#sacred paths discord
howtomuslim · 3 months
The Unifying Power of Islam: Binding Diverse People Together
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In a world fragmented by differences, Islam stands out as a unifying force that transcends cultural, racial, and geographical boundaries. Its ability to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds into an international community is a testament to its enduring beauty and relevance in today’s society. 
One of the most fascinating ways in which Muslims feel a connection between fellow muslims worldwide is by the means of a common and endearing greeting: “Assalamu Alaykum” (peace be upon you, commonly shortened to “Salam” or peace)
Islam emphasises the fundamental unity of humanity, teaching that all people are descendants of Adam and Eve, and thus, all races and communities are equal in the eyes of the Divine. The Quran states: 
“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted” (Quran 49:13). 
This verse underscores the importance of recognising our shared humanity and fostering mutual understanding among diverse communities.
The Brotherhood of Believers
Central to Islam is the concept of brotherhood/sisterhood among believers. 
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever” (Sahih Bukhari). 
This Hadith highlights the interconnectedness of believers and emphasizes the importance of empathy and support within the Muslim community.
Unity in Worship
Five times a day, Muslims around the world turn towards the Kaaba in Mecca, united in prayer, united in direction and united in purpose of worship. This act of collective worship, known as Salah, serves as a powerful symbol of unity and solidarity among Muslims regardless of their geographical location or cultural background. It reinforces the notion that despite our differences, we are bound together by a common faith and devotion to God.
“We have been seeing you turning your face to the heavens. So, We will certainly assign to you a Qiblah that you would like. Now, turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque (Al-Masjid-ul-Harām), and (O Muslims), wherever you are, turn your faces in its direction. Even those who have been given the Book know well that it is the truth from their Lord, and Allah is not unaware of what they do.” [Quran 2:144]
Social Justice and Equality
Islam places a strong emphasis on social justice and equality, advocating for the fair treatment of all individuals irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself” (Sahih Bukhari). This Hadith underscores the importance of empathy and fairness in our interactions with others, fostering a sense of unity and inclusivity within society.
Cultural Diversity within Islam
Islam is not monolithic, but rather encompasses a rich mosaic of cultures, languages, and traditions from around the world. This diversity is celebrated within the Islamic framework, with different communities bringing their unique customs and practices to the fold of Islam while maintaining their identity as Muslims. The Quran affirms this diversity, stating:
“And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Indeed, in that are signs for those of knowledge” (Quran 30:22)
In a world marked by division and discord, Islam offers a path towards unity, compassion, and understanding. Its teachings inspire individuals to transcend their differences and come together in pursuit of a common purpose: to worship Allah and serve humanity. 
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modern--nights · 21 hours
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Verily, the Lasombra stand as chieftains and seers, monarchs and sages, warriors and holy men. They weigh with care who merits the Embrace, yet show no mercy to those of their ilk who prove unworthy. Indeed, the sole menace to the dominion of clan Lasombra may well be clan Lasombra itself. Montano, eldest childe of Lasombra, now governs from the distant Castle of Shadows in Sicily, his rule extending as a shadow over his Sire's troubled repose, haunted by visions of darkness and the Abyss.
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Deep-rooted in religious fervor, perchance due to their profound affinity with shadows, many among the Clan tread the Path of Heaven. This fervent piety kindles strife within the Clan, turning their gaze inward. In Iberia, the Shadow Reconquista rages—a clash between Christian and Muslim Cainites, dividing the Clan. Its echoes reverberate far beyond Iberia, ensnaring distant allies. Christian Lasombra within the Church rally resources for Christian forces, whilst Muslim brethren seek alliances, especially with the Assamites. They implore their Jewish kin to join their cause, for fear of dire reprisal should Christians seize power in Iberia.
Yet, the schism without mirrors the schism within. The Cainite Heresy festers within the Church, a heretical cult dominated by Lasombra priests and bishops. These apostates claim Cainites, marked by God, akin to angelic beings, with the Curse of Caine sanctifying them. Naturally, even non-Christian Lasombra decry this doctrine as blasphemy, striving to expunge such heresy wherever it takes root.
Moniker: Magisters Visage: The Clan of Shadows boasts a diverse assembly, with members hailing from Spanish, Italian, Jewish, North African, or Arabian lineages. Most Lasombra garb themselves in opulent attire, bedecked in silks from the Orient, sumptuous French brocades, or the resplendent fabrics of Arabia. Even those within the Church, though it eschews worldly riches, often don regal vestments befitting their high station.
Refuge and Quarry: Some affluent Lasombra opt to dwell amidst their familial estates, masking their true nature to retain control over their holdings. Here, they find ample sustenance amidst kin, servants, and retainers. Others, averse to the complications of concealment amongst throngs of mortals, establish solitary abodes of opulence, sacrificing convenience for secrecy and security. Some adherents of the Cainite Heresy feed upon their congregants, veiling their actions as sacred rites. Nonetheless, such practices demand utmost discretion, lest they incur the wrath of more orthodox Christian Lasombra.
The Embrace: Lasombra often select their progeny from among the affluent, powerful, or politically astute. Yet, Magisters may equally embrace those of humble origins, whose ambition and intellect shine bright. Birth alone cannot gauge one's mettle or capacity for leadership.
Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence Weaknesses: Lasombra cast no reflection in reflective surfaces, rendering it arduous to conceal their supernatural essence from mortals. Moreover, they recoil from bright light, suffering additional harm from sunlight.
Organization: Within the Clan exists the Amici Noctis, the Friends of Night—an exclusive fraternity admitting only those who have proven their worth to the Clan. Presiding over the Courts of Blood, the Amici Noctis grants leave for Amaranth, serving as the final arbiter of its application. Unsanctioned Amaranth invites swift retribution, as decreed by the Amici Noctis. Predominant in central Europe, Montano staunchly opposes the Friends of Night, forbidding their presence in Sicily and the Castle of Shadows. In Iberia, the Shadow Reconquista impedes the Amici Noctis's authority, rendering it powerless to quell the discord.
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Stereotypes: High Clans: A meaningless distinction, espoused by the equally pointless. Our ascendancy stems from merit, not lineage. Their classification as High or Low speaks volumes of their discernment. Low Clans: Let other High Clans spurn them. Only a fool rejects a valuable asset or indispensable ally. Assamites: More akin are we to the Children of Haqim than to most others. Let prejudice blind others. They are honorable and worthy allies. Ventrue: The Scions misconstrue power and position, to their detriment. Let them pursue lofty ambitions; it renders them pliable. Followers of Set: Let them strive to revive worship of their defunct deity. Time marches on, and those who resist progress are trampled beneath its stride. Tzimisce: Godless pagans, one and all. They spurned the chance to forsake their heathen ways. While we acknowledge their might, we cannot place our trust in them.
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matchagyudon · 23 days
Charisma, MAGICAL Order☆RikaPure! - Rikai Kusanagi English Lyrics Translation
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Unwavering purity! RikaPure of Order!
MAGICAL☆RikaPure (Sparkle, Sparkle) I will destroy your earthly desires RikaPure of Order (Spin, Spin) Justice Boy (Yaaay!)
A precious gemstone of piety (Yes!) Protecting mankind is my destiny The refined form of a pure-hearted boy (Wow!) A magician on a mission (Transformation!)
The Chosen Leader of Morals To the fools out there (PP!) Ready yourself (PP!) Take my love! (Fuuuu!)
Justice and order protecting harmony Bursting with infectious smiles in a happy world (happy!) To the immoral evils that threaten our earthly existence I will bring down the hammer on you Charging my fighting power
RikaPure of Order (Spin, Spin) Miracle Boy
It’s perfectly fine to ostracize (Yes!) This is my way Lawlessness will be swiftly executed (GO!) Sheer divine retribution (Passionate!)
The leader of purity swooping down Desires and the like (pew pew!) will be consumed (pew pew!) In the fires of hell (keep at it!)
A melody allied with wisdom and courage A sacred place where rhythm shall not be corrupted (We are!) Indiscretions punished, faithlessness judged Discord will be purged An indomitable raison d'être
How wonderful! Downright sexy! I’m counting on you! I will watch your back! I’ll follow ya! It’s all about understanding.
Move forward, go beyond the other side of the rainbow Aim for the ultimate cosmos, the place of vows
Justice and order protecting harmony Bursting with infectious smiles in a happy world (happy!) Stick to the path of truth and sincerity We can be friends Charging my fighting power (Uuuyah!)
MAGICAL☆RikaPure (Sparkle, Sparkle) I will destroy your earthly desires RikaPure of Order (Spin, Spin) Justice Boy (Yaaay!)
Righteousness is supreme!!!
MAGICAL Order☆RikaPure! - Rikai Kusanagi EN TL @MatchaGyudon (google.com)
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thethinker2024 · 21 days
إن مفهوم كون البشر ممثلين لله على الأرض متجذر بعمق في التقاليد الروحية المختلفة، بما في ذلك الصوفية. ووفقاً للمعتقدات الصوفية، يحمل الإنسان في داخله جوهراً إلهياً، وهو شرارة من النور الإلهي الذي يربطه بمصدر الخلق كله. يؤكد هذا الاعتقاد على الطبيعة المقدسة لكل إنسان وإمكانية النمو الروحي والتنوير.
في الصوفية، يُنظر إلى رحلة الروح على أنها عودة إلى الإلهية، وهي عملية تحقيق الذات والتحول الذي يؤدي إلى الاتحاد مع الله. تتضمن هذه الرحلة تنقية القلب وتنمية الفضائل مثل الحب والرحمة والتواضع والسعي لمواءمة إرادة الفرد مع الإرادة الإلهية.
يؤكد الصوفيون على أهمية الاستبطان والوعي الذاتي والتفكير الداخلي كممارسات أساسية على طريق التنوير الروحي. ومن خلال التحول إلى الداخل واستكشاف أعماق قلوبهم، يستطيع الأفراد كشف الحقائق المخفية، والتغلب على قيود الأنا لديهم، وتعزيز اتصالهم بمصدر كل الكائنات.
إن مفهوم البشر كممثلين لله يحمل أيضًا بعدًا أخلاقيًا ومعنويًا في التعاليم الصوفية. إنه يذكر الأفراد بكرامتهم المتأصلة ومسؤوليتهم في التصرف بنزاهة ورحمة وعدالة في تفاعلاتهم مع الآخرين. ومن خلال تجسيد الصفات الإلهية مثل الرحمة واللطف والمغفرة، يستطيع البشر أداء دورهم كوكلاء للخليقة والمساهمة في الانسجام والرفاهية في العالم.
في نهاية المطاف، يدور المسار الصوفي حول تسليم الأنا، وتجاوز حدود الذات، وإدراك الترابط بين جميع الكائنات. ومن خلال إدراك النور الإلهي داخل أنفسهم وفي الآخرين، يمكن للأفراد تنمية شعور بالوحدة والرحمة الذي يتجاوز الاختلافات ويعزز الشعور بالأخوة العالمية. يعد هذا الوعي بإنسانيتنا المشتركة وتراثنا الروحي حافزًا قويًا للشفاء والمصالحة والسلام في عالم غالبًا ما ينقسم بسبب الصراع والخلاف.
في الختام، فإن الإيمان بالبشر كممثلين لله على الأرض هو مفهوم عميق وهو أمر أساسي في التعاليم الصوفية. من خلال الاعتراف بالشرارة الإلهية داخل أنفسهم والآخرين، يمكن للأفراد أن يستيقظوا على طبيعتهم الحقيقية، ويدركوا إمكاناتهم الروحية، ويجسدوا فضائل الحب والرحمة والوحدة الخالدة. هذا الاعتراف بترابطنا المقدس يمكن أن يلهمنا للعيش في وئام مع أنفسنا ومع الآخرين ومع العالم من حولنا، مما يخلق مجتمعًا أكثر سلامًا ورحمة للجميع.
The concept of humans being representatives of God on Earth is deeply rooted in various spiritual traditions, including Sufism. According to Sufi beliefs, humans carry within them a divine essence, a spark of the divine light that connects them to the Source of all creation. This belief underscores the sacred nature of every human being and the potential for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
In Sufism, the journey of the soul is seen as a return to the Divine, a process of self-realization and transformation that leads to a union with God. This journey involves purifying the heart, cultivating virtues such as love, compassion, and humility, and seeking to align one's will with the Divine Will.
Sufis emphasize the importance of introspection, self-awareness, and inner reflection as essential practices on the path to spiritual enlightenment. By turning inward and exploring the depths of their own hearts, individuals can uncover hidden truths, overcome their ego's limitations, and strengthen their connection to the Source of all being.
The concept of humans as representatives of God also carries a moral and ethical dimension in Sufi teachings. It reminds individuals of their inherent dignity and responsibility to act with integrity, compassion, and justice in their interactions with others. By embodying divine qualities such as mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, humans can fulfill their role as stewards of creation and contribute to the harmony and well-being of the world.
Ultimately, the Sufi path is about surrendering the ego, transcending the limitations of the self, and realizing the interconnectedness of all beings. By recognizing the divine light within themselves and others, individuals can cultivate a sense of unity and compassion that transcends differences and fosters a sense of universal brotherhood and sisterhood. This awareness of our shared humanity and spiritual heritage is a powerful catalyst for healing, reconciliation, and peace in a world that is often divided by conflict and discord.
In conclusion, the belief in humans as representatives of God on Earth is a profound and transformative concept that is central to Sufi teachings. By acknowledging the divine spark within themselves and others, individuals can awaken to their true nature, realize their spiritual potential, and embody the timeless virtues of love, compassion, and unity. This recognition of our sacred interconnectedness can inspire us to live in harmony with ourselves, others, and the world around us, creating a more peaceful and compassionate society for all.
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yuck-pfaugh · 1 year
Inflicting my Late Night Paul Thoughts on anyone who’ll stand still long enough, just because someone asked and if I don’t do it now I never will. <.<
My first time through NtN I was enormously struck by what Paul seemed to represent. I know a lot of readers were (ahem) not thrilled to see this character replace Cam and Pal, in a rebirth which by its nature necessitated two deaths. But my immediate thought was: has it ever happened this way before? In the long history of Canaan House, and of necromancy itself?
Think of it. Two people choosing to be joined as one, in knowing and loving consent. No agonising sacrifice. No ten-thousand-year regrets. Nobody being forced, or guilted, or tricked. No suicide pact. No rapier through the back. No desperate encounter with iron spikes. Nobody was on the fence about it at all. The only duress they were under was shared, and came upon them in pursuit of goals that were also shared. They moved in step together to their end and their beginning, because they loved one another. Nothing was stolen — all was freely given. So I remember raving all over Discord: “This is it!! Cam and Pal have just made the ultimate statement of anti-Joddism!!” And that’s how I still think of it a couple of months on.
True, we haven’t heard about every ascension (I’m slavering for the dirt on G1deon and Pyrrha), but to me this feels like a significant thematic pivot. Like a radical subversion of Jod’s schema for his empire, and an urgent new alternative to the values he’s perpetuated. Like early steps on a path that might lead the Nine Houses out of his cycle of violence and vengefulness and consumption, and into a better, truer, kinder world to come. (The Sixth House has already voted with their feet, remember, at their Warden’s urging.)
”I could never stop you from loving anything. I don’t have the right. Nobody has the right to tell you who to love or who not to love, and equally nobody’s obliged to love you. If you were forced into loving them, it wouldn’t be love…”
Compare for instance this Pauline statement of principle, with Jod’s charming habit of wiping his friends’ memories and changing their names and binding them close to him by his necromantic powers — until, haha, just by coincidence I’m sure, the technique for allowing them to move away from him safely required them to kill the people they loved most, neatly depriving them of personal bonds that might have been a threat to their loyalty to him. Consider them now, after ten thousand years of being warped by his ‘divine love’. He took perfectly good necromancers and he made them depressed, is what he did. Look at Mercymorn. She’s got anxiety.
"Camilla, we did it right, didn't we?" Palamedes said, and now Nona knew he wasn't speaking to anyone else in the universe. "We had something very nearly perfect ... the perfect friendship, the perfect love. I cannot imagine reaching the end of this life and having any regrets, so long as I had been allowed to experience being your adept."
They were doing it right all along. When we first met them at Canaan House they were already working the problem together — unless we count the Fifth planning their dinner party, the Sixth were the first and only necro/cav pair we saw functioning as a unit and bringing their united talents to bear, in what was already a compelling synthesis. And within a power dynamic that was designed from the get-go to be skewed in the necromancer’s favour (see above re: Jod), Palamedes’s principled respect for Camilla and his reciprocal devotion to her ensured that they had the nearest thing to an equal bond that such a pair could have formed within that absolutely corrupt framework. This is not a necro who will use and abuse, consume and subsume, his cav. She’s as sacred to him as he is to her; when he’s in charge of the body, it’s his temple. They took Jod’s horrible perversion of a sacred bond — literally, the kind that creates saints — and actually made it beautiful. They were always seeking to do it right.
Something I noticed on my third read:
I told them it would work. N— was all, It's not going to work. This is going to end with the ships launching and G— getting shot, and you're going to kill millions of people for nothing. We followed you to save the world.
I said, We're doing that. This is how we save the world. Believe me.
C— said, John, your problem is that you care less about being a saviour than you do about meting out punishment.
This being perhaps Jod’s besetting sin, that he conflates two opposing goals and betrays the golden one in pursuit of dross. Also, he fails at both. Both. (Yuck!! Pfaugh!!) In contrast, a few hundred pages earlier, Pyrrha tries to talk some cynicism into Palamedes; she says:
"You can have the barracks or your people—or neither. You can't say 'I choose both' like a wet towel and expect the universe to fall into line."
But Cam and Pal do pursue their goals in tandem, and they win at both.
Separately or as a melange, as Cam and Pal or as Paul… they’re not only vastly more principled and loving than Jod, I think they're smarter than him. Moreover their intelligence is unfettered by that obsessive need for revenge.
And all this is why my purely instinctive and barely supported theory here tonight is that they will be the key figure in not necessarily dismantling, but perhaps reforming or reinventing, his empire in whole or in part. Despite their notable letter-writing I suspect the gent named Paul who will prove most relevant to their arc will be not the apostle, but Pope Paul VI, who led the Catholic Church during Vatican II and implemented its recommendations afterward. Because sometimes an ancient institution needs housecleaning — and moderating and gentling for the sake of its adherents — or even having its laws revised by someone as moral and nerdy and detail-oriented as the Sixth. Perhaps something of this ilk, a revolution with Paul as the spiritual and Crown as the secular leader, will take place in one storyline while Gideon and Harrow et al are doing the dramatic swashbuckling stuff in another…? There are so many awesome characters who need their own rôles to play in the final act, and this could well be part of Paul’s. When Hell’s harrowed and the River flows free again, someone has to think about the day after, and the day after that.
tl;dr If it is possible to theorise a more ethical necromancy, and/or a less abusive necro/cav dynamic, I think that will be Paul’s job in AtN. If it isn't possible, then Paul will instead be instrumental in necromancy's end. Either way, they feel to me like an opposite to Jod, perhaps a new era’s replacement for him as the guiding spirit of the Nine Houses. While Gideon and Harrow are off on an extended honeymoon and having quite a lot of sex.
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aurheatum · 9 months
toa anniversary mun day
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under cut
Nel, i mean it’s Sarah technically, but once you start getting multiple notes in the mail with Nel on them I think it counts. Nelfes works too. I respond to most anything tbh
she/her or they/them
Birthday (no year):
Dec 6th Saint Nicholas Day : )
Where are you from? What is your time zone?
Chicago. CST [GMT-5].
Roleplay experience:
Over ten years, started on Neopets and other forums. Moved to Gaia Online and then Tumblr indie space some time in 2011.
Got any pets?
Baby boy
Favorite time of year:
Springtime or Autumn
Some interests and things you like:
I’ve always been super into mythology, all of them. I used to think that Carl Jung was onto something with the collective unconscious but then Anthropology and the reality of multilineal evolution ruined that for me (college will teach you things); but that’s alright because humans their ability to create and interpret their surroundings with equal parts love and fear is still pretty cool.
Some funfacts & trivia about you:
-Agnostic but i work in an occult library (it’s pretty quiet; the new age bookshop across the street has all the events)
-One time on Gaia Online I was kicked out of an Okami RP bc I didn’t make my posts aesthetic enough, and I thought it was just the most heart wrenching thing -I’m not sure what people stand to gain back in Ye Old Runescape luring new players out into the wild and PKing them but I was gullible enough to follow some other players at like 7 yrs old and this would have happened to me if i wasnt SUPER good at clicking my mouse and running out of there. Surviving such a harrowing experience made me think i was truly invincible.
-I was supposed to write my final paper for my Japanese Buddhism class on… surprise, Japanese Buddhism but I really wanted to talk about Kenji Miyazawa’s writings instead so I spun it through a lens of his Nichiren conversion and its impact on his poetry. My prof saw right through me but I still got an A.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?
Tales of RPG series raised me as a person so u know. I like Persona 1-2 era SMT though I’ve played Nocturne and IV as well. What else? Okami, LOZ: Twilight Princess, farm sims and visual novels. Genshin, on and off.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon:
Psychic; wooper family (clogsire im so glad u joined us)
How did you get into Fire Emblem?
My neighbor would bring over Path of Radiance so I could play it on my gamecube with my own save back in the day
What Fire Emblem games have you played?
Tellius duology. Sacred Stones, FE 13-16; currently doing Blazing Blade. Archanea one day.
First Fire Emblem game:
Favorite Fire Emblem game:
Tie between 3 Houses and Radiant Dawn
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 
It’s rhea okay. I wont lie and i wont pretend it isnt evidence of my spectacular taste either
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Tiki (first S support was olivia bc i wanted a pink haired kid)  - Fates: honestly i’d have to revisit, i know i first married niles as m!corrin - Three Houses: I married each lord on their route tho it’s much funnier if you dont i think (First route was Crimson Flower but I saved at the split so I could marry Rhea first lmao) - Engage: Saphir 🥰
Favorite Fire Emblem class:
War Cleric or Qi Adept
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?
I’d be the mage you have to drag around and treat with baby gloves only to learn like a single good spell I think
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?
Leicester Alliance tbh
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?
Based purely on mechanics bc i love them all prob Soren dlc, Sigurd, Celica, and Lyn.
How did you find TOA?
End of 2020/beginning of 2021 I was really trying to get back into rp but couldn’t get into the various systems on discord. One community that I was trying was affiliates with The Officer’s Academy and an active tumblr community rly caught my interest. The rest is history!
Current TOA muses:
Rhea 3H, Micaiah Radiant Dawn, and miss Hortensia engage
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again?
This blog right here! I put her down for a bit and probably will again but. It’s not like she ever leaves, instead of brain there is Rhea u see (i bear this burden so u do not have to)
Have you had any other TOA muses?
I played Sephiran for a hot sec and Ingrid for around a yearish iirc. Both very fun
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?
Not really? I need to be able to connect with them on some level obviously, and I tend to prefer characters who have like a clear childhood or background for why they are That Way. Micaiah was actually p difficult for this reason but being able to really shape her based on what little we know also made me ever more fond. ♥️ I love to stare at pegasusknight and serenesforest supports pages late at night tehe
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?
I don’t particularly plan ahead but I really love when threads reflect past character development whether in a thread with the same muse or different. TOA extended universe… I’d like to do that more I think but first I have to actually make a support page huh? Since Rhea’s back she’s made more bonds though and that makes me happy.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Definitely Unlocked 2021! It was my first event after really starting to warm to the TOA community and i was an awe of the scope of the events. The mods thought this far ahead?! We can do this?! Every event since has just been even more fun but the surprise and intrigue i felt then really stayed with him
*How do you pronounce TOA?
Toe-uh. Like Dee-En-Dee. you know.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 
I think I mentioned I muse Hubert before, and also that I can't really seeing myself maintaining a blog for him? So other than that, no. I do think Nimh could be quite a bit of fun though *laughs*
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auburniivenus · 2 months
"Do you think we'll meet in our next lives too?" Ichigo blurted out the question & it was something that had been on his mind for a while now. There was an after life, that was for sure & they were both aware of that-- but did some of those souls ever return to the world of the living as human beings again? If so, did they become whole new people or did they still carry traits from their past lives? Did they cross paths with people from their past lives again? He had many questions-- he'd get around to asking one of his friends from Soul Society about that sometime. "I hope we will." He murmured, eyes closing as he snuggled closer to her in bed, nuzzled his face against Orihime's neck. What would happen after his time in this world came to an end was uncertain... The only thing he was certain about right now was that he absolutely loved the woman in his arms and would make the most of this lifetime by her side.
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Within   the   confines   of   their   communal   repose,   nestled   amidst   the   ethereal   luminescence   that   weaves   its   enchantment   between   the   domains   of   dreams   and   consciousness,   they   find   solace,   connected   in   an   embrace   that   whispers   of   an   eternal   love's   flame.   This   sacred   pause   cradles   them   with   a   tenderness   that   unfurls   its   translucent   components,   crafting   a   tapestry   of   whispered   endearments   and   soft   pledges   that   glitter   in   the   infinite   air   like   cosmic   dust.
Yet,   within   this   harmonious   confluence   of   souls,   a   note   of   discord—uttered   with   a   calm   that   masks   its   profound   significance—rends   the   fabric   of   their   tranquility.   The specter   of   mortality,   that   relentless   pillager   of   time,   utters   its   ageless   mournful   song   through   his   lips.   A   poignant   reminder   that   their   voyage   through   life's   intricate   maze   is   but   a   passing   shadow   upon   the   vast   canvas   of   evermore.   She   enfolds   him   in   her   embrace,   a   stronghold   against   the   frigid   fingers   of   predestined   fates.   Her   roseate   lips   brush   the   fiery   cascade   of   his   hair   as   she   inhales   deeply—the   essence   of   him,   a   melding   of   wildflowers   and   the   nascent   light   of   dawn—imbuing   her   spirit   with   a   fortitude   drawn   from   the   very   core   of   love.
“Of   course   we   will.   I’ll   search   for   you,   but   I   think   we   will   end   up   finding   each   other.   Who   knows,   maybe   you   will   be   a   captain.”   Murmurs,   her   voice   a   chorus   of   resistance   against   the   inexorable   march   of   time.   A   smile,   luminous   as   the   dawn   piercing   the   veil   of   a   tempest,   adorns   her   lips,   its   curvature   a   declaration   of   the   resolute   belief   that   echoes   within   her.   Deep   in   the   marrow   of   her   bones,   she   nurtures   a   conviction   that   theirs   is   a   love   akin   to   the   phoenix,   fated   to   ascend   from   the   ashes   of   temporal   demise,   its   brilliance   untarnished   by   the   ravages   of   aeons.   He   stands   as   the   reflection   of   her   heartbeat,   the   counterpart   of   her   essence—two   voyagers   bound   by   the   crimson   thread   of   destiny,   their   love   constructing   a   viaduct   over   the   abyss   that   separates   worlds,   a   beacon   to   light   the   way   through   the   obscurity   of   rebirth.
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xiaolumi-love · 8 months
welcome to The Sacred Forest, where all is well, hope is an energy, and love blossoms everywhere.
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your practitioner for the day, alice the witch, reminds you that you are always encouraged to choose your own path. free will exists and it is your birthright, so you can own it. these cards are simply meant to serve as messages along your journey, so heed them and take what resonates but leave what doesn't.
i use my intuitive abilities, life experience and writing skills to delicately weave these interpretations into tapestries for you to view. i hope you find something here worthwhile!
if you want free weekly oracle readings like this, as well as the chance to win personal tarot/oracle readings, feel free to join my server! (please note it's for neurodivergent, queer adults.)
after you've chosen your pile(s), feel free to tap the read more to wander The Sacred Forest with me! 🦋🍃
⏤͟͟͞  ♡ ﹒ ˙  ˖  〜 ♫
pile one.
Earth Spirit for stability. it's a warm, sunny afternoon, and you recline on the soft moss underneath the shade of the trees. you feel the deep cadence of the Earth flow through up from the soil and into your body, and it's soothing, relaxing. you are safe. the Earth Spirit is reminding you of the way she nurtures the trees, valleys, mountains, oceans, animals, skies and even us. she is reminding you to stay grounded during this time, and remember your roots. remember to stabilise yourself before taking any action. it might not be best to make any big decisions just now, but instead to thoroughly plan and contemplate and invest in the future. if you have been wanting to make a financial decision that could assist you in the long term, this is a message of potential for that endeavour.
Unicorn for purity. you wander through the Forest, and you come to a clearing that seems to sparkle with radiance. the air starts to shimmer, and as if appearing out of thin air, a Unicorn stands before you. this beautiful creature approaches you with every bit of trust and warmth in the Universe. Unicorn reminds you that your past does not define you. sometimes things get hazy in our everyday lives, due to our pain and suffering. and that's perfectly normal, but our pain does not have to define us. we can feel it, validate it, accept it, and then remember to see the world through the eyes of a Unicorn. with wonder, awe, and innocence. when we do this, we bloom. we dramatically shift our trajectory from more challenges, to uplifting and radiant and blessed. remember that this planet is whole, loving and kind. remember that it's never wrong to hope. remember that the problems we have are caused by people, not by any divine forces. you are not being divinely punished. you are on Earth to experience what it means to be human, and your purpose as a soul is to be happy.
Mystic Meadow for sanctuary. you come across a Mystic Meadow that is so serene, you start to feel a bit sleepy yourself! the creatures here are all resting. foxes and rabbits lay nestled together in pairs. deer and bears lay curled up together as well. the air is soft, smells sweet and earthy, and you lay down amongst all the Forest creatures to take a nap with them. right now, it might be a good idea to take some time to find places and be with people that make you feel at home. you've been working hard, but everyone needs some downtime. if you have no time to have downtime, ask for help. you may need to lessen your load, and there's nothing wrong with that. remember that we are not machines, we are people, and you deserve to not have to hurt yourself just to be able to exist. bottomline you deserve to make things as manageable as you can for yourself. take the time to reach out to loved ones and mend relationships, situations and clutter-clear. practice extreme self-care as much as possible. you are deserving of and worth it.
Wise Woman of the Grove for grace. you enter a grove and between the trees, almost blending into the bark in a mysterious way, emerges a Wise Woman. she carries a treasure trove, and when she reaches you, she opens it up. inside is a sparkling red ruby. she says, "this is a Joy Activator. carry it with you, let it work its magic, and your life will be filled with grace." joy is alchemy. it has the capacity to drastically shift someone's life into a kinder, more beautiful ideal. when you feel joy, it spreads like wildfire, and it heals. so ask yourself, what makes you happy? pursuing your happiness and living your truth will heal you, and it will heal others too. all that doesn't serve you will fall away as you seek your truth and happiness, and life will take you places you never imagined you could get to on your own.
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pile two.
Wise Woman of the Grove for grace. you enter a grove and between the trees, almost blending into the bark in a mysterious way, emerges a Wise Woman. she carries a treasure trove, and when she reaches you, she opens it up. inside is a sparkling red ruby. she says, "this is a Joy Activator. carry it with you, let it work its magic, and your life will be filled with grace." joy is alchemy. it has the capacity to drastically shift someone's life into a kinder, more beautiful ideal. when you feel joy, it spreads like wildfire, and it heals. so ask yourself, what makes you happy? pursuing your happiness and living your truth will heal you, and it will heal others too. all that doesn't serve you will fall away as you seek your truth and happiness, and life will take you places you never imagined you could get to on your own. (psst... this card turned up for pile one, and i copy/pasted this interpretation. if you felt called to pile one too, maybe both piles are for you)
Toadstools for growth. you come across a mossy area covered in Toadstools. they weren't here the last time you wandered past, you're sure of it! and yet they've grown so fast, bursting forth from the ground in dizzying speeds so beautiful you marvel at it. Toadstools remind you that growth takes time. it does! it's a slow, ongoing process, and intricate weavings are always underway beneath the surface. but when the time is right, growth happens. you burst forth from the ground and you show up to the light, a new person, a new head on your shoulders. this is a time for growth. you are in the process of it, coming out of a growth spurt, or entering on right now. during this time, remember to have patience with yourself. you deserve and are worth every single bit of patience and gentleness as you nurture yourself into a new phase of your life.
Dragonfly Spirit for change. you wander near a pond in the Forest, and you spot a dragonfly. it darts over the water and wondrous speeds, but not just that -- it changes direction! it even flies backwards and in circles. it's always doing the unexpected, and it's so free. Dragonfly Spirit is reminding you that you don't have to follow anyone else's expectations just so you can be unhappy. break free of those expectations. be unpredictable. be free like the dragonfly! fly around in all directions and pursue only your heart, your instincts, your change of mind. you are allowed to change your mind. allow yourself to do that. give yourself the permission to. own your agency and autonomy to choose whatever you want in life.
Enchanted Fern Grotto for refuge. you enter an Enchanted Fern Grotto that is so rich in plants, animals, and magical Forest creatures. this is your safe place. you can rest here. right now, you're being called to enter a sacred place, a place where you can recharge and relax and rest. you might be burnt out and hurting, and you need to take care of yourself, or maybe even let others take care of you. remember that you're deserving and worth self-care. tend to your heart, your feelings, your body, your mind, your everything. treat yourself like royalty, like you're sacred. you are.
Maple Spirit for generosity. the maple tree stands tall and and joyous before you. it is surrounded by animals playing or resting. a rabbit bounds along on its merry way, a fox lays curled up in the shade, a bird chirps from the boughs. you come to sit underneath the tree, and soak in its vibrancy. Maple Spirit reminds you that when you give freely, the Universe showers you in prosperity. it might not happen immediately, and it might even take years! but whatever you give of the heart, in joy and in love, you will receive. when you give, you enter the flow of the Universe and tap into the sweet syrup of life. the syrup of the maple tree is a delicacy, and the tree itself is known to weather just about any climate. you can be just like the Maple Spirit, and nurture love, hope and joy as you give and give and give.
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pile three.
Foggy Bog for patience. you find yourself in a Foggy Bog, with your feet planted firmly in the waters. you watch a crane nearby, who stands with inherent grace as it waits for the opportune moment to move. Foggy Bog is here to remind you that patience at this time is key. whatever the situation at hand, it will be resolved. your time will come. maybe you're restless, afraid, lost -- maybe you're the kind of person who needs to always be doing something to feel like things are progressing. right now, you are being asked to have faith. everything is as it is meant to be, and there are workings underway. you need to be ready, alert and aware of your moment. you need to trust your moment will come. timing right now is important, and it's real. it's a way of doing things that ensures you don't stress yourself out or sink further into the mud. it's too foggy to move right now, after all!
Pegasus for transcending. Pegasus arrives, and you climb onto his back. he takes to the skies, and before long you're soaring above the Sacred Forest with everything in clear view, in a way you hadn't thought possible before! Pegasus is reminding you that you need to take a more transcendental perspective right now. step back from any situation that may be filled with drama or manipulation, and take on a kind, loving perspective that can heal yourself and others. rather than getting involved and troubleshooting, you can simply let the Universe help. you can always take action when you feel ready.
Wood Nymph for beauty. you come across a lake where three wood nymphs frolick happily and laugh like tinkling bells. they're gorgeous, and you join them in their radiant joy. Wood Nymph is reminding you to see the beauty in everyday life, in the simple things. life is made up of little moments, moments that make you feel human, and when you live while in the moment, you live in beauty. in a practical sense, you can bring flowers into your home, or have a bubble bath, or clean up around the place. you deserve to live in beauty, so embrace it. feel it. know the the Universe loves you unconditionally and wants you to succeed, because this is the true source of feeling like everything shines.
Stag Spirit for leadership. as you step around a bend in the Forest, you come across a stag illuminated by the moon. it turns to look at you, and you feel awareness of its grace, power and strength thrum through you. it doesn't announce its presence, it simply is. Stag Spirit is reminding you that "leader" is not a title granted to you. leaders are leaders irrespective of age, status, income, body type, etc. being a leader is who you are, woven into your very soul. you are shaped into a leader by life itself, not by society. you don't need to announce your presence, because as a leader, you shape your life. you can make decisions with clarity and strength and grace, and that is the true definition of a leader. you may be called into a role of leadership, or you may have been already, and this is a message that you are worthy and deserving.
Wolf Spirit for family. the winter feels crisp, but you are not worried. you come across a pack of wolves, and they surround you, sniffing at you curiously. they're not regular wolves, they're huge, and they stand at your eye level. they peer into your soul from all around you, and you feel inherently safe and cherished under their watchful, protective gazes. wolves are highly misunderstood creatures, because despite the stereotypes they are loyal and extremely social. every member of the pack has their place, and wolves even mourn losses. Wolf Spirit is reminding you to be with your family right now, whoever they may be. for some people, their true family is in Spirit. for others, it's their friends. for others, their partner. for others, their blood relatives. remember that no one family type is superior, and what makes a family, a family, is trust, unconditional love and respect.
Willow Spirit for flexibility. you wander into a riverside where you see willow tree bending and swaying in the whipping breeze. as you watch, you start to feel moved. the winds are so fierce, yet the trees are moving along with it, no damage to them at all! sometimes the best thing to do in a situation isn't to stand firm. Willow Spirit reminds you that sometimes, it's best to go around a situation, or sway with the breeze. try to be flexible right now! an ancient oak tree would bend and snap in winds too fierce, whereas the willow tree knows to move with the currents. embody this spirit right now, and seek to trust your instincts as you navigate tricky situations.
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pile four.
Wood Nymph for beauty. you come across a lake where three wood nymphs frolick happily and laugh like tinkling bells. they're gorgeous, and you join them in their radiant joy. Wood Nymph is reminding you to see the beauty in everyday life, in the simple things. life is made up of little moments, moments that make you feel human, and when you live while in the moment, you live in beauty. in a practical sense, you can bring flowers into your home, or have a bubble bath, or clean up around the place. you deserve to live in beauty, so embrace it. feel it. know the the Universe loves you unconditionally and wants you to succeed, because this is the true source of feeling like everything shines. (psst... this card turned up for pile three, and i copy/pasted this interpretation. if you felt called to pile three too, maybe both piles are for you)
Fire Spirit for energy. you wander the Sacred Forest during a mighty storm. it's raining, but the lightning strikes trees and lights them on fire. you catch a lightning strike in your hands, and marvel at the flame that erupts from your palms. Fire Spirit for energy is here to give you the message that now is the time to take action. there's no need to hesitate! have faith in yourself and the Universe. fire signifies willpower, energy and Creation itself. you have the power within you to create, so go for it! remember as well that as you express yourself spontaneously, you will gain energy. this is the secret to Fire Spirit.
Crystal Cave for trust. you come across a cave hidden deep in the Forest. it beckons you, and you enter. it's very dark inside, but you feel safe. comfortable. aware. Crystal Cave is reminding you to trust your intuition and let it guide you. you have a potentially untapped wealth of wisdom inside your soul, and you can access it by tuning into your intuition. remember that intuition whispers, and anxiety yells. so whenever you're unsure which is which, take a moment and ask yourself if you feel safe in your conclusions, even if it's hard to accept. if it feels right, that's your intuition.
Spirit Guardian of Autumn for letting go. autumn has arrived, and with it, the leaves are drifting to the ground. the Forest is coloured in warm, inviting browns, reds and golds. you kick the piles of leaves up and let them drift along the breeze in a dance, watching them go. Spirit Guardian of Autumn is here to remind you that right now is a good time to let go of mindsets, situations, places and people that do not serve you. you don't have to do anything drastic that you don't want to do, but heal yourself by setting up and communicating boundaries, needs and wants. you deserve a happy, healthy and stress-free life. stress won't be eliminated entirely, because that's the nature of life, but you deserve to take measures to lessen it anyway. any improvement is still an improvement.
Hummingbird Spirit for joy. you come across a field of flowers, and see a hummingbird visiting so many different flowers very quickly. you watch it flutter past, its wings a blur. you chase after it, laughing in delight. Hummingbird Spirit for joy is here to remind you that when you spread joy, you can touch the lives of so many people. joy is alchemy and can heal the world. but this is also a reminder to rest and recuperate! because the hummingbird visits thousands of flowers a day, it also needs to recharge and rest every night. when you're taking care of others, you need to be taking care of yourself too.
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sacredechoes · 2 months
I'm thinking of trying my hand at some GBA Fire Emblem ROM hacking, and I was wondering, what software/program/whatever was used to make Sacred Echoes?
My workflow for Sacred Echoes ended up being pretty similar to how the original devs built FE8 - meaning I was mostly working with source code and the compiler with various command-line utilities to convert my asset files into a data format the GBA could handle. When I started the project in mid-2018, I already had some formal education and work experience in programming, so I was past the steepest part of the learning curve for these specific tools.
Please note that my methods are NOT the methods I would recommend for a first project unless you're already familiar with the software development process and using command-line tools. I went into Sacred Echoes knowing I would need to write a bunch of custom code to modify the game mechanics beyond what the beginner tools at the time allowed me to do, so I chose the more complex path. If you're looking for an all-in-one graphical editor that's more friendly to beginners, FEBuilder is amazing and constantly updated with new functions. Whichever method you decide on using, the FE Universe forum and discord are full of resources, tutorials, and helpful people, and I wouldn't have been able to succeed without them. Best of luck on your project!
That said, here's all the technical details and links to all the tools I used:
Sacred Echoes was built using a combination of GNU make (a build system used to automatically detect and compile changes to source code in large projects) and Event Assembler, a utility primarily built for editing the GBA Fire Emblem games. Event Assembler is used with a method called the buildfile, which is essentially a fancy text file with instructions for Event Assembler to insert source files into a ROM and linking different parts together. This meant I used different tools for creating each type of data. Unlike with a ROM editor (such as FEBuilder), I wasn't constantly saving my changes to the same ROM file, but instead freshly building it each time I made a change and wanted to test. This meant that if I messed up (very common when writing custom code), I could just comment out the relevant code or instructions in the buildfile and rebuild from source, rather than try to pick through the ROM by hand to fix issues.
There were cases where I would need to view and edit raw binary data with a hex editor (usually to find a pointer to compressed graphics or a data table); I prefer HxD for that.
For graphics, use any program that can edit and save .PNG files (I used MS Paint and GIMP), and then a tool for game graphics called Usenti to put them into a format the GBA can read. If you need to find and rip graphics from a ROM to edit them, GBAGE is the gold standard (and comes built-in to FEBuilder).
Maps are built from the tileset graphics using a program called Tiled.
For music, the GBA uses MIDI sequences, so any audio program with MIDI support works fine for that. (I used Anvil Studio). The MIDI file is then converted to GBA with a utility called midi2agb.
For unit data and other large data structures, I used a spreadsheet in CSV format, which can be edited with a program like Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
For map events and loading units, the GBA FE games use a scripting language called Event Assembler Language, which just gets written in a raw .txt file. A good plaintext editor like Notepad++ or SublimeText can help keep track of language syntax and keywords.
For assembly code, it is also written in a text editor, and then compiled to bytecode with devkitARM. Most of it I wrote in raw ARM assembly language (which is specific to the GBA's CPU), but in more complex cases towards the end of the project I wrote the code in the C programming language and compiled it with devkitARM.
To keep track of my source files and changes, and to make backups and version control easier, I just used GitHub because I already had an account, but you could also use GitLab or Bitbucket instead.
Finally, I used some tools made by the FE hacking community specifically for automating some tasks and formatting data - most of these are Python scripts, but some can be downloaded as compiled executables. I used "lyn", "TMX2EA", "C2EA", TextProcess and ParseFile, and AnimationAssembler. Ask on the FEU discord or check the forum's toolbox tag.
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In the shadowed veil where demons dwell, A husband stands, a sentinel. His love a shield, his heart a sword, To guard his wife from dark discord.
In realms unseen, where witches creep, He walks the path, his vigil keep. With wings of light, he takes his stand, A guardian sent, by Heaven's hand.
His wife, a flower, pure and bright, Too innocent for endless night. Her heart too gentle, too divine, To bear the weight of cursed design.
So, in the darkness, he must fight, To keep her safe, to keep her light. With righteous fury, he defends, Their love, a fortress that never bends.
Each demon slain, each witch undone, Their vile plots, forever shunned. For in his arms, his wife finds peace, Her innocence a balm, her love, the lease.
And though the shadows may assail, His love prevails, it shall not fail. For he's an angel, fierce and true, Protecting her, in all he'll do.
So let the demons rage and seethe, He'll never let them take his Eve. For in her eyes, he sees his worth, His purpose found, in Heaven's mirth.
In sacred union, bound by fate, He guards her heart, their love innate. And in her arms, he finds his rest, A sentinel, by love's behest.
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fromfireandashes · 2 years
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Applications for Bogclan are now OPEN!
Three clans, Aspenclan, Bogclan and Ravenclan, teetered on the brink of unneeded war for seasons before their ancestors found fit to punish them. Four moons ago, Starclan's wrath took form in a blazing inferno that tore through their forest, changing the face of the territories forever.
An opportunity arises to walk among the ranks of Bogclan, a collection of boastful cats who value feats of valor, bravery, and community above all else. Their territory sat completely untouched during the devastating fire all those moons ago, and now a question lies before them; what will they choose to do with their newfound advantage over the other two clans? Will you swim the marshes with them now, and help them reach their destinies?
From Fire and Ash is a Discord-based, 16+ literate Warrior Cats Roleplay focused on storytelling and the choices of its players. Based in a once lush forest that is now ravaged by a fire that leapt from the caverns the clans hold most sacred, this roleplay follows the path where the scorched earth ends and new life begins to grow.
Please read through the rules and the information about the clans/group on the website before applying! Feel free to ask any questions you may have during the application window (But be sure to read our FAQ, first! Your question may not be answered if it's already on the FAQ)!
Adoptable Applications will run until 11:59pm PST on June 10th!
Original Character Applications will run until 11:59pm PST on June 18th!
[Adoptables Doc] [Rules] [Bogclan Information] [FAQ] [Metrics]
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maiapeay02 · 3 months
Moonlit Negotiation
The tension hung heavy in the opulent office, the scent of leather and polished wood masking the unease that crackled between the three figures. Taehyung, the young King, leaned back in his plush chair, long fingers steepled beneath his sharp chin. His cousin, Seokjin, stood by the window, an ever-present guardian, his amber eyes cool and watchful. Before them, Alpha Jay of Pack Arcania shifted nervously on his feet, his obsidian fur bristling with barely contained frustration.
"Your Majesty," Alpha Jay began, his voice a low rumble, "I humbly seek your guidance. My daughter, Rose, has found a mate, a strong wolf from Pack Sylvaia, but this... this young wolf refuses to join my pack."
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement. "Refuses, Alpha Jay? Or has simply chosen to stay with his own kin?"
Alpha Jay scoffed. "Pack Sylvaia is a shadow of its former self, barely surviving after the Rough Wolf attack. My daughter deserves a better life, a stronger future within my pack."
Seokjin spoke then, his voice soft yet firm. "But Alpha, is that not for Rose and her chosen mate to decide? To force their hand goes against the very foundation of our bond, the freedom to choose our path."
The room fell silent, the air thick with the Alpha's unspoken disapproval. He saw Pack Sylvaia as weak, their isolation a sign of their inadequacy. To him, uniting his daughter with a wolf from such a pack was a slight, a blow to his own prestige.
Taehyung, sensing the brewing conflict, intervened. "Alpha Jay," he said, his voice resonating with quiet authority, "the bond between mates is sacred. To interfere with their choices is to court chaos. I believe a meeting with the Alpha of Pack Sylvaia is in order, a chance for open dialogue and understanding."
A flicker of surprise crossed Alpha Jay's face. He hadn't expected the King to side with the unknown, seemingly insignificant Alpha from the distant pack. Hesitantly, he nodded. "As you wish, Your Majesty. But I won't rest until my daughter sees reason."
Taehyung smiled, a hint of steel in his gaze. "Reason, Alpha Jay, is not forced, but cultivated. Let us see what this meeting reveals."
The tension began to dissipate, replaced by a wary hope. As Alpha Jay left, Taehyung turned to Seokjin, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Pack Sylvaia may be small, but they have endured much. Perhaps they hold more strength than meets the eye."
Seokjin nodded, his sharp mind already piecing together the possibilities. "Indeed, Your Majesty. This may be an opportunity to mend old wounds and forge new alliances."
The opulent office, once filled with discord, now hummed with the promise of change. The moon, a silent observer through the window, cast an ethereal glow, as if blessing the journey they were about to embark on. The fate of two young wolves, and perhaps the future of their packs, hung in the balance, waiting to be rewritten.
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threeclans · 2 years
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Applications Now Open for CreekClan!
CreekClan has struggled for many seasons. Through floods, war, murder, starvation, and more, the Clan has continued to survive through pure resilience. Now, in the face of a drought, the waterside group is undergoing yet another trial. The streams and pools that populate their territory and provide life-giving food and water are drying up quickly, leaving CreekClan and its leader, Currentstar, with grand decisions to make. A great distance away a colony of cats known as the Tide Watchers makes their home by a lake so large it is impossible to see the other side from the shore. The Tide Watchers camp on a small lighthouse perched atop a rocky island reachable by a sand bar, and call the beach beyond it their territory. Nestled between two dunes with a thin entrance trail, the Tide Watchers are relatively isolated, though they welcome newcomers wholeheartedly. Because of the nature of their territory, they live comfortably. Take a look at the Turning Tides setting guide by clicking this link! These cats do not have a leader, despite turning most often to a cat named Periwinkle for many decisions, and their colony is peaceful. They worship the tides, which they believed are influenced by two deities titled East-wind and West-wind. The tides are sacred to them, as they provide most of the Tide Watchers’ food. From building sand structures to dangerous cliff diving, this group has formed rituals to give thanks to the tides. Find out more about the Tide Watchers’ customs by following this link! The Turning Tides event will begin in the Tide Watchers’ lakeside home, where the colony is living harmoniously. But peace never lasts the long; the Tide Watchers know well of the calm before the storm. Soon, their serenity will be suddenly interrupted, turning the tides of their lives.
This round of application is open to new potential members as well as members already in ThreeClans, and will be made up of entirely original characters created by you, the applicant. We will be looking to accept 16 members total, split between new members and current members. Each accepted member will have a character living with the Tide Watchers with the end goal of that character joining CreekClan. You have from June 22nd, 2022 at 12:00 am EST to July 7th, 2022 at 11:59 pm EST to apply.
You must be at least 18 years old to apply.
As these characters have histories as loners, rogues, kittypets, and other outsiders, the backstory for your character prior to them ending up as a part of the Tide Watchers may feature elements of these prior life paths. Your character may also be born into the Tide Watchers. No matter how your character ended up with the group, they will inevitably become a permanent part of CreekClan.
You must apply for a cat that is at least 1 moon of age. You are welcome to apply for any age above this.
You must apply initially with a name that reflects the “outsider” status of your character. This means that no cat will join the roleplay with a Clan name. These names will be earned throughout the process of roleplaying.
Please thoroughly read any documents provided and linked above, and create your original character with the lore and setting in mind.
Please be prepared to be active! Ideally, our members will engage in roleplaying quite frequently. If you are looking for a roleplay that is slower or one that you can pop into only once per month, you should reconsider if ThreeClans is the group for you. ThreeClans functions on a real life time system, which means that every day that passes in real life is equal to a day passing in the roleplay’s time. Though time may be adjusted accordingly for more intense events, and liquid time may be given to those who ask permission to complete roleplays, things are quite fast paced — we like to keep everything moving so that nothing stagnates for too long!
You must have a Discord account to join the roleplay, as that is where it is hosted!
Please begin by reading our About, FAQ, and Rules pages. We also suggest browsing our Carrd, any posts tagged “Turning Tides” on this blog, and our blog in general should you be looking for more information!
When you have read the required pages and documents, you may follow this link to our application page! Read over it carefully, and put forth your best effort. We simply cannot wait to read everyone’s applications!
If you have any questions regarding the opening, your character, or information on CreekClan, the event, the rulers, or the rebels, please feel free to message a mod or send in an ask to this blog for a discussion! You may find us at the blogs listed below.
Mod Lacey — @crowfalled
Mod Leaf — @leafwhisker
Mod Maya — @swanface
Mod Scar  — @hollyfurs
Mod Tori — @tori-paw
Applications will remain open for a period of just over two weeks! They open on Wednesday, June 22nd, and will close on Thursday, July 7th at 11:59 pm EST. We will be sure to post reminders as applications get closer to the deadline. Good luck to everyone!
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lootthekey · 1 year
Esper Planebound OC: Galyx
Character Story
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Art by Marc Simonetti
“Perfection. Harmony. Peace.”
“We shall achieve them at all costs. Mother will be proud of the work that has been done in her name this day. Mother has requested our constant work. Mother will be pleased… surely.”
Flick. Flick. Flick.
“We can hear them. We can hear their pathetic little lives. Blasphemy. Terrible blasphemy. Their terrible flesh in need of purifying. Mother demands it. All is done in the name of her sacred work. Mother will smile upon us.”
Flick. Flick. Flick.
“There is much to be done with this one. The others are moaning in their corners. A choir begging for their hymn to stop. We shall give them a new one. Something far more beautiful. We shall keep working. Mother demands it.”
Flick. Flick. Flick.
“We are nearly done with this one. Yes. Yes. Yes. Nearly done. The blessed oil will perfect their flaws. A new hymn. A new choir. A new life. Full of peace. Harmony. Perfection.”
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Art by Izzy
Flick. Flick. Flick.
“This one is all done. Another soldier ready to march. Mother will be pleased. Mother will smile upon us. We hope. We pray. We need it. Mother please gaze upon us. We have not seen you in so long. We are cold. We are quiet. We are dutiful.”
“Mother. We are lonely. Mother. We are afraid. Mother. We are not whole. The work is blessed and filling, but we need Mother. Where has Mother gone? We need her.”
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Art by James Paick
“We shall leave at once. We shall go find Mother. The question burns inside us. What is Mother up to? We cannot wait. Mother is perfection, and perfection needs Mother. Our craft requires it.”
“The Fair Basilica is wonderful. We need to go find the one who oversees. Izathel. Izathel will know where Mother is. Izathel is knowing, and is a guiding light. We need Izathel’s guidance.”
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Art by Igor Kieryluk
Galyx, a sensory splicer of the Fair Basilica, tasked with preparing for the coming invasion, scuttled across the porcelain-like architecture within the sphere of New Phyrexia they called home. They had never left their workshop since they had first been assigned as a splicer. It had been endless working for months upon months in order to prepare for the invasion. However, something within them was wanting.
They searched for Izathel in order to answer the question of why.
“Where is Izathel?”
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Art by Igor Kieryluk
“Izathel dwells in the barracks currently. Izathel counts what is needed. Izathel should not be disturbed.”
“Yes, but… we need Izathel. We need Izathel’s knowledge. We have a question for Izathel.”
“If it grants peace of mind, Izathel should surely answer. Harmony is key. It is perfection.”
The exarch pointed down a pathway, and Galyx started towards Izathel’s barracks. The eternal light of the Fair Basilica shined brightly, illuminating their path. Everything was pure, flawless, and perfect. Galyx, however, felt something was off. Something needed help. Something was them. Like a discordant note in a beautiful symphony, Galyx lonesomely glided towards Mother’s trusted commander.
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Art by Igor Kieryluk
“What is it Galyx?”
“We need to see Izathel.”
A second after the name escaped from Galyx, a sensation of unwavering holiness flooded outwards from the barrack’s door as a figure blindingly resolute in their duties graced Galyx with their presence. Izathel gazed down upon the splicer. The suture priest dropped down on their knees to show respect, and Galyx clapped both of their hands together in a display of respect and remorse.
“We apologize most severely for the interruption, Izathel. We needed your assistance. We needed your blessing.”
The priest of the annex continued to gaze down upon Galyx.
“Mother has not visited in a long while. Mother has not blessed us in many cycles. Mother is what we need. Help us Izathel. Help us regain Mother’s love. Help us obtain her blessing again.”
Izathel did not move. After what felt like several minutes of begging, Izathel held up a hand to command silence. With a voice made to command angels, the glorious figure spoke not only to Galyx, but also anyone who could hear them nearby.
“Mother is busy. Phyrexia is a living entity. Every part of it needs care. Mother blesses all in time.”
The doors to the barracks slammed shut as Izathel departed. Galyx did not move from their position. The suture priest stood.
“Izathel has spoken. Return to your duty, Galyx. With every second spent away, the risk of discord rises.”
Galyx was shaking more and more with each second. Something had broken within them. They had been dismissed so quickly. They only wanted Mother’s love and blessing, but it seemed even further away than before.
“Galyx, respond.”
Galyx was now violently shaking. They slowly turned to the suture priest.
The suture priest shook their head.
“Do not make us do this, Galyx.”
Galyx’s hand began to move towards them.
“I need your parts.”
Before the suture priest could react, a number of sharp tools had extended out from various points along Galyx’s body and pinned the suture priest to the ground. A second of screaming rang out across the Fair Basilica.
“I need it! I need it! I need it!”
The suture priest was torn asunder instantly as Galyx began to stitch their various pieces onto themselves as quickly as possible. Four hands. A face attached to Galyx’s back. Legs reconstructed into more hands. A body cut to pieces and absorbed into Galyx’s bulk.
“You will be a part of me. I am now you. Now my turn with Mother will be quicker.”
A ray of overwhelming light surrounded Galyx before they felt the world go dark. The last thing they saw was a large angelic figure descending down from above.
The next time Galyx opened their eyes, the entire world was dimmer. They could hear… waves? Their senses quickly returned to them as they regained their composure and analyzed their surroundings. A voice rang out from behind them.
“You are too useful to Mother to discard entirely. She has judged you worthy of living in your current state, despite your discordant display in the Fair Basilica. You are now in the Surgical Bays. Do not disappoint us, apostle. We shall be watching.”
Galyx shivered. Mother has seen them. Mother had seen them as worthy of her attention. Their plan had worked. This was different, but it was fine. Once again, the work could begin. Galyx turned to a surgical table with a live goblin laying down unconscious on it.
“Do not squirm, little one. Mother has given me a gift. We… I shall prove my worthiness of this blessing.”
Character Description
Galyx is a Phyrexian Splicer from the Fair Basilica in New Phyrexia. They one day snapped after Elesh Norn, the Mother of Machines, had not visited their workshop for a long time. This caused Galyx to become an Oil Apostle, being sent by Elesh Norn to another sphere of New Phyrexia in order to get them out of the Fair Basilica while still being useful elsewhere. They would be one of Elesh Norn’s eyes and ears, so to speak, in Jin-Gitaxias’s Surgical Bays.
Galyx has a strange oddity within them that is causing them to slowly form independent thoughts and desire things for themselves beyond just what is asked of them. They had been raised to simply splice forever, but something had taken hold of their mind. They wanted more. At first it started as just the Mother of Machine’s love, but now Galyx has slowly grown to desire a large variety of things. They want to get out, see the world, and take what they desire from it.
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Galyx appears like a standard issue Sensory Splicer except they have four more arms and hands than normal as well as an extra face on their back. This allows them to multitask quickly. However, other than that, they are just like any other Sensory Splicer.
As they have worked in the Surgical Bays, they have come to hear of something called a Reality Chip. For some reason, it beckons Galyx as if it wanted to someone meet them personally. They can feel it. Their current goal, above all else, is to at least touch the Reality Chip and talk to it.
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lingshanhermit · 8 months
Lingshan Hermit: The things that delude people can all be used by the wise to liberate people from bondage
The ancient sages once said, "When a righteous person practices unorthodox methods, those methods become orthodox; when a wicked person practices orthodox methods, those methods become unorthodox." Those with great wisdom and purpose can take the tools the Devil uses to deceive and, in their hands, use them to liberate and free others. Such enlightened beings can take the Devil's sword and turn it against him. This is the profound use of wisdom. However, the deluded often take the sword of the Buddha's teachings, and instead of dispelling ignorance, they inadvertently harm the very teachings themselves. The wise can use the Buddha's teachings to kill the ego, and similarly, use the Devil's methods to do the same. But the foolish cannot use either to conquer their egos. Instead of using the teachings meant to annihilate the self, they inadvertently nurture it.
The teachings of the Tathagata (Buddha) are profound. Every word and phrase is not easily understood by the lay beginner. Without the guidance of a clear-eyed mentor, any single teaching can lead one astray. It's not that the teachings deceive, but our misinterpretations that bewilder. Yet, those who misinterpret often don't realize their error, and unknowingly fall into the Devil's trap. This is because the Devil finds every opportunity, especially when wisdom is lacking.
Many practitioners in today's world are without a guiding teacher, practicing blindly and, further complicating matters, often believe themselves to be wise. They interpret the teachings to fit their narratives. Using esoteric teachings, they indulge in greed and anger; thus, turning sacred teachings into the Devil's weapon and the words meant for liberation into weapons against enlightenment. Such a pity!
I always remind students, "Without a detailed explanation from a teacher, and without a teacher's guidance, our interpretations are bound to be biased. We will use them to cater to our desires and ego, preserving our habits, only leading to a lifetime of practice that is merely nominal. Even in daily interactions, a single misunderstood word can be twisted by the Devil, causing discord. Let alone the profound teachings meant for self-transformation. The Devil will not stand by and let these teachings be practiced without interference. Thus, be extremely cautious."
I observe that everything good in this world can be used by demons and infiltrated by demons. Everything consumed by demons in this world becomes merely form without essence. Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity - none can escape this, it is a commonality of East and West. For example, the word "freedom" is desired by all people. However, the hearts of ordinary people, although desiring it, truly do not understand what freedom is, and also do not know the proper path to freedom. The demon king sees that people do not deeply understand this, and takes advantage to infiltrate, turning freedom into unrestraint, using the name of freedom to unleash thousands of years of suppressed desires, justifying greed, anger and ignorance. Also using the name of freedom, evil views spread unhindered, everyone can freely speak without restraint, later debased currencies drive out precious ones. The various chaotic signs nowadays of indistinguishable genders in America and Europe are the fruits of freedom, equality and universal love being used by demons. Another example is Confucianism, originally established by sages as a simple path of the Way, later interpreted blindly and used by rulers, becoming a teaching of bowing upwards to authority, unjustly sullying Confucius' name. All these are the work of the hands of demons.
Written by Lingshan Hermit on September 1, 2023.
Copyright Notice:All copyrights of Ling Shan Hermit's articles in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, English, and other languages belong to the natural person who owns "Ling Shan Hermit". Please respect copyright. Publishers, media, or individuals (including but not limited to internet media, websites, personal spaces, Weibo, WeChat public accounts, print media) must obtain authorization from Ling Shan Hermit before use. No modifications to the articles are allowed (including: author's name, title, main text content, and punctuation marks). We reserve all legal rights.
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caemthe · 9 months
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Wealth is a source of discord amongst kin; the fire of the sea; the path of the serpent; the wolf lives in the forest.
Full name:  Naoise macMaga Occupation:  BSA agent  Place of birth:  Unknown county in Ulster, Ireland Marital Status:  Single Children:  None Familiar(s):  Two Dobermanns Rune affinity:  ᚠ - Fehu - Wealth Likes:  Playing the guitar, coasteering, extreme sports
Appearance:  A tall man of muscular build (1.91m / 6'3ft), short black hair, and honest blue eyes. His hands are rough and his body is covered in multiple scars due to the harsh training he went through since childhood. He has multiple black runes inscribed on his arms, especially on the right one. Naoise has a handsome and friendly face full of freckles and a radiant smile that would make anyone believe that he’s incapable of harming a fly. Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral Personality:  ESFJ. A warm and empathetic young man who used to be the sports hero in high school. A cheerful guy who likes looking after others and can steal a smile when you’re having a bad day. Naoise is a true sweetheart with his family, friends, and acquaintances… and a vicious attack dog to his enemies.
Unremarkable parents, mediocre magical & intellectual capabilities, and a kind and compassionate personality made other members of the clan wonder if there was something wrong with the kid. From the very beginning, despite his talent with the blade, no one expected much from Naoise. But the boy considered himself lucky for that. While his cousins followed much stricter lessons and training, he was allowed to go to school and even had enough time to join a sports club. While he was ignored by the elders, he was well-liked among his peers and got to have a somewhat ‘normal’ life until his late teens.
Then, two important events happened when he turned 17. First, he finished his training as a member of the Mictíre clan and took up arms, acquiring the blessed sword, Díoltach, as his bonded weapon. Second, he began his new life as a BSA agent, upholding the clan’s goal to maintain the sacred balance between the world of the known and the unknown.
His time as a member of the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs (B.S.A.) so far has shown to be unremarkable. However, he showed to be more efficient as a torturer so he was changed to the division in charge of interrogating suspects and criminals. Well, the term interrogation was more of a formality, since torture was his true job. He doesn't like it but it's his duty and, at the end of the day, he still is a Son of the Land.
Fehu: The rune of wealth. Positive effects: He can bring luck to himself, draw gravity towards himself, pass his energy and strength to others, and can make a ‘new beginning’. Negative effects: Cause discord and greed on others and push them towards treason. A decline in health and vitality. Confusion of priorities. 
Familiars: Dobermanns. They’re attack dogs that can tear his targets to pieces if ordered to. These familiars were originally meant to inflict terror but Naoise often summons them to play with them and treats them like actual dogs. 
Weapon: Díoltach (The Retaliator), a blessed sword that never fails to slay and used to belong to the sea god Manannán mac Lir.
Torturer: He’s knowledgeable of various torture methods and always gets the information he has been ordered to get. But it's nothing personal, he's just following orders.
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