#sadly I'm not currently invested in some of these at the moment
cognitivedoodles · 27 days
hey, i know this blog hasnt posted for more than 2 years, but in case you still check this, i want to tell you that i love your art and theory! id like to know your OG blog since you said this is specifically for mbti doodles. i cant find anything about your other blog :(
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Hey! I am the creator of cognitive doodles and yes these are my Original Characters. I didn't realized that this blog has become so popular with people, in fact it has surpassed my personal art blog in followers? That's actually insane.
Anyway some answers for people :
"Where have you been?!" College been hitting hard. I hardly have any time to draw so I don't have much time to think about my OCs. Sadly.
"Are you going to post more in this blog?" I can't really answer that, since my schedule is also busy at the moment. But I really want to, I love my characters and how invested people have gotten to them.
"Are you still making art of them?" Sometimes, I never posted them here though. Most of it are just illustrations and not comics. Currently I am fixated with my other OCs but I still love these mind people.
"Are you still an INTJ?" Unfortunately, yes.
"I like your art! Where can I follow you?" At first I wanted to keep my Cognitive Functions and main art blog separate. I'm not really active on any social media right now but if you want to see my other tumblr its @galacticmask
"Can I draw these characters?" Yes! Please send it to me! I would love it. I don't check Tumblr often so just tagging me might make me miss the post.
Anyway that's all, sorry for the long hiatus. I just wanted to clear some things up. I appreciate the support from you guys!
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havendance · 4 months
new(ish) comics time!
Most of these are from last week but I was on vacation so we're doing it now.
Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville #4 -- This continues to be light and fun. Well, except for the fact that apparently the cannibalism last issue wasn't a fake-out?? I guess I'll have to see how the last couple issue go, but why does this mini have a cannibalism subplot in the first place? It just feels tonally out of place. Also, appearently Fire and Lobo are/were a thing? Didn't know that. Anyway, I am enjoying the Fire and Ice conflict and I liked the joke about Tora leaving Krypto to guard her cave full of potential reformees.
Titans: Beast World Tour: Gotham #1 -- dang that's a mouthful of a comic name. I read this for Helena scraps and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed most of the stories! Sadly her story was one of the weaker ones (I do think Cass would be a cat person) but I think I'll at least rate it above the Harley one. The Dick and Bruce story was fun (though why we had to have Barbara in the Batgirl costume when she was doing Oracle stuff anyway beats me.) I really liked the Jason one--that felt very strong. I liked eating/hunger imagery and also the Ratcatcher as a naked mole rat. (I have simple pleasures sometimes.) For the Steph story, I thought it was interesting having her go up against killer moth and having her call back to his 90s moth creature form. It got me remembering that really weird killer moth story in Jon Lewis' Robin run where he was like reproducing or something? Anyway, I really like what Kelly Jones is doing with his art these days.
Birds of Prey #10 - No Zealot this issue :( I will be honest, I think this arc is loosing me a little. There were some nice Cass and Barda moments, but it felt like there was a lot of infodumping this issue where the birds are and what they're up against and I just wasn't that invested in it. Maybe that'll change but I guess I'll just have to see. The other thing about this issue that felt weaker was the art. While I've been a fan of how Bellaire's been coloring this series in the past, this issue really felt messy, blurry, and hard on the eyes in a way that the past issues hadn't. I think it's because there were just too many kirby dots. I get why she's doing it as the homage to kirby and his creation of Barda but the whole effect doesn't work. It's too much. I'm going to keep following this arc, but I hope the art and story have picked up next issue.
Shazam #12 -- The Shaz-van returns! My new favorite character <3 In other news, Billy's going through it this issue :'( I enjoyed the interplay between Billy and the Captain here and seeing the payoff of the introduction of his mom last issue. Since picking up Campbell's run on Shazam, I've been reading this in two directions--the current arc, and then six months previously on dcu infinite and reading issue 6 made me realize what plot threads this was picking up on on which helped me to better understand what was going on and help me to enjoy it more. I've really been enjoying the ride.
As a final side note, I also read the Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age preview in the back of the issue, and while I'm probably not going to read this in full, I think it was interesting to see more of Fernandez' art. I can definetly see some of his touches, but it also feels more scaled back in the pages here than the caricature-like features his faces could have in The Old Guard and Queen and Country. It's always interesting seeing how the work of artists with distinct styles can change.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Having more fandom friends around my age/mindset (context: late 30s, rare fandoms, reads some nsfw but not the type to post about it a lot in my main account) might be nice. I ignored the fandom part of myself a long time due to my RL friends being shitty about it (I dumped the worst of them) and I'm trying to enjoy it more.
But I keep leaving comments on fic and art and don't get any reply, let alone a conversation or follow. When I do get a response, the person stops posting fic in that fandom shortly afterwards. In an earlier more active fandom, I would send requests to people (clearly open for requests!) and 99% of the time I'd be ignored, or they'd draw the request at a level clearly before their usual stuff then delete it because they didn't like it (their words).
I'm not writing anything inappropriate or critical? I try to make my comments more interesting than 'i love this write more thx', maybe they get too confusing and off-putting to read? It certainly isn't because my ship is too weird because even non-shippers ship my current OTP lmao
I am trying to be realistic about it, maybe they aren't replying because they don't have the energy, or they have a life and they can't reply to the comment immediately and forget to, or they moved on, or they think I'm a tit which is totally fine?
The issue is it keeps happening, it's depressing, and the follows I do get are people in the same fandom who only like the parts I'm not invested in at all, have really tired takes and are significantly younger to the point I'm concerned about looking like a creep if I interact with them at 100% of my full power. It feels very much like I'm wishing on a monkey paw.
I have a very small number of friends I can talk to about fandom stuff I will cling onto with both hands. I just wish there were more. This is mainly me venting but if anyone has any suggestions feel free.
Hmm... Well, I share your suspicion that if you're the common factor, you're at least somewhat contributing to this situation. It may not be that you're offputting but that you inherently like things most other fans don't like—not just rare ships but also rarer tropes.
Or it may not be rarity exactly but prompt style: while tons of people love found family and slice of life, a lot of prompts for those are so generic and boring that they inspire exactly zero new plotbunnies. Meanwhile filthy kink is not for everyone but often has the seeds of a specific fic in a prompt, so if you do like it, those prompts are super inspiring.
A lot of people are pretty terrible at responding to comments. I'm extremely hit or miss on AO3 myself. I'll respond to a zillion things on tumblr before I remember to actually answer comments on AO3. Partly, it's that I get said comments in my email inbox, not on AO3 itself, so I read them and appreciate them but am not in the space where I'd respond right at that moment.
Sadly, people making one fanwork and moving on just comes with the territory when you're in rare fandoms. It's much easier to make friends who like to vid Asian dramas or who are learning a language for fandomy reasons or who are doing fandom historical preservation than friends who share your exact current taste in blorbos and who will continue to do so.
In my case, I love rare things, but I also love to move from fandom to fandom rapidly, and I find it really stressful to have friends who end up resenting that.
I tend to befriend fans whose overall vibe I find compatible more than people I share ships with: people who will probably be in fandom for life, people who are loud and proud about it, people who are interested in fandom history and pan-fandom meta. I also tend to be drawn to accounts that are not only horny on main but horny for kinky shit that draws haters. It does a wonderful job of weeding out the whiny children and finding me fans with a spine. Hilariously, one of my closest offline fandom friends with whom I share the most character opinions doesn't even like sex scenes. But that's not somebody I'd have gotten to know online.
It's going to vary for the people you're approaching, but that may be one reason they're not as enticed by the sight of another fan of their current rare fandom: they may have totally different types of criteria for fandom friends.
It's hard to know how much of the problem is you without examining your internet presence more, but I get why going "here's my account, plz critique" is not attractive. This ask seems fine. No particular writing style red flags jump out at me.
I've definitely known people who were dicks about my tumblr popularity and wanted to know why I didn't reblog them... but it turns out they interacted with me only once every six months so I don't remember them or their tumblr is entirely shitposts or their writing style is incoherent or they sound angry all the time.
One problem you may be running into is that findable fans in their 30s and 40s are self-selected for Fandom For Life types who already have a bunch of close fandom friends. They're likely doing a lot of socializing in private with people they've known for ages. I like to think of it as people with very full dance cards. They tend to be the most attractive because they're living happy, fulfilling lives, but that same quality makes them too busy. Meanwhile, people who are sad and alone and desperate for friends are often less visible and less compelling. If someone figured out how to connect with them, they'd be a great friend, but fewer people are trying.
It's not that every compatible late 30s fan is too busy for new friends. It's that the fans who are visible enough that you know they exist and know their approximate age are a very specific slice of overall fandom.
As fans age, some of their fandom friends leave fandom or die, so there can be periods where people are going "Shit, I need new friends!" later on, not just in college and such. But I'd say late 30s is a tough-ish period. A lot of people are busy with young kids and/or haven't lost their inner circles from younger years yet.
In general, a lot of my closer fandom friends aren't actually looking for new friends and haven't been in quite a while. Some don't even post publicly anymore. I'm something of an exception because I'm both extremely friendly and always on the lookout for minions to convince to go to Escapade con or take up the banner of fandom preservation yadda yadda. I have a vested interest in remaining open to new people.
Thoughts, everyone? Have you gone through friend-seeking and full dance card phases?
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msmargaretmurry · 11 months
Matthew curls/slutty collarbone-appreciating anon again - BOSTON!!! Home of another rat king! My home! (Not living there at the moment, but I miss it so, if you’ve seen Letterkenny/that one episode with the two dudes from Newfoundland getting all melancholy and homesick when Newfoundland is mentioned, that is me rn. No hard feelings re: Ratthew et al. knocking out Boston, though, I was still cheering for my slutty rat boy in the final.) I hope you and all of the other scholars are having an excellent time! Are you attending/watching any games? Don’t know if the Bruins are home or away tho, I haven’t been to the Garden in years, it’s such a fun venue. Bummed the PWHL team won't be able to play there, but I get it, schedule's packed. (Much as I love Boston, I will readily admit that the fans are… eh. Basketball is probs the best of the bunch.)
Matthew is only escalating his slut phase and I am living for it, that French girl lounging, Matthew is not beating those submissive and breedable accusations (or at least the breedable ones, he’s down for a fight first, if someone wants to wrestle him down and sink their teeth into the back of his neck and hold him there he/I will not be opposed, you know.) And you know, in a post-trade Matthew/Leon scenario, what’s a rat boy to do when he’s surrounded by men who want to fuck him up/probably also fuck him, when his former ?? hookup/fuckbuddy/fuckenemy/boyfriend/baby daddy (????) is all the way in Edmonton, not flirt with them? And of course when you’re a bitchy tank who only gets to play his… whatever Ratthew is to him, best not to think about that, twice a year, you’re not gonna not seize the opportunity/nearest storage closet to chew him up a little. It’s just not done.
I am very here for this vampire AU and neck/throat appreciation/biting. I am also generally here for Matthew the problem child and/or Matthew the generally good and together child whose one moment of rebellion is bringing home a nightmare boyfriend and/or Matthew with daddy problems or at least an adrenaline/danger kink whose constitution is incapable of not goading hot vampire into trying to bite him. And hot vampires cannot be blamed, he is flashing an irresponsible amount of collarbone as is.
hello again anon! yay boston!! absolutely one of my favorite cities. i am home now and even though i love home i am missing it already. just a lovely place to spend a lovely long weekend with lovely friends (whom i also miss already 😭😭😭). i am, i'm sorry to tell you, anti-boston sports (me being an east coaster NOT from boston, i feel like this shouldn't be a surprise), but y'all do always seem have a handful of players i love anyway, and even i must admit fenway is one of the most fun ballparks i've ever been to. the bruins sadly were not in town, but we went to the bc vs. denver game on saturday, and on sunday we schlepped out to worcester for a railers game, and both of those were very fun 💞
but onto the more important topic: our beloved rat boy. a concept related to your original ask i am currently mulling over is one where they are Totally Just Frenemies Who Occasionally Sleep Together (they used to be rivals who occasionally slept together but leon is not going to call anyone who plays in florida a "rival") which means that matthew can fuck whoever he wants. and does. and tells leon all about it while they hook up, and for some reason comes out of these hookups looking like leon tried to eat him alive. perhaps he will need to invest in a tshirt that he hasn't mutilated so that he can talk to the media in the days afterward without showing off all the teeth-shaped bruises he seems to have acquired. surely this all means nothing. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
i have a couple of other asks about the vampire leon extended universe so i am going to save my thoughts about THAT for answering those so i can stick them all in their own tag 😅 thank yoooouuuu for the ask though!! 💖
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mercymaker · 10 months
~ wip whenever ♥
tagged by the super talented @katsigian and, as always, i'm swimming in half-baked projects, so here's some of them.
baldur's gate 3 and especially maleane have such a tight hold on my mind that pretty much everything i'm working on is related to them.
currently so so so deep into my lil spawn!maleane story that i keep getting possessed and writing very random bits for it and this was the last thing i put down:
Perhaps it would be a small kindness to pluck this little girl from the streets, prevent someone with more malice in their marrow from harming her. She’d be spared all the pain, and misery, and hunger. Hunger. A hot pang pulsed through Maleane’s core, its teeth dull and aching, yet always gnawing, chewing on the flesh underneath her rib cage. Yes, hunger. The greatest motivator of them all. Maybe if she drank enough of that rich young blood, drained the poor child to the point of exsanguination, maybe then, for a brief moment, Mal could know relief. “Spare a coin, ma’am?” The girl said, weakly, as soon as the spawn approached her. There was a brief moment of hesitation, the sight of the youth’s face turning Maleane’s insides upside down. She was such a pitiful thing, small and shriveled, the roughspun linen of her dress swallowing whatever little flesh she had clinging to her bones. There was no life, not a single spark of hope in her eyes, only the pleading expression painted sadly across her face akin to that of a newborn calf with three eyes, unknowingly pleading to be slaughtered. Even if Mal gave her a coin, or two, or a dozen, what could it truly buy her? A warm meal? Perhaps some safety for a short time? It was more likely that someone else, stronger, with enough fight to survive in their bones, would snatch the coin from the child’s hand before she could ever use it.
2. i am still coming back to that one hurt/comfort malstarion fic that i mentioned in my previous wip whenever, and i really hope i can finish it sometime soon!
It was the sudden pounding in his head that yanked the vampire out of his slumber. Soon, the familiar gnawing deep inside the pallid waist joined the cacophony, pulling at his thoughts, tearing any promise of dreams into bloody shreds. The hunger, so raw and feral, it scratched and clawed its way up the walls of his chest, with talons like needles piercing the roof of the spawn’s mouth, reaching for the brain. Astarion had to feed. Yet, drinking Maleane’s blood was not an option, so out he stumbled, into the busy night. He sank his teeth into a heap of suffocating fur, gnawing, tearing, ripping the skin away from the flesh until hot blood filled his mouth. The red spurted out of the open wound in waves, the beast’s heart struggling with its last desperate convulsions as life slipped out into the night air, never to return.
it's funny how both of these are about hunger fsdsfsdf maybe i need a snackie
3. and to take a break from all the angst and tragedy, i'm indulging in some goofy lil AUs. @euryalex reminded me about my long-forgotten modern AU and encouraged me to just go with the flow and have silly fun with it.. so, yeah!
With every word leaving her mouth, the woman leaned closer, her hand now fully settled on his thigh. She lingered dangerously close, neck stretched upwards to make up for the difference in their height, lips curled into a half-smile that promised nothing virtuous. What a delightful brat, he thought, teasing and tormenting him with a good time while he was trying to do his job. Before she could coax a response out of him, her already waning patience chipped even further and her delicate hand soon slid up to the buckle of his belt. “Mal, we have to prep you for the stand.” He couldn’t believe the words leaving his mouth. Somehow, the side of his brain invested in his professional obligations was still winning, despite the pang of arousal stirring where her hand was touching him. “Or you could prep me for other things,” Malene replied with another attempt to steer him away from the task. If only he didn’t need to hold back, what lessons he’d be teaching her right at that moment, on that very same table. The thought of the things he would do to her alone was almost enough to make him abandon the last remaining bits of decency and duty. Astarion wanted her. And she knew it.
4. and then besides writing and finding words and putting them together into sentences i'm fucking around in photoshop and editing all the screenshots that i'd spend hours taking
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aaaand now it's time to poke my creative mutuals to share your wips with the world (and me, mostly me): @ruinbringer @euryalex @everlong1997 @kelemvorr @arduath @dameayliins @vinghen-tmblr @alistairs @dameaylin @voerman @rigaudon @jerichoes @elizascarlets @onewingedangels @miyku @kiaransalee @vspin @baldurians @roarmoreau @minthara @avallachs
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technodromes · 8 months
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In addition to the what other fandoms are you in question:
The obvious current ones: TMNT, Rick & Morty, and Star Trek.
I enjoy the Guilty Gear games. The first one was released on the PSOne, I think? We had that game actually. The lore is a bit all over the place, but it has its really good moments. I enjoy the characters a lot. I am in fact brain rotting since last year about adding a muse from Guilty Gear to my roster on Muses-INN but thankfully I can't really make up my mind on which character ever, so it didn't happen. Yet.
I am also contemplating dipping into GranBlue again after its latest releases. I never played the actual game tho because I was late on that train, but I picked up GranBlue Versus and the first Manga, a while ago. The new online game is apparently very good. It's not a series I see myself gushing about so much that I want to add a muse to my roster from there tho.
Somewhat obvious too but I still wanna add it; Star Ocean. (Mostly Second Story tho). It's also a pretty old series that I played for HOURS when I was younger. There's an Anime for it and Manga as well. But both don't go past the first half of the game sadly. I'd love a remake of the Anime that goes until the end of the game tbh. I also should add, I really enjoyed Star Ocean 1 & 2 and the spin-offs for the second, but I'm not really feeling the games after these. I just don't like the characters as much?
There are actually plenty of old game and series that I enjoyed in my youth and childhood that I still like but just didn't get around to rewatching or generally investing myself in. Or just can't think of right now.
Generally, if y'all wanna know about my other interests, feel free to poke me on Discord or my IMs. I like talking about things I currently read and watch too, I just picked up some French comics from the library over the last weeks.
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 2 years
✨get to know me better meme✨
I was tagged by @stolperzunge thank you! :)
3 ships: me, myself and whoever of the moment
first ever ship: I actually can't remember, there were days centuries ago when I was really into anime
last song: some Within Temptation songs from their London gig still buzzing in my head, What have you done currently
last movie: The Northman (I finally watched A movie,in the day when it seems no one makes these anymore because all money is invested into TV shows), also, rewatched all the John Wicks films.
currently reading: boring research lit for work sadly
currently watching: The Rig on Amazon- really good cast, supernatural elements, a bunch of people isolated on an oil rig, and people start dying.
currently consuming: Gigerbread coffee
currently craving: fFeeling warm! Being able to dry laundry outdoor! Not having soaked shoes when I get home! That aside, a nice good bowl of ramen and sushi, and some home food I have nto had for ages. Xmas always makes me miss these even more.
I'm tagging (if you feel like answering ofc) @willowbilly @chris-pikes @trebornosnibor @orchiddingme @teacat12 @alittletoosmarttobestraight @ajkem @solomon-tozer @rhavewellyarnbag @derry-rain
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sasquapossum · 1 year
Some more gems from my found-at-long-last coin collection.
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Some WW1-era German coins. These are actually much darker - almost black - but the camera did a good job lightening them to pick up the detail.
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An old Indian coin, in a denomination that hasn't existed since the end of British rule. This one was even darker than the German ones, barely legible at all to the naked eye.
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Some NZ memorial coins, still in cases. I remember having to save up for these. They're not exactly mint condition, but AFAICT the 1970 one might be worth US$10 nowadays and the 1974 one several times more, so I guess that one at least was a decent early investment. BTW the 1974 Commonwealth Games logo is still one of my favorite bits of graphic design.
UPDATE: as I kind of expected, I found some more coins in another box, along with some old jewelry and original-edition AD&D stuff (which I'll post about in a moment).
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The Fiji coin with a hole in it, which I've mentioned before. Pretty sure this was my absolute favorite at the time. I thought I had two, but maybe I'm just misremembering. It was a very long time ago, after all.
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Most definitely not my favorite, for obvious reasons, but interesting from historical or coin-collection perspectives. Sadly, this one is also probably worth something to some people. For me it's a reminder. Never forget.
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From Australia, 1966. This is actually a very dark copper color rather than light bronze (as the previous one was BTW) but this shows the detail so OK, I guess. This might be my current favorite.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 months
Could you write a follow-up to By Duty and Chance it give some follow-up details? I love that story so much.
I’m assuming the war would still happen sadly. Would she and Hector have children? Would Hector still die and Troy fall? If so, what would happen to the Princess? I hope she wouldn’t become a slave. I mean, she is a greek princess so maybe that would have some sway.
I need more details! The cliffhanger is killing me lol.
First of all, I want to thank you for your interest in my story. It's allways amazing to get comments of a reader so invested in it 💕
I'm working on a direct continuation, but the settling of it is still Sparta, so I didn't think yet in most of those interrogants. Since originally it was a requested oneshot, in the moment I wrote it i didn't work out most of the afterwards details. Currently i'm putting full focus of my writing time on my multichapter story, trying to end the writing of the next chapter by next week because i'm super delayed with it.
Once that will be posted, I will have time to think this through, and also work in two other Hector requests I got.
Thank you for asking, your interest is a fuel to my creativity. After seeing your message I took the time to reread that piece, what is a start to plan a continuation.
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My Ideal Life Partner
I think I'm at the point in my life where I don't have the emotional capacity to currently date, but when I am, I want to be as intentional as hell. I'm serious about wanting to find a life partner! I am frankly so sick and tired of catching feels for someone, getting into a relationship even though there is some hesitance, and then investing a couple of years of our lives together only to realize it wasn't a fit.
And as much as I like the idea of a relationship, what I think I really am wanting right now is companionship. I enjoy the solitude of single life, but it's just nice to have someone there to talk to on a regular basis. But I know that there is no place for proper companionships in our society sadly, it's very black and white oftentimes, and if it's not...well that's where things get messy and complicated. Companionships usually aren't appreciated for what it is.
So, when that time comes, here are all the things I'm looking for in an ideal partner:
Anger issues
Yells/raises voice frequently during conflicts
Physically damages property or worse, me
Frequent smoking/drinking leaning toward problematic
Needs to FULLY accept who I am and be supportive of me
A good balance of both compatibility + chemistry
Cares about others and causes
Good money-spending habits
Takes initiative
Curious about people/the world
Likes to travel
Have similar timeline goals
Has similar or okay with my homebody-social life balance
Wants a simple and minimal life, home
Healthy eating
Likes being out in nature, active
Good work-life balance
Likes to try new things
Can be goofy and weird but also have space for deep connection and vulnerable moments
Needs to exhibit ALL five love languages in some aspect
A respectable, communicative relationship
Balance for doing "nothing", but also needs room for romance and spontaneity!
Cooking, spending time with nature, trying new things, and traveling from time to time
Find joy in each other's interests, hobbies, passions
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hedgethemaze · 2 years
🎬📺 Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order 🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice)
In no particular order:
Asami Sato, Legend of Korra
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Conner Kent / Superboy / Kon El, Young Justice
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Tifa Lockhart, Final Fantasy VII
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Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic Series
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Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, Assassin's Creed
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Hanzo Hasashi / Scorpion, Mortal Kombat
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Lois Lane, Smallville
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Nathan Drake, Uncharted Series
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Santana Lopez, Glee
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Koriand'r / Kory Anders / Starfire, Titans
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Favorite movies of the 2010s?
so when you sent this to me almost three hours ago I was rewatching stranger things. for the next two hours I was rewatching stranger things and simultaneously scrolling through letterboxd trying to answer this question. then I spent almost an hour typing this up. thought went into this question, is what I'm trying to tell you.
I've always said that favorite doesn't mean best, and I stand by that. many of the best movies of the 2010s (that I happened to watch lmao) are not on this list. that said, that doesn't mean that favorite can't be a genuinely fantastic film. there are oscar winners on here, and for good reason. that said, at the end of the day, favorite is about emotional impact. that means the movies I have settled for this list on are important to me as a person, and they make me quote-unquote "feel things", whether that's joy or sadness or anything else. for me, specifically, especially when it comes to films, favorite means rewatching. that does, sadly, technically disqualify many fantastic movies I've been meaning to get around to rewatching but haven't. if I didn't see it at least twice, it isn't on here.
anyway all this to say: this list is a reflection of me, and what I value, and what I enjoy watching. the reason your fav isn't on here is bc I'm not you. and that's a good thing. also, I probably forgot one of my favorites when making this list, so we're in this boat together anyway.
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018, dir. Susan Johnson): This was the first film I thought of when I saw this ask. I've seen this film at least twenty times - and this is no exaggeration, I got to 18 before I lost count, and that was in the year of release. The weekend this dropped I watched it three times. I called it my favorite movie for three years (I do not currently have a steady favorite movie). It is an immaculate teen romcom, the perfect comfort watch, and genuinely better than the book, which I like, but not the way I love this movie. I'm still not sick of it, despite the many, many times I've seen it (I've only seen the sequels once each, though, so... make of that what you will). So yeah. First thing that jumped to my mind when I saw this ask.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018, dir. Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman): if TATBILB popped into my mind immediately, Spider-Verse was only a split second behind. Every moment of this film is perfection. The animation, the acting, the script, the soundtrack - I have no complaints about this movie. Cinema peaked in 2018 when Miles Morales jumped off that building while What's Up Danger played in the background. Also, I wrote a paper on this that got me my second highest grade of my degree (97!) so it gets some bonus points for that. Genuinely though. I tell people to watch this movie whether or not they like superheroes as a genre. There's something in it for everyone. I've seen this one around ten times, which isn't as much as TATBILB, but is still pretty impressive. Especially since this movie is not relaxing for me. I'm on the edge of my seat the entire time. (Also, I wrote fic for it!)
Knives Out (2019, dir. Rian Johnson): It's amazing how this man can be responsible for one of the most middling movies I watched in the entire past decade and then turn around and make this fucking masterpiece. I have never been one for murder mysteries. They're just not really my thing. I like procedurals, but I don't generally get invested in the victims and the suspects and so authors like Agatha Christie have never really interested me. This film is, therefore, perfect for me. The twist and untwist both work really well both in general but also specifically for me as someone who isn't a fan of the genre. Every time I rewatch I get just as invested in Marta and her circumstances as I was the first time around, just as enraptured. The film is also gorgeous to look at, and I'm not just talking about Chris Evans in a sweater. Chef's kiss of a film, if they fuck up the sequel we're rioting.
Easy A (2010, dir. Will Gluck): I don't know what to tell y'all, if you don't love every moment of this film you and I watch films very differently. Emma Stone is electric in the main role, the entire cast has immense chemistry, and the literary jokes are on point. It gets an A+ from me. (Ha!)
Lemonade Mouth (2011, dir. Patricia Riggen): The best Disney Channel movie. She's So Gone fucks (and so does Naomi Scott, fyi). It gave us Hayley Kiyoko. It features some weirdly good white rap. To be quite honest if I could I would put HSM2 here, just because I rewatched HSM2 wayyy more times, but this is objectively the better movie, so I guess it's good that the High School Musical trilogy doesn't qualify as a whole.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017, dir. Taika Waititi): This is the best film in the MCU. (So far, obviously; as of the time of me writing this, I'm seeing Thor: Love and Thunder in three days.) And while I can watch this movie way more often than any other Marvel title not related to Captain America or Spider-Man, the truth is this film is here so I can sneak in Jojo Rabbi and Hunt For The Wilderpeople, which I've only seen once each but are some of Waititi's best work, and especially in the case of HFTW are really underappreciated on this website. Waititi's directorial style is more iconic in its humor than its visual language, but he is a phenomenal visual storyteller. His narratives are complex and interwoven and bend to fit the genre they're in even as he makes them uniquely his. Ragnarok made me curious to watch his other films; HFTW is what made me a fan.
I'll put a couple of honorable mentions here - these are films that qualify vis a vis being movies I love and that I've rewatched, but they wouldn't win in a 1:1 against any of the above films at all. In no particular order: Wonder Woman (2017), Mr. Right, The Edge of Seventeen, Crazy Rich Asians, Lady Bird and Little Women (2019), The First Time, The DUFF, Tangled, Hidden Figures. and genuinely so many more.
thank you so much for asking!!!!! and for reading this if you've gotten this far lmao
(this is my letterboxd, fyi, but I've only just started using it a few months ago, so I don't rly know what I'm doing yet.)
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allensimpsforcorpse · 3 years
𝙹𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚘𝚕𝚍 | c.h
Pairing :: Corpse Husband x GN! Reader
Requested :: Anon
Summary :: Corpse just wanted someone to be with this lonely summer night, he didn't expect that someone to be a mermaid but he's not complaining
Warning/s :: Swearing, hand injury, blood, angst in the end
A/N :: I hope you guys like this, especially to the Anon that requested this! This honestly turned into more like a short one shot rather than a drabble and it's a little rushed so I hope that's okay! Taglist (for all my future Corpse fics and my one multi-chaptered fic) and Requests are open
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Corpse sighed as he lays on the cold and wet floor of the cave he found earlier that day while looking for a place to stay out of the birthday beach party. It was getting too crowdy for his taste.
Don't get him wrong, he'd love nothing more than to celebrate Poki's birthday along with the others, his friend deserved a fun and happy time but with his phobia? He doesn't do well with parties. Especially one that has a lot of people invited. The thought of being around so many people at once makes his skin crawl, so after a quick excuse, he left the party and walked around the beach, eventually finding the cave in which he is currently laying in.
A growl of frustration left his mouth as the sinking feeling won't leave his chest. He usually loves being alone, just him and his sometimes not so nice thoughts. But right now?
He feels so fucking lonely.
It feels like he can't stand being alone now but at the same time, the thought of going back to the party full of too many people partying scares the shit out of him.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
A sudden soothing voice echoed from further into the cave, passing into his ears and swirling in his head, calming the previous tormenting feeling in his chest.
Who was that?
With his silent desperation for company, Corpse couldn't resist the temptation and curiosity to find out where that voice comes from. Standing up from his place, he ventured into the dark cave, the echoes of the voice and the small moon light from outside as his only guide. He hopes he wouldn't misstep and fall into the pool at the end of the cave, it looked pretty deep when he found it earlier that day.
The echoes of the voice stopped but even with the deafening silence, he marched on, determined to see who was blessed with such an angelic voice. He felt his hand slip on the sharp rock that he was gripping but he felt no pain, the sting wasn't there even as he can barely see the shine of the blood dripping from the wound on his palm. He decided to ignore the injury for now, he can just treat it once he gets back to the beach house later.
Steadying his feet on the rocky and slippery ground, he looked up and couldn't stop the gasp that left his mouth. Was this real? Or did he actually slip earlier and hit his head hard enough that he's hallucinating? To be honest, the latter seems more logical and believable for him because there is no way this could be real.
Lounging on the raised platform in the middle of the pool was the most gorgeous person (creature?) he has ever seen. Silky short/long (hair color) locks, piercing (eye color) eyes that seems to glow brightly in the dimly lit cave, smooth (skin color) skin that are devoid of scars, and a glistening (tail color) tail, half of it still submerged in the dark waters, gently swaying as the merfolk was completely relaxed.
Corpse has heard of the legends of the beach, hell, he even narrated a story all about it once in his channel! He didn't expect it to be true-
"Oh? What brings you to my little nest? It has been many moons since I've seen a human venture in here."
The same soothing voice came from the creature, yet their mouth didn't move. Their lips still in the same inviting soft smile, eyes watching his every move. Their voice seems to echo in his head and that should have triggered something in him! His anxiety, his flight/fight response, anything! But for once, they're quiet. And Corpse honestly doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing.
"Would you continue your song?" he's surprised at how steady his voice sounded, with how dazed he feels at the moment, he was pretty sure he would've slurred his words. A gentle laugh left the creature's mouth, their eyes glinting with amusement. They like this human.
"For you, little one, I will. If you'll take off your mask"
Corpse did so immediately, practically ripping the mask off his face and throwing it in the pool. The merfolk let out another melodic laugh, pleased at how eager the human was at hearing their voice.
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold
At the last note, they reached out their hand towards the awe-struck humans. Corpse observed the hand, it was smooth and fragile looking. Their nails were sharp and dark. It didn't scare him, like nothing about this whole scenario was scaring him.
Without any further hesitation, he reached out and-
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"Where's Corpse? Has he been found yet?" Valkyrae, or Rae for short, read out loud. She was streaming at the moment, playing Valorant alongside her friends and having a good time.
Well, trying to have a good time.
"No, he still hasn't been found yet. It was a hard search, we have no clue on where he could be other than his mask that we found in the cave somewhere on the beach." She sadly explained, her heart breaking as some of her missing friend's fans showed their despair in her chat.
She understood how they feel. Of course she does, the man was her best friend for goodness' sake!
She can still the moment they realized he was missing so vividly, it's been months since then but it feels like it just happened yesterday. She remembered Sykkuno desperately asking her for confirmation that Corpse has just fallen asleep in the beach but her silence answered him. She remembered how Toast never stopped trying to call his cellphone that day, only to find his phone dead inside his bag that was left in their room.
Randomuser: there is a legend in that beach yk, that a mermaid lives in that same cave and if it likes you, itll take you with it
Rae sighed as she silently read that comment, she and her friends has been getting those comments a lot ever since the announcement of Corpse going missing was posted. She didn't believe it, it sounded absurd! A mermaid, really? It's just a stupid urban legend that in no logical way can be true!
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A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading this! I actually got invested to this request and I'm wondering, would you guys like to see this as a fic? Just a 3-5 chapters long fic?
Vote your decisions here! (Ends at the start of June EST)
Taglist: @apple-slice-of-your-laifu-blog
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egelantier · 3 years
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guess who binged the entirety of leverage: redemption in 24 hours? i did, i did, even though i had to psych myself up a bit first. leverage was one of vanishingly few american/english-speaking TV shows that didn't let me down, didn't meander or lose the plot or did the characters dirty or lost its sense of hope and kindness and beautifully lived-in humor, and i was so afraid the sequel is going to mess it up. hardison's not there? new-ish lineup? noah whyle? (rant about him pulling the blanket onto himself and messing up with the nice ensemble show on librarians omitted for time).
what if they did it wrong? what if they're too egregiously dated or embarrassing? what if rogers forgot how to write eliot/hardison/parker? aaah. i had so much anxiety!
dumping a bunch of spoilery and unspoilery reactions under one undiscriminating cut:
i loved how they dealt with timothy hutton not being on the show anymore, and by extension with nate's character, who was, for me, a very important part of the story: with nice verve and gravitas, and selling it with emotions, not just plot convenience.
eliot, hardison and parker are extremely, extremely, extremely married. i'm not sure, by the vibe, if it's an equal triangle of hardison-centered v with eliot and parker being platonic buddies, but yes, those are people who spent eight years together. (and banging.) the in-jokes! the synchronisity! the klingon! the nerdspeak! eliot calling hardison 'babe' at least two times! parker's incredibly inappropriate delight over hot, tight, new vents! god, if they only ever interacted in this pilot, i could live on it forever, and it continued, and it was great.
i'm extremely sad they didn't had hodge for the duration of the show, because apparently he grew from magnificent to incandescent in the interim, but the way they did it was absolutely amazing and worked extremely well for his character (and eliot/parker/hardison family too).
eliot is always my growly favorite, and the best thing about his show is how it's very… without being spelled out too much, it's visible that in those eight years, he's let go of last of his grief and rage and guilt, and he's happy. he's got his soul back, entire, he has his family and his world-changing job and his hobbies and his joys, and he knows that redemption is a lifetime work, and he's doing it with a smile. it was just great to see him, every moment of screen time.(he also kept his habit of being into very tall warrior women, which i can imagine fitting in with his family with no problem, and: good for him. i'm sad they didn't get mikel back for this particular beat, but it was still great.)
parker: sheer delight. just, she's still very much parker in all her gorgeous and gloriousness parker-ness, but she grew into it and into herself and into a variety of roles without reserve and without a limit, and i love her.
brianna the new baby hacker, hardison's baby sister, was SUPER good, fitted the crew like she was always there, and had a variety of great and fun relationships with the entire team. loved her.
SOPHIE: flat out stole the show. i always liked her, but secondary to the ot3, but: she brought so much weight into this reunion tour, her power and her grief and her mischievous streak and her ruthlessness and her hilarity, it was amazing. and i loved how she was very - she was her age in a way that you very rarely see on tv, i think. she and parker both, but sophie especially. my heart for her.
harry the dirtbag lawyer turned good, aka noah whyle: surprisingly great! they didn't give him a mastermind role, which would've killed the show for me, but instead drew him in as an overwhelmed but quickly invested and happy newbie with a lot of sins to atone for, and his bumbling and enthusiastic delight (with some darker underneath) fit the crew dynamics very well without being overpowering or distracting. good for him, and good for the show.
hardison's nanna is alive! and used to fbi on her doorstep.
sadly no sterling or bumbling interpol agents.
eliot made an aging security agent friend who bakes on one of the jobs, and it was adorable.
i laughed my entire ass off the george martin bit. oh show.
the updated and modernized cases - i recognized shkreil, but i'm sure everything else is also america- and current-world based, because the center cannot hold, et cetera - is sliding juuuuuuuuust to the line of being pleasant wish-fulfillment - if only there was a team of genius criminals to punish the unjust and save the innocent! - without being too bitter. i was worried about this aspect, and some of it is too on the nose, but - this was always leverage.
still no gay people, unless this one word in brianna's speech meant she was non-hetero in some unspecified way. that's a pity.
at least two of the marks had anxiety/ptsd that the team exploited in a way that was also very borderline to me: like, on one hand it should be recognized that mental illness doesn't excuse you from being a monstrous asshole to other people, and on the other hand, i wish the devs would learn their lesson from white rabbit job and just, like, don't. but whatever.
parker's cinderella dress, ehehehe.
"you just flipped your hair, eliot."
a surprising amount of the show, for all that it's, as always, hilarious, was - i'd say the entire theme was - about grief, and about grieving for the unfixable and lost, and continuing to move. i liked it a lot, and while sophie carried a lot of it, pretty much everybody had a bit of their own to do, and they all just - grew so much.
in conclusion: ah, ah, ah. what love.
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dyspraxic-fantastic · 2 years
I know we know the answer already sadly as it is very likely not to be any word from the heads of F1 surrounding the horrific state of events unfolding about the leaked draft from the American Supreme count about the plan to overturn Roe V Wade which really proves once and for all that Western countries are just as bad in terms of not respecting human rights and planning to overturn such an important one of reproductive rights for women and afab people. We know that most of those in power both in F1 and the FIA are white men so it doesn't affect them in the same way that it does for me and for so many other women and afab in this fandom, where even if we don't live in America, it still has such a huge knock-on effect for us. It also shows something as well that we've been rightly mocking the state of the Miami GP and how much of a shitshow it appears to be whilst F1 has instead been pushing on and also now have the plans for another American GP next year, which says it all.
I'm also very aware of the concept that sport and politics shouldn't mix or sports shouldn't get political but fuck that concept for the moment. Sport is one of the most important ways for awareness around these things; think about the social media numbers that so many of these drivers have especially compared to the official F1 accounts. This is such an important platform to use for good and condemn this, but that isn't going to happen, and I think we all can understand why. I know on here that there the majority of you know all of this and are aware of the double standards that also exist surrounding the talk of human rights issues both in western countries and middle eastern countries (both are bad for different reasons) and how F1 and some fans are shit in accepting that there are human rights issues in each country that they go to,
Also, for all those fans who aren't going to get up in arms about this, yet who made a fuss about how we shouldn't race in middle eastern countries, fuck you. I don't give two shits if there are people out there who aren't really invested or care because it doesn't affect them, it's still going to affect millions of people, especially the current and growing numbers of female fans within F1, and the chances are if nobody says anything, it's only going to get worse for us, and so many others because the thing is unless there's enough upset and anger for us to be listened to, it's only going to get worse, which is a fun thought, isn't it?
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
Well interesting times! I've been mostly a lurker on your blog for a few weeks and finding the discussion of gf/girls around colby interesting.
Mainly because I am also in the Chris Evans fandom and there is ALWAYS discussions about him being single and fans attaching any woman to him. Currently, stans are obsessed with linking him to women that he follows on IG or pics that he likes - like somehow a follow/like represent a marriage proposal. It got out of hand the last few weeks after he followed Selena Gomez and her stans created photoshopped pics of them and then media outlets posted that they could be dating - all false but things have been chaotic for a while now.
I had to take a break from that fandom so I'm now here talking about the same thing with Colby. I didn't realise how bad things are for men on sm, is it this bad with women too? Do people speculate this much about who women influencers/celebrities date?
I understand gossip and it can be fun to speculate but lately it feels like some trolls just suck the life out of the fun we have cos honestly, i dont care who any of these people date, if you claim to be a fan, it shouldn't matter to you either, so long as they are happy.
P.s. I would also like to note that I miss Sam and Colbys personal channel videos. I looked forward to them after a long week
well hello lurker...
that felt weird to call you lol
i can only imagine how difficult or annoying it can get to be in chris' fandom. i know ppl love him as much as ppl love colby.
i truly believe any celebrity or influencer that has a decent enough size following gets this kind of attention on their love life. i think ppl like to speculate and ship and generally just wonder what the person is up to behind the scenes. i think wondering and gossip is fine to a degree (bc it's gonna happen regardless of if it's online or not) but when certain ppl get too invested, or think they have a say in who the person is gonna date, that's when a line is completely crossed.
some ppl feel extremely entitled to their faves lives and what goes on behind the scenes. i just think a lot of that (especially with influencers) stems from the para-social relationship some fans believe they have with their faves.
i think the problem some ppl have as well is that they can't separate their time online to not being hyper-focused on their fave. like i love snc, but i know when to take breaks from them or sometimes i'll go for days not paying attention to them on here or any other platform. bc i can disconnect, that's why i don't get super invested the way others fans might, or get obsessed the way others do.
that's not to say i don't have my moments. but regardless i know i first off, don't have a chance with colby (bc some fans legit think that they do) and second, no matter what i think about some of the ppl in his life, it's his choice who he gets with or not. and none of his choices effect me personally, so i shouldn't let it effect me mentally.
and exactly. if he's happy, i'm happy. we all could use a bit more happiness.
omg so true, i miss their videos so much. as excited as i am for hell week, i also want them to post again. but i know that isn't gonna happen, sadly. but maybe around the holidays they might, so that's something to maybe look forward to.
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