#safiye unuvar
ottomanladies · 6 years
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friendships in the imperial harem 
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ottomanladies · 6 years
was there a ranking system for kalfa's and eunuchs? like within the harem how were they organised
Hello! Yes, there was and it was quite complex.
Harem teacher Safiye Ünüvar explained it in her memoirs. This is the ranking system of the kalfas during the reign of Mehmed V:
Hazinedar Usta [High Hazinedar]; she could sit in the presence of the monarch, something not even imperial consorts were allowed to do.
Hünkâr kalfaları [Kalfas of the Monarch]: “Sultan Reşad had seventeen hazinedars, four of whom were always on duty at any given time throughout the day and night. Their superintendent possessed the rank of High Hazinedar, and only she would sit in the sovereign’s presence. Usually just the Second and Third Hazinedars waited in service upon the Sultan, the others assisting only when called.”
Kâhya Kadın [Lady Steward]; she ranked right below the Imperial Consorts
İbriktar Usta [Mistress of the Ewer Service]; she was in charge of the ewer and bowl sets
Kilerci Usta [Mistress of the Pantry]; she was in charge of pantry supplies and the dishware sets for serving fruit.
Çeşniyar Usta (also known as Çeşnigir Usta) [Chief Taster]; she looked after the tableware, her name derives from when she would taste the food served to the sultan or to his sons.
Çamaşırcı Usta [Mistress of the Laundry Service]; she looked after the laundry and bedclothes
Kahveci Usta [Mistress of the Coffee Service]; she looked after the cofee service sets. 
Kutucu Usta [Chief Box-Maker]; she was in charge of articles for the bath and toilette and other similar objects. 
Senior Lady Secretary and Mistress of Ceremonial in the harem; “she carried a staff of office fashioned entirely of gold. […] On formal occasions these Lady Secretaries would don a salta. Th e Senior Lady Secretary in particular presented a most intriguing sight as she received guests, golden staff  in hand, glasses on her nose.”
Ladies Secretary: assistants of the Senior Lady Secretary
Senior Kalfa: “a kind of female administrator appointed by the sovereign to every household in the palace. This kalfa was responsible for the proper functioning and orderliness of the household, which is to say she was responsible for everything.” They were well versed in the principles of good management. The princes and princesses treated this lady with respect, addressing her as kafam, the palace term for kalfam [my kalfa].” 
Junior Kalfa: “a kind of assistant female administrator who assisted each Senior Kalfa in her work. These second-ranking kalfas trained the incoming novice girls in the techniques of comportment and service. These new girls addressed them as Küçük Kafam [my Junior Kalfa], obeyed them, and served both the Junior and the Senior Kalfas as though they were rendering service to their masters. They would take lessons in the religion insofar as possible and would learn to read and write a bit.”
acemi [novice]: girls who had just arrived in the harem.
As for the eunuchs: 
The Kızlar Ağası [Constable of the Maidens], also known as Darüssaade Ağası [Constable of the Abode of Felicity]; possessed the rank of minister of state. “Petitions to him addressed him as Devletlû, İnayetlû [His Excellency, His Grace].”
The Baş Kapı Gulâm [Chief Thrall of the Gate] 
The İkinci Gulâm [Second Thrall] 
Ortanca [Middle Rank], the equivalent of the rank of major 
Nöbet Kalfa [Duty Attendant], who was in charge of the lower-ranking men
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ottomanladies · 6 years
hi, did anna petrovna really existed?
Hello! No, I’m pretty sure she is fictional. I wouldn’t expect historical accuracy from that show, as it seems to be pure historical romance.
Safiye Ünüvar was the first teacher to reside in the harem instead of coming and going every day, and she tutored Mehmed V’s grandchildren.
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