#sad keith
heynhay · 4 months
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sikuena · 3 months
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" Drink up baby, look at the stars- I'll kiss you again, between the bars."
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I just watched the video the try guys released about ned and while Zachs very outward sadness and Keith's clear disappointment hurts, Eugene's sadness that he is masking as anger kills me. he may look absolutely furious but you can hear in his voice, especially towards the end, just how upset he is.
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carebooks · 1 month
watching gargoyles for the first time and elisa really just 1) married into a new gargoyle family and 2) adopted three gargoyle kids that love her so much
good for her
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hipsternumbertwo · 1 month
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Smosh's New Show BIT CITY Premieres on Aug 23rd
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demon-witch-cat · 8 months
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Keith sees Branch differently than how the others sees him. He just doesn’t understand why. Why do the other trolls look at him like that? Why do they talk about him like that? It's not nice.
Branch doesn’t have the heart to explain it.
These two have consumed my brain!
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
fic rec friday 61
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Autistic Lance (Voltron) [series] by dontthinkiwont
"Look, okay, I get it, I like peanut butter, you like sharks. It's a thing, whatever. But seriously, dude - what the fuck?" - Or, Lance has Autism Spectrum Disorder and this can cause him to fixate on some things. Like, maybe, for instance, great white sharks. For example.
yes i like this series for projection reasons. whatever. it was also one of the first autistic lance fics out there!! and its v heavy in platonic relationships yall are gonna love it
2. Revelations and Reactions by @azapofinspiration
Keith couldn't believe it. He was part Galra. That was hard enough to deal with... But then he realized that he would have to tell the rest of the team. He couldn't help but fear how they would react. In which Keith reveals that he's part Galra after facing the Blade of Marmora's trials.
azap truly never misses. they KNOWWWW how to do found family like a CHAMP and i will never get tired of reading canon corrections where keith is like. loved and accepted lol
3. A Memory Like a Snapshot by MemeKonVLD
Pidge is still close —closer than is entirely comfortable if he has to be honest— giving him an evaluating glance. Lance doesn’t really know where to look, other than up her nose— but that grows old pretty fast. So he looks at himself in the reflection of her glasses. And squints. He touches his own face for the first time since waking up— and feels the roughness of his chin. “I have stubble,” he says, and the words are as alarmed as they can be even though they still sound slightly slurred, slightly off. Pidge blinks a couple of times at him, and finally retracts into a more comfortable distance. “Well, yeah,” she says. “You are like, what? 22? 23 in a couple of months?” “I’m feeling— I’m feeling a little queasy,” he says then, with bright spots of color dancing in front of his eyes as he thinks 22. Suddenly, a bucket gets shoved against his face. He takes hold of it with clammy fingers and he leans on his side so he can... use it. Thoroughly. “I’m having Garrison flashbacks,” he hears Pidge say.   (Or: Lance is stung by an alien bug, loses his memories temporarily and makes assumptions about his and Keith's relationship. Also, Pidge cheats at Uno.)
losing your memories. and waking up. and someone treats you so kindly and lovingly that you know, immediately, in the bones of you, that they love you. and the feeling in your chest even if your brain doesnt remember of love for them tells you clearly that this person is your soulmate. i am going to LOSE IT
4. Love in the Times of (Intergalactic) War by MemeKonVLD
Lance: Oh, man. [I see him grow visibly excited here, leaning forward and putting his hands up— he’s big on gesticulating, as anyone who’s watched the pilots of Voltron host SNL a couple of months ago knows.] Space is vast. I know that’s not groundbreaking knowledge there, and everyone’s somewhat aware of it, but— being up there? traveling around space for years, and knowing we never even— we never even came near to touching upon a tenth of what’s out there? That’s cool, weird and scary all in one.
WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT 2016 FICS. HUH. ICONIQUE?? AMAZING??? SHOWSTOPPING?? INCREDIBLE??? bc pov outsider is the BEST and watching how much lance SHINES to anyone who looks at him...yeah
5. Skin by MemeKonVLD
He’s aware of Lance talking to him, but he’s still too asleep to try to decipher whatever it is he’s blabbering about. He only starts paying attention when one of Lance’s hands goes to the drawstring of his pajama pants. “Whoa, what are you doing?” He asks, slapping Lance’s hand away, cheeks warm. “You,” Lance starts, pointing at him (and Keith notices that for all he’s made fun of him for the last forever for them, he’s wearing his fingerless gloves), “are not screwing up my skin care routine, man.” (AKA: the one where Keith and Lance switch bodies.)
suave keith and flustered lance my BELOVED. swapped bodies truly has to be one of the top ten tropes of all time. love watching them be in love and also stupid
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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chronocherry · 8 months
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crazy to me that i made voltron fanart in 2024. 2017 me would be in love with myself
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starshineswirl · 25 days
I lowkey hate that it’s assumed that Keith and Adam’s relationship fell apart after Shiro died at Kerberos. Because yes, Keith is an angry person and yes, he would have been absolutely furious and full of rage at times after hearing the news.
But. Grief is messy and complicated and we have to assume that there were some days where he was hurting and scared and vulnerable.
And that’s where Adam comes in.
Because really, all they had left of Shiro was each other. There had to be times where they hugged and comforted each other. Times where Adam dried Keith’s tears and pressed kisses to his hair in hopes that it could show Keith that everything would be okay. Times where Keith made dinner or cleaned the apartment when Adam was too depressed to do it himself.
I have to assume that Keith was particularly clingy with Adam some days too — especially after nightmares hit or the days that followed the memorial service. And when he got that scared and vulnerable, he would stick by Adam’s side the whole day or crawl into bed beside him. All because he needed to seek out Adam’s comfort and — more importantly — his security. 
Because, really. This boy lost his mother.
His father.
His brother.
I have to assume he sure as hell wasn’t about to lose Adam too. 
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l3rking · 1 year
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I hope everyone is very nice to our new titan vanguard.
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Commission done for Lilly, for her future project "As Loud As A Whisper, As Silent As A Scream". 
You can find Lilly here - https://liluger4e.carrd.co/ Thank you so much for Commissioning!!  💕💕💕
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keithkog · 2 months
What do you mean 14-18 year olds going into space to head a intergalactic war effort is problematic?? I mean I turned out just fine after!
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youtubesweirduncles · 4 months
Before you watch this, just know that this is exactly the joke you think it is
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eternallyungrateful · 11 months
Klance ruined me. Klance IS my Roman Empire
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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frontlines don’t you ignore me
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lizardboy · 20 days
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