#sabriel friendship
nobodymitskigabriel · 2 months
Conceptually I understand that sabriel is very adjacent to samruby or samifer type ships in that it's its own sort of deal with the devil but in prettier and more obfuscating packaging and that has its own angles for enjoyment...but guys trust me I think sam can still fix him <3
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samanddean76 · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel & Gabriel (Supernatural), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley, Michael (Supernatural), Raphael (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Friendship, Love, Soulmates, Gabriel Creates Some Animals, Castiel Is Left In Charge, Accidents don't just happen accidentally, Cute, Adorable, All Things Happy And Sweet, Leap Day Story Summary:
Gabriel was given a brand-new and very important responsibility by Chuck. To oversee the soul nurseries in heaven. Well, Gabriel delegated this boring task to Castiel.
I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
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beardothebard · 4 months
The bard introduces himself
*background metal noises*
Welcome to my blog :D
I use this blog mainly to post the oneshots, prompts, etc. you requested me or some stuff (fanfics, memes, etc.) I just want to share with you guys.
Which leads us to the next part: Requests! I'd be delighted to get some! :D
In the following, you can find the fandoms, pairings, etc. I write about.
Tatort Münster
Lord of the Rings
Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton's movies)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Spn: Destiel, Sabriel, Benny x Dean, Dean x OC/reader, Sam x OC/reader, Bobby x Crowley, Bobby x OC/reader, Charlie x OC/reader, Ellen x OC/reader
Tatort Münster: Boerne x Thiel
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn x Legolas, Legolas x Gimli, Aragorn x Haldir, Aragorn x Boromir, Faramir x OC/reader, Elrond x Gandalf, Eowyn x OC/reader
Outlast: Eddie Gluskin x OC/reader, Chris Walker x OC/reader (only before the riots)
Alice in Wonderland: Tarrant x OC/reader, Tarrant x Time, Alice x OC/reader
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow x Norrington, Jack Sparrow x Barbossa, Jack Sparrow x Gibbs, Jack Sparrow x William Turner, Jack Sparrow x reader/OC, William Turner x reader/OC Tia Dalma x OC/reader, Elizabeth Swan x OC/reader
What I write:
only boyslove and girlslove (sorry, not sorry), please let me know what you want :)
dark themes (coping and struggling with mental health, PSTD, depression, drugs& addictions, etc.)
horror, hurt/comfort, fluff, minor smut, angst,
if you wish me to write an OC of yours, please give me a detailed description, so I can do my best and write them as authentic as possible :) I need to know how they look, what their character is like, what they like and don't like, the most important info on their past, their occupation and some hobbies :)
platonic and romantic stuff
What I don't write:
plain porn
straight pairings
toxic relationships (well, Outlast is the only exception here...)
smut including characters who are still minors (nope, just nope)
dub!con/non!con stuff
I've never done requests before so please be patient with me in case it takes longer until I've finished the work :) I have a busy private life and it's important to me that you're happy with what I come up with :) In case I'm not sure I got everything right or if I need some more information, I'll send you a message.
In case you have an idea for a request and it's not listed under what I don't write- feel free to send me an Ask :)
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lab-trash · 1 month
No Cherry Magic Steddie fic? Fine, sure. But no Cherry Magic Destiel fic??? That's fucking crazy!
I mean, come on! So fitting for them! For a human AU? Virgin Castiel turns 30, finds he can reads minds upon contact? Makes so much sense.
Now, the question is, does Dean already like him or does he find Cas strange?
I like to think it'd be established friendship Sam and Cas, and Cas knows Dean either through work or through Sam.
Bonus for Virgin Sam turning 30, maybe some Sabriel.
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Six more books this month! If I keep this up, I'll be barely able to meet my 52-books goal. The (short) Narnia books are my backup plan if I run out of time... Anyway, I read a lot of great stuff this month!
By Susanna Clarke - I've been looking forward to this read all year. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell was my favorite book I read last year, and while Piranesi was not quite so huge and fantastical, it was still another outstanding project from Clarke. I loved this book.
Piranesi's best strength is the constant sense of foreboding. The narrator is childlike, his desires and endeavors so simple, they sometimes seem pathetic. Piranesi is naive but he isn't dumb. He seeks truth, and his naivete transforms a strange, cold, unwelcoming world into something magical, mysterious, and benevolent. This creates a peculiar sense of wrongness throughout the tale's beginning, and when truths slowly come to light, Clarke only further bends the reader's perception of Piranesi's world. Is it the world that is broken, or the men living within it?
The book somehow felt too simple, too quick, but nonetheless, I couldn't put it down. The main character is loveable, and the challenges he faced still haunt me. Even now, I get shudders, remembering the twists! Deeply psychological stuff! Everyone who loves a good mystery, maybe even horror, needs to read this one. BUY IT!
By Garth Nix - I'm a sucker for fantasy romance (very different from romantasy, btw). If the fantasy world is weird, and the romance is built from adventure and adversity, I'm game. This book...this is it...
LOVE Sabriel. Can't sing enough praises. We've got weird necromancy magic based on runes and a series of bells capable of varying archaic horrors. A weird fantasy world split in half. On one side, people are living in a happy and prosperous Ghibli world, on the other, they're fighting monsters and undead ghouls in a Souls game. There's a cat that is also a mind-devouring cosmic god. Cool. Then, children are thrown helplessly to the wilds as bait for bigger predators. It was Berserk, but for the girlies.
The romance was exactly what I like. Natural, built on friendship and trust, and low on the horniness scale (although Nix weirdly informs us that our male character is...cut....okay, I guess...). The adventure was dark and gruesome, as the central magic system is necromancy, so there was an unexpected element of horror in Sabriel. Nix pulls off a sinister sense of danger and risk that sustains itself from beginning to end. Characters die and are killed and brought back, and the ending! Bizarre, frightening, but endearing and clever. Loved it.
Cannot WAIT to pick up the sequels. This is my perfect book, no flaws, no notes. If you like sweeping romance and spooky fantasy, stuff like Howl's Moving Castle, BUY IT!
The Ship of the Dead
By Rick Riordan - I don't know how to review Riordan books. I don't know what to say. They're all carbon copies of each other with little distinct tweaks to an excellent formula. They're all good.
I mean it, I don't know what to say. The Magnus Chase series is good. Period. It's fun, it's weird, and this finale was especially dark. The dragon scenes were excellently scary! Throughout the rest of The Ship, I was laughing, I was gasping, I was having a wonderful ol' time. Period, no notes. Keep it up, Rick.
Don't sleep on these books, that's all. Read them, learn stuff, warm your heart, and repeat. Revolutionary series? No. But joyous and loveable? Absolutely. RENT IT!
By Jeff Vandermeer - I just ate so good this month. Sabriel was my perfect book, and so too is Borne. I am an insatiable devourer of dark romance. Thank you Jeff, god bless.
Weird is the best way to describe Vandermeer's projects. The Southern Reach trilogy played on evolution, madness, and legacy. It was freaky and exciting, and I knew after finishing it that I had to read more from Vandermeer. His mind is sometimes so impossible to comprehend. Borne came into my lap, and I zipped through it in no time. Why? Of course, because there's romance! I just can't put that shit down, I'm serious!!
This novel is quirky and silly at times, and then it quickly turns upsetting and dark at the drop of a hat. It's graphic and absurd, and the terror is masterfully written. Like Junji Ito, Vandermeer finds horror in the absurd. He takes a bear, a frightening predator, and says, what if it was really big? And it was flying? And it also used to be a normal man, but now its a fucked-up god? Silly, strange, but when written in the cosmic sense, as Vandermeer writes it, petrifying. The mundane becomes the macabre. Chef's kiss.
And a goopy, otherworldly, unfathomable monster? What if it was a child? What if it loved you, and you taught it to be kind, but it was still just a monster? Borne the character is so complex and fun and scary, and I think I won't ever to be able to forget how he made me laugh.
And I didn't even mention the romance, oh, the ROMANCE! Another perfect book. If you're into psychological horror and romance, this is for you. I'm talking fucked-up, NieR: Automata, SCP shit. Loved it so, SO much, BUY IT!
In the Time of the Butterflies
By Julia Alvarez - And now for something completely different! I read A Thousand Splendid Suns and told my friend I was a sucker for stories about the struggles of women in the world. She said, "Oh! I've got just the book for you!"
In the book's Afterword, Alvarez explains her intent to bring the struggles of the Dominican Republic to the English-speaking world. That English-speaking world is a bubble, after all, and it's a difficult one to penetrate. Growing up as an American, I knew almost nothing about the world south of America. I learned about Europe and China and North America, but I essentially thought South America was all one, big, same place. Africa, too. Of the Dominican Republic, even as an adult, I knew very little.
For that, I am most thankful to the book. Alvarez follows a fictionalized version of the Mirabal sisters, four sisters whom three of were martyred during the Era of Trujillo. While many of the events of book are dramatized, many surprising scenes are not. I was constantly fact-checking the events of this book, which lead to lots of time spent researching the history of the Dominican Republic. Before this read, I knew next to nothing about the country, and now, that's totally changed.
The book feels mournful from the start, as the reader knows these women are doomed. Nonetheless, each feels like a fully realized woman with personality and desires, hopes and sorrows. I only became emotional during the epilogue, when Alvarez details the impact of these four women following the murders. I genuinely felt I had watch three women die far, far too young, and I commend Alvarez for that.
Alvarez has accomplished a powerful, insightful novel about women and the Dominican Republic. The day of their death, I learned too, would become the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. That's kind of a big deal! It's a personal, emotional read, and I'd recommend it to any and all readers who want to understand a massive part of history in a quiet corner of the world. RENT IT!
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
By Brandon Sanderson - I am no stranger to Sanderson's work, but I knew almost nothing about his four "Secret Project" novels. Of them, this one attracted me the most because romance + fantasy = yippee!! Unfortunately...I sort of hated this book.
I love the Mistborn series. Really enjoyed The Way of Kings and Elantris. Adored Warbreaker. Again, I am quite familiar with Sanderson's cosmere and his style of writing. Yumi was akin Sanderson's modern Mistborn books--fun, but lackluster. Where Alloy of Law and its sequels are campy, Yumi is just embarrassing. I was cringing SO MUCH at Sanderson's constant need to explain away all the mystery of this book! Mystery is good, I kept screaming! Ask Nix! I don't need an explanation for every little thing! When he wasn't explicitly saying, "Yes, we are definitely in fantasy anime Japan," he was covering for all the plot-holes that OBVIOUSLY weren't really plot-holes! Plot-holes I hadn't even considered, until his quirky narrator served them up to me out of nowhere! Why? I don't know! I don't know!!!
Don't get me started on the Japanese-cringe. It really felt like a mediocre, forgettable anime. At one point early on, Sanderson attempts to explain what MUST be Keigo, and...oof. So wrong, so misunderstood! And why attempt putting fantasy Korea into the mix when hardly any effort was made to do so? Why not make both Japanese fantasy? WHY?!
I'm getting angry just writing this. The book had a lot of potential to explore cool ideas; a nobody from a technologically-advanced society ends up in a position of import in a foreign land, where everyone thinks he's someone he isn't. The possibility for conflict was ripe. What if Painter thieved Yumi's body? What if he attempted to split their connection and seize control? His own body had been stolen and reshaped! Wouldn't he be disturbed, upset? I wanted some kind of betrayal, I wanted anger and agency, but instead, our two main characters are instantly peas in a pod! Everything's cool, all the time! Painter's secrets are small and unimpactful, and while the twist of Yumi's world WAS more worthwhile, it somehow lacked drama? How? The twist was huge, why didn't it feel huge! It was Broken Age and Your Name, but worse. If there were stakes, I didn't care about them!
To describe this book in one word, I'd say disappointing. Don't read this. Watch Your Name, play Broken Age, but just...just don't read this. Waste of my time! SKIP IT!
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daisychainsandbowties · 4 months
1 and 4 for the book asks 😎
1. book you’ve reread the most times?
there’s a few competitors here and i can’t remember who wins so i’ll just list them all 🥰
1. red sister is one i used to read and then start again immediately, in a loop that could last anywhere from a week to a month. it’s got a weird girl and gay nuns and homoerotic-friendships cubed (to the fourth power 😳😳) i love it so much
2. temeraire is the dragon book i love the most 🥺 so much that i have almost the first chapter of an avatrice dragon riders au almost finished based in that universe 🫠🫠 i’m switching between tumblr and writing it at this very second 🥰
3. the first wheel of time book has been my comfort read for one million years. between listening to it and reading it well🫠 it’s been a lot of times
4. Sabriel and Lirael from the abhorsen series 🥰🥰 lirael was my first autistic rep and those books are just 🥹 very caspercore (baby casper specifically) and i still reread them a few times a year
4. what sections of the bookstore do you browse?
pretty much exclusively the fantasy and sci-fic sections. if the poetry section has anything in it then there too
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oxidantdreamboat · 1 year
Ok tumblr I need your help.
Disclaimer: I was 12 and mentally ill. I accept the cringe. Just find my fic pls 🙏
When I was in my early teens, I found a fanfic that meant a fuck ton to me and I can no longer find it. I’m begging someone to remember the name, I remember the entire plot and all the goddamn details but I can’t remember the name.
Site: Wattpad (shush I was 12)
Fandom: SPN
Ship: destiel (leave me alone)
The cover had a blue background
It was primarily destiel but also had background sabriel and michifer. It completely dissolved into crack and like- was my default 3am fic to stifle laughter at cuz it was fucking hilarious.
High school AU, cas and Dean had been neighbors and best friends for a while. Cas had a huge family with Anna as the mother and Cas, Gabriel, Michael, and like- everyone else as the kids. Cas’s parents left and Michael and his “college project partner” Lucifer were in charge for no apparent reason. Also they were together and were really bad at hiding it so everyone knew. At some point they all went out to this cabin and went fishing and Cas and Dean obviously had this super close friendship that turned into more. At one point cas ended up in the hospital and a wizard from another tv show showed up, same with Dr. who, all for no apparent reason. There was a plot, however it was mostly lost in the crack lmao.
It would mean the world to me to find this fic again. I can post more details if asked. Pls help!!!
(Pls reblog with more tags or anything so this can reach the right people!!!)
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xx-blueboy-xx · 1 year
HEY! YOU! YES YOU! Do you like Sabriel?? Do you like my silly headcanons I have been sharing with the world?? Maybe - um - read my fics? Perhaps? Give them a looskey? hands over my two favorties I have written so far: one a oneshot and the other, a WIP that is gonna be a massive fic
And there is plenty more where those came from on my profile :D
Sam Winchester has never been normal. He had always known something was different about him. Whether it was because he was the ‘new kid’ in every school he attended, or because he chopped the heads off full-grown vampires before he was even 18. However, ever since killing Azazel and seemingly having his psychic powers fade away - he felt more normal than ever.
Turns out, his powers were never gone. Sam finds himself out of control until an unlikely ally appears - Loki, the god of mischief: who offers to mentor him on his newfound abilities. But the unlikely pair soon fall back into their old ways, destroying the strange friendship they had.
Years later after believing the now revealed to be archangel-trickster was dead, killed by Lucifer at Elysian Fields Hotel: it turns out that Gabriel is very much alive, and the Winchesters can't believe where they find him…
Castiel took the memories of his time in Lucifer’s Cage away from him, years ago. Or that’s what Sam liked to tell the worrying angel and his overprotective brother. Consciously, he really didn’t remember all that much of his time. No more active hallucinations of Lucifer during the day. But his soul never forgot.
As old wounds open up, that's when the Cage starts to slip into his reality again…
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meant to do this earlier BUT I HAVE THOUGHTS
(these are from my 2nd re listen so spoilers below the cut)
              The fact that this is his wife hasn’t affected me at all
              You stay away from Elijah
Just caught Layla’s last name no wonder the title
              Hell-hound foreshadowing?
              Also confirms we shouldn’t like her
              We’ve already established we can’t trust hell so why would we trust her
              Also calling her out I like it
ADELAIDE! Wonder if she will make an appearance somehow (day of happiness) (Shes not confirmed dead)(if we don’t see a body she’s not confirmed dead)
We should listen to Eli about his abuser that would be the logical decision but nooo. We Don’t do that.
ANNND here comes Jason and Ali to cheer him up
              And somehow they help
And here’s Eli's trauma (he’s opening up!)
And here comes here’s sequel to YOU’RE GAY
Jason don’t diss yourself to the evil lady
“saving lives doesn’t absolve you from the ones you’ve taken” -Layla
              We love everyone being concerned for Elijah's mental state (he needs it)
Ali trying to help and not particularly helping
We love Jason the peacekeeper (mom of two fighting toddlers)
Ali says she loves him (implied)
              There goes our touchy feely moments
And we’ve given Ali permission to wreak havoc this can only end well
And we’ve assumed Jason is useless love that for him
Eli standing up for Jason (friendship yay)
 We love manipulating Eli
              And now we find out why the angel hated Elijah
              Ali and Jason are like stray cats you can’t leave them alone
Sabriel returns
              This will go well
You did not just tell Elijah that BONDAGE SUITS HIM
              Disappointed but not surprised
Do I like Layla no. has her VA done an amazing job. Yes.
              Triumphant but also in a MINOR cord with Hints of MAJOR this is beautiful
              “I suspect my replacement will be a handful for you” ADELAIDE!?
Missed her giving Quinn's name the first listen through why would she give them that name (what is her motive) (it has to be more then just using them to be a distraction)
“I’ve had worse”-Jason (No shit Sherlock)
And now Elijah guilty I wonder how this will effect the future episodes.
Final thoughts
This episode was absolutely amazing and everyone killed it. I can’t wait to see what happens in next months episode. I suspect well see Adelaide at some point in the future I hope its not as a member of the children of brimstone but I suspect Elijah will have to fight her at some point. We will absolutely be seeing Layla again but I wonder how big of a part she is going to play. I love how we got to “see” the relationship between Ali Jason and Elijah with how much it has changed since episode 1. They’re actively calling each other friends now that takes a lot especially with someone like Eli. I love these fools. And if you haven’t listened to the technomancy project its an 11/10 show PLEASE go give it a listen.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
Why didn't you save him?
Why didn't you save him? https://ift.tt/ESg2rFz by Blaze_31 First, his Sam is ripped from him by creatures in apocalypse world. Then two of his psycho older brothers return. All he wants is Sam. All Sam wants is to get home with his family, and his mom and Jack in tow. Why is that so hard? Who will return from that war-torn world and who will be forced to live with the memories? Set during 13x21 - Beat the Devil. My take on the events with a sabriel and destiel twist Words: 2500, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Mary Winchester, Jack Kline, Apocalypseverse Michael (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Crowley (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Hurt Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Protective Gabriel (Supernatural), Canon-Typical Violence, Crowley Lives (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod Lives, Bobby Singer Lives (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury Lives, Castiel & Sam Winchester Friendship, Sam Winchester is Jack Kline's Parent via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/kMJuXgC June 02, 2023 at 12:56PM
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ladylilithprime · 2 years
A, B, F, I, L, V, Z
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Geez, do you have a couple of hours?? Sastiel, Wincest, Wincestiel, Sabriel, Casabriel, Sauck, SaRaph, SaMichael, Samwena (I'm sensing a theme here), Debriel, Drowley, Dreamhunter, Dodio, Deonna, Samchit (also your fault), Otayuri, Viktuuri, MilaSara, WinterIron, IronHawk, SpideyTorch, Buckchester (Bucky/Sam Winchester, because crossover ships are too fun sometimes), Asushin, Shinworu, Asurei, Reiworu, Kajisato, Drarry, Rorry, Twincest (Fred and George edition), Twins/Harry, Charlie/Harry, Bill/Harry, Bleur, Percy/Oliver, Ozander, Xander/Spike, Willow/Tara, Xandelia, uhh.... Yeah, there's a number of fandoms where I don't have ships for one reason or another, too, so. That's not it, but it's all I feel like admitting to. XD
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Answered here, and I blame you. XP
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Do you mean active participation in., or from inception? Because I don't really consider myself as having left very many fandoms even if my participation in them faltered and lay fallow for a while. For active participation, Supernatural is probably the longest I've been continuously a part of, which is funny since it's the one I resisted getting into the most. From inception, though, probably Animorphs.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Tumblr actually made me dislike a fandom before I was even in it to the point that I refused to even watch the series for ten years before a crossover fanfic piqued my interest in the characters enough to go looking for more and eventually reading fanfic for it without the crossover element, and even then I resisted actually getting into the fandom until I started getting plot bunnies I couldn't ignore anymore and now I've been in the Supernatural fandom for seven years and counting. Go figure.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Lucifer had the potential to be an amazing, complex character full of head-twisting theological implications of free will and the nature of angels, the incredible and infuriatingly human potential to grow beyond the limits of what he was created to be, and he deserved better than to be Bucklemming's yoyo.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
In which fandom? I don't think I could pick just one, anyway. Online quizzes have put me as "Sam-coded", if that helps?
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Gah! Every time someone asks me to talk about some unspecified "something", even with the codifier of "fan-related", my mind goes blank. I have no idea. I'm tired and need more sleep than I get and I could really use a hug. One of the best hugs I ever got was from Jared Padalecki at JAXCon in December of 2018. It was warm and solid and felt like hugging a flannel-wrapped tree, and I'm amazed my eyes were actually open in the photo op. Second to that was also the hug I got from Misha Collins that same weekend during an earlier op. Something about him, his presence, was just so incredibly calming that I felt like I had been dropped into a liminal space where a full thirty-minute meditation was compressed into one and a half seconds, and it left me feeling so relaxed for the whole rest of the day. Hugs are really nice, and those two in particular had to have hugged a LOT of people just that weekend alone, but it still felt special and briefly connecting. Good memories, and I'm glad all of us were in the right places within ourselves to make those memories. (I rather doubt I stand out in their memories at all, or at least I hope I don't, I was an awkward bean that weekend and I just hope I'm part of the more positive background blur in their minds.)
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synesindri · 2 years
hi sin! A, B & C?
hiii cat <3 ty
A. Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
i've been vibing with deangabriel and michaelgabriel to the point of distraction lately!! this is possibly related to these being optimal counterbalances and distractions from jobstress but also just! idk they're so good lol
B. A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
THE example of this for me is sabriel. never would have thought of it (or might have eventually but it would have taken time to work around to it), but then it was SO popular and i was like ??? and then through reading meta and fic and talking to shippers (s/o especially to nevi on this one) i figured it out!
C. A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
this is going to be so unrelatable but the first thing that came to mind was barris from downton abbey. just never really clicked for me for no real reason. i honestly can't think of any for spn — at least, not within my kripke era home territory?? i guess i struggle somewhat with ships involving god or death or similar because i prefer them as more remote forces in a way that doesn't lend itself to shipping, but i have nothing against any of that on principle
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3473-warrior · 25 days
She/her (but still figuring it all out; life is complicated)
Safe space always - message if you need anything
Age: 19
Zodiac: November Scorpio ♏️
Fandoms: Marauders with a side of Golden Trio | Supernatural because Destiel is canon | Merlin but nobody dies | Criminal Minds
Ships: Sunseeker, Sunflowerseeker, Sunflower, Wolfstar, Rosekiller, basically any marauders ship (I fell into the rabbit hole 🕳️) | Destiel, Sabriel (enough said) | Merthur, Mergwenther, Morgwen and all friendships (because they deserve to be happy) | Moreid and just cute little fics
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/3473_warrior
Writing: Requests open (literally ask me anything at this point; I’m begging on my knees people)
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
i dont think ive ever been in a fandom where i didnt ship absolutely everything
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caigh-lee · 5 years
So I'm thinking of actually, finally, creating some content on here. I've got a few WIPs:
Sastiel friendship
"one degree to the left" SPN
Pines Bros fix-it
Martin and Arthur friendship h/c
An idea for how The Arrangement was born
Any of these strike anyone's fancy? I don't know what to tab tackle first. Our if anyone has some ideas that they want to see come to fruition let me know!
My inbox is open and my fingers are ready. Any kind of prompt is welcome!
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Do any of y'all have that fucking awesome friend. You know, the only friend that will listen to your fandom feels, even though they aren’t in the fandom and have zero idea what you are talking about. But they still comfort you when your favourite character dies, and you’re laid on the floor unable to function, they will sit next to you, and give you chocolate? The one who lets you rant about how your ship is OBVIOUSLY canon? Because I have heard about these mythical creatures and would like to know where to purchase one?
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