#sabrielle rowe
nugget--daddy · 1 year
snippet of my next short story
She wasn’t a role model.
She wasn’t a friend.
But she pretended to be. She smiled. She acted nice. She cared for the children. She acted like a motherly, or sisterly figure. But she wasn’t. She was fucked up. She killed. She killed children. she hated. She tortured. 
“-!!! Mph-” Sabrielle raced to the toilet, throwing it open. Uncontrollably she vomited, tears streaming down her cheeks, some mixing into the bowl below her. This…this isn't fun. She gripped onto the rim of the toilet bowl before she flushed away the remnants of her purge. Gone, gone, gone, gone!     ‘Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….. How are we feeling today? Lets see…sicky, urge to purge, angy…Its a hunting day!’ she staggered to her room…her sickles were slightly dull. But that would mean she’d have to hack at people. Make it too slow and annoying. Icky. Too messy. And she liked messy! So that's saying something.
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leahluvsmelxoxo · 9 months
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 7 months
I don't know if I can say this here but Gabriel would've been perfect as a woman. Still silly and annoying and mysterious and a bit of a bitch but as a woman. Just give RSJ a bra or something
normally not a sabriel guy. i think fem sabriel could change my life though. what if you had a crush on a girl so you trapped her in a torment nexus where you watch her fail to save her brother thousands of times in a row
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starker-is-endgame · 1 year
What are some fandoms you’re enjoying and any fic recs? 👀
Ooo well I'm in like a million fandoms. Some of my top are
Marvel, obv (starker, stucky, ironstrange)
Supernatural (destiel, sastiel, sabriel)
The vampire diaries (elejah, klaroline, just Damon bashing in general)
Naruto (sasunaru, kakanaru, itanaru, itakaka)
Jujutsu Kaisen (satosugu, itasato, sukuita, gojo/nanami)
Suits (marvey)
Percy Jackson
Go watch/read all of them except supernatural and jujutsu kaisen cuz they will destroy you and leave you sobbing on the floor
As for fic recs,
A familiar stranger, Give yourself a try, and Scaling the walls by Starker1975,
Jove's own page by OchibaKonpeki,
You're the one that I want by deltorafray,
A good lie by vexmybones,
My Heart Is an Open Wound (And Love's a Messy Row of Stitches) by Sparcina,
Whatever it takes by TheCivilizedJedi,
Anonymous by cfairbanks02,
Push You Out (Pull You Back In) by Readmynovels,
Revelations by Anonymous
Are some of my favs.
I would like to include so many more so keep an eye out for a masterlist! I will post it sometime in the next...year. Probably.
Btw all the fics are absolutely amazing so don't forget to show some love to the authors 💕
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spnrareships · 1 year
There still seems to be confusion over the "rare" in events like the Sam Rare Ships Week. I think it's actually deterring people who ship pairings that have more than 500 stories on AO3 from submitting content because they think their ship is disqualified. According to an earlier ask, any ship that isn't Wincest is allowed for the Sam Rare Ships Week, even Sabriel which has 14k stories on AO3 according to the spreadsheet, right? Maybe we need an added sentence that makes the definition of "rare" clearer for such events? I guess the definition in this case is anything other than the #1 most common Sam ship? (Not meaning to be annoying, just trying to help clear up the confusion because people in the comments thought Sabriel and Sastiel weren't allowed.)
Hey! Thanks for the ask!
We hadn't noticed the confusion, but perhaps our Rare Fic Friday (RFF) and Extra Rare Fic Friday (ERFF) events are so common that those rules are starting to overshadow all of the other events. RFF are for ships with less than 500 works on AO3, and ERFF are for ships with less than 100 works on AO3.
All other challenges follow our General Rules. The only ships that we do not allow for any of these challenges are Wincest and Destiel (unless they're included in poly relationships, which opens those options up as well). Yes - Sabriel and Sastiel are allowed in our challenges, as long as it's not a RFF/ERFF event. (We know that many may argue that Sabriel is not, in fact, a rare ship, but that's a whole other conversation. Sabriel is good to go for our events.)
Our AO3 Rare Ship Spreadsheet shows the breakdown of ships (that we know of - please send in any other ships that are missing!) on AO3. Any ships from Row 7 down (starting with Sam / Gabe) can be used for all events, unless otherwise stated (i.e. RFF/ERFF).
The reminder to review our General Rules page is at the bottom of all of our event posts, and those General Rules have not changed since the creation of this blog.
Hopefully this clears some of the confusion up! Thank you for sending your ask, and please let us know if you have any further questions!
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livingfictionsystem · 6 months
Yet Another Format
I love doing these lol
Collective name: Living Fiction System
Collective pronouns: They/Them
Body's age: 30
(Note: A lot of our fictives are loosely based off of fictional characters and developed from there or they're hybrids of several fictional characters. We tend not to have many that ID with the source, but we have traced a lot of their characteristics/backstories to works of fiction.)
+Sparrow Hemlock Harvey | Core | 22 | He/They | In a relationship with S from the outerworld | Trans masc/Genderfluid | Bisexual/Biromantic
+Xanthe Crow Lutece Zeitstück | Shadowhunter (Magnus)/Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow)/Howl's Moving Castle (Howl)/OC (Xanthe)| 29 | They/It | In a relationship with Kaspar Blythe Dusek, Widowed via Visarden Blackthorn, and in a flirtation with someone in the outerworld from Germany. | Androgyne | Pansexual/Panromantic
+ Rune Hallows | Core/Kirra Influence Holder | Mid-20's (Best guess atm) | She/They | Single | Demi-Girl | Bisexual/Biromantic
+Kaspar Blythe Dusek | Soulless Fictive (Lord Akeldama) | 26 | It/He/She/They | In a relationship with Marie Visser, Xanthe Zeitstück, Aberle Augegift, Iska Ethil, and one other Xanthe says isn't going to last long lol | Genderfluid/Androgyne | Pansexual/Panromantic
+Jasper Morgan Harvey | Saint's Row (Boss)/Peaky Blinders (Tommy Shelby) | 22-31 Age Slider | He/Him | In a relationship with Jack Harvey | Trans-masc | Homosexual/Biromantic
+Vexis Casciel | Ageless | She/Her | In an on/off relationship with Auralyth | Cis Woman | Sapphic/Lesbian
+Ethniu Castor | 32 | He/Him | Single | Cis Man | Heterosexual/Heteroromantic
+Audric Dietrich Augegift | About 75, though stole the body of someone in their 20's. (Seriously) | Vague Spec Ops: The Line Introject? (Walker) | In a relationship with Dominic and Joan Lengston | Widowed via Milo Godek and Emilie Augegift | Cis Man | Bisexual/Biromantic
+Aberle Fabel Augegift | 30 | Vampire Chronicles (Lestat)| He/Him | In a relationship with Alexander Mūse, Kaspar Dusek, Sabriel Godek, Koji Hanasaki | Cis Man | Pansexual/Panromantic
+Sound of Silver Heart | 33 | She/Her/He/Him | Married to JaK Heart | Genderfluid | Pansexual/Panromantic
+Phisoxa Heroux Zeitstück | 97, looks 30 | He/Him/She/Her | Genderfluid Androgyne | Undisclosed relationship status | Sapphic/Gray Ace
+Xhaxhollari Ithuriel Icarus | Based off the song, "Feathery Wings" by Voltaire/BBC Sherlock | Ageless | He/They/It | In a relationship with Aluciel Voxifera | Non-Binary Man | Asexual/Heteromantic
+Cinder Harbringer | Eurus from BBC Sherlock | Ageless | She/It | Single | Cis Woman | Aromantic/Pansexual
+Cecil Thackaray Sigurdson | House (Dr. House) | 31 | He/Him | Married to Sumire Mūse | Cis Man | Homosexual/Homoromantic
+JaK Sebastian Heart | Cinema Bizarre (Jack Strify) | 26 age slider | He/Him | Cis Man | Married to Koji Hanasaki and Sound Heart | Pansexual/Panromantic
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missyling · 7 months
I want to make, like, a proper post about this later because there are heaps of fictional characters I'd love to try my hand at making out of american girl dolls and the like but the three I really want to try and make are:
Alanna of Trebond, later known as Alanna the Lioness, is ten years old at the start of Alanna: the First Adventure, the first book in her quartet, set in the fantasy land of Tortall. She wants to be a knight and doesn't want to be a lady while her twin brother Thom doesn't want to be a knight. The pair conspire to swap places and thus begins Alanna's journey to knighthood. Alanna (and Thom) has red hair (frequently called copper) and purple eyes (sometimes described as violet). She's short and stocky.
I've compiled a mini gallery of some of the book covers of Alanna: the First Adventure as possible sources of inspiration. The copy I grew up with is in the middle top row so I have a soft spot for it but in terms of which comes closest imo to the text description and what I envision in my head, I would probably draw from bottom left and middle.
My difficulty is in working out which doll to become Alanna as there are no purple-eyed dolls and no dolls with the right hair shade, much less cut, so it's a more of a matter of working out what face shape I like best followed by acquiring the right wig and eyeballs.
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Suggestions are very welcome!
The second one is Laena Velaryon, mostly inspired by the adorable actress playing the child version of her in House of the Dragon. (However, I'm kind of debating whether to keep her purple eyes from Fire and Blood.) I love the A Song of Ice and Fire series and haven't gotten around to watching more than a little bit of HotD but this actress is so endearing in her scenes, I'd love to make a doll of the character. I tentatively thought maybe Truly Me #112 (pictured next to Nova Foueillis-Mosé as Laena) could work but I'm really unsure. Open to opinions!
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And the third one is Sabriel from the Abhorsen series. This is a series that one of my dear friends introduced me to in the past five years, which I adore but I also know I would have loooved if I’d read it when I was the target age. Sabriel lives in the Old Kingdom, a fantasy land on one side of a wall across which is the mundane land of Ancelstierre.
The Abhorsens are a lineage in the Old Kingdom who use special magical bells to control the dead and return the necromanced dead to the realm of Death.
When the first book (also called Sabriel) opens, Sabriel is at school in Ancelstierre and learns her father, the Abhorsen, is trapped in Death and she must go rescue him.
Sabriel has dark brown eyes and black hair worn in a bob. Unlike Alanna and Laena, Sabriel is not around the usual American Girl character age. I think she's 17/18 at the start but I still wanna make her.
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I really like Just Like You #40 but I think Kit's haircut is the more accurate bob. As always, open to thoughts!
Has anyone made any of these characters before? What characters have you made?
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angelsamericana · 4 years
i am BEGGING that unholyverse stop being mentioned with cockles. you are all going to open a can of worms you don't want opened pleas e
listen i know. i know. unfortunately maggie anthonycrowley's trademarked phrase "misha has the stigmata" is permanently etched into the backs of my eyelids
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softiesabriel · 6 years
Sam: I’m straight.
Sam: *Falls in love with Gabriel*
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pherryt · 7 years
Fading Dreams  - Part 2 of Going Mad
Supernatural, Sabriel
Canon Divergent from Season 11 finale, Wing Kink. Mostly SFW, dreams, ABO, Alpha Gabriel, Omega Sam, pining/longing
Word Count: 1117
Gabriel's been dead for over 8 years, so why is Sam still dreaming about him? Worse yet, why are the dreams coming more often and seem so much more...intense?
(Sequel to A Clash of Titans)
This fills the Wing Kink portion of my @spnabobingo card and actually fills a row for me!
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@durenjtmusings you are responsible for this fic. You randomly selected Sabriel and Wing kink and I found that absolutely funny because that had been part of my original plan!!! I hope you like it! Thanks for sending that in and for helping me complete a row :D
Tagging; @lacqueluster @jdragon122 @rosemoonweaver @destielonfire @madamelibrarian @trisscar368 @dmsilvisart @deadlykittenkay @jhoomwrites @braezenkitty @feartheophanim 
If you’d like to get on my tag list - either the general tag, or one of the more specific ones, please message me OR go here; Pherryt’s Tag List
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jumptheshark · 3 years
“sabriel is problematic because of what gabriel did to sam in mystery spot :/” you just made ten posts in a row about how it’s romantic when dean and cas beat each other to near death.
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nugget--daddy · 5 months
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Rust. AKA SABRIELLE IN HELL. Btw I post far more often on my quotev
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Day 1 - On the Road Again
Dean was 16 when he first fell in love. It wasn’t just one of those passing things, the one that was poisoning you with adrenaline until the effect faded and pushed you to get your next dose somewhere else. No, he had fallen in love for real this time, he knew it in the way his body rebelled against his mind every time he repeated to himself, "don’t get attached". His only romantic experience up to that point had been a few months before, when he dated Robin at Sonny’s house for delinquent boys, but nothing really comparable to what he now had with Joshua.
Josh was a teenager lost in the Illinois countryside, just like Dean and his younger brother for almost five months now. Between an absent father and a mother working 50 hours a week, Josh was a brilliant student in class, but discreet everywhere else. Somewhere, in their respective torments, they had found themselves walking to high school together before building more.
Dean’s pretext of asking for help with his economics homework had lasted awhile before Joshua claimed that he needed assistance with the air conditioning in his bathroom and, quickly, they ended up behind that old junkyard at the edge of the forest every evening after school to kiss for hours. Dean then could have claimed that it was a rewarding experience, a face like any other in the middle of his life constantly on the road. However, the more months passed, the less the desire to eat up the miles on the passenger seat of the Impala seemed exciting to him.
Joshua, meanwhile, found himself relishing greedily the breath of fresh air that Dean Winchester was in his monotonous life. His friend, however, had never lied. Since their first meeting Dean had told him that he was not destined to stay long in the area. But the days had turned into weeks, then months with no further news of Winchester senior other than an envelope full of bills every three weeks and Josh could not control his growing love for all the facets of Dean that he got a wicked pleasure to gradually expose in broad daylight. He then knew that he had lost the battle against his heart when he offered him a romantic evening for their three months together, to which Dean had rolled his eyes with a barely hidden smile.
Despite this, as the Fall slowly showed the tip of his yellowing leaves in Illinois, Dean suddenly showed up one Monday morning with a knot so big in his throat that Josh was sure he could feel it under his fingers. Dean’s bothered and restrained face had then not left him all week, Joshua feeling his muscles tense every time he took his hand or kissed him.
One night among so many, while they were kissing like the clandestine lovers they were, Joshua simply could not refrain from asking the question. After a long, embarrassed silence, Dean answered without daring to raise his eyes in Josh’s brown iris.
"My father called us last weekend…".
Joshua allowed him a second equally tense silence, feeling his own throat struggling to swallow the hundreds of questions that threatened to escape from his mouth. Dean resumed, finally releasing his lower lip from between his teeth.
"He’s picking us up tomorrow… He’s found another job in Utah."
Joshua felt his heart contorting in his chest and he was almost certain that Dean’s was doing  the same in view of the painful expression of his boyfriend. It was as if time had suspended itself after these words, none of the teenagers moving, yet so close to each other that they were now breathing the same air. Dean still couldn’t meet his eyes while Josh kept watching him in hopes of something, anything. Eventually, Josh swallowed the heart that was beating in his trachea and tightened his grip on Dean’s arm. They both knew what it meant, but neither had the courage to say it out loud.
"I heard that winter is terrible in Utah. Do you know how to ski at least?" Asked Josh in a laughter that didn’t fool anyone.
It had at least the merit of snatching a fine smile from Dean who lifted up his shaken gaze towards him. To fill the next silence, their lips found themselves almost by automatism, but the whole action had a taste of farewell that neither could overstep. When they parted again, Josh uttered a resolute exclamation before going into his bag a little further. Dean glared at him in disbelief, but waited calmly until his boyfriend came back with a torn piece of paper. On it was scribbled 10 digits in a hurry. Josh handed him his number with a sweet and resolute smile.
"Here, so we can keep calling each other and, when you come back around, then I’ll know where to meet you."
His gesture remained in mid-air when Dean merely looked at the piece of paper with overwhelming sadness. After long seconds, Josh dropped his arm against his body, his smile gone. Dean licked his lips, embarrassed and a knot in his belly.
- "I’m sorry Josh…" He whispered in the surrounding silence, as if he was unable to answer him louder for fear of breaking something.
And somehow, these insipid words were worse than a long explanation punctuated with tears. Josh merely nodded and stood there, his gaze detailing the fallen leaves around them, unable to say more. When Dean spoke again, Josh almost jumped.
"I...I know that’s not what you want to hear, but my life is catching up on me and…" Dean made a clucking noise in his tongue, visibly annoyed by his own words. He was probably tired of sounding like an insensitive asshole this time. "Listen…" Dean took Josh’s free hand and finally looked at him." I know… And I’m so sorry. But… my dad and Sam, it’s… you know? I can’t tell them I’m staying, even if I want to…”
Josh did not react, even if he perceived the obvious distress in Dean’s gestures and voice. He pinched his lips, his face desperately neutral. Dean swallowed.
"This is certainly the first time I’ve felt the need to stay somewhere… to go to school and eat local burgers every Friday night even though their pies taste like butt." He smiled hesitantly before becoming serious again, seeing Josh’s face still so close despite his attempts to defuse the situation. "But if I don’t go with them… Even though I know they can manage without me, I’m too afraid to let them. Tell me you understand, please…"
Josh tightened his fingers around Dean’s fingers, his eyes begging, but his face still so impassive as not to reveal the withering pieces of his heart.
"The phone number."
This was all he was able to say without his voice breaking. Dean nodded with a certain rigidity, painfully biting his lip again, so that it was now red and swollen. Dean sighed before watching their two hands tied, sounding defeated.
"Maybe… I lied to myself thinking everything would be okay this time." And for God’s sake, he couldn’t tell him that he was once again choosing his family. That, once again, he would rather break his heart than face his father’s gaze or that devouring guilt by imagining leaving Sam behind. He clenched his fist. "I know I’m unfair… but maybe it’s better if you stop being emotionally invested with me right now."
These words burned his tongue and fed the growing fire inside Josh. Wasn’t it a little late for this? Josh was not a toy that he could break and change the batteries as he wished. Only, Josh was also a sweet boy, had always been, and although some criticized him for letting people walk all over him too often, the teenager could not bring himself to overwhelm Dean today. Tomorrow, maybe, in three weeks, certainly.... But not now. Josh nodded an umpteenth time as if it didn’t tear his heart to do so and offered him a painful smile that Dean knew only too well from years spent practicing it.
"I understand…" Even if he didn’t want to." "It’s not your fault." Even if he would have preferred.
When Josh saw the guilt in every line of Dean’s face, he briefly felt sorry himself too, but he knew he couldn’t do better than that. So, slowly, he let go of Dean’s hand to untie the braided leather bracelet he had worn on his wrist since his 12th birthday. The clip was almost hard to open as he never removed it and when the leather rolled out of his skin, he felt naked. He placed the bracelet in the palm of his hand and pressed it into Dean’s, closing his boyfriend’s fingers on it. Josh felt his lips stretch into another tender smile.
"It’s not a phone number." He said. "But maybe, someday, it will bring you back to me?"
Dean was unable to answer because his throat was so tight. He took the bracelet and passed it around his own wrist, just below his watch, before covering it with the sleeve of his plaid. There was nothing else to say in the face of the overwhelming reality that came to crush their mad love; irrational hope at the edge of a dying forest.
That night, Dean and Josh kissed longer before leaving each other, as if to engrave this sensation in their bodies and minds. Dean could not help but walk away like a death-row inmate and Joshua watched him do it with this unbearable sensation of rupture deep inside him.
The next morning, Dean did not attend school. He also did not come behind the junkyard in the evening, stumbling on a broad branch of a tree as he used to do before throwing a bunch of curses at it. The next day, Josh was alone to listen to the rumble of the Impala moving away from Illinois while his leather bracelet went on the road again, away from him and his mistreated heart. * * * @winchester-reload​
This is this time of the year again, FINALLY! I’ll do my best to post ficlets throughout the whole month, I hope you guys will like it :). Thank you again Jackie for this year’s Suptober, so excited about it!
You can find the whole series on Ao3
Tag list /!\ This is an old tag list from Suptober 2019, PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WANT TO BE ADD TO (or removed from) THE TAG LIST so you won’t miss any updates.
@misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @styggtroll @thanks-tacos @petrichoravellichor @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @ladywaywarddsc @hellfire37 @destiel-221b-sabriel @aloha-cowgirl @destielhoneybee @dysfunctional-destiel @ozonecologne @doofcas @castielrisingabove @zoerayne2426 @tibbinswrites @vicmc624 @thegirlofstarlight @berrieseveryday @staycejo1 @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel @bab-spnfamily @lo-mindpalace​ 
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teddylacroix · 4 years
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Making something for me for a fest, birthday, or randomly out of the goodness of your heart? Here is my wishlist! The tropes tier maker above comes from here, if you’d like to make one for yourself.
Onto my fandom yays and nays:
Fandom overviews:
Fandoms: Primary: The Witcher, Captain America- or Hawkeye-centric Marvel (MCU or 616), Harry Potter
Fandoms: Secondary: Good Omens, Pokemon
Ships: Primary: Phlint, Stucky, Drarry
Ships: Secondary: Frostbunny/Jackrabbit, Phlintasha, Geraskier, Spideypool, Thorki, Matt/Foggy, Steggy, Stevetasha, Ineffable Husbands (since pre-redhead-Crowley days), 00Q, Destiel, Cherik, Johnlock, George Weasley/Luna Lovegood, Charlie Weasley/Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood, Almost Anyone Close Enough in Age/Luna Lovegood, Sidlink
Nostalgic old ships: 1x2x1, Palletshipping/Shigesato/Gurire, MakoAmi, SeiUsa, Warla/Forest Fire, Sabriel, Cecilos, Hilson
Fav characters outside of my primary ships: Luna Lovegood, Tissaia de Vries, Gabriel (SPN), Lucifer (Neil Gaiman), Mew (Pokemon), Mimikyu (Pokemon), Kou Yaten (BSSM), Jack Frost (RotG), Mulan, Merida, Ariel
Storylines that always make me grabbyhands:
Everything in the “HEART EYES MF” row of the tropes tiers
Urban/modern fantasy of any variety, especially where magic is not commonly known in mainstream society
Worldbuilding! Especially magic systems and lore!!
Demons and angels!!!
Secret badassery
Art styles or concepts that always make me grabbyhands:
Art nouveau
Rough sketchy art
Clean, minimal, organic art
Blatantly painterly styles
Experimental stuff
Pensive, quiet art that makes me stare off at a wall Feeling Things
Wabi-sabi, baby
Everything in the “No thanks” row of the tropes tiers
Extreme OOCness, including woobification outside of comedy/crack
Subset of OOCness: when a character who is not canonically sunshine and daisies is written as a naive cinnamon roll, thus downplaying their complexity and frequently stripping away their interesting flaws, intelligence, struggles, and traumas
Triggers and hard No’s:
Anything underage that is explicit
Onscreen child abuse. Implied/offscreen/fade-to-black are fine
Heavy onscreen substance abuse. Occasional usage is fine, but anything Breaking Bad levels and up is not something I can handle
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ao3feed-destiel · 4 years
AU in which everything is happy and they are all okay
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/3hrU93y
by firefliesandstarlight
The members of what, in another universe, might be referred to as an unofficial Team Free Will— all seventeen of them— spend a day at the “Happiest Place on Earth”: Disneyland.
Amid long lines and overpriced churros, the found family vibes are strong, because in this universe, everything is okay and everyone is happy.
aka a disneyland au inspired by my own insomnia and my nostalgia over spn ending
Words: 6767, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Anna Milton, Ruby (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Meg Masters, Michael (Supernatural), Adam Milligan, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills, Kaia Nieves, Claire Novak, Uriel (Supernatural), Raphael (Supernatural), Jack Kline
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Anna Milton/Ruby, Charlie Bradbury & Meg Masters, Michael/Adam Milligan, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum & Jody Mills, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak
Additional Tags: disneyland au, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, literally that’s all it is it’s just fluff, they all go to disneyland and have the time of their lives, Found Family Vibes, at least i hope so, this is the result of like 4 sleepless nights in a row, so forgive me if there are any typos, no beta we die like hunters, Sabriel (Supernatural), Midam (Supernatural), Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, they’re all human yall, Destiel (Supernatural) - Freeform, ish, okay thats all the ship names i know of back to the regularly scheduled tagging, kudos and comments greatly appreciated!, thanks yall :D
Link: https://ift.tt/3hrU93y
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lornaslibrary · 5 years
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Last week I asked you to recommend your favourite fantasy books. These are all the books that were recommended!!
Bold = the books I’ve read * = the books I personally would recommend + = want to read/on my TBR
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha Trilogy #1), by Leigh Bardugo *
Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1), by Leigh Bardugo *
King of Scars (The Nikolai Duology #1), by Leigh Bardugo +
Girls Made of Snow and Glass, Melissa Bashardoust +
Range of Ghosts (Eternal Sky #1), by Elizabeth Bear
Chime, by Franny Billingsley
Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1), by Kendare Blake
The Halloween Tree, by Ray Bradbury
Ninth Grade Slays (The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd #1), by Heather Brewer
The Wolf in the Whale, by Jordanna Max Brodsky
Our Bloody Pearl (These Traitorous Tides #1), by D. N. Bryn *
A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce
Spellslinger (Spellslinger #1), by Sebastien de Castell
Traitor’s Blade (Greatcoats #1), by Sebastien de Castell +
The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy #1), S.A. Chakraborty +
The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo
To Kill a Kingdom, by Alexandra Christo *
The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch #1), by Rin Chupeco +
The Iron Trial (Magisterium #1), by Cassandra Clare & Holly Black
The Dark is Rising, by Susan Cooper
London Falling (Shadow Police #1), by Paul Cornell
The Fire Within (The Last Dragon Chronicles #1), by Chris D’Lacey
The King’s Bastard (King Rolen’s Kin #1), by Rowena Cory Daniells
Kings of the Wyld (The Band #1), by Nicholas Eames
We Hunt the Flame (Sand of Arawiya #1), by Hafsah Faizal
Bitter Greens, by Kate Forsyth
The Skylark’s Song (The Skylark Saga #1), by J. M. Frey
The Untold Turn (The Accidental Turn #1), by J.M. Frey
Neverwhere (London Below #1), by Neil Gaiman
The Written (Emaneska #1), by Ben Galley
The Sentinel Mage (The Cursed Kingdoms #1), by Emily Gee
The Goose Girl (The Books of Bayern #1), by Shannon Hale
Seraphina (Seraphina #1), by Rachel Hartman +
Assassin’s Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1), by Robin Hobb
Fool’s Gold (The Dragon Lords #1), by Jon Hollins
The Snow Child, Eowyn Ivey
Wintersong (Wintersong #1), by S. Jae-Jones
The Traitor God (Age of Tyranny #1), by Cameron Johnston
Howl’s Moving Castle (Howl’s Moving Castle #1), by Diana Wynne Jones
The Dark Lord of Derkholm (Derkholm #1), by Diana Wynne Jones
Fires of the Faithful (Eliana’s Song #1), by Naomi Kritzer
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis
Monstress, Vol 1: Awakening (Monstress #1), by Marjorie M. Liu and  Sana Takeda +
Ash, by Malinda Lo *
First Watch (The Fifth Ward #1), by Dale Lucas
Down Among the Stick and Bones (Wayward Children #2), by Seanan McGuire +
Middlegame, by Seanan McGuire +
Chalice, by Robin McKinley
Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1), by Sarah J. Maas
Blood’s Pride (Shattered Kingdoms #1), by Evie Manieri
Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles #1), by Melina Marchetta
Wildwood Dancing (Wildwood #1), by Juliet Marillier
Heart’s Blood, by Juliet Marillier
The Summoner (Chronicles of the Necromancer #1), by Gail Z. Martin
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1), by George R.R. Martin
The Orphan Queen (The Orphan Queen #1), by Jodi Meadows
Veiled Intentions (The Dragon’s Blade #2), by Michael R. Miller
The Philosopher’s Flight, by Tom Miller 
Lud-in-the-Mist, by Hope Mirrlees +
Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1), by Natasha Ngan +
Sabriel (The Old Kingdom #1), by Garth Nix
Uprooted, Naomi Novik 
Here, There Be Dragons (The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geograpica #1), by James A. Owen
Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle #1), by Christopher Paolini
East (East #1), by Edith Pattou
The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1), by Mary E. Pearson
Sorcery of Thorns, by Margaret Rogerson
Forging Divinity (The War of Broken Mirrors #1), by Andrew Rowe
Carry On (Simon Snow #1), by Rainbow Rowell
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter #1), by J.K. Rowling *
The Final Empire (Mistborn #1), Brandon Sanderson
A Living Nightmare (Cirque du Freak #1), by Darren Shan *
The Priory of the Orange Tree, by Samantha Shannon
Tantalize (Tantalize #1), by Cynthia Leitich Smith
The Chronicles of Ixia, by Maria V Snyder +
The Scorpio Races, by Maggie Stiefvater
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1), by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1), by Maggie Stiefvater
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1), by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl 
Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #1), by Laini Taylor *
Empire in Black and Gold (Shadows of the Apt #1), by Adrian Tchaikovsky  
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien  
The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor #1), by Jessica Townsend 
Dragon Weather (The Obsidian Chronicles #1), by Lawrence Watt-Evans
The Black Prism (Lightbringer #1), by Brent Weeks  
The Cloud Roads (Books of the Raksura #1), by Martha Wells
The Happy Prince and Other Tales, by Oscar Wilde
A House of Pomegranates, by Oscar Wilde 
Dealing with Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicle #1), Patricia C. Wrede
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