his nose, “I hate fishing.  I think I’d hate fly-fishing even more.”
“Forget the fly fishing,” he looked him dead in the face, “I’ll take you to the barber.”
The boy touched his hair.  It hung in a braid down the center of his back.  “Mom and Dad will probably kill me if I cut my hair short.”
“Oh!” Christian said, “Right.  They don’t know yet, do they?”
The boy looked away, ashamed.  Before Christian could press, his cell phone rang.
“Yes?  Dear?  Oh!  Oh!  Yes!  Of course!” his eyes slid sideways to the boy, “Honey!  I mean, pal, what’s your name?”
“Uh,” the boy couldn’t help a smile, “what?”
“What’s your name!  You’re not going by Clara anymore, right?”  With a grimace he said, “Not that you can’t!  You can still be Clara if you want to!”
“Oh!” the boy said, “oh uh, Clark?”  There was a tinge, “No, no, no, no.  Not Clark.  Definitely not Clark.”
“Not Clark, got it.  Astor?” Christian spoke to the phone, “I’m putting you on speakerphone.”
He set the phone one the counter and Astor’s voice came through, “Whatever name you’re comfortable with.  You can change your mind later.”
The boy nodded, “Definitely not Clarence, though.  I don’t want an old-man name.”
“Wow, excuse you,” Christian said.
“How about Clair?” Astor asked, “With an I?”
“I dunno.  Can I do my middle name instead?  Can I be like Nathan or something?”
“Nathan is great!” Astor said.
“No wait!  Nate!” said the boy.
“Nate it is!  Thanks, Nate!” Astor hung up.
The boy put his hands over his face.  “What’s wrong, Nate?” Christian asked.
“He’s so happy.”
“Well, of course,” Christian frowned, “you have to understand, Nate, it was different for our generation.  I spent way too many years buried in a closet.  So seeing you, as a kid, knowing who you are and declaring it- it gives me hope.”
The boy peaked between his fingers, “I’m not gay, though.”
“No.  But you’re letting yourself be who you really are.  Do you know what a great gift that is?”
The boy hugged himself, frowning.
“Buddy.  What’s wrong?”
“What if I’m like- what if I’m making it up?”
“Making it up?”
The boy frowned, and swung his arms, trying to get rid of some toxic energy that was building, “I mean.  I dunno.  Just.  I did come out to my parents.  I mean I tried to.”
Christian frowned, “Tried to, huh?”
The boy nodded.
“And what did they say?” Christian’s tone is disappointed.
The boy says, “Just that- that I’m wrong.  That I’m a girl and,” he tucked some hair behind his ear, “I guess kind of implied that the reason I think different is because I’m ugly?  And then mom turned around and said transexual people were sick.”
“Transgender,” Christian corrected, then shook his head, “Oh, Jen.  And what did Ezra say?”
The boy shrugged; looked at the floor.  Christian inhaled sharply, “Goddamnit, Ezra.”
“It doesn’t really matter, Uncle.”
“It does.  You deserved more from your parents when you came out to them,” he hugged him again, “I know I’m not your Dad, but I’ll be the best gay uncle I can be,” his face lit up, “I know!  You’ll be my best man!”
With Prop 8 history, Astor and Christian were, of course, legally married.  They still intended to have a ceremony, though.  They had it planned for the end of August so the kids could come.  
“What about my Dad?”
“Eh,” Christian said, “I haven’t actually asked him yet.  And now I’m sour at him.  What do you say?”
“But I’ll have to be out, and in public front of my parents?  With my dad wondering why his daughter is the best man instead of him?”
“Oh,” Christian put his hands down, “well, maybe not.”
“Sorry, Uncle.”
“It’s OK,” Christian smiled, “the closet is safer, sometimes.  You’ll be my best man in spirit.  You’ll definitely not be a flower girl, though.”
“Jeez, aren’t I a too old for that, anyway?”
“You’re right.  We’ll save that for the triplets.  And Hilda too, if she wants.”
“I think she’s too old, too,” the boy smiled, “but, it’s a deal, anyway.  If you call it a casual wedding, I can wear a suit and my parents won’t freak out a lot.”
“Noted,” Christian said.
The boy sighed, and felt himself settle- finally- into his own bones.  It was as if he’d been dragging along skin all this time that didn’t fit right, and finally he had made the right alterations for it to be comfortable.  His uncle calling him stuff like ‘buddy’ and ‘nephew’ and ‘Nate’, the boy couldn’t think of a time he felt better.
“Listen,” Christian said, “if your Mom and Dad give you a hard time, come here, OK?”
“As in?”
“Live here.”
Nate blinked several times, “You mean that?”
“Absolutely.  You deserve to be surrounded by people who let you be who you are.”
Nate felt his eyes fill up with water, “Jeezum.”
“Awww,” Christian hugged him, “cry it out, young man.  Men aren’t afraid of tears.”
Nate sniffled, “Shut up.”
Hilda came into the kitchen in her zebra onesie and her puffy socks, grinning, but frowned when she saw the boy in tears, “Clara?  Why you crying?”
Nate wiped his tears, “I’m just happy,” he blew his nose, “how was your finale?”
“Oh man,” Hilda sat at one of the stools, “I’m gonna miss her so much.”
“So what happened?” asked Christian.
“Well, Amelia went back to her own time, of course, which is good for her.  But Ricky the Robot went with her and now they’ve opened up a flight school for girls in the 1930s?  And it’s like,” she sighed, “why can’t I just keep following her adventures as an instructor?” she groaned, “I’m glad everybody’s happy, though.”
“Probably because Amelia Airhart is more interesting when she’s dogfighting aliens and stuff?” said Nate.
Hilda sighed, “I guess.  So what have you guys been doing?”
Christian smiled, “Hey Hilda, guess what?”
Christian looked to Nate, though, “Can I tell her?”
Nate laughed, “She already knows, dude.”
“I know what?”
“That you have a big brother instead of a big sister,” Christian said.
Hilda turned to Nate, “You came out to him?  Without me being there?”
“Uh,” Nate tried to measure her tone, “Sorry?  It just sort of happened.  I didn’t know you were supposed to be there.”
“Astor knows, too,” Christian said, and smiled slyly, “he’ll be right back.”
“Oh man,” Hilda said, “how’d they take it?”
“Honestly?  Thrilled,” Nate said.
“That’s great!” Hilda ran into a hug with him, “He came out to me first,” she said to Christian.  This was clearly a point of pride for her, “sorry the name I suggested didn’t go down well, though.”
“It’s OK,” the boy said, “I think I’m gonna be Nate now.”
“Oh, that’s cool!”
The front door opened, revealing Astor.  He had a very uncharacteristic grin all over his long face.  He put a cake down on the counter.
We Love You, Nate! was icinged into the top.
Astor hugged Nate, “Happy coming out!”
“Wahhh,” Nate was just glad he hadn’t been eating anything at the time, “a whole cake?  Because I came out to you?”
“Yeah!  Consider this a coming out party!”
“Eh,” Christian waved his hands, “bad terminology.  In this country, a coming out party is for a rich young woman.”  Astor had a slight accent because he was an immigrant- a refugee, actually, forced out of his old country by war.
Astor frowned, “Well, that’s stupid.  I think English needs to evolve in that area.”
“I can dig,” said Nate.  
“Anyway,” said Astor, “when I came out as bisexual to my family, I got cake, so Nate deserves a cake, too,” he blushed, visibly, “I got really excited, though.  Rushed out the door before I knew what name to put on it.”
Hilda laughed.  Nate looked at the cake.  It sure did give him a glowy feeling inside.  But-
“Guys?  What if I’m wrong?  But if I think I’m a- a trans guy today, but then I realize like, I dunno, I’m just a lesbian or like, one of those people with five genders, or something?” he spidered his fingers.  He felt guilty, now, to be making his uncles do all this stuff, especially if this wasn’t real.
Christian grinned, “Well, it doesn’t hurt to have more than one cake.”
“I dunno about that,” Astor said, “your doctor did tell you need to watch your sugar intake.”
Christian’s arms drooped, “Oh, come on.”
“Sorry,” Astor petted him on the back, “maybe the next time one of you kids figures out you’re queer, we’ll go bowling instead?”
“You old dictator,” Christian growls at Astor, but smiles at Nate, “but, I say, go with the flow.  Nate, do you feel like a boy?”
Nate smiled, “Well, I know I really like it when you call me that.”
Christian smiled, “Well that’s a good hint.  But at the end of the day, it’s up to you,” he squeezed his shoulder, “if you think you’re a boy, Nate, then you’re a boy, and there’s nothing we can do to change that.”
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newstfionline · 4 years
Life on Venus? Astronomers See a Signal in Its Clouds (NYT) High in the toxic atmosphere of the planet Venus, astronomers on Earth have discovered signs of what might be life. If the discovery is confirmed by additional telescope observations and future space missions, it could turn the gaze of scientists toward one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Venus, named after the Roman goddess of beauty, roasts at temperatures of hundreds of degrees and is cloaked by clouds that contain droplets of corrosive sulfuric acid. Few have focused on the rocky planet as a habitat for something living. The astronomers, who reported the finding on Monday in a pair of papers, have not collected specimens of Venusian microbes, nor have they snapped any pictures of them. But with powerful telescopes, they have detected a chemical—phosphine—in the thick Venus atmosphere. After much analysis, the scientists assert that something now alive is the only explanation for the chemical’s source. Some researchers question this hypothesis, and they suggest instead that the gas could result from unexplained atmospheric or geologic processes on a planet that remains mysterious. But the finding will also encourage some planetary scientists to ask whether humanity has overlooked a planet that may have once been more Earthlike than any other world in our solar system.
Global views of U.S. plunge to new lows amid pandemic, poll finds (Washington Post) President Trump defended his handling of the coronavirus pandemic during an interview with Fox News over the weekend, arguing that he took “tremendous steps” early in the outbreak, which “saved probably two or two and a half million lives.” But the rest of the world does not appear to share in the conclusions of his self appraisal. In a new poll of 13 nations released Tuesday, a median of 15 percent of respondents said the United States had handled the pandemic well, while 85 percent said the country had responded poorly. The data, released by Pew Research Center, suggests that the international reputation of the United States has dropped to a new low in the face of a disorganized response to the novel coronavirus that saw the country come to lead the world in virus-related deaths. Among some traditional allies like Germany, views of the United States have declined to the lowest levels since Pew began tracking them nearly two decades ago.
400,000 Immigrants Can Be Forced to Leave the U.S., Court Rules (NYT) A federal appeals court ruled on Monday that the Trump administration acted within its authority in terminating legal protections that have allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants to live and work legally in the United States, sometimes for decades, after fleeing conflict or natural disasters in their home countries. The 2-1 ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit effectively strips legal immigration status from some 400,000 people, rendering them deportable if they do not voluntarily leave the country. The decision affects the overwhelming majority of beneficiaries of a program offering what is known as “temporary protected status,” which has permitted them to remain in the United States after being uprooted from their unstable homelands. The Trump administration has argued that the emergency conditions that existed when people were invited to come to the United States—earthquakes, hurricanes, civil war—had occurred long ago. The program, it said, had inadvertently conferred permanent immigration status for people from places like El Salvador, Haiti and Sudan, most of whom it said no longer needed safe haven. The long-awaited decision does not immediately end the protections. The Trump administration has agreed to maintain them until at least March 5, 2021, for people from five of the affected countries and until November 2021 for people from El Salvador.
Triple the U.S. population? (Washington Post) Much of the recent debate over immigration to the United States has been about how to reduce it. Matthew Yglesias, a Vox co-founder, offers a different idea: Increase immigration—by a lot. His new book, “One Billion Americans,” argues for radically increasing the country’s population through immigration and a higher birthrate. Yglesias points out that even if all of the new Americans lived in the continental U.S., it would still have less than half the population density of Germany. And only if the U.S. vastly increases its population can it hope to keep pace with the growing power of authoritarian China, he argues. “Rather than being paralyzed by racial panic, ecopessimism, or paranoia about the loss of parking spaces,” he writes, “America should aspire to be the greatest nation on earth.”
Choking air from Western fires just won’t ease up (AP) Relief from putrid, dangerous air spewing from massive wildfires across the West won’t come until later in the week or beyond, scientists and forecasters say, and the hazy and gunk-filled skies might stick around for even longer. People in Oregon, Washington and parts of California were struggling under acrid yellowish-green smog—the worst, most unhealthy air on the planet according to some measurements. It seeped into homes and businesses, sneaked into cars through air conditioning vents and caused the closure of iconic locations such as Powell’s Books and the Oregon Zoo in Portland, the state’s biggest city. The air was so thick that on Monday Alaska Airlines announced it was suspending service to Portland and Spokane, Washington, until Tuesday afternoon. Hazy, smoky skies fouled Washington state and experts said some parts of California might not see relief until next month. Some areas of central California blanketed by smoke are not likely to see relief until October, said Dan Borsum, the incident meteorologist for a fire in Northern California.
US tariffs on China ruled to be illegal by world trade body (AP) The World Trade Organization said Tuesday that Trump administration tariffs on Chinese goods totaling more than $200 billion are illegal under the rules of the global trade body. In its decision, the WTO ruled against the Trump administration’s argument that China has engaged in practices harmful to U.S. interests, on issues including intellectual property theft, technology transfer and innovation. The ruling, in theory, would allow China to impose retaliatory tariffs on billions worth of U.S. goods—if the process is completed. But the U.S. government can appeal the decision announced by the WTO’s dispute settlement body, and the WTO’s appeals court is currently no longer functioning—largely because of Washington’s single-handed refusal to accept new members for it. The U.S. tariffs target two batches of Chinese products. Duties of 10% were imposed on some $200 billion worth of goods in September 2018, and were jacked up to 25% eight months later. An additional 25% duties were imposed in June 2018 against Chinese goods worth about $34 billion in annual trade.
Venezuela says it has captured American ‘mercenary’ plotting to blow up power plants, oil refineries (Washington Post) Venezuela’s authoritarian government claimed Monday that it had dismantled a covert operation to blow up power plants and oil facilities to destabilize the socialist state, saying it had detained eight plotters including an American traveling with heavy arms, explosives, surveillance footage and cash. In a nationally televised address, Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab said active members of the Venezuelan military had aided the American, identified by authorities as Matthew John Heath. Saab said that Heath had a background working “as a mercenary” for U.S. intelligence in Iraq and that items in his possession had linked him to the CIA. Saab did not provide evidence for the claims. If true, the alleged plot would be the latest in a series of foiled operations against the government of President Nicolás Maduro. In May, two former U.S. Green Berets—Airan Berry, 42, and Luke Denman, 34—were detained on the Venezuelan coast in connection with a ragtag raid aimed at capturing or ousting the autocratic leader.
Fear in Northern Ireland, as Boris Johnson threatens the E.U. over Brexit (Washington Post) Boris Johnson is moving forward on his threat to override the Brexit withdrawal agreement with the European Union — a move that every living former British prime minister warns against — and the people of Northern Ireland again find themselves fearful that decisions made in London and Brussels could upend the hard-won peace and prosperity on the island. Britain will leave the European Union at the end of 2020, with or without a new free-trade deal, Johnson promises. With just three months to go before the end of a transition period, a pact between the sides seems as far away as ever. Relations between Europe and Britain have grown shouty, underlining the high stakes of the showdown, as Britain and Europe both struggle to recover from deep pandemic recessions. Rachel Powell grew up in South Armagh, where during the Troubles a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland was patrolled by British troops, often attacked by Irish Republican militants. She said she’s deeply concerned about what will happen next. “The British government has not got a clue about what it is like to live on the border, and it is again using it as a political football,” said Powell. Powell said border communities are “horrified” over the uncertainties and brinkmanship of Brexit.
Japan’s Next Prime Minister Emerges From Behind the Curtain (NYT) Yoshihide Suga charted an unlikely course to the cusp of Japan’s premiership. While most leading Japanese lawmakers come from elite political families, Mr. Suga is the son of a strawberry farmer and a schoolteacher from the country’s rural north. He is known more for expressionless recitations of government policy than flashes of charisma. And at 71, he’s even older than Shinzo Abe, who suddenly announced in late August that he was resigning as prime minister because of ill health. Yet on Monday, Mr. Suga, the longtime chief cabinet secretary to Mr. Abe, was overwhelmingly elected as leader of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party during a conclave at a luxury Tokyo hotel. The party has governed Japan for all but four years since World War II and controls Parliament, virtually assuring that Mr. Suga will be elected prime minister during a special session this week. He will have to hit the ground running. Mr. Suga will take office in the middle of a pandemic that has devastated Japan’s economy, effectively erasing years of growth under Mr. Abe. Japan also is facing deepening pressure from China and North Korea. While Mr. Suga has vowed to pick up where Mr. Abe left off, but he has never clearly articulated his own vision for Japan, the world’s third-largest economy.
Indonesia to beef-up patrols after China coastguard raises suspicion (Reuters) Indonesia will increase maritime security operations near some of its islands in the South China Sea after a Chinese coastguard vessel was spotted nearby, raising suspicions about its intentions, a senior security official said on Tuesday. The vessel entered Indonesia’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the northern Natuna islands on Saturday and left on Monday after radio challenges over jurisdiction, Aan Kurnia, chief of the maritime security agency, Bakamla, told Reuters. Wang Wenbin, China’s foreign ministry spokesman, said the ship was undertaking “normal patrol duties in waters under Chinese jurisdiction”. While China has made no claim to islands, the presence of its coastguard nearly 2,000 km (1,243 miles) off its mainland has concerned Indonesia, after numerous encounters between Chinese vessels in the EEZs of Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, which disrupted fishing and energy activities. A weeks-long standoff occurred 10 months ago when a Chinese coastguard vessel and accompanying fishing boats entered the northern Natuna Sea, prompting Indonesia to send fighter jets and mobilise its own fishermen.
Violence in the Ivory Coast (Foreign Policy) Protests against Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara’s decision to seek a third term as president have turned violent in the country’s largest city, Abidjan. The violence centered on a district loyal to former President Laurent Gbagbo, whose loss to Ouattara in the presidential election in 2010 plunged the country into a civil war that killed around 3,000 people. The recent surge of violence has raised concerns that next month’s election could spark a return to war. Ouattara has faced widespread criticism due to the constitution’s ban on individuals serving more than two terms as president. But he and his supporters argue that because the constitution was ratified in 2016, it does not apply to Ouattara, who started his term in office in 2010.
Millions of African children rely on TV education during pandemic (Reuters) Five-year-old Kenyan student Miguel Munene sits between his parents, holding their hands as he watches cartoon characters teaching him to pronounce “fish”. The television has replaced Munene’s teachers and classmates after the government shut schools indefinitely in March to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. They are closed until at least January. Many children don’t have the option to learn online—the United Nations children’s agency UNICEF says at least half of sub-Saharan Africa’s schoolchildren do not have internet access. So some, like Munene, watch a cartoon made by Tanzanian non-profit organisation Ubongo, which offers television and radio content for free to African broadcasters. “Other programmes are just for fun, but Ubongo is helping children,” Miguel’s mother Celestine Wanjiru told Reuters. “He can now differentiate a lot of shapes and colours, both in English and Swahili.” In March, programmes by Ubongo—the Kiswahili word for brain—were broadcast to an area covering about 12 million households in nine countries, said Iman Lipumba, Ubongo’s head of communications. That rose to 17 million in 20 countries by August.
Zimbabwe government abuses critics, allege rights groups (AP) Godfrey Kurauone, a Zimbabwean opposition official, sang a protest song at the funeral of a party member in July. For that, and other political charges, he spent 42 days in jail before the prosecution dropped one charge, and acquitted him of another charge of blocking traffic. Hopewell Chin’ono, an investigative journalist who used his Twitter account to expose alleged government corruption, was held in the notorious Chikurubi maximum security prison for nearly six weeks before being granted bail on charges of inciting violence for tweeting his support for an anti-government protest. Internationally acclaimed author and filmmaker Tsitsi Dangarembga spent a night in detention for standing by a Harare road and holding up a placard that said “We Want Better. Reform Our Institutions.” From tweeting to Whatsapp texting, singing in public or marching in the streets, those who speak out against President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government are finding themselves in trouble. Some have been abducted and tortured, according to human rights groups.
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newsfact · 3 years
Ally of Venezuela’s Maduro appears in court on graft charges
A businessman who prosecutors say was a major conduit for corruption by Nicolás Maduro’s inner circle appeared for the first time in Miami federal court Monday after a weekend extradition that has further strained relations between the U.S. and Venezuela’s socialist government.
Alex Saab’s legs shook nervously while seated as he waited, handcuffed and in an orange jumpsuit, for the start of the hearing, which took place via Zoom with more than 350 journalists, gawking opponents of Maduro and members of Saab’s family in attendance.
Saab’s extradition to the U.S. from Cape Verde, where he was arrested 16 months ago, has already ricocheted far and wide.
Only hours after Saab was placed on a Department of Justice aircraft on Saturday, Maduro’s government suspended negotiations with Venezuela’s U.S.-backed opposition. It also threw back into jail six American oil executives it accuses of corruption. They had been under house arrest in another politically charged case marked by allegations of wrongful detention.
The Maduro government has labelled Saab a diplomatic envoy and has spared no effort to free the Colombian-born businessman, who was arrested on a U.S. warrant in the African archipelago while making a fuel stop en route to Iran.
On Monday, it was joined by ally Russia, whose ambassador in Caracas tweeted his “most energetic and categorical protest against the kidnapping” of Saab.
Saab, 49, raised his bushy eyebrows but was largely silent as magistrate Judge John O’Sullivan, through an interpreter, informed him that he was being charged with eight counts of money laundering. The judge set another hearing in two weeks where Saab will have the opportunity to enter a plea.
Saab, was indicted in 2019 on money-laundering charges for allegedly bribing Venezuelan officials and falsifying import documents to pocket more than $350 million from a low-income housing project. On the same day as his indictment, he was sanctioned by the Trump administration for allegedly utilizing a network of shell companies spanning the globe — Turkey, Hong Kong, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates — to hide windfall profits from overvalued food contracts.
But Saab’s connections extend much deeper.
Among those the U.S. claims he paid to win government contracts are Maduro’s stepsons. Commonly known in Venezuela as “Los Chamos,” slang for “the kids,” the three adult children of first lady Cilia Flores from a previous relationship have themselves been under investigation by prosecutors in Miami for several years, two people familiar with the U.S. investigation told The Associated Press.
Michael Penfold, a Venezuelan political analyst, said that Saab’s extradition is likely to freeze all attempts to bridge deep distrust between the Maduro government and its opponents. The two sides have been meeting since August in a bid to jointly address the country’s ongoing humanitarian crisis, which has led more than 5 million people to flee the country in recent years, and pave the way for a democratic opening starting with next month’s regional elections.
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FILE PHOTO: A woman walks by a mural in support of the liberation of businessman Alex Saab, who was detained in Cape Verde on charges of laundering money for the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela September 9, 2021. REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria/File Photo
The Biden administration, which has tried to downplay the political impact of Saab’s extradition, is key to the success of those talks. After years of cracking down on its opponents, Venezuela’s cash-starved government is considering granting more freedoms in exchange for the U.S. reversing crippling sanctions put in place on one of the world’s largest oil producers by the Trump administration, which was hellbent on ousting Maduro.
“Saab’s extradition restarts the bad blood between Venezuela and the U.S.,” said Penfold, a global fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington. “We’re going back to the old dynamic of mutual recrimination that the negotiations had started to ease, but with the difference that now these indictments are part of that dynamic.”
Norway, which is sponsoring the fledgling talks, urged restraint after Maduro’s government said it would not travel to Mexico City for the next round of talks, which were scheduled to take place this week.
“We will keep working for the parties to, as soon as possible, continue their important effort at the negotiating table for an inclusive political solution for the benefit of the Venezuelan people,” Norway’s foreign ministry said in a statement
In Caracas’ historic Plaza Bolivar, Saab’s wife, a former Italian model, led a small rally Sunday of a few dozen government supporters protesting what they see as Saab’s “kidnapping.”
“I don’t plan to lie to favor the U.S.,” said a nervous-sounding Camilla Fabri, reading a letter she said was penned by her husband. “I’ve not committed any crime, in the U.S. or in any country.”
Hours later, Maduro himself entered the fray, saying the U.S. — not his government — delivered a “mortal blow” to the dialogue effort and next month’s gubernatorial elections, which pits a bitterly divided opposition against a slate of pro-Maduro candidates supported by the central government.
He also asserted, with no evidence, that interrogators in Cape Verde used electric shocks to torture Saab and extract a false confession that in the end never came.
“They wanted to force him into becoming a monster, a false accuser against Venezuela, against me and against the Bolivarian revolution — something he never allowed,” Maduro said on state TV.
The out-of-court maneuvers have been especially troubling to the families of nine Americans jailed in Caracas. Over the weekend, they published an open letter appealing to the White House to remain engaged on Venezuela.
“Mr. President, we are frustrated by the lack of action by your administration,” the families said in the letter, which was written just prior to Saab’s extradition. “The people in charge of protecting and returning wrongfully detained Americans have not even taken the basic first step of directly engaging with the Venezuelans that are holding our loved ones.”
Those jailed include six oil executives who had been working for the Houston subsidiary of Venezuela’s state-owned oil giant PDVSA who were convicted and sentenced last year to long prison sentences for embezzling funds from a never-executed plan to refinance Citgo’s bonds. The families of the so-called Citgo 6 and the U.S. government have vehemently rejected the accusations and consider the men wrongfully detained.
Within hours of Saab’s extradition, security forces returned the oil executives to the infamous Helicoide jail where they’ve been held on and off since being lured to Caracas in 2017 for a meeting at which they were arrested by masked police who stormed a conference room where they were gathered. Also at the prison is former U.S. Marine Matthew Heath, who is awaiting trial on weapons charges tied to a supposed plan to sabotage refineries, and two former Green Berets Caracas has tied to a failed cross-border raid from Colombia to overthrow Maduro.
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Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Market to witness a CAGR growth of 21.89% during the forecast period
Global Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Market is expected to reach USD 1,198.1 Million by 2023 at a CAGR of 21.89% during the forecast period of 2019 to 2023.
The oil & gas industry is expected to witness steady growth during the forecast period after the global slowdown in 2014. Obtaining oil & gas from both non-conventional and conventional sources is becoming more dynamic in the current scenario. The need for oil & gas in various industries will necessitate the implementation of robotics and automation in rugged offshore environments to enhance efficiency and improve productivity. Thus, the demand for AUVs for oil & gas applications is expected to increase in the forecast period.
Segmental Analysis
The Global Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Market has been Segmented Based on Type, Technology, Payload, and Application.
Based on Type, the autonomous underwater vehicle market has been segmented into shallow, medium, and large. The large segment dominated the market with a valuation of USD 288.4 million in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 787.0 million by 2023. Large AUVs have the potential to dive up to 3,000-meter seawater (MSW). These AUVs assist in long-range operations and support multiple capabilities such as obstacle avoidance and underwater docking. Large AUVs have 360-degree maneuverability and six degrees of freedom. They are equipped with sensors, cameras, and navigation & positioning systems, and are robust owing to which several companies are investing in the R&D of large AUVs.
On the basis of technology, the global autonomous underwater vehicle market has been classified as communication, collision avoidance, navigation, imaging, and propulsion. The navigation segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR of 21.94% during the forecast period. AUVs support 3D imaging sensors and software that support GPS and cameras. GPS and cameras provide accurate location information and assist operators to navigate accurately to the mines. AUVs offered by companies, such as General Dynamics Corporation—Bluefin-9M Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV)—provide an integrated navigation system that offers greater navigation capabilities to operators.
By payload, the global autonomous underwater vehicle market has been divided into sensors, cameras, synthetic aperture sonars, echo sounders, acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCPs), and others. The cameras segment is expected to register the highest CAGR of 21.43% during the forecast period. Cameras are an essential component of AUVs as they offer visibility and effective sightlines missions and general navigation. They are critical as they help in collecting data, samples, images, and videos for further planning and precision positioning. Cameras are also used for inspection, maintenance, and repair work. The efficient connection of the cameras with monitors offer multiple viewpoints to the operator.
On the basis of application, the global autonomous underwater vehicle market has been classified as military & defense, oil & gas, oceanography, environmental protection and monitoring, archaeological and exploration, and search and salvage operations. The military & defense segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR of 23.33% during the forecast period. Military & defense operations pose various risks to human life as they are carried out in dangerous conditions. AUVs with multiple capabilities, such as cameras and sensors, are capable of operating underwater and in restricted spaces, identifying suspicious objects, and destroying unmanned vehicles while keeping humans safe. AUVs can be used in mine detection and classification with the help of mine-hunting capabilities. Moreover, ROVs are equipped with GPS and navigation systems that can be used to survey nuclear, biological, and chemical-contaminated locations, eliminating the need for human intervention in hazardous conditions.
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Regional Analysis
The regional analysis of the Global Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Market covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world.
North America led the market with a valuation of USD 182.3 Million in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 442.5 Million by 2023 at a CAGR of 19.40% during the forecast period. This can be attributed to the presence of major manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin Corporation and General Dynamics Corporation in the region.
Europe was the second-largest market with a valuation of USD 97.0 million in 2018. The European market is projected to exceed USD 268.6 million by 2023 at a 22.59% CAGR. Market growth in the region is driven by terrorist incidents and the influx of illegal immigrants from countries, such as Syria, Iraq, and Libya.
Competitive Analysis
The Key Players in the Global Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Market are Boston Engineering Corporation (US), Lockheed Martin Corporation (US), Fugro (Netherlands), General Dynamics Corporation (US), Kongsberg Maritime (Norway), Graal Tech Srl (Italy), Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (US), The ECA Group (France), Saab AB (Sweden), and International Submarine Engineering Limited (Canada).
Key Developments
In March     2019, the ECA Group     signed a 10-year contract worth USD 508.8 million (450 million Euros) with     the Belgian navy. As per the terms of the contract, it will provide AUVs,     towed sonars, and mine identification & destruction systems (MIDS)     composed of ROV for the identification and destruction of mines, and the     unmanned surface vehicles. It helped improve the company’s financial     position in the global AUV market.
In April     2018, Fugro signed a     contract with seafloor mineral exploration company, Nauru Ocean Resources     Inc. (NORI), a subsidiary of DeepGreen Metals Inc. to reform detailed site     characterization surveys in the deep waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean.     The contract helped it to increase its financial position in the global     AUV market.
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NOTE: Our Team of Researchers are Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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saabimmigration · 2 years
What number of immigrants coming to Canada in the coming years?
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The Canada Immigration Levels Plan 2022-2024: An Overview
Between 2022 and 2024, a record number of immigrants coming to Canada. Despite the pandemic, Canada had a record number of permanent residents in 2021, with over 405,000. Canada's increased objective for 2022 is over 432,000 immigrants, with even higher numbers in 2023 and 2024. The figures may appear precise, but they are all based on the Immigration Levels Plan 2022-2024 of the Canadian government.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
New Jersey: Muslim Immigrant Indicted for Terror Activities on Behalf of Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad
Saab surveilled dozens of locations in NYC—including the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building, and local airports, tunnels, and bridges
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Alexei Saab Allegedly Was Trained by Hizballah’s External Terrorist Operations Component in Bomb-Making and Conducted Intelligence-Gathering in New York City and Elsewhere in Support of Hizballah’s Attack-Planning Efforts
The Department of Justice today announced that Alexei Saab, 42, of Morristown, New Jersey, also known as  Ali Hassan Saab,  Alex Saab, or Rachid, was charged today in a nine-count indictment for offenses related to his support for Hizballah and separate marriage-fraud offenses.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Paul G. Gardephe.
“According to the allegations, while living in the United States, Saab served as an operative of Hizballah and conducted surveillance of possible target locations in order to help the foreign terrorist organization prepare for potential future attacks against the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers.  “Such covert activities conducted on U.S. soil are a clear threat to our national security and I applaud the agents, analysts, and prosecutors who are responsible for this investigation and prosecution.”
 “As a member of the Hizballah component that coordinates external terrorist attack planning, Alexei Saab allegedly used his training to scout possible targets throughout the U.S,” said U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman.  “Even though Saab was a naturalized American citizen, his true allegiance was to Hizballah, the terrorist organization responsible for decades of terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds, including U.S. citizens and military personnel.  Thankfully, Saab is now in federal custody, and faces significant prison time for his alleged crimes.”
According to the Indictment and Complaint unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:
Hizballah is a Lebanon-based Shia Islamic organization with political, social, and terrorist components.  Hizballah was founded in the 1980s with support from Iran after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and its mission includes establishing a fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon.  Since Hizballah’s formation, the organization has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds, including United States citizens and military personnel.  In 1997, the U.S. Department of State designated Hizballah a Foreign Terrorist Organization, pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and it remains so designated today.  In 2001, pursuant to Executive Order 13224, the U.S. Department of Treasury designated Hizballah a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity.  In 2010, State Department officials described Hizballah as the most technically capable terrorist group in the world, and a continued security threat to the United States.
The Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO), which is also known as the External Security Organization and “910,” is a component of Hizballah responsible for the planning and coordination of intelligence, counterintelligence, and terrorist activities on behalf of Hizballah outside of Lebanon.  In July 2012, an IJO operative detonated explosives on a bus transporting Israeli tourists in the vicinity of an airport in Burgas, Bulgaria, which killed six people and injured 32 others.  Law enforcement authorities have disrupted several other IJO attack-planning operations around the world, including the arrest of an IJO operative surveilling Israeli targets in Cyprus in 2012, the seizure of bomb-making precursor chemicals in Thailand in 2012, and a seizure of similar chemicals in May 2015 in connection with the arrest of another IJO operative.  In June 2017, two IJO operatives were arrested in the United States and charged with terrorism-related offenses in the Southern District of New York.  In May 2019, a jury convicted one of those two IJO operatives on all counts. 
Saab joined Hizballah in 1996.  Saab’s first Hizballah operation occurred in Lebanon, where he was tasked with observing and reporting on the movements of Israeli and Southern Lebanese Army soldiers in Yaroun, Lebanon.  Among other things, Saab reported on patrol schedules and formations, procedures at security checkpoints, and the vehicles used by soldiers.
In approximately 1999, Saab attended his first Hizballah training.  The training focused on the use of firearms, and Saab handled and fired an AK-47, an M16 rifle, and a pistol, and threw grenades.  In 2000, Saab transitioned to membership in Hizballah’s unit responsible for external operations, the IJO, and he then received extensive training in IJO tradecraft, weapons, and military tactics, including how to construct bombs and other explosive devices.  In 2004 and 2005, Saab attended explosives training in Lebanon during which he received detailed instruction in, among other things, triggering mechanisms, explosive substances, detonators, and the assembly of circuits. 
In 2000, Saab lawfully entered the United States using a Lebanese passport.  In 2005, Saab applied for naturalized citizenship and falsely affirmed, under penalty of perjury, that he had never been “a member of or in any way associated with . . . a terrorist organization.”  In August 2008, Saab became a naturalized U.S. citizen. 
While living in the United States, Saab remained an IJO operative, continued to receive military training in Lebanon, and conducted numerous operations for the IJO.  For example, Saab surveilled dozens of locations in New York City—including the United Nations headquarters, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building, and local airports, tunnels, and bridges—and provided detailed information on these locations, including photographs, to the IJO.  In particular, Saab focused on the structural weaknesses of locations he surveilled in order to determine how a future attack could cause the most destruction.  Saab’s reporting to the IJO included the materials used to construct a particular target, how close in proximity one could get to a target, and site weaknesses or “soft spots” that the IJO could exploit if it attacked a target in the future.  Saab conducted similar intelligence gathering in a variety of American cities.  The FBI recovered photographs from Saab’s electronic devices reflecting his surveillance activities, including photographs of New York City landmarks. 
In addition to his attack-planning activities in the United States, Saab conducted operations abroad.  For example, Saab attempted to murder a man he later understood to be a suspected Israeli spy.  Saab pointed a firearm at the individual at close range and pulled the trigger twice, but the firearm did not fire.  Saab also conducted intelligence-gathering for Hizballah in Istanbul, Turkey.  
Finally, unrelated to his IJO activities, in July 2012, Saab married another individual (CC-1) so that CC-1 could apply for naturalized citizenship in the United States based on their marriage.  On March 13, 2015, Saab and CC-1 jointly filed a petition seeking to obtain naturalized citizenship for CC-1.  In doing so, Saab and CC-1 falsely claimed under penalty of perjury that their marriage was “not for the purpose of procuring an immigration benefit.”
Saab is charged with providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; conspiracy to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; receiving military-type training from a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a sentence of 10 years in prison or a fine; conspiracy to receive military-type training from a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; unlawful procurement of citizenship or naturalization to facilitate an act of international terrorism, which carries a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison; marriage fraud conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of five years; citizenship application fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years; naturalization fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of five years; and making false statements, which carries a maximum sentence of five years.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.
The charges contained in the indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.     
Download u.s._v._alexei_saab_indictment.pdf
Download u.s._v._alexei_saab_complaint.pdf
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smitamaxi · 3 years
UAV Drones Market Analysis, Segments, Size, Share, Global Demand, Manufacturers, Drivers and Trends to 2027
UAV Drones Market  size was valued at US$ 27.07 Bn. in 2020 and the total revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.92% through 2021 to 2027, reaching nearly US$ 91.05 Bn.
UAV Drones Market Overview:
Drones employ a variety of payloads to collect photos and movies, including camera systems and sensors (e.g., footage of smugglers and unauthorised immigrants crossing borders). Predator drones can monitor border areas invisibly, looking for infiltrators, illegal immigrants, human traffickers, and drug dealers.  are used in law enforcement, precision agriculture, media and entertainment, spying, and search and rescue operations, to name a few.
The UAV Drones Market Research Report includes a comprehensive evaluation of strategy analysis, micro and macro market trends and scenarios, price analysis, and short-term market conditions, as well as an in-depth look at significant competitors. The primary and secondary market drivers, market share, important market categories, and regional market analysis are all covered in depth in this report. Major corporations, key collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, as well as modern innovation and corporate strategy are all investigated in UAV Drones Market Analysis.
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UAV Drones Market Scope:
The UAV Drones market is expected to increase steadily between 2021 and 2027, according to market experts. Due to their strong efforts, leading industry participants are expected to continue to make aggressive efforts to develop the sector swiftly through 2021.
Import and export consumption, supply and demand, costs, prices, shares, sales volumes, revenues, and gross profits are all covered in this UAV Drones market study. The manufacturing bases, capacity, production, factory prices, revenues, and market share of each manufacturer in the UAV Drones market are examined in this study. The United States (USA), Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, the United Kingdom (UK), Russia, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia are among the countries (regions) studied.
UAV Drones Market Segmentation:
This increase is fueled by the rising demand for drones and drone-generated data in commercial applications. Other countries’ airspace regulations for commercial drones have also been relaxed, resulting in a faster rate of commercial drone adoption. During the forecast period 2021-2027, these are the major important drivers that would propel the Commercial Drones segment forward in the global market.
UAV Drones Market Key Players: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI), Northrop Grumman, DJI, Aerovironment, Parrot, Thales, 3DR, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Textron, Precisionhawk, Aidrones, Saab, Ing Robotic Aviation, Delta Drone, Aeroscout
The study examines the most recent significant advancements in the worldwide UAV Drones market, as well as the leading producers and innovators.
The Competitive Strategy window allows vendors to assess the competitive landscape from the perspectives of market, application, and region, as well as determine whether their strengths and future growth prospects are adequate. Vendors should use sequential merger and acquisition plans, geographic development strategies, research and development (R & D) strategies, and new product launch strategies, or explain the most advantageous match, to implement future business growth and expansion in a predictable time period.
Get more Report Details:  https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/uav-drones-market/2632/
UAV Drones Market  Regional Analysis:
Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America are the five primary regions of the world. The UAV Drones Industry Research examines the market’s key geographies, as well as notable segments and sub-segments. This UAV Drones market study includes figures, geographies, and revenue, as well as an in-depth look at the business chain structure, opportunities, and industry news.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on UAV Drones Market:
COVID-19 is a major public health emergency that has impacted practically every industry and is expected to hinder industrial growth between 2021 and 2027. Maximize Market Study (MMR) is broadening the scope of its research to address key COVID-19 concerns and potential solutions. In light of changes in consumer demand, purchasing habits, supply chain rerouting, market dynamics, and government action, COVID-19 is being examined. The influence of COVID-19 on the market is assessed in this updated report, which includes additional insights, analyses, estimates, and projections.
Key Benefits for Industry Participants & Stakeholders:
The report discusses the drivers, restraints, and opportunities for the industry The market performance is seen from a neutral perspective Trends and developments in the industry Strategic positioning of key players in the competitive landscape Segments & regions with potential and showing promise for growth are covered A historical accounting of the value of the market (historical, current, and expected) The market for UAV Drones is analysed in depth
Key Questions answered in the UAV Drones Market Report are:
Which product segment grabbed the largest share in the UAV Drones market? How is the competitive scenario of the UAV Drones market? Which are the key factors aiding the UAV Drones market growth? Which region holds the maximum share in the UAV Drones market? What will be the CAGR of the UAV Drones market during the forecast period? Which application segment emerged as the leading segment in the UAV Drones market? Which are the prominent players in the UAV Drones market? What key trends are likely to emerge in the UAV Drones market in the coming years? What is the expected UAV Drones market size by 2027? Which company held the largest share in the UAV Drones market?
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mymurderbooks · 4 years
Five Books for Eid
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It's the Eid pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
Eid is this weekend, so I decided to suggest five books by and/or about women in the ‘Muslim world’. I tried to choose books with women as the main focus (one is a YA book about a little girl), that didn’t victimise women or demonise men in Muslim cultures. Although several revolve around war and revolutions, I tried to choose books that covered women with different experiences and opinions. Many of these books are more or less ‘real world’ accounts and although many of them are difficult to read and not all of them are ‘literary’, I would recommend them to everyone, if for nothing but the ideal that through reading we can build empathy and understanding of different peoples and experiences, and these are voices rarely heard in mainstream Western literature.
"Against the tyranny of time and politics, imagine us the way we sometimes didn’t dare to imagine ourselves: in our most private and secret moments, in the most extraordinarily ordinary instances of life, listening to music, falling in love, walking down the shady streets or reading Lolita in Tehran. And then imagine us again with all this confiscated, driven underground, taken away from us." - Lolita in Tehran
I’ll start with the easiest to read:
1. Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa al-Sanea
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A casual, light book about women from the KSA. It takes the form of gossipy anonymous e-mails about the lives of a group of four college-age women who were high school friends in Riyadh - mostly their adventures in the world of love and relationships in a country where they have limited contact with men.
If I were to file this under a genre it would be chick lit. It’s fun and easy to read. The women are clearly privileged: they’re wealthy, they travel, they get nose jobs, they wear Elie Saab. The writer wrote this in Arabic for an Arab audience and didn’t expect it to be translated and disseminated in the English speaking world. The characters aren’t meant to represent all Saudi women, and though this was controversial and was immediately banned when it came out in the KSA, this isn’t meant to be a political polemic. It’s a rare pop culture peek into the lives of ‘regular’ women in a country that seldom reveals itself in this way.
2. Our Women on the Ground, edited by Zahra Hankir
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This is a compilation of essays by Arab women journalists reporting from the Arab world. The journalists include not just those working for familiar media agencies like the BBC, New York Times and Al Jazeera, but also freelancers and citizen journalists.
These essays are personal and many deal with the realities of living and working in war zones. It's not the easiest book to read, but I think it's an important book. If you had to choose only one book in this list, I suggest this one. Every essay is eloquent. The book presents not just the perspectives of Arab woman journalists about the conflicts they cover, they also share their lives and work conditions honestly and openly. In societies which are gender segregated, Arab women journalists can access places that would otherwise be closed off to Western, and male, journalists, and in this book we hear from people who we would otherwise find difficult to reach.
3. Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga
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This lyrical free verse YA book is about a Syrian girl named Jude. Syria is on the cusp of revolution. After her house is raided, she and her mother go to Cincinnati to live with relatives. There she adjusts to living in a new country, speaking a language she isn't completely comfortable with yet, and becoming American. She faces some Islamphobia, but also meets lovely and welcoming people in her school and community, and by the end she has made friends and is beginning to feel more settled into her new home.
I found the writing to be particularly beautiful. The targeted age group is middle grade. I think some issues would have to be explained or researched by children as they'd be too young to have been politically aware and following the news coverage of the Arab Spring as it occurred, and some background guidance on revolutions and the political situation in the Middle East would be helpful for them to contextualize the story. However the latter half about Jude's new life in America is I think helpful for helping young readers (and adults!) empathise with the day to day struggles of refugee or immigrant children. There are also many children who will identify with Jude's story of immigration and/or escaping conflict, and who don't often see their story represented in children's literature.
More generally, this is a book about home and belonging. The loss of home, the desire for home, and the struggle to build a new home. Although the ending is uplifting, I think it's ultimately a sad book, because the Syria Jude had to leave behind can never be reclaimed, and this loss will always exist for her.
4. Reading Lolita in Tehran
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I realise this book is a little controversial. It's been accused of being New Orientalist and neoconservative by Hamid Dabashi (he writes the forward for Dreaming of Baghdad, my last book recommendation below).
This book is the memoir of an English literature professor teaching in Tehran during the revolution. When she's fired from her job for refusing to wear the hijab, she starts a book club/reading group for some of her female students in her living room.
I enjoyed this book, it's very readable. Much of the book are her discussions with her students about literature and their lives, and she directly correlates the books they read to their political experiences in Iran (c.f. the title: Reading Lolita in Tehran). I recommend reading it at least for her funny story of putting The Great Gatsby on trial in her classroom, and other amusing anecdotes, like her student life protests and when her drug dealer neighbour hid in their garden.
This isn't a book that's meant to encompass the experiences of all Iranian women, or a literary critique on Lolita, or a broad political analysis on Iran-US relations. It's a memoir of a woman, who's upper class, educated in the US, and decidedly secular. She seems to like Marx, dislike the hijab, and that is entirely fair and her right to do so and write about in her memoir.
I personally feel that some of the criticisms of her book are a little unfair, and people are reading too much into the book, and expecting too much out of it, but I say this with the caveat that I read this years after its publication, so I read this removed from any expectations the initial marketing/advertising would have inspired. I'll probably write a separate post on how I feel about this book. However I would be remiss if I didn't also I also suggest you read a balancing piece, Jasmine and Stars (Reading more than Lolita in Tehran) by Fatemah Keshavarz.
I recommend Reading Lolita in Tehran to you with the assumption that you are a politically aware, rational adult who doesn't assume that one writer's opinions and experiences are representative of an entire country, and doesn't look to a single book to give you an overview of 'the condition of women's lives in Iran'. Look at it as a literature professor's anecdotes about her life in books, and proceed from there.
5. Dreaming of Baghdad by Haifa Zangana
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I left this till the end because this is the hardest book in the list.
Haifa Zangana was an Iraqi Communist Party activist who was imprisoned during Saddam Hussein's regime. She was initially tortured and imprisoned in a political prison, then transferred to Abu Ghraib, then to a prostitute's prison. This is essentially her recollections.
It's not a torture narrative, instead it takes on a dreamlike quality, and switches from the first to third person, letters to herself, disjointed dreams and nightmares, scenes from her childhood, her present, and her time as an activist and in prison.
This is a book I really want you to read. It will haunt you forever. Reading about imprisonment, torture and executions is always difficult, but I felt reading this was like bearing witness to her testimony.
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